Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.utils.PCUICPretty

From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICAstUtils.

Pretty printing

Section lookups.
  Context (Σ : global_env).

  Definition lookup_ind_decl ind i :=
    match lookup_env Σ ind with
    | Some (InductiveDecl {| ind_bodies := l; ind_universes := uctx |}) ⇒
      match nth_error l i with
      | Some bodySome (l, uctx, body)
      | NoneNone
    | _None
End lookups.

Section fresh.
  Context (Σ : global_env_ext).

  Fixpoint decompose_lam (t : term) (n : nat) : (list aname) × (list term) × term :=
    match n with
    | 0 ⇒ ([], [], t)
    | S n
      match t with
      | tLambda na A Blet (nAs, B) := decompose_lam B n in
                          let (ns, As) := nAs in
                          (na :: ns, A :: As, B)
      | _([], [], t)

  Definition is_fresh (Γ : list ident) (id : ident) :=
    List.forallb (fun id'negb (eqb id id')) Γ.

  Fixpoint name_from_term (t : term) :=
    match t with
    | tRel _ | tVar _ | tEvar _ _ ⇒ "H"
    | tSort s ⇒ "X"
    | tProd na b t ⇒ "f"
    | tLambda na b t ⇒ "f"
    | tLetIn na b _ t'name_from_term t'
    | tApp f _name_from_term f
    | tConst c u ⇒ "x"
    | tInd (mkInd i k) u
      match lookup_ind_decl Σ i k with
      | Some (_, body)String.substring 0 1 (body.(ind_name))
      | None ⇒ "X"
    | _ ⇒ "U"

  Definition fresh_id_from Γ n id :=
    let fix aux i :=
      match i with
      | 0 ⇒ id
      | S i'
        let id' := id ^ string_of_nat (n - i) in
        if is_fresh Γ id' then id'
        else aux i'
    in aux n.

  Definition fresh_name (Γ : list ident) (na : name) (t : option term) : ident :=
    let id := match na with
              | nNamed idid
              | nAnon
                match t with
                | Some tname_from_term t
                | None ⇒ "_"
    if is_fresh Γ id then id
    else fresh_id_from Γ 10 id.

  Definition rename_decl (na : aname) (decl : context_decl) : context_decl :=
    {| decl_name := na;
        decl_type := decl_type decl;
        decl_body := decl_body decl |}.

  Definition fresh_names (Γ : list ident) (Γ' : context) : list ident :=
    let fix aux Γids Γ :=
        match Γ with
        | []Γids
        | decl :: Γaux (fresh_name Γids (binder_name (decl_name decl))
                                        (Some (decl_type decl)) :: Γids)
        end in
    aux Γ (MCList.rev Γ').
End fresh.

Module PrintTermTree.
  Section env.
    Context (Σ : global_env_ext).
    Import bytestring.Tree.
    Infix "^" := append.

    Section Aux.
      Context (print_term : list ident bool bool term t).

      Definition print_def {A} (f : A t) (g : A t) (def : def A) :=
        string_of_name (binder_name (dname def)) ^ " { struct " ^ string_of_nat (rarg def) ^ " }" ^
                    " : " ^ f (dtype def) ^ " := " ^ nl ^ g (dbody def).

      Definition print_defs Γ (defs : mfixpoint term) :=
        let ctx' := fix_context defs in
        print_list (print_def (print_term Γ true false) (print_term (fresh_names Σ Γ ctx') true false))
              (nl ^ " with ") defs.

      Definition pr_context_decl Γ (c : context_decl) : ident × t :=
        match c with
        | {| decl_name := na; decl_type := ty; decl_body := None |} ⇒
          let na' := (fresh_name Σ Γ na.(binder_name) (Some ty)) in
          (na', ("(" ^ na' ^ " : " ^ print_term Γ true false ty ^ ")")%bs)
        | {| decl_name := na; decl_type := ty; decl_body := Some b |} ⇒
          let na' := (fresh_name Σ Γ na.(binder_name) (Some ty)) in
          (na', ("(" ^ na' ^ " : " ^ print_term Γ true false ty ^ " := " ^
            print_term Γ true false b ^ ")")%bs)

      Fixpoint print_context_gen Γ Δ :=
        match Δ with
        | [](Γ, "" : t)
        | d :: decls
          let '(Γ, s) := print_context_gen Γ decls in
          let '(na, s') := pr_context_decl Γ d in
          match decls with
          | [](na :: Γ, s ^ s')
          | _(na :: Γ, s ^ " " ^ s')

      Fixpoint print_context_names Γ Δ :=
        match Δ with
        | [](Γ, "" : t)
        | d :: decls
          let '(Γ, s) := print_context_names Γ decls in
          let na := (fresh_name Σ Γ d.(decl_name).(binder_name) (Some d.(decl_type))) in
          match decls with
          | [](na :: Γ, (s ^ na))
          | _(na :: Γ, (s ^ " " ^ na))

    End Aux.

    Context (all : bool).

    Fixpoint print_term (Γ : list ident) (top : bool)(inapp : bool) (t : term) {struct t} : Tree.t :=
    match t with
    | tRel n
      match nth_error Γ n with
      | Some idid
      | None ⇒ "UnboundRel(" ^ string_of_nat n ^ ")"
    | tVar n ⇒ "Var(" ^ n ^ ")"
    | tEvar ev args ⇒ "Evar(" ^ string_of_nat ev ^ "[]" ^ ")"
    | tSort sstring_of_sort s
    | tProd na dom codom
      let na' := fresh_name Σ Γ na.(binder_name) (Some dom) in
      parens top
            ("∀ " ^ na' ^ " : " ^
                      print_term Γ true false dom ^ ", " ^ print_term (na':: Γ) true false codom)
    | tLambda na dom body
      let na' := fresh_name Σ Γ na.(binder_name) (Some dom) in
        parens top ("fun " ^ na' ^ " : " ^ print_term Γ true false dom
                  ^ " => " ^ print_term (na':: Γ) true false body)
    | tLetIn na def dom body
      let na' := fresh_name Σ Γ na.(binder_name) (Some dom) in
      parens top ("let" ^ na' ^ " : " ^ print_term Γ true false dom ^
                        " := " ^ print_term Γ true false def ^ " in " ^ nl ^
                        print_term (na' :: Γ) true false body)
    | tApp f l
      parens (top || inapp) (print_term Γ false true f ^ " " ^ print_term Γ false false l)
    | tConst c ustring_of_kername c ^ print_universe_instance u
    | tInd (mkInd i k) u
      match lookup_ind_decl Σ i k with
      | Some (_, oib)oib.(ind_name) ^ print_universe_instance u
      | None
        "UnboundInd(" ^ string_of_inductive (mkInd i k) ^ "," ^ string_of_universe_instance u ^ ")"
    | tConstruct (mkInd i k as ind) l u
      match lookup_ind_decl Σ i k with
      | Some (_, oib)
        match nth_error oib.(ind_ctors) l with
        | Some cdeclcdecl.(cstr_name) ^ print_universe_instance u
        | None
          "UnboundConstruct(" ^ string_of_inductive ind ^ "," ^ string_of_nat l ^ ","
                              ^ string_of_universe_instance u ^ ")"
      | None
        "UnboundConstruct(" ^ string_of_inductive ind ^ "," ^ string_of_nat l ^ ","
                            ^ string_of_universe_instance u ^ ")"
    | tCase {| ci_ind := mkInd mind i as ind; ci_npar := pars |} p t brs
      match lookup_ind_decl Σ mind i with
      | Some (_, oib)
        let Γret := p.(pcontext) in
        let Γret := fresh_names Σ Γ Γret in
        let ret_binders := firstn #|pcontext p| Γret in
        let (as_name, indices) := (hd "_" ret_binders, MCList.rev (tail ret_binders)) in
        let in_args := (repeat "_" #|pparams p| ++ indices)%list in
        let in_str := oib.(ind_name) ^ concat "" (map (fun a : String.t ⇒ " " ^ a) in_args) in

        let brs := map (fun br
            let (Γctx, pctx) :=
              if all then print_context_gen print_term Γ br.(bcontext)
              else print_context_names Γ br.(bcontext)
            pctx ^ " ⇒ " ^ print_term Γctx true false br.(bbody)) brs in
        let brs := combine brs oib.(ind_ctors) in
        parens top ("match " ^ print_term Γ true false t ^
                    " as " ^ as_name ^
                    " in " ^ in_str ^
                    " return " ^ print_term Γret true false (preturn p) ^
                    " with " ^ nl ^
                    print_list (fun '(b, cdecl)cdecl.(cstr_name) ^ " " ^ b)
                    (nl ^ " | ") brs ^ nl ^ "end" ^ nl)
    | None
      "Case(" ^ string_of_inductive ind ^ "," ^ string_of_nat i ^ "," ^ string_of_term t ^ ","
              ^ string_of_predicate string_of_term p ^ "," ^
              string_of_list (pretty_string_of_branch string_of_term) brs ^ ")"
    | tProj p c
      match lookup_projection Σ p with
      | Some (mdecl, idecl, cdecl, pdecl)
        print_term Γ false false c ^ ".(" ^ pdecl.(proj_name) ^ ")"
      | None
        "UnboundProj(" ^ string_of_inductive p.(proj_ind) ^ "," ^ string_of_nat p.(proj_npars) ^ "," ^ string_of_nat p.(proj_arg) ^ ","
                      ^ print_term Γ true false c ^ ")"

    | tFix l n
      parens top ("let fix " ^ print_defs print_term Γ l ^ nl ^
                            " in " ^ List.nth_default (string_of_nat n) (map (string_of_aname dname) l) n)
    | tCoFix l n
      parens top ("let cofix " ^ print_defs print_term Γ l ^ nl ^
                                " in " ^ List.nth_default (string_of_nat n) (map (string_of_aname dname) l) n)
  End env.

  Import bytestring.Tree.
  Infix "^" := append.

  Section env.
    Context (Σ : global_env_ext).
    Notation print_context := (print_context_gen Σ (print_term Σ true)).
    Notation pr_term Γ top := (print_term Σ true Γ top false).

    Definition print_one_cstr Γ (mib : mutual_inductive_body) (c : constructor_body) : t :=
      let '(Γargs, s) := print_context Γ c.(cstr_args) in
      c.(cstr_name) ^ " : " ^ s ^ "_" ^ print_list (pr_term Γargs true) " " c.(cstr_indices).

    Definition print_one_ind (short : bool) Γ (mib : mutual_inductive_body) (oib : one_inductive_body) : t :=
      let '(Γpars, spars) := print_context Γ mib.(ind_params) in
      let '(Γinds, sinds) := print_context Γpars oib.(ind_indices) in
      oib.(ind_name) ^ spars ^ " : " ^ sinds ^ " " ^ pr_term Γinds true (tSort oib.(ind_sort)) ^ ":=" ^ nl ^
      if short then "..."
      else print_list (print_one_cstr Γpars mib) nl oib.(ind_ctors).
  End env.

  Fixpoint print_env_aux (short : bool) (prefix : nat) (Σ : global_env) (acc : t) : t :=
    match prefix with
    | 0 ⇒ match Σ.(declarations) with []acc | _ ⇒ ("..." ^ nl ^ acc) end
    | S n
      let univs := Σ.(universes) in
      match Σ.(declarations) with
      | []acc
      | (kn, InductiveDecl mib) :: Σ
        let Σ' := ({| universes := univs; declarations := Σ |}, mib.(ind_universes)) in
        let names := fresh_names Σ' [] (arities_context mib.(ind_bodies)) in
        print_env_aux short n Σ'.1
          ("Inductive " ^
          print_list (print_one_ind Σ' short names mib) nl mib.(ind_bodies) ^ "." ^
          nl ^ acc)
      | (kn, ConstantDecl cb) :: Σ
        let Σ' := ({| universes := univs; declarations := Σ |}, cb.(cst_universes)) in
        print_env_aux short n Σ'.1
          ((match cb.(cst_body) with
            | Some _ ⇒ "Definition "
            | None ⇒ "Axiom "
          end) ^ string_of_kername kn ^ " : " ^ print_term Σ' true nil true false cb.(cst_type) ^
          match cb.(cst_body) with
          | Some b
            if short then ("..." ^ nl)
            else (" := " ^ nl ^ print_term Σ' true nil true false b ^ "." ^ nl)
          | None ⇒ "."
          end ^ acc)

  Definition print_env (short : bool) (prefix : nat) Σ :=
    print_env_aux short prefix Σ (Tree.string "").

  Definition print_program (short : bool) (prefix : nat) (p : program) : t :=
    print_env short prefix (fst p) ^ nl ^ print_term (empty_ext (fst p)) true nil true false (snd p).

End PrintTermTree.

Definition print_term Σ all Γ top inapp t :=
  Tree.to_string (PrintTermTree.print_term Σ all Γ top inapp t).

Definition print_context Σ Γ Δ : string :=
  Tree.to_string (PrintTermTree.print_context_gen Σ (PrintTermTree.print_term Σ true) Γ Δ).2.

Definition print_env (short : bool) (prefix : nat) Σ :=
  Tree.to_string (PrintTermTree.print_env short prefix Σ).

Definition print_program (short : bool) (prefix : nat) (p : program) : string :=
  Tree.to_string (PrintTermTree.print_program short prefix p).