Library MetaCoq.SafeChecker.PCUICTypeChecker

From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils uGraph.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICAstUtils PCUICTactics
     PCUICLiftSubst PCUICUnivSubst PCUICTyping PCUICNormal PCUICSR
     PCUICGeneration PCUICReflect PCUICEquality PCUICInversion PCUICValidity
     PCUICWeakeningEnv PCUICWeakeningEnvTyp
     PCUICWeakeningConv PCUICWeakeningTyp
     PCUICPosition PCUICCumulativity PCUICSafeLemmata PCUICSN
     PCUICPretty PCUICArities PCUICConfluence PCUICSize
     PCUICContextConversion PCUICContextConversionTyp
     PCUICConversion PCUICWfUniverses
     PCUICGlobalEnv PCUICSigmaCalculus
     PCUICInductives PCUICWfUniverses
     PCUICOnFreeVars PCUICWellScopedCumulativity
     PCUICContexts PCUICSubstitution PCUICSpine PCUICInductiveInversion
     PCUICClosed PCUICClosedTyp
     PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv PCUICUnivSubstitutionTyp.

From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import BDTyping BDToPCUIC BDFromPCUIC BDUnique.

From MetaCoq.SafeChecker Require Import PCUICEqualityDec PCUICSafeReduce PCUICErrors
  PCUICSafeConversion PCUICWfReduction PCUICWfEnv.

From Equations Require Import Equations.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.
Require Import Coq.Program.Program.

Local Set Keyed Unification.
Set Equations Transparent.

Lemma Forall_nth_def {A : Type} {P : A Prop} l d i :
  Forall P l
  P d
  P (nth i l d).
  intros Hl Hd.
  induction i in l, Hl, Hd |- ×.
  - destruct l ; cbn in × ; auto.
    now inversion Hl.
  - destruct l ; cbn in × ; auto.
    eapply IHi ; tea.
    now inversion Hl.

Lemma subst_global_uctx_invariants {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf_ext Σ} {inst cstrs} {u : Instance.t} :
  global_uctx_invariants (global_ext_uctx (Σ,Polymorphic_ctx (inst, cstrs)))
  Forall (fun lLevelSet.mem l (global_ext_levels Σ)) u
  global_uctx_invariants ((global_ext_uctx Σ).1,subst_instance_cstrs u cstrs).
  intros [_ Hcs] Hu. split.
  - apply global_ext_levels_InSet.
  - pose proof Σ as [Σ' φ]. pose proof wfΣ as [HΣ' Hφ].
    rewrite /uctx_invariants /= in Hcs |- ×.
    intros [[l ct] l'] Hctr.
    rewrite /subst_instance_cstrs /= in Hctr.
    rewrite ConstraintSetProp.fold_spec_right in Hctr.
    set cstrs' := (List.rev (CS.elements cstrs)) in Hctr.
    set Σ'' := (Σ.1,Polymorphic_ctx (inst, cstrs)) in Hcs.
    assert (( ct' l'', SetoidList.InA eq (l,ct',l'') cstrs')
      declared l (global_ext_levels Σ'')) as Hcs'.
      intros [ct' [l'' in']].
      specialize (Hcs (l,ct',l'')).
      apply Hcs.
      eapply ConstraintSet.union_spec. left.
      now apply ConstraintSetFact.elements_2, SetoidList.InA_rev.
    assert (( ct' l'', SetoidList.InA eq (l'',ct',l') cstrs')
      declared l' (global_ext_levels Σ'')) as Hcs''.
      intros [ct' [l'' in']].
      specialize (Hcs (l'',ct',l')).
      apply Hcs.
      eapply ConstraintSet.union_spec. left.
      now apply ConstraintSetFact.elements_2, SetoidList.InA_rev.
    clear Hcs.
    induction cstrs' ; cbn in Hctr.
    + now apply ConstraintSetFact.empty_iff in Hctr.
    + apply CS.add_spec in Hctr as [].
        apply IHcstrs' ; tea.
        all: intros [? []].
        1: apply Hcs'.
        2: apply Hcs''.
        all: do 2 eexists.
        all: now constructor 2.
      clear IHcstrs'.
      rewrite /subst_instance_cstr in H.
      inversion H ; subst ; clear H.
      destruct a as [[l t] l'] ; cbn -[global_ext_levels] in ×.
      rewrite /subst_instance_level.
      × destruct l.
        -- now eapply wf_ext_global_uctx_invariants.
        -- cbn in Hcs'.
          forward Hcs'.
          do 2 eexists.
          eapply In_Level_global_ext_poly in Hcs'.
          red. eapply LevelSet.union_spec. now right.
        -- apply LevelSetFact.mem_2.
          pattern (nth n u Level.lzero).
          apply Forall_nth_def ; tea.
          now eapply LevelSetFact.mem_1, wf_ext_global_uctx_invariants.
      × destruct l'.
        -- now eapply wf_ext_global_uctx_invariants.
        -- forward Hcs''.
          do 2 eexists.
          eapply In_Level_global_ext_poly in Hcs''.
          eapply LevelSet.union_spec. now right.
        -- apply LevelSetFact.mem_2.
          pattern (nth n u Level.lzero).
          apply Forall_nth_def ; tea.
          now eapply LevelSetFact.mem_1, wf_ext_global_uctx_invariants.

It otherwise tries auto with ×, very bad idea.
Ltac Coq.Program.Tactics.program_solve_wf ::=
  match goal with
  | |- @Wf.well_founded _ _auto with subterm wf
  | |- ?Tmatch type of T with
                | Propauto

Implicit Types (cf : checker_flags) (Σ : global_env_ext).

Lemma declared_global_uctx_global_ext_uctx {l} {Σ : global_env} {univs} :
  declared l (global_uctx Σ).1
  declared l (global_ext_uctx (Σ, univs)).1.
  intros hd.
  eapply LevelSet.union_spec. now right.

Lemma global_uctx_invariants_ext {cf} {Σ : global_env} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {univs} :
  on_udecl_prop Σ univs
  global_uctx_invariants (global_ext_uctx (Σ, univs)).
  intros ond.
  pose proof (wf_global_uctx_invariants _ wfΣ) as [Hs Hc].
  - eapply LevelSet.union_spec. right. apply Hs.
  - intros x hx.
    cbn in hx. unfold global_ext_constraints in hx.
    eapply ConstraintSet.union_spec in hx.
    destruct hx. cbn in H.
    × now apply ond.
    × specialize (Hc x H).
      destruct x as ((l'&d')&r').
      now destruct Hc; split; eapply declared_global_uctx_global_ext_uctx.

Lemma spine_subst_smash_inv {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ}
  {Γ inst Δ s} :
  wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, Δ)
  spine_subst Σ Γ inst s (smash_context [] Δ)
   s', spine_subst Σ Γ inst s' Δ.
  intros wf.
  intros c. eapply ctx_inst_smash in c.
  unshelve epose proof (ctx_inst_spine_subst _ c); auto.
  now eexists.

Lemma isType_mkApps_Ind_smash {cf Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {ind mdecl idecl Γ puinst args} :
  declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) puinst
  spine_subst Σ Γ args (List.rev args) (smash_context [] (ind_params mdecl ,,, ind_indices idecl)@[puinst])
  Σ ;;; Γ |- mkApps (tInd ind puinst) args : tSort (subst_instance puinst (ind_sort idecl)).
  intros isdecl cu sp.
  eapply spine_subst_smash_inv in sp as [s hs].
  - eapply isType_mkApps_Ind; tea.
  - eapply weaken_wf_local; tea.
    apply sp.
    eapply on_minductive_wf_params_indices_inst; tea.

Lemma isType_mkApps_Ind_smash_inv {cf:checker_flags} {Σ Γ ind u args} (wfΣ : wf Σ.1)
  {mdecl idecl} (declm : declared_inductive Σ.1 ind mdecl idecl) :
  wf_local Σ Γ
  isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ind u) args)
  spine_subst Σ Γ args (List.rev args) (smash_context [] (ind_params mdecl ,,, ind_indices idecl)@[u]) ×
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u.
  movewfΓ isType.
  destruct isType as [s Hs].
  eapply invert_type_mkApps_ind in Hs as [tyargs cu]; eauto.
  set (decli' := on_declared_inductive declm).
  rename declm into decli.
  destruct decli' as [declm decli'].
  pose proof (decli'.(onArity)) as ar.
  rewrite decli'.(ind_arity_eq) in tyargs, ar.
  hnf in ar. destruct ar as [s' ar].
  rewrite -it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app in ar tyargs.
  rewrite !subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in tyargs.
  simpl in tyargs.
  eapply arity_typing_spine in tyargs as [argslen leqs [instsubst sp]] ⇒ //.
  split; auto.
  now eapply spine_subst_smash in sp.

Lemma substitution_wf_local_rel `{checker_flags} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Γ' s Δ} :
      subslet Σ Γ s Γ'
      wf_local_rel Σ Γ (Γ' ,,, Δ)
      wf_local_rel Σ Γ (subst_context s 0 Δ).
      intros Hs Ht.
      induction Δ as [|[? [] ?] Δ] in Γ', Hs, Ht |- × .
      - constructor.
      - cbn.
        rewrite subst_context_snoc.
        rewrite app_context_cons in Ht ; depelim Ht.
        constructor ; cbn.
        + eapply IHΔ ; tea.
        + rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
          eapply isType_substitution ; tea.
          now rewrite -app_context_assoc.
        + rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
          eapply substitution ; tea.
          now rewrite -app_context_assoc.
      - cbn.
        rewrite subst_context_snoc.
        rewrite app_context_cons in Ht ; depelim Ht.
        constructor ; cbn.
        + eapply IHΔ ; tea.
        + rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
          eapply isType_substitution ; tea.
          now rewrite -app_context_assoc.

Section Typecheck.
  Context {cf : checker_flags} {nor : normalizing_flags}.

  Context (X_type : abstract_env_ext_impl).

  Context (X : X_type.π1).

  Local Definition heΣ Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ) :
     wf_ext Σ := abstract_env_ext_wf _ wfΣ.

  Local Definition Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ) :
     wf Σ := abstract_env_ext_sq_wf _ _ _ wfΣ.

  Ltac specialize_Σ wfΣ :=
    repeat match goal with | h : _ |- _specialize (h _ wfΣ) end.

  Local Notation ret := Checked_comp (only parsing).
  Local Notation raise := (fun eTypeError_comp e _) (only parsing).

  Local Notation "x <- c1 ;; c2" := (
    match c1 with
      | TypeError_comp e absurdraise e
      | Checked_comp xc2
    (at level 100, c1 at next level, right associativity).

  Local Notation "e1 ;; e2" := (_ <- e1 ;; e2)
    (at level 100, right associativity).

  Opaque reduce_stack_full.

  Notation hnf := (hnf (X := X)).

  Definition conv_pb_relb_gen_proper pb equ equ' eqlu eqlu' :
  ( u u', equ u u' = equ' u u')
  ( u u', eqlu u u' = eqlu' u u')
   u u',
    conv_pb_relb_gen pb equ eqlu u u' =
    conv_pb_relb_gen pb equ' eqlu' u u'.
   now destruct pb.

  Obligation Tactic := simpl in *;
    try Tactics.program_solve_wf.

  Opaque isconv_term.

  Equations convert (le : conv_pb) Γ t u
          (ht : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), welltyped Σ Γ t)
          (hu : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), welltyped Σ Γ u)
    : typing_result_comp ( Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Σ ;;; Γ t ≤[le] u ) :=
    convert le Γ t u ht hu
      with inspect (eqb_termp_napp_gen le (abstract_env_eq X) (abstract_env_leq X) (abstract_env_compare_global_instance X) 0 t u) := {
        | @exist true He := ret _ ;
        | @exist false He with
          inspect (isconv_term _ X Γ le t ht u hu) := {
          | @exist ConvSuccess Hc := ret _ ;
          | @exist (ConvError e) Hc :=
            let t' := hnf Γ t ht in
            let u' := hnf Γ u hu in
            raise (NotCumulSmaller false X Γ t u t' u' e)
  Next Obligation.
    unfold eqb_termp_napp_gen in He. pose (heΣ _ wfΣ) as heΣ; sq.
    constructor; fvs. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    eapply eqb_term_upto_univ_impl; eauto.
    - intros. eapply iff_reflect.
      eapply (abstract_env_compare_universe_correct _ wfΣ Conv);
      try eassumption; apply wf_universe_iff; eauto.
    - intros. eapply iff_reflect. destruct le;
      eapply (abstract_env_compare_universe_correct _ wfΣ _);
      try eassumption; apply wf_universe_iff; eauto.
    - intros. rewrite wf_universeb_instance_forall in H. rewrite wf_universeb_instance_forall in H0.
      apply wf_universe_instance_iff in H.
      apply wf_universe_instance_iff in H0.
      eapply (abstract_env_compare_global_instance_correct X wfΣ); eauto.
      intros. apply X0; now eapply wf_universe_iff.
    - destruct ht as [? ht]. eapply typing_wf_universes in ht; eauto.
      pose proof ht as [? ?]%andb_and; eassumption.
    - destruct hu as [? hu]. eapply typing_wf_universes in hu; eauto.
      pose proof hu as [? ?]%andb_and; eassumption.
  Next Obligation.
    now symmetry in Hc; eapply isconv_term_sound in Hc.
  Next Obligation.
    symmetry in Hc.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    eapply isconv_term_complete in Hc; eauto.
  Transparent isconv_term.

  Definition wt_decl (Σ : global_env_ext) Γ d :=
    match d with
    | {| decl_body := Some b; decl_type := ty |} ⇒
      welltyped Σ Γ ty welltyped Σ Γ b
    | {| decl_body := None; decl_type := ty |} ⇒
      welltyped Σ Γ ty

  Section InferAux.
    Variable (infer : Γ ( : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ ) (t : term),
                 typing_result_comp ({ A : term & Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Σ ;;; Γ |- t A })).

    Equations infer_type Γ ( : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ ) t
      : typing_result_comp ({u : Universe.t & Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Σ ;;; Γ |- t ▹□ u }) :=
      infer_type Γ t :=
        tx <- infer Γ t ;;
        s <- reduce_to_sort (X := X) Γ tx.π1 _ ;;
        ret (s.π1;_).
    Next Obligation.
      pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      eapply validity_wf ; eauto.
      now eapply infering_typing.
    Next Obligation.
      specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      econstructor ; tea.
      now eapply closed_red_red.
    Next Obligation.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
      pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      eapply absurd.
      eapply infering_sort_infering in X2; eauto.
       X0. intros. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
      Unshelve. eauto.
    Next Obligation.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
      specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      eapply absurd.
      inversion X1.
      eexists. intros.
      erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
      Unshelve. eauto.

    Equations infer_isType Γ ( : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ ) T : typing_result_comp ( Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), isType Σ Γ T ) :=
      infer_isType Γ T :=
        infer_type Γ T ;;
        ret _.
    Next Obligation.
      pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      now eapply infering_sort_isType.
    Next Obligation.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
      pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      apply absurd.
      eapply isType_infering_sort in H as [u ?].
       u. intros. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
      Unshelve. eauto.

    Equations bdcheck Γ ( : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ ) t A (hA : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), isType Σ Γ A )
      : typing_result_comp ( Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Σ ;;; Γ |- t A ) :=
      bdcheck Γ t A hA :=
        A' <- infer Γ t ;;
        convert Cumul Γ A'.π1 A _ _ ;;
        ret _.
    Next Obligation.
    pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
    eapply validity_wf; auto.
    sq. now eapply infering_typing.
    Next Obligation.
      specialize_Σ wfΣ. destruct hA; now apply wat_welltyped. Qed.
    Next Obligation.
      pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      econstructor ; tea.
      now apply ws_cumul_pb_forget_cumul.
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd. intros.
      pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      now eapply infering_checking ; fvs.
    Next Obligation.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
      pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      apply absurd.
      destruct H.
      eexists. intros. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
      Unshelve. eauto.

    Lemma sq_wfl_nil Σ : wf_local Σ [] .
    Proof using Type.
     repeat constructor.

    Equations check_context Γ : typing_result_comp ( Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ )
      check_context [] := ret _ ;
      check_context ({| decl_body := None; decl_type := A |} :: Γ) :=
         <- check_context Γ ;;
        infer_type Γ A ;;
        ret _ ;
       check_context ({| decl_body := Some t; decl_type := A |} :: Γ) :=
         <- check_context Γ ;;
        infer_isType Γ A ;;
        bdcheck Γ t A _ ;;
        ret _.
    Next Obligation.
      pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      econstructor ; tea.
      now eapply checking_typing.
    Next Obligation.
    eapply absurd. intros.
    pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
    inversion H ; subst.
    intros. now eapply typing_checking.
    Next Obligation.
    eapply absurd. intros.
    pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      now inversion H ; subst.
    Next Obligation.
      eapply absurd. intros. specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      now inversion H.
    Next Obligation.
    pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq. econstructor; tas.
      now eapply infering_sort_typing.
    Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq. eapply absurd.
      inversion H ; subst.
      eapply isType_infering_sort in X1 as [] ; tea.
      eexists. intros. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
      Unshelve. eauto.
    Next Obligation.
      eapply absurd. intros. specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      now inversion H.

    Lemma sq_wf_local_app {Γ Δ} : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ),
       wf_local Σ Γ wf_local_rel Σ Γ Δ wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) .
    Proof using Type.
      intros. sq. now apply wf_local_app.

    Equations check_context_rel Γ (wfΓ : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ ) (Δ : context) :
      typing_result_comp ( Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local_rel Σ Γ Δ ) :=

      check_context_rel Γ wfΓ [] := ret _ ;

      check_context_rel Γ wfΓ ({| decl_body := None; decl_type := A |} :: Δ) :=
        wfΔ <- check_context_rel Γ wfΓ Δ ;;
        infer_isType (Γ ,,, Δ) (fun Σ wfΣsq_wf_local_app Σ wfΣ (wfΓ Σ wfΣ) (wfΔ Σ wfΣ)) A ;;
        ret _ ;

      check_context_rel Γ wfΓ ({| decl_body := Some t; decl_type := A |} :: Δ) :=
        wfΔ <- check_context_rel Γ wfΓ Δ ;;
        wfA <- infer_isType (Γ ,,, Δ) (fun Σ wfΣsq_wf_local_app Σ wfΣ (wfΓ Σ wfΣ) (wfΔ Σ wfΣ)) A ;;
        bdcheck (Γ ,,, Δ) (fun Σ wfΣsq_wf_local_app Σ wfΣ (wfΓ Σ wfΣ) (wfΔ Σ wfΣ)) t A wfA ;;
        ret _.
    Next Obligation.
      sq. now constructor.
    Next Obligation.
      pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq. constructor ; auto.
      eapply checking_typing ; pcuic.
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd. intros.
      pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      inversion H ; subst ; cbn in ×.
      now eapply typing_checking.
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd. intros. specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      inversion H ; subst ; cbn in ×.
      destruct X1 as [s ?].
      now s.
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd. intros. specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      now inversion H.
    Next Obligation.
      specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      now constructor.
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd. intros. specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      now inversion H.
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd. intros ;specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      now inversion H.

    Equations check_ws_cumul_pb_decl (le : conv_pb) Γ d d'
      (wtd : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wt_decl Σ Γ d) (wtd' : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wt_decl Σ Γ d')
      : typing_result_comp ( Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), ws_cumul_decls le Σ Γ d d' ) :=
      check_ws_cumul_pb_decl le Γ
        {| decl_name := na; decl_body := Some b; decl_type := ty |}
        {| decl_name := na'; decl_body := Some b'; decl_type := ty' |}
        wtd wtd'
        with inspect (eqb_binder_annot na na') := {
          | exist false eqna := raise (Msg "Binder annotations do not match") ;
          | exist true eqna :=
            cumt <- convert le Γ ty ty' _ _ ;;
            cumb <- convert Conv Γ b b' _ _ ;;
            ret _ ;
        } ;
      check_ws_cumul_pb_decl le Γ
        {| decl_name := na; decl_body := None ; decl_type := ty |}
        {| decl_name := na'; decl_body := None ; decl_type := ty' |}
        wtd wtd'
        with inspect (eqb_binder_annot na na') := {
          | exist false eqna := raise (Msg "Binder annotations do not match") ;
          | exist true eqna :=
            cumt <- convert le Γ ty ty' _ _ ;;
            ret _
        } ;
    check_ws_cumul_pb_decl le Γ _ _ _ _ :=
      raise (Msg "While checking cumulativity of contexts: declarations do not match").
    Solve All Obligations with
      program_simpl; try solve [pose ( _ wfΣ); specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq; intuition].
    Next Obligation.
      pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      destruct le ; cbn in ×.
      all: constructor ; pcuics.
      all: now apply eqb_binder_annot_spec.
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd. intros; pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      now inversion H.
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd. intros; pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      now inversion H.
    Next Obligation.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
      sq. inversion H ; subst.
      apply eqb_annot_spec in eqna0.
      now congruence.
    Next Obligation.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
      sq. now inversion H.
    Next Obligation.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
      sq. now inversion H.
    Next Obligation.
     specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      destruct le ; cbn in ×.
      all: constructor; pcuics.
      all: now apply eqb_binder_annot_spec.
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd. intros; specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
      now inversion H.
    Next Obligation.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]. specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      inversion H ; subst.
      apply eqb_annot_spec in eqna0.
      now congruence.

    Lemma context_cumulativity_welltyped {Σ'} (wfΣ' : wf Σ') {le Γ Γ' t} :
      welltyped Σ' Γ t
      Σ' Γ' ≤[le] Γ
      wf_local Σ' Γ'
      welltyped Σ' Γ' t.
    Proof using Type.
      intros [s Hs] cum wfΓ'; s; eapply closed_context_cumulativity; eauto.

    Lemma context_cumulativity_wt_decl {Σ'} (wfΣ' : wf Σ') {le Γ Γ' d} :
      wt_decl Σ' Γ d
      Σ' Γ' ≤[le] Γ
      wf_local Σ' Γ'
      wt_decl Σ' Γ' d.
    Proof using Type.
      destruct d as [na [b|] ty]; simpl; intuition pcuics.
      all: eapply context_cumulativity_welltyped ; pcuics.

    Lemma cumul_decls_irrel_sec Pcmp Σ Γ Γ' d d' :
      cumul_decls Pcmp Σ Γ Γ d d'
      cumul_decls Pcmp Σ Γ Γ' d d'.
    Proof using Type.
      intros cum; depelim cum; intros; constructor; auto.

    Lemma conv_decls_irrel_sec Pcmp Σ Γ Γ' d d' :
      conv_decls Pcmp Σ Γ Γ d d'
      conv_decls Pcmp Σ Γ Γ' d d'.
    Proof using Type.
      intros cum; depelim cum; intros; constructor; auto.

    Lemma inv_wf_local Σ Γ d :
      wf_local Σ (Γ ,, d)
      wf_local Σ Γ × wt_decl Σ Γ d.
    Proof using Type.
      intros wfd; depelim wfd; split; simpl; pcuic.
      now t.

    Lemma cumul_ctx_rel_cons {Pcmp Σ Γ Δ Δ' d d'} (c : cumul_ctx_rel Pcmp Σ Γ Δ Δ')
      (p : cumul_decls Pcmp Σ (Γ,,, Δ) (Γ ,,, Δ') d d') :
      cumul_ctx_rel Pcmp Σ Γ (Δ ,, d) (Δ' ,, d').
    Proof using Type.
      destruct d as [na [b|] ty], d' as [na' [b'|] ty']; try constructor; auto.

    Lemma ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel_cons {le Σ Γ Δ Δ' d d'} (c : ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel le Σ Γ Δ Δ')
      (p : ws_cumul_decls le Σ (Γ,,, Δ) d d') :
      ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel le Σ Γ (Δ ,, d) (Δ' ,, d').
    Proof using Type.
      destruct c. split; auto.
      destruct d as [na [b|] ty], d' as [na' [b'|] ty']; try constructor; auto.

    Equations check_ws_cumul_ctx (le : conv_pb) Γ Δ Δ'
      (wfΔ : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) ) (wfΔ' : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, Δ') ) :
      typing_result_comp ( Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel le Σ Γ Δ Δ' ) :=

      check_ws_cumul_ctx le Γ [] [] _ _ := ret _ ;
      check_ws_cumul_ctx le Γ (decl :: Δ) (decl' :: Δ') wfΔ wfΔ' :=
        check_ws_cumul_ctx le Γ Δ Δ' _ _ ;;
        check_ws_cumul_pb_decl le (Γ ,,, Δ) decl decl' _ _ ;;
        ret _ ;
      check_ws_cumul_ctx le Γ _ _ _ _ :=
        raise (Msg "While checking cumulativity of contexts: contexts do not have the same length").

      Next Obligation.
        intros; pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
        × fvs.
        × constructor.
      Next Obligation.
        destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
        specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq. now depelim H.
      Next Obligation.
        destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
        specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq. now depelim H.
      Next Obligation.
        specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq. now depelim wfΔ.
      Next Obligation.
        specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq. now depelim wfΔ'.
      Next Obligation.
        specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
        depelim wfΔ; simpl.
        destruct l; eexists; eauto.
        destruct l; split; eexists; eauto.
      Next Obligation.
        pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
        eapply inv_wf_local in wfΔ as [wfΔ wfd].
        eapply inv_wf_local in wfΔ' as [wfΔ' wfd'].
        eapply context_cumulativity_wt_decl.
        1: now auto.
        1,3:now pcuics.
        apply ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel_app.
      Next Obligation.
        pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
        eapply inv_wf_local in wfΔ as [wfΔ wfd].
        eapply inv_wf_local in wfΔ' as [wfΔ' wfd'].
        now apply ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel_cons.
      Next Obligation.
        apply absurd; intros. pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
        eapply ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel_app in H.
        now depelim H.
      Next Obligation.
        apply absurd; intros. pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
        eapply ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel_app in H.
        depelim H.
        now apply ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel_app.

    Equations check_alpha_ws_cumul_ctx Δ Δ'
      : typing_result_comp ( eq_context_gen eq eq Δ Δ' ) :=
      check_alpha_ws_cumul_ctx Δ Δ' with
        inspect (forallb2 (bcompare_decls eqb eqb) Δ Δ') := {
      | @exist true e := ret _ ;
      | @exist false e' := raise (Msg "While checking alpha-conversion of contexts: contexts differ")
    Next Obligation.
      move: e.
      elim: reflect_eq_ctx ⇒ //.
    Next Obligation.
      move: e'.
      elim: reflect_eq_ctx ⇒ //.

    Lemma assumption_context_subst_telescope s k Γ :
      assumption_context Γ assumption_context (subst_telescope s k Γ).
    Proof using Type.
      rewrite /subst_telescope /mapi. intros ass; generalize 0.
      induction ass; cbn; constructor; auto.

    Lemma assumption_context_rev Γ :
      assumption_context Γ assumption_context (List.rev Γ).
    Proof using Type.
      intros ass; induction ass; cbn; try constructor; auto.
      eapply assumption_context_app_inv ⇒ //. repeat constructor.

    Equations check_inst Γ (wfΓ : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ ) Δ (wfΔ : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local_rel Σ Γ (List.rev Δ) ) ( : assumption_context Δ) ts :
      typing_result_comp ( Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), ctx_inst Σ Γ ts Δ ) by struct ts :=
    check_inst Γ _ [] _ _ [] := ret _ ;
    check_inst Γ wfΓ
      ({|decl_name := na ; decl_body := Some ; decl_type := T|} :: Δ)
      _ _ _ :=
        False_rect _ _ ;
    check_inst Γ wfΓ
      ({|decl_name := na ; decl_body := None ; decl_type := T|} :: Δ)
      wfΔ (t :: ts) :=
        checkt <- bdcheck Γ _ t T _ ;;
        check_inst Γ wfΓ (subst_telescope [t] 0 Δ) _ _ ts ;;
        ret _ ;
    check_inst _ _ _ _ _ _ := raise (Msg "While checking a substitution: not of the right length").
    Next Obligation.
      sq. constructor.
    Next Obligation.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ.
      now sq.
    Next Obligation.
      depelim .
    Next Obligation.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ.
      sq; depelim H.
    Next Obligation.
      specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq. eapply All_local_env_app_inv in wfΔ as [wt _].
      now depelim wt.
    Next Obligation.
      pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      rewrite -subst_context_rev_subst_telescope.
      eapply substitution_wf_local_rel ; tea.
      1: constructor.
      rewrite subst_empty.
      apply checking_typing ; auto.
      apply wf_local_rel_app_inv in wfΔ as [wt _].
      now depelim wt.
    Next Obligation.
      sq. depelim . now apply assumption_context_subst_telescope.
    Next Obligation.
      pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      constructor ; tea.
      apply checking_typing ; auto.
      eapply All_local_env_app_l in wfΔ.
      now inversion wfΔ ; subst.
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd. intros; specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      now depelim H.
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd. intros; pose ( _ wfΣ); specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
      apply typing_checking.
      now depelim H.

    Equations check_ws_cumul_pb_terms Γ ts ts' (wts : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), All (welltyped Σ Γ) ts ) (wts' : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), All (welltyped Σ Γ) ts' ) :
      typing_result_comp ( Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ Γ ts ts' ) :=
    check_ws_cumul_pb_terms Γ [] [] _ _ := ret _ ;
    check_ws_cumul_pb_terms Γ (t :: ts) (t' :: ts') wts wts' :=
      convt <- convert Conv Γ t t' _ _ ;;
      convts <- check_ws_cumul_pb_terms Γ ts ts' _ _ ;;
      ret _ ;
    check_ws_cumul_pb_terms Γ _ _ _ _ := raise (Msg "While checking conversion of terms: lists do not have the same length").
    Next Obligation.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ.
      sq; now depelim wts.
    Next Obligation.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ.
      sq; now depelim wts'.
    Next Obligation.
      specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq; now depelim wts.
    Next Obligation.
      specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq; now depelim wts'.
    Next Obligation.
      specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq; now depelim wts.
    Next Obligation.
      specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq; now depelim wts'.
    Next Obligation.
      specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq. constructor; auto.
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd. intros; specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
      now depelim H.
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd; intros; specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
      now depelim H.

  End InferAux.

  Equations lookup_ind_decl ind
    : typing_result_comp
        ({decl & {body & Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), declared_inductive (fst Σ) ind decl body}}) :=
  lookup_ind_decl ind with
    inspect (abstract_env_lookup X ind.(inductive_mind)) := {
      | @exist (Some (InductiveDecl decl)) _
          with inspect (nth_error decl.(ind_bodies) ind.(inductive_ind)) := {
            | @exist (Some body) _ret (decl; (body; _)) ;
            | @exist None _raise (UndeclaredInductive ind)
      | @exist _ _ := raise (UndeclaredInductive ind) ;
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    erewrite <- abstract_env_lookup_correct in e0; eauto.
    depelim X2.
    unfold declared_minductive in H. erewrite <- e0 in H.
  Next Obligation.
    erewrite <- abstract_env_lookup_correct in e; eauto.
    now split.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    erewrite <- abstract_env_lookup_correct in e1; eauto.
    depelim X2.
    unfold declared_minductive in H. erewrite <- e1 in H.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    erewrite <- abstract_env_lookup_correct in e0; eauto.
    depelim X2.
    unfold declared_minductive in H. erewrite <- e0 in H.

  Definition abstract_env_level_mem_forallb {Σ} (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ) u :
    forallb (level_mem Σ) u = forallb (abstract_env_level_mem X) u.
  Proof using Type.
    induction u; eauto; cbn.
    erewrite <- abstract_env_level_mem_correct; eauto. intuition.

  Equations check_consistent_instance uctx (wfg : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), global_uctx_invariants (global_ext_uctx (Σ.1, uctx)) )
    : typing_result_comp ( Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), consistent_instance_ext Σ uctx u) :=
  check_consistent_instance (Monomorphic_ctx) wfg u
    with (Nat.eq_dec #|u| 0) := {
      | left _ := ret _ ;
      | right _ := (raise (Msg "monomorphic instance should be of length 0"))
  check_consistent_instance (Polymorphic_ctx (inst, cstrs)) wfg u
    with inspect (AUContext.repr (inst, cstrs)) := {
    | exist inst' _ with (Nat.eq_dec #|u| #|inst'.1|) := {
      | right e1 := raise (Msg "instance does not have the right length") ;
      | left e1 with inspect (forallb (abstract_env_level_mem X) u) := {
        | exist false e2 := raise (Msg "undeclared level in instance") ;
        | exist true e2 with inspect (abstract_env_check_constraints X (subst_instance_cstrs u cstrs)) := {
          | exist false e3 := raise (Msg "ctrs not satisfiable") ;
          | exist true e3 := ret _
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ; eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [[_wfΣ s]]. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    assert (forallb (fun l : LevelSet.eltLevelSet.mem l (global_ext_levels Σ)) u).
    { symmetry in e2.
      eapply forallb_All in e2. eapply All_forallb'; tea.
      intros x; simpl. erewrite <- abstract_env_level_mem_correct; eauto.
    repeat split; eauto.
    - sq. unshelve eapply (abstract_env_check_constraints_correct X); eauto.
      now apply nor_check_univs. pose proof (abstract_env_ext_wf _ wfΣ) as [].
      eapply (subst_global_uctx_invariants (u := u)) in wfg; eauto. apply wfg.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ;
      pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    destruct wfg as [wfg].
    suff: (@abstract_env_check_constraints cf _ X_type.π2.π1 X (subst_instance_cstrs u cstrs)).
    - rewrite <- e3. congruence.
    - intros. erewrite <- abstract_env_check_constraints_correct; eauto.
      now clear -H.
      now apply nor_check_univs.
      pose proof (abstract_env_ext_wf _ wfΣ) as [].
      eapply (subst_global_uctx_invariants (u := u)) in wfg; eauto. apply wfg.
      assert (forallb (fun l : LevelSet.eltLevelSet.mem l (global_ext_levels Σ)) u).
      { symmetry in e2.
        eapply forallb_All in e2. eapply All_forallb'; tea.
        intros x; simpl. erewrite <- abstract_env_level_mem_correct; eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ;
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. sq.
    clear -e2 H heΣ wfΣ.
    erewrite <- abstract_env_level_mem_forallb in e2; eauto.
    now rewrite <- e2 in H.
  Next Obligation.
    now destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ.

  Equations check_is_allowed_elimination
    (u : Universe.t) (wfu : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_universe Σ u)
    (al : allowed_eliminations) :
    typing_result_comp ( Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), is_allowed_elimination Σ al u) :=

  check_is_allowed_elimination u wfu IntoSProp
    with inspect (Universe.is_sprop u) := {
      | @exist true e := ret _ ;
      | @exist false _ := raise (Msg "Cannot eliminate over this sort")
    } ;
  check_is_allowed_elimination u wfu IntoPropSProp
    with inspect (is_propositional u) := {
      | @exist true _ := ret _ ;
      | @exist false _ := raise (Msg "Cannot eliminate over this sort")
  check_is_allowed_elimination u wfu IntoSetPropSProp
    with inspect (is_propositional u || abstract_env_eq X u Universe.type0) := {
      | @exist true _ := ret _ ;
      | @exist false _ := raise (Msg "Cannot eliminate over this sort")
    } ;
  check_is_allowed_elimination u wfu IntoAny := ret _.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    now rewrite H in e0.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    now rewrite H in e0.
  Next Obligation.
    symmetry in e; toProp e; destruct e as [-> | e]; [auto|right].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ; pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    eapply abstract_env_compare_universe_correct in e; eauto using wf_universe_type0.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ;
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. sq.
    move: (heΣ) ⇒ /wf_ext_consistent [v Hv].
    symmetry in e0; toProp e0; destruct e0 as [e1 e0].
    destruct H as [H|H]; [rewrite H in e1; discriminate e1 | clear e1].
    apply diff_false_true. rewrite -e0.
    eapply abstract_env_compare_universe_correct; eauto using wf_universe_type0.

  Notation wt_brs Γ ci mdecl idecl p ptm ctors brs n :=
    ( Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), All2i (fun i cdecl br
      let brctxty := case_branch_type ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p br ptm i cdecl in
      eq_context_upto_names br.(bcontext) (cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl) ×
      Σ ;;; Γ ,,, brctxty.1 |- br.(bbody) brctxty.2)
      n ctors brs ).

  Section check_brs.
    Context (infer : (Γ : context) ( : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ ) (t : term), typing_result_comp ({ A : term & Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Σ ;;; Γ |- t A }))
     (Γ : context) (wfΓ : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ ) (ps : Universe.t)
     (ci : case_info) (mdecl : mutual_inductive_body)
     (idecl : one_inductive_body) (p : predicate term) (args : list term).

    Context (isdecl : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), declared_inductive Σ ci mdecl idecl).
    Context (hty : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ci (puinst p)) (pparams p ++ args)) ).
    Context (wfp : wf_predicate mdecl idecl p).
    Context (predctx := case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p).
    Context (wfpret : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Σ;;; Γ,,, predctx |- preturn p ▹□ ps ).
    Context (ptm := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn predctx (preturn p)).
    Context (hpctx : eq_context_upto_names (pcontext p)
          (ind_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl) ).

    Lemma branch_helper n cdecl ctors br
      (isdecl' : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Alli (fun i cdecldeclared_constructor Σ (ci, i) mdecl idecl cdecl) n (cdecl :: ctors) ) :
       eq_context_gen eq eq (bcontext br) (cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl)
       Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_branch cdecl br ×
      let brctxty := case_branch_type ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p br ptm n cdecl in
      wf_local Σ (Γ,,, brctxty.1) × Σ;;; Γ,,, brctxty.1 |- brctxty.2 tSort ps .
    Proof using hpctx hty isdecl wfp wfpret wfΓ.
      intros. pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
      have wfbr : wf_branch cdecl br.
      { sq. specialize_Σ wfΣ. do 2 red.
        unfold cstr_branch_context, expand_lets_ctx, expand_lets_k_ctx in H.
        move/eq_context_gen_binder_annot: H.
        now do 3 move/eq_annots_fold. }
      assert (wfpret' : Σ ;;; Γ ,,, predctx |- preturn p : tSort ps).
        { specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq. eapply infering_sort_typing ; eauto.
          now eapply wf_case_predicate_context. }
      specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
      depelim isdecl'.
      destruct (wf_case_branch_type ps args isdecl hty wfp wfpret' hpctx _ _ _ d wfbr).
      intuition auto.
      now apply typing_checking.

    Obligation Tactic := intros.

    Equations check_branches (n : nat) (ctors : list constructor_body)
      (brs : list (branch term))
      (isdecl : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Alli (fun i cdecldeclared_constructor Σ (ci, i) mdecl idecl cdecl) n ctors )
      : typing_result_comp (wt_brs Γ ci mdecl idecl p ptm ctors brs n) by struct brs :=

      check_branches n [] [] i := ret _ ;
      check_branches n (cdecl :: cdecls) (br :: brs) i :=
        let brctxty := case_branch_type ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p br ptm n cdecl in
        check_eq_bcontext <-
          check_alpha_ws_cumul_ctx br.(bcontext) (cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl) ;;
        bdcheck infer (Γ ,,, brctxty.1) _ br.(bbody) brctxty.2 _ ;;
        check_branches (S n) cdecls brs _ ;;
        ret _ ;
      check_branches n _ _ _ := raise (Msg "wrong number of branches").
    Next Obligation.
      now constructor.
    Next Obligation.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ;
      inversion H.
    Next Obligation.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ;
      inversion H.
    Next Obligation.
      eapply branch_helper in i; tea.
      specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
      now destruct i as [? []].
    Next Obligation.
      eapply branch_helper in i; tea.
      pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
      destruct i as [? []].
      apply checking_typing ; eauto.
      eapply isType_Sort ; eauto.
      apply infering_sort_typing, validity, isType_Sort_inv in wfpret ; eauto.
      now eapply wf_case_predicate_context.
    Next Obligation.
      specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq. now depelim i.
    Next Obligation.
      eapply branch_helper in i; tea.
      specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq. constructor ; tea.
      × now eapply All2_fold_All2 in check_eq_bcontext.
      × now destruct i as [? []].
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd. intros; specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
      now depelim H.
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd. intros; specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
      now depelim H.
    Next Obligation.
      apply absurd; intros.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]]; specialize_Σ wfΣ;
      depelim H.
      apply All2_fold_All2.
      now inversion p0.
    End check_brs.

  Lemma eq_context_gen_wf_predicate p ci mdecl idecl :
    #|pparams p| = ind_npars mdecl
    eq_context_gen eq eq (pcontext p) (ind_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl)
    wf_predicate mdecl idecl p.
  Proof using Type.
    intros eqp e.
    do 2 red. split ⇒ //.
    eapply eq_context_gen_binder_annot in e.
    rewrite /ind_predicate_context in e.
    rewrite /idecl_binder.
    destruct (forget_types (pcontext p)); depelim e; cbn in ×.
    constructor. now cbn.
    now do 2 eapply (proj1 (eq_annots_fold _ _ _)) in e.

  Lemma eq_context_gen_wf_branch ci mdecl cdecl br :
    eq_context_gen eq eq (bcontext br) (cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl)
    wf_branch cdecl br.
  Proof using Type.
    intros e.
    do 2 red.
    eapply eq_context_gen_binder_annot in e.
    rewrite /cstr_branch_context in e.
    now do 3 eapply (proj1 (eq_annots_fold _ _ _)) in e.

  Section check_mfix.
  Context (infer : (Γ : context) ( : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ ) (t : term), typing_result_comp ({ A : term & Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Σ ;;; Γ |- t A }))
     (Γ : context) (wfΓ : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ ).

  Equations check_mfix_types (mfix : mfixpoint term)
  : typing_result_comp ( Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), All (fun xisType Σ Γ (dtype x)) mfix ) :=
    check_mfix_types [] := Checked_comp (fun Σ wfΣsq All_nil) ;
    check_mfix_types (def :: mfix) :=
      s <- infer_type infer Γ wfΓ (dtype def) ;;
      check_mfix_types mfix ;;
      ret _.
  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
    constructor ; tea.
    now apply infering_sort_typing.
  Next Obligation.
    apply absurd. intros; specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
    now depelim H.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]];
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]; specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
    depelim H.
    apply absurd.
    apply isType_infering_sort in i as [u ?]; tea.
     u. intros. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. eauto.

  Equations check_mfix_bodies
    (mfix : mfixpoint term)
    (wf_types : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), All (fun xisType Σ Γ (dtype x)) mfix )
    (Δ : context)
    (wfΔ : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ (Γ,,,Δ) )
    : typing_result_comp ( Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), All (fun d
        Σ ;;; Γ ,,, Δ |-
          dbody d (lift0 #|Δ|) (dtype d)) mfix) :=

    check_mfix_bodies [] _ _ _ := Checked_comp (fun _ _sq All_nil) ;

    check_mfix_bodies (def :: mfix) wf_types Δ wfΔ :=
      bdcheck infer (Γ ,,, Δ) _ (dbody def) (lift0 #|Δ| (dtype def)) _ ;;
      check_mfix_bodies mfix _ Δ wfΔ ;;
      ret _.

  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
    apply isType_lift ; eauto.
    - len.
    - rewrite skipn_all_app.
      now depelim wf_types.
  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
    now depelim wf_types.
  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
    constructor ; tea.
  Next Obligation.
    apply absurd. intros. pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
    now depelim H.
  Next Obligation.
    apply absurd. intros. pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
    now depelim H.

  End check_mfix.

  Lemma chop_firstn_skipn {A} n (l : list A) : chop n l = (firstn n l, skipn n l).
  Proof using Type.
    induction n in l |- *; destruct l; simpl; auto.
    now rewrite IHn skipn_S.

  Lemma ctx_inst_wt Σ Γ s Δ : ctx_inst Σ Γ s Δ All (welltyped Σ Γ) s.
  Proof using Type.
    induction 1; try constructor; auto.
    now t.

  Local Notation check_eq_true b e :=
    (if b as b' return (typing_result_comp (is_true b')) then ret eq_refl else raise e).

  Equations infer (Γ : context) ( : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ ) (t : term)
  : typing_result_comp ({ A : term & Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Σ ;;; Γ |- t A }) by struct t :=

  infer Γ (tRel n)
    with inspect (nth_error Γ n) := {
    | exist (Some c) eret ((lift0 (S n)) (decl_type c); _) ;
    | exist None eraise (UnboundRel n)
    } ;

  infer Γ (tVar n) := raise (UnboundVar n) ;

  infer Γ (tEvar ev _) := raise (UnboundEvar ev) ;

  infer Γ (tSort u) with inspect (abstract_env_wf_universeb _ X u) := {
    | exist true _ := ret (tSort (Universe.super u);_) ;
    | exist false _ := raise (Msg ("Sort contains an undeclared level " ^ string_of_sort u))
  } ;

  infer Γ (tProd na A B) :=
    s1 <- infer_type infer Γ A ;;
    s2 <- infer_type infer (Γ,,vass na A) _ B ;;
    Checked_comp (tSort (Universe.sort_of_product s1.π1 s2.π1);_) ;

  infer Γ (tLambda na A t) :=
    infer_type infer Γ A ;;
    B <- infer (Γ ,, vass na A) _ t ;;
    ret (tProd na A B.π1; _);

  infer Γ (tLetIn n b b_ty b') :=
    infer_type infer Γ b_ty ;;
    bdcheck infer Γ b b_ty _ ;;
    b'_ty <- infer (Γ ,, vdef n b b_ty) _ b' ;;
    ret (tLetIn n b b_ty b'_ty.π1; _) ;

  infer Γ (tApp t u) :=
    ty <- infer Γ t ;;
    pi <- reduce_to_prod (X_type := X_type) Γ ty.π1 _ ;;
    bdcheck infer Γ u pi.π2.π1 _ ;;
    ret (subst10 u pi.π2.π2.π1; _) ;

  infer Γ (tConst cst u)
    with inspect (abstract_env_lookup X cst) := {
    | exist (Some (ConstantDecl d)) HH
        check_consistent_instance d.(cst_universes) _ u ;;
        let ty := subst_instance u d.(cst_type) in
        ret (ty; _)
    | _raise (UndeclaredConstant cst)
    } ;

  infer Γ (tInd ind u) :=
    d <- lookup_ind_decl ind ;;
    check_consistent_instance d.π1.(ind_universes) _ u ;;
    let ty := subst_instance u d.π2.π1.(ind_type) in
    ret (ty; _) ;

  infer Γ (tConstruct ind k u) with lookup_ind_decl ind := {
    | TypeError_comp e absurd := raise e ;
    | Checked_comp (mdecl;(idecl;decl))
        with inspect (nth_error idecl.(ind_ctors) k) := {
    | exist (Some cdecl) HH :=
      check_consistent_instance mdecl.(ind_universes) _ u ;;
      ret (type_of_constructor mdecl cdecl (ind, k) u; _)
    | exist None _ := raise (UndeclaredConstructor ind k)

  infer Γ (tCase ci p c brs) :=
    cty <- infer Γ c ;;
    I <- reduce_to_ind (X_type := X_type) Γ cty.π1 _ ;;
    let ind' := I.π1 in let u := I.π2.π1 in let args := I.π2.π2.π1 in
    check_eq_true (eqb ci.(ci_ind) ind')
                  (NotConvertible X Γ (tInd ci u) (tInd ind' u)) ;;
    d <- lookup_ind_decl ci.(ci_ind) ;;
    let mdecl := d.π1 in let idecl := d.π2.π1 in let isdecl := d.π2.π2 in
    check_coind <- check_eq_true (negb (isCoFinite (ind_finite mdecl)))
          (Msg "Case on coinductives disallowed") ;;
    check_eq_true (eqb (ind_npars mdecl) ci.(ci_npar))
                  (Msg "not the right number of parameters") ;;
    let chop_args := chop ci.(ci_npar) args
    in let params := chop_args.1 in let indices := chop_args.2 in
    cu <- check_consistent_instance (ind_universes mdecl) _ p.(puinst) ;;
    check_eq_true (abstract_env_compare_global_instance X (abstract_env_leq X) (IndRef ind')
      #|args| u p.(puinst))
      (Msg "invalid universe annotation on case, not larger than the discriminee's universes") ;;
    wt_params <- check_inst infer Γ (List.rev (smash_context [] (ind_params mdecl))@[p.(puinst)]) _ _ p.(pparams) ;;
    eq_params <- check_ws_cumul_pb_terms Γ params p.(pparams) _ _ ;;
    let pctx := case_predicate_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p in
    check_wfpctx_conv <- check_alpha_ws_cumul_ctx p.(pcontext) (ind_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl) ;;
    let isty : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ci p.(puinst)) (p.(pparams) ++ indices)) := _ in
    let wfp : wf_predicate mdecl idecl p := _ in
    ps <- infer_type infer (Γ ,,, pctx) _ p.(preturn) ;;
    check_is_allowed_elimination ps.π1 _ (ind_kelim idecl);;
    let ptm := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn pctx p.(preturn) in
    check_brs <- check_branches infer Γ ps.π1 ci mdecl idecl p indices isdecl isty
      _ _ _ 0 idecl.(ind_ctors) brs _ ;;
      ret (mkApps ptm (indices ++ [c]); _) ;

  infer Γ (tProj p c) with lookup_ind_decl p.(proj_ind) := {
    | TypeError_comp e absurd := raise e ;
    | Checked_comp (mdecl;(idecl;decl))
      with inspect (nth_error idecl.(ind_projs) p.(proj_arg)) := {
        | exist None _ := raise (Msg "projection not found") ;
        | exist (Some pdecl) HH
            c_ty <- infer Γ c ;;
            I <- reduce_to_ind (X_type := X_type) Γ c_ty.π1 _ ;;
            let ind' := I.π1 in let u := I.π2.π1 in let args := I.π2.π2.π1 in
            check_eq_true (eqb p.(proj_ind) ind')
                          (NotConvertible X Γ (tInd p.(proj_ind) u) (tInd ind' u)) ;;
            check_eq_true (ind_npars mdecl =? p.(proj_npars))
                          (Msg "not the right number of parameters") ;;
            let ty := pdecl.(proj_type) in
            ret (subst0 (c :: List.rev args) (subst_instance u ty); _)

  infer Γ (tFix mfix n)
    with inspect (nth_error mfix n) := {
    | exist None _ := raise (IllFormedFix mfix n) ;
    | exist (Some decl) Hnth :=
      wf_types <- check_mfix_types infer Γ mfix ;;
      wf_bodies <- check_mfix_bodies infer Γ mfix _ (fix_context mfix) _ ;;
      guarded <- check_eq_true (abstract_env_fixguard X Γ mfix) (Msg "Unguarded fixpoint") ;;
      wffix <- check_eq_true (wf_fixpoint_gen (abstract_env_lookup X) mfix) (Msg "Ill-formed fixpoint: not defined on a mutually inductive family") ;;
      ret (dtype decl; _) };

  infer Γ (tCoFix mfix n)
    with inspect (nth_error mfix n) := {
    | exist None _ := raise (IllFormedFix mfix n) ;
    | exist (Some decl) Hnth :=
      wf_types <- check_mfix_types infer Γ mfix ;;
      wf_bodies <- check_mfix_bodies infer Γ mfix _ (fix_context mfix) _ ;;
      guarded <- check_eq_true (abstract_env_cofixguard X Γ mfix) (Msg "Unguarded cofixpoint") ;;
      wfcofix <- check_eq_true (wf_cofixpoint_gen (abstract_env_lookup X) mfix) (Msg "Ill-formed cofixpoint: not producing values in a mutually coinductive family") ;;
      ret (dtype decl; _)

  Next Obligation. intros; sq; now econstructor. Qed.
  Next Obligation. destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
                   specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq; now inversion X1. Qed.
  Next Obligation. destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
                   specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq; now inversion X1. Qed.
  Next Obligation. destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
                   specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq; now inversion X1. Qed.
  Next Obligation.
    specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
    symmetry in e.
    erewrite <- abstract_env_wf_universeb_correct in e; eauto.
    eapply (elimT wf_universe_reflect) in e.
    sq; econstructor; tas. exact X_type.π2.π2.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst. erewrite <- abstract_env_wf_universeb_correct in e0; eauto.
    move: H0 e0 ⇒ /wf_universe_reflect → //. exact X_type.π2.π2.
  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    sq; econstructor ; tea.
    now eapply infering_sort_isType.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn. specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq. econstructor; try eassumption.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq. inversion X1; subst. apply absurd.
    eexists. intros. sq. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq. inversion X1; subst. apply absurd.
    eexists. intros. sq. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    sq; econstructor; tea.
    now eapply infering_sort_isType.
  Next Obligation.
      cbn; pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
      sq; econstructor; eassumption.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq. inversion X1; subst. apply absurd.
    eexists. intros. sq. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq. inversion X1; subst. apply absurd.
    eexists. intros. sq. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    sq; econstructor; tea.
    eapply infering_sort_typing ; eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    econstructor ; tea.
    2: apply checking_typing ; eauto.
    all: now eapply infering_sort_isType.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn; specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq; econstructor; eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq. inversion X1; subst. apply absurd.
    eexists. intros. sq. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq. inversion X1; subst. apply absurd.
    eexists. intros. sq. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq. inversion X1; subst. apply absurd.
    eexists. intros. sq. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn in ×. pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    eapply validity_wf ; eauto.
    now apply infering_typing.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn in ×. pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    eapply infering_typing, type_reduction_closed, validity in X3.
    2-4: eauto.
    destruct X3 as [s HH].
    eapply inversion_Prod in HH ; auto.
    destruct HH as [s1 [_ [HH _]]].
    eexists. eassumption.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn in *; specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    econstructor ; tea.
    econstructor ; tea.
    now apply closed_red_red.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn in ×. apply absurd; intros.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst.
    assert (is_open_term Γ A).
      apply infering_prod_typing, type_is_open_term in X6 ; eauto.
      now move : X6 ⇒ /= /andP [].
    eapply infering_prod_prod in X6 as (A'&B'&[]).
    4: econstructor.
    all: eauto.
    2: now eapply closed_red_red.
    inversion X7 ; subst.
    econstructor ; tea.
    apply ws_cumul_pb_forget_cumul.
    transitivity A ; tea.
      apply into_ws_cumul_pb ; tea.
      - fvs.
      - now eapply type_is_open_term, infering_typing.
    2: now eapply red_ws_cumul_pb_inv.
    now eapply red_ws_cumul_pb.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    cbn in ×.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst. apply absurd.
    eapply infering_prod_infering in X2 as (A'&B'&[]) ; eauto.
    do 3 eexists. intros. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    cbn in ×.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst. apply absurd. inversion X2.
    eexists. intros. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. eauto.

  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    eapply global_uctx_invariants_ext.
    symmetry in HH. erewrite <- abstract_env_lookup_correct in HH; eauto.
    now apply (weaken_lookup_on_global_env' _ _ _ (heΣ : wf _) HH).
  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    constructor; try assumption.
    symmetry in HH. erewrite <- abstract_env_lookup_correct in HH; eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    apply absurd; intros. pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    erewrite <- abstract_env_lookup_correct in HH; eauto.
    inversion X1. unfold declared_constant in isdecl.
    rewrite <- HH in isdecl. inversion isdecl. now subst.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    cbn in ×.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst. erewrite <- abstract_env_lookup_correct in e0; eauto.
    rewrite isdecl in e0.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    cbn in ×.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst. erewrite <- abstract_env_lookup_correct in e0; eauto.
    rewrite isdecl in e0.

  Next Obligation.
    cbn in ×. pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    eapply global_uctx_invariants_ext.
    eapply (weaken_lookup_on_global_env' _ _ _ (heΣ : wf _) (proj1 X1)).
  Next Obligation.
    cbn in *; specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq; econstructor; eassumption.
  Next Obligation.
    apply absurd. intros. cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst.
    epose proof (H := declared_inductive_unique_sig isdecl X3).
    now injection H.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst. apply absurd.
    do 2 eexists. intros. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. eauto.

  Next Obligation.
    cbn in ×. pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    eapply global_uctx_invariants_ext.
    eapply (weaken_lookup_on_global_env' _ _ _ (heΣ : wf _) (proj1 decl)).
  Next Obligation.
    cbn in ×. pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    econstructor; tea. split ; tea.
    now symmetry.
  Next Obligation.
    apply absurd. intros; cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst.
    epose proof (H := declared_inductive_unique_sig isdecl decl).
    now injection H.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst.
    epose proof (H := declared_inductive_unique_sig isdecl decl).
    injection H.
    intros ; subst.
    destruct isdecl.
    cbn in ×.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst. apply absurd.
    do 2 eexists. intros. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    exact isdecl.
    Unshelve. eauto.

  Next Obligation.
    cbn in ×. pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    eapply infering_typing, validity in X0 as []; eauto.
    eexists; eauto using validity_wf.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn in ×. pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    eapply global_uctx_invariants_ext.
    eapply (weaken_lookup_on_global_env' _ _ _ (heΣ : wf _) (proj1 X1)).
  Next Obligation.
    rewrite List.rev_involutive.
    cbn in ×. pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    eapply wf_rel_weak ; eauto.
    rewrite subst_instance_smash ; eapply wf_local_smash_context.
    now eapply on_minductive_wf_params.
  Next Obligation.
    eapply assumption_context_rev.
    apply assumption_context_subst_instance, smash_context_assumption_context; constructor.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn in ×. pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    apply eqb_eq in i. subst I.
    apply eqb_eq in i0.
    rewrite chop_firstn_skipn -i0 /=.
    eapply type_reduction_closed, validity in X4.
    2: now eapply infering_typing.
    eapply isType_mkApps_Ind_inv in X4 as [pars' [args' []]]; eauto.
    eapply spine_subst_wt_terms in s.
    eapply All_impl; tea. intros ? []; auto. now x0.

  Next Obligation.
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ; sq.
    now eapply ctx_inst_wt.

  Next Obligation.
    cbn in ×. pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ]. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    apply eqb_eq in i. subst I.
    eapply eqb_eq in i0.
    rewrite chop_firstn_skipn -i0 /=.
    eapply type_reduction_closed, validity in X4.
    2: now eapply infering_typing.
    eapply isType_mkApps_Ind_inv in X4 as [pars [argsub []]]; eauto.
    rewrite subst_instance_smash /= in wt_params.
    eapply ctx_inst_smash in wt_params.
    unshelve epose proof (ctx_inst_spine_subst _ wt_params).
    { eapply weaken_wf_local; eauto. eapply on_minductive_wf_params; eauto. }
    eexists; eapply isType_mkApps_Ind_smash; tea.
    rewrite subst_instance_app List.rev_app_distr smash_context_app_expand.
    have wf_ctx : wf_local Σ
      (Γ,,, smash_context [] (ind_params d)@[puinst p],,,
      expand_lets_ctx (ind_params d)@[puinst p]
       (smash_context [] (ind_indices X0)@[puinst p])).
    { eapply wf_local_expand_lets. eapply wf_local_smash_end.
      rewrite -app_context_assoc. eapply weaken_wf_local; eauto.
      rewrite -subst_instance_app_ctx.
      now eapply (on_minductive_wf_params_indices_inst X1). }
      match goal with [ H : ind_npars d = _ |- _ ] ⇒
      rewrite chop_firstn_skipn -H /= in eq_params ×
    eapply spine_subst_app ⇒ //.
    × len. rewrite -(All2_length eq_params).
      now rewrite -(declared_minductive_ind_npars X1).
    × len.
      rewrite skipn_all_app_eq //.
      eapply spine_subst_smash in s0.
      pose proof (subslet_length s0). len in H. len.
      now eapply spine_subst_smash.
    × len.
      eapply spine_subst_smash in s0.
      rewrite skipn_all_app_eq.
      pose proof (subslet_length s0). len in H. len.
      rewrite firstn_app.
      rewrite (subslet_length s0). len. rewrite Nat.sub_diag /= app_nil_r.
      pose proof (subslet_length s0). len in H. rewrite -H.
      rewrite firstn_rev Nat.sub_diag skipn_0.
      eapply spine_subst_cumul; tea.
      eapply smash_context_assumption_context; pcuic.
      do 2 eapply assumption_context_subst_context.
      eapply assumption_context_lift_context.
      apply smash_context_assumption_context; pcuic.
      eapply wf_local_smash_end. eapply substitution_wf_local. exact s.
      rewrite -app_context_assoc -subst_instance_app_ctx.
      eapply weaken_wf_local; eauto. eapply on_minductive_wf_params_indices_inst; tea.
      eapply spine_subst_smash in X4. eapply substitution_wf_local. exact X4.
      eapply wf_local_expand_lets, wf_local_smash_end.
      rewrite -app_context_assoc -subst_instance_app_ctx.
      eapply weaken_wf_local; eauto. eapply on_minductive_wf_params_indices_inst; tea.
      rewrite -(subst_context_smash_context _ _ []).
      rewrite -(spine_subst_inst_subst X4).
      rewrite - !smash_context_subst /= !subst_context_nil.
      erewrite <- abstract_env_compare_global_instance_correct in i1; eauto.
      2: intros; eapply iff_reflect;
        eapply (abstract_env_compare_universe_correct _ wfΣ _);
        try eassumption; apply wf_universe_iff; eauto.
      2: { eapply consistent_instance_ext_wf; eauto. }
      2: { eapply consistent_instance_ext_wf; eauto. }
      eapply (inductive_cumulative_indices X1); tea.

  Obligation Tactic := idtac.
  Next Obligation.
    intros. simpl in ×. clearbody isty.
    destruct cty as [A cty]. cbn in ×.
    subst ind' u args mdecl idecl isdecl.
    destruct I as [ind' [u [args ?]]].
    destruct d as [mdecl [idecl isdecl]].
    cbn in ×.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    apply eqb_eq in i. subst ind'.
    eapply eqb_eq in i0.
    eapply eq_context_gen_wf_predicate; tea.
    rewrite -(All2_length eq_params).
    subst params chop_args.
    eapply infering_typing, type_reduction_closed, validity,
      isType_mkApps_Ind_inv in cty as [pars [argsub []]]; eauto.
    now rewrite chop_firstn_skipn /=.

  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    now eapply wf_case_predicate_context.

  Next Obligation.
    intros. simpl in ×.
    clearbody isty wfp.
    destruct ps as [u' pty] ; cbn.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    eapply isType_Sort_inv, validity, infering_sort_typing.
    3: eapply wf_case_predicate_context.
    all: eauto.

  Next Obligation.
    intros. now sq.

  Next Obligation.
    intros. cbn in ×.
    destruct ps ; cbn in ×.
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; now sq.

  Next Obligation.
    intros. cbn in ×.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    now eapply All2_fold_All2 in check_wfpctx_conv.

  Next Obligation.
    intros; cbn in ×. clearbody isty wfp.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    eapply forall_nth_error_Alli.
    now auto.

  Next Obligation.
    intros; clearbody isty wfp. cbn.
    destruct cty as [A cty].
    subst ind' u args mdecl idecl isdecl.
    destruct I as [ind' [u [args s]]].
    destruct d as [mdecl [idecl isdecl]].
    destruct ps as [ps ?].
    cbn in ×. intros.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    apply eqb_eq in i. subst ind'.
    eapply eqb_eq in i0.
    rewrite /indices /chop_args chop_firstn_skipn /=.
    assert (wf_branches idecl brs).
      red. eapply All2_Forall2.
      clear - check_brs.
      induction check_brs; constructor; auto.
      destruct r0.
      eapply eq_context_gen_wf_branch.
      now eapply All2_fold_All2.
    econstructor ; eauto.
    - econstructor ; tea.
      now apply closed_red_red.
    - now eapply All2_fold_All2 in check_wfpctx_conv.
    - now eapply wf_local_rel_wf_local_bd, wf_local_app_inv, wf_case_predicate_context.
    - eapply ctx_inst_typing_bd ; eauto.
      eapply ctx_inst_smash.
      now rewrite subst_instance_smash /= in wt_params.
      - now eapply negbTE.
    - erewrite <- abstract_env_compare_global_instance_correct in i1; eauto.
      1: intros; eapply iff_reflect;
        eapply (abstract_env_compare_universe_correct _ wfΣ Cumul);
        try eassumption; apply wf_universe_iff; eauto.
      1: { apply/wf_universe_instanceP.
        rewrite -wf_universeb_instance_forall.
        assert (tyu : isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ci u) args)).
          eapply isType_red.
          2: eapply s.
          now eapply validity, infering_typing.
      eapply isType_wf_universes in tyu ; eauto.
      rewrite wf_universes_mkApps in tyu.
      now move: tyu ⇒ /andP []. }
      eapply consistent_instance_ext_wf; eauto.
    - rewrite /params /chop_args chop_firstn_skipn /= in eq_params.
      eapply All2_impl ; tea.
      intros ? ? ?.
      now apply ws_cumul_pb_forget_conv.
    - eapply All2i_impl.
      1: eapply All2i_prod.
      1: eassumption.
        eapply wf_case_branches_types' ; tea.
        - apply infering_sort_typing ; eauto.
          now eapply wf_case_predicate_context.
        - now eapply All2_fold_All2.
      cbn ; intros ? ? ? [? []] ; intuition auto.
      now eapply wf_local_rel_wf_local_bd, wf_local_app_inv.

  Next Obligation.
    intros; clearbody isty wfp.
    destruct cty as [A cty].
    subst ind' u args mdecl idecl isdecl.
    destruct I as [ind' [u [args s]]].
    destruct d as [mdecl [idecl isdecl]].
    destruct ps as [ps ?].
    cbn in ×. apply absurd. intros.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    destruct X0 as [? [ty]]; eauto.
    inversion ty ; subst.
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in isdecl as []; tea.
    subst. sq.
    eapply infering_ind_ind in X0 as [args'' []].
    2-3: now auto.
    2: econstructor ; tea ; now apply closed_red_red.
    eapply All2i_impl ; tea.

  Next Obligation.
    intros; clearbody isty wfp.
    destruct cty as [A cty].
    subst ind' u args mdecl idecl isdecl.
    destruct I as [ind' [u [args s']]].
    destruct d as [mdecl [idecl isdecl]].
    destruct ps as [ps ?].
    cbn in ×. apply absurd. intros.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    destruct X0 as [? [ty]]; eauto.
    inversion ty ; subst.
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in isdecl as []; tea.
    subst. sq.
    eapply infering_sort_sort in s as <- ; eauto.
    now eapply wf_case_predicate_context.

  Next Obligation.
    intros; clearbody isty wfp.
    destruct cty as [A cty].
    subst ind' u args mdecl idecl isdecl.
    destruct I as [ind' [u [args s]]].
    destruct d as [mdecl [idecl isdecl]].
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    destruct X0 as [? [ty]]; eauto.
    inversion ty ; subst.
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in isdecl as []; tea.
    apply absurd.

    eexists. intros. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.

  Next Obligation.
    destruct cty as [A cty].
    subst ind' u args mdecl idecl isdecl.
    destruct I as [ind' [u [args s]]].
    destruct d as [mdecl [idecl isdecl]].
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    destruct X0 as [? [ty]]; eauto.
    inversion ty ; subst.
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in isdecl as []; tea.
    apply absurd.
    now eapply All2_fold_All2.

  Next Obligation.
    destruct cty as [A cty].
    subst ind' u args mdecl idecl isdecl.
    destruct I as [ind' [u [args s]]].
    destruct d as [mdecl [idecl isdecl]].
    cbn in ×. apply absurd. intros.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    destruct X0 as [? [ty]]; eauto.
    inversion ty ; subst.
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in isdecl as []; tea.
    rewrite /params /chop_args chop_firstn_skipn /=.
    eapply infering_ind_ind in X0 as [args'' []].
    2-3: now auto.
    2: now econstructor ; tea ; eapply closed_red_red.
    1: now eapply All2_firstn, red_terms_ws_cumul_pb_terms.
    1: now symmetry ; eapply All2_firstn, red_terms_ws_cumul_pb_terms.

    eapply PCUICConvCumInversion.alt_into_ws_cumul_pb_terms ; tea.
    - fvs.
    - eapply Forall_forallb.
      2: intros ? H ; apply H.
      now eapply Forall_firstn, All_Forall, closed_red_terms_open_left.
    - now eapply All_forallb, ctx_inst_open_terms.

  Next Obligation.
    destruct cty as [A cty].
    subst ind' u args mdecl idecl isdecl.
    destruct I as [ind' [u [args s]]].
    destruct d as [mdecl [idecl isdecl]].
    cbn in ×. apply absurd. intros.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    destruct X0 as [? [ty]]; eauto.
    inversion ty ; subst.
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in isdecl as []; tea.
    apply ctx_inst_bd_typing, ctx_inst_smash in X4 ; eauto.
    2: eapply weaken_wf_local, on_minductive_wf_params ; eauto.
    now rewrite subst_instance_smash.

  Next Obligation.
    destruct cty as [A cty].
    subst ind' u args mdecl idecl isdecl.
    destruct I as [ind' [u [args s]]].
    destruct d as [mdecl [idecl isdecl]].
    cbn in ×.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    destruct X0 as [? [ty]]; eauto.
    inversion ty ; subst.
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in isdecl as []; tea.
    apply absurd.
    erewrite <- abstract_env_compare_global_instance_correct; eauto.
    - eapply infering_ind_ind in X0 as [args'' []].
      2-3: now auto.
      2: now econstructor ; tea ; apply closed_red_red.
      erewrite All2_length.
      2: eassumption.
      erewrite <- All2_length ; tea.
    - intros. eapply iff_reflect.
      eapply (abstract_env_compare_universe_correct _ wfΣ Cumul);
      try eassumption; apply wf_universe_iff; eauto.
    - apply/wf_universe_instanceP.
      rewrite -wf_universeb_instance_forall.
      assert (tyu : isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ind' u) args)).
        eapply isType_red.
        2: eapply s.
        now eapply validity, infering_typing.
      eapply isType_wf_universes in tyu ; eauto.
      rewrite wf_universes_mkApps in tyu.
      now move: tyu ⇒ /andP [].
    - apply infering_typing, typing_wf_universes in ty ; auto.
      move: ty ⇒ /andP [].
      now rewrite {1}/wf_universes /= wf_universeb_instance_forall
        /andP [] /wf_universe_instanceP.

  Next Obligation.
    destruct cty as [A cty].
    subst ind' u args mdecl idecl isdecl.
    destruct I as [ind' [u [args s]]].
    destruct d as [mdecl [idecl isdecl]].
    cbn in ×. apply absurd; intros.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    destruct X0 as [? [ty]]; eauto.
    inversion ty ; subst.
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in isdecl as []; tea.
    now subst.

  Next Obligation.
    destruct cty as [A cty].
    subst ind' u args mdecl idecl isdecl.
    destruct I as [ind' [u [args s]]].
    destruct d as [mdecl [idecl isdecl]].
    cbn in ×.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    destruct X0 as [? [ty]]; eauto.
    inversion ty ; subst.
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in isdecl as []; tea.
    apply absurd.
    now apply/eqb_specT.

  Next Obligation.
    destruct cty as [A cty].
    subst ind' u args mdecl idecl isdecl.
    destruct I as [ind' [u [args s]]].
    destruct d as [mdecl [idecl isdecl]].
    cbn in ×.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    destruct X0 as [? [ty]]; eauto.
    inversion ty ; subst.
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in isdecl as []; tea.
    apply absurd.
    now apply/negPf.

  Next Obligation.
    destruct cty as [A cty].
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    destruct X0 as [? [ty]]; eauto.
    inversion ty ; subst.
    apply absurd.
    do 2 eexists. intros; erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.

  Next Obligation.
    destruct cty as [A cty].
    subst ind' u args.
    destruct I as [ind' [u [args s]]].
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    destruct X0 as [? [ty]]; eauto.
    inversion ty ; subst.
    cbn in ×.
    apply absurd.
    eapply infering_ind_ind in X0 as [? []].
    2-3: now auto.
    2: now econstructor ; tea ; apply closed_red_red.
    now apply/eqb_specT.

  Next Obligation.
    destruct cty as [A cty].
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    destruct X0 as [? [ty]]; eauto.
    inversion ty ; subst.
    cbn in ×.
    apply absurd.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    apply into_closed_red in X8.
    2: fvs.
    2: now eapply type_is_open_term, infering_typing.
    eapply infering_unique in cty as [T'' []]; eauto.
    eapply closed_red_confluence in X8 as [? [? r]] ; tea.
    eapply invert_red_mkApps_tInd in r as [? []]; subst.
    do 3 eexists.
    sq. intros; erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    sq. now etransitivity.
    Unshelve. eauto.

  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    destruct X0 as [? [ty]]; eauto.
    inversion ty ; subst.
    cbn in ×.
    apply absurd.
    inversion X0.
    eexists ; sq. intros ; erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.

  Obligation Tactic := Program.Tactics.program_simplify ; eauto 2.

  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    eapply validity_wf ; eauto. sq.
    now eapply infering_typing.
  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    pose proof (on_declared_inductive decl) as [onmib oni].
    eapply onProjections in oni.
    destruct ind_ctors as [|? []] eqn:hctors ⇒ //.

    eapply infer_Proj with (pdecl := pdecl).
    - split. split. eassumption. cbn. rewrite hctors. reflexivity.
      split. symmetry; eassumption. cbn in ×.
      now apply Nat.eqb_eq.
    - cbn. destruct (ssrbool.elimT (eqb_specT p.(proj_ind) I)); [assumption|].
      econstructor ; tea.
      now apply closed_red_red.
    - eapply type_reduction_closed in X2; eauto.
      2: now apply infering_typing.
      eapply validity in X2; eauto.
      destruct (ssrbool.elimT (eqb_specT p.(proj_ind) I)); auto.
      unshelve eapply (PCUICInductives.isType_mkApps_Ind_inv _ decl _) in X2 as [parsubst [argsubst [sp sp' cu]]]; eauto.
      pose proof (Hl := PCUICContextSubst.context_subst_length2 (PCUICSpine.inst_ctx_subst sp)).
      pose proof (Hr := PCUICContextSubst.context_subst_length2 (PCUICSpine.inst_ctx_subst sp')).
      autorewrite with len in Hl, Hr.
      destruct (on_declared_inductive decl) eqn:ond.
      rewrite -o.(onNpars) -Hl.
      forward (o0.(onProjections)).
      intros H'; rewrite H' nth_error_nil // in HH.
      destruct ind_ctors as [|cs []]; auto.
      intros onps.
      unshelve epose proof (onps.(on_projs_noidx _ _ _ _ _ _)).
      destruct (ind_indices idecl) ⇒ //.
      simpl in ×.
      rewrite List.skipn_length in e.
      rewrite List.firstn_length. lia.
    - destruct ind_projs ⇒ //. rewrite nth_error_nil in HH; congruence.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    apply absurd.
    inversion X1.
    destruct H1 as [[] []].
    cbn in × ; subst.
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in decl as [-> ->] ; tea.
    now eapply Nat.eqb_eq.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    apply absurd.
    cbn in ×.
    inversion X1.
    eapply infering_ind_ind in X6 as [? []].
    2-3: now auto.
    2: now econstructor ; tea ; eapply closed_red_red.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    apply absurd.
    inversion X1 ; subst.
    inversion X3 ; subst.
    eapply into_closed_red in X4.
    2: fvs.
    2: now eapply type_is_open_term, infering_typing.
    eapply infering_unique in X2 as [? [r ?]]; eauto.
    eapply closed_red_confluence in X4 as [? [? r']]; tea.
    eapply invert_red_mkApps_tInd in r' as [? []]; subst.
    do 3 eexists.
    sq. intros ; erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    sq. now etransitivity.
    Unshelve. eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    apply absurd.
    inversion X1 ; subst.
    inversion X2 ; subst.
    do 2 eexists. intros ; erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst.
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in decl as [].
    2: exact H1.
    destruct H1 as [[] []] ; cbn in ×.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst.
    apply absurd.
    do 2 eexists.
    intros. intros ; erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    exact H1.
    Unshelve. eauto.

  Definition abstract_check_recursivity_kind Finite a Σ (wfΣ: abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ):
    check_recursivity_kind (abstract_env_lookup X) a Finite
    = check_recursivity_kind (lookup_env Σ) a Finite.
  Proof using Type.
    unfold check_recursivity_kind.
    erewrite <- abstract_env_lookup_correct; eauto.

  Definition abstract_wf_fixpoint mfix Σ (wfΣ: abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ):
     wf_fixpoint_gen (abstract_env_lookup X) mfix =
     wf_fixpoint Σ mfix.
  Proof using Type.
    unfold wf_fixpoint, wf_fixpoint_gen.
    destruct (map_option_out (map check_one_fix mfix)); simpl; eauto.
    induction l; eauto.
    erewrite abstract_check_recursivity_kind; eauto.

  Definition abstract_wf_cofixpoint mfix Σ (wfΣ: abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ):
     wf_cofixpoint_gen (abstract_env_lookup X) mfix =
     wf_cofixpoint Σ mfix.
  Proof using Type.
    unfold wf_cofixpoint, wf_cofixpoint_gen.
    destruct (map_option_out (map check_one_cofix mfix)); simpl; eauto.
    induction l; eauto.
    erewrite abstract_check_recursivity_kind; eauto.

  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    now eapply All_mfix_wf. Qed.
  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    unfold abstract_env_fixguard in guarded.
    erewrite <- abstract_env_guard_correct in guarded; eauto.
    constructor; auto.
    eapply All_impl ; tea.
    now apply isType_infering_sort.
    erewrite abstract_wf_fixpoint in wffix; eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    apply absurd. erewrite abstract_wf_fixpoint; eauto.
    now inversion X1.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    apply absurd. unfold abstract_env_fixguard.
    erewrite <- abstract_env_guard_correct; eauto.
    now inversion X1.
  Next Obligation.
    apply absurd; intros.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    now inversion X1.
  Next Obligation.
    apply absurd; intros.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst.
    eapply All_impl.
    1: eexact X2.
    now eapply einfering_sort_isType.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst.

  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    now eapply All_mfix_wf. Qed.
  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    unfold abstract_env_cofixguard in guarded.
    erewrite <- abstract_env_guard_correct in guarded; eauto.
    constructor; auto.
    eapply All_impl ; tea.
    now apply isType_infering_sort.
    erewrite abstract_wf_cofixpoint in wfcofix; eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    apply absurd. erewrite abstract_wf_cofixpoint; eauto.
    now inversion X1.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    apply absurd. unfold abstract_env_cofixguard.
    erewrite <- abstract_env_guard_correct; eauto.
    now inversion X1.
  Next Obligation.
    apply absurd; intros.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    now inversion X1.
  Next Obligation.
    apply absurd; intros.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst.
    eapply All_impl.
    1: eexact X2.
    now eapply einfering_sort_isType.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    inversion X1 ; subst.

  Definition check_isType := infer_isType infer.

  Equations check Γ ( : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ ) t A
    : typing_result_comp ( Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Σ;;; Γ |- t : A ) :=
    check Γ t A :=
      check_isType Γ A ;;
      bdcheck infer Γ t A _ ;;
      ret _.
  Next Obligation.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    now apply checking_typing.
  Next Obligation.
    apply absurd; intros.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    now apply typing_checking.
  Next Obligation.
    apply absurd; intros.
    pose proof (heΣ _ wfΣ) as [heΣ].
    cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ ; sq.
    now eapply validity.

End Typecheck.