Library MetaCoq.Template.BasicAst
From Coq Require Import ssreflect Morphisms Orders Setoid.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Export Kernames.
From Coq Require Floats.SpecFloat.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Export Kernames.
From Coq Require Floats.SpecFloat.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Identifiers that are allowed to be anonymous (i.e. "_" in concrete syntax).
Inductive name : Set :=
| nAnon
| nNamed (_ : ident).
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for name.
Inductive relevance : Set := Relevant | Irrelevant.
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for relevance.
| nAnon
| nNamed (_ : ident).
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for name.
Inductive relevance : Set := Relevant | Irrelevant.
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for relevance.
Binders annotated with relevance
Record binder_annot (A : Type) := mkBindAnn { binder_name : A; binder_relevance : relevance }.
Arguments mkBindAnn {_}.
Arguments binder_name {_}.
Arguments binder_relevance {_}.
Derive NoConfusion for binder_annot.
#[global] Instance eqdec_binder_annot (A : Type) (e : Classes.EqDec A) : Classes.EqDec (binder_annot A).
Proof. ltac:(Equations.Prop.Tactics.eqdec_proof). Qed.
Definition map_binder_annot {A B} (f : A → B) (b : binder_annot A) : binder_annot B :=
{| binder_name := f b.(binder_name); binder_relevance := b.(binder_relevance) |}.
Definition eq_binder_annot {A B} (b : binder_annot A) (b' : binder_annot B) : Prop :=
b.(binder_relevance) = b'.(binder_relevance).
Arguments mkBindAnn {_}.
Arguments binder_name {_}.
Arguments binder_relevance {_}.
Derive NoConfusion for binder_annot.
#[global] Instance eqdec_binder_annot (A : Type) (e : Classes.EqDec A) : Classes.EqDec (binder_annot A).
Proof. ltac:(Equations.Prop.Tactics.eqdec_proof). Qed.
Definition map_binder_annot {A B} (f : A → B) (b : binder_annot A) : binder_annot B :=
{| binder_name := f b.(binder_name); binder_relevance := b.(binder_relevance) |}.
Definition eq_binder_annot {A B} (b : binder_annot A) (b' : binder_annot B) : Prop :=
b.(binder_relevance) = b'.(binder_relevance).
Type of annotated names
Definition aname := binder_annot name.
#[global] Instance anqme_eqdec : Classes.EqDec aname := _.
Definition eqb_binder_annot {A} (b b' : binder_annot A) : bool :=
match Classes.eq_dec b.(binder_relevance) b'.(binder_relevance) with
| left _ ⇒ true
| right _ ⇒ false
Definition string_of_name (na : name) :=
match na with
| nAnon ⇒ "_"
| nNamed n ⇒ n
Definition string_of_relevance (r : relevance) :=
match r with
| Relevant ⇒ "Relevant"
| Irrelevant ⇒ "Irrelevant"
#[global] Instance anqme_eqdec : Classes.EqDec aname := _.
Definition eqb_binder_annot {A} (b b' : binder_annot A) : bool :=
match Classes.eq_dec b.(binder_relevance) b'.(binder_relevance) with
| left _ ⇒ true
| right _ ⇒ false
Definition string_of_name (na : name) :=
match na with
| nAnon ⇒ "_"
| nNamed n ⇒ n
Definition string_of_relevance (r : relevance) :=
match r with
| Relevant ⇒ "Relevant"
| Irrelevant ⇒ "Irrelevant"
The kind of a cast
Inductive cast_kind : Set :=
| VmCast
| NativeCast
| Cast.
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for cast_kind.
Record case_info := mk_case_info {
ci_ind : inductive;
ci_npar : nat;
ci_relevance : relevance }.
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for case_info.
Definition string_of_case_info ci :=
"(" ^ string_of_inductive ci.(ci_ind) ^ "," ^
string_of_nat ci.(ci_npar) ^ "," ^
string_of_relevance ci.(ci_relevance) ^ ")".
Inductive recursivity_kind :=
| Finite
| CoFinite
| BiFinite .
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for recursivity_kind.
Inductive conv_pb :=
| Conv
| Cumul.
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for conv_pb.
Definition fresh_evar_id : nat. exact 0. Qed.
Record def term := mkdef {
dname : aname;
dtype : term;
dbody : term;
rarg : nat }.
Arguments dname {term} _.
Arguments dtype {term} _.
Arguments dbody {term} _.
Arguments rarg {term} _.
Derive NoConfusion for def.
#[global] Instance def_eq_dec {A} : Classes.EqDec A → Classes.EqDec (def A).
Proof. ltac:(Equations.Prop.Tactics.eqdec_proof). Qed.
Definition string_of_def {A} (f : A → string) (def : def A) :=
"(" ^ string_of_name (binder_name (dname def))
^ "," ^ string_of_relevance (binder_relevance (dname def))
^ "," ^ f (dtype def)
^ "," ^ f (dbody def)
^ "," ^ string_of_nat (rarg def) ^ ")".
Definition print_def {A} (f : A → string) (g : A → string) (def : def A) :=
string_of_name (binder_name (dname def)) ^ " { struct " ^ string_of_nat (rarg def) ^ " }" ^
" : " ^ f (dtype def) ^ " := " ^ nl ^ g (dbody def).
Definition map_def {A B} (tyf bodyf : A → B) (d : def A) :=
{| dname := d.(dname); dtype := tyf d.(dtype); dbody := bodyf d.(dbody); rarg := d.(rarg) |}.
Lemma map_dtype {A B} (f : A → B) (g : A → B) (d : def A) :
f (dtype d) = dtype (map_def f g d).
Proof. destruct d; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma map_dbody {A B} (f : A → B) (g : A → B) (d : def A) :
g (dbody d) = dbody (map_def f g d).
Proof. destruct d; reflexivity. Qed.
Definition mfixpoint term := list (def term).
Definition test_def {A} (tyf bodyf : A → bool) (d : def A) :=
tyf d.(dtype) && bodyf d.(dbody).
Definition tFixProp {A} (P P' : A → Type) (m : mfixpoint A) :=
All (fun x : def A ⇒ P x.(dtype) × P' x.(dbody))%type m.
Lemma map_def_map_def {A B C} (f f' : B → C) (g g' : A → B) (d : def A) :
map_def f f' (map_def g g' d) = map_def (f ∘ g) (f' ∘ g') d.
destruct d; reflexivity.
Lemma compose_map_def {A B C} (f f' : B → C) (g g' : A → B) :
(map_def f f') ∘ (map_def g g') = map_def (f ∘ g) (f' ∘ g').
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma map_def_id {t} x : map_def (@id t) (@id t) x = id x.
Proof. now destruct x. Qed.
#[global] Hint Rewrite @map_def_id @map_id : map.
Lemma map_def_spec {A B} (P P' : A → Type) (f f' g g' : A → B) (x : def A) :
P' x.(dbody) → P x.(dtype) → (∀ x, P x → f x = g x) →
(∀ x, P' x → f' x = g' x) →
map_def f f' x = map_def g g' x.
intros. destruct x. unfold map_def. simpl.
now rewrite !H // !H0.
#[global] Hint Extern 10 (_ < _)%nat ⇒ lia : all.
#[global] Hint Extern 10 (_ ≤ _)%nat ⇒ lia : all.
#[global] Hint Extern 10 (@eq nat _ _) ⇒ lia : all.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (_ = _) ⇒ progress f_equal : all.
#[global] Hint Unfold on_snd snd : all.
Lemma on_snd_eq_id_spec {A B} (f : B → B) (x : A × B) :
f (snd x) = snd x ↔
on_snd f x = x.
destruct x; simpl; unfold on_snd; simpl. split; congruence.
#[global] Hint Resolve → on_snd_eq_id_spec : all.
#[global] Hint Resolve → on_snd_eq_spec : all.
Lemma map_def_eq_spec {A B} (f f' g g' : A → B) (x : def A) :
f (dtype x) = g (dtype x) →
f' (dbody x) = g' (dbody x) →
map_def f f' x = map_def g g' x.
intros. unfold map_def; f_equal; auto.
#[global] Hint Resolve map_def_eq_spec : all.
Lemma map_def_id_spec {A} (f f' : A → A) (x : def A) :
f (dtype x) = (dtype x) →
f' (dbody x) = (dbody x) →
map_def f f' x = x.
intros. rewrite (map_def_eq_spec _ _ id id); auto. destruct x; auto.
#[global] Hint Resolve map_def_id_spec : all.
Lemma tfix_map_spec {A B} {P P' : A → Type} {l} {f f' g g' : A → B} :
tFixProp P P' l → (∀ x, P x → f x = g x) →
(∀ x, P' x → f' x = g' x) →
map (map_def f f') l = map (map_def g g') l.
eapply All_map_eq. red in X. eapply All_impl; eauto. simpl.
intros. destruct X0;
eapply map_def_spec; eauto.
Variant typ_or_sort_ {term} := Typ (T : term) | Sort.
Arguments typ_or_sort_ : clear implicits.
Definition typ_or_sort_map {T T'} (f: T → T') t :=
match t with
| Typ T ⇒ Typ (f T)
| Sort ⇒ Sort
Definition typ_or_sort_default {T A} (f: T → A) t d :=
match t with
| Typ T ⇒ f T
| Sort ⇒ d
Section Contexts.
Context {term : Type}.
| VmCast
| NativeCast
| Cast.
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for cast_kind.
Record case_info := mk_case_info {
ci_ind : inductive;
ci_npar : nat;
ci_relevance : relevance }.
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for case_info.
Definition string_of_case_info ci :=
"(" ^ string_of_inductive ci.(ci_ind) ^ "," ^
string_of_nat ci.(ci_npar) ^ "," ^
string_of_relevance ci.(ci_relevance) ^ ")".
Inductive recursivity_kind :=
| Finite
| CoFinite
| BiFinite .
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for recursivity_kind.
Inductive conv_pb :=
| Conv
| Cumul.
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for conv_pb.
Definition fresh_evar_id : nat. exact 0. Qed.
Record def term := mkdef {
dname : aname;
dtype : term;
dbody : term;
rarg : nat }.
Arguments dname {term} _.
Arguments dtype {term} _.
Arguments dbody {term} _.
Arguments rarg {term} _.
Derive NoConfusion for def.
#[global] Instance def_eq_dec {A} : Classes.EqDec A → Classes.EqDec (def A).
Proof. ltac:(Equations.Prop.Tactics.eqdec_proof). Qed.
Definition string_of_def {A} (f : A → string) (def : def A) :=
"(" ^ string_of_name (binder_name (dname def))
^ "," ^ string_of_relevance (binder_relevance (dname def))
^ "," ^ f (dtype def)
^ "," ^ f (dbody def)
^ "," ^ string_of_nat (rarg def) ^ ")".
Definition print_def {A} (f : A → string) (g : A → string) (def : def A) :=
string_of_name (binder_name (dname def)) ^ " { struct " ^ string_of_nat (rarg def) ^ " }" ^
" : " ^ f (dtype def) ^ " := " ^ nl ^ g (dbody def).
Definition map_def {A B} (tyf bodyf : A → B) (d : def A) :=
{| dname := d.(dname); dtype := tyf d.(dtype); dbody := bodyf d.(dbody); rarg := d.(rarg) |}.
Lemma map_dtype {A B} (f : A → B) (g : A → B) (d : def A) :
f (dtype d) = dtype (map_def f g d).
Proof. destruct d; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma map_dbody {A B} (f : A → B) (g : A → B) (d : def A) :
g (dbody d) = dbody (map_def f g d).
Proof. destruct d; reflexivity. Qed.
Definition mfixpoint term := list (def term).
Definition test_def {A} (tyf bodyf : A → bool) (d : def A) :=
tyf d.(dtype) && bodyf d.(dbody).
Definition tFixProp {A} (P P' : A → Type) (m : mfixpoint A) :=
All (fun x : def A ⇒ P x.(dtype) × P' x.(dbody))%type m.
Lemma map_def_map_def {A B C} (f f' : B → C) (g g' : A → B) (d : def A) :
map_def f f' (map_def g g' d) = map_def (f ∘ g) (f' ∘ g') d.
destruct d; reflexivity.
Lemma compose_map_def {A B C} (f f' : B → C) (g g' : A → B) :
(map_def f f') ∘ (map_def g g') = map_def (f ∘ g) (f' ∘ g').
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma map_def_id {t} x : map_def (@id t) (@id t) x = id x.
Proof. now destruct x. Qed.
#[global] Hint Rewrite @map_def_id @map_id : map.
Lemma map_def_spec {A B} (P P' : A → Type) (f f' g g' : A → B) (x : def A) :
P' x.(dbody) → P x.(dtype) → (∀ x, P x → f x = g x) →
(∀ x, P' x → f' x = g' x) →
map_def f f' x = map_def g g' x.
intros. destruct x. unfold map_def. simpl.
now rewrite !H // !H0.
#[global] Hint Extern 10 (_ < _)%nat ⇒ lia : all.
#[global] Hint Extern 10 (_ ≤ _)%nat ⇒ lia : all.
#[global] Hint Extern 10 (@eq nat _ _) ⇒ lia : all.
#[global] Hint Extern 0 (_ = _) ⇒ progress f_equal : all.
#[global] Hint Unfold on_snd snd : all.
Lemma on_snd_eq_id_spec {A B} (f : B → B) (x : A × B) :
f (snd x) = snd x ↔
on_snd f x = x.
destruct x; simpl; unfold on_snd; simpl. split; congruence.
#[global] Hint Resolve → on_snd_eq_id_spec : all.
#[global] Hint Resolve → on_snd_eq_spec : all.
Lemma map_def_eq_spec {A B} (f f' g g' : A → B) (x : def A) :
f (dtype x) = g (dtype x) →
f' (dbody x) = g' (dbody x) →
map_def f f' x = map_def g g' x.
intros. unfold map_def; f_equal; auto.
#[global] Hint Resolve map_def_eq_spec : all.
Lemma map_def_id_spec {A} (f f' : A → A) (x : def A) :
f (dtype x) = (dtype x) →
f' (dbody x) = (dbody x) →
map_def f f' x = x.
intros. rewrite (map_def_eq_spec _ _ id id); auto. destruct x; auto.
#[global] Hint Resolve map_def_id_spec : all.
Lemma tfix_map_spec {A B} {P P' : A → Type} {l} {f f' g g' : A → B} :
tFixProp P P' l → (∀ x, P x → f x = g x) →
(∀ x, P' x → f' x = g' x) →
map (map_def f f') l = map (map_def g g') l.
eapply All_map_eq. red in X. eapply All_impl; eauto. simpl.
intros. destruct X0;
eapply map_def_spec; eauto.
Variant typ_or_sort_ {term} := Typ (T : term) | Sort.
Arguments typ_or_sort_ : clear implicits.
Definition typ_or_sort_map {T T'} (f: T → T') t :=
match t with
| Typ T ⇒ Typ (f T)
| Sort ⇒ Sort
Definition typ_or_sort_default {T A} (f: T → A) t d :=
match t with
| Typ T ⇒ f T
| Sort ⇒ d
Section Contexts.
Context {term : Type}.
Record context_decl := mkdecl {
decl_name : aname ;
decl_body : option term ;
decl_type : term
Derive NoConfusion for context_decl.
End Contexts.
Arguments context_decl : clear implicits.
Definition map_decl {term term'} (f : term → term') (d : context_decl term) : context_decl term' :=
{| decl_name := d.(decl_name);
decl_body := option_map f d.(decl_body);
decl_type := f d.(decl_type) |}.
Lemma compose_map_decl {term term' term''} (g : term → term') (f : term' → term'') x :
map_decl f (map_decl g x) = map_decl (f ∘ g) x.
destruct x as [? [?|] ?]; reflexivity.
Lemma map_decl_ext {term term'} (f g : term → term') x : (∀ x, f x = g x) → map_decl f x = map_decl g x.
intros H; destruct x as [? [?|] ?]; rewrite /map_decl /=; f_equal; auto.
now rewrite (H t).
#[global] Instance map_decl_proper {term term'} : Proper (`=1` ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq) (@map_decl term term').
intros f g Hfg x y →. now apply map_decl_ext.
#[global] Instance map_decl_pointwise {term term'} : Proper (`=1` ==> `=1`) (@map_decl term term').
Proof. intros f g Hfg x. rewrite /map_decl.
destruct x ⇒ /=. f_equal.
- now rewrite Hfg.
- apply Hfg.
Definition map_context {term term'} (f : term → term') (c : list (context_decl term)) := (map_decl f) c.
#[global] Instance map_context_proper {term term'} : Proper (`=1` ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq) (@map_context term term').
intros f g Hfg x y →.
now rewrite /map_context Hfg.
Lemma map_context_length {term term'} (f : term → term') l : #|map_context f l| = #|l|.
Proof. now unfold map_context; rewrite map_length. Qed.
#[global] Hint Rewrite @map_context_length : len.
Definition test_decl {term} (f : term → bool) (d : context_decl term) : bool :=
option_default f d.(decl_body) true && f d.(decl_type).
#[global] Instance test_decl_proper {term} : Proper (`=1` ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq) (@test_decl term).
intros f g Hfg [na [b|] ty] ? <- ⇒ /=; rewrite /test_decl /=;
now rewrite Hfg.
Definition snoc {A} (Γ : list A) (d : A) := d :: Γ.
Notation " Γ ,, d " := (snoc Γ d) (at level 20, d at next level).
Definition ondecl {A} (P : A → Type) (d : context_decl A) :=
P d.(decl_type) × option_default P d.(decl_body) unit.
Notation onctx P := (All (ondecl P)).
Section ContextMap.
Context {term term' : Type} (f : nat → term → term').
Fixpoint mapi_context (c : list (context_decl term)) : list (context_decl term') :=
match c with
| d :: Γ ⇒ map_decl (f #|Γ|) d :: mapi_context Γ
| [] ⇒ []
End ContextMap.
#[global] Instance mapi_context_proper {term term'} : Proper (`=2` ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq) (@mapi_context term term').
intros f g Hfg Γ ? <-.
induction Γ as [|[na [b|] ty] Γ]; simpl; auto; f_equal; auto; now rewrite Hfg.
Lemma mapi_context_length {term} (f : nat → term → term) l : #|mapi_context f l| = #|l|.
induction l; simpl; auto.
#[global] Hint Rewrite @mapi_context_length : len.
Section ContextTest.
Context {term : Type} (f : term → bool).
Fixpoint test_context (c : list (context_decl term)) : bool :=
match c with
| d :: Γ ⇒ test_context Γ && test_decl f d
| [] ⇒ true
End ContextTest.
#[global] Instance test_context_proper {term} : Proper (`=1` ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq) (@test_context term).
intros f g Hfg Γ ? <-.
induction Γ as [|[na [b|] ty] Γ]; simpl; auto; f_equal; auto; now rewrite Hfg.
Section ContextTestK.
Context {term : Type} (f : nat → term → bool) (k : nat).
Fixpoint test_context_k (c : list (context_decl term)) : bool :=
match c with
| d :: Γ ⇒ test_context_k Γ && test_decl (f (#|Γ| + k)) d
| [] ⇒ true
End ContextTestK.
#[global] Instance test_context_k_proper {term} : Proper (`=1` ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq) (@test_context_k term).
intros f g Hfg k ? <- Γ ? <-.
induction Γ as [|[na [b|] ty] Γ]; simpl; auto; f_equal; auto; now rewrite Hfg.
Section Contexts.
Context {term term' term'' : Type}.
Notation context term := (list (context_decl term)).
Lemma test_decl_impl (f g : term → bool) x : (∀ x, f x → g x) →
test_decl f x → test_decl g x.
Proof using Type.
intros Hf; rewrite /test_decl.
move/andb_and⇒ [Hd Hb].
apply/andb_and; split; eauto.
destruct (decl_body x); simpl in *; eauto.
Definition onctx_k (P : nat → term → Type) k (ctx : context term) :=
Alli (fun i d ⇒ ondecl (P (Nat.pred #|ctx| - i + k)) d) 0 ctx.
Lemma ondeclP {P : term → Type} {p : term → bool} {d : context_decl term} :
(∀ x, reflectT (P x) (p x)) →
reflectT (ondecl P d) (test_decl p d).
Proof using Type.
intros hr.
rewrite /ondecl /test_decl; destruct d as [decl_name decl_body decl_type]; cbn.
destruct (hr decl_type) ⇒ //;
destruct (reflect_option_default hr decl_body) ⇒ /= //; now constructor.
Lemma onctxP {p : term → bool} {ctx : context term} :
reflectT (onctx p ctx) (test_context p ctx).
Proof using Type.
eapply equiv_reflectT.
- induction 1; simpl; auto. rewrite IHX /= //.
now move/(ondeclP reflectT_pred): p0.
- induction ctx.
× constructor.
× move ⇒ /= /andb_and [Hctx Hd]; constructor; eauto.
now move/(ondeclP reflectT_pred): Hd.
Lemma map_decl_type (f : term → term') decl : f (decl_type decl) = decl_type (map_decl f decl).
Proof using Type. destruct decl; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma map_decl_body (f : term → term') decl : option_map f (decl_body decl) = decl_body (map_decl f decl).
Proof using Type. destruct decl; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma map_decl_id : @map_decl term term id =1 id.
Proof using Type. intros d; now destruct d as [? [] ?]. Qed.
Lemma option_map_decl_body_map_decl (f : term → term') x :
option_map decl_body (option_map (map_decl f) x) =
option_map (option_map f) (option_map decl_body x).
Proof using Type. destruct x; reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma option_map_decl_type_map_decl (f : term → term') x :
option_map decl_type (option_map (map_decl f) x) =
option_map f (option_map decl_type x).
Proof using Type. destruct x; reflexivity. Qed.
Definition fold_context_k (f : nat → term → term') Γ :=
List.rev (mapi (fun k' decl ⇒ map_decl (f k') decl) (List.rev Γ)).
Arguments fold_context_k f Γ%list_scope.
Lemma fold_context_k_alt f Γ :
fold_context_k f Γ =
mapi (fun k' d ⇒ map_decl (f (Nat.pred (length Γ) - k')) d) Γ.
Proof using Type.
unfold fold_context_k. rewrite rev_mapi. rewrite List.rev_involutive.
apply mapi_ext. intros. f_equal. now rewrite List.rev_length.
Lemma mapi_context_fold f Γ :
mapi_context f Γ = fold_context_k f Γ.
Proof using Type.
setoid_replace f with (fun k ⇒ f (k - 0)) using relation
(pointwise_relation nat (pointwise_relation term (@Logic.eq term')))%signature at 1.
rewrite fold_context_k_alt. unfold mapi.
generalize 0.
induction Γ as [|d Γ]; intros n; simpl; auto. f_equal.
rewrite IHΓ. rewrite mapi_rec_Sk.
apply mapi_rec_ext ⇒ k x. intros.
apply map_decl_ext ⇒ t. lia_f_equal.
intros k. now rewrite Nat.sub_0_r.
Lemma fold_context_k_tip f d : fold_context_k f [d] = [map_decl (f 0) d].
Proof using Type. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma fold_context_k_length f Γ : length (fold_context_k f Γ) = length Γ.
Proof using Type.
unfold fold_context_k. now rewrite !List.rev_length mapi_length List.rev_length.
Lemma fold_context_k_snoc0 f Γ d :
fold_context_k f (d :: Γ) = fold_context_k f Γ ,, map_decl (f (length Γ)) d.
Proof using Type.
unfold fold_context_k.
rewrite !rev_mapi !rev_involutive. unfold mapi; rewrite mapi_rec_eqn.
unfold snoc. f_equal. now rewrite Nat.sub_0_r List.rev_length.
rewrite mapi_rec_Sk. simpl. apply mapi_rec_ext. intros.
rewrite app_length !List.rev_length. simpl. f_equal. f_equal. lia.
Lemma fold_context_k_app f Γ Δ :
fold_context_k f (Δ ++ Γ)
= fold_context_k (fun k ⇒ f (length Γ + k)) Δ ++ fold_context_k f Γ.
Proof using Type.
unfold fold_context_k.
rewrite List.rev_app_distr.
rewrite mapi_app. rewrite <- List.rev_app_distr. f_equal. f_equal.
apply mapi_ext. intros. f_equal. rewrite List.rev_length. f_equal.
Local Set Keyed Unification.
Equations mapi_context_In (ctx : context term) (f : nat → ∀ (x : context_decl term), In x ctx → context_decl term) : context term :=
mapi_context_In nil _ := nil;
mapi_context_In (cons x xs) f := cons (f #|xs| x _) (mapi_context_In xs (fun n x H ⇒ f n x _)).
Lemma mapi_context_In_spec (f : nat → term → term) (ctx : context term) :
mapi_context_In ctx (fun n (x : context_decl term) (_ : In x ctx) ⇒ map_decl (f n) x) =
mapi_context f ctx.
Proof using Type.
remember (fun n (x : context_decl term) (_ : In x ctx) ⇒ map_decl (f n) x) as g.
funelim (mapi_context_In ctx g) ⇒ //=; rewrite (H f0) ; trivial.
Equations fold_context_In (ctx : context term) (f : context term → ∀ (x : context_decl term), In x ctx → context_decl term) : context term :=
fold_context_In nil _ := nil;
fold_context_In (cons x xs) f :=
let xs' := fold_context_In xs (fun n x H ⇒ f n x _) in
cons (f xs' x _) xs'.
Equations fold_context (f : context term → context_decl term → context_decl term) (ctx : context term) : context term :=
fold_context f nil := nil;
fold_context f (cons x xs) :=
let xs' := fold_context f xs in
cons (f xs' x ) xs'.
Lemma fold_context_length f Γ : #|fold_context f Γ| = #|Γ|.
Proof using Type.
now apply_funelim (fold_context f Γ); intros; simpl; auto; f_equal.
Lemma fold_context_In_spec (f : context term → context_decl term → context_decl term) (ctx : context term) :
fold_context_In ctx (fun n (x : context_decl term) (_ : In x ctx) ⇒ f n x) =
fold_context f ctx.
Proof using Type.
remember (fun n (x : context_decl term) (_ : In x ctx) ⇒ f n x) as g.
funelim (fold_context_In ctx g) ⇒ //=; rewrite (H f0); trivial.
Instance fold_context_Proper : Proper (`=2` ==> `=1`) fold_context.
Proof using Type.
intros f f' Hff' x.
funelim (fold_context f x); simpl; auto. simp fold_context.
now rewrite (H f' Hff').
This function allows to forget type annotations on a binding context.
Useful to relate the "compact" case representation in terms, with
its typing relation, where the context has types
Definition forget_types (c : list (BasicAst.context_decl term)) : list aname :=
map decl_name c.
End Contexts.
#[global] Hint Rewrite @fold_context_length @fold_context_k_length : len.
Section Contexts.
Context {term term' term'' : Type}.
Notation context term := (list (context_decl term)).
Lemma fold_context_k_id (x : context term) : fold_context_k (fun i x ⇒ x) x = x.
Proof using Type.
rewrite fold_context_k_alt.
rewrite /mapi. generalize 0.
induction x; simpl; auto.
intros n.
f_equal; auto.
now rewrite map_decl_id.
Lemma fold_context_k_compose (f : nat → term' → term) (g : nat → term'' → term') Γ :
fold_context_k f (fold_context_k g Γ) =
fold_context_k (fun i ⇒ f i ∘ g i) Γ.
Proof using Type.
rewrite !fold_context_k_alt mapi_mapi.
apply mapi_ext ⇒ i d.
rewrite compose_map_decl. apply map_decl_ext ⇒ t.
now len.
Lemma fold_context_k_ext (f g : nat → term' → term) Γ :
f =2 g →
fold_context_k f Γ = fold_context_k g Γ.
Proof using Type.
intros hfg.
induction Γ; simpl; auto; rewrite !fold_context_k_snoc0.
simpl. rewrite IHΓ. f_equal. apply map_decl_ext.
intros. now apply hfg.
#[global] Instance fold_context_k_proper : Proper (pointwise_relation nat (pointwise_relation _ Logic.eq) ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq)
(@fold_context_k term' term).
Proof using Type.
intros f g Hfg x y <-. now apply fold_context_k_ext.
Lemma alli_fold_context_k_prop (f : nat → context_decl term → bool) (g : nat → term' → term) ctx :
alli f 0 (fold_context_k g ctx) =
alli (fun i x ⇒ f i (map_decl (g (Nat.pred #|ctx| - i)) x)) 0 ctx.
Proof using Type.
now rewrite fold_context_k_alt /mapi alli_mapi.
Lemma test_decl_map_decl f g x : (@test_decl term) f (map_decl g x) = @test_decl term (f ∘ g) x.
Proof using Type.
rewrite /test_decl /map_decl /=.
f_equal. rewrite /option_default.
destruct (decl_body x) ⇒ //.
Lemma map_fold_context_k (f : term' → term) (g : nat → term'' → term') ctx :
map (map_decl f) (fold_context_k g ctx) = fold_context_k (fun i ⇒ f ∘ g i) ctx.
Proof using Type.
rewrite !fold_context_k_alt map_mapi.
apply mapi_ext ⇒ i d. now rewrite compose_map_decl.
Lemma map_context_mapi_context (f : term' → term) (g : nat → term'' → term') (ctx : list (BasicAst.context_decl term'')) :
map_context f (mapi_context g ctx) =
mapi_context (fun i ⇒ f ∘ g i) ctx.
Proof using Type.
rewrite !mapi_context_fold. now unfold map_context; rewrite map_fold_context_k.
Lemma mapi_context_map (f : nat → term' → term) (g : context_decl term'' → context_decl term') ctx :
mapi_context f (map g ctx) = mapi (fun i ⇒ map_decl (f (Nat.pred #|ctx| - i)) ∘ g) ctx.
Proof using Type.
rewrite mapi_context_fold fold_context_k_alt mapi_map. now len.
Lemma map_context_map (f : term' → term) (g : context_decl term'' → context_decl term') ctx :
map_context f (map g ctx) = map (map_decl f ∘ g) ctx.
Proof using Type.
induction ctx; simpl; f_equal; auto.
Lemma map_map_context (f : context_decl term' → term) (g : term'' → term') ctx :
map f (map_context g ctx) = map (f ∘ map_decl g) ctx.
Proof using Type.
now rewrite /map_context map_map_compose.
Lemma fold_context_k_map (f : nat → term' → term) (g : term'' → term') Γ :
fold_context_k f (map_context g Γ) =
fold_context_k (fun k ⇒ f k ∘ g) Γ.
Proof using Type.
rewrite !fold_context_k_alt mapi_map.
apply mapi_ext ⇒ n d //. len.
now rewrite compose_map_decl.
Lemma fold_context_k_map_comm (f : nat → term → term) (g : term → term) Γ :
(∀ i x, f i (g x) = g (f i x)) →
fold_context_k f (map_context g Γ) = map_context g (fold_context_k f Γ).
Proof using Type.
intros Hfg.
rewrite !fold_context_k_alt mapi_map.
rewrite /map_context map_mapi.
apply mapi_ext ⇒ i x.
rewrite !compose_map_decl.
apply map_decl_ext ⇒ t.
rewrite Hfg.
now len.
Lemma mapi_context_map_context (f : nat → term' → term) (g : term'' → term') ctx :
mapi_context f (map_context g ctx) =
mapi_context (fun i ⇒ f i ∘ g) ctx.
Proof using Type.
now rewrite !mapi_context_fold fold_context_k_map.
Lemma map_mapi_context (f : context_decl term' → term) (g : nat → term'' → term') ctx :
map f (mapi_context g ctx) = mapi (fun i ⇒ f ∘ map_decl (g (Nat.pred #|ctx| - i))) ctx.
Proof using Type.
now rewrite mapi_context_fold fold_context_k_alt map_mapi.
Lemma map_context_id (ctx : context term) : map_context id ctx = ctx.
Proof using Type.
unfold map_context.
now rewrite map_decl_id map_id.
Lemma forget_types_length (ctx : list (context_decl term)) :
#|forget_types ctx| = #|ctx|.
Proof using Type.
now rewrite /forget_types map_length.
Lemma map_decl_name_fold_context_k (f : nat → term' → term) ctx :
map decl_name (fold_context_k f ctx) = map decl_name ctx.
Proof using Type.
now rewrite fold_context_k_alt map_mapi /= mapi_cst_map.
Lemma forget_types_fold_context_k (f : nat → term' → term) ctx :
forget_types (fold_context_k f ctx) = forget_types ctx.
Proof using Type.
now rewrite /forget_types map_decl_name_fold_context_k.
Lemma All2_fold_impl_onctx (P : context term → context term → context_decl term → context_decl term → Type) P' Γ Δ Q :
onctx Q Γ →
All2_fold P Γ Δ →
(∀ Γ Δ d d',
All2_fold P Γ Δ →
P Γ Δ d d' →
ondecl Q d →
P' Γ Δ d d') →
All2_fold P' Γ Δ.
Proof using Type.
intros onc cr Hcr.
induction cr; depelim onc; constructor; intuition eauto.
Lemma All2_fold_mapi (P : context term → context term → context_decl term → context_decl term → Type) (Γ Δ : context term) f g :
All2_fold (fun Γ Δ d d' ⇒
P (mapi_context f Γ) (mapi_context g Δ) (map_decl (f #|Γ|) d) (map_decl (g #|Γ|) d')) Γ Δ
<~> All2_fold P (mapi_context f Γ) (mapi_context g Δ).
Proof using Type.
- induction 1; simpl; constructor; intuition auto;
now rewrite <-(All2_fold_length X).
- induction Γ as [|d Γ] in Δ |- *; destruct Δ as [|d' Δ]; simpl; intros H;
depelim H; constructor; simpl in *; auto.
pose proof (All2_fold_length H). len in H0.
now rewrite <- H0 in p.
Lemma All2_fold_map {P : context term → context term → context_decl term → context_decl term → Type} {Γ Δ : context term} f g :
All2_fold (fun Γ Δ d d' ⇒
P (map_context f Γ) (map_context g Δ) (map_decl f d) (map_decl g d')) Γ Δ <~>
All2_fold P (map_context f Γ) (map_context g Δ).
Proof using Type.
- induction 1; simpl; constructor; intuition auto;
now rewrite <-(All2_fold_length X).
- induction Γ as [|d Γ] in Δ |- *; destruct Δ as [|d' Δ]; simpl; intros H;
depelim H; constructor; auto.
Lemma All2_fold_cst_map {P : context_decl term → context_decl term → Type} {Γ Δ : context term} {f g} :
All2_fold (fun _ _ d d' ⇒ P (f d) (g d')) Γ Δ <~>
All2_fold (fun _ _ ⇒ P) (map f Γ) (map g Δ).
Proof using Type.
- induction 1; simpl; constructor; intuition auto;
now rewrite <-(All2_fold_length X).
- induction Γ as [|d Γ] in Δ |- *; destruct Δ as [|d' Δ]; simpl; intros H;
depelim H; constructor; auto.
End Contexts.
#[global] Hint Rewrite @map_mapi_context
@map_fold_context_k @mapi_context_map @map_context_map @map_map_context
@mapi_context_map_context @map_context_mapi_context : map.
#[global] Hint Rewrite @forget_types_length : len.
map decl_name c.
End Contexts.
#[global] Hint Rewrite @fold_context_length @fold_context_k_length : len.
Section Contexts.
Context {term term' term'' : Type}.
Notation context term := (list (context_decl term)).
Lemma fold_context_k_id (x : context term) : fold_context_k (fun i x ⇒ x) x = x.
Proof using Type.
rewrite fold_context_k_alt.
rewrite /mapi. generalize 0.
induction x; simpl; auto.
intros n.
f_equal; auto.
now rewrite map_decl_id.
Lemma fold_context_k_compose (f : nat → term' → term) (g : nat → term'' → term') Γ :
fold_context_k f (fold_context_k g Γ) =
fold_context_k (fun i ⇒ f i ∘ g i) Γ.
Proof using Type.
rewrite !fold_context_k_alt mapi_mapi.
apply mapi_ext ⇒ i d.
rewrite compose_map_decl. apply map_decl_ext ⇒ t.
now len.
Lemma fold_context_k_ext (f g : nat → term' → term) Γ :
f =2 g →
fold_context_k f Γ = fold_context_k g Γ.
Proof using Type.
intros hfg.
induction Γ; simpl; auto; rewrite !fold_context_k_snoc0.
simpl. rewrite IHΓ. f_equal. apply map_decl_ext.
intros. now apply hfg.
#[global] Instance fold_context_k_proper : Proper (pointwise_relation nat (pointwise_relation _ Logic.eq) ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq)
(@fold_context_k term' term).
Proof using Type.
intros f g Hfg x y <-. now apply fold_context_k_ext.
Lemma alli_fold_context_k_prop (f : nat → context_decl term → bool) (g : nat → term' → term) ctx :
alli f 0 (fold_context_k g ctx) =
alli (fun i x ⇒ f i (map_decl (g (Nat.pred #|ctx| - i)) x)) 0 ctx.
Proof using Type.
now rewrite fold_context_k_alt /mapi alli_mapi.
Lemma test_decl_map_decl f g x : (@test_decl term) f (map_decl g x) = @test_decl term (f ∘ g) x.
Proof using Type.
rewrite /test_decl /map_decl /=.
f_equal. rewrite /option_default.
destruct (decl_body x) ⇒ //.
Lemma map_fold_context_k (f : term' → term) (g : nat → term'' → term') ctx :
map (map_decl f) (fold_context_k g ctx) = fold_context_k (fun i ⇒ f ∘ g i) ctx.
Proof using Type.
rewrite !fold_context_k_alt map_mapi.
apply mapi_ext ⇒ i d. now rewrite compose_map_decl.
Lemma map_context_mapi_context (f : term' → term) (g : nat → term'' → term') (ctx : list (BasicAst.context_decl term'')) :
map_context f (mapi_context g ctx) =
mapi_context (fun i ⇒ f ∘ g i) ctx.
Proof using Type.
rewrite !mapi_context_fold. now unfold map_context; rewrite map_fold_context_k.
Lemma mapi_context_map (f : nat → term' → term) (g : context_decl term'' → context_decl term') ctx :
mapi_context f (map g ctx) = mapi (fun i ⇒ map_decl (f (Nat.pred #|ctx| - i)) ∘ g) ctx.
Proof using Type.
rewrite mapi_context_fold fold_context_k_alt mapi_map. now len.
Lemma map_context_map (f : term' → term) (g : context_decl term'' → context_decl term') ctx :
map_context f (map g ctx) = map (map_decl f ∘ g) ctx.
Proof using Type.
induction ctx; simpl; f_equal; auto.
Lemma map_map_context (f : context_decl term' → term) (g : term'' → term') ctx :
map f (map_context g ctx) = map (f ∘ map_decl g) ctx.
Proof using Type.
now rewrite /map_context map_map_compose.
Lemma fold_context_k_map (f : nat → term' → term) (g : term'' → term') Γ :
fold_context_k f (map_context g Γ) =
fold_context_k (fun k ⇒ f k ∘ g) Γ.
Proof using Type.
rewrite !fold_context_k_alt mapi_map.
apply mapi_ext ⇒ n d //. len.
now rewrite compose_map_decl.
Lemma fold_context_k_map_comm (f : nat → term → term) (g : term → term) Γ :
(∀ i x, f i (g x) = g (f i x)) →
fold_context_k f (map_context g Γ) = map_context g (fold_context_k f Γ).
Proof using Type.
intros Hfg.
rewrite !fold_context_k_alt mapi_map.
rewrite /map_context map_mapi.
apply mapi_ext ⇒ i x.
rewrite !compose_map_decl.
apply map_decl_ext ⇒ t.
rewrite Hfg.
now len.
Lemma mapi_context_map_context (f : nat → term' → term) (g : term'' → term') ctx :
mapi_context f (map_context g ctx) =
mapi_context (fun i ⇒ f i ∘ g) ctx.
Proof using Type.
now rewrite !mapi_context_fold fold_context_k_map.
Lemma map_mapi_context (f : context_decl term' → term) (g : nat → term'' → term') ctx :
map f (mapi_context g ctx) = mapi (fun i ⇒ f ∘ map_decl (g (Nat.pred #|ctx| - i))) ctx.
Proof using Type.
now rewrite mapi_context_fold fold_context_k_alt map_mapi.
Lemma map_context_id (ctx : context term) : map_context id ctx = ctx.
Proof using Type.
unfold map_context.
now rewrite map_decl_id map_id.
Lemma forget_types_length (ctx : list (context_decl term)) :
#|forget_types ctx| = #|ctx|.
Proof using Type.
now rewrite /forget_types map_length.
Lemma map_decl_name_fold_context_k (f : nat → term' → term) ctx :
map decl_name (fold_context_k f ctx) = map decl_name ctx.
Proof using Type.
now rewrite fold_context_k_alt map_mapi /= mapi_cst_map.
Lemma forget_types_fold_context_k (f : nat → term' → term) ctx :
forget_types (fold_context_k f ctx) = forget_types ctx.
Proof using Type.
now rewrite /forget_types map_decl_name_fold_context_k.
Lemma All2_fold_impl_onctx (P : context term → context term → context_decl term → context_decl term → Type) P' Γ Δ Q :
onctx Q Γ →
All2_fold P Γ Δ →
(∀ Γ Δ d d',
All2_fold P Γ Δ →
P Γ Δ d d' →
ondecl Q d →
P' Γ Δ d d') →
All2_fold P' Γ Δ.
Proof using Type.
intros onc cr Hcr.
induction cr; depelim onc; constructor; intuition eauto.
Lemma All2_fold_mapi (P : context term → context term → context_decl term → context_decl term → Type) (Γ Δ : context term) f g :
All2_fold (fun Γ Δ d d' ⇒
P (mapi_context f Γ) (mapi_context g Δ) (map_decl (f #|Γ|) d) (map_decl (g #|Γ|) d')) Γ Δ
<~> All2_fold P (mapi_context f Γ) (mapi_context g Δ).
Proof using Type.
- induction 1; simpl; constructor; intuition auto;
now rewrite <-(All2_fold_length X).
- induction Γ as [|d Γ] in Δ |- *; destruct Δ as [|d' Δ]; simpl; intros H;
depelim H; constructor; simpl in *; auto.
pose proof (All2_fold_length H). len in H0.
now rewrite <- H0 in p.
Lemma All2_fold_map {P : context term → context term → context_decl term → context_decl term → Type} {Γ Δ : context term} f g :
All2_fold (fun Γ Δ d d' ⇒
P (map_context f Γ) (map_context g Δ) (map_decl f d) (map_decl g d')) Γ Δ <~>
All2_fold P (map_context f Γ) (map_context g Δ).
Proof using Type.
- induction 1; simpl; constructor; intuition auto;
now rewrite <-(All2_fold_length X).
- induction Γ as [|d Γ] in Δ |- *; destruct Δ as [|d' Δ]; simpl; intros H;
depelim H; constructor; auto.
Lemma All2_fold_cst_map {P : context_decl term → context_decl term → Type} {Γ Δ : context term} {f g} :
All2_fold (fun _ _ d d' ⇒ P (f d) (g d')) Γ Δ <~>
All2_fold (fun _ _ ⇒ P) (map f Γ) (map g Δ).
Proof using Type.
- induction 1; simpl; constructor; intuition auto;
now rewrite <-(All2_fold_length X).
- induction Γ as [|d Γ] in Δ |- *; destruct Δ as [|d' Δ]; simpl; intros H;
depelim H; constructor; auto.
End Contexts.
#[global] Hint Rewrite @map_mapi_context
@map_fold_context_k @mapi_context_map @map_context_map @map_map_context
@mapi_context_map_context @map_context_mapi_context : map.
#[global] Hint Rewrite @forget_types_length : len.
Primitive types models (axiom free)
Model of unsigned integers
Definition uint_size := 63.
Definition uint_wB := (2 ^ (Z.of_nat uint_size))%Z.
Definition uint63_model := { z : Z | ((0 <=? z) && (z <? uint_wB))%Z }.
Definition string_of_uint63_model (i : uint63_model) := string_of_Z (proj1_sig i).
Definition uint_wB := (2 ^ (Z.of_nat uint_size))%Z.
Definition uint63_model := { z : Z | ((0 <=? z) && (z <? uint_wB))%Z }.
Definition string_of_uint63_model (i : uint63_model) := string_of_Z (proj1_sig i).
Model of floats
We consider valid binary encordings of floats as our model
Definition float64_model := sig (SpecFloat.valid_binary prec emax).
Definition string_of_float64_model (i : float64_model) :=
Definition string_of_float64_model (i : float64_model) :=