Library MetaCoq.Template.utils.MCPrelude
Require Import Ascii String ZArith Lia Morphisms.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Set Equations Transparent.
Global Instance ascii_eqdec : EqDec ascii := ascii_dec.
Global Instance string_eqdec : EqDec string := string_dec.
Derive NoConfusion for ascii string.
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for positive Z.
Declare Scope metacoq_scope.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Set Equations Transparent.
Global Instance ascii_eqdec : EqDec ascii := ascii_dec.
Global Instance string_eqdec : EqDec string := string_dec.
Derive NoConfusion for ascii string.
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for positive Z.
Declare Scope metacoq_scope.
We cannot use ssrbool currently as it breaks extraction.
Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
Notation "'eta_compose'" := (fun g f x ⇒ g (f x)).
Notation "g ∘ f" := (eta_compose g f) (at level 40, left associativity).
Notation " ! " := (@False_rect _ _) : metacoq_scope.
Notation "'∑' x .. y , p" := (sigT (fun x ⇒ .. (sigT (fun y ⇒ p%type)) ..))
(at level 200, x binder, right associativity,
format "'[' '∑' '/ ' x .. y , '/ ' p ']'")
: type_scope.
Notation "( x ; y )" := (@existT _ _ x y).
Notation "( x ; y ; z )" := (x ; ( y ; z)).
Notation "( x ; y ; z ; t )" := (x ; ( y ; (z ; t))).
Notation "( x ; y ; z ; t ; u )" := (x ; ( y ; (z ; (t ; u)))).
Notation "( x ; y ; z ; t ; u ; v )" := (x ; ( y ; (z ; (t ; (u ; v))))).
Notation "x .π1" := (@projT1 _ _ x) (at level 3, format "x '.π1'").
Notation "x .π2" := (@projT2 _ _ x) (at level 3, format "x '.π2'").
Notation "'eta_compose'" := (fun g f x ⇒ g (f x)).
Notation "g ∘ f" := (eta_compose g f) (at level 40, left associativity).
Notation " ! " := (@False_rect _ _) : metacoq_scope.
Notation "'∑' x .. y , p" := (sigT (fun x ⇒ .. (sigT (fun y ⇒ p%type)) ..))
(at level 200, x binder, right associativity,
format "'[' '∑' '/ ' x .. y , '/ ' p ']'")
: type_scope.
Notation "( x ; y )" := (@existT _ _ x y).
Notation "( x ; y ; z )" := (x ; ( y ; z)).
Notation "( x ; y ; z ; t )" := (x ; ( y ; (z ; t))).
Notation "( x ; y ; z ; t ; u )" := (x ; ( y ; (z ; (t ; u)))).
Notation "( x ; y ; z ; t ; u ; v )" := (x ; ( y ; (z ; (t ; (u ; v))))).
Notation "x .π1" := (@projT1 _ _ x) (at level 3, format "x '.π1'").
Notation "x .π2" := (@projT2 _ _ x) (at level 3, format "x '.π2'").
Shorthand for pointwise equality relation in Proper signatures
Notation "`=1`" := (pointwise_relation _ Logic.eq) (at level 80).
Infix "=1" := (pointwise_relation _ Logic.eq) (at level 70).
Notation "`=2`" := (pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ Logic.eq)) (at level 80).
Infix "=2" := (pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ Logic.eq)) (at level 70).
Infix "=1" := (pointwise_relation _ Logic.eq) (at level 70).
Notation "`=2`" := (pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ Logic.eq)) (at level 80).
Infix "=2" := (pointwise_relation _ (pointwise_relation _ Logic.eq)) (at level 70).
Higher-order lemma to simplify Proper proofs.
#[global] Instance proper_ext_eq {A B} : Proper (`=1` ==> `=1` ==> iff) (@pointwise_relation A _ (@Logic.eq B)).
intros f f' Hff' g g' Hgg'. split; intros.
- intros x. now rewrite <- Hff', <- Hgg'.
- intros x. now rewrite Hff', Hgg'.
#[global] Instance id_proper_proxy {A} : ProperProxy (`=1`) (@id A).
intros x; reflexivity.
#[global] Instance pointwise_subrelation {A B} : subrelation (`=1`) (@Logic.eq A ==> @Logic.eq B)%signature.
intros f g Hfg x y →. now rewrite Hfg.
#[global] Instance pointwise_subrelation2 {A B C} : subrelation (`=2`) (@Logic.eq A ==> @Logic.eq B ==> @Logic.eq C)%signature.
intros f g Hfg x y → ? ? →. now rewrite Hfg.
intros f f' Hff' g g' Hgg'. split; intros.
- intros x. now rewrite <- Hff', <- Hgg'.
- intros x. now rewrite Hff', Hgg'.
#[global] Instance id_proper_proxy {A} : ProperProxy (`=1`) (@id A).
intros x; reflexivity.
#[global] Instance pointwise_subrelation {A B} : subrelation (`=1`) (@Logic.eq A ==> @Logic.eq B)%signature.
intros f g Hfg x y →. now rewrite Hfg.
#[global] Instance pointwise_subrelation2 {A B C} : subrelation (`=2`) (@Logic.eq A ==> @Logic.eq B ==> @Logic.eq C)%signature.
intros f g Hfg x y → ? ? →. now rewrite Hfg.
Common abbreviations
Ltac tas := try assumption.
Ltac tea := try eassumption.
Ltac trea := try reflexivity; try eassumption.
Ltac tc := try typeclasses eauto.
Create HintDb terms.
Ltac tea := try eassumption.
Ltac trea := try reflexivity; try eassumption.
Ltac tc := try typeclasses eauto.
Create HintDb terms.
This tactic helps rewrite with all the length lemmas available
in the library
Ltac len := autorewrite with len; cbn.
Tactic Notation "len" "in" hyp(cl) := autorewrite with len in cl.
#[global] Hint Rewrite Nat.add_0_r : len.
Ltac arith_congr := repeat (try lia; progress f_equal).
Ltac lia_f_equal := repeat (lia || f_equal).
Ltac easy0 :=
let rec use_hyp H :=
(match type of H with
| _ ∧ _ ⇒ exact H || destruct_hyp H
| _ × _ ⇒ exact H || destruct_hyp H
| _ ⇒ try (solve [ inversion H ])
with do_intro := (let H := fresh in
intro H; use_hyp H)
with destruct_hyp H := (case H; clear H; do_intro; do_intro)
let rec use_hyps :=
(match goal with
| H:_ ∧ _ |- _ ⇒ exact H || (destruct_hyp H; use_hyps)
| H:_ × _ |- _ ⇒ exact H || (destruct_hyp H; use_hyps)
| H:_ |- _ ⇒ solve [ inversion H ]
| _ ⇒ idtac
let do_atom := (solve [ trivial with eq_true | reflexivity | symmetry; trivial | contradiction | congruence]) in
let rec do_ccl := (try do_atom; repeat (do_intro; try do_atom); try arith_congr; (solve [ split; do_ccl ])) in
(solve [ do_atom | use_hyps; do_ccl ]) || fail "Cannot solve this goal".
Hint Extern 10 (_ < _)%nat ⇒ lia : terms.
Hint Extern 10 (_ ≤ _)%nat ⇒ lia : terms.
Hint Extern 10 (@eq nat _ _) ⇒ lia : terms.
Ltac easy ::= easy0 || solve [intuition eauto 3 with core terms].
Ltac inv H := inversion_clear H.
Tactic Notation "len" "in" hyp(cl) := autorewrite with len in cl.
#[global] Hint Rewrite Nat.add_0_r : len.
Ltac arith_congr := repeat (try lia; progress f_equal).
Ltac lia_f_equal := repeat (lia || f_equal).
Ltac easy0 :=
let rec use_hyp H :=
(match type of H with
| _ ∧ _ ⇒ exact H || destruct_hyp H
| _ × _ ⇒ exact H || destruct_hyp H
| _ ⇒ try (solve [ inversion H ])
with do_intro := (let H := fresh in
intro H; use_hyp H)
with destruct_hyp H := (case H; clear H; do_intro; do_intro)
let rec use_hyps :=
(match goal with
| H:_ ∧ _ |- _ ⇒ exact H || (destruct_hyp H; use_hyps)
| H:_ × _ |- _ ⇒ exact H || (destruct_hyp H; use_hyps)
| H:_ |- _ ⇒ solve [ inversion H ]
| _ ⇒ idtac
let do_atom := (solve [ trivial with eq_true | reflexivity | symmetry; trivial | contradiction | congruence]) in
let rec do_ccl := (try do_atom; repeat (do_intro; try do_atom); try arith_congr; (solve [ split; do_ccl ])) in
(solve [ do_atom | use_hyps; do_ccl ]) || fail "Cannot solve this goal".
Hint Extern 10 (_ < _)%nat ⇒ lia : terms.
Hint Extern 10 (_ ≤ _)%nat ⇒ lia : terms.
Hint Extern 10 (@eq nat _ _) ⇒ lia : terms.
Ltac easy ::= easy0 || solve [intuition eauto 3 with core terms].
Ltac inv H := inversion_clear H.
Turns a subterm of the goal into an evar + equality subgoal
for easier lemma application.
Tactic Notation "relativize" open_constr(c) :=
let ty := type of c in
let x := fresh in
evar (x : ty); replace c with x; subst x.
let ty := type of c in
let x := fresh in
evar (x : ty); replace c with x; subst x.