Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.PCUICInductiveInversion

From Coq Require Import Utf8.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICAstUtils PCUICTactics PCUICInduction
     PCUICLiftSubst PCUICUnivSubst
     PCUICTyping PCUICGlobalEnv
     PCUICWeakeningEnv PCUICWeakeningEnvTyp
     PCUICWeakeningConv PCUICWeakeningTyp
     PCUICSubstitution PCUICClosed PCUICClosedConv PCUICClosedTyp
     PCUICCumulativity PCUICGeneration PCUICReduction
     PCUICEquality PCUICConfluence PCUICCasesContexts
     PCUICOnFreeVars PCUICContextConversion PCUICContextConversionTyp PCUICContextSubst
     PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv PCUICUnivSubstitutionTyp
     PCUICConversion PCUICInversion PCUICContexts PCUICArities
     PCUICSpine PCUICInductives PCUICWellScopedCumulativity PCUICValidity.

Require Import Equations.Type.Relation_Properties.
Require Import Equations.Prop.DepElim.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Derive Subterm for term.
Require Import ssreflect.

Local Set SimplIsCbn.

Implicit Types (cf : checker_flags) (Σ : global_env_ext).

Hint Rewrite reln_length : len.

#[global] Hint Resolve f_equal_nat : arith.

Ltac substu := autorewrite with substu ⇒ /=.

Tactic Notation "substu" "in" hyp(id) :=
  autorewrite with substu in id; simpl in id.

Lemma conv_eq_ctx {cf:checker_flags} Σ Γ Γ' T U : Σ ;;; Γ T = U Γ = Γ' Σ ;;; Γ' T = U.
Proof. now intros H →. Qed.

Ltac pcuic := intuition eauto 5 with pcuic ||
  (try solve [repeat red; cbn in *; intuition auto; eauto 5 with pcuic || (try || congruence)]).

Inversion principle on constructor types following from validity.

Lemma declared_constructor_valid_ty {cf:checker_flags} Σ Γ mdecl idecl i n cdecl u :
  wf Σ.1
  wf_local Σ Γ
  declared_constructor Σ.1 (i, n) mdecl idecl cdecl
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u
  isType Σ Γ (type_of_constructor mdecl cdecl (i, n) u).
  movewfΣ wfΓ declc Hu.
  eapply validity. eapply type_Construct; eauto.

Lemma type_tFix_inv {cf:checker_flags} (Σ : global_env_ext) Γ mfix idx T : wf Σ
  Σ ;;; Γ tFix mfix idx : T
  { T' & { rarg & {f & (unfold_fix mfix idx = Some (rarg, f)) ×
    wf_fixpoint Σ mfix
  × (Σ ;;; Γ f : T') × (Σ ;;; Γ T' T) }}}%type.
  intros wfΣ H. depind H.
  - unfold unfold_fix. rewrite e.
    specialize (nth_error_all e ) as [s Hs].
    specialize (nth_error_all e ) as Hty.
    destruct decl as [name ty body rarg]; simpl in ×.
    clear e.
    eexists _, _, _. split.
    + split.
      × eauto.
      × eapply (substitution (Δ := [])); simpl; eauto with wf.
        rename i into hguard. clear -f a hguard.
        pose proof as . apply All_rev in .
        unfold fix_subst, fix_context. simpl.
        revert . rewrite (@List.rev_length _ mfix).
        rewrite rev_mapi. unfold mapi.
        assert (#|mfix| #|List.rev mfix|) by (rewrite List.rev_length; ).
        assert (He :0 = #|mfix| - #|List.rev mfix|) by (rewrite List.rev_length; auto with arith).
        rewrite {3}He. clear He. revert H.
        assert ( i, i < #|List.rev mfix| nth_error (List.rev mfix) i = nth_error mfix (#|List.rev mfix| - S i)).
        { intros. rewrite nth_error_rev. 1: auto.
          now rewrite List.rev_length List.rev_involutive. }
        revert H.
        generalize (List.rev mfix).
        intros l Hi Hlen H.
        induction H.
        ++ simpl. constructor.
        ++ simpl. constructor.
          ** unfold mapi in IHAll.
              simpl in Hlen. replace (S (#|mfix| - S #|l|)) with (#|mfix| - #|l|) by .
              apply IHAll.
              --- intros. simpl in Hi. specialize (Hi (S i)). apply Hi. .
              --- .
          ** clear IHAll.
              simpl in Hlen. assert ((Nat.pred #|mfix| - (#|mfix| - S #|l|)) = #|l|) by .
              rewrite . rewrite simpl_subst_k.
              --- clear. induction l; simpl; auto with arith.
              --- eapply type_Fix; auto.
                  simpl in Hi. specialize (Hi 0). forward Hi.
                  +++ .
                  +++ simpl in Hi.
                      rewrite Hi. f_equal. .

    + rewrite simpl_subst_k.
      × now rewrite fix_context_length fix_subst_length.
      × eapply isType_ws_cumul_pb_refl; pcuic.
  - destruct ( wfΣ) as [T' [rarg [f [[unf fty] Hcumul]]]].
     T', rarg, f. intuition auto.
    etransitivity; eauto.
    eapply PCUICConversion.cumulSpec_cumulAlgo_curry in c; eauto; fvs.

Lemma subslet_cofix {cf:checker_flags} (Σ : global_env_ext) Γ mfix :
  wf_local Σ Γ
  cofix_guard Σ Γ mfix
  All ( d : def term s : Universe.t, Σ;;; Γ dtype d : tSort s) mfix
  ( d : def term
   Σ;;; Γ ,,, fix_context mfix dbody d
   : lift0 #|fix_context mfix| (dtype d)) mfix
  wf_cofixpoint Σ mfix subslet Σ Γ (cofix_subst mfix) (fix_context mfix).
  intros wfΓ hguard types bodies wfcofix.
  pose proof bodies as . apply All_rev in .
  unfold cofix_subst, fix_context. simpl.
  revert . rewrite (@List.rev_length _ mfix).
  rewrite rev_mapi. unfold mapi.
  assert (#|mfix| #|List.rev mfix|) by (rewrite List.rev_length; ).
  assert (He :0 = #|mfix| - #|List.rev mfix|) by (rewrite List.rev_length; auto with arith).
  rewrite {3}He. clear He. revert H.
  assert ( i, i < #|List.rev mfix| nth_error (List.rev mfix) i = nth_error mfix (#|List.rev mfix| - S i)).
  { intros. rewrite nth_error_rev. 1: auto.
    now rewrite List.rev_length List.rev_involutive. }
  revert H.
  generalize (List.rev mfix).
  intros l Hi Hlen H.
  induction H.
  ++ simpl. constructor.
  ++ simpl. constructor.
    ** unfold mapi in IHAll.
        simpl in Hlen. replace (S (#|mfix| - S #|l|)) with (#|mfix| - #|l|) by .
        apply IHAll.
        --- intros. simpl in Hi. specialize (Hi (S i)). apply Hi. .
        --- .
    ** clear IHAll.
        simpl in Hlen. assert ((Nat.pred #|mfix| - (#|mfix| - S #|l|)) = #|l|) by .
        rewrite . rewrite simpl_subst_k.
        --- clear. induction l; simpl; auto with arith.
        --- eapply type_CoFix; auto.
            simpl in Hi. specialize (Hi 0). forward Hi.
            +++ .
            +++ simpl in Hi.
                rewrite Hi. f_equal. .

Lemma type_tCoFix_inv {cf:checker_flags} (Σ : global_env_ext) Γ mfix idx T : wf Σ
  Σ ;;; Γ tCoFix mfix idx : T
   d, (nth_error mfix idx = Some d) ×
    wf_cofixpoint Σ mfix ×
    (Σ ;;; Γ subst0 (cofix_subst mfix) (dbody d) : (dtype d)) ×
    (Σ ;;; Γ dtype d T).
  intros wfΣ H. depind H.
  - decl.
    specialize (nth_error_all e ) as Hty.
    destruct decl as [name ty body rarg]; simpl in ×.
    intuition auto.
    × eapply (substitution (s := cofix_subst mfix) (Δ := [])) in Hty. simpl; eauto with wf.
      simpl in Hty.
      rewrite subst_context_nil /= in Hty.
      eapply refine_type; eauto.
      rewrite simpl_subst_k //. len.
      apply subslet_cofix; auto.
    × eapply nth_error_all in ; tea. cbn in . now eapply isType_ws_cumul_pb_refl.
  - destruct ( wfΣ) as [d [[[Hnth wfcofix] ?] ?]].
     d. intuition auto.
    etransitivity; eauto.
    now eapply PCUICConversion.cumulSpec_cumulAlgo_curry in c; tea; fvs.

Lemma wf_cofixpoint_all {cf:checker_flags} (Σ : global_env_ext) mfix :
  wf_cofixpoint Σ mfix
   mind, check_recursivity_kind (lookup_env Σ) mind CoFinite ×
  All ( d ctx i u args, (dtype d) = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx (mkApps (tInd {| inductive_mind := mind; inductive_ind := i |} u) args)) mfix.
  unfold wf_cofixpoint, wf_cofixpoint_gen.
  destruct mfix. discriminate.
  destruct (check_one_cofix d) as [ind|] eqn:hcof.
  intros eqr.
  destruct (map_option_out (map check_one_cofix mfix)) eqn:eqfixes.
  move/andb_and: eqr ⇒ [eqinds rk].
  split; auto.
  - move: hcof. unfold check_one_cofix.
    destruct d as [dname dbody dtype rarg] ⇒ /=.
    destruct (decompose_prod_assum [] dbody) as [ctx concl] eqn:Hdecomp.
    apply decompose_prod_assum_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in Hdecomp.
    destruct (decompose_app concl) eqn:dapp.
    destruct (destInd t) as [[ind' u]|] eqn:dind.
    destruct ind' as [mind ind'].
    move⇒ [=] Hmind. subst mind.
     ctx, ind', u, .
    simpl in Hdecomp. rewrite Hdecomp.
    destruct t; try discriminate.
    simpl in dind. noconf dind.
    apply decompose_app_inv in dapp ⇒ //.
  - clear rk hcof.
    induction mfix in l, eqfixes, eqinds |- ×. constructor.
    simpl in ×.
    destruct (check_one_cofix a) eqn:hcof; try discriminate.
    destruct (map_option_out (map check_one_cofix mfix)) eqn:hcofs; try discriminate.
    noconf eqfixes.
    specialize (IHmfix _ eq_refl).
    simpl in eqinds.
    move/andb_and: eqinds ⇒ [eqk ].
    constructor; auto. clear IHmfix hcofs d.
    destruct a as [dname dbody dtype rarg] ⇒ /=.
    unfold check_one_cofix in hcof.
    destruct (decompose_prod_assum [] dbody) as [ctx concl] eqn:Hdecomp.
    apply decompose_prod_assum_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in Hdecomp.
    destruct (decompose_app concl) eqn:dapp.
    destruct (destInd t) as [[ind' u]|] eqn:dind.
    destruct ind' as [mind ind']. noconf hcof.
     ctx, ind', u, l.
    simpl in Hdecomp. rewrite Hdecomp.
    destruct t; try discriminate.
    simpl in dind. noconf dind.
    apply decompose_app_inv in dapp ⇒ //.
    rewrite dapp. do 3 f_equal.
    change (eq_kername ind k) with (ReflectEq.eqb ind k) in eqk.
    destruct (ReflectEq.eqb_spec ind k); auto.
  - discriminate.
  - discriminate.

Section OnConstructor.
  Context {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env} {ind mdecl idecl cdecl}
    {wfΣ: wf Σ} (declc : declared_constructor Σ ind mdecl idecl cdecl).

  Lemma on_constructor_wf_args :
    wf_local (Σ, ind_universes mdecl)
    (arities_context (ind_bodies mdecl) ,,, ind_params mdecl ,,, cstr_args cdecl).
  Proof using declc wfΣ.
    pose proof (on_declared_constructor declc) as [[onmind oib] [cunivs [hnth onc]]].
    pose proof (on_cargs onc). simpl in X.
    eapply sorts_local_ctx_wf_local in X ⇒ //. clear X.
    eapply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
    eapply wf_arities_context; eauto. eapply declc.
    now eapply onParams.

  Lemma on_constructor_subst :
    wf_global_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) ×
    wf_local (Σ, ind_universes mdecl)
    (arities_context (ind_bodies mdecl) ,,, ind_params mdecl ,,, cstr_args cdecl) ×
    spine_subst (Σ, ind_universes mdecl)
              (arities_context (ind_bodies mdecl) ,,, ind_params mdecl ,,,
                cstr_args cdecl)
              ((to_extended_list_k (ind_params mdecl) #|cstr_args cdecl|)
                (cstr_indices cdecl)) inst
            (ind_params mdecl ,,, ind_indices idecl).
  Proof using declc wfΣ.
    pose proof (on_declared_constructor declc) as [[onmind oib] [cunivs [hnth onc]]].
    pose proof (onc.(on_cargs)). simpl in X.
    split. split. split.
    2:{ eapply (weaken_lookup_on_global_env' _ _ (InductiveDecl mdecl)); tea.
        eapply declc. }
    red. apply wfΣ.
    eapply sorts_local_ctx_wf_local in X ⇒ //. clear X.
    eapply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
    eapply wf_arities_context; eauto; eapply declc.
    now eapply onParams.
    destruct (on_ctype onc).
    rewrite onc.(cstr_eq) in t.
    rewrite -it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app in t.
    eapply inversion_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in t ⇒ //.
    unfold cstr_concl_head in t. simpl in t.
    eapply inversion_mkApps in t as [A [ta sp]].
    eapply inversion_Rel in ta as [decl [wfΓ [nth cum']]].
    rewrite nth_error_app_ge in nth. len.
    len in nth.
    assert ((#|ind_bodies mdecl| - S (inductive_ind ind.1) + #|ind_params mdecl| +
    #|cstr_args cdecl| -
    (#|cstr_args cdecl| + #|ind_params mdecl|)) = #|ind_bodies mdecl| - S (inductive_ind ind.1)) by .
    move: nth; rewrite H; clear H.
    case: nth_error_spec ⇒ // /= decl' Hdecl Hlen.
    intros [= ].
    eapply (nth_errror_arities_context (Σ := (Σ, ind_universes mdecl)) declc) in Hdecl; eauto.
    rewrite Hdecl in cum'; clear Hdecl.
    assert(closed (ind_type idecl)).
    { pose proof (oib.(onArity)). rewrite (oib.(ind_arity_eq)) in |- ×.
      destruct as [s Hs]. now apply subject_closed in Hs. }
    rewrite lift_closed in cum' ⇒ //.
    eapply typing_spine_strengthen in sp; simpl.
    move: sp.
    rewrite (oib.(ind_arity_eq)).
    rewrite -it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app.
    movesp. simpl in sp.
    apply (arity_typing_spine (Σ := (Σ, ind_universes mdecl))) in sp as [Hlen' Hleq [inst Hinst]] ⇒ //.
    clear Hlen'.
    rewrite [_ ,,, _]app_context_assoc in Hinst.
    now inst.
    apply infer_typing_sort_impl with id oib.(onArity); intros Hs.
    now eapply weaken_ctx in Hs.

End OnConstructor.

Section OnConstructorExt.
  Context {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {ind mdecl idecl cdecl}
    (declc : declared_constructor Σ ind mdecl idecl cdecl).

  Lemma on_constructor_inst_wf_args u :
    consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u
    wf_local Σ ((ind_params mdecl)@[u] ,,, subst_context (ind_subst mdecl (fst ind) u) #|ind_params mdecl| (cstr_args cdecl)@[u]).
  Proof using declc wfΣ.
    intros cu.
    pose proof (on_constructor_wf_args declc).
    eapply wf_local_subst_instance in X; tea.
    rewrite -[X in X ,,, _]app_context_nil_l - !app_context_assoc app_context_assoc in X.
    rewrite !subst_instance_app_ctx /= in X.
    eapply substitution_wf_local in X.
    2:eapply (subslet_inds declc); tea.
    2:{ eapply (declared_inductive_wf_global_ext Σ.1 _ _ _ declc). }
    cbn in X. rewrite app_context_nil_l in X.
    rewrite subst_context_app Nat.add_0_r in X.
    rewrite closed_ctx_subst in X.
    rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context.
    eapply (declared_inductive_closed_params declc).
    now len in X.

  Lemma on_constructor_inst u :
    consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u
    wf_local Σ (subst_instance u
      (arities_context (ind_bodies mdecl) ,,, ind_params mdecl ,,, cstr_args cdecl)) ×
    spine_subst Σ
            (subst_instance u
              (arities_context (ind_bodies mdecl) ,,, ind_params mdecl ,,,
                cstr_args cdecl))
            (map (subst_instance u)
              (to_extended_list_k (ind_params mdecl) #|cstr_args cdecl|)
            map (subst_instance u) (cstr_indices cdecl)) inst
            (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl) ,,,
            subst_instance u (ind_indices idecl)).
  Proof using declc wfΣ.
    intros cu.
    destruct (on_constructor_subst declc) as [[wfext wfl] [inst sp]].
    eapply wf_local_subst_instance in wfl; eauto. split⇒ //.
    eapply spine_subst_inst in sp; eauto.
    rewrite map_app in sp. rewrite -subst_instance_app_ctx.
    eexists ; eauto.

End OnConstructorExt.

Lemma on_constructor_inst_pars_indices {cf:checker_flags} {Σ ind u mdecl idecl cdecl Γ pars parsubst} :
  wf Σ.1
  declared_constructor Σ.1 ind mdecl idecl cdecl
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u
  spine_subst Σ Γ pars parsubst (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl))
  wf_local Σ (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl) ,,,
    subst_context (inds (inductive_mind ind.1) u (ind_bodies mdecl)) #|ind_params mdecl|
    (subst_instance u (cstr_args cdecl))) ×
  spine_subst Σ
          (Γ ,,, subst_context parsubst 0 (subst_context (ind_subst mdecl ind.1 u) #|ind_params mdecl|
            (subst_instance u (cstr_args cdecl))))
          (map (subst parsubst #|cstr_args cdecl|)
            (map (subst (ind_subst mdecl ind.1 u) (#|cstr_args cdecl| + #|ind_params mdecl|))
              (map (subst_instance u) (cstr_indices cdecl))))
          (lift_context #|cstr_args cdecl| 0
          (subst_context parsubst 0 (subst_instance u (ind_indices idecl)))).
  movewfΣ declc cext sp.
  destruct (on_constructor_inst declc u) as [wfl [inst sp']]; auto.
  rewrite !subst_instance_app in sp'.
  eapply spine_subst_app_inv in sp' as [spl spr]; auto.
  rewrite (spine_subst_extended_subst spl) in spr.
  rewrite subst_context_map_subst_expand_lets in spr; try now len.
  rewrite subst_instance_to_extended_list_k in spr.
  2:now len.
  rewrite lift_context_subst_context.
  rewrite app_assoc in spr.
  eapply spine_subst_subst_first in spr; eauto.
  2:eapply subslet_inds; eauto; eapply declc.
  len in spr.
  rewrite subst_context_app in spr.
  assert (closed_ctx (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl)) closedn_ctx #|ind_params mdecl| (subst_instance u (ind_indices idecl)))
  as [clpars clinds].
  { pose proof (on_minductive_wf_params_indices declc).
    eapply closed_wf_local in X ⇒ //.
    rewrite closedn_ctx_app in X; simpl; eauto;
    move/andb_and: X; intuition auto;
    now rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context. }
  assert (closedn_ctx (#|ind_params mdecl| + #|cstr_args cdecl|) (subst_instance u (ind_indices idecl)))
    as clinds'.
  { eapply closedn_ctx_upwards; eauto. . }
  rewrite closed_ctx_subst // in spr.
  rewrite (closed_ctx_subst (inds (inductive_mind ind.1) u (ind_bodies mdecl)) _ (subst_context (List.rev _) _ _)) in spr.
  { len.
    rewrite -(Nat.add_0_r (#|cstr_args cdecl| + #|ind_params mdecl|)).
    eapply closedn_ctx_subst. len.
    rewrite -(context_assumptions_subst_instance u).
    eapply closedn_ctx_expand_lets. eapply closedn_ctx_upwards; eauto. .
    len. eapply closedn_ctx_upwards; eauto. .
    rewrite forallb_rev.
    rewrite PCUICLiftSubst.map_subst_instance_to_extended_list_k.
    eapply closedn_to_extended_list_k. }
  len in spr. split ⇒ //. apply spr.
  eapply spine_subst_weaken in spr.
  2:eapply (spine_dom_wf _ _ _ _ _ sp); eauto.
  rewrite app_context_assoc in spr.
  eapply spine_subst_subst in spr; eauto. 2:eapply sp.
  len in spr.
  rewrite {4}(spine_subst_extended_subst sp) in spr.
  rewrite subst_context_map_subst_expand_lets_k in spr; try now len.
  rewrite List.rev_length. now rewrite -(context_subst_length2 sp).
  rewrite expand_lets_k_ctx_subst_id' in spr. now len. now len.
  rewrite -subst_context_map_subst_expand_lets_k in spr; try len.
  rewrite subst_subst_context in spr. len in spr.
  rewrite subst_extended_lift // in spr.
  rewrite lift_extended_subst in spr.
  rewrite (map_map_compose _ _ _ _ (subst (List.rev pars) _)) in spr.
  assert (map
              ( x : term
               subst (List.rev pars) #|cstr_args cdecl|
                 (lift0 #|cstr_args cdecl| x))
              (extended_subst (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl)) 0) =
              ( x : term
              (lift0 #|cstr_args cdecl|
                (subst (List.rev pars) 0 x)))
              (extended_subst (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl)) 0))
  eapply map_extx.
  now rewrite -(commut_lift_subst_rec _ _ _ 0).
  rewrite H in spr. clear H.
  rewrite -(map_map_compose _ _ _ _ (lift0 #|cstr_args cdecl|)) in spr.
  rewrite -(spine_subst_extended_subst sp) in spr.
  rewrite subst_map_lift_lift_context in spr.
  rewrite -(context_subst_length sp).
  rewrite closed_ctx_subst //.
  rewrite (closed_ctx_subst (List.rev pars)) // in spr.
  eexists. eauto.

Lemma mkApps_ind_typing_spine {cf:checker_flags} Σ Γ Γ' ind i
  inst ind' i' args args' :
  wf Σ.1
  wf_local Σ Γ
  isType Σ Γ (it_mkProd_or_LetIn Γ' (mkApps (tInd ind i) args))
  typing_spine Σ Γ (it_mkProd_or_LetIn Γ' (mkApps (tInd ind i) args)) inst
    (mkApps (tInd ind' i') args')
   make_context_subst (List.rev Γ') inst [] = Some instsubst,
    #|inst| = context_assumptions Γ', ind = ind', R_ind_universes Σ ind #|args| i i',
     ( par par'Σ ;;; Γ par = par') (map (subst0 instsubst) args) args' &
    subslet Σ Γ instsubst Γ'].
  intros wfΣ wfΓ; revert args args' ind i ind' i' inst.
  revert Γ'. refine (ctx_length_rev_ind _ _ _); simpl.
  - intros args args' ind i ind' i' inst wat Hsp.
    depelim Hsp.
    eapply ws_cumul_pb_Ind_l_inv in w as [i'' [args'' [? ?]]]; auto.
    eapply invert_red_mkApps_tInd in c as [? [eq ?]]; auto. solve_discr.
    split; pcuic. clear .
    relativize (map (subst0 []) args).
    2:rewrite subst_empty_eq map_id //. clear .
    revert args' . clear -wfΣ wfΓ a.
    induction a; intros args' H; depelim H; constructor.
    transitivity y; auto. symmetry.
    now eapply red_conv. now eauto.
    now eapply invert_cumul_ind_prod in w.
  - intros d Γ' IH args args' ind i ind' i' inst wat Hsp.
    rewrite it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app in Hsp.
    destruct d as [na [b|] ty]; simpl in *; rewrite /mkProd_or_LetIn /= in Hsp.
    + rewrite context_assumptions_app /= Nat.add_0_r.
      eapply typing_spine_letin_inv in Hsp; auto.
      rewrite / subst_it_mkProd_or_LetIn /= in Hsp.
      specialize (IH (subst_context [b] 0 Γ')).
      forward IH by rewrite subst_context_length; .
      rewrite subst_mkApps Nat.add_0_r in Hsp.
      specialize (IH (map (subst [b] #|Γ'|) args) args' ind i ind' i' inst).
      forward IH. {
        move: wat; rewrite it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app /= /mkProd_or_LetIn /= ⇒ wat.
        eapply isType_tLetIn_red in wat; auto.
        now rewrite / subst_it_mkProd_or_LetIn subst_mkApps Nat.add_0_r
        in wat. }
      rewrite context_assumptions_subst in IH.
      intuition auto.
      destruct X as [isub [Hisub Hinst Hind Hi Hargs Hs]].
      eexists. split; auto.
      eapply make_context_subst_spec in Hisub.
      eapply make_context_subst_spec_inv.
      rewrite List.rev_app_distr. simpl.
      rewrite List.rev_involutive.
      eapply (context_subst_subst [{| decl_name := na; decl_body := Some b; decl_type := ty |}] [] [b] Γ').
      rewrite -{2} (subst_empty 0 b). eapply context_subst_def. constructor.
      now rewrite List.rev_involutive in Hisub.
      now len in Hi.
      rewrite map_map_compose in Hargs.
      assert (map (subst0 isub subst [b] #|Γ'|) args = map (subst0 (isub [b])) args) as .
      { eapply map_extx. simpl.
        assert(#|Γ'| = #|isub|).
        { apply make_context_subst_spec in Hisub.
          apply context_subst_length in Hisub.
          now rewrite List.rev_involutive subst_context_length in Hisub. }
        rewrite H.
        now rewrite -(subst_app_simpl isub [b] 0). }
      exact Hargs.
      eapply subslet_app; eauto. rewrite -{1}(subst_empty 0 b). repeat constructor.
      rewrite !subst_empty.
      rewrite it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app /= /mkProd_or_LetIn /= in wat.
      now eapply isType_tLetIn_dom in wat.
    + rewrite context_assumptions_app /=.
      pose proof (typing_spine_WAT_concl Hsp).
      depelim Hsp; [now eapply invert_cumul_prod_ind in w|].
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_Prod_Prod_inv in w as [eqna conva cumulB].
      eapply (substitution_ws_cumul_pb (Γ' := [_]) (Γ'' := []) (s := [hd])) in cumulB; auto.
      rewrite / subst_it_mkProd_or_LetIn /= in cumulB.
      specialize (IH (subst_context [hd] 0 Γ')).
      forward IH by rewrite subst_context_length; .
      specialize (IH (map (subst [hd] #|Γ'|) args) args' ind i ind' i' tl). all:auto.
      have isTypes: isType Σ Γ
      (it_mkProd_or_LetIn (subst_context [hd] 0 Γ')
          (mkApps (tInd ind i) (map (subst [hd] #|Γ'|) args))). {
        move: wat; rewrite it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app /= /mkProd_or_LetIn /= ⇒ wat.
        eapply isType_tProd in wat as [isty wat].
        eapply (isType_subst (Δ := [_]) [hd]) in wat.
        now rewrite subst_it_mkProd_or_LetIn Nat.add_0_r subst_mkApps in wat.
        eapply subslet_ass_tip. eapply type_ws_cumul_pb; tea. now symmetry. }
      rewrite subst_mkApps Nat.add_0_r in cumulB. simpl in ×.
      rewrite context_assumptions_subst in IH.
      eapply typing_spine_strengthen in Hsp.
      3:eapply cumulB. all:eauto.
      intuition auto.
      destruct as [isub [Hisub Htl Hind Hu Hargs Hs]].
       (isub [hd]). rewrite List.rev_app_distr.
      len in Hu.
      split; auto. 2:.
      × apply make_context_subst_spec_inv.
        apply make_context_subst_spec in Hisub.
        rewrite List.rev_app_distr !List.rev_involutive in Hisub |- ×.
        eapply (context_subst_subst [{| decl_name := na; decl_body := None; decl_type := ty |}] [hd] [hd] Γ'); auto.
        eapply (context_subst_ass _ [] []). constructor.
      × assert (map (subst0 isub subst [hd] #|Γ'|) args = map (subst0 (isub [hd])) args) as .
      { eapply map_extx. simpl.
        assert(#|Γ'| = #|isub|).
        { apply make_context_subst_spec in Hisub.
          apply context_subst_length in Hisub.
          now rewrite List.rev_involutive subst_context_length in Hisub. }
        rewrite H.
        now rewrite -(subst_app_simpl isub [hd] 0). }
        now rewrite map_map_compose in Hargs.
      × eapply subslet_app; auto.
        constructor. constructor. rewrite subst_empty.
        rewrite it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app /= /mkProd_or_LetIn /= in wat.
        eapply isType_tProd in wat as [Hty _]; auto.
        eapply type_ws_cumul_pb; eauto. now eapply ws_cumul_pb_eq_le.
      × pcuic.

Lemma wf_cofixpoint_typing_spine {cf:checker_flags} (Σ : global_env_ext) Γ ind u mfix idx d args args' :
  wf Σ.1 wf_local Σ Γ
  wf_cofixpoint Σ mfix
  nth_error mfix idx = Some d
  isType Σ Γ (dtype d)
  typing_spine Σ Γ (dtype d) args (mkApps (tInd ind u) args')
  check_recursivity_kind (lookup_env Σ) (inductive_mind ind) CoFinite.
  intros wfΣ wfΓ wfcofix Hnth wat sp.
  apply wf_cofixpoint_all in wfcofix.
  destruct wfcofix as [mind [cr allfix]].
  eapply nth_error_all in allfix; eauto.
  simpl in allfix.
  destruct allfix as [ctx [i [u' [args'' eqty]]]].
  rewrite {}eqty in sp wat.
  eapply mkApps_ind_typing_spine in sp; auto.
  destruct sp as [instsub [makes Hargs Hind Hu subs subsl]].
  now subst ind.

Lemma Construct_Ind_ind_eq {cf:checker_flags} {Σ} (wfΣ : wf Σ.1):
   {Γ n i args u i' args' u' mdecl idecl cdecl},
  Σ ;;; Γ mkApps (tConstruct i n u) args : mkApps (tInd i' u') args'
  declared_constructor Σ.1 (i, n) mdecl idecl cdecl
  (i = i') ×
  R_ind_universes Σ i (context_assumptions (ind_params mdecl) + #|cstr_indices cdecl|) u u' ×
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u ×
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u' ×
  (#|args| = (ind_npars mdecl + context_assumptions cdecl.(cstr_args))%) ×
   parsubst argsubst parsubst' argsubst',
    let parctx := (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl)) in
    let parctx' := (subst_instance u' (ind_params mdecl)) in
    let argctx := (subst_context parsubst 0
    ((subst_context (inds (inductive_mind i) u mdecl.(ind_bodies)) #|ind_params mdecl|
    (subst_instance u cdecl.(cstr_args))))) in
    let argctx2 := (subst_context parsubst' 0
    ((subst_context (inds (inductive_mind i) u' mdecl.(ind_bodies)) #|ind_params mdecl|
    (subst_instance u' cdecl.(cstr_args))))) in
    let argctx' := (subst_context parsubst' 0 (subst_instance u' idecl.(ind_indices))) in
     spine_subst Σ Γ (firstn (ind_npars mdecl) args) parsubst parctx,
    spine_subst Σ Γ (firstn (ind_npars mdecl) args') parsubst' parctx',
    spine_subst Σ Γ (skipn (ind_npars mdecl) args) argsubst argctx,
    spine_subst Σ Γ (skipn (ind_npars mdecl) args') argsubst' argctx' &
      sorts_local_ctx (lift_typing typing) Σ Γ s ×
Parameters match
Indices match
    ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ Γ
      (map (subst0 (argsubst parsubst)
      subst (inds (inductive_mind i) u mdecl.(ind_bodies)) (#|cdecl.(cstr_args)| + #|ind_params mdecl|)
       (subst_instance u))
      (skipn mdecl.(ind_npars) args') ].
  intros Γ n i args u i' args' u' mdecl idecl cdecl h declc.
  destruct (on_declared_constructor declc) as [[onmind onind] [? [_ onc]]].
  pose proof (validity h) as vi'.
  eapply inversion_mkApps in h; auto.
  destruct h as [T [hC hs]].
  apply inversion_Construct in hC
    as [mdecl' [idecl' [cdecl' [ [isdecl [const htc]]]]]]; auto.
  assert (vty:=declared_constructor_valid_ty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wfΣ isdecl const).
  eapply typing_spine_strengthen in hs. 3:eapply htc. all:eauto.
  destruct (declared_constructor_inj isdecl declc) as [? [? ?]].
  subst mdecl' idecl' cdecl'. clear isdecl.
  pose proof (on_constructor_inst declc _ const).
  destruct declc as [decli declc].
  destruct onc as [argslength cdecl_eq [cs' t] cargs cinds]; simpl.
  simpl in ×.
  unfold type_of_constructor in hs. simpl in hs.
  rewrite cdecl_eq in hs.
  rewrite !subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in hs.
  rewrite !subst_it_mkProd_or_LetIn subst_instance_length Nat.add_0_r in hs.
  rewrite subst_instance_mkApps subst_mkApps subst_instance_length in hs.
  assert (Hind : inductive_ind i < #|ind_bodies mdecl|).
  { destruct decli.
    now eapply nth_error_Some_length in . }
  rewrite (subst_inds_concl_head i) in hs ⇒ //.
  rewrite -it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app in hs.
  assert(ind_npars mdecl = context_assumptions (ind_params mdecl)).
  { now pose (onNpars onmind). }
  assert (closed_ctx (ind_params mdecl)).
  { destruct onmind.
    red in onParams. now apply closed_wf_local in onParams. }
  eapply mkApps_ind_typing_spine in hs as [isubst [Hisubst Hargslen Hi Hu Hargs Hs]]; auto.
  subst i'.
  eapply (isType_mkApps_Ind_inv wfΣ decli) in vi' as (parsubst & argsubst & [spars sargs parlen argslen cons]) ⇒ //.
  split⇒ //. split⇒ //.
  split; auto. split ⇒ //.
  now len in Hu.
  now rewrite Hargslen context_assumptions_app !context_assumptions_subst !context_assumptions_subst_instance; .

   (skipn #|cdecl.(cstr_args)| isubst), (firstn #|cdecl.(cstr_args)| isubst).
  apply make_context_subst_spec in Hisubst.
  move: Hisubst.
  rewrite List.rev_involutive.
  rewrite !subst_context_length !subst_instance_length.
  rewrite context_assumptions_subst context_assumptions_subst_instance -H.
  move⇒ [argsub parsub].
  rewrite closed_ctx_subst in parsub.
  now rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context.
  eapply subslet_app_inv in Hs.
  move: Hs. len. intuition auto.
  rewrite closed_ctx_subst in ⇒ //.
  now rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context.

   parsubst, argsubst.
  assert(wfar : wf_local Σ
  (Γ ,,, subst_instance u' (arities_context (ind_bodies mdecl)))).
  { eapply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
    eapply wf_local_instantiate ⇒ //; destruct decli; eauto.
    eapply wf_arities_context ⇒ //; eauto. }
  assert(wfpars : wf_local Σ (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl))).
    { eapply on_minductive_wf_params ⇒ //; eauto. }

  split; auto; try split; auto.
  - apply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
  - pose proof (subslet_length ). rewrite subst_instance_length in .
    rewrite - -subst_app_context.
    eapply (substitution_wf_local (Γ' := subst_instance u (arities_context (ind_bodies mdecl) ,,, ind_params mdecl))); eauto.
    rewrite subst_instance_app; eapply subslet_app; eauto.
    now rewrite closed_ctx_subst ?closedn_subst_instance_context.
    eapply (weaken_subslet (Γ' := [])) ⇒ //.
    now eapply subslet_inds; eauto.
    rewrite -app_context_assoc.
    eapply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
    rewrite -subst_instance_app_ctx.
    apply a.
  - (map (subst_instance_univ u') x). split.
    × move/onParams: onmind. rewrite /on_context.
      pose proof (@wf_local_instantiate _ Σ (InductiveDecl mdecl) (ind_params mdecl) u').
      moveH'. eapply X in H'; eauto.
      2:destruct decli; eauto.
      clear -wfar wfpars wfΣ cons decli t cargs sargs H' a spars .
      eapply (subst_sorts_local_ctx (Γ' := [])
      (Δ := subst_context (inds (inductive_mind i) u' (ind_bodies mdecl)) 0
        (subst_instance u' (ind_params mdecl)))) ⇒ //.
      simpl. eapply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
      rewrite closed_ctx_subst ⇒ //.
      now rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context.
      simpl. rewrite -(subst_instance_length u' (ind_params mdecl)).
      eapply (subst_sorts_local_ctx (Δ := subst_instance u' (arities_context (ind_bodies mdecl)))) ⇒ //.
      eapply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
      rewrite -app_context_assoc.
      eapply weaken_sorts_local_ctx ⇒ //.
      rewrite -subst_instance_app_ctx.
      eapply sorts_local_ctx_instantiate ⇒ //; destruct decli; eauto.
      eapply (weaken_subslet (Γ' := [])) ⇒ //.
      now eapply subslet_inds; eauto.
      rewrite closed_ctx_subst ?closedn_subst_instance_context. auto.
      apply spars.
    × move: (All2_firstn _ _ _ _ _ mdecl.(ind_npars) Hargs).
      move: (All2_skipn _ _ _ _ _ mdecl.(ind_npars) Hargs).
      clear Hargs.
      rewrite !map_map_compose !map_app.
      rewrite -map_map_compose.
      rewrite (firstn_app_left).
      { rewrite !map_length to_extended_list_k_length. . }
      rewrite skipn_all_app_eq ?lengths //.
      rewrite !map_map_compose.
      assert (#|cdecl.(cstr_args)| #|isubst|).
      apply context_subst_length in argsub.
      len in argsub.
      now apply firstn_length_le_inv.

      rewrite -(firstn_skipn #|cdecl.(cstr_args)| isubst).
      rewrite -[map _ (to_extended_list_k _ _)]
                (map_map_compose _ _ _ (subst_instance u)
                                ( xsubst _ _ (subst _ _ x))).
      rewrite subst_instance_to_extended_list_k.
      rewrite -[map _ (to_extended_list_k _ _)]map_map_compose.
      rewrite -to_extended_list_k_map_subst.
      rewrite subst_instance_length. .
      rewrite map_subst_app_to_extended_list_k.
      rewrite firstn_length_le ⇒ //.

      erewrite subst_to_extended_list_k.
      rewrite map_lift0. split. eauto.
      rewrite firstn_skipn. rewrite firstn_skipn in All2_skipn.
      now rewrite firstn_skipn.

      apply make_context_subst_spec_inv. now rewrite List.rev_involutive.

  - rewrite it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app.
    unfold type_of_constructor in vty.
    rewrite cdecl_eq in vty. move: vty.
    rewrite !subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn.
    rewrite !subst_it_mkProd_or_LetIn subst_instance_length Nat.add_0_r.
    rewrite subst_instance_mkApps subst_mkApps subst_instance_length.
    rewrite subst_inds_concl_head. all:simpl; auto.

Lemma Construct_Ind_ind_eq' {cf:checker_flags} {Σ} (wfΣ : wf Σ.1):
   {Γ n i args u i' args' u' },
  Σ ;;; Γ mkApps (tConstruct i n u) args : mkApps (tInd i' u') args'
   mdecl idecl cdecl,
  declared_constructor Σ.1 (i, n) mdecl idecl cdecl ×
  (i = i') ×
  R_ind_universes Σ i (context_assumptions (ind_params mdecl) + #|cstr_indices cdecl|) u u' ×
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u ×
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u' ×
  (#|args| = (ind_npars mdecl + context_assumptions cdecl.(cstr_args))%) ×
   parsubst argsubst parsubst' argsubst',
    let parctx := (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl)) in
    let parctx' := (subst_instance u' (ind_params mdecl)) in
    let argctx := (subst_context parsubst 0
    ((subst_context (inds (inductive_mind i) u mdecl.(ind_bodies)) #|ind_params mdecl|
    (subst_instance u cdecl.(cstr_args))))) in
    let argctx2 := (subst_context parsubst' 0
    ((subst_context (inds (inductive_mind i) u' mdecl.(ind_bodies)) #|ind_params mdecl|
    (subst_instance u' cdecl.(cstr_args))))) in
    let argctx' := (subst_context parsubst' 0 (subst_instance u' idecl.(ind_indices))) in
     spine_subst Σ Γ (firstn (ind_npars mdecl) args) parsubst parctx,
    spine_subst Σ Γ (firstn (ind_npars mdecl) args') parsubst' parctx',
    spine_subst Σ Γ (skipn (ind_npars mdecl) args) argsubst argctx,
    spine_subst Σ Γ (skipn (ind_npars mdecl) args') argsubst' argctx' &
      sorts_local_ctx (lift_typing typing) Σ Γ s ×
Parameters match
Indices match
    ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ Γ
      (map (subst0 (argsubst parsubst)
      subst (inds (inductive_mind i) u mdecl.(ind_bodies)) (#|cdecl.(cstr_args)| + #|ind_params mdecl|)
       (subst_instance u))
      (skipn mdecl.(ind_npars) args') ].
  intros Γ n i args u i' args' u' X.
  eapply inversion_mkApps in X as X'. destruct X' as (? & X' & _).
  eapply inversion_Construct in X' as (mdecl & idecl & cdecl & ? & ? & ? & ?); eauto.
   mdecl, idecl, cdecl. split; eauto.
  eapply Construct_Ind_ind_eq; eauto.

Notation "⋆" := ltac:(solve [pcuic]) (only parsing).

Notation decl_ws_cumul_pb Σ Γ := (All_decls_alpha_pb Conv
  ( pb (x0 y0 : term) ⇒ Σ ;;; Γ ≤[pb] )).

Lemma conv_decls_fix_context_gen {cf:checker_flags} Σ Γ mfix mfix1 :
  wf Σ.1
   ( d d'Σ ;;; Γ d.(dtype) = d'.(dtype) × eq_binder_annot d.(dname) d'.(dname)) mfix
   Γ' Γ'',
  Σ Γ ,,, Γ' = Γ ,,, Γ''
  ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel Conv Σ (Γ ,,, Γ') (fix_context_gen #|Γ'| mfix) (fix_context_gen #|Γ''| ).
  intros wfΣ a Γ' Γ'' convctx.
  split. eauto with fvs.
  induction a in Γ', Γ'', convctx |- ×. constructor. simpl.
  destruct r as [r eqann].

  assert(decl_ws_cumul_pb Σ (Γ ,,, Γ' ,,, [])
    (vass (dname x) (lift0 #|Γ'| (dtype x)))
    (vass (dname y) (lift0 #|Γ''| (dtype y)))).
  { constructor; tas.
    pose proof (All2_fold_length convctx).
    rewrite !app_length in H. assert(#|Γ'| = #|Γ''|) by .
    rewrite -.
    apply (weakening_ws_cumul_pb (Γ' := [])); eauto with fvs. }

  apply All2_fold_app.
  constructor ⇒ //. constructor.
  eapply (All2_fold_impl (P:= ( Δ Δ' : context
  decl_ws_cumul_pb Σ
    (Γ ,,, (vass (dname x) (lift0 #|Γ'| (dtype x)) :: Γ') ,,, Δ)))).
  eapply (IHa (vass _ _ :: Γ') (vass _ _ :: Γ'')).
  cbn; constructor ⇒ //. constructor; eauto.
  depelim X. eauto.
  intros. red.
  now rewrite ![_ ,,, _]app_context_assoc.

Lemma conv_decls_fix_context {cf:checker_flags} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ mfix mfix1} :
  wf_local Σ Γ
   ( d d'Σ ;;; Γ d.(dtype) = d'.(dtype) × eq_binder_annot d.(dname) d'.(dname)) mfix
  All2_fold ( Δ Δ' : contextdecl_ws_cumul_pb Σ (Γ ,,, Δ))
    (fix_context mfix) (fix_context ).
  intros wfΓ a.
  apply (conv_decls_fix_context_gen _ _ _ _ wfΣ a [] []).
  eapply ws_cumul_ctx_pb_refl. eauto with fvs.

Lemma isLambda_red1 Σ Γ b b' : isLambda b Σ Γ b b' isLambda b'.
  destruct b; simpl; try discriminate.
  intros _ red.
  depelim red.
  symmetry in H; apply mkApps_Fix_spec in H. simpl in H. intuition.
  constructor. constructor.

Lemma declared_inductive_unique {Σ mdecl idecl p} (q r : declared_inductive Σ p mdecl idecl) : q = r.
  unfold declared_inductive in q, r.
  destruct q, r.
  now rewrite (uip e ) (uip d ).

Lemma declared_inductive_unique_sig {cf:checker_flags} {Σ ind mib decl mib' decl'}
      (decl1 : declared_inductive Σ ind mib decl)
      (decl2 : declared_inductive Σ ind mib' decl') :
  @sigmaI _ ( '(m, d)declared_inductive Σ ind m d)
          (mib, decl) =
  @sigmaI _ _ (mib', decl') .
  pose proof (declared_inductive_inj ) as (&).
  pose proof (declared_inductive_unique ) as →.

Lemma ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel_context_assumptions {cf:checker_flags} P Γ Δ Δ' :
  ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel Conv P Γ Δ Δ'
  context_assumptions Δ = context_assumptions Δ'.
  move⇒ [] _. induction 1; auto.
  depelim p; cbn; .

Lemma invert_Case_Construct {cf:checker_flags} Σ ( : wf Σ.1 )
  {Γ ci ind' pred i u brs args T} :
  Σ ;;; Γ tCase ci pred (mkApps (tConstruct ind' i u) args) brs : T
  ci.(ci_ind) = ind'
    nth_error brs i = Some br
    (#|args| = ci.(ci_npar) + context_assumptions br.(bcontext))%.
  destruct as [].
  intros h.
  apply inversion_Case in h as ih ; auto.
  destruct ih
    as [mdecl [idecl [isdecl [indices [cinv cum]]]]].
  destruct cinv.
  pose proof scrut_ty as typec.
  eapply inversion_mkApps in typec as [A' [tyc tyargs]]; auto.
  eapply (inversion_Construct Σ ) in tyc as [mdecl' [idecl' [cdecl' [wfl [declc [Hu tyc]]]]]].
  epose proof (PCUICInductiveInversion.Construct_Ind_ind_eq _ scrut_ty declc); eauto.
  simpl in ×.
  intuition auto.
  destruct declc as (decli&nthctor).
  cbn in nthctor.
  pose proof (declared_inductive_unique_sig isdecl decli) as H; noconf H.
  eapply All2i_nth_error_l in nthctor as H; eauto.
  destruct H as (br & nth & cc & ? & ? &?).
  split; auto.
  cbn in cc.
  assert (context_assumptions (bcontext br) = context_assumptions (cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl')).
  { clear -cc. induction cc; simpl; auto. destruct r; cbn; auto. . }
  rewrite H.
  unfold cstr_branch_context, expand_lets_ctx, expand_lets_k_ctx.
  repeat (rewrite ?context_assumptions_subst_context

Lemma Proj_Construct_ind_eq {cf:checker_flags} Σ ( : wf Σ.1 ) {Γ i' p c u l T} :
  Σ ;;; Γ tProj p (mkApps (tConstruct i' c u) l) : T
  p.(proj_ind) = i'.
  destruct as [].
  intros h.
  apply inversion_Proj in h ; auto.
  destruct h as [uni [mdecl [idecl [pdecl [args' [? [declp [hc [? ?]]]]]]]]].
  pose proof hc as typec.
  eapply inversion_mkApps in typec as [A' [tyc tyargs]]; auto.
  eapply (inversion_Construct Σ ) in tyc as [mdecl' [idecl' [cdecl' [wfl [declc [Hu tyc]]]]]].
  epose proof (PCUICInductiveInversion.Construct_Ind_ind_eq _ hc declc); eauto.
  intuition auto.

Lemma invert_Proj_Construct {cf:checker_flags} Σ ( : wf Σ.1 ) {Γ p i' c u l T} :
  Σ ;;; Γ tProj p (mkApps (tConstruct i' c u) l) : T
  p.(proj_ind) = i' c = 0 p.(proj_npars) + p.(proj_arg) < #|l|.
  intros h.
  assert (h' := h).
  apply Proj_Construct_ind_eq in h' as ; auto.
  destruct as [].
  split; [reflexivity|].
  apply inversion_Proj in h ; auto.
  destruct h as [uni [mdecl [idecl [pdecl [args' [? [declp [hc [? ?]]]]]]]]].
  pose proof hc as typec.
  eapply inversion_mkApps in typec as [A' [tyc tyargs]]; auto.
  eapply (inversion_Construct Σ ) in tyc as [mdecl' [idecl' [cdecl' [wfl [declc [Hu tyc]]]]]].
  pose proof (declared_inductive_unique_sig declp.p1.p1 declc.p1) as H; noconf H.
  cbn in H.
  clear H.
  epose proof (PCUICInductiveInversion.Construct_Ind_ind_eq _ hc declc); eauto.
  simpl in X.
  destruct (on_declared_projection declp).
  set (oib := declared_inductive_inv _ _ _ _) in ×.
  simpl in ×.
  destruct declc.
  destruct as [[[? ?] ?] ?].
  destruct .
  destruct (ind_cunivs oib) as [|? []] eqn:hctor in y; try contradiction.
  simpl in H. simpl in .
  rewrite in .
  destruct c; simpl in ⇒ //; noconf .
  intuition auto.
  2:{ rewrite nth_error_nil in . noconf . }
  rewrite .
  destruct declp as [decli [nthp parseq]].
  simpl in ×. rewrite parseq. .

Notation "!! t" := ltac:(refine t) (at level 200, only parsing).

Lemma isType_mkApps_Ind_smash {cf:checker_flags} {Σ Γ ind u params args} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {mdecl idecl} :
  declared_inductive Σ.1 ind mdecl idecl
  isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ind u) (params args))
  #|params| = ind_npars mdecl
  let parctx := subst_instance u mdecl.(ind_params) in
  let argctx := subst_instance u idecl.(ind_indices) in
  spine_subst Σ Γ params (List.rev params) (smash_context [] parctx) ×
  spine_subst Σ Γ args (List.rev args) (smash_context [] (subst_context_let_expand (List.rev params) parctx argctx)) ×
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u.
  moveisdecl isty hpars.
  pose proof (isType_wf_local isty).
  destruct isty as [s Hs].
  eapply invert_type_mkApps_ind in Hs as [sp cu]; tea.
  moveparctx argctx.
  erewrite ind_arity_eq in sp.
  2: eapply PCUICInductives.oib ; eauto.
  rewrite !subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in sp.
  rewrite -it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app /= in sp.
  eapply arity_typing_spine in sp as [hle hs [insts sp]]; tea.
  eapply spine_subst_smash in sp; tea.
  rewrite smash_context_app_expand in sp.
  rewrite List.rev_app_distr in sp.
  pose proof (declared_minductive_ind_npars isdecl) as hnpars.
  eapply spine_subst_app_inv in sp as [sppars spargs]; tea.
  2:{ rewrite context_assumptions_smash_context /=. len. }
  len in sppars. len in hle. len in spargs.
  simpl in ×.
  assert (context_assumptions (ind_indices idecl) = #|List.rev args|) by (len; ).
  rewrite H skipn_all_app in sppars, spargs.
  split ⇒ //. split ⇒ //.
  rewrite -(Nat.add_0_r #|List.rev args|) firstn_app_2 firstn_0 // app_nil_r in spargs.
  rewrite (smash_context_subst []).
  rewrite -(expand_lets_smash_context _ []).
  exact spargs.

Lemma instantiate_subslet {cf Σ} {Γ s Δ} {c} {decl : global_decl} {u : Instance.t} {wfΣ : wf Σ.1} :
  lookup_env Σ.1 c = Some decl
        subslet (Σ.1, universes_decl_of_decl decl) Γ s Δ
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (universes_decl_of_decl decl) u
  subslet Σ Γ@[u] s@[u] Δ@[u].
  intros hl subs cu.
  induction subs.
  - constructor.
  - cbn. constructor; auto.
    cbn. rewrite -subst_instance_subst. eapply typing_subst_instance_decl; tea.
  - cbn. rewrite subst_instance_subst. constructor; auto.
    cbn. rewrite - !subst_instance_subst.
    eapply typing_subst_instance_decl; tea.

Lemma instantiate_wf_subslet {cf Σ} {Γ s Δ} {c} {decl : global_decl} {u : Instance.t} {wfΣ : wf Σ.1} :
  lookup_env Σ.1 c = Some decl
        wf_subslet (Σ.1, universes_decl_of_decl decl) Γ s Δ
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (universes_decl_of_decl decl) u
  wf_subslet Σ Γ@[u] s@[u] Δ@[u].
  intros hl [wf subs] cu.
  rewrite -subst_instance_app_ctx. eapply wf_local_instantiate; tea.
  now eapply instantiate_subslet.

Lemma projection_context_gen_inst {cf} {Σ mdecl idecl ind u} :
  declared_inductive Σ.1 ind mdecl idecl
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u
  (projection_context_gen ind mdecl idecl)@[u] =
  projection_context ind mdecl idecl u.
  intros isdecl cu.
  rewrite /projection_context /projection_context_gen.
  rewrite /snoc /= -(subst_instance_smash _ _ []).
  cbn. f_equal. rewrite /map_decl /= /vass /=.
  f_equal. rewrite subst_instance_mkApps /=.
  rewrite subst_instance_to_extended_list. f_equal.
  now rewrite [subst_instance_instance _ _](subst_instance_id_mdecl _ _ _ cu).

Lemma substitution_subslet {cf:checker_flags} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Γ' Δ s s' Δ'} :
  subslet Σ Γ s Δ
  wf_subslet Σ (Γ ,,, Δ ,,, Γ') s' Δ'
  wf_subslet Σ (Γ ,,, subst_context s 0 Γ') (map (subst s #|Γ'|) s') (subst_context s #|Γ'| Δ').
  intros subl [wf subs].
  { rewrite -app_context_assoc.
    relativize #|Γ'|.
    erewrite subst_context_app. 2:.
    eapply substitution_wf_local; tea.
    now rewrite app_context_assoc. }
  clear wf.
  induction subs in s, subl |- ×.
  × cbn. intros. constructor.
  × cbn. rewrite subst_context_snoc. constructor; auto.
    eapply substitution in ; tea.
    cbn. rewrite -(subslet_length subs).
    now rewrite -distr_subst.
  × cbn. rewrite subst_context_snoc.
    eapply substitution in ; tea.
    specialize (IHsubs _ subl).
    epose proof (cons_let_def _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IHsubs).
    rewrite !distr_subst in .
    specialize (X ).
    rewrite -(subslet_length subs).
    now rewrite -distr_subst in X.

Lemma weaken_wf_subslet {cf Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} s (Δ Γ Γ' : context) :
  wf_local Σ Γ
  wf_subslet Σ Γ' s Δ
  wf_subslet Σ (Γ,,, Γ') s Δ.
  intros wfΓ [wf subs]. split.
  rewrite -app_context_assoc.
  eapply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
  eapply weaken_subslet; tea.
  now eapply All_local_env_app_inv in wf.

Lemma on_projections_indices {mdecl i idecl cs} :
  on_projections mdecl (inductive_mind i) (inductive_ind i)
    idecl (ind_indices idecl) cs
    idecl.(ind_indices) = [].
  move/on_projs_noidx. destruct ind_indices; try discriminate; auto.

Lemma subslet_projs {cf:checker_flags} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {i mdecl idecl args} :
  declared_inductive Σ.1 i mdecl idecl
  match ind_ctors idecl return Type with
  | [cs]
    on_projections mdecl (inductive_mind i) (inductive_ind i)
     idecl (ind_indices idecl) cs
      Γ t u,
     let indsubst := inds (inductive_mind i) u (ind_bodies mdecl) in
     Σ;;; Γ t : mkApps (tInd i u) args
     wf_subslet Σ Γ
      (projs_inst i (ind_npars mdecl) (context_assumptions (cstr_args cs)) t)
      (subst_context (List.rev args) 0
        (subst_context (extended_subst (ind_params mdecl)@[u] 0) 0
          (smash_context []
            (subst_context (inds (inductive_mind i) u (ind_bodies mdecl))
              #|ind_params mdecl| (subst_instance u (cstr_args cs))))))
  | _True
  intros Hdecl.
  destruct ind_ctors as [|cs []] eqn:Heq; trivial.
  intros onp. simpl. intros Γ t u.
  rewrite (smash_context_subst []).
  assert (#|PCUICEnvironment.ind_projs idecl|
  PCUICEnvironment.context_assumptions (cstr_args cs)).
  { destruct onp. . }
  intros Ht.
  epose proof (declared_projections_subslet _ Hdecl cs Heq onp _ (Nat.le_refl _)).
  have v := !!(validity Ht). eapply isType_mkApps_Ind_inv in v as [? [? []]]; tea; pcuic.
  eapply (instantiate_wf_subslet (decl:=InductiveDecl mdecl)) in X; tea. 2:apply Hdecl.
  move: X. rewrite Nat.sub_diag skipn_0.
  rewrite subst_instance_subst_context subst_instance_lift_context.
  rewrite subst_context_lift_context_comm //.
  rewrite (projection_context_gen_inst Hdecl) //.
  rewrite /projection_context.
  eapply spine_subst_smash in s.
  intros Hs.
  have wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ by (eapply typing_wf_local; eauto).
  eapply weaken_wf_subslet in Hs;tea.
  eapply (substitution_subslet (Γ' := [_])) in Hs; tea.
  2:eapply s.
  move: Hs. cbn.
  rewrite subst_context_snoc /= /subst_decl /= /map_decl /= subst_mkApps /=.
  rewrite (spine_subst_subst_to_extended_list_k s).
  move: (on_projections_indices onp) ⇒ heq. rewrite heq in .
  cbn in .
  assert (#|args| = ind_npars mdecl).
  rewrite -(firstn_skipn (ind_npars mdecl) args) app_length e //.
  rewrite firstn_all2 //. .
  move/(substitution_subslet (Γ := Γ) (Δ := [_]) (Γ' := []) (subslet_ass_tip Ht)).
  rewrite [(projs _ _ _)@[u]]projs_subst_instance projs_subst_above // subst_projs_inst.
  rewrite subst_instance_subst_context.
  rewrite instantiate_inds //. exact Hdecl.
  rewrite subst_context_lift_context_comm //.
  rewrite subst_context_lift_context_cancel //.
  rewrite subst_instance_extended_subst //.
  rewrite subst_instance_smash //.

Ltac unf_env :=
  change PCUICEnvironment.it_mkProd_or_LetIn with it_mkProd_or_LetIn in *;
  change PCUICEnvironment.to_extended_list_k with to_extended_list_k in *;
  change PCUICEnvironment.ind_params with ind_params in ×.

Derive Signature for positive_cstr.

Lemma positive_cstr_it_mkProd_or_LetIn mdecl i Γ Δ t :
  positive_cstr mdecl i Γ (it_mkProd_or_LetIn Δ t)
  All_local_env ( Δ ty _positive_cstr_arg mdecl (Γ ,,, Δ) ty)
    (smash_context [] Δ) ×
  positive_cstr mdecl i (Γ ,,, smash_context [] Δ) (expand_lets Δ t).
  revert Γ t; unfold expand_lets, expand_lets_k;
   induction Δ as [|[na [b|] ty] Δ] using ctx_length_rev_ind; intros Γ t.
  - simpl; intuition auto. now rewrite subst_empty lift0_id.
  - rewrite it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app /=; intros H; depelim H.
    solve_discr. rewrite smash_context_app_def.
    rewrite / subst_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in H.
    specialize (X (subst_context [b] 0 Δ) ltac:(len; ) _ _ H).
    simpl; len in X. len.
    destruct X; split; auto. simpl.
    rewrite extended_subst_app /= !subst_empty !lift0_id lift0_context.
    rewrite subst_app_simpl; len ⇒ /=.
    epose proof (distr_lift_subst_rec _ [b] (context_assumptions Δ) #|Δ| 0).
    rewrite !Nat.add_0_r in . now erewrite .
  - rewrite it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app /=; intros H; depelim H.
    solve_discr. rewrite smash_context_app_ass.
    specialize (X Δ ltac:(len; ) _ _ H).
    simpl; len.
    destruct X; split; auto. simpl.
    eapply All_local_env_app; split.
    constructor; auto.
    eapply (All_local_env_impl _ _ _ a). intros; auto.
    now rewrite app_context_assoc. simpl.
    rewrite extended_subst_app /=.
    rewrite subst_app_simpl; len ⇒ /=.
    rewrite subst_context_lift_id.
    rewrite Nat.add_comm Nat.add_1_r subst_reli_lift_id.
    apply context_assumptions_length_bound. now rewrite app_context_assoc.

Lemma expand_lets_k_app (Γ Γ' : context) t k : expand_lets_k (Γ Γ') k t =
  expand_lets_k Γ' (k + context_assumptions Γ) (expand_lets_k Γ k t).
  revert Γ k t.
  induction Γ' as [|[na [b|] ty] Γ'] using ctx_length_rev_ind; intros Γ k t.
  - simpl. now rewrite /expand_lets_k /= subst_empty lift0_id app_nil_r.
  - simpl; rewrite app_assoc !expand_lets_k_vdef /=; len; simpl.
    rewrite subst_context_app. specialize (H (subst_context [b] 0 Γ') ltac:(now len)).
    specialize (H (subst_context [b] #|Γ'| Γ)). rewrite Nat.add_0_r /app_context H; len.
    rewrite /expand_lets_k; len.
    rewrite -Nat.add_assoc.
    rewrite distr_subst_rec; len.
    epose proof (subst_extended_subst_k [b] Γ #|Γ'| 0).
    rewrite Nat.add_0_r Nat.add_comm in . rewrite -. f_equal.
    rewrite commut_lift_subst_rec. . lia_f_equal.
  - simpl. rewrite app_assoc !expand_lets_k_vass /=; len; simpl.
    now rewrite (H Γ' ltac:(reflexivity)).

Lemma expand_lets_app Γ Γ' t : expand_lets (Γ Γ') t =
  expand_lets_k Γ' (context_assumptions Γ) (expand_lets Γ t).
  now rewrite /expand_lets expand_lets_k_app.

Lemma closedn_expand Γ Δ x :
  closed_ctx Γ
  closedn (context_assumptions Δ + #|Γ|) (expand_lets Δ x) =
  closedn (context_assumptions Δ + context_assumptions Γ) (expand_lets (Γ ,,, Δ) x).
  intros clΓ.
  rewrite /expand_lets.
  rewrite expand_lets_k_app /=.
  relativize (context_assumptions Δ + context_assumptions Γ).
  erewrite (closedn_expand_lets_eq 0) ⇒ /= //. now cbn.

Lemma closedn_expand' (Γ Δ : context) x :
  closedn_ctx #|Γ| Δ
  closedn (context_assumptions Δ + #|Γ|) (expand_lets Δ x)
  closedn (#|Δ| + #|Γ|) x.
  intros clΓ cl.
  eapply closed_upwards in cl.
  move: cl.
  rewrite /expand_lets.
  erewrite (closedn_expand_lets_eq #|Γ|) ⇒ /= //.
  now rewrite Nat.add_0_r Nat.add_comm.

Lemma positive_cstr_closed_indices {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} :
   {i mdecl idecl cdecl},
  declared_constructor Σ.1 i mdecl idecl cdecl
  All (closedn (context_assumptions (cstr_args cdecl) + #|ind_params mdecl|))
    (map (expand_lets (cstr_args cdecl)) (cstr_indices cdecl)).
  pose proof (on_declared_constructor H) as [[onmind oib] [cs [hnth onc]]].
  pose proof (onc.(on_ctype_positive)).
  rewrite onc.(cstr_eq) in X. unf_env.
  rewrite -it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app in X.
  eapply positive_cstr_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in X as [hpars hpos].
  rewrite app_context_nil_l in hpos.
  rewrite expand_lets_mkApps in hpos.
  unfold cstr_concl_head in hpos.
  have subsrel := expand_lets_tRel (#|ind_bodies mdecl| - S (inductive_ind i.1))
    (ind_params mdecl ,,, cstr_args cdecl). len in subsrel.
  rewrite (Nat.add_comm #|cstr_args cdecl|) Nat.add_assoc in subsrel.
  rewrite {}subsrel in hpos.
  depelim hpos; solve_discr.
  eapply All_map_inv in a.
  eapply All_app in a as [ _ a].
  eapply All_map; eapply (All_impl a); intros x; len.
  rewrite closedn_expand //.
  exact (declared_inductive_closed_params H).

Lemma positive_cstr_arg_subst_instance {mdecl Γ} {t} u :
  positive_cstr_arg mdecl Γ t
  positive_cstr_arg mdecl (subst_instance u Γ) (subst_instance u t).
  induction 1.
  - constructor 1; len.
    now rewrite closedn_subst_instance.
  - rewrite subst_instance_mkApps. econstructor 2; len ⇒ //; eauto.
    eapply All_map; solve_all.
    now rewrite closedn_subst_instance.
  - simpl. constructor 3; len ⇒ //.
    now rewrite subst_instance_subst in IHX.
  - simpl. constructor 4; len ⇒ //.
    now rewrite closedn_subst_instance.

Import ssrbool.

Lemma invert_red_mkApps_tRel {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ n d args t'} :
  nth_error Γ n = Some d decl_body d = None
  Σ ;;; Γ mkApps (tRel n) args t'
   args' : list term, t' = mkApps (tRel n) args' × red_terms Σ Γ args args'.
  movehnth db [onΓ ont red].
  destruct Σ.
  move: ont. rewrite PCUICOnFreeVars.on_free_vars_mkApps /= ⇒ /andP[] // ⇒ onn onargs.
  unshelve eapply (red_mkApps_tRel (Γ := exist Γ onΓ) _ hnth db) in red as [args' [eq redargs]] ⇒ //.
  now cbn.
   args'; split ⇒ //.
  cbn in redargs. solve_all.
  eapply into_closed_red; eauto.

Lemma ws_cumul_pb_mkApps_tRel {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ n d u u'} :
  nth_error Γ n = Some d decl_body d = None
  Σ ;;; Γ mkApps (tRel n) u mkApps (tRel n) u'
  ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ Γ u u'.
  intros Hnth Hd cum.
  pose proof (ws_cumul_pb_is_closed_context cum).
  eapply ws_cumul_pb_red in cum as [v' [v [redl redr leq]]].
  eapply invert_red_mkApps_tRel in redl as [args' [ conv]]; eauto.
  eapply invert_red_mkApps_tRel in redr as [args'' [ conv']]; eauto.
  eapply All2_trans. apply _.
  now eapply red_terms_ws_cumul_pb_terms.
  eapply eq_term_upto_univ_mkApps_l_inv in leq as [u'' [l' [[eqrel eqargs] eq']]].
  depelim eqrel. eapply mkApps_eq_inj in eq' as [_ ] ⇒ //.
  etransitivity; [|symmetry; eapply red_terms_ws_cumul_pb_terms]; eauto.
  eapply closed_red_terms_open_right in conv.
  eapply closed_red_terms_open_right in conv'.
  eapply eq_terms_ws_cumul_pb_terms; eauto.

Lemma nth_error_subst_instance u Γ n :
  nth_error (subst_instance u Γ) n =
  option_map (map_decl (subst_instance u)) (nth_error Γ n).
  now rewrite nth_error_map.

Lemma ws_cumul_pb_terms_confl {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ u u'} :
  ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ Γ u u'
   nf nf', (red_terms Σ Γ u nf × red_terms Σ Γ u' nf') × ( (eq_term Σ Σ) nf nf').
  intros cv.
  induction cv.
  - [], []; intuition auto.
  - destruct IHcv as [nf [nf' [[redl redr] eq]]].
    eapply ws_cumul_pb_red in r as [x' [y' [redx redy eq']]].
     (x' :: nf), (y' :: nf'); intuition auto.

Lemma closed_red_mkApps {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} Γ f u u' :
  is_closed_context Γ
  is_open_term Γ f
  red_terms Σ Γ u u'
  Σ ;;; Γ mkApps f u mkApps f u'.
  intros onΓ ont red.
  eapply into_closed_red; auto.
  - apply red_mkApps; auto.
    solve_all. apply X.
  - rewrite PCUICOnFreeVars.on_free_vars_mkApps ont.
    eapply closed_red_terms_open_left in red; solve_all.

Lemma ws_cumul_pb_mkApps_eq {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} Γ f f' u u' :
  is_closed_context Γ
  is_open_term Γ f
  is_open_term Γ f'
  eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ (eq_universe Σ) (leq_universe Σ) #|u| f f'
  ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ Γ u u'
  Σ ;;; Γ mkApps f u mkApps f' u'.
  intros onΓ onf onf' eqf equ.
  eapply ws_cumul_pb_red.
  eapply ws_cumul_pb_terms_confl in equ as [nf [nf' [[redl redr] eq]]] ⇒ //.
   (mkApps f nf), (mkApps f' nf').
  eapply closed_red_mkApps; eauto.
  eapply closed_red_mkApps; eauto.
  eapply eq_term_upto_univ_napp_mkApps.
  now rewrite Nat.add_0_r -(All2_length redl).
  apply eq.

Lemma ws_cumul_pb_LetIn_inv {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {le Γ na na' b b' ty ty' t t'} :
  Σ ;;; Γ tLetIn na b ty t ≤[le] tLetIn na' b' ty' t'
  Σ ;;; Γ t {0 := b} ≤[le] t' {0 := b'}.
  intros cum.
  eapply ws_cumul_pb_LetIn_l_inv; eauto.
  eapply ws_cumul_pb_LetIn_r_inv; eauto.

Lemma ws_cumul_pb_LetIn_subst {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {le Γ na na' b b' ty ty' t t'} :
  is_open_term Γ (tLetIn na b ty t)
  is_open_term Γ (tLetIn na' b' ty' t')
  Σ ;;; Γ t {0 := b} ≤[le] t' {0 := b'}
  Σ ;;; Γ tLetIn na b ty t ≤[le] tLetIn na' b' ty' t'.
  intros onl onr cum.
  transitivity (t {0 := b}).
  eapply red_ws_cumul_pb. eapply into_closed_red; eauto.
  eapply red1_red. econstructor. eauto with fvs.
  transitivity (t' {0 := b'}) ⇒ //.
  eapply red_ws_cumul_pb_inv.
  eapply into_closed_red; eauto.
  eapply red1_red; econstructor. eauto with fvs.

Lemma ws_cumul_pb_Prod_Prod_inv_l {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} Γ na na' A B A' B' :
  Σ ;;; Γ tProd na A B tProd na' A' B'
   eq_binder_annot na na', Σ ;;; Γ A = A' & Σ ;;; Γ ,, vass na A B B'].
  move/ws_cumul_pb_Prod_Prod_inv ⇒ []; split; auto.
  eapply ws_cumul_pb_ws_cumul_ctx; tea.
  constructor; auto. eapply ws_cumul_ctx_pb_refl. eauto with fvs.
  constructor; auto. exact .

Lemma inds_is_open_terms (Γ : context) ind mdecl u :
  forallb (is_open_term Γ) (inds (inductive_mind ind) u (ind_bodies mdecl)).
  move: (@closed_inds ind mdecl u).
  eapply forallb_impl. intros x _.
  rewrite -is_open_term_closed // ⇒ cl.
  eapply closed_upwards; tea; auto. len.

Lemma inds_nth_error ind u l n t :
  nth_error (inds ind u l) n = Some t n, t = tInd {| inductive_mind := ind ; inductive_ind := n |} u.
  unfold inds in ×. generalize (#|l|). clear. revert t.
  induction n; intros.
  - destruct n. cbn in H. congruence. cbn in H. inv H.
  - destruct . cbn in H. congruence. cbn in H.
    eapply IHn. eauto.

Lemma positive_cstr_arg_subst {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {ind mdecl idecl Γ t u u'} :
  declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u
  R_opt_variance (eq_universe Σ) (leq_universe Σ) (ind_variance mdecl) u u'
  closed_ctx (ind_arities mdecl ,,, Γ)@[u]
  Σ ;;; subst_instance u (ind_arities mdecl) ,,, subst_instance u Γ (subst_instance u t) (subst_instance u' t)
  positive_cstr_arg mdecl Γ t
  (Σ ;;; subst_context (ind_subst mdecl ind u) 0 (subst_instance u Γ)
    (subst (ind_subst mdecl ind u) #|Γ| (subst_instance u t))
     subst (ind_subst mdecl ind u') #|Γ| (subst_instance u' t)).
  intros decli cu ru cl cum pos.
  pose proof (proj1 decli) as declm.
  induction pos.
  - rewrite -(app_context_nil_l (_ ,,, _)) app_context_assoc in cum.
    eapply substitution_ws_cumul_pb in cum; eauto.
    2:{ eapply subslet_inds; eauto. }
    rewrite !subst_closedn ?closedn_subst_instance //.
    rewrite !subst_closedn ?closedn_subst_instance // in cum; len; auto.
    now rewrite app_context_nil_l in cum.

  - epose proof (ws_cumul_pb_is_closed_context cum).
    rewrite !subst_instance_mkApps !subst_mkApps in cum |- ×.
    simpl in cum. eapply ws_cumul_pb_mkApps_tRel in cum; eauto; cycle 1.
    { rewrite nth_error_app_ge // subst_instance_length //
      unfold ind_arities, arities_context.
      rewrite rev_map_spec -map_rev.
      rewrite nth_error_map e /=. reflexivity. }
    rewrite -(app_context_nil_l (_ ,,, _)) app_context_assoc in cum.
    eapply ws_cumul_pb_terms_subst in cum.
    3:{ eapply subslet_untyped_subslet, (subslet_inds (u:=u)); eauto. }
    3:{ eapply subslet_untyped_subslet, (subslet_inds (u:=u)); eauto. }
    2:{ rewrite app_context_nil_l; eauto with fvs.
        move: H. rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_app ⇒ /andP[] //. }
    2:{ pose proof (inds_is_open_terms [] ind mdecl u).
        solve_all. eapply All_All2; tea.
        cbn; intros. eapply ws_cumul_pb_refl; eauto. }
    rewrite app_context_nil_l // in cum. len in cum.
    rewrite /ind_subst.
    eapply ws_cumul_pb_mkApps_eq ⇒ //.
    × move: cl. rewrite -is_closed_ctx_closedcl.
      apply (closedn_ctx_subst 0 0). cbn. len.
      rewrite !closedn_subst_instance_context. rewrite /ind_arities in cl.
      move: cl. rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context closedn_ctx_app. len. move/andP⇒ []//.
      eapply closed_inds.
    × cbn. destruct (leb_spec_Set #|ctx| k); try .
      destruct (nth_error (inds _ _ _) _) eqn:hnth.
      eapply inds_nth_error in hnth as [n ]. now cbn.
      eapply nth_error_None in hnth. len in hnth; .
    × cbn. destruct (leb_spec_Set #|ctx| k); try .
      destruct (nth_error (inds _ _ _) _) eqn:hnth.
      eapply inds_nth_error in hnth as [n ]. now cbn.
      eapply nth_error_None in hnth. len in hnth; .
    × rewrite !map_length.
      simpl. destruct (Nat.leb #|ctx| k) eqn:eqle.
      eapply Nat.leb_le in eqle.
      rewrite /ind_subst !inds_spec !rev_mapi !nth_error_mapi.
      rewrite e /=. simpl. constructor. simpl.
      unfold R_global_instance. simpl.
      assert(declared_inductive Σ {|
      inductive_mind := inductive_mind ind;
      inductive_ind := Nat.pred #|ind_bodies mdecl| - (k - #|ctx|) |} mdecl i).
      { split; auto. simpl. rewrite -e nth_error_rev; lia_f_equal. }
      rewrite (declared_inductive_lookup ) //.
      destruct (on_declared_inductive ) as [onmind onind] ⇒ //. simpl in ×.
      rewrite /ind_realargs.
      rewrite !onind.(ind_arity_eq).
      rewrite !destArity_it_mkProd_or_LetIn /=; len; simpl.
      rewrite (Nat.leb_refl) //. eapply Nat.leb_nle in eqle. .
    × do 2 eapply All2_map. do 2 eapply All2_map_inv in cum.
      eapply All2_All in cum. apply All_All2_refl.
      now rewrite !subst_closedn ?closedn_subst_instance // in b |- ×.

  - simpl. simpl in cum.
    eapply ws_cumul_pb_LetIn_subst. eauto.
    { rewrite -(app_context_nil_l (_ ,,, _)) app_context_assoc in cum.
      eapply substitution_ws_cumul_pb in cum.
      2:{ eapply (subslet_inds (u:=u)); eauto. }
      rewrite app_context_nil_l /= in cum.
      rewrite /ind_subst. eapply ws_cumul_pb_is_open_term_left in cum.
      now rewrite subst_instance_length in cum. }
    { eapply ws_cumul_pb_is_open_term_right in cum.
    { rewrite -(app_context_nil_l (_ ,,, _)) app_context_assoc in cum.
      eapply is_open_term_subst_gen in cum.
      2:{ rewrite // app_context_nil_l //.
          rewrite - !is_closed_ctx_closed.
          now rewrite subst_instance_app_ctx in cl. }
      { cbn -[PCUICOnFreeVars.on_free_vars] in cum.
        rewrite subst_instance_length app_context_nil_l in cum. eapply cum. }
      1-2:eapply inds_is_open_terms. len. len. } }
    rewrite !subst_instance_subst /= in IHpos.
    rewrite !distr_subst /= in IHpos. rewrite /.
    eapply IHpos ⇒ //.
    eapply ws_cumul_pb_LetIn_inv in cum; eauto.

  - simpl in cum |- ×.
    eapply ws_cumul_pb_Prod_Prod_inv_l in cum as [eqna dom codom]; eauto.
    eapply ws_cumul_pb_Prod; eauto.
    × rewrite -(app_context_nil_l (_ ,,, _)) app_context_assoc in dom.
      eapply substitution_ws_cumul_pb in dom; rewrite ?app_context_nil_l; eauto.
      2:{ eapply subslet_inds; eauto. }
      rewrite ?app_context_nil_l ?closedn_subst_instance // in dom.
      rewrite !subst_closedn ?closedn_subst_instance // in dom; len; auto.
      now rewrite !subst_closedn ?closedn_subst_instance.
    × cbn -[closedn_ctx] in IHpos. rewrite subst_context_snoc in IHpos.
      rewrite map_length Nat.add_0_r in IHpos. eapply IHpos; eauto.
      cbn. rewrite cl /=. len.
      rewrite closedn_subst_instance.
      eapply closed_upwards; eauto; .

Lemma positive_cstr_closed_args_subst_arities {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {u u' Γ}
   {i ind mdecl idecl cdecl ind_indices cs} :
  declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u
  on_constructor (lift_typing typing) (Σ.1, ind_universes mdecl) mdecl i idecl ind_indices cdecl cs
  R_opt_variance (eq_universe Σ) (leq_universe Σ) (ind_variance mdecl) u u'
  closed_ctx (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl))
  wf_local Σ (subst_instance u (ind_arities mdecl ,,, smash_context [] (ind_params mdecl) ,,, Γ))
    ( (Γ : PCUICEnvironment.context) (t : term) (_ : typ_or_sort) ⇒
           positive_cstr_arg mdecl ([] ,,, (smash_context [] (ind_params mdecl) ,,, Γ)) t)
  assumption_context Γ
  ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel Cumul Σ (subst_instance u (ind_arities mdecl) ,,,
      subst_instance u
        (smash_context [] (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)))
   (subst_instance u Γ) (subst_instance u' Γ)
  ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel Cumul Σ (subst_instance u (smash_context [] (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)))
    (subst_context (ind_subst mdecl ind u) (context_assumptions (ind_params mdecl)) (subst_instance u Γ))
    (subst_context (ind_subst mdecl ind u') (context_assumptions (ind_params mdecl)) (subst_instance u' Γ)).
  intros × decli cu onc onv cl wf cpos ass.
  intros [clΓ cum].
  rewrite -is_closed_ctx_closed.
  rewrite subst_instance_smash.
  now apply closedn_smash_context.
  revert cum.
  induction cpos; simpl; rewrite ?subst_context_nil ?subst_context_snoc; try solve [constructor; auto].
  all:rewrite ?map_length; intros cv; depelim cv; depelim wf.
  assert (isType Σ
  (subst_instance u (ind_arities mdecl) ,,,
   subst_instance u (smash_context [] (ind_params mdecl) ,,, Γ))
  (subst_instance u t)).
  { rewrite -subst_instance_app_ctx.
    destruct l as [s Hs]. s.
    move: Hs. cbn.
    now rewrite app_context_assoc. }
  depelim a.
  - eapply IHcpos. auto. now depelim ass. apply cv.
  - constructor; auto. cbn in ×.
    eapply positive_cstr_arg_subst in ; eauto. len.
    move: .
    rewrite app_context_nil_l subst_instance_app_ctx subst_context_app.
    rewrite closed_ctx_subst //.
    rewrite subst_instance_smash.
    now apply closedn_smash_context.
    rewrite app_context_nil_l !subst_instance_app_ctx // app_context_assoc //.
    eapply ws_cumul_pb_is_closed_context in eqt.
    now rewrite is_closed_ctx_closed.
    rewrite app_context_nil_l !subst_instance_app_ctx // app_context_assoc //.
  - elimtype False; now depelim ass.
  - elimtype False; now depelim ass.

Lemma positive_cstr_closed_args {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {u u'}
  {ind mdecl idecl cdecl} :
  declared_constructor Σ ind mdecl idecl cdecl
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u
  R_opt_variance (eq_universe Σ) (leq_universe Σ) (ind_variance mdecl) u u'
 ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel Cumul Σ (subst_instance u (ind_arities mdecl) ,,,
    subst_instance u
      (smash_context [] (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)))
 (smash_context []
    (subst_instance u
       (expand_lets_ctx (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)
          (cstr_args cdecl))))
 (smash_context []
    (subst_instance u'
       (expand_lets_ctx (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)
          (cstr_args cdecl))))

  ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel Cumul Σ (subst_instance u (smash_context [] (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)))
      (subst_context (inds (inductive_mind ind.1) u (ind_bodies mdecl)) (context_assumptions (ind_params mdecl))
       (smash_context []
          (subst_instance u
             (expand_lets_ctx (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)
                (cstr_args cdecl)))))
       (subst_context (inds (inductive_mind ind.1) u' (ind_bodies mdecl)) (context_assumptions (ind_params mdecl))
           ((smash_context []
          (subst_instance u'
             (expand_lets_ctx (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)
                (cstr_args cdecl)))))).
  intros × declc cu Ru cx.
  pose proof (on_declared_constructor declc) as [[onmind oib] [cs [? onc]]].
  pose proof (onc.(on_ctype_positive)) as cpos.
  rewrite onc.(cstr_eq) in cpos. unf_env.
  rewrite -it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app in cpos.
  eapply positive_cstr_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in cpos as [hpars _].
  rewrite smash_context_app_expand in hpars.
  eapply All_local_env_app_inv in hpars as [_hpars hargs].
  rewrite expand_lets_smash_context /= expand_lets_k_ctx_nil /= in hargs.
  eapply positive_cstr_closed_args_subst_arities in hargs; eauto.
  - rewrite !subst_instance_smash /ind_subst /= in hargs |- ×.
    eapply hargs; eauto.
  - destruct hargs as [hargs hwf]. now rewrite !subst_instance_smash in hwf |- ×.
  - eapply declc.
  - eapply closed_wf_local; eauto; eapply on_minductive_wf_params; eauto; eapply declc.
  - rewrite -app_context_assoc. rewrite -(expand_lets_smash_context _ []).
    rewrite -smash_context_app_expand subst_instance_app_ctx subst_instance_smash.
    eapply wf_local_smash_end; eauto.
    rewrite -subst_instance_app_ctx app_context_assoc.
    now epose proof (on_constructor_inst declc _ cu) as [wfarpars _].
  - eapply smash_context_assumption_context. constructor.
  - now rewrite !(subst_instance_smash _ (expand_lets_ctx _ _)).

Lemma red_subst_instance {cf:checker_flags} (Σ : global_env) (Γ : context) (u : Instance.t) (s t : term) :
  red Σ Γ s t
  red Σ (subst_instance u Γ) (subst_instance u s)
            (subst_instance u t).
  intros H; apply clos_rt_rt1n in H.
  apply clos_rt1n_rt.
  induction H. constructor.
  eapply red1_subst_instance in r.
  econstructor 2. eapply r. auto.

Lemma assumption_context_map f Γ :
  assumption_context Γ assumption_context (map_context f Γ).
  induction 1; constructor; auto.

Lemma assumption_context_subst_instance u Γ :
  assumption_context Γ assumption_context (subst_instance u Γ).
Proof. apply assumption_context_map. Qed.

Section Betweenu.
  Context (start : ) (k : ).

  Definition betweenu_level (l : Level.t) :=
    match l with
    | Level.Var n(start <=? n) && (n <? start + k)%
    | _true

  Definition betweenu_level_expr (s : LevelExpr.t) :=
    betweenu_level (LevelExpr.get_level s).

  Definition betweenu_universe0 (u : LevelAlgExpr.t) :=
    LevelExprSet.for_all betweenu_level_expr u.

  Definition betweenu_universe (u : Universe.t) :=
    match u with
    | Universe.lProp | Universe.lSProptrue
    | Universe.lType lbetweenu_universe0 l

  Definition betweenu_instance (u : Instance.t) :=
    forallb betweenu_level u.

End Betweenu.

Universe-closed terms are unaffected by universe substitution.
Section UniverseClosedSubst.
  Lemma closedu_subst_instance_level_app u u' l
  : closedu_level #|u'| l subst_instance_level (u' u) l = subst_instance_level u' l.
    destruct l; cbnr.
    intros Hn % Nat.ltb_lt.
    rewrite app_nth1 //.

  Lemma closedu_subst_instance_level_lift u u' l
  : closedu_level #|u| l subst_instance_level (u' u) (lift_level #|u'| l) = subst_instance_level u l.
    destruct l; cbnr.
    intros Hn % Nat.ltb_lt.
    rewrite app_nth2; try .

  Lemma closedu_subst_instance_level_expr_app u u' e
    : closedu_level_expr #|u'| e subst_instance_level_expr (u' u) e = subst_instance_level_expr u' e.
    destruct e as [[] b]; cbnr.
    intros Hn % Nat.ltb_lt.
    rewrite nth_error_app_lt //.

  Lemma closedu_subst_instance_app u u' t
    : closedu_instance #|u'| t subst_instance (u' u) t = subst_instance u' t.
    intro H. eapply forallb_All in H. apply All_map_eq.
    solve_all. now eapply closedu_subst_instance_level_app.

  Lemma closedu_subst_instance_lift u u' t
    : closedu_instance #|u| t subst_instance (u' u) (lift_instance #|u'| t) = subst_instance u t.
    intro H. eapply forallb_All in H.
    rewrite /subst_instance /subst_instance_instance /lift_instance map_map_compose. apply All_map_eq.
    solve_all. now eapply closedu_subst_instance_level_lift.

End UniverseClosedSubst.

Lemma level_var_instance_length n i : #|level_var_instance n i| = #|i|.
Proof. rewrite /level_var_instance; len. Qed.
Hint Rewrite level_var_instance_length : len.

Lemma lift_instance_length n i : #|lift_instance n i| = #|i|.
Proof. now rewrite /lift_instance; len. Qed.
Hint Rewrite lift_instance_length : len.

Lemma variance_universes_insts {cf} {Σ mdecl l} :
  on_variance Σ (ind_universes mdecl) (Some l)
   v i i',
   variance_universes (PCUICEnvironment.ind_universes mdecl) l = Some (v, i, i'),
    match ind_universes mdecl with
    | Monomorphic_ctxFalse
    | Polymorphic_ctx (inst, cstrs)
      let cstrs := ConstraintSet.union (ConstraintSet.union cstrs (lift_constraints #|i| cstrs)) (variance_cstrs l i i')
      in v = Polymorphic_ctx (inst inst, cstrs)
    consistent_instance_ext (Σ.1, v) (ind_universes mdecl) i,
    consistent_instance_ext (Σ.1, v) (ind_universes mdecl) i',
    #|i| = #|i'|, #|l| = #|i|,
    i' = abstract_instance (ind_universes mdecl),
    closedu_instance #|i'| i' &
    i = lift_instance #|i'| i'].
  unfold variance_universes.
  destruct (ind_universes mdecl); simpl ⇒ //.
  destruct cst as [inst cstrs].
  intros [univs' [i [i' []]]].
  noconf e.
  do 3 eexists; split. trea. all:eauto. 1-3:len.
  len in . len.
  rewrite /closedu_instance /level_var_instance forallb_mapi //.
  intros i hi. simpl. now eapply Nat.ltb_lt.
  now len.

Lemma consistent_instance_poly_length {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {inst cstrs u} :
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (Polymorphic_ctx (inst, cstrs)) u
  #|u| = #|inst|.
  rewrite /consistent_instance_ext /consistent_instance.
  intuition auto.

Lemma consistent_instance_valid {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {inst cstrs u} :
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (Polymorphic_ctx (inst, cstrs)) u
   v, satisfies v (global_ext_constraints Σ) satisfies v (subst_instance_cstrs u cstrs).
Proof. rewrite /consistent_instance_ext /=; intros [_ [_ v]] cu.
    red in v. now rewrite cu in v.

Definition closedu_cstr k (cstr : (Level.t × ConstraintType.t × Level.t)) :=
  let '(, p, ) := cstr in
  closedu_level k && closedu_level k .

Definition closedu_cstrs k (cstrs : CS.t) :=
  CS.For_all (closedu_cstr k) cstrs.

Lemma LSet_in_poly_bounded l inst cstrs : LevelSet.In l (levels_of_udecl (Polymorphic_ctx (inst, cstrs)))
  closedu_level #|inst| l.
  rewrite /mapi.
  change (#|inst|) with (0 + #|inst|).
  generalize 0.
  induction inst; simpl; auto.
  intros n emp. now eapply LevelSetFact.empty_iff in emp.
  intros n Hl.
  rewriteLS.add_spec in Hl.
  destruct Hl. subst. simpl. apply Nat.ltb_lt; .
  specialize (IHinst _ H). now rewrite Nat.add_succ_r.

Lemma LSet_in_global_bounded {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env} {l} k :
  wf Σ LevelSet.In l (global_levels Σ)
  closedu_level k l.
  intros wf. eapply not_var_global_levels in wf.
  intros hin. specialize (wf _ hin). simpl in wf.
  destruct l; simpl in *; congruence.

Lemma on_udecl_prop_poly_bounded {cf:checker_flags} Σ inst cstrs :
  wf Σ
  on_udecl_prop Σ (Polymorphic_ctx (inst, cstrs))
  closedu_cstrs #|inst| cstrs.
  rewrite /on_udecl_prop.
  intros wfΣ nlevs.
  rewrite /closedu_cstrs.
  intros x incstrs.
  specialize (nlevs x incstrs).
  destruct x as [[ p] ].
  destruct nlevs.
  apply LevelSetProp.Dec.F.union_1 in H.
  apply LevelSetProp.Dec.F.union_1 in .
  destruct H. eapply LSet_in_poly_bounded in H.
  destruct . eapply LSet_in_poly_bounded in . simpl. now rewrite H .
  eapply (LSet_in_global_bounded #|inst|) in ⇒ //. simpl.
  now rewrite H .
  eapply (LSet_in_global_bounded #|inst|) in H ⇒ //. simpl.
  destruct . eapply LSet_in_poly_bounded in . simpl. now rewrite H .
  eapply (LSet_in_global_bounded #|inst|) in ⇒ //. simpl.
  now rewrite H .

Lemma closedu_subst_instance_cstrs_app u u' cstrs :
  closedu_cstrs #|u| cstrs
  CS.Equal (subst_instance_cstrs (u u') cstrs) (subst_instance_cstrs u cstrs).
  intros clcstra.
  intros c.
  rewrite !In_subst_instance_cstrs.
  firstorder eauto.
  subst c; x; split; auto.
  specialize (clcstra _ ).
  simpl in ×.
  destruct x as [[l c] r]; rewrite /subst_instance_cstr; simpl.
  move/andb_and: clcstra ⇒ [cll clr].
  rewrite !closedu_subst_instance_level_app //.

  subst c; x; split; auto.
  specialize (clcstra _ ).
  simpl in ×.
  destruct x as [[l c] r]; rewrite /subst_instance_cstr; simpl.
  move/andb_and: clcstra ⇒ [cll clr].
  rewrite !closedu_subst_instance_level_app //.

Lemma In_lift_constraints u c ctrs :
  CS.In c (lift_constraints u ctrs)
   c', c = lift_constraint u c' CS.In c' ctrs.
  unfold lift_constraints.
  rewrite CS.fold_spec.
  transitivity (CS.In c CS.empty
                 c', c = lift_constraint u c'
                       In c' (CS.elements ctrs)).
  - generalize (CS.elements ctrs), CS.empty.
    induction l; cbn.
    + firstorder.
    + intros t. etransitivity. 1: eapply IHl.
      split; intros [HH|HH].
      × destruct a as [[ a] ]. apply CS.add_spec in HH.
        destruct HH as [HH|HH]. 2: now left.
        right; eexists. split; [|left; reflexivity]. assumption.
      × destruct HH as [c' ?]. right; c'; intuition auto.
      × left. destruct a as [[ a] ]. apply CS.add_spec.
        now right.
      × destruct HH as [c' [ [?|?]]]; subst.
        -- left. destruct c' as [[ c'] ];
           apply CS.add_spec; now left.
        -- right. c'. intuition.
  - rewrite ConstraintSetFact.empty_iff.
    transitivity ( c', c = lift_constraint u c'
                         In c' (CS.elements ctrs)).
    1: intuition.
    apply iff_ex; intro. apply and_iff_compat_l. symmetry.
    etransitivity. 1: symmetry; eapply CS.elements_spec1.
    etransitivity. 1: eapply SetoidList.InA_alt.
    split; intro; eauto.
    now destruct H as [? [[] ?]].

Lemma closedu_subst_instance_cstrs_lift u u' cstrs :
  closedu_cstrs #|u'| cstrs
  CS.Equal (subst_instance_cstrs (u u') (lift_constraints #|u| cstrs)) (subst_instance_cstrs u' cstrs).
  intros clcstra.
  intros c.
  rewrite !In_subst_instance_cstrs.
  firstorder eauto.
  - subst c.
    rewriteIn_lift_constraints in .
    destruct as [c' [ inc']].
     c'. split; auto.
    specialize (clcstra _ inc').
    simpl in ×.
    destruct c' as [[l c] r]; rewrite /subst_instance_cstr; simpl.
    move/andb_and: clcstra ⇒ [cll clr].
    rewrite !closedu_subst_instance_level_lift //.

  - subst c.
     (lift_constraint #|u| x).
    pcuicfo eauto.
    specialize (clcstra _ ).
    simpl in ×.
    destruct x as [[l c] r]; rewrite /subst_instance_cstr; simpl.
    move/andb_and: clcstra ⇒ [cll clr].
    rewrite !closedu_subst_instance_level_lift //.

Lemma subst_instance_cstrs_add u x c :
  CS.Equal (subst_instance_cstrs u (ConstraintSet.add x c))
    (ConstraintSet.add (subst_instance_cstr u x) (subst_instance_cstrs u c)).
  intros cc.
  rewrite ConstraintSetFact.add_iff.
  rewrite !In_subst_instance_cstrs.
  intuition auto.
  destruct H as [c' [ inc']].
  rewriteConstraintSetFact.add_iff in inc'.
  destruct inc'; subst; intuition auto.
  right. eexists; intuition eauto.
   x; intuition eauto.
  now rewrite ConstraintSetFact.add_iff.
  destruct as [c' [ ?]].
  eexists c'; split; firstorder eauto.
  now rewrite ConstraintSetFact.add_iff.

Lemma subst_instance_variance_cstrs l u i i' :
  CS.Equal (subst_instance_cstrs u (variance_cstrs l i i'))
    (variance_cstrs l (subst_instance u i) (subst_instance u i')).
  induction l in u, i, i' |- *; simpl; auto;
  destruct i, i'; simpl ⇒ //.
  destruct a.
  - apply (IHl u i i').
  - rewrite -IHl.
    now rewrite subst_instance_cstrs_add.
  - rewrite -IHl.
    now rewrite subst_instance_cstrs_add.

Lemma is_closed_subst_inst Γ u : is_closed_context Γ@[u] = is_closed_context Γ.
  rewrite -(app_context_nil_l Γ@[u]).
  rewrite is_closed_context_subst_instance app_context_nil_l //.

Morally, if variance_universes l = v i i' and R_universe_instance_variance l u u' then i and i' can be substituted respectively by u and u'. The hard part is to show that (Σ.1, v) can also be turned into Σ by instanciating i and i' by u and u'.

Lemma ws_cumul_pb_inst_variance {cf} {le} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {mdecl l v i i' u u' Γ} :
  on_udecl_prop Σ (ind_universes mdecl)
  on_variance Σ (ind_universes mdecl) (Some l)
  variance_universes (PCUICEnvironment.ind_universes mdecl) l = Some (v, i, i')
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u'
  R_universe_instance_variance (eq_universe Σ) (leq_universe Σ) l u u'
   t t',
  (Σ.1, v) ;;; Γ@[i] t@[i] ≤[le] [i']
  Σ ;;; Γ@[u] t@[u] ≤[le] [u'].
  intros onu onv vari cu cu' Ru t t'.
  intros cum.
  destruct Σ as [Σ univs].
  pose proof (variance_universes_insts onv) as (v' & ui & ui' & [hv cstrs cui cui' eqi']).
  rewrite vari in hv; noconf hv.
  subst i.
  pose proof (consistent_instance_length cu).
  pose proof (consistent_instance_length cu').
  rewrite -eqi' in H, .
  rewrite - in cum.
  assert (subst_instance (u' u) (lift_instance #|u'| i') = u) as subsu.
  { rewrite closedu_subst_instance_lift //.
    now rewrite H. rewrite eqi'.
    erewrite subst_instance_id_mdecl ⇒ //. eauto. }
  assert (subst_instance (u' u) i' = u') as subsu'.
  { rewrite closedu_subst_instance_app //.
    rewrite //. rewrite eqi' //.
    erewrite subst_instance_id_mdecl ⇒ //. eauto. }
  eapply (subst_instance_ws_cumul_pb (Σ, v) _ (u' u)) in cum; auto.
  rewrite !subst_instance_two in cum.
  rewrite subst_instance_two_context in cum.
  now rewrite subsu subsu' in cum.
  unfold valid_constraints. destruct check_univs eqn:checku ⇒ //.
  unfold valid_constraints0.
  intros sat.
  rewrite satisfies_subst_instance_ctr //.
  simpl in sat.
  generalize sat.
  unfold global_ext_constraints.
  rewrite satisfies_union /= ⇒ [[satcstrs satglob]].
  rewrite satisfies_union. split; auto.
  2:{ rewrite -satisfies_subst_instance_ctr //.
      rewrite equal_subst_instance_cstrs_mono //.
      red; apply monomorphic_global_constraint; auto. }
  destruct (ind_universes mdecl) as [|[inst cstrs']].
  { simpl in vari ⇒ //. }
  cbn in cstrs. subst v; cbn.
  rewrite !satisfies_union. len.
  len in .
  intuition auto.
  - rewrite -satisfies_subst_instance_ctr //.
    assert(ConstraintSet.Equal (subst_instance_cstrs u' cstrs')
        (subst_instance_cstrs (u' u) cstrs')) as .
    { rewrite closedu_subst_instance_cstrs_app //.
      rewrite (consistent_instance_poly_length cu').
      eapply on_udecl_prop_poly_bounded; eauto. }
    eapply consistent_instance_valid in cu'; eauto.
  - rewrite -satisfies_subst_instance_ctr // -.
    assert(ConstraintSet.Equal (subst_instance_cstrs u cstrs')
        (subst_instance_cstrs (u' u) (lift_constraints #|u'| cstrs'))) as .
    { rewrite closedu_subst_instance_cstrs_lift //.
      rewrite H - (consistent_instance_poly_length cu').
      eapply on_udecl_prop_poly_bounded; eauto. }
    eapply consistent_instance_valid in cu; eauto.
  - rewrite -satisfies_subst_instance_ctr //.
    rewrite subst_instance_variance_cstrs //.
    rewrite - subsu subsu'.
    assert (#|u| = #|u'|) as lenu by .
    assert (#|l| = #|u|) as lenlu. now rewrite H.
    clear -checku Ru sat lenu lenlu.
    induction l in u, u', Ru, lenu, lenlu |- ×. simpl in ×. destruct u, u';
    intro; rewrite ConstraintSetFact.empty_iff //.
    destruct u, u' ⇒ //; simpl in ×.
    destruct Ru as [Ra Rl].
    specialize (IHl u u' Rl). do 2 forward IHl by .
    destruct a ⇒ //; intros x; rewrite ConstraintSetFact.add_iff;
    intros [|inx]; auto.
    + do 7 red in Ra; rewrite checku in Ra;
      specialize (Ra _ sat); simpl in Ra.
      constructor. .
    + do 6 red in Ra. rewrite checku in Ra.
      specialize (Ra _ sat).
      constructor. now rewrite !Universes.LevelAlgExpr.val_make in Ra.

Lemma All2_fold_inst {cf} {le} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} mdecl l v i i' u u' Γ' Γ :
  on_udecl_prop Σ (ind_universes mdecl)
  on_variance Σ (ind_universes mdecl) (Some l)
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u'
  variance_universes (PCUICEnvironment.ind_universes mdecl) l = Some (v, i, i')
  R_universe_instance_variance (eq_universe Σ) (leq_universe Σ) l u u'
  ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel le (Σ.1, v) (subst_instance i Γ') (subst_instance i Γ) (subst_instance i' Γ)
  ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel le Σ (subst_instance u Γ') (subst_instance u Γ) (subst_instance u' Γ).
  unfold cumul_ctx_rel.
  intros onu onv cu cu' vari Ru.
  induction Γ as [|[na [b|] ty] tl]; simpl.
  - constructor. destruct X.
    now rewrite !is_closed_subst_inst in ×.
  - intros H; depelim H.
    econstructor; auto.
    now rewrite !is_closed_subst_inst in ×.
    depelim a. simpl.
    rewrite -subst_instance_app_ctx in a, . simpl in |- ×.
    depelim .
    constructor; auto. apply IHtl; auto.
    red. split. 2:apply a. auto. constructor; try reflexivity.
    rewrite -subst_instance_app_ctx.
    eapply ws_cumul_pb_inst_variance; eauto.
    rewrite -subst_instance_app_ctx.
    eapply ws_cumul_pb_inst_variance; eauto.
  - intros H; depelim H; simpl in ×. depelim a.
    constructor; auto.
    rewrite !is_closed_subst_inst // in ×.
    constructor; auto.
    now apply IHtl.
    rewrite -subst_instance_app_ctx in .
    rewrite -subst_instance_app_ctx.
    rewrite /map_decl /= in ×.
    depelim ; constructor; eauto using ws_cumul_pb_inst_variance.

Lemma forallb_closed_upwards k k' s :
  forallb (closedn k) s
  k k'
  forallb (closedn k') s.
  intros H Hk.
  eapply All_forallb.
  eapply forallb_All in H. solve_all.
  eapply closed_upwards; eauto.

Lemma subst_context_subst_context s k s' Γ :
  subst_context s k (subst_context s' 0 Γ) =
  subst_context (map (subst s k) s') 0 (subst_context s (k + #|s'|) Γ).
  induction Γ as [|[na [b|] ty] Γ']; simpl; auto;
    rewrite !subst_context_snoc /= /subst_decl /map_decl /=; f_equal;
    auto; f_equal; len;
  rewrite distr_subst_rec; lia_f_equal.

Lemma subst_context_subst_context_comm s k k' s' Γ :
  k' = k + #|s|
  subst_context s k (subst_context s' k' Γ) =
  subst_context s' k (subst_context (map (lift0 #|s'|) s) k Γ).
  intros →.
  induction Γ as [|[na [b|] ty] Γ']; simpl; auto;
    rewrite !subst_context_snoc /= /subst_decl /map_decl /=; f_equal;
    auto; f_equal; len;
    now rewrite Nat.add_assoc -subst_app_simpl subst_app_decomp.

Lemma map_map_subst_expand_lets (s : list term) (Γ : context) l k :
  context_assumptions Γ = #|s|
  map (subst (map (subst0 s) (extended_subst Γ 0)) k) l = map (subst s k expand_lets_k Γ k) l.
Proof. moveca; apply map_extx; apply map_subst_expand_lets_k ⇒ //. Qed.

Hint Rewrite closedn_subst_instance : pcuic.

Lemma subst_conv_closed {le} {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Γ0 Γ1 Δ : context} {s s' : list term} {T U : term} :
  subslet Σ Γ s Γ0
  subslet Σ Γ s' Γ1
  #|s| = #|s'|
  closedn #|Δ| T
  closedn #|Δ| U
  Σ;;; Γ ,,, Γ0 ,,, Δ T ≤[le] U
  Σ;;; Γ ,,, subst_context s 0 Δ subst s #|Δ| T ≤[le] subst s' #|Δ| U.
  intros subs subs' eqs clT clU.
  intros cum.
  pose proof (substitution_ws_cumul_pb (s:=s) subs cum).
  transitivity (subst s #|Δ| U) ⇒ //.
  clear X.
  rewrite !subst_closedn //.
  eapply ws_cumul_pb_refl.
  eapply is_closed_subst_context. eauto with fvs.
  now eapply subslet_open in subs.
  now rewrite (subslet_length subs).
  relativize U.
  instantiate (1 := subst s #|Δ| U).
  eapply is_open_term_subst; eauto with fvs.
  now eapply subslet_open in subs.
  now rewrite (subslet_length subs).
  rewrite !subst_closedn //.

Lemma subst_instance_expand_lets u Γ t :
  subst_instance u (expand_lets Γ t) =
  expand_lets (subst_instance u Γ) (subst_instance u t).
  rewrite /expand_lets /expand_lets_k.
  rewrite subst_instance_subst.
  rewrite subst_instance_extended_subst.
  rewrite subst_instance_lift. len; f_equal.

Hint Rewrite subst_instance_expand_lets closedn_subst_instance : substu.

Lemma subst_instance_expand_lets_ctx u Γ Δ :
  subst_instance u (expand_lets_ctx Γ Δ) =
  expand_lets_ctx (subst_instance u Γ) (subst_instance u Δ).
  rewrite /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx.
  rewrite !subst_instance_subst_context !subst_instance_lift_context; len.
  now rewrite -subst_instance_extended_subst.

Lemma cumul_ctx_relSpec_Algo {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Δ Δ'}
  (c : cumul_ctx_rel Σ Γ Δ Δ') :
  is_closed_context (Γ ,,, Δ)
  is_closed_context (Γ ,,, Δ')
  ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel Cumul Σ Γ Δ Δ'.
  intros wf wf'.
  eapply ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel_app.
  apply into_ws_cumul_ctx_pb; eauto with fvs.
  apply All2_fold_app; auto. reflexivity.
  induction c; try solve[constructor; auto].
  move: wf; rewrite /= on_free_vars_ctx_snoc ⇒ /andP[] .
  move: wf'; rewrite /= on_free_vars_ctx_snoc ⇒ /andP[] .
  destruct p; constructor; inv_on_free_vars; auto.
  - eapply cumulSpec_cumulAlgo_curry in eqt; fvs.
    constructor; auto. now eapply ws_cumul_pb_forget in eqt.
    len. rewrite (All2_fold_length c). now len in .
  - eapply cumulSpec_cumulAlgo_curry in eqt; eauto.
    eapply convSpec_convAlgo_curry in eqb; eauto; fvs.
    constructor; auto.
    now apply ws_cumul_pb_forget in eqb.
    now apply ws_cumul_pb_forget in eqt.
    len. rewrite (All2_fold_length c) //. now len in H.
    len. rewrite (All2_fold_length c) //. now len in .

Lemma into_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Δ Δ'}
  (c : cumul_ctx_rel cumulAlgo_gen Σ Γ Δ Δ') :
  is_closed_context (Γ ,,, Δ)
  is_closed_context (Γ ,,, Δ')
  ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel Cumul Σ Γ Δ Δ'.
  intros wf wf'.
  eapply ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel_app.
  apply into_ws_cumul_ctx_pb; eauto with fvs.
  apply All2_fold_app; auto. reflexivity.

Lemma is_closed_context_weaken Γ Δ :
  is_closed_context Γ
  is_closed_context Δ
  is_closed_context (Γ ,,, Δ).
  rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_app ⇒ → /=.
  eapply on_free_vars_ctx_impl ⇒ //.

Lemma inductive_cumulative_indices {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} :
   {ind mdecl idecl u u' napp},
  declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u'
  R_global_instance Σ (eq_universe Σ) (leq_universe Σ) (IndRef ind) napp u u'
   Γ pars pars' parsubst parsubst',
  spine_subst Σ Γ pars parsubst (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl))
  spine_subst Σ Γ pars' parsubst' (subst_instance u' (ind_params mdecl))
  ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ Γ pars pars'
  let indctx := subst_instance u idecl.(ind_indices) in
  let indctx' := subst_instance u' idecl.(ind_indices) in
  let pindctx := subst_context parsubst 0 indctx in
  let pindctx' := subst_context parsubst' 0 indctx' in
  ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel Cumul Σ Γ (smash_context [] pindctx) (smash_context [] pindctx').
  intros × decli.
  destruct (on_declared_inductive decli) as [onmind oib].
  intros cu cu' Ru Γ × spu spu' cpars ×. move: Ru.
  assert (onu : on_udecl_prop Σ (ind_universes mdecl)).
  { eapply (weaken_lookup_on_global_env' _ _ _ wfΣ (proj1 decli)). }
  unfold R_global_instance.
  pose proof decli as decli'.
  assert (closed_ctx
    (subst_instance u
      (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl))) as clpu.
  { eapply closed_wf_local; eauto; eapply on_minductive_wf_params; eauto. }
  assert (closed_ctx
  (subst_instance u'
    (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl))) as clpu'.
  { eapply closed_wf_local; eauto; eapply on_minductive_wf_params; eauto. }
  assert (closed_ctx
    (subst_instance u
      (smash_context [] (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)))) as clspu.
  { rewrite subst_instance_smash. now eapply closedn_smash_context. }
  clear decli'.
  assert (wf_local Σ
  (smash_context []
     (subst_instance u (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)) ,,,
   smash_context []
     (subst_instance u
        (expand_lets_ctx (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)
           (ind_indices idecl))))).
  { pose proof (on_minductive_wf_params_indices_inst decli _ cu) as wf.
    eapply wf_local_smash_context in wf; auto.
    rewrite subst_instance_app_ctx smash_context_app_expand in wf.
    rewrite expand_lets_smash_context expand_lets_k_ctx_nil in wf.
    now rewrite subst_instance_expand_lets_ctx. }
  have clu' : is_closed_context (Γ,,, (ind_params mdecl)@[u']).
  { rewrite -is_closed_ctx_closed.
    rewrite closedn_ctx_app /=.
    rewrite (closed_wf_local _ (spine_dom_wf _ _ _ _ _ spu)) /=.
    eapply closedn_ctx_upwards; tea. . }
  destruct global_variance eqn:gv.
  { move:gv.
    simpl. rewrite (declared_inductive_lookup decli).
    rewrite oib.(ind_arity_eq).
    rewrite !destArity_it_mkProd_or_LetIn. simpl.
    rewrite app_context_nil_l context_assumptions_app.
    elim: leb_spec_Set ⇒ // comp.
    destruct ind_variance eqn:indv ⇒ //.
    move⇒ [=] eq. subst .
    pose proof (oib.(onIndices)) as respv.
    specialize (respv _ indv).
    simpl in respv.
    unfold ind_respects_variance in respv.
    destruct variance_universes as [[[v i] i']|] eqn:vu ⇒ //.
    pose proof (onVariance onmind) as onvari.
    rewrite indv in onvari.
    eapply cumul_ctx_relSpec_Algo in respv.
    2:{ move/wf_local_closed_context: X.
        rewrite - !(subst_instance_smash _ _ []).
        rewrite - !subst_instance_app_ctx !is_closed_subst_inst //.
        now rewrite expand_lets_smash_context. }
    2:{ move/wf_local_closed_context: X.
        rewrite - !(subst_instance_smash _ _ []).
        rewrite - !subst_instance_app_ctx !is_closed_context_subst_instance !is_closed_subst_inst //.
        rewrite !on_free_vars_ctx_app is_closed_subst_inst.
        rewrite expand_lets_smash_context /= //. len. }
    eapply All2_fold_inst in respv.
    7:eauto. all:eauto. move: respv.
    rewrite !expand_lets_smash_context.
    autorewrite with pcuic.
    rewrite !subst_instance_smash /= ⇒ args. cbn in args.
    eapply (weaken_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel (Γ := Γ)) in args ⇒ //; eauto with fvs.
    2:{ eapply wf_local_closed_context. apply spu. }
    pose proof (spine_subst_smash spu) as sspu.
    pose proof (spine_subst_smash spu') as sspu'.
    eapply (substitution_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_subst_conv (Γ := Γ) (Γ'' := []) (s := List.rev pars) (s' := List.rev pars')) in args.
    2:{ eapply All2_rev ⇒ //. }
    2:{ eapply subslet_untyped_subslet, sspu. }
    2:{ eapply subslet_untyped_subslet, sspu'. }
    2:{ eapply is_closed_context_smash_end ⇒ //. }
    move: args.
    rewrite subst_context_nil /= - !smash_context_subst /= subst_context_nil; len.
    rewrite !subst_instance_subst_context.
    rewrite !subst_instance_extended_subst.
    rewrite (subst_context_subst_context (List.rev pars)) /=; len.
    rewrite -(spine_subst_extended_subst spu).
    rewrite !subst_instance_lift_context. len.
    rewrite subst_context_lift_context_cancel.
    len. rewrite (context_subst_length2 spu); len; .
    rewrite (subst_context_subst_context (List.rev pars')) /=; len.
    rewrite -(spine_subst_extended_subst spu').
    len. rewrite subst_context_lift_context_cancel.
    len. rewrite (context_subst_length2 spu'); len; .
    now rewrite subst_context_nil. }
  simpl. intros.
  { rewrite /pindctx /pindctx' /indctx /indctx'.
    rewrite !(smash_context_subst []).
    eapply (substitution_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_subst_conv (Γ'' := [])); eauto.
    3:eapply subslet_untyped_subslet, spu.
    3:eapply subslet_untyped_subslet, spu'.
    2:{ eapply spine_subst_conv; eauto.
        eapply (weaken_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel (Γ' := [])).
        eapply spine_dom_wf in spu. eauto with fvs.
        eapply subst_instance_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel ⇒ //.
        rewrite app_context_nil_l //.
        rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context in clpu.
        now rewrite -is_closed_ctx_closed. }
    rewrite -(subst_instance_smash u _ []).
    rewrite -(subst_instance_smash u' _ []).
    eapply subst_instance_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel ⇒ //.
    rewrite -app_context_assoc.
    rewrite is_closed_context_weaken //.
    eapply spine_dom_wf in spu. eauto with fvs.
    rewrite -(is_closed_context_subst_instance _ _ u).
    rewrite -subst_instance_app_ctx.
    rewrite is_closed_subst_inst.
    eapply is_closed_context_smash_end.
    epose proof (declared_inductive_closed_pars_indices decli).
    now rewrite -is_closed_ctx_closed. }

#[global] Hint Resolve declared_inductive_minductive : core.
#[global] Hint Resolve declared_constructor_inductive : core.

Lemma into_ws_cumul_pb_terms {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ l l'} :
   (convSpec Σ Γ) l l'
  is_closed_context Γ
  forallb (is_open_term Γ) l
  forallb (is_open_term Γ) l'
  ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ Γ l l'.
  eapply convSpec_convAlgo_curry in ; tea.

Lemma on_constructor_closed_indices {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} :
   {i mdecl idecl cdecl},
  declared_constructor Σ.1 i mdecl idecl cdecl
  All (is_open_term (arities_context (ind_bodies mdecl) ,,, ind_params mdecl ,,, cstr_args cdecl)) (cstr_indices cdecl).
  pose proof (on_declared_constructor H) as [[onmind oib] [cs [hnth onc]]].
  pose proof (onc.(on_cindices)).
  now eapply ctx_inst_open_terms in X.

Lemma positive_cstr_closed_indices' {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} :
   {i mdecl idecl cdecl},
  declared_constructor Σ.1 i mdecl idecl cdecl
  All (closedn (context_assumptions (cstr_args cdecl) + context_assumptions (ind_params mdecl)))
    (map (expand_lets (ind_params mdecl ,,, cstr_args cdecl)) (cstr_indices cdecl)).
  pose proof (on_declared_constructor H) as [[onmind oib] [cs [hnth onc]]].
  pose proof (onc.(on_ctype_positive)).
  rewrite onc.(cstr_eq) in X. unf_env.
  rewrite -it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app in X.
  eapply positive_cstr_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in X as [hpars hpos].
  rewrite app_context_nil_l in hpos.
  rewrite expand_lets_mkApps in hpos.
  unfold cstr_concl_head in hpos.
  have subsrel := expand_lets_tRel (#|ind_bodies mdecl| - S (inductive_ind i.1))
    (ind_params mdecl ,,, cstr_args cdecl). len in subsrel.
  rewrite (Nat.add_comm #|cstr_args cdecl|) Nat.add_assoc in subsrel.
  rewrite {}subsrel in hpos.
  depelim hpos; solve_discr.
  eapply All_map_inv in a.
  eapply All_app in a as [ _ a].
  eapply All_map; eapply (All_impl a); intros x; len.

Lemma closedn_expand'' (Γ : context) x :
  closedn (context_assumptions Γ) (expand_lets Γ x) closedn #|Γ| x.
  eapply (closedn_expand_lets 0).

Lemma subst_context_expand_lets_k s Γ Δ :
  closed_ctx Γ
  subst_context s (context_assumptions Γ) (expand_lets_ctx Γ Δ) =
  expand_lets_ctx Γ (subst_context s #|Γ| Δ).
  intros cl.
  rewrite /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx.
  rewrite subst_subst_context.
  rewrite subst_context_lift_context_comm. len.
  rewrite -subst_extended_subst.
  rewrite closed_ctx_subst //.

Lemma ws_cumul_ctx_pb_wf_local {cf:checker_flags} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ.1} Γ Γ' Δ :
  wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, Δ)
  wf_local Σ Γ'
  Σ Γ = Γ'
  wf_local Σ (Γ' ,,, Δ).
  intros wf wf' e.
  eapply All_local_env_app; split ⇒ //.
  eapply wf_local_app_inv in wf as [].
  eapply All_local_env_impl_ind; eauto.
  apply lift_typing_impl with (1 := ); intros ? Hs.
  eapply closed_context_cumulativity; tea.
  eapply All_local_env_app; split⇒ //.
  eapply ws_cumul_ctx_pb_app_same; tea. 2:now symmetry.
  eapply wf_local_app in X; tea.
  eauto with fvs.

Lemma constructor_cumulative_indices {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} :
   {c mdecl idecl cdecl u u' napp},
  declared_constructor Σ c mdecl idecl cdecl
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u'
  R_global_instance Σ (eq_universe Σ) (leq_universe Σ) (IndRef c.1) napp u u'
   Γ pars pars' parsubst parsubst',
  spine_subst Σ Γ pars parsubst (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl))
  spine_subst Σ Γ pars' parsubst' (subst_instance u' (ind_params mdecl))
  ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ Γ pars pars'
  let argctx :=
      (subst_context (ind_subst mdecl c.1 u) #|ind_params mdecl| (subst_instance u (cstr_args cdecl)))
  let argctx' :=
     (subst_context (ind_subst mdecl c.1 u') #|ind_params mdecl| (subst_instance u' (cstr_args cdecl)))
  let pargctx := subst_context parsubst 0 argctx in
  let pargctx' := subst_context parsubst' 0 argctx' in
  ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel Cumul Σ Γ (smash_context [] pargctx) (smash_context [] pargctx') ×
  ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ (Γ ,,, smash_context [] pargctx)
    (map (subst parsubst (context_assumptions (cstr_args cdecl)))
      (map (expand_lets argctx) (map (subst_instance u) (cstr_indices cdecl))))
    (map (subst parsubst' (context_assumptions (cstr_args cdecl)))
      (map (expand_lets argctx') (map (subst_instance u') (cstr_indices cdecl)))).
  intros × declc.
  destruct (on_declared_constructor declc) as [[onmind oib] [cs [hnth onc]]].
  intros cu cu' Ru Γ × spu spu' cpars ×. move: Ru.
  assert (onu : on_udecl_prop Σ (ind_universes mdecl)).
  { eapply (weaken_lookup_on_global_env' _ _ _ wfΣ (proj1 (proj1 declc))). }
  have clΓ : is_closed_context Γ.
  { apply spine_dom_wf in spu; eauto with fvs. }
  unfold R_global_instance.
  assert (closed_ctx
    (subst_instance u
      (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl))) as clpu.
  { eapply closed_wf_local; eauto; eapply on_minductive_wf_params; eauto. }
  assert (closed_ctx
  (subst_instance u'
    (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl))) as clpu'.
  { eapply closed_wf_local; eauto; eapply on_minductive_wf_params; eauto. }
  assert (closed_ctx
    (subst_instance u
      (smash_context [] (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)))) as clspu.
  { rewrite subst_instance_smash. now eapply closedn_smash_context. }
  have clΓparsu : is_closed_context (Γ ,,, (ind_params mdecl)@[u]).
  { apply spine_codom_wf in spu; eauto with fvs. }
  have clΓparsu' : is_closed_context (Γ ,,, (ind_params mdecl)@[u']).
  { apply spine_codom_wf in spu'; eauto with fvs. }
  destruct global_variance eqn:gv.
  { move:gv.
    simpl. rewrite (declared_inductive_lookup declc).
    rewrite oib.(ind_arity_eq).
    rewrite !destArity_it_mkProd_or_LetIn. simpl.
    rewrite app_context_nil_l context_assumptions_app.
    elim: leb_spec_Set ⇒ // comp.
    destruct ind_variance eqn:indv ⇒ //.
    move⇒ [=] eq. subst .
    pose proof (onc.(on_ctype_variance)) as respv.
    specialize (respv _ indv).
    simpl in respv.
    unfold cstr_respects_variance in respv.
    destruct variance_universes as [[[v i] i']|] eqn:vu ⇒ //.
    destruct respv as [args idx].
    pose proof (onVariance onmind) as onvari.
    rewrite indv in onvari.
    assert (wf_local Σ
    ((ind_arities mdecl)@[u],,, smash_context []
       (subst_instance u (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)) ,,,
     smash_context []
       (subst_instance u
          (expand_lets_ctx (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)
             (cstr_args cdecl))))).
    { pose proof (on_constructor_wf_args declc).
      eapply (wf_local_subst_instance _ _ _ u) in X; tea.
      2:{ apply (declared_inductive_wf_global_ext _ _ _ _ declc). }
      rewrite subst_instance_expand_lets_ctx.
      rewrite -(expand_lets_smash_context _ []).
      rewrite -app_context_assoc -(smash_context_app_expand []).
      eapply wf_local_smash_end.
      rewrite - !subst_instance_app_ctx app_context_assoc //. }
    apply cumul_ctx_relSpec_Algo in args; auto.
    2:{ move/wf_local_closed_context: X.
        rewrite - !(subst_instance_smash _ _ []).
        rewrite - !subst_instance_app_ctx !is_closed_subst_inst //.
        now rewrite expand_lets_smash_context. }
    2:{ move/wf_local_closed_context: X.
        rewrite - !(subst_instance_smash _ _ []).
        rewrite - !subst_instance_app_ctx !is_closed_context_subst_instance !is_closed_subst_inst //.
        rewrite !on_free_vars_ctx_app is_closed_subst_inst !on_free_vars_ctx_app.
        rewrite expand_lets_smash_context /= //. len. }
    { eapply All2_fold_inst in args. 7:eauto. all:eauto.
      rewrite !expand_lets_smash_context in args.
      autorewrite with pcuic in args.
      rewrite !subst_instance_smash /= in args.
      rewrite subst_instance_app_ctx in args.
      eapply positive_cstr_closed_args in args; eauto.
      2:{ rewrite indv. now simpl. }
      rewrite - !smash_context_subst !subst_context_nil in args.
      eapply (weaken_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel (Γ := Γ)) in args ⇒ //.
      pose proof (spine_subst_smash spu) as sspu.
      pose proof (spine_subst_smash spu') as sspu'.
      eapply (substitution_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_subst_conv (Γ := Γ) (Γ'' := []) (s := List.rev pars) (s' := List.rev pars')) in args.
      3:{ rewrite subst_instance_smash. eapply subslet_untyped_subslet, sspu. }
      3:{ eapply subslet_untyped_subslet, sspu'. }
      2:{ eapply All2_rev ⇒ //. }
      2:{ eapply spine_codom_wf in sspu'. eauto with fvs. }
      move: args.
      rewrite subst_context_nil /= - !smash_context_subst /= subst_context_nil; len.
      rewrite !subst_instance_subst_context.
      rewrite !subst_instance_extended_subst.
      rewrite (subst_context_subst_context (inds _ u _)); len.
      rewrite (subst_context_subst_context (inds _ u' _)); len.
      rewrite -(context_assumptions_subst_instance u).
      rewrite -(subst_extended_subst).
      rewrite (closed_ctx_subst (inds _ _ _)) //.
      rewrite (context_assumptions_subst_instance u).
      rewrite -(context_assumptions_subst_instance u').
      rewrite -(subst_extended_subst).
      rewrite (closed_ctx_subst (inds _ u' _)) //.
      rewrite (context_assumptions_subst_instance u').
      rewrite (subst_context_subst_context (List.rev pars)) /=; len.
      rewrite -(spine_subst_extended_subst spu).
      rewrite !subst_instance_lift_context. len.
      rewrite (subst_context_subst_context_comm (List.rev _)).
      len. rewrite (context_subst_length2 spu); len; .
      len. rewrite subst_context_lift_context_cancel.
      len. rewrite (context_subst_length2 spu); len; .
      rewrite (subst_context_subst_context (List.rev pars')) /=; len.
      rewrite -(spine_subst_extended_subst spu').
      rewrite (subst_context_subst_context_comm (List.rev pars')).
      len. rewrite (context_subst_length2 spu'); len; .
      len. rewrite subst_context_lift_context_cancel.
      len. rewrite (context_subst_length2 spu'); len; .
      now rewrite subst_context_nil.
    { eapply into_ws_cumul_pb_terms in idx.
      2:{ eapply wf_local_closed_context in X. move: X.
          rewrite - !(subst_instance_smash _ _ []).
          rewrite - !subst_instance_app_ctx.
          rewrite !is_closed_subst_inst.
          rewrite smash_context_app_expand expand_lets_smash_context /=.
          rewrite expand_lets_k_ctx_nil // app_context_assoc //. }
      2:{ epose proof (positive_cstr_closed_indices declc) as cli.
          rewrite forallb_map. eapply All_map_inv in cli.
          rewrite -is_open_term_closed. len.
          rewrite closedn_subst_instance.
          rewrite expand_lets_app.
          eapply closed_upwards; tea.
          erewrite (closedn_expand_lets_eq 0) ⇒ //. 2:.
          rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context in clpu ⇒ //. }
      2:{ epose proof (positive_cstr_closed_indices declc) as cli.
          rewrite forallb_map. eapply All_map_inv in cli.
          rewrite -is_open_term_closed. len.
          rewrite closedn_subst_instance.
          rewrite expand_lets_app.
          eapply closed_upwards; tea.
          erewrite (closedn_expand_lets_eq 0) ⇒ //. 2:.
          rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context in clpu ⇒ //. }
      rewrite /pargctx /pargctx' (smash_context_subst []).
      rewrite (spine_subst_extended_subst spu) (spine_subst_extended_subst spu').
      rewrite !subst_context_map_subst_expand_lets_k.
      now rewrite -(context_subst_length2 spu); len.
      rewrite map_map_subst_expand_lets.
      now rewrite -(context_subst_length2 spu); len.
      rewrite -map_map_compose.
      rewrite map_map_subst_expand_lets.
      now rewrite -(context_subst_length2 spu'); len.
      rewrite -(map_map_compose _ _ _ _ (subst (List.rev pars') _)).
      evar (k : ).
      replace (context_assumptions (cstr_args cdecl)) with k. subst k.
      unshelve eapply (ws_cumul_pb_terms_subst _ (spine_subst_smash spu) (spine_subst_smash spu')).
      { eapply is_closed_context_smash_end, is_closed_context_weaken.
        eapply spine_dom_wf in spu. eauto with fvs. eauto.
        now rewrite -is_closed_ctx_closed. }
      eapply All2_rev; eauto.
      2:{ subst k; len. }
      len. simpl.
      rewrite !map_map_compose; eapply All2_map.
      eapply All2_map_inv in idx.
      epose proof (positive_cstr_closed_indices' declc) as cli.
      eapply All_map_inv in cli.
      eapply All2_All in idx.
      eapply All_mix in idx; tea. clear cli.
      eapply All_All2; tea. solve_all.
      rename a into clx; rename b into cxy.
      rewrite -app_context_assoc. eapply weaken_ws_cumul_pb; eauto.

      rewrite smash_context_app smash_context_acc in cxy.
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_inst_variance in cxy. 7:eauto. all:eauto.
      rewrite subst_instance_app_ctx in cxy.
      epose proof (subst_conv_closed (Γ := [])) as .
      rewrite !app_context_nil_l in . eapply in cxy; clear ; cycle 1.
      { eapply (subslet_inds (u:=u)); eauto. }
      { eapply (subslet_inds (u:=u')); eauto. }
      { now len. }
      { len. simpl. autorewrite with pcuic.
        now rewrite -context_assumptions_app in clx ×. }
      { len. simpl. autorewrite with pcuic.
        now rewrite -context_assumptions_app in clx ×. }
      len in cxy. autorewrite with substu in cxy.
      rewrite -context_assumptions_app in cxy.
      rewrite -{1}(context_assumptions_subst_instance u (_ _)) in cxy.
      rewrite -{1}(context_assumptions_subst_instance u' (_ _)) in cxy.
      rewrite -(expand_lets_subst_comm' _ _ 0) in cxy.
      { len. substu; cbn.
        rewrite -context_assumptions_app in clx.
        eapply closedn_expand'' in clx ⇒ //.
        now len in clx. }
      rewrite -(expand_lets_subst_comm' _ _ 0) in cxy.
      { len. substu; cbn.
        rewrite -context_assumptions_app in clx.
        eapply closedn_expand'' in clx ⇒ //.
        now len in clx. }
      rewrite !subst_instance_app_ctx in cxy.
      rewrite !subst_context_app in cxy. len in cxy.
      rewrite (closed_ctx_subst (inds _ _ _ )) // in cxy.
      rewrite (closed_ctx_subst (inds _ _ _ ) _ (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl))) // in cxy.
      rewrite (closed_ctx_subst (inds _ _ _ ) _ (subst_instance u' (ind_params mdecl))) // in cxy.
      move: cxy.
      rewrite -/argctx -/argctx'.
      rewrite ![expand_lets _ _]expand_lets_k_app /= //.
      rewrite subst_instance_smash /= //. cbn.
      rewrite -/(expand_lets_k_ctx (ind_params mdecl) _ _).
      rewrite -/(expand_lets_ctx _ _).
      rewrite !subst_instance_subst_context !subst_instance_lift_context subst_instance_smash /=.
      rewrite subst_instance_extended_subst.
      rewrite -(context_assumptions_subst_instance u).
      rewrite -(subst_instance_length u).
      rewrite -/(expand_lets_k_ctx (ind_params mdecl)@[u] 0 (smash_context [] (cstr_args cdecl)@[u])).
      rewrite subst_context_expand_lets_k //.
      len. rewrite subst_context_smash_context; len. }
  { simpl.
    assert (wf_local Σ Γ) by apply spu.
    epose proof (on_constructor_inst declc _ cu) as [wfargs spinst].
    intros Ru; split.
    { rewrite /pargctx /pargctx' /argctx /argctx'.
      rewrite !(smash_context_subst []).
      unshelve eapply (substitution_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_subst_conv (Γ'' := []) _ _ spu spu') ⇒ //.
      2:{ eapply spine_subst_conv; eauto.
          eapply subst_instance_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel; eauto with fvs.
          move: clΓparsu. now rewrite is_closed_context_subst_instance. }
      assert (subst_context (ind_subst mdecl c.1 u) 0 (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl)) =
        (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl))) as ispars.
      { rewrite closed_ctx_subst; eauto. }
      rewrite -ispars.
      rewrite -(subst_instance_length u (ind_params mdecl)).
      eapply (substitution_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_subst_conv (Γ := Γ)).
      3:{ eapply subslet_untyped_subslet, (weaken_subslet (Γ' := [])); eauto. eapply subslet_inds; eauto. }
      3:{ eapply subslet_untyped_subslet, PCUICArities.weaken_subslet; eauto; eapply subslet_inds; eauto. }
      3:{ simpl.
        rewrite !subst_instance_app_ctx in wfargs.
        apply is_closed_context_weaken ⇒ //.
        rewrite -app_context_assoc in wfargs.
        apply wf_local_app_inv in wfargs as []; eauto with fvs.
        apply wf_local_closed_context in a; move: a.
        now rewrite !is_closed_subst_inst. }
      2:now eapply conv_inds.
      rewrite - !(subst_instance_smash _ _ []).
      eapply subst_instance_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel ⇒ //.
      rewrite - !app_context_assoc. eapply is_closed_context_weaken; auto.
      rewrite !app_context_assoc. apply is_closed_context_smash_end.
      rewrite -(is_closed_context_subst_instance _ (cstr_args cdecl) u).
      rewrite - !subst_instance_app_ctx. eauto with fvs. }
    { rewrite /pargctx.
      rewrite (smash_context_subst []).
      evar (i : ).
      replace (context_assumptions (cstr_args cdecl)) with i. subst i.
      unshelve eapply (ws_cumul_pb_terms_subst _ spu spu'); eauto.
      eapply spine_subst_conv; eauto.
      eapply subst_instance_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel; eauto with fvs.
      move: clΓparsu. now rewrite is_closed_context_subst_instance.
      2:subst i; len; rewrite /argctx; len; reflexivity.
      rewrite /expand_lets /expand_lets_k.
      rewrite !map_map_compose.
      eapply All2_map.
      epose proof (positive_cstr_closed_indices' declc) as cli.
      eapply All_map_inv in cli. eapply All_All2; tea.
      cbn. intros.
      rewrite - !/(expand_lets_k _ _ _).
      have wfargctx :wf_local Σ (Γ,,, (ind_params mdecl)@[u],,, argctx).
      { rewrite -app_context_assoc. eapply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
        rewrite /argctx.
        exact (on_constructor_inst_wf_args declc _ cu). }
      have wfargctx' : wf_local Σ (Γ,,, (ind_params mdecl)@[u],,, argctx').
      { rewrite -app_context_assoc. eapply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
        rewrite /argctx'.
        epose proof (on_constructor_inst_wf_args declc _ cu').
        eapply ws_cumul_ctx_pb_wf_local; tea.
        apply (on_minductive_wf_params declc cu).
        eapply subst_instance_ws_cumul_ctx_pb.
        2:now symmetry.
        apply (on_minductive_wf_params declc cu'). }
      eapply (ws_cumul_pb_expand_lets_ws_cumul_ctx (pb:=Conv)) ⇒ //.
      apply into_ws_cumul_pb.
      { constructor.
        eapply eq_term_upto_univ_subst_instance; eauto; typeclasses eauto. }
      { eauto with fvs. }
      { rewrite /argctx.
        rewrite -is_open_term_closed. len.
        rewrite -context_assumptions_app in H.
        eapply closedn_expand'' in H ⇒ //.
        substu. eapply closed_upwards; tea. len. }
      { rewrite /argctx'.
        rewrite -is_open_term_closed. len.
        rewrite -context_assumptions_app in H.
        eapply closedn_expand'' in H ⇒ //.
        substu. eapply closed_upwards; tea. len. }
      rewrite /argctx /argctx'.
      eapply weaken_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel. eauto with fvs.
      rewrite /ind_subst.
      rewrite -(instantiate_inds declc cu).
      rewrite -(instantiate_inds declc cu').
      rewrite - !subst_instance_subst_context.
      eapply subst_instance_ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel ⇒ //.
      epose proof (on_constructor_inst_wf_args declc _ cu).
      rewrite /ind_subst -(instantiate_inds declc cu) in .
      eapply wf_local_closed_context in ; tea.
      rewrite -subst_instance_subst_context in .
      now rewrite is_closed_context_subst_instance in . }

Lemma length_nil {A} (l : list A) : #|l| = 0 l = [].
Proof. destruct l ⇒ //. Qed.

Lemma assumption_context_expand_lets_ctx Γ Δ :
  assumption_context Δ
  assumption_context (expand_lets_ctx Γ Δ).
  intros ass.
  rewrite /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx.
  now do 2 apply assumption_context_fold.

Lemma assumption_context_subst_context s k Γ :
  assumption_context Γ
  assumption_context (subst_context s k Γ).
Proof. apply assumption_context_fold. Qed.

Lemma assumption_context_lift_context s k Γ :
  assumption_context Γ
  assumption_context (lift_context s k Γ).
Proof. apply assumption_context_fold. Qed.

Hint Resolve assumption_context_fold assumption_context_expand_lets_ctx
  smash_context_assumption_context assumption_context_nil assumption_context_subst_instance
  assumption_context_subst_context assumption_context_lift_context : pcuic.

Lemma subst_inds_smash_params {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {mdecl ind idecl u} :
  declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u
  subst_context (inds (inductive_mind ind) u (ind_bodies mdecl)) 0
    (subst_instance u (smash_context [] (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl))) =
    (subst_instance u (smash_context [] (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl))).
  intros decli cu.
  rewrite closed_ctx_subst //.
  eapply closed_wf_local; eauto.
  rewrite subst_instance_smash /= //.
  eapply wf_local_smash_context; auto.
  now eapply on_minductive_wf_params; pcuic.

Lemma nth_error_expand_lets Γ Δ n :
  nth_error (expand_lets_ctx Γ Δ) n =
  option_map (map_decl (expand_lets_k Γ (#|Δ| - S n))) (nth_error Δ n).
  rewrite /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx nth_error_subst_context; len.
  relativize (context_assumptions Γ).
  erewrite (nth_error_lift_context_eq _ (smash_context [] Γ)).
  2:len; simpl; .
  simpl. destruct nth_error; simpl; auto.
  rewrite /expand_lets_k /subst_decl /lift_decl compose_map_decl.
  eapply map_decl_extt.
  now len.

Lemma subslet_projs_smash {cf:checker_flags} (Σ : global_env_ext) i mdecl idecl :
   (wfΣ : wf Σ.1)
  (Hdecl : declared_inductive Σ.1 i mdecl idecl),
  match ind_ctors idecl return Type with
  | [cdecl]
    on_projections mdecl (inductive_mind i) (inductive_ind i)
     idecl (ind_indices idecl) cdecl
      Γ t u,
     let indsubst := inds (inductive_mind i) u (ind_bodies mdecl) in
     untyped_subslet Γ
     (projs_inst i (ind_npars mdecl) (context_assumptions (cstr_args cdecl)) t)
     (lift_context 1 0 (subst_context (inds (inductive_mind i) u (ind_bodies mdecl))
        (context_assumptions (ind_params mdecl))
        (subst_instance u (expand_lets_ctx (ind_params mdecl) (smash_context [] (cstr_args cdecl))))))
  | _True
  intros wfΣ Hdecl.
  destruct ind_ctors as [|cdecl []] eqn:hcdecl ⇒ //.
  intros onp. simpl. intros Γ t u.
  destruct onp.
  assert (#|PCUICEnvironment.ind_projs idecl|
  PCUICEnvironment.context_assumptions (cstr_args cdecl)). .
  clear on_projs_all.
  induction (cstr_args cdecl) as [|[? [] ?] ?].
  - simpl. constructor.
  - simpl. apply IHc. now simpl in H.
  - simpl. rewrite smash_context_acc /=. simpl.
    rewrite /subst_decl {2}/map_decl /=.
    rewrite /expand_lets_ctx {1}/map_decl /= /expand_lets_k_ctx.
    rewrite !lift_context_snoc /= subst_context_snoc /=; len.
    rewrite !subst_context_snoc.
    rewrite lift_context_snoc.
    constructor. apply IHc. simpl in H. .

Lemma projs_inst_0 ind n k : projs_inst ind n k (tRel 0) = projs ind n k.
  induction k in n |- × ⇒ /= //.
  simpl. now f_equal.

Lemma projection_cumulative_indices {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} :
   {mdecl idecl cdecl p pdecl u u' },
  declared_projection Σ p mdecl idecl cdecl pdecl
  on_udecl_prop Σ (ind_universes mdecl)
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u'
  R_global_instance Σ (eq_universe Σ) (leq_universe Σ) (IndRef p.(proj_ind)) (ind_npars mdecl) u u'
  Σ ;;; projection_context p.(proj_ind) mdecl idecl u
    subst_instance u pdecl.(proj_type) subst_instance u' pdecl.(proj_type).
  intros × declp onudecl cu cu' Ru.
  epose proof (declared_projection_constructor declp) as declc.
  destruct (on_declared_constructor declc) as [_ [sort onc]].
  destruct declc. simpl in d.
  pose proof (declared_inductive_unique d (let (x, _) := declp in let (x, _) := x in x)). subst d.
  epose proof (declared_projection_type_and_eq wfΣ declp).
  destruct (on_declared_projection declp).
  set (oib := declared_inductive_inv _ _ _ _) in ×. simpl in , X.
  destruct X as [[? ?] ?].
  destruct as [[[H onps] onidx] onproj].
  simpl in ×.
  destruct ind_cunivs as [|? []] eqn:cseq ⇒ //.
  destruct onc as []. noconf .
  simpl in ×.
  destruct s as [idecl' [ _ _ pty pty']].
  rewrite -pty.
  unfold R_global_instance in Ru.
  unfold global_variance, lookup_inductive, lookup_minductive in Ru.
  pose proof declp as declp'.
  destruct declp' as [[[? ?] ?] ?]. red in .
  rewrite in Ru.
  rewrite oib.(ind_arity_eq) in Ru.
  rewrite !destArity_it_mkProd_or_LetIn /= in Ru.
  destruct as [ _].
  destruct (context_assumptions _ <=? _) eqn:eq.
    rewrite app_context_nil_l context_assumptions_app in eq.
    eapply Nat.leb_nle in eq.
    destruct onps.
    apply length_nil in on_projs_noidx.
    rewrite on_projs_noidx in eq. simpl in ×.
    rewrite .(onNpars) in eq. . }
  epose proof (declared_projection_closed declp).
  pose proof (wf_projection_context _ _ declp cu) as wfpctx.
  destruct (ind_variance mdecl) eqn:eqv; revgoals.
  { eapply into_ws_cumul_pb; cycle 1.
    { eauto with fvs. }
    { rewrite -is_open_term_closed.
      all:rewrite closedn_subst_instance /projection_context; len; cbn; len.
      all:now rewrite -(declared_minductive_ind_npars declp). }
    { rewrite -is_open_term_closed.
      all:rewrite closedn_subst_instance /projection_context; len; cbn; len.
      all:now rewrite -(declared_minductive_ind_npars declp). }
    constructor. eapply eq_term_leq_term.
      eapply eq_term_upto_univ_subst_instance; eauto. all:tc. }
  simpl in Ru.
  epose proof (on_ctype_variance o _ eqv).
  red in X.
  destruct variance_universes as [[[udecl inst] inst']|] eqn:vu ⇒ //.
  destruct X as [onctx _]. simpl in onctx.
  assert (wf_local Σ
  ((ind_arities mdecl)@[u],,, smash_context []
      (subst_instance u (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)) ,,,
    smash_context []
      (subst_instance u
        (expand_lets_ctx (PCUICEnvironment.ind_params mdecl)
            (cstr_args cdecl))))).
  { pose proof (on_constructor_wf_args declp).
    eapply (wf_local_subst_instance _ _ _ u) in X; tea.
    2:{ apply (declared_inductive_wf_global_ext _ _ _ _ declp). }
    rewrite subst_instance_expand_lets_ctx.
    rewrite -(expand_lets_smash_context _ []).
    rewrite -app_context_assoc -(smash_context_app_expand []).
    eapply wf_local_smash_end.
    rewrite - !subst_instance_app_ctx app_context_assoc //. }
  eapply cumul_ctx_relSpec_Algo in onctx; auto.
  2:{ move/wf_local_closed_context: X.
      rewrite - !(subst_instance_smash _ _ []).
      rewrite - !subst_instance_app_ctx !is_closed_subst_inst //.
      now rewrite expand_lets_smash_context. }
  2:{ move/wf_local_closed_context: X.
      rewrite - !(subst_instance_smash _ _ []).
      rewrite - !subst_instance_app_ctx !is_closed_context_subst_instance !is_closed_subst_inst //.
      rewrite !on_free_vars_ctx_app is_closed_subst_inst !on_free_vars_ctx_app.
      rewrite expand_lets_smash_context /= //. len. }
  eapply (All2_fold_inst _ _ _ _ _ u u') in onctx; eauto.
  2:{ rewrite -eqv.
      eapply (onVariance ). }
  rewrite subst_instance_app_ctx in onctx.
  epose proof (positive_cstr_closed_args declp cu) as hpos.
  rewrite eqv in hpos; simpl in hpos.
  specialize (hpos Ru).
  rewrite - !(subst_instance_smash _ _ []) in hpos.
  rewrite - !(expand_lets_smash_context _ []) in hpos.
  apply hpos in onctx. clear hpos.
  destruct onctx as [onctx wfctx].
  eapply PCUICRedTypeIrrelevance.All2_fold_nth_ass in wfctx.
  2:{ rewrite nth_error_subst_context; len.
    simpl. rewrite nth_error_map nth_error_expand_lets.
    erewrite . simpl. reflexivity. }
  move:wfctx ⇒ [decl' []].
  destruct idecl' as [na [b|] ty]; simpl ⇒ //.
  intros Hd [[] Hd'']; discriminate. simpl.
  rewrite nth_error_subst_context nth_error_map nth_error_expand_lets .
  rewrite !subst_instance_length !expand_lets_ctx_length !smash_context_length /=.
  simpl. move⇒ [= ]. simpl.
  move⇒ [[Hd _] Hty].
  depelim Hty; simpl in ×.
  move: eqt.
  rewrite subst_instance_smash. len. simpl.
  epose proof (subslet_projs_smash _ _ _ _ _ declp). rewrite in .
  unfold projection_context.
  set (ind_decl := vass _ _).
  specialize ( onps (smash_context [] (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl)) ,, ind_decl) (tRel 0) u).
  simpl in .
  eapply untyped_subslet_skipn in .
  rewrite skipn_lift_context in .
  eapply (weakening_ws_cumul_pb (Γ'' := [ind_decl])) in Hty; auto.
  simpl in Hty.
  eapply (untyped_substitution_ws_cumul_pb (Γ'' := [])) in Hty. 2:eapply .
  2:{ clear Hty.
      rewrite forallb_skipn //.
      clear. cbn. len. clear.
      induction (context_assumptions (cstr_args cdecl)); cbn ⇒ //. }
  2:{ clear Hty.
      rewrite -is_closed_ctx_closed.
      rewrite closedn_ctx_app /=; len.
      apply/andP; split. eapply closedn_smash_context.
      rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context.
      eapply (declared_inductive_closed_params declp).
      rewrite /ind_decl. cbn. rewrite closedn_mkApps /= //.
      relativize (context_assumptions _); [eapply closedn_to_extended_list|]. len. }
  move: Hty; rewrite subst_context_nil /=.
  rewrite skipn_length. len. simpl. len.
  rewrite /projection_type /=.
  fold (expand_lets_k (ind_params mdecl) p.(proj_arg) ty).
  rewrite projs_inst_skipn.
  assert (context_assumptions (cstr_args cdecl) -
    S (context_assumptions (cstr_args cdecl) - S p.(proj_arg)) = p.(proj_arg)) asby .
  clear X.
  rewrite subst_instance_subst.
  rewrite (subst_instance_subst u').
  rewrite !subst_instance_subst [subst_instance _ (projs _ _ _)]subst_instance_projs.
  rewrite - !subst_instance_subst.
  fold (expand_lets_k (ind_params mdecl) p.(proj_arg) ty).
  rewrite commut_lift_subst_rec ⇒ /lens.
  rewrite commut_lift_subst_rec ⇒ /lens.
  rewrite distr_subst projs_subst_above. .
  rewrite (instantiate_inds declp cu).
  rewrite subst_instance_subst.
  rewrite (instantiate_inds declp cu').
  rewrite subst_instance_subst.
  rewrite ![subst_instance _ (projs _ _ _)]subst_instance_projs.
  rewrite distr_subst projs_subst_above. .
  rewrite projs_length !Nat.add_succ_r Nat.add_0_r /= //.
  rewrite !subst_instance_lift // projs_inst_0 //.
  rewrite .(onNpars) //.

Lemma wt_ind_app_variance {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ ind u l}:
  isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ind u) l)
   mdecl, (lookup_inductive Σ ind = Some mdecl) ×
  (global_variance Σ (IndRef ind) #|l| = ind_variance (fst mdecl)).
  move ⇒ [s wat].
  eapply inversion_mkApps in wat as [ty [Hind Hargs]]; auto.
  eapply inversion_Ind in Hind as [mdecl [idecl [wfΓ [decli [cu cum]]]]]; auto.
  eapply typing_spine_strengthen in Hargs; eauto. clear cum.
   (mdecl, idecl).
  assert (lookup_inductive Σ ind = Some (mdecl, idecl)).
  { destruct decli as [decli declmi].
    rewrite /lookup_inductive. red in decli. rewrite /lookup_minductive decli.
    now rewrite declmi. }
  split; auto.
  simpl. rewrite H.
  destruct (on_declared_inductive decli) as [onmi oni]; auto.
  rewrite oni.(ind_arity_eq) in Hargs |- ×.
  rewrite !destArity_it_mkProd_or_LetIn. simpl.
  rewrite app_context_nil_l.
  rewrite !subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in Hargs.
  rewrite -it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app in Hargs.
  eapply arity_typing_spine in Hargs; auto.
  destruct Hargs as [Hl Hleq ?]. rewrite Hl.
  len. now rewrite Nat.leb_refl.
  eauto with pcuic.
  now eapply (declared_inductive_valid_type decli).

Lemma ctx_inst_app_weak `{checker_flags} Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ.1) ind mdecl idecl (isdecl : declared_inductive Σ.1 ind mdecl idecl)Γ (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) params args u v:
  isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ind u) args)
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) v
  ctx_inst Σ Γ params (List.rev (subst_instance v (ind_params mdecl)))
  Σ ;;; Γ mkApps (tInd ind u) args mkApps (tInd ind v) (params skipn (ind_npars mdecl) args)
  ctx_inst Σ Γ (params skipn (ind_npars mdecl) args)
    (List.rev (subst_instance v (ind_params mdecl ,,, ind_indices idecl))).
  intros [? ty_args] ? cparams cum.
  pose proof (wt_ind_app_variance (x; ty_args)) as [mdecl' [idecl' gv]].
  rewrite (declared_inductive_lookup isdecl) in idecl'. noconf idecl'.
  eapply invert_type_mkApps_ind in ty_args as [ty_args ?] ; eauto.
  erewrite ind_arity_eq in ty_args.
  2: eapply PCUICInductives.oib ; eauto.

  assert (#|args| = ind_npars mdecl + context_assumptions (ind_indices idecl)).
    repeat rewrite PCUICUnivSubst.subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in ty_args.
    rewrite -it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app in ty_args.
    apply arity_typing_spine in ty_args as [eq _ _] ; auto.
    rewrite context_assumptions_app !context_assumptions_subst_instance in eq.
    erewrite declared_minductive_ind_npars.
    2: eapply declared_inductive_minductive ; eauto.

  assert (cindices : ctx_inst Σ Γ (skipn (ind_npars mdecl) args) (subst_telescope (ctx_inst_sub cparams) 0
    (List.rev (subst_instance v (ind_indices idecl))))).
    rewrite PCUICUnivSubst.subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in ty_args.
    erewrite (firstn_skipn _ args) in ty_args.
    apply typing_spine_ctx_inst in ty_args as [cparargs ty_indices] ; auto.
    2:{ rewrite firstn_length_le.
        2:{ rewrite context_assumptions_subst_instance.
            eapply onNpars.
            eapply on_declared_inductive ; eauto.
    pose proof (declared_minductive_ind_npars isdecl).
    eapply invert_cumul_ind_ind in cum as [[_ Ruv] conv].
    rewrite -{1}(firstn_skipn (ind_npars mdecl) args) in conv.
    eapply All2_app_inv in conv as [convpars _].
    2:{ apply ctx_inst_length in cparams.
        rewrite context_assumptions_rev in cparams. len in cparams.
        rewrite List.firstn_length. . }
    unshelve epose proof (inductive_cumulative_indices isdecl c Ruv Γ).
    specialize (X (firstn (ind_npars mdecl) args) params).
    unshelve epose proof (ctx_inst_spine_subst _ cparams); tea.
    { eapply weaken_wf_local; tea. eapply (on_minductive_wf_params isdecl); tea. }
    unshelve epose proof (ctx_inst_spine_subst _ cparargs); tea.
    { eapply weaken_wf_local; tea. eapply (on_minductive_wf_params isdecl); tea. }
    specialize (X _ _ convpars). simpl in X.
    rewrite subst_telescope_subst_context.
    eapply ctx_inst_smash.
    rewrite subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in ty_indices.
    rewrite subst_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in ty_indices.
    rewrite -(app_nil_r (skipn (ind_npars mdecl) args)) in ty_indices.
    eapply typing_spine_ctx_inst in ty_indices as [argsi sp]; tea.
    - eapply ctx_inst_cumul; tea.
      apply (ctx_inst_smash.1 argsi).
      { apply wf_local_app_inv. apply wf_local_smash_end; tea.
        eapply substitution_wf_local; tea. eapply .
        rewrite -app_context_assoc -subst_instance_app_ctx.
        eapply weaken_wf_local; tea.
        eapply (on_minductive_wf_params_indices_inst isdecl _ c). }
      { apply wf_local_app_inv. apply wf_local_smash_end; tea.
        eapply substitution_wf_local; tea. eapply .
        rewrite -app_context_assoc -subst_instance_app_ctx.
        eapply weaken_wf_local; tea.
        eapply (on_minductive_wf_params_indices_inst isdecl _ ). }
    - len. rewrite List.skipn_length. .

  rewrite subst_instance_app_ctx List.rev_app_distr.
  now eapply (ctx_inst_app cparams).

Lemma wf_local_vass {cf:checker_flags} Σ {Γ na A} s :
  Σ ;;; Γ A : tSort s wf_local Σ (Γ ,, vass na A).
  intro X; apply typing_wf_local in X as Y.
  constructor; tea. eexists; eassumption.

Lemma isType_it_mkProd_or_LetIn {cf:checker_flags} {Σ Γ Δ T} :
  wf Σ.1
  isType Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) T
  isType Σ Γ (it_mkProd_or_LetIn Δ T).
  intros wfΣ. revert T.
  induction Δ as [|[na [b|] ty] Δ].
  - now simpl.
  - intros T Hty.
    rewrite /= /mkProd_or_LetIn /=.
    eapply IHΔ.
    apply infer_sort_impl with id Hty; intros Hs.
    have wf := typing_wf_local Hs.
    depelim wf.
    destruct l as [ ]. red in .
    eapply type_Cumul'.
    econstructor; eauto. eapply isType_Sort; eauto.
    now eapply PCUICWfUniverses.typing_wf_universe in Hs.
    eapply convSpec_cumulSpec, red1_cumulSpec.
    repeat constructor.
  - intros T [s Hs].
    apply IHΔ.
    unfold PCUICTypingDef.typing in ×.
    have wf := typing_wf_local Hs.
    depelim wf.
    destruct l as [ ].
     (Universe.sort_of_product s).
    econstructor; eauto.

Lemma wf_set_binder_name {cf} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ} {nas Δ} :
   ( x yeq_binder_annot x y.(decl_name)) nas Δ
  wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, Δ)
  wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, set_binder_name nas Δ).
  intros ha wf.
  apply wf_local_app_inv in wf as [].
  eapply wf_local_app ⇒ //.
  induction w in nas, ha |- *; depelim ha; cbn. constructor.
  all: constructor; eauto; try apply IHw; auto.
  1,2: apply infer_typing_sort_impl with id ; intros Hs.
  all: eapply context_conversion; tea.
  1,3,5: eapply wf_local_app, IHw; eauto.
  all: eapply eq_binder_annots_eq_ctx in ha.
  all: eapply eq_context_upto_univ_conv_context.
  all: eapply eq_context_upto_cat.
  1,3,5: reflexivity.
  all: symmetry; apply ha.

Lemma WfArity_build_case_predicate_type {cf:checker_flags} {Σ Γ ci args mdecl idecl p ps} :
  wf Σ.1
  declared_inductive Σ.1 ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl
  isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ci p.(puinst)) (pparams p args))
  let params := firstn (ind_npars mdecl) args in
  wf_universe Σ ps
  wf_predicate mdecl idecl p
  isWfArity Σ Γ (it_mkProd_or_LetIn (case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p) (tSort ps)).
  intros wfΣ isdecl X params wfps wfp.
  2:{ eexists _, _. rewrite destArity_it_mkProd_or_LetIn. reflexivity. }
  rewrite /case_predicate_context /case_predicate_context_gen.
  have wfΓ := typing_wf_local X.π2.
  eapply isType_mkApps_Ind_inv in X; tea.
  destruct X as [parsubst [argsubst [sppars spargs parslen argslen cu]]].
  epose proof (isType_case_predicate (puinst p) (pparams p) ps wfΓ isdecl cu wfps).
  rewrite (firstn_app_left) /= ?app_nil_r in sppars.
  now rewrite (wf_predicate_length_pars wfp).
  eapply spine_subst_smash in sppars;tea. specialize (X sppars).
  eapply isType_it_mkProd_or_LetIn; eauto.
  eapply isType_Sort; auto.
  eapply wf_set_binder_name.
  now eapply wf_pre_case_predicate_context_gen.
  now eapply isType_it_mkProd_or_LetIn_wf_local in X.

Lemma arity_spine_eq {cf:checker_flags} {Σ Γ T T'} : T = T' arity_spine Σ Γ T [] T'.
  intros ; constructor.

Lemma forall_nth_error_All2i :
   {A B} (P : A B Type) k l l',
    #|l| = #|l'|
    ( i x y, nth_error l i = Some x nth_error l' i = Some y P (k + i) x y)
    All2i P k l l'.
  intros A B P k l l' eq h.
  induction l in k, eq, h, l' |- ×.
  - destruct l' ⇒ //. constructor.
  - destruct l' ⇒ //. constructor.
    + specialize (h 0 a b eq_refl eq_refl). now rewrite Nat.add_0_r in h.
    + apply IHl. simpl in eq; . intros. specialize (h (S i) x y H ).
      simpl. now replace (S (k + i)) with (k + S i) by .

Lemma subst_let_expand_app s Γ s' Δ k :
  k = #|Δ|
  #|s| = context_assumptions Γ
  subst0 s
  subst0 (map (lift0 #|s|) s')
    (expand_lets (expand_lets_ctx Γ Δ) expand_lets_k Γ k) =1
  subst_let_expand (s' s) (Γ ,,, Δ).
  intros hk hs t.
  rewrite /subst_let_expand /expand_lets.
  rewrite subst_app_decomp. f_equal.
  rewrite !expand_lets_k_0.
  rewrite expand_lets_app. len.

  rewrite /subst_context_let_expand /subst_let_expand_k.
  rewrite {1}/expand_lets_k.
  rewrite /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx. len. subst k.
  relativize #|Δ|.
  erewrite expand_lets_subst_comm.
  len. 2:now len.
  rewrite expand_lets_lift.
  now rewrite -Nat.add_comm -/(expand_lets_k Γ (context_assumptions Δ) (expand_lets Δ t)).

Lemma All2_fold_context_k P (f g : term term) ctx ctx' :
  All2_fold ( Γ Γ' d d'P (map_decl (f #|Γ|) d) (map_decl (g #|Γ'|) d')) ctx ctx'
   P (fold_context_k f ctx) (fold_context_k g ctx').
  induction 1. constructor.
  rewrite !fold_context_k_snoc0. now constructor.

Lemma All2_sym {A B} (P : A B Type) (ctx : list A) (ctx' : list B) :
   P ctx ctx'
   ( x yP y x) ctx' ctx.
  induction 1; constructor; auto.

Lemma isType_is_open_term {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} Γ T : isType Σ Γ T is_open_term Γ T.
  intros [s hs]. now apply subject_is_open_term in hs.

#[global] Hint Immediate isType_is_open_term : pcuic.

Lemma arity_spine_to_extended_list {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Δ} T :
  wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, Δ)
  isType Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) T
  arity_spine Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) (lift0 #|Δ| (it_mkProd_or_LetIn Δ T)) (to_extended_list Δ)
  intros hty wf.
  rewrite lift_it_mkProd_or_LetIn Nat.add_0_r.
  pose proof (@all_rels_subst_lift _ _ _ Δ Γ [] T hty (wf_local_closed_context hty)).
  rewrite lift0_id in X. simpl in X.
  rewrite Nat.add_0_r in X.
  rewrite -(app_nil_r (to_extended_list Δ)).
  eapply arity_spine_it_mkProd_or_LetIn; tea.
  rewrite /to_extended_list /to_extended_list_k.
  eapply spine_subst_to_extended_list_k; tea.
  constructor ⇒ //.
  eapply ws_cumul_pb_eq_le. symmetry. apply X ⇒ //. eauto with pcuic.

Lemma isType_subst_all_rels {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Δ} {T} :
  isType Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) T
  isType Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) (subst0 (all_rels Δ 0 #|Δ|) (lift #|Δ| #|Δ| T)).
  intros Hty.
  apply infer_typing_sort_impl with id Hty; intros Hs.
  pose proof (typing_wf_local Hs).
  eapply weakening_typing in Hs; tea.
  rewrite -(app_nil_l (lift_context _ _ _)) -/(app_context _ _) app_context_assoc in Hs.
  eapply substitution in Hs; tea.
  eapply spine_subst_to_extended_list_k; tea.

Lemma isType_all_rels_subst_lift {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Δ} {T} :
  isType Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) T
  Σ ;;; Γ,,, Δ T = subst0 (all_rels Δ 0 #|Δ|) (lift #|Δ| #|Δ| T).
  intros isty.
  have wf := (isType_wf_local isty).
  epose proof (@all_rels_subst_lift _ _ _ Δ Γ [] T wf (wf_local_closed_context wf)
  ltac:(eauto with pcuic)).
  now rewrite lift0_id /= Nat.add_0_r in X.

Lemma arity_spine_to_extended_list_app {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Δ} {T s T'} :
  wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, Δ)
  isType Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) T
  arity_spine Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) (subst0 (all_rels Δ 0 #|Δ|) (lift #|Δ| #|Δ| T)) s T'
  arity_spine Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) (lift0 #|Δ| (it_mkProd_or_LetIn Δ T)) (to_extended_list Δ s) T'.
  intros isty wf.
  rewrite lift_it_mkProd_or_LetIn Nat.add_0_r.
  pose proof (isType_all_rels_subst_lift wf).
  intros sp.
  eapply arity_spine_it_mkProd_or_LetIn; tea.
  rewrite /to_extended_list /to_extended_list_k.
  eapply spine_subst_to_extended_list_k; tea.

Lemma typing_spine_to_extended_list_app {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Δ} {T s T'} :
  typing_spine Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) T s T'
  typing_spine Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) (lift0 #|Δ| (it_mkProd_or_LetIn Δ T)) (to_extended_list Δ s) T'.
  rewrite lift_it_mkProd_or_LetIn Nat.add_0_r.
  intros sp.
  have isty := (typing_spine_isType_dom sp).
  eapply typing_spine_it_mkProd_or_LetIn'; tea.
  rewrite /to_extended_list /to_extended_list_k.
  eapply spine_subst_to_extended_list_k; tea.
  eapply typing_spine_strengthen; tea.
  now eapply isType_subst_all_rels.
  eapply ws_cumul_pb_eq_le. symmetry.
  exact (isType_all_rels_subst_lift isty).
  rewrite -[X in lift _ X _](Nat.add_0_r #|Δ|).
  rewrite -lift_it_mkProd_or_LetIn.
  eapply isType_lift; tea. now len.
  rewrite skipn_app List.skipn_all /= Nat.sub_diag skipn_0.
  now eapply isType_it_mkProd_or_LetIn.

Lemma typing_spine_to_extended_list_k_app {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Δ Δ'} {T s T'} :
  isType Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) T
  typing_spine Σ (Γ ,,, Δ ,,, Δ') (lift0 #|Δ'| T) s T'
  typing_spine Σ (Γ ,,, Δ ,,, Δ') (lift0 (#|Δ| + #|Δ'|) (it_mkProd_or_LetIn Δ T))
    (to_extended_list_k Δ #|Δ'| s) T'.
  intros isty sp.
  have wf := (typing_spine_wf_local sp).
  rewrite !lift_it_mkProd_or_LetIn Nat.add_0_r.
  eapply typing_spine_it_mkProd_or_LetIn'; tea.
  rewrite /to_extended_list /to_extended_list_k.
  rewrite -{1}(Nat.add_0_r #|Δ'|) reln_lift.
  rewrite -Nat.add_comm lift_context_add.
  eapply spine_subst_weakening;tea.
  eapply spine_subst_to_extended_list_k; tea.
  now apply wf_local_app_inv in wf.
  destruct (wf_local_app_inv wf) as [].
  epose proof (@all_rels_subst_lift _ _ _ _ _ Δ' T a).
  eapply typing_spine_strengthen; tea; revgoals.
  eapply ws_cumul_pb_eq_le; symmetry.
  rewrite -all_rels_lift Nat.add_comm.
  eapply X. 2:pcuic. eauto with fvs.

  clear X.
  apply infer_typing_sort_impl with id isty; intros Hs.
  eapply (weakening_typing) in Hs; tea.
  eapply (substitution (Δ := [])) in Hs.
  2:{ epose proof (spine_subst_to_extended_list_k a). apply X. }
  eapply (weakening_typing) in Hs; tea. len in Hs.
  rewrite distr_lift_subst in Hs. len in Hs.
  rewrite all_rels_length in Hs.
  rewrite simpl_lift in Hs; try .
  now rewrite Nat.add_comm.
  rewrite -(Nat.add_0_r #|Δ|) -lift_it_mkProd_or_LetIn Nat.add_0_r.
  rewrite -app_length.
  replace #|Δ Δ'| with (#|Δ ,,, Δ'|).
  2:now len.
  eapply isType_lift; tea. now len.
  rewrite -app_context_assoc.
  rewrite skipn_app List.skipn_all /= Nat.sub_diag skipn_0.
  now eapply isType_it_mkProd_or_LetIn.

Lemma subst_let_expand_lift s Γ n T :
  #|s| = context_assumptions Γ
  subst_let_expand (map (lift0 n) s) (lift_context n 0 Γ) (lift n #|Γ| T) =
  lift0 n (subst_let_expand s Γ T).
  intros hs.
  rewrite /subst_let_expand -(Nat.add_0_r #|Γ|) expand_lets_lift /=.
  now rewrite distr_lift_subst hs Nat.add_0_r.

Lemma subst_let_expand_closed_ctx_lift s Γ n T :
  #|s| = context_assumptions Γ
  closed_ctx Γ
  subst_let_expand (map (lift0 n) s) Γ (lift n #|Γ| T) =
  lift0 n (subst_let_expand s Γ T).
  intros hs cl.
  now rewrite -{1}(closed_ctx_lift n 0 Γ) // subst_let_expand_lift.

Lemma wf_case_predicate_context {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ}
  {Γ mdecl idecl ci p } {args : list term} :
  declared_inductive Σ ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl
  isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ci.(ci_ind) p.(puinst)) (p.(pparams) args))
  wf_predicate mdecl idecl p
  let predctx := case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p in
  wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, predctx).
  intros isdecl Hc wfp predctx.
  epose proof (WfArity_build_case_predicate_type wfΣ isdecl Hc
    (PCUICWfUniverses.wf_universe_type1 Σ) wfp).
  destruct X.
  eapply isType_it_mkProd_or_LetIn_inv in i; tea.
  now eapply isType_wf_local in i.

Lemma wf_pre_case_branch_context_gen {ci mdecl idecl cdecl} {p} {br} :
  wf_predicate mdecl idecl p
  wf_branch cdecl br
   ( (x : binder_annot name) (y : context_decl) ⇒ eq_binder_annot x (decl_name y))
    (forget_types (bcontext br))
    (pre_case_branch_context_gen ci mdecl cdecl (pparams p) (puinst p)).
  move⇒ [] hlen hp /Forall2_All2 a.
  rewrite /pre_case_branch_context_gen /cstr_branch_context.
  eapply All2_eq_binder_subst_context_inst.
  induction a. constructor.
  rewrite subst_context_snoc. constructor; auto.

Definition case_branch_context_nopars ind mdecl puinst cdecl :=
  (subst_context (inds (inductive_mind ind) puinst (ind_bodies mdecl))
  #|ind_params mdecl|
  (subst_instance puinst (cstr_args cdecl))).

Lemma case_predicate_context_alpha {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {ind mdecl idecl p Γ} :
  declared_inductive Σ.1 ind mdecl idecl
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) p.(puinst)
  let parctx := subst_instance (puinst p) mdecl.(ind_params) in
  spine_subst Σ Γ p.(pparams) (List.rev p.(pparams)) (smash_context [] parctx)
   ( x yeq_binder_annot x y.(decl_name))
     (forget_types (pcontext p))
    (idecl_binder idecl :: ind_indices idecl)
  eq_context_upto_names (case_predicate_context' ind mdecl idecl p)
    (case_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl p).
  intros decli cu parctx sp.
  rewrite /case_predicate_context /case_predicate_context_gen /case_predicate_context'.
  rewrite /pre_case_predicate_context_gen.
  fold (ind_binder ind idecl p).
  intros a; depelim a.
  destruct (pcontext p) eqn:pctx ⇒ //. simpl.
  rewrite /ind_predicate_context /= /inst_case_context.
  rewrite subst_instance_cons.
  rewrite /= subst_context_snoc /=.
  { constructor. red. simpl. simpl in e. red in e. simpl in e.
    rewrite -e. simpl in H. noconf H. reflexivity.
    simpl. rewrite subst_instance_mkApps subst_mkApps /=.
    f_equal. f_equal.
    now rewrite [subst_instance_instance _ _](subst_instance_id_mdecl _ _ _ cu).
    rewrite /to_extended_list to_extended_list_k_app.
    rewrite !map_app. f_equal.
    rewrite subst_instance_to_extended_list_k. len.
    erewrite subst_to_extended_list_k ⇒ //.
    eapply make_context_subst_spec_inv. rewrite List.rev_involutive.
    rewrite subst_instance_smash.
    apply sp.
    rewrite subst_instance_to_extended_list_k.
    rewrite /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx.
    rewrite subst_instance_subst_context subst_instance_lift_context.
    rewrite to_extended_list_k_subst /= to_extended_list_k_lift_context.
    rewrite -to_extended_list_k_map_subst. len.
    now rewrite PCUICLiftSubst.map_subst_instance_to_extended_list_k. }
  eapply All2_symP. intros ? ? []; constructor; auto; now symmetry.
  eapply All2_map2_left_All3.
  simpl in H. noconf H.
  revert a. move: (map _ ) ⇒ l a.
  induction a. constructor.
  rewrite /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx.
  rewrite !lift_context_snoc /=.
  rewrite subst_context_snoc /= subst_instance_cons subst_context_snoc.
  constructor; auto.
  destruct y as [na [b|] ty]; constructor; simpl; auto; reflexivity.

Lemma inst_case_predicate_context_alpha_eq {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ}
  {mdecl idecl ci p} :
  eq_context_upto_names p.(pcontext) (ind_predicate_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl)
    ( set_binder_name (forget_types (pcontext p))
      (inst_case_context (pparams p) (puinst p)
          (ind_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl)))
    (subst_context (List.rev (pparams p)) 0 (pcontext p)@[puinst p]).
  intros a.
  eapply All2_trans. tc.
  { eapply eq_binder_annots_eq.
    rewrite /inst_case_context.
    apply All2_eq_binder_subst_context, All2_eq_binder_subst_instance.
    eapply All2_map_left, All2_impl; tea. intros x y []; auto. }
  { apply alpha_eq_subst_context, alpha_eq_subst_instance.
    now symmetry. }

Lemma pre_case_branch_context_eq {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {ind mdecl idecl params puinst bctx cdecl} :
  declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) puinst
  wf_branch_gen cdecl bctx
    (pre_case_branch_context ind mdecl params puinst cdecl)
    (case_branch_context_gen ind mdecl params puinst bctx cdecl).
  intros decli cu.
  unfold wf_branch_gen. intros wf%Forall2_All2.
  rewrite /pre_case_branch_context /case_branch_context_gen.
  symmetry. etransitivity.
  eapply eq_binder_annots_eq.
  rewrite /pre_case_branch_context_gen /inst_case_context /cstr_branch_context.
  eapply All2_eq_binder_subst_context_inst.
  now eapply All2_eq_binder_subst_context.
  rewrite /pre_case_branch_context_gen /inst_case_context /cstr_branch_context.
  eapply alpha_eq_subst_context.
  rewrite subst_instance_expand_lets_ctx subst_instance_subst_context.
  now rewrite (instantiate_inds decli cu) //.

Lemma wf_case_branch_type {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ}
  {Γ mdecl idecl} {ci : case_info} {p} ps (args : list term) :
  declared_inductive Σ ci mdecl idecl
  isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ci.(ci_ind) p.(puinst)) (p.(pparams) args))
  wf_predicate mdecl idecl p
  let predctx := case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p in
  Σ;;; Γ ,,, predctx p.(preturn) : tSort ps
  let ptm := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn predctx p.(preturn) in
  eq_context_upto_names p.(pcontext) (ind_predicate_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl)
   i cdecl br,
    declared_constructor Σ (ci.(ci_ind), i) mdecl idecl cdecl
    wf_branch cdecl br
    let cstr_br_ctx := case_branch_context_nopars ci mdecl p.(puinst) cdecl in
    let brctx' := set_binder_name (forget_types (bcontext br)) cstr_br_ctx in
    let brctxty := case_branch_type ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p br ptm i cdecl in
     wf_branch cdecl br,
       wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, (ind_params mdecl)@[puinst p] ,,, cstr_br_ctx),
       wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, (ind_params mdecl)@[puinst p] ,,, brctx'),
       wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, brctxty.1) &
       Σ ;;; Γ ,,, brctxty.1 brctxty.2 : tSort ps].
  intros isdecl Hc wfp bc Hp ptm wfpctx.
  destruct (WfArity_build_case_predicate_type wfΣ isdecl Hc (PCUICWfUniverses.typing_wf_universe _ Hp) wfp) as [wfty _].
  set wfcpc := wf_case_predicate_context isdecl Hc wfp. simpl in wfcpc. clearbody wfcpc.
  have clipars : closed_ctx (subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl)).
  { rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context.
    eapply (declared_inductive_closed_params isdecl). }
  have wfΓ : (wf_local Σ Γ).
  { now apply isType_wf_local in Hc. }
  have lenpars : #|pparams p| =
      context_assumptions (subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl)).
  { len. rewrite (wf_predicate_length_pars wfp) //.
    apply (declared_minductive_ind_npars isdecl). }
  eapply isType_mkApps_Ind_smash in Hc; tea.
  2:{ rewrite (declared_minductive_ind_npars isdecl). now len in lenpars. }
  destruct Hc as [sppars [spargs cu]].
  intros n cdecl br nth wfbr.
  set (brctxty := case_branch_type _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
  destruct (on_declared_constructor nth) as [[onind oib] [cs [nthc onc]]].
  simpl in ×.
  subst brctxty.
  unfold case_branch_type, case_branch_type_gen ⇒ /=.
  rewrite -/(case_branch_context ci mdecl p (forget_types (bcontext br)) cdecl).

  assert (wfargs : wf_local (Σ.1, ind_universes mdecl)
  (arities_context (ind_bodies mdecl),,, ind_params mdecl,,, cstr_args cdecl)).
  { destruct onc. apply sorts_local_ctx_All_local_env in on_cargs ⇒ //.
    eapply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
    eapply (wf_arities_context' onind) ⇒ //.
    apply onind.(onParams). }
  assert (wfparscd : wf_local Σ
  (Γ,,, subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl),,,
   case_branch_context_nopars ci mdecl (puinst p) cdecl)). {
    rewrite -app_context_assoc.
    eapply weaken_wf_local; tea.
    eapply (@wf_local_instantiate _ _ (InductiveDecl mdecl) _ p.(puinst)) in wfargs; tea.
    2:eapply isdecl.
    rewrite !subst_instance_app in wfargs.
    rewrite - !/(app_context _ _) in wfargs.
    rewrite -(app_context_nil_l (_ ,,, _)) -app_context_assoc app_context_assoc in wfargs.
    eapply substitution_wf_local in wfargs; tea.
    2:eapply subslet_inds; tea.
    rewrite app_context_nil_l subst_context_app in wfargs.
    rewrite closed_ctx_subst in wfargs ⇒ //.
    rewrite /case_branch_context_nopars.
    now rewrite subst_instance_length Nat.add_0_r in wfargs. }
  assert (wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, case_branch_context ci mdecl p (forget_types (bcontext br)) cdecl)).
  { rewrite /case_branch_context /case_branch_context_gen.
    eapply wf_set_binder_name.
    { eapply wf_pre_case_branch_context_gen; tea. }
    eapply substitution_wf_local; tea. eapply sppars.
    rewrite /cstr_branch_context.
    rewrite subst_instance_expand_lets_ctx.
    eapply wf_local_expand_lets ⇒ //.
    rewrite subst_instance_subst_context.
    rewrite (instantiate_inds nth cu) //. }
  split ⇒ //.
  { eapply wf_set_binder_name ⇒ //.
    eapply All2_eq_binder_subst_context.
    eapply All2_eq_binder_subst_instance.
    now eapply Forall2_All2 in wfbr. }
  assert (wfparsargs : wf_local Σ
    (Γ,,, subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl),,,
      subst_context (inds (inductive_mind ci) (puinst p) (ind_bodies mdecl))
        #|ind_params mdecl| (subst_instance (puinst p) (cstr_args cdecl)))). {
    rewrite -app_context_assoc.
    eapply weaken_wf_local; tea.
    eapply (@wf_local_instantiate _ _ (InductiveDecl mdecl) _ p.(puinst)) in wfargs; tea.
    2:eapply isdecl.
    rewrite !subst_instance_app in wfargs.
    rewrite - !/(app_context _ _) in wfargs.
    rewrite -(app_context_nil_l (_ ,,, _)) -app_context_assoc app_context_assoc in wfargs.
    eapply substitution_wf_local in wfargs; tea.
    2:eapply subslet_inds; tea.
    rewrite app_context_nil_l subst_context_app in wfargs.
    rewrite closed_ctx_subst in wfargs ⇒ //.
    now rewrite subst_instance_length Nat.add_0_r in wfargs. }
  assert (wfbrctx : wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, pre_case_branch_context ci mdecl p.(pparams) p.(puinst) cdecl)).
  { rewrite /case_branch_context /case_branch_context_gen.
    eapply substitution_wf_local; tea. eapply sppars.
    eapply wf_local_expand_lets ⇒ //. }
  eapply type_mkApps.
  relativize #|cstr_args cdecl|.
  eapply weakening; tea. rewrite /ptm.
  eapply type_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn. tea.
  rewrite case_branch_context_length //.
  now rewrite -(wf_branch_length wfbr).
  eapply wf_arity_spine_typing_spine; tea.
  { apply isType_lift ⇒ //. rewrite app_length; .
    rewrite skipn_all_app //. }
  rewrite /bc.
  rewrite lift_it_mkProd_or_LetIn /=.
  rewrite -(app_nil_r (_ [_])).
  eapply arity_spine_it_mkProd_or_LetIn_smash ⇒ //.
  rewrite /bc.
  ×eapply subslet_eq_context_alpha.
  { instantiate (1 := smash_context []
    (lift_context #|case_branch_context ci mdecl p (forget_types (bcontext br)) cdecl| 0
      (case_predicate_context' ci mdecl idecl p))).
    apply alpha_eq_smash_context, alpha_eq_lift_context.
    epose proof (wf_pre_case_predicate_context_gen (ci:=ci) wfp).
    rewrite /inst_case_predicate_context.
    eapply All2_trans. tc.
    eapply case_predicate_context_alpha; tea.
    destruct wfp. apply Forall2_All2 in . tea.
    now eapply inst_case_predicate_context_eq in wfpctx. }
  rewrite map_map_compose.
  fold (subst_let_expand_k (List.rev (pparams p)) (subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl)) #|cstr_args cdecl|).
  set (indices := map (subst (inds _ _ _) _) _).
  rewrite /case_predicate_context' lift_context_snoc.
  rewrite subst_context_length subst_instance_length expand_lets_ctx_length.
  rewrite (smash_context_app_expand _ _ [_]).
  cbn. rewrite List.rev_app_distr; cbn.
  rewrite expand_lets_ctx_tip; cbn.
  rewrite /lift_decl compose_map_decl; cbn.
  eapply (subslet_eq_context_alpha_dom (Γ:= (Γ ,,, pre_case_branch_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl p.(pparams) p.(puinst) cdecl))).
  { eapply All2_app.
    rewrite /case_branch_context //.
    eapply (pre_case_branch_context_eq (ind:=ci) nth cu wfbr).
    reflexivity. }
  pose proof (on_cindices onc).
  assert (spindices :
  spine_subst Σ
  (Γ,,, pre_case_branch_context ci mdecl (pparams p) (puinst p) cdecl)
  (map (subst (List.rev (pparams p)) #|cstr_args cdecl|)
        (expand_lets_k (subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl))
           #|cstr_args cdecl|) indices))
  (map (subst (List.rev (pparams p)) #|cstr_args cdecl|)
        (expand_lets_k (subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl))
           #|cstr_args cdecl|)
              (inds (inductive_mind ci) (puinst p) (ind_bodies mdecl))
              (#|ind_params mdecl| + #|cstr_args cdecl|))
           (map (subst_instance (puinst p)) (ctx_inst_sub )))))
  (subst_context (List.rev (pparams p)) #|cstr_args cdecl|
     (expand_lets_k_ctx (subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl))
        #|cstr_args cdecl|
        (subst_instance (puinst p)
           (lift_context #|cstr_args cdecl| 0 (ind_indices idecl)))))).
  { unshelve epose proof (ctx_inst_spine_subst _ ) as sp.
    { eapply weakening_wf_local ⇒ //.
      rewrite -app_context_assoc. apply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
      eapply (wf_arities_context isdecl).
      apply (on_minductive_wf_params_indices isdecl). }
    eapply spine_subst_inst in sp; tea.
    2:{ exact (declared_inductive_wf_global_ext _ _ _ _ isdecl). }
    rewrite !subst_instance_app_ctx in sp.
    rewrite -app_context_assoc in sp.
    eapply spine_subst_subst_first in sp; tea.
    2:eapply subslet_inds; tea.
    rewrite app_context_length !subst_instance_length in sp.
    rewrite subst_context_app subst_instance_length /= Nat.add_0_r in sp.
    rewrite closed_ctx_subst // in sp.
    eapply spine_subst_weaken in sp. 2:eapply wfΓ. all:tea.
    rewrite app_context_assoc in sp.
    rewrite Nat.add_comm in sp; fold indices in sp.
    eapply spine_subst_expand_lets in sp.
    rewrite subst_context_length subst_instance_length in sp.
    eapply spine_subst_subst in sp; tea.
    2:exact sppars.
    rewrite expand_lets_ctx_length subst_context_length subst_instance_length in sp.
    rewrite /subst_context_let_expand.
    rewrite (closed_ctx_subst (inds _ _ _) (#|ind_params mdecl| + _)) in sp.
    { rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context.
      rewrite Nat.add_comm; apply closedn_ctx_lift.
      pose proof (declared_inductive_closed_pars_indices isdecl).
      rewrite closedn_ctx_app in H.
      now move/andb_and: H ⇒ []. }
    exact sp. }
  - rewrite case_branch_context_length_args //.
    rewrite /indices.
    eapply spine_subst_smash in spindices; tea.
    rewrite subst_instance_expand_lets_ctx.
    rewrite lift_context_subst_context lift_context_expand_lets_ctx
    eapply inst_subslet in spindices.
    rewrite /subst_let_expand_k.
    rewrite /indices in spindices.
    now rewrite map_map_compose in spindices.
  - cbn [decl_type ind_binder].
    rewrite lift_mkApps expand_lets_mkApps.
    rewrite subst_mkApps. simpl.
    rewrite map_subst_let_expand_k.
    rewrite case_branch_context_length_args //.
    eapply meta_conv.
    { eapply type_mkApps.
      { econstructor; tea. }
      eapply wf_arity_spine_typing_spine; tea.
      split. { eapply validity. econstructor; eauto. }
      replace (type_of_constructor mdecl cdecl (ci.(ci_ind), n) (puinst p))
        with (lift0 #|cstr_args cdecl| (type_of_constructor mdecl cdecl (ci.(ci_ind), n) (puinst p))).
      2:{ rewrite lift_closed //. eapply (declared_constructor_closed_type nth). }
      unfold type_of_constructor.
      rewrite onc.(cstr_eq).
      rewrite subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn subst_it_mkProd_or_LetIn.
      rewrite lift_it_mkProd_or_LetIn.
      rewrite closed_ctx_lift.
      { rewrite closed_ctx_subst //. }
      eapply arity_spine_it_mkProd_or_LetIn_smash; tea.
      + rewrite closed_ctx_subst.
        rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context.
        eapply (declared_inductive_closed_params isdecl).
        rewrite -[smash_context [] _](closed_ctx_lift #|cstr_args cdecl| 0).
        { now apply closedn_smash_context. }
        rewrite -map_rev.
        relativize #|cstr_args cdecl|.
        eapply subslet_lift; tea. eapply sppars.
        now apply pre_case_branch_context_length_args.
      + rewrite subst_context_length Nat.add_0_r.
        rewrite subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn subst_it_mkProd_or_LetIn.
        rewrite -map_rev.
        relativize #|subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl)|.
        erewrite subst_let_expand_closed_ctx_lift.
        2:{ now rewrite List.rev_length context_assumptions_subst_context. }
        3:now rewrite subst_context_length.
        2:{ rewrite closed_ctx_subst ⇒ //. }
        rewrite subst_let_expand_it_mkProd_or_LetIn.
        rewrite !subst_context_length !subst_instance_length.
        rewrite closed_ctx_subst //.
        set (cstr_ctx := subst_context_let_expand _ _ _).
        change cstr_ctx with
          (pre_case_branch_context ci mdecl (pparams p) (puinst p) cdecl).
        clear cstr_ctx.
        rewrite -{1}(@pre_case_branch_context_length_args ci mdecl (pparams p) (puinst p) cdecl).
        rewrite /to_extended_list /to_extended_list_k.
        relativize (reln [] 0 (cstr_args cdecl)).
        eapply arity_spine_to_extended_list ⇒ //.
        2:{ rewrite -/(to_extended_list_k _ 0) /pre_case_branch_context.
            rewrite /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx /to_extended_list !to_extended_list_k_subst
              !to_extended_list_k_lift_context to_extended_list_k_subst
              PCUICLiftSubst.map_subst_instance_to_extended_list_k //. }
        rewrite /pre_case_branch_context /subst_let_expand_k.
        eexists (subst_instance p.(puinst) (ind_sort idecl)).
        relativize #|cstr_args cdecl|.
        eapply (substitution (s := List.rev (pparams p)) (T := tSort _)); tea.
        eapply sppars.
        all:rewrite expand_lets_ctx_length.
        2:rewrite subst_context_length subst_instance_length //.
        eapply (typing_expand_lets_gen (T:=tSort _)).
        rewrite subst_context_length subst_instance_length.
        rewrite -/(to_extended_list_k _ _).
        rewrite subst_cstr_concl_head.
        destruct isdecl. now eapply nth_error_Some_length in .
        eapply type_mkApps.
        econstructor; tea.
        rewrite -[subst_instance _ (ind_type idecl)](lift_closed (#|ind_params mdecl| + #|cstr_args cdecl|) 0).
        rewrite closedn_subst_instance.
        eapply (declared_inductive_closed_type _ _ _ _ _ isdecl).
        rewrite (declared_inductive_type isdecl).
        rewrite subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn subst_instance_app
        have wfs : wf_universe Σ (subst_instance_univ (puinst p) (ind_sort idecl)).
          by eapply (on_inductive_sort_inst isdecl _ cu).
        have wfparinds : wf_local Σ
            (Γ,,, subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl),,,
              subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_indices idecl)).
        { rewrite -app_context_assoc -subst_instance_app_ctx.
          eapply weaken_wf_local; tea.
          eapply (on_minductive_wf_params_indices_inst isdecl _ cu). }
        relativize (#|ind_params mdecl| + #|cstr_args cdecl|).
        relativize (to_extended_list_k _ #|cstr_args cdecl|).
        eapply typing_spine_to_extended_list_k_app; tea.
        eapply isType_it_mkProd_or_LetIn; tea. simpl.
        eapply isType_Sort; tea.
        2:{ len. now rewrite PCUICLiftSubst.map_subst_instance_to_extended_list_k. }
        2:{ now len. }
        rewrite subst_context_length subst_instance_length lift_it_mkProd_or_LetIn /=.
        eapply typing_spine_it_mkProd_or_LetIn_close; tea.
        3:{ reflexivity. }
        2:{ eapply isType_it_mkProd_or_LetIn; tea.
            eapply isType_Sort.
            eapply (on_inductive_sort_inst isdecl _ cu).
            relativize #|cstr_args cdecl|.
            eapply weakening_wf_local ⇒ //. now len. }
        clear spindices.
        unshelve epose proof (ctx_inst_spine_subst _ ) as sp.
        { eapply weakening_wf_local ⇒ //.
          rewrite -app_context_assoc. apply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
          eapply (wf_arities_context isdecl).
          apply (on_minductive_wf_params_indices isdecl). }
        eapply spine_subst_inst in sp; tea.
        2:{ exact (declared_inductive_wf_global_ext _ _ _ _ isdecl). }
        rewrite !subst_instance_app_ctx in sp.
        rewrite -app_context_assoc in sp.
        eapply spine_subst_subst_first in sp; tea.
        2:eapply subslet_inds; tea.
        rewrite app_context_length !subst_instance_length in sp.
        rewrite subst_context_app subst_instance_length /= Nat.add_0_r in sp.
        rewrite closed_ctx_subst // in sp.
        eapply spine_subst_weaken in sp. 2:eapply wfΓ. all:tea.
        rewrite app_context_assoc in sp.
        rewrite Nat.add_comm in sp |- *; fold indices in sp |- ×.
        rewrite subst_instance_lift_context in sp.
        rewrite (closed_ctx_subst _ _ (lift_context #|cstr_args cdecl| _ _)) in sp.
        rewrite Nat.add_comm; eapply closedn_ctx_lift ⇒ //.
        epose proof (declared_inductive_closed_pars_indices isdecl).
        rewrite closedn_ctx_app in H. move/andb_and: H ⇒ [].
        now rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context.
        exact sp. }
    { rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
      rewrite subst_cstr_concl_head.
      { destruct isdecl. now eapply nth_error_Some_length in . }
      rewrite subst_let_expand_k_mkApps. cbn. f_equal.
      rewrite !map_app. f_equal.
      { rewrite -(PCUICLiftSubst.map_subst_instance_to_extended_list_k p.(puinst)).
        erewrite map_subst_let_expand_k_to_extended_list_lift.
        2:{ eapply sppars. }
        rewrite !map_map_compose.
        apply map_extt.
        rewrite simpl_lift; try .
        rewrite (Nat.add_comm #|cstr_args cdecl|).
        rewrite subst_let_expand_k_lift //.
        len ⇒ //. len.
        { clear spindices. apply ctx_inst_length in .
          rewrite context_assumptions_rev in . len in .
           } }
      { pose proof (positive_cstr_closed_indices nth).
        rewrite map_map_compose.
        rewrite -(Nat.add_0_r #|ind_indices idecl|) -to_extended_list_map_lift.
        relativize (to_extended_list (ind_indices idecl)).
        erewrite map_subst_let_expand_k_to_extended_list_lift.
        3:{ rewrite /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx
              !to_extended_list_k_subst to_extended_list_k_lift_context //. }
        2:{ eapply spine_subst_smash; tea.
            rewrite subst_instance_expand_lets_ctx.
            rewrite lift_context_subst_context lift_context_expand_lets_ctx
            rewrite /subst_let_expand_k -map_map_compose.
            now exact spindices. }
        rewrite {2}/subst_let_expand_k.
        rewrite map_lift0. rewrite /indices.
        rewrite !map_map_compose.
        rewrite Nat.add_comm.
        now rewrite /subst_let_expand_k. }

Lemma wf_case_branch_type' {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ}
  {Γ mdecl idecl} {ci : case_info} {p} ps (args : list term) :
  declared_inductive Σ ci mdecl idecl
  isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ci.(ci_ind) p.(puinst)) (p.(pparams) args))
  wf_predicate mdecl idecl p
  let predctx := inst_case_predicate_context p in
  Σ;;; Γ ,,, predctx p.(preturn) : tSort ps
  let ptm := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn predctx p.(preturn) in
  eq_context_upto_names p.(pcontext) (ind_predicate_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl)
   i cdecl br,
    declared_constructor Σ (ci.(ci_ind), i) mdecl idecl cdecl
    wf_branch cdecl br
    let brctxty := case_branch_type ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p br ptm i cdecl in
    wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, brctxty.1) ×
    Σ ;;; Γ ,,, brctxty.1 brctxty.2 : tSort ps.
  intros isdecl Hc wfp bc Hp ptm wfpctx.
  destruct (WfArity_build_case_predicate_type wfΣ isdecl Hc (PCUICWfUniverses.typing_wf_universe _ Hp) wfp) as [wfty _].
  set wfcpc := wf_case_predicate_context isdecl Hc wfp. simpl in wfcpc. clearbody wfcpc.
  have clipars : closed_ctx (subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl)).
  { rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context.
    eapply (declared_inductive_closed_params isdecl). }
  have wfΓ : (wf_local Σ Γ).
  { now apply isType_wf_local in Hc. }
  have lenpars : #|pparams p| =
      context_assumptions (subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl)).
  { len. rewrite (wf_predicate_length_pars wfp) //.
    apply (declared_minductive_ind_npars isdecl). }
  eapply isType_mkApps_Ind_smash in Hc; tea.
  2:{ rewrite (declared_minductive_ind_npars isdecl). now len in lenpars. }
  destruct Hc as [sppars [spargs cu]].
  intros n cdecl br nth wfbr.
  set (brctxty := case_branch_type _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
  destruct (on_declared_constructor nth) as [[onind oib] [cs [nthc onc]]].
  simpl in ×.
  subst brctxty.
  unfold case_branch_type, case_branch_type_gen ⇒ /=.
  rewrite -/(case_branch_context ci mdecl p (forget_types (bcontext br)) cdecl).

  assert (wfargs : wf_local (Σ.1, ind_universes mdecl)
  (arities_context (ind_bodies mdecl),,, ind_params mdecl,,, cstr_args cdecl)).
  { destruct onc. apply sorts_local_ctx_All_local_env in on_cargs ⇒ //.
    eapply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
    eapply (wf_arities_context' onind) ⇒ //.
    apply onind.(onParams). }
  assert (wfparscd : wf_local Σ
  (Γ,,, subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl),,,
   case_branch_context_nopars ci mdecl (puinst p) cdecl)). {
    rewrite -app_context_assoc.
    eapply weaken_wf_local; tea.
    eapply (@wf_local_instantiate _ _ (InductiveDecl mdecl) _ p.(puinst)) in wfargs; tea.
    2:eapply isdecl.
    rewrite !subst_instance_app in wfargs.
    rewrite - !/(app_context _ _) in wfargs.
    rewrite -(app_context_nil_l (_ ,,, _)) -app_context_assoc app_context_assoc in wfargs.
    eapply substitution_wf_local in wfargs; tea.
    2:eapply subslet_inds; tea.
    rewrite app_context_nil_l subst_context_app in wfargs.
    rewrite closed_ctx_subst in wfargs ⇒ //.
    rewrite /case_branch_context_nopars.
    now rewrite subst_instance_length Nat.add_0_r in wfargs. }
  assert (wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, case_branch_context ci mdecl p (forget_types (bcontext br)) cdecl)).
  { rewrite /case_branch_context /case_branch_context_gen.
    eapply wf_set_binder_name.
    { eapply wf_pre_case_branch_context_gen; tea. }
    eapply substitution_wf_local; tea. eapply sppars.
    rewrite /cstr_branch_context.
    rewrite subst_instance_expand_lets_ctx.
    eapply wf_local_expand_lets ⇒ //.
    rewrite subst_instance_subst_context.
    rewrite (instantiate_inds nth cu) //. }
  split ⇒ //.
  assert (wfparsargs : wf_local Σ
    (Γ,,, subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl),,,
      subst_context (inds (inductive_mind ci) (puinst p) (ind_bodies mdecl))
        #|ind_params mdecl| (subst_instance (puinst p) (cstr_args cdecl)))). {
    rewrite -app_context_assoc.
    eapply weaken_wf_local; tea.
    eapply (@wf_local_instantiate _ _ (InductiveDecl mdecl) _ p.(puinst)) in wfargs; tea.
    2:eapply isdecl.
    rewrite !subst_instance_app in wfargs.
    rewrite - !/(app_context _ _) in wfargs.
    rewrite -(app_context_nil_l (_ ,,, _)) -app_context_assoc app_context_assoc in wfargs.
    eapply substitution_wf_local in wfargs; tea.
    2:eapply subslet_inds; tea.
    rewrite app_context_nil_l subst_context_app in wfargs.
    rewrite closed_ctx_subst in wfargs ⇒ //.
    now rewrite subst_instance_length Nat.add_0_r in wfargs. }
  assert (wfbrctx : wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, pre_case_branch_context ci mdecl p.(pparams) p.(puinst) cdecl)).
  { rewrite /case_branch_context /case_branch_context_gen.
    eapply substitution_wf_local; tea. eapply sppars.
    eapply wf_local_expand_lets ⇒ //. }
  eapply type_mkApps.
  relativize #|cstr_args cdecl|.
  eapply weakening; tea. rewrite /ptm.
  eapply type_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn. tea.
  rewrite case_branch_context_length //.
  now rewrite -(wf_branch_length wfbr).
  eapply wf_arity_spine_typing_spine; tea.
  { apply isType_lift ⇒ //. rewrite app_length; .
    rewrite skipn_all_app //.
    eapply isType_it_mkProd_or_LetIn; tea.
    rewrite /bc. pcuic. }
  rewrite /bc.
  rewrite lift_it_mkProd_or_LetIn /=.
  rewrite -(app_nil_r (_ [_])).
  eapply arity_spine_it_mkProd_or_LetIn_smash ⇒ //.
  rewrite /bc.
  × eapply subslet_eq_context_alpha.
  { instantiate (1 := smash_context []
    (lift_context #|case_branch_context ci mdecl p (forget_types (bcontext br)) cdecl| 0
      (case_predicate_context' ci mdecl idecl p))).
    apply alpha_eq_smash_context, alpha_eq_lift_context.
    epose proof (wf_pre_case_predicate_context_gen (ci:=ci) wfp).
    rewrite /inst_case_predicate_context.
    eapply All2_trans. tc.
    eapply case_predicate_context_alpha; tea.
    destruct wfp. apply Forall2_All2 in . tea.
    now eapply inst_case_predicate_context_alpha_eq in wfpctx. }
  rewrite map_map_compose.
  fold (subst_let_expand_k (List.rev (pparams p)) (subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl)) #|cstr_args cdecl|).
  set (indices := map (subst (inds _ _ _) _) _).
  rewrite /case_predicate_context' lift_context_snoc.
  rewrite subst_context_length subst_instance_length expand_lets_ctx_length.
  rewrite (smash_context_app_expand _ _ [_]).
  cbn. rewrite List.rev_app_distr; cbn.
  rewrite expand_lets_ctx_tip; cbn.
  rewrite /lift_decl compose_map_decl; cbn.
  eapply (subslet_eq_context_alpha_dom (Γ:= (Γ ,,, pre_case_branch_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl p.(pparams) p.(puinst) cdecl))).
  { eapply All2_app.
    rewrite /case_branch_context //.
    eapply (pre_case_branch_context_eq (ind:=ci) nth cu wfbr).
    reflexivity. }
  pose proof (on_cindices onc).
  assert (spindices :
  spine_subst Σ
  (Γ,,, pre_case_branch_context ci mdecl (pparams p) (puinst p) cdecl)
  (map (subst (List.rev (pparams p)) #|cstr_args cdecl|)
        (expand_lets_k (subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl))
           #|cstr_args cdecl|) indices))
  (map (subst (List.rev (pparams p)) #|cstr_args cdecl|)
        (expand_lets_k (subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl))
           #|cstr_args cdecl|)
              (inds (inductive_mind ci) (puinst p) (ind_bodies mdecl))
              (#|ind_params mdecl| + #|cstr_args cdecl|))
           (map (subst_instance (puinst p)) (ctx_inst_sub )))))
  (subst_context (List.rev (pparams p)) #|cstr_args cdecl|
     (expand_lets_k_ctx (subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl))
        #|cstr_args cdecl|
        (subst_instance (puinst p)
           (lift_context #|cstr_args cdecl| 0 (ind_indices idecl)))))).
  { unshelve epose proof (ctx_inst_spine_subst _ ) as sp.
    { eapply weakening_wf_local ⇒ //.
      rewrite -app_context_assoc. apply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
      eapply (wf_arities_context isdecl).
      apply (on_minductive_wf_params_indices isdecl). }
    eapply spine_subst_inst in sp; tea.
    2:{ exact (declared_inductive_wf_global_ext _ _ _ _ isdecl). }
    rewrite !subst_instance_app_ctx in sp.
    rewrite -app_context_assoc in sp.
    eapply spine_subst_subst_first in sp; tea.
    2:eapply subslet_inds; tea.
    rewrite app_context_length !subst_instance_length in sp.
    rewrite subst_context_app subst_instance_length /= Nat.add_0_r in sp.
    rewrite closed_ctx_subst // in sp.
    eapply spine_subst_weaken in sp. 2:eapply wfΓ. all:tea.
    rewrite app_context_assoc in sp.
    rewrite Nat.add_comm in sp; fold indices in sp.
    eapply spine_subst_expand_lets in sp.
    rewrite subst_context_length subst_instance_length in sp.
    eapply spine_subst_subst in sp; tea.
    2:exact sppars.
    rewrite expand_lets_ctx_length subst_context_length subst_instance_length in sp.
    rewrite /subst_context_let_expand.
    rewrite (closed_ctx_subst (inds _ _ _) (#|ind_params mdecl| + _)) in sp.
    { rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context.
      rewrite Nat.add_comm; apply closedn_ctx_lift.
      pose proof (declared_inductive_closed_pars_indices isdecl).
      rewrite closedn_ctx_app in H.
      now move/andb_and: H ⇒ []. }
    exact sp. }
  - rewrite case_branch_context_length_args //.
    rewrite /indices.
    eapply spine_subst_smash in spindices; tea.
    rewrite subst_instance_expand_lets_ctx.
    rewrite lift_context_subst_context lift_context_expand_lets_ctx
    eapply inst_subslet in spindices.
    rewrite /subst_let_expand_k.
    rewrite /indices in spindices.
    now rewrite map_map_compose in spindices.
  - cbn [decl_type ind_binder].
    rewrite lift_mkApps expand_lets_mkApps.
    rewrite subst_mkApps. simpl.
    rewrite map_subst_let_expand_k.
    rewrite case_branch_context_length_args //.
    eapply meta_conv.
    { eapply type_mkApps.
      { econstructor; tea. }
      eapply wf_arity_spine_typing_spine; tea.
      split. { eapply validity. econstructor; eauto. }
      replace (type_of_constructor mdecl cdecl (ci.(ci_ind), n) (puinst p))
        with (lift0 #|cstr_args cdecl| (type_of_constructor mdecl cdecl (ci.(ci_ind), n) (puinst p))).
      2:{ rewrite lift_closed //. eapply (declared_constructor_closed_type nth). }
      unfold type_of_constructor.
      rewrite onc.(cstr_eq).
      rewrite subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn subst_it_mkProd_or_LetIn.
      rewrite lift_it_mkProd_or_LetIn.
      rewrite closed_ctx_lift.
      { rewrite closed_ctx_subst //. }
      eapply arity_spine_it_mkProd_or_LetIn_smash; tea.
      + rewrite closed_ctx_subst.
        rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context.
        eapply (declared_inductive_closed_params isdecl).
        rewrite -[smash_context [] _](closed_ctx_lift #|cstr_args cdecl| 0).
        { now apply closedn_smash_context. }
        rewrite -map_rev.
        relativize #|cstr_args cdecl|.
        eapply subslet_lift; tea. eapply sppars.
        now apply pre_case_branch_context_length_args.
      + rewrite subst_context_length Nat.add_0_r.
        rewrite subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn subst_it_mkProd_or_LetIn.
        rewrite -map_rev.
        relativize #|subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl)|.
        erewrite subst_let_expand_closed_ctx_lift.
        2:{ now rewrite List.rev_length context_assumptions_subst_context. }
        3:now rewrite subst_context_length.
        2:{ rewrite closed_ctx_subst ⇒ //. }
        rewrite subst_let_expand_it_mkProd_or_LetIn.
        rewrite !subst_context_length !subst_instance_length.
        rewrite closed_ctx_subst //.
        set (cstr_ctx := subst_context_let_expand _ _ _).
        change cstr_ctx with
          (pre_case_branch_context ci mdecl (pparams p) (puinst p) cdecl).
        clear cstr_ctx.
        rewrite -{1}(@pre_case_branch_context_length_args ci mdecl (pparams p) (puinst p) cdecl).
        rewrite /to_extended_list /to_extended_list_k.
        relativize (reln [] 0 (cstr_args cdecl)).
        eapply arity_spine_to_extended_list ⇒ //.
        2:{ rewrite -/(to_extended_list_k _ 0) /pre_case_branch_context.
            rewrite /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx /to_extended_list !to_extended_list_k_subst
              !to_extended_list_k_lift_context to_extended_list_k_subst
              PCUICLiftSubst.map_subst_instance_to_extended_list_k //. }
        rewrite /pre_case_branch_context /subst_let_expand_k.
        eexists (subst_instance p.(puinst) (ind_sort idecl)).
        relativize #|cstr_args cdecl|.
        eapply (substitution (s := List.rev (pparams p)) (T := tSort _)); tea.
        eapply sppars.
        all:rewrite expand_lets_ctx_length.
        2:rewrite subst_context_length subst_instance_length //.
        eapply (typing_expand_lets_gen (T:=tSort _)).
        rewrite subst_context_length subst_instance_length.
        rewrite -/(to_extended_list_k _ _).
        rewrite subst_cstr_concl_head.
        destruct isdecl. now eapply nth_error_Some_length in .
        eapply type_mkApps.
        econstructor; tea.
        rewrite -[subst_instance _ (ind_type idecl)](lift_closed (#|ind_params mdecl| + #|cstr_args cdecl|) 0).
        rewrite closedn_subst_instance.
        eapply (declared_inductive_closed_type _ _ _ _ _ isdecl).
        rewrite (declared_inductive_type isdecl).
        rewrite subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn subst_instance_app
        have wfs : wf_universe Σ (subst_instance_univ (puinst p) (ind_sort idecl)).
          by eapply (on_inductive_sort_inst isdecl _ cu).
        have wfparinds : wf_local Σ
            (Γ,,, subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl),,,
              subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_indices idecl)).
        { rewrite -app_context_assoc -subst_instance_app_ctx.
          eapply weaken_wf_local; tea.
          eapply (on_minductive_wf_params_indices_inst isdecl _ cu). }
        relativize (#|ind_params mdecl| + #|cstr_args cdecl|).
        relativize (to_extended_list_k _ #|cstr_args cdecl|).
        eapply typing_spine_to_extended_list_k_app; tea.
        eapply isType_it_mkProd_or_LetIn; tea. simpl.
        eapply isType_Sort; tea.
        2:{ len. now rewrite PCUICLiftSubst.map_subst_instance_to_extended_list_k. }
        2:{ now len. }
        rewrite subst_context_length subst_instance_length lift_it_mkProd_or_LetIn /=.
        eapply typing_spine_it_mkProd_or_LetIn_close; tea.
        3:{ reflexivity. }
        2:{ eapply isType_it_mkProd_or_LetIn; tea.
            eapply isType_Sort.
            eapply (on_inductive_sort_inst isdecl _ cu).
            relativize #|cstr_args cdecl|.
            eapply weakening_wf_local ⇒ //. now len. }
        clear spindices.
        unshelve epose proof (ctx_inst_spine_subst _ ) as sp.
        { eapply weakening_wf_local ⇒ //.
          rewrite -app_context_assoc. apply weaken_wf_local ⇒ //.
          eapply (wf_arities_context isdecl).
          apply (on_minductive_wf_params_indices isdecl). }
        eapply spine_subst_inst in sp; tea.
        2:{ exact (declared_inductive_wf_global_ext _ _ _ _ isdecl). }
        rewrite !subst_instance_app_ctx in sp.
        rewrite -app_context_assoc in sp.
        eapply spine_subst_subst_first in sp; tea.
        2:eapply subslet_inds; tea.
        rewrite app_context_length !subst_instance_length in sp.
        rewrite subst_context_app subst_instance_length /= Nat.add_0_r in sp.
        rewrite closed_ctx_subst // in sp.
        eapply spine_subst_weaken in sp. 2:eapply wfΓ. all:tea.
        rewrite app_context_assoc in sp.
        rewrite Nat.add_comm in sp |- *; fold indices in sp |- ×.
        rewrite subst_instance_lift_context in sp.
        rewrite (closed_ctx_subst _ _ (lift_context #|cstr_args cdecl| _ _)) in sp.
        rewrite Nat.add_comm; eapply closedn_ctx_lift ⇒ //.
        epose proof (declared_inductive_closed_pars_indices isdecl).
        rewrite closedn_ctx_app in H. move/andb_and: H ⇒ [].
        now rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context.
        exact sp. }
    { rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
      rewrite subst_cstr_concl_head.
      { destruct isdecl. now eapply nth_error_Some_length in . }
      rewrite subst_let_expand_k_mkApps. cbn. f_equal.
      rewrite !map_app. f_equal.
      { rewrite -(PCUICLiftSubst.map_subst_instance_to_extended_list_k p.(puinst)).
        erewrite map_subst_let_expand_k_to_extended_list_lift.
        2:{ eapply sppars. }
        rewrite !map_map_compose.
        apply map_extt.
        rewrite simpl_lift; try .
        rewrite (Nat.add_comm #|cstr_args cdecl|).
        rewrite subst_let_expand_k_lift //.
        len ⇒ //. len.
        { clear spindices. apply ctx_inst_length in .
          rewrite context_assumptions_rev in . len in .
           } }
      { pose proof (positive_cstr_closed_indices nth).
        rewrite map_map_compose.
        rewrite -(Nat.add_0_r #|ind_indices idecl|) -to_extended_list_map_lift.
        relativize (to_extended_list (ind_indices idecl)).
        erewrite map_subst_let_expand_k_to_extended_list_lift.
        3:{ rewrite /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx
              !to_extended_list_k_subst to_extended_list_k_lift_context //. }
        2:{ eapply spine_subst_smash; tea.
            rewrite subst_instance_expand_lets_ctx.
            rewrite lift_context_subst_context lift_context_expand_lets_ctx
            rewrite /subst_let_expand_k -map_map_compose.
            now exact spindices. }
        rewrite {2}/subst_let_expand_k.
        rewrite map_lift0. rewrite /indices.
        rewrite !map_map_compose.
        rewrite Nat.add_comm.
        now rewrite /subst_let_expand_k. }

Lemma wf_case_branches_types {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ}
  {Γ mdecl idecl} {ci : case_info} {p} ps (args : list term) brs :
  declared_inductive Σ ci mdecl idecl
  isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ci.(ci_ind) p.(puinst)) (p.(pparams) args))
  wf_predicate mdecl idecl p
  let predctx := inst_case_predicate_context p in
  Σ;;; Γ ,,, predctx p.(preturn) : tSort ps
  let ptm := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn predctx p.(preturn) in
  wf_branches idecl brs
  eq_context_upto_names p.(pcontext) (ind_predicate_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl)
  All2i ( i cdecl br
    let brctxty := case_branch_type ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p br ptm i cdecl in
    wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, brctxty.1) ×
    Σ ;;; Γ ,,, brctxty.1 brctxty.2 : tSort ps)
    0 (ind_ctors idecl) brs.
  intros isdecl Hc wfp bc Hp ptm wfbrs conv.
  eapply forall_nth_error_All2i.
  now rewrite (Forall2_length wfbrs).
  intros n cdecl br nth nth'.
  eapply wf_case_branch_type'; tea.
  × split; auto.
  × red in wfbrs. eapply Forall2_All2 in wfbrs.
    eapply All2_nth_error in wfbrs; tea.

Lemma wf_case_branches_types' {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ}
  {Γ mdecl idecl} {ci : case_info} {p} ps (args : list term) brs :
  declared_inductive Σ ci mdecl idecl
  isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ci.(ci_ind) p.(puinst)) (p.(pparams) args))
  wf_predicate mdecl idecl p
  let predctx := case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p in
  Σ;;; Γ ,,, predctx p.(preturn) : tSort ps
  let ptm := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn predctx p.(preturn) in
  wf_branches idecl brs
  eq_context_upto_names p.(pcontext) (ind_predicate_context ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl)
  All2i ( i cdecl br
    let cstr_br_ctx := case_branch_context_nopars ci mdecl p.(puinst) cdecl in
    let brctx' := set_binder_name (forget_types (bcontext br)) cstr_br_ctx in
    let brctxty := case_branch_type ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p br ptm i cdecl in
     wf_branch cdecl br,
      wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, (ind_params mdecl)@[puinst p] ,,, cstr_br_ctx),
      wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, (ind_params mdecl)@[puinst p] ,,, brctx'),
       wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, brctxty.1) &
       Σ ;;; Γ ,,, brctxty.1 brctxty.2 : tSort ps])
    0 (ind_ctors idecl) brs.
  intros isdecl Hc wfp bc Hp ptm wfbrs conv.
  destruct (WfArity_build_case_predicate_type wfΣ isdecl Hc (PCUICWfUniverses.typing_wf_universe _ Hp) wfp) as [wfty _].
  set wfcpc := wf_case_predicate_context isdecl Hc wfp. simpl in wfcpc. clearbody wfcpc.
  have clipars : closed_ctx (subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl)).
  { rewrite closedn_subst_instance_context.
    eapply (declared_inductive_closed_params isdecl). }
  have wfΓ : (wf_local Σ Γ).
  { now apply isType_wf_local in Hc. }
  have lenpars : #|pparams p| =
      context_assumptions (subst_instance (puinst p) (ind_params mdecl)).
  { len. rewrite (wf_predicate_length_pars wfp) //.
    apply (declared_minductive_ind_npars isdecl). }
  eapply forall_nth_error_All2i.
  now rewrite (Forall2_length wfbrs).
  intros n cdecl br nth nth'.
  red in wfbrs. eapply Forall2_All2 in wfbrs.
  eapply All2_nth_error in wfbrs; tea.
  eapply wf_case_branch_type; tea.
  split; eauto.