Library MetaCoq.SafeChecker.PCUICEqualityDec

From Coq Require Import ProofIrrelevance ssreflect ssrbool.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils uGraph.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICAstUtils PCUICTactics
     PCUICReflect PCUICLiftSubst PCUICUnivSubst PCUICTyping PCUICGlobalEnv
     PCUICCumulativity PCUICEquality PCUICWfUniverses

Require Import Equations.Prop.DepElim.
From Equations Require Import Equations.

Local Set Keyed Unification.

Set Default Goal Selector "!".

Lemma consistent_instance_wf_universe `{checker_flags} Σ uctx u :
  consistent_instance_ext Σ uctx u
  Forall (wf_universe Σ) (map Universe.make u).
  move ⇒ /consistent_instance_ext_wf /wf_universe_instanceP.
  rewrite -wf_universeb_instance_forall.
  move ⇒ /forallb_Forall ?.
  eapply Forall_impl ; tea.
  move ⇒ ? /wf_universe_reflect //.

Lemma ctx_inst_on_universes Σ Γ ts Ts :
  ctx_inst (fun Σ' _ t' _wf_universes Σ' t') Σ Γ ts Ts
  Forall (wf_universes Σ) ts.
  induction 1.
  - constructor.
  - now constructor.
  - assumption.

Boolean of equality **

Definition compare_universe_variance (equ lequ : Universe.t Universe.t bool) v u u' :=
  match v with
  | Variance.Irrelevanttrue
  | Variance.Covariantlequ (Universe.make u) (Universe.make u')
  | Variance.Invariantequ (Universe.make u) (Universe.make u')

Definition compare_universe_instance equ u u' :=
  forallb2 equ (map Universe.make u) (map Universe.make u').

Fixpoint compare_universe_instance_variance equ lequ v u u' :=
  match u, u' with
  | u :: us, u' :: us'
    match v with
    | []compare_universe_instance_variance equ lequ v us us'
    | v :: vscompare_universe_variance equ lequ v u u' &&
        compare_universe_instance_variance equ lequ vs us us'
  | [], []true
  | _, _false

Definition compare_global_instance Σ equ lequ gr napp :=
  match global_variance Σ gr napp with
  | Some vcompare_universe_instance_variance equ lequ v
  | Nonecompare_universe_instance equ

Definition eqb_binder_annots (x y : list aname) : bool :=
  forallb2 eqb_binder_annot x y.

Fixpoint eqb_term_upto_univ_napp
  (equ lequ : Universe.t Universe.t bool)
  (gen_compare_global_instance : (Universe.t Universe.t bool) global_reference nat list Level.t list Level.t bool)
  napp (u v : term) : bool :=
  match u, v with
  | tRel n, tRel m
    eqb n m

  | tEvar e args, tEvar e' args'
    eqb e e' &&
    forallb2 (eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ equ gen_compare_global_instance 0) args args'

  | tVar id, tVar id'
    eqb id id'

  | tSort u, tSort u'
    lequ u u'

  | tApp u v, tApp u' v'
    eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ lequ gen_compare_global_instance (S napp) u u' &&
    eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ equ gen_compare_global_instance 0 v v'

  | tConst c u, tConst c' u'
    eqb c c' &&
    forallb2 equ (map Universe.make u) (map Universe.make u')

  | tInd i u, tInd i' u'
    eqb i i' &&
    gen_compare_global_instance lequ (IndRef i) napp u u'

  | tConstruct i k u, tConstruct i' k' u'
    eqb i i' &&
    eqb k k' &&
    gen_compare_global_instance lequ (ConstructRef i k) napp u u'

  | tLambda na A t, tLambda na' A' t'
    eqb_binder_annot na na' &&
    eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ equ gen_compare_global_instance 0 A A' &&
    eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ lequ gen_compare_global_instance 0 t t'

  | tProd na A B, tProd na' A' B'
    eqb_binder_annot na na' &&
    eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ equ gen_compare_global_instance 0 A A' &&
    eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ lequ gen_compare_global_instance 0 B B'

  | tLetIn na B b u, tLetIn na' B' b' u'
    eqb_binder_annot na na' &&
    eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ equ gen_compare_global_instance 0 B B' &&
    eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ equ gen_compare_global_instance 0 b b' &&
    eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ lequ gen_compare_global_instance 0 u u'

  | tCase indp p c brs, tCase indp' p' c' brs'
    eqb indp indp' &&
      (fun u u'forallb2 equ (map Universe.make u) (map Universe.make u'))
      (bcompare_decls eqb eqb)
      (eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ equ gen_compare_global_instance 0) p p' &&
    eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ equ gen_compare_global_instance 0 c c' &&
    forallb2 (fun x y
        (bcompare_decls eqb eqb)
        x.(bcontext) y.(bcontext) &&
      eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ equ gen_compare_global_instance 0 (bbody x) (bbody y)
    ) brs brs'

  | tProj p c, tProj p' c'
    eqb p p' &&
    eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ equ gen_compare_global_instance 0 c c'

  | tFix mfix idx, tFix mfix' idx'
    eqb idx idx' &&
    forallb2 (fun x y
      eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ equ gen_compare_global_instance 0 x.(dtype) y.(dtype) &&
      eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ equ gen_compare_global_instance 0 x.(dbody) y.(dbody) &&
      eqb x.(rarg) y.(rarg) &&
      eqb_binder_annot x.(dname) y.(dname)
    ) mfix mfix'

  | tCoFix mfix idx, tCoFix mfix' idx'
    eqb idx idx' &&
    forallb2 (fun x y
      eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ equ gen_compare_global_instance 0 x.(dtype) y.(dtype) &&
      eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ equ gen_compare_global_instance 0 x.(dbody) y.(dbody) &&
      eqb x.(rarg) y.(rarg) &&
      eqb_binder_annot x.(dname) y.(dname)
    ) mfix mfix'

  | _, _false

Notation eqb_term_upto_univ eq leq gen_compare_global_instance :=
  (eqb_term_upto_univ_napp eq leq gen_compare_global_instance 0).

Definition conv_pb_relb_gen pb (eq leq : Universe.t Universe.t bool) :=
    match pb with
    | Conveq
    | Cumulleq

Definition eqb_termp_napp_gen pb eq leq compare_global_instance_gen napp :=
      eqb_term_upto_univ_napp eq (conv_pb_relb_gen pb eq leq)
                compare_global_instance_gen napp.

Ltac eqspec :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- context [ eqb ?u ?v ] ⇒
    destruct (eqb_specT u v) ; nodec ; subst

Ltac eqspecs :=
  repeat eqspec.

Local Ltac equspec equ h :=
  repeat lazymatch goal with
  | |- context [ equ ?x ?y ] ⇒
    destruct (h x y) ; nodec ; subst

Local Ltac ih :=
  repeat lazymatch goal with
  | ih : lequ Rle napp hle t' ht ht', reflectT (eq_term_upto_univ_napp _ _ _ napp ?t _) _,
    hle : u u' hu hu', reflect (?Rle u u') (?lequ u u') ,
    hcompare : R leq H ref n l l' _ _ , _ _
    |- context [ eqb_term_upto_univ _ ?lequ _ ?t ?t' ] ⇒
    destruct (ih lequ Rle 0 hle t')
       ; nodec ; subst

Lemma Forall2_forallb2:
   (A : Type) (p : A A bool) (l l' : list A),
  Forall2 (fun x y : Ap x y) l l' forallb2 p l l'.
  induction 1; simpl; auto.
  now rewrite H IHForall2.

Lemma eqb_annot_spec {A} na na' : eqb_binder_annot na na' @eq_binder_annot A A na na'.
  unfold eqb_binder_annot, eq_binder_annot.
  now destruct Classes.eq_dec.

Lemma eqb_annot_reflect {A} na na' : reflect (@eq_binder_annot A A na na') (eqb_binder_annot na na').
  unfold eqb_binder_annot, eq_binder_annot.
  destruct Classes.eq_dec; constructor; auto.

Lemma eqb_annot_refl {A} n : @eqb_binder_annot A n n.
  apply eqb_annot_spec. reflexivity.

Lemma eqb_annots_spec nas nas' : eqb_binder_annots nas nas' Forall2 (on_rel eq binder_relevance) nas nas'.
  unfold eqb_binder_annots, eq_binder_annot.
  split; intros.
  - eapply forallb2_Forall2 in H.
    eapply (Forall2_impl H). unfold on_rel. apply eqb_annot_spec.
  - eapply Forall2_forallb2, (Forall2_impl H); apply eqb_annot_spec.

Lemma eqb_annots_reflect nas nas' : reflectT (All2 (on_rel eq binder_relevance) nas nas') (eqb_binder_annots nas nas').
  unfold eqb_binder_annots, eq_binder_annot.
  destruct forallb2 eqn:H; constructor.
  - eapply Forall2_All2. now apply eqb_annots_spec.
  - intros H'; apply All2_Forall2, eqb_annots_spec in H'.
    red in H'. unfold eqb_binder_annots in H'. congruence.

Lemma forallb2_bcompare_decl_All2_fold
  (P : term term bool) Γ Δ :
  forallb2 (bcompare_decls P P) Γ Δ
  All2_fold (fun _ _bcompare_decls P P) Γ Δ.
  induction Γ as [|[na [b|] ty] Γ] in Δ |- *; destruct Δ as [|[na' [b'|] ty'] Δ]; simpl ⇒ //; constructor; auto;
  now move/andb_and: H ⇒ [].

Lemma reflect_eq_context_IH {Σ equ lequ}
  {Re Rle : Universe.t Universe.t Prop}
  {gen_compare_global_instance : (Universe.t Universe.t Prop) global_reference nat list Level.t list Level.t bool }:
  ( u u', reflect (Re u u') (equ u u'))
  ( u u', reflect (Rle u u') (lequ u u'))
   ctx ctx',
      (fun t : term
        (lequ : Universe.t Universe.t bool)
         (Rle : Universe.t Universe.t Prop)
         (napp : nat),
       ( u u' : Universe.t, reflect (Rle u u') (lequ u u'))
        t' : term,
       reflectT (eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp t t')
         (eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ lequ gen_compare_global_instance napp t t'))
    (eq_context_gen (eq_term_upto_univ Σ Re Re) (eq_term_upto_univ Σ Re Re) ctx ctx')
    (forallb2 (bcompare_decls (eqb_term_upto_univ equ equ gen_compare_global_instance)
      (eqb_term_upto_univ equ equ gen_compare_global_instance)) ctx ctx').
  intros hRe hRle ctx ctx' onc.
  eapply equiv_reflectT.
  - intros hcc'.
    eapply All2_fold_forallb2, All2_fold_impl_onctx; tea.
    unfold ondecl; intuition auto.
    depelim X0; cbn in × ⇒ //;
    intuition auto.
    + destruct (eqb_annot_reflect na na') ⇒ //.
      destruct (a equ Re 0 hRe T') ⇒ //.
    + destruct (eqb_annot_reflect na na') ⇒ //.
      destruct (b0 equ Re 0 hRe b') ⇒ //.
      destruct (a equ Re 0 hRe T') ⇒ //.
  - intros hcc'.
    eapply forallb2_bcompare_decl_All2_fold in hcc'; tea.
    eapply All2_fold_impl_onctx in onc; tea; simpl; intuition eauto.
    destruct X0.
    move: H.
    destruct d as [na [bod|] ty], d' as [na' [bod'|] ty']; cbn in × ⇒ //.
    + destruct (eqb_annot_reflect na na') ⇒ //.
      destruct (r equ Re 0 hRe ty') ⇒ //.
      2: now rewrite andb_false_r.
      destruct (o equ Re 0 hRe bod') ⇒ //.
      now constructor.
    + destruct (eqb_annot_reflect na na') ⇒ //.
      destruct (r equ Re 0 hRe ty') ⇒ //.
      now constructor.

Definition eqb_univ_reflect : u u' : Universe.t, reflectProp (u = u') (eqb u u').
  intros u u'.
  destruct (eqb_spec u u'); constructor; auto.

Lemma eq_dec_to_bool_refl {A} {ea : Classes.EqDec A} (x : A) :
  eq_dec_to_bool x x.
  unfold eq_dec_to_bool.
  now destruct (Classes.eq_dec x x).

Lemma reflect_eq_ctx ctx ctx' :
    (eq_context_gen eq eq ctx ctx')
    (forallb2 (bcompare_decls eqb eqb) ctx ctx').
  eapply equiv_reflectT.
  - intros hcc'.
    eapply All2_fold_forallb2; tea.
    unfold ondecl; intuition auto.
    eapply All2_fold_impl; tea. intros.
    destruct X; cbn ; subst.
    all: destruct (eqb_annot_reflect na na') ⇒ /= //.
    2: apply/andb_and; split.
    all: eapply eqb_refl.
  - intros hcc'.
    eapply forallb2_bcompare_decl_All2_fold in hcc'; tea.
    eapply All2_fold_impl in hcc'; tea; simpl; intuition eauto.
    move: H.
    destruct d as [na [bod|] ty], d' as [na' [bod'|] ty']; cbn in × ⇒ //.
    + destruct (eqb_annot_reflect na na') ⇒ // /=.
      repeat case: eqb_specT ⇒ //; intros; subst; cbn; auto; constructor; auto.
    + destruct (eqb_annot_reflect na na') ⇒ //.
      repeat case: eqb_specT ⇒ //; intros; subst; cbn; auto; constructor; auto.

Lemma forallb_true {A : Type} (l : list A) : forallb xpredT l.
  now induction l.

Lemma on_universes_true (t : term) : on_universes xpredT (fun _xpredT) t.
  induction t using term_forall_list_ind ⇒ //=.
  - now apply All_forallb.
  - now rewrite IHt1 IHt2.
  - now rewrite IHt1 IHt2.
  - now rewrite IHt1 IHt2 IHt3.
  - now rewrite IHt1 IHt2.
  - now apply forallb_true.
  - now apply forallb_true.
  - now apply forallb_true.
  - rewrite forallb_true IHt /=.
    destruct X as [? [? ->]].
    rewrite All_forallb //=.
    apply/andP ; split.
    + clear.
      induction (pcontext p) as [|[? [] ?]] ⇒ //=.
      all: now intuition.
    + apply All_forallb.
      eapply All_impl ; tea.
      move ⇒ [] /= bcontext ? [? ?].
      apply /andP ; split ⇒ //=.
      induction bcontext as [|[? [] ?]] ⇒ //=.
      all: now intuition.

  - apply All_forallb.
    eapply All_impl ; tea.
    move ⇒ ? [? ?].
    now apply /andP.
  - apply All_forallb.
    eapply All_impl ; tea.
    move ⇒ ? [? ?].
    now apply /andP.

Definition reflect_eq_predicate {Σ equ lequ}
  {gen_compare_global_instance : (Universe.t Universe.t bool) global_reference nat list Level.t list Level.t bool}
  {Re Rle : Universe.t Universe.t Prop}
  {p : Universe.t bool}
  {q : nat term bool} :
  ( u u', p u p u' reflect (Re u u') (equ u u'))
  ( u u', p u p u' reflect (Rle u u') (lequ u u'))
  ( R leq,
        ( u u', p u p u' reflect (R u u') (leq u u'))
         ref n l l',
        forallb p (map Universe.make l)
        forallb p (map Universe.make l')
        R_global_instance Σ Re R ref n l l'
        gen_compare_global_instance leq ref n l l')
   pr pr',
  Forall p (map Universe.make pr.(puinst))
  Forall (on_universes p q) pr.(pparams)
  on_universes p q pr.(preturn)
  Forall p (map Universe.make pr'.(puinst))
  Forall (on_universes p q) pr'.(pparams)
  on_universes p q pr'.(preturn)
  (fun t : term
    (lequ : Universe.t Universe.t bool) (Rle : Universe.t Universe.t Prop) (napp : nat),
   ( u u' : Universe.t, p u p u' reflect (Rle u u') (lequ u u'))
   t' : term,
   on_universes p q t
   on_universes p q t'
   reflectT (eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp t t') (eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ lequ gen_compare_global_instance napp t t'))
  (fun t : term
    (lequ : Universe.t Universe.t bool) (Rle : Universe.t Universe.t Prop) (napp : nat),
   ( u u' : Universe.t, p u p u' reflect (Rle u u') (lequ u u'))
   t' : term,
   on_universes p q t
   on_universes p q t'
   reflectT (eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp t t') (eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ lequ gen_compare_global_instance napp t t')) pr
  reflectT (eq_predicate (eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0) Re pr pr')
    (eqb_predicate_gen (fun u u'forallb2 equ (map Universe.make u) (map Universe.make u'))
      (bcompare_decls eqb eqb)
      (eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ equ gen_compare_global_instance 0) pr pr').
  solve_all. unfold eq_predicate, eqb_predicate, eqb_predicate_gen.
  cbn -[eqb]; apply equiv_reflectT.
  - intros Hp; rtoProp.
    destruct Hp as [onpars [onuinst [pctx pret]]].
    intuition auto; rtoProp; intuition auto.
    × solve_all. destruct (b1 _ Re 0 X y); auto; try contradiction.
    × red in onuinst.
      eapply All2_impl.
      1: eapply (All2_All_mix_left H0), (All2_All_mix_right H3), All2_map_inv ;
      now movex y [? []] /X.
    × destruct (reflect_eq_ctx (pcontext pr) (pcontext pr')) ⇒ //.
    × now destruct (r equ Re 0 X (preturn pr')) ; nodec ; subst.
  - move/andb_and ⇒ [/andb_and [/andb_and [ppars pinst] pctx] pret].
    intuition auto.
    × solve_all.
      now destruct (b1 _ _ 0 X y).
    × red.
      eapply All2_impl.
      1: eapply (All2_All_mix_left H0), (All2_All_mix_right H3), All2_map_inv;
      now movex y [? []] /X.
    × now destruct (reflect_eq_ctx (pcontext pr) (pcontext pr')).
    × now destruct (r _ _ 0 X (preturn pr')).

Arguments eqb : simpl never.

Lemma reflect_R_global_instance Σ equ lequ (p : Universe.t bool)
  (Re Rle : Universe.t Universe.t Prop) gr napp ui ui' :
  ( u u', p u p u' reflect (Re u u') (equ u u'))
  ( u u', p u p u' reflect (Rle u u') (lequ u u'))
  forallb p (map Universe.make ui)
  forallb p (map Universe.make ui')
  reflect (R_global_instance Σ Re Rle gr napp ui ui')
    (compare_global_instance Σ equ lequ gr napp ui ui').
  intros he hle hui hui'.
  unfold compare_global_instance, R_global_instance.
  destruct (global_variance Σ gr napp) as [v|].
  - induction ui as [|u ui IHui] in ui', v, hui, hui' |- × ; cbn in ×.
    all: destruct ui' as [|u' ui'].
    1-3: by constructor.
    move: hui ⇒ /andP [? ?].
    move: hui' ⇒ /andP [? ?].
    destruct v as [|hv v]; cbn in ×.
    1: now apply IHui.
    apply: (iffP andP) ⇒ [] [?] /IHui H.
    all: split.
    2,4: now apply H.
    all: destruct hv ⇒ //=.
    + apply /hle ⇒ //.
    + apply /he ⇒ //.
    + edestruct (hle (Universe.make u) (Universe.make u')) ⇒ //.
    + edestruct (he (Universe.make u) (Universe.make u')) ⇒ //.
  - cbn.
    unfold R_universe_instance, compare_universe_instance.
    apply (iffP idP).
    + solve_all.
      eapply All2_impl.
      1: eapply (All2_All_mix_left hui), (All2_All_mix_right hui'), All2_map_inv ;
      now moveu u' [? []] /he.
    + solve_all.
      eapply All2_impl.
      1: eapply (All2_All_mix_left hui), (All2_All_mix_right hui'), All2_map_inv ;
      now moveu u' [? []] /he.

Lemma reflect_eq_term_upto_univ Σ equ lequ
  (p : Universe.t bool) (q : nat term bool)
  (Re Rle : Universe.t Universe.t Prop)
  (gen_compare_global_instance : (Universe.t Universe.t bool) global_reference nat list Level.t list Level.t bool)
  napp :
  ( u u', p u p u' reflect (Re u u') (equ u u'))
  ( u u', p u p u' reflect (Rle u u') (lequ u u'))
  ( R leq,
        ( u u', p u p u' reflect (R u u') (leq u u'))
         ref n l l' ,
        forallb p (map Universe.make l)
        forallb p (map Universe.make l')
        R_global_instance Σ Re R ref n l l'
        gen_compare_global_instance leq ref n l l')
   t t',
    on_universes p q t
    on_universes p q t'
    reflectT (eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp t t')
             (eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ lequ gen_compare_global_instance napp t t').
  intros he hle hcompare t t' ht ht'.
  induction t in t', napp, lequ, Rle, hle, ht, ht' |- × using term_forall_list_ind.
  all: destruct t' ; nodec.
  all: move: ht ⇒ /= ; (repeat move ⇒ /andP [?]) ; moveht.
  all: move: ht' ⇒ /= ; (repeat move ⇒ /andP [?]) ; moveht'.

  - cbn - [eqb]. eqspecs. equspec equ he. equspec lequ hle. ih.
    constructor. constructor ; assumption.
  - cbn - [eqb]. eqspecs. equspec equ he. equspec lequ hle. ih.
    constructor. constructor ; assumption.
  - cbn - [eqb]. eqspecs. equspec equ he. equspec lequ hle. ih.
    induction X in l0, ht, ht' |- ×.
    + destruct l0.
      × constructor. constructor. constructor.
      × constructor. intro bot. inversion bot. inversion X.
    + destruct l0.
      × constructor. intro bot. inversion bot. subst. inversion X0.
      × move: ht ⇒ /= /andP [? ?].
        move: ht' ⇒ /= /andP [? ?].
        destruct (p0 _ _ 0 he t) ⇒ //.
        -- cbn. destruct (IHX l0) ⇒ //.
           ++ compute. constructor. constructor. constructor ; try assumption.
              inversion e0. subst. assumption.
           ++ constructor. intro bot. inversion bot. subst.
              inversion X0. subst.
              apply f. constructor. assumption.
        -- constructor. intro bot. apply f.
           inversion bot. subst. inversion X0. subst. assumption.
  - cbn - [eqb]. equspec lequ hle.
    all: auto.
    constructor. constructor. assumption.
  - cbn - [eqb]. eqspecs. equspec equ he. equspec lequ hle.
    destruct (eqb_annot_reflect n na); ih ⇒ //=.
    constructor. constructor; assumption.
  - cbn - [eqb]. eqspecs. equspec equ he. equspec lequ hle.
    destruct (eqb_annot_reflect n na); ih ⇒ //.
    constructor. constructor ; assumption.
  - cbn - [eqb]. eqspecs. equspec equ he. equspec lequ hle.
    destruct (eqb_annot_reflect n na); ih ⇒ //.
    constructor. constructor ; assumption.
  - cbn - [eqb]. eqspecs. equspec equ he. equspec lequ hle. ih ⇒ //.
    + destruct (IHt1 lequ Rle (S napp) hle t'1) ⇒ //.
      × constructor. constructor ; assumption.
      × constructor. intros H. now inv H.
    + destruct (IHt1 lequ Rle (S napp) hle t'1) ⇒ //.
      × constructor; auto.
        intros H; now inv H.
      × constructor. intros H; now inv H.
  - cbn - [eqb].
    destruct (eqb_specT s k) ; nodec. subst.
    induction u in ui, ht, ht' |- ×.
    + destruct ui.
      × constructor. constructor. constructor.
      × constructor. intro bot. inversion bot. subst. inversion H0.
    + destruct ui.
      × constructor. intro bot. inversion bot. subst. inversion H0.
      × move: ht ⇒ /= /andP [? ?].
        move: ht' ⇒ /= /andP [? ?].
        cbn in ×. equspec equ he ⇒ //=.
        -- destruct (IHu ui) ⇒ //=.
           ++ constructor. constructor.
              inversion e. subst.
              constructor ; assumption.
           ++ constructor. intro bot. apply f.
              inversion bot. subst. constructor. inversion H0.
              subst. assumption.
        -- constructor. intro bot. apply n.
           inversion bot. subst. inversion H0. subst.
  - cbn - [eqb]. eqspecs.
    apply equiv_reflectT.
    + inversion 1; subst. now eapply hcompare.
    + intros H.
      now rewrite hcompare.
  - cbn - [eqb]. eqspecs.
    apply equiv_reflectT.
    + inversion 1; subst. now eapply hcompare.
    + intros H.
      constructor. now eapply hcompare.
  - cbn - [eqb]. eqspecs ⇒ /=.
    unshelve epose proof (Hr := (reflect_eq_predicate he hle hcompare p0 p1 _ _ _ _ _ _ X)).
    7: ih.
    1-8: solve_all.
    2:{ rewrite andb_false_r /=.
        constructor. intros bot; inv bot; contradiction.
    destruct Hr ⇒ /=.
      constructor. intro bot. inversion bot. subst.
    clear X. rename X0 into X.
    induction l in brs, X, ht, ht' |- ×.
    + destruct brs.
      × constructor. constructor ; try assumption.
      × constructor. intro bot. inversion bot. subst. inversion X2.
    + destruct brs.
      × constructor. intro bot. inversion bot. subst. inversion X2.
      × move: ht; rewrite /= /test_branch /= ⇒ /andP [] /andP [? ?] ?.
        move: ht'; rewrite /= /test_branch /= ⇒ /andP [] /andP [? ?] ?.
        cbn - [eqb]. inversion X. subst.
        destruct a, b. cbn - [eqb eqb_binder_annots].
        destruct X0 as [onc onbod].
        destruct (reflect_eq_ctx bcontext bcontext0) ⇒ // /=.
        2:{ constructor. intro bot. inversion bot. subst.
          inversion X3. subst. destruct X4. cbn in e1. subst.
        cbn - [eqb].
        pose proof (onbod equ Re 0 he bbody0) as hh. cbn in hh.
        destruct hh ⇒ //=.
        2:{ constructor. intro bot. apply f. inversion bot. subst.
          inversion X3. subst. destruct X4. assumption. }
        cbn -[eqb eqb_binder_annots] in ×. destruct (IHl X1 brs) ⇒ //.
        2:{ constructor. intro bot. apply f. inversion bot. subst.
        inversion X3. subst. constructor; auto. }
        constructor. inversion e2. subst.
        constructor ; auto.

  - cbn - [eqb]. eqspecs. equspec equ he. equspec lequ hle. ih ⇒ //.
    constructor. constructor ; assumption.

  - cbn - [eqb]. eqspecs. equspec equ he. equspec lequ hle. ih.
    cbn - [eqb].
    induction m in X, mfix, ht, ht' |- ×.
    + destruct mfix.
      × constructor. constructor. constructor.
      × constructor. intro bot. inversion bot. subst. inversion X0.
    + destruct mfix.
      × constructor. intro bot. inversion bot. subst. inversion X0.
      × cbn - [eqb].
        move: ht ⇒ /= /andP [] /andP [? ?] ?.
        move: ht' ⇒ /= /andP [] /andP [? ?] ?.
        inversion X. subst.
        destruct X0 as [h1 h2].
        destruct (h1 equ Re 0 he (dtype d)) ⇒ //.
        2:{ constructor. intro bot. apply f.
          inversion bot. subst. inversion X0. subst. apply X2. }
        destruct (h2 equ Re 0 he (dbody d)) ⇒ //.
          constructor. intro bot. apply f.
          inversion bot. subst. inversion X0. subst.
          apply X2.
        cbn - [eqb]. eqspecs.
        2:{ constructor. intro bot. inversion bot. subst.
          apply n. inversion X0. subst. destruct X2 as [[? ?] ?].
        destruct (eqb_annot_reflect (dname a) (dname d)).
        2:{ constructor. intro bot; inversion bot. subst.
          apply n. inversion X0. subst. destruct X2 as [[? ?] ?].
        cbn - [eqb]. destruct (IHm X1 mfix) ⇒ //.
        2:{ constructor. intro bot. apply f.
          inversion bot. subst. constructor.
          inversion X0. subst. assumption. }
        constructor. constructor. constructor ; try easy.
        now inversion e3.

  - cbn - [eqb]. eqspecs. equspec equ he. equspec lequ hle. ih.
    cbn - [eqb].
    induction m in X, mfix, ht, ht' |- ×.
    + destruct mfix.
      × constructor. constructor. constructor.
      × constructor. intro bot. inversion bot. subst. inversion X0.
    + destruct mfix.
      × constructor. intro bot. inversion bot. subst. inversion X0.
      × cbn - [eqb].
        move: ht ⇒ /= /andP [] /andP [? ?] ?.
        move: ht' ⇒ /= /andP [] /andP [? ?] ?.
        inversion X. subst.
        destruct X0 as [h1 h2].
        destruct (h1 equ Re 0 he (dtype d)) ⇒ //.
        2:{ constructor. intro bot. apply f.
          inversion bot. subst. inversion X0. subst. apply X2. }
        destruct (h2 equ Re 0 he (dbody d)) ⇒ //.
          constructor. intro bot. apply f.
          inversion bot. subst. inversion X0. subst.
          apply X2.
        cbn - [eqb]. eqspecs.
        2:{ constructor. intro bot. inversion bot. subst.
          apply n. inversion X0. subst. destruct X2 as [[? ?] ?].
        destruct (eqb_annot_reflect (dname a) (dname d)).
        2:{ constructor. intro bot; inversion bot. subst.
          apply n. inversion X0. subst. destruct X2 as [[? ?] ?].
        cbn - [eqb]. destruct (IHm X1 mfix) ⇒ //.
        2:{ constructor. intro bot. apply f.
          inversion bot. subst. constructor.
          inversion X0. subst. assumption. }
        constructor. constructor. constructor ; try easy.
        now inversion e3.


 Lemma eqb_term_upto_univ_impl (equ lequ : _ _ bool)
  (gen_compare_global_instance : (Universe.t Universe.t bool) global_reference nat list Level.t list Level.t bool)
  (p : Universe.t bool) (q : nat term bool) Σ Re Rle napp:
  ( u u', p u p u' reflect (Re u u') (equ u u'))
  ( u u', p u p u' reflect (Rle u u') (lequ u u'))
  ( R leq,
    ( u u', p u p u' reflect (R u u') (leq u u'))
     ref n l l' ,
    forallb p (map Universe.make l)
    forallb p (map Universe.make l')
    R_global_instance Σ Re R ref n l l'
    gen_compare_global_instance leq ref n l l')
   t t', on_universes p q t on_universes p q t'
    eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ lequ (gen_compare_global_instance) napp t t'
    eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp t t'.
  intros he hle Hcompare t t' ht ht'.
  case: (reflect_eq_term_upto_univ Σ equ lequ p q Re Rle) ⇒ //; eauto.

Definition compare_global_instance_proper Σ equ equ' eqlu eqlu' :
    ( u u', equ u u' = equ' u u')
    ( u u', eqlu u u' = eqlu' u u')
     ref n l l',
        compare_global_instance Σ equ eqlu ref n l l' =
        compare_global_instance Σ equ' eqlu' ref n l l'.
  intros Hequ Heqlu ref n l l'.
  apply eq_true_iff_eq. etransitivity.
  - symmetry. eapply reflect_iff.
    eapply reflect_R_global_instance with (p := xpredT); intros; eauto.
    1-2: apply idP.
    1-2: apply forallb_true.
  - eapply reflect_iff.
    eapply reflect_R_global_instance with (p := xpredT); intros; eauto.
    3-4: apply forallb_true.
    + rewrite Hequ. destruct equ'; constructor; eauto.
    + rewrite Heqlu. destruct eqlu'; constructor; eauto.

Definition eqb_term_upto_univ_proper Σ equ equ' eqlu eqlu'
(gen_compare_global_instance gen_compare_global_instance' : (Universe.t Universe.t bool) global_reference nat list Level.t list Level.t bool)
napp (t u : term) :
( u u', wf_universe Σ u wf_universe Σ u' equ u u' = equ' u u')
( u u', wf_universe Σ u wf_universe Σ u' eqlu u u' = eqlu' u u')
( leq ref n l l', compare_global_instance Σ equ leq ref n l l' =
                        gen_compare_global_instance leq ref n l l')
( leq ref n l l', gen_compare_global_instance leq ref n l l' =
                        gen_compare_global_instance' leq ref n l l')
wf_universes Σ t wf_universes Σ u
eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ eqlu gen_compare_global_instance napp t u =
eqb_term_upto_univ_napp equ' eqlu' gen_compare_global_instance' napp t u.
intros Hequ Heqlu Hcompare Hgen_compare Ht Hu. apply eq_true_iff_eq. split; intros.
- eapply introT.
  × eapply reflect_eq_term_upto_univ; intros.
    1-2: apply idP.
    + apply reflect_iff. rewrite <- Hgen_compare, <- Hcompare.
      eapply reflect_R_global_instance with (p := wf_universeb Σ); eauto.
      1: intros; rewrite <- Hequ; eauto. all: try apply idP.
      ++ revert H2. eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.
      ++ revert H3. eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.
    + eassumption.
    + eassumption.
  × eapply elimT. 2: exact H.
    eapply reflect_eq_term_upto_univ; intros; try assumption.
    1: intros; rewrite <- Hequ; try apply idP.
    1: revert H0; eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.
    1: revert H1; eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.
    1: intros; rewrite <- Heqlu; try apply idP.
    1: revert H0; eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.
    1: revert H1; eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.
    2-3: eassumption.
    + apply reflect_iff. rewrite <- Hcompare.
      eapply reflect_R_global_instance; eauto.
      1: intros; rewrite <- Hequ; try apply idP.
      1: revert H2; eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.
      1: revert H3; eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.
  - eapply introT.
  × eapply reflect_eq_term_upto_univ; intros.
  1-2: apply idP.
  2-3: eassumption.
  + apply reflect_iff. rewrite <- Hcompare.
    eapply reflect_R_global_instance; eauto.
    intros; rewrite Hequ; try apply idP.
    1: revert H2; eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.
    1: revert H3; eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.
    × eapply elimT. 2: exact H.
    eapply reflect_eq_term_upto_univ; intros; try eassumption.
    1: intros; rewrite <- Hequ; try apply idP.
    1: revert H0; eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.
    1: revert H1; eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.
    1: intros; rewrite <- Heqlu; try apply idP.
    1: revert H0; eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.
    1: revert H1; eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.
    + apply reflect_iff. rewrite <- Hgen_compare, <- Hcompare.
      eapply reflect_R_global_instance; eauto.
      intros; rewrite Hequ; try apply idP.
      1: revert H2; eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.
      1: revert H3; eapply reflect_iff; eapply wf_universe_reflect.

Lemma compare_global_instance_refl :
   Σ (eqb leqb : Universe.t Universe.t bool) gr napp u,
    ( u, eqb u u)
    ( u, leqb u u)
    compare_global_instance Σ eqb leqb gr napp u u.
  intros Σ eqb leqb gr napp u eqb_refl leqb_refl.
  rewrite /compare_global_instance.
  destruct global_variance as [v|].
  - induction u in v |- *; destruct v; simpl; auto.
    rtoProp. split; auto.
    destruct t; simpl; auto.
  - rewrite /compare_universe_instance.
    rewrite forallb2_map; eapply forallb2_refl; intro; apply eqb_refl.

Lemma All_All2_diag {A} {P : A A Prop} {l} :
  All (fun xP x x) l All2 P l l.
  induction 1; constructor; auto.

Lemma Forall_Forall2_diag {A} {P : A A Prop} {l} :
  Forall (fun xP x x) l Forall2 P l l.
  induction 1; constructor; auto.

Lemma R_global_instance_refl_wf Σ (Re Rle : Universe.t Universe.t Prop) gr napp l :
( u, wf_universe Σ u Re u u)
( u, wf_universe Σ u Rle u u)
forallb (wf_universeb Σ) (map Universe.make l)
R_global_instance Σ Re Rle gr napp l l.
  intros rRE rRle Hl.
  rewrite /R_global_instance.
  destruct global_variance as [v|] eqn:lookup.
  - induction l in v , Hl |- *; simpl; auto.
    apply andb_and in Hl as [? Hl]. revert a H. move ⇒ ? /wf_universe_reflect ?.
    unfold R_opt_variance in IHl; destruct v; simpl; auto.
    split; auto.
    destruct t; simpl; eauto.
  - eapply Forall_Forall2_diag. eapply forallb_Forall in Hl.
    eapply Forall_impl; eauto.
    move ⇒ ? /wf_universe_reflect ?; eauto.

Definition eq_term_upto_univ_refl_wf Σ (Re Rle : Universe.t Universe.t Prop) napp :
  ( u, wf_universe Σ u Re u u)
  ( u, wf_universe Σ u Rle u u)
   t, wf_universes Σ t eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp t t.
  intros hRe hRle t wt.
  induction t in napp, Rle, hRle, wt |- × using term_forall_list_ind.
  all: repeat (apply andb_and in wt as [? wt]).
  all: try constructor. all: eauto.
  - apply forallb_All in wt; eapply All_mix in wt; try exact X; eapply All_All2 ; try exact wt;
    intros ? [? ?]; eauto.
  - revert s wt; move ⇒ ? /wf_universe_reflect ?; eauto.
  - apply forallb_All in wt. apply All2_Forall2. induction u; eauto; cbn.
    + eapply All2_nil.
    + cbn in wt. inversion wt; subst. eapply All2_cons; eauto.
    clear -a H0 hRe; revert a H0; move ⇒ ? /wf_universe_reflect ?; eauto.
  - apply R_global_instance_refl_wf; auto.
  - apply R_global_instance_refl_wf; auto.
  - destruct X as [? [? ?]].
    unfold eq_predicate. repeat split; eauto.
    + eapply forallb_All in H0. eapply All_mix in H0; try apply a. clear a. eapply All_All2; eauto.
      clear H0. cbn; intros x [Hx Hclose]. apply Hx; eauto.
    + unfold R_universe_instance. clear - H hRe. apply Forall_Forall2_diag.
      apply forallb_Forall in H. eapply Forall_impl; eauto.
      move ⇒ ? /wf_universe_reflect ?; eauto.
    + eapply onctx_eq_ctx in a0; eauto.
  - eapply forallb_All in wt; eapply All_mix in X0; try apply wt.
    clear wt. eapply All_All2; eauto; simpl; intuition eauto.
    + eapply onctx_eq_ctx in a0; eauto.
    + eapply b0; eauto. apply andb_and in a as [? a]. exact a.
  - eapply forallb_All in wt; eapply All_mix in X; try apply wt; clear wt.
    eapply All_All2; eauto; simpl; intuition eauto;
    apply andb_and in a as [? ?]; eauto.
  - eapply forallb_All in wt; eapply All_mix in X; try apply wt; clear wt.
    eapply All_All2; eauto; simpl; intuition eauto;
    apply andb_and in a as [? ?]; eauto.

Lemma eqb_term_upto_univ_refl Σ (eqb leqb : Universe.t Universe.t bool) (Re : Universe.t Universe.t Prop)
  (gen_compare_global_instance : (Universe.t Universe.t bool) global_reference nat list Level.t list Level.t bool)
    napp t :
    ( u, wf_universe Σ u eqb u u)
    ( u, wf_universe Σ u leqb u u)
    ( u u', wf_universe Σ u wf_universe Σ u' reflect (Re u u') (eqb u u'))
    ( R leq ,
  ( u u', wf_universe Σ u wf_universe Σ u' reflect (R u u') (leq u u'))
     ref n l l' ,
    forallb (wf_universeb Σ) (map Universe.make l)
    forallb (wf_universeb Σ) (map Universe.make l')
    R_global_instance Σ Re R ref n l l'
    gen_compare_global_instance leq ref n l l')
    wf_universes Σ t
    eqb_term_upto_univ_napp eqb leqb gen_compare_global_instance napp t t.
  intros eqb_refl leqb_refl eqRe Hcompare Ht.
  case: (reflect_eq_term_upto_univ Σ eqb leqb (wf_universeb Σ) closedu Re leqb gen_compare_global_instance napp _ _ _ t t) ⇒ //; eauto.
  - move ⇒ ? ? /wf_universe_reflect ? - /wf_universe_reflect ?. now apply eqRe.
  - intros; apply/idP.
  - intros; apply Hcompare; eauto. move ⇒ ? ? /wf_universe_reflect ? - /wf_universe_reflect ?; now apply X.
  - unshelve epose proof (eq_term_upto_univ_refl_wf Σ Re leqb napp _ _ t); eauto.
    + intros u Hu; pose proof (eqb_refl u Hu) as H. revert H. apply reflect_iff; eauto.
    + intro H. destruct (H (X Ht)).

Fixpoint eqb_ctx_gen equ gen_compare_global_instance
    (Γ Δ : context) : bool :=
    match Γ, Δ with
    | [], []true
    | {| decl_name := na1 ; decl_body := None ; decl_type := t1 |} :: Γ,
      {| decl_name := na2 ; decl_body := None ; decl_type := t2 |} :: Δ
      eqb_binder_annot na1 na2 && eqb_term_upto_univ equ equ gen_compare_global_instance t1 t2 && eqb_ctx_gen equ gen_compare_global_instance Γ Δ
    | {| decl_name := na1 ; decl_body := Some b1 ; decl_type := t1 |} :: Γ,
      {| decl_name := na2 ; decl_body := Some b2 ; decl_type := t2 |} :: Δ
      eqb_binder_annot na1 na2 && eqb_term_upto_univ equ equ gen_compare_global_instance b1 b2 && eqb_term_upto_univ equ equ gen_compare_global_instance t1 t2 && eqb_ctx_gen equ gen_compare_global_instance Γ Δ
    | _, _false

  Lemma eqb_binder_annot_spec {A} na na' : eqb_binder_annot (A:=A) na na' eq_binder_annot (A:=A) na na'.
  Proof. case: eqb_annot_reflect ⇒ //. Qed.

  Lemma reflect_eqb_ctx_gen Σ equ
    (p : Universe.t bool) (q : nat term bool)
    (Re : Universe.t Universe.t Prop)
    (gen_compare_global_instance : (Universe.t Universe.t bool) global_reference nat list Level.t list Level.t bool) :
    ( u u', p u p u' reflect (Re u u') (equ u u'))
    ( R leq,
          ( u u', p u p u' reflect (R u u') (leq u u'))
           ref n l l' ,
          forallb p (map Universe.make l)
          forallb p (map Universe.make l')
          R_global_instance Σ Re R ref n l l'
          gen_compare_global_instance leq ref n l l')
     Γ Δ,
      on_ctx_universes p q Γ
      on_ctx_universes p q Δ
      eqb_ctx_gen equ gen_compare_global_instance Γ Δ
      eq_context_upto Σ Re Re Γ Δ.
    intros Hequ Hcompare Γ Δ h.
    induction Γ as [| [na [b|] A] Γ ih ] in Δ, , , h |- ×.
    all: destruct Δ as [| [na' [b'|] A'] Δ].
    all: try discriminate.
    - constructor.
    - simpl in h. apply andb_andI in h as [[[h1 h2]%andb_and h3]%andb_and h4].
      simpl in . apply andb_andI in as [[hΓ1 hΓ2]%andb_and ].
      simpl in . apply andb_andI in as [[hΔ1 hΔ2]%andb_and ]. cbn in ×.
      constructor; auto. constructor; auto.
      + now apply eqb_binder_annot_spec in h1.
      + eapply eqb_term_upto_univ_impl; eauto.
      + eapply eqb_term_upto_univ_impl; eauto.
    - simpl in h. apply andb_and in h as [[h1 h2]%andb_and h3].
      simpl in . apply andb_andI in as [[hΓ1 hΓ2]%andb_and ].
      simpl in . apply andb_andI in as [[hΔ1 hΔ2]%andb_and ]. cbn in ×.
      constructor; auto; constructor.
      + now apply eqb_binder_annot_spec.
      + eapply eqb_term_upto_univ_impl; eauto.

  Definition eqb_ctx_gen_proper (Σ:global_env_ext) equ equ' gen_compare_global_instance
  gen_compare_global_instance' (Γ Δ : context) :
    ( u u', wf_universe Σ u wf_universe Σ u' equ u u' = equ' u u')
    ( leq ref n l l', compare_global_instance Σ equ leq ref n l l' =
                            gen_compare_global_instance leq ref n l l')
    ( leq ref n l l', compare_global_instance Σ equ' leq ref n l l' =
                            gen_compare_global_instance' leq ref n l l')
    ( leq ref n l l', gen_compare_global_instance' leq ref n l l' =
                            gen_compare_global_instance leq ref n l l')
    wf_ctx_universes Σ Γ wf_ctx_universes Σ Δ
    eqb_ctx_gen equ gen_compare_global_instance Γ Δ =
    eqb_ctx_gen equ' gen_compare_global_instance' Γ Δ.
    revert Δ; induction Γ; destruct Δ; simpl; eauto.
    intros Hequ Hcompare Hcompare' Hgen_compare .
    destruct a. destruct decl_body.
    all: destruct c; destruct decl_body; eauto; cbn in *;
         apply eq_true_iff_eq; split; intros.
    all: repeat (let foo := fresh "H" in apply andb_and in H; destruct H as [H foo]);
         repeat (let foo := fresh "HΓ" in apply andb_and in ; destruct as [ foo]);
         repeat (let foo := fresh "HΔ" in apply andb_and in ; destruct as [ foo]);
         repeat (apply andb_and; split; eauto);
         try first[ rewrite <- IHΓ | rewrite IHΓ]; eauto.
    all: erewrite <- eqb_term_upto_univ_proper; eauto.
    all: intros; symmetry; eapply Hequ; eauto.

Checking equality

Section EqualityDec.
  Context {cf : checker_flags}.
  Context (Σ : global_env_ext).
  Context ( : wf Σ ) (Hφ : on_udecl Σ.1 Σ.2 ).
  Context (G : universes_graph) (HG : is_graph_of_uctx G (global_ext_uctx Σ)).

  Local Definition hΣ' : wf_ext Σ .
    destruct , Hφ; now constructor.

   Definition conv_pb_relb pb :=
    match pb with
    | Convcheck_eqb_universe G
    | Cumulcheck_leqb_universe G

  Lemma eq_universeP u u' :
    wf_universe Σ u
    wf_universe Σ u'
    reflect (eq_universe Σ u u') (check_eqb_universe G u u').
  Proof using HG Hφ .
    apply (equivP idP); split.
    all: pose proof hΣ' as hΣ' ; sq.
    - intros e.
      eapply check_eqb_universe_spec' in e ; eauto.
      + assumption.
      + now eapply wf_ext_global_uctx_invariants.
      + now eapply global_ext_uctx_consistent.
    - intros e.
      eapply check_eqb_universe_complete ; eauto.
      + now eapply wf_ext_global_uctx_invariants.
      + now eapply global_ext_uctx_consistent.

  Lemma leq_universeP u u' :
  wf_universe Σ u
  wf_universe Σ u'
  reflect (leq_universe Σ u u') (check_leqb_universe G u u').
  Proof using HG Hφ .
    apply (equivP idP) ; split.
    all: pose proof hΣ' as hΣ' ; sq.
    - intros e.
      eapply check_leqb_universe_spec' in e ; eauto.
      + assumption.
      + now eapply wf_ext_global_uctx_invariants.
      + now eapply global_ext_uctx_consistent.
    - intros e.
      eapply check_leqb_universe_complete ; eauto.
      + now eapply wf_ext_global_uctx_invariants.
      + now eapply global_ext_uctx_consistent.

  Definition eqb_ctx := eqb_ctx_gen (check_eqb_universe G) (compare_global_instance Σ (check_eqb_universe G)).

  Definition eqb_termp_napp pb :=
    eqb_termp_napp_gen pb (check_eqb_universe G) (check_leqb_universe G)
          (compare_global_instance Σ (check_eqb_universe G)).

  Lemma reflect_eqb_termp_napp pb napp t u :
    wf_universes Σ t
    wf_universes Σ u
    reflectT (eq_termp_napp pb Σ napp t u) (eqb_termp_napp pb napp t u).
  Proof using HG Hφ .
    apply reflect_eq_term_upto_univ.
    - move ⇒ ? ? /wf_universe_reflect ? - /wf_universe_reflect ?.
      now apply eq_universeP.
    - move ⇒ ? ? /wf_universe_reflect ? - /wf_universe_reflect ?.
      destruct pb.
      + now apply eq_universeP.
      + now apply leq_universeP.
    - intros. apply reflect_iff.
      eapply reflect_R_global_instance with (p := wf_universeb Σ); eauto.
      move ⇒ ? ? /wf_universe_reflect ? - /wf_universe_reflect ?; now apply eq_universeP; eauto.

  Lemma eqb_termp_napp_spec pb napp t u :
    wf_universes Σ t
    wf_universes Σ u
    eqb_termp_napp pb napp t u
    eq_termp_napp pb Σ napp t u.
  Proof using HG Hφ .
    pose proof hΣ'.
    eapply eqb_term_upto_univ_impl.
    - move ⇒ ? ? /wf_universe_reflect ? - /wf_universe_reflect ?; now apply eq_universeP; eauto.
    - destruct pb.
      + move ⇒ ? ? /wf_universe_reflect ? - /wf_universe_reflect ?; now apply eq_universeP; eauto.
      + move ⇒ ? ? /wf_universe_reflect ? - /wf_universe_reflect ?; now apply leq_universeP; eauto.
    - intros. apply reflect_iff. eapply reflect_R_global_instance; eauto.
      move ⇒ ? ? /wf_universe_reflect ? - /wf_universe_reflect ?; now apply eq_universeP; eauto.

  Definition eqb_termp pb := (eqb_termp_napp pb 0).
  Definition eqb_term := (eqb_termp Conv).
  Definition leqb_term := (eqb_termp Cumul).

  Lemma eqb_term_spec t u :
    wf_universes Σ t wf_universes Σ u
    eqb_term t u
    eq_term Σ Σ t u.
  Proof using HG Hφ .
    eapply (eqb_termp_napp_spec Conv) ; tea.

  Lemma leqb_term_spec t u :
    wf_universes Σ t wf_universes Σ u
    leqb_term t u
    leq_term Σ Σ t u.
  Proof using HG Hφ .
    eapply (eqb_termp_napp_spec Cumul) ; tea.

  Lemma reflect_leq_term t u :
    wf_universes Σ t
    wf_universes Σ u
    reflectT (leq_term Σ Σ t u) (leqb_term t u).
  Proof using HG Hφ .
    now eapply (reflect_eqb_termp_napp Cumul).

  Notation eq_term Σ t u := (eq_term Σ Σ t u).

  Lemma reflect_eq_term t u :
    wf_universes Σ t
    wf_universes Σ u
    reflectT (eq_term Σ t u) (eqb_term t u).
  Proof using HG Hφ .
    now eapply (reflect_eqb_termp_napp Conv).

  Lemma eqb_term_refl :
     t, wf_universes Σ t eqb_term t t.
  Proof using HG Hφ .
    intro t. eapply eqb_term_upto_univ_refl with (Re := eq_universe Σ).
    all: intros; try apply check_eqb_universe_refl.
    - apply eq_universeP; eauto.
    - apply reflect_iff. eapply reflect_R_global_instance.
      + move ⇒ ? ? /wf_universe_reflect ? - /wf_universe_reflect ?; apply eq_universeP; eauto.
      + move ⇒ ? ? /wf_universe_reflect ? - /wf_universe_reflect ?; apply X; eauto.
      + eauto.
      + eauto.

  Lemma eqb_ctx_spec :
     Γ Δ,
      wf_ctx_universes Σ Γ
      wf_ctx_universes Σ Δ
      eqb_ctx Γ Δ
      eq_context_upto Σ (eq_universe Σ) (eq_universe Σ) Γ Δ.
  Proof using HG Hφ .
    intros Γ Δ h. eapply reflect_eqb_ctx_gen; eauto.
    - move ⇒ ? ? /wf_universe_reflect ? - /wf_universe_reflect ?; now apply eq_universeP; eauto.
    - intros. apply reflect_iff. eapply reflect_R_global_instance; eauto.
      move ⇒ ? ? /wf_universe_reflect ? - /wf_universe_reflect ?; now apply eq_universeP; eauto.

  Definition eqb_opt_term (t u : option term) :=
    match t, u with
    | Some t, Some ueqb_term t u
    | None, Nonetrue
    | _, _false

End EqualityDec.