Library MetaCoq.Erasure.ErasureCorrectness
From Coq Require Import Program.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils.
From MetaCoq.Erasure Require Import ELiftSubst EGlobalEnv EWcbvEval Extract Prelim
ESubstitution EArities EDeps ErasureProperties.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICTyping PCUICGlobalEnv PCUICAst
PCUICAstUtils PCUICConversion PCUICSigmaCalculus
PCUICClosed PCUICClosedTyp
PCUICWeakeningEnvConv PCUICWeakeningEnvTyp
PCUICWeakeningConv PCUICWeakeningTyp PCUICSubstitution PCUICArities
PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv PCUICUnivSubstitutionTyp
PCUICElimination PCUICCanonicity
PCUICCumulativity PCUICSafeLemmata
PCUICArities PCUICInductiveInversion
PCUICContextConversion PCUICContextConversionTyp
PCUICOnFreeVars PCUICWellScopedCumulativity PCUICValidity
PCUICContexts PCUICEquality PCUICSpine
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICTactics.
Require Import Equations.Prop.DepElim.
Require Import ssreflect.
Local Set Keyed Unification.
Local Existing Instance config.extraction_checker_flags.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils.
From MetaCoq.Erasure Require Import ELiftSubst EGlobalEnv EWcbvEval Extract Prelim
ESubstitution EArities EDeps ErasureProperties.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICTyping PCUICGlobalEnv PCUICAst
PCUICAstUtils PCUICConversion PCUICSigmaCalculus
PCUICClosed PCUICClosedTyp
PCUICWeakeningEnvConv PCUICWeakeningEnvTyp
PCUICWeakeningConv PCUICWeakeningTyp PCUICSubstitution PCUICArities
PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv PCUICUnivSubstitutionTyp
PCUICElimination PCUICCanonicity
PCUICCumulativity PCUICSafeLemmata
PCUICArities PCUICInductiveInversion
PCUICContextConversion PCUICContextConversionTyp
PCUICOnFreeVars PCUICWellScopedCumulativity PCUICValidity
PCUICContexts PCUICEquality PCUICSpine
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICTactics.
Require Import Equations.Prop.DepElim.
Require Import ssreflect.
Local Set Keyed Unification.
Local Existing Instance config.extraction_checker_flags.
Notation "Σ |-p s ▷ t" := (eval Σ s t) (at level 50, s, t at next level) : type_scope.
Notation "Σ ⊢ s ▷ t" := (EWcbvEval.eval Σ s t) (at level 50, s, t at next level) : type_scope.
#[export] Hint Constructors PCUICWcbvEval.eval erases : core.
Import ssrbool.
Lemma erases_correct (wfl := default_wcbv_flags) Σ t T t' v Σ' :
wf_ext Σ →
Σ;;; [] |- t : T →
Σ;;; [] |- t ⇝ℇ t' →
erases_deps Σ Σ' t' →
Σ |-p t ▷ v →
∃ v', Σ;;; [] |- v ⇝ℇ v' ∧ ∥ Σ' ⊢ t' ▷ v' ∥.
intros wfΣ Hty He Hed H.
revert T Hty t' He Hed.
induction H; intros T Hty t' He Hed.
- assert (Hty' := Hty).
assert (eval Σ (PCUICAst.tApp f a) res) by eauto.
eapply inversion_App in Hty as (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?).
invs He.
+ depelim Hed.
eapply IHeval1 in H4 as (vf' & Hvf' & [He_vf']); eauto.
eapply IHeval2 in H6 as (vu' & Hvu' & [He_vu']); eauto.
pose proof (subject_reduction_eval t0 H).
eapply inversion_Lambda in X0 as (? & ? & ? & ? & e0).
assert (Σ ;;; [] |- a' : t). {
eapply subject_reduction_eval; eauto.
eapply PCUICConversion.ws_cumul_pb_Prod_Prod_inv in e0 as [? e1 e2].
eapply type_Cumul_alt. eassumption. now ∃ x2.
symmetry in e1.
eapply ws_cumul_pb_forget in e1.
now eapply conv_cumul. }
assert (eqs := type_closed_subst b wfΣ X0).
invs Hvf'.
× assert (Σ;;; [] |- PCUICAst.subst1 a' 0 b ⇝ℇ ELiftSubst.subst1 vu' 0 t').
eapply (erases_subst Σ [] [vass na t] [] b [a'] t'); eauto.
econstructor. econstructor. rewrite PCUICLiftSubst.subst_empty. eassumption.
rewrite eqs in H2.
eapply IHeval3 in H2 as (v' & Hv' & [He_v']).
-- ∃ v'. split; eauto.
econstructor; eauto.
rewrite ECSubst.closed_subst; auto.
eapply erases_closed in Hvu'; auto; fvs.
-- rewrite <-eqs. eapply substitution0; eauto.
-- eapply erases_deps_subst1; [now eauto|].
eapply erases_deps_eval in He_vf'; [|now eauto].
depelim He_vf'.
× ∃ EAst.tBox. split.
eapply Is_type_lambda in X1; eauto. destruct X1. econstructor.
eapply (is_type_subst Σ [] [vass na _] [] _ [a']) in X1 ; auto.
cbn in X1.
eapply Is_type_eval; try assumption.
eauto. eapply H1. rewrite <-eqs. eassumption.
all: eauto. econstructor. econstructor. rewrite PCUICLiftSubst.subst_empty.
eauto. constructor. econstructor. eauto. eauto.
× auto.
+ ∃ EAst.tBox. split. 2:constructor; econstructor; eauto.
eapply Is_type_eval; eauto.
+ auto.
- assert (Hty' := Hty).
assert (Σ |-p tLetIn na b0 t b1 ▷ res) by eauto.
eapply inversion_LetIn in Hty' as (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?); auto.
invs He.
+ depelim Hed.
eapply IHeval1 in H6 as (vt1' & Hvt2' & [He_vt1']); eauto.
assert (Hc : conv_context cumulAlgo_gen Σ ([],, vdef na b0 t) [vdef na b0' t]). {
econstructor. econstructor. econstructor. reflexivity.
eapply PCUICCumulativity.red_conv.
now eapply wcbeval_red; eauto.
assert (Σ;;; [vdef na b0' t] |- b1 : x0). {
cbn in ×. eapply context_conversion. 3:eauto. all:cbn; eauto.
econstructor. all: hnf; eauto. eapply subject_reduction_eval; auto. eauto. eauto.
assert (Σ;;; [] |- subst1 b0' 0 b1 ⇝ℇ ELiftSubst.subst1 vt1' 0 t2'). {
eapply (erases_subst Σ [] [vdef na b0' t] [] b1 [b0'] t2'); eauto.
enough (subslet Σ [] [subst [] 0 b0'] [vdef na b0' t]).
now rewrite PCUICLiftSubst.subst_empty in X1.
econstructor. econstructor.
rewrite !PCUICLiftSubst.subst_empty.
eapply subject_reduction_eval; eauto.
eapply erases_context_conversion. 3:eassumption.
all: cbn; eauto.
econstructor. all: hnf; eauto.
eapply subject_reduction_eval; eauto.
pose proof (subject_reduction_eval t1 H).
assert (eqs := type_closed_subst b1 _ X1).
rewrite eqs in H1.
eapply IHeval2 in H1 as (vres & Hvres & [Hty_vres]); [| |now eauto].
2:{ rewrite <-eqs. eapply substitution_let; eauto. }
∃ vres. split. eauto. constructor; econstructor; eauto.
enough (ECSubst.csubst vt1' 0 t2' = ELiftSubst.subst10 vt1' t2') as ->; auto.
eapply ECSubst.closed_subst. eapply erases_closed in Hvt2'; auto.
eapply eval_closed. eauto. 2:eauto. now eapply subject_closed in t1.
+ ∃ EAst.tBox. split. 2:constructor; econstructor; eauto.
econstructor. eapply Is_type_eval; eauto.
- assert (Σ |-p tConst c u ▷ res) by eauto.
eapply inversion_Const in Hty as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?); [|easy].
invs He.
+ depelim Hed.
assert (isdecl' := isdecl).
eapply declared_constant_inj in H0; [|now eauto]; subst.
unfold erases_constant_body in ×. rewrite → e in ×.
destruct ?; try tauto. cbn in ×.
eapply declared_constant_inj in d; [|now eauto]; subst.
edestruct IHeval as (? & ? & [?]).
× cbn in ×.
assert (isdecl'' := isdecl').
eapply declared_constant_inv in isdecl'; [| |now eauto|now apply wfΣ].
2:eapply weaken_env_prop_typing.
unfold on_constant_decl in isdecl'. rewrite e in isdecl'. red in isdecl'.
unfold declared_constant in isdecl''.
now eapply @typing_subst_instance_decl with (Σ := Σ) (Γ := []); eauto.
× assert (isdecl'' := isdecl').
eapply declared_constant_inv in isdecl'; [| |now eauto|now apply wfΣ].
unfold on_constant_decl in isdecl'. rewrite e in isdecl'. cbn in ×.
2:eapply weaken_env_prop_typing.
now eapply erases_subst_instance_decl with (Σ := Σ) (Γ := []); eauto.
× now eauto.
× ∃ x0. split; eauto. constructor; econstructor; eauto.
+ ∃ EAst.tBox. split. econstructor.
eapply Is_type_eval. 3: eassumption. eauto. eauto. eauto. constructor. econstructor. eauto.
- assert (Hty' := Hty).
assert (Σ |-p tCase ci p discr brs ▷ res) by eauto.
eapply inversion_Case in Hty' as (mdecl' & idecl' & di & indices & [] & c0); auto.
rename ci into ind.
pose proof d as d'. eapply declared_constructor_inductive in d'.
edestruct (declared_inductive_inj d' di); subst. clear d'.
assert (Σ ;;; [] |- mkApps (tConstruct ind c u) args : mkApps (tInd ind (puinst p)) (pparams p ++ indices)).
eapply subject_reduction_eval; eauto.
assert (Hcstr := X0).
eapply Construct_Ind_ind_eq in X0; tea. 2:pcuic.
destruct X0 as (((([_ Ru] & cu) & cpu) & ?) & (parsubst & argsubst & parsubst' & argsubst' & [])).
invs He.
+ depelim Hed.
rename H1 into decli. rename H2 into decli'.
rename H3 into em. rename Hed into er.
edestruct (IHeval1 _ scrut_ty) as (v' & Hv' & [He_v']); eauto.
pose proof e as Hnth.
assert (lenppars : ind_npars mdecl = #|pparams p|).
{ now rewrite (wf_predicate_length_pars wf_pred). }
destruct (declared_inductive_inj d decli); subst mdecl0 idecl0.
eapply erases_mkApps_inv in Hv' as [(? & ? & ? & ? & [] & ? & ? & ?) | (? & ? & ? & ? & ?)]; eauto.
× subst.
eapply Is_type_app in X1; auto. destruct X1.
2:{ rewrite -mkApps_app; tea. }
rewrite -mkApps_app in X1.
eapply tConstruct_no_Type in X1; auto.
eapply H6 in X1 as []; eauto. 2: split; auto; ∃ []; now destruct Σ.
destruct (ind_ctors idecl) eqn:hctors.
{ cbn in ×. depelim brs_ty. rewrite nth_error_nil // in Hnth. }
depelim brs_ty. cbn in H1.
destruct l; cbn in *; try lia.
depelim brs_ty. depelim X0. depelim X0.
destruct p1.
destruct c; cbn in ×. noconf Hnth. 2:{ rewrite nth_error_nil // in Hnth. }
destruct p0 as (? & ? & ? & ?).
assert (c1 = cdecl).
{ destruct d. rewrite hctors /= in H10. now noconf H10. }
depelim H5.
subst c1.
destruct y0 as [n br']; cbn in ×.
rename y into br.
edestruct IHeval2 as (? & ? & [?]).
eapply subject_reduction. eauto. exact Hty.
eapply PCUICReduction.red_case_c. eapply wcbeval_red; eauto.
econstructor. econstructor.
all:unfold iota_red in ×. all:cbn in ×.
{ rewrite e3 e1. now f_equal. }
assert (expand_lets (inst_case_branch_context p br) (br.(PCUICAst.bbody)) = br.(PCUICAst.bbody)) as →. {
unshelve edestruct @on_declared_constructor as (? & ? & ? & []). 8: exact d. all: eauto.
pattern br.
eapply All_nth_error.
eapply (expand_lets_erasure (p:=p) d wf_brs); eauto.
rewrite hctors; constructor.
solve_all. constructor.
instantiate (1 := 0); cbn; eassumption.
invs H9.
eapply erases_subst0; eauto.
rewrite [case_branch_context_gen _ _ _ _ _ _]PCUICCasesContexts.inst_case_branch_context_eq; eauto.
1:{ unfold app_context. cbn. rewrite app_nil_r.
eapply (subslet_cstr_branch_context (u:=u)); tea.
- rewrite lenppars firstn_app_left // in s0. exact s0.
- eapply (declared_constructor_assumption_context d).
- destruct s3 as [Hs [_ []]].
rewrite {2}lenppars [firstn _ (pparams p ++ _)]firstn_app_left // in a1.
- red in wf_brs. rewrite hctors in wf_brs. now depelim wf_brs.
- rewrite -eq_npars. exact s1. }
eapply All2_rev.
rewrite -eq_npars.
eapply All_All2_flex; tea.
2:{ instantiate (1 := repeat EAst.tBox #|skipn (ind_npars mdecl) (x ++ x0)|).
now rewrite repeat_length. }
intros ? ? ? % repeat_spec. subst.
now eapply isErasable_Proof. }
∃ x2. split; eauto. constructor. eapply eval_iota_sing ⇒ //.
pose proof (Ee.eval_to_value _ _ He_v').
eapply value_app_inv in X0. subst. eassumption.
depelim H2.
eapply isErasable_Propositional in X0; eauto.
rewrite -eq_npars.
eapply isPropositional_propositional; eauto.
invs e. cbn in ×.
rewrite map_length.
rewrite skipn_length e3 e2 in H11.
rewrite (@assumption_context_assumptions (bcontext br)) // ?rev_repeat in H11 ⇒ //.
{ eapply assumption_context_compare_decls. symmetry in a. exact a.
rewrite /cstr_branch_context. eapply assumption_context_expand_lets_ctx.
eapply assumption_context_subst_context.
apply (declared_constructor_assumption_context d). }
rewrite ECSubst.substl_subst //.
{ eapply forallb_repeat. econstructor. }
replace (ind_npars mdecl + #|bcontext br| - ind_npars mdecl)
with #|bcontext br| in H11 by lia. eauto.
depelim H4.
cbn in H1.
eapply erases_deps_subst. 2: eauto.
eapply All_rev. eapply Forall_All.
eapply All_Forall, All_repeat. econstructor.
× subst. unfold iota_red in ×.
destruct (All2_nth_error_Some _ _ X0 Hnth) as (? & ? & ? & ?).
destruct (All2i_nth_error_r _ _ _ _ _ _ brs_ty Hnth) as (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?).
cbn in ×. subst.
assert (declared_constructor Σ (ind, c) mdecl idecl x2).
{ split; tea. }
destruct (declared_constructor_inj d H1) as [_ [_ <-]]. clear H1.
edestruct IHeval2 as (? & ? & [?]).
eapply subject_reduction. eauto. exact Hty.
eapply PCUICReduction.red_case_c. eapply wcbeval_red. eauto.
eauto. eauto.
etransitivity. constructor. constructor.
{ rewrite e0 /cstr_arity e2 e1 //. }
unfold iota_red. reflexivity.
assert (expand_lets (inst_case_branch_context p br) (br.(PCUICAst.bbody)) = br.(PCUICAst.bbody)) as →. {
unshelve edestruct @on_declared_constructor as (? & ? & ? & []). 8: exact d. all: eauto.
pattern br.
eapply All_nth_error. 2: eauto.
eapply (expand_lets_erasure d wf_brs). solve_all.
eapply erases_subst0; eauto.
all: try rewrite case_branch_type_fst PCUICCasesContexts.inst_case_branch_context_eq; eauto.
rewrite app_context_nil_l.
erewrite <-PCUICCasesContexts.inst_case_branch_context_eq; eauto.
1:{ eapply (subslet_cstr_branch_context (u:=u)); tea.
- rewrite lenppars firstn_app_left // in s0. exact s0.
- eapply (declared_constructor_assumption_context d).
- destruct s3 as [Hs [_ []]].
rewrite {2}lenppars [firstn _ (pparams p ++ _)]firstn_app_left // in a1.
- red in wf_brs. eapply Forall2_All2 in wf_brs.
eapply All2_nth_error in wf_brs; tea.
- rewrite -eq_npars. exact s1. }
eapply All2_rev. eapply All2_skipn.
eapply Forall2_All2 in H3. eapply All2_impl. exact H3. intros. eauto.
eapply nth_error_forall in H5; [|now eauto].
eapply erases_deps_subst; eauto.
eapply All_rev.
eapply erases_deps_eval in He_v'; [|now eauto].
eapply erases_deps_mkApps_inv in He_v' as (? & ?).
now eapply All_skipn, Forall_All.
invs H2.
-- ∃ x2. split; eauto.
constructor. econstructor. eauto. eauto. 2:eauto.
4:{ unfold EGlobalEnv.iota_red.
rewrite ECSubst.substl_subst //.
rewrite forallb_rev forallb_skipn //.
assert (forallb (closedn 0) args).
{ move/eval_closed: H; tea.
move/(_ (subject_closed scrut_ty)).
now rewrite closedn_mkApps /=. }
solve_all. eapply (erases_closed _ []); tea. }
rewrite -eq_npars.
eapply isPropositional_propositional_cstr; eauto.
rewrite -(Forall2_length H3) /= e1 //.
rewrite skipn_length -(Forall2_length H3) -e6 /= map_length.
rewrite (All2_length a).
replace #|cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl|
with (context_assumptions (cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl)).
2:{ eapply assumption_context_assumptions.
eapply (assumption_context_cstr_branch_context d). }
rewrite e0 /cstr_arity e1 cstr_branch_context_assumptions; lia.
-- eapply Is_type_app in X1 as []; auto.
2:{ eapply subject_reduction_eval. 2:eassumption. eauto. }
assert (ispind : inductive_isprop_and_pars Σ' ind = Some (true, ind_npars mdecl)).
{ eapply isPropositional_propositional; eauto. eapply isErasable_Propositional; eauto. }
eapply tConstruct_no_Type in X1; auto.
eapply H6 in X1 as []; eauto. 2:reflexivity.
destruct (ind_ctors idecl) eqn:hctors. cbn in ×. destruct c; invs e7.
destruct l; cbn in *; try lia. destruct c as [ | []]; cbn in *; invs e7.
destruct brs'; invs e4.
destruct brs; invs Hnth.
destruct H9.
depelim brs_ty. depelim brs_ty.
depelim X0. depelim X0.
destruct p0 as (? & ? & ? & ?).
edestruct IHeval2 as (? & ? & [?]).
eapply subject_reduction. eauto. exact Hty.
eapply PCUICReduction.red_case_c. eapply wcbeval_red. eauto.
eauto. eauto.
etransitivity. constructor. constructor. cbn. reflexivity.
{ rewrite e0 /cstr_arity e2 e1 //. }
assert (expand_lets (inst_case_branch_context p br) (br.(PCUICAst.bbody)) = br.(PCUICAst.bbody)) as →. {
unshelve edestruct @on_declared_constructor as (? & ? & ? & []). 8: exact d. all: eauto.
pattern br.
eapply All_nth_error.
eapply expand_lets_erasure; eauto.
2: instantiate (1 := 0); cbn; eassumption.
rewrite hctors. constructor; auto. constructor. }
destruct p1.
eapply erases_subst0; eauto.
- rewrite case_branch_type_fst PCUICCasesContexts.inst_case_branch_context_eq; eauto.
- rewrite app_context_nil_l.
eapply subslet_cstr_branch_context. tea. exact cu. all:eauto.
now rewrite lenppars firstn_app_left // in s0.
eapply (declared_constructor_assumption_context d).
destruct s3 as [? [? [eqp _]]].
rewrite lenppars (firstn_app_left) // in eqp. congruence.
move: wf_brs. now rewrite /wf_branches hctors ⇒ h; depelim h.
rewrite -eq_npars. exact s1.
- eapply All2_rev. cbn.
rewrite -eq_npars.
eapply All_All2_flex.
exact X1.
intros ? ? → % repeat_spec.
intros. econstructor. eapply isErasable_Proof. eauto.
rewrite repeat_length. reflexivity.
depelim H5.
eapply erases_deps_subst; eauto.
eapply All_rev, All_repeat.
∃ x. split; eauto.
destruct x1 as [n br'].
eapply eval_iota_sing ⇒ //.
pose proof (Ee.eval_to_value _ _ He_v').
apply value_app_inv in X0; subst x0.
apply He_v'.
now rewrite -eq_npars.
cbn in ×.
rewrite ECSubst.substl_subst.
{ eapply forallb_repeat. econstructor. }
rewrite rev_repeat in H10.
enough (#|skipn (ind_npars mdecl) args| = #|n|) as <- by eauto.
edestruct invert_Case_Construct as (? & ? & ? & ?).
{ econstructor. eauto. }
{ eapply subject_reduction. eauto. exact Hty.
eapply PCUICReduction.red_case_c. eapply wcbeval_red; eauto. }
rewrite eq_npars. rewrite List.skipn_length e0 /cstr_arity -e1 e2.
replace (ci_npar ind + context_assumptions (bcontext br) - ci_npar ind)
with (context_assumptions (bcontext br)) by lia.
subst n. rewrite map_length.
rewrite assumption_context_assumptions //.
eapply assumption_context_compare_decls. symmetry; tea.
eapply (assumption_context_cstr_branch_context d).
+ ∃ EAst.tBox. split. econstructor.
eapply Is_type_eval; eauto. constructor. econstructor; eauto.
- pose (Hty' := Hty).
pose proof (proj2 (proj2 d)) as eqpars.
rename e0 into hnth. rename e into eargs.
eapply inversion_Proj in Hty' as (? & ? & ? & [] & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?); [|easy].
assert (Hpars : p.(proj_npars) = ind_npars x0).
{ destruct (declared_constructor_inj d0 d). now subst. }
invs He.
+ depelim Hed.
rename H1 into decli. rename H2 into decli'. rename H4 into er. rename H3 into em. rename H5 into H3.
eapply IHeval1 in H6 as (vc' & Hvc' & [Hty_vc']); eauto.
eapply erases_mkApps_inv in Hvc'; eauto.
destruct Hvc' as [ (? & ? & ? & ? & [] & ? & ? & ?) | (? & ? & ? & ? & ?)]; subst.
× ∃ EAst.tBox.
destruct (declared_inductive_inj decli d) as [<- <-].
assert (isprop : inductive_isprop_and_pars Σ' p.(proj_ind) = Some (true, ind_npars mdecl)).
{ eapply isPropositional_propositional. exact d. all:eauto. apply decli'.
eapply isErasable_Propositional; eauto. }
eapply Is_type_app in X as []; eauto. 2:{ rewrite -mkApps_app. eapply subject_reduction_eval; eauto. }
rewrite -mkApps_app in X.
eapply tConstruct_no_Type in X; eauto. eapply H3 in X as [? []]; eauto.
2:{ exact d. }
2: split; auto; now ∃ []; destruct Σ.
destruct d0 as (? & ? & ?).
eapply Is_type_eval; eauto.
eapply nth_error_all.
erewrite nth_error_skipn. eassumption.
eapply All_impl.
subst. rewrite -eqpars.
eapply isErasable_Proof. constructor. eauto.
eapply eval_proj_prop ⇒ //.
pose proof (Ee.eval_to_value _ _ Hty_vc').
eapply value_app_inv in X0. subst. eassumption.
now rewrite -eqpars.
× rename H3 into Hinf.
assert (lenx5 := Forall2_length H4).
eapply Forall2_nth_error_Some in H4 as (? & ? & ?); eauto.
assert (Σ ;;; [] |- mkApps (tConstruct p.(proj_ind) 0 u) args : mkApps (tInd p.(proj_ind) x) x3).
eapply subject_reduction_eval; eauto.
eapply inversion_mkApps in X as (? & ? & ?); eauto.
eapply Prelim.typing_spine_inv in t1 as []; eauto.
eapply IHeval2 in H3 as (? & ? & [?]); eauto.
destruct (declared_projection_inj decli d0) as [? [? []]].
subst x0 x1 cdecl0 x2.
destruct (declared_projection_inj d d0) as [? [? []]]; subst mdecl0 idecl0 pdecl0 cdecl.
invs H2.
-- ∃ x9. split; eauto. constructor.
eapply Ee.eval_proj; eauto. rewrite -eqpars.
eapply isPropositional_propositional_cstr; eauto.
apply d0. cbn. eapply decli'. cbn. rewrite -lenx5 //.
move: eargs. unfold PCUICWcbvEval.cstr_arity; cbn.
now rewrite -eqpars.
-- ∃ EAst.tBox.
assert (isprop : inductive_isprop_and_pars Σ' p.(proj_ind) = Some (true, ind_npars mdecl)).
{ eapply isPropositional_propositional; eauto. apply d. apply decli'.
eapply (isErasable_Propositional (args:=[])); eauto. }
eapply Is_type_app in X as []; eauto. 2:{ eapply subject_reduction_eval; [|eauto]; eauto. }
eapply tConstruct_no_Type in X. eapply Hinf in X as [? []]; eauto.
2: now eapply d. 2:reflexivity. 2:eauto.
eapply Is_type_eval; eauto.
eapply nth_error_all.
erewrite nth_error_skipn. eassumption. rewrite -eqpars.
eapply All_impl.
eapply isErasable_Proof.
constructor. eapply eval_proj_prop ⇒ //.
pose proof (Ee.eval_to_value _ _ Hty_vc').
eapply value_app_inv in X0. subst. eassumption.
now rewrite -eqpars.
-- eapply erases_deps_eval in Hty_vc'; [|now eauto].
eapply erases_deps_mkApps_inv in Hty_vc' as (? & ?).
now eapply nth_error_forall in H1; eauto.
+ ∃ EAst.tBox. split. econstructor.
eapply Is_type_eval. 3: eassumption. all:eauto. constructor. econstructor. eauto.
- assert (Hty' := Hty).
assert (Hunf := H).
assert (Hcon := H0).
eapply inversion_App in Hty' as (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & e0); eauto.
assert (Ht := t).
eapply subject_reduction in t. 2:auto. 2:eapply wcbeval_red; eauto.
assert (HT := t).
apply PCUICValidity.inversion_mkApps in HT as (? & ? & ?); auto.
assert (Ht1 := t1).
apply inversion_Fix in t1 as Hfix; auto.
destruct Hfix as (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & e1).
unfold cunfold_fix in e. rewrite e2 in e. invs e.
depelim He; first last.
+ ∃ EAst.tBox. split; [|now constructor; constructor].
eapply Is_type_eval. 3:eapply X. eauto.
eapply eval_fix; eauto.
rewrite /cunfold_fix e2 //. now rewrite H3.
+ depelim Hed.
eapply IHeval1 in He1 as (er_stuck_v & er_stuck & [ev_stuck]); eauto.
eapply IHeval2 in He2 as (er_argv & er_arg & [ev_arg]); eauto.
eapply erases_mkApps_inv in er_stuck; eauto.
destruct er_stuck as [(? & ? & ? & → & ? & ? & ? & ->)|
(? & ? & → & ? & ?)].
{ ∃ E.tBox.
eapply eval_to_mkApps_tBox_inv in ev_stuck as ?; subst.
cbn in ×.
split; [|constructor; eauto].
2:{ eapply (eval_box_apps _ _ [_]); eauto. }
destruct H2.
eapply (Is_type_app _ _ _ (x5 ++ [av])) in X as []; eauto; first last.
- rewrite -mkApps_app app_assoc mkApps_snoc.
eapply PCUICValidity.type_App'; eauto.
eapply subject_reduction; eauto.
eapply wcbeval_red; eauto.
- eapply erases_box.
eapply Is_type_eval; auto. 2:eauto.
rewrite mkApps_app /=.
eapply eval_fix.
rewrite -mkApps_app. eapply value_final.
eapply eval_to_value; eauto.
eapply value_final, eval_to_value; eauto.
rewrite /cunfold_fix e2 //. auto.
now rewrite H3. auto. }
invs H2.
× assert (Hmfix' := X).
eapply All2_nth_error_Some in X as (? & ? & ?); eauto.
pose proof (closed_fix_substl_subst_eq (subject_closed t1) e2) as cls.
destruct x3. cbn in ×. subst.
enough (Σ;;; [] ,,, subst_context (fix_subst mfix) 0 []
|- subst (fix_subst mfix) 0 dbody
⇝ℇ ELiftSubst.subst (EGlobalEnv.fix_subst mfix') 0 (Extract.E.dbody x4)).
destruct a2.
clear e3. rename H into e3.
-- cbn in e3. rename x5 into L.
eapply (erases_mkApps _ _ _ _ (argsv ++ [av])) in H2; first last.
{ eapply Forall2_app.
- exact H4.
- eauto. }
rewrite mkApps_app in H2.
rewrite EAstUtils.mkApps_app in H2.
cbn in ×. simpl in H2.
rewrite cls in H2.
eapply IHeval3 in H2 as (? & ? & [?]); cbn; eauto; cycle 1.
{ eapply subject_reduction. eauto. exact Hty.
eapply PCUICReduction.red_app. eapply wcbeval_red; eauto.
eapply wcbeval_red; eauto.
rewrite <- !mkApps_snoc.
eapply PCUICReduction.red1_red.
eapply PCUICReduction.red_fix.
rewrite closed_unfold_fix_cunfold_eq.
now eapply subject_closed in t1.
rewrite /cunfold_fix e2 /= //.
pose proof (eval_to_value _ _ _ e3) as vfix.
eapply PCUICWcbvEval.stuck_fix_value_args in vfix; eauto.
2:{ rewrite /cunfold_fix e2 //. }
simpl in vfix.
subst. unfold is_constructor.
rewrite nth_error_snoc. lia.
assert(Σ ;;; [] |- mkApps (tFix mfix idx) (argsv ++ [av]) : subst [av] 0 x1).
{ rewrite mkApps_app. eapply PCUICValidity.type_App'; eauto.
eapply subject_reduction_eval; eauto. }
epose proof (fix_app_is_constructor (args:=argsv ++ [av]) X).
rewrite /unfold_fix e2 in X0.
specialize (X0 eq_refl). simpl in X0.
rewrite nth_error_snoc in X0. auto. apply X0.
eapply value_axiom_free, eval_to_value; eauto.
eapply value_whnf; eauto.
eapply eval_closed; eauto. now eapply subject_closed in t0.
eapply eval_to_value; eauto. }
{ constructor.
- eapply erases_deps_eval in ev_stuck; [|now eauto].
eapply erases_deps_mkApps_inv in ev_stuck as (? & ?).
apply erases_deps_mkApps; [|now eauto].
depelim H.
eapply nth_error_forall in H as H'; eauto.
apply erases_deps_subst; [|now eauto].
now apply Forall_All, Forall_erases_deps_fix_subst; eauto.
- now eapply erases_deps_eval in ev_arg; eauto. }
∃ x3. split. eauto.
constructor. eapply Ee.eval_fix.
++ eauto.
++ eauto.
++ eauto.
++ rewrite <- Ee.closed_unfold_fix_cunfold_eq.
{ unfold EGlobalEnv.unfold_fix. rewrite e -e4.
now rewrite (Forall2_length H4). }
eapply eval_closed in e3; eauto.
clear -e3 Hmfix'.
pose proof (All2_length Hmfix').
rewrite closedn_mkApps in e3.
apply andb_true_iff in e3 as (e3 & _).
change (?a = true) with (is_true a) in e3.
simpl in e3 |- ×. solve_all.
rewrite app_context_nil_l in b.
destruct b as [eqb eqrar isl isl' e].
eapply erases_closed in e. simpl in e.
rewrite <- H.
unfold EAst.test_def.
simpl in e.
rewrite fix_context_length in e.
now rewrite Nat.add_0_r.
unfold test_def in a. apply andb_and in a as [_ Hbod].
rewrite fix_context_length.
now rewrite Nat.add_0_r in Hbod.
eauto with pcuic.
now eapply subject_closed in Ht.
++ auto.
-- cbn. destruct a2 as [eqb eqrar isl isl' e5].
eapply (erases_subst Σ [] (fix_context mfix) [] dbody (fix_subst mfix)) in e5; cbn; eauto.
++ eapply subslet_fix_subst. now eapply wf_ext_wf. all: eassumption.
++ eapply nth_error_all in a1; eauto. cbn in a1.
eapply a1.
++ eapply All2_from_nth_error.
erewrite fix_subst_length, EGlobalEnv.fix_subst_length, All2_length; eauto.
rewrite fix_subst_nth in H3. now rewrite fix_subst_length in H2.
rewrite efix_subst_nth in H5. rewrite fix_subst_length in H2.
erewrite <- All2_length; eauto.
invs H5; invs H3.
erewrite All2_length; eauto.
× eapply (Is_type_app _ _ _ (argsv ++ [av])) in X as []; tas.
-- ∃ EAst.tBox.
++ econstructor.
eapply Is_type_eval. 3:eauto. all:eauto.
rewrite mkApps_app.
eapply eval_fix; eauto.
1-2:eapply value_final, eval_to_value; eauto.
rewrite /cunfold_fix e2 //. congruence.
++ constructor. eapply Ee.eval_box; [|now eauto].
apply eval_to_mkApps_tBox_inv in ev_stuck as ?; subst.
-- eauto.
-- rewrite mkApps_snoc.
eapply PCUICValidity.type_App'; eauto.
eapply subject_reduction; eauto.
eapply wcbeval_red; eauto.
- apply inversion_App in Hty as Hty'; [|eauto].
destruct Hty' as (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?).
eapply subject_reduction in t as typ_stuck_fix; [|eauto|]; first last.
{ eapply wcbeval_red; eauto. }
eapply erases_App in He as [(-> & [])|(? & ? & → & ? & ?)].
+ ∃ E.tBox.
split; [|now constructor; eauto using @Ee.eval].
eapply Is_type_red.
× eauto.
× eapply PCUICReduction.red_app.
-- eapply wcbeval_red; revgoals; eauto.
-- eapply wcbeval_red; revgoals; eauto.
× eauto.
+ depelim Hed.
eapply subject_reduction in t0 as typ_arg; [|eauto|]; first last.
{ eapply wcbeval_red; revgoals; eauto. }
eapply IHeval1 in H1 as (? & ? & [?]); [|now eauto|now eauto].
eapply IHeval2 in H2 as (? & ? & [?]); [|now eauto|now eauto].
eapply erases_mkApps_inv in H1.
destruct H1 as [(? & ? & ? & → & [] & ? & ? & ->)|(? & ? & → & ? & ?)].
× apply eval_to_mkApps_tBox_inv in H3 as ?; subst.
depelim H5.
rewrite → !app_nil_r in ×.
cbn in ×.
∃ E.tBox.
split; [|now constructor; eauto using @Ee.eval].
eapply (Is_type_app _ _ _ [av]) in X as [].
-- constructor.
apply X.
-- eauto.
-- eauto.
-- cbn.
eapply PCUICValidity.type_App'; eauto.
× depelim H1.
-- ∃ (E.tApp (E.mkApps (E.tFix mfix' idx) x7) x5).
split; [eauto using erases_tApp, erases_mkApps|].
unfold cunfold_fix in ×.
destruct (nth_error _ _) eqn:nth; [|congruence].
eapply All2_nth_error_Some in X as (?&?&[? ? ? ? ?]); [|eauto].
constructor. eapply Ee.eval_fix_value.
++ eauto.
++ eauto.
++ eauto.
++ unfold EGlobalEnv.cunfold_fix. now rewrite e0.
++ eapply Forall2_length in H5. noconf e. lia.
-- ∃ E.tBox.
apply eval_to_mkApps_tBox_inv in H3 as ?; subst.
split; [|now constructor; eauto using @Ee.eval].
eapply Is_type_app in X as [].
++ constructor.
rewrite <- mkApps_snoc.
exact X.
++ eauto.
++ eauto.
++ rewrite mkApps_snoc.
eapply PCUICValidity.type_App'; eauto.
- assert (Hty' := Hty).
eapply inversion_Case in Hty' as [mdecl [idecl [decli [args' [[] ht0]]]]]; auto.
assert (t0' := scrut_ty).
pose proof H as Heval.
eapply subject_reduction_eval in t0' as t1. 2: eauto.
eapply PCUICValidity.inversion_mkApps in t1 as (? & ? & ?); eauto.
pose proof (subject_closed t) as clfix.
assert (htcof : Σ ;;; [] |- tCase ip p (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args) brs : T).
{ eapply subject_reduction; eauto. eapply PCUICReduction.red_case_c.
eapply wcbeval_red in H; eauto. }
assert (hredcasecof : Σ [] (tCase ip p (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args) brs)
(tCase ip p (mkApps fn args) brs)).
{ constructor; eapply PCUICReduction.red_cofix_case.
move: e. rewrite closed_unfold_cofix_cunfold_eq; eauto. }
assert (htcasefn : Σ ;;; [] |- tCase ip p (mkApps fn args) brs : T).
{ eapply subject_reduction; eauto. }
assert (hredcasediscrcof : Σ [] (tCase ip p discr brs) res).
{ etransitivity. eapply PCUICReduction.red_case_c; tea.
eapply wcbeval_red in H. tea. eauto.
etransitivity; tea. eapply wcbeval_red; tea. }
assert (htunfcof : Σ ;;; [] |- tCase ip p (mkApps fn args) brs : T).
{ eapply subject_reduction; eauto. }
specialize (IHeval1 _ t0').
specialize (IHeval2 _ htunfcof).
eapply inversion_CoFix in t; destruct_sigma t; auto.
eapply PCUICSpine.typing_spine_strengthen in t0; eauto.
2:{ now eapply nth_error_all in a; tea. }
invs He.
× edestruct IHeval1 as (? & ? & ?); eauto. now depelim Hed.
depelim Hed.
destruct (declared_inductive_inj H1 decli). subst mdecl0 idecl0.
rename H0 into decli'. rename H1 into decli''. rename H2 into er. rename H3 into H0.
eapply erases_mkApps_inv in H8; eauto.
destruct H8 as [He|He]; destruct_sigma He.
-- destruct He as (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?). subst.
destruct H9.
edestruct IHeval2 as (? & ? & [?]).
{ destruct H2 as [i1]. constructor; eauto.
rewrite mkApps_app.
eapply erases_mkApps. instantiate(1:=EAst.tBox).
eapply isErasable_Proof.
eapply tCoFix_no_Type in i1; auto.
pose proof i1 as X0'. destruct X0' as [tyapp [u [Htyapp Hu]]].
eapply Is_proof_ty; eauto.
eapply unfold_cofix_type; eauto.
move: e. rewrite -closed_unfold_cofix_cunfold_eq // /unfold_cofix e0.
intros e; eapply e. eauto. }
{ destruct (declared_inductive_inj decli'' decli); subst.
econstructor; eauto. }
destruct H2.
eapply tCoFix_no_Type in X0; auto.
move: (eval_to_mkApps_tBox_inv _ _ H1). intros →. depelim H8.
rewrite → app_nil_r in ×.
∃ x0; split; [|constructor]; auto.
eapply eval_case_eval_inv_discr; tea.
-- destruct H9.
destruct He as [f' [L' [-> [hcof hl']]]].
have clfix' : ELiftSubst.closed f'.
{ now eapply erases_closed in hcof; tea. }
depelim hcof.
{ eapply All2_nth_error_Some in X0 as X'; tea.
destruct X' as [t' [nth' [bn [rar eb]]]].
specialize (IHeval2 (E.tCase (ip, ci_npar ip)
(E.mkApps (ELiftSubst.subst0 (EGlobalEnv.cofix_subst mfix') (E.dbody t')) L') brs')).
forward IHeval2.
econstructor; eauto.
eapply erases_mkApps.
move: e0 e. rewrite -closed_unfold_cofix_cunfold_eq //.
unfold unfold_cofix. intros hnth; rewrite hnth. intros [=].
subst fn narg.
eapply All_nth_error in a0 as a'; tea.
eapply erases_subst0. eauto. 2:eauto. pcuic. all:tea.
{ rewrite app_context_nil_l. eapply subslet_cofix_subst; eauto.
econstructor; eauto. }
{eapply All2_from_nth_error.
erewrite cofix_subst_length, EGlobalEnv.cofix_subst_length, All2_length; eauto.
rewrite cofix_subst_nth in H3. now rewrite cofix_subst_length in H2.
rewrite ecofix_subst_nth in H8. rewrite cofix_subst_length in H2.
erewrite <- All2_length; eauto.
invs H3; invs H8.
erewrite All2_length; eauto. }
destruct IHeval2 as [v' [Hv' [ev]]].
{ econstructor; eauto.
eapply erases_deps_eval in Hed. 2:tea.
apply erases_deps_mkApps_inv in Hed as (edcofix & edargs).
depelim edcofix.
apply erases_deps_mkApps; [|now eauto].
apply erases_deps_subst.
- now apply Forall_All, Forall_erases_deps_cofix_subst; eauto.
- now eapply nth_error_forall in H2; eauto. }
∃ v'. split ⇒ //. split.
eapply Ee.eval_cofix_case; tea.
rewrite /EGlobalEnv.cunfold_cofix nth' //. f_equal.
rewrite -(Ee.closed_cofix_substl_subst_eq (idx:=idx)) //. }
{ eapply eval_to_mkApps_tBox_inv in H1 as H'; subst L'; cbn in ×. depelim hl'.
edestruct IHeval1 as (? & ? & [?]); tea.
pose proof (Ee.eval_deterministic H1 H3). subst x0.
eapply erases_deps_eval in Hed; tea.
specialize (IHeval2 (E.tCase (ip, ci_npar ip) E.tBox brs')).
forward IHeval2.
econstructor; eauto. cbn.
move: e0 e. rewrite -closed_unfold_cofix_cunfold_eq //.
unfold unfold_cofix. intros hnth; rewrite hnth. intros [=].
subst fn narg.
eapply isErasable_unfold_cofix; tea.
destruct IHeval2 as [v' [Hv' [ev]]].
{ econstructor; eauto. }
∃ v'. split ⇒ //. split.
eapply eval_case_eval_inv_discr; tea. }
× depelim Hed.
∃ E.tBox. split; repeat constructor; auto.
assert ( Σ [] (tCase ip p discr brs) res).
eapply wcbeval_red in Heval; tea.
now eapply isErasable_red.
- assert (Hty' := Hty).
eapply inversion_Proj in Hty' as (? & ? & ? & ? & [] & ? & ? & ? & e0 & e1); auto.
pose proof (t0' := t).
pose proof (subject_closed t) as cldiscr.
assert(clcof : PCUICAst.closedn 0 (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args)).
{ eapply eval_closed; tea; eauto. }
move: clcof; rewrite closedn_mkApps ⇒ /andP[] clcofix clargs.
eapply subject_reduction_eval in t as t0''; tea.
eapply inversion_mkApps in t0'' as (? & ? & ?).
eapply type_tCoFix_inv in t0 as t1'; eauto.
destruct_sigma t1'; auto.
eapply inversion_CoFix in t0; destruct_sigma t0.
destruct p0 as [[hnth wfcof] hdef].
eapply PCUICSpine.typing_spine_strengthen in t1; eauto.
2:{ now eapply validity. }
assert(Hty' := Hty).
eapply subject_reduction in Hty'. 2:auto.
2:{ etransitivity. eapply PCUICReduction.red_proj_c.
eapply wcbeval_red; tea.
constructor. eapply PCUICReduction.red_cofix_proj. eauto.
rewrite closed_unfold_cofix_cunfold_eq; eauto. }
specialize (IHeval2 _ Hty').
specialize (IHeval1 _ t).
invs He.
× depelim Hed.
destruct (declared_projection_inj d H1) as [? [? []]]. subst x0 x1 x2 pdecl.
rename H1 into decli. rename H2 into decli'.
rename H3 into erm. rename H4 into erb.
destruct (IHeval1 _ H6 Hed) as [dv' [? []]].
eapply erases_mkApps_inv in H1 as []; eauto.
{ destruct H1 as (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?). subst.
destruct H3.
eapply eval_to_mkApps_tBox_inv in H2 as H'. subst. depelim H7.
edestruct IHeval2 as (? & ? & [?]).
{ constructor; eauto.
eapply isErasable_Proof.
eapply tCoFix_no_Type in X; auto.
pose proof X as X0'. destruct X0' as [tyapp [u [Htyapp Hu]]].
eapply Is_proof_ty; eauto.
move: e. rewrite -closed_unfold_cofix_cunfold_eq // /unfold_cofix e2.
intros [= <- <-].
eapply unfold_cofix_type; eauto.
2:{ unfold unfold_cofix; erewrite e2. reflexivity. }
now rewrite app_nil_r. }
{ eapply erases_deps_eval in Hed. 2:tea.
apply erases_deps_mkApps_inv in Hed as (_ & edargs).
econstructor; eauto. constructor. }
∃ x1; split; [|constructor]; auto.
eapply eval_proj_eval_inv_discr; tea. }
{ destruct H1 as [f' [L' [-> [hcof hl']]]].
have clfix' : ELiftSubst.closed f'.
{ now eapply erases_closed in hcof; tea. }
depelim hcof.
{ eapply All2_nth_error_Some in X as X'; tea.
destruct X' as [t' [nth' [bn [rar eb]]]].
specialize (IHeval2 (E.tProj p
(E.mkApps (ELiftSubst.subst0 (EGlobalEnv.cofix_subst mfix') (E.dbody t')) L'))).
forward IHeval2.
econstructor; eauto.
eapply erases_mkApps.
move: hnth e. rewrite -closed_unfold_cofix_cunfold_eq //.
unfold unfold_cofix. intros hnth'; rewrite hnth'. intros [=].
subst fn narg. rewrite hnth' in e2. noconf e2.
eapply All_nth_error in a0 as a'; tea.
eapply erases_subst0. eauto. 2:eauto. pcuic. all:tea.
{ rewrite app_context_nil_l. eapply subslet_cofix_subst; eauto.
econstructor; eauto. }
{eapply All2_from_nth_error.
erewrite cofix_subst_length, EGlobalEnv.cofix_subst_length, All2_length; eauto.
rewrite cofix_subst_nth in H3. now rewrite cofix_subst_length in H1.
rewrite ecofix_subst_nth in H4. rewrite cofix_subst_length in H1.
erewrite <- All2_length; eauto.
invs H3; invs H4.
erewrite All2_length; eauto. }
destruct IHeval2 as [v' [Hv' [ev]]].
{ econstructor; eauto.
eapply erases_deps_eval in Hed. 2:tea.
apply erases_deps_mkApps_inv in Hed as (edcofix & edargs).
depelim edcofix.
apply erases_deps_mkApps; [|now eauto].
apply erases_deps_subst.
- now apply Forall_All, Forall_erases_deps_cofix_subst; eauto.
- now eapply nth_error_forall in H1; eauto. }
∃ v'. split ⇒ //. split.
eapply Ee.eval_cofix_proj; tea.
rewrite /EGlobalEnv.cunfold_cofix nth' //. f_equal.
rewrite -(Ee.closed_cofix_substl_subst_eq (idx:=idx)) //. }
{ eapply eval_to_mkApps_tBox_inv in H2 as H'; subst L'; cbn in ×. depelim hl'.
edestruct IHeval1 as (? & ? & [?]); tea.
pose proof (Ee.eval_deterministic H3 H2). subst x0.
eapply erases_deps_eval in Hed; tea.
specialize (IHeval2 (E.tProj p E.tBox)).
forward IHeval2.
econstructor; eauto. cbn.
move: hnth e. rewrite -closed_unfold_cofix_cunfold_eq //.
unfold unfold_cofix. intros hnth; rewrite hnth. intros [=].
subst fn narg.
eapply isErasable_unfold_cofix; tea.
destruct IHeval2 as [v' [Hv' [ev]]].
{ econstructor; eauto. }
∃ v'. split ⇒ //. split.
eapply eval_proj_eval_inv_discr; tea. }
× depelim Hed.
∃ E.tBox. split; repeat constructor; auto.
assert ( Σ [] (tProj p discr) res).
eapply wcbeval_red in H0; tea.
etransitivity; tea.
etransitivity. eapply PCUICReduction.red_proj_c.
eapply wcbeval_red; tea.
constructor. eapply PCUICReduction.red_cofix_proj.
move: e. rewrite closed_unfold_cofix_cunfold_eq //. intros e; exact e.
now eapply isErasable_red.
× eauto.
- pose (Hty' := Hty).
eapply inversion_App in Hty' as (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?); eauto.
invs He.
+ depelim Hed.
assert (t' := t). eapply IHeval1 in t as (? & ? & [?]); eauto.
eapply IHeval2 in t0 as (? & ? & [?]); eauto.
destruct (EAstUtils.isBox x2) eqn:E.
× destruct x2; invs E. ∃ EAst.tBox. split. 2: now constructor; econstructor; eauto.
pose proof (Is_type_app Σ [] (mkApps (tConstruct ind c u) args) [a']).
inversion H1.
edestruct H7; eauto. cbn. eapply subject_reduction. eauto.
exact Hty. eapply PCUICReduction.red_app.
eapply wcbeval_red; eauto.
eapply inversion_App in Hty as [na [A [B [Hf [Ha _]]]]]; eauto.
eapply wcbeval_red; eauto. constructor. rewrite mkApps_app //.
× ∃ (E.tApp x2 x3).
rewrite mkApps_app.
split; [econstructor; eauto|].
eapply erases_mkApps_inv in H1; eauto.
destruct H1 as [].
{ destruct H1 as (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?). subst.
eapply eval_to_mkApps_tBox_inv in H2 as H'. subst. depelim H9.
now cbn in E. }
destruct H1 as [f'' [L' [eq []]]].
subst x2.
depelim H1.
2:{ eapply eval_to_mkApps_tBox_inv in H2 as H'. subst. now cbn in E. }
eapply erases_deps_eval in Hed1; tea.
eapply erases_deps_mkApps_inv in Hed1 as [].
depelim H8.
constructor. eapply Ee.eval_construct; tea. eauto.
eapply (EGlobalEnv.declared_constructor_lookup H9).
rewrite -(Forall2_length H7).
rewrite /EAst.cstr_arity.
destruct (declared_constructor_inj H8 d) as [? []]. subst mdecl0 idecl0 cdecl0.
destruct H8, H9, H11 as [Hc _].
eapply Forall2_nth_error_Some in Hc as [? []]; tea.
rewrite H14 in H11. noconf H11.
destruct cdecl' as [cname cargs]; cbn. cbn in ×.
destruct H15 as [<- _].
destruct H10 as [_ <-].
move: l. rewrite /cstr_arity.
clear -d wfΣ.
destruct (on_declared_constructor d) as [_ [? []]].
eapply cstr_args_length in o. lia.
+ ∃ E.tBox. split ⇒ //. 2:repeat constructor.
eapply inversion_App in Hty as [na [A [B [Hf [Ha _]]]]]; auto.
eapply Is_type_red. 3:eauto. eauto.
rewrite mkApps_app.
eapply PCUICReduction.red_app.
eapply subject_closed in Hf; auto.
eapply wcbeval_red; eauto.
eapply subject_closed in Ha; auto.
eapply wcbeval_red; eauto.
- pose (Hty' := Hty).
eapply inversion_App in Hty' as (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?); eauto.
invs He.
+ depelim Hed.
assert (t' := t). eapply IHeval1 in t as (? & ? & [?]); eauto.
eapply IHeval2 in t0 as (? & ? & [?]); eauto.
destruct (EAstUtils.isBox x2) eqn:E.
× destruct x2; invs E. ∃ EAst.tBox. split. 2: now constructor; econstructor; eauto.
pose proof (Is_type_app Σ [] f' [a']).
inversion H1.
edestruct H7; eauto. cbn. eapply subject_reduction. eauto.
exact Hty. eapply PCUICReduction.red_app.
eapply wcbeval_red; eauto.
eapply inversion_App in Hty as [na [A [B [Hf [Ha _]]]]]; eauto.
eapply wcbeval_red; eauto.
× ∃ (E.tApp x2 x3).
split; [econstructor; eauto|].
constructor; eapply Ee.eval_app_cong; eauto.
eapply ssrbool.negbT.
repeat eapply orb_false_intro.
-- destruct x2; try reflexivity.
invs H1. invs i.
-- destruct x2 eqn:Ex; try reflexivity.
++ cbn. invs H1. cbn in ×.
eapply ssrbool.negbTE, is_FixApp_erases.
econstructor; eauto.
rewrite orb_false_r !negb_or in i. now move/andP: i ⇒ [].
++ cbn in ×.
invs H1. invs i.
-- eauto.
-- rewrite !negb_or in i.
rtoProp; intuition auto.
eapply is_ConstructApp_erases in H8; tea.
now move/negbTE: H8.
+ ∃ EAst.tBox. split. 2: now constructor; econstructor.
eapply inversion_App in Hty as [na [A [B [Hf [Ha _]]]]]; auto.
eapply Is_type_red. 3:eauto. eauto.
eapply PCUICReduction.red_app.
eapply subject_closed in Hf; auto.
eapply wcbeval_red; eauto.
eapply subject_closed in Ha; auto.
eapply wcbeval_red; eauto.
- destruct t; try easy.
+ invs He. eexists. split; eauto. now constructor; econstructor.
+ invs He. eexists. split; eauto. now constructor; econstructor.
+ invs He.
× eexists. split; eauto. now constructor; econstructor.
× eexists. split. 2: now constructor; econstructor.
econstructor; eauto.
+ invs He.
× eexists. split. 2: now constructor; econstructor.
econstructor; eauto.
+ invs He.
× eexists. split. 2:{ constructor; econstructor. cbn [EWcbvEval.atom].
depelim Hed. eapply EGlobalEnv.declared_constructor_lookup in H0. now rewrite H0. }
econstructor; eauto.
× eexists. split. 2: now constructor; econstructor.
+ invs He.
× eexists. split; eauto. now constructor; econstructor.
× eexists. split. 2: now constructor; econstructor.
econstructor; eauto.
+ invs He.
× eexists. split; eauto. now constructor; econstructor.
× eexists. split. 2: now constructor; econstructor.
econstructor; eauto.
Unshelve. all: repeat econstructor.
Lemma erases_global_closed_env {Σ : global_env} Σ' : wf Σ → erases_global Σ Σ' → closed_env Σ'.
destruct Σ as [univs Σ]; cbn in ×.
intros [onu wf] er; cbn in ×.
move: wf. red in er; cbn in er.
induction er; intros wf.
- constructor.
- cbn. destruct cb' as [[]].
cbn in ×. depelim wf.
rewrite [forallb _ _](IHer wf) andb_true_r.
red in H. destruct cb as [ty []]; cbn in ×.
unshelve eapply PCUICClosedTyp.subject_closed in o0. cbn. split; auto.
eapply erases_closed in H; tea. elim H.
cbn. apply IHer. now depelim wf.
- depelim wf.
cbn. apply IHer, wf.
Lemma erases_global_decls_fresh univs {Σ : global_declarations} kn Σ' : fresh_global kn Σ → erases_global_decls univs Σ Σ' → EGlobalEnv.fresh_global kn Σ'.
induction 2; constructor; eauto; now depelim H.
Import EWellformed.
Lemma erases_mutual_inductive_body_wf (efl := all_env_flags) {Σ univs Σ' kn mib mib'} :
erases_mutual_inductive_body mib mib' →
let udecl := PCUICLookup.universes_decl_of_decl (InductiveDecl mib) in
on_global_decl cumulSpec0 (PCUICEnvTyping.lift_typing typing) ({| universes := univs; declarations := Σ |}, udecl) kn
(InductiveDecl mib) →
wf_global_decl Σ' (E.InductiveDecl mib').
intros [] udecl [].
cbn. unfold wf_minductive ⇒ /=. cbn. clear -H onInductives.
repeat toAll.
revert H. subst udecl.
generalize (E.ind_bodies mib').
induction onInductives; intros l a; depelim a; constructor; eauto.
destruct e. unfold wf_inductive, wf_projections.
destruct H0 as [Hprojs _].
depelim Hprojs. rewrite H1 ⇒ //.
rewrite H2.
pose proof (onProjections p).
forward X. { congruence. }
destruct (ind_ctors hd) as [|ctor []] eqn:hctors ⇒ //.
depelim H. rewrite H1.
depelim H0. cbn. destruct X.
destruct H. rewrite -H.
rewrite H3 in on_projs_all. cbn in on_projs_all.
eapply Forall2_length in Hprojs. rewrite Hprojs in on_projs_all.
rewrite on_projs_all.
pose proof (onConstructors p).
rewrite hctors in X. red in X.
depelim X. destruct o. rewrite cstr_args_length.
apply eqb_refl.
Lemma erases_global_wf_glob {Σ : global_env} Σ' : wf Σ → erases_global Σ Σ' → @wf_glob all_env_flags Σ'.
destruct Σ as [univs Σ]; cbn in ×.
intros [onu wf] er; cbn in ×.
move: wf. red in er; cbn in er.
induction er; intros wf.
- constructor.
- cbn. depelim wf.
constructor; eauto.
2:eapply erases_global_decls_fresh; tea.
cbn. red in H.
do 2 red in o0.
destruct (cst_body cb).
destruct (E.cst_body cb') ⇒ //. cbn.
set (Σ'' := ({| universes := _ |}, _)) in ×.
assert (PCUICTyping.wf_ext Σ'').
{ split ⇒ //. }
epose proof (erases_wellformed (Σ:=Σ'') (Γ := []) (a:=t)).
forward H0. now eexists.
specialize (H0 H Σ'). eapply H0.
eapply erases_global_all_deps; tea. split ⇒ //.
destruct (E.cst_body cb') ⇒ //.
- depelim wf.
constructor; eauto.
now eapply erases_mutual_inductive_body_wf.
now eapply erases_global_decls_fresh; tea.
Import PCUICAst.
Lemma declared_constructor_arity {cf : checker_flags} {Σ c mdecl idecl cdecl} {wf : wf Σ} :
PCUICAst.declared_constructor Σ c mdecl idecl cdecl →
context_assumptions (cstr_args cdecl) = cstr_arity cdecl.
intros hd.
destruct (PCUICWeakeningEnvTyp.on_declared_constructor hd) as [[onmind onind] [cu []]].
now eapply cstr_args_length in o.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICEtaExpand.
From MetaCoq.Erasure Require Import EDeps EEtaExpandedFix.
Local Hint Constructors expanded : core.
Lemma expanded_erases (cf := config.extraction_checker_flags) {Σ : global_env_ext} Σ' Γ Γ' t v :
wf Σ →
Σ ;;; Γ |- t ⇝ℇ v →
PCUICEtaExpand.expanded Σ.1 Γ' t →
erases_deps Σ Σ' v →
EEtaExpandedFix.expanded Σ' Γ' v.
intros wfΣ he exp etaΣ.
revert Γ v etaΣ he.
induction exp using PCUICEtaExpand.expanded_ind; cbn.
all:try solve [intros Γ0 v etaΣ hv; depelim hv; try depelim etaΣ; constructor; solve_all].
- move⇒ Γ0 etaΣ v /erases_mkApps_inv; intros [(?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?)|(?&?&?&?&?)]; subst.
× constructor ⇒ //.
eapply EDeps.erases_deps_mkApps_inv in v as [].
repeat All_Forall.toAll. eapply All_app in H1 as [].
× eapply EDeps.erases_deps_mkApps_inv in v as [].
depelim H4; simp_eta ⇒ //.
+ eapply expanded_tRel_app; tea. now rewrite -(Forall2_length H5).
eapply Forall_All in H2. eapply Forall2_All2 in H5. solve_all.
+ constructor ⇒ //. solve_all.
- intros Γ0 v etaΣ.
move⇒ /erases_mkApps_inv; intros [(?&?&?&?&?&?&?&?)|(?&?&?&?&?)]; subst.
× eapply erases_deps_mkApps_inv in etaΣ as [].
constructor ⇒ //.
eapply Forall_All in H1. eapply Forall2_All2 in H5.
eapply All_app in H1 as []. solve_all.
× eapply erases_deps_mkApps_inv in etaΣ as [].
specialize (IHexp _ _ H2 H3).
constructor ⇒ //.
clear -H H3. destruct H3; cbn in *; congruence.
- intros Γ0 v etaΣ hv; depelim hv; try constructor.
depelim etaΣ.
depelim etaΣ.
solve_all. rewrite -b2. len. eapply H7 ⇒ //.
exact a0.
- intros Γ0 v etaΣ.
move⇒ /erases_mkApps_inv; intros [(?&?&?&?&_&?&?&?)|(?&?&?&?&?)]; subst.
× eapply erases_deps_mkApps_inv in etaΣ as [].
constructor ⇒ //.
eapply Forall_All in H2. eapply Forall2_All2 in H8.
eapply All_app in H2 as []. solve_all.
× eapply erases_deps_mkApps_inv in etaΣ as [].
depelim H7; simp_eta ⇒ //.
+ eapply All2_nth_error_Some in H4; tea. destruct H4 as [? [? []]]; tea.
assert (rev_map (fun d1 : def term ⇒ S (rarg d1)) mfix = rev_map (fun d1 ⇒ S (EAst.rarg d1)) mfix').
{ rewrite !rev_map_spec. f_equal. clear -X. induction X; cbn; auto. destruct r as [eqb eqrar isl isl' e].
rewrite eqrar IHX //. }
depelim H6.
eapply EEtaExpandedFix.expanded_tFix; tea.
++ cbn. rewrite -H6. solve_all. apply b0.
eapply b1 ⇒ //. eapply b0.
++ solve_all.
++ intros hx0. subst x0. depelim H8 ⇒ //.
++ now rewrite -(Forall2_length H8) -e1.
+ constructor ⇒ //; solve_all.
- intros Γ0 v etaΣ hv. depelim hv. depelim etaΣ.
constructor ⇒ //. rewrite -(All2_length X). solve_all. constructor.
- intros Γ0 v etaΣ.
move⇒ /erases_mkApps_inv; intros [(?&?&?&?&_&?&?&?)|(?&?&?&?&?)]; subst.
× eapply erases_deps_mkApps_inv in etaΣ as [].
constructor ⇒ //.
eapply Forall_All in H2. eapply Forall2_All2 in H5.
eapply All_app in H2 as []. solve_all.
× depelim H4; simp_eta ⇒ //.
+ eapply erases_deps_mkApps_inv in etaΣ as [].
depelim H4.
destruct cdecl'.
eapply EEtaExpandedFix.expanded_tConstruct_app; tea.
++ cbn. rewrite -(Forall2_length H5).
destruct (PCUICGlobalEnv.declared_constructor_inj H H4) as [? []]. subst idecl0 mind cdecl0.
rewrite (declared_constructor_arity H) in H0.
destruct H7. rewrite -H10.
destruct H8 as [? _].
eapply Forall2_nth_error_left in H8. 2:apply H.
destruct H8 as [[i' n'] [hnth heq]].
cbn in hnth.
rewrite (proj2 H6) in hnth. noconf hnth.
destruct heq. cbn in ×. congruence.
++ solve_all.
+ constructor ⇒ //.
eapply erases_deps_mkApps_inv in etaΣ as [].