Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.Syntax.PCUICPosition

From Coq Require Import RelationClasses ssrbool.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICInduction
     PCUICReflect PCUICEquality PCUICLiftSubst PCUICCases.

Import MCMonadNotation.

Import MCMonadNotation.

Import MCMonadNotation.

Require Import Equations.Prop.DepElim.
From Equations Require Import Equations.

Local Set Keyed Unification.

Set Default Goal Selector "!".

Inductive context_decl_choice :=
| choose_decl_body
| choose_decl_type.

Derive NoConfusion NoConfusionHom EqDec for context_decl_choice.

Definition context_choice := nat × context_decl_choice.

Inductive choice :=
| app_l
| app_r
| case_par (n : nat)
| case_preturn
| case_c
| case_brsbody (n : nat)
| proj_c
| fix_mfix_ty (n : nat)
| fix_mfix_bd (n : nat)
| cofix_mfix_ty (n : nat)
| cofix_mfix_bd (n : nat)
| lam_ty
| lam_tm
| prod_l
| prod_r
| let_bd
| let_ty
| let_in.

Derive NoConfusion NoConfusionHom EqDec for choice.

Instance reflect_choice : ReflectEq choice :=
  let h := EqDec_ReflectEq choice in _.

Definition position := list choice.

Definition context_choice_term (Γ : context) (c : context_choice) : option term :=
  let '(decli, declc) := c in
  match nth_error Γ decli with
  | Some {| decl_body := body; decl_type := type |} ⇒
    match declc with
    | choose_decl_bodybody
    | choose_decl_typeSome type
  | NoneNone

Fixpoint validpos t (p : position) {struct p} :=
  match p with
  | []true
  | c :: p
    match c, t with
    | app_l, tApp u vvalidpos u p
    | app_r, tApp u vvalidpos v p
    | case_par par, tCase ci pr c brs
      match nth_error pr.(pparams) par with
      | Some parvalidpos par p
      | Nonefalse
    | case_preturn, tCase ci pr c brsvalidpos pr.(preturn) p
    | case_c, tCase ci pr c brsvalidpos c p
    | case_brsbody n, tCase ci pr c brs
        match nth_error brs n with
        | Some brvalidpos br.(bbody) p
        | Nonefalse
    | proj_c, tProj pr cvalidpos c p
    | fix_mfix_ty n, tFix mfix idx
        match nth_error mfix n with
        | Some dvalidpos d.(dtype) p
        | Nonefalse
    | fix_mfix_bd n, tFix mfix idx
        match nth_error mfix n with
        | Some dvalidpos d.(dbody) p
        | Nonefalse
    | cofix_mfix_ty n, tCoFix mfix idx
        match nth_error mfix n with
        | Some dvalidpos d.(dtype) p
        | Nonefalse
    | cofix_mfix_bd n, tCoFix mfix idx
        match nth_error mfix n with
        | Some dvalidpos d.(dbody) p
        | Nonefalse
    | lam_ty, tLambda na A tvalidpos A p
    | lam_tm, tLambda na A tvalidpos t p
    | prod_l, tProd na A Bvalidpos A p
    | prod_r, tProd na A Bvalidpos B p
    | let_bd, tLetIn na b B tvalidpos b p
    | let_ty, tLetIn na b B tvalidpos B p
    | let_in, tLetIn na b B tvalidpos t p
    | _, _false

Definition pos (t : term) := { p : position | validpos t p = true }.

Arguments exist {_ _} _ _.

Definition dapp_l u v (p : pos u) : pos (tApp u v) :=
  exist (app_l :: proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p).

Definition dapp_r u v (p : pos v) : pos (tApp u v) :=
  exist (app_r :: proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p).

Definition dcase_preturn ci pr c brs (p : pos pr.(preturn)) : pos (tCase ci pr c brs) :=
  exist (case_preturn :: proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p).

Definition dcase_c ci pr c brs (p : pos c) : pos (tCase ci pr c brs) :=
  exist (case_c :: proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p).

Definition dproj_c pr c (p : pos c) : pos (tProj pr c) :=
  exist (proj_c :: proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p).

Definition dlam_ty na A t (p : pos A) : pos (tLambda na A t) :=
  exist (lam_ty :: proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p).

Definition dlam_tm na A t (p : pos t) : pos (tLambda na A t) :=
  exist (lam_tm :: proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p).

Definition dprod_l na A B (p : pos A) : pos (tProd na A B) :=
  exist (prod_l :: proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p).

Definition dprod_r na A B (p : pos B) : pos (tProd na A B) :=
  exist (prod_r :: proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p).

Definition dlet_bd na b B t (p : pos b) : pos (tLetIn na b B t) :=
  exist (let_bd :: proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p).

Definition dlet_ty na b B t (p : pos B) : pos (tLetIn na b B t) :=
  exist (let_ty :: proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p).

Definition dlet_in na b B t (p : pos t) : pos (tLetIn na b B t) :=
  exist (let_in :: proj1_sig p) (proj2_sig p).

Lemma eq_context_upto_context_choice_term Σ Re Rle Γ Γ' c :
  eq_context_upto Σ Re Rle Γ Γ'
  rel_option (eq_term_upto_univ Σ Re (match c.2 with
                                      | choose_decl_bodyRe
                                      | choose_decl_typeRle
                                      end) )
             (context_choice_term Γ c)
             (context_choice_term Γ' c).
  intros eq.
  destruct c as (n&c).
  eapply eq_context_upto_nth_error with (ctx := Γ) (ctx' := Γ') (n := n) in eq.
  depelim eq; cbn in ×.
  - rewrite H, H0.
    destruct e as ((?&?)&?); cbn in ×.
    destruct a, b; cbn in ×.
    destruct c; auto.
    constructor; auto.
  - rewrite H, H0.

Lemma eq_term_upto_valid_pos :
   {Σ u v p Re Rle napp},
    validpos u p
    eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp u v
    validpos v p.
  intros Σ u v p Re Rle napp vp e.
  induction p as [| c p ih ] in u, v, Re, Rle, napp, vp, e |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - destruct c, u. all: try discriminate.
    all: try solve [
      dependent destruction e ; simpl ;
      eapply ih ; eauto
    + dependent destruction e. simpl in ×.
      destruct (nth_error (pparams p0) n) as [par|] eqn:enth. 2: discriminate.
      destruct e.
      induction a0 in n, par, enth, ih, vp |- ×. 1: rewrite enth. 1: assumption.
      destruct n.
      × simpl in ×. apply some_inj in enth. subst.
        intuition eauto.
      × simpl in ×. eapply IHa0. all: eauto.
    + dependent destruction e. simpl in ×.
      eapply ih; eauto. apply e.
    + dependent destruction e. simpl in ×.
      destruct nth_error eqn:nth; [|congruence].
      eapply All2_nth_error_Some in a; eauto.
      destruct a as (?&->&_&eq).
    + dependent destruction e. simpl in ×.
      destruct (nth_error mfix n) as [[na ty bo ra]|] eqn:e. 2: discriminate.
      induction a in n, na, ty, bo, ra, e, ih, vp |- ×.
      1:{ rewrite e. assumption. }
      destruct n.
      × simpl in ×. apply some_inj in e. subst.
        destruct y as [na' ty' bo' ra']. simpl in ×. intuition eauto.
      × simpl in ×. eapply IHa. all: eauto.
    + dependent destruction e. simpl in ×.
      destruct (nth_error mfix n) as [[na ty bo ra]|] eqn:e. 2: discriminate.
      induction a in n, na, ty, bo, ra, e, ih, vp |- ×.
      1:{ rewrite e. assumption. }
      destruct n.
      × simpl in ×. apply some_inj in e. subst.
        destruct y as [na' ty' bo' ra']. simpl in ×. intuition eauto.
      × simpl in ×. eapply IHa. all: eauto.
    + dependent destruction e. simpl in ×.
      destruct (nth_error mfix n) as [[na ty bo ra]|] eqn:e. 2: discriminate.
      induction a in n, na, ty, bo, ra, e, ih, vp |- ×.
      1:{ rewrite e. assumption. }
      destruct n.
      × simpl in ×. apply some_inj in e. subst.
        destruct y as [na' ty' bo' ra']. simpl in ×. intuition eauto.
      × simpl in ×. eapply IHa. all: eauto.
    + dependent destruction e. simpl in ×.
      destruct (nth_error mfix n) as [[na ty bo ra]|] eqn:e. 2: discriminate.
      induction a in n, na, ty, bo, ra, e, ih, vp |- ×.
      1:{ rewrite e. assumption. }
      destruct n.
      × simpl in ×. apply some_inj in e. subst.
        destruct y as [na' ty' bo' ra']. simpl in ×. intuition eauto.
      × simpl in ×. eapply IHa. all: eauto.

Lemma eq_term_valid_pos :
   `{cf : checker_flags} {Σ G u v p},
    validpos u p
    eq_term Σ G u v
    validpos v p.
  intros cf Σ G u v p vp e.
  eapply eq_term_upto_valid_pos. all: eauto.

Inductive positionR : position position Prop :=
| positionR_app_lr p q : positionR (app_r :: p) (app_l :: q)
| positionR_deep c p q : positionR p q positionR (c :: p) (c :: q)
| positionR_root c p : positionR (c :: p) [].

Derive Signature for positionR.

Definition posR {t} (p q : pos t) : Prop :=
  positionR (proj1_sig p) (proj1_sig q).

Lemma posR_Acc :
   t p, Acc (@posR t) p.
  assert ( pr c p, Acc posR p Acc posR (dproj_c pr c p))
    as Acc_proj_c.
  { intros pr c p h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2].
    constructor. intros [q e] h.
    dependent destruction h. cbn in e.
    eapply (ih2 (exist p0 e)). assumption.
  assert ( na b B t p, Acc posR p Acc posR (dlet_bd na b B t p))
    as Acc_let_bd.
  { intros na b B t p h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2].
    constructor. intros [q e] h.
    dependent destruction h. cbn in e.
    eapply (ih2 (exist p0 e)). assumption.
  assert ( na b B t p, Acc posR p Acc posR (dlet_ty na b B t p))
    as Acc_let_ty.
  { intros na b B t p h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2].
    constructor. intros [q e] h.
    dependent destruction h. cbn in e.
    eapply (ih2 (exist p0 e)). assumption.
  assert ( na b B t p, Acc posR p Acc posR (dlet_in na b B t p))
    as Acc_let_in.
  { intros na b B t p h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2].
    constructor. intros [q e] h.
    dependent destruction h. cbn in e.
    eapply (ih2 (exist p0 e)). assumption.
  assert ( na A B p, Acc posR p Acc posR (dprod_l na A B p))
    as Acc_prod_l.
  { intros na A B p h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2].
    constructor. intros [q e] h.
    dependent destruction h. cbn in e.
    eapply (ih2 (exist p0 e)). assumption.
  assert ( na A B p, Acc posR p Acc posR (dprod_r na A B p))
    as Acc_prod_r.
  { intros na A B p h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2].
    constructor. intros [q e] h.
    dependent destruction h. cbn in e.
    eapply (ih2 (exist p0 e)). assumption.
  assert ( na A t p, Acc posR p Acc posR (dlam_ty na A t p))
    as Acc_lam_ty.
  { intros na A t p h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2].
    constructor. intros [q e] h.
    dependent destruction h. cbn in e.
    eapply (ih2 (exist p0 e)). assumption.
  assert ( na A t p, Acc posR p Acc posR (dlam_tm na A t p))
    as Acc_lam_tm.
  { intros na A t p h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2].
    constructor. intros [q e] h.
    dependent destruction h. cbn in e.
    eapply (ih2 (exist p0 e)). assumption.
  assert ( u v p, Acc posR p Acc posR (dapp_r u v p))
    as Acc_app_r.
  { intros u v p h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2].
    constructor. intros [q e] h.
    dependent destruction h. cbn in e.
    eapply (ih2 (exist p0 e)). assumption.
  assert (
     u v p,
      Acc posR p
      ( q : pos v, Acc posR q)
      Acc posR (dapp_l u v p)
  ) as Acc_app_l.
  { intros u v p h ih.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2].
    constructor. intros [q e] h.
    dependent destruction h.
    - eapply Acc_app_r with (p := exist p0 e). eapply ih.
    - eapply (ih2 (exist p0 e)). assumption.
  assert (
     n ci pr c brs par (p : pos par)
      (e : nth_error pr.(pparams) n = Some par)
      (e1 : validpos (tCase ci pr c brs) (case_par n :: proj1_sig p) = true),
      Acc posR p
      Acc posR (exist (case_par n :: proj1_sig p) e1)
  ) as Acc_case_pars.
  { intros n ci pr c brs par p e e1 h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2] in e, e1 |- ×.
    constructor. intros [q e2] h.
    dependent destruction h.
    simple refine (let q := exist p0 _ : pos par in _).
    - simpl. cbn in e2. rewrite e in e2. assumption.
    - specialize (ih2 q). eapply ih2. all: assumption.
  assert (
     ci pr c brs p,
      Acc posR p
      Acc posR (dcase_preturn ci pr c brs p)
  ) as Acc_case_p.
  { intros ci pr c brs p h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2].
    constructor. intros [q e] h.
    dependent destruction h.
    eapply (ih2 (exist p0 e)). assumption.
  assert (
     ci pr c brs p,
      Acc posR p
      Acc posR (dcase_c ci pr c brs p)
  ) as Acc_case_c.
  { intros ci pr c brs p h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2].
    constructor. intros [q e] h.
    dependent destruction h.
    eapply (ih2 (exist p0 e)). assumption.
  assert (
     n ci pr c brs br (p : pos br.(bbody))
      (e : nth_error brs n = Some br)
      (e1 : validpos (tCase ci pr c brs) (case_brsbody n :: proj1_sig p) = true),
      Acc posR p
      Acc posR (exist (case_brsbody n :: proj1_sig p) e1)
  ) as Acc_case_brs.
  { intros n ci pr c brs br p e e1 h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2] in e, e1 |- ×.
    constructor. intros [q e2] h.
    dependent destruction h.
    simple refine (let q := exist p0 _ : pos br.(bbody) in _).
    - simpl. cbn in e2. rewrite e in e2. assumption.
    - specialize (ih2 q). eapply ih2. all: assumption.
  assert (
     n mfix idx d (p : pos d.(dtype))
      (e : nth_error mfix n = Some d)
      (e1 : validpos (tFix mfix idx) (fix_mfix_ty n :: proj1_sig p)),
      Acc posR p
      Acc posR (exist (fix_mfix_ty n :: proj1_sig p) e1)
  ) as Acc_fix_mfix_ty.
  { intros n mfix idx d p e e1 h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2] in e, e1 |- ×.
    constructor. intros [q e2] h.
    dependent destruction h.
    simple refine (let q := exist p0 _ : pos d.(dtype) in _).
    - simpl. cbn in e2. rewrite e in e2. assumption.
    - specialize (ih2 q). eapply ih2. all: assumption.
  assert (
     n mfix idx d (p : pos d.(dbody))
      (e : nth_error mfix n = Some d)
      (e1 : validpos (tFix mfix idx) (fix_mfix_bd n :: proj1_sig p)),
      Acc posR p
      Acc posR (exist (fix_mfix_bd n :: proj1_sig p) e1)
  ) as Acc_fix_mfix_bd.
  { intros n mfix idx d p e e1 h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2] in e, e1 |- ×.
    constructor. intros [q e2] h.
    dependent destruction h.
    simple refine (let q := exist p0 _ : pos d.(dbody) in _).
    - simpl. cbn in e2. rewrite e in e2. assumption.
    - specialize (ih2 q). eapply ih2. all: assumption.
  assert (
     n mfix idx d (p : pos d.(dtype))
      (e : nth_error mfix n = Some d)
      (e1 : validpos (tCoFix mfix idx) (cofix_mfix_ty n :: proj1_sig p)),
      Acc posR p
      Acc posR (exist (cofix_mfix_ty n :: proj1_sig p) e1)
  ) as Acc_cofix_mfix_ty.
  { intros n mfix idx d p e e1 h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2] in e, e1 |- ×.
    constructor. intros [q e2] h.
    dependent destruction h.
    simple refine (let q := exist p0 _ : pos d.(dtype) in _).
    - simpl. cbn in e2. rewrite e in e2. assumption.
    - specialize (ih2 q). eapply ih2. all: assumption.
  assert (
     n mfix idx d (p : pos d.(dbody))
      (e : nth_error mfix n = Some d)
      (e1 : validpos (tCoFix mfix idx) (cofix_mfix_bd n :: proj1_sig p)),
      Acc posR p
      Acc posR (exist (cofix_mfix_bd n :: proj1_sig p) e1)
  ) as Acc_cofix_mfix_bd.
  { intros n mfix idx d p e e1 h.
    induction h as [p ih1 ih2] in e, e1 |- ×.
    constructor. intros [q e2] h.
    dependent destruction h.
    simple refine (let q := exist p0 _ : pos d.(dbody) in _).
    - simpl. cbn in e2. rewrite e in e2. assumption.
    - specialize (ih2 q). eapply ih2. all: assumption.
  intro t. induction t using term_forall_list_ind ; intros q.
  all: try solve [
             destruct q as [q e] ; destruct q as [| c q] ; [
               constructor ; intros [p' e'] h ;
               unfold posR in h ; cbn in h ;
               dependent destruction h ;
               destruct c ; cbn in e' ; discriminate
             | destruct c ; cbn in e ; discriminate
  - destruct q as [q e]. destruct q as [| c q].
    + constructor. intros [p e'] h.
      unfold posR in h. cbn in h.
      dependent destruction h.
      destruct c ; noconf e'.
      × eapply Acc_prod_l with (p := exist p0 e').
        eapply IHt1.
      × eapply Acc_prod_r with (p := exist p0 e').
        eapply IHt2.
    + destruct c ; noconf e.
      × eapply Acc_prod_l with (p := exist q e).
        eapply IHt1.
      × eapply Acc_prod_r with (p := exist q e).
        eapply IHt2.
  - destruct q as [q e]. destruct q as [| c q].
    + constructor. intros [p e'] h.
      unfold posR in h. cbn in h.
      dependent destruction h.
      destruct c ; noconf e'.
      × eapply Acc_lam_ty with (p := exist p0 e').
        eapply IHt1.
      × eapply Acc_lam_tm with (p := exist p0 e').
        eapply IHt2.
    + destruct c ; noconf e.
      × eapply Acc_lam_ty with (p := exist q e).
        eapply IHt1.
      × eapply Acc_lam_tm with (p := exist q e).
        eapply IHt2.
  - destruct q as [q e]. destruct q as [| c q].
    + constructor. intros [p e'] h.
      unfold posR in h. cbn in h.
      dependent destruction h.
      destruct c ; noconf e'.
      × eapply Acc_let_bd with (p := exist p0 e').
        eapply IHt1.
      × eapply Acc_let_ty with (p := exist p0 e').
        eapply IHt2.
      × eapply Acc_let_in with (p := exist p0 e').
        eapply IHt3.
    + destruct c ; noconf e.
      × eapply Acc_let_bd with (p := exist q e).
        eapply IHt1.
      × eapply Acc_let_ty with (p := exist q e).
        eapply IHt2.
      × eapply Acc_let_in with (p := exist q e).
        eapply IHt3.
  - destruct q as [q e]. destruct q as [| c q].
    + constructor. intros [p e'] h.
      unfold posR in h. cbn in h.
      dependent destruction h.
      destruct c ; noconf e'.
      × eapply Acc_app_l with (p := exist p0 e').
        -- eapply IHt1.
        -- assumption.
      × eapply Acc_app_r with (p := exist p0 e').
        eapply IHt2.
    + destruct c ; noconf e.
      × eapply Acc_app_l with (p := exist q e).
        -- eapply IHt1.
        -- assumption.
      × eapply Acc_app_r with (p := exist q e).
        eapply IHt2.
  - destruct X as [IHXpars IHXpred].
    destruct q as [q e]. destruct q as [| c q].
    + constructor. intros [p' e'] h.
      unfold posR in h. cbn in h.
      dependent destruction h.
      destruct c ; noconf e'.
      × simpl in e'.
        case_eq (nth_error (pparams p) n).
        2:{ intro h. pose proof e' as hh. rewrite h in hh. discriminate. }
        intros par e1.
        eapply All_nth_error in IHXpars as ihpar. 2: exact e1.
        unshelve eapply Acc_case_pars with (1 := e1) (p := exist p0 _).
        -- simpl. rewrite e1 in e'. assumption.
        -- eapply ihpar.
      × eapply Acc_case_p with (p := exist p0 e').
        eapply IHXpred.
      × eapply Acc_case_c with (p := exist p0 e').
        eapply IHt.
      × simpl in e'.
        case_eq (nth_error l n).
        2:{ intro h. pose proof e' as hh. rewrite h in hh. discriminate. }
        intros br e1.
        eapply All_nth_error in X0 as ihbr. 2: exact e1.
        simpl in ihbr.
        unshelve eapply Acc_case_brs with (1 := e1) (p := exist p0 _).
        -- simpl. rewrite e1 in e'. assumption.
        -- eapply ihbr.
    + destruct c ; noconf e.
      × simpl in e.
        case_eq (nth_error (pparams p) n).
        2:{ intro h. pose proof e as hh. rewrite h in hh. discriminate. }
        intros par e1.
        eapply All_nth_error in IHXpars as ihpar. 2: exact e1.
        unshelve eapply Acc_case_pars with (1 := e1) (p := exist q _).
        -- simpl. rewrite e1 in e. assumption.
        -- eapply ihpar.
      × eapply Acc_case_p with (p := exist q e).
        eapply IHXpred.
      × eapply Acc_case_c with (p := exist q e).
        eapply IHt.
      × simpl in e.
        case_eq (nth_error l n).
        2:{ intro h. pose proof e as hh. rewrite h in hh. discriminate. }
        intros br e1.
        eapply All_nth_error in X0 as ihbr. 2: exact e1.
        simpl in ihbr.
        unshelve eapply Acc_case_brs with (1 := e1) (p := exist q _).
        -- simpl. rewrite e1 in e. assumption.
        -- eapply ihbr.
  - destruct q as [q e]. destruct q as [| c q].
    + constructor. intros [p' e'] h.
      unfold posR in h. cbn in h.
      dependent destruction h.
      destruct c ; noconf e'.
      eapply Acc_proj_c with (p := exist p e').
      eapply IHt.
    + destruct c ; noconf e.
      eapply Acc_proj_c with (p := exist q e).
      eapply IHt.
  - destruct q as [q e]. destruct q as [| c q].
    + constructor. intros [p' e'] h.
      unfold posR in h. cbn in h.
      dependent destruction h.
      destruct c. all: noconf e'.
      × simpl in e'.
        case_eq (nth_error m n0).
        2:{ intro h. pose proof e' as hh. rewrite h in hh. discriminate. }
        intros [na ty bo ra] e1.
        eapply All_nth_error in X as ihm. 2: exact e1.
        simpl in ihm.
        unshelve eapply Acc_fix_mfix_ty with (1 := e1) (p := exist p _).
        -- simpl. rewrite e1 in e'. assumption.
        -- eapply ihm.
      × simpl in e'.
        case_eq (nth_error m n0).
        2:{ intro h. pose proof e' as hh. rewrite h in hh. discriminate. }
        intros [na ty bo ra] e1.
        eapply All_nth_error in X as ihm. 2: exact e1.
        simpl in ihm.
        unshelve eapply Acc_fix_mfix_bd with (1 := e1) (p := exist p _).
        -- simpl. rewrite e1 in e'. assumption.
        -- eapply ihm.
    + destruct c. all: noconf e.
      × simpl in e.
        case_eq (nth_error m n0).
        2:{ intro h. pose proof e as hh. rewrite h in hh. discriminate. }
        intros [na ty bo ra] e1.
        eapply All_nth_error in X as ihm. 2: exact e1.
        simpl in ihm.
        unshelve eapply Acc_fix_mfix_ty with (1 := e1) (p := exist q _).
        -- simpl. rewrite e1 in e. assumption.
        -- eapply ihm.
      × simpl in e.
        case_eq (nth_error m n0).
        2:{ intro h. pose proof e as hh. rewrite h in hh. discriminate. }
        intros [na ty bo ra] e1.
        eapply All_nth_error in X as ihm. 2: exact e1.
        simpl in ihm.
        unshelve eapply Acc_fix_mfix_bd with (1 := e1) (p := exist q _).
        -- simpl. rewrite e1 in e. assumption.
        -- eapply ihm.
  - destruct q as [q e]. destruct q as [| c q].
    + constructor. intros [p' e'] h.
      unfold posR in h. cbn in h.
      dependent destruction h.
      destruct c. all: noconf e'.
      × simpl in e'.
        case_eq (nth_error m n0).
        2:{ intro h. pose proof e' as hh. rewrite h in hh. discriminate. }
        intros [na ty bo ra] e1.
        eapply All_nth_error in X as ihm. 2: exact e1.
        simpl in ihm.
        unshelve eapply Acc_cofix_mfix_ty with (1 := e1) (p := exist p _).
        -- simpl. rewrite e1 in e'. assumption.
        -- eapply ihm.
      × simpl in e'.
        case_eq (nth_error m n0).
        2:{ intro h. pose proof e' as hh. rewrite h in hh. discriminate. }
        intros [na ty bo ra] e1.
        eapply All_nth_error in X as ihm. 2: exact e1.
        simpl in ihm.
        unshelve eapply Acc_cofix_mfix_bd with (1 := e1) (p := exist p _).
        -- simpl. rewrite e1 in e'. assumption.
        -- eapply ihm.
    + destruct c. all: noconf e.
      × simpl in e.
        case_eq (nth_error m n0).
        2:{ intro h. pose proof e as hh. rewrite h in hh. discriminate. }
        intros [na ty bo ra] e1.
        eapply All_nth_error in X as ihm. 2: exact e1.
        simpl in ihm.
        unshelve eapply Acc_cofix_mfix_ty with (1 := e1) (p := exist q _).
        -- simpl. rewrite e1 in e. assumption.
        -- eapply ihm.
      × simpl in e.
        case_eq (nth_error m n0).
        2:{ intro h. pose proof e as hh. rewrite h in hh. discriminate. }
        intros [na ty bo ra] e1.
        eapply All_nth_error in X as ihm. 2: exact e1.
        simpl in ihm.
        unshelve eapply Acc_cofix_mfix_bd with (1 := e1) (p := exist q _).
        -- simpl. rewrite e1 in e. assumption.
        -- eapply ihm.

Fixpoint atpos t (p : position) {struct p} : term :=
  match p with
  | []t
  | c :: p
    match c, t with
    | app_l, tApp u vatpos u p
    | app_r, tApp u vatpos v p
    | case_par n, tCase ci pr c brs
      match nth_error pr.(pparams) n with
      | Some paratpos par p
      | NonetRel 0
    | case_preturn, tCase ci pr c brsatpos pr.(preturn) p
    | case_c, tCase ci pr c brsatpos c p
    | case_brsbody n, tCase ci pr c brs
        match nth_error brs n with
        | Some bratpos br.(bbody) p
        | NonetRel 0
    | proj_c, tProj pr catpos c p
    | fix_mfix_ty n, tFix mfix idx
        match nth_error mfix n with
        | Some datpos d.(dtype) p
        | NonetRel 0
    | fix_mfix_bd n, tFix mfix idx
        match nth_error mfix n with
        | Some datpos d.(dbody) p
        | NonetRel 0
    | cofix_mfix_ty n, tCoFix mfix idx
        match nth_error mfix n with
        | Some datpos d.(dtype) p
        | NonetRel 0
    | cofix_mfix_bd n, tCoFix mfix idx
        match nth_error mfix n with
        | Some datpos d.(dbody) p
        | NonetRel 0
    | lam_ty, tLambda na A tatpos A p
    | lam_tm, tLambda na A tatpos t p
    | prod_l, tProd na A Batpos A p
    | prod_r, tProd na A Batpos B p
    | let_bd, tLetIn na b B tatpos b p
    | let_ty, tLetIn na b B tatpos B p
    | let_in, tLetIn na b B tatpos t p
    | _, _tRel 0

Lemma poscat_atpos :
   t p q, atpos t (p ++ q) = atpos (atpos t p) q.
  assert ( p, atpos (tRel 0) p = tRel 0) as hh.
  { intros p. destruct p.
    - reflexivity.
    - destruct c ; reflexivity.
  intros t p q.
  revert t q. induction p ; intros t q.
  - cbn. reflexivity.
  - destruct t ; destruct a.
    all: try solve [ rewrite hh ; reflexivity ].
    all: try apply IHp.
    + simpl. destruct nth_error as [?|] eqn:e.
      × apply IHp.
      × rewrite hh. reflexivity.
    + simpl. destruct nth_error.
      × apply IHp.
      × rewrite hh. reflexivity.
    + simpl. destruct nth_error as [[na ty bo ra]|] eqn:e.
      × apply IHp.
      × rewrite hh. reflexivity.
    + simpl. destruct nth_error as [[na ty bo ra]|] eqn:e.
      × apply IHp.
      × rewrite hh. reflexivity.
    + simpl. destruct nth_error as [[na ty bo ra]|] eqn:e.
      × apply IHp.
      × rewrite hh. reflexivity.
    + simpl. destruct nth_error as [[na ty bo ra]|] eqn:e.
      × apply IHp.
      × rewrite hh. reflexivity.

Lemma poscat_valid :
   t p q,
    validpos t p
    validpos (atpos t p) q
    validpos t (p ++ q).
  intros t p q hp hq.
  revert t q hp hq.
  induction p ; intros t q hp hq.
  - assumption.
  - destruct t ; destruct a.
    all: try noconf hp.
    all: try (apply IHp ; assumption).
    all: simpl in *;
        match goal with
        | [H: context[nth_error ?a ?b] |- _] ⇒
          destruct (nth_error a b); [|discriminate]
        | [H: context[context_choice_term ?a ?b] |- _] ⇒
          destruct (context_choice_term a b); [|discriminate]

Lemma positionR_poscat :
   p q1 q2,
    positionR q1 q2
    positionR (p ++ q1) (p ++ q2).
  intro p. induction p ; intros q1 q2 h.
  - assumption.
  - cbn. constructor. eapply IHp. assumption.

Lemma atpos_assoc :
   t p q,
    atpos (atpos t p) q = atpos t (p ++ q).
  intros t p q. revert t q.
  induction p ; intros t q.
  - reflexivity.
  - destruct a, t.
    all: simpl.
    all: try apply IHp.
    all: destruct q ; try reflexivity.
    all: try (destruct c ; reflexivity).
        match goal with
        | |- context[nth_error ?a ?b] ⇒
          destruct (nth_error a b); auto
        | |- context[context_choice_term ?a ?b] ⇒
          destruct (context_choice_term a b); auto
    all: rewrite ?app_nil_r.
    all: simpl; auto.
    all: try solve [destruct c; auto]; try solve [destruct c0; auto].
    all: rewrite <- IHp; auto.

Lemma positionR_trans : Transitive positionR.
  intros p q r h1 h2.
  revert r h2.
  induction h1 ; intros r h2.
  - dependent induction h2.
    + constructor.
    + constructor.
  - dependent induction h2.
    + constructor.
    + constructor. eapply IHh1. assumption.
    + constructor.
  - dependent induction h2.

Lemma posR_trans :
   t, Transitive (@posR t).
  intros t p q r h1 h2.
  eapply positionR_trans ; eassumption.

Lemma positionR_poscat_nonil :
   p q, q [] positionR (p ++ q) p.
  intros p q e.
  revert q e.
  induction p ; intros q e.
  - destruct q ; nodec.
    exfalso. apply e. reflexivity.
  - cbn. constructor. apply IHp. assumption.

Variant def_hole :=
| def_hole_type (dname : aname) (dbody : term) (rarg : nat)
| def_hole_body (dname : aname) (dtype : term) (rarg : nat).

Definition mfix_hole := mfixpoint term × def_hole × mfixpoint term.

Variant context_decl_hole : Type :=
| decl_hole_type (na : aname) (body : option term)
| decl_hole_body (na : aname) (type : term).

Definition context_hole := context × context_decl_hole × context.

Variant predicate_hole :=
| pred_hole_params
    (params1 params2 : list term)
    (puinst : Instance.t)
    (pcontext : context)
    (preturn : term)
| pred_hole_return
    (pparams : list term)
    (puinst : Instance.t)
    (pcontext : context).

Variant branch_hole :=
| branch_hole_body (bcontext : context).

Definition branches_hole := list (branch term) × branch_hole × list (branch term).

Variant stack_entry : Type :=
| App_l (v : term)
| App_r (u : term)
| Fix_app
    (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) (args : list term)
| Fix (mfix : mfix_hole) (idx : nat)
| CoFix_app
    (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) (args : list term)
| CoFix (mfix : mfix_hole) (idx : nat)
| Case_pred
    (ci : case_info)
    (p : predicate_hole)
    (c : term)
    (brs : list (branch term))
| Case_discr
    (ci : case_info)
    (p : predicate term)
    (brs : list (branch term))
| Case_branch
    (ci : case_info)
    (p : predicate term)
    (c : term)
    (brs : branches_hole)
| Proj
    (p : projection)
| Prod_l (na : aname) (B : term)
| Prod_r (na : aname) (A : term)
| Lambda_ty (na : aname) (b : term)
| Lambda_bd (na : aname) (A : term)
| LetIn_bd (na : aname) (B t : term)
| LetIn_ty (na : aname) (b t : term)
| LetIn_in (na : aname) (b B : term).

Definition stack := list stack_entry.

Derive NoConfusion for def_hole context_decl_hole predicate_hole branch_hole stack_entry.

Instance EqDec_def_hole : EqDec def_hole.
Proof. intros ? ?; decide equality; apply eq_dec. Defined.

Instance EqDec_context_decl_hole : EqDec context_decl_hole.
Proof. intros ? ?; decide equality; apply eq_dec. Defined.

Instance EqDec_predicate_hole : EqDec predicate_hole.
Proof. intros ? ?; decide equality; apply eq_dec. Defined.

Instance EqDec_branch_hole : EqDec branch_hole.
Proof. intros ? ?; decide equality; apply eq_dec. Defined.

Instance EqDec_stack_entry : EqDec stack_entry.
Proof. intros ? ?; decide equality; apply eq_dec. Defined.

Instance reflect_stack : ReflectEq stack :=
  let h := EqDec_ReflectEq stack in _.

Definition fill_mfix_hole '((mfix1, m, mfix2) : mfix_hole) (t : term) : mfixpoint term :=
  let def :=
      match m with
      | def_hole_type dname dbody rarg
        {| dname := dname;
           dtype := t;
           dbody := dbody;
           rarg := rarg |}
      | def_hole_body dname dtype rarg
        {| dname := dname;
           dtype := dtype;
           dbody := t;
           rarg := rarg |}
      end in
  mfix1 ++ (def :: mfix2).

Definition fill_context_hole '((ctx1, decl, ctx2) : context_hole) (t : term) : context :=
  let decl :=
      match decl with
      | decl_hole_type na body
        {| decl_name := na; decl_body := body; decl_type := t |}
      | decl_hole_body na type ⇒ {| decl_name := na; decl_body := Some t; decl_type := type |}
      end in
  ctx1 ,,, [decl] ,,, ctx2.

Definition fill_predicate_hole (p : predicate_hole) (t : term) : predicate term :=
  match p with
  | pred_hole_params params1 params2 puinst pcontext preturn
    {| pparams := params1 ++ (t :: params2);
       puinst := puinst;
       pcontext := pcontext;
       preturn := preturn |}
  | pred_hole_return pparams puinst pcontext
    {| pparams := pparams;
       puinst := puinst;
       pcontext := pcontext;
       preturn := t |}

Definition fill_branches_hole '((brs1, br, brs2) : branches_hole) (t : term) : list (branch term) :=
  let br :=
      match br with
      | branch_hole_body bcontext
        {| bcontext := bcontext; bbody := t |}
      end in
  brs1 ++ (br :: brs2).

Definition fill_hole (t : term) (se : stack_entry) : term :=
  match se with
  | App_l vtApp t v
  | App_r utApp u t
  | Fix_app mfix idx argstApp (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) args) t
  | Fix mfix idxtFix (fill_mfix_hole mfix t) idx
  | CoFix_app mfix idx argstApp (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args) t
  | CoFix mfix idxtCoFix (fill_mfix_hole mfix t) idx
  | Case_pred ci p c brstCase ci (fill_predicate_hole p t) c brs
  | Case_discr ci p brstCase ci p t brs
  | Case_branch ci p c brstCase ci p c (fill_branches_hole brs t)
  | Proj ptProj p t
  | Prod_l na BtProd na t B
  | Prod_r na AtProd na A t
  | Lambda_ty na btLambda na t b
  | Lambda_bd na AtLambda na A t
  | LetIn_bd na B utLetIn na t B u
  | LetIn_ty na b utLetIn na b t u
  | LetIn_in na b BtLetIn na b B t

Fixpoint zipc (t : term) (stack : stack) : term :=
  match stack with
  | []t
  | se :: stackzipc (fill_hole t se) stack

Definition zip (t : term × stack) : term := zipc (fst t) (snd t).

Tactic Notation "zip" "fold" "in" hyp(h) :=
  lazymatch type of h with
  | context C[ zipc ?t ?π ] ⇒
    let C' := context C[ zip (t,π) ] in
    change C' in h

Tactic Notation "zip" "fold" :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | |- context C[ zipc ?t ?π ] ⇒
    let C' := context C[ zip (t,π) ] in
    change C'

Fixpoint decompose_stack (π : stack) : list term × stack :=
  match π with
  | App_l u :: π ⇒ let '(l,π) := decompose_stack π in (u :: l, π)
  | _([], π)

Definition appstack (l : list term) (π : stack) : stack :=
  map App_l l ++ π.

Lemma decompose_stack_eq :
   π l ρ,
    decompose_stack π = (l, ρ)
    π = appstack l ρ.
  intros π l ρ eq.
  revert l ρ eq. induction π ; intros l ρ eq.
  - noconf eq; auto.
  - cbn in ×.
    destruct decompose_stack.
    destruct a; noconf eq; cbn in *; auto.

Lemma decompose_stack_not_app :
   π l u ρ,
    decompose_stack π = (l, App_l u :: ρ) False.
  intros π l u ρ eq.
  revert u l ρ eq. induction π ; intros u l ρ eq.
  - noconf eq.
  - cbn in eq.
    destruct decompose_stack.
    destruct a; noconf eq; cbn in *; auto.

Lemma zipc_appstack :
   {t args ρ},
    zipc t (appstack args ρ) = zipc (mkApps t args) ρ.
  intros t args ρ. revert t ρ. induction args ; intros t ρ.
  - cbn. reflexivity.
  - cbn. apply IHargs.

Lemma decompose_stack_appstack :
   l ρ,
    decompose_stack (appstack l ρ) =
    (l ++ fst (decompose_stack ρ), snd (decompose_stack ρ)).
  intros l. induction l ; intros ρ.
  - cbn. destruct (decompose_stack ρ). reflexivity.
  - cbn. rewrite IHl. reflexivity.

Fixpoint decompose_stack_at π n : option (list term × term × stack) :=
  match π with
  | App_l u :: π ⇒
    match n with
    | 0 ⇒ ret ([], u, π)
    | S n
      r <- decompose_stack_at π n ;;
        let '(l, v, π) := r in
        ret (u :: l, v, π)
  | _None

Lemma decompose_stack_at_eq :
   π n l u ρ,
    decompose_stack_at π n = Some (l,u,ρ)
    π = appstack l (App_l u :: ρ).
  intros π n l u ρ h.
  induction π in n, l, u, ρ, h |- ×.
  - noconf h.
  - cbn in h.
    destruct n as [|n].
    + destruct a; noconf h; auto.
    + specialize (IHπ n).
      destruct decompose_stack_at.
      × destruct p as ((?&?)&?).
        destruct a; noconf h.
        f_equal; eauto.
      × destruct a; noconf h.

Lemma decompose_stack_at_length :
   π n l u ρ,
    decompose_stack_at π n = Some (l,u,ρ)
    #|l| = n.
  intros π n l u ρ h.
  induction π in n, l, u, ρ, h |- ×.
  - noconf h.
  - cbn in h.
    destruct n as [|n].
    + destruct a; noconf h; auto.
    + specialize (IHπ n).
      destruct decompose_stack_at.
      × destruct p as ((?&?)&?).
        destruct a; noconf h.
        f_equal; eauto.
      × destruct a; noconf h.

Definition fix_context_alt (l : list (aname × term)) : context :=
  List.rev (mapi (fun i dvass d.1 (lift0 i d.2)) l).

Definition def_sig (d : def term) : aname × term :=
  (d.(dname), d.(dtype)).

Lemma fix_context_fix_context_alt :
    fix_context m = fix_context_alt (map def_sig m).
  intros m.
  unfold fix_context_alt, fix_context.
  f_equal. rewrite mapi_map. eapply mapi_ext.
  intros i [na ty bo ra]. simpl. reflexivity.

Definition mfix_hole_context '((mfix1, def, mfix2) : mfix_hole) : context :=
  match def with
  | def_hole_type _ _ _[]
  | def_hole_body na ty _
    fix_context_alt (map def_sig mfix1 ++ (na, ty) :: map def_sig mfix2)

Definition context_hole_context '((ctx1, decl, ctx2) : context_hole) : context :=

Definition predicate_hole_context (p : predicate_hole) : context :=
  match p with
  | pred_hole_params _ _ _ _ _[]
  | pred_hole_return pparams puinst pcontext
    inst_case_context pparams puinst pcontext

Definition branches_hole_context p '((brs1, br, brs2) : branches_hole) : context :=
  match br with
  | branch_hole_body bcontextinst_case_context p.(pparams) p.(puinst) bcontext

Definition stack_entry_context (se : stack_entry) : context :=
  match se with
  | Fix mfix idxmfix_hole_context mfix
  | CoFix mfix idxmfix_hole_context mfix
  | Case_pred ci p c brspredicate_hole_context p
  | Case_branch ci p c brsbranches_hole_context p brs
  | Prod_r na A[vass na A]
  | Lambda_bd na A[vass na A]
  | LetIn_in na b B[vdef na b B]
  | _[]

Definition stack_context : stack context :=
  flat_map stack_entry_context.

Lemma stack_context_appstack :
   {π args},
    stack_context (appstack args π) = stack_context π.
  intros π args.
  revert π. induction args ; intros π.
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. apply IHargs.

Definition closedn_mfix_hole k '((mfix1, m, mfix2) : mfix_hole) : bool :=
  let k' := (k + #|mfix1| + 1 + #|mfix2|) in
  let def :=
      match m with
      | def_hole_type dname dbody rarg
        closedn k' dbody
      | def_hole_body dname dtype rarg
        closedn k dtype
      end in
  [&& forallb (test_def (closedn k) (closedn k')) mfix1,
      def & forallb (test_def (closedn k) (closedn k')) mfix2].

Definition closedn_context_hole k '((ctx1, decl, ctx2) : context_hole) : bool :=
  let decl :=
      match decl with
      | decl_hole_type na bodyoption_default (closedn (k + #|ctx1|)) body true
      | decl_hole_body na typeclosedn (k + #|ctx1|) type
      end in
  [&& closedn_ctx k ctx1, decl & closedn_ctx (k + S #|ctx1|) ctx2].

Definition closedn_predicate_hole k (p : predicate_hole) : bool :=
  match p with
  | pred_hole_params params1 params2 puinst pcontext preturn
    [&& forallb (closedn k) params1,
        forallb (closedn k) params2,
        closedn_ctx (#|params1| + S #|params2|) pcontext &
        closedn (k + #|pcontext|) preturn]
  | pred_hole_return pparams puinst pcontext
    forallb (closedn k) pparams && closedn_ctx #|pparams| pcontext

Definition predicate_hole_pars (p : predicate_hole) : nat :=
  match p with
  | pred_hole_params params1 params2 puinst pcontext preturn
    #|params1| + 1 + #|params2|
  | pred_hole_return pparams puinst pcontext#|pparams|

Definition closedn_branches_hole k (pred : predicate term) '((brs1, br, brs2) : branches_hole) : bool :=
  let br :=
      match br with
      | branch_hole_body bcontextclosedn_ctx #|pparams pred| bcontext
      end in
  [&& test_branches_k pred closedn k brs1, br &
      test_branches_k pred closedn k brs2].

Definition test_branch_k_pars ppars (p : nat term bool) k (b : branch term) :=
  test_context_k p ppars b.(bcontext) && p (#|b.(bcontext)| + k) b.(bbody).

Notation test_branches_k_pars p test k brs :=
  (List.forallb (test_branch_k_pars p test k) brs).

Definition closedn_stack_entry k se :=
  match se with
  | App_l vclosedn k v
  | App_r uclosedn k u
  | Fix_app mfix idx argsclosedn k (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) args)
  | Fix mfix idxclosedn_mfix_hole k mfix
  | CoFix_app mfix idx argsclosedn k (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args)
  | CoFix mfix idxclosedn_mfix_hole k mfix
  | Case_pred ci p c brs
    [&& closedn_predicate_hole k p, closedn k c &
        test_branches_k_pars (predicate_hole_pars p) closedn k brs]
  | Case_discr ci p brs
    test_predicate_k xpredT closedn k p && test_branches_k p closedn k brs
  | Case_branch ci p c brs
    [&& test_predicate_k xpredT closedn k p, closedn k c &
        closedn_branches_hole k p brs]
  | Proj ptrue
  | Prod_l na Bclosedn (S k) B
  | Prod_r na Aclosedn k A
  | Lambda_ty na bclosedn (S k) b
  | Lambda_bd na Aclosedn k A
  | LetIn_bd na B uclosedn k B && closedn (S k) u
  | LetIn_ty na b uclosedn k b && closedn (S k) u
  | LetIn_in na b Bclosedn k b && closedn k B

Fixpoint closedn_stack k π :=
  match π with
  | []true
  | se :: π ⇒
    closedn_stack_entry (k + #|stack_context π|) se &&
    closedn_stack k π

Definition context_hole_choice '((ctx1, decl, ctx2) : context_hole) : context_choice :=
  let decl :=
      match decl with
      | decl_hole_type _ _choose_decl_type
      | decl_hole_body _ _choose_decl_body
      end in
  (#|ctx2|, decl).

Definition stack_entry_choice (se : stack_entry) : choice :=
  match se with
  | App_l vapp_l
  | App_r uapp_r
  | Fix_app mfix idx argsapp_r
  | Fix (mfix1, def_hole_type _ _ _, _) idxfix_mfix_ty #|mfix1|
  | Fix (mfix1, def_hole_body _ _ _, _) idxfix_mfix_bd #|mfix1|
  | CoFix_app mfix idx argsapp_r
  | CoFix (mfix1, def_hole_type _ _ _, _) idxcofix_mfix_ty #|mfix1|
  | CoFix (mfix1, def_hole_body _ _ _, _) idxcofix_mfix_bd #|mfix1|
  | Case_pred ci (pred_hole_params pars1 _ _ _ _) c brscase_par #|pars1|
  | Case_pred ci (pred_hole_return _ _ _) c brscase_preturn
  | Case_discr ci p brscase_c
  | Case_branch ci p c (brs1, branch_hole_body _, brs2)case_brsbody #|brs1|
  | Proj pproj_c
  | Prod_l na Bprod_l
  | Prod_r na Aprod_r
  | Lambda_ty na blam_ty
  | Lambda_bd na Alam_tm
  | LetIn_bd na B tlet_bd
  | LetIn_ty na b tlet_ty
  | LetIn_in na b Blet_in

Definition stack_position : stack position :=
  rev_map stack_entry_choice.

Lemma stack_position_cons se π :
  stack_position (se :: π) =
  stack_position π ++ [stack_entry_choice se].
  unfold stack_position.
  rewrite rev_map_cons; auto.

Lemma stack_position_atpos :
   t π, atpos (zipc t π) (stack_position π) = t.
  intros t π. revert t. induction π ; intros u; auto.
  rewrite stack_position_cons.
  rewrite poscat_atpos.
  rewrite IHπ.
  destruct a; cbn; auto.
  - destruct mfix as ((?&?)&?).
    destruct d; cbn.
    all: rewrite nth_error_snoc; auto.
  - destruct mfix as ((?&?)&?).
    destruct d; cbn.
    all: rewrite nth_error_snoc; auto.
  - destruct p; cbn; auto.
    + rewrite nth_error_snoc; auto.
  - destruct brs as ((?&[])&?); cbn.
    all: rewrite nth_error_snoc; auto.

Lemma stack_position_valid :
   t π, validpos (zipc t π) (stack_position π).
  intros t π. revert t. induction π ; intros u; auto.
  rewrite stack_position_cons.
  apply poscat_valid; eauto.
  rewrite stack_position_atpos.
  destruct a; cbn; auto.
  - destruct mfix as ((?&?)&?), d.
    all: rewrite nth_error_snoc; auto.
  - destruct mfix as ((?&?)&?), d.
    all: rewrite nth_error_snoc; auto.
  - destruct p; cbn; auto.
    + rewrite nth_error_snoc; auto.
  - destruct brs as ((?&[])&?); cbn.
    all: rewrite nth_error_snoc; auto.

Definition stack_pos (t : term) (π : stack) : pos (zipc t π) :=
  exist (stack_position π) (stack_position_valid t π).

Lemma map_const {X Y} (y : Y) (l : list X) :
  map (fun _y) l = repeat y #|l|.
  induction l; cbn; auto.
  f_equal; auto.

Lemma repeat_snoc {A} (a : A) n :
  repeat a (S n) = repeat a n ++ [a].
  induction n; auto.
  f_equal; auto.

Lemma rev_repeat {A} (a : A) n :
  List.rev (repeat a n) = repeat a n.
  induction n; auto.
  rewrite repeat_snoc at 1.
  rewrite rev_app_distr; cbn.
  f_equal; auto.

Lemma stack_position_appstack :
   args ρ,
    stack_position (appstack args ρ) =
    stack_position ρ ++ repeat app_l #|args|.
  intros args ρ.
  unfold stack_position, appstack.
  rewrite rev_map_app.
  rewrite rev_map_spec, map_map.
  rewrite map_const, rev_repeat; auto.

Section Stacks.
  Context (Σ : global_env_ext).
  Context `{checker_flags}.

  Lemma fill_context_hole_inj c t t' :
    fill_context_hole c t = fill_context_hole c t'
    t = t'.
  Proof using Type.
    intros eq.
    destruct c as ((?&[])&?); cbn in ×.
    all: apply app_inj_length_l in eq as (_&eq); noconf eq; auto.

  Lemma zipc_inj :
     u v π, zipc u π = zipc v π u = v.
  Proof using Type.
    intros u v π e. revert u v e.
    induction π ; intros u v e; auto.
    cbn in e.
    apply IHπ in e.
    destruct a; cbn in e; noconf e; auto.
    - destruct mfix as ((?&[])&?); cbn in ×.
      all: apply app_inj_length_l in H0 as (_&H0); auto.
      all: noconf H0; auto.
    - destruct mfix as ((?&[])&?); cbn in ×.
      all: apply app_inj_length_l in H0 as (_&H0); auto.
      all: noconf H0; auto.
    - destruct p; cbn in *; noconf H0; auto.
      + apply app_inj_length_l in H0 as (_&H0); auto.
        noconf H0; auto.
    - destruct brs as ((?&[])&?); cbn in ×.
      + apply app_inj_length_l in H0 as (_&H0); auto; noconf H0.

  Definition isStackApp (π : stack) : bool :=
    match π with
    | App_l _ :: _true
    | _false

  Lemma isStackApp_false_appstack :
     l π,
      isStackApp (appstack l π) = false
      l = [].
  Proof using Type.
    intros l π h. destruct l ; try discriminate. reflexivity.

  Definition zipx (Γ : context) (t : term) (π : stack) : term :=
    it_mkLambda_or_LetIn Γ (zipc t π).

  Fixpoint context_position (Γ : context) : position :=
    match Γ with
    | [][]
    | {| decl_name := na ; decl_body := None ; decl_type := A |} :: Γ
      context_position Γ ++ [ lam_tm ]
    | {| decl_name := na ; decl_body := Some b ; decl_type := A |} :: Γ
      context_position Γ ++ [ let_in ]

  Lemma context_position_atpos :
     Γ t, atpos (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn Γ t) (context_position Γ) = t.
  Proof using Type.
    intros Γ t. revert t. induction Γ as [| d Γ ih ] ; intro t.
    - reflexivity.
    - destruct d as [na [b|] A].
      + simpl. rewrite poscat_atpos. rewrite ih. reflexivity.
      + simpl. rewrite poscat_atpos. rewrite ih. reflexivity.

  Lemma context_position_valid :
     Γ t, validpos (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn Γ t) (context_position Γ).
  Proof using Type.
    intros Γ t. revert t. induction Γ as [| [na [b|] A] Γ ih ] ; intro t.
    - reflexivity.
    - simpl. eapply poscat_valid.
      + eapply ih.
      + rewrite context_position_atpos. reflexivity.
    - simpl. eapply poscat_valid.
      + eapply ih.
      + rewrite context_position_atpos. reflexivity.

  Lemma positionR_context_position_inv :
     Γ p q,
      positionR (context_position Γ ++ p) (context_position Γ ++ q)
      positionR p q.
  Proof using Type.
    intros Γ p q h.
    revert p q h.
    induction Γ as [| [na [b|] A] Γ ih ] ; intros p q h.
    - assumption.
    - cbn in h. rewrite <- 2!app_assoc in h. apply ih in h.
      cbn in h. dependent destruction h.
    - cbn in h. rewrite <- 2!app_assoc in h. apply ih in h.
      cbn in h. dependent destruction h.

  Definition xposition (Γ : context) (π : stack) : position :=
    context_position Γ ++ stack_position π.

  Lemma xposition_atpos :
     Γ t π, atpos (zipx Γ t π) (xposition Γ π) = t.
  Proof using Type.
    intros Γ t π. unfold xposition.
    rewrite poscat_atpos.
    rewrite context_position_atpos.
    apply stack_position_atpos.

  Lemma xposition_valid :
     Γ t π, validpos (zipx Γ t π) (xposition Γ π).
  Proof using Type.
    intros Γ t π. unfold xposition.
    eapply poscat_valid.
    - apply context_position_valid.
    - rewrite context_position_atpos.
      apply stack_position_valid.

  Lemma positionR_xposition_inv :
     Γ ρ1 ρ2,
      positionR (xposition Γ ρ1) (xposition Γ ρ2)
      positionR (stack_position ρ1) (stack_position ρ2).
  Proof using Type.
    intros Γ ρ1 ρ2 h.
    eapply positionR_context_position_inv.

  Definition xpos (Γ : context) (t : term) (π : stack) : pos (zipx Γ t π) :=
    exist (xposition Γ π) (xposition_valid Γ t π).

  Lemma positionR_stack_pos_xpos :
     Γ π1 π2,
      positionR (stack_position π1) (stack_position π2)
      positionR (xposition Γ π1) (xposition Γ π2).
  Proof using Type.
    intros Γ π1 π2 h.
    unfold xposition.
    eapply positionR_poscat. assumption.

  Definition zipp (t : term) (π : stack) : term :=
    let '(args, ρ) := decompose_stack π in
    mkApps t args.

  Lemma stack_cat_appstack :
     args ρ,
      appstack args [] ++ ρ = appstack args ρ.
  Proof using Type.
    intros args ρ.
    revert ρ. induction args ; intros ρ.
    - reflexivity.
    - simpl. rewrite IHargs. reflexivity.

  Lemma decompose_stack_twice :
     π args ρ,
      decompose_stack π = (args, ρ)
      decompose_stack ρ = ([], ρ).
  Proof using Type.
    intros π args ρ e.
    pose proof (decompose_stack_eq _ _ _ e). subst.
    rewrite decompose_stack_appstack in e.
    case_eq (decompose_stack ρ). intros l θ eq.
    rewrite eq in e. cbn in e. inversion e. subst.
    f_equal. clear - H1.
    revert l H1.
    induction args ; intros l h.
    - assumption.
    - apply IHargs. cbn in h. inversion h. rewrite H0. assumption.

  Lemma zipc_stack_cat :
     t π ρ,
      zipc t (π ++ ρ) = zipc (zipc t π) ρ.
  Proof using Type.
    intros t π ρ. revert t ρ.
    induction π ; intros u ρ; auto.
    rewrite IHπ; auto.

  Lemma stack_position_stack_cat :
     π ρ,
      stack_position (ρ ++ π) =
      stack_position π ++ stack_position ρ.
  Proof using Type.
    intros π ρ. apply rev_map_app.

  Lemma stack_context_stack_cat :
     π ρ,
      stack_context (ρ ++ π) = stack_context π ,,, stack_context ρ.
  Proof using Type.
    intros π ρ.
    unfold stack_context.
    rewrite !flat_map_concat_map.
    rewrite map_app, concat_app; auto.

  Definition zippx (t : term) (π : stack) : term :=
    let '(args, ρ) := decompose_stack π in
    it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (stack_context ρ) (mkApps t args).

End Stacks.

Definition context_clos (R : term term Type) u v :=
   u' v' π,
    R u' v' ×
    (u = zipc u' π v = zipc v' π).

Definition context_env_clos (R : context term term Type) Γ u v :=
   u' v' π,
    R (Γ ,,, stack_context π) u' v' ×
    (u = zipc u' π v = zipc v' π).

Require Import ssreflect.

Lemma closedn_fill_hole k t se : closedn k (fill_hole t se) = closedn (#|stack_entry_context se| + k) t &&
  closedn_stack_entry k se.
  destruct se; simpl ⇒ //; try bool_congr; try ring.
  - destruct mfix as ((mfix1&[])&mfix2); cbn; len.
    × rewrite -app_tip_assoc !forallb_app.
      replace (k + #|mfix1| + 1 + #|mfix2|) with (#|mfix1| + S #|mfix2| + k) by lia.
      rewrite !andb_assoc andb_true_r /=. ring.
    × rewrite -app_tip_assoc !forallb_app.
      replace (k + #|mfix1| + 1 + #|mfix2|) with (#|mfix1| + S #|mfix2| + k) by lia.
      rewrite !andb_assoc andb_true_r /= map_length. ring.
  - destruct mfix as ((mfix1&[])&mfix2); cbn; len.
    × rewrite -app_tip_assoc !forallb_app.
      replace (k + #|mfix1| + 1 + #|mfix2|) with (#|mfix1| + S #|mfix2| + k) by lia.
      rewrite !andb_assoc andb_true_r /=. ring.
    × rewrite -app_tip_assoc !forallb_app.
      replace (k + #|mfix1| + 1 + #|mfix2|) with (#|mfix1| + S #|mfix2| + k) by lia.
      rewrite !andb_assoc andb_true_r /= map_length. ring.
  - destruct p; cbn.
    × unfold test_predicate_k; cbn.
      rewrite !forallb_app /=. len. ring_simplify.
      replace (k + #|pcontext|) with (#|pcontext| + k) by lia.
      rewrite - !andb_assoc. repeat bool_congr.
      apply forallb_ext. intros []; cbn.
      unfold test_branch_k, test_branch_k_pars; cbn; len.
      now rewrite -Nat.add_assoc /=.
    × unfold test_predicate_k; cbn; len.
      rewrite - !andb_assoc. repeat bool_congr.
  - destruct brs as [[brs []] brs']; cbn.
    rewrite -app_tip_assoc !forallb_app; cbn.
    len; ring_simplify; rewrite - !andb_assoc; repeat bool_congr.

Lemma closedn_zip k t π : closedn k (zipc t π) = closedn_stack k π && closedn (#|stack_context π| + k) t.
  induction π in k, t |- × ⇒ //.
  rewrite IHπ. bool_congr. len.
  rewrite closedn_fill_hole.
  rewrite Nat.add_assoc (Nat.add_comm #|stack_context π| k). ring.