Library MetaCoq.Template.utils.ReflectEq

From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrbool List.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Import ListNotations.

Inductive reflectProp (P : Prop) : bool Prop :=
 | reflectP : P reflectProp P true
 | reflectF : ¬ P reflectProp P false.
Derive Signature for reflectProp.

Lemma elimP {T} {b} : reflectProp T b b T.
Proof. intros [] ⇒ //. Qed.
Coercion elimP : reflectProp >-> Funclass.

Lemma introP {T} {b} : reflectProp T b T b.
Proof. intros [] ⇒ //. Qed.

Hint View for move/ introP|2.
Hint View for apply/ introP|2.

Lemma reflect_reflectProp {P b} : reflect P b reflectProp P b.
  intros []; constructor; auto.

If one really wants a computational version.
Remark reflectProp_reflect {P b} : reflectProp P b reflect P b.
  now destruct b; intros H; constructor; depelim H.

Lemma reflect_reflectProp_1 {A} {P : A Prop} {b} : ( x, reflect (P x) (b x)) ( x, reflectProp (P x) (b x)).
  intros f x. now apply reflect_reflectProp.

Lemma reflect_reflectProp_2 {A B} {P : A B Prop} {b} : ( x y, reflect (P x y) (b x y)) ( x y, reflectProp (P x y) (b x y)).
  intros f x y. now apply reflect_reflectProp.

Class ReflectEq A := {
  eqb : A A bool ;
  eqb_spec : x y : A, reflectProp (x = y) (eqb x y)
Arguments eqb : simpl never.
Infix "==" := eqb (at level 70).

Lemma eqb_specT {A} {HR : ReflectEq A} (x y : A) : reflect (x = y) (x == y).
  eapply reflectProp_reflect. apply eqb_spec.

Lemma eqb_eq {A} `{ReflectEq A} (x y : A) : x == y x = y.
  elim: eqb_spec; auto.

Lemma eqb_refl {A} {R : ReflectEq A} (x : A) : x == x.
  destruct (eqb_spec x x); auto.

Lemma neqb {A} {R : ReflectEq A} (x y : A) : ~~ (x == y) x y.
  destruct (eqb_spec x y); auto; subst; intuition auto.

#[global, program] Instance ReflectEq_EqDec {A} (R : ReflectEq A) : EqDec A := {
  eq_dec := fun x y
    match eqb x y with
    | trueleft _
    | falseright _
    end }.
Next Obligation.
  now apply eqb_eq.
Next Obligation.
  rewrite eqb_refl in Heq_anonymous.

Definition eq_dec_to_bool {A} `{EqDec A} x y :=
  match eq_dec x y with
  | left _true
  | right _false

#[global, program]
Definition EqDec_ReflectEq A {E : EqDec A} : ReflectEq A :=
  {| eqb := eq_dec_to_bool |}.
Next Obligation.
  unfold eq_dec_to_bool.
  destruct (eq_dec x y).
  all: constructor ; assumption.

Ltac nodec :=
  let bot := fresh "bot" in
  try solve [ constructor ; intro bot ; inversion bot ; subst ; tauto ].

Definition eq_option {A} (eqA : A A bool) (u v : option A) : bool :=
  match u, v with
  | Some u, Some veqA u v
  | None, Nonetrue
  | _, _false

#[program, global] Instance reflect_option {A} {HA : ReflectEq A} : ReflectEq (option A) :=
  {| eqb := eq_option eqb |}.
Next Obligation.
  destruct x, y.
  all: cbn.
  all: try solve [ constructor ; easy ].
  destruct (eqb_spec a a0) ; nodec.
  constructor. f_equal. assumption.

Section eq_list.
  Context {A} (eqA : A A bool).
  Fixpoint eqb_list (l l' : list A) : bool :=
  match l, l' with
  | a :: l, a' :: l'
    if eqA a a' then eqb_list l l'
    else false
  | [], []true
  | _, _false
End eq_list.

#[program, global] Instance reflect_list {A} {RA : ReflectEq A} : ReflectEq (list A) :=
  {| eqb := eqb_list eqb |}.
Next Obligation.
  induction x in y |- × ; destruct y.
  - cbn. constructor. reflexivity.
  - cbn. constructor. discriminate.
  - cbn. constructor. discriminate.
  - cbn. destruct (eqb_spec a a0) ; nodec.
    destruct (IHx y) ; nodec.
    subst. constructor. reflexivity.

#[global] Instance reflect_nat : ReflectEq nat := {
  eqb_spec := reflect_reflectProp_2 PeanoNat.Nat.eqb_spec

Definition eq_bool b1 b2 : bool :=
  if b1 then b2 else negb b2.

Local Obligation Tactic := idtac.

#[global, program] Instance reflect_bool : ReflectEq bool := {
  eqb := eq_bool
Next Obligation.
  intros x y. unfold eq_bool.
  destruct x, y.
  all: constructor.
  all: try reflexivity.
  all: discriminate.

Definition eq_sig_true {A f} `{ReflectEq A} (x y : { z : A | f z = true }) : bool :=
  proj1_sig x == proj1_sig y.

#[global, program] Instance reflect_sig_true {A f} `{ReflectEq A} : ReflectEq ({ z : A | f z = true }) := {
  eqb := eq_sig_true
Next Obligation.
  intros A f RA. intros [x hx] [y hy]. unfold eq_sig_true; cbn.
  destruct (eqb_spec x y) ; nodec. subst.
  constructor. pose proof (uip hx hy). subst. reflexivity.

Definition eq_prod {A B} (eqA : A A bool) (eqB : B B bool) x y :=
  let '(a1, b1) := x in
  let '(a2, b2) := y in
  if eqA a1 a2 then eqB b1 b2
  else false.

#[global, program] Instance reflect_prod : {A B}, ReflectEq A ReflectEq B ReflectEq (A × B) := {
  eqb := eq_prod eqb eqb
Next Obligation.
  intros A B RA RB [x y] [u v].
  unfold eq_prod.
  destruct (eqb_spec x u) ; nodec.
  destruct (eqb_spec y v) ; nodec.
  subst. constructor. reflexivity.

Lemma eq_prod_refl :
   A B (eqA : A A bool) (eqB : B B bool),
    ( a, eqA a a)
    ( b, eqB b b)
     p, eq_prod eqA eqB p p.
  intros A B eqA eqB eqA_refl eqB_refl [a b].
  simpl. rewrite eqA_refl. apply eqB_refl.