Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.PCUICReduction

From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICOnOne PCUICAstUtils
     PCUICLiftSubst PCUICUnivSubst PCUICInduction
     PCUICCases PCUICClosed PCUICTactics.

Require Import ssreflect.
Require Import Equations.Prop.DepElim.
From Equations.Type Require Import Relation Relation_Properties.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Set Equations Transparent.
Set Default Goal Selector "!".

Reserved Notation " Σ ;;; Γ |- t ⇝ u " (at level 50, Γ, t, u at next level).

Local Open Scope type_scope.

Inductive red1 (Σ : global_env) (Γ : context) : term term Type :=
Reductions Beta
| red_beta na t b a :
  Σ ;;; Γ |- tApp (tLambda na t b) a b {0 := a}

Fix unfolding, with guard
CoFix-case unfolding
CoFix-proj unfolding
Constant unfolding
| red_proj p args u arg:
    nth_error args (p.(proj_npars) + p.(proj_arg)) = Some arg
    Σ ;;; Γ |- tProj p (mkApps (tConstruct p.(proj_ind) 0 u) args) arg

| abs_red_l na M M' N : Σ ;;; Γ |- M M' Σ ;;; Γ |- tLambda na M N tLambda na M' N
| abs_red_r na M M' N : Σ ;;; Γ ,, vass na N |- M M' Σ ;;; Γ |- tLambda na N M tLambda na N M'

| letin_red_def na b t b' r : Σ ;;; Γ |- b r Σ ;;; Γ |- tLetIn na b t b' tLetIn na r t b'
| letin_red_ty na b t b' r : Σ ;;; Γ |- t r Σ ;;; Γ |- tLetIn na b t b' tLetIn na b r b'
| letin_red_body na b t b' r : Σ ;;; Γ ,, vdef na b t |- b' r Σ ;;; Γ |- tLetIn na b t b' tLetIn na b t r

| case_red_param ci p params' c brs :
    OnOne2 (fun t uΣ ;;; Γ |- t u) p.(pparams) params'
    Σ ;;; Γ |- tCase ci p c brs tCase ci (set_pparams p params') c brs
| case_red_return ci p preturn' c brs :
  Σ ;;; Γ ,,, inst_case_predicate_context p |- p.(preturn) preturn'
  Σ ;;; Γ |- tCase ci p c brs tCase ci (set_preturn p preturn') c brs
| case_red_discr ci p c c' brs :
  Σ ;;; Γ |- c c' Σ ;;; Γ |- tCase ci p c brs tCase ci p c' brs

| case_red_brs ci p c brs brs' :
    OnOne2 (fun br br'
      on_Trel_eq (fun t uΣ ;;; Γ ,,, inst_case_branch_context p br |- t u) bbody bcontext br br')
      brs brs'
    Σ ;;; Γ |- tCase ci p c brs tCase ci p c brs'

| proj_red p c c' : Σ ;;; Γ |- c c' Σ ;;; Γ |- tProj p c tProj p c'

| app_red_l M1 N1 M2 : Σ ;;; Γ |- M1 N1 Σ ;;; Γ |- tApp M1 M2 tApp N1 M2
| app_red_r M2 N2 M1 : Σ ;;; Γ |- M2 N2 Σ ;;; Γ |- tApp M1 M2 tApp M1 N2

| prod_red_l na M1 M2 N1 : Σ ;;; Γ |- M1 N1 Σ ;;; Γ |- tProd na M1 M2 tProd na N1 M2
| prod_red_r na M2 N2 M1 : Σ ;;; Γ ,, vass na M1 |- M2 N2
                           Σ ;;; Γ |- tProd na M1 M2 tProd na M1 N2

| evar_red ev l l' : OnOne2 (fun t uΣ ;;; Γ |- t u) l l' Σ ;;; Γ |- tEvar ev l tEvar ev l'

| fix_red_ty mfix0 mfix1 idx :
    OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (fun t uΣ ;;; Γ |- t u) dtype (fun x(dname x, dbody x, rarg x))) mfix0 mfix1
    Σ ;;; Γ |- tFix mfix0 idx tFix mfix1 idx

| fix_red_body mfix0 mfix1 idx :
    OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (fun t uΣ ;;; Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0 |- t u) dbody (fun x(dname x, dtype x, rarg x)))
           mfix0 mfix1
    Σ ;;; Γ |- tFix mfix0 idx tFix mfix1 idx

| cofix_red_ty mfix0 mfix1 idx :
    OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (fun t uΣ ;;; Γ |- t u) dtype (fun x(dname x, dbody x, rarg x))) mfix0 mfix1
    Σ ;;; Γ |- tCoFix mfix0 idx tCoFix mfix1 idx

| cofix_red_body mfix0 mfix1 idx :
    OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (fun t uΣ ;;; Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0 |- t u) dbody (fun x(dname x, dtype x, rarg x))) mfix0 mfix1
    Σ ;;; Γ |- tCoFix mfix0 idx tCoFix mfix1 idx
where " Σ ;;; Γ |- t ⇝ u " := (red1 Σ Γ t u).

Definition red1_ctx Σ := (OnOne2_local_env (on_one_decl (fun Δ t t'red1 Σ Δ t t'))).
Definition red1_ctx_rel Σ Γ := (OnOne2_local_env (on_one_decl (fun Δ t t'red1 Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) t t'))).

Lemma red1_ind_all :
   (Σ : global_env) (P : context term term Type),

       ( (Γ : context) (na : aname) (t b a : term),
        P Γ (tApp (tLambda na t b) a) (b {0 := a}))

       ( (Γ : context) (na : aname) (b t b' : term), P Γ (tLetIn na b t b') (b' {0 := b}))

       ( (Γ : context) (i : nat) (body : term),
        option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ i) = Some (Some body) P Γ (tRel i) ((lift0 (S i)) body))

       ( (Γ : context) (ci : case_info) (c : nat) (u : Instance.t) (args : list term)
          (p : predicate term) (brs : list (branch term)) br,
          nth_error brs c = Some br
          #|args| = (ci.(ci_npar) + context_assumptions br.(bcontext))%nat
          P Γ (tCase ci p (mkApps (tConstruct ci.(ci_ind) c u) args) brs)
              (iota_red ci.(ci_npar) p args br))

       ( (Γ : context) (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) (args : list term) (narg : nat) (fn : term),
        unfold_fix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn)
        is_constructor narg args = true P Γ (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) args) (mkApps fn args))

       ( (Γ : context) ci (p : predicate term) (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat)
          (args : list term) (narg : nat) (fn : term) (brs : list (branch term)),
        unfold_cofix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn)
        P Γ (tCase ci p (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args) brs) (tCase ci p (mkApps fn args) brs))

       ( (Γ : context) (p : projection) (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) (args : list term)
          (narg : nat) (fn : term),
        unfold_cofix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn) P Γ (tProj p (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args)) (tProj p (mkApps fn args)))

       ( (Γ : context) c (decl : constant_body) (body : term),
        declared_constant Σ c decl
         u : Instance.t, cst_body decl = Some body P Γ (tConst c u) (subst_instance u body))

       ( (Γ : context) p (args : list term) (u : Instance.t)
         (arg : term),
           nth_error args (p.(proj_npars) + p.(proj_arg)) = Some arg
           P Γ (tProj p (mkApps (tConstruct p.(proj_ind) 0 u) args)) arg)

       ( (Γ : context) (na : aname) (M M' N : term),
        red1 Σ Γ M M' P Γ M M' P Γ (tLambda na M N) (tLambda na M' N))

       ( (Γ : context) (na : aname) (M M' N : term),
        red1 Σ (Γ,, vass na N) M M' P (Γ,, vass na N) M M' P Γ (tLambda na N M) (tLambda na N M'))

       ( (Γ : context) (na : aname) (b t b' r : term),
        red1 Σ Γ b r P Γ b r P Γ (tLetIn na b t b') (tLetIn na r t b'))

       ( (Γ : context) (na : aname) (b t b' r : term),
        red1 Σ Γ t r P Γ t r P Γ (tLetIn na b t b') (tLetIn na b r b'))

       ( (Γ : context) (na : aname) (b t b' r : term),
        red1 Σ (Γ,, vdef na b t) b' r P (Γ,, vdef na b t) b' r P Γ (tLetIn na b t b') (tLetIn na b t r))

       ( (Γ : context) (ci : case_info) p params' c brs,
          OnOne2 (Trel_conj (red1 Σ Γ) (P Γ)) p.(pparams) params'
           P Γ (tCase ci p c brs)
               (tCase ci (set_pparams p params') c brs))

       ( (Γ : context) (ci : case_info) p preturn' c brs,
          red1 Σ (Γ ,,, inst_case_predicate_context p) p.(preturn) preturn'
          P (Γ ,,, inst_case_predicate_context p) p.(preturn) preturn'
          P Γ (tCase ci p c brs)
              (tCase ci (set_preturn p preturn') c brs))
       ( (Γ : context) (ind : case_info) (p : predicate term) (c c' : term) (brs : list (branch term)),
        red1 Σ Γ c c' P Γ c c' P Γ (tCase ind p c brs) (tCase ind p c' brs))

       ( (Γ : context) ci p c brs brs',
          OnOne2 (fun br br'
          (on_Trel_eq (Trel_conj (red1 Σ (Γ ,,, inst_case_branch_context p br))
            (P (Γ ,,, inst_case_branch_context p br)))
            bbody bcontext br br')) brs brs'
          P Γ (tCase ci p c brs) (tCase ci p c brs'))

       ( (Γ : context) (p : projection) (c c' : term), red1 Σ Γ c c' P Γ c c'
                                                             P Γ (tProj p c) (tProj p c'))

       ( (Γ : context) (M1 N1 : term) (M2 : term), red1 Σ Γ M1 N1 P Γ M1 N1
                                                         P Γ (tApp M1 M2) (tApp N1 M2))

       ( (Γ : context) (M2 N2 : term) (M1 : term), red1 Σ Γ M2 N2 P Γ M2 N2
                                                         P Γ (tApp M1 M2) (tApp M1 N2))

       ( (Γ : context) (na : aname) (M1 M2 N1 : term),
        red1 Σ Γ M1 N1 P Γ M1 N1 P Γ (tProd na M1 M2) (tProd na N1 M2))

       ( (Γ : context) (na : aname) (M2 N2 M1 : term),
        red1 Σ (Γ,, vass na M1) M2 N2 P (Γ,, vass na M1) M2 N2 P Γ (tProd na M1 M2) (tProd na M1 N2))

       ( (Γ : context) (ev : nat) (l l' : list term),
           OnOne2 (Trel_conj (red1 Σ Γ) (P Γ)) l l' P Γ (tEvar ev l) (tEvar ev l'))

       ( (Γ : context) (mfix0 mfix1 : list (def term)) (idx : nat),
        OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (Trel_conj (red1 Σ Γ) (P Γ)) dtype (fun x(dname x, dbody x, rarg x))) mfix0 mfix1
        P Γ (tFix mfix0 idx) (tFix mfix1 idx))

       ( (Γ : context) (mfix0 mfix1 : list (def term)) (idx : nat),
        OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (Trel_conj (red1 Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0))
                                      (P (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0))) dbody
                           (fun x(dname x, dtype x, rarg x))) mfix0 mfix1
        P Γ (tFix mfix0 idx) (tFix mfix1 idx))

       ( (Γ : context) (mfix0 mfix1 : list (def term)) (idx : nat),
        OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (Trel_conj (red1 Σ Γ) (P Γ)) dtype (fun x(dname x, dbody x, rarg x))) mfix0 mfix1
        P Γ (tCoFix mfix0 idx) (tCoFix mfix1 idx))

       ( (Γ : context) (mfix0 mfix1 : list (def term)) (idx : nat),
        OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (Trel_conj (red1 Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0))
                                      (P (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0))) dbody
                           (fun x(dname x, dtype x, rarg x))) mfix0 mfix1
        P Γ (tCoFix mfix0 idx) (tCoFix mfix1 idx))

        (Γ : context) (t t0 : term), red1 Σ Γ t t0 P Γ t t0.
  intros. rename X27 into Xlast. revert Γ t t0 Xlast.
  fix aux 4. intros Γ t T.
  move aux at top.
  destruct 1; match goal with
              | |- P _ (tFix _ _) (tFix _ _) ⇒ idtac
              | |- P _ (tCoFix _ _) (tCoFix _ _) ⇒ idtac
              | |- P _ (mkApps (tFix _ _) _) _idtac
              | |- P _ (tCase _ _ (mkApps (tCoFix _ _) _) _) _idtac
              | |- P _ (tProj _ (mkApps (tCoFix _ _) _)) _idtac
              | H : _ |- _eapply H; eauto
  - eapply X3; eauto.
  - eapply X4; eauto.
  - eapply X5; eauto.

  - revert params' o.
    generalize (pparams p).
    fix auxl 3.
    intros params params' [].
    + constructor. split; auto.
    + constructor. auto.

  - revert brs' o.
    revert brs.
    fix auxl 3.
    intros l l' Hl. destruct Hl.
    + simpl in ×. constructor; intros; intuition auto.
    + constructor. eapply auxl. apply Hl.

  - revert l l' o.
    fix auxl 3.
    intros l l' Hl. destruct Hl.
    + constructor. split; auto.
    + constructor. auto.

  - eapply X23.
    revert mfix0 mfix1 o; fix auxl 3.
    intros l l' Hl; destruct Hl;
    constructor; try split; auto; intuition.

  - eapply X24.
    revert o. generalize (fix_context mfix0). intros c Xnew.
    revert mfix0 mfix1 Xnew; fix auxl 3; intros l l' Hl;
    destruct Hl; constructor; try split; auto; intuition.

  - eapply X25.
    revert mfix0 mfix1 o.
    fix auxl 3; intros l l' Hl; destruct Hl;
      constructor; try split; auto; intuition.

  - eapply X26.
    revert o. generalize (fix_context mfix0). intros c new.
    revert mfix0 mfix1 new; fix auxl 3; intros l l' Hl; destruct Hl;
      constructor; try split; auto; intuition.

Hint Constructors red1 : pcuic.

Definition red Σ Γ := clos_refl_trans (fun t u : termΣ;;; Γ |- t u).

Notation " Σ ;;; Γ |- t ⇝* u " := (red Σ Γ t u) (at level 50, Γ, t, u at next level).

Definition red_one_ctx_rel (Σ : global_env) (Γ : context) :=
    (on_one_decl (fun (Δ : context) (t t' : term) ⇒ red Σ (Γ,,, Δ) t t')).

Definition red_ctx_rel Σ Γ := clos_refl_trans (red1_ctx_rel Σ Γ).

Inductive red_decls Σ (Γ Γ' : context) : (x y : context_decl), Type :=
| red_vass na T T' :
    red Σ Γ T T'
    red_decls Σ Γ Γ' (vass na T) (vass na T')

| red_vdef_body na b b' T T' :
    red Σ Γ b b'
    red Σ Γ T T'
    red_decls Σ Γ Γ' (vdef na b T) (vdef na b' T').
Derive Signature NoConfusion for red_decls.

Definition red_context Σ := All2_fold (red_decls Σ).
Definition red_context_rel Σ Γ :=
  All2_fold (fun Δ Δ'red_decls Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) (Γ ,,, Δ')).

Lemma refl_red Σ Γ t : Σ ;;; Γ |- t ⇝* t.

Lemma trans_red Σ Γ M P N : red Σ Γ M P red1 Σ Γ P N red Σ Γ M N.
  etransitivity; tea. now constructor.

Definition red_rect' Σ Γ M (P : term Type) :
  P M
  ( P0 N, red Σ Γ M P0 P P0 red1 Σ Γ P0 N P N)
   (t : term) (r : red Σ Γ M t), P t.
  intros X X0 t r. apply clos_rt_rtn1_iff in r.
  induction r; eauto.
  eapply X0; tea. now apply clos_rt_rtn1_iff.

Definition red_rect_n1 := red_rect'.
Definition red_rect_1n Σ Γ (P : term term Type) :
  ( x, P x x)
  ( x y z, red1 Σ Γ x y red Σ Γ y z P y z P x z)
   x y, red Σ Γ x y P x y.
  intros Hrefl Hstep x y r.
  apply clos_rt_rt1n_iff in r.
  induction r; eauto.
  eapply Hstep; eauto.
  now apply clos_rt_rt1n_iff.

Simple lemmas about reduction

Lemma red1_red Σ Γ t u : red1 Σ Γ t u red Σ Γ t u.
  econstructor; eauto.

Hint Resolve red1_red refl_red : core pcuic.

Lemma red_step Σ Γ t u v : red1 Σ Γ t u red Σ Γ u v red Σ Γ t v.
  etransitivity; tea. now constructor.

Lemma red_trans Σ Γ t u v : red Σ Γ t u red Σ Γ u v red Σ Γ t v.
  etransitivity; tea.

For this notion of reductions, theses are the atoms that reduce to themselves:

Definition atom t :=
  match t with
  | tRel _
  | tVar _
  | tSort _
  | tConst _ _
  | tInd _ _
  | tConstruct _ _ _true
  | _false

Generic method to show that a relation is closed by congruence using a notion of one-hole context.

Section ReductionCongruence.
  Context {Σ : global_env}.

  Inductive term_context :=
  | tCtxHole : term_context
  | tCtxEvar : nat list_context term_context
  | tCtxProd_l : aname term_context term term_context
  | tCtxProd_r : aname term term_context term_context
  | tCtxLambda_l : aname term_context term term_context
  | tCtxLambda_r : aname term term_context term_context
  | tCtxLetIn_l : aname term_context term
                    term term_context
  | tCtxLetIn_b : aname term term_context
                    term term_context
  | tCtxLetIn_r : aname term term
                    term_context term_context
  | tCtxApp_l : term_context term term_context
  | tCtxApp_r : term term_context term_context
  | tCtxCase_pars : case_info list_context
                       Instance.t context term
                         term list (branch term) term_context
  | tCtxCase_pred : case_info list term Instance.t
                          term list (branch term) term_context
  | tCtxCase_discr : case_info predicate term
                  term_context list (branch term) term_context
  | tCtxCase_branch : case_info predicate term
                            term branch_context term_context
  | tCtxProj : projection term_context term_context

  with list_context :=
   | tCtxHead : term_context list term list_context
   | tCtxTail : term list_context list_context

  with branch_context :=
   | tCtxHead_nat : (context × term_context) list (branch term) branch_context
   | tCtxTail_nat : (branch term) branch_context branch_context.

  Fixpoint branch_contexts (b : branch_context) : list context :=
    match b with
    | tCtxHead_nat (ctx, _) tlctx :: map bcontext tl
    | tCtxTail_nat b tlbcontext b :: branch_contexts tl

  Section FillContext.
    Context (t : term).

    Equations fill_context (ctx : term_context) : term by struct ctx := {
    | tCtxHolet;
    | tCtxEvar n ltEvar n (fill_list_context l);
    | tCtxProd_l na ctx btProd na (fill_context ctx) b;
    | tCtxProd_r na ty ctxtProd na ty (fill_context ctx);
    | tCtxLambda_l na ty btLambda na (fill_context ty) b;
    | tCtxLambda_r na ty btLambda na ty (fill_context b);
    | tCtxLetIn_l na b ty b'tLetIn na (fill_context b) ty b';
    | tCtxLetIn_b na b ty b'tLetIn na b (fill_context ty) b';
    | tCtxLetIn_r na b ty b'tLetIn na b ty (fill_context b');
    | tCtxApp_l f atApp (fill_context f) a;
    | tCtxApp_r f atApp f (fill_context a);
    | tCtxCase_pars ci pars puinst pctx pret c brs
      tCase ci {| pparams := fill_list_context pars;
                  puinst := puinst;
                  pcontext := pctx;
                  preturn := pret |} c brs ;
    | tCtxCase_pred ci pars puinst pctx p c brs
      tCase ci {| pparams := pars;
                  puinst := puinst;
                  pcontext := pctx;
                  preturn := fill_context p |} c brs ;
    | tCtxCase_discr ci p c brstCase ci p (fill_context c) brs;
    | tCtxCase_branch ci p c brstCase ci p c (fill_branch_context brs);
    | tCtxProj p ctProj p (fill_context c) }

    with fill_list_context (l : list_context) : list term by struct l :=
    { fill_list_context (tCtxHead ctx l) ⇒ (fill_context ctx) :: l;
      fill_list_context (tCtxTail hd ctx) ⇒ hd :: fill_list_context ctx }

    with fill_branch_context (l : branch_context) : list (branch term) by struct l :=
    { fill_branch_context (tCtxHead_nat (bctx, ctx) l) ⇒
      {| bcontext := bctx;
         bbody := fill_context ctx |} :: l;
      fill_branch_context (tCtxTail_nat hd ctx) ⇒ hd :: fill_branch_context ctx }.

    Global Transparent fill_context fill_list_context fill_branch_context.

    Equations hole_context (ctx : term_context) (Γ : context) : context by struct ctx := {
    | tCtxHole | ΓΓ;
    | tCtxEvar n l | Γhole_list_context l Γ;
    | tCtxProd_l na ctx b | Γhole_context ctx Γ;
    | tCtxProd_r na ty ctx | Γhole_context ctx (Γ ,, vass na ty);
    | tCtxLambda_l na ty b | Γhole_context ty Γ;
    | tCtxLambda_r na ty b | Γhole_context b (Γ ,, vass na ty);
    | tCtxLetIn_l na b ty b' | Γhole_context b Γ;
    | tCtxLetIn_b na b ty b' | Γhole_context ty Γ;
    | tCtxLetIn_r na b ty b' | Γhole_context b' (Γ ,, vdef na b ty);
    | tCtxApp_l f a | Γhole_context f Γ;
    | tCtxApp_r f a | Γhole_context a Γ;
    | tCtxCase_pars ci params puinst pctx pret c brs | Γhole_list_context params Γ;
    | tCtxCase_pred ci params puinst pctx pret c brs | Γ
      hole_context pret (Γ ,,, inst_case_context params puinst pctx);
    | tCtxCase_discr ci p c brs | Γhole_context c Γ;
    | tCtxCase_branch ci p c brs | Γhole_branch_context p brs Γ;
    | tCtxProj p c | Γhole_context c Γ }

    with hole_list_context (l : list_context) (Γ : context) : context by struct l :=
    { hole_list_context (tCtxHead ctx l) Γhole_context ctx Γ;
      hole_list_context (tCtxTail hd ctx) Γhole_list_context ctx Γ }

    with hole_branch_context (p : predicate term) (l : branch_context) (Γ : context) : context by struct l :=
    { hole_branch_context p (tCtxHead_nat (bctx, ctx) l) Γ
       hole_context ctx (Γ ,,, inst_case_context p.(pparams) p.(puinst) bctx);
      hole_branch_context p (tCtxTail_nat hd ctx) Γhole_branch_context p ctx Γ }.

    Global Transparent hole_context hole_list_context hole_branch_context.

  End FillContext.

  Universe wf_context_i.

  Inductive contextual_closure (red : Γ, term term Type) : context term term Type@{wf_context_i} :=
  | ctxclos_atom Γ t : atom t contextual_closure red Γ t t
  | ctxclos_ctx Γ (ctx : term_context) (u u' : term) :
      red (hole_context ctx Γ) u u' contextual_closure red Γ (fill_context u ctx) (fill_context u' ctx).

  Lemma red_contextual_closure Γ t u : red Σ Γ t u contextual_closure (red Σ) Γ t u.
  Proof using Type.
    intros Hred.
    apply (ctxclos_ctx (red Σ) Γ tCtxHole t u Hred).

  Arguments fill_list_context : simpl never.

  Lemma contextual_closure_red Γ t u :
    contextual_closure (red Σ) Γ t u red Σ Γ t u.
  Proof using Type.
    induction 1; trea.
    apply clos_rt_rt1n in r. induction r; trea.
    apply clos_rt_rt1n_iff in r0.
    etransitivity; tea. constructor.
    clear -r.
    set (P := fun ctx t
       Γ y, Σ ;;; (hole_context ctx Γ) |- x y
                  Σ ;;; Γ |- t fill_context y ctx).
    set (P' := fun l fill_l
       Γ y,
                   red1 Σ (hole_list_context l Γ) x y
                   OnOne2 (fun t u : termΣ;;; Γ |- t u) fill_l (fill_list_context y l)).
    set (P'' := fun l fill_l
        p Γ y,
       red1 Σ (hole_branch_context p l Γ) x y
       OnOne2 (fun br br'
          let brctx := inst_case_branch_context p br in
          on_Trel_eq (red1 Σ (Γ ,,, brctx)) bbody bcontext br br')
          fill_l (fill_branch_context y l)).
    revert Γ y r.
    eapply (fill_context_elim x P P' P''); subst P P' P''; cbv beta.
    all: intros **; simp fill_context; cbn in *; auto; try solve [constructor; eauto].

  Theorem red_contextual_closure_equiv Γ t u : red Σ Γ t u <~> contextual_closure (red Σ) Γ t u.
  Proof using Type.
    - apply red_contextual_closure.
    - apply contextual_closure_red.

  Lemma red_ctx_congr {Γ} {M M'} ctx :
    red Σ (hole_context ctx Γ) M M'
    red Σ Γ (fill_context M ctx) (fill_context M' ctx).
  Proof using Type.
    apply red_contextual_closure_equiv.
    now apply (ctxclos_ctx _ _ ctx).

  Section Congruences.

    Notation red1_one_term Γ :=
      (@OnOne2 (term × _) (Trel_conj (on_Trel (red1 Σ Γ) fst) (on_Trel eq snd))).
    Notation red_one_term Γ :=
      (@OnOne2 (term × _) (Trel_conj (on_Trel (red Σ Γ) fst) (on_Trel eq snd))).

    Notation red1_one_context_decl Γ :=
      (@OnOne2 (context × _) (Trel_conj (on_Trel (red1_ctx_rel Σ Γ) fst) (on_Trel eq snd))).

    Definition red_one_context_decl_rel Σ Γ :=
      (OnOne2_local_env (on_one_decl (fun Δ t t'red Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) t t'))).

    Notation red_one_context_decl Γ :=
      (@OnOne2 (context × _)
      (Trel_conj (on_Trel (red_ctx_rel Σ Γ) fst) (on_Trel eq snd))).

    Notation red1_one_branch p Γ :=
      (@OnOne2 _ (fun br br'
        let ctx := inst_case_context p.(pparams) p.(puinst) (snd br) in
        Trel_conj (on_Trel (red1 Σ (Γ ,,, ctx)) fst) (on_Trel eq snd) br br')).
    Notation red_one_branch p Γ :=
      (@OnOne2 _ (fun br br'
        let ctx := inst_case_context p.(pparams) p.(puinst) (snd br) in
        Trel_conj (on_Trel (red Σ (Γ ,,, ctx)) fst) (on_Trel eq snd) br br')).

    Inductive redl {T A} {P} l : list (T × A) Type :=
    | refl_redl : redl l l
    | trans_redl :
         l1 l2,
          redl l l1
          P l1 l2
          redl l l2.
    Derive Signature for redl.

    Lemma redl_preserve {T A P} (l l' : list (T × A)) :
      ( (x y : list (T × A)), P x y map snd x = map snd y)
      @redl _ _ P l l' map snd l = map snd l'.
    Proof using Type.
      intros HP. induction 1; auto.
      rewrite IHX. now apply HP.

    Definition redl_term {A} Γ := @redl term A (red1_one_term Γ).
    Definition redl_context {A} Γ := @redl context A (red1_one_context_decl Γ).
    Definition redl_branch p Γ := @redl term _ (red1_one_branch p Γ).

    Lemma OnOne2_red_redl :
       Γ A (l l' : list (term × A)),
        red_one_term Γ l l'
        redl_term Γ l l'.
    Proof using Type.
      intros Γ A l l' h.
      induction h.
      - destruct p as [p1 p2].
        unfold on_Trel in p1, p2.
        destruct hd as [t a], hd' as [t' a']. simpl in ×. subst.
        induction p1 using red_rect'.
        + constructor.
        + econstructor.
          × eapply IHp1.
          × constructor. split ; eauto.
      - clear h. rename IHh into h.
        induction h.
        + constructor.
        + econstructor ; eauto. constructor ; eauto.

    Definition cons_decl {A} (d : context_decl) (l : list (context × A)) :=
      match l with
      | [][]
      | (Γ , a) :: tl(Γ ,, d, a) :: tl

    Lemma redl_context_impl {A} Γ (l l' : list (context × A)) :
      redl_context Γ l l'
       d, redl_context Γ (cons_decl d l) (cons_decl d l').
    Proof using Type.
      induction 1; intros.
      - constructor.
      - econstructor.
        × eapply IHX.
        × depelim p; simpl.
          + destruct hd, hd'. destruct p.
            constructor; unfold on_Trel in *; simpl in ×.
            split; auto. now constructor.
          + destruct hd. now constructor.

    Lemma redl_context_trans {A} Γ (l l' l'' : list (context × A)) :
      redl_context Γ l l' redl_context Γ l' l'' redl_context Γ l l''.
    Proof using Type.
      intros Hl Hl'.
      induction Hl' in l, Hl |- *; intros; tas.
      × now eapply IHHl'.
      × apply p.

    Lemma red_one_context_redl :
       Γ A (l l' : list (context × A)),
        red_one_context_decl Γ l l'
        redl_context Γ l l'.
    Proof using Type.
      intros Γ A l l' h.
      induction h.
      - destruct p as [p1 p2].
        unfold on_Trel in p1, p2.
        destruct hd as [t a], hd' as [t' a']. simpl in ×. subst.
        red in p1.
        induction p1; unfold on_one_decl in ×.
        + red in r. induction r.
          × red in p. unfold redl_context.
            2:{ constructor. unfold on_Trel. simpl.
              instantiate (1 := (Γ0 ,, vass na t, a')).
              simpl. intuition auto. constructor.
              red. apply p. }
          × red in p.
            destruct p as [<- [[]|[]]]; subst.
            { econstructor.
              2:{ constructor. unfold on_Trel. simpl.
                instantiate (1 := (Γ0 ,, vdef na b' t, a')).
                simpl. intuition auto. constructor. simpl.
                intuition auto. }
              constructor. }
            { econstructor.
              2:{ constructor. unfold on_Trel. simpl.
                instantiate (1 := (Γ0 ,, vdef na b t', a')).
                simpl. intuition auto. constructor. simpl.
                intuition auto. }
              constructor. }
          × clear -IHr.
            eapply (redl_context_impl _ _ _ IHr).
        + constructor.
        + eapply redl_context_trans; eauto.
      - clear h. rename IHh into h.
        induction h.
        + constructor.
        + econstructor ; eauto. constructor ; eauto.

    Lemma red_one_decl_red_ctx_rel Γ :
      inclusion (red_one_ctx_rel Σ Γ) (red_ctx_rel Σ Γ).
    Proof using Type.
      intros x y h.
      induction h.
      - destruct p. subst. red.
        eapply clos_rt_rt1n in r.
        induction r.
        × constructor 2.
        × econstructor 3; tea. constructor. constructor; simpl.
          split; pcuic.
      - destruct p as [-> [[r <-]|[r <-]]].
        × eapply clos_rt_rt1n in r.
          induction r.
          + constructor 2.
          + econstructor 3; tea. constructor. constructor; simpl.
            split; pcuic.
        × eapply clos_rt_rt1n in r.
          induction r.
          + constructor 2.
          + econstructor 3; tea.
            do 3 constructor; pcuic.
      - red in IHh |- ×.
        eapply clos_rt_rtn1 in IHh.
        eapply clos_rt_rtn1_iff.
        clear -IHh. induction IHh; econstructor; eauto.
        red. constructor. apply r.

    Lemma OnOne2All_red_redl :
       p Γ (l l' : list (term × context)),
        red_one_branch p Γ l l'
        redl_branch p Γ l l'.
    Proof using Type.
      intros p Γ l l' h.
      induction h.
      - destruct p0 as [p1 p2].
        unfold on_Trel in p1, p2.
        destruct hd as [t a], hd' as [t' a']. simpl in *; subst.
        induction p1 using red_rect'.
        + constructor.
        + econstructor.
          × eapply IHp1.
          × constructor; intuition eauto.
            depelim IHp1.
            ++ split; auto. split; auto.
            ++ split; auto. split; auto.
      - clear h. rename IHh into h.
        induction h.
        + constructor.
        + econstructor ; eauto. constructor ; eauto.

    Lemma OnOne2_on_Trel_eq_unit :
       A (R : A A Type) l l',
        OnOne2 R l l'
        OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq R (fun xx) (fun xtt)) l l'.
    Proof using Type.
      intros A R l l' h.
      eapply OnOne2_impl ; eauto.

    Lemma OnOne2_on_Trel_eq_red_redl :
       Γ A B (f : A term) (g : A B) l l',
        OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (red Σ Γ) f g) l l'
        redl_term Γ (map (fun x(f x, g x)) l) (map (fun x(f x, g x)) l').
    Proof using Type.
      intros Γ A B f g l l' h.
      eapply OnOne2_red_redl.
      eapply OnOne2_map. eapply OnOne2_impl ; eauto.

    Lemma OnOne2_context_redl Γ {A B} (f : A context) (g : A B) l l' :
      OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (red_ctx_rel Σ Γ) f g) l l'
      redl_context Γ (map (fun x(f x, g x)) l) (map (fun x(f x, g x)) l').
    Proof using Type.
      intros h. eapply red_one_context_redl.
      eapply OnOne2_map.
      eapply OnOne2_impl; eauto.

    Lemma OnOne2All_on_Trel_eq_red_redl :
       p Γ l l',
        OnOne2 (fun br br'
        let ctx := inst_case_branch_context p br in
        on_Trel_eq (red Σ (Γ ,,, ctx)) bbody bcontext br br') l l'
        redl_branch p Γ (map (fun x(bbody x, bcontext x)) l)
          (map (fun x(bbody x, bcontext x)) l').
    Proof using Type.
      intros p Γ l l' h.
      eapply OnOne2All_red_redl.
      eapply OnOne2_map. eapply OnOne2_impl ; eauto.

    Lemma OnOne2_prod_inv :
       A (P : A A Type) Q l l',
        OnOne2 (Trel_conj P Q) l l'
        OnOne2 P l l' × OnOne2 Q l l'.
    Proof using Type.
      intros A P Q l l' h.
      induction h.
      - destruct p.
        split ; constructor ; auto.
      - destruct IHh.
        split ; constructor ; auto.

    Lemma OnOne2_prod_inv_refl_r :
       A (P Q : A A Type) l l',
        ( x, Q x x)
        OnOne2 (Trel_conj P Q) l l'
        OnOne2 P l l' × All2 Q l l'.
    Proof using Type.
      intros A P Q l l' hQ h.
      induction h.
      - destruct p. split.
        + constructor. assumption.
        + constructor.
          × assumption.
          × eapply All_All2.
            -- instantiate (1 := fun xTrue). eapply Forall_All.
               eapply Forall_True. intro. auto.
            -- intros x _. eapply hQ.
      - destruct IHh. split.
        + constructor. assumption.
        + constructor ; eauto.

    Lemma All2_eq :
       A (l l' : list A),
        All2 eq l l'
        l = l'.
    Proof using Type.
      intros A l l' h.
      induction h ; eauto. subst. reflexivity.

    Lemma list_split_eq :
       A B (l l' : list (A × B)),
        map fst l = map fst l'
        map snd l = map snd l'
        l = l'.
    Proof using Type.
      intros A B l l' e1 e2.
      induction l in l', e1, e2 |- ×.
      - destruct l' ; try discriminate. reflexivity.
      - destruct l' ; try discriminate.
        simpl in ×. inversion e1. inversion e2.
        f_equal ; eauto.
        destruct a, p. simpl in ×. subst. reflexivity.

    Notation decomp_branch := (fun x : branch term(bbody x, bcontext x)).
    Notation recomp_branch := (fun x : term × context ⇒ {| bbody := x.1; bcontext := x.2 |}).
    Notation decomp_branch' := (fun x : branch term(bcontext x, bbody x)).
    Notation recomp_branch' := (fun x : context × term ⇒ {| bbody := x.2; bcontext := x.1 |}).

    Lemma list_map_swap_eq :
       l l',
        map decomp_branch l = map decomp_branch l'
        l = l'.
    Proof using Type.
      intros l l' h.
      induction l in l', h |- ×.
      - destruct l' ; try discriminate. reflexivity.
      - destruct l' ; try discriminate.
        cbn in h. inversion h.
        f_equal ; eauto.
        destruct a, b. cbn in ×. subst. reflexivity.

    Lemma list_map_swap_eq' :
       l l',
        map decomp_branch' l = map decomp_branch' l'
        l = l'.
    Proof using Type.
      intros l l' h.
      induction l in l', h |- ×.
      - destruct l' ; try discriminate. reflexivity.
      - destruct l' ; try discriminate.
        cbn in h. inversion h.
        f_equal ; eauto.
        destruct a, b. cbn in ×. subst. reflexivity.

    Lemma map_recomp_decomp :
       l, l = map decomp_branch (map recomp_branch l).
    Proof using Type.
      induction l.
      - reflexivity.
      - cbn. destruct a. rewrite <- IHl. reflexivity.

    Lemma map_recomp_decomp' :
       l, l = map decomp_branch' (map recomp_branch' l).
    Proof using Type.
      induction l.
      - reflexivity.
      - cbn. destruct a. rewrite <- IHl. reflexivity.

    Lemma map_decomp_recomp :
       l, l = map recomp_branch (map decomp_branch l).
    Proof using Type.
      induction l.
      - reflexivity.
      - cbn. destruct a. rewrite <- IHl. reflexivity.

    Lemma map_decomp_recomp' :
       l, l = map recomp_branch' (map decomp_branch' l).
    Proof using Type.
      induction l.
      - reflexivity.
      - cbn. destruct a. rewrite <- IHl. reflexivity.

    Lemma map_inj :
       A B (f : A B) l l',
        ( x y, f x = f y x = y)
        map f l = map f l'
        l = l'.
    Proof using Type.
      intros A B f l l' h e.
      induction l in l', e |- ×.
      - destruct l' ; try discriminate. reflexivity.
      - destruct l' ; try discriminate. inversion e.
        f_equal ; eauto.

    Context {Γ : context}.

    Lemma red_abs na M M' N N' :
      red Σ Γ M M' red Σ (Γ ,, vass na M') N N'
       red Σ Γ (tLambda na M N) (tLambda na M' N').
    Proof using Type.
      intros. transitivity (tLambda na M' N).
      - now apply (red_ctx_congr (tCtxLambda_l _ tCtxHole _)).
      - now eapply (red_ctx_congr (tCtxLambda_r _ _ tCtxHole)).

    Lemma red_app_r u v1 v2 :
        red Σ Γ v1 v2
        red Σ Γ (tApp u v1) (tApp u v2).
    Proof using Type.
      intro h. rst_induction h; eauto with pcuic.

    Lemma red_app M0 M1 N0 N1 :
      red Σ Γ M0 M1
      red Σ Γ N0 N1
      red Σ Γ (tApp M0 N0) (tApp M1 N1).
    Proof using Type.
      intros; transitivity (tApp M1 N0).
      - now apply (red_ctx_congr (tCtxApp_l tCtxHole _)).
      - now eapply (red_ctx_congr (tCtxApp_r _ tCtxHole)).

    Fixpoint mkApps_context l :=
      match l with
      | []tCtxHole
      | hd :: tltCtxApp_l (mkApps_context tl) hd

    Lemma mkApps_context_hole l Γ' : hole_context (mkApps_context (List.rev l)) Γ' = Γ'.
    Proof using Type. generalize (List.rev l) as l'; induction l'; simpl; auto. Qed.

    Lemma fill_mkApps_context M l : fill_context M (mkApps_context (List.rev l)) = mkApps M l.
    Proof using Type.
      rewrite -{2}(rev_involutive l).
      generalize (List.rev l) as l'; induction l'; simpl; auto.
      rewrite mkApps_app. now rewrite <- IHl'.

    Lemma red1_mkApps_f :
       t u l,
        red1 Σ Γ t u
        red1 Σ Γ (mkApps t l) (mkApps u l).
    Proof using Type.
      intros t u l h.
      revert t u h.
      induction l ; intros t u h.
      - assumption.
      - cbn. apply IHl. constructor. assumption.

    Lemma red1_mkApps_r M1 M2 N2 :
      OnOne2 (red1 Σ Γ) M2 N2 red1 Σ Γ (mkApps M1 M2) (mkApps M1 N2).
    Proof using Type.
      intros. induction X in M1 |- ×.
      - simpl. eapply red1_mkApps_f. constructor; auto.
      - apply (IHX (tApp M1 hd)).

    Corollary red_mkApps_f :
       t u l,
        red Σ Γ t u
        red Σ Γ (mkApps t l) (mkApps u l).
    Proof using Type.
      intros t u π h. rst_induction h; eauto with pcuic.
      eapply red1_mkApps_f. assumption.

    Lemma red_mkApps M0 M1 N0 N1 :
      red Σ Γ M0 M1
      All2 (red Σ Γ) N0 N1
      red Σ Γ (mkApps M0 N0) (mkApps M1 N1).
    Proof using Type.
      induction X0 in M0, M1, X |- ×. 1: auto.
      simpl. eapply IHX0. now eapply red_app.

    Lemma red_letin na d0 d1 t0 t1 b0 b1 :
      red Σ Γ d0 d1 red Σ Γ t0 t1 red Σ (Γ ,, vdef na d1 t1) b0 b1
      red Σ Γ (tLetIn na d0 t0 b0) (tLetIn na d1 t1 b1).
    Proof using Type.
      intros; transitivity (tLetIn na d1 t0 b0).
      - now apply (red_ctx_congr (tCtxLetIn_l _ tCtxHole _ _)).
      - transitivity (tLetIn na d1 t1 b0).
        + now eapply (red_ctx_congr (tCtxLetIn_b _ _ tCtxHole _)).
        + now eapply (red_ctx_congr (tCtxLetIn_r _ _ _ tCtxHole)).

    Lemma red_one_param :
       ci p c brs pars',
        OnOne2 (red Σ Γ) p.(pparams) pars'
        red Σ Γ (tCase ci p c brs) (tCase ci (set_pparams p pars') c brs).
    Proof using Type.
      intros ci p c l l' h.
      apply OnOne2_on_Trel_eq_unit in h.
      apply OnOne2_on_Trel_eq_red_redl in h.
      dependent induction h.
      - assert (p.(pparams) = l').
        { eapply map_inj ; eauto.
          intros y z e. cbn in e. inversion e. eauto.
        } subst.
        destruct p; reflexivity.
      - set (f := fun x : term(x, tt)) in ×.
        set (g := (fun '(x, _)x) : term × unit term).
        assert (el : l, l = map f (map g l)).
        { clear. intros l. induction l.
          - reflexivity.
          - cbn. destruct a, u. cbn. f_equal. assumption.
        assert (el' : l, l = map g (map f l)).
        { clear. intros l. induction l.
          - reflexivity.
          - cbn. f_equal. assumption.
        eapply trans_red.
        + eapply IHh; tas. symmetry. apply el.
        + change (set_pparams p l') with (set_pparams (set_pparams p (map g l1)) l').
          econstructor. rewrite (el' l').
          eapply OnOne2_map.
          eapply OnOne2_impl ; eauto.
          intros [? []] [? []] [h1 h2].
          unfold on_Trel in h1, h2. cbn in ×.
          unfold on_Trel. cbn. assumption.

    Lemma red_case_pars :
       ci p c brs pars',
        All2 (red Σ Γ) p.(pparams) pars'
        red Σ Γ (tCase ci p c brs) (tCase ci (set_pparams p pars') c brs).
    Proof using Type.
      intros ci p c brs pars' h.
      apply All2_many_OnOne2 in h.
      induction h.
      - destruct p; reflexivity.
      - eapply red_trans.
        + eapply IHh.
        + assert (set_pparams p z = set_pparams (set_pparams p y) z) as →.
          { now destruct p. }
          eapply red_one_param; eassumption.

    Lemma red_case_p :
       ci p c brs pret',
        red Σ (Γ ,,, inst_case_predicate_context p) p.(preturn) pret'
        red Σ Γ (tCase ci p c brs)
          (tCase ci (set_preturn p pret') c brs).
    Proof using Type.
      intros ci p c brs p' h.
      unshelve epose proof
        (red_ctx_congr (tCtxCase_pred ci p.(pparams) p.(puinst) p.(pcontext) tCtxHole c brs) h).
      simp fill_context in X.
      destruct p; auto.

    Lemma red_case_c :
       ci p c brs c',
        red Σ Γ c c'
        red Σ Γ (tCase ci p c brs) (tCase ci p c' brs).
    Proof using Type.
      intros ci p c brs c' h.
      rst_induction h; eauto with pcuic.

    Lemma map_bcontext_redl {pred} {l l' : list (term × context)} :
      @redl _ _ (red1_one_branch pred Γ) l l' map snd l = map snd l'.
    Proof using Type.
      induction 1; auto. rewrite IHX.
      clear -p .
      induction p; simpl.
      - destruct p as [? ?]. congruence.
      - now f_equal.

    Lemma red_case_one_brs :
       (ci : case_info) p c brs brs',
        OnOne2 (fun br br'
          let brctx := inst_case_branch_context p br in
          on_Trel_eq (red Σ (Γ ,,, brctx)) bbody bcontext br br')
          brs brs'
        red Σ Γ (tCase ci p c brs) (tCase ci p c brs').
    Proof using Type.
      intros ci p c brs brs' h.
      apply OnOne2All_on_Trel_eq_red_redl in h.
      dependent induction h.
      - apply list_map_swap_eq in H. now subst.
      - etransitivity.
        + eapply IHh; eauto. rewrite <- map_recomp_decomp. reflexivity.
        + constructor. econstructor; eauto.
          rewrite (map_decomp_recomp brs').
          eapply OnOne2_map.
          eapply OnOne2_impl ; eauto.

    Lemma All3_length {A B C} {R : A B C Type} l l' l'' :
      All3 R l l' l'' #|l| = #|l'| #|l'| = #|l''|.
    Proof using Type. induction 1; simpl; intuition auto.
           - f_equal. assumption.
           - f_equal. assumption.

    Lemma All3_many_OnOne2All :
       B A (R : B A A Type) l l',
        All3 R l l'
        rtrans_clos (OnOne2All R ) l l'.
    Proof using Type.
      intros B A R l l' h.
      induction h.
      - constructor.
      - econstructor.
        + constructor; [eassumption|].
          eapply All3_length in h; intuition eauto. now transitivity #|l'|.
        + clear - IHh. rename IHh into h.
          induction h.
          × constructor.
          × econstructor.
            -- econstructor 2. eassumption.
            -- eassumption.

    Definition red_one_brs p Γ brs brs' :=
      OnOne2 (fun br br'
        let ctx := inst_case_branch_context p br in
        on_Trel_eq (red Σ (Γ ,,, ctx)) bbody bcontext br br')
      brs brs'.

    Definition red_brs p Γ brs brs' :=
      All2 (fun br br'
        let ctx := inst_case_branch_context p br in
        on_Trel_eq (red Σ (Γ ,,, ctx)) bbody bcontext br br')
      brs brs'.

    Lemma rtrans_clos_incl {A} (R S : A A Type) :
      ( x y, R x y rtrans_clos S x y)
       x y, rtrans_clos R x y
      rtrans_clos S x y.
    Proof using Type.
      intros HR x y h.
      eapply clos_rt_rtn1_iff in h.
      induction h; eauto.
      × econstructor.
      × apply clos_rt_rtn1_iff.
        apply clos_rt_rtn1_iff in IHh1.
        apply clos_rt_rtn1_iff in IHh2.
        now transitivity y.

    Lemma red_one_brs_red_brs p brs brs' :
      red_brs p Γ brs brs'
      rtrans_clos (red_one_brs p Γ) brs brs'.
    Proof using Type.
      rewrite /red_brs.
      intros h.
      eapply All2_many_OnOne2 in h.
      eapply rtrans_clos_incl; tea. clear h.
      intros x y h.
      eapply clos_rt_rtn1_iff.
      induction h.
      × destruct p.
        - constructor. constructor. intros ctx. rewrite -/ctx in p0. tea.
        - constructor.
          constructor. simpl. destruct p0.
          rewrite /inst_case_branch_context /= in r ×. rewrite -e.
          split; auto.
      × clear -IHh. rename IHh into h.
        induction h.
        - constructor 1. constructor 2. apply r.
        - constructor 2.
        - econstructor 3; eauto.

    Lemma red_case_brs :
       ci p c brs brs',
        red_brs p Γ brs brs'
        red Σ Γ (tCase ci p c brs) (tCase ci p c brs').
    Proof using Type.
      intros ci p c brs brs' h.
      eapply red_one_brs_red_brs in h.
      induction h; trea.
      + eapply red_trans.
        × eapply IHh.
        × eapply red_case_one_brs; eauto.

    Lemma All2_ind_OnOne2 {A} P (l l' : list A) :
      All2 P l l'
       x a a', nth_error l x = Some a
                     nth_error l' x = Some a'
                     OnOne2 P (firstn x l ++ [a] ++ skipn (S x) l)
                              (firstn x l ++ [a'] ++ skipn (S x) l).
    Proof using Type.
      induction 1.
      - simpl. intros x a a' Hnth. now rewrite nth_error_nil in Hnth.
      - intros.
        destruct x0.
        + simpl. constructor. simpl in H, H0. now noconf H; noconf H0.
        + simpl in H, H0.
          specialize (IHX _ _ _ H H0).
          simpl. constructor. auto.

    Lemma red_case {ci p c brs pars' pret' c' brs'} :
       All2 (red Σ Γ) p.(pparams) pars'
      red Σ (Γ ,,, inst_case_predicate_context p) p.(preturn) pret'
      red Σ Γ c c'
      red_brs p Γ brs brs'
      red Σ Γ (tCase ci p c brs)
        (tCase ci {| pparams := pars'; puinst := p.(puinst);
                     pcontext := p.(pcontext); preturn := pret' |} c' brs').
    Proof using Type.
      intros h1 h2 h3 h4.
      eapply red_trans; [eapply red_case_brs|]; eauto.
      eapply red_trans; [eapply red_case_c|]; eauto.
      eapply red_trans; [eapply red_case_p|]; eauto.
      eapply red_trans; [eapply red_case_pars|]; eauto.

    Lemma red1_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn :
       Δ u v,
        red1 Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) u v
        red1 Σ Γ (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn Δ u)
             (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn Δ v).
    Proof using Type.
      intros Δ u v h.
      revert u v h.
      induction Δ as [| [na [b|] A] Δ ih ] ; intros u v h.
      - cbn. assumption.
      - simpl. eapply ih. cbn. constructor. assumption.
      - simpl. eapply ih. cbn. constructor. assumption.

    Lemma red1_it_mkProd_or_LetIn :
       Δ u v,
        red1 Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) u v
        red1 Σ Γ (it_mkProd_or_LetIn Δ u)
             (it_mkProd_or_LetIn Δ v).
    Proof using Type.
      intros Δ u v h.
      revert u v h.
      induction Δ as [| [na [b|] A] Δ ih ] ; intros u v h.
      - cbn. assumption.
      - simpl. eapply ih. cbn. constructor. assumption.
      - simpl. eapply ih. cbn. constructor. assumption.

    Lemma red_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn :
       Δ u v,
        red Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) u v
        red Σ Γ (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn Δ u)
            (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn Δ v).
    Proof using Type.
      intros Δ u v h.
      rst_induction h; eauto with pcuic.
      eapply red1_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn. assumption.

    Lemma red_it_mkProd_or_LetIn :
       Δ u v,
        red Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) u v
        red Σ Γ (it_mkProd_or_LetIn Δ u)
            (it_mkProd_or_LetIn Δ v).
    Proof using Type.
      intros Δ u v h.
      rst_induction h; eauto with pcuic.
      eapply red1_it_mkProd_or_LetIn. assumption.

    Lemma red_proj_c :
       p c c',
        red Σ Γ c c'
        red Σ Γ (tProj p c) (tProj p c').
    Proof using Type.
      intros p c c' h.
      rst_induction h; eauto with pcuic.

    Lemma red_fix_one_ty :
       mfix idx mfix',
        OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (red Σ Γ) dtype (fun x(dname x, dbody x, rarg x))) mfix mfix'
        red Σ Γ (tFix mfix idx) (tFix mfix' idx).
    Proof using Type.
      intros mfix idx mfix' h.
      apply OnOne2_on_Trel_eq_red_redl in h.
      dependent induction h.
      - assert (mfix = mfix').
        { eapply map_inj ; eauto.
          intros y z e. destruct y, z. inversion e. now subst.
        } now subst.
      - set (f := fun x : def term(dtype x, (dname x, dbody x, rarg x))) in ×.
        set (g := fun '(ty, (na, bo, ra))mkdef term na ty bo ra).
        assert (el : l, l = map f (map g l)).
        { clear. intros l. induction l.
          - reflexivity.
          - cbn. destruct a as [? [[? ?] ?]]. cbn. f_equal. assumption.
        assert (el' : l, l = map g (map f l)).
        { clear. intros l. induction l.
          - reflexivity.
          - cbn. destruct a. cbn. f_equal. assumption.
        eapply trans_red.
        + eapply IHh. symmetry. apply el.
        + constructor. rewrite (el' mfix').
          eapply OnOne2_map.
          eapply OnOne2_impl ; eauto.
          intros [? [[? ?] ?]] [? [[? ?] ?]] [h1 h2].
          unfold on_Trel in h1, h2. cbn in ×. inversion h2. subst.
          unfold on_Trel. split ; eauto.

    Lemma red_fix_ty :
       mfix idx mfix',
        All2 (on_Trel_eq (red Σ Γ) dtype (fun x(dname x, dbody x, rarg x))) mfix mfix'
        red Σ Γ (tFix mfix idx) (tFix mfix' idx).
    Proof using Type.
      intros mfix idx mfix' h.
      apply All2_many_OnOne2 in h.
      induction h.
      - reflexivity.
      - eapply red_trans.
        + eapply IHh.
        + eapply red_fix_one_ty. assumption.

    Lemma red_fix_one_body :
       mfix idx mfix',
          (on_Trel_eq (red Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix)) dbody (fun x(dname x, dtype x, rarg x)))
           mfix mfix'
        red Σ Γ (tFix mfix idx) (tFix mfix' idx).
    Proof using Type.
      intros mfix idx mfix' h.
      apply OnOne2_on_Trel_eq_red_redl in h.
      dependent induction h.
      - assert (mfix = mfix').
        { eapply map_inj ; eauto.
          intros y z e. cbn in e. destruct y, z. inversion e. eauto.
        } subst.
      - set (f := fun x : def term(dbody x, (dname x, dtype x, rarg x))) in ×.
        set (g := fun '(bo, (na, ty, ra))mkdef term na ty bo ra).
        assert (el : l, l = map f (map g l)).
        { clear. intros l. induction l.
          - reflexivity.
          - cbn. destruct a as [? [[? ?] ?]]. cbn. f_equal. assumption.
        assert (el' : l, l = map g (map f l)).
        { clear. intros l. induction l.
          - reflexivity.
          - cbn. destruct a. cbn. f_equal. assumption.
        eapply trans_red.
        + eapply IHh. symmetry. apply el.
        + eapply fix_red_body. rewrite (el' mfix').
          eapply OnOne2_map.
          eapply OnOne2_impl ; eauto.
          intros [? [[? ?] ?]] [? [[? ?] ?]] [h1 h2].
          unfold on_Trel in h1, h2. cbn in ×. inversion h2. subst.
          unfold on_Trel. simpl. split ; eauto.
          assert (e : fix_context mfix = fix_context (map g l1)).
          { clear - h el el'. induction h.
            - rewrite <- el'. reflexivity.
            - rewrite IHh.
              unfold fix_context. f_equal.
              assert (e : map snd l1 = map snd l2).
              { clear - p. induction p.
                - destruct p as [h1 h2]. unfold on_Trel in h2.
                  cbn. f_equal. assumption.
                - cbn. f_equal. assumption.
              clear - e.
              unfold mapi. generalize 0 at 2 4.
              intro n.
              induction l1 in l2, e, n |- ×.
              + destruct l2 ; try discriminate e. cbn. reflexivity.
              + destruct l2 ; try discriminate e. cbn.
                cbn in e. inversion e.
                specialize (IHl1 _ H1 (S n)).
                destruct a as [? [[? ?] ?]], p as [? [[? ?] ?]].
                simpl in ×. inversion H0. subst.
                f_equal. auto.
          rewrite <- e. assumption.

    Lemma red_fix_body :
       mfix idx mfix',
          (on_Trel_eq (red Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix)) dbody (fun x(dname x, dtype x, rarg x)))
           mfix mfix'
        red Σ Γ (tFix mfix idx) (tFix mfix' idx).
    Proof using Type.
      intros mfix idx mfix' h.
      apply All2_many_OnOne2 in h.
      induction h.
      - reflexivity.
      - eapply red_trans.
        + eapply IHh.
        + eapply red_fix_one_body.
          assert (e : fix_context mfix = fix_context y).
          { clear - h. induction h.
            - reflexivity.
            - rewrite IHh.
              unfold fix_context. f_equal.
              assert (e : map (fun d(dname d, dtype d)) y = map (fun d(dname d, dtype d)) z).
              { clear - r. induction r.
                - destruct p as [? e]. inversion e.
                  destruct hd as [? ? ? ?], hd' as [? ? ? ?]. simpl in ×. subst.
                - cbn. f_equal. eapply IHr.
              clear - e.
              unfold mapi. generalize 0 at 2 4.
              intro n.
              induction y in z, e, n |- ×.
              + destruct z ; try discriminate e. reflexivity.
              + destruct z ; try discriminate e. cbn.
                cbn in e. inversion e.
                destruct a as [? ? ? ?], d as [? ? ? ?]. simpl in ×. subst.
                f_equal. eapply IHy. assumption.
          rewrite <- e. assumption.

    Lemma red_fix_congr :
       mfix mfix' idx,
        All2 (fun d0 d1
                (red Σ Γ (dtype d0) (dtype d1)) ×
                (red Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix) (dbody d0) (dbody d1) ×
                (dname d0, rarg d0) = (dname d1, rarg d1))
        ) mfix mfix'
      red Σ Γ (tFix mfix idx) (tFix mfix' idx).
    Proof using Type.
      intros mfix mfix' idx h.
      assert ( mfixi,
        All2 (
          on_Trel_eq (red Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix)) dbody
                     (fun x : def term(dname x, dtype x, rarg x))
        ) mfix mfixi ×
        All2 (
          on_Trel_eq (red Σ Γ) dtype
                     (fun x : def term(dname x, dbody x, rarg x))

        ) mfixi mfix'
      ) as [mfixi [h1 h2]].
      { revert h. generalize (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix). intros Δ h.
        induction h.
        - []. auto.
        - destruct r as [? [? e]]. inversion e.
          destruct IHh as [mfixi [? ?]].
          eexists (mkdef _ _ _ _ _ :: mfixi). split.
          + constructor ; auto. simpl. split ; eauto.
          + constructor ; auto. simpl. split ; eauto. f_equal ; auto.
            f_equal. assumption.
      eapply red_trans.
      - eapply red_fix_body. eassumption.
      - eapply red_fix_ty. assumption.

    Lemma red_cofix_one_ty :
       mfix idx mfix',
        OnOne2 (on_Trel_eq (red Σ Γ) dtype (fun x(dname x, dbody x, rarg x))) mfix mfix'
        red Σ Γ (tCoFix mfix idx) (tCoFix mfix' idx).
    Proof using Type.
      intros mfix idx mfix' h.
      apply OnOne2_on_Trel_eq_red_redl in h.
      dependent induction h.
      - assert (mfix = mfix').
        { eapply map_inj ; eauto.
          intros y z e. cbn in e. destruct y, z. inversion e. eauto.
        } subst.
      - set (f := fun x : def term(dtype x, (dname x, dbody x, rarg x))) in ×.
        set (g := fun '(ty, (na, bo, ra))mkdef term na ty bo ra).
        assert (el : l, l = map f (map g l)).
        { clear. intros l. induction l.
          - reflexivity.
          - cbn. destruct a as [? [[? ?] ?]]. cbn. f_equal. assumption.
        assert (el' : l, l = map g (map f l)).
        { clear. intros l. induction l.
          - reflexivity.
          - cbn. destruct a. cbn. f_equal. assumption.
        eapply trans_red.
        + eapply IHh. symmetry. apply el.
        + constructor. rewrite (el' mfix').
          eapply OnOne2_map.
          eapply OnOne2_impl ; eauto.
          intros [? [[? ?] ?]] [? [[? ?] ?]] [h1 h2].
          unfold on_Trel in h1, h2. cbn in ×. inversion h2. subst.
          unfold on_Trel. split ; eauto.

    Lemma red_cofix_ty :
       mfix idx mfix',
        All2 (on_Trel_eq (red Σ Γ) dtype (fun x(dname x, dbody x, rarg x))) mfix mfix'
        red Σ Γ (tCoFix mfix idx) (tCoFix mfix' idx).
    Proof using Type.
      intros mfix idx mfix' h.
      apply All2_many_OnOne2 in h.
      induction h.
      - reflexivity.
      - eapply red_trans.
        + eapply IHh.
        + eapply red_cofix_one_ty. assumption.

    Lemma red_cofix_one_body :
       mfix idx mfix',
          (on_Trel_eq (red Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix)) dbody (fun x(dname x, dtype x, rarg x)))
           mfix mfix'
        red Σ Γ (tCoFix mfix idx) (tCoFix mfix' idx).
    Proof using Type.
      intros mfix idx mfix' h.
      apply OnOne2_on_Trel_eq_red_redl in h.
      dependent induction h.
      - assert (mfix = mfix').
        { eapply map_inj ; eauto.
          intros y z e. cbn in e. destruct y, z. inversion e. eauto.
        } subst.
      - set (f := fun x : def term(dbody x, (dname x, dtype x, rarg x))) in ×.
        set (g := fun '(bo, (na, ty, ra))mkdef term na ty bo ra).
        assert (el : l, l = map f (map g l)).
        { clear. intros l. induction l.
          - reflexivity.
          - cbn. destruct a as [? [[? ?] ?]]. cbn. f_equal. assumption.
        assert (el' : l, l = map g (map f l)).
        { clear. intros l. induction l.
          - reflexivity.
          - cbn. destruct a. cbn. f_equal. assumption.
        eapply trans_red.
        + eapply IHh. symmetry. apply el.
        + eapply cofix_red_body. rewrite (el' mfix').
          eapply OnOne2_map.
          eapply OnOne2_impl ; eauto.
          intros [? [[? ?] ?]] [? [[? ?] ?]] [h1 h2].
          unfold on_Trel in h1, h2. cbn in ×. inversion h2. subst.
          unfold on_Trel. simpl. split ; eauto.
          assert (e : fix_context mfix = fix_context (map g l1)).
          { clear - h el el'. induction h.
            - rewrite <- el'. reflexivity.
            - rewrite IHh.
              unfold fix_context. f_equal.
              assert (e : map snd l1 = map snd l2).
              { clear - p. induction p.
                - destruct p as [h1 h2]. unfold on_Trel in h2.
                  cbn. f_equal. assumption.
                - cbn. f_equal. assumption.
              clear - e.
              unfold mapi. generalize 0 at 2 4.
              intro n.
              induction l1 in l2, e, n |- ×.
              + destruct l2 ; try discriminate e. cbn. reflexivity.
              + destruct l2 ; try discriminate e. cbn.
                cbn in e. inversion e.
                specialize (IHl1 _ H1 (S n)).
                destruct a as [? [[? ?] ?]], p as [? [[? ?] ?]].
                simpl in ×. inversion H0. subst.
                f_equal. auto.
          rewrite <- e. assumption.

    Lemma red_cofix_body :
       mfix idx mfix',
          (on_Trel_eq (red Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix)) dbody (fun x(dname x, dtype x, rarg x)))
           mfix mfix'
        red Σ Γ (tCoFix mfix idx) (tCoFix mfix' idx).
    Proof using Type.
      intros mfix idx mfix' h.
      apply All2_many_OnOne2 in h.
      induction h.
      - reflexivity.
      - eapply red_trans.
        + eapply IHh.
        + eapply red_cofix_one_body.
          assert (e : fix_context mfix = fix_context y).
          { clear - h. induction h.
            - reflexivity.
            - rewrite IHh.
              unfold fix_context. f_equal.
              assert (e : map (fun d(dname d, dtype d)) y = map (fun d(dname d, dtype d)) z).
              { clear - r. induction r.
                - destruct p as [? e]. inversion e.
                  destruct hd as [? ? ? ?], hd' as [? ? ? ?]. simpl in ×. subst.
                - cbn. f_equal. eapply IHr.
              clear - e.
              unfold mapi. generalize 0 at 2 4.
              intro n.
              induction y in z, e, n |- ×.
              + destruct z ; try discriminate e. reflexivity.
              + destruct z ; try discriminate e. cbn.
                cbn in e. inversion e.
                destruct a as [? ? ? ?], d as [? ? ? ?]. simpl in ×. subst.
                f_equal. eapply IHy. assumption.
          rewrite <- e. assumption.

    Lemma red_cofix_congr :
       mfix mfix' idx,
        All2 (fun d0 d1
                (red Σ Γ (dtype d0) (dtype d1)) ×
                (red Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix) (dbody d0) (dbody d1) ×
                (dname d0, rarg d0) = (dname d1, rarg d1))
        ) mfix mfix'
      red Σ Γ (tCoFix mfix idx) (tCoFix mfix' idx).
    Proof using Type.
      intros mfix mfix' idx h.
      assert ( mfixi,
        All2 (
          on_Trel_eq (red Σ (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix)) dbody
                     (fun x : def term(dname x, dtype x, rarg x))
        ) mfix mfixi ×
        All2 (
          on_Trel_eq (red Σ Γ) dtype
                     (fun x : def term(dname x, dbody x, rarg x))

        ) mfixi mfix'
      ) as [mfixi [h1 h2]].
      { revert h. generalize (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix). intros Δ h.
        induction h.
        - []. auto.
        - destruct r as [? [? e]]. inversion e.
          destruct IHh as [mfixi [? ?]].
          eexists (mkdef _ _ _ _ _ :: mfixi). split.
          + constructor ; auto. simpl. split ; eauto.
          + constructor ; auto. simpl. split ; eauto. f_equal ; auto.
            f_equal. assumption.
      eapply red_trans.
      - eapply red_cofix_body. eassumption.
      - eapply red_cofix_ty. assumption.

    Lemma red_prod_l :
       na A B A',
        red Σ Γ A A'
        red Σ Γ (tProd na A B) (tProd na A' B).
    Proof using Type.
      intros na A B A' h.
      rst_induction h; eauto with pcuic.

    Lemma red_prod_r :
       na A B B',
        red Σ (Γ ,, vass na A) B B'
        red Σ Γ (tProd na A B) (tProd na A B').
    Proof using Type.
      intros na A B B' h.
      rst_induction h; eauto with pcuic.

    Lemma red_prod :
       na A B A' B',
        red Σ Γ A A'
        red Σ (Γ ,, vass na A) B B'
        red Σ Γ (tProd na A B) (tProd na A' B').
    Proof using Type.
      intros na A B A' B' h1 h2.
      eapply red_trans.
      - eapply red_prod_r. eassumption.
      - eapply red_prod_l. assumption.

    Lemma red_one_evar :
       ev l l',
        OnOne2 (red Σ Γ) l l'
        red Σ Γ (tEvar ev l) (tEvar ev l').
    Proof using Type.
      intros ev l l' h.
      apply OnOne2_on_Trel_eq_unit in h.
      apply OnOne2_on_Trel_eq_red_redl in h.
      dependent induction h.
      - assert (l = l').
        { eapply map_inj ; eauto.
          intros y z e. cbn in e. inversion e. eauto.
        } subst.
      - set (f := fun x : term(x, tt)) in ×.
        set (g := (fun '(x, _)x) : term × unit term).
        assert (el : l, l = map f (map g l)).
        { clear. intros l. induction l.
          - reflexivity.
          - cbn. destruct a, u. cbn. f_equal. assumption.
        assert (el' : l, l = map g (map f l)).
        { clear. intros l. induction l.
          - reflexivity.
          - cbn. f_equal. assumption.
        eapply trans_red.
        + eapply IHh. symmetry. apply el.
        + constructor. rewrite (el' l').
          eapply OnOne2_map.
          eapply OnOne2_impl ; eauto.
          intros [? []] [? []] [h1 h2].
          unfold on_Trel in h1, h2. cbn in ×.
          unfold on_Trel. cbn. assumption.

    Lemma red_evar :
       ev l l',
        All2 (red Σ Γ) l l'
        red Σ Γ (tEvar ev l) (tEvar ev l').
    Proof using Type.
      intros ev l l' h.
      apply All2_many_OnOne2 in h.
      induction h.
      - reflexivity.
      - eapply red_trans.
        + eapply IHh.
        + eapply red_one_evar. assumption.

    Lemma red_atom t : atom t red Σ Γ t t.
    Proof using Type.
      intros. reflexivity.

  End Congruences.
End ReductionCongruence.

Hint Resolve All_All2 : all.
Hint Resolve All2_same : pred.

Lemma OnOne2_All2 {A}:
   (ts ts' : list A) P Q,
    OnOne2 P ts ts'
    ( x y, P x y Q x y)%type
    ( x, Q x x)
    All2 Q ts ts'.
  intros ts ts' P Q X.
  induction X; intuition auto with pred.

Ltac OnOne2_All2 :=
  match goal with
  | [ H : OnOne2 ?P ?ts ?ts' |- All2 ?Q ?ts ?ts' ] ⇒
    unshelve eapply (OnOne2_All2 _ _ P Q H); simpl; intros

Hint Extern 0 (All2 _ _ _) ⇒ OnOne2_All2; intuition auto with pred : pred.

Lemma nth_error_firstn_skipn {A} {l : list A} {n t} :
  nth_error l n = Some t
  l = firstn n l ++ [t] ++ skipn (S n) l.
Proof. induction l in n |- *; destruct n; simpl; try congruence.
  intros. specialize (IHl _ H).
  now simpl in IHl.

Lemma split_nth {A B} {l : list A} (l' l'' : list B) :
  (#|l| = #|l'| + S (#|l''|))%nat
   x, (nth_error l #|l'| = Some x) × (l = firstn #|l'| l ++ x :: skipn (S #|l'|) l).
  induction l in l', l'' |- *; simpl; auto.
  - rewrite Nat.add_succ_r //.
  - rewrite Nat.add_succ_r ⇒ [= len].
    destruct l'; simpl.
    × a; auto.
    × simpl in len. rewrite -Nat.add_succ_r in len.
      specialize (IHl _ _ len) as [x eq].
       x; now f_equal.

Lemma nth_error_map2 {A B C} (f : A B C) (l : list A) (l' : list B) n x :
  nth_error (map2 f l l') n = Some x
   lx l'x, (nth_error l n = Some lx) ×
    (nth_error l' n = Some l'x) ×
    (f lx l'x = x).
  induction l in l', n, x |- *; destruct l', n; simpl; auto ⇒ //.
  intros [= <-].
  eexists _, _; intuition eauto.

Require Import PCUICPosition.
Section Stacks.

  Context (Σ : global_env_ext).
  Context `{checker_flags}.

  Lemma red1_fill_context_hole Γ π pcontext u v :
    red1 Σ (Γ,,, stack_context π,,, context_hole_context pcontext) u v
    OnOne2_local_env (on_one_decl (fun Γ'red1 Σ (Γ,,, stack_context π,,, Γ')))
                     (fill_context_hole pcontext u)
                     (fill_context_hole pcontext v).
  Proof using Type.
    intros r.
    destruct pcontext as ((?&[])&pre); cbn -[app_context] in ×.
    all: rewrite - !app_context_assoc.
    - induction pre; cbn.
      + destruct body; constructor; cbn; intuition auto.
      + apply onone2_localenv_cons_tl; auto.
    - induction pre; cbn.
      + constructor; cbn; intuition auto.
      + apply onone2_localenv_cons_tl; auto.

  Lemma red1_context :
     Γ t u π,
      red1 Σ (Γ ,,, stack_context π) t u
      red1 Σ Γ (zip (t, π)) (zip (u, π)).
  Proof using Type.
    intros Γ t u π h.
    unfold zip.
    simpl. revert t u h.
    induction π ; intros u v h; auto.
    simpl in ×.
    destruct a.
    all: apply IHπ; simpl; pcuic.
    - destruct mfix as ((?&[])&?); cbn in *;
        [apply fix_red_ty|apply fix_red_body].
      all: apply OnOne2_app; constructor; cbn; auto.
      intuition auto.
      rewrite fix_context_fix_context_alt map_app.
      unfold def_sig at 2.
      rewrite -app_context_assoc; auto.
    - destruct mfix as ((?&[])&?); cbn in *;
        [apply cofix_red_ty|apply cofix_red_body].
      all: apply OnOne2_app; constructor; cbn; auto.
      intuition auto.
      rewrite fix_context_fix_context_alt map_app.
      unfold def_sig at 2.
      rewrite -app_context_assoc; auto.
    - destruct p; cbn in ×.
      + apply case_red_param; cbn.
        apply OnOne2_app.
        constructor; auto.
      + apply case_red_return; cbn.
        rewrite -app_assoc in h; auto.
    - destruct brs as ((?&[])&?); cbn in ×.
      + apply case_red_brs.
        apply OnOne2_app.
        constructor; cbn.
        rewrite -app_assoc in h; auto.

  Corollary red_context_zip :
     Γ t u π,
      red Σ (Γ ,,, stack_context π) t u
      red Σ Γ (zip (t, π)) (zip (u, π)).
  Proof using Type.
    intros Γ t u π h.
    rst_induction h; eauto using red1_context.

  Lemma red1_zipp :
     Γ t u π,
      red1 Σ Γ t u
      red1 Σ Γ (zipp t π) (zipp u π).
  Proof using Type.
    intros Γ t u π h.
    unfold zipp.
    case_eq (decompose_stack π). intros l ρ e.
    eapply red1_mkApps_f.

  Lemma red_zipp :
     Γ t u π,
      red Σ Γ t u
      red Σ Γ (zipp t π) (zipp u π).
  Proof using Type.
    intros Γ t u π h.
    rst_induction h; eauto with pcuic.
    eapply red1_zipp. assumption.

  Lemma red1_zippx :
     Γ t u π,
      red1 Σ (Γ ,,, stack_context π) t u
      red1 Σ Γ (zippx t π) (zippx u π).
  Proof using Type.
    intros Γ t u π h.
    unfold zippx.
    case_eq (decompose_stack π). intros l ρ e.
    eapply red1_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn.
    eapply red1_mkApps_f.
    pose proof (decompose_stack_eq _ _ _ e). subst.
    rewrite stack_context_appstack in h.

  Corollary red_zippx :
     Γ t u π,
      red Σ (Γ ,,, stack_context π) t u
      red Σ Γ (zippx t π) (zippx u π).
  Proof using Type.
    intros Γ t u π h.
    rst_induction h; eauto with pcuic.
    eapply red1_zippx. assumption.

End Stacks.

Implicit Types (cf : checker_flags).