Library MetaCoq.Template.utils.MCString

From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrbool Decimal DecimalString ZArith.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import MCCompare bytestring ReflectEq.

Local Open Scope bs.
Notation string := String.t.

When defining Show instance for your own datatypes, you sometimes need to start a new line for better printing. nl is a shorthand for it.
Definition nl : string := String.String "010"%byte String.EmptyString.

Definition string_of_list_aux {A} (f : A string) (sep : string) (l : list A) : string :=
  let fix aux l :=
      match l return string with
      | nil ⇒ ""
      | cons a nilf a
      | cons a lf a ++ sep ++ aux l
  in aux l.

Definition string_of_list {A} (f : A string) (l : list A) : string :=
  "[" ++ string_of_list_aux f "," l ++ "]".

Definition print_list {A} (f : A string) (sep : string) (l : list A) : string :=
  string_of_list_aux f sep l.

Definition parens (top : bool) (s : string) :=
  if top then s else "(" ++ s ++ ")".

Fixpoint string_of_uint n :=
  match n with
  | Nil ⇒ ""
  | D0 n ⇒ "0" ++ string_of_uint n
  | D1 n ⇒ "1" ++ string_of_uint n
  | D2 n ⇒ "2" ++ string_of_uint n
  | D3 n ⇒ "3" ++ string_of_uint n
  | D4 n ⇒ "4" ++ string_of_uint n
  | D5 n ⇒ "5" ++ string_of_uint n
  | D6 n ⇒ "6" ++ string_of_uint n
  | D7 n ⇒ "7" ++ string_of_uint n
  | D8 n ⇒ "8" ++ string_of_uint n
  | D9 n ⇒ "9" ++ string_of_uint n

Definition string_of_nat n : string :=
  string_of_uint (Nat.to_uint n).

Hint Resolve String.string_dec : eq_dec.

Definition string_of_positive p :=
  string_of_nat (Pos.to_nat p).

Definition string_of_Z (z : Z) : string :=
  match z with
  | Z0 ⇒ "0"
  | Zpos pstring_of_positive p
  | Zneg p ⇒ "-" ++ string_of_positive p