Library MetaCoq.SafeChecker.PCUICErrors

From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils uGraph.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICAstUtils PCUICPretty.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.

Local Set Keyed Unification.
Set Equations Transparent.

Inductive ConversionError :=
| NotFoundConstants (c1 c2 : kername)

| NotFoundConstant (c : kername)

| LambdaNotConvertibleTypes
    (Γ1 : context) (na : aname) (A1 t1 : term)
    (Γ2 : context) (na' : aname) (A2 t2 : term)
    (e : ConversionError)

| LambdaNotConvertibleAnn
    (Γ1 : context) (na : aname) (A1 t1 : term)
    (Γ2 : context) (na' : aname) (A2 t2 : term)

| ProdNotConvertibleDomains
    (Γ1 : context) (na : aname) (A1 B1 : term)
    (Γ2 : context) (na' : aname) (A2 B2 : term)
    (e : ConversionError)

| ProdNotConvertibleAnn
    (Γ1 : context) (na : aname) (A1 B1 : term)
    (Γ2 : context) (na' : aname) (A2 B2 : term)

| ContextNotConvertibleAnn
    (Γ : context) (decl : context_decl)
    (Γ' : context) (decl' : context_decl)
| ContextNotConvertibleType
    (Γ : context) (decl : context_decl)
    (Γ' : context) (decl' : context_decl)
| ContextNotConvertibleBody
    (Γ : context) (decl : context_decl)
    (Γ' : context) (decl' : context_decl)
| ContextNotConvertibleLength

| CaseOnDifferentInd
    (Γ1 : context)
    (ci : case_info) (p : predicate term) (c : term) (brs : list (branch term))
    (Γ2 : context)
    (ci' : case_info) (p' : predicate term) (c' : term) (brs' : list (branch term))

| CasePredParamsUnequalLength
    (Γ1 : context)
    (ci : case_info) (p : predicate term) (c : term) (brs : list (branch term))
    (Γ2 : context)
    (ci' : case_info) (p' : predicate term) (c' : term) (brs' : list (branch term))

| CasePredUnequalUniverseInstances
    (Γ1 : context)
    (ci : case_info) (p : predicate term) (c : term) (brs : list (branch term))
    (Γ2 : context)
    (ci' : case_info) (p' : predicate term) (c' : term) (brs' : list (branch term))

| DistinctStuckProj
    (Γ : context) (p : projection) (c : term)
    (Γ' : context) (p' : projection) (c' : term)

| CannotUnfoldFix
    (Γ : context) (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat)
    (Γ' : context) (mfix' : mfixpoint term) (idx' : nat)

| FixRargMismatch (idx : nat)
    (Γ : context) (u : def term) (mfix1 mfix2 : mfixpoint term)
    (Γ' : context) (v : def term) (mfix1' mfix2' : mfixpoint term)

| FixMfixMismatch (idx : nat)
    (Γ : context) (mfix : mfixpoint term)
    (Γ' : context) (mfix' : mfixpoint term)

| DistinctCoFix
    (Γ : context) (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat)
    (Γ' : context) (mfix' : mfixpoint term) (idx' : nat)

| CoFixRargMismatch (idx : nat)
    (Γ : context) (u : def term) (mfix1 mfix2 : mfixpoint term)
    (Γ' : context) (v : def term) (mfix1' mfix2' : mfixpoint term)

| CoFixMfixMismatch (idx : nat)
    (Γ : context) (mfix : mfixpoint term)
    (Γ' : context) (mfix' : mfixpoint term)

| StackHeadError
    (leq : conv_pb)
    (Γ1 : context)
    (t1 : term) (args1 : list term) (u1 : term) (l1 : list term)
    (Γ2 : context)
    (t2 : term) (u2 : term) (l2 : list term)
    (e : ConversionError)

| StackTailError (leq : conv_pb)
    (Γ1 : context)
    (t1 : term) (args1 : list term) (u1 : term) (l1 : list term)
    (Γ2 : context)
    (t2 : term) (u2 : term) (l2 : list term)
    (e : ConversionError)

| StackMismatch
    (Γ1 : context) (t1 : term) (args1 l1 : list term)
    (Γ2 : context) (t2 : term) (l2 : list term)

| HeadMismatch
    (leq : conv_pb)
    (Γ1 : context) (t1 : term)
    (Γ2 : context) (t2 : term).

Inductive type_error :=
| UnboundRel (n : nat)
| UnboundVar (id : string)
| UnboundEvar (ev : nat)
| UndeclaredConstant (c : kername)
| UndeclaredInductive (c : inductive)
| UndeclaredConstructor (c : inductive) (i : nat)
| NotCumulSmaller {abstract_structure} (le : bool)
  (G : abstract_structure) (Γ : context) (t u t' u' : term) (e : ConversionError)
| NotConvertible {abstract_structure}
  (G : abstract_structure)
  (Γ : context) (t u : term)
| NotASort (t : term)
| NotAProduct (t t' : term)
| NotAnInductive (t : term)
| NotAnArity (t : term)
| IllFormedFix (m : mfixpoint term) (i : nat)
| UnsatisfiedConstraints (c : ConstraintSet.t)
| Msg (s : string).
Derive NoConfusion for type_error.

Definition print_level := string_of_level.

Definition string_of_Z z :=
  if (z <=? 0)%Z then "-" ^ string_of_nat (Z.to_nat (- z)) else string_of_nat (Z.to_nat z).

Definition print_edge '(l1, n, l2)
  := "(" ^ print_level l1 ^ ", " ^ string_of_Z n ^ ", "
         ^ print_level l2 ^ ")".

Definition print_universes_graph (G : universes_graph) :=
  let levels := LevelSet.elements G.1.1 in
  let edges := wGraph.EdgeSet.elements G.1.2 in
  string_of_list print_level levels
  ^ nl ^ string_of_list print_edge edges.

Definition string_of_conv_pb (c : conv_pb) : string :=
  match c with
  | Conv ⇒ "conversion"
  | Cumul ⇒ "cumulativity"

Definition print_term Σ Γ t :=
  let ids := fresh_names Σ [] Γ in
  print_term Σ true ids true false t.

Definition print_context_decl Σ Γ (decl : context_decl) : string :=
  fresh_name Σ [] (binder_name (decl_name decl)) (Some (decl_type decl))
  ^ " : "
  ^ print_term Σ Γ (decl_type decl)
  ^ match decl_body decl with
    | Some body ⇒ " := " ^ print_term Σ Γ body
    | None ⇒ ""

Fixpoint string_of_conv_error Σ (e : ConversionError) : string :=
  match e with
  | NotFoundConstants c1 c2
      "Both constants " ^ string_of_kername c1 ^ " and " ^ string_of_kername c2 ^
      " are not found in the environment."
  | NotFoundConstant c
      "Constant " ^ string_of_kername c ^
      " common in both terms is not found in the environment."
  | LambdaNotConvertibleAnn Γ1 na A1 t1 Γ2 na' A2 t2
      "When comparing" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ1 (tLambda na A1 t1) ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ2 (tLambda na' A2 t2) ^
      nl ^ "binding annotations are not convertible" ^ nl
  | LambdaNotConvertibleTypes Γ1 na A1 t1 Γ2 na' A2 t2 e
      "When comparing" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ1 (tLambda na A1 t1) ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ2 (tLambda na' A2 t2) ^
      nl ^ "types are not convertible:" ^ nl ^
      string_of_conv_error Σ e
  | ProdNotConvertibleAnn Γ1 na A1 B1 Γ2 na' A2 B2
      "When comparing" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ1 (tProd na A1 B1) ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ2 (tProd na' A2 B2) ^
      nl ^ "binding annotations are not convertible:" ^ nl
  | ProdNotConvertibleDomains Γ1 na A1 B1 Γ2 na' A2 B2 e
      "When comparing" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ1 (tProd na A1 B1) ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ2 (tProd na' A2 B2) ^
      nl ^ "domains are not convertible:" ^ nl ^
      string_of_conv_error Σ e
  | CaseOnDifferentInd Γ ci p c brs Γ' ci' p' c' brs'
      "The two stuck pattern-matches" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ (tCase ci p c brs) ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ' (tCase ci' p' c' brs') ^
      nl ^ "are done on distinct inductive types."
  | CasePredParamsUnequalLength Γ ci p c brs Γ' ci' p' c' brs'
      "The predicates of the two stuck pattern-matches" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ (tCase ci p c brs) ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ' (tCase ci' p' c' brs') ^
      nl ^ "have an unequal number of parameters."
  | CasePredUnequalUniverseInstances Γ ci p c brs Γ' ci' p' c' brs'
      "The predicates of the two stuck pattern-matches" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ (tCase ci p c brs) ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ' (tCase ci' p' c' brs') ^
      nl ^ "have unequal universe instances."
  | ContextNotConvertibleAnn Γ decl Γ' decl'
      "When comparing the declarations" ^ nl ^
      print_context_decl Σ Γ decl ^ nl ^
      "and" ^ nl ^
      print_context_decl Σ Γ' decl' ^ nl ^
      "the binder annotations are not equal"
  | ContextNotConvertibleType Γ decl Γ' decl'
      "When comparing the declarations" ^ nl ^
      print_context_decl Σ Γ decl ^ nl ^
      "and" ^ nl ^
      print_context_decl Σ Γ' decl' ^ nl ^
      "the types are not convertible"
  | ContextNotConvertibleBody Γ decl Γ' decl'
      "When comparing the declarations" ^ nl ^
      print_context_decl Σ Γ decl ^ nl ^
      "and" ^ nl ^
      print_context_decl Σ Γ' decl' ^ nl ^
      "the bodies are not convertible"
  | ContextNotConvertibleLength ⇒ "The contexts have unequal length"

  | DistinctStuckProj Γ p c Γ' p' c'
      "The two stuck projections" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ (tProj p c) ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ' (tProj p' c') ^
      nl ^ "are syntactically different."
  | CannotUnfoldFix Γ mfix idx Γ' mfix' idx'
      "The two fixed-points" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ (tFix mfix idx) ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ' (tFix mfix' idx') ^
      nl ^ "correspond to syntactically distinct terms that can't be unfolded."
  | FixRargMismatch idx Γ u mfix1 mfix2 Γ' v mfix1' mfix2'
      "The two fixed-points" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ (tFix (mfix1 ++ u :: mfix2) idx) ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ' (tFix (mfix1' ++ v :: mfix2') idx) ^
      nl ^ "have a mismatch in the function number " ^ string_of_nat #|mfix1| ^
      ": arguments " ^ string_of_nat u.(rarg) ^
      " and " ^ string_of_nat v.(rarg) ^ "are different."
  | FixMfixMismatch idx Γ mfix Γ' mfix'
      "The two fixed-points" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ (tFix mfix idx) ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ' (tFix mfix' idx) ^
      nl ^ "have a different number of mutually defined functions."
  | DistinctCoFix Γ mfix idx Γ' mfix' idx'
      "The two cofixed-points" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ (tCoFix mfix idx) ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ' (tCoFix mfix' idx') ^
      nl ^ "correspond to syntactically distinct terms."
  | CoFixRargMismatch idx Γ u mfix1 mfix2 Γ' v mfix1' mfix2'
      "The two co-fixed-points" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ (tCoFix (mfix1 ++ u :: mfix2) idx) ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ' (tCoFix (mfix1' ++ v :: mfix2') idx) ^
      nl ^ "have a mismatch in the function number " ^ string_of_nat #|mfix1| ^
      ": arguments " ^ string_of_nat u.(rarg) ^
      " and " ^ string_of_nat v.(rarg) ^ "are different."
  | CoFixMfixMismatch idx Γ mfix Γ' mfix'
      "The two co-fixed-points" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ (tCoFix mfix idx) ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ' (tCoFix mfix' idx) ^
      nl ^ "have a different number of mutually defined functions."
  | StackHeadError leq Γ1 t1 args1 u1 l1 Γ2 t2 u2 l2 e
      "TODO stackheaderror" ^ nl ^
      string_of_conv_error Σ e
  | StackTailError leq Γ1 t1 args1 u1 l1 Γ2 t2 u2 l2 e
      "TODO stacktailerror" ^ nl ^
      string_of_conv_error Σ e
  | StackMismatch Γ1 t1 args1 l1 Γ2 t2 l2
      "Convertible terms" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ1 t1 ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ2 t2 ^
      "are convertible/convertible (TODO) but applied to a different number" ^
      " of arguments."
  | HeadMismatch leq Γ1 t1 Γ2 t2
      "Terms" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ1 t1 ^
      nl ^ "and" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ2 t2 ^
      nl ^ "do not have the same head when comparing for " ^
      string_of_conv_pb leq

Definition string_of_type_error Σ (e : type_error) : string :=
  match e with
  | UnboundRel n ⇒ "Unbound rel " ^ string_of_nat n
  | UnboundVar id ⇒ "Unbound var " ^ id
  | UnboundEvar ev ⇒ "Unbound evar " ^ string_of_nat ev
  | UndeclaredConstant c ⇒ "Undeclared constant " ^ string_of_kername c
  | UndeclaredInductive c ⇒ "Undeclared inductive " ^ string_of_kername (inductive_mind c)
  | UndeclaredConstructor c i ⇒ "Undeclared inductive " ^ string_of_kername (inductive_mind c)
  | NotCumulSmaller _ le G Γ t u t' u' e ⇒ "Types are not " ^
      (if le then "<= for cumulativity:" ^ nl
       else "convertible:" ^ nl) ^
      print_term Σ Γ t ^ nl ^ "and:" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ u ^
      nl ^ "after reduction:" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ t' ^ nl ^ "and:" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ u' ^
      nl ^ "error:" ^ nl ^ string_of_conv_error Σ e ^
      " and context: " ^ nl ^ print_context Σ [] Γ
  | NotConvertible _ G Γ t u ⇒ "Terms are not convertible:" ^ nl ^
      print_term Σ Γ t ^ nl ^ "and:" ^ nl ^ print_term Σ Γ u ^
      " and context: " ^ nl ^ print_context Σ [] Γ
  | NotASort t ⇒ "Not a sort: " ^ print_term Σ [] t
  | NotAProduct t t' ⇒ "Not a product" ^ print_term Σ [] t ^ nl ^
    "(after reducing to " ^ print_term Σ [] t'
  | NotAnArity tprint_term Σ [] t ^ " is not an arity"
  | NotAnInductive t ⇒ "Not an inductive: " ^ print_term Σ [] t
  | IllFormedFix m i ⇒ "Ill-formed recursive definition"
  | UnsatisfiedConstraints c ⇒ "Unsatisfied constraints"
  | Msg s ⇒ "Msg: " ^ s

Inductive typing_result (A : Type) :=
| Checked (a : A)
| TypeError (t : type_error).
Global Arguments Checked {A} a.
Global Arguments TypeError {A} t.
Inductive typing_result_comp (A : Type) :=
| Checked_comp (a : A)
| TypeError_comp (t : type_error) (a : A False).
Global Arguments Checked_comp {A} a.
Global Arguments TypeError_comp {A} t a.

Coercion typing_error_forget {A : Type} (t : typing_result_comp A) :
  typing_result A :=
  match t with
    | Checked_comp aChecked a
    | TypeError_comp e aTypeError e

 Instance typing_monad : Monad typing_result :=
  {| ret A a := Checked a ;
     bind A B m f :=
       match m with
       | Checked af a
       | TypeError tTypeError t

Instance monad_exc : MonadExc type_error typing_result :=
  { raise A e := TypeError e;
    catch A m f :=
      match m with
      | Checked am
      | TypeError tf t

Inductive env_error :=
| IllFormedDecl (e : string) (e : type_error)
| AlreadyDeclared (id : string).

Section EnvCheck.

  Context (abstract_structure : Type).

Inductive EnvCheck (A : Type) :=
| CorrectDecl (a : A)
| EnvError (Σ : abstract_structure) (e : env_error).
Global Arguments EnvError {A} Σ e.
Global Arguments CorrectDecl {A} a.

Global Instance envcheck_monad : Monad EnvCheck :=
  {| ret A a := CorrectDecl a ;
      bind A B m f :=
        match m with
        | CorrectDecl af a
        | EnvError g eEnvError g e

Global Instance envcheck_monad_exc
  : MonadExc (abstract_structure × env_error) EnvCheck :=
  { raise A '(g, e) := EnvError g e;
    catch A m f :=
      match m with
      | CorrectDecl am
      | EnvError g tf (g, t)

Definition wrap_error {A} Σ (id : string) (check : typing_result A) : EnvCheck A :=
  match check with
  | Checked aCorrectDecl a
  | TypeError eEnvError Σ (IllFormedDecl id e)

Lemma monad_map_All2 (X Y : Type) (f : X typing_result Y) (l1 : list X) (a1 : list Y) :
  monad_map f l1 = ret a1 All2 (fun a bf a = ret b) l1 a1.
Proof using Type.
  induction l1 in a1 |- *; cbn; intros.
  - inv H. econstructor.
  - revert H.
    case_eq (f a). all: try discriminate. intros b eb.
    case_eq (monad_map f l1). all: try discriminate. intros l' el.
    simpl. intro h. inv h.
    econstructor ; eauto.

Lemma monad_map_Forall2 (X Y : Type) (f : X typing_result Y) (l1 : list X) (a1 : list Y) :
  monad_map f l1 = Checked a1 Forall2 (fun a bf a = Checked b) l1 a1.
Proof using Type.
  intros. now eapply All2_Forall2, monad_map_All2.

Lemma monad_map_length X Y (f : X typing_result Y) (l1 : list X) a :
  monad_map f l1 = Checked a #|l1| = #|a|.
Proof using Type.
  revert a; induction l1; cbn; intros.
  - invs H. cbn. congruence.
  - revert H.
    case_eq (f a). all: try discriminate. intros x' ex.
    case_eq (monad_map f l1). all: try discriminate. intros l' el.
    simpl. intro h. inv h.
    simpl. f_equal. eauto.

Lemma monad_map_app X Y (f : X typing_result Y) (l1 l2 : list X) a1 a2 :
  monad_map f l1 = Checked a1 monad_map f l2 = Checked a2 monad_map f (l1 ++ l2) = Checked (a1 ++ a2).
Proof using Type.
  revert a1. induction l1; intros.
  - cbn in ×. invs H. eauto.
  - cbn in ×.
    revert H.
    case_eq (f a). all: try discriminate. intros b eb.
    case_eq (monad_map f l1). all: try discriminate. intros l' el.
    simpl. intro h. inv h.
    rewrite (IHl1 _ el H0). simpl. reflexivity.

Lemma monad_map_app_invs X Y (f : X typing_result Y) (l1 l2 : list X) a :
  monad_map f (l1 ++ l2) = Checked a a1 a2, monad_map f l1 = Checked a1
  monad_map f l2 = Checked a2 (a = a1 ++ a2).
Proof using Type.
  intros. revert a H. induction l1; intros.
  - cbn in ×. eauto.
  - cbn in ×.
    revert H.
    case_eq (f a). all: try discriminate. intros b eb.
    case_eq (monad_map f (l1 ++ l2)). all: try discriminate. intros l' el.
    simpl. intro h. inv h.
    destruct (IHl1 _ el) as (? & ? & ? & ? & ->).
    eexists _,_. rewriteH, H0. intuition eauto.

End EnvCheck.