Library MetaCoq.Template.utils.wGraph
Require Import ZArith Zcompare Lia ssrbool.
Require Import MSetAVL MSetFacts MSetProperties.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import MCUtils.
Require Import ssreflect.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Lemma fold_max_In n m l (H : fold_left Z.max l n = m)
: n = m ∨ In m l.
revert n H; induction l; cbn; intros n H.
apply IHl in H.
apply or_assoc. destruct H; [left|now right]. lia.
Lemma fold_max_le n m l (H : n ≤ m ∨ Exists (Z.le n) l)
: n ≤ fold_left Z.max l m.
revert m H; induction l; cbn in *; intros m [H|H].
assumption. inversion H.
eapply IHl. left; lia.
eapply IHl. inversion_clear H.
left; lia. right; assumption.
Lemma fold_max_le' n m l (H : In n (m :: l))
: n ≤ fold_left Z.max l m.
apply fold_max_le. destruct H.
left; lia. right. apply Exists_exists.
eexists. split. eassumption. reflexivity.
Definition eq_max n m k : max n m = k → n = k ∨ m = k.
intro; lia.
Module Nbar.
Definition t := option Z.
Definition max (n m : t) : t :=
match n, m with
| Some n, Some m ⇒ Some (Z.max n m)
| Some n, None ⇒ Some n
| None, Some m ⇒ Some m
| _, _ ⇒ None
Definition add (n m : t) : t :=
match n, m with
| Some n, Some m ⇒ Some (n + m)
| _, _ ⇒ None
Definition sub (n m : t) : t :=
match n, m with
| Some n, Some m ⇒ Some (n - m)
| _, _ ⇒ None
Definition S : t → t := option_map Z.succ.
Definition le (n m : t) : Prop :=
match n, m with
| Some n, Some m ⇒ n ≤ m
| Some _, None ⇒ False
| None, _ ⇒ True
Definition lt (n m : t) : Prop :=
match n, m with
| Some n, Some m ⇒ n < m
| None, Some _ ⇒ True
| _, None ⇒ False
Arguments max _ _ : simpl nomatch.
Arguments sub _ _ : simpl nomatch.
Arguments add _ _ : simpl nomatch.
Arguments le _ _ : simpl nomatch.
Arguments lt _ _ : simpl nomatch.
Declare Scope nbar_scope.
Infix "+" := add : nbar_scope.
Infix "-" := sub : nbar_scope.
Infix "≤" := le : nbar_scope.
Infix "<" := lt : nbar_scope.
Delimit Scope nbar_scope with nbar.
Bind Scope nbar_scope with t.
Local Open Scope nbar_scope.
#[global] Instance le_refl : Reflexive le.
intro x; destruct x; cbn; reflexivity.
#[global] Instance le_trans : Transitive le.
intros [x|] [y|] [z|]; cbn; intuition.
Lemma add_finite z1 z2 : Some (z1 + z2)%Z = Some z1 + Some z2.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Definition add_assoc n m p : n + (m + p) = n + m + p.
destruct n, m, p; try reflexivity; cbn.
now rewrite Z.add_assoc.
Definition add_0_r n : (n + Some 0 = n)%nbar.
destruct n; try reflexivity; cbn.
now rewrite Z.add_0_r.
Lemma add_0_l n : (Some 0 + n = n)%nbar.
Proof. by case: n. Qed.
Lemma sub_diag n : n - n = match n with None ⇒ None | Some _ ⇒ Some 0 end.
Proof. destruct n; simpl. now rewrite Z.sub_diag. auto. Defined.
Lemma max_None n : max n None = n.
Proof. destruct n; simpl; auto. Qed.
Definition max_lub n m p : n ≤ p → m ≤ p → max n m ≤ p.
destruct n, m, p; cbn; intuition lia.
Definition add_max_distr_r n m p : max (n + p) (m + p) = max n m + p.
destruct n, m, p; try reflexivity; cbn.
now rewrite Z.add_max_distr_r.
Definition max_le' n m p : p ≤ n ∨ p ≤ m → p ≤ max n m.
destruct n, m, p; cbn; intuition; lia.
Definition plus_le_compat_l n m p : n ≤ m → p + n ≤ p + m.
destruct n, m, p; cbn; intuition.
Definition plus_le_compat n m p q : n ≤ m → p ≤ q → n + p ≤ m + q.
destruct n, m, p, q; cbn; intuition.
Definition max_idempotent n : max n n = n.
destruct n; try reflexivity; cbn.
now rewrite Z.max_idempotent.
Lemma eq_max n m k (H : max n m = k) : n = k ∨ m = k.
destruct n, m; simpl in ×.
destruct (Z.max_spec z z0); intuition congruence.
Lemma fold_max_In n m l (H : fold_left max l n = m)
: n = m ∨ In m l.
revert n H; induction l; cbn; intros n H.
apply IHl in H.
apply or_assoc. destruct H; [left|now right].
now apply eq_max.
Lemma fold_max_le n m l (H : n ≤ m ∨ Exists (le n) l)
: n ≤ fold_left max l m.
revert m H; induction l; cbn in *; intros m [H|H].
assumption. inversion H.
eapply IHl. left. apply max_le'; now left.
eapply IHl. inversion_clear H.
left. apply max_le'; now right.
right; assumption.
Lemma fold_max_le' n m l (H : In n (m :: l))
: n ≤ fold_left max l m.
apply fold_max_le. destruct H.
left; subst; reflexivity.
right. apply Exists_exists.
eexists. split. eassumption. reflexivity.
Lemma le_dec n m : {n ≤ m} + {¬ n ≤ m}.
destruct n as [n|], m as [m|]; cbn.
simpl. destruct (n ?= m) eqn:comp. left.
destruct (Z.compare_spec n m); subst; auto; try lia. discriminate.
eapply (proj1 (Z.compare_lt_iff _ _)) in comp. left; lia.
eapply (proj1 (Z.compare_gt_iff _ _)) in comp. right; lia.
all: intuition.
Lemma le_lt_dec n m : ({n ≤ m} + {m < n})%nbar.
destruct n as [n|], m as [m|]; cbn.
simpl. destruct (n ?= m) eqn:comp. left.
destruct (Z.compare_spec n m); subst; auto; try lia. discriminate.
eapply (proj1 (Z.compare_lt_iff _ _)) in comp. left; lia.
eapply (proj1 (Z.compare_gt_iff _ _)) in comp. right; lia.
all: (right; constructor) || (left; constructor).
Lemma le_plus_r n m : (0 ≤ n)%Z → m ≤ Some n + m.
destruct m; cbn; lia.
Lemma le_antisymm {n m} : n ≤ m → m ≤ n → n = m.
destruct n, m; cbn; try easy.
End Nbar.
Import Nbar.
Require Import MSetDecide MSetInterface.
Module WeightedGraph (V : UsualOrderedType) (VSet : MSetInterface.S with Module E := V).
Module VSetFact := WFactsOn V VSet.
Module VSetProp := WPropertiesOn V VSet.
Module VSetDecide := WDecide (VSet).
Ltac sets := VSetDecide.fsetdec.
Require Import MSetAVL MSetFacts MSetProperties.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import MCUtils.
Require Import ssreflect.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Local Open Scope Z_scope.
Lemma fold_max_In n m l (H : fold_left Z.max l n = m)
: n = m ∨ In m l.
revert n H; induction l; cbn; intros n H.
apply IHl in H.
apply or_assoc. destruct H; [left|now right]. lia.
Lemma fold_max_le n m l (H : n ≤ m ∨ Exists (Z.le n) l)
: n ≤ fold_left Z.max l m.
revert m H; induction l; cbn in *; intros m [H|H].
assumption. inversion H.
eapply IHl. left; lia.
eapply IHl. inversion_clear H.
left; lia. right; assumption.
Lemma fold_max_le' n m l (H : In n (m :: l))
: n ≤ fold_left Z.max l m.
apply fold_max_le. destruct H.
left; lia. right. apply Exists_exists.
eexists. split. eassumption. reflexivity.
Definition eq_max n m k : max n m = k → n = k ∨ m = k.
intro; lia.
Module Nbar.
Definition t := option Z.
Definition max (n m : t) : t :=
match n, m with
| Some n, Some m ⇒ Some (Z.max n m)
| Some n, None ⇒ Some n
| None, Some m ⇒ Some m
| _, _ ⇒ None
Definition add (n m : t) : t :=
match n, m with
| Some n, Some m ⇒ Some (n + m)
| _, _ ⇒ None
Definition sub (n m : t) : t :=
match n, m with
| Some n, Some m ⇒ Some (n - m)
| _, _ ⇒ None
Definition S : t → t := option_map Z.succ.
Definition le (n m : t) : Prop :=
match n, m with
| Some n, Some m ⇒ n ≤ m
| Some _, None ⇒ False
| None, _ ⇒ True
Definition lt (n m : t) : Prop :=
match n, m with
| Some n, Some m ⇒ n < m
| None, Some _ ⇒ True
| _, None ⇒ False
Arguments max _ _ : simpl nomatch.
Arguments sub _ _ : simpl nomatch.
Arguments add _ _ : simpl nomatch.
Arguments le _ _ : simpl nomatch.
Arguments lt _ _ : simpl nomatch.
Declare Scope nbar_scope.
Infix "+" := add : nbar_scope.
Infix "-" := sub : nbar_scope.
Infix "≤" := le : nbar_scope.
Infix "<" := lt : nbar_scope.
Delimit Scope nbar_scope with nbar.
Bind Scope nbar_scope with t.
Local Open Scope nbar_scope.
#[global] Instance le_refl : Reflexive le.
intro x; destruct x; cbn; reflexivity.
#[global] Instance le_trans : Transitive le.
intros [x|] [y|] [z|]; cbn; intuition.
Lemma add_finite z1 z2 : Some (z1 + z2)%Z = Some z1 + Some z2.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Definition add_assoc n m p : n + (m + p) = n + m + p.
destruct n, m, p; try reflexivity; cbn.
now rewrite Z.add_assoc.
Definition add_0_r n : (n + Some 0 = n)%nbar.
destruct n; try reflexivity; cbn.
now rewrite Z.add_0_r.
Lemma add_0_l n : (Some 0 + n = n)%nbar.
Proof. by case: n. Qed.
Lemma sub_diag n : n - n = match n with None ⇒ None | Some _ ⇒ Some 0 end.
Proof. destruct n; simpl. now rewrite Z.sub_diag. auto. Defined.
Lemma max_None n : max n None = n.
Proof. destruct n; simpl; auto. Qed.
Definition max_lub n m p : n ≤ p → m ≤ p → max n m ≤ p.
destruct n, m, p; cbn; intuition lia.
Definition add_max_distr_r n m p : max (n + p) (m + p) = max n m + p.
destruct n, m, p; try reflexivity; cbn.
now rewrite Z.add_max_distr_r.
Definition max_le' n m p : p ≤ n ∨ p ≤ m → p ≤ max n m.
destruct n, m, p; cbn; intuition; lia.
Definition plus_le_compat_l n m p : n ≤ m → p + n ≤ p + m.
destruct n, m, p; cbn; intuition.
Definition plus_le_compat n m p q : n ≤ m → p ≤ q → n + p ≤ m + q.
destruct n, m, p, q; cbn; intuition.
Definition max_idempotent n : max n n = n.
destruct n; try reflexivity; cbn.
now rewrite Z.max_idempotent.
Lemma eq_max n m k (H : max n m = k) : n = k ∨ m = k.
destruct n, m; simpl in ×.
destruct (Z.max_spec z z0); intuition congruence.
Lemma fold_max_In n m l (H : fold_left max l n = m)
: n = m ∨ In m l.
revert n H; induction l; cbn; intros n H.
apply IHl in H.
apply or_assoc. destruct H; [left|now right].
now apply eq_max.
Lemma fold_max_le n m l (H : n ≤ m ∨ Exists (le n) l)
: n ≤ fold_left max l m.
revert m H; induction l; cbn in *; intros m [H|H].
assumption. inversion H.
eapply IHl. left. apply max_le'; now left.
eapply IHl. inversion_clear H.
left. apply max_le'; now right.
right; assumption.
Lemma fold_max_le' n m l (H : In n (m :: l))
: n ≤ fold_left max l m.
apply fold_max_le. destruct H.
left; subst; reflexivity.
right. apply Exists_exists.
eexists. split. eassumption. reflexivity.
Lemma le_dec n m : {n ≤ m} + {¬ n ≤ m}.
destruct n as [n|], m as [m|]; cbn.
simpl. destruct (n ?= m) eqn:comp. left.
destruct (Z.compare_spec n m); subst; auto; try lia. discriminate.
eapply (proj1 (Z.compare_lt_iff _ _)) in comp. left; lia.
eapply (proj1 (Z.compare_gt_iff _ _)) in comp. right; lia.
all: intuition.
Lemma le_lt_dec n m : ({n ≤ m} + {m < n})%nbar.
destruct n as [n|], m as [m|]; cbn.
simpl. destruct (n ?= m) eqn:comp. left.
destruct (Z.compare_spec n m); subst; auto; try lia. discriminate.
eapply (proj1 (Z.compare_lt_iff _ _)) in comp. left; lia.
eapply (proj1 (Z.compare_gt_iff _ _)) in comp. right; lia.
all: (right; constructor) || (left; constructor).
Lemma le_plus_r n m : (0 ≤ n)%Z → m ≤ Some n + m.
destruct m; cbn; lia.
Lemma le_antisymm {n m} : n ≤ m → m ≤ n → n = m.
destruct n, m; cbn; try easy.
End Nbar.
Import Nbar.
Require Import MSetDecide MSetInterface.
Module WeightedGraph (V : UsualOrderedType) (VSet : MSetInterface.S with Module E := V).
Module VSetFact := WFactsOn V VSet.
Module VSetProp := WPropertiesOn V VSet.
Module VSetDecide := WDecide (VSet).
Ltac sets := VSetDecide.fsetdec.
Lemmas on sets
Lemma VSet_add_remove x y p :
x ≠ y →
VSet.Equal (VSet.add x (VSet.remove y p)) (VSet.remove y (VSet.add x p)).
Proof. now sets. Qed.
Lemma VSet_remove_add x p :
¬ VSet.In x p →
VSet.Equal (VSet.remove x (VSet.add x p)) p.
Proof. now sets. Qed.
Lemma VSet_add_add x y p :
VSet.Equal (VSet.add x (VSet.add y p)) (VSet.add y (VSet.add x p)).
Proof. now sets. Qed.
Lemma VSet_add_add_same x p :
VSet.Equal (VSet.add x (VSet.add x p)) (VSet.add x p).
Proof. now sets. Qed.
Definition Disjoint s s' :=
VSet.Empty (VSet.inter s s').
Definition DisjointAdd x s s' := VSetProp.Add x s s' ∧ ¬ VSet.In x s.
Lemma DisjointAdd_add1 {s0 s1 s2 x y}
(H1 : DisjointAdd x s0 s1) (H2 : DisjointAdd y s1 s2)
: DisjointAdd x (VSet.add y s0) s2.
intro z; split; intro Hz. 2: destruct Hz as [Hz|Hz].
- apply H2 in Hz. destruct Hz as [Hz|Hz]; [right|].
now apply VSetFact.add_1.
apply H1 in Hz. destruct Hz as [Hz|Hz]; [left; assumption|right].
now apply VSetFact.add_2.
- apply H2. right; apply H1. now left.
- apply H2. apply VSet.add_spec in Hz.
destruct Hz as [Hz|Hz]; [now left|right].
apply H1. now right.
- intro Hx. apply VSet.add_spec in Hx.
destruct Hx as [Hx|Hx].
subst. apply H2. apply H1. now left.
now apply H1.
Lemma DisjointAdd_add2 {s x} (H : ¬ VSet.In x s)
: DisjointAdd x s (VSet.add x s).
split. apply VSetProp.Add_add.
Lemma DisjointAdd_add3 {s0 s1 s2 x y}
(H1 : DisjointAdd x s0 s1) (H2 : DisjointAdd y s1 s2)
: DisjointAdd y s0 (VSet.add y s0).
apply DisjointAdd_add2. intro H.
unfold DisjointAdd in ×.
apply H2. apply H1. now right.
Lemma DisjointAdd_remove {s s' x y} (H : DisjointAdd x s s') (H' : x ≠ y)
: DisjointAdd x (VSet.remove y s) (VSet.remove y s').
repeat split. 2: intros [H0|H0].
- intro H0. apply VSet.remove_spec in H0.
destruct H0 as [H0 H1].
pose proof ((H.p1 y0).p1 H0) as H2.
destruct H2; [now left|right].
apply VSetFact.remove_2; intuition.
- subst. apply VSet.remove_spec. split; [|assumption].
apply H.p1. left; reflexivity.
- apply VSet.remove_spec in H0; destruct H0 as [H0 H1].
apply VSet.remove_spec; split; [|assumption].
apply H.p1. right; assumption.
- intro H0. apply VSet.remove_spec in H0; destruct H0 as [H0 _].
apply H; assumption.
Lemma DisjointAdd_Subset {x s s'}
: DisjointAdd x s s' → VSet.Subset s s'.
intros [H _] z Hz. apply H; intuition.
Lemma DisjointAdd_union {s s' s'' x} (H : DisjointAdd x s s')
: ¬ VSet.In x s'' → DisjointAdd x (VSet.union s s'') (VSet.union s' s'').
destruct H as [hadd hin].
now eapply VSetProp.union_Add. sets.
Lemma DisjointAdd_remove1 {s x} (H : VSet.In x s)
: DisjointAdd x (VSet.remove x s) s.
- intro z; split; intro Hz. 2: destruct Hz as [Hz|Hz].
+ destruct (V.eq_dec x z). now left.
right. now apply VSetFact.remove_2.
+ now subst.
+ eapply VSetFact.remove_3; eassumption.
- now apply VSetFact.remove_1.
Global Instance Add_Proper : Proper (eq ==> VSet.Equal ==> VSet.Equal ==> iff) VSetProp.Add.
intros x y → s0 s1 eq s0' s1' eq'.
unfold VSetProp.Add. now setoid_rewrite eq; setoid_rewrite eq'.
Global Instance DisjointAdd_Proper : Proper (eq ==> VSet.Equal ==> VSet.Equal ==> iff) DisjointAdd.
intros x y → s0 s1 eq s0' s1' eq'.
unfold DisjointAdd.
now rewrite eq eq'.
Lemma Add_In {s x} (H : VSet.In x s)
: VSetProp.Add x s s.
split. intuition.
intros []; try subst; assumption.
Lemma Add_Add {s s' x} (H : VSetProp.Add x s s')
: VSetProp.Add x s' s'.
apply Add_In, H. left; reflexivity.
Lemma Disjoint_DisjointAdd x s s' s'' :
DisjointAdd x s s' →
Disjoint s' s'' →
Disjoint s s''.
intros da; unfold Disjoint.
intros disj i. specialize (disj i).
intros ininter; apply disj.
eapply DisjointAdd_Subset in da.
Lemma DisjointAdd_remove_add {x s} :
DisjointAdd x (VSet.remove x s) (VSet.add x s).
Proof. split; [intro|]; sets. Qed.
Lemma DisjointAdd_Equal x s s' s'' : DisjointAdd x s s' → VSet.Equal s' s'' → DisjointAdd x s s''.
Proof. now intros d <-. Qed.
Lemma DisjointAdd_Equal_l x s s' s'' : DisjointAdd x s s' → VSet.Equal s s'' → DisjointAdd x s'' s'.
Proof. now intros d <-. Qed.
Lemma DisjointAdd_remove_inv {x s s' z} : DisjointAdd x s (VSet.remove z s') →
VSet.Equal s (VSet.remove z s).
intros [].
intros i. rewrite VSet.remove_spec.
intuition auto. red in H2; subst.
specialize (proj2 (H z) (or_intror H1)).
rewrite VSet.remove_spec.
Module Edge.
Definition t := (V.t × Z × V.t)%type.
Definition eq : t → t → Prop := eq.
Definition eq_equiv : RelationClasses.Equivalence eq := _.
Definition lt : t → t → Prop :=
fun '(x, n, y) '(x', n', y') ⇒ ( x x') ∨ (V.eq x x' ∧ n < n')
∨ (V.eq x x' ∧ n = n' ∧ y y').
Definition lt_strorder : StrictOrder lt.
- intros [[x n] y] H; cbn in H. intuition.
all: eapply V.lt_strorder; eassumption.
- intros [[x1 n1] y1] [[x2 n2] y2] [[x3 n3] y3] H1 H2; cbn in ×.
pose proof (StrictOrder_Transitive x1 x2 x3) as T1.
pose proof (StrictOrder_Transitive y1 y2 y3) as T2.
pose proof (@eq_trans _ n1 n2 n3) as T3.
unfold in ×. unfold V.eq in ×.
destruct H1 as [H1|[[H1 H1']|[H1 [H1' H1'']]]];
destruct H2 as [H2|[[H2 H2']|[H2 [H2' H2'']]]]; subst; intuition.
Definition lt_compat : Proper (Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) lt.
intros x x' H1 y y' H2. now subst.
Definition compare : t → t → comparison
:= fun '(x, n, y) '(x', n', y') ⇒ match x x' with
| Lt ⇒ Lt
| Gt ⇒ Gt
| Eq ⇒ match n n' with
| Lt ⇒ Lt
| Gt ⇒ Gt
| Eq ⇒ y y'
Definition compare_spec :
∀ x y : t, CompareSpec (x = y) (lt x y) (lt y x) (compare x y).
intros [[x1 n1] y1] [[x2 n2] y2]; cbn.
pose proof (V.compare_spec x1 x2) as H1.
destruct ( x1 x2); cbn in *; inversion_clear H1.
2-3: constructor; intuition.
subst. pose proof (Z.compare_spec n1 n2) as H2.
destruct (n1 ?= n2); cbn in *; inversion_clear H2.
2-3: constructor; intuition.
subst. pose proof (V.compare_spec y1 y2) as H3.
destruct ( y1 y2); cbn in *; inversion_clear H3;
constructor; subst; intuition.
Definition eq_dec : ∀ x y : t, {x = y} + {x ≠ y}.
unfold eq. decide equality. apply V.eq_dec.
decide equality. apply Z.eq_dec. apply V.eq_dec.
Definition eqb : t → t → bool := fun x y ⇒ match compare x y with
| Eq ⇒ true
| _ ⇒ false
Definition eq_leibniz : ∀ x y, eq x y → x = y := fun x y eq ⇒ eq.
End Edge.
Module EdgeSet:= MSetAVL.Make Edge.
Module EdgeSetFact := WFactsOn Edge EdgeSet.
Module EdgeSetProp := WPropertiesOn Edge EdgeSet.
Module EdgeSetDecide := WDecide (EdgeSet).
Ltac esets := EdgeSetDecide.fsetdec.
Definition t := (VSet.t × EdgeSet.t × V.t)%type.
Local Definition V (G : t) := fst (fst G).
Local Definition E (G : t) := snd (fst G).
Local Definition s (G : t) := snd G.
Definition e_source : Edge.t → V.t := fst ∘ fst.
Definition e_target : Edge.t → V.t := snd.
Definition e_weight : Edge.t → Z := snd ∘ fst.
Notation "x ..s" := (e_source x) (at level 3, format "x '..s'").
Notation "x ..t" := (e_target x) (at level 3, format "x '..t'").
Notation "x ..w" := (e_weight x) (at level 3, format "x '..w'").
Definition opp_edge (e : Edge.t) : Edge.t :=
(e..t, - e..w, e..s).
Definition labelling := V.t → nat.
Section graph.
Context (G : t).
Definition add_node x : t :=
(VSet.add x (V G), (E G), (s G)).
Definition add_edge e : t :=
(VSet.add e..s (VSet.add e..t (V G)),
EdgeSet.add e (E G), (s G)).
Definition EdgeOf x y := ∑ n, EdgeSet.In (x, n, y) (E G).
Inductive PathOf : V.t → V.t → Type :=
| pathOf_refl x : PathOf x x
| pathOf_step x y z : EdgeOf x y → PathOf y z → PathOf x z.
Arguments pathOf_step {x y z} e p.
Fixpoint weight {x y} (p : PathOf x y) :=
match p with
| pathOf_refl x ⇒ 0
| pathOf_step e p ⇒ e.π1 + weight p
Fixpoint nodes {x y} (p : PathOf x y) : VSet.t :=
match p with
| pathOf_refl x ⇒ VSet.empty
| pathOf_step e p ⇒ VSet.add x (nodes p)
Fixpoint concat {x y z} (p : PathOf x y) : PathOf y z → PathOf x z :=
match p with
| pathOf_refl _ ⇒ fun q ⇒ q
| pathOf_step e p ⇒ fun q ⇒ pathOf_step e (concat p q)
Fixpoint length {x y} (p : PathOf x y) :=
match p with
| pathOf_refl x ⇒ 0
| pathOf_step e p ⇒ Z.succ (length p)
Class invariants := mk_invariant
{ edges_vertices :
(∀ e, EdgeSet.In e (E G) → VSet.In e..s (V G) ∧ VSet.In e..t (V G));
source_vertex : VSet.In (s G) (V G);
source_pathOf : ∀ x, VSet.In x (V G) → ∥ ∑ p : PathOf (s G) x, ∥ 0 ≤ weight p ∥ ∥ }.
Definition PosPathOf x y := ∃ p : PathOf x y, weight p > 0.
Class acyclic_no_loop
:= Build_acyclic_no_loop : ∀ x (p : PathOf x x), weight p ≤ 0.
Definition acyclic_no_loop' := ∀ x, ¬ (PosPathOf x x).
Fact acyclic_no_loop_loop' : acyclic_no_loop ↔ acyclic_no_loop'.
Proof using Type.
unfold acyclic_no_loop, acyclic_no_loop', PosPathOf.
- intros H x [p HH]. specialize (H x p). lia.
- intros H x p. firstorder.
Definition correct_labelling (l : labelling) :=
l (s G) = 0%nat ∧
∀ e, EdgeSet.In e (E G) → Z.of_nat (l e..s) + e..w ≤ Z.of_nat (l e..t).
Definition leq_vertices n x y := ∀ l, correct_labelling l → Z.of_nat (l x) + n ≤ Z.of_nat (l y).
Inductive SPath : VSet.t → V.t → V.t → Type :=
| spath_refl s x : SPath s x x
| spath_step s s' x y z : DisjointAdd x s s' → EdgeOf x y
→ SPath s y z → SPath s' x z.
Arguments spath_step {s s' x y z} H e p.
Derive Signature NoConfusion for SPath.
Fixpoint to_pathOf {s x y} (p : SPath s x y) : PathOf x y :=
match p with
| spath_refl _ x ⇒ pathOf_refl x
| spath_step _ e p ⇒ pathOf_step e (to_pathOf p)
Fixpoint sweight {s x y} (p : SPath s x y) :=
match p with
| spath_refl _ _ ⇒ 0
| spath_step _ e p ⇒ e.π1 + sweight p
Lemma sweight_weight {s x y} (p : SPath s x y)
: sweight p = weight (to_pathOf p).
Proof using Type.
induction p; cbn; lia.
Fixpoint is_simple {x y} (p : PathOf x y) :=
match p with
| pathOf_refl x ⇒ true
| @pathOf_step x y z e p ⇒ negb (VSet.mem x (nodes p)) && is_simple p
Program Definition to_simple : ∀ {x y} (p : PathOf x y),
is_simple p = true → SPath (nodes p) x y
:= fix to_simple {x y} p (Hp : is_simple p = true) {struct p} :=
p in PathOf t t0
return is_simple p = true → SPath (nodes p) t t0
| pathOf_refl x ⇒
fun _ ⇒ spath_refl (nodes (pathOf_refl x)) x
| @pathOf_step x y z e p0 ⇒
fun Hp0 ⇒ spath_step _ e (to_simple p0 _)
end Hp.
Next Obligation.
- eapply VSetProp.Add_add.
- apply andb_andI in Hp0 as [h1 h2].
apply negb_true_iff in h1. apply VSetFact.not_mem_iff in h1.
Next Obligation.
apply andb_andI in Hp0 as [? ?]. auto.
Lemma weight_concat {x y z} (p : PathOf x y) (q : PathOf y z)
: weight (concat p q) = weight p + weight q.
Proof using Type.
revert q; induction p; intro q; cbn.
reflexivity. specialize (IHp q); intuition.
Fixpoint add_end {s x y} (p : SPath s x y)
: ∀ {z} (e : EdgeOf y z) {s'} (Hs : DisjointAdd y s s'), SPath s' x z
:= match p with
| spath_refl s x ⇒ fun z e s' Hs ⇒ spath_step Hs e (spath_refl _ _)
| spath_step H e p
⇒ fun z e' s' Hs ⇒ spath_step (DisjointAdd_add1 H Hs) e
(add_end p e' (DisjointAdd_add3 H Hs))
Lemma weight_add_end {s x y} (p : SPath s x y) {z e s'} Hs
: sweight (@add_end s x y p z e s' Hs) = sweight p + e.π1.
Proof using Type.
revert z e s' Hs. induction p.
- intros; cbn; lia.
- intros; cbn. rewrite IHp; lia.
Definition SPath_sub {s s' x y}
: VSet.Subset s s' → SPath s x y → SPath s' x y.
intros Hs p; revert s' Hs; induction p.
- constructor.
- intros s'0 Hs. unshelve econstructor.
exact (VSet.remove x s'0).
3: eassumption. 2: eapply IHp.
+ split. apply VSetProp.Add_remove.
apply Hs, d; intuition.
now apply VSetProp.FM.remove_1.
+ intros u Hu. apply VSetFact.remove_2.
intro X. apply d. subst; assumption.
apply Hs, d; intuition.
Definition weight_SPath_sub {s s' x y} Hs p
: sweight (@SPath_sub s s' x y Hs p) = sweight p.
Proof using Type.
revert s' Hs; induction p; simpl. reflexivity.
intros s'0 Hs. now rewrite IHp.
Obligation Tactic := Program.Tactics.program_simpl.
Program Fixpoint sconcat {s s' x y z} (p : SPath s x y) : Disjoint s s' →
SPath s' y z → SPath (VSet.union s s') x z :=
match p in SPath s x y return Disjoint s s' → SPath s' y z → SPath (VSet.union s s') x z with
| spath_refl _ _ ⇒ fun hin q ⇒ SPath_sub _ q
| @spath_step s s0 x y z' da e p ⇒ fun hin q ⇒
@spath_step (VSet.union s s') _ x y z _ e (@sconcat _ _ _ _ _ p _ q)
Next Obligation. sets. Qed.
Next Obligation.
eapply DisjointAdd_union; eauto.
destruct da. unfold Disjoint in hin.
intros inxs'. apply (hin x).
destruct (H x). specialize (H2 (or_introl eq_refl)).
now eapply VSet.inter_spec.
Next Obligation.
eapply Disjoint_DisjointAdd in hin; eauto.
Lemma sweight_sconcat {s s' x y z} (p : SPath s x y) (ss' : Disjoint s s')
(q : SPath s' y z) :
sweight (sconcat p ss' q) = sweight p + sweight q.
Proof using Type.
induction p; cbn.
1: by apply: weight_SPath_sub.
rewrite IHp; lia.
Fixpoint snodes {s x y} (p : SPath s x y) : VSet.t :=
match p with
| spath_refl s x ⇒ VSet.empty
| spath_step H e p ⇒ VSet.add x (snodes p)
Definition split {s x y} (p : SPath s x y)
: ∀ u, {VSet.In u (snodes p)} + {u = y} →
SPath (VSet.remove u s) x u × SPath s u y.
induction p; intros u Hu; cbn in ×.
- induction Hu. eapply False_rect, VSet.empty_spec; eassumption.
subst. split; constructor.
- induction (V.eq_dec x u) as [Hx|Hx].
+ split. subst; constructor.
econstructor; try eassumption; subst; eassumption.
+ assert (Hu' : {VSet.In u (snodes p)} + {u = z}). {
induction Hu as [Hu|Hu].
apply (VSetFact.add_3 Hx) in Hu. now left.
now right. }
specialize (IHp _ Hu'). split.
× econstructor. 2: eassumption. 2: exact IHp.1.
now apply DisjointAdd_remove.
× eapply SPath_sub. 2: exact IHp.2.
eapply DisjointAdd_Subset; eassumption.
Lemma weight_split {s x y} (p : SPath s x y) {u Hu}
: sweight (split p u Hu).1 + sweight (split p u Hu).2 = sweight p.
Proof using Type.
induction p.
- destruct Hu as [Hu|Hu]. simpl in Hu.
now elimtype False; eapply VSetFact.empty_iff in Hu.
destruct Hu; reflexivity.
- simpl. destruct (V.eq_dec x u) as [X|X]; simpl.
+ destruct X; reflexivity.
+ rewrite weight_SPath_sub.
rewrite <- Z.add_assoc.
now rewrite IHp.
Definition split' {s x y} (p : SPath s x y)
: SPath (VSet.remove y s) x y × SPath s y y
:= split p y (right eq_refl).
Lemma weight_split' {s x y} (p : SPath s x y)
: sweight (split' p).1 + sweight (split' p).2 = sweight p.
unfold split'; apply weight_split.
Definition spath_one {s x y k} (Hx : VSet.In x s) (Hk : EdgeSet.In (x, k, y) (E G))
: SPath s x y.
econstructor. 3: constructor. now apply DisjointAdd_remove1.
∃ k. assumption.
Lemma simplify_aux1 {s0 s1 s2} (H : VSet.Equal (VSet.union s0 s1) s2)
: VSet.Subset s0 s2.
Proof using Type.
intros x Hx. apply H.
now apply VSetFact.union_2.
Lemma simplify_aux2 {s0 x} (Hx : VSet.mem x s0 = true)
{s1 s2}
(Hs : VSet.Equal (VSet.union s0 (VSet.add x s1)) s2)
: VSet.Equal (VSet.union s0 s1) s2.
Proof using Type.
apply VSet.mem_spec in Hx.
etransitivity; [|eassumption].
intro y; split; intro Hy; apply VSet.union_spec;
apply VSet.union_spec in Hy; destruct Hy as [Hy|Hy].
left; assumption.
right; now apply VSetFact.add_2.
left; assumption.
apply VSet.add_spec in Hy; destruct Hy as [Hy|Hy].
left; red in Hy; subst; assumption.
right; assumption.
Lemma simplify_aux3 {s0 s1 s2 x}
(Hs : VSet.Equal (VSet.union s0 (VSet.add x s1)) s2)
: VSet.Equal (VSet.union (VSet.add x s0) s1) s2.
Proof using Type.
etransitivity; [|eassumption].
etransitivity. eapply VSetProp.union_add.
symmetry. etransitivity. apply VSetProp.union_sym.
etransitivity. eapply VSetProp.union_add.
apply VSetFact.add_m. reflexivity.
apply VSetProp.union_sym.
Fixpoint simplify {s x y} (q : PathOf y x)
: ∀ (p : SPath s x y) {s'},
VSet.Equal (VSet.union s (nodes q)) s' → ∑ x', SPath s' x' x' :=
match q with
| pathOf_refl x ⇒ fun p s' Hs ⇒ (x; SPath_sub (simplify_aux1 Hs) p)
| @pathOf_step y y' _ e q ⇒
fun p s' Hs ⇒ match VSet.mem y s as X return VSet.mem y s = X → _ with
| true ⇒ fun XX ⇒ let '(p1, p2) := split' p in
if 0 <? sweight p2
then (y; SPath_sub (simplify_aux1 Hs) p2)
else (simplify q (add_end p1 e
(DisjointAdd_remove1 (VSetFact.mem_2 XX)))
(simplify_aux2 XX Hs))
| false ⇒ fun XX ⇒ (simplify q (add_end p e
(DisjointAdd_add2 ((VSetFact.not_mem_iff _ _).p2 XX)))
(simplify_aux3 Hs))
end eq_refl
Lemma weight_simplify {s x y} q (p : SPath s x y)
: ∀ {s'} Hs, (0 < weight q + sweight p)
→ 0 < sweight (simplify q p (s':=s') Hs).π2.
Proof using Type.
revert s p; induction q.
- cbn; intros. intuition. now rewrite weight_SPath_sub.
- intros s p s' Hs H; cbn in H. simpl.
set (F0 := proj2 (VSetFact.not_mem_iff s x)); clearbody F0.
set (F1 := @VSetFact.mem_2 s x); clearbody F1.
set (F2 := @simplify_aux2 s x); clearbody F2.
destruct (VSet.mem x s).
+ case_eq (split' p); intros p1 p2 Hp.
case_eq (0 <? sweight p2); intro eq.
× cbn. apply Z.ltb_lt in eq.
rewrite weight_SPath_sub; lia.
× eapply IHq. rewrite weight_add_end.
pose proof (weight_split' p) as X; rewrite Hp in X; cbn in X.
apply Z.ltb_ge in eq. rewrite <- X in H. lia.
+ eapply IHq. rewrite weight_add_end. lia.
Definition succs (x : V.t) : list (Z × V.t)
:= let l := List.filter (fun e ⇒ V.eq_dec e..s x) (EdgeSet.elements (E G)) in (fun e ⇒ (e..w, e..t)) l.
Fixpoint lsp00 fuel (s : VSet.t) (x z : V.t) : Nbar.t :=
let base := if V.eq_dec x z then Some 0 else None in
match fuel with
| 0%nat ⇒ base
| Datatypes.S fuel ⇒
match VSet.mem x s with
| true ⇒
let ds :=
(fun '(n, y) ⇒ Some n + lsp00 fuel (VSet.remove x s) y z)%nbar
(succs x) in
List.fold_left Nbar.max ds base
| false ⇒ base end
Definition lsp0 s := lsp00 (VSet.cardinal s) s.
Lemma lsp0_eq s x z : lsp0 s x z =
let base := if V.eq_dec x z then Some 0 else None in
match VSet.mem x s with
| true ⇒
let ds := (fun '(n, y) ⇒ Some n + lsp0 (VSet.remove x s) y z)%nbar
(succs x) in
List.fold_left Nbar.max ds base
| false ⇒ base end.
Proof using Type.
unfold lsp0. set (fuel := VSet.cardinal s).
cut (VSet.cardinal s = fuel); [|reflexivity].
clearbody fuel. revert s x. induction fuel.
- intros s x H.
apply VSetProp.cardinal_inv_1 in H.
specialize (H x). apply VSetProp.FM.not_mem_iff in H.
rewrite H. reflexivity.
- intros s x H. simpl.
case_eq (VSet.mem x s); [|reflexivity].
intro HH. f_equal. apply List.map_ext.
intros [n y].
assert (H': VSet.cardinal (VSet.remove x s) = fuel);
[|rewrite H'; reflexivity].
apply VSet.mem_spec, VSetProp.remove_cardinal_1 in HH.
Definition lsp := lsp0 (V G).
Lemma lsp0_VSet_Equal {s s' x y} :
VSet.Equal s s' → lsp0 s x y = lsp0 s' x y.
Proof using Type.
intro H; unfold lsp0; rewrite (VSetProp.Equal_cardinal H).
set (n := VSet.cardinal s'); clearbody n.
revert x y s s' H. induction n.
- reflexivity.
- cbn. intros x y s s' H. erewrite map_ext.
erewrite VSetFact.mem_m. 2: reflexivity. 2: eassumption.
intros [m z]; cbn. erewrite IHn.
reflexivity. now eapply VSetFact.remove_m.
Lemma lsp0_spec_le {s x y} (p : SPath s x y)
: (Some (sweight p) ≤ lsp0 s x y)%nbar.
Proof using Type.
induction p; rewrite lsp0_eq; simpl.
- destruct (V.eq_dec x x); [|contradiction].
destruct (VSet.mem x s0); [|cbn; reflexivity].
match goal with
| |- (_ ≤ fold_left ?F _ _)%nbar ⇒
assert (XX: (∀ l acc, Some 0 ≤ acc → Some 0 ≤ fold_left F l acc)%nbar);
[|apply XX; cbn; reflexivity]
clear; induction l.
+ cbn; trivial.
+ intros acc H; simpl. apply IHl.
apply max_le'; now left.
- assert (ee: VSet.mem x s' = true). {
apply VSet.mem_spec, d. left; reflexivity. }
rewrite ee. etransitivity.
eapply (plus_le_compat (Some e.π1) _ (Some (sweight p))).
reflexivity. eassumption.
apply Nbar.fold_max_le'.
unfold succs. rewrite map_map_compose.
apply in_map_iff. ∃ (x, e.π1, y). simpl.
+ cbn -[lsp0].
assert (XX: VSet.Equal (VSet.remove x s') s0). {
clear -d.
intro a; split; intro Ha.
× apply VSet.remove_spec in Ha. pose proof (d.p1 a).
intuition. now symmetry in H2.
× apply VSet.remove_spec. split.
apply d. right; assumption.
intro H. apply proj2 in d. apply d.
red in H; subst; assumption. }
rewrite (lsp0_VSet_Equal XX); reflexivity.
+ apply filter_In. split.
apply InA_In_eq, EdgeSet.elements_spec1. exact e.π2.
cbn. destruct (V.eq_dec x x); [reflexivity|contradiction].
Lemma lsp0_spec_eq {s x y} n
: lsp0 s x y = Some n → ∃ p : SPath s x y, sweight p = n.
Proof using Type.
set (c := VSet.cardinal s). assert (e: VSet.cardinal s = c) by reflexivity.
clearbody c; revert s e x y n.
induction c using Wf_nat.lt_wf_ind.
rename H into IH.
intros s e x y n H.
rewrite lsp0_eq in H; cbn -[lsp0] in H.
case_eq (VSet.mem x s); intro Hx; rewrite Hx in H.
- apply fold_max_In in H. destruct H.
+ destruct (V.eq_dec x y); [|discriminate].
apply some_inj in H; subst.
unshelve eexists; constructor.
+ apply in_map_iff in H.
destruct H as [[x' n'] [H1 H2]].
case_eq (lsp0 (VSet.remove x s) n' y).
2: intros ee; rewrite ee in H1; discriminate.
intros nn ee; rewrite ee in H1.
eapply IH in ee. 3: reflexivity.
× destruct ee as [p1 Hp1].
unfold succs in H2.
apply in_map_iff in H2.
destruct H2 as [[[x'' n''] y''] [H2 H2']]; cbn in H2.
inversion H2; subst; clear H2.
apply filter_In in H2'; destruct H2' as [H2 H2']; cbn in H2'.
destruct (V.eq_dec x'' x); [subst|discriminate]; clear H2'.
unshelve eexists. econstructor.
3: eassumption.
-- split. 2: apply VSetFact.remove_1; reflexivity.
apply VSetProp.Add_remove.
apply VSet.mem_spec; assumption.
-- eexists.
apply (EdgeSet.elements_spec1 _ _).p1, InA_In_eq; eassumption.
-- cbn. now apply some_inj in H1.
× subst. clear -Hx. apply VSet.mem_spec in Hx.
apply VSetProp.remove_cardinal_1 in Hx. lia.
- destruct (V.eq_dec x y); [|discriminate].
apply some_inj in H; subst. unshelve eexists; constructor.
Lemma lsp0_spec_eq0 {s x} n
: lsp0 s x x = Some n → 0 ≤ n.
Proof using Type.
intros lspeq.
generalize (lsp0_spec_le (spath_refl s x)).
rewrite lspeq. simpl. auto.
Lemma correct_labelling_PathOf l (Hl : correct_labelling l)
: ∀ x y (p : PathOf x y), Z.of_nat (l x) + weight p ≤ Z.of_nat (l y).
Proof using Type.
induction p. cbn; lia.
apply proj2 in Hl.
specialize (Hl (x, e.π1, y) e.π2). cbn in *; lia.
Lemma correct_labelling_lsp {x y n} (e : lsp x y = Some n) :
∀ l, correct_labelling l → Z.of_nat (l x) + n ≤ Z.of_nat (l y).
Proof using Type.
eapply lsp0_spec_eq in e as [p Hp].
intros l Hl; eapply correct_labelling_PathOf with (p:= to_pathOf p) in Hl.
now rewrite <- sweight_weight, Hp in Hl.
Lemma acyclic_labelling l : correct_labelling l → acyclic_no_loop.
Proof using Type.
intros Hl x p.
specialize (correct_labelling_PathOf l Hl x x p); lia.
Lemma lsp0_triangle_inequality {HG : acyclic_no_loop} s x y1 y2 n
(He : EdgeSet.In (y1, n, y2) (E G))
(Hy : VSet.In y1 s)
: (lsp0 s x y1 + Some n ≤ lsp0 s x y2)%nbar.
Proof using Type.
case_eq (lsp0 s x y1); [|cbn; trivial].
intros m Hm.
apply lsp0_spec_eq in Hm.
destruct Hm as [p Hp].
case_eq (split' p).
intros p1 p2 Hp12.
pose proof (weight_split' p) as H.
rewrite Hp12 in H; cbn in H.
2: unshelve eapply (lsp0_spec_le (add_end p1 (n; He) _)).
subst; rewrite weight_add_end; cbn.
pose proof (sweight_weight p2) as HH.
red in HG. specialize (HG _ (to_pathOf p2)). lia.
now apply DisjointAdd_remove1.
Definition is_nonpos n :=
match n with
| Some z ⇒ (z <=? 0)
| None ⇒ false
Lemma is_nonpos_spec n : is_nonpos n <~> ∑ z, n = Some z ∧ z ≤ 0.
Proof using Type.
unfold is_nonpos.
- destruct n; try intuition congruence.
intros le. eapply Z.leb_le in le. ∃ z; intuition eauto.
- intros [z [-> le]]. now eapply Z.leb_le.
Lemma is_nonpos_nbar n : is_nonpos n → (n ≤ Some 0)%nbar.
Proof using Type.
now intros [z [-> le]]%is_nonpos_spec.
Definition lsp0_sub {s s' x y}
: VSet.Subset s s' → (lsp0 s x y ≤ lsp0 s' x y)%nbar.
Proof using Type.
case_eq (lsp0 s x y); [|cbn; trivial].
intros n Hn Hs.
apply lsp0_spec_eq in Hn; destruct Hn as [p Hp]; subst.
rewrite <- (weight_SPath_sub Hs p).
apply lsp0_spec_le.
Definition snodes_Subset {s x y} (p : SPath s x y)
: VSet.Subset (snodes p) s.
Proof using Type.
induction p; cbn.
- apply VSetProp.subset_empty.
- apply VSetProp.subset_add_3.
apply d. left; reflexivity.
etransitivity. eassumption.
eapply DisjointAdd_Subset; eassumption.
Definition reduce {s x y} (p : SPath s x y)
: SPath (snodes p) x y.
induction p; cbn.
- constructor.
- econstructor; try eassumption.
apply DisjointAdd_add2.
intro Hx; apply d. eapply snodes_Subset.
Definition simplify2 {x z} (p : PathOf x z) : SPath (nodes p) x z.
induction p; cbn.
- constructor.
- case_eq (VSet.mem x (snodes IHp)); intro Hx.
+ apply VSetFact.mem_2 in Hx.
eapply SPath_sub. 2: exact (split _ _ (left Hx)).2.
apply VSetProp.subset_add_2; reflexivity.
+ eapply SPath_sub. shelve.
econstructor. 2: eassumption. 2: exact (reduce IHp).
eapply DisjointAdd_add2. now apply VSetFact.not_mem_iff.
apply VSetFact.add_s_m. reflexivity.
apply snodes_Subset.
Lemma weight_reduce {s x y} (p : SPath s x y)
: sweight (reduce p) = sweight p.
Proof using Type.
induction p; simpl; intuition.
Opaque split reduce SPath_sub.
Lemma weight_simplify2 {HG : acyclic_no_loop} {x z} (p : PathOf x z)
: weight p ≤ sweight (simplify2 p).
Proof using Type.
induction p.
- reflexivity.
- simpl.
set (F0 := @VSetFact.mem_2 (snodes (simplify2 p)) x); clearbody F0.
set (F1 := VSetFact.not_mem_iff (snodes (simplify2 p)) x); clearbody F1.
destruct (VSet.mem x (snodes (simplify2 p))).
+ rewrite weight_SPath_sub.
pose proof (@weight_split _ _ _ (simplify2 p))
x (left (F0 (eq_refl))).
set (q := split (simplify2 p) x (left (F0 (eq_refl)))) in ×.
destruct q as [q1 q2]; cbn in ×.
assert (sweight q1 + e.π1 ≤ 0); [|].
specialize (HG _ (pathOf_step e (to_pathOf q1))). cbn in HG.
rewrite <- sweight_weight in HG. lia.
transitivity (e.π1 + sweight (simplify2 p)); [|lia]. rewrite <- H. lia.
+ rewrite weight_SPath_sub. cbn.
rewrite weight_reduce; intuition.
Context {HI : invariants}.
Lemma nodes_subset {x y} (p : PathOf x y)
: VSet.Subset (nodes p) (V G).
Proof using HI.
induction p; cbn.
apply VSetProp.subset_empty.
apply VSetProp.subset_add_3; [|assumption].
apply (edges_vertices _ e.π2).
Definition simplify2' {x z} (p : PathOf x z) : SPath (V G) x z.
Proof using G HI.
eapply SPath_sub. 2: exact (simplify2 p).
apply nodes_subset.
Lemma weight_simplify2' {HG : acyclic_no_loop} {x z} (p : PathOf x z)
: weight p ≤ sweight (simplify2' p).
Proof using Type.
unfold simplify2'.
unshelve erewrite weight_SPath_sub.
eapply weight_simplify2.
Lemma lsp_s {HG : acyclic_no_loop} x (Hx : VSet.In x (V G))
: ∃ n, lsp (s G) x = Some n ∧ 0 ≤ n.
Proof using G HI.
case_eq (lsp (s G) x).
- intros n H; eexists; split; [reflexivity|].
destruct (source_pathOf _ Hx) as [[p [w]]].
pose proof (lsp0_spec_le (simplify2' p)).
unfold lsp in H. rewrite H in H0.
simpl in H0.
transitivity (weight p); auto.
etransitivity; eauto. eapply weight_simplify2'.
- intro e.
destruct (source_pathOf x Hx) as [[p [w]]].
pose proof (lsp0_spec_le (simplify2' p)) as X.
unfold lsp in e; rewrite e in X. inversion X.
Lemma SPath_In {s x y} (p : SPath s x y)
: sweight p ≠ 0 → VSet.In x s.
Proof using Type.
destruct p. simpl. lia.
intros _. apply d. left; reflexivity.
Lemma SPath_In' {s x y} (p : SPath s x y) (H : VSet.In x (V G)) :
VSet.In y (V G).
Proof using G HI.
induction p. simpl; auto.
apply IHp. destruct e.
now specialize (edges_vertices _ i).
Lemma PathOf_In {x y} : VSet.In y (V G) → PathOf x y → VSet.In x (V G).
Proof using G HI.
intros hin p; induction p; auto.
destruct e as [? ine].
now eapply edges_vertices in ine.
Lemma acyclic_lsp0_xx {HG : acyclic_no_loop} s x
: lsp0 s x x = Some 0.
Proof using Type.
pose proof (lsp0_spec_le (spath_refl s x)) as H; cbn in H.
case_eq (lsp0 s x x); [|intro e; rewrite e in H; cbn in H; lia].
intros n Hn.
pose proof (lsp0_spec_eq0 _ Hn).
apply lsp0_spec_eq in Hn.
destruct Hn as [p Hp]. rewrite sweight_weight in Hp.
red in HG.
specialize (HG _ (to_pathOf p)). subst n. f_equal. lia.
Definition to_label (z : option Z) :=
match z with
| Some (Zpos p) ⇒ Pos.to_nat p
| _ ⇒ 0%nat
Lemma Z_of_to_label (z : Z) :
Z.of_nat (to_label (Some z)) = if 0 <=? z then z else 0.
Proof using Type.
simpl. destruct z; auto. simpl.
apply Z_of_pos_alt.
Lemma Z_of_to_label_s {HG : acyclic_no_loop} x :
VSet.In x (V G) →
∃ n, lsp (s G) x = Some n ∧
0 ≤ n ∧ (Z.of_nat (to_label (lsp (s G) x))) = n.
Proof using G HI.
intros inx.
destruct (lsp_s x inx) as [m [Hm Hpos]].
rewrite Hm. eexists; split; auto. split; auto.
rewrite Z_of_to_label.
eapply Z.leb_le in Hpos. now rewrite Hpos.
Lemma lsp_correctness {HG : acyclic_no_loop} :
correct_labelling (fun x ⇒ to_label (lsp (s G) x)).
Proof using G HI.
- unfold lsp. now rewrite acyclic_lsp0_xx.
- intros [[x n] y] He; cbn.
simple refine (let H := lsp0_triangle_inequality
(V G) (s G) x y n He _
in _); [|clearbody H].
apply (edges_vertices _ He).
fold lsp in H. revert H.
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s x) as [xl [eq [pos ->]]]; rewrite ?eq.
+ apply (edges_vertices _ He).
+ destruct (Z_of_to_label_s y) as [yl [eq' [ylpos ->]]]; rewrite ?eq'.
× apply (edges_vertices _ He).
× now simpl.
Lemma lsp_codistance {HG : acyclic_no_loop} x y z
: (lsp x y + lsp y z ≤ lsp x z)%nbar.
Proof using HI.
case_eq (lsp x y); [|cbn; trivial]. intros n Hn.
case_eq (lsp y z); [|cbn; trivial]. intros m Hm.
destruct (lsp0_spec_eq _ Hn) as [p1 Hp1].
destruct (lsp0_spec_eq _ Hm) as [p2 Hp2].
pose proof (lsp0_spec_le (simplify2' (concat (to_pathOf p1) (to_pathOf p2))))
as XX.
epose proof (weight_simplify2' (concat (to_pathOf p1) (to_pathOf p2))).
unshelve erewrite weight_concat, <- !sweight_weight in H;
try assumption.
cbn in H; erewrite Hp1, Hp2 in H.
simpl. etransitivity; eauto. simpl. eauto.
Lemma lsp_sym {HG : acyclic_no_loop} {x y n} :
lsp x y = Some n →
(lsp y x ≤ Some (-n))%nbar.
Proof using Type.
intros Hn.
destruct (lsp0_spec_eq _ Hn) as [p Hp].
destruct (lsp y x) eqn:lspyx.
2:simpl; auto.
epose proof (lsp0_spec_eq _ lspyx) as [pi Hpi].
clear Hn lspyx. rewrite -Hp -Hpi /=.
epose proof (weight_simplify (to_pathOf pi) p (reflexivity _)).
destruct simplify as [h loop].
simpl in H.
move: (HG _ (to_pathOf loop)).
rewrite -sweight_weight.
rewrite -sweight_weight Hp Hpi in H.
rewrite Hp Hpi.
destruct (Z.ltb 0 (z + n)) eqn:ltb.
eapply Z.ltb_lt in ltb. specialize (H ltb). lia.
eapply Z.ltb_nlt in ltb.
intros wl.
Lemma le_Some_lsp {n x y} : (Some n ≤ lsp x y)%nbar →
∑ k, lsp x y = Some k ∧ n ≤ k.
Proof using Type.
destruct lsp eqn:xy.
simpl. intros. eexists; split; eauto.
simpl; now intros [].
Lemma source_bottom {HG : acyclic_no_loop} {x} (p : PathOf x (s G)) : weight p ≤ 0.
Proof using HI.
unshelve epose proof (PathOf_In _ p).
eapply source_vertex.
destruct (lsp_s _ H) as [lx [lsx w]].
etransitivity; [apply (weight_simplify2' p)|].
set (sp := simplify2' p).
epose proof (lsp0_spec_le sp).
eapply le_Some_lsp in H0 as [xs [lxs wxs]].
generalize (lsp_codistance x (s G) x).
rewrite lxs lsx /lsp acyclic_lsp0_xx /=. lia.
Lemma lsp_to_s {HG : acyclic_no_loop} {x} (Hx : VSet.In x (V G)) {n}
: lsp x (s G) = Some n → n ≤ 0.
Proof using HI.
case_eq (lsp x (s G)).
- intros z H [= <-].
destruct (lsp0_spec_eq _ H).
pose proof (source_bottom (to_pathOf x0)).
rewrite <- sweight_weight in H1. congruence.
- intro e. discriminate.
Lemma lsp_xx_acyclic
: VSet.For_all (fun x ⇒ lsp x x = Some 0) (V G) → acyclic_no_loop'.
Proof using G HI.
intros H. intros x [p Hp]. assert (hw: 0 < weight p + sweight ((spath_refl (V G) x))) by (simpl; lia).
simple refine (let Hq := weight_simplify p (spath_refl (V G) _)
_ hw
in _).
+ exact (V G).
+ etransitivity. apply VSetProp.union_sym.
etransitivity. apply VSetProp.union_subset_equal.
apply nodes_subset. reflexivity.
+ match goal with
| _ : 0 < sweight ?qq.π2 |- _ ⇒ set (q := qq) in *; clearbody Hq
destruct q as [x' q]; cbn in Hq.
assert (Some (sweight q) ≤ Some 0)%nbar. {
erewrite <- H. eapply lsp0_spec_le.
eapply (SPath_In q). lia. }
cbn in H0; lia.
Lemma VSet_Forall_reflect P f (Hf : ∀ x, reflect (P x) (f x)) s
: reflect (VSet.For_all P s) (VSet.for_all f s).
Proof using G HI.
apply iff_reflect. etransitivity.
2: apply VSetFact.for_all_iff.
2: intros x y []; reflexivity.
apply iff_forall; intro x.
apply iff_forall; intro Hx.
now apply reflect_iff.
Lemma reflect_logically_equiv {A B} (H : A ↔ B) f
: reflect B f → reflect A f.
Proof using Type.
destruct 1; constructor; intuition.
Definition is_acyclic := VSet.for_all (fun x ⇒ match lsp x x with
| Some 0 ⇒ true
| _ ⇒ false
end) (V G).
Lemma acyclic_caract1
: acyclic_no_loop ↔ ∃ l, correct_labelling l.
Proof using G HI.
intro HG; eexists. eapply (lsp_correctness).
intros [l Hl]; eapply acyclic_labelling; eassumption.
Lemma acyclic_caract2 :
acyclic_no_loop ↔ (VSet.For_all (fun x ⇒ lsp x x = Some 0) (V G)).
Proof using G HI.
- intros HG x Hx. unshelve eapply acyclic_lsp0_xx.
- intros H. apply acyclic_no_loop_loop'.
now eapply lsp_xx_acyclic.
Lemma is_acyclic_spec : is_acyclic ↔ acyclic_no_loop.
Proof using HI.
symmetry. etransitivity. eapply acyclic_caract2.
etransitivity. 2: eapply VSetFact.for_all_iff.
2: now intros x y [].
apply iff_forall; intro x.
apply iff_forall; intro Hx.
split. now intros →.
destruct lsp as [[]|]; try congruence.
Lemma Zle_opp {n m} : - n ≤ m ↔ - m ≤ n.
Proof using Type. lia. Qed.
Lemma Zle_opp' {n m} : n ≤ m ↔ - m ≤ - n.
Proof using Type. lia. Qed.
Lemma lsp_xx {HG : acyclic_no_loop} {x} : lsp x x = Some 0.
Proof using Type.
rewrite /lsp.
now rewrite acyclic_lsp0_xx.
Definition edge_pathOf {e} : EdgeSet.In e (E G) → PathOf e..s e..t.
intros hin.
eapply (pathOf_step (y := e..t)). ∃ e..w. destruct e as [[s w] t].
simpl in ×. apply hin. constructor.
Lemma Z_of_to_label_pos x : 0 ≤ x → Z.of_nat (to_label (Some x)) = x.
Proof using Type.
intros le.
rewrite Z_of_to_label.
destruct (Z.leb_spec 0 x); auto. lia.
Lemma to_label_max x y : (Some 0 ≤ x)%nbar → to_label (max x y) = Nat.max (to_label x) (to_label y).
Proof using Type.
destruct x; intros H; simpl in H; auto. 2:elim H.
eapply Nat2Z.inj.
rewrite Nat2Z.inj_max.
destruct y; cbn -[to_label].
rewrite Z_of_to_label_pos; try lia.
rewrite Z_of_to_label_pos. lia.
rewrite Z_of_to_label.
destruct (Z.leb_spec 0 z0); lia.
rewrite Z_of_to_label_pos; try lia.
simpl. lia.
Lemma lsp_from_source {HG : acyclic_no_loop} {x} {n} : lsp (s G) x = Some n → 0 ≤ n.
Proof using HI.
intros H.
assert (VSet.In x (V G)).
destruct (lsp0_spec_eq _ H).
apply (SPath_In' x0). eapply HI.
destruct (lsp_s _ H0) as [n' [lspeq w]].
rewrite H in lspeq. congruence.
Lemma lsp_to_source {HG : acyclic_no_loop} {x z} : lsp x (s G) = Some z → z ≤ 0.
Proof using HI.
intros h.
destruct (lsp0_spec_eq z h).
pose proof (source_bottom (to_pathOf x0)).
rewrite -sweight_weight in H0. lia.
Lemma lsp_source_max {HG : acyclic_no_loop} {x y} : VSet.In x (V G) → VSet.In y (V G) →
(lsp y x ≤ lsp (s G) x)%nbar.
Proof using HI.
intros inx iny.
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s x) as [zl [eq [pos zof]]]; eauto.
rewrite eq. simpl.
destruct (lsp y x) eqn:yx.
pose proof (lsp_codistance (s G) y x).
rewrite eq yx in H. simpl in ×.
destruct (lsp_s y iny) as [ly [lspy neg]].
rewrite lspy in H. simpl in H. lia.
now simpl.
Lemma is_acyclic_correct : reflect acyclic_no_loop is_acyclic.
Proof using HI.
eapply reflect_logically_equiv. eapply acyclic_caract2.
apply VSet_Forall_reflect; intro x.
destruct (lsp x x). destruct z. constructor; reflexivity.
all: constructor; discriminate.
End graph.
Arguments sweight {G s x y}.
Arguments weight {G x y}.
Module Subgraph1.
Section graph2.
Context (G : t) {HI : invariants G} {HG : acyclic_no_loop G}.
Context (y_0 x_0 : V.t) (Vx : VSet.In x_0 (V G))
(Vy : VSet.In y_0 (V G))
(K : Z)
(Hxs : lsp G x_0 y_0 = Some K).
Local Definition G' : t
:= (V G, EdgeSet.add (y_0, - K, x_0) (E G), s G).
Definition to_G' {u v} (q : PathOf G u v) : PathOf G' u v.
clear -q.
induction q; [constructor|].
econstructor. 2: eassumption.
∃ e.π1. cbn. apply EdgeSet.add_spec; right. exact e.π2.
Lemma to_G'_weight {u v} (p : PathOf G u v)
: weight (to_G' p) = weight p.
Proof using Type.
induction p. reflexivity.
simpl. now rewrite IHp.
Opaque Edge.eq_dec.
Definition from_G'_path {u v} (q : PathOf G' u v)
: PathOf G u v + (PathOf G u y_0 × PathOf G x_0 v).
clear -q. induction q.
- left; constructor.
- induction (Edge.eq_dec (y_0, -K, x_0) (x, e.π1, y)) as [XX|XX].
+ right. split.
× rewrite (fst_eq (fst_eq XX)); constructor.
× destruct IHq as [IHq|IHq].
-- now rewrite (snd_eq XX).
-- exact IHq.2.
+ induction IHq as [IHq|IHq].
× left. econstructor; try eassumption.
∃ e.π1. exact (EdgeSetFact.add_3 XX e.π2).
× right. split.
-- econstructor; try eassumption.
2: exact IHq.1.
∃ e.π1. exact (EdgeSetFact.add_3 XX e.π2).
-- exact IHq.2.
Lemma from_G'_path_weight {u v} (q : PathOf G' u v)
: match from_G'_path q with
| inl q' ⇒ weight q = weight q'
| inr (q1, q2) ⇒
weight q ≤ weight q1 - K + weight q2
Proof using HG HI Hxs.
clear -HI HG Hxs.
induction q.
- reflexivity.
- simpl.
destruct (Edge.eq_dec (y_0, - K, x_0) (x, e.π1, y)) as [XX|XX]; simpl.
+ destruct (fst_eq (fst_eq XX)). simpl.
inversion XX.
destruct (from_G'_path q) as [q'|[q1 q2]]; simpl.
× destruct (snd_eq XX); cbn.
destruct e as [e He]; cbn in ×. lia.
× subst y.
transitivity (-K + weight q1 - K + weight q2). lia.
epose proof (lsp0_spec_le G (simplify2' G q1)).
unfold lsp in Hxs; rewrite Hxs /= in H.
pose proof (weight_simplify2' G q1). lia.
+ destruct (from_G'_path q) as [q'|[q1 q2]]; simpl.
× lia.
× lia.
Definition from_G' {S u v} (q : SPath G' S u v)
: SPath G S u v + (SPath G S u y_0 × SPath G S x_0 v).
clear -q. induction q.
- left; constructor.
- induction (Edge.eq_dec (y_0, - K, x_0) (x, e.π1, y)) as [XX|XX].
+ right. split.
× rewrite (fst_eq (fst_eq XX)); constructor.
× eapply SPath_sub.
eapply DisjointAdd_Subset; eassumption.
induction IHq as [IHq|IHq].
-- now rewrite (snd_eq XX).
-- exact IHq.2.
+ induction IHq as [IHq|IHq].
× left. econstructor; try eassumption.
∃ e.π1. exact (EdgeSetFact.add_3 XX e.π2).
× right. split.
-- econstructor; try eassumption.
2: exact IHq.1.
∃ e.π1. exact (EdgeSetFact.add_3 XX e.π2).
-- eapply SPath_sub; [|exact IHq.2].
eapply DisjointAdd_Subset; eassumption.
Lemma from_G'_weight {S u v} (q : SPath G' S u v)
: match from_G' q with
| inl q' ⇒ sweight q = sweight q'
| inr (q1, q2) ⇒ sweight q ≤ sweight q1 - K + sweight q2
Proof using HG HI Hxs.
clear -HI HG Hxs.
induction q.
- reflexivity.
- simpl.
destruct (Edge.eq_dec (y_0, - K, x_0) (x, e.π1, y)) as [XX|XX]; simpl.
+ destruct (fst_eq (fst_eq XX)). simpl.
inversion XX. rewrite weight_SPath_sub.
destruct (from_G' q) as [q'|[q1 q2]]; simpl.
× destruct (snd_eq XX); cbn.
destruct e as [e He]; cbn in *; lia.
× subst y.
assert (Hle := lsp0_spec_le G (simplify2' G (to_pathOf G q1))).
unfold lsp in ×. rewrite Hxs /= in Hle.
pose proof (weight_simplify2' G (to_pathOf G q1)).
rewrite -sweight_weight in H. lia.
+ destruct (from_G' q) as [q'|[q1 q2]]; simpl.
× lia.
× rewrite weight_SPath_sub; lia.
Lemma lsp_pathOf {x y} (p : PathOf G x y) : ∑ n, lsp G x y = Some n ∧ weight p ≤ n.
Proof using HG HI.
pose proof (lsp0_spec_le G (simplify2' G p)) as ineq.
unfold lsp in ×.
destruct (lsp0 G (V G) x y). eexists; eauto. split; eauto.
simpl in ineq. epose proof (weight_simplify2' G p). lia.
now simpl in ineq.
Global Instance HI' : invariants G'.
Proof using HI Vx Vy.
- cbn. intros e He. apply EdgeSet.add_spec in He; destruct He as [He|He].
subst; cbn. split; assumption.
now apply HI.
- apply HI.
- intros z Hz. epose proof (source_pathOf G z Hz).
destruct H as [[p [w]]]. sq. ∃ (to_G' p).
sq. now rewrite to_G'_weight.
Global Instance HG' : acyclic_no_loop G'.
Proof using HG HI Hxs Vx Vy.
apply acyclic_caract2. exact _. intros x Hx.
pose proof (lsp0_spec_le G' (spath_refl G' (V G') x)) as H; cbn in H.
case_eq (lsp0 G' (V G) x x); [|intro e; rewrite e in H; cbn in H; lia].
intros m Hm. unfold lsp; cbn; rewrite Hm. rewrite Hm in H.
simpl in H.
apply lsp0_spec_eq in Hm.
destruct Hm as [p Hp]. subst.
pose proof (from_G'_weight p) as XX.
destruct (from_G' p).
- f_equal. rewrite (sweight_weight G s0) in XX.
specialize (HG _ (to_pathOf G s0)). lia.
- assert (Hle := lsp0_spec_le G (simplify2' G (concat G (to_pathOf G p0.2) (to_pathOf G p0.1)))).
destruct p0 as [q1 q2]; simpl in ×.
unfold lsp in *; rewrite → Hxs in Hle. simpl in Hle.
epose proof (weight_simplify2' G (concat G (to_pathOf G q2) (to_pathOf G q1))).
rewrite weight_concat - !sweight_weight in H0. f_equal.
enough (sweight q1 - K + sweight q2 ≤ 0). lia.
Lemma lsp_G'_yx : (Some (- K) ≤ lsp G' y_0 x_0)%nbar.
Proof using Vy.
unshelve refine (transport (fun K ⇒ (Some K ≤ _)%nbar) _ (lsp0_spec_le _ _)).
- eapply spath_one; tas.
apply EdgeSet.add_spec. now left.
- cbn. lia.
Lemma correct_labelling_lsp_G'
: correct_labelling G (to_label ∘ (lsp G' (s G'))).
Proof using HG HI Hxs Vx Vy.
pose proof (lsp_correctness G') as XX.
split. exact XX.p1.
intros e He; apply XX; cbn.
apply EdgeSet.add_spec; now right.
Definition sto_G' {S u v} (p : SPath G S u v)
: SPath G' S u v.
clear -p. induction p.
- constructor.
- econstructor; tea. ∃ e.π1.
apply EdgeSet.add_spec. right. exact e.π2.
Lemma sto_G'_weight {S u v} (p : SPath G S u v)
: sweight (sto_G' p) = sweight p.
Proof using Type.
induction p. reflexivity.
simpl. now rewrite IHp.
Lemma lsp_G'_incr x y : (lsp G x y ≤ lsp G' x y)%nbar.
Proof using Type.
case_eq (lsp G x y); cbn; [|trivial].
intros kxy Hkxy. apply lsp0_spec_eq in Hkxy.
destruct Hkxy as [pxy Hkxy].
etransitivity. 2: eapply (lsp0_spec_le _ (sto_G' pxy)).
rewrite sto_G'_weight. now rewrite Hkxy.
Lemma lsp_G'_sx : (lsp G' (s G) y_0 + Some (- K) ≤ lsp G' (s G) x_0)%nbar.
Proof using HG HI Hxs Vx Vy.
etransitivity. 2: eapply lsp_codistance; try exact _.
apply plus_le_compat_l. apply lsp_G'_yx.
Lemma lsp_G'_spec_left x :
lsp G' y_0 x = max (lsp G y_0 x) (Some (- K) + lsp G x_0 x)%nbar.
Proof using HG HI Hxs Vx Vy.
apply Nbar.le_antisymm.
- case_eq (lsp G' y_0 x); [|cbn; trivial].
intros k Hk.
apply lsp0_spec_eq in Hk; destruct Hk as [p' Hk].
subst k.
generalize (from_G'_weight p').
destruct (from_G' p') as [p|[p1 p2]].
+ intros →. apply max_le'. left. apply lsp0_spec_le.
+ intros He. apply max_le'. right.
pose proof (lsp_pathOf (to_pathOf G p2)) as [x0x [lspx0x wp2]].
rewrite -sweight_weight in wp2. rewrite lspx0x. simpl.
pose proof (lsp_pathOf (to_pathOf G p1)) as [y0y0 [lspy0 wp1]].
rewrite -sweight_weight in wp1. rewrite lsp_xx in lspy0.
injection lspy0; intros <-. lia.
- apply max_lub. apply lsp_G'_incr.
case_eq (lsp G x_0 x); cbn; [intros k Hk|trivial].
2:apply (lsp_codistance G' y_0 x_0 x).
pose proof (lsp_G'_yx).
eapply le_Some_lsp in H as [y0x0 [-> w]].
generalize (lsp_G'_incr x_0 x). rewrite Hk.
move/le_Some_lsp ⇒ [x0x [-> w']]. simpl. lia.
End graph2.
End Subgraph1.
Section subgraph.
Context (G : t) {HI : invariants G} {HG : acyclic_no_loop G}.
Section subgraph2.
Context (y_0 x_0 : V.t) (Vx : VSet.In x_0 (V G))
(Vy : VSet.In y_0 (V G))
(Hxs : lsp G x_0 y_0 = None)
(K : Z).
Local Definition G' : t
:= (V G, EdgeSet.add (y_0, K, x_0) (E G), s G).
Definition to_G' {u v} (q : PathOf G u v) : PathOf G' u v.
clear -q.
induction q; [constructor|].
econstructor. 2: eassumption.
∃ e.π1. cbn. apply EdgeSet.add_spec; right. exact e.π2.
Lemma to_G'_weight {u v} (p : PathOf G u v)
: weight (to_G' p) = weight p.
Proof using Type.
induction p. reflexivity.
simpl. now rewrite IHp.
Opaque Edge.eq_dec.
Definition from_G'_path {u v} (q : PathOf G' u v)
: PathOf G u v + (PathOf G u y_0 × PathOf G x_0 v).
clear -q. induction q.
- left; constructor.
- induction (Edge.eq_dec (y_0, K, x_0) (x, e.π1, y)) as [XX|XX].
+ right. split.
× rewrite (fst_eq (fst_eq XX)); constructor.
× destruct IHq as [IHq|IHq].
-- now rewrite (snd_eq XX).
-- exact IHq.2.
+ induction IHq as [IHq|IHq].
× left. econstructor; try eassumption.
∃ e.π1. exact (EdgeSetFact.add_3 XX e.π2).
× right. split.
-- econstructor; try eassumption.
2: exact IHq.1.
∃ e.π1. exact (EdgeSetFact.add_3 XX e.π2).
-- exact IHq.2.
Lemma from_G'_path_weight {u v} (q : PathOf G' u v)
: weight q = match from_G'_path q with
| inl q' ⇒ weight q'
| inr (q1, q2) ⇒ weight q1 + K + weight q2
Proof using HI Hxs.
clear -HI HG Hxs.
induction q.
- reflexivity.
- simpl.
destruct (Edge.eq_dec (y_0, K, x_0) (x, e.π1, y)) as [XX|XX]; simpl.
+ destruct (fst_eq (fst_eq XX)). simpl.
inversion XX.
destruct (from_G'_path q) as [q'|[q1 q2]]; simpl.
× destruct (snd_eq XX); cbn.
destruct e as [e He]; cbn in ×. lia.
× subst y. rewrite IHq.
simple refine (let XX := lsp0_spec_le
G (simplify2' G q1) in _).
unfold lsp in ×. rewrite → Hxs in XX; inversion XX.
+ destruct (from_G'_path q) as [q'|[q1 q2]]; simpl.
× lia.
× lia.
Definition from_G' {S u v} (q : SPath G' S u v)
: SPath G S u v + (SPath G S u y_0 × SPath G S x_0 v).
clear -q. induction q.
- left; constructor.
- induction (Edge.eq_dec (y_0, K, x_0) (x, e.π1, y)) as [XX|XX].
+ right. split.
× rewrite (fst_eq (fst_eq XX)); constructor.
× eapply SPath_sub.
eapply DisjointAdd_Subset; eassumption.
induction IHq as [IHq|IHq].
-- now rewrite (snd_eq XX).
-- exact IHq.2.
+ induction IHq as [IHq|IHq].
× left. econstructor; try eassumption.
∃ e.π1. exact (EdgeSetFact.add_3 XX e.π2).
× right. split.
-- econstructor; try eassumption.
2: exact IHq.1.
∃ e.π1. exact (EdgeSetFact.add_3 XX e.π2).
-- eapply SPath_sub; [|exact IHq.2].
eapply DisjointAdd_Subset; eassumption.
Lemma from_G'_weight {S u v} (q : SPath G' S u v)
: sweight q = match from_G' q with
| inl q' ⇒ sweight q'
| inr (q1, q2) ⇒ sweight q1 + K + sweight q2
Proof using HI Hxs.
clear -HI HG Hxs.
induction q.
- reflexivity.
- simpl.
destruct (Edge.eq_dec (y_0, K, x_0) (x, e.π1, y)) as [XX|XX]; simpl.
+ destruct (fst_eq (fst_eq XX)). simpl.
inversion XX. rewrite weight_SPath_sub.
destruct (from_G' q) as [q'|[q1 q2]]; simpl.
× destruct (snd_eq XX); cbn.
destruct e as [e He]; cbn in *; lia.
× subst y.
simple refine (let XX := lsp0_spec_le
G (simplify2' G (to_pathOf G q1)) in _).
unfold lsp in ×. rewrite → Hxs in XX; inversion XX.
+ destruct (from_G' q) as [q'|[q1 q2]]; simpl.
× lia.
× rewrite weight_SPath_sub; lia.
Lemma lsp_pathOf {x y} (p : PathOf G x y) : ∑ n, lsp G x y = Some n.
Proof using HI.
pose proof (lsp0_spec_le G (simplify2' G p)) as ineq.
unfold lsp in ×.
destruct (lsp0 G (V G) x y). eexists; eauto.
now simpl in ineq.
Global Instance HI' : invariants G'.
Proof using HI Vx Vy.
- cbn. intros e He. apply EdgeSet.add_spec in He; destruct He as [He|He].
subst; cbn. split; assumption.
now apply HI.
- apply HI.
- intros z Hz. epose proof (source_pathOf G z Hz).
destruct H as [[p [w]]]. sq. ∃ (to_G' p).
sq. now rewrite to_G'_weight.
Global Instance HG' : acyclic_no_loop G'.
Proof using HG HI Hxs Vx Vy.
apply acyclic_caract2. exact _. intros x Hx.
pose proof (lsp0_spec_le G' (spath_refl G' (V G') x)) as H; cbn in H.
case_eq (lsp0 G' (V G) x x); [|intro e; rewrite e in H; cbn in H; lia].
intros m Hm. unfold lsp; cbn; rewrite Hm. rewrite Hm in H.
simpl in H.
apply lsp0_spec_eq in Hm.
destruct Hm as [p Hp]. subst.
pose proof (from_G'_weight p) as XX.
destruct (from_G' p).
- f_equal. rewrite (sweight_weight G s0) in XX.
specialize (HG _ (to_pathOf G s0)). lia.
- simple refine (let XX := lsp0_spec_le
G (simplify2' G (concat G (to_pathOf G p0.2) (to_pathOf G p0.1))) in _).
unfold lsp in *; rewrite → Hxs in XX; inversion XX.
Lemma lsp_G'_yx : (Some K ≤ lsp G' y_0 x_0)%nbar.
Proof using Vy.
unshelve refine (transport (fun K ⇒ (Some K ≤ _)%nbar) _ (lsp0_spec_le _ _)).
- eapply spath_one; tas.
apply EdgeSet.add_spec. now left.
- cbn. lia.
Lemma lsp_G'_sx : (lsp G' (s G) y_0 + Some K ≤ lsp G' (s G) x_0)%nbar.
Proof using HG HI Hxs Vx Vy.
etransitivity. 2: eapply lsp_codistance; try exact _.
apply plus_le_compat_l. apply lsp_G'_yx.
Lemma correct_labelling_lsp_G'
: correct_labelling G (to_label ∘ (lsp G' (s G'))).
Proof using HG HI Hxs Vx Vy.
pose proof (lsp_correctness G') as XX.
split. exact XX.p1.
intros e He; apply XX; cbn.
apply EdgeSet.add_spec; now right.
Definition sto_G' {S u v} (p : SPath G S u v)
: SPath G' S u v.
clear -p. induction p.
- constructor.
- econstructor; tea. ∃ e.π1.
apply EdgeSet.add_spec. right. exact e.π2.
Lemma sto_G'_weight {S u v} (p : SPath G S u v)
: sweight (sto_G' p) = sweight p.
Proof using Type.
induction p. reflexivity.
simpl. now rewrite IHp.
Lemma lsp_G'_incr x y : (lsp G x y ≤ lsp G' x y)%nbar.
Proof using Type.
case_eq (lsp G x y); cbn; [|trivial].
intros kxy Hkxy. apply lsp0_spec_eq in Hkxy.
destruct Hkxy as [pxy Hkxy].
etransitivity. 2: eapply (lsp0_spec_le _ (sto_G' pxy)).
rewrite sto_G'_weight. now rewrite Hkxy.
Lemma lsp_G'_spec_left x :
lsp G' y_0 x = max (lsp G y_0 x) (Some K + lsp G x_0 x)%nbar.
Proof using HG HI Hxs Vy.
apply Nbar.le_antisymm.
- case_eq (lsp G' y_0 x); [|cbn; trivial].
intros k Hk.
apply lsp0_spec_eq in Hk; destruct Hk as [p' Hk].
subst k.
rewrite (from_G'_weight p').
destruct (from_G' p') as [p|[p1 p2]].
+ apply max_le'. left. apply lsp0_spec_le.
+ apply max_le'. right.
apply (plus_le_compat (Some (sweight p1 + K)) _ (Some (sweight p2))).
× cbn. rewrite sweight_weight.
specialize (HG _ (to_pathOf G p1)). simpl in ×.
assert (∀ x n, n ≤ 0 → n + x ≤ x). lia. apply H. auto.
× apply lsp0_spec_le.
- apply max_lub. apply lsp_G'_incr.
case_eq (lsp G x_0 x); cbn; [intros k Hk|trivial].
apply lsp0_spec_eq in Hk. destruct Hk as [p Hk].
unshelve refine (transport (fun K ⇒ (Some K ≤ _)%nbar)
_ (lsp0_spec_le _ _)).
eapply SPath_sub. shelve.
pose (p' := sto_G' p).
unshelve econstructor.
+ exact (snodes G' p').
+ shelve.
+ apply DisjointAdd_add2.
intro HH. eapply left, split in HH.
destruct HH as [p1 _].
apply from_G' in p1. destruct p1 as [p1|[p1 p2]].
all: epose proof (lsp0_spec_le _ (SPath_sub _ _ p1)) as HH;
unfold lsp in Hxs; now erewrite Hxs in HH.
+ ∃ K. apply EdgeSet.add_spec. now left.
+ exact (reduce _ p').
+ rewrite weight_SPath_sub. cbn.
now rewrite weight_reduce sto_G'_weight Hk.
2-3: now apply VSetProp.subset_remove_3.
apply VSetProp.subset_add_3. assumption.
apply snodes_Subset.
End subgraph2.
Lemma SPath_sets {s x y} (p : SPath G s x y)
: x = y ∨ VSet.In x s.
Proof using Type.
induction p. left; auto.
destruct IHp; subst. right.
destruct d.
apply H. left; auto.
right. apply d. left; auto.
Arguments pathOf_refl {G x}.
Arguments pathOf_step {G x y z}.
Fixpoint PathOf_add_end {x y z} (p : PathOf G x y) : EdgeOf G y z → PathOf G x z :=
match p with
| pathOf_refl ⇒ fun e ⇒ pathOf_step e pathOf_refl
| pathOf_step e' p' ⇒ fun e ⇒ pathOf_step e' (PathOf_add_end p' e)
Lemma PathOf_add_end_weight {x y z} (p : PathOf G x y) (e : EdgeOf G y z) : weight (PathOf_add_end p e) = weight p + e.π1.
Proof using Type.
induction p; simpl; auto. lia.
rewrite IHp. lia.
Lemma negbe {b} : ~~ b ↔ (¬ b).
Proof using Type.
intuition try congruence.
now rewrite H0 in H.
destruct b; simpl; auto.
Lemma In_nodes_app_end {x y z} (p : PathOf G x y) (e : EdgeOf G y z) i :
VSet.In i (nodes G (PathOf_add_end p e)) →
VSet.In i (nodes G p) ∨ i = y.
Proof using HI.
induction p; simpl; try sets.
rewrite VSet.add_spec.
intros []; subst.
- sets.
- specialize (IHp _ H). sets.
Lemma pathOf_add_end_simpl {x y z} (p : PathOf G x y) (e : EdgeOf G y z) :
is_simple _ p → ~~ VSet.mem y (nodes G p) → is_simple _ (PathOf_add_end p e).
Proof using HI.
induction p; simpl; auto.
now rewrite andb_true_r.
move/andP ⇒ [nmen iss].
specialize (IHp e iss). intros Hm%negbe.
rewrite andb_and. split; auto.
apply negbe. intro.
apply VSet.mem_spec in H.
apply Hm. eapply In_nodes_app_end in H as [inn | ->].
eapply negbe in nmen. now elim nmen; apply VSet.mem_spec.
apply VSet.mem_spec. sets.
eapply IHp. apply negbe ⇒ nmem. eapply VSet.mem_spec in nmem.
eapply Hm. eapply VSet.mem_spec, VSet.add_spec. sets.
Lemma leq_vertices_caract0 {n x y} (Vy : VSet.In y (V G)) :
leq_vertices G n x y ↔ (Some n ≤ lsp G x y)%nbar.
split; intro Hle.
- assert (Vx : VSet.In x (V G)). {
case_eq (VSet.mem x (V G)); intro Vx; [now apply VSet.mem_spec in Vx|].
apply False_rect. apply VSetFact.not_mem_iff in Vx.
pose (K := (if (n <=? 0)%Z then (Z.to_nat (Z.of_nat (to_label (lsp G (s G) y)) - n)) + 1 else to_label (lsp G (s G) y))%nat).
pose (l := fun z ⇒ if V.eq_dec z x then K
else to_label (lsp G (s G) z)).
unshelve refine (let XX := Hle l _ in _); subst l K.
× split.
-- destruct (V.eq_dec (s G) x).
apply False_rect. apply Vx. subst; apply HI.
now apply lsp_correctness.
-- intros e H.
destruct (V.eq_dec e..s x).
apply False_rect, Vx; subst; now apply HI.
destruct (V.eq_dec e..t x).
apply False_rect, Vx; subst; now apply HI.
now apply lsp_correctness.
× clearbody XX; cbn in XX.
destruct (V.eq_dec x x) as [Hx|Hx]; [|now apply Hx].
destruct (V.eq_dec y x) as [Hy|Hy].
now subst.
pose proof (lsp_correctness G).
specialize (Hle _ H). simpl in Hle.
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s G y) as [zl [eq [pos zof]]]; eauto.
rewrite zof in XX, Hle.
destruct (Z.leb_spec n 0).
rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add in XX.
rewrite in XX; try lia.
rewrite zof in XX. lia. }
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s G y Vy) as [ly [Hly [Hpos Hlab]]].
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s G _ Vx) as [lx [Hlx [poskx Hlab']]].
destruct (lsp G x (s G)) eqn:xs.
+ destruct (lsp G x y) as [K|] eqn:xy. simpl.
2:{ simpl.
generalize (lsp_codistance G x (s G) y).
now rewrite xs Hly xy /=. }
unshelve epose proof (Subgraph1.correct_labelling_lsp_G' _ _ _ _ _ _ xy) as XX;
tas; try apply HI.
set (G' := Subgraph1.G' G y x K) in XX.
assert (HI' : invariants G'). { eapply Subgraph1.HI'; tas. }
specialize (Hle _ XX); clear XX; cbn in Hle.
assert (HG' : acyclic_no_loop G'). { apply Subgraph1.HG'; eauto. }
assert (XX: (Some (- K) ≤ lsp G' y x)%nbar). {
apply Subgraph1.lsp_G'_yx. apply Vy. }
apply le_Some_lsp in XX as [yx [lspyx lekyx]].
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s G' _ Vx) as [kx' [Hkx' [kx'pos zofx']]].
cbn in *; rewrite zofx' in Hle.
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s G' _ Vy) as [ky' [Hky' [ky'pos zofy']]].
cbn in Hky'; rewrite zofy' in Hle; cbn in ×.
epose proof (Subgraph1.lsp_G'_spec_left G _ _ Vx Vy _ xy x).
rewrite lspyx in H. rewrite lsp_xx in H. simpl in H.
pose proof (lsp_sym _ xy).
assert (yx = - K).
{ destruct (lsp G y x); simpl in *; injection H. simpl. lia. lia. }
subst yx.
pose proof (lsp_codistance G' (s G) y x).
rewrite Hky' lspyx Hkx' in H1. simpl in H1. lia.
+ pose (K := if n <=? 0 then Z.max lx (Z.succ ly - n) else Z.max lx (Z.succ ly)).
unshelve epose proof (correct_labelling_lsp_G' _ _ _ _ xs K) as XX;
tas; try apply HI.
set (G' := G' (s G) x K) in XX.
assert (HI' : invariants G'). {
eapply HI'; tas. apply HI. }
specialize (Hle _ XX); clear XX; cbn in Hle.
assert (XX: (Some K ≤ lsp G' (s G) x)%nbar). {
apply lsp_G'_yx. apply HI. }
assert (HG' : acyclic_no_loop G'). { apply HG'; eauto. apply HI. }
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s G' _ Vx) as [kx' [Hkx' [kx'pos zofx']]].
cbn in Hkx'; rewrite Hkx' in XX; cbn in ×.
rewrite zofx' in Hle.
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s G' _ Vy) as [ky' [Hky' [ky'pos zofy']]].
cbn in Hky'; rewrite zofy' in Hle; cbn in ×.
assert (Hle'' : K + n ≤ ky') by lia; clear Hle.
enough ((Some ky' ≤ Some K + lsp G x y)%nbar) as HH. {
revert HH. destruct (lsp G x y); cbn; auto. lia. }
unshelve erewrite (lsp_G'_spec_left (s G) x _ xs K) in Hky'. apply HI.
apply eq_max in Hky'. destruct Hky' as [Hk|Hk].
-- rewrite Hly in Hk. apply some_inj in Hk.
elimtype False.
clear -XX ky'pos Hk Hle''. subst. subst K.
destruct (Z.leb_spec n 0); lia.
-- rewrite Hk. reflexivity.
- case_eq (lsp G x y).
× intros m Hm l Hl. rewrite Hm in Hle.
apply (lsp0_spec_eq G) in Hm. destruct Hm as [p Hp].
pose proof (correct_labelling_PathOf G l Hl _ _ (to_pathOf G p)) as XX.
rewrite <- sweight_weight, Hp in XX. cbn in Hle; lia.
× intro X; rewrite X in Hle; inversion Hle.
Lemma lsp_vset_in {s x y n} :
lsp0 G s x y = Some n →
(n = 0 ∧ x = y) ∨ (VSet.In y (V G)).
Proof using HI.
intros H.
eapply lsp0_spec_eq in H.
destruct H. subst n. induction x0.
simpl. left; auto. destruct IHx0 as [[sw ->]|IH].
destruct e. simpl. specialize (edges_vertices _ _ i) as [Hs Ht]. right; apply Ht.
right; auto.
Lemma leq_vertices_caract {n x y} :
leq_vertices G n x y ↔ (if VSet.mem y (V G) then Some n ≤ lsp G x y
else (n ≤ 0)%Z ∧ (x = y ∨ Some n ≤ lsp G x (s G)))%nbar.
case_eq (VSet.mem y (V G)); intro Vy;
[apply VSet.mem_spec in Vy; now apply leq_vertices_caract0|].
- intro Hle. apply VSetFact.not_mem_iff in Vy.
assert (nneg : n ≤ 0).
{ pose (K := to_label (lsp G (s G) x)).
pose (l := fun z ⇒ if V.eq_dec z y then K
else to_label (lsp G (s G) z)).
unshelve refine (let XX := Hle l _ in _); subst l K.
-- split.
++ destruct (V.eq_dec (s G) y).
apply False_rect. apply Vy. subst; apply HI.
now apply lsp_correctness.
++ intros e H.
destruct (V.eq_dec e..s y).
apply False_rect, Vy; subst; now apply HI.
destruct (V.eq_dec e..t y).
apply False_rect, Vy; subst; now apply HI.
now apply lsp_correctness.
-- clearbody XX; cbn in XX.
destruct (V.eq_dec y y) as [?|?]; simpl in *; [|contradiction].
destruct (V.eq_dec x y) as [Hy|Hy]; simpl in *; [intuition|lia]. }
split; auto.
+ destruct (V.eq_dec x y); [now left|right].
case_eq (lsp G x (s G)); [intros; cbn; try lia|].
++ destruct (VSet.mem x (V G)) eqn:mem.
2:{ enough (z = 0); try lia.
epose proof (lsp0_spec_eq G _ H) as [p wp].
assert (¬ VSet.In x (V G)).
{ intros inx. eapply VSet.mem_spec in inx. congruence. }
clear - HI HG H0 p wp.
depind p. simpl in wp. lia.
epose proof (edges_vertices G). destruct e.
specialize (H _ i) as [H _]. cbn in H. contradiction. }
apply VSet.mem_spec in mem. red in Hle.
unshelve epose proof (Subgraph1.correct_labelling_lsp_G' G (s G) x mem _ _ H) as X.
now apply source_vertex.
set (G' := Subgraph1.G' G (s G) x z) in X.
assert (HI' : invariants G'). {
eapply Subgraph1.HI'; tas. apply HI. }
assert (HG' : acyclic_no_loop G'). {
eapply Subgraph1.HG'; tas. apply HI. }
pose (l := fun v ⇒ if V.eq_dec v y then 0%nat
else to_label (lsp G' (s G) v)).
assert (XX : correct_labelling G l). {
subst l; split.
-- destruct (V.eq_dec (s G) y).
apply False_rect. apply Vy. subst; apply HI.
unfold lsp; rewrite acyclic_lsp0_xx; try assumption. reflexivity.
-- intros e H'.
destruct (V.eq_dec e..s y).
apply False_rect, Vy; subst; now apply HI.
destruct (V.eq_dec e..t y).
apply False_rect, Vy; subst; now apply HI.
now apply X. }
specialize (Hle _ XX); subst l; cbn in ×.
destruct (V.eq_dec y y); [|contradiction].
simpl in Hle.
destruct (V.eq_dec x y); [contradiction|].
simpl in Hle.
destruct (lsp_s G' x) as [lx [lspx wx]]; auto.
rewrite lspx in Hle.
rewrite Z_of_to_label_pos in Hle. lia.
assert (lx = - z).
{ enough (lsp G' (s G') x = Some (- z)). congruence.
rewrite (Subgraph1.lsp_G'_spec_left G _ _ _ _ _ H x). auto.
apply source_vertex; eauto.
rewrite lsp_xx /=.
pose proof (lsp_s G x mem) as [lx' [lspx' w]].
enough (lsp G (s G) x ≤ Some (-z))%nbar. rewrite lspx' /= in H0.
rewrite lspx'. simpl. f_equal. lia.
apply (lsp_sym _ H). }
subst lx. lia.
++ intros Hxs. simpl.
case_eq (VSet.mem x (V G)); intro Vx.
× apply VSet.mem_spec in Vx.
assert (x ≠ s G).
{ destruct (V.eq_dec x (s G)) ⇒ //. rewrite e in Hxs.
epose proof (lsp0_spec_le G (spath_refl G (V G) (s G))).
rewrite /lsp in Hxs. now rewrite Hxs in H. }
pose (K := Z.succ (- n - n) ).
unshelve epose proof (correct_labelling_lsp_G' _ _ _ _ Hxs K) as X;
tas; try apply HI.
set (G' := G' (s G) x K) in X.
assert (HI' : invariants G'). {
eapply HI'; tas. apply HI. }
assert (HG' : acyclic_no_loop G'). {
eapply HG'; tas. apply HI. }
pose (l := fun z ⇒ if V.eq_dec z y then Z.to_nat (-n)
else to_label (lsp G' (s G) z)).
assert (XX : correct_labelling G l). {
subst l; split.
-- destruct (V.eq_dec (s G) y).
apply False_rect. apply Vy. subst; apply HI.
unfold lsp; rewrite acyclic_lsp0_xx; try assumption. reflexivity.
-- intros e H'.
destruct (V.eq_dec e..s y).
apply False_rect, Vy; subst; now apply HI.
destruct (V.eq_dec e..t y).
apply False_rect, Vy; subst; now apply HI.
now apply X. }
specialize (Hle _ XX); subst l; cbn in ×.
destruct (V.eq_dec y y) as [?|?]; [|contradiction].
destruct (V.eq_dec x y) as [Hy|Hy]. simpl in ×. contradiction.
simple refine (let YY := lsp0_spec_le G'
(spath_step G' _ (V G) (s G) x x ?[XX] (K; _)
(spath_refl _ _ _)) in _).
[XX]: apply DisjointAdd_remove1. apply HI.
apply EdgeSet.add_spec. left; reflexivity.
clearbody YY; simpl in YY.
case_eq (lsp0 G' (V G) (s G) x);
[|intro HH; rewrite HH in YY; inversion YY].
intros kx Hkx.
unfold lsp in Hle; cbn in *; rewrite Hkx in YY, Hle.
rewrite Z_of_to_label in Hle. simpl in YY.
destruct (Z.leb_spec 0 kx).
rewrite in Hle; lia.
subst K. lia.
× apply VSetFact.not_mem_iff in Vx.
pose (K := to_label (lsp G (s G) x)).
pose (l := fun z ⇒ if V.eq_dec z y then 0%nat
else if V.eq_dec z x then (Z.to_nat (- n) + 1)%nat
else to_label (lsp G (s G) z)).
unshelve refine (let XX := Hle l _ in _); subst l K.
-- split.
+++ destruct (V.eq_dec (s G) y).
apply False_rect. apply Vy. subst; apply HI.
destruct (V.eq_dec (s G) x).
apply False_rect. apply Vx. subst; apply HI.
now apply lsp_correctness.
+++ intros e H.
destruct (V.eq_dec e..s y).
apply False_rect, Vy; subst; now apply HI.
destruct (V.eq_dec e..t y).
apply False_rect, Vy; subst; now apply HI.
destruct (V.eq_dec e..s x).
apply False_rect, Vx; subst; now apply HI.
destruct (V.eq_dec e..t x).
apply False_rect, Vx; subst; now apply HI.
now apply lsp_correctness.
-- clearbody XX; cbn in XX.
destruct (V.eq_dec y y) as [?|?]; [|contradiction].
destruct (V.eq_dec x y) as [Hy|Hy]. simpl in *; contradiction.
destruct (V.eq_dec x x) as [?|?]; simpl in *; [lia|contradiction].
- intros [e [Hxy|Hxs]] l Hl; subst; [lia|].
case_eq (lsp G x (s G)); [|intro H; rewrite H in Hxs; inversion Hxs].
intros k Hk.
rewrite Hk in Hxs. simpl in Hxs.
destruct (lsp0_spec_eq _ _ Hk) as [p Hp].
epose proof (correct_labelling_PathOf G l Hl _ _ (to_pathOf G p)).
rewrite (proj1 Hl) in H.
simpl in Hxs. rewrite <- sweight_weight, Hp in H.
Definition leqb_vertices z x y : bool :=
if VSet.mem y (V G) then if is_left (Nbar.le_dec (Some z) (lsp G x y)) then true else false
else (Z.leb z 0 && (V.eq_dec x y || Nbar.le_dec (Some z) (lsp G x (s G))))%bool.
Lemma leqb_vertices_correct n x y
: leq_vertices G n x y ↔ leqb_vertices n x y.
Proof using HG HI.
etransitivity. apply leq_vertices_caract. unfold leqb_vertices.
destruct (VSet.mem y (V G)).
- destruct (le_dec (Some n) (lsp G x y)); cbn; intuition.
- symmetry; etransitivity. apply andb_and.
apply Morphisms_Prop.and_iff_morphism.
apply Z.leb_le.
etransitivity. apply orb_true_iff.
apply Morphisms_Prop.or_iff_morphism.
destruct (V.eq_dec x y); cbn; intuition; try discriminate.
destruct (le_dec (Some n) (lsp G x (s G))); cbn; intuition.
End subgraph.
Definition edge_map (f : Edge.t → Edge.t) (es : EdgeSet.t) : EdgeSet.t :=
EdgeSetProp.of_list (map f (EdgeSetProp.to_list es)).
Lemma edge_map_spec1 f es : ∀ e, EdgeSet.In e es → EdgeSet.In (f e) (edge_map f es).
move⇒ e /EdgeSet.elements_spec1/InA_In_eq ?.
apply/EdgeSetProp.of_list_1; apply/InA_In_eq.
by apply: in_map.
Lemma edge_map_spec2 f es e :
EdgeSet.In e (edge_map f es) ↔ ∃ e0, e = f e0 ∧ EdgeSet.In e0 es.
- move⇒ /EdgeSetProp.of_list_1/InA_In_eq/in_map_iff.
move⇒ [x [<- /InA_In_eq/EdgeSet.elements_spec1 ?]].
∃ x; by split.
- move⇒ [? [->]]; apply: edge_map_spec1.
Definition diff (l : labelling) x y := Z.of_nat (l y) - Z.of_nat (l x).
Definition relabel (G : t) (l : labelling) : t :=
(V G, edge_map (fun e ⇒ (e..s , diff l e..s e..t, e..t)) (E G), s G).
Lemma relabel_weight G l (Gl := relabel G l) :
∀ x y (p : PathOf Gl x y), weight p = Z.of_nat (l y) - Z.of_nat (l x).
move⇒ x y; elim ⇒ [?/=|??? [? /= /edge_map_spec2 [?[[=]????]]] ? ->].
2: subst; unfold diff.
all: lia.
Lemma relabel_lsp G l (Gl := relabel G l) :
∀ x y n, lsp Gl x y = Some n → n = Z.of_nat (l y) - Z.of_nat (l x).
move⇒ ??? /lsp0_spec_eq [p <-].
rewrite sweight_weight. apply: relabel_weight.
Lemma acyclic_relabel G l (Gl := relabel G l) :
correct_labelling G l →
acyclic_no_loop Gl.
move⇒ HGl x p; rewrite relabel_weight.
have acG := acyclic_labelling G l HGl.
have xx0 := @lsp_xx G acG x.
move: (correct_labelling_lsp G xx0 l HGl); lia.
Definition relabel_path G l (Gl := relabel G l) :
∀ {x y}, PathOf G x y → PathOf Gl x y.
move⇒ x y; elim⇒ {x y}[x| x y z e p ih]; first constructor.
pose n := Z.of_nat (l y) - Z.of_nat (l x).
econstructor; last exact ih.
eexists; apply: (edge_map_spec1 _ _ _ e.π2).
Lemma invariants_relabel G l (Gl := relabel G l) :
correct_labelling G l →
invariants G →
invariants Gl.
move⇒ [sG0 _] [edgeG sG wG] ; constructor.
- move⇒ e /edge_map_spec2 [e' [-> ?]]; cbn; by apply: edgeG.
- apply: sG.
- move⇒ x xin; move: (wG x xin)=> [[p h]].
∃ (relabel_path G l p).
constructor; rewrite relabel_weight sG0; lia.
Definition relabel_map G1 l (e : Edge.t) : Edge.t :=
if EdgeSet.mem e (E G1)
then (e..s , diff l e..s e..t, e..t)
else e.
Definition relabel_on (G1 G2 : t) (l : labelling) : t :=
(V G2, edge_map (relabel_map G1 l) (E G2), s G2).
Lemma weight_inverse G x y (p : PathOf G x y) (q : PathOf G y x) :
acyclic_no_loop G →
weight p ≤ - weight q.
move⇒ /(_ x (concat _ p q)); rewrite weight_concat; lia.
Lemma sweight_inverse {G x y s s'} (p : SPath G s x y) (q : SPath G s' y x) :
acyclic_no_loop G →
sweight p ≤ - sweight q.
move⇒ acG.
move: (weight_inverse G x y (to_pathOf _ p) (to_pathOf _ q) acG).
by rewrite !sweight_weight.
Definition acyclic_no_sloop G :=
∀ x s (p : SPath G s x x), sweight p > 0 → False.
Lemma acyclic_no_loop_sloop G (invG : invariants G) :
acyclic_no_loop G ↔ acyclic_no_sloop G.
etransitivity; first apply: acyclic_no_loop_loop'.
- move⇒ acG x s p wp. apply: (acG x).
∃ (to_pathOf _ p).
by rewrite -sweight_weight.
- move⇒ acG x [p wp].
pose (rx := spath_refl G VSet.empty x).
have hsupp : VSet.Equal (VSet.union VSet.empty (nodes G p)) (nodes G p).
{ apply: VSetProp.empty_union_1. apply: VSet.empty_spec. }
unshelve epose (simplify G p rx hsupp).
apply: (acG s0.π1 _ s0.π2).
move: (weight_simplify G p rx hsupp).
rewrite {1}/rx /s0 /=; lia.
Lemma DisjointAdd_add4 x s1 s2 : DisjointAdd x s1 s2 → DisjointAdd x s1 (VSet.add x s2).
move⇒ [addx xnotins1]. split⇒ // y.
etransitivity. apply VSet.add_spec. split.
- move⇒ [?|/addx //]; by left.
- move⇒ /addx; by right.
Lemma DisjointAdd_In {x s1 s2} : DisjointAdd x s1 s2 → VSet.In x s2.
Proof. move⇒ [h _]; apply/h; by left. Qed.
Lemma reroot_spath_aux1 {x s0 s1 s2} :
DisjointAdd x s1 s2 → Disjoint s2 s0 →
VSet.Subset (VSet.union s1 (VSet.add x s0)) (VSet.union s2 s0).
move⇒ disjadd dijs20 ? /VSet.union_spec [].
1:move⇒ /(DisjointAdd_Subset disjadd) ?; apply/VSet.union_spec; by left.
move⇒ /VSet.add_spec[->|?]; apply/VSet.union_spec; [left| by right].
apply: DisjointAdd_In; eassumption.
Lemma reroot_spath_aux2 {x s0 s1 s2} :
DisjointAdd x s1 s2 → Disjoint s2 s0 →
DisjointAdd x s0 (VSet.add x s0).
move⇒ disjadd disj20; apply: DisjointAdd_add2.
have ?:= DisjointAdd_In disjadd.
move⇒ xins'; apply: (disj20 x); apply/VSet.inter_spec; by split.
Lemma reroot_spath_aux3 {x s0 s1 s2} :
DisjointAdd x s1 s2 → Disjoint s2 s0 →
Disjoint s1 (VSet.add x s0).
move⇒ disjadd disj20.
have disj0' : Disjoint s1 s0 by
(apply: Disjoint_DisjointAdd; eassumption).
move⇒ ? /VSet.inter_spec [ins0] /VSet.add_spec [].
1: move⇒ eq; rewrite eq in ins0; case: disjadd⇒ _ /(_ ins0)//.
move⇒ ?; apply: disj0'; apply/VSet.inter_spec; split; eassumption.
Definition reroot_spath_aux G s x z (p : SPath G s x z) y :
VSet.In y (snodes G p) →
∀ s' (q : SPath G s' z x),
Disjoint s s' → { c : SPath G (VSet.union s s') y y |
sweight c = sweight p + sweight q }.
elim: p⇒ {x z}[s0 x|s0 s1 x y' z disj01 e p ih] /=.
- move⇒ /VSetFact.empty_iff [].
- case: (VSet.E.eq_dec y x)=> [->| neq].
× move⇒ _ s' q disj'; unshelve econstructor.
+ refine (sconcat G (spath_step G s0 s1 _ _ _ disj01 e p) disj' q).
+ rewrite sweight_sconcat //=.
× move⇒ /VSetDecide.MSetDecideTestCases.test_add_In /(_ neq).
move⇒ yinp s' q disj'.
move: (ih yinp (VSet.add x s')
(add_end G q e (reroot_spath_aux2 disj01 disj'))
(reroot_spath_aux3 disj01 disj'))=> [ihc ihw].
unshelve eexists (SPath_sub _ _ ihc).
1: apply: reroot_spath_aux1⇒ //.
rewrite weight_SPath_sub ihw /= weight_add_end;lia.
Lemma reroot_spath G s x (p : SPath G s x x) y :
VSet.In y (snodes G p) →
{ c : SPath G s y y | sweight c = sweight p } .
move⇒ yinp.
pose (rx := spath_refl G VSet.empty x).
have disj : Disjoint s VSet.empty
by move⇒ ? /VSet.inter_spec [_] /VSet.empty_spec [].
case: (reroot_spath_aux G s x x p y yinp _ rx disj)=> c wc.
unshelve eexists.
+ apply: (SPath_sub _ _ c).
move⇒ ? /VSet.union_spec [//|/VSet.empty_spec[]].
+ rewrite weight_SPath_sub wc /rx /=; lia.
Section MapSPath.
Context {G1 G2} (on_edge : ∀ x y, EdgeOf G1 x y → EdgeOf G2 x y).
Equations map_path {x y} (p : PathOf G1 x y) : PathOf G2 x y :=
| pathOf_refl _ x ⇒ pathOf_refl _ x
| pathOf_step _ x y' z e p ⇒
pathOf_step _ x y' z (on_edge _ _ e) (map_path p).
Definition weight_map_path1
(weight_on_edge : ∀ x y e, (on_edge x y e).π1 ≤ e.π1) :
∀ x y (p : PathOf G1 x y),
weight (map_path p) ≤ weight p.
Proof using Type.
move⇒ x y p; apply_funelim (map_path p); simp map_path; cbn⇒ //.
move⇒ ??? e ?; move: (weight_on_edge _ _ e); lia.
Definition weight_map_path2
(weight_on_edge : ∀ x y e, (on_edge x y e).π1 ≥ e.π1) :
∀ x y (p : PathOf G1 x y),
weight (map_path p) ≥ weight p.
Proof using Type.
move⇒ x y p; apply_funelim (map_path p); simp map_path; cbn⇒ //.
move⇒ ??? e ?; move: (weight_on_edge _ _ e); lia.
Equations map_spath {s x y} (p : SPath G1 s x y) : SPath G2 s x y :=
| spath_refl _ s x ⇒ spath_refl _ s x
| spath_step _ s1 s2 x y' z d e p ⇒
spath_step _ s1 s2 x y' z d (on_edge _ _ e) (map_spath p).
Definition weight_map_spath1
(weight_on_edge : ∀ x y e, (on_edge x y e).π1 ≤ e.π1) :
∀ s x y (p : SPath G1 s x y),
sweight (map_spath p) ≤ sweight p.
Proof using Type.
move⇒ s x y p; apply_funelim (map_spath p); simp map_spath; cbn⇒ //.
move⇒ ?????? e ?; move: (weight_on_edge _ _ e); lia.
Definition weight_map_spath2
(weight_on_edge : ∀ x y e, (on_edge x y e).π1 ≥ e.π1) :
∀ s x y (p : SPath G1 s x y),
sweight (map_spath p) ≥ sweight p.
Proof using Type.
move⇒ s x y p; apply_funelim (map_spath p); simp map_spath; cbn⇒ //.
move⇒ ?????? e ?; move: (weight_on_edge _ _ e); lia.
Definition lsp_map_path2
(vsub : VSet.Subset (V G1) (V G2))
(weight_on_edge : ∀ x y e, (on_edge x y e).π1 ≥ e.π1) :
∀ x y, (lsp G1 x y ≤ lsp G2 x y)%nbar.
Proof using Type.
move⇒ x y; case E1 : (lsp G1 x y)=> //.
move: E1⇒ /lsp0_spec_eq [p wp].
2:{ apply: lsp0_spec_le.
apply: SPath_sub; last exact (map_spath p); assumption.
apply: Z.ge_le.
rewrite -wp weight_SPath_sub.
by apply: weight_map_spath2.
End MapSPath.
Lemma lsp_edge G `{invariants G} {x y} (e : EdgeOf G x y) : (Some e.π1 ≤ lsp G x y)%nbar.
have xin : VSet.In x (V G) by case: (edges_vertices G _ e.π2).
pose proof (l := lsp0_spec_le G (spath_one G xin e.π2)).
cbn in l. rewrite Z.add_0_r in l. assumption.
Section FirstVertexIn.
Context (G1 G2 : t).
Equations first_in {s x y} (p : SPath G2 s x y) : V.t :=
| spath_refl _ z ⇒ z
| spath_step s1 s2 x0 y0 z0 d e q with VSet.mem x0 (V G1) ⇒ {
| true ⇒ x0
| false ⇒ first_in q
Lemma first_in_in {s x y} (p : SPath G2 s x y) :
VSet.In y (V G1) → VSet.In (first_in p) (V G1).
Proof using Type.
apply_funelim (first_in p); simp first_in.
move⇒ ???????? /VSet.mem_spec //.
Lemma first_in_first {s x y} (p : SPath G2 s x y) :
VSet.In x (V G1) → first_in p = x.
Proof using Type.
apply_funelim (first_in p); simp first_in⇒ //.
move⇒ ????????? /VSetDecide.F.not_mem_iff //.
End FirstVertexIn.
Section RelabelOn.
Context G1 G2 l (Gl := relabel_on G1 G2 l).
Context `{invariants G1}.
Context (preserves_edges: ∀ e, EdgeSet.In e (E G1) → EdgeSet.In e (E G2)).
Definition from1 [x y] : EdgeOf G1 x y → EdgeOf Gl x y.
move⇒ e. ∃ (diff l x y).
replace (_,_,_) with (relabel_map G1 l (x, e.π1, y)) by
(unfold relabel_map; move: e.π2⇒ /EdgeSet.mem_spec → //=).
unfold Gl, relabel_on; cbn.
apply: edge_map_spec1; apply: preserves_edges; apply: e.π2.
Definition from2 [x y] : EdgeOf G2 x y → EdgeOf Gl x y.
move⇒ e.
∃ (if (EdgeSet.mem (x, e.π1, y) (E G1)) then diff l x y else e.π1).
case E: (EdgeSet.mem (x, e.π1, y) (E G1)).
+ apply EdgeSet.mem_spec in E.
exact (from1 (e.π1 ; E)).π2.
+ replace (_,_,_) with (relabel_map G1 l (x, e.π1, y))
by rewrite /relabel_map E //.
unfold Gl, relabel_on; cbn.
apply: edge_map_spec1; apply: e.π2.
Context (HGl : correct_labelling G1 l)
`{invariants G2}.
Context `{acyclic_no_loop G2}
(embed : ∀ v1 v2, VSet.In v1 (V G1) → VSet.In v2 (V G1) →
(lsp G2 v1 v2 ≤ lsp G1 v1 v2)%nbar).
Lemma relabel_on_lsp_G1 {x y w} :
(Some w ≤ lsp G1 x y)%nbar → w ≤ diff l x y.
Proof using HGl.
case Elsp: (lsp _ _ _)=> [n /=|]; last move⇒ [].
pose proof (h := correct_labelling_lsp G1 Elsp l HGl).
move: h; unfold diff; lia.
Lemma relabel_on_lsp_G2 {x y w} :
VSet.In x (V G1) →
VSet.In y (V G1) →
(Some w ≤ lsp G2 x y)%nbar → w ≤ diff l x y.
Proof using HGl embed.
move⇒ hx hy le1.
move: (le_trans _ _ _ le1 (embed _ _ hx hy)).
apply: relabel_on_lsp_G1.
Lemma weight_from1 [x y] (e : EdgeOf G1 x y) : (from1 e).π1 ≥ e.π1.
Proof using H HGl.
apply: Z.le_ge.
apply: relabel_on_lsp_G1.
apply: lsp_edge.
Lemma weight_from2 [x y] (e : EdgeOf G2 x y) : (from2 e).π1 ≥ e.π1.
Proof using H HGl.
cbn; case E: (EdgeSet.mem _ _); last lia.
apply EdgeSet.mem_spec in E.
exact (weight_from1 (e.π1 ; E)).
Lemma relabel_on_invariants : invariants Gl.
Proof using H H0 HGl preserves_edges.
- move⇒ e /edge_map_spec2 [e0 [->]] /(edges_vertices G2)[??].
unfold relabel_map; case: (EdgeSet.mem _ _)=> //.
- apply: (source_vertex G2).
- move⇒ x /(source_pathOf G2 x) [[p [wp]]].
∃ (map_path from2 p).
constructor. etransitivity; first eassumption.
apply: Z.ge_le.
apply: weight_map_path2.
apply: weight_from2.
Lemma sweight_relabel_on_G1 {s x y} (p : SPath Gl s x y) :
VSet.In y (V G1) →
∃ n, lsp G2 x (first_in G1 Gl p) = Some n ∧
sweight p ≤ n + diff l (first_in G1 Gl p) y.
Proof using H H0 H1 HGl embed.
move⇒ yin.
induction p.
2:move: e ⇒ [w /= h];
move: {-}(h) ⇒ /edge_map_spec2 [e0 [+ e0G2]];
unfold relabel_map; case E: (EdgeSet.mem _ _).
- simp first_in.
∃ 0; split; first rewrite lsp_xx //.
rewrite /diff /=; lia.
- move⇒ [=] ???; subst.
apply EdgeSet.mem_spec in E.
destruct e0 as [[x0 ?]?].
simp first_in. cbn.
case: (edges_vertices G1 _ E)=> [] /VSet.mem_spec → ? /=.
∃ 0; split; first rewrite lsp_xx //.
move: (IHp yin)=> [? []].
rewrite first_in_first //=.
rewrite lsp_xx /diff⇒ [=] <-.
- simp first_in.
pose proof (lc := lsp_codistance G2 x y (first_in G1 Gl p)).
destruct e0 as [[s w0] t].
pose proof (lbw := lsp_edge G2 (w0 ; e0G2)).
move: (IHp yin) lc⇒ [w1 []] → /= wpb + [=] ???; subst.
move: {lbw}(plus_le_compat _ _ _ _ lbw (le_refl (Some w1)))=> /= le1 le2.
move: {le1 le2}(le_trans _ _ _ le1 le2)=> le.
case Ex: (VSet.mem s _)=> /=.
+ ∃ 0; split; first rewrite lsp_xx //.
move: Ex⇒ /VSet.mem_spec⇒ sin.
move: (relabel_on_lsp_G2 (sin) (first_in_in G1 Gl p yin) le)=> /=.
move: wpb; unfold diff. lia.
+ move: le; case E2: (lsp _ _ _)=> [n /=|]; last move⇒ [].
move⇒ le; ∃ n; split⇒ //.
move: wpb le; unfold diff; lia.
Lemma sweight_relabel_on_G2 {s x y} (p : SPath Gl s x y) :
Disjoint (snodes Gl p) (V G1) →
(Some (sweight p) ≤ lsp G2 x y)%nbar.
Proof using H H0 H1 l.
induction p⇒ /=; first rewrite lsp_xx //.
move⇒ disj.
apply: le_trans; last apply: (lsp_codistance G2 x y z).
change (Some (?x + ?y)) with (Some x + Some y)%nbar.
apply: plus_le_compat; last apply: IHp.
+ move: e⇒ [w]. unfold Gl, relabel_on; cbn.
move⇒ /edge_map_spec2 [[[s w'] t]].
unfold relabel_map.
case E0: (EdgeSet.mem _ _).
× move: E0⇒ /EdgeSet.mem_spec /(edges_vertices G1 _) [sin ?] [] [=] ???.
subst; exfalso; apply: (disj s).
apply/VSet.inter_spec; split⇒ //; by apply: VSetFact.add_1.
× move⇒ [] [=] ??? e2; subst.
exact (lsp_edge G2 (w' ; e2)).
+ move⇒ v /VSet.inter_spec [??]; apply: (disj v).
apply/VSet.inter_spec; split⇒ //.
by apply: VSetFact.add_2.
Lemma acyclic_relabel_on : acyclic_no_sloop Gl.
Proof using H H0 H1 HGl embed.
move⇒ x s p wp.
case E: (VSet.choose (VSet.inter (snodes Gl p) (V G1))) ⇒ [y|].
- move: E⇒ /VSet.choose_spec1/VSet.inter_spec [yinp yin1].
move: (reroot_spath Gl _ _ p y yinp)=> [q wq].
move: (sweight_relabel_on_G1 q yin1)=> [? []].
rewrite first_in_first // lsp_xx⇒ [=] <-.
rewrite wq. move: wp; unfold diff. lia.
- move: E wp⇒ /VSet.choose_spec2 /(sweight_relabel_on_G2 p).
rewrite lsp_xx /=; lia.
Derive Subterm for SPath.
Next Obligation.
apply: Transitive_Closure.wf_clos_trans.
move⇒ [[s0 [x0 y0/=]] p0].
induction p0.
- constructor⇒ -[[s1 [x1 y1/=]] p1] h. inversion h.
- constructor⇒ -[[s1 [x1 y1/=]] p1] h.
depelim h.
move: IHp0.
set sig0 := sigmaI _ _ _.
set sig1 := sigmaI _ _ _.
have → // : sig0 = sig1.
rewrite {}/sig0 {}/sig1.
apply (f_equal (SPath_sig_pack _ s' x z)) in H4.
noconf H4.
pose (f := fun p : (@sigma VSet.t
(fun s' : VSet.t ⇒
@sigma V.t
(fun x : V.t ⇒
@sigma V.t
(fun y : V.t ⇒
@sigma V.t
(fun z : V.t ⇒
@sigma (DisjointAdd x s0 s')
(fun d : DisjointAdd x s0 s' ⇒
@sigma (EdgeOf G x y)
(fun e : EdgeOf G x y ⇒ SPath G s0 y z))))))) ⇒
sigmaI (fun x ⇒ SPath G (pr1 x) (pr1 (pr2 x)) (pr2 (pr2 x)))
{| pr1 := s0 ;
pr2 := sigmaI (fun _ : V.t ⇒ V.t)
(pr1 (pr2 (pr2 p)))
(pr1 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 p)))) |}
(pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 (pr2 p))))))).
apply: (f_equal f H4).
Lemma spathG1_lsp_Gl x y :
VSet.Subset (V G1) (V G2) →
SPath G1 (V G1) x y → (Some (diff l x y) ≤ lsp Gl x y)%nbar.
Proof using preserves_edges.
move⇒ vsub p.
pose q := SPath_sub Gl vsub (map_spath from1 p).
replace (diff _ _ _) with (sweight q).
1: apply: lsp0_spec_le.
move: (V G1) p (V G2) vsub @q⇒ V0 p; induction p⇒ s1 vsub.
- simp map_spath; cbn; first (unfold diff; lia).
- simp map_spath. simpl.
set vsub' := (fun _ ⇒ _). clearbody vsub'.
move: (IHp _ vsub') ⇒ /= ->; unfold diff; lia.
Lemma lsp_Gl_upperbound_G1 x y :
VSet.In x (V G1) → VSet.In y (V G1) →
∀ n, lsp Gl x y = Some n → n ≤ diff l x y.
Proof using H H0 H1 HGl embed.
move⇒ xin yin n /lsp0_spec_eq [p <-].
pose proof (bound := sweight_relabel_on_G1 p yin).
move: bound; rewrite first_in_first // lsp_xx ⇒ -[?] [[=]] <- //.
Lemma lsp_Gl_between_G1 x y :
VSet.Subset (V G1) (V G2) →
PathOf G1 x y →
VSet.In x (V G1) →
VSet.In y (V G1) →
lsp Gl x y = Some (diff l x y).
Proof using H H0 H1 HGl embed preserves_edges.
move⇒ vsub p xin yin.
pose proof (q := simplify2' G1 p).
pose proof (lb := spathG1_lsp_Gl _ _ vsub q).
move: lb; case Elsp: (lsp _ _ _)=> [w|]; last move⇒ [].
pose proof (ub := lsp_Gl_upperbound_G1 _ _ xin yin _ Elsp).
move⇒ /= ?; f_equal; lia.
End RelabelOn.
Record subgraph (G1 G2 : t) : Prop := {
vertices_sub : VSet.Subset (V G1) (V G2) ;
edges_sub : EdgeSet.Subset (E G1) (E G2) ;
same_src : s G1 = s G2
Definition subgraph_on_edge {G1 G2} :
subgraph G1 G2 →
∀ x y, EdgeOf G1 x y → EdgeOf G2 x y.
move⇒ embed x y [w ine]; ∃ w.
exact (edges_sub _ _ embed _ ine).
Lemma subgraph_acyclic G1 G2 :
subgraph G1 G2 → acyclic_no_loop G2 → acyclic_no_loop G1.
move⇒ sub acG2 x p.
2: apply: acG2; refine (map_path (subgraph_on_edge sub) p).
apply: Z.ge_le; apply: weight_map_path2⇒ ?? [??] /=; lia.
Record full_subgraph (G1 G2 : t) : Prop := {
is_subgraph :> subgraph G1 G2 ;
lsp_dominate :
∀ v1 v2, VSet.In v1 (V G1) → VSet.In v2 (V G1) →
(lsp G2 v1 v2 ≤ lsp G1 v1 v2)%nbar
Local Obligation Tactic := idtac.
Local Unset Program Cases.
#[program, local]
Instance reflectEq_vertices : ReflectEq (VSet.E.t) :=
Build_ReflectEq (VSet.E.t)
(fun x y ⇒ if x y is Eq then true else false)
Next Obligation.
move⇒ x y. move: (VSet.E.compare_spec x y) ⇒ [->||].
1: by apply: reflectP.
all: move⇒ p; apply: reflectF⇒ eq; move: p; rewrite eq.
all: have := (@irreflexivity _ _ (@StrictOrder_Irreflexive _ _ VSet.E.lt_strorder) y)=> //.
#[program, local]
Instance reflectEq_Z : ReflectEq Z :=
Build_ReflectEq Z Z.eqb _.
Next Obligation.
intros; apply reflect_reflectProp; apply Z.eqb_spec.
Instance reflectEq_nbar: ReflectEq Nbar.t :=
@reflect_option Z reflectEq_Z.
Module IsFullSubgraph.
Section Border.
Context (G1 : t) (ext : EdgeSet.t).
Definition add_from_orig v s :=
if VSet.mem v (V G1) then VSet.add v s else s.
Definition fold_fun e s := add_from_orig (e..s) (add_from_orig (e..t) s).
Definition border_set : VSet.t :=
EdgeSet.fold fold_fun ext VSet.empty.
Lemma EdgeSet_fold_spec_right2 (s : EdgeSet.t)
(i : VSet.t) (f : EdgeSet.elt → VSet.t → VSet.t) :
transpose VSet.Equal f →
Proper (eq ==> VSet.Equal ==> VSet.Equal) f →
VSet.Equal (EdgeSet.fold f s i) (fold_right f i (EdgeSet.elements s)).
Proof using Type.
move⇒ trf prpf; rewrite EdgeSet.fold_spec.
elim: {s}(EdgeSet.elements s)=> // x l /= <-.
elim: l i⇒ //= a l ih i.
enough (∀ l, Proper (VSet.Equal ==> VSet.Equal) (fold_left (fun a e ⇒ f e a) l)).
1: by rewrite -ih trf.
clear -prpf; elim⇒ //= ?? ih ?? → //.
Lemma add_from_orig_spec x v s :
VSet.In x (add_from_orig v s) ↔ (x = v ∧ VSet.In x (V G1)) ∨ VSet.In x s.
Proof using Type.
unfold add_from_orig.
move E: (VSet.mem _ _)=> [].
- move: E⇒ /VSet.mem_spec ?; rewrite VSet.add_spec; intuition.
rewrite H0; left; intuition.
- intuition; subst; exfalso.
move: E⇒ /VSetFact.not_mem_iff; by apply.
Lemma fold_fun_spec x e s :
VSet.In x (fold_fun e s) ↔
((x = e..s ∨ x = e..t) ∧ VSet.In x (V G1)) ∨ VSet.In x s.
Proof using Type.
unfold fold_fun.
rewrite 2!add_from_orig_spec; split.
- move⇒ [[??]|[[??]|?]]; intuition.
- move⇒ [[[?|?] ?]| ?]; intuition.
Instance: Proper (eq ==> VSet.Equal ==> VSet.Equal) fold_fun.
Proof using Type.
unfold fold_fun, add_from_orig.
move⇒ ? [[??]?] → ??; cbn; move: (VSet.mem _ _) (VSet.mem _ _)=> [] [] → //.
Lemma border_set_spec x :
VSet.In x border_set ↔
∃ e, EdgeSet.In e ext ∧ (x = e..s ∨ x = e..t) ∧ VSet.In x (V G1).
Proof using Type.
have <- :
(∃ e, In e (EdgeSet.elements ext) ∧ (x = e..s ∨ x = e..t) ∧ VSet.In x (V G1))
(∃ e, EdgeSet.In e ext ∧ (x = e..s ∨ x = e..t) ∧ VSet.In x (V G1))
(split; move⇒ [e [? ?]]; ∃ e; split⇒ //;
by [apply/EdgeSet.elements_spec1/InA_In_eq|
rewrite /border_set EdgeSet_fold_spec_right2.
1:{ move⇒ [[xs ?] xt] [[ys ?] yt] ?; cbn.
unfold fold_fun, add_from_orig.
move: (VSet.mem xs _) (VSet.mem xt _) (VSet.mem ys _) (VSet.mem yt _)=> [] [] [] []; try sets.
elim: (EdgeSet.elements _)=> [| e es ih] /=.
- split.
1: move⇒ /VSet.empty_spec [].
move⇒ [? [[]]].
- rewrite fold_fun_spec; split.
+ move⇒ [?|]; first (∃ e; intuition).
move⇒ /ih [e0 [? ?]]; ∃ e0; split=>//; by right.
+ move⇒ [e0 [[->|?] ?]]; first by left.
right. apply/ ih; ∃ e0; split⇒ //.
End Border.
Section LspBoundExtendBorder.
Context (G1 G2 : t) `{invariants G1} (ext := EdgeSet.diff (E G2) (E G1)).
Let bs := (border_set G1 ext).
Lemma spath_on_border s x y z
(eo : EdgeOf G2 x y) (p : SPath G2 s y z) :
VSet.In x (V G1) → VSet.In z (V G1) →
~(EdgeSet.In (x, eo.π1, y) (E G1)) →
VSet.In x bs ∧ VSet.In (first_in G1 G2 p) bs.
Proof using H.
set (e := (_, _, _)).
move⇒ hx hz heo.
have he : EdgeSet.In e ext
by (apply: EdgeSetFact.diff_3⇒ //; exact (eo.π2)).
- apply/border_set_spec. ∃ e. repeat split⇒ //; last by left.
- move: {hx}x {eo}(eo.π1) hz {heo}@e he; clear -p H.
apply_funelim (first_in G1 G2 p)=> [????? e ?|???????? /VSet.mem_spec ???? e ?|].
1,2: apply/border_set_spec; ∃ e; intuition.
move⇒ ?????? e ? ih /VSetFact.not_mem_iff h ? ? ???.
apply: ih⇒ //.
apply: EdgeSetFact.diff_3; first exact (e.π2).
move⇒ /edges_vertices [+ _] //.
Lemma sweight_bound0
`{invariants G2}
`{acyclic_no_loop G1, acyclic_no_loop G2}
(h : ∀ x y, VSet.In x bs → VSet.In y bs → (lsp G2 x y ≤ lsp G1 x y)%nbar)
s x y (p : SPath G2 s x y) :
VSet.In y (V G1) →
(Some (sweight p) ≤ lsp G2 x (first_in G1 G2 p) + lsp G1 (first_in G1 G2 p) y)%nbar.
Proof using H.
elim: {s x y}p.
- move⇒ ??? /=; rewrite first_in_first // 2!lsp_xx //=.
- move⇒ ?? x y z ? e q ih hz.
simp first_in.
case Ee : (EdgeSet.mem (x, e.π1, y) (E G1)).
+ apply EdgeSet.mem_spec in Ee.
destruct (edges_vertices _ _ Ee) as [hx hy].
move: (hx)=> /VSet.mem_spec → /=; simp first_in.
pose proof (lsp_codistance G1 x y z).
move: (ih hz).
rewrite first_in_first // 2!lsp_xx.
pose proof (lsp_edge G1 (e.π1 ; Ee)).
move: H3 H4.
move: (lsp _ _ _) (lsp _ _ _) (lsp _ _ _)=> [?|] [?|] [?|]//=.
+ apply EdgeSetFact.not_mem_iff in Ee.
pose proof (lsp_edge G2 e).
case Ex : (VSet.mem _ _); simp first_in.
× cbn. rewrite lsp_xx add_0_l.
specialize (ih hz).
apply VSet.mem_spec in Ex.
destruct (spath_on_border _ x y _ e q Ex hz Ee) as [hx' hf].
etransitivity; last apply: (lsp_codistance G1 x (first_in G1 G2 q) z).
1: rewrite add_finite; apply: plus_le_compat; eassumption.
rewrite add_assoc. apply: plus_le_compat; last reflexivity.
etransitivity; last apply: h⇒ //.
apply: lsp_codistance.
× cbn.
2: apply: plus_le_compat; last reflexivity.
2: apply: (lsp_codistance _ x y).
rewrite add_finite -add_assoc; apply: plus_le_compat⇒ //.
by apply: ih.
Lemma lsp_bound_extend_border
`{invariants G2}
`{acyclic_no_loop G1, acyclic_no_loop G2}
(h : ∀ x y, VSet.In x bs → VSet.In y bs → (lsp G2 x y ≤ lsp G1 x y)%nbar)
x y : VSet.In x (V G1) → VSet.In y (V G1) →
(lsp G2 x y ≤ lsp G1 x y)%nbar.
Proof using H.
move⇒ hx hy.
case E: (lsp G2 x y) ⇒ //.
move: E⇒ /lsp0_spec_eq [p hp].
pose proof (hb := sweight_bound0 h _ _ _ p hy).
move: hb. rewrite hp first_in_first // lsp_xx add_0_l //.
End LspBoundExtendBorder.
Definition is_full_extension (G1 G2 : t) : bool :=
let ext := EdgeSet.diff (E G2) (E G1) in
let bs := border_set G1 ext in
VSet.for_all (fun x ⇒ VSet.for_all (fun y ⇒ lsp G1 x y == lsp G2 x y) bs) bs.
Lemma lsp_eq_is_full_extension (G1 G2 : t) :
full_subgraph G1 G2 → is_full_extension G1 G2.
move⇒ hsub. unfold is_full_extension.
set bs := (border_set _ _).
assert (H : ∀ x, VSet.In x bs → VSet.In x (V G1))
by move⇒ ? /border_set_spec [? [_ [//]]].
apply/VSet.for_all_spec⇒ x /H hx.
apply/VSet.for_all_spec⇒ y /H hy.
apply/ReflectEq.eqb_spec; apply: le_antisymm.
2: by apply: lsp_dominate.
unshelve apply: lsp_map_path2.
× apply: subgraph_on_edge; exact hsub.
× apply: vertices_sub; exact hsub.
× move⇒ ??[??] /=; lia.
Lemma is_full_extension_lsp_dominate (G1 G2 : t)
`{invariants G1, invariants G2, acyclic_no_loop G2} :
subgraph G1 G2 →
is_full_extension G1 G2 →
∀ x y, VSet.In x (V G1) → VSet.In y (V G1) →
(lsp G2 x y ≤ lsp G1 x y)%nbar.
move⇒ hsub ext. pose proof (acG1 := subgraph_acyclic _ _ hsub _).
apply: lsp_bound_extend_border⇒ x y hx hy.
move: ext⇒ /VSet.for_all_spec/(_ x hx)/VSet.for_all_spec/(_ y hy).
move⇒ /(@ReflectEq.eqb_spec _ reflectEq_nbar) ->; reflexivity.
Lemma is_full_extension_spec (G1 G2 : t)
`{invariants G1, invariants G2, acyclic_no_loop G2} :
subgraph G1 G2 →
is_full_extension G1 G2
↔ full_subgraph G1 G2.
move⇒ sub; split.
- move⇒ ext; constructor⇒ //; by apply: is_full_extension_lsp_dominate.
- apply: lsp_eq_is_full_extension.
Definition is_full_subgraph (G1 G2 : t) : bool :=
VSet.subset (V G1) (V G2) &&
EdgeSet.subset (E G1) (E G2) &&
(s G1 == s G2) &&
VSet.for_all (fun x ⇒ VSet.for_all (fun y ⇒ lsp G1 x y == lsp G2 x y) (V G1)) (V G1).
Lemma is_full_subgraph_spec G1 G2 :
is_full_subgraph G1 G2 ↔ full_subgraph G1 G2.
unfold is_full_subgraph.
- move⇒ /andP [] /andP [] /andP [] /VSet.subset_spec ?.
move⇒ /EdgeSet.subset_spec ?.
move⇒ /(@ReflectEq.eqb_spec _ reflectEq_vertices _ _) ?.
move⇒ /VSet.for_all_spec h.
constructor⇒ // v1 v2 inv1 inv2.
move: (h v1 inv1)=> /VSet.for_all_spec /(_ v2 inv2).
move⇒ /(@ReflectEq.eqb_spec _ reflectEq_nbar _ _) →.
apply: le_refl.
- move⇒ sub. repeat try (apply/andP;split).
+ apply/VSet.subset_spec; apply: vertices_sub; exact sub.
+ apply/EdgeSet.subset_spec; apply: edges_sub; exact sub.
+ apply/eqb_specT; apply: same_src ; exact sub.
+ apply/VSet.for_all_spec⇒ x hx.
apply/VSet.for_all_spec⇒ y hy.
apply/eqb_specT. apply: le_antisymm.
2: by apply: lsp_dominate.
unshelve apply: lsp_map_path2.
× apply: subgraph_on_edge; exact sub.
× apply: vertices_sub; exact sub.
× move⇒ ??[??] /=; lia.
End IsFullSubgraph.
Section ExtendLabelling.
Context G1 G2 `{invariants G1, invariants G2}.
Context l (HGl : correct_labelling G1 l)
(embed : full_subgraph G1 G2)
(acG2 : acyclic_no_loop G2).
Let Gl := relabel_on G1 G2 l.
Let l' := to_label ∘ (lsp Gl (s Gl)).
Lemma extends_labelling x : VSet.In x (V G1) → l' x = l x.
Proof using Gl H H0 HGl acG2 embed.
move⇒ xin1.
destruct (source_pathOf G1 x xin1) as [[p _]].
pose proof (lsp_eq := lsp_Gl_between_G1 G1 G2 l (edges_sub _ _ embed)
HGl (lsp_dominate _ _ embed)
_ _ (vertices_sub _ _ embed)
p (source_vertex G1) xin1).
case: HGl⇒ [ls _].
rewrite /l'/Gl /= -(same_src _ _ embed) lsp_eq /diff ls.
replace (_ - _) with (Z.of_nat (l x)) by lia.
apply: Nat2Z.inj; rewrite Z_of_to_label.
move: (Zle_0_nat (l x))=> /Z.leb_spec0 → //.
Lemma relabel_on_correct_labelling : correct_labelling Gl l'.
Proof using H H0 HGl acG2 embed.
pose proof (invGl := relabel_on_invariants G1 G2 l
(edges_sub _ _ embed)
pose proof (acGl := acyclic_relabel_on G1 G2 l HGl
(lsp_dominate _ _ embed)).
apply: lsp_correctness. by apply/acyclic_no_loop_sloop.
Lemma extends_correct_labelling : correct_labelling G2 l'.
Proof using Gl H H0 HGl acG2 embed.
case: relabel_on_correct_labelling ⇒ [sGl eGl].
split⇒ //.
move⇒ [[s w] t] ein.
pose (e' := from2 G1 G2 l (edges_sub _ _ embed) (w ; ein)).
epose (eGl (s, e'.π1, t) e'.π2).
epose (weight_from2 G1 G2 l (edges_sub _ _ embed) HGl (w ; ein)).
move: l0 g; cbn. lia.
End ExtendLabelling.
Lemma to_label_to_nat n : to_label (Some n) = Z.to_nat n.
Proof. by []. Qed.
Module RelabelWrtEdge.
Section RelabelWrtEdge.
Context G `{invG:invariants G} `{acG:acyclic_no_loop G}.
Section BuildLabelling.
Context l (Hl : correct_labelling G l).
Context x (k : nat)
(d := Some (Z.of_nat (k + l x)))
(Hk : (lsp G x (s G) + d ≤ Some 0)%nbar).
Definition r : labelling :=
fun z ⇒ Nat.max (l z) (to_label (lsp G x z + d)%nbar).
Lemma r_correct : correct_labelling G r.
Proof using Hk Hl acG invG.
case: Hl ⇒ Hl0 Hledge; split.
- rewrite /r Hl0 Nat.max_0_l.
move: Hk; move: (_ + _)%nbar⇒ [[|?|?]|] //=.
- move⇒ e he. rewrite /r.
set u := (u in Nat.max _ u).
move: (Nat.max_dec (l e..s) u) ⇒ [->|/[dup] /Nat.max_r_iff ule ->].
+ etransitivity; first by apply: Hledge.
apply: inj_le; apply: Nat.le_max_l.
+ destruct (edges_vertices G e he) as [hs ht].
destruct e as [[s w] t].
pose proof (h := lsp0_triangle_inequality G (V G) x s t w he hs).
move: h ule; cbn. rewrite /d/u -/(lsp G x s) -/(lsp G x t).
move: (Hledge _ he).
all: cbn -[to_label] ⇒ //.
case E: (to_label _).
× etransitivity; last (apply: inj_le; apply: Nat.le_max_l); lia.
× etransitivity; last (apply: inj_le; apply: Nat.le_max_r).
rewrite -E.
case: (lsp G x s) (lsp G x t) E h⇒ // ? [?|//].
rewrite /d 2!to_label_to_nat /=.
End BuildLabelling.
Section RelabelCoefs.
Context (x y : V.t) (hx : VSet.In x (V G)) (hy : VSet.In y (V G))
(nxy : Z) (hxy : (lsp G x y ≤ Some nxy)%nbar).
Definition stdl : labelling := (fun x : V.t ⇒ to_label (lsp G (s G) x)).
Definition dxy := Z.to_nat (Z.of_nat (stdl y) - Z.of_nat (stdl x) - nxy).
Lemma dxy_bound :
(lsp G x (s G) + Some (Z.of_nat (dxy + stdl x)) ≤ Some 0)%nbar.
Proof using acG hx hxy hy invG.
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s G x hx) as [nx [eqlspx [nxpos eqnx]]].
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s G y hy) as [ny [eqlspy [nypos eqny]]].
rewrite Nat2Z.inj_add /stdl add_finite eqnx add_assoc.
rewrite /dxy /stdl eqnx eqny.
pose proof (lsp_codistance G x (s G) y).
pose proof (lsp_codistance G (s G) x (s G)).
case E: (lsp G x (s G)) H H0 ⇒ //.
rewrite ZifyInst.of_nat_to_nat_eq eqlspy eqlspx lsp_xx.
move: hxy. case: (lsp G x y)=> // ?. cbn.
Definition l' := r stdl x dxy.
Lemma l'_correct : correct_labelling G l'.
Proof using acG hx hxy hy invG.
apply: r_correct; [apply: lsp_correctness | apply: dxy_bound].
Lemma to_label_add z k : (Some 0 ≤ z)%nbar → (to_label z + k)%nat = to_label (z + Some (Z.of_nat k))%nbar.
Proof using Type.
move: z⇒ [[|?|?]|] //=; case: k⇒ //=; lia.
Lemma to_label_mon z1 z2 : (z1 ≤ z2)%nbar → (to_label z1 ≤ to_label z2)%nat.
Proof using Type. move: z1 z2⇒ [[|?|?]|] [[|?|?]|] //=; lia. Qed.
Lemma l'_on_x : l' x = (stdl x + dxy)%nat.
Proof using acG hx invG.
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s G x hx) as [nx [eqlspx [nxpos eqnx]]].
rewrite /l'/r lsp_xx to_label_to_nat Nat.add_comm.
apply: max_r; lia.
Lemma l'_on_y : l' y = stdl y.
Proof using acG hx hxy hy invG.
apply: max_l; apply: to_label_mon.
pose proof (lsp_codistance G (s G) x y); move: H hxy.
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s G x hx) as [nx [eqlspx [nxpos eqnx]]].
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s G y hy) as [ny [eqlspy [nypos eqny]]].
rewrite /dxy /stdl Nat2Z.inj_add eqnx eqny eqlspx eqlspy .
case E: (lsp _ _ _)=> [?|] //=.
Lemma l'_diff :
Z.of_nat (l' y) - Z.of_nat (l' x) ≤ nxy.
Proof using acG hx hxy hy invG.
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s G x hx) as [nx [eqlspx [nxpos eqnx]]].
destruct (Z_of_to_label_s G y hy) as [ny [eqlspy [nypos eqny]]].
pose proof (lsp_codistance G (s G) x y); move: H hxy.
rewrite l'_on_x l'_on_y Nat2Z.inj_add /dxy /stdl eqnx eqny eqlspx eqlspy.
case E: (lsp _ _ _)=> [?|] //=; lia.
End RelabelCoefs.
End RelabelWrtEdge.
End RelabelWrtEdge.
Lemma labelling_ext_lsp
G1 G2 `{acyclic_no_loop G1} `{invariants G1}
(hext : ∀ l1, correct_labelling G1 l1 →
∃ l2, correct_labelling G2 l2 ∧
(∀ v, VSet.In v (V G1) → l1 v = l2 v)) :
∀ vx vy, VSet.In vx (V G1) → VSet.In vy (V G1) →
(lsp G2 vx vy ≤ lsp G1 vx vy)%nbar.
move⇒ vx vy hvx hvy.
case eqlsp2 : (lsp _ _ _)=> [nxy2|//].
pose (n := match lsp G1 vx vy with
| Some n ⇒ n
| None ⇒ (nxy2 - 1)%Z end).
assert (hbound : (lsp G1 vx vy ≤ Some n)%nbar)
by (unfold n; case: (lsp _ _ _)=> //; reflexivity).
pose proof (hl := RelabelWrtEdge.l'_correct _ vx vy hvx hvy _ hbound).
move: (hext _ hl)=> [l' [hl' ll']].
pose proof (hdiff := RelabelWrtEdge.l'_diff _ vx vy hvx hvy _ hbound).
move: hdiff. rewrite ll' // ll' // /n.
pose proof (h := correct_labelling_lsp G2 eqlsp2 l' hl').
case eqlsp1: (lsp _ _ _)=> [nxy1|]; first cbn; lia.
End WeightedGraph.