Library MetaCoq.Template.AstUtils

From Coq Require Numbers.Cyclic.Int63.Uint63 Floats.PrimFloat.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils BasicAst Ast Environment monad_utils.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.
Require Import ZArith.

Raw term printing

Definition string_of_prim_int ( : string :=
  string_of_Z (Numbers.Cyclic.Int63.Uint63.to_Z i).

Definition string_of_float (f : PrimFloat.float) :=

Module string_of_term_tree.
  Import bytestring.Tree.
  Infix "^" := append.

  Definition string_of_predicate {term} (f : term t) (p : predicate term) :=
    "(" ^ "(" ^ concat "," (map f (pparams p)) ^ ")"
    ^ "," ^ string_of_universe_instance (puinst p)
    ^ ",(" ^ String.concat "," (map (string_of_name binder_name) (pcontext p)) ^ ")"
    ^ "," ^ f (preturn p) ^ ")".

  Definition string_of_branch (f : term t) (b : branch term) :=
    "([" ^ String.concat "," (map (string_of_name binder_name) (bcontext b)) ^ "], "
    ^ f (bbody b) ^ ")".

  Definition string_of_def {A} (f : A t) (def : def A) :=
    "(" ^ string_of_name (binder_name (dname def))
      ^ "," ^ string_of_relevance (binder_relevance (dname def))
      ^ "," ^ f (dtype def)
      ^ "," ^ f (dbody def)
      ^ "," ^ string_of_nat (rarg def) ^ ")".

  Fixpoint string_of_term (t : term) : Tree.t :=
  match t with
  | tRel n ⇒ "Rel(" ^ string_of_nat n ^ ")"
  | tVar n ⇒ "Var(" ^ n ^ ")"
  | tEvar ev args ⇒ "Evar(" ^ string_of_nat ev ^ "," ^ string_of_list string_of_term args ^ ")"
  | tSort s ⇒ "Sort(" ^ string_of_sort s ^ ")"
  | tCast c k t ⇒ "Cast(" ^ string_of_term c ^ ","
                           ^ string_of_term t ^ ")"
  | tProd na b t ⇒ "Prod(" ^ string_of_name na.(binder_name) ^ ","
                            ^ string_of_relevance na.(binder_relevance) ^ ","
                            ^ string_of_term b ^ ","
                            ^ string_of_term t ^ ")"
  | tLambda na b t ⇒ "Lambda(" ^ string_of_name na.(binder_name) ^ ","
                                ^ string_of_term b ^ ","
                                ^ string_of_relevance na.(binder_relevance) ^ ","
                                ^ string_of_term t ^ ")"
  | tLetIn na b t' t ⇒ "LetIn(" ^ string_of_name na.(binder_name) ^ ","
                                 ^ string_of_relevance na.(binder_relevance) ^ ","
                                 ^ string_of_term b ^ ","
                                 ^ string_of_term t' ^ ","
                                 ^ string_of_term t ^ ")"
  | tApp f l ⇒ "App(" ^ string_of_term f ^ "," ^ string_of_list string_of_term l ^ ")"
  | tConst c u ⇒ "Const(" ^ string_of_kername c ^ "," ^ string_of_universe_instance u ^ ")"
  | tInd i u ⇒ "Ind(" ^ string_of_inductive i ^ "," ^ string_of_universe_instance u ^ ")"
  | tConstruct i n u ⇒ "Construct(" ^ string_of_inductive i ^ "," ^ string_of_nat n ^ ","
                                    ^ string_of_universe_instance u ^ ")"
  | tCase ci p t brs
    "Case(" ^ string_of_case_info ci ^ ","
            ^ string_of_predicate string_of_term p ^ ","
            ^ string_of_term t ^ ","
            ^ string_of_list (string_of_branch string_of_term) brs ^ ")"
  | tProj p c
    "Proj(" ^ string_of_inductive p.(proj_ind) ^ "," ^ string_of_nat p.(proj_npars) ^ "," ^ string_of_nat p.(proj_arg) ^ ","
            ^ string_of_term c ^ ")"
  | tFix l n ⇒ "Fix(" ^ (string_of_list (string_of_def string_of_term) l) ^ "," ^ string_of_nat n ^ ")"
  | tCoFix l n ⇒ "CoFix(" ^ (string_of_list (string_of_def string_of_term) l) ^ "," ^ string_of_nat n ^ ")"
End string_of_term_tree.

Definition string_of_term := Tree.to_string string_of_term_tree.string_of_term.

Definition decompose_app (t : term) :=
  match t with
  | tApp f l(f, l)
  | _(t, [])

Lemma decompose_app_mkApps f l :
  ~~ isApp f decompose_app (mkApps f l) = (f, l).
  intros Hf. rewrite /decompose_app.
  destruct l. simpl. destruct f; try discriminate; auto.
  remember (mkApps f (t :: l)) eqn:Heq. simpl in Heq.
  destruct f; simpl in *; subst; auto.

Lemma atom_decompose_app t : ~~ isApp t decompose_app t = (t, []).
Proof. destruct t; simpl; congruence. Qed.

Lemma mkApps_mkApp u a v : mkApps (mkApp u a) v = mkApps u (a :: v).
  induction v. simpl.
  destruct u; simpl; try reflexivity.
  intros. simpl.
  destruct u; simpl; try reflexivity.
  now rewrite <- app_assoc.

Lemma mkApps_eq_inj {t t' l l'} :
  mkApps t l = mkApps t' l'
  ~~ isApp t ~~ isApp t' t = t' l = l'.
  intros Happ Ht Ht'. eapply (f_equal decompose_app) in Happ.
  rewrite !decompose_app_mkApps in Happ ⇒ //. intuition congruence.

Inductive mkApps_spec : term list term term list term term Type :=
| mkApps_intro f l n :
    ~~ isApp f
    mkApps_spec f l (mkApps f (firstn n l)) (skipn n l) (mkApps f l).

Definition is_empty {A} (l : list A) :=
  if l is nil then true else false.

Lemma is_empty_app {A} (l l' : list A) : is_empty (l ++ l') = is_empty l && is_empty l'.
  induction l; simpl; auto.

Lemma mkApps_tApp f args :
  ~~ isApp f
  ~~ is_empty args
  tApp f args = mkApps f args.
  destruct args, f; try discriminate; auto.

Lemma nApp_mkApps {t l} : ~~ isApp (mkApps t l) ~~ isApp t l = [].
  induction l in t |- *; simpl; auto.
  intros. destruct (isApp t) eqn:Heq. destruct t; try discriminate.
  destruct t; try discriminate.

Lemma mkApps_nisApp {t t' l} : mkApps t l = t' ~~ isApp t' t = t' l = [].
  intros <-. intros. eapply nApp_mkApps in H. intuition auto.
  now subst.

Ltac solve_discr' :=
  match goal with
    H : mkApps _ _ = mkApps ?f ?l |- _
    eapply mkApps_eq_inj in H as [? ?]; [|easy|easy]; subst; try intuition congruence
  | H : ?t = mkApps ?f ?l |- _
    change t with (mkApps t []) in H ;
    eapply mkApps_eq_inj in H as [? ?]; [|easy|easy]; subst; try intuition congruence
  | H : mkApps ?f ?l = ?t |- _
    change t with (mkApps t []) in H ;
    eapply mkApps_eq_inj in H as [? ?]; [|easy|easy]; subst; try intuition congruence

Lemma mkApps_app f l l' : mkApps f (l ++ l') = mkApps (mkApps f l) l'.
  induction l; destruct f; destruct l'; simpl; rewrite ?app_nil_r; auto.
  f_equal. now rewrite <- app_assoc.

Lemma mkApp_mkApps f a l : mkApp (mkApps f l) a = mkApps f (l ++ [a]).
  destruct l. simpl. reflexivity.
  rewrite mkApps_app //.

Lemma mkAppMkApps s t:
  mkApp s t = mkApps s [t].
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma mkApp_tApp f u : isApp f = false mkApp f u = tApp f [u].
Proof. intros. destruct f; (discriminate || reflexivity). Qed.

Fixpoint decompose_prod (t : term) : (list aname) × (list term) × term :=
  match t with
  | tProd n A Blet (nAs, B) := decompose_prod B in
                  let (ns, As) := nAs in
                  (n :: ns, A :: As, B)
  | _([], [], t)

Fixpoint remove_arity (n : nat) (t : term) : term :=
  match n with
  | Ot
  | S nmatch t with
          | tProd _ _ Bremove_arity n B
          | _t

Fixpoint lookup_mind_decl (id : kername) (decls : global_declarations)
 := match decls with
    | nilNone
    | (kn, InductiveDecl d) :: tl
      if kn == id then Some d else lookup_mind_decl id tl
    | _ :: tllookup_mind_decl id tl

Definition mind_body_to_entry (decl : mutual_inductive_body)
  : mutual_inductive_entry.
  refine {| mind_entry_record := None;
            mind_entry_finite := Finite;
            mind_entry_params := _ ;
            mind_entry_inds := _;
            mind_entry_universes := universes_entry_of_decl decl.(ind_universes);
            mind_entry_template := false;
            mind_entry_variance := option_map (map Some) decl.(ind_variance);
            mind_entry_private := None |}.
   refine (match List.hd_error decl.(ind_bodies) with
  | Some i0List.rev _
  | Nonenil
  pose (typ := decompose_prod i0.(ind_type)).
destruct typ as [[names types] _].
apply (List.firstn decl.(ind_npars)) in names.
apply (List.firstn decl.(ind_npars)) in types.
  refine (map (fun '(x, ty)vass x ty) (combine names types)).
  - refine ( _ decl.(ind_bodies)).
    intros [].
    refine {| mind_entry_typename := ind_name0;
              mind_entry_arity := remove_arity decl.(ind_npars) ind_type0;
              mind_entry_consnames := _;
              mind_entry_lc := _;
    refine ( (fun xcstr_name x) ind_ctors0).
    refine ( (fun xremove_arity decl.(ind_npars) (cstr_type x)) ind_ctors0).

Fixpoint strip_casts t :=
  match t with
  | tEvar ev argstEvar ev ( strip_casts args)
  | tLambda na T MtLambda na (strip_casts T) (strip_casts M)
  | tApp u vmkApps (strip_casts u) ( (strip_casts) v)
  | tProd na A BtProd na (strip_casts A) (strip_casts B)
  | tCast c kind tstrip_casts c
  | tLetIn na b t b'tLetIn na (strip_casts b) (strip_casts t) (strip_casts b')
  | tCase ind p c brs
    let p' := map_predicate id strip_casts strip_casts p in
    let brs' := (map_branch strip_casts) brs in
    tCase ind p' (strip_casts c) brs'
  | tProj p ctProj p (strip_casts c)
  | tFix mfix idx
    let mfix' := (map_def strip_casts strip_casts) mfix in
    tFix mfix' idx
  | tCoFix mfix idx
    let mfix' := (map_def strip_casts strip_casts) mfix in
    tCoFix mfix' idx
  | tRel _ | tVar _ | tSort _ | tConst _ _ | tInd _ _ | tConstruct _ _ _t

Fixpoint decompose_prod_assum (Γ : context) (t : term) : context × term :=
  match t with
  | tProd n A Bdecompose_prod_assum (Γ ,, vass n A) B
  | tLetIn na b bty b'decompose_prod_assum (Γ ,, vdef na b bty) b'
  | _(Γ, t)

Fixpoint strip_outer_cast t :=
  match t with
  | tCast t _ _strip_outer_cast t
  | _t

Fixpoint decompose_prod_n_assum (Γ : context) n (t : term) : option (context × term) :=
  match n with
  | 0 ⇒ Some (Γ, t)
  | S n
    match strip_outer_cast t with
    | tProd na A Bdecompose_prod_n_assum (Γ ,, vass na A) n B
    | tLetIn na b bty b'decompose_prod_n_assum (Γ ,, vdef na b bty) n b'
    | _None

Fixpoint decompose_lam_n_assum (Γ : context) n (t : term) : option (context × term) :=
  match n with
  | 0 ⇒ Some (Γ, t)
  | S n
    match strip_outer_cast t with
    | tLambda na A Bdecompose_lam_n_assum (Γ ,, vass na A) n B
    | tLetIn na b bty b'decompose_lam_n_assum (Γ ,, vdef na b bty) n b'
    | _None

Lemma decompose_prod_n_assum_it_mkProd ctx ctx' ty :
  decompose_prod_n_assum ctx #|ctx'| (it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx' ty) = Some (ctx' ++ ctx, ty).
  revert ctx ty. induction ctx' using rev_ind; move⇒ // ctx ty.
  rewrite app_length /= it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app /=.
  destruct x as [na [body|] ty'] ⇒ /=;
  now rewrite !Nat.add_1_r /= IHctx' -app_assoc.

Definition is_ind_app_head t :=
  match t with
  | tInd _ _true
  | tApp (tInd _ _) _true
  | _false

Lemma is_ind_app_head_mkApps ind u l : is_ind_app_head (mkApps (tInd ind u) l).
Proof. now destruct l; simpl. Qed.

Lemma decompose_prod_assum_it_mkProd ctx ctx' ty :
  is_ind_app_head ty
  decompose_prod_assum ctx (it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx' ty) = (ctx' ++ ctx, ty).
  revert ctx ty. induction ctx' using rev_ind; move⇒ // ctx ty /=.
  destruct ty; simpl; try (congruence || reflexivity).
  moveHty. rewrite it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app /=.
  case: x ⇒ [na [body|] ty'] /=; by rewrite IHctx' // /snoc -app_assoc.

Definition isConstruct_app t :=
  match fst (decompose_app t) with
  | tConstruct _ _ _true
  | _false

Definition lookup_minductive Σ mind :=
  match lookup_env Σ mind with
  | Some (InductiveDecl decl) ⇒ Some decl
  | _None

Definition lookup_inductive Σ ind :=
  match lookup_minductive Σ (inductive_mind ind) with
  | Some mdecl
    match nth_error mdecl.(ind_bodies) (inductive_ind ind) with
    | Some ideclSome (mdecl, idecl)
    | NoneNone
  | NoneNone

Definition destInd (t : term) :=
  match t with
  | tInd ind uSome (ind, u)
  | _None

Definition forget_types {term} (c : list (BasicAst.context_decl term)) : list aname :=
  map decl_name c.

Import MCMonadNotation.

Definition mkCase_old (Σ : global_env) (ci : case_info) (p : term) (c : term) (brs : list (nat × term)) : option term :=
  '(mib, oib) <- lookup_inductive Σ ci.(ci_ind) ;;
  '(pctx, preturn) <- decompose_lam_n_assum [] (S #|oib.(ind_indices)|) p ;;
  '(puinst, pparams, pctx) <-
    match pctx with
    | {| decl_name := na; decl_type := tind; decl_body := Datatypes.None |} :: indices
      let (hd, args) := decompose_app tind in
      match destInd hd with
      | Datatypes.Some (ind, u)ret (u, firstn mib.(ind_npars) args, forget_types indices)
      | Datatypes.Noneraise tt
    | _raise tt
    end ;;
  let p' :=
    {| puinst := puinst; pparams := pparams; pcontext := pctx; preturn := preturn |}
  brs' <-
    monad_map2 (E:=unit) (ME:=option_monad_exc) (fun cdecl br
      '(bctx, bbody) <- decompose_lam_n_assum [] #|cdecl.(cstr_args)| br.2 ;;
      ret {| bcontext := forget_types bctx; bbody := bbody |})
      tt oib.(ind_ctors) brs ;;
  ret (tCase ci p' c brs').

Definition default_sort_family (u : Universe.t) : allowed_eliminations :=
  if Universe.is_sprop u then IntoAny
  else if Universe.is_prop u then IntoPropSProp
  else IntoAny.

Definition default_relevance (u : Universe.t) : relevance :=
  if Universe.is_sprop u then Irrelevant
  else Relevant.

Convenience functions for building constructors and inductive declarations
The indrel argument represents the de Bruijn associated to the inductive in the mutual block. index 0 represents the LAST inductive in the block. The params is the context of parameters of the whole inductive block. The args context represents the argument types of the constructor (the last argument of the constructor is the first item in this list, as contexts are represented as snoc lists).
Makes a simple inductive body with no projections, and "standard" universe and elimination rules derived from the universe (i.e. does not handle inductives with singleton elimination, or impredicate set eliminations).
Definition make_inductive_body (id : ident) (params : context) (indices : context)
   (u : Universe.t) (ind_ctors : list constructor_body) : one_inductive_body :=
  {| ind_name := id;
     ind_indices := indices;
     ind_sort := u;
     ind_type := it_mkProd_or_LetIn (params ,,, indices) (tSort u);
     ind_kelim := default_sort_family u;
     ind_ctors := ind_ctors;
     ind_projs := [];
     ind_relevance := default_relevance u |}.

Ltac change_Sk :=
  repeat match goal with
    | |- context [S (?x + ?y)] ⇒ progress change (S (x + y)) with (S x + y)
    | |- context [#|?l| + (?x + ?y)] ⇒ progress replace (#|l| + (x + y)) with ((#|l| + x) + y) by now rewrite Nat.add_assoc

#[global] Hint Extern 10 ⇒ progress unfold map_branches_k : all.
#[global] Hint Extern 10 ⇒ rewrite !map_branch_map_branch : all.

Definition tCaseBrsType {A} (P : A Type) (l : list (branch A)) :=
  All (fun xP (bbody x)) l.

Definition tFixType {A} (P P' : A Type) (m : mfixpoint A) :=
  All (fun x : def AP x.(dtype) × P' x.(dbody))%type m.

Ltac solve_all_one :=
  try lazymatch goal with
  | H: tCasePredProp _ _ _ |- _destruct H
  unfold tCaseBrsProp, tFixProp, tCaseBrsType, tFixType in *;
  try apply map_predicate_eq_spec;
  try apply map_predicate_id_spec;
  repeat toAll; try All_map; try close_Forall;
  change_Sk; auto with all;
  intuition eauto 4 with all.

Ltac solve_all := repeat (progress solve_all_one).

Ltac nth_leb_simpl :=
  match goal with
    |- context [leb ?k ?n] ⇒ elim (leb_spec_Set k n); try lia; simpl
  | |- context [nth_error ?l ?n] ⇒ elim (nth_error_spec l n); rewrite → ?app_length, ?map_length;
                                    try lia; intros; simpl
  | H : context[nth_error (?l ++ ?l') ?n] |- _
    (rewrite → (nth_error_app_ge l l' n) in H by lia) ||
    (rewrite → (nth_error_app_lt l l' n) in H by lia)
  | H : nth_error ?l ?n = Some _, H' : nth_error ?l ?n' = Some _ |- _
    replace n' with n in H' by lia; rewriteH in H'; injection H'; intros; subst
  | _lia || congruence || solve [repeat (f_equal; try lia)]