Library MetaCoq.Template.common.uGraph

Require Import ssreflect ssrbool OrderedTypeAlt MSetAVL MSetFacts MSetProperties MSetDecide Morphisms.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils config Universes wGraph.
From Equations.Prop Require Import DepElim.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Import ConstraintType.

Import MCMonadNotation.

Arguments Z.add : simpl nomatch.
Arguments Nat.leb : simpl nomatch.
Arguments Nat.eqb : simpl nomatch.

Definition Z_of_bool (b : bool) : Z :=
  match b with
  | true ⇒ 1
  | false ⇒ 0
Notation "⎩ b ⎭" := (Z_of_bool b).

variable levels are levels which are Level or Var
Module VariableLevel.
  Inductive t_ := Level (_ : string) | Var (_ : nat).
  Definition t := t_.

  Declare Scope var_level.
  Delimit Scope var_level with var_level.

  Definition lt : t t Prop :=
    fun x ymatch x, y with
            | Level _, Var _True
            | Level s, Level s' s s'
            | Var n, Var n'n < n'
            | Var _, Level _False
  Global Instance lt_strorder : StrictOrder lt.
    - intros [s|n] H; cbn in H.
      now eapply irreflexivity in H.
    - intros [s1|n1] [s2|n2] [s3|n3]; cbn; intuition.
      eapply transitivity; eassumption.
  Definition lt_trans : Transitive lt := _.

  Definition lt_compat : Proper (Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) lt.
    intros x y [] z t []; reflexivity.
  Definition compare : t t comparison :=
    fun x ymatch x, y with
            | Level _, Var _Datatypes.Lt
            | Level s, Level s'string_compare s s'
            | Var n, Var n' n n'
            | Var _, Level _Datatypes.Gt
  Infix "?=" := compare : var_level.
  Definition compare_spec :
     x y : t, CompareSpec (x = y) (lt x y) (lt y x) (compare x y).
    intros [s|n] [s'|n']; cbn; try now constructor.
    - eapply CompareSpec_Proper. 2-4: reflexivity.
      2: apply CompareSpec_string.
      split; congruence.
    - eapply CompareSpec_Proper. 2-4: reflexivity.
      2: apply PeanoNat.Nat.compare_spec.
      split; congruence.
  Lemma compare_refl (x : t) : compare x x = Datatypes.Eq.
    destruct x ⇒ /= //.
    rewrite string_compare_eq //.
    now rewrite Nat.compare_refl.

  Definition eq_dec : x y : t, {x = y} + {x y}.
    intros [s|n] [s'|n']; try now constructor.
    destruct (Classes.eq_dec s s'); [left|right]; congruence.
    destruct (PeanoNat.Nat.eq_dec n n'); [left|right]; congruence.

  Lemma compare_eq : x y : t, compare x y = Datatypes.Eq x = y.
    intros x y. destruct (compare_spec x y) ⇒ //.

  Lemma compare_sym : x y : t, (compare y x) = CompOpp (compare x y).
    induction x; destruct y; simpl; auto.
    apply StringOT.compare_sym.
    apply PeanoNat.Nat.compare_antisym.

  Lemma compare_trans :
     c (x y z : t), (x?=y)%var_level = c (y?=z)%var_level = c (x?=z)%var_level = c.
    intros c x y z.
    destruct (compare_spec x y) ⇒ <-; subst.
    destruct (compare_spec y z); auto.
    destruct (compare_spec y z); auto; try congruence.
    destruct (compare_spec x z); auto; try congruence.
    subst. elimtype False. eapply irreflexivity. etransitivity; [exact H|exact H0].
    elimtype False. eapply irreflexivity. etransitivity; [exact H|].
    eapply transitivity; [exact H0|exact H1].
    destruct (compare_spec y z); auto; try congruence.
    destruct (compare_spec x z); auto; try congruence.
    subst. elimtype False. eapply irreflexivity. etransitivity; [exact H|exact H0].
    elimtype False. eapply irreflexivity. etransitivity; [exact H|].
    eapply transitivity; [exact H1|exact H0].

  Definition to_noprop (l : t) : Level.t :=
    match l with
    | Level sLevel.Level s
    | Var nLevel.Var n

  Definition to_level (l : t) : Level.t := to_noprop l.

  Global Instance Evaluable : Evaluable t
    := fun v lmatch l with
               | Level sPos.to_nat (v.(valuation_mono) s)
               | Var x ⇒ (v.(valuation_poly) x)
End VariableLevel.

Module VariableLevelOT := OrderedType_from_Alt VariableLevel.

Coercion VariableLevel.to_noprop : VariableLevel.t >-> Level.t.

Module GoodConstraint.
  Inductive t_ :=
  | gc_le : VariableLevel.t Z VariableLevel.t t_
  | gc_lt_set_level : nat string t_
  | gc_le_set_var : nat nat t_
  | gc_le_level_set : string nat t_
  | gc_le_var_set : nat nat t_.
  Derive NoConfusion for t_.
  Definition t : Set := t_.
  Definition eq : t t Prop := Logic.eq.
  Definition eq_refl := @eq_refl t.
  Definition eq_sym := @eq_sym t.
  Definition eq_trans := @eq_trans t.

  Definition eq_equiv : RelationClasses.Equivalence eq := _.
  Definition eq_dec : x y : t, {eq x y} + {¬ eq x y}.
    unfold eq.
    decide equality. all: try apply VariableLevel.eq_dec.
    apply Z.eq_dec. all:apply Classes.eq_dec || apply Peano_dec.eq_nat_dec.

  Reserved Notation "x <c y" (at level 60).

  Definition compare (x : t) (y : t) : comparison :=
    match x, y with
    | gc_le u n v, gc_le u' n' v'
      compare_cont ( u u') (compare_cont ( n n') ( v v'))
    | _, gc_le _ _ _Datatypes.Lt
    | gc_le _ _ _, _Gt
    | gc_lt_set_level n s, gc_lt_set_level n' s'
      compare_cont ( n n') (string_compare s s')
    | _, gc_lt_set_level _ _Datatypes.Lt
    | gc_lt_set_level _ _, _Gt
    | gc_le_set_var n s, gc_le_set_var n' s'
      compare_cont ( n n') ( s s')
    | _, gc_le_set_var _ _Datatypes.Lt
    | gc_le_set_var _ _, _Datatypes.Gt
    | gc_le_level_set s n, gc_le_level_set s' n'
      compare_cont ( n n') (string_compare s s')
    | _, gc_le_level_set _ _Datatypes.Lt
    | gc_le_level_set _ _, _Datatypes.Gt
    | gc_le_var_set n k, gc_le_var_set n' k'
      compare_cont ( n n') ( k k')
  Infix "?=" := compare.

  Lemma compare_sym (a b : t):
    compare b a = CompOpp (compare a b).
    revert b. destruct a, b; try easy; cbn;
      rewrite !compare_cont_CompOpp -?VariableLevel.compare_sym ?Zcompare_antisym -?PeanoNat.Nat.compare_antisym
      -?StringOT.compare_sym //.

  Lemma nat_compare_trans : c (x y z : nat), (x?=y)%nat = c (y?=z)%nat = c (x?=z)%nat = c.
    intros c x y z.
    destruct (Nat.compare_spec x y); subst ⇒ // <-;
    destruct (Nat.compare_spec y z); subst ⇒ //;
    destruct (Nat.compare_spec x z); subst ⇒ //; try lia.

  Lemma Z_compare_trans : c (x y z : Z), (x?=y)%Z = c (y?=z)%Z = c (x?=z)%Z = c.
    intros c x y z.
    destruct (Z.compare_spec x y); subst ⇒ // <-;
    destruct (Z.compare_spec y z); subst ⇒ //;
    destruct (Z.compare_spec x z); subst ⇒ //; try lia.

  Lemma nat_compare_eq : (x y : nat), (x?=y)%nat = Datatypes.Eq x = y.
    intros x y.
    destruct (Nat.compare_spec x y) ⇒ //.

  Lemma compare_trans : c (x y z : t), (x?=y) = c (y?=z) = c (x?=z) = c.
    intros c x y z.
    destruct x, y, z; cbn; try repeat apply compare_cont_trans; eauto using VariableLevel.compare_trans, VariableLevel.compare_eq;
      try congruence.
    all:eauto using StringOT.compare_trans, nat_compare_trans, nat_compare_eq.
    intros. eapply compare_cont_trans; tea;
      eauto using VariableLevel.compare_trans, VariableLevel.compare_eq, Z.compare_eq, Z_compare_trans.

  Lemma compare_eq (x y : t) : x ?= y = Datatypes.Eq x = y.
    destruct x, y; cbn ⇒ //.
    destruct ( t0 t2) eqn:e ⇒ /= //.
    apply VariableLevel.compare_eq in e. subst. cbn.
    destruct ( z z0) eqn:e' ⇒ /= //.
    apply Z.compare_eq in e'; subst.
    intros H; apply VariableLevel.compare_eq in H; subst. reflexivity.
    destruct (Nat.compare_spec n n0) ⇒ /= //; subst.
    rewrite StringOT.compare_eq ⇒ → //.
    destruct (Nat.compare_spec n n1) ⇒ /= //; subst.
    destruct (Nat.compare_spec n0 n2) ⇒ /= //; subst ⇒ //.
    destruct (Nat.compare_spec n n0) ⇒ /= //; subst.
    rewrite (StringOT.compare_eq) ⇒ → //.
    destruct (Nat.compare_spec n n1) ⇒ /= //; subst.
    destruct (Nat.compare_spec n0 n2) ⇒ /= //; subst ⇒ //.

  Lemma compare_refl (x : t) : x ?= x = Datatypes.Eq.
    destruct x ⇒ /= //;
    rewrite ?VariableLevel.compare_refl /= ?Z.compare_refl /= ?Nat.compare_refl ?string_compare_eq //.

  Definition lt (x y : t) := (x ?= y = Datatypes.Lt).
  Lemma lt_trans (x y z : t) : lt x y lt y z lt x z.
  Proof. apply compare_trans. Qed.
  Lemma lt_not_eq (x y : t) : lt x y ¬ eq x y.
    intros lt eq. red in eq. subst x.
    red in lt. rewrite compare_refl in lt ⇒ //.

  Lemma lt_strorder : StrictOrder lt.
    - intros x hlt. apply lt_not_eq in hlt. now apply hlt.
    - red. eapply lt_trans.
  Lemma lt_compat : Proper (eq ==> eq ==> iff) lt.
    intros x y ? ? ? ?. now rewrite H H0.

  Lemma compare_spec : x y : t, CompSpec eq lt x y (compare x y).
    intros x y.
    destruct (x ?= y) eqn:e; constructor.
    - now eapply compare_eq in e.
    - now red.
    - red. rewrite compare_sym e //.

  Definition satisfies v (gc : GoodConstraint.t) : bool :=
  match gc with
  | gc_le l z l' ⇒ (Z.of_nat (val v l) <=? Z.of_nat (val v l') - z)%Z
  | gc_lt_set_level k lk <? Pos.to_nat (v.(valuation_mono) l)
  | gc_le_set_var k lk <=? v.(valuation_poly) l
  | gc_le_level_set l kPos.to_nat (v.(valuation_mono) l) <=? k
  | gc_le_var_set l kv.(valuation_poly) l <=? k

End GoodConstraint.

Notation gc_satisfies0 := GoodConstraint.satisfies.

Module GoodConstraintSet := Make GoodConstraint.
Module GoodConstraintSetFact := WFactsOn GoodConstraint GoodConstraintSet.
Module GoodConstraintSetProp := WPropertiesOn GoodConstraint GoodConstraintSet.
Module GoodConstraintSetDecide := WDecide (GoodConstraintSet).
Module GCS := GoodConstraintSet.
Ltac gcsets := GoodConstraintSetDecide.fsetdec.

Definition gcs_equal x y : Prop :=
  LevelSet.Equal x.1 y.1 GoodConstraintSet.Equal x.2 y.2.

Infix "=_gcs" := gcs_equal (at level 200).
Notation "(=_gcs)" := gcs_equal (at level 0).

Global Instance proper_pair_levels_gcs : Proper ((=_lset) ==> GoodConstraintSet.Equal ==> (=_gcs)) (@pair LevelSet.t GoodConstraintSet.t).
  intros l l' eq gcs gcs' eq'.
  split; cbn; auto.

Global Instance GCS_For_all_Proper f : Proper (GCS.eq ==> iff) (GCS.For_all f).
  moves s' eq; split; moveh x hx; apply h; by rewrite eq + rewrite <- eq.

Definition GoodConstraintSet_pair x y
  := GoodConstraintSet.add y (GoodConstraintSet.singleton x).

Lemma GoodConstraintSet_pair_In x y z
  : GoodConstraintSet.In x (GoodConstraintSet_pair y z)
     x = y x = z.
  intro H. apply GoodConstraintSetFact.add_iff in H.
  destruct H; [intuition|].
  apply GoodConstraintSetFact.singleton_1 in H. intuition.

Lemma GCS_pair_spec x y z :
  GCS.In x (GoodConstraintSet_pair y z) x = y x = z.
  split; first apply: GoodConstraintSet_pair_In.
  move⇒ [->|->]; apply/GCS.add_spec; by [right; apply/GCS.singleton_spec| left].

Definition gc_satisfies v : GoodConstraintSet.t bool :=
  GoodConstraintSet.for_all (gc_satisfies0 v).

Arguments GoodConstraintSet.for_all : simpl never.

Definition gc_consistent ctrs : Prop := v, gc_satisfies v ctrs.

Lemma gc_satisfies_pair v gc1 gc2 :
  (gc_satisfies0 v gc1 gc_satisfies0 v gc2)
  gc_satisfies v (GoodConstraintSet_pair gc1 gc2).
  unfold gc_satisfies, GoodConstraintSet_pair.
  rewrite [is_true (GoodConstraintSet.for_all _ _)]GoodConstraintSet.for_all_spec.
  - intros [sat1 sat2] x.
    rewrite GoodConstraintSet.add_spec. move⇒ [->|] //.
    rewrite GoodConstraintSet.singleton_spec ⇒ → //.
  - intros ha. split; apply ha;
    rewrite GoodConstraintSet.add_spec;
    rewrite GoodConstraintSet.singleton_spec; auto.

Section GcOfConstraint.
  Import VariableLevel GoodConstraint.

  Definition gc_of_constraint `{checker_flags} (uc : UnivConstraint.t)
  : option GoodConstraintSet.t
  := let empty := Some GoodConstraintSet.empty in
     let singleton := fun xSome (GoodConstraintSet.singleton x) in
     let pair := fun x ySome (GoodConstraintSet_pair x y) in
     match uc with
     | (Level.lzero, Le z, r)
      match z 0 with
      | Datatypes.Eqempty
      | Datatypes.Ltempty
      | Datatypes.Gt
        match r with
        | Level.lzeroNone
        | Level.Level ssingleton (gc_lt_set_level (Z.to_nat (z - 1)) s)
        | Level.Var nsingleton (gc_le_set_var (Z.to_nat z) n)
     | (Level.lzero, Eq, Level.lzero)empty
     | (Level.lzero, Eq, Level.Level _)None
     | (Level.lzero, Eq, Level.Var n)singleton (gc_le_var_set n 0%nat)

     | (Level.Level l, Le z, Level.lzero)
        if (z <=? 0)%Z then singleton (gc_le_level_set l (Z.to_nat (Z.abs z)))
        else None
     | (Level.Level l, Le z, Level.Level l')
       ⇒ singleton (gc_le (Level l) z (Level l'))
     | (Level.Level l, Le z, Level.Var n)singleton (gc_le (Level l) z (Var n))
     | (Level.Level _, Eq, Level.lzero)None
     | (Level.Level l, Eq, Level.Level l')
       ⇒ pair (gc_le (Level l) 0 (Level l')) (gc_le (Level l') 0 (Level l))
     | (Level.Level l, Eq, Level.Var n)
       ⇒ pair (gc_le (Level l) 0 (Var n)) (gc_le (Var n) 0 (Level l))

     | (Level.Var n, Le z, Level.lzero)
      if (z <=? 0)%Z then singleton (gc_le_var_set n (Z.to_nat (Z.abs z)))
      else None

     | (Level.Var n, Le z, Level.Level l)singleton (gc_le (Var n) z (Level l))
     | (Level.Var n, Le z, Level.Var n')singleton (gc_le (Var n) z (Var n'))
     | (Level.Var n, Eq, Level.lzero)singleton (gc_le_var_set n 0)
     | (Level.Var n, Eq, Level.Level l)
       ⇒ pair (gc_le (Var n) 0%Z (Level l)) (gc_le (Level l) 0%Z (Var n))

     | (Level.Var n, Eq, Level.Var n')
       ⇒ pair (gc_le (Var n) 0 (Var n')) (gc_le (Var n') 0 (Var n))
End GcOfConstraint.

Section GC.

Context `{cf : checker_flags}.

Lemma gc_satisfies_singleton v c :
  gc_satisfies0 v c
  gc_satisfies v (GoodConstraintSet.singleton c).
Proof using Type.
  - intros H; unfold gc_satisfies.
    eapply GoodConstraintSet.for_all_spec; auto. proper.
    intros x xin. eapply GoodConstraintSet.singleton_spec in xin.
    now subst.
  - unfold gc_satisfies.
    intros gc.
    eapply GoodConstraintSet.for_all_spec in gc; auto. 2:proper.
    specialize (gc c).
    rewriteGoodConstraintSet.singleton_spec in gc.
    now apply gc.

Lemma gc_of_constraint_spec v uc :
  satisfies0 v uc on_Some (gc_satisfies v) (gc_of_constraint uc).
Proof using Type.
  - destruct 1; destruct l, l'; try constructor.
    all:unfold gc_of_constraint.
    all: cbn -[GoodConstraintSet_pair] in ×.
    all: cbn -[GoodConstraintSet_pair]; try reflexivity.
    all: rewrite ?if_true_false; repeat toProp ; try lia.
    all: try solve [destruct (Z.compare_spec z 0); simpl; try constructor; lia].
    destruct (Z.compare_spec z 0); simpl; try constructor; try lia.
    apply gc_satisfies_singleton.
    simpl. apply Nat.ltb_lt. lia.
    all:try (destruct (Z.compare_spec z 0); simpl; try constructor; try lia;
    apply gc_satisfies_singleton; simpl; try (apply Nat.ltb_lt||apply Nat.leb_le); lia).
    all:try (destruct (Z.leb_spec z 0); simpl; try constructor; try lia;
      apply gc_satisfies_singleton; simpl; apply Nat.leb_le; lia).
    all: try (apply gc_satisfies_pair; split; cbn; toProp; try lia).
    all: (apply gc_satisfies_singleton; cbn; toProp; lia).
  - destruct uc as [[[] []] []]; intro H; constructor.
    all: cbn -[GoodConstraintSet_pair] in *; try contradiction.
    all: rewrite → ?if_true_false in *; cbn -[GoodConstraintSet_pair] in *;
      try contradiction; repeat toProp; try lia.
    all:try (destruct (Z.compare_spec z 0); simpl in H; auto; try lia;
      apply gc_satisfies_singleton in H; simpl in H;
      (apply Nat.ltb_lt in H || apply Nat.leb_le in H);
      try lia).
    all:try (destruct (Z.leb_spec z 0); simpl in H; auto; try lia;
      apply gc_satisfies_singleton in H; simpl in H;
      (apply Nat.ltb_lt in H || apply Nat.leb_le in H);
      try lia).
    all:(try apply gc_satisfies_singleton in H; cbn in H; try toProp H); try lia.
    all: apply gc_satisfies_pair in H; destruct H as [H1 H2]; cbn in *;
      repeat toProp; try lia.

Definition add_gc_of_constraint uc (S : option GoodConstraintSet.t)
  := S1 <- S ;;
     S2 <- gc_of_constraint uc ;;
     ret (GoodConstraintSet.union S1 S2).

Definition gc_of_constraints (ctrs : ConstraintSet.t) : option GoodConstraintSet.t
  := ConstraintSet.fold add_gc_of_constraint
                        ctrs (Some GoodConstraintSet.empty).

Lemma gc_of_constraints_spec v ctrs :
  satisfies v ctrs on_Some (gc_satisfies v) (gc_of_constraints ctrs).
Proof using Type.
  unfold gc_satisfies, satisfies, ConstraintSet.For_all, gc_of_constraints.
  set (S := GoodConstraintSet.empty).
  rewrite ConstraintSet.fold_spec.
  etransitivity. eapply iff_forall.
  intro; eapply imp_iff_compat_r. eapply ConstraintSetFact.elements_iff.
  set (l := ConstraintSet.elements ctrs). simpl.
  transitivity (( uc, InA Logic.eq uc l satisfies0 v uc)
                ( gc, GoodConstraintSet.In gc S gc_satisfies0 v gc)). {
    intuition. inversion H0. }
  clearbody S; revert S; induction l; intro S; cbn.
  - split.
    + intro. apply GoodConstraintSetFact.for_all_1.
      intros x y []; reflexivity.
      intro; apply H.
    + intros HS. split. intros ux H; inversion H.
      apply GoodConstraintSetFact.for_all_2.
      intros x y []; reflexivity.
  - split.
    + intros [H1 H2].
      assert (HH : on_Some (gc_satisfies v) (gc_of_constraint a)). {
        apply gc_of_constraint_spec, H1. now constructor. }
      case_eq (gc_of_constraint a); [|intro e; rewrite e in HH; contradiction].
      intros X HX; rewrite HX in HH; cbn in HH.
      apply IHl. split.
      × intros uc H0. apply H1. now apply InA_cons_tl.
      × intros gc H0. apply GoodConstraintSetFact.union_1 in H0.
        induction H0. intuition.
        apply GoodConstraintSetFact.for_all_2 in HH.
        apply HH. assumption.
        intros x y []; reflexivity.
    + intros HH.
      case_eq (gc_of_constraint a).
      × intros X HX; rewrite HX in HH; cbn in HH.
        destruct (proj2 (IHl _) HH) as [IH1 IH2]. clear IHl HH.
        split. intuition. apply InA_cons in H. induction H.
        subst. apply gc_of_constraint_spec. rewrite HX.
        cbn. apply GoodConstraintSetFact.for_all_1.
        intros x y []; reflexivity.
        intros gc Hgc. apply IH2.
        now apply GoodConstraintSetFact.union_3.
        intros gc Hgc. apply IH2.
        now apply GoodConstraintSetFact.union_2.
      × intro HX; rewrite HX in HH. apply False_rect. revert HH; clear.
        induction l. inversion 1.

Lemma gc_consistent_iff ctrs :
  consistent ctrs on_Some gc_consistent (gc_of_constraints ctrs).
Proof using Type.
  - intros [v H]. apply gc_of_constraints_spec in H.
    destruct (gc_of_constraints ctrs); cbn in ×.
     v. assumption. contradiction.
  - case_eq (gc_of_constraints ctrs); cbn; [|contradiction].
    intros ctrs' e HC. destruct HC as [v Hv].
     v. apply gc_of_constraints_spec. now rewrite e; cbn.

Local Open Scope univ_scope.

Definition gc_leq0_levelalg_n n ctrs (u u' : LevelAlgExpr.t) :=
   v, gc_satisfies v ctrs (Z.of_nat (val v u) Z.of_nat (val v u') - n)%Z.

Definition gc_leq_levelalg_n n ctrs (u u' : LevelAlgExpr.t) :=
  if check_univs then gc_leq0_levelalg_n n ctrs u u' else True.

Definition gc_eq0_levelalg φ (u u' : LevelAlgExpr.t) :=
   v, gc_satisfies v φ val v u = val v u'.

Definition gc_eq_levelalg φ (u u' : LevelAlgExpr.t) :=
  if check_univs then gc_eq0_levelalg φ u u' else True.

Definition gc_leq0_levelalg := gc_leq0_levelalg_n 0.
Definition gc_lt0_levelalg := gc_leq0_levelalg_n 1.
Definition gc_leq_levelalg := gc_leq_levelalg_n 0.
Definition gc_lt_levelalg := gc_leq_levelalg_n 1.

Ltac unfold_univ_rel0 :=
  unfold eq0_levelalg, leq0_levelalg_n,
  gc_eq0_levelalg, gc_leq0_levelalg, gc_lt0_levelalg, gc_leq0_levelalg_n in *;
  intros v Hv; cbnr.

Ltac unfold_univ_rel :=
  unfold eq_levelalg, leq_levelalg, lt_levelalg, leq_levelalg_n,
  gc_eq_levelalg, gc_leq_levelalg, gc_lt_levelalg, gc_leq_levelalg_n in *;
  destruct check_univs; [| trivial].

Lemma gc_leq0_levelalg_n_iff (n: Z) ctrs u u' :
  leq0_levelalg_n n ctrs u u'
   on_Some_or_None (fun ctrsgc_leq0_levelalg_n n ctrs u u')
                    (gc_of_constraints ctrs).
  - intro H. case_eq (gc_of_constraints ctrs).
    + intros ctrs' e. cbn.
      apply H. apply gc_of_constraints_spec.
      rewrite e. assumption.
    + intro; exact I.
  - case_eq (gc_of_constraints ctrs); cbn.
    + intros ctrs' e H.
      unfold_univ_rel0. apply H.
      apply gc_of_constraints_spec in Hv.
      rewrite e in Hv; assumption.
    + intros e _. unfold_univ_rel0.
      apply gc_of_constraints_spec in Hv.
      rewrite e in Hv; contradiction.

Lemma gc_leq0_levelalg_iff ctrs u u':
  leq0_levelalg_n 0 ctrs u u'
   on_Some_or_None (fun ctrsgc_leq0_levelalg_n 0 ctrs u u')
                      (gc_of_constraints ctrs).
Proof using Type.
  apply gc_leq0_levelalg_n_iff.

Lemma gc_eq0_levelalg_iff ctrs u u' :
  eq0_levelalg ctrs u u'
   on_Some_or_None (fun ctrsgc_eq0_levelalg ctrs u u')
                      (gc_of_constraints ctrs).
  - intro H. case_eq (gc_of_constraints ctrs).
    + intros ctrs' e. cbn.
      unfold_univ_rel0. apply H. apply gc_of_constraints_spec.
      rewrite e. assumption.
    + intro; exact I.
  - case_eq (gc_of_constraints ctrs); cbn.
    + intros ctrs' e H.
      unfold_univ_rel0. apply H.
      apply gc_of_constraints_spec in Hv.
      rewrite e in Hv; assumption.
    + intros e _. unfold_univ_rel0.
      apply gc_of_constraints_spec in Hv.
      rewrite e in Hv; contradiction.

Lemma gc_leq_levelalg_n_iff n ctrs u u' :
  leq_levelalg_n n ctrs u u'
   on_Some_or_None (fun ctrsgc_leq_levelalg_n n ctrs u u')
                    (gc_of_constraints ctrs).
Proof using Type.
  apply gc_leq0_levelalg_n_iff.
  destruct (gc_of_constraints ctrs); reflexivity.

Lemma gc_leq_levelalg_iff ctrs u u' :
  leq_levelalg ctrs u u'
   on_Some_or_None (fun ctrsgc_leq_levelalg ctrs u u')
                    (gc_of_constraints ctrs).
Proof using Type.
  apply gc_leq0_levelalg_iff.
  destruct (gc_of_constraints ctrs); reflexivity.

Lemma gc_eq_levelalg_iff ctrs u u' :
  eq_levelalg ctrs u u'
   on_Some_or_None (fun ctrsgc_eq_levelalg ctrs u u')
                    (gc_of_constraints ctrs).
Proof using Type.
  apply gc_eq0_levelalg_iff.
  destruct (gc_of_constraints ctrs); reflexivity.

End GC.

Module Import wGraph := WeightedGraph Level LevelSet.
Module VSet := LevelSet.
Local Notation lzero := Level.lzero.
Local Notation vtn := VariableLevel.to_noprop.

Definition universes_graph := t.
Definition init_graph : universes_graph
  := (VSet.singleton lzero, EdgeSet.empty, lzero).

Lemma init_graph_invariants : invariants init_graph.
  repeat split; cbn in ×.
  1-2: inversion H. sets.
  apply VSet.singleton_spec in H. subst.
   (pathOf_refl _ _). simpl. sq. lia.

Definition declared : Level.t LevelSet.t Prop := LevelSet.In.

Definition uctx_invariants (uctx : ContextSet.t)
  := ConstraintSet.For_all (declared_cstr_levels uctx.1) uctx.2.

Definition global_uctx_invariants (uctx : ContextSet.t)
  := LevelSet.In Level.lzero uctx.1 uctx_invariants uctx.

Definition global_gc_uctx_invariants (uctx : VSet.t × GoodConstraintSet.t)
  := VSet.In lzero uctx.1 GoodConstraintSet.For_all (fun gcmatch gc with
                 | GoodConstraint.gc_le l z l'VSet.In (vtn l) uctx.1
                                  VSet.In (vtn l') uctx.1
                 | GoodConstraint.gc_lt_set_level _ n
                 | GoodConstraint.gc_le_level_set n _VSet.In (Level.Level n) uctx.1
                 | GoodConstraint.gc_le_var_set n _
                 | GoodConstraint.gc_le_set_var _ nVSet.In (Level.Var n) uctx.1
                 end) uctx.2.

Definition gc_of_uctx `{checker_flags} (uctx : ContextSet.t)
  : option (VSet.t × GoodConstraintSet.t)
  := ctrs <- gc_of_constraints uctx.2 ;;
     ret (uctx.1, ctrs).

Lemma gc_of_uctx_of_constraints `{checker_flags} uctx gctx :
  gc_of_uctx uctx = Some gctx
  gc_of_constraints uctx.2 = Some gctx.2.
  rewrite/gc_of_uctx; case: (gc_of_constraints _)=> //= ? [=] <- //.

Lemma gc_of_constraints_of_uctx `{checker_flags} uctx gcstrs :
  gc_of_constraints uctx.2 = Some gcstrs
  gc_of_uctx uctx = Some (uctx.1, gcstrs).
Proof. rewrite /gc_of_uctx⇒ → //=. Qed.

Lemma gc_of_constraint_iff `{cf:checker_flags} ctrs0 ctrs gc
      (HH : gc_of_constraints ctrs0 = Some ctrs)
: GoodConstraintSet.In gc ctrs
      (fun eon_Some (GoodConstraintSet.In gc) (gc_of_constraint e)) ctrs0.
  unfold gc_of_constraints in HH. rewrite ConstraintSet.fold_spec in HH.
  transitivity (( ctr, In ctr (ConstraintSet.elements ctrs0)
                        on_Some (GoodConstraintSet.In gc) (gc_of_constraint ctr))
                 GoodConstraintSet.In gc GoodConstraintSet.empty).
  2:{ split.
      - intros [[ctr [H1 H2]]|H]. ctr. split.
        apply ConstraintSetFact.elements_iff, InA_In_eq; tas. tas.
        now apply GoodConstraintSetFact.empty_iff in H.
      - intros [ctr H]. left. ctr. split.
        apply InA_In_eq, ConstraintSetFact.elements_1, H. apply H. }
  revert HH; generalize GoodConstraintSet.empty.
  induction (ConstraintSet.elements ctrs0).
  - cbn. intros X HH. apply some_inj in HH; subst.
  - intros X HH. simpl in HH. unfold add_gc_of_constraint at 2 in HH.
    simpl in HH. case_eq (gc_of_constraint a).
    + intros Y HY. rewrite HY in HH.
      apply IHl in HH.
      etransitivity. exact HH. etransitivity.
      apply or_iff_compat_l. apply GoodConstraintSet.union_spec.
      × intros [[ctr H]|[H|H]]. left. ctr. intuition. intuition.
        left. a. intuition. rewrite HY; tas.
      × intros [[ctr [[H1|H1] H2]]|H]. subst a. right. right.
        rewrite HY in H2; tas.
        left. ctr. intuition.
        right. left; tas.
    + intro eq; rewrite eq in HH; simpl in HH.
      apply False_rect. clear -HH. induction l.
      × discriminate HH.
      × simpl in HH. apply IHl.
        apply HH.

Lemma gc_of_uctx_invariants `{cf:checker_flags} uctx uctx'
      (H : gc_of_uctx uctx = Some uctx')
  : global_uctx_invariants uctx global_gc_uctx_invariants uctx'.
  intros [Hi0 Hi].
  unfold gc_of_uctx in H.
  case_eq (gc_of_constraints uctx.2); [|intro eq; rewrite eq in H; discriminate].
  intros ctrs eq; rewrite eq in H; apply some_inj in H. subst uctx'.
  split; simpl.
  - apply Hi0.
  - red in Hi.
    destruct uctx as [levels ctrs0]; cbn in ×.
    intros gc Hgc.
    eapply gc_of_constraint_iff in Hgc; tea.
    destruct Hgc as [e [He HH]].
    specialize (Hi e He); cbn in Hi.
    clear -Hi HH.
    destruct e as [[l ct] l']; simpl in Hi.
    destruct l, ct, l'; cbn in HH; destruct prop_sub_type; cbn in HH.
    change VSet.In with LevelSet.In.
    all:repeat match goal with
         | HH : context [ (?z ?= 0)%Z ] |- _
          destruct (Z.compare_spec z 0); simpl in HH; auto
          | HH : context [ (?z <=? 0)%Z ] |- _
          destruct (Z.leb_spec z 0); simpl in HH; auto
         | HH : False |- _contradiction HH
         | HH : GoodConstraintSet.In ?A GoodConstraintSet.empty |- _
           ⇒ apply GoodConstraintSetFact.empty_iff in HH; contradiction HH
         | HH : GoodConstraintSet.In ?A (GoodConstraintSet.singleton ?B) |- _
           ⇒ apply GoodConstraintSetFact.singleton_1 in HH; subst gc
         | HH : GoodConstraintSet.In ?A (GoodConstraintSet_pair ?B _) |- _
           ⇒ apply GoodConstraintSet_pair_In in HH; destruct HH as [HH|HH]; subst gc
    all: try split; try apply Hi;
      try apply Hi.

Definition edge_of_level (l : VariableLevel.t) : EdgeSet.elt :=
  match l with
  | VariableLevel.Level l(lzero, 1%Z, Level.Level l)
  | VariableLevel.Var n(lzero, 0%Z, Level.Var n)

Definition EdgeSet_pair x y
  := EdgeSet.add y (EdgeSet.singleton x).
Definition EdgeSet_triple x y z
  := EdgeSet.add z (EdgeSet_pair x y).

Definition edge_of_constraint (gc : GoodConstraint.t) : EdgeSet.elt :=
  match gc with
  | GoodConstraint.gc_le l z l'(vtn l, z, vtn l')
  | GoodConstraint.gc_lt_set_level k s(lzero, Z.of_nat (S k), vtn (VariableLevel.Level s))
  | GoodConstraint.gc_le_set_var k n(lzero, Z.of_nat k, vtn (VariableLevel.Var n))
  | GoodConstraint.gc_le_level_set s k(vtn (VariableLevel.Level s), (- Z.of_nat k)%Z, lzero)
  | GoodConstraint.gc_le_var_set n k(vtn (VariableLevel.Var n), (- Z.of_nat k)%Z, lzero)

Lemma source_edge_of_level g : (edge_of_level g)..s = lzero.
  destruct g; reflexivity.

Lemma target_edge_of_level g : (edge_of_level g)..t = vtn g.
  destruct g; reflexivity.

Definition variable_of_level (l : Level.t) : option VariableLevel.t
  := match l with
      | Level.lzeroNone
      | Level.Level sSome (VariableLevel.Level s)
      | Level.Var nSome (VariableLevel.Var n)

Definition option_edge_of_level l : option EdgeSet.elt :=
  match variable_of_level l with
  | NoneNone
  | Some llSome (edge_of_level ll)

Definition add_level_edges :=
  (fun l E
      match variable_of_level l with
      | NoneE
      | Some llEdgeSet.add (edge_of_level ll) E

Definition add_cstrs ctrs :=
  GoodConstraintSet.fold (fun ctrEdgeSet.add (edge_of_constraint ctr)) ctrs.

Lemma add_cstrs_spec e x g :
  EdgeSet.In e (add_cstrs x g)
  ( c, edge_of_constraint c = e GoodConstraintSet.In c x) EdgeSet.In e g.
  rewrite /add_cstrs GoodConstraintSet.fold_spec.
    (( c, edge_of_constraint c = e In c (GoodConstraintSet.elements x)) EdgeSet.In e g).
  - induction (GoodConstraintSet.elements x) in g |- *; simpl.
    intuition auto. now destruct H0 as [c [_ F]].
    rewrite IHl.
    rewrite EdgeSet.add_spec.
    × intros [[c [eq inl]]|?].
      subst e. firstorder auto.
      destruct H as [->|ing]; [left|right]; auto.
       a; firstorder auto.
    × intros [[c [eq [->|inl]]]|?]; auto.
      left; c; auto.
  - setoid_rewrite (GoodConstraintSetFact.elements_iff x).
    now setoid_rewrite InA_In_eq.

#[global] Instance add_cstrs_proper : Proper (Logic.eq ==> EdgeSet.Equal ==> EdgeSet.Equal)%signature add_cstrs.
  intros s s' eq x y H.
  intros e.
  rewrite /add_cstrs.
  rewrite !GoodConstraintSet.fold_spec. subst s'.
  induction (GoodConstraintSet.elements s) in x, y, H, e |- *; cbn; auto.
  apply IHl. now rewrite H.

#[global] Instance add_cstrs_proper' : Proper (GoodConstraintSet.Equal ==> EdgeSet.Equal ==> EdgeSet.Equal)%signature add_cstrs.
  intros s s' eq x y H.
  red in H. intros e.
  rewrite !add_cstrs_spec.
  rewrite H. firstorder auto.

This introduces both Set </<= l constraints for the new variables, and the given constraints.
Definition make_graph (uctx : VSet.t × GoodConstraintSet.t) : t :=
  let init_edges := add_level_edges uctx.1 EdgeSet.empty in
  let edges := add_cstrs uctx.2 init_edges in
  (uctx.1, edges, lzero).

Lemma make_graph_E uctx e
  : EdgeSet.In e (wGraph.E (make_graph uctx))
     ( l, VSet.In (vtn l) uctx.1 e = edge_of_level l)
       (GoodConstraintSet.Exists (fun gce = edge_of_constraint gc) uctx.2).
  unfold make_graph. unfold wGraph.E.
  assert (XX: E, EdgeSet.In e (GoodConstraintSet.fold
                           (fun ctrEdgeSet.add (edge_of_constraint ctr)) uctx.2 E)
           ( gc, In gc (GoodConstraintSet.elements uctx.2) e = edge_of_constraint gc)
              EdgeSet.In e E). {
    intro E. rewrite GoodConstraintSet.fold_spec.
    induction (GoodConstraintSet.elements uctx.2) in E |- ×.
    - cbn. firstorder.
    - simpl. etransitivity. apply IHl. clear IHl. split.
      + intros [[gc H]|H]. left. gc. intuition.
        apply EdgeSet.add_spec in H. destruct H as [H|H].
        left. a. intuition. right; tas.
      + intros [[gc [[H1|H1] H2]]|H].
        right. apply EdgeSet.add_spec. left; now subst.
        left. gc. split; tas.
        right. apply EdgeSet.add_spec. right; tas. }
  etransitivity. apply XX. clear XX.
  etransitivity. apply or_comm.
  etransitivity. apply or_iff_compat_l.
  2: apply or_iff_compat_r.
  - apply iff_ex; intro gc. apply and_iff_compat_r.
    symmetry. etransitivity.
    apply GoodConstraintSetFact.elements_iff. apply InA_In_eq.
  - transitivity (( l, In (vtn l) (VSet.elements uctx.1) e = edge_of_level l)
                   EdgeSet.In e EdgeSet.empty).
    2:{ split. intros [[l [H1 H2]]|H]. l. split; tas.
        apply InA_In_eq, VSetFact.elements_iff in H1; tas.
        now apply EdgeSetFact.empty_iff in H.
        intros [l [H1 H2]]. left. l. split.
        apply InA_In_eq, VSetFact.elements_1; tas. tas. }
    unfold add_level_edges; rewrite VSet.fold_spec. generalize EdgeSet.empty.
    induction (VSet.elements uctx.1).
    + cbn. intro E; firstorder.
    + intro E. etransitivity. apply IHl. split.
      × intro HH.
        destruct HH as [[l' Hl]|HH]. left. l'. intuition.
        destruct a as [|l'|l']. right; tas.
        all: apply EdgeSet.add_spec in HH; destruct HH;
          [left|right; tas].
         (VariableLevel.Level l'); intuition. (VariableLevel.Var l'); intuition.
      × intros [[l' [[H1|H1] H2]]|H].
        right. subst a. destruct l'; apply EdgeSet.add_spec; left; tas.
        destruct l'; left; [ (VariableLevel.Level t0)| (VariableLevel.Var n)]; intuition.
        right. destruct a; tas; apply EdgeSet.add_spec; right; tas.

Global Instance make_graph_invariants uctx (Hi : global_gc_uctx_invariants uctx)
  : invariants (make_graph uctx).
  - intros e He. apply make_graph_E in He.
    destruct He as [[l [Hl He]]|[gc [Hgc He]]].
    + subst e. split. rewrite source_edge_of_level. apply Hi.
      rewrite target_edge_of_level; tas.
    + subst e. split. destruct gc; try apply (Hi.p2 _ Hgc). apply Hi.
      simpl. apply Hi.
      destruct gc; try apply (Hi.p2 _ Hgc). apply Hi.
      simpl. apply Hi.
  - apply Hi.
  - cbn. intros l Hl. sq. destruct l as [|s|n].
     (pathOf_refl _ _). sq. simpl. reflexivity.
    assert (He: EdgeSet.In (edge_of_level (VariableLevel.Level s)) (wGraph.E (make_graph uctx))). {
      apply make_graph_E. left. (VariableLevel.Level s). intuition. }
    unshelve eexists _.
    econstructor. 2: constructor.
    eexists; exact He. simpl. sq; lia.
    assert (He: EdgeSet.In (edge_of_level (VariableLevel.Var n)) (wGraph.E (make_graph uctx))). {
      apply make_graph_E. left. (VariableLevel.Var n). intuition. }
    unshelve eexists _.
    econstructor. 2: constructor.
    eexists; exact He. simpl. sq; auto. lia.

Ltac sets_iff :=
  match goal with
  | |- (_ _) _
     ⇒ eapply and_iff_compat_l; sets_iff
  | |- (_ _) _
     ⇒ eapply and_iff_compat_l; sets_iff
  | |- (_ _) _
     ⇒ eapply or_iff_compat_l; sets_iff
  | |- (_ _) _
     ⇒ eapply or_iff_compat_l; sets_iff
  | |- VSet.In _ (VSet.add _ _) _
     ⇒ etransitivity; [eapply VSet.add_spec|sets_iff]
  | |- EdgeSet.In _ (EdgeSet.add _ _) _
     ⇒ etransitivity; [eapply EdgeSet.add_spec|sets_iff]
  | |- VSet.In _ (VSet.singleton _) _
     ⇒ etransitivity; [eapply VSet.singleton_spec|sets_iff]
  | |- EdgeSet.In _ (EdgeSet.singleton _) _
     ⇒ etransitivity; [eapply EdgeSet.singleton_spec|sets_iff]
  | _reflexivity

Ltac simplify_sets :=
  repeat match goal with
  | |- VSet.In ?A (VSet.add ?B ?C)
    ⇒ let X := fresh in
      simple refine (let X : VSet.In A (VSet.add B C) _ := _ in _);
      [|sets_iff|apply (proj2 X); clear X]
  | |- EdgeSet.In ?A (EdgeSet.add ?B ?C)
    ⇒ let X := fresh in
      simple refine (let X : EdgeSet.In A (EdgeSet.add B C) _ := _ in _);
      [|sets_iff|apply (proj2 X); clear X]
  | H : VSet.In ?A (VSet.add ?B ?C) |- _
    ⇒ let X := fresh in
      simple refine (let X : VSet.In A (VSet.add B C) _ := _ in _);
      [|sets_iff|apply (proj1 X) in H; clear X]
  | H : EdgeSet.In ?A (EdgeSet.add ?B ?C) |- _
    ⇒ let X := fresh in
      simple refine (let X : EdgeSet.In A (EdgeSet.add B C) _ := _ in _);
      [|sets_iff|apply (proj1 X) in H; clear X]
  | H : VSet.In ?A (VSet.singleton ?B) |- _
    ⇒ let X := fresh in
      simple refine (let X : VSet.In A (VSet.singleton B) _ := _ in _);
      [|sets_iff|apply (proj1 X) in H; clear X]
  | H : EdgeSet.In ?A (EdgeSet.singleton ?B) |- _
    ⇒ let X := fresh in
      simple refine (let X : EdgeSet.In A (EdgeSet.singleton B) _ := _ in _);
      [|sets_iff|apply (proj1 X) in H; clear X]
  | H : EdgeSet.In ?A EdgeSet.empty |- _
    ⇒ apply EdgeSetFact.empty_iff in H; contradiction

Definition labelling_of_valuation (v : valuation) : labelling
  := fun xmatch x with
           | lzero ⇒ 0
           | Level.Level lPos.to_nat (v.(valuation_mono) l)
           | Level.Var n ⇒ (v.(valuation_poly) n)

Definition valuation_of_labelling (l : labelling) : valuation
  := {| valuation_mono := fun sPos.of_nat (l (vtn (VariableLevel.Level s)));
        valuation_poly := fun nl (vtn (VariableLevel.Var n)) |}.

Section MakeGraph.
  Context uctx (Huctx : global_gc_uctx_invariants uctx).
  Let ctrs := uctx.2.
  Let G : universes_graph := make_graph uctx.

  Lemma valuation_labelling_eq l (Hl : correct_labelling G l)
    : x, VSet.In x uctx.1
            labelling_of_valuation (valuation_of_labelling l) x = l x.
  Proof using Type.
    destruct x as [|s|n]; cbnr.
    - intros _. now apply proj1 in Hl; cbn in Hl.
    - intro Hs. apply
      assert (HH: EdgeSet.In (lzero, Z.of_nat 1, vtn (VariableLevel.Level s)) (wGraph.E G)). {
        subst G. apply make_graph_E. left.
         (VariableLevel.Level s). intuition. }
      apply (proj2 Hl) in HH; cbn in HH. lia.

  Lemma make_graph_spec v :
    gc_satisfies v uctx.2 correct_labelling G (labelling_of_valuation v).
  Proof using Type.
    unfold gc_satisfies, correct_labelling. split; intro H.
    - split. reflexivity.
      intros e He. cbn in He.
      apply make_graph_E in He.
      destruct He as [[l [Hl He]]|[ctr [Hc He]]]; cbn.
      + subst e; cbn. destruct l; cbn; lia.
      + subst e.
        apply GoodConstraintSet.for_all_spec in H.
        2: intros x y []; reflexivity.
        specialize (H _ Hc). cbn in ×.
        destruct ctr as [[] z []|[] []| |n|n]; cbn in *; toProp H; try lia.
        all:try destruct t0; cbn in *; try lia.
    - apply GoodConstraintSet.for_all_spec.
      intros x y []; reflexivity.
      intros gc Hgc.
      pose proof (XX := proj2 (make_graph_E uctx (edge_of_constraint gc))).
      forward XX. { right. now gc. }
      specialize (H.p2 _ XX).
      destruct gc as [[] z []|k ?| |n|n]; intro HH; cbn in *; toProp; try lia.

  Corollary make_graph_spec' l :
    correct_labelling G l gc_satisfies (valuation_of_labelling l) uctx.2.
  Proof using Huctx.
    intro H. apply (make_graph_spec (valuation_of_labelling l)).
    unfold correct_labelling. intuition.
    rewrite !valuation_labelling_eq; tas. 3:now apply H.
    all: now apply make_graph_invariants.

  Corollary make_graph_spec2 :
    gc_consistent uctx.2 l, correct_labelling G l.
    - intros [v H]. (labelling_of_valuation v).
      apply make_graph_spec. assumption.
    - intros [l Hl]. (valuation_of_labelling l).
      apply make_graph_spec'. assumption.

  Global Instance consistent_no_loop : gc_consistent ctrs acyclic_no_loop G.
    intro. apply acyclic_caract1, make_graph_spec2.
    now apply make_graph_invariants. assumption.
End MakeGraph.

Existing Class gc_consistent.
Existing Class global_gc_uctx_invariants.
Existing Class global_uctx_invariants.
Global Existing Instance gc_of_uctx_invariants.

Check of consistency **

Definition is_consistent `{checker_flags} uctx :=
  match gc_of_uctx uctx with
  | Some uctxis_acyclic (make_graph uctx)
  | Nonefalse

Lemma is_consistent_spec `{checker_flags} uctx (Huctx : global_uctx_invariants uctx)
  : is_consistent uctx consistent uctx.2.
  etransitivity. 2: symmetry; apply gc_consistent_iff.
  unfold is_consistent; cbn.
  case_eq (gc_of_constraints uctx.2); cbn.
  2: intro; split; [discriminate|inversion 1].
  intros ctrs Hctrs.
  pose proof (gc_of_uctx_invariants uctx (uctx.1, ctrs)) as XX.
  cbn in XX; rewrite Hctrs in XX; specialize (XX Logic.eq_refl Huctx).
  etransitivity. apply make_graph_invariants in XX.
  etransitivity. apply is_acyclic_spec; tas.
  apply acyclic_caract1; tas.
  symmetry; apply (make_graph_spec2 (uctx.1, ctrs)); tas.

Definition Equal_graph :=
  fun G G' : universes_graph
  LevelSet.Equal G.1.1 G'.1.1
  wGraph.EdgeSet.Equal G.1.2 G'.1.2 Level.eq G.2 G'.2.

Notation "'(=_g)'" := Equal_graph (at level 30).
Infix "=_g" := Equal_graph (at level 30).

Global Instance: RelationClasses.RewriteRelation ((=_g)) := {}.

Global Instance equal_graph_equiv : RelationClasses.Equivalence ((=_g)).
Proof. split; unfold Equal_graph.
  - intros [[vs es] s]; cbn. intuition reflexivity.
  - intros [[vs es] s] [[vs' es'] s']; cbn.
    intuition now symmetry.
  - intros [[vs es] s] [[vs' es'] s'] [[vs'' es''] s'']; cbn.
    intuition etransitivity; eauto.

Lemma PathOf_proper {g g' x y} : g =_g g' PathOf g x y PathOf g' x y.
  intros eq; induction 1; econstructor; eauto.
  destruct e as [n ine]. apply eq in ine. now n.

Lemma PathOf_proper_weight {g g' x y} (eq: g =_g g') (p : PathOf g x y) : weight (PathOf_proper eq p) = weight p.
  induction p; cbn; auto. destruct e; cbn.
  now rewrite IHp.

Global Instance invariants_proper : Proper ((=_g) ==> impl) invariants.
  intros [[vs es] s] [[vs' es'] s']; cbn in ×.
  intros eq [ev sv sp]; constructor; eauto; cbn in *; intros.
  - firstorder eauto.
  - destruct eq as [? []]; cbn in ×. rewrite -H1. now apply H.
  - specialize (sp x). apply eq in H. specialize (sp H).
    destruct sp as [[p hp]].
    pose proof (hs := proj2 (proj2 eq)); cbn in hs.
    rewrite -{2 4 6}hs.
    split; (PathOf_proper eq p). cbn.
    sq. now rewrite (PathOf_proper_weight eq).

Global Instance invariants_proper_iff : Proper ((=_g) ==> iff) invariants.
  intros g g' eq. split. now rewrite eq.
  now rewrite eq.

Global Instance acyclic_no_loop_proper : Proper ((=_g) ==> iff) acyclic_no_loop.
  intros g g' eq. split.
  - intros ac x p.
    rewrite -(PathOf_proper_weight (symmetry eq) p).
    apply ac.
  - intros ac x p.
    rewrite -(PathOf_proper_weight eq p).
    apply ac.

Section CheckLeq.
  Context {cf:checker_flags}.

  Context (G : universes_graph)
          uctx (Huctx: global_gc_uctx_invariants uctx) (HC : gc_consistent uctx.2)
          (HG : Equal_graph G (make_graph uctx)).

  Definition on_inl {A B : Type} (P : A Prop) (x : A + B) :=
    match x with
    | inl x0P x0
    | inr _True

  Definition gc_level_declared l
    := VSet.In l uctx.1.

  Lemma gc_level_declared_make_graph (l : Level.t) :
    gc_level_declared l VSet.In l (wGraph.V G).
  Proof using HG.
    intros Hl;subst. now apply HG.

  Definition gc_expr_declared e
    := on_Some_or_None (fun lVSet.In l uctx.1) (LevelExpr.get_noprop e).

  Definition gc_levels_declared (u : LevelAlgExpr.t)
    := LevelExprSet.For_all gc_expr_declared u.

  Definition gc_levels_declared_univ (u : Universe.t)
    := match u with
       | Universe.lSProp | Universe.lPropTrue
       | Universe.lType lgc_levels_declared l

  Lemma val_level_of_variable_level v (l : VariableLevel.t)
    : val v (l : Level.t) = val v l.
  Proof using Type.
    destruct l; cbn; lia.

  Local Open Scope univ_scope.

  Lemma val_labelling_of_valuation v (l : Level.t)
    : val v l = labelling_of_valuation v l.
  Proof using Type.
    destruct l; cbnr.

  Lemma val_labelling_of_valuation' v (l : Level.t) n :
    val v (LevelAlgExpr.make (l, n))
    = n + labelling_of_valuation v l.
  Proof using Type.

  Lemma val_valuation_of_labelling' L (l : Level.t) n
        (e := (l, n)) :
    gc_level_declared l
    correct_labelling G L
    val (valuation_of_labelling L) e = (n + (L l))%nat.
  Proof using HG.
    intros Hl [HG1 HG2]. rewrite [wGraph.s _](proj2 (proj2 HG)) in HG1. simpl in HG1.
    destruct l as [|l|l]; rewrite ?HG1; cbnr.
    pose proof (make_graph_E uctx (edge_of_level (VariableLevel.Level l))).p2 as H.
    forward H. {
      left. eexists; split; try reflexivity; tas. }
    apply HG in H.
    specialize (HG2 _ H); cbn in HG2. rewrite HG1 in HG2; cbn in HG2.
    f_equal. clear -HG2. set (L (Level.Level l)) in *; clearbody n.
    destruct n; try lia.

  Lemma val_valuation_of_labelling L (l : Level.t) :
    gc_level_declared l
    correct_labelling G L
    val (valuation_of_labelling L) l = (L l).
  Proof using HG.
    intros Hl HL.
    exact (val_valuation_of_labelling' L l 0 Hl HL).

  Instance correct_labelling_proper : Proper ((=_g) ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) correct_labelling.
  Proof using Type.
    intros g g' eq x ? →.
    unfold correct_labelling.
    rewrite [wGraph.s _](proj2 (proj2 eq)).
    now setoid_rewrite (proj1 (proj2 eq)).

Check of leq **

  Ltac unfold_univ_rel0 :=
    unfold eq0_levelalg, leq0_levelalg_n, leq_vertices,
    gc_eq0_levelalg, gc_leq0_levelalg, gc_lt0_levelalg, gc_leq0_levelalg_n in *;
    intros v Hv; cbnr.

  Lemma leq_levelalg_vertices0 n (l l' : Level.t)
    : leq_vertices G n l l'
       gc_leq0_levelalg_n n uctx.2 (LevelAlgExpr.make' l) (LevelAlgExpr.make' l').
  Proof using HG.
    intros H. unfold_univ_rel0.
    apply make_graph_spec in Hv; tas.
    eapply correct_labelling_proper in Hv; tea. 2:reflexivity.
    red in Hv.
    specialize (H _ Hv).
    rewrite !val_labelling_of_valuation; lia.

  Lemma leq_levelalg_vertices1 n (l l' : Level.t)
        (Hl : VSet.In l (wGraph.V G)) (Hl' : VSet.In l' (wGraph.V G))
    : gc_leq0_levelalg_n n uctx.2 (LevelAlgExpr.make' l) (LevelAlgExpr.make' l')
       leq_vertices G n l l'.
  Proof using HG Huctx.
    intros H. unfold_univ_rel0.
    eapply correct_labelling_proper in Hv. 2:symmetry; tea. 2:reflexivity.
    specialize (H _ (make_graph_spec' _ Huctx _ Hv)) as HH.
    eapply HG in Hl, Hl'.
    rewrite !LevelAlgExpr.val_make' in HH.
    rewrite <- (valuation_labelling_eq _ _ Hv l Hl).
    rewrite <- (valuation_labelling_eq _ _ Hv l' Hl').
    pose proof (val_labelling_of_valuation (valuation_of_labelling v) l).
    pose proof (val_labelling_of_valuation (valuation_of_labelling v) l').
    rewrite H0 H1 in HH. lia.

  Lemma leq_levelalg_vertices n (l l' : Level.t)
        (Hl : VSet.In l (wGraph.V G)) (Hl' : VSet.In l' (wGraph.V G))
    : gc_leq0_levelalg_n n uctx.2 (LevelAlgExpr.make' l) (LevelAlgExpr.make' l')
       leq_vertices G n l l'.
  Proof using HG Huctx.
    - intros H. unfold_univ_rel0. apply leq_levelalg_vertices1; tas.
    - apply leq_levelalg_vertices0.

  Definition leqb_level_n n (l l' : Level.t)
    := leqb_vertices G n l l'.

  Lemma leqb_level_n_spec0 n l l'
    : leqb_level_n n l l'
       gc_leq0_levelalg_n n uctx.2 (LevelAlgExpr.make' l) (LevelAlgExpr.make' l').
  Proof using HC HG Huctx.
    intro HH. apply leq_levelalg_vertices0.
    apply leqb_vertices_correct; tas; clear HH.
    rewrite HG; exact _.
    rewrite HG; exact _.

  Lemma leqb_level_n_spec n (l l' : Level.t)
        (Hl : VSet.In l uctx.1) (Hl' : VSet.In l' uctx.1)
    : leqb_level_n n l l'
       gc_leq0_levelalg_n n uctx.2 (LevelAlgExpr.make' l) (LevelAlgExpr.make' l').
  Proof using HC HG Huctx.
    symmetry. etransitivity. apply leq_levelalg_vertices; now apply HG.
    etransitivity. apply leqb_vertices_correct; try exact _. 1-2:now rewrite HG; exact _.
    now unfold leqb_level_n.

  Definition leqb_expr_n lt (e1 e2 : LevelExpr.t) :=
    match e1, e2 with
    | (l1, k), (l2, k')
      leqb_level_n (lt + (Z.of_nat k - Z.of_nat k')) l1 l2

  Lemma leqb_expr_n_spec0 lt e e'
    : leqb_expr_n lt e e'
       gc_leq0_levelalg_n lt uctx.2 (LevelAlgExpr.make e) (LevelAlgExpr.make e').
  Proof using HC HG Huctx.
    unfold leqb_expr_n.
    destruct e as [l k], e' as [l' k'];
      try solve [try (cbn in *; discriminate);
      intros H v Hv; cbn;
        apply leqb_level_n_spec0 in H;
        specialize (H v Hv); cbn in H;lia].

  Lemma andb_is_true (b b' : bool) : b b' b && b'.
  Proof using Type. destruct b, b'; cbnr; intuition 0. Qed.

  Lemma leqb_expr_n_spec n e e'
        (HHl : gc_expr_declared e)
        (HHl' : gc_expr_declared e')
    : leqb_expr_n n e e'
       gc_leq0_levelalg_n n uctx.2 (LevelAlgExpr.make e) (LevelAlgExpr.make e').
  Proof using HC HG Huctx.
    split; [apply leqb_expr_n_spec0|].
    unfold leqb_expr_n.
    destruct e as [l k] eqn:eqe, e' as [l' k'] eqn:eqe'; cbn; intro H;
      destruct HC as [v0 Hv0]; pose proof (H v0 Hv0) as H0; cbn in H0.
     simpl in H0 |- ×.
    apply leqb_level_n_spec; tas.
    specialize (H v Hv). simpl in H. cbn in H.

  Import NonEmptySetFacts.

  Definition leqb_expr_univ_n lt (e1 : LevelExpr.t) (u : LevelAlgExpr.t) :=
    let '(e2, u) := LevelAlgExpr.exprs u in
    List.fold_left (fun b e2leqb_expr_n lt e1 e2 || b)
      u (leqb_expr_n lt e1 e2).

  Lemma leqb_expr_univ_n_spec0 n e1 u
    : leqb_expr_univ_n n e1 u
       gc_leq0_levelalg_n n uctx.2 (LevelAlgExpr.make e1) u.
  Proof using HC HG Huctx.
    unfold leqb_expr_univ_n; intros H.
    rewrite val_fold_right.
    destruct (LevelAlgExpr.exprs u) as [e u'] eqn:Ht0;cbn in ×.
    rewrite <- !fold_left_rev_right in H; cbn in ×.
    induction (List.rev u'); cbn in ×.
    - apply leqb_expr_n_spec0; tas.
    - apply orb_true_iff in H. destruct H as [H|H].
      + apply leqb_expr_n_spec0 in H. specialize (H v Hv); cbn in ×.
      + apply IHl in H; clear IHl. lia.

  Import Nbar Datatypes.

  Lemma val_le_caract' (u : LevelAlgExpr.t) v k :
    ( e, LevelExprSet.In e u Z.of_nat k Z.of_nat (val v e))%Z (Z.of_nat k Z.of_nat (val v u))%Z.
  Proof using Type.
    epose proof (val_le_caract u v k).
    intuition auto.
    apply inj_le, H0.
    destruct H as [e [? ?]]. e; split; auto.
    assert (k val v u)%nat. lia.
    destruct (H1 H2) as [e [? ?]]. e; split; auto.

  Lemma val_ge_caract' (u : LevelAlgExpr.t) v k :
    ( e, LevelExprSet.In e u (Z.of_nat (val v e) Z.of_nat k)%Z) (Z.of_nat (val v u) Z.of_nat k)%Z.
  Proof using Type.
    epose proof (val_ge_caract u v k).
    intuition auto.
    apply inj_le, H0.
    intros e hin. specialize (H e hin). lia.
    assert (val v u k)%nat. lia.
    specialize (H1 H3 e H2). lia.

  Lemma Z_of_nat_bool_to_nat x b : (Z.of_nat x + b )%Z = Z.of_nat (x + if b then 1%nat else 0%nat).
  Proof using Type. destruct b; simpl; lia. Qed.

  Lemma Z_of_nat_inj_bool (x : bool) : Z.of_nat (if x then 1%nat else 0%nat) = x .
  Proof using Type. destruct x; simpl; auto. Qed.

  Definition neg_forall p u :=
    LevelExprSet.for_all p u = false.

  Lemma exists_neg_forall p u : neg_forall p u LevelExprSet.exists_ (fun x~~ (p x)) u.
  Proof using Type.
    unfold neg_forall.
    split. intros nf.
    now apply LevelExprSet_for_all_false in nf.
    intros ex.
    apply not_true_iff_false; intro HH.
    eapply LevelExprSet.for_all_spec in HH. 2:proper.
    red in ex.
    eapply LevelExprSet.exists_spec in ex as [x [inx npx]]. 2:proper.
    specialize (HH _ inx). simpl in HH. rewrite HH in npx. simpl in npx. congruence.

  Definition lsp_expr G l (ei : LevelExpr.t) : Nbar.t :=
    let '(li, bi) := ei in (lsp G l li + Some (Z.of_nat bi))%nbar.

  Local Open Scope Z_scope.

  Definition is_lt (x y : Nbar.t) : bool :=
    ~~ le_lt_dec y x.

  Lemma is_lt_spec x y : is_lt x y (x < y)%nbar.
  Proof using Type.
    unfold is_lt. destruct le_lt_dec. simpl. discriminate. simpl.

  Lemma gc_leq0_levelalg_n_sup lt (l : Level.t) b (u : LevelAlgExpr.t)
        (e := (l, b)) :
      gc_level_declared l
      gc_levels_declared u
      gc_leq0_levelalg_n lt uctx.2 (LevelAlgExpr.make e) u
       (e' : LevelExpr.t), LevelExprSet.In e' u
             gc_leq0_levelalg_n lt uctx.2 (LevelAlgExpr.make e) (LevelAlgExpr.make e').
  Proof using HC HG Huctx.
    intros Hl Hu H.
    assert (HG1 : invariants G) by (rewrite HG; exact _).
    assert (HG2 : acyclic_no_loop G) by (rewrite HG; exact _).
    assert (Hs : wGraph.s G = lzero) by apply (proj2 (proj2 HG)).
    assert (Vs : VSet.In lzero (wGraph.V G)).
    { rewrite <-Hs. now apply source_vertex. }
    case_eq (lsp G l lzero).
    - intros lset Hlset. red in H.
Needs to strengthen the argument using a valuations of l with - m
      assert (Hinl : VSet.In l (wGraph.V G)). {
        red in Hl; cbn in Hl. now apply HG. }
      epose proof (lsp_to_s G Hinl).
      rewrite Hs in H0. specialize (H0 Hlset).
      pose proof (lsp_s G _ Hinl) as [sl [lspsl slpos]].
      assert (Hl' : v, gc_satisfies v uctx.2 (val v l Z.to_nat (- lset))%nat). {
        intros v Hv. apply make_graph_spec in Hv.
        rewrite <- HG in Hv.
        eapply correct_labelling_lsp in Hlset; tea.
        cbn in Hlset.
        change (labelling_of_valuation v l) with (val v l) in Hlset. lia. }
      assert (Hl'' : v, gc_satisfies v uctx.2 (Z.to_nat sl val v l)%nat). {
          intros v Hv. apply make_graph_spec in Hv.
          rewrite <- HG in Hv. rewrite Hs in lspsl.
          eapply correct_labelling_lsp in lspsl; tea.
          cbn in lspsl.
          change (labelling_of_valuation v l) with (val v l) in lspsl. lia. }
      assert (LevelExprSet.for_all
        (fun eiis_lt (lsp_expr G l ei - Some (Z.of_nat b))%nbar (Some lt ))%Z
        u = false) as HH. {
        apply not_true_iff_false; intro HH.
        apply LevelExprSet.for_all_spec in HH; proper.
        set (G' := wGraph.Subgraph1.G' G lzero l lset) in ×.
        assert (HG'1 : invariants G'). {
          subst G'; apply Subgraph1.HI'; tas. }
        assert (HG'2 : acyclic_no_loop G'). {
          subst G'; apply Subgraph1.HG'; tas. }
        eapply (Subgraph1.correct_labelling_lsp_G' G) in Hlset as Hlab; tas.
        fold G' in Hlab; cbn in Hlab.
        set (lab := fun xto_label (lsp G' (wGraph.s G) x)) in ×.
        pose proof (make_graph_spec' _ Huctx lab) as Hv.
        forward Hv; [now rewrite <- HG|].
        specialize (H _ Hv). specialize (Hl' _ Hv).
        specialize (Hl'' _ Hv).
        rewrite LevelAlgExpr.val_make in H.
        rewrite (val_valuation_of_labelling' _ l b) in H; tas.
        apply switch_minus in H.
        subst e.
        rewrite Z_of_nat_bool_to_nat in H.
        eapply val_le_caract' in H.
        destruct H as [ei [Hei H]]. specialize (HH ei Hei); cbn in HH.
        specialize (Hu ei Hei).
        destruct ei as [li bi]; cbn in ×.
        assert (Vli : VSet.In li (wGraph.V G)).
        { now apply HG. }

        simpl in H. unfold is_lt in HH.
        match goal with
        | H : ~~ is_left ?X = true |- _
          destruct X as [HH'|Hlt]; [discriminate|]; clear H
        rewrite val_valuation_of_labelling in H; tas.
        rewrite !Nat2Z.inj_add in H.
        rewrite Z_of_nat_inj_bool in H.
        assert (Z.of_nat (lab l) = - lset).
        { unfold lab.
          epose proof (Subgraph1.lsp_G'_spec_left G _ _ Hinl Vs _ Hlset l).
          fold G' in H1. rewrite Hs H1. clear H1.
          rewrite lsp_xx.
          pose proof (lsp_sym _ Hlset).
          destruct (lsp_s G l Hinl) as [sl' [lspsl' w]].
          rewrite Hs in lspsl'. rewrite lspsl' in H1 |- ×.
          simpl in H1. cbn -[to_label].
          rewrite Z_of_to_label_pos //; lia. }
        rewrite H1 in H.
        destruct (lsp_s G' li) as [ni [Hni nipos]].
        { cbn. now apply HG. }
        generalize (Subgraph1.lsp_G'_spec_left G lzero l Hinl Vs _ Hlset li).
        fold G'. simpl in Hni.
        rewrite <-Hs, Hni.
        destruct (lsp_s G li Vli) as [sli [lspsli wsli]].
        rewrite lspsli. rewrite Hs in Hni, lspsli, lspsl.
        assert ( lt - Z.of_nat b + lset + Z.of_nat bi + Z.of_nat (lab li)) by lia.
        destruct (lsp G l li) as [lli|] eqn:elli.
        2:{ elimtype False.
          generalize (lsp_codistance G l lzero li).
          now rewrite elli Hlset lspsli. }
        simpl in Hlt.
        assert (lli + Z.of_nat bi - Z.of_nat b < - Z.of_nat b + lset + Z.of_nat bi + Z.of_nat (lab li)) by lia.
        assert (lli < lset + Z.of_nat (lab li)) by lia.
        unfold lab in H. rewrite Hs in H.
        rewrite Hni in H.
        rewrite Z_of_to_label_pos in H; try lia.
        intros hmax.
        symmetry in hmax.
        apply eq_max in hmax as [[= eq]|eq]. subst ni.
        unfold lab in H4. rewrite Hs Hni in H4.
        rewrite Z_of_to_label_pos in H4; try lia.
        pose proof (lsp_codistance G l lzero li). rewrite Hlset lspsli elli in H5.
        simpl in H5. lia.
        simpl in eq. noconf eq.
        lia. }
      apply LevelExprSet_for_all_false in HH.
      apply LevelExprSet.exists_spec in HH; proper.
      unfold LevelExprSet.Exists in ×.
      destruct HH as [[li bi] [He' HH]]. unfold is_lt in HH.
      rewrite negb_involutive in HH.
      eexists; split; tea.
      match goal with
      | H : ssrbool.is_left ?X = true |- _
        destruct X as [HH'|HH']; try discriminate; clear H
      cbn in HH'.
      rewrite Hs in lspsl.
      case_eq (lsp G l li).
      2: intros X; rewrite X in HH'; destruct bi, b; contradiction.
      intros nl Hnl v Hv; rewrite Hnl in HH'.
      simpl in HH'.
      rewrite (val_labelling_of_valuation' v li bi); cbn.
      specialize (Hl' _ Hv).
      specialize (Hl'' _ Hv).
      pose proof Hv as Hv'.
      apply make_graph_spec in Hv; tas. rewrite <- HG in Hv.
      apply (correct_labelling_lsp _ Hnl) in Hv. cbn in Hv.
      apply switch_minus.
      rewrite !Nat2Z.inj_add.
      enough (Z.of_nat b + Z.of_nat (val v l) + lt - Z.of_nat bi Z.of_nat (labelling_of_valuation v li)) by lia.
      etransitivity; [|eassumption].
      assert (Z.of_nat (val v l) = Z.of_nat (labelling_of_valuation v l)).
      reflexivity. rewrite H1. lia.

    - intros HlSet. subst e.
      assert (Hl' : VSet.In l (wGraph.V G)). {
        red in Hl; cbn in Hl; now apply HG. }

      assert (LevelExprSet.for_all
                (fun eimatch ei with
                        | (li, bi)
                          le_lt_dec (Some (Z.of_nat bi)
                          + Some (match b with 0%nat ⇒ 1%Z | _ ⇒ (- (Z.pred (Z.of_nat b)))%Z end)
                          + lsp G l li)
                          (Some lt )%Z
                u = false) as HH. {
        apply not_true_iff_false; intro HH.
        destruct (lsp_s G _ Hl') as [nl [Hnl nlpos]]; cbn in Hnl.

        assert ( K : Z, (nl K)%Z
                  (fun eimatch ei with
                            | (li, bi)
                              match lsp G (wGraph.s G) li with
                              | NoneTrue
                              | Some ni ⇒ ((Z.of_nat bi) + ni < K)%Z
                                 end) u) as XX. {
               (fun ei Kmatch ei with
                         | (li, bi)
                           match lsp G (wGraph.s G) li with
                           | NoneK
                           | Some niZ.max K (Z.succ (Z.of_nat bi) + ni)
                         end) u nl).
          clear -Hu HG HG1 HG2. split.
          - rewrite LevelExprSet.fold_spec. rewrite <- fold_left_rev_right.
            induction (List.rev (LevelExprSet.elements u)). reflexivity.
            cbn. destruct a as [li bi]; tas.
            destruct (lsp G (wGraph.s G) li); tas; lia.
          - intros [li bi] Hei; trivial.
            specialize (Hu _ Hei); cbn in Hu.
            destruct (lsp_s G li) as [ni' [Hni' ni'pos]].
            { now apply HG. }
            rewrite Hni'.
            rewrite LevelExprSet.fold_spec. rewrite <- fold_left_rev_right.
            apply LevelExprSetFact.elements_1, InA_In_eq, in_rev in Hei.
            change (In (li, bi)
                       (@List.rev LevelExprSet.elt (LevelExprSet.elements u))) in Hei.
            induction (List.rev (LevelExprSet.elements u)); inv Hei.
            + subst a; cbn. rewrite Hni'. lia.
            + specialize (IHl H). cbn. destruct a as [li' bi'].
              destruct (lsp G (wGraph.s G) li'); lia. }
        destruct XX as [K [HK1 HK2]].
        assert (Hs' : VSet.In lzero (wGraph.V G)). {
          rewrite <- Hs; apply HG1. }
        set (G' := wGraph.G' G lzero l K) in ×.
        assert (lsG : l wGraph.s G). intros eq.
        { rewrite eq in HlSet, Hnl.
          congruence. }
        assert (HG'1 : invariants G'). {
          subst G'; apply HI'; tas. }
        assert (HG'2 : acyclic_no_loop G'). {
          subst G'; apply HG'; tas. }
        apply correct_labelling_lsp_G' with (K:=K) in HlSet as Hlab; tas.
        fold G' in Hlab; cbn in Hlab.
        set (lab := fun xto_label (lsp G' (wGraph.s G) x)) in ×.
        pose proof (make_graph_spec' _ Huctx lab) as Hv.
        forward Hv; [now rewrite <- HG|].
        specialize (H _ Hv); clear Hv.
        rewrite LevelAlgExpr.val_make in H.
        rewrite val_valuation_of_labelling' in H; tas.

        apply switch_minus in H.
        rewrite Z_of_nat_bool_to_nat in H.
        apply val_le_caract' in H.
        destruct H as [ei [Hei H]].
        apply LevelExprSet.for_all_spec in HH; proper.
        specialize (HH _ Hei); cbn in HH.
        specialize (Hu _ Hei).
        destruct ei as [li bi]; cbn in H.
        rewrite val_valuation_of_labelling in H; tas.
        match goal with
        | H : is_left ?X = true |- _
          destruct X as [HH'|HH']; try discriminate; clear H
        assert (lab l = to_label (Some K)) as XX. {
          subst lab; cbn. subst G'. rewriteHs in ×.
          rewrite lsp_G'_spec_left; tas. rewrite Hnl.
          unfold lsp. rewrite acyclic_lsp0_xx; tas.
          simpl. assert (Z.max nl (K + 0) = K). lia. now rewrite H0. }
        rewrite XX in H.
        destruct (lsp_s G li) as [ni [Hni nipos]].
        { now apply HG. }
        specialize (HK2 _ Hei); cbn in HK2. rewrite Hni in HK2.

        case_eq (lsp G l li).
        - intros ki Hki. rewrite Hki in HH'; cbn in HH'.
          destruct (Z.leb_spec ni (K + ki)).
          assert (lab li = to_label (Some (K + ki)%Z)) as XX'. {
            subst lab; cbn. subst G'. rewriteHs in ×.
            rewrite lsp_G'_spec_left; tas. rewrite Hki.
            rewrite Hni; cbn.
            assert (Z.max ni (K + ki) = K + ki)%Z as →. lia.
            reflexivity. }
          rewrite XX' in H.
          rewrite !Nat2Z.inj_add in H.
          rewrite !Z_of_to_label in H.
          destruct (Z.leb_spec 0 K); [|lia].
          destruct (Z.leb_spec 0 (K + ki)); [|].
          rewrite Z_of_nat_inj_bool in H.
          destruct b; cbn in *; lia.
          destruct b, lt; cbn in *; lia.
          assert (lab li = to_label (Some ni)) as XX'. {
            subst lab; cbn. subst G'. rewriteHs in ×.
            rewrite lsp_G'_spec_left; tas. rewrite Hki Hni; simpl.
            enough (Z.max ni (K + ki) = ni)%Z as ->; auto. lia. }
          rewrite XX' in H.
          rewrite !Nat2Z.inj_add !Z_of_to_label Z_of_nat_inj_bool in H.
          destruct (Z.leb_spec 0 K); [|lia].
          destruct (Z.leb_spec 0 ni); [|lia].
          destruct b, lt; cbn in *; lia.

        - intro Hki.
          assert (lab li = to_label (Some ni)) as XX'. {
            subst lab; cbn. subst G'. rewriteHs in ×.
            rewrite lsp_G'_spec_left; tas. now rewrite Hki Hni. }
          rewrite XX' in H.
          rewrite !Nat2Z.inj_add !Z_of_to_label Z_of_nat_inj_bool in H.
          destruct (Z.leb_spec 0 K); [|lia].
          destruct (Z.leb_spec 0 ni); [|lia].
          destruct b, lt; cbn in *; lia. }

    apply LevelExprSet_for_all_false in HH.
    apply LevelExprSet.exists_spec in HH; proper.
    destruct HH as [[li bi] [He' HH]].
    eexists; split; tea.
    match goal with
    | H : ~~ is_left ?X = true |- _
      destruct X as [HH'|HH']; try discriminate; clear H
    cbn in HH'. case_eq (lsp G l li).
    2: intros X; rewrite X in HH'; destruct bi, b; contradiction.
    intros nl Hnl v Hv; rewrite Hnl in HH'.
    apply make_graph_spec in Hv; tas. rewrite <- HG in Hv.
    apply (correct_labelling_lsp _ Hnl) in Hv.
    rewrite !val_labelling_of_valuation'.
    destruct b, lt; cbn in *; lia.

  Lemma leqb_expr_univ_n_spec lt e1 (u : LevelAlgExpr.t)
        (He1 : gc_expr_declared e1)
        (Hu : gc_levels_declared u)
    : leqb_expr_univ_n lt e1 u
       gc_leq0_levelalg_n lt uctx.2 (LevelAlgExpr.make e1) u.
  Proof using HC HG Huctx.
    split; [apply leqb_expr_univ_n_spec0|].
    unfold leqb_expr_univ_n; intro HH.
    case_eq (LevelAlgExpr.exprs u). intros e u' ee.
    assert (Hu': gc_expr_declared e Forall gc_expr_declared u'). {
    split. apply Hu. apply In_to_nonempty_list. fold LevelAlgExpr.exprs. left. now rewrite ee.
    apply Forall_forall. intros e' He'. apply Hu.
    apply In_to_nonempty_list. fold LevelAlgExpr.exprs. right. now rewrite ee. }
    destruct e1 as [l1 b1].
    apply gc_leq0_levelalg_n_sup in HH; tas.
    destruct HH as [e' [He' HH]]. apply leqb_expr_n_spec in HH; tas.
    2:{ now apply Hu. }
    apply In_to_nonempty_list in He'. fold LevelAlgExpr.exprs in He'; rewrite ee in He'; cbn in He'.
    rewrite <- !fold_left_rev_right.
    clear -He' HH. destruct He' as [H|H]; [subst|].
    × induction (List.rev u'); tas;cbn -[leqb_expr_n].
      now rewrite IHl orb_true_r.
    × apply In_rev in H.
      induction (List.rev u'); cbn -[leqb_expr_n]; invs H.
      now rewrite HH. now rewrite IHl; auto; rewrite orb_true_r.

  Definition leqb_levelalg_n lt (l1 l2 : LevelAlgExpr.t) :=
      let '(e1, u1) := LevelAlgExpr.exprs l1 in
      List.fold_left (fun b e1leqb_expr_univ_n lt e1 l2 && b)
                     u1 (leqb_expr_univ_n lt e1 l2).

  Lemma fold_right_xpred0 {A} (l : list A) : fold_right (fun _xpred0) false l = false.
  Proof using Type. induction l; simpl; auto. Qed.

  Lemma leqb_levelalg_n_spec0 lt (u1 u2 : LevelAlgExpr.t)
    : leqb_levelalg_n lt u1 u2 gc_leq0_levelalg_n lt uctx.2 u1 u2.
  Proof using HC HG Huctx.
    unfold leqb_levelalg_n. intros H.
    unfold val, LevelAlgExpr.Evaluable.
    destruct (LevelAlgExpr.exprs u1) as [e1 u1'] eqn:Hu1'.
    rewrite <- fold_left_rev_right in *; cbn in ×.
    induction (List.rev u1'); cbn in ×.
    + apply leqb_expr_univ_n_spec0 in H.
      specialize (H v Hv); cbn in H. assumption.
    + set (z := (fold_right (fun e xNat.max (val v e) x) (val v e1) l)) in ×.
      toProp as [H HH].
      apply leqb_expr_univ_n_spec0 in H. specialize (H v Hv). cbn in H.
      destruct (Nat.max_dec (val v a) z) as [ee|ee]; rewrite ee.
      × assumption.
      × apply IHl; tas.

  Lemma leqb_levelalg_n_spec lt (l1 l2 : LevelAlgExpr.t)
        (Hu1 : gc_levels_declared l1)
        (Hu2 : gc_levels_declared l2)
    : leqb_levelalg_n lt l1 l2
       gc_leq0_levelalg_n lt uctx.2 l1 l2.
  Proof using HC HG Huctx.
    split; [apply leqb_levelalg_n_spec0|].
    unfold leqb_levelalg_n; intro HH.
    unfold LevelAlgExpr.exprs.
    case_eq (to_nonempty_list l1); intros e1 uu1 Huu1.
    rewrite (fold_left_andb_forallb (fun e_)).
    pose proof (to_nonempty_list_spec' l1) as X; rewrite Huu1 in X; cbn in X.
    rewrite X. apply forallb_Forall. apply Forall_forall.
    intros ei Hei.
    apply InA_In_eq, LevelExprSetFact.elements_2 in Hei.
    specialize (Hu1 _ Hei).
    eapply leqb_expr_univ_n_spec; tas.
    intros v Hv. specialize (HH v Hv).
    simpl in HH |- ×.
    transitivity (Z.of_nat (val v l1)); eauto.
    eapply (val_ge_caract' l1 v (val v l1)).p2. lia. auto.

  Definition check_leqb_levelalg (u1 u2 : LevelAlgExpr.t) :=
    ~~ check_univs
    || (u1 == u2)
    || leqb_levelalg_n false u1 u2.

  Lemma check_leqb_levelalg_spec (u1 u2 : LevelAlgExpr.t)
        (Hu1 : gc_levels_declared u1)
        (Hu2 : gc_levels_declared u2)
    : check_leqb_levelalg u1 u2 gc_leq_levelalg uctx.2 u1 u2.
  Proof using HC HG Huctx.
    unfold check_leqb_levelalg, gc_leq_levelalg, gc_leq_levelalg_n.
    destruct check_univs; [|split; trivial].
    split; cbn.
    - move/orP ⇒ [|].
      + rewrite univ_expr_eqb_true_iff.
        intros <- v Hv. lia.
      + now apply (leqb_levelalg_n_spec0 false).
    - intros H; apply (leqb_levelalg_n_spec false) in H; tas. rewrite H.
      now rewrite orb_true_r.

  Definition check_eqb_levelalg (u1 u2 : LevelAlgExpr.t) :=
    ~~ check_univs
    || (u1 == u2)
    || (leqb_levelalg_n false u1 u2 && leqb_levelalg_n false u2 u1).

  Lemma check_eqb_levelalg_spec (l1 l2 : LevelAlgExpr.t)
        (Hu1 : gc_levels_declared l1)
        (Hu2 : gc_levels_declared l2)
    : check_eqb_levelalg l1 l2 gc_eq_levelalg uctx.2 l1 l2.
  Proof using HC HG Huctx.
    unfold check_eqb_levelalg, gc_eq_levelalg.
    destruct check_univs; [|split; trivial].
    split; cbn.
    - move/orP ⇒ [ | /andP [Hle Hge]].
      + rewrite univ_expr_eqb_true_iff.
        now intros <- v Hv.
      + apply leqb_levelalg_n_spec0 in Hle, Hge.
        unfold_univ_rel0. specialize (Hle v Hv); specialize (Hge v Hv).
        simpl in ×. lia.
    - intros H. toProp; right.
      toProp; apply leqb_levelalg_n_spec; tas; intros v Hv; specialize (H v Hv).
      rewrite H. cbn; lia.
      rewrite H. cbn; lia.

  Lemma fold_left_false {A} l : fold_left (B:=A) (fun _ : boolxpred0) l false = false.
  Proof using Type.
    induction l; simpl; eauto.

  Definition check_gc_constraint (gc : GoodConstraint.t) :=
    ~~ check_univs ||
    match gc with
    | GoodConstraint.gc_le l z l'leqb_level_n z l l'
    | GoodConstraint.gc_lt_set_level k lleqb_level_n (Z.of_nat (S k)) lzero (Level.Level l)
    | GoodConstraint.gc_le_set_var k nleqb_level_n (Z.of_nat k) lzero (Level.Var n)
    | GoodConstraint.gc_le_level_set l kleqb_level_n (- Z.of_nat k)%Z (Level.Level l) lzero
    | GoodConstraint.gc_le_var_set n kleqb_level_n (- Z.of_nat k)%Z (Level.Var n) lzero

  Definition check_gc_constraints :=
    GoodConstraintSet.for_all check_gc_constraint.

  Definition check_constraints ctrs :=
    match gc_of_constraints ctrs with
    | Some ctrscheck_gc_constraints ctrs
    | Nonefalse

  Lemma check_gc_constraint_spec gc
    : check_gc_constraint gc
       if check_univs then v, gc_satisfies v uctx.2 gc_satisfies0 v gc else True.
  Proof using HC HG Huctx.
    unfold check_gc_constraint. destruct check_univs; [cbn|trivial].
    destruct gc as [l z l'|k l|k n|l k|n k].
    - intros HH v Hv; apply leqb_level_n_spec0 in HH.
      specialize (HH v Hv). cbn in ×. toProp.
      pose proof (val_level_of_variable_level v l).
      pose proof (val_level_of_variable_level v l').
      destruct l, l'; cbn in *; lia.
    - intros HH v Hv; apply leqb_level_n_spec0 in HH.
      specialize (HH v Hv). cbn -[Z.of_nat] in HH. unfold gc_satisfies0. toProp.
      cbn in ×. lia.
    - intros HH v Hv; apply leqb_level_n_spec0 in HH.
      specialize (HH v Hv). cbn in HH. unfold gc_satisfies0. toProp.
    - intros HH v Hv; apply leqb_level_n_spec0 in HH.
      specialize (HH v Hv). cbn in HH. unfold gc_satisfies0. toProp.
    - intros HH v Hv; apply leqb_level_n_spec0 in HH.
      specialize (HH v Hv). cbn in HH. unfold gc_satisfies0. toProp.

  Lemma check_gc_constraints_spec ctrs
    : check_gc_constraints ctrs
       if check_univs then v, gc_satisfies v uctx.2 gc_satisfies v ctrs else True.
  Proof using HC HG Huctx.
    pose proof check_gc_constraint_spec as XX.
    unfold check_gc_constraint. destruct check_univs; [cbn|trivial].
    intros HH v Hv.
    apply GoodConstraintSet.for_all_spec. now intros x y [].
    apply GoodConstraintSet.for_all_spec in HH. 2: now intros x y [].
    intros gc Hgc. specialize (HH gc Hgc).
    apply XX; assumption.

  Definition eqb_univ_instance (u1 u2 : Instance.t) : bool :=
    forallb2 (fun l1 l2check_eqb_levelalg
        (LevelAlgExpr.make' l1) (LevelAlgExpr.make' l2)) u1 u2.

  Definition leqb_universe (s1 s2 : Universe.t) :=
    leqb_universe_n_ (fun _check_leqb_levelalg) false s1 s2.

  Definition check_leqb_universe (u1 u2 : Universe.t) :=
    Universe.eqb u1 u2
    || leqb_universe u1 u2.

  Definition check_eqb_universe (u1 u2 : Universe.t) :=
    Universe.eqb u1 u2
    || (leqb_universe u1 u2 && leqb_universe u2 u1).

  Lemma check_eqb_universe_refl u : check_eqb_universe u u.
  Proof using Type.
    unfold check_eqb_universe; toProp; left.
    apply Universe.eqb_refl.

  Definition gc_leq_universe :=
    leq_universe_n_ (fun n φ u u'if check_univs then gc_leq0_levelalg_n n φ u u' else True) 0.

  Definition gc_eq_universe :=
    eq_universe_ (fun φ u u'if check_univs then gc_eq0_levelalg φ u u' else True).

  Let levels_declared_univ (u : Universe.t) :=
    match u with
    | Universe.lSProp | Universe.lPropTrue
    | Universe.lType lgc_levels_declared l

  Lemma check_eqb_universe_spec (u1 u2 : Universe.t)
      (Hu1 : levels_declared_univ u1)
      (Hu2 : levels_declared_univ u2)
    : check_eqb_universe u1 u2 gc_eq_universe uctx.2 u1 u2.
  Proof using HC HG Huctx.
    unfold check_eqb_universe, gc_eq_universe.
    destruct u1, u2; cbnr; split; intuition auto.
    - now destruct prop_sub_type.
    - apply check_eqb_levelalg_spec; tas.
      unfold check_eqb_universe, check_eqb_levelalg in *; cbn in ×.
      unfold check_leqb_levelalg in ×.
      destruct check_univs; cbnr.
      move/orP: H ⇒ [-> | /andP [/orP [/orP [Hf | ->] | H1] /orP [/orP [Hf' | e] | H2]]] //.
      1: apply NonEmptySetFacts.univ_expr_eqb_true_iff in e as →.
      1: toProp; left; now apply NonEmptySetFacts.univ_expr_eqb_true_iff.
      toProp; right; now toProp.
    - toProp; right.
      apply check_eqb_levelalg_spec in H; tas.
      unfold check_eqb_universe, check_eqb_levelalg in *; cbn in ×.
      unfold check_leqb_levelalg in ×.
      destruct check_univs; [cbn in × | trivial].
      move/orP : H ⇒ [H | /andP [H1 H2]].
      + apply NonEmptySetFacts.univ_expr_eqb_true_iff in H as →.
        toProp; toProp; left; now apply NonEmptySetFacts.univ_expr_eqb_true_iff.
      + toProp; toProp; right; assumption.

End CheckLeq.

Section CheckLeq2.
  Context {cf:checker_flags}.

  Definition is_graph_of_uctx G uctx
    := on_Some (fun uctxEqual_graph (make_graph uctx) G) (gc_of_uctx uctx).

  Context (G : universes_graph)
          uctx (Huctx: global_uctx_invariants uctx) (HC : consistent uctx.2)
          (HG : is_graph_of_uctx G uctx).

  Let uctx' : VSet.t × GoodConstraintSet.t.
    unfold is_graph_of_uctx, gc_of_uctx in HG.
    destruct (gc_of_constraints uctx.2) as [ctrs|].
    exact (uctx.1, ctrs).
    contradiction HG.

  Let Huctx': global_gc_uctx_invariants uctx'.
    subst uctx'; cbn.
    eapply gc_of_uctx_invariants; tea.
    unfold is_graph_of_uctx, gc_of_uctx in ×. cbn.
    destruct (gc_of_constraints uctx.2) as [ctrs|].
    reflexivity. contradiction HG.

  Let HC' : gc_consistent uctx'.2.
    subst uctx'; cbn. clear Huctx'.
    apply gc_consistent_iff in HC.
    unfold is_graph_of_uctx, gc_of_uctx in ×.
    destruct (gc_of_constraints uctx.2) as [ctrs|].
    exact HC. contradiction HG.

  Let HG' : Equal_graph G (make_graph uctx').
    subst uctx'; cbn. clear Huctx'.
    unfold is_graph_of_uctx, gc_of_uctx in ×.
    destruct (gc_of_constraints uctx.2) as [ctrs|].
    symmetry; exact HG. contradiction HG.

  Let level_declared (l : Level.t) := LevelSet.In l uctx.1.

  Let expr_declared (e : LevelExpr.t)
    := on_Some_or_None (fun l : Level.tlevel_declared l)
                       (LevelExpr.get_noprop e).

  Let levels_declared (u : LevelAlgExpr.t) :=
    LevelExprSet.For_all expr_declared u.

  Lemma level_gc_declared_declared l
    : level_declared l gc_level_declared uctx' l.
  Proof using HG.
    clear. subst uctx'.
    unfold is_graph_of_uctx, gc_of_uctx in HG.
    destruct (gc_of_constraints uctx.2); [|contradiction HG].
    cbn; clear HG. unfold level_declared, gc_level_declared; cbn.
    destruct l; cbn; trivial; intro.

  Lemma expr_gc_declared_declared e
    : expr_declared e gc_expr_declared uctx' e.
  Proof using HG level_declared.
    destruct e as [l b]; cbn; trivial.
    intro; now apply (level_gc_declared_declared l) in H.

  Lemma levels_gc_declared_declared (u : LevelAlgExpr.t)
    : levels_declared u gc_levels_declared uctx' u.
  Proof using HG expr_declared.
    unfold levels_declared, gc_levels_declared.
    intros HH e He; specialize (HH e He).
    now apply expr_gc_declared_declared.

  Lemma leqb_univ_expr_n_spec' lt e1 u
        (He1 : expr_declared e1)
        (Hu : levels_declared u)
    : leqb_expr_univ_n G lt e1 u
       leq0_levelalg_n lt uctx.2 (LevelAlgExpr.make e1) u.
  Proof using HG' Huctx'.
    apply (leqb_expr_univ_n_spec G uctx' Huctx' HC' HG'); tas.
    - apply expr_gc_declared_declared; tas.
    - apply levels_gc_declared_declared; tas.
    - symmetry. etransitivity. apply gc_leq0_levelalg_n_iff.
      subst uctx'; cbn; clear -HG.
      unfold is_graph_of_uctx, gc_of_uctx in ×.
      destruct (gc_of_constraints uctx.2) as [ctrs|].
      reflexivity. contradiction HG.

  Lemma check_leqb_levelalg_spec' u1 u2
    : check_leqb_levelalg G u1 u2 leq_levelalg uctx.2 u1 u2.
  Proof using HG' Huctx'.
    unfold check_leqb_levelalg; intro H.
    cbn in H; toProp H; destruct H as [e | ].
    { apply NonEmptySetFacts.univ_expr_eqb_true_iff in e. destruct e; lia. }
    eapply (leqb_levelalg_n_spec0 G uctx' Huctx' HC' HG' _ _ _) in H.
    eapply gc_leq0_levelalg_iff; tea.
    unfold uctx' in H.
    unfold is_graph_of_uctx, gc_of_uctx in HG.
    destruct (gc_of_constraints uctx.2). cbn in ×. exact H.
    exact I.

  Lemma check_leqb_levelalg_complete u1 u2 :
    levels_declared u1
    levels_declared u2
    leq_levelalg uctx.2 u1 u2
    check_leqb_levelalg G u1 u2.
  Proof using HG' Huctx'.
    intros decl1 decl2.
    apply levels_gc_declared_declared in decl1.
    apply levels_gc_declared_declared in decl2.
    rewrite gc_leq_levelalg_iff.
    unfold is_graph_of_uctx, gc_of_uctx in HG.
    destruct gc_of_constraints; [cbn in *|contradiction HG].
    intros eq.
    apply <- check_leqb_levelalg_spec; eauto.
    exact eq.

  Lemma check_eqb_levelalg_spec' u1 u2
    : check_eqb_levelalg G u1 u2 eq_levelalg uctx.2 u1 u2.
  Proof using HG' Huctx'.
    unfold check_eqb_levelalg; intro H.
    cbn in H; toProp H; destruct H as [e | ].
    { apply NonEmptySetFacts.univ_expr_eqb_true_iff in e. destruct e; lia. }
    apply andb_prop in H. destruct H as [H1 H2].
    unshelve eapply (leqb_levelalg_n_spec0 G uctx' Huctx' HC' HG' _ _ _) in H1.
    unshelve eapply (leqb_levelalg_n_spec0 G uctx' Huctx' HC' HG' _ _ _) in H2.
    unfold uctx' in H1, H2.
    unfold is_graph_of_uctx, gc_of_uctx in HG.
    apply <- eq0_leq0_levelalg; tea.
    split; eapply gc_leq0_levelalg_iff;
      (destruct (gc_of_constraints uctx.2); [cbn in *|contradiction HG]); tas.

  Lemma check_eqb_levelalg_complete u1 u2 :
    levels_declared u1
    levels_declared u2
    eq_levelalg uctx.2 u1 u2
    check_eqb_levelalg G u1 u2.
  Proof using HG' Huctx'.
    intros decl1 decl2.
    apply levels_gc_declared_declared in decl1.
    apply levels_gc_declared_declared in decl2.
    rewrite gc_eq_levelalg_iff.
    unfold is_graph_of_uctx, gc_of_uctx in HG.
    destruct gc_of_constraints; [cbn in *|contradiction HG].
    intros eq.
    apply <- check_eqb_levelalg_spec; eauto.
    exact eq.

  Definition leq0_level_n z l l' :=
    leq0_levelalg_n z uctx.2 (LevelAlgExpr.make' l) (LevelAlgExpr.make' l').

  Definition valid_gc_constraint (gc : GoodConstraint.t) :=
    match gc with
    | GoodConstraint.gc_le l z l'leq0_level_n z l l'
    | GoodConstraint.gc_lt_set_level k lleq0_level_n (Z.of_nat (S k)) lzero (Level.Level l)
    | GoodConstraint.gc_le_set_var k nleq0_level_n (Z.of_nat k) lzero (Level.Var n)
    | GoodConstraint.gc_le_level_set l kleq0_level_n (- Z.of_nat k)%Z (Level.Level l) lzero
    | GoodConstraint.gc_le_var_set n kleq0_level_n (- Z.of_nat k)%Z (Level.Var n) lzero

  Definition valid_gc_constraints (gcs : GoodConstraintSet.t) :=
    GoodConstraintSet.For_all valid_gc_constraint gcs.

  Lemma leq0_level_n_complete z l l' :
    level_declared l
    level_declared l'
    leq0_level_n z l l'
    leqb_level_n G z l l'.
  Proof using HG' Huctx'.
    intros decll decll'.
    unfold leq0_level_n.
    intros le; eapply gc_leq0_levelalg_n_iff in le.
    unfold is_graph_of_uctx, gc_of_uctx in HG.
    destruct gc_of_constraints; [cbn in *|contradiction HG].
    now apply (leqb_level_n_spec G _ Huctx' HC' HG' z l l' decll decll').

  Definition gc_levels_declared' (vset : VSet.t) gc :=
     match gc with
    | GoodConstraint.gc_le l _ l'VSet.In (VariableLevel.to_noprop l) vset
      VSet.In (VariableLevel.to_noprop l') vset
    | GoodConstraint.gc_lt_set_level _ n | GoodConstraint.gc_le_level_set n _
             VSet.In (Level.Level n) vset
    | GoodConstraint.gc_le_set_var _ n | GoodConstraint.gc_le_var_set n _VSet.In (Level.Var n) vset

  Definition gcs_levels_declared (vset : VSet.t) gcs :=
    GoodConstraintSet.For_all (gc_levels_declared' vset) gcs.

  Lemma check_gc_constraint_complete cstr :
    gc_levels_declared' uctx.1 cstr
    valid_gc_constraint cstr
    check_gc_constraint G cstr.
  Proof using HG' Huctx'.
    rewrite /check_gc_constraint.
    destruct check_univs eqn:cu ⇒ //=.
    destruct cstr; cbn; intros hin;
    apply leq0_level_n_complete; intuition auto.
    all:apply Huctx.

  Lemma check_gc_constraints_complete cstrs :
    gcs_levels_declared uctx.1 cstrs
    valid_gc_constraints cstrs
    check_gc_constraints G cstrs.
  Proof using HG' Huctx'.
    rewrite /gcs_levels_declared /valid_gc_constraints /check_gc_constraints
    intros hdecl hval.
    eapply GoodConstraintSetFact.for_all_iff. typeclasses eauto.
    intros cstr hcstr. specialize (hdecl cstr hcstr).
    specialize (hval cstr hcstr). eapply check_gc_constraint_complete ⇒ //.

  Definition valid_gc_constraints_ext gc :=
     v, satisfies v uctx.2 gc_satisfies v gc.

  Lemma valid_gc_constraints_aux gc :
    valid_gc_constraints_ext gc
    valid_gc_constraints gc.
  Proof using Type.
    intros Hv v inv.
    unfold gc_satisfies in Hv.
    destruct v; cbn in *; red;
    intros v Hv'; specialize (Hv _ Hv');
    eapply GoodConstraintSetFact.for_all_iff in Hv; try typeclasses eauto;
    specialize (Hv _ inv); cbn in Hv; cbn;
    rewrite ?val_level_of_variable_level //.

    now eapply Z.leb_le in Hv.
    eapply Nat.leb_le in Hv. lia.
    apply Nat.leb_le in Hv. lia.
    apply Nat.leb_le in Hv. lia.
    apply Nat.leb_le in Hv. lia.

  Lemma valid_valid_gc cstrs gc :
    valid_constraints uctx.2 cstrs
    gc_of_constraints cstrs = Some gc
    valid_gc_constraints gc.
  Proof using Type.
    intros cu Hgc vgc. apply valid_gc_constraints_aux.
    intros v Hv.
    pose proof (gc_of_constraints_spec v cstrs).
    rewrite vgc /= in H. apply H.
    rewrite /valid_constraints cu in Hgc. apply Hgc. apply Hv.

  Lemma gc_of_constraints_declared cstrs levels gc :
    global_uctx_invariants (levels, cstrs)
    gc_of_constraints cstrs = Some gc
    gcs_levels_declared levels gc.
  Proof using Type.
    intros Hlev hc.
    pose proof (gc_of_uctx_invariants (levels, cstrs) (levels, gc)).
    cbn in H. rewrite hc in H. specialize (H eq_refl). now apply H.

  Lemma check_constraints_spec ctrs
    : check_constraints G ctrs valid_constraints uctx.2 ctrs.
  Proof using HG' Huctx'.
    unfold check_constraints, valid_constraints.
    case_eq (gc_of_constraints ctrs); [|try discriminate].
    intros ctrs' Hctrs' HH.
    epose proof (check_gc_constraints_spec _ uctx' Huctx' HC' HG' _ HH).
    destruct check_univs ⇒ //=.
    intros v Hv.
    apply gc_of_constraints_spec.
    apply gc_of_constraints_spec in Hv.
    rewrite Hctrs'; cbn. eapply H.
    clear -HG Hv.
    unfold is_graph_of_uctx, gc_of_uctx in HG.
    destruct (gc_of_constraints uctx.2) ⇒ //; cbn in uctx', HG.

  Lemma check_constraints_complete ctrs :
    global_uctx_invariants (uctx.1, ctrs)
    valid_constraints uctx.2 ctrs
    check_constraints G ctrs.
  Proof using HG' Huctx'.
    intros cu gu vc.
    unfold check_constraints.
    case_eq (gc_of_constraints ctrs); [|try discriminate].
    2:{ destruct HC as [v Hv].
        pose proof (gc_of_constraints_spec v ctrs).
        rewrite /valid_constraints cu in vc.
        specialize (vc v Hv).
        rewrite H0 in H. intuition. }
    intros cstr gc.
    eapply check_gc_constraints_complete.
    { eapply gc_of_constraints_declared. 2:tea. cbn. red in gu. unfold is_graph_of_uctx, gc_of_uctx in HG.
      destruct (gc_of_constraints uctx.2) ⇒ //; cbn in uctx', HG. }
    eapply valid_valid_gc; tea.

  Let levels_declared_univ (u : Universe.t)
    := match u with
      | Universe.lSProp | Universe.lPropTrue
      | Universe.lType llevels_declared l

  Lemma levels_univ_gc_declared_declared (u : Universe.t)
    : levels_declared_univ u gc_levels_declared_univ uctx' u.
  Proof using HG levels_declared.
    destruct u; cbnr.
    apply levels_gc_declared_declared.

  Lemma check_leqb_universe_spec' u1 u2
    : check_leqb_universe G u1 u2 leq_universe uctx.2 u1 u2.
  Proof using HG' Huctx'.
    unfold check_leqb_universe, leq_universe, leqb_universe, leq_universe_n.
    move ⇒ /orP [H | H].
    - apply eqb_true_iff in H as →.
    - destruct u1, u2; cbn in *; trivial; try discriminate H.
      now apply check_leqb_levelalg_spec'.

  Lemma check_leqb_universe_complete u1 u2 :
    levels_declared_univ u1
    levels_declared_univ u2
    leq_universe uctx.2 u1 u2
    check_leqb_universe G u1 u2.
  Proof using HG' Huctx'.
    move : u1 u2 ⇒ [| | u1] [| | u2] //. cbn.
    intros decl1 decl2 Hle.
    unfold check_leqb_universe. toProp; right.
    apply check_leqb_levelalg_complete ⇒ //.

  Lemma check_eqb_universe_spec' u1 u2
    : check_eqb_universe G u1 u2 eq_universe uctx.2 u1 u2.
  Proof using HG' Huctx'.
    move : u1 u2 ⇒ [| | u1] [| | u2] //.
    { move/andP ⇒ [H HH] //. }
    move/orP ⇒ [H | H].
    - apply eqb_true_iff in H as →.
    - apply check_eqb_levelalg_spec'.
      unfold check_eqb_levelalg.
      cbn in H. unfold check_leqb_levelalg in H.
      move/andP: H ⇒ [/orP [/orP [-> | ->] | ->] /orP [/orP [He | HH] | ->]] //.
      all: try now rewrite orb_true_r.
      now rewrite He.
      apply NonEmptySetFacts.univ_expr_eqb_true_iff in HH as →.
      toProp; left; toProp; right; now apply NonEmptySetFacts.univ_expr_eqb_true_iff.

  Lemma check_eqb_universe_complete u1 u2 :
    levels_declared_univ u1
    levels_declared_univ u2
    eq_universe uctx.2 u1 u2
    check_eqb_universe G u1 u2.
  Proof using HG' Huctx'.
    move : u1 u2 ⇒ [| | u1] [| | u2] //. cbn.
    intros decl1 decl2 Hle.
    apply check_eqb_levelalg_complete in Hle ⇒ //.
    unfold check_eqb_universe, leqb_universe, check_leqb_levelalg; cbn.
    unfold check_eqb_levelalg in Hle.
    move/orP: Hle ⇒ [/orP [-> | ->] | /andP [H1 H2]] //.
    now rewrite orb_true_r.
    toProp; right; toProp; toProp; right; assumption.

End CheckLeq2.

Section AddLevelsCstrs.

  Definition add_uctx (uctx : VSet.t × GoodConstraintSet.t)
             (G : universes_graph) : universes_graph
    := let levels := VSet.union uctx.1 G.1.1 in
       let edges := add_level_edges uctx.1 G.1.2 in
       let edges := add_cstrs uctx.2 edges in
       (levels, edges, G.2).

  Definition uctx_of_udecl u : ContextSet.t :=
    (levels_of_udecl u, constraints_of_udecl u).

  Lemma gcs_elements_union s s' : GoodConstraintSet.Empty s'
    GoodConstraintSet.Equal (GoodConstraintSet.union s s') s.
  Proof. gcsets. Qed.

  Lemma add_level_edges_spec e x g :
    EdgeSet.In e (add_level_edges x g)
    ( c, option_edge_of_level c = Some e VSet.In c x) EdgeSet.In e g.
    rewrite /add_level_edges VSet.fold_spec.
    setoid_rewrite (VSetFact.elements_iff x). setoid_rewrite InA_In_eq.
    induction (VSet.elements x) in g |- *; simpl.
    intuition auto. now destruct H0 as [c [_ F]].
    rewrite {}IHl.
    × intros [[c [eq inl]]|?]; firstorder auto.
      destruct a as [|s|n]; simpl in *; auto.
      rewriteEdgeSet.add_spec in H. intuition auto.
      subst e. left; (Level.Level s); intuition auto.
      rewriteEdgeSet.add_spec in H. intuition auto.
      subst e. left; eexists; intuition eauto. reflexivity.
    × intros [[[|s|n] [[= <-] [->|inl]]]|?]; simpl; auto;
      rewrite → ?EdgeSet.add_spec; simpl; intuition auto.
      left. (Level.Level s); auto.
      left. (Level.Var n); auto.
      destruct a; simpl; rewrite → ?EdgeSet.add_spec; simpl; intuition auto.

  Lemma add_cstrs_union g ctrs1 ctrs2 :
    EdgeSet.Equal (add_cstrs (GoodConstraintSet.union ctrs1 ctrs2) g) (add_cstrs ctrs1 (add_cstrs ctrs2 g)).
    intros e.
    rewrite !add_cstrs_spec.
    setoid_rewrite GoodConstraintSet.union_spec.
    firstorder eauto.

  Lemma add_level_edges_union g l1 l2 :
    EdgeSet.Equal (add_level_edges (VSet.union l1 l2) g)
    (add_level_edges l1 (add_level_edges l2 g)).
    intros e.
    rewrite !add_level_edges_spec.
    setoid_rewrite VSet.union_spec.
    firstorder eauto.

  Lemma add_level_edges_add_cstrs_comm l c g :
    EdgeSet.Equal (add_level_edges l (add_cstrs c g))
      (add_cstrs c (add_level_edges l g)).
    intros e.
    rewrite !add_level_edges_spec !add_cstrs_spec add_level_edges_spec.
    firstorder auto.

  Lemma forallb_spec {A : Type} (p : A bool) (l : list A) :
    match forallb p l with
    | true x : A, In x l p x
    | false x : A, In x l × p x = false
    induction l; cbn.
    - now intros.
    - destruct (forallb p l) eqn:heq.
      rewrite andb_true_r.
      destruct (p a) eqn:he.
      intros x []. subst; auto. now apply IHl.
       a; auto.
      rewrite andb_false_r. destruct IHl as [x [inx hx]].
       x. intuition auto.

  Lemma forallb_in {A : Type} (p : A bool) (l l' : list A) :
    ( x : A, In x l In x l')
    forallb p l = forallb p l'.
    intros heq.
    generalize (forallb_spec p l).
    generalize (forallb_spec p l').
    do 2 destruct forallb; intuition auto.
    destruct H0 as [x [hin hp]].
    - specialize (H x (proj1 (heq x) hin)). red in H; congruence.
    - destruct H as [x [hin hp]].
      specialize (H0 x (proj2 (heq _) hin)). congruence.

  Lemma levelset_for_all_eq f f' l l' :
    ( x, f x = f' x) LevelSet.Equal l l'
    LevelSet.for_all f l = LevelSet.for_all f' l'.
    intros Hf heq.
    rewrite !VSetFact.for_all_b.
    setoid_replace f with f'; auto.
    eapply forallb_in.
    intros x.
    red in heq.
    specialize (heq x).
    rewrite -!InA_In_eq.
    now rewrite -!LevelSetFact.elements_iff.

  Lemma Nbar_max_spec n m v :
    Nbar.max n m = v
    (Nbar.le n m v = m) (Nbar.le m n v = n).
    destruct n, m; cbn; firstorder.
    destruct (Z.max_spec_le z z0); firstorder; try lia.
    left. split; auto. congruence.
    right. split; auto. congruence.

  Lemma Nbar_max_spec' n m :
    Nbar.le n m Nbar.max m n = m.
    destruct n, m; cbn; firstorder. f_equal. lia.

  Lemma Nbar_max_spec'' n m :
    Nbar.le n m Nbar.max n m = m.
    destruct n, m; cbn; firstorder. f_equal. lia.

  Lemma Nbar_max_le n m k : Nbar.le (Nbar.max n m) k
    Nbar.le n k Nbar.le m k.
    intros hl.
    generalize (Nbar_max_spec n m _ eq_refl). intuition subst; try rewrite H1 in hl; auto.
    - now transitivity m.
    - now transitivity n.

  Lemma fold_left_max_spec (l : list Nbar.t) acc n :
    fold_left Nbar.max l acc = n
    (n = acc ( x, In x l Nbar.le x n))
    (In n l Nbar.le acc n ( x, In x l Nbar.le x n)).
    induction l in acc, n |- ×.
    - cbn. intros ->; firstorder.
    - cbn. intros H. specialize (IHl _ _ H).
      destruct IHl. firstorder auto.
      symmetry in H0. apply Nbar_max_spec in H0.
      firstorder auto. right. firstorder auto. subst; auto. now rewrite H2. subst x n.
      rewrite H2. reflexivity.
      left. firstorder auto. subst x n. now rewrite H2.
      destruct H0.
      right. firstorder auto.
      now apply Nbar_max_le in H1.
      now apply Nbar_max_le in H1.

  Lemma fold_left_max_spec' (l : list Nbar.t) acc n :
    (n = acc ( x, In x l Nbar.le x n))
    (In n l Nbar.le acc n ( x, In x l Nbar.le x n))
    fold_left Nbar.max l acc = n.
    induction l in acc, n |- ×.
    - cbn. intuition.
    - cbn. intros H.
      apply IHl. intuition auto.
      subst acc.
      pose proof (H1 a). left. split. symmetry. eapply Nbar_max_spec'; auto.
      intuition auto.
      left. split; intuition auto. subst a.
      symmetry. now apply Nbar_max_spec''.
      right. intuition auto. specialize (H2 a).
      apply Nbar.max_lub; auto.

  Lemma fold_left_comm_ext (l l' : list Nbar.t) :
    ( x, In x l In x l')
    fold_left Nbar.max l =1 fold_left Nbar.max l'.
    intros eql acc.
    generalize (fold_left_max_spec l acc _ eq_refl).
    generalize (fold_left_max_spec l' acc _ eq_refl).
    intuition auto.
    - now rewrite H H0.
    - rewrite H. apply fold_left_max_spec'. left; intuition auto.
      specialize (H2 x (proj1 (eql _) H3)). congruence.
    - rewrite H0. symmetry.
      apply fold_left_max_spec'. left; intuition auto.
      specialize (H4 x (proj2 (eql _) H2)). congruence.
    - apply fold_left_max_spec'. right.
      intuition auto. now apply eql. now apply H3, eql.

  Lemma fold_left_comm_ext2 f f' (l l' : list (Z × Level.t)) : f =1 f'
    ( x, In x l In x l')
    fold_left Nbar.max (map f l) =1 fold_left Nbar.max (map f' l').
    intros eqf eqg.
    apply fold_left_comm_ext.
    rewrite !in_map_iff. firstorder eauto.
    specialize (eqg x0). x0; intuition auto. now rewrite -eqf.
     x0. specialize (eqg x0). rewrite eqf; intuition auto.

  Lemma Equal_graph_edges {e e'} : Equal_graph e e'
     x, In x (EdgeSet.elements e.1.2) In x (EdgeSet.elements e'.1.2).
    intros [vs [es ?]]. intros x. red in vs.
    now rewrite -!InA_In_eq -!EdgeSetFact.elements_iff.

  Lemma succs_proper x e e' v: Equal_graph e e'
    In x (succs e v) In x (succs e' v).
    intros eq. unfold succs.
    rewrite !in_map_iff.
    setoid_rewrite filter_In.
    now setoid_rewrite (Equal_graph_edges eq).

  Lemma fold_left_comm_ext3 f f' e e' x : f =1 f'
    Equal_graph e e'
    fold_left Nbar.max (map f (succs e x)) =1
    fold_left Nbar.max (map f' (succs e' x)).
    intros eqf eqg.
    apply fold_left_comm_ext2; auto.
    intros. now apply succs_proper.

  #[global] Instance lsp_proper : Morphisms.Proper ((=_g) ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq)%signature lsp.
    intros e e' He x ? <- y ? <-.
    unfold lsp, lsp0.
    pose proof (proj1 He).
    change (wGraph.V e) with e.1.1.
    change (wGraph.V e') with e'.1.1.
    replace (LevelSet.cardinal e'.1.1) with (LevelSet.cardinal e.1.1).
    2:{ now rewrite H. }
    revert H.
    generalize e.1.1, e'.1.1. intros t0 t1.
    induction (LevelSet.cardinal t0) in t0, t1, e, e', He, x, y |- ×. cbn; auto.
    cbn. intros eqt.
    replace (LevelSet.mem x t0) with (LevelSet.mem x t1).
    2:{ now rewrite eqt. }
    destruct LevelSet.mem; auto.
    apply fold_left_comm_ext3; auto.
    intros [n0 y0]. f_equal.
    apply (IHn e e' He).
    intros elt. rewrite !LevelSet.remove_spec.
    intuition auto. now apply eqt. now apply eqt.

  #[global] Instance is_acyclic_proper : Morphisms.Proper ((=_g) ==> Logic.eq)%signature is_acyclic.
    intros e e' eq.
    unfold is_acyclic.
    eapply levelset_for_all_eq; tea. cbn.
    intros x. now setoid_rewrite eq.
    apply eq.

  Lemma add_uctx_make_graph levels1 levels2 ctrs1 ctrs2 :
    Equal_graph (add_uctx (levels1, ctrs1) (make_graph (levels2, ctrs2)))
      (make_graph (VSet.union levels1 levels2,
                    GoodConstraintSet.union ctrs1 ctrs2)).
    rewrite /make_graph /= /add_uctx /=.
    unfold Equal_graph. split ⇒ //. split ⇒ //.
    now rewrite add_cstrs_union /= add_level_edges_add_cstrs_comm add_level_edges_union.

  Lemma add_uctx_subgraph uctx G : subgraph G (add_uctx uctx G).
    - apply: VSetProp.union_subset_2.
    - movex hx.
      apply/add_cstrs_spec; right.
      apply/add_level_edges_spec; by right.
    - reflexivity.

  Lemma acyclic_no_loop_add_uctx G uctx :
    wGraph.acyclic_no_loop (add_uctx uctx G) wGraph.acyclic_no_loop G.
    apply: wGraph.subgraph_acyclic ; apply: add_uctx_subgraph.

  Definition gc_result_eq (x y : option GoodConstraintSet.t) :=
    match x, y with
    | Some x, Some yGoodConstraintSet.eq x y
    | None, NoneTrue
    | _, _False

  Lemma add_gc_of_constraint_spec {cf:checker_flags} gc t :
    match add_gc_of_constraint gc (Some t) with
    | Some t'
       gcs, gc_of_constraint gc = Some gcs
      GCS.Equal t' (GCS.union t gcs)
    | Nonegc_of_constraint gc = None
    unfold add_gc_of_constraint.
    destruct gc_of_constraint; simpl; auto.
    eexists; split; eauto. reflexivity.

  Lemma fold_left_add_gc_None {cf:checker_flags} l : fold_left (fun a eadd_gc_of_constraint e a) l None = None.
    induction l; simpl; auto.

  Lemma fold_left_add_gc_Some_subset {cf:checker_flags} l t t':
    fold_left (fun a eadd_gc_of_constraint e a) l (Some t) = Some t'
    GCS.Subset t t'.
    induction l in t |- *; simpl; auto. intros [= ->]. reflexivity.
    pose proof (add_gc_of_constraint_spec a t).
    destruct add_gc_of_constraint; simpl.
    intros. specialize (IHl _ H0).
    destruct H as [gcs [gca eq]].
    rewriteeq in IHl. gcsets.
    now rewrite fold_left_add_gc_None.

  Variant gc_of_constraints_view {cf:checker_flags} (s : ConstraintSet.t) : option GoodConstraintSet.t Type :=
  | gc_of_constraints_ok l :
    ( gc, GoodConstraintSet.In gc l
    ( c gcs, gc_of_constraint c = Some gcs ConstraintSet.In c s GoodConstraintSet.In gc gcs))
    ( c, ConstraintSet.In c s
       gcs, gc_of_constraint c = Some gcs GoodConstraintSet.Subset gcs l)
    gc_of_constraints_view s (Some l)
  | gc_of_constraints_none :
    ( c, ConstraintSet.In c s gc_of_constraint c = None)
    gc_of_constraints_view s None.

  Lemma gc_of_constraintsP {cf:checker_flags} s : gc_of_constraints_view s (gc_of_constraints s).
    unfold gc_of_constraints.
    rewrite ConstraintSet.fold_spec.
    destruct fold_left eqn:eq.
    - constructor.
      + intros.
        setoid_rewrite ConstraintSetFact.elements_iff. setoid_rewrite InA_In_eq.
        transitivity (( (c : UnivConstraint.t) (gcs : GoodConstraintSet.t),
          gc_of_constraint c = Some gcs
          In c (ConstraintSet.elements s) GoodConstraintSet.In gc gcs) GCS.In gc GCS.empty).
        revert eq.
        generalize (GCS.empty).
        induction (ConstraintSet.elements s) in t0 |- *; simpl in ×.
        intros ? [= ->]. firstorder auto.
        intros t' Ht'.
        pose proof (add_gc_of_constraint_spec a t').
        destruct add_gc_of_constraint eqn:addgc.
        destruct H as [gcs [gceq cseq]].
        specialize (IHl _ _ Ht').
        rewrite {}IHl.
        rewrite cseq GCS.union_spec.
        × intros [[c [gcs' [gceq' [incl ingcgcs']]]]|[]]; auto.
          left. c, gcs'; intuition auto.
           a, gcs; intuition auto.
        × intros [[c [gcs' [gceq' [[->|incl] ingcgcs']]]]|?]; auto.
          ++ rewrite gceq in gceq'. noconf gceq'. auto.
          ++ left. c, gcs'. intuition auto.
        × rewrite fold_left_add_gc_None in Ht'. discriminate.
      + intros c.
        setoid_rewrite ConstraintSetFact.elements_iff; setoid_rewrite InA_In_eq at 1.
        revert eq.
        generalize (GCS.empty).
        induction (ConstraintSet.elements s) in t0 |- *; simpl in ×.
        intros ? [= ->]. firstorder auto.
        intros t' Ht'.
        pose proof (add_gc_of_constraint_spec a t').
        destruct add_gc_of_constraint eqn:addgc.
        destruct H as [gcs [gceq cseq]].
        specialize (IHl _ _ Ht').
        intros [->|incl]. eexists; split; eauto.
        intros gc gcin.
        apply fold_left_add_gc_Some_subset in Ht'.
        rewritecseq in Ht'. gcsets.
        now specialize (IHl incl).
        now rewrite fold_left_add_gc_None in Ht'.
    - constructor.
      setoid_rewrite ConstraintSetFact.elements_iff; setoid_rewrite InA_In_eq at 1.
      revert eq.
      generalize GCS.empty.
      induction (ConstraintSet.elements s); simpl in × ⇒ //.
      intros t' eq.
      pose proof (add_gc_of_constraint_spec a t').
      destruct add_gc_of_constraint eqn:addgc.
      destruct H as [gcs [gceq cseq]].
      specialize (IHl _ eq).
      destruct IHl as [c [incl gcn]].
       c; intuition auto.
       a; intuition auto.

  Lemma gc_of_constraints_union {cf:checker_flags} S S' :
    gc_result_eq (gc_of_constraints (ConstraintSet.union S S'))
      (S1 <- gc_of_constraints S ;;
      S2 <- gc_of_constraints S' ;;
      ret (GoodConstraintSet.union S1 S2)).
    case: (gc_of_constraintsP S) ⇒ [GS HS HS0|[c [incs gcn]]]; simpl.
    case: (gc_of_constraintsP S') ⇒ [GS' HS' HS'0|GS']; simpl.
    case: (gc_of_constraintsP (ConstraintSet.union S S')) ⇒ [GSS' HSS' HSS'0|[c [inc gcn]]].
    - intros gc.
      rewrite HSS' GCS.union_spec HS HS'.
      setoid_rewrite ConstraintSet.union_spec.
      split. intros [c [gcs ?]]. intuition auto.
      left; firstorder auto.
      right; firstorder auto.
      intros [[c [gcs ?]]|[c [gcs ?]]]; c, gcs; intuition auto.
    - cbn. apply ConstraintSet.union_spec in inc.
      destruct inc.
      specialize (HS0 _ H). rewrite gcn in HS0. now destruct HS0.
      specialize (HS'0 _ H). rewrite gcn in HS'0. now destruct HS'0.
    - destruct GS' as [c [inc gcn]].
      case: (gc_of_constraintsP (ConstraintSet.union S S')) ⇒ [GSS' HSS' HSS'0|[c' [inc' gcn']]].
      specialize (HSS'0 c).
      rewriteConstraintSet.union_spec in HSS'0.
      specialize (HSS'0 (or_intror inc)) as [gcs [eq _]].
      now congruence.
    - case: (gc_of_constraintsP (ConstraintSet.union S S')) ⇒ [GSS' HSS' HSS'0|[c' [inc' gcn']]].
      specialize (HSS'0 c).
      rewriteConstraintSet.union_spec in HSS'0.
      specialize (HSS'0 (or_introl incs)) as [gcs [eq _]].
      now congruence.

  Lemma gc_of_uctx_union `{checker_flags} uctx1 uctx2 gc1 gc2 :
    gc_of_uctx uctx1 = Some gc1 gc_of_uctx uctx2 = Some gc2
     gc, gc_of_uctx (ContextSet.union uctx1 uctx2) = Some (LevelSet.union gc1.1 gc2.1, gc ) GCS.eq gc (GCS.union gc1.2 gc2.2).
    unfold gc_of_uctx.
    pose proof (H' := gc_of_constraints_union uctx1.2 uctx2.2).
    moveeq1 eq2; move: eq1 eq2 H'.
    case: (gc_of_constraints _) ⇒ //?.
    case: (gc_of_constraints _) ⇒ //?.
    case: (gc_of_constraints _) ⇒ //=? [=] <- [=] <- /=.
    eexists; split; [reflexivity| eassumption].

End AddLevelsCstrs.

#[global] Instance proper_add_level_edges levels : Morphisms.Proper (wGraph.EdgeSet.Equal ==> wGraph.EdgeSet.Equal)%signature (add_level_edges levels).
  intros e e' he.
  rewrite /add_level_edges.
  rewrite !VSet.fold_spec.
  induction (VSet.elements levels) in e, e', he |- *; cbn; auto.
  apply IHl. destruct variable_of_level ⇒ //.
  now rewrite he.

#[global] Instance proper_add_uctx cstrs : Morphisms.Proper ((=_g) ==> Equal_graph)%signature (add_uctx cstrs).
  intros g g' eq. rewrite /add_uctx; cbn.
  split. cbn. now rewrite (proj1 eq).
  cbn. split ⇒ //.
  rewrite /add_level_edges. now rewrite (proj1 (proj2 eq)).
  apply eq.

#[global] Instance gc_of_constraints_proper {cf : checker_flags} : Proper ((=_cset) ==> R_opt GoodConstraintSet.Equal) gc_of_constraints.
  intros c c' eqc; cbn.
  destruct (gc_of_constraintsP c);
  destruct (gc_of_constraintsP c'); cbn.
  - intros cs; rewrite i i0. firstorder eauto.
  - destruct e0 as [cs [incs gcn]].
    apply eqc in incs. destruct (e cs incs) as [? []]. congruence.
  - destruct e as [cs [incs gcn]].
    apply eqc in incs. destruct (e0 cs incs) as [? []]. congruence.
  - exact I.

#[global] Instance proper_add_level_edges' : Morphisms.Proper ((=_lset) ==> wGraph.EdgeSet.Equal ==> wGraph.EdgeSet.Equal)%signature add_level_edges.
  intros l l' hl e e' <-.
  intros x; rewrite !add_level_edges_spec. firstorder eauto.

#[global] Instance make_graph_proper : Proper ((=_gcs) ==> (=_g)) make_graph.
  intros [v c] [v' c'] [eqv eqc]; cbn.
  unfold make_graph; cbn in ×.
  split; cbn; auto.
  split; cbn; try reflexivity.
  now rewrite eqc eqv.

Require Import SetoidTactics.

#[global] Instance is_graph_of_uctx_proper {cf : checker_flags} G : Proper ((=_cs) ==> iff) (is_graph_of_uctx G).
  intros [l c] [l' c'] [eql eqc]; cbn.
  unfold is_graph_of_uctx; cbn. cbn in ×.
  pose proof (gc_of_constraints_proper _ _ eqc).
  destruct (gc_of_constraints c); cbn in *; destruct (gc_of_constraints c'); cbn.
  now setoid_replace (l, t0) with (l', t1) using relation gcs_equal. elim H. elim H.

#[global] Instance subgraph_proper : Proper ((=_g) ==> (=_g) ==> iff) subgraph.
  unshelve apply: proper_sym_impl_iff_2.
  moveg1 g1' [eqv1 [eqe1 eqs1]] g2 g2' [eqv2 [eqe2 eqs2]].
  move⇒ [*]; constructor.
  + by rewrite <- eqv1, <- eqv2.
  + by rewrite <- eqe1, <- eqe2.
  + by rewrite <- eqs1, <- eqs2.

#[global] Instance full_subgraph_proper : Proper ((=_g) ==> (=_g) ==> iff) full_subgraph.
  unshelve apply: proper_sym_impl_iff_2.
  moveg1 g1' eq1 g2 g2' eq2.
  move⇒ [?] lsp_dom; constructor⇒ *; rewrite -eq1 -eq2 //.
  apply lsp_dom; rewrite /wGraph.V (proj1 eq1) //.

Lemma add_uctx_make_graph2 uctx1 uctx2 :
  add_uctx uctx2 (make_graph uctx1) =_g make_graph (VSet.union uctx2.1 uctx1.1, GCS.union uctx2.2 uctx1.2).
Proof. destruct uctx1, uctx2; apply: add_uctx_make_graph. Qed.

Lemma gc_of_uctx_levels `{checker_flags} udecl uctx :
  gc_of_uctx udecl = Some uctx ContextSet.levels udecl = uctx.1.
  rewrite /gc_of_uctx.
  case: (gc_of_constraints _)=> //= ? [=] <- //.

Definition gctx_union gctx1 gctx2 :=
  (LS.union gctx1.1 gctx2.1, GCS.union gctx1.2 gctx2.2).

Lemma global_uctx_graph_invariants `{cf : checker_flags} [uctx gph] :
  is_graph_of_uctx gph uctx global_uctx_invariants uctx wGraph.invariants gph.
  move⇒ /on_SomeP [? [Huctx <-]] H0.
  pose proof (gc_of_uctx_invariants _ _ Huctx H0).
  apply: make_graph_invariants.

#[export] Existing Instance correct_labelling_proper.

Lemma correct_labelling_of_valuation_satisfies_iff `{checker_flags} [uctx G v] :
  is_graph_of_uctx G uctx
  global_uctx_invariants uctx
  correct_labelling G (labelling_of_valuation v) satisfies v uctx.2.
  move⇒ /on_SomeP [gctx [eqSome <-]] inv.
  rewrite -make_graph_spec gc_of_constraints_spec (gc_of_uctx_of_constraints _ _ eqSome) //.

Lemma is_graph_of_uctx_levels `{cf:checker_flags} G uctx :
  is_graph_of_uctx G uctx
   x, VSet.In x (wGraph.V G) LS.In x uctx.1.
  move⇒ /on_SomeP [gctx [eqSome HG]] ?.
  rewrite /wGraph.V -(proj1 HG) /= -(gc_of_uctx_levels _ _ eqSome) //.

Lemma val_valuation_of_labelling2 `{checker_flags} [uctx G l] :
  is_graph_of_uctx G uctx
  global_uctx_invariants uctx
  correct_labelling G l
   x, VSet.In x uctx.1
  val (valuation_of_labelling l) x = l x.
  move⇒ /on_SomeP [gctx [eqSome HG]] inv hl x hx.
  apply: val_valuation_of_labelling.
  1: symmetry; eassumption.
  2: done.
  red; rewrite -(gc_of_uctx_levels _ _ eqSome) //.

Lemma correct_valuation_of_labelling_satisfies `{checker_flags} [uctx G l] :
  is_graph_of_uctx G uctx
  global_uctx_invariants uctx
  correct_labelling G l satisfies (valuation_of_labelling l) uctx.2.
  move⇒ /on_SomeP [gctx [eqSome <-]] inv.
  rewrite gc_of_constraints_spec (gc_of_uctx_of_constraints _ _ eqSome) /=.
  apply: make_graph_spec'; by apply: gc_of_uctx_invariants.

Lemma consistent_ext_on_full_ext0 `{cf: checker_flags} [uctx G uctx' G']
      `{wGraph.invariants G, wGraph.invariants G', wGraph.acyclic_no_loop G'} :
  wGraph.subgraph G G'
  global_uctx_invariants uctx
  global_uctx_invariants uctx'
  is_graph_of_uctx G uctx
  is_graph_of_uctx G' uctx'
  consistent_extension_on uctx uctx'.2
    wGraph.IsFullSubgraph.is_full_extension G G'.
  movesub Huctx Huctx' HG HG'.
  rewrite IsFullSubgraph.is_full_extension_spec //; split.
  - movehext; split⇒ //.
    pose proof (wGraph.subgraph_acyclic _ _ sub _).
    apply: labelling_ext_lsp.
    movel1 /[dup] hl1 /(correct_valuation_of_labelling_satisfies HG).
    move⇒ /hext[v' [+ v'val]].
    move⇒ /(correct_labelling_of_valuation_satisfies_iff HG').
     (labelling_of_valuation v'); split⇒ //.
    movez /[dup] hz /(is_graph_of_uctx_levels _ _ HG) ?.
    rewrite -(val_valuation_of_labelling2 HG) // v'val //.
  - movefsub v /(correct_labelling_of_valuation_satisfies_iff HG) hl.
    pose (l := labelling_of_valuation v).
    pose (Gl := relabel_on G G' l).
    pose (l' := to_label (lsp Gl (wGraph.s Gl))).
    pose proof (hl' := extends_correct_labelling _ _ l hl fsub _).
     (valuation_of_labelling l'); split.
    + apply: (correct_valuation_of_labelling_satisfies HG')=> //.
    + move⇒ ? /[dup] ? /(is_graph_of_uctx_levels _ _ HG) ?.
      rewrite (val_valuation_of_labelling2 HG') //.
      × apply/(is_graph_of_uctx_levels _ _ HG').
        by apply: (vertices_sub _ _ sub).
      × rewrite /l' extends_labelling //.

Lemma consistent_ext_on_full_ext `{cf: checker_flags} [uctx G uctx' G'] :
  is_graph_of_uctx G uctx
  is_graph_of_uctx G' uctx'
  global_uctx_invariants uctx
  global_uctx_invariants uctx'
  wGraph.is_acyclic G'
  wGraph.subgraph G G'
  consistent_extension_on uctx uctx'.2
    wGraph.IsFullSubgraph.is_full_extension G G'.
  moveHG HG' /[dup] ? /(global_uctx_graph_invariants HG) ?.
  move⇒ /[dup] ? /(global_uctx_graph_invariants HG') ? /wGraph.is_acyclic_spec ??.
  by apply: consistent_ext_on_full_ext0.

Lemma is_graph_of_uctx_add `{cf : checker_flags} [gph uctx uctx' gctx'] :
  gc_of_uctx uctx' = Some gctx'
  is_graph_of_uctx gph uctx
  is_graph_of_uctx (add_uctx gctx' gph) (ContextSet.union uctx' uctx).
  moveh' /on_SomeP [gctx [h eq]].
  move: (gc_of_uctx_union _ _ _ _ h' h) ⇒ [gc'' [-> /= ?]].
  have eq' : (gcs_equal (LS.union gctx'.1 gctx.1, gc'') (gctx_union gctx' gctx)) by split⇒ //=.
  rewrite <- eq, eq'; symmetry; apply: add_uctx_make_graph2.

Lemma is_consistent_spec2 `{cf : checker_flags} [gph gctx] :
  is_graph_of_uctx gph gctx is_consistent gctx wGraph.is_acyclic gph.
  unfold is_consistent. by move⇒ /on_SomeP [? [-> <-]].