Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.PCUICNormal

From Coq Require Import Bool String List Program BinPos Compare_dec Arith Lia.
From MetaCoq.Template
Require Import config Universes monad_utils utils BasicAst AstUtils UnivSubst.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICAstUtils PCUICTactics PCUICOnOne PCUICCases
     PCUICContextReduction PCUICEquality PCUICLiftSubst PCUICTyping PCUICWeakeningEnvConv
     PCUICWeakeningEnvTyp PCUICReduction PCUICClosedTyp
     PCUICInduction PCUICRedTypeIrrelevance PCUICOnFreeVars.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.

Module RedFlags.

  Record t := mk {
    beta : bool ;
    iota : bool ;
    zeta : bool ;
    delta : bool ;
    fix_ : bool ;
    cofix_ : bool

  Definition default := mk true true true true true true.
  Definition nodelta := mk true true true false true true.

End RedFlags.

Lemma mkApps_snoc a l b :
  PCUICAst.mkApps a (l ++ [b]) = PCUICAst.tApp (PCUICAst.mkApps a l) b.
  revert a; induction l; cbn; congruence.

Section Normal.

  Context (flags : RedFlags.t).
  Context (Σ : global_env).

  Inductive whnf (Γ : context) : term Type :=
  | whnf_ne t : whne Γ t whnf Γ t
  | whnf_sort s : whnf Γ (tSort s)
  | whnf_prod na A B : whnf Γ (tProd na A B)
  | whnf_lam na A B : whnf Γ (tLambda na A B)
  | whnf_cstrapp i n u v : whnf Γ (mkApps (tConstruct i n u) v)
  | whnf_indapp i u v : whnf Γ (mkApps (tInd i u) v)
  | whnf_fixapp mfix idx v :
    match unfold_fix mfix idx with
    | Some (rarg, body)nth_error v rarg = None
    | NoneTrue
    whnf Γ (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) v)
  | whnf_cofixapp mfix idx v : whnf Γ (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) v)

  with whne (Γ : context) : term Type :=
  | whne_rel i :
      option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ i) = Some None
      whne Γ (tRel i)

  | whne_rel_nozeta i :
      RedFlags.zeta flags = false
      whne Γ (tRel i)
  | whne_lam_nobeta na A b :
      RedFlags.beta flags = false
      whne Γ (tLambda na A b)

  | whne_var v :
      whne Γ (tVar v)

  | whne_evar n l :
      whne Γ (tEvar n l)

  | whne_letin_nozeta na B b t :
      RedFlags.zeta flags = false
      whne Γ (tLetIn na B b t)

  | whne_const c u decl :
      lookup_env Σ c = Some (ConstantDecl decl)
      decl.(cst_body) = None
      whne Γ (tConst c u)

  | whne_const_nodelta c u : flags = false
      whne Γ (tConst c u)

  | whne_app f v :
      whne Γ f
      whne Γ (tApp f v)

  | whne_fixapp mfix idx args rarg arg body :
     unfold_fix mfix idx = Some (rarg, body)
     nth_error args rarg = Some arg
     whne Γ arg
     whne Γ (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) args)
  | whne_fix_nofix defs i :
      RedFlags.fix_ flags = false
      whne Γ (tFix defs i)
  | whne_case i p c brs :
      whne Γ c
      whne Γ (tCase i p c brs)

  | whne_case_noiota i p c brs :
      RedFlags.iota flags = false
      whne Γ (tCase i p c brs)

  | whne_proj p c :
      whne Γ c
      whne Γ (tProj p c)

  | whne_proj_noiota p c :
      RedFlags.iota flags = false
      whne Γ (tProj p c).

  Lemma whne_mkApps :
     Γ t args,
      whne Γ t
      whne Γ (mkApps t args).
  Proof using Type.
    intros Γ t args h.
    induction args in t, h |- ×.
    - assumption.
    - simpl. eapply IHargs. econstructor. assumption.

  Lemma whnf_mkApps :
     Γ t args,
      whne Γ t
      whnf Γ (mkApps t args).
  Proof using Type.
    intros. econstructor. now eapply whne_mkApps.

  Lemma whne_mkApps_inv :
     Γ t l,
      negb (isApp t)
      whne Γ (mkApps t l)
      whne Γ t +
       mfix idx narg body a,
        t = tFix mfix idx ×
        unfold_fix mfix idx = Some (narg, body) ×
        nth_error l narg = Some a ×
        whne Γ a.
  Proof using Type.
    intros Γ t l Ha h. revert t Ha h.
    induction l using rev_ind; intros.
    - eauto.
    - rewrite mkApps_snoc in h.
      depelim h.
      + edestruct IHl as [ | (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?)]; eauto. subst.
        right. x0, x1, x2, x3, x4. repeat split; eauto. now eapply nth_error_app_left.
      + rewrite <- mkApps_snoc in x.
        eapply (f_equal decompose_app) in x;
          rewrite !decompose_app_mkApps in x; cbn in *; try intuition congruence.
        inversion x. subst.
        right. mfix, idx, rarg, body, arg. repeat split; eauto.

End Normal.

Derive Signature for whnf.
Derive Signature for whne.
Derive Signature for All.
Hint Constructors whnf whne : core.
Hint Constructors whnf whne : pcuic.

Local Ltac inv H := inversion H; subst; clear H.

Ltac help' := try repeat match goal with
| [ H0 : _ = mkApps _ _ |- _ ] ⇒
  eapply (f_equal decompose_app) in H0;
    rewrite !decompose_app_mkApps in H0; cbn in *; intuition congruence
| [ H1 : tApp _ _ = mkApps _ ?args |- _ ] ⇒
  destruct args using rev_ind; cbn in *; [ inv H1 |
                                           rewrite mkApps_app in H1; cbn in *; inv H1
Ltac help := help'; try match goal with | [ H0 : mkApps _ _ = _ |- _ ] ⇒ symmetry in H0 end; help'.

Hint Resolve All_Forall : core.

Notation decision P := ({P} + {¬P}).

Lemma dec_All X (L : list X) P : All (fun xdecision (P x)) L
                                 All P L + (All P L False).
  intros. induction X0.
  - left. econstructor.
  - destruct p.
    + destruct IHX0. left; econstructor; eauto. right. inversion 1. subst. eauto.
    + right. inversion 1; subst; eauto.

Lemma negb_is_true b :
 ¬ is_true b is_true (negb b).
  destruct b; pcuicfo. congruence.
Hint Resolve negb_is_true : core.

Lemma whnf_mkApps_inv flags :
   Σ Γ t l,
    whnf flags Σ Γ (mkApps t l)
    whnf flags Σ Γ t.
  intros Σ Γ t l h.
  remember (mkApps t l) eqn:hdeq.
  revert hdeq.
  induction h in h, t, l, t0 |- *; intros eq; subst.
  - destruct (mkApps_elim t l).
    apply whne_mkApps_inv in w; auto.
    destruct w as [wh|(?&?&?&?&?&->&?&?&?)].
    + now apply whnf_mkApps.
    + destruct (leb_spec_Set n x1).
      × apply whnf_fixapp.
        rewrite e.
        apply nth_error_Some_length in e0.
        apply nth_error_None.
        rewrite firstn_length.
      × apply whnf_ne.
        eapply whne_fixapp; eauto.
        assert (x1 < #|l|) by (now apply nth_error_Some_length in e0).
        rewrite <- (firstn_skipn n l) in e0.
        rewrite nth_error_app1 in e0; auto.
        rewrite firstn_length.
  - destruct l using MCList.rev_ind; [|now rewrite mkApps_app in eq].
    cbn in *; subst; auto.
  - destruct l using MCList.rev_ind; [|now rewrite mkApps_app in eq].
    cbn in *; subst; auto.
  - destruct l using MCList.rev_ind; [|now rewrite mkApps_app in eq].
    cbn in *; subst; auto.
  - destruct (mkApps_elim t l).
    apply mkApps_eq_inj in eq as (<-&<-); auto.
  - destruct (mkApps_elim t l).
    apply mkApps_eq_inj in eq as (<-&<-); auto.
  - destruct (mkApps_elim t l).
    apply mkApps_eq_inj in eq as (<-&<-); auto.
    apply whnf_fixapp.
    destruct unfold_fix as [(?&?)|]; [|easy].
    apply nth_error_None.
    apply nth_error_None in y.
    rewrite firstn_length.
  - destruct (mkApps_elim t l).
    apply mkApps_eq_inj in eq as (<-&<-); auto.

Lemma whnf_fixapp' {flags} Σ Γ mfix idx narg body v :
  unfold_fix mfix idx = Some (narg, body)
  nth_error v narg = None
  whnf flags Σ Γ (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) v).
 intros E1 H. eapply whnf_fixapp. rewrite E1. eauto.
Hint Resolve whnf_fixapp' : core.

Lemma whnf_whne_nodelta_upgrade Σ Γ t :
  whnf RedFlags.default Σ Γ t
  whne RedFlags.nodelta Σ Γ t
  whne RedFlags.default Σ Γ t.
  intros whn whe.
  induction whe; cbn in *; try easy.
  - now inv whn; solve_discr.
  - inv whn.
    + easy.
    + destruct v0 as [|? ? _] using MCList.rev_ind; [discriminate|].
      rewrite mkApps_app in H0 ×.
      cbn in *; inv H0.
      eapply IHwhe.
      apply whnf_cstrapp.
    + destruct v0 as [|? ? _] using MCList.rev_ind; [discriminate|].
      rewrite mkApps_app in H0 ×.
      cbn in *; inv H0.
      eapply IHwhe.
      apply whnf_indapp.
    + destruct v0 as [|? ? _] using MCList.rev_ind; [discriminate|].
      rewrite mkApps_app in H H0 ×.
      cbn in *; inv H.
      eapply IHwhe.
      apply whnf_fixapp.
      destruct unfold_fix; [|easy].
      destruct p.
      apply nth_error_None.
      apply nth_error_None in H0.
      rewrite app_length in H0; cbn in ×.
    + destruct v0 as [|? ? _] using MCList.rev_ind; [discriminate|].
      rewrite mkApps_app in H0 ×.
      cbn in *; inv H0.
      eapply IHwhe.
      apply whnf_cofixapp.
  - inv whn; solve_discr; try easy.
    rewrite e in H0.
  - inv whn; solve_discr; easy.
  - inv whn; solve_discr; easy.

Set Firstorder Solver auto with core.

Definition whnf_whne_dec flags Σ Γ t :
  ({whnf flags Σ Γ t} + {¬whnf flags Σ Γ t}) ×
  ({whne flags Σ Γ t} + {¬whne flags Σ Γ t}).
Proof with eauto using sq with pcuic; try congruence.
  induction t using term_forall_mkApps_ind in Γ |- *; split...
  all: try now (right; intros [H]; depelim H;help).
  - destruct (RedFlags.zeta flags) eqn:Er.
    + destruct (option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ n)) as [ [ | ] | ] eqn:E...
      × right. intros [H]. depelim H. depelim w. congruence. congruence. all:help.
      × right. intros [H]. depelim H. depelim w. congruence. congruence. all:help.
    + eauto using sq.
  - destruct (RedFlags.zeta flags) eqn:Er...
    destruct (option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ n)) as [ [ | ] | ] eqn:E...
    + right. intros [H]. depelim H. congruence. congruence. help.
    + right. intros [H]. depelim H. congruence. congruence. help.
  - destruct (RedFlags.beta flags) eqn:Er...
    right. intros [H]. depelim H. congruence. help.
  - destruct (RedFlags.zeta flags) eqn:Er...
    right. intros [H]. depelim H. depelim w. all:help. congruence.
  - destruct (RedFlags.zeta flags) eqn:Er...
    right. intros [H]. depelim H. congruence. help.
  - destruct (IHt Γ) as [[] _].
    + destruct t. all:try now (left; eauto using whnf_mkApps, All_Forall).
      all: try now left; destruct s as [w]; constructor; eapply whnf_mkApps; depelim w; eauto; help.
      × destruct v as [ | ? v]...
        right. intros [w]. depelim w. depelim w. all:help. clear IHt.
        eapply whne_mkApps_inv in w as []...
        -- depelim w. help.
        -- destruct s0 as [? [? [? [? [? [? ?]]]]]]. congruence.
      × destruct v as [ | ? v]...
        right. intros [w]. depelim w. depelim w. all:help. clear IHt.
        eapply whne_mkApps_inv in w as []...
        -- depelim w. help.
        -- destruct s0 as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?); congruence.
      × destruct v as [ | ? v]...
        destruct (RedFlags.beta flags) eqn:?.
        -- right. intros [w]. depelim w. depelim w. all:help. clear IHl.
           eapply whne_mkApps_inv in w as []...
           ++ depelim w. congruence. help.
           ++ destruct s0 as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?); congruence.
        -- left; constructor.
           apply whnf_mkApps.
      × destruct (unfold_fix mfix idx) as [(narg, body) |] eqn:E1.
        -- destruct (nth_error v narg) as [a | ] eqn:E2...
           destruct (nth_error_all E2 X Γ) as [_ []].
           ++ left. destruct s0...
           ++ destruct (RedFlags.fix_ flags) eqn:?.
              ** right. intros [w]. depelim w. depelim w. all:help. clear IHv.
                 eapply whne_mkApps_inv in w as []; eauto.
                 --- depelim w; [|congruence]. help.
                     eapply (f_equal decompose_app) in x;
                       rewrite !decompose_app_mkApps in x; cbn in *; try intuition congruence.
                     inv x. destruct rarg; inv e0.
                 --- destruct s0 as (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?). inv e.
                     rewrite E1 in e0. inv e0.
                     eapply (nth_error_app_left v [x0]) in e1.
                     rewrite E2 in e1. inv e1...
                 --- solve_discr.
                     rewrite E1 in e. injection e as → →.
                     rewrite E2 in e0. injection e0 as →.
                     apply n; sq; auto.
                 --- solve_discr.
                     rewrite E1 in y. congruence.
              ** left.
                 apply whnf_mkApps.
        -- left. constructor. eapply whnf_fixapp. rewrite E1. eauto.
    + right. intros [w]. eapply n. constructor. now eapply whnf_mkApps_inv.
  - destruct (IHt Γ) as [_ []].
    + left. destruct s as [w]. constructor. now eapply whne_mkApps.
    + destruct t.
      all: try (right; intros [[ | (mfix & idx & narg & body & a & [=] & ? & ? & ?) ] % whne_mkApps_inv]; subst)...
      × destruct (unfold_fix mfix idx) as [(narg, body) |] eqn:E1.
      -- destruct (nth_error v narg) as [a | ] eqn:E2.
         ++ destruct (nth_error_all E2 X Γ) as [_ []].
            ** left. destruct s. constructor. eauto.
            ** destruct (RedFlags.fix_ flags) eqn:?.
               --- right. intros ?. depelim H1. depelim X0. all:help. clear IHv.
                   eapply whne_mkApps_inv in X0 as []...
                   destruct s as (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?). inv e.
                   rewrite E1 in e0. inv e0.
                   eapply (nth_error_app_left v [x0]) in e1.
                   rewrite E2 in e1. inv e1... solve_discr.
                   rewrite E1 in e. injection e as → →.
                   rewrite E2 in e0. injection e0 as →.
                   apply n0; sq; auto.
               --- left. constructor. apply whne_mkApps. constructor. assumption.
         ++ right. intros [[ | (mfix' & idx' & narg' & body' & a' & [=] & ? & ? & ?) ] % whne_mkApps_inv]; subst; cbn...
      -- right. intros [[ | (mfix' & idx' & narg' & body' & a' & [=] & ? & ? & ?) ] % whne_mkApps_inv]; subst; cbn...
      × right. intros [[ | (mfix' & idx' & narg' & body' & a' & [=] & ? & ? & ?) ] % whne_mkApps_inv]; subst; cbn...
  - destruct ( flags) eqn:Er...
    destruct (lookup_env Σ s) as [[] | ] eqn:E.
    + destruct (cst_body c) eqn:E2...
      right. intros [w]. depelim w. depelim w. congruence. congruence. all:help.
    + right. intros [w]. depelim w. depelim w. congruence. congruence. all:help.
    + right. intros [w]. depelim w. depelim w. congruence. congruence. all:help.
  - destruct ( flags) eqn:Er...
    destruct (lookup_env Σ s) as [[] | ] eqn:E.
    + destruct (cst_body c) eqn:E2...
      right. intros [w]. depelim w. congruence. congruence. help.
    + right. intros [w]. depelim w. congruence. congruence. help.
    + right. intros [w]. depelim w. congruence. congruence. help.
  - left. constructor. eapply whnf_indapp with (v := []).
  - left. constructor. eapply whnf_cstrapp with (v := []).
  - destruct (RedFlags.iota flags) eqn:Eq...
    destruct (IHt Γ) as [_ []].
    + left. destruct s...
    + right. intros [w]. depelim w. depelim w. all:help...
  - destruct (RedFlags.iota flags) eqn:Eq...
    destruct (IHt Γ) as [_ []].
    + left. destruct s...
    + right. intros [w]. depelim w. all:help...
  - destruct (RedFlags.iota flags) eqn:Eq...
    destruct (IHt Γ) as [_ []].
    + left. destruct s0...
    + right. intros [w]. depelim w. depelim w. all:help...
  - destruct (RedFlags.iota flags) eqn:Eq...
    destruct (IHt Γ) as [_ []].
    + left. destruct s0...
    + right. intros [w]. depelim w. all:help...
  - destruct (unfold_fix m n) as [(narg, body) |] eqn:E1.
    + left. constructor. eapply whnf_fixapp with (v := []). rewrite E1. now destruct narg.
    + left. constructor. eapply whnf_fixapp with (v := []). now rewrite E1.
  - destruct (RedFlags.fix_ flags) eqn:?...
    right. intros [w]. depelim w; [|congruence].
    destruct args using rev_ind.
    + destruct rarg; inv e0.
    + rewrite mkApps_snoc in x. inv x.
  - left. constructor. eapply whnf_cofixapp with (v := []).

Definition whnf_dec flags Σ Γ t := fst (whnf_whne_dec flags Σ Γ t).
Definition whne_dec flags Σ Γ t := snd (whnf_whne_dec flags Σ Γ t).

Lemma red1_mkApps_tConstruct_inv Σ Γ i n u v t' :
  red1 Σ Γ (mkApps (tConstruct i n u) v) t'
   v', (t' = mkApps (tConstruct i n u) v') × (OnOne2 (red1 Σ Γ) v v').
  revert t'. induction v using rev_ind; intros.
  - cbn in ×. depelim X. help.
  - rewrite mkApps_snoc in X. depelim X.
    + help.
    + help.
    + eapply IHv in X as (? & ? & ?). subst.
       (x0 ++ [x]). rewrite mkApps_snoc. split; eauto.
      apply OnOne2_app_r. assumption.
    + (v ++ [N2]). rewrite mkApps_snoc. split; eauto.
      eapply OnOne2_app. econstructor. eauto.

Lemma red1_mkApps_tInd_inv Σ Γ i u v t' :
  red1 Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd i u) v) t'
   v', (t' = mkApps (tInd i u) v') × (OnOne2 (red1 Σ Γ) v v').
  revert t'. induction v using rev_ind; intros.
  - cbn in ×. depelim X. help.
  - rewrite mkApps_snoc in X. depelim X.
    + help.
    + help.
    + eapply IHv in X as (? & ? & ?). subst.
       (x0 ++ [x]). rewrite mkApps_snoc. split; eauto.
      apply OnOne2_app_r. assumption.
    + (v ++ [N2]). rewrite mkApps_snoc. split; eauto.
      eapply OnOne2_app. econstructor. eauto.

Lemma is_constructor_app_false i x y :
  is_constructor i (x ++ y) = false
  is_constructor i x = false.
  unfold is_constructor.
  destruct (nth_error (x ++ y) i) eqn:nth.
  - destruct nth_error eqn:nth' in |- *; [|easy].
    erewrite nth_error_app_left in nth by easy.
    intros; congruence.
  - apply nth_error_None in nth.
    rewrite (proj2 (nth_error_None _ _)); [|easy].
    rewrite app_length in nth.

Lemma red1_mkApps_tFix_inv Σ Γ mfix id v t' :
  match unfold_fix mfix id with
  | Some (rarg, body)is_constructor rarg v = false
  | NoneTrue
  red1 Σ Γ (mkApps (tFix mfix id) v) t'
  ( v', (t' = mkApps (tFix mfix id) v') × (OnOne2 (red1 Σ Γ) v v'))
  + ( mfix', (t' = mkApps (tFix mfix' id) v) × (OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (red1 Σ Γ) dtype (fun x0 : def term(dname x0, dbody x0, rarg x0))) mfix mfix'))
  + ( mfix', (t' = mkApps (tFix mfix' id) v) × (OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (red1 Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix)) dbody (fun x0 : def term(dname x0, dtype x0, rarg x0))) mfix mfix')).
  intros not_ctor. revert t'. induction v using rev_ind; intros.
  - cbn in ×. depelim X; help; eauto.
    unfold is_constructor in e0.
    rewrite nth_error_nil in e0.
  - rewrite mkApps_snoc in X.
    depelim X; help; eauto.
    + solve_discr.
      rewrite e in not_ctor, IHv.
    + eapply IHv in X as [ [(? & ? & ?)|(?&?&?)] | (?&?&?)].
      × subst. left. left. (x0 ++ [x]). split. now rewrite mkApps_snoc.
        now apply OnOne2_app_r.
      × subst. left. right. x0. split. now rewrite mkApps_snoc. eauto.
      × subst. right. x0. split. now rewrite mkApps_snoc. eauto.
      × destruct unfold_fix as [(?&?)|]; [|easy].
        now eapply is_constructor_app_false.
    + left. left. (v ++ [N2]). split.
      now rewrite mkApps_snoc.
      eapply OnOne2_app. econstructor. eauto.

Lemma red1_mkApps_tCoFix_inv Σ Γ mfix id v t' :
  red1 Σ Γ (mkApps (tCoFix mfix id) v) t'
  ( v', (t' = mkApps (tCoFix mfix id) v') × (OnOne2 (red1 Σ Γ) v v'))
  + ( mfix', (t' = mkApps (tCoFix mfix' id) v) × (OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (red1 Σ Γ) dtype (fun x0 : def term(dname x0, dbody x0, rarg x0))) mfix mfix'))
  + ( mfix', (t' = mkApps (tCoFix mfix' id) v) × (OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (red1 Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix)) dbody (fun x0 : def term(dname x0, dtype x0, rarg x0))) mfix mfix')).
  revert t'. induction v using rev_ind; intros.
  - cbn in ×. depelim X; help; eauto.
  - rewrite mkApps_snoc in X.
    depelim X; help; eauto.
    + eapply IHv in X as [ [(? & ? & ?)|(?&?&?)] | (?&?&?)].
      × subst. left. left. (x0 ++ [x]). split. now rewrite mkApps_snoc.
        now apply OnOne2_app_r.
      × subst. left. right. x0. split. now rewrite mkApps_snoc. eauto.
      × subst. right. x0. split. now rewrite mkApps_snoc. eauto.
    + left. left. (v ++ [N2]). split.
      now rewrite mkApps_snoc.
      eapply OnOne2_app. econstructor. eauto.

Lemma whne_isConstruct_app flags Σ Γ t :
  isConstruct_app t
  whne flags Σ Γ t
  intros ctor wh.
  unfold isConstruct_app in ×.
  destruct decompose_app eqn:decomp.
  destruct t0; try easy.
  apply decompose_app_notApp in decomp as notapp.
  apply decompose_app_inv in decomp as →.
  cbn in ×.
  apply whne_mkApps_inv in wh; [|easy].
  destruct wh as [wh|(?&?&?&?&?&?&?)]; [|easy].
  depelim wh.

Lemma whnf_mkApps_tSort_inv f Σ Γ s args :
  whnf f Σ Γ (mkApps (tSort s) args) args = [].
  intros wh.
  inversion wh; solve_discr.
  clear -X.
  remember (mkApps (tSort s) args) eqn:teq.
  revert teq.
  induction X in args |- *; intros; solve_discr.
  destruct args as [|? ? _] using MCList.rev_ind; [easy|].
  rewrite mkApps_app in teq.
  cbn in teq.
  inv teq.

Lemma whnf_mkApps_tProd_inv f Σ Γ na A B args :
  whnf f Σ Γ (mkApps (tProd na A B) args) args = [].
  intros wh.
  inversion wh; solve_discr.
  clear -X.
  remember (mkApps (tProd na A B) args) eqn:teq.
  revert teq.
  induction X in args |- *; intros; solve_discr.
  destruct args as [|? ? _] using List.rev_ind; [easy|].
  rewrite mkApps_app in teq.
  cbn in teq.
  inv teq.

Lemma whnf_mkApps_tLambda_inv f Σ Γ na A b args :
  RedFlags.beta f = true
  whnf f Σ Γ (mkApps (tLambda na A b) args) args = [].
  intros nobeta wh.
  inversion wh; solve_discr.
  clear -X nobeta.
  remember (mkApps (tLambda na A b) args) eqn:teq.
  revert teq.
  induction X in args |- *; intros; solve_discr.
  destruct args as [|? ? _] using List.rev_ind; [easy|].
  rewrite mkApps_app in teq.
  cbn in teq.
  inv teq.

Section whne_red1_ind.
Context (flags : RedFlags.t).
Context (Σ : global_env).
Context (Γ : context).
Context (P : term term Type).

Lemma whne_red1_ind
      (Hrel : i body,
          RedFlags.zeta flags = false
          option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ i) = Some (Some body)
          P (tRel i) (lift0 (S i) body))
      (Hlam_nobeta_1 : na A b M',
          RedFlags.beta flags = false
          red1 Σ Γ A M'
          P (tLambda na A b) (tLambda na M' b))
      (Hlam_nobeta_2 : na A b M',
          RedFlags.beta flags = false
          red1 Σ (Γ,, vass na A) b M'
          P (tLambda na A b) (tLambda na A M'))
      (Hevar : n l l',
          OnOne2 (red1 Σ Γ) l l'
          P (tEvar n l) (tEvar n l'))
      (Hletin_nozeta_1 :
          t' na B b t,
           RedFlags.zeta flags = false
           red1 Σ Γ (tLetIn na B b t) t'
           P (tLetIn na B b t) t')
      (Hconst_nodelta : t' c u,
 flags = false
          red1 Σ Γ (tConst c u) t'
          P (tConst c u) t')
      (Hbeta_nobeta :
          na t b v,
           RedFlags.beta flags = false
           P (tApp (tLambda na t b) v) (b{0 := v}))
      (Hfix_nofix :
          v mfix idx args narg fn,
           RedFlags.fix_ flags = false
           unfold_fix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn)
           is_constructor narg (args ++ [v]) = true
           P (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) (args ++ [v])) (mkApps fn (args ++ [v])))
      (Happ_1 : f v N1,
          whne flags Σ Γ f
          red1 Σ Γ f N1
          P f N1
          P (tApp f v) (tApp N1 v))
      (Happ_2 : f v N2,
          whne flags Σ Γ f
          red1 Σ Γ v N2
          P (tApp f v) (tApp f N2))
      (Hfix_red_arg : mfix idx args rarg arg body x,
          unfold_fix mfix idx = Some (rarg, body)
          nth_error args rarg = Some arg
          whne flags Σ Γ arg
          OnOne2 (fun a a'red1 Σ Γ a a') args x
          ( t', red1 Σ Γ arg t' P arg t')
          P (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) args) (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) x))
      (Hfix_red_def_type : mfix idx args rarg arg body x,
          unfold_fix mfix idx = Some (rarg, body)
          nth_error args rarg = Some arg
          whne flags Σ Γ arg
            (fun x y : def term
               red1 Σ Γ (dtype x) (dtype y) ×
               ((dname x, dbody x, BasicAst.rarg x) =
                (dname y, dbody y, BasicAst.rarg y))) mfix x
          P (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) args) (mkApps (tFix x idx) args))
      (Hfix_red_def_body : mfix idx args rarg arg body x,
          unfold_fix mfix idx = Some (rarg, body)
          nth_error args rarg = Some arg
          whne flags Σ Γ arg
            (fun x y : def term
               red1 Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix) (dbody x) (dbody y) ×
               ((dname x, dtype x, BasicAst.rarg x) =
                (dname y, dtype y, BasicAst.rarg y))) mfix x
          P (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) args) (mkApps (tFix x idx) args))
      (Hfix_red_type_nofix : defs i mfix1,
          RedFlags.fix_ flags = false
            (fun x y : def term
               red1 Σ Γ (dtype x) (dtype y) ×
               ((dname x, dbody x, rarg x) = (dname y, dbody y, rarg y)))
            defs mfix1
          P (tFix defs i) (tFix mfix1 i))
      (Hfix_red_body_nofix : defs i mfix1,
          RedFlags.fix_ flags = false
            (fun x y : def term
               red1 Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context defs) (dbody x) (dbody y) ×
               ((dname x, dtype x, rarg x) = (dname y, dtype y, rarg y)))
            defs mfix1
          P (tFix defs i) (tFix mfix1 i))
      (Hcase_params : i p c brs params',
          whne flags Σ Γ c
          OnOne2 (red1 Σ Γ) p.(pparams) params'
          P (tCase i p c brs) (tCase i (set_pparams p params') c brs))
      (Hcase_motive : i p c brs p',
          whne flags Σ Γ c
          red1 Σ (Γ ,,, inst_case_predicate_context p) p.(preturn) p'
          P (tCase i p c brs) (tCase i (set_preturn p p') c brs))
      (Hcase_discr : i p c brs c',
          whne flags Σ Γ c
          red1 Σ Γ c c'
          P c c'
          P (tCase i p c brs) (tCase i p c' brs))
      (Hcase_branch : i p c brs brs',
          whne flags Σ Γ c
          OnOne2 (fun br br'
            let ctx := inst_case_branch_context p br in
            (on_Trel_eq (red1 Σ (Γ ,,, ctx)) bbody bcontext br br')%type)
            brs brs'
          P (tCase i p c brs) (tCase i p c brs'))
      (Hcase_noiota : t' i p c brs,
          RedFlags.iota flags = false
          red1 Σ Γ (tCase i p c brs) t'
          P (tCase i p c brs) t')
      (Hproj : p c c',
          whne flags Σ Γ c
          red1 Σ Γ c c'
          P c c'
          P (tProj p c) (tProj p c'))
      (Hproj_cofix_noiota : p mfix idx args narg fn,
          RedFlags.iota flags = false
          unfold_cofix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn)
          P (tProj p (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args)) (tProj p (mkApps fn args)))
      (Hproj_noiota : p args u arg,
          RedFlags.iota flags = false
          nth_error args (p.(proj_npars) + p.(proj_arg)) = Some arg
          P (tProj p (mkApps (tConstruct p.(proj_ind) 0 u) args)) arg)
      (Hproj_discr_noiota : p c c',
          RedFlags.iota flags = false
          red1 Σ Γ c c'
          P (tProj p c) (tProj p c')) :
   t t', whne flags Σ Γ t red1 Σ Γ t t' P t t'.
Proof using Type.
  intros t t' wh r.
  induction wh in t, t', wh, r |- *; cbn in ×.
  - depelim r; [congruence|now solve_discr].
  - depelim r; [|solve_discr]; eauto.
  - depelim r; solve_discr; eauto.
  - depelim r; solve_discr.
  - depelim r; solve_discr; eauto.
  - eauto.
  - depelim r; solve_discr.
    unfold declared_constant in isdecl.
    rewrite e in isdecl.
    inv isdecl.
  - eauto.
  - depelim r; eauto.
    + depelim wh; solve_discr.
      now apply Hbeta_nobeta.
    + destruct args as [|? ? _] using MCList.rev_ind; [now solve_discr|].
      rewrite mkApps_app in x.
      cbn in ×.
      inv x.
      apply whne_mkApps_inv in wh; [|easy].
      destruct wh as [|].
      × depelim w.
        -- solve_discr.
           rewrite nth_error_nil in e0; congruence.
        -- rewrite <- mkApps_snoc.
           now eapply Hfix_nofix.
      × destruct s as (?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?).
        inv e1.
        rewrite e2 in e.
        inv e.
        unfold is_constructor in e0.
        erewrite nth_error_app_left in e0 by eassumption.
        now apply whne_isConstruct_app in w; auto.
  - eapply red1_mkApps_tFix_inv in r; eauto.
    2: { rewrite e.
         unfold is_constructor.
         rewrite e0.
         destruct isConstruct_app eqn:ctor; [|easy].
         now eapply whne_isConstruct_app in ctor. }
    destruct r as [[(?&->&?)|(?&->&?)]|(?&->&?)]; eauto.
  - depelim r; eauto.
    destruct args using MCList.rev_ind; [|rewrite mkApps_app in x; cbn in x; discriminate].
    cbn in ×.
    unfold is_constructor in e1.
    rewrite nth_error_nil in e1; discriminate.
  - depelim r; eauto.
    + apply whne_mkApps_inv in wh; [|easy].
      destruct wh as [|(?&?&?&?&?&?&?)]; [|discriminate].
      depelim w.
    + solve_discr.
    + apply whne_mkApps_inv in wh; [|easy].
      destruct wh as [|(?&?&?&?&?&?&?)]; [|discriminate].
      depelim w.
  - eauto.
  - depelim r; eauto.
    + solve_discr.
    + apply whne_mkApps_inv in wh; [|easy].
      destruct wh as [|(?&?&?&?&?&?&?)]; [|discriminate].
      depelim w.
    + apply whne_mkApps_inv in wh; [|easy].
      destruct wh as [|(?&?&?&?&?&?&?)]; [|discriminate].
      depelim w.
  - depelim r; eauto.
End whne_red1_ind.

Lemma whne_pres1 Σ Γ t t' :
  red1 Σ Γ t t'
  whne RedFlags.default Σ Γ t
  whne RedFlags.default Σ Γ t'.
  intros r wh.
  apply (whne_red1_ind RedFlags.default Σ Γ (fun _whne RedFlags.default Σ Γ))
         with (t := t) (t' := t'); intros; try easy.
  - eapply OnOne2_nth_error in H0; eauto.
    destruct H0 as (?&?&[->|]).
    + eapply whne_fixapp; eauto.
    + apply X1 in r0.
      eapply whne_fixapp; eauto.
  - unfold unfold_fix in ×.
    destruct (nth_error mfix idx) eqn:nth; [|easy].
    eapply OnOne2_nth_error in nth; eauto.
    inv H.
    destruct nth as (?&?&[->|(?&?)]).
    + eapply whne_fixapp; eauto.
      unfold unfold_fix.
      rewrite e.
    + eapply whne_fixapp; eauto.
      unfold unfold_fix.
      rewrite e.
      inv e0.
      rewrite H3.
  - unfold unfold_fix in ×.
    destruct (nth_error mfix idx) eqn:nth; [|easy].
    eapply OnOne2_nth_error in nth; eauto.
    inv H.
    destruct nth as (?&?&[->|(?&?)]).
    + eapply whne_fixapp; eauto.
      unfold unfold_fix.
      rewrite e.
    + eapply whne_fixapp; eauto.
      unfold unfold_fix.
      rewrite e.
      inv e0.
      rewrite H3.

Lemma whne_pres Σ Γ t t' :
  red Σ Γ t t'
  whne RedFlags.default Σ Γ t whne RedFlags.default Σ Γ t'.
  induction 1 using red_rect_n1; eauto using whne_pres1.

Lemma whnf_pres1 Σ Γ t t' :
  red1 Σ Γ t t'
  whnf RedFlags.default Σ Γ t
  whnf RedFlags.default Σ Γ t'.
  intros r wh.
  induction wh in wh, t, t', r |- *; cbn in ×.
  - constructor.
    now eapply whne_pres1.
  - depelim r.
  - depelim r; try easy.
  - depelim r; try easy.
  - apply red1_mkApps_tConstruct_inv in r as (?&->&?).
    apply whnf_cstrapp.
  - apply red1_mkApps_tInd_inv in r as (?&->&?).
    apply whnf_indapp.
  - eapply red1_mkApps_tFix_inv in r; eauto.
    2: { destruct unfold_fix as [(?&?)|]; [|easy].
         unfold is_constructor.
         now rewrite y. }
    destruct r as [[(?&->&?)|(?&->&?)]|(?&->&?)].
    + apply whnf_fixapp.
      apply OnOne2_length in o.
      destruct unfold_fix as [(?&?)|]; [|easy].
      apply nth_error_None.
      apply nth_error_None in y.
    + apply whnf_fixapp.
      unfold unfold_fix in ×.
      destruct (nth_error x idx) eqn:nth; [|easy].
      eapply OnOne2_nth_error_r in nth; eauto.
      destruct nth as (?&nth&?).
      rewrite nth in y.
      destruct s as [->|(?&?)]; [easy|].
      now inv e.
    + apply whnf_fixapp.
      unfold unfold_fix in ×.
      destruct (nth_error x idx) eqn:nth; [|easy].
      eapply OnOne2_nth_error_r in nth; eauto.
      destruct nth as (?&nth&?).
      rewrite nth in y.
      destruct s as [->|(?&?)]; [easy|].
      now inv e.
  - eapply red1_mkApps_tCoFix_inv in r as [[(?&->&?)|(?&->&?)]|(?&->&?)]; eauto.

Lemma whnf_pres Σ Γ t t' :
  red Σ Γ t t'
  whnf RedFlags.default Σ Γ t whnf RedFlags.default Σ Γ t'.
  induction 1 using red_rect_n1; eauto using whnf_pres1.

Hint Resolve All2_same All2_firstn All2_skipn OnOne2_All2 red_mkApps All2_app : pcuic.

Inductive whnf_red Σ Γ : term term Type :=
| whnf_red_tRel i :
    option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ i) = Some None
    whnf_red Σ Γ (tRel i) (tRel i)
| whnf_red_tVar id : whnf_red Σ Γ (tVar id) (tVar id)
| whnf_red_tEvar n l l' :
    All2 (red Σ Γ) l l'
    whnf_red Σ Γ (tEvar n l) (tEvar n l')
| whnf_red_tConst kn u decl :
    lookup_env Σ kn = Some (ConstantDecl decl)
    cst_body decl = None
    whnf_red Σ Γ (tConst kn u) (tConst kn u)
| whnf_red_tApp hd hd' arg arg' :
    whnf_red Σ Γ hd hd'
    red Σ Γ arg arg'
    whnf_red Σ Γ (tApp hd arg) (tApp hd' arg')
| whnf_red_tFix mfix mfix' idx :
    All2 (fun d d'dname d = dname d' ×
                      rarg d = rarg d' ×
                      red Σ Γ (dtype d) (dtype d') ×
                      red Σ (Γ,,, fix_context mfix) (dbody d) (dbody d'))
         mfix mfix'
    whnf_red Σ Γ (tFix mfix idx) (tFix mfix' idx)
| whnf_red_tCase ci motive motivepars motiveret discr discr' brs brs' :
    All2 (red Σ Γ) motive.(pparams) motivepars

    red Σ (Γ ,,, inst_case_predicate_context motive) motive.(preturn) motiveret
    red Σ Γ discr discr'
    All2 (fun br br'
      red Σ (Γ ,,, inst_case_branch_context motive br) br.(bbody) br'.(bbody) ×
      bcontext br = bcontext br') brs brs'
    whnf_red Σ Γ (tCase ci motive discr brs)
      (tCase ci {| pparams := motivepars;
                  puinst := motive.(puinst);
                  pcontext := motive.(pcontext);
                  preturn := motiveret |} discr' brs')
| whnf_red_tProj p c c' :
    red Σ Γ c c'
    whnf_red Σ Γ (tProj p c) (tProj p c')
| whnf_red_tSort s : whnf_red Σ Γ (tSort s) (tSort s)
| whnf_red_tProd na A A' B B' :
    red Σ Γ A A'
    red Σ (Γ,, vass na A) B B'
    whnf_red Σ Γ (tProd na A B) (tProd na A' B')
| whnf_red_tLambda na A A' B B' :
    red Σ Γ A A'
    red Σ (Γ,, vass na A) B B'
    whnf_red Σ Γ (tLambda na A B) (tLambda na A' B')
| whnf_red_tConstruct i n u :
    whnf_red Σ Γ (tConstruct i n u) (tConstruct i n u)
| whnf_red_tInd i u :
    whnf_red Σ Γ (tInd i u) (tInd i u)
| whnf_red_tCoFix mfix mfix' idx :
    All2 (fun d d'dname d = dname d' ×
                      rarg d = rarg d' ×
                      red Σ Γ (dtype d) (dtype d') ×
                      red Σ (Γ,,, fix_context mfix) (dbody d) (dbody d'))
         mfix mfix'
    whnf_red Σ Γ (tCoFix mfix idx) (tCoFix mfix' idx).

Derive Signature for whnf_red.

Hint Constructors whnf_red : pcuic.

Lemma All3_impl {A B C} (P Q : A B C Type) {l l' l''}
  (a : All3 P l l' l'') :
  ( x y z, P x y z Q x y z)
  All3 Q l l' l''.
  intros HPQ; induction a; constructor; auto.

Lemma whnf_red_red Σ Γ t t' :
  whnf_red Σ Γ t t'
  red Σ Γ t t'.
  intros wh.
  induction wh; eauto with pcuic.
  - apply red_evar; auto.
  - apply red_app; auto.
  - apply red_fix_congr.
    eapply All2_impl; eauto.
    intros ? ? (->&->&r1&r2).
  - eapply red_case; eauto.
  - apply red_proj_c; auto.
  - apply red_prod; auto.
  - apply red_abs; auto.
    eapply context_pres_let_bodies_red; eauto.
    constructor; [|constructor].
    apply All2_fold_refl.
  - apply red_cofix_congr.
    eapply All2_impl; eauto.
    intros ? ? (->&->&r1&r2).

Hint Resolve whnf_red_red : pcuic.

Lemma whnf_red_mkApps Σ Γ hd hd' args args' :
  whnf_red Σ Γ hd hd'
  All2 (red Σ Γ) args args'
  whnf_red Σ Γ (mkApps hd args) (mkApps hd' args').
  intros r ra.
  induction ra using All2_rect_rev; auto.
  rewrite !mkApps_app.
  constructor; auto.

Hint Resolve whnf_red_mkApps : pcuic.

Lemma whnf_red_mkApps_l_inv Σ Γ hd args t :
  whnf_red Σ Γ (mkApps hd args) t
   hd' args',
    t = mkApps hd' args' × whnf_red Σ Γ hd hd' × All2 (red Σ Γ) args args'.
  intros r.
  revert hd t r.
  induction args using MCList.rev_ind; intros hd t r.
  - cbn in ×.
    eexists _, []; split; [reflexivity|].
    eauto with pcuic.
  - rewrite mkApps_app in r.
    cbn in r.
    depelim r.
    apply IHargs in r as (?&?&->&?&?); auto.
     x0, (x1 ++ [arg']).
    rewrite mkApps_app.
    eauto with pcuic.

Lemma whnf_red_mkApps_r_inv Σ Γ t hd' args' :
  whnf_red Σ Γ t (mkApps hd' args')
   hd args,
    t = mkApps hd args × whnf_red Σ Γ hd hd' × All2 (red Σ Γ) args args'.
  intros r.
  revert hd' t r.
  induction args' using MCList.rev_ind; intros hd' t r.
  - cbn in ×.
    eexists _, []; split; [reflexivity|].
    eauto with pcuic.
  - rewrite mkApps_app in r.
    cbn in r.
    depelim r.
    apply IHargs' in r as (?&?&->&?&?); auto.
     x0, (x1 ++ [arg]).
    rewrite mkApps_app.
    eauto with pcuic.

Lemma whnf_red_mkApps_inv Σ Γ hd args hd' args' :
  whnf_red Σ Γ (mkApps hd args) (mkApps hd' args')
  isApp hd = false
  isApp hd' = false
  whnf_red Σ Γ hd hd' × All2 (red Σ Γ) args args'.
  intros r notapp notapp'.
  apply whnf_red_mkApps_l_inv in r as (?&?&eq&?&?); auto.
  apply mkApps_notApp_inj in eq as (->&->); auto.
  now depelim w.

Lemma whnf_red_refl_whne Σ Γ t :
  whne RedFlags.default Σ Γ t
  whnf_red Σ Γ t t.
  intros wh.
  induction wh; cbn in *; try discriminate; eauto using whnf_red with pcuic.
  - apply whnf_red_mkApps; auto.
     2: apply All2_same; auto.
    apply All2_same; auto.
  - destruct p. econstructor; simpl; eauto.
    × eapply All2_same; auto.
    × eapply All2_same; intuition auto.

Lemma whnf_red_refl Σ Γ t :
  whnf RedFlags.default Σ Γ t
  whnf_red Σ Γ t t.
  intros wh.
  induction wh; cbn in *; try discriminate; eauto with pcuic.
  - eapply whnf_red_refl_whne; eauto.
  - apply whnf_red_mkApps; auto.
    2: apply All2_same; auto.
    apply All2_same; auto.
  - apply whnf_red_mkApps; auto.
    2: apply All2_same; auto.
    apply All2_same; auto.

Ltac inv_on_free_vars :=
  match goal with
  | [ H : is_true (on_free_vars_decl _ _) |- _ ] ⇒ progress cbn in H
  | [ H : is_true (on_free_vars_decl _ (vdef _ _ _)) |- _ ] ⇒ unfold on_free_vars_decl, test_decl in H
  | [ H : is_true (_ && _) |- _ ] ⇒
    move/andP: H ⇒ []; intros
  | [ H : is_true (on_free_vars ?P ?t) |- _ ] ⇒
    progress (cbn in H || rewrite on_free_vars_mkApps in H);
    (move/and5P: H ⇒ [] || move/and4P: H ⇒ [] || move/and3P: H ⇒ [] || move/andP: H ⇒ [] ||
      eapply forallb_All in H); intros
  | [ H : is_true (test_def (on_free_vars ?P) ?Q ?x) |- _ ] ⇒
    move/andP: H ⇒ []; rewrite ?shiftnP_xpredT; intros
  | [ H : is_true (test_context_k _ _ _ ) |- _ ] ⇒
    rewritetest_context_k_closed_on_free_vars_ctx in H

Require Import PCUICWellScopedCumulativity PCUICOnFreeVars PCUICConfluence PCUICSR PCUICConversion PCUICSubstitution.

Lemma red_ctx_rel_subst {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ} P Γ Γ' s s' Δ :
  All2 (red Σ Γ) s s'
  All (on_free_vars (shiftnP #|Γ| P)) s
  untyped_subslet Γ s Γ'
  on_free_vars_ctx P (Γ ,,, Γ' ,,, Δ)
  red_context_rel Σ Γ (subst_context s 0 Δ) (subst_context s' 0 Δ).
  intros Hs ons subs onctx.
  induction Δ; cbn.
  × rewrite !subst_context_nil. constructor.
  × move: onctx ⇒ /=. rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_snoc ⇒ /andP[] onctx ona.
    rewrite !subst_context_snoc !Nat.add_0_r.
    constructor; eauto.
    now apply IHΔ.
    destruct a as [na [b|] ty]; constructor; cbn.
    relativize #|Δ|. eapply red_red; tea. 4:auto.
    erewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars ⇒ //; tea.
    unfold on_free_vars_decl, test_decl in onctx. cbn in onctx.
    now move/andP: ona.
    solve_all. rewrite !app_context_length Nat.add_assoc -shiftnP_add addnP_shiftnP //.
    relativize #|Δ|. eapply red_red; tea. 4:auto.
    erewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars ⇒ //; tea.
    unfold on_free_vars_decl, test_decl in onctx. cbn in onctx.
    now move/andP: ona.
    solve_all. rewrite !app_context_length Nat.add_assoc -shiftnP_add addnP_shiftnP //.
    relativize #|Δ|. eapply red_red; tea. 4:auto.
    erewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars ⇒ //; tea.
    unfold on_free_vars_decl, test_decl in onctx. cbn in onctx.
    now move/andP: ona.
    solve_all. rewrite !app_context_length Nat.add_assoc -shiftnP_add addnP_shiftnP //.

Definition fake_params n : context :=
    unfold n (fun x ⇒ {| decl_name := {| binder_name := nAnon; binder_relevance := Relevant |};
                          decl_body := None;
                          decl_type := tSort Universe.type0 |}).

Lemma fake_params_length n : #|fake_params n| = n.
  induction n; simpl; auto. cbn.
  now rewrite app_length IHn /= Nat.add_1_r.

Lemma params_subslet {cf:checker_flags} Γ pars :
  untyped_subslet Γ pars (List.rev (fake_params #|pars|)).
  induction pars; cbn. constructor.
  rewrite List.rev_app_distr /=. constructor; auto.

Lemma closed_fake_params n P :
  on_free_vars_ctx P (List.rev (fake_params n)).
  unfold on_free_vars_ctx. generalize 0. rewrite List.rev_involutive.
  induction n; cbn ⇒ //.
  intros n'.
  rewrite alli_app IHn /= //.

Lemma red_terms_on_free_vars {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ ts us}:
  is_closed_context Γ
  forallb (is_open_term Γ) ts
  All2 (red Σ Γ) ts us
  forallb (is_open_term Γ) us.
  solve_all. eapply red_on_free_vars; tea.
  now rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars.

Definition br_fvs (Γ : context) (motive : predicate term) br :=
  test_context_k (fun k : naton_free_vars (closedP k xpredT))
    #|pparams motive| (bcontext br) &&
  on_free_vars (shiftnP #|bcontext br| (shiftnP #|Γ| xpred0)) (bbody br).

Lemma br_fvs_pres {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ} Γ motive brs brs' :
  is_closed_context Γ
  forallb (is_open_term Γ) (pparams motive)
  All (br_fvs Γ motive) brs
    (fun br br' : branch term
    red Σ (Γ,,, inst_case_branch_context motive br)
       (bbody br) (bbody br') × (bcontext br = bcontext br')) brs brs'
  All (br_fvs Γ motive) brs'.
  intros clΓ clpars.
  unfold br_fvs; solve_all.
  now rewrite b0 in H.
  rewrite -b0. eapply red_on_free_vars; tea.
  rewrite shiftnP_add. relativize (#|_| + _); [erewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars|].
  rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_app clΓ /=.
  eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; trea. solve_all.

Lemma whnf_red_trans {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} Γ x y z : wf Σ
  is_closed_context Γ
  is_open_term Γ x
  whnf_red Σ Γ x y
  whnf_red Σ Γ y z
  whnf_red Σ Γ x z.
  intros wf onΓ onx xy yz.
  revert onx z yz.
  induction xy; intros onx z yz; depelim yz; repeat inv_on_free_vars; eauto using whnf_red.
  - constructor.
    eapply All2_trans; eauto.
    typeclasses eauto.
  - constructor; eauto.
    all: try etransitivity; eauto.
  - constructor.
    eapply All2_trans; eauto.
    1: { intros ? ? ? (->&->&?&?) (->&->&?&?).
         do 2 (split; auto).
         split; etransitivity; eauto. }
    eapply All2_impl; eauto.
    intros ? ? (->&->&?&?).
    do 3 (split; auto).
    eapply context_pres_let_bodies_red; eauto.
    apply fix_context_pres_let_bodies.
    now apply All2_length in a.
  - simpl in ×.
    constructor; try solve [etransitivity; eauto].
    + eapply All2_trans; eauto.
      typeclasses eauto.
    + etransitivity; [eassumption|].
      have clp: on_ctx_free_vars (closedP #|Γ,,, inst_case_predicate_context motive| xpredT)
        (Γ,,, inst_case_predicate_context motive).
      { rewrite closedP_shiftnP_eq on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars.
        rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_app onΓ /=.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context ⇒ //.
        rewrite test_context_k_closed_on_free_vars_ctx //. }
      eapply red_red_ctx. 5:tea. all:eauto; revgoals.
      apply red_context_app_right; eauto.
      × apply red_context_refl.
      × rewrite /inst_case_predicate_context /=.
        rewrite /inst_case_context.
        eapply (red_ctx_rel_subst (Σ := empty_ext Σ)).
        eapply All2_rev ⇒ //.
        eapply All_rev. solve_all.
        instantiate (1 := List.rev (fake_params #|pparams motive|)).
        rewrite -(List.rev_length (pparams motive)).
        eapply params_subslet.
        rewrite !on_free_vars_ctx_app onΓ /=. len.
        rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_subst_instance.
        rewrite closed_fake_params /=.
        setoid_rewrite closedP_shiftnP_eq in p1.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_impl; tea.
        rewrite /shiftnP. intros i. rewrite !orb_false_r.
        move/Nat.ltb_lt ⇒ ?. apply Nat.ltb_lt. lia.
      × eapply red_on_free_vars; tea.
        len. rewrite closedP_shiftnP_eq -shiftnP_add //.
      × rewrite closedP_shiftnP_eq.
        relativize #|Γ ,,, _|; [erewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars|].
        rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_app onΓ /=.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context ⇒ //. cbn.
        eapply red_terms_on_free_vars; tea.
        rewrite test_context_k_closed_on_free_vars_ctx -(All2_length a) //.

    + eapply forallb_All in p3.
      epose proof (br_fvs_pres _ _ _ _ onΓ p p3 a0).
      eapply (All2_impl (P:=fun br br'br_fvs Γ motive br ×
        red Σ (Γ,,, inst_case_branch_context motive br) (bbody br) (bbody br') ×
            (bcontext br = bcontext br'))).
      eapply All2_trans with brs'.
      { clear -wf p.
        intros br br' br''. intuition auto. 2:congruence.
        etransitivity; tea. unfold inst_case_branch_context in ×. now rewrite -b1 in a2. }
      eapply All2_All_mix_left in a2; tea. eapply All2_impl; tea.
      intros br br'; cbn. intuition auto.
      unfold br_fvs in a3.
      move/andP: a3 ⇒ [] fvbctx fvbr.
      eapply red_red_ctx. 5:tea. all:eauto; revgoals.
      apply red_context_app_right; eauto.
      × rewrite closedP_shiftnP_eq on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars.
        rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_app onΓ /=.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context ⇒ //.
      × apply red_context_refl.
      × rewrite /inst_case_branch_context /=.
        rewrite /inst_case_context.
        eapply (red_ctx_rel_subst (Σ := empty_ext Σ)).
        eapply All2_rev ⇒ //.
        eapply All_rev. solve_all.
        instantiate (1 := List.rev (fake_params #|pparams motive|)).
        rewrite -(List.rev_length (pparams motive)).
        eapply params_subslet.
        rewrite !on_free_vars_ctx_app onΓ /=. len.
        rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_subst_instance.
        rewrite closed_fake_params /=.
        move: fvbctx.
        rewrite test_context_k_closed_on_free_vars_ctx closedP_shiftnP_eqH.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_impl; tea.
        rewrite /shiftnP. intros i. rewrite !orb_false_r.
        move/Nat.ltb_lt ⇒ ?. apply Nat.ltb_lt. lia.
      × rewrite shiftnP_add.
        relativize (#|_| + _); [erewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars|].
        rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_app onΓ /=.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context ⇒ //.
      × rewrite shiftnP_add.
        relativize (#|_| + _); [erewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars|].
        rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_app onΓ /=.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context ⇒ //.
        eapply red_terms_on_free_vars; tea.
        now rewrite -(All2_length a).
  - constructor.
    etransitivity; eauto.
  - constructor; etransitivity; eauto.
    eapply context_pres_let_bodies_red; eauto.
    constructor; eauto; [|constructor].
    apply All2_fold_refl.
    intros _ ?. reflexivity.
  - constructor; etransitivity; eauto.
    eapply context_pres_let_bodies_red; eauto.
    constructor; eauto; [|constructor].
    apply All2_fold_refl.
    intros _ ?; reflexivity.
  - constructor.
    eapply All2_trans; eauto.
    1: { intros ? ? ? (->&->&?&?) (->&->&?&?).
         do 2 (split; auto).
         split; etransitivity; eauto. }
    eapply All2_impl; eauto.
    intros ? ? (->&->&?&?).
    do 3 (split; auto).
    eapply context_pres_let_bodies_red; eauto.
    apply fix_context_pres_let_bodies.
    now apply All2_length in a.

Lemma whne_red1_inv Σ Γ t t' :
  whne RedFlags.default Σ Γ t
  red1 Σ Γ t t'
  whnf_red Σ Γ t t'.
  intros wh r.
  apply (whne_red1_ind
           RedFlags.default Σ Γ
           (whnf_red Σ Γ)); intros; cbn in *; try easy; eauto using whnf_red.
  - constructor.
    eapply OnOne2_All2; eauto.
  - constructor; auto.
    now apply whnf_red_refl_whne.
  - apply whnf_red_mkApps; eauto.
    1: constructor; apply All2_same; auto.
    eapply OnOne2_All2; eauto.
  - apply whnf_red_mkApps; eauto.
    + constructor.
      eapply OnOne2_All2; eauto.
      intros ? ? (?&[= → → ->]).
    + apply All2_same; auto.
  - apply whnf_red_mkApps; eauto.
    + constructor.
      eapply OnOne2_All2; eauto.
      intros ? ? (?&[= → → ->]).
    + apply All2_same; auto.
  - constructor; auto.
    × eapply OnOne2_All2; eauto.
    × eapply All2_same; intuition auto.
  - econstructor; auto. apply All2_same; auto.
    eapply All2_same; intuition auto.
  - destruct p; econstructor; eauto; simpl.
    × eapply All2_same; auto.
    × eapply All2_same; intuition auto.
  - destruct p; econstructor; eauto; simpl.
    × eapply All2_same; reflexivity.
    × eapply OnOne2_All2; eauto.
      cbn. intros ? ? [? <-].
      intuition eauto; try reflexivity.

Lemma whnf_red1_inv Σ Γ t t' :
  whnf RedFlags.default Σ Γ t
  red1 Σ Γ t t'
  whnf_red Σ Γ t t'.
  intros wh r.
  destruct wh.
  - eapply whne_red1_inv; eauto.
  - depelim r; solve_discr.
  - depelim r; solve_discr; constructor; eauto using whnf_red.
  - depelim r; solve_discr; constructor; eauto using whnf_red.
  - apply red1_mkApps_tConstruct_inv in r as (?&->&?).
    apply whnf_red_mkApps; eauto using whnf_red.
    eapply OnOne2_All2; eauto.
  - apply red1_mkApps_tInd_inv in r as (?&->&?).
    apply whnf_red_mkApps; eauto using whnf_red.
    eapply OnOne2_All2; eauto.
  - apply red1_mkApps_tFix_inv in r.
    2: { destruct unfold_fix as [(?&?)|]; [|easy].
         now unfold is_constructor; rewrite y. }
    destruct r as [[(?&->&?)|(?&->&?)]|(?&->&?)].
    + apply whnf_red_mkApps; auto.
      2: eapply OnOne2_All2; eauto.
      apply All2_same; auto.
    + apply whnf_red_mkApps.
      2: apply All2_same; auto.
      eapply OnOne2_All2; eauto.
      intros ? ? (?&[= → → ->]).
    + apply whnf_red_mkApps.
      2: apply All2_same; auto.
      eapply OnOne2_All2; eauto.
      intros ? ? (?&[= → → ->]).
  - apply red1_mkApps_tCoFix_inv in r.
    destruct r as [[(?&->&?)|(?&->&?)]|(?&->&?)].
    + apply whnf_red_mkApps; auto.
      2: eapply OnOne2_All2; eauto.
      apply All2_same; auto.
    + apply whnf_red_mkApps.
      2: apply All2_same; auto.
      eapply OnOne2_All2; eauto.
      intros ? ? (?&[= → → ->]).
    + apply whnf_red_mkApps.
      2: apply All2_same; auto.
      eapply OnOne2_All2; eauto.
      intros ? ? (?&[= → → ->]).

Lemma whnf_red_inv {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} Γ t t' :
  wf Σ
  whnf RedFlags.default Σ Γ t
  Σ ;;; Γ t t'
  whnf_red Σ Γ t t'.
  intros wf wh [clΓ clt r].
  induction r using red_rect_n1.
  - apply whnf_red_refl; auto.
  - eapply whnf_red1_inv in X.
    + eapply whnf_red_trans; tea.
    + eapply whnf_pres; eauto.

Lemma whnf_red_isApp Σ Γ t t' :
  whnf_red Σ Γ t t'
  isApp t' = isApp t.
  intros r.
  now depelim r.

Lemma whne_eq_term_upto_univ_napp f Σ Γ t Re Rle napp t' :
  whne f Σ Γ t
  eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp t t'
  whne f Σ Γ t'.
  intros wh eq.
  induction wh in Re, Rle, napp, t, t', eq, wh |- *; depelim eq;
    try solve [eauto using whne; depelim wh; solve_discr; eauto using whne].
  - destruct args as [|? ? _] using MCList.rev_ind; [discriminate x|].
    rewrite mkApps_app in x; cbn in x; inv x.
    apply eq_term_upto_univ_napp_mkApps_l_inv in eq1 as (?&?&(eq_hds&?)&->).
    depelim eq_hds.
    rewrite <- mkApps_snoc.
    assert (All2 (eq_term_upto_univ Σ Re Re) (args ++ [x0]) (x1 ++ [u']))
           by (now apply All2_app).
    unfold unfold_fix in ×.
    destruct (nth_error mfix idx) eqn:nth; [|easy].
    eapply All2_nth_error_Some in nth; eauto.
    destruct nth as (?&?&?&?).
    eapply All2_nth_error_Some in e0; eauto.
    inv e.
    destruct e0 as (?&?&?).
    eapply whne_fixapp.
    + unfold unfold_fix.
      rewrite e1.
    + rewrite <- e.
      destruct p. rewrite e3. reflexivity.
    + eapply IHwh; eauto.
  - destruct args using MCList.rev_ind; [|rewrite mkApps_app in x; discriminate x].
    now rewrite nth_error_nil in e0.

Lemma whnf_eq_term_upto_univ_napp f Σ Γ t Re Rle napp t' :
  whnf f Σ Γ t
  eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp t t'
  whnf f Σ Γ t'.
  intros wh eq.
  depelim wh.
  - constructor.
    eapply whne_eq_term_upto_univ_napp; eauto.
  - depelim eq.
    apply whnf_sort.
  - depelim eq.
    apply whnf_prod.
  - depelim eq.
    apply whnf_lam.
  - apply eq_term_upto_univ_napp_mkApps_l_inv in eq as (?&?&(?&?)&->).
    depelim e.
    apply whnf_cstrapp.
  - apply eq_term_upto_univ_napp_mkApps_l_inv in eq as (?&?&(?&?)&->).
    depelim e.
    apply whnf_indapp.
  - apply eq_term_upto_univ_napp_mkApps_l_inv in eq as (?&?&(?&?)&->).
    depelim e.
    apply whnf_fixapp.
    unfold unfold_fix in ×.
    destruct (nth_error mfix' idx) eqn:nth; [|easy].
    eapply All2_nth_error_Some_r in nth; eauto.
    destruct nth as (?&?&((? & ?)&?)&?).
    rewrite e e2 in y.
    eapply All2_nth_error_None; eauto.
  - apply eq_term_upto_univ_napp_mkApps_l_inv in eq as (?&?&(?&?)&->).
    depelim e.
    apply whnf_cofixapp.

Lemma whnf_eq_term {cf:checker_flags} f Σ φ Γ t t' :
  whnf f Σ Γ t
  eq_term Σ φ t t'
  whnf f Σ Γ t'.
  apply whnf_eq_term_upto_univ_napp.