Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.Conversion.PCUICWeakeningEnvConv

From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICAstUtils
  PCUICWeakeningEnv PCUICEquality PCUICReduction PCUICCumulativity PCUICCumulativitySpec
From Equations Require Import Equations.

Require Import ssreflect.

Set Default Goal Selector "!".
Implicit Types (cf : checker_flags).

Lemma compare_term_subset {cf} pb Σ φ φ' t t'
  : ConstraintSet.Subset φ φ'
     compare_term pb Σ φ t t' compare_term pb Σ φ' t t'.
  intro H. apply eq_term_upto_univ_impl; auto.
  all: change eq_universe with (compare_universe Conv).
  all: change leq_universe with (compare_universe Cumul).
  3: destruct pb.
  4: transitivity (compare_universe Cumul φ).
  4: tc.
  all: intros ??; now eapply cmp_universe_subset.

Lemma eq_term_subset {cf} Σ φ φ' t t'
  : ConstraintSet.Subset φ φ' eq_term Σ φ t t' eq_term Σ φ' t t'.
Proof. apply compare_term_subset with (pb := Conv). Qed.

Lemma leq_term_subset {cf:checker_flags} Σ ctrs ctrs' t u
  : ConstraintSet.Subset ctrs ctrs' leq_term Σ ctrs t u leq_term Σ ctrs' t u.
Proof. apply compare_term_subset with (pb := Cumul). Qed.

Lemma compare_decl_subset {cf} pb Σ φ φ' d d'
  : ConstraintSet.Subset φ φ'
     compare_decl pb Σ φ d d' compare_decl pb Σ φ' d d'.
  intros Hφ []; constructor; eauto using compare_term_subset.

Lemma compare_context_subset {cf} pb Σ φ φ' Γ Γ'
  : ConstraintSet.Subset φ φ'
     compare_context pb Σ φ Γ Γ' compare_context pb Σ φ' Γ Γ'.
  intros Hφ. induction 1; constructor; auto; eapply compare_decl_subset; eassumption.

Section ExtendsWf.
  Context {cf : checker_flags}.
  Context {Pcmp: global_env_ext context conv_pb term term Type}.
  Context {P: global_env_ext context term typ_or_sort Type}.

  Let wf := on_global_env Pcmp P.

Lemma global_variance_sigma_mon {Σ Σ' gr napp v} :
  wf Σ' extends Σ Σ'
  global_variance Σ gr napp = Some v
  global_variance Σ' gr napp = Some v.
Proof using P Pcmp cf.
  intros wfΣ' ext.
  rewrite /global_variance /lookup_constructor /lookup_inductive /lookup_minductive.
  destruct gr as [|ind|[ind i]|] ⇒ /= //.
  - destruct (lookup_env Σ ind) eqn:look ⇒ //.
    eapply extends_lookup in look; eauto. rewrite look //.
  - destruct (lookup_env Σ (inductive_mind i)) eqn:look ⇒ //.
    eapply extends_lookup in look; eauto. rewrite look //.

The definition of R_global_instance is defined so that it is weakenable.
Lemma R_global_instance_weaken_env Σ Σ' Re Re' Rle Rle' gr napp :
  wf Σ' extends Σ Σ'
  RelationClasses.subrelation Re Re'
  RelationClasses.subrelation Rle Rle'
  RelationClasses.subrelation Re Rle'
  subrelation (R_global_instance Σ Re Rle gr napp) (R_global_instance Σ' Re' Rle' gr napp).
Proof using P Pcmp cf.
  intros wfΣ ext he hle hele t t'.
  rewrite /R_global_instance /R_opt_variance.
  destruct global_variance as [v|] eqn:look.
  - rewrite (global_variance_sigma_mon wfΣ ext look).
    induction t in v, t' |- *; destruct v, t'; simpl; auto.
    intros []; split; auto.
    destruct t0; simpl; auto.
  - destruct (global_variance Σ' gr napp) ⇒ //.
    × induction t in l, t' |- *; destruct l, t'; simpl; intros H; inv H; auto.
      split; auto. destruct t0; simpl; auto.
    × eauto using R_universe_instance_impl'.

Instance eq_term_upto_univ_weaken_env Σ Σ' Re Re' Rle Rle' napp :
  wf Σ' extends Σ Σ'
  RelationClasses.subrelation Re Re'
  RelationClasses.subrelation Rle Rle'
  RelationClasses.subrelation Re Rle'
  CRelationClasses.subrelation (eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp)
    (eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ' Re' Rle' napp).
Proof using P Pcmp cf.
  intros wfΣ ext he hele hle t t'.
  induction t in napp, t', Rle, Rle', hle, hele |- × using PCUICInduction.term_forall_list_ind;
    try (inversion 1; subst; constructor;
         eauto using R_universe_instance_impl'; fail).
  - inversion 1; subst; constructor.
    eapply All2_impl'; tea.
    eapply All_impl; eauto.
  - inversion 1; subst; constructor.
    eapply R_global_instance_weaken_env. 6:eauto. all:eauto.
  - inversion 1; subst; constructor.
    eapply R_global_instance_weaken_env. 6:eauto. all:eauto.
  - inversion 1; subst; destruct X as [? [? ?]]; constructor; eauto.
    × destruct X2 as [? [? ?]].
      constructor; intuition auto; solve_all.
      + eauto using R_universe_instance_impl'.
    × eapply All2_impl'; tea.
      eapply All_impl; eauto.
      cbn. intros x [? ?] y [? ?]. split; eauto.
  - inversion 1; subst; constructor.
    eapply All2_impl'; tea.
    eapply All_impl; eauto.
    cbn. intros x [? ?] y [[[? ?] ?] ?]. repeat split; eauto.
  - inversion 1; subst; constructor.
    eapply All2_impl'; tea.
    eapply All_impl; eauto.
    cbn. intros x [? ?] y [[[? ?] ?] ?]. repeat split; eauto.

Lemma weakening_env_red1 Σ Σ' Γ M N :
  wf Σ'
  extends Σ Σ'
  red1 Σ Γ M N
  red1 Σ' Γ M N.
Proof using P Pcmp cf.
  induction 3 using red1_ind_all;
    try solve [econstructor; eauto with extends; solve_all].

Lemma weakening_env_cumul_gen pb Σ Σ' φ Γ M N :
  wf Σ'
  extends Σ Σ'
  cumulAlgo_gen (Σ, φ) Γ pb M N
  cumulAlgo_gen (Σ', φ) Γ pb M N.
Proof using P Pcmp.
  intros wfΣ ext.
  induction 1; simpl.
  - econstructor. eapply compare_term_subset.
    + now eapply global_ext_constraints_app.
    + simpl in ×. eapply eq_term_upto_univ_weaken_env in c; simpl; eauto.
      all:typeclasses eauto.
  - econstructor 2; eauto. eapply weakening_env_red1; eauto.
  - econstructor 3; eauto. eapply weakening_env_red1; eauto.

Lemma weakening_env_conv Σ Σ' φ Γ M N :
  wf Σ'
  extends Σ Σ'
  convAlgo (Σ, φ) Γ M N
  convAlgo (Σ', φ) Γ M N.
Proof using P Pcmp. apply weakening_env_cumul_gen with (pb := Conv). Qed.

Lemma weakening_env_cumul Σ Σ' φ Γ M N :
  wf Σ'
  extends Σ Σ'
  cumulAlgo (Σ, φ) Γ M N
  cumulAlgo (Σ', φ) Γ M N.
Proof using P Pcmp. apply weakening_env_cumul_gen with (pb := Cumul). Qed.

Lemma weakening_env_cumulSpec0 Σ Σ' φ Γ pb M N :
  wf Σ'
  extends Σ Σ'
  cumulSpec0 (Σ, φ) Γ pb M N
  cumulSpec0 (Σ', φ) Γ pb M N.
  intros HΣ' Hextends Ind.
  pose proof (subrelations_leq_extends _ _ φ Hextends). revert H.
  assert (RelationClasses.subrelation
          (eq_universe (global_ext_constraints (Σ,φ)))
          (leq_universe (global_ext_constraints (Σ',φ)))).
  { typeclasses eauto. } revert H.
  generalize (leq_universe (global_ext_constraints (Σ',φ))); intros Rle Hlee Hle .
  revert pb Γ M N Ind Σ' Rle Hle Hlee HΣ' Hextends.
  apply: (cumulSpec0_ind_all (Σ,φ)).
  all:intros; try solve [econstructor; eauto with extends; intuition auto].
  - eapply cumul_Evar. solve_all.
  - eapply cumul_Case.
    × destruct X as (Hparams & Hinst & Hctx & Hret & IHret). repeat split; tas.
      + solve_all.
      + eapply R_universe_instance_impl'; eauto; apply subrelations_extends; eauto.
      + eapply IHret; eauto.
    × solve_all.
    × solve_all.
  - eapply cumul_Fix; solve_all.
  - eapply cumul_CoFix; solve_all.
  - eapply cumul_Ind; eauto. 2:solve_all.
    eapply @R_global_instance_weaken_env. 1,2,6:eauto. all: tc.
  - eapply cumul_Construct; eauto. 2:solve_all.
    eapply @R_global_instance_weaken_env. 1,2,6:eauto. all: tc.
  - eapply cumul_Sort. eapply subrelations_compare_extends; tea.
  - eapply cumul_Const. eapply R_universe_instance_impl'; eauto; tc.

Lemma weakening_env_convSpec Σ Σ' φ Γ M N :
  wf Σ'
  extends Σ Σ'
  convSpec (Σ, φ) Γ M N
  convSpec (Σ', φ) Γ M N.
Proof using P Pcmp. apply weakening_env_cumulSpec0 with (pb := Conv). Qed.

Lemma weakening_env_cumulSpec Σ Σ' φ Γ M N :
  wf Σ'
  extends Σ Σ'
  cumulSpec (Σ, φ) Γ M N
  cumulSpec (Σ', φ) Γ M N.
Proof using P Pcmp. apply weakening_env_cumulSpec0 with (pb := Cumul). Qed.

Lemma weakening_env_conv_decls {Σ φ Σ' Γ Γ'} :
  wf Σ' extends Σ Σ'
  CRelationClasses.subrelation (conv_decls cumulSpec0 (Σ, φ) Γ Γ') (conv_decls cumulSpec0 (Σ', φ) Γ Γ').
Proof using P Pcmp.
  intros wfΣ' ext d d' Hd; depelim Hd; constructor; tas;
    eapply weakening_env_convSpec; tea.

Lemma weakening_env_cumul_decls {Σ φ Σ' Γ Γ'} :
  wf Σ' extends Σ Σ'
  CRelationClasses.subrelation (cumul_decls cumulSpec0 (Σ, φ) Γ Γ') (cumul_decls cumulSpec0 (Σ', φ) Γ Γ').
Proof using P Pcmp.
  intros wfΣ' ext d d' Hd; depelim Hd; constructor; tas;
    (eapply weakening_env_convSpec || eapply weakening_env_cumulSpec); tea.

Lemma weakening_env_conv_ctx {Σ Σ' φ Γ Δ} :
  wf Σ'
  extends Σ Σ'
  conv_context cumulSpec0 (Σ, φ) Γ Δ
  conv_context cumulSpec0 (Σ', φ) Γ Δ.
Proof using P Pcmp.
  intros wfΣ' ext.
  intros; eapply All2_fold_impl; teaΓ0 Γ' d d'.
  now eapply weakening_env_conv_decls.

Lemma weakening_env_cumul_ctx {Σ Σ' φ Γ Δ} :
  wf Σ'
  extends Σ Σ'
  cumul_context cumulSpec0 (Σ, φ) Γ Δ
  cumul_context cumulSpec0 (Σ', φ) Γ Δ.
Proof using P Pcmp.
  intros wfΣ' ext.
  intros; eapply All2_fold_impl; teaΓ0 Γ' d d'.
  now eapply weakening_env_cumul_decls.

End ExtendsWf.

#[global] Hint Resolve weakening_env_conv_ctx : extends.
#[global] Hint Resolve weakening_env_cumul_ctx : extends.