Library MetaCoq.Template.utils.bytestring

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Require Coq.Strings.String ssrbool.
Require Import ssreflect.
Require Import Coq.NArith.NArith.
Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Set Primitive Projections.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import MCCompare ReflectEq.
From MetaCoq.Template Require ByteCompare ByteCompareSpec.

Definition byte_parse (b : Byte.byte) : Byte.byte := b.
Definition byte_print (b : Byte.byte) : Byte.byte := b.

Delimit Scope byte_scope with byte.
String Notation Byte.byte byte_parse byte_print : byte_scope.
Bind Scope byte_scope with Byte.byte.

Declare Scope bs_scope.
Delimit Scope bs_scope with bs.

Module String.
  Inductive t : Set :=
  | EmptyString
  | String (_ : Byte.byte) (_ : t).
  Bind Scope bs_scope with t.

  Fixpoint print (b : t) : list Byte.byte :=
    match b with
    | EmptyStringnil
    | String b bsb :: print bs

  Fixpoint parse (b : list Byte.byte) : t :=
    match b with
    | nilEmptyString
    | List.cons b bsString b (parse bs)

  Lemma print_parse_inv:
     x : t, parse (print x) = x.
    induction x; simpl; intros; auto.
    f_equal; auto.

  Fixpoint append (x y : t) : t :=
    match x with
    | EmptyStringy
    | String x xsString x (append xs y)

  Notation "x ++ y" := (append x y) : bs_scope.

  Fixpoint to_string (b : t) : String.string :=
    match b with
    | EmptyStringStrings.String.EmptyString
    | String x xsStrings.String.String (Ascii.ascii_of_byte x) (to_string xs)

  Fixpoint of_string (b : String.string) : t :=
    match b with
    | Strings.String.EmptyStringEmptyString
    | Strings.String.String x xsString (Ascii.byte_of_ascii x) (of_string xs)

  Fixpoint rev (acc s : t) : t :=
    match s with
    | EmptyStringacc
    | String s ssrev (String s acc) ss


substring n m s returns the substring of s that starts at position n and of length m; if this does not make sense it returns ""

  Fixpoint substring (n m : nat) (s : t) : t :=
    match n, m, s with
    | O, O, _EmptyString
    | O, S m', EmptyStrings
    | O, S m', String c s'String c (substring 0 m' s')
    | S n', _, EmptyStrings
    | S n', _, String c s'substring n' m s'

  Fixpoint prefix (s1 s2 : t) {struct s1} : bool :=
    match s1 with
    | EmptyStringtrue
    | String x xs
      match s2 with
      | EmptyStringfalse
      | String y ys
        if Byte.eqb x y then prefix xs ys
        else false

  Fixpoint index (n : nat) (s1 s2 : t) {struct s2} : option nat :=
    match s2 with
    | EmptyString
        match n with
        | 0 ⇒ match s1 with
              | EmptyStringSome 0
              | String _ _None
        | S _None
    | String _ s2'
        match n with
        | 0 ⇒
            if prefix s1 s2
            then Some 0
            else match index 0 s1 s2' with
                | Some n0Some (S n0)
                | NoneNone
        | S n'match index n' s1 s2' with
                  | Some n0Some (S n0)
                  | NoneNone

  Fixpoint length (l : t) : nat :=
    match l with
    | EmptyString ⇒ 0
    | String _ lS (length l)

  Local Fixpoint contains (start: nat) (keys: list t) (fullname: t) :bool :=
    match keys with
    | List.cons kh ktl
      match index start kh fullname with
      | Some ncontains (n + length kh) ktl fullname
      | Nonefalse
    | List.niltrue

  Fixpoint eqb (a b : t) : bool :=
    match a , b with
    | EmptyString , EmptyStringtrue
    | String x xs , String y ys
      if ByteCompare.eqb x y then eqb xs ys else false
    | _ , _false

  Fixpoint compare (xs ys : t) : comparison :=
    match xs , ys with
    | EmptyString , EmptyStringEq
    | EmptyString , _Lt
    | _ , EmptyStringGt
    | String x xs , String y ys
      match x y with
      | Eqcompare xs ys
      | xx

  Lemma eqb_compare xs ys : eqb xs ys = match compare xs ys with Eqtrue | _false end.
    induction xs in ys |- *; destruct ys ⇒ /= //.
    rewrite ByteCompareSpec.eqb_compare.
    destruct ⇒ //.

  Fixpoint concat (sep : t) (s : list t) : t :=
    match s with
    | nilEmptyString
    | cons s nils
    | cons s xss ++ sep ++ concat sep xs

End String.

Definition bs := String.t.
Notation string := String.t.

Bind Scope bs_scope with bs.

String Notation String.t String.parse String.print : bs_scope.

Notation "x ++ y" := (String.append x y) : bs_scope.

Import String.

Require Import Orders Coq.Structures.OrderedType.

Lemma to_N_inj : x y, Byte.to_N x = Byte.to_N y x = y.
  2: destruct 1; reflexivity.
  assert (Some x = Some y).
  { do 2 rewrite <- Byte.of_to_N.
    destruct H. reflexivity. }
  injection H0. auto.

Module OT_byte <: OrderedType.OrderedType with Definition t := Byte.byte.
  Definition t := Byte.byte.
  Definition eq := @Logic.eq t.
  Definition lt := fun l l r = Lt.
  Theorem eq_refl : x : t, eq x x.
    intros; apply eq_refl.
  Theorem eq_sym : x y : t, eq x y eq y x.
    apply eq_sym.
  Theorem eq_trans : x y z : t, eq x y eq y z eq x z.
    apply eq_trans.
  Theorem lt_trans : x y z : t, lt x y lt y z lt x z.
    exact ByteCompareSpec.lt_trans.
  Theorem lt_not_eq : x y : t, lt x y not (eq x y).
    apply ByteCompareSpec.lt_not_eq.
  Definition compare (x y : t) : OrderedType.Compare lt eq x y.
    refine (
    match x y as X return x y = X OrderedType.Compare lt eq x y with
    | Eqfun pfOrderedType.EQ _
    | Ltfun pfOrderedType.LT pf
    | Gtfun pfOrderedType.GT _
    end (Logic.eq_refl)).
    now apply ByteCompareSpec.compare_eq in pf.
    rewrite ByteCompareSpec.compare_opp in pf.
    apply CompOpp_iff in pf. apply pf.

  Definition eq_dec : x y : t, {eq x y} + {not (eq x y)} := Classes.eq_dec.
End OT_byte.

Global Instance byte_eqdec : Classes.EqDec Byte.byte := _.

Module StringOT <: UsualOrderedType.
  Definition t := string.

  Definition eq : t t Prop := eq.
  Definition eq_equiv : Equivalence eq := _.

  Definition compare :=
  Definition lt x y : Prop := compare x y = Lt.

  Theorem compare_spec : x y, CompareSpec (x = y) (lt x y) (lt y x) (compare x y).
    induction x; destruct y; simpl.
    - constructor; reflexivity.
    - constructor. reflexivity.
    - constructor. reflexivity.
    - unfold lt; simpl. destruct (ByteCompareSpec.compare_spec b b0); simpl.
      + subst. destruct (IHx y); constructor; eauto.
        congruence. now rewrite ByteCompareSpec.compare_eq_refl.
      + constructor; auto.
      + red in H. rewrite H. constructor; auto.

  Theorem eq_refl : x : t, eq x x.
  Theorem eq_sym : x y : t, eq x y eq y x.
    eapply eq_sym.
  Theorem eq_trans : x y z : t, eq x y eq y z eq x z.
    eapply eq_trans.
  Theorem lt_trans : x y z : t, lt x y lt y z lt x z.
    unfold lt.
    induction x; destruct y; simpl; try congruence.
    - destruct z; congruence.
    - destruct (ByteCompareSpec.compare_spec b b0); subst.
      + destruct z; auto.
        destruct ( b0 b); auto.
      + destruct z; auto.
        red in H.
        destruct (ByteCompareSpec.compare_spec b0 b1).
        × subst. intros _. now rewrite H.
        × generalize (OT_byte.lt_trans _ _ _ H H0). unfold
          intro X; rewrite X. auto.
        × congruence.
      + congruence.
  Theorem lt_not_eq : x y : t, lt x y not (eq x y).
    unfold lt, eq.
    intros. intro. subst.
    induction y; simpl in *; try congruence.
    rewrite ByteCompareSpec.compare_eq_refl in H. auto.

  #[global] Program Instance reflect_eq_string : ReflectEq t := {
    eqb := eqb
  Next Obligation.
    rename x into s, y into s'.
    destruct (eqb s s') eqn:e; constructor.
    - rewrite String.eqb_compare in e. fold (compare s s') in e.
      now destruct (compare_spec s s').
    - rewrite String.eqb_compare in e.
      fold (compare s s') in e.
      destruct (compare_spec s s') ⇒ //.
      now apply lt_not_eq. now apply not_eq_sym, lt_not_eq.

  Definition eq_dec : x y : t, {eq x y} + {not (eq x y)} := Classes.eq_dec.

  Lemma compare_eq : x y : string, compare x y = Eq eq x y.
    destruct (compare_spec x y); intuition auto; try congruence.
    - apply lt_not_eq in H; contradiction.
    - apply lt_not_eq in H. symmetry in H0. contradiction.

  Lemma compare_refl x : compare x x = Eq.
    now apply compare_eq.

  Lemma compare_lt : x y : string, compare x y = Lt compare y x = Gt.
    intros x y.
    destruct (compare_spec x y).
    all:split; try congruence; subst.
    - intros hc.
      fold (compare y y) in hc. now rewrite compare_refl in hc.
    - intros _.
      destruct (compare_spec y x); subst.
      × eapply lt_not_eq in H. elim H; reflexivity.
      × eapply lt_trans in H; try eassumption.
        eapply lt_not_eq in H. elim H; reflexivity.
      × reflexivity.

  #[local] Instance lt_transitive : Transitive lt.
    red. eapply lt_trans.

  Lemma compare_sym (x y : string) : compare x y = CompOpp (compare y x).
    destruct (compare_spec x y).
    - subst.
      rewrite (proj2 (compare_eq _ _)); auto. reflexivity.
    - rewrite (proj1 (compare_lt _ _)); auto.
    - rewrite (proj2 (compare_lt _ _)); auto.
      red in H.
      now apply compare_lt.

  Lemma compare_trans (x y z : string) c : compare x y = c compare y z = c compare x z = c.
    destruct (compare_spec x y); subst; intros <-;
    destruct (compare_spec y z); subst; try congruence.
    eapply transitivity in H0. 2:eassumption. intros; apply H0.
    eapply transitivity in H. 2:eassumption.
    now apply compare_lt in H.

  Definition lt_irreflexive : Irreflexive lt.
    intro x. red; unfold lt.
    now rewrite compare_refl.

  Global Instance lt_strorder : StrictOrder lt.
    - apply lt_irreflexive.
    - apply lt_transitive.

  Definition lt_compat : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> iff) lt.
    unfold eq. intros x y e z t e'. subst; reflexivity.

  Definition eq_leibniz (x y : t) : eq x y x = y := id.

End StringOT.

Notation string_compare :=
Notation string_compare_eq := StringOT.compare_eq.
Notation CompareSpec_string := StringOT.compare_spec.

To perform efficient pretty printing, one needs to use a tree structure to avoid quadratic overhead of appending strings.
Module Tree.
  Local Open Scope bs_scope.
  Inductive t :=
  | string : String.t t
  | append : t t t.

  Coercion string : String.t >-> t.

  Infix "++" := append.

  Fixpoint to_rev_list_aux t acc :=
    match t with
    | string scons s acc
    | append s s'to_rev_list_aux s' (to_rev_list_aux s acc)

  Fixpoint to_string_acc acc l :=
    match l with
    | nilacc
    | cons s xsto_string_acc (String.append s acc) xs

  Definition to_string t :=
    let l := to_rev_list_aux t nil in
    to_string_acc "" l.

  Definition string_of_list_aux {A} (f : A t) (sep : t) (l : list A) :=
    let fix aux l :=
        match l return t with
        | nil ⇒ ""
        | cons a nilf a
        | cons a lf a ++ sep ++ aux l
    in aux l.

  Definition string_of_list {A} (f : A t) l :=
    "[" ++ string_of_list_aux f "," l ++ "]".

  Definition print_list {A} (f : A t) (sep : t) (l : list A) : t :=
    string_of_list_aux f sep l.

  Fixpoint concat (sep : t) (s : list t) : t :=
    match s with
    | nilEmptyString
    | cons s nils
    | cons s xss ++ sep ++ concat sep xs

  Definition parens (top : bool) (s : t) :=
    if top then s else "(" ++ s ++ ")".

End Tree.