Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.PCUICEtaExpand

From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICAstUtils PCUICTyping PCUICProgram TemplateToPCUIC.

Definition isConstruct t :=
   match t with tConstruct _ _ _true | _false end.

 Definition isFix t :=
  match t with tFix _ _true | _false end.

Definition isRel t :=
    match t with tRel _true | _false end.

Section expanded.

Variable Σ : global_env.

Local Unset Elimination Schemes.

Inductive expanded (Γ : list nat) : term Prop :=
| expanded_tRel (n : nat) m args : nth_error Γ n = Some m Hle : m #|args|, Forall (expanded Γ) args expanded Γ (mkApps (tRel n) args)
| expanded_tVar (id : ident) : expanded Γ (tVar id)
| expanded_tEvar (ev : nat) (args : list term) : Forall (expanded Γ) args expanded Γ (tEvar ev args)
| expanded_tSort (s : Universe.t) : expanded Γ (tSort s)
| expanded_tProd (na : aname) (ty : term) (body : term) : expanded Γ (tProd na ty body)
| expanded_tLambda (na : aname) (ty : term) (body : term) : expanded (0 :: Γ) body expanded Γ (tLambda na ty body)
| expanded_tLetIn (na : aname) (def : term) (def_ty : term) (body : term) : expanded Γ def expanded (0 :: Γ) body expanded Γ (tLetIn na def def_ty body)
| expanded_mkApps (f : term) (args : list term) : ¬ (isConstruct f || isFix f || isRel f) expanded Γ f Forall (expanded Γ) args expanded Γ (mkApps f args)
| expanded_tConst (c : kername) (u : Instance.t) : expanded Γ (tConst c u)
| expanded_tInd (ind : inductive) (u : Instance.t) : expanded Γ (tInd ind u)
| expanded_tCase (ci : case_info) (type_info:predicate term)
        (discr:term) (branches : list (branch term)) : expanded Γ discr
        Forall (expanded Γ) type_info.(pparams)
        Forall (fun br
           All_fold (fun Δ dForOption (fun bexpanded (repeat 0 #|Δ| ++ repeat 0 #|type_info.(pparams)|) b) d.(decl_body)) br.(bcontext)
          expanded (repeat 0 #|br.(bcontext)| ++ Γ) br.(bbody)) branches
        expanded Γ (tCase ci type_info discr branches)
| expanded_tProj (proj : projection) (t : term) : expanded Γ t expanded Γ (tProj proj t)
| expanded_tFix (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) args d :
  Forall (fun disLambda d.(dbody) let ctx := rev_map (fun d ⇒ 1 + d.(rarg)) mfix in expanded (ctx ++ Γ) d.(dbody)) mfix
  Forall (expanded Γ) args
  args []
  nth_error mfix idx = Some d
  #|args| > d.(rarg)
  expanded Γ (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) args)
| expanded_tCoFix (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) : Forall (fun dexpanded (repeat 0 #|mfix| ++ Γ) d.(dbody)) mfix expanded Γ (tCoFix mfix idx)
| expanded_tConstruct_app ind c u mind idecl cdecl args :
    declared_constructor Σ (ind, c) mind idecl cdecl
    #|args| (ind_npars mind + context_assumptions (cstr_args cdecl))
    Forall (expanded Γ) args
    expanded Γ (mkApps (tConstruct ind c u) args).

End expanded.
Derive Signature for expanded.

Definition expanded_context Σ Γ ctx :=
   All_fold (fun Δ dForOption (expanded Σ (repeat 0 #|Δ| ++ Γ)) d.(decl_body)) ctx .

Lemma expanded_ind :
   (Σ : global_env) (P : list nat term Prop),
  ( (Γ : list nat) (n m : nat) (args : list term),
  nth_error Γ n = Some m
  m #|args| Forall (expanded Σ Γ) args Forall (P Γ) args P Γ (mkApps (tRel n) args))
  ( (Γ : list nat) (id : ident), P Γ (tVar id))
  ( (Γ : list nat) (ev : nat) (args : list term),
  Forall (expanded Σ Γ) args Forall (P Γ) args P Γ (tEvar ev args))
  ( (Γ : list nat) (s : Universe.t), P Γ (tSort s))
  ( (Γ : list nat) (na : aname) (ty body : term), P Γ (tProd na ty body))
  ( (Γ : list nat) (na : aname) (ty body : term),
  expanded Σ (0 :: Γ) body P (0 :: Γ) body P Γ (tLambda na ty body))
  ( (Γ : list nat) (na : aname) (def def_ty body : term),
  expanded Σ Γ def
  P Γ def
  expanded Σ (0 :: Γ) body
  P (0 :: Γ) body P Γ (tLetIn na def def_ty body))
  ( (Γ : list nat) (f6 : term) (args : list term),
  ¬ (isConstruct f6 || isFix f6 || isRel f6)
  expanded Σ Γ f6
  P Γ f6 Forall (expanded Σ Γ) args Forall (P Γ) args P Γ (mkApps f6 args))
  ( (Γ : list nat) (c : kername) (u : Instance.t), P Γ (tConst c u))
  ( (Γ : list nat) (ind : inductive) (u : Instance.t), P Γ (tInd ind u))
  ( (Γ : list nat) (ci : case_info) (type_info : predicate term)
    (discr : term) (branches : list (branch term)),
  expanded Σ Γ discr
  P Γ discr
  Forall (expanded Σ Γ) type_info.(pparams)
  Forall (P Γ) type_info.(pparams)
    (fun br : branch term
    expanded_context Σ (repeat 0 #|type_info.(pparams)|) br.(bcontext)
    expanded Σ (repeat 0 #|bcontext br| ++ Γ) (bbody br)) branches
    (fun br : branch term
       All_fold (fun Δ dForOption (fun bP (repeat 0 (#|Δ| + #|type_info.(pparams)|)) b) d.(decl_body)) br.(bcontext)
      P (repeat 0 #|bcontext br| ++ Γ) (bbody br)) branches
      P Γ (tCase ci type_info discr branches))
  ( (Γ : list nat) (proj : projection) (t : term),
  expanded Σ Γ t P Γ t P Γ (tProj proj t))
  ( (Γ : list nat) (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat)
    (args : list term) (d : def term),
    (fun d0 : def term
      isLambda d0.(dbody) let ctx := rev_map (fun d1 : def term ⇒ 1 + rarg d1) mfix in
      expanded Σ (ctx ++ Γ) (dbody d0)) mfix
      (fun d0 : def term
      let ctx := rev_map (fun d1 : def term ⇒ 1 + rarg d1) mfix in
      P (ctx ++ Γ) (dbody d0)) mfix
  Forall (expanded Σ Γ) args Forall (P Γ) args
  args []
  nth_error mfix idx = Some d
  #|args| > rarg d P Γ (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) args))
  ( (Γ : list nat) (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat),
  Forall (fun d : def termexpanded Σ (repeat 0 #|mfix| ++ Γ) (dbody d))
    mfix Forall (fun d : def termP (repeat 0 #|mfix| ++ Γ) (dbody d))
    mfix P Γ (tCoFix mfix idx))
  ( (Γ : list nat) (ind : inductive) (c : nat)
    (u : Instance.t) (mind : mutual_inductive_body)
    (idecl : one_inductive_body) (cdecl : constructor_body)
    (args : list term),
  declared_constructor Σ (ind, c) mind idecl cdecl
  #|args| ind_npars mind + context_assumptions (cstr_args cdecl)
  Forall (expanded Σ Γ) args Forall (P Γ) args P Γ (mkApps (tConstruct ind c u) args))
   (Γ : list nat) (t : term), expanded Σ Γ t P Γ t.
  intros Σ P HRel HVar HEvar HSort HProd HLamdba HLetIn HApp HConst HInd HCase HProj HFix HCoFix HConstruct.
  fix f 3.
  intros Γ t Hexp. destruct Hexp; eauto.
  - eapply HRel; eauto. clear - f H0. induction H0; econstructor; eauto.
  - eapply HEvar; eauto. clear - f H. induction H; econstructor; eauto.
  - eapply HApp; eauto. clear - f H0. induction H0; econstructor; eauto.
  - eapply HCase; eauto. induction H; econstructor; eauto.
    clear -H1 f. induction H1; constructor; auto.
    clear -H0 f.
    revert H0. induction 1; constructor; auto.
    split. destruct H as [[] ?]; constructor; auto.
    clear -X f. induction X; constructor; auto. destruct p; constructor; auto.
    apply f. rewrite repeat_app. exact H.
    eapply f, H.
  - assert (Forall (P Γ) args). { clear - H0 f. induction H0; econstructor; eauto. }
    eapply HFix; eauto.
    revert H. clear - f.
    generalize mfix at 1 3. intros mfix0 H. induction H; econstructor; cbn in *; intuition eauto; split.
  - eapply HCoFix; eauto.
    revert H. clear - f.
    generalize mfix at 1 3. intros mfix0 H. induction H; econstructor; cbn in *; eauto; split.
  - eapply HConstruct; eauto.
    clear - H1 f. induction H1; econstructor; eauto.

Record expanded_constant_decl Σ (cb : constant_body) : Prop :=
  { expanded_body : on_Some_or_None (expanded Σ []) cb.(cst_body); }.

Record expanded_constructor_decl Σ mdecl cdecl :=
  { expanded_cstr_args : expanded_context Σ (repeat 0 (#|mdecl.(ind_params)| + #|mdecl.(ind_bodies)|)) cdecl.(cstr_args) }.

Record expanded_inductive_decl Σ mdecl idecl :=
    expanded_ind_ctors : Forall (expanded_constructor_decl Σ mdecl) idecl.(ind_ctors) }.

Record expanded_minductive_decl Σ mdecl :=
  { expanded_params : expanded_context Σ [] mdecl.(ind_params);
    expanded_ind_bodies : Forall (expanded_inductive_decl Σ mdecl) mdecl.(ind_bodies) }.

Definition expanded_decl Σ d :=
  match d with
  | ConstantDecl cbexpanded_constant_decl Σ cb
  | InductiveDecl ideclexpanded_minductive_decl Σ idecl

Inductive expanded_global_declarations (univs : ContextSet.t) : (Σ : global_declarations), Prop :=
| expanded_global_nil : expanded_global_declarations univs []
| expanded_global_cons decl Σ : expanded_global_declarations univs Σ
  expanded_decl {| universes := univs; declarations := Σ |} decl.2
  expanded_global_declarations univs (decl :: Σ).

Definition expanded_global_env (g : global_env) :=
  expanded_global_declarations g.(universes) g.(declarations).

Definition expanded_pcuic_program (p : pcuic_program) :=
  expanded_global_env p.1 expanded p.1 [] p.2.

From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
From Equations Require Import Equations.

From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICInductiveInversion PCUICLiftSubst PCUICSigmaCalculus.

Lemma All_tip {A} {P : A Type} {a : A} : P a <~> All P [a].
Proof. split; intros. repeat constructor; auto. now depelim X. Qed.

Lemma expanded_mkApps_expanded {Σ Γ f args} :
  expanded Σ Γ f All (expanded Σ Γ) args
  expanded Σ Γ (mkApps f args).
  destruct (isConstruct f || isFix f || isRel f) eqn:eqc.
  destruct f ⇒ //.
  - depelim H; solve_discr. eapply expanded_tRel; tea. cbn in Hle. lia. solve_all.
    destruct args0 using rev_case; cbn in *; subst. cbn in H. congruence.
    rewrite mkApps_app in H2; noconf H2.
  - depelim H; solve_discr.
    destruct args0 using rev_case; cbn in *; subst. cbn in H. congruence.
    rewrite mkApps_app in H2; noconf H2.
    eapply expanded_tConstruct_app; tea. cbn in H0. lia. solve_all.
  - depelim H; solve_discr.
    destruct args0 using rev_case; cbn in *; subst. cbn in H. congruence.
    rewrite mkApps_app in H2; noconf H2.
  - eapply expanded_mkApps. now rewrite eqc. auto. solve_all.

Lemma expanded_lift Σ n k b Γ Δ Δ' :
  #|Γ| = k
  #|Δ'| = n
  expanded Σ (Γ ++ Δ) b
  expanded Σ (Γ ++ Δ' ++ Δ) (lift n k b).
  intros Hk Hn.
  remember (Γ ++ Δ)%list as Γ_.
  intros exp; revert Γ n k Hn Hk HeqΓ_.
  induction exp using expanded_ind; intros Γ' n' k Hn Hk →.
  all:try solve[ cbn; econstructor ⇒ // ].
  2,7:try solve [cbn; econstructor ⇒ //; solve_all ].
  - subst n'. rewrite lift_mkApps /=.
    destruct (Nat.leb_spec k n).
    × rewrite nth_error_app_ge in H. lia.
      eapply expanded_tRel.
      rewrite nth_error_app_ge; [lia|].
      rewrite nth_error_app_ge; [lia|]. erewrite <- H. lia_f_equal.
      now len. solve_all.
    × eapply expanded_tRel.
      rewrite nth_error_app_lt in H; [lia|].
      rewrite nth_error_app_lt; [lia|]. tea. now len. solve_all.
  - cbn. econstructor.
    eapply (IHexp (0 :: Γ') n' (S k)); cbn; auto; lia.
  - cbn. econstructor. apply IHexp1; auto.
    eapply (IHexp2 (0 :: Γ') n' (S k)); cbn; auto; lia.
  - rewrite lift_mkApps.
    destruct (isConstruct (lift n' k f6) || isFix (lift n' k f6) || isRel (lift n' k f6)) eqn:eqc.
    specialize (IHexp _ _ _ Hn Hk eq_refl).
    eapply expanded_mkApps_expanded ⇒ //. solve_all.
    eapply expanded_mkApps ⇒ //. now rewrite eqc. now eapply IHexp. solve_all.
  - cbn. econstructor. eauto. solve_all. cbn. solve_all.
    specialize (H1 (repeat 0 #|bcontext x| ++ Γ') n' (#|bcontext x| + k) Hn).
    forward H1. len.
    forward H1. now rewrite app_assoc.
    rewrite /id. rewrite app_assoc. apply H1.
  - rewrite lift_mkApps. cbn.
    eapply expanded_tFix.
    + solve_all.
      specialize (a
      (rev_map (fun d0 : def termS (rarg d0))
      (map (map_def (lift n' k) (lift n' (#|mfix| + k))) mfix) ++ Γ') n' (#|mfix| + k) Hn).
      forward a. { rewrite rev_map_spec; len. }
      forward a. { rewrite app_assoc. f_equal. f_equal.
        rewrite !rev_map_spec. f_equal. now rewrite map_map_compose /=. }
      rewrite app_assoc. eapply a.
    + solve_all.
    + destruct args ⇒ //.
    + rewrite nth_error_map /= H4 //.
    + len.
  - cbn. constructor.
    specialize (a (repeat 0 #|mfix| ++ Γ') n' (#|mfix| + k) Hn).
    forward a. { len. }
    forward a. { rewrite app_assoc //. }
    rewrite app_assoc. eapply a.
  - rewrite lift_mkApps. cbn.
    eapply expanded_tConstruct_app; tea. now len.

Lemma expanded_subst Σ a k b Γ Δ :
    #|Γ| = k
  Forall (expanded Σ Δ) a
  expanded Σ (Γ ++ repeat 0 #|a| ++ Δ) b
  expanded Σ (Γ ++ Δ) (subst a k b).
  intros Hk H.
  remember (Γ ++ _ ++ Δ)%list as Γ_.
  intros exp; revert Γ k Hk HeqΓ_.
  induction exp using expanded_ind; intros Γ' k Hk →.
  all:try solve[ cbn; econstructor ⇒ // ].
  2,7:solve[ cbn; econstructor ⇒ //; solve_all ].
  - rewrite subst_mkApps /=.
    destruct (Nat.leb_spec k n).
    destruct (nth_error a _) eqn:hnth.
    × eapply expanded_mkApps_expanded.
      eapply nth_error_forall in H; tea.
      eapply (expanded_lift Σ k 0 _ [] Δ Γ'); auto.
    × rewrite nth_error_app_ge in H0. lia.
      eapply nth_error_None in hnth.
      rewrite nth_error_app_ge in H0. rewrite repeat_length. lia.
      rewrite repeat_length in H0.
      eapply expanded_tRel. rewrite nth_error_app_ge. lia. erewrite <- H0.
      lia_f_equal. len. solve_all.
    × rewrite nth_error_app_lt in H0. lia.
      eapply expanded_tRel. rewrite nth_error_app_lt. lia. tea. now len.
  - cbn. econstructor.
    eapply (IHexp (0 :: Γ') (S k)); cbn; auto; lia.
  - cbn. econstructor. apply IHexp1; auto.
    eapply (IHexp2 (0 :: Γ') (S k)); cbn; auto; lia.
  - rewrite subst_mkApps.
    destruct (isConstruct (subst a k f6) || isFix (subst a k f6) || isRel (subst a k f6)) eqn:eqc.
    specialize (IHexp _ _ Hk eq_refl).
    eapply expanded_mkApps_expanded ⇒ //. solve_all.
    eapply expanded_mkApps ⇒ //. now rewrite eqc. now eapply IHexp. solve_all.
  - cbn. econstructor. eauto. cbn. solve_all. solve_all.
    specialize (H2 (repeat 0 #|bcontext x| ++ Γ') (#|bcontext x| + k)).
    forward H2 by len.
    forward H2. now rewrite app_assoc.
    rewrite /id. rewrite app_assoc. apply H2.
  - rewrite subst_mkApps. cbn.
    eapply expanded_tFix.
    + solve_all. now eapply isLambda_subst.
      specialize (a0
      (rev_map (fun d0 : def termS (rarg d0))
      (map (map_def (subst a k) (subst a (#|mfix| + k))) mfix) ++ Γ') (#|mfix| + k)).
      forward a0 by len.
      forward a0. { rewrite app_assoc. f_equal. f_equal.
        rewrite !rev_map_spec. f_equal. now rewrite map_map_compose /=. }
      rewrite app_assoc. eapply a0.
    + solve_all.
    + now destruct args.
    + rewrite nth_error_map /= H5 //.
    + len.
  - cbn. constructor.
    specialize (a0 (repeat 0 #|mfix| ++ Γ') (#|mfix| + k)).
    forward a0 by len.
    forward a0. { rewrite app_assoc //. }
    rewrite app_assoc. eapply a0.
  - rewrite subst_mkApps. cbn.
    eapply expanded_tConstruct_app; tea. now len.

Lemma All_fold_tip {A : Type} (P : list A A Type) {x} : All_fold P [x] P [] x.
  intros a; now depelim a.

Lemma expanded_let_expansion Σ (Δ : context) Γ t :
  expanded_context Σ Γ Δ
  expanded Σ (repeat 0 #|Δ| ++ Γ) t
  expanded Σ (repeat 0 (context_assumptions Δ) ++ Γ) (expand_lets Δ t).
  intros [ha].
  revert Γ t ha.
  induction Δ using PCUICInduction.ctx_length_rev_ind.
  - cbn; intros. now rewrite expand_lets_nil.
  - intros Γ' t ha; destruct d as [na [b|] ty]; cbn; len; cbn.
    × rewrite expand_lets_vdef /= //.
      intros exp. relativize (context_assumptions Γ).
      eapply H. now len.
      { eapply All_fold_app_inv in ha as [].
        depelim a. depelim a. cbn in ×.
        rewrite /subst_context.
        eapply PCUICParallelReduction.All_fold_fold_context_k.
        eapply All_fold_impl; tea. cbn; intros.
        depelim f.
        destruct decl_body ⇒ //; constructor. depelim H1.
        len in H1. cbn in H1.
        cbn. len. eapply expanded_subst. now rewrite repeat_length. eauto.
        auto. cbn. now rewrite repeat_app /= -app_assoc /= in H1. }
      rewrite repeat_app -app_assoc /= in exp.
      eapply All_fold_app_inv in ha as []. eapply All_fold_tip in a. cbn in a. depelim a.
      eapply expanded_subst. rewrite repeat_length //. constructor; auto.
      cbn. exact exp. now len.
    × rewrite expand_lets_vass /= //.
      rewrite !repeat_app -!app_assoc.
      intros exp. relativize (context_assumptions Γ).
      eapply H. lia.
      { eapply All_fold_app_inv in ha as [].
        depelim a. cbn in f. depelim a.
        eapply All_fold_impl; tea. cbn; intros.
        destruct decl_body ⇒ //; constructor. depelim H0. len in H0. cbn in H0.
        now rewrite repeat_app /= -app_assoc /= in H0. }
      exact exp. lia.

Require Import PCUICUnivSubst.

Lemma subst_instance_isConstruct t u : isConstruct t@[u] = isConstruct t.
Proof. destruct t ⇒ //. Qed.
Lemma subst_instance_isRel t u : isRel t@[u] = isRel t.
Proof. destruct t ⇒ //. Qed.
Lemma subst_instance_isFix t u : isFix t@[u] = isFix t.
Proof. destruct t ⇒ //. Qed.
Lemma subst_instance_isLambda t u : isLambda t@[u] = isLambda t.
Proof. destruct t ⇒ //. Qed.

Lemma expanded_subst_instance Σ Γ t u : expanded Σ Γ t expanded Σ Γ t@[u].
  induction 1 using PCUICEtaExpand.expanded_ind; cbn.
  all:intros; rewrite ?subst_instance_mkApps.
  all:try solve [econstructor; eauto 1].
  - econstructor; eauto. now rewrite map_length. solve_all.
  - econstructor; eauto. solve_all.
  - econstructor; eauto. 2:solve_all.
    rewrite subst_instance_isConstruct subst_instance_isFix subst_instance_isRel //.
  - econstructor; eauto. cbn. solve_all.
  - cbn; eapply expanded_tFix. solve_all. rewrite subst_instance_isLambda //.
    rewrite rev_map_spec map_map_compose -rev_map_spec //.
    solve_all. now destruct args ⇒ //.
    rewrite nth_error_map H4 //.
    now len.
  - econstructor; eauto. solve_all.
  - eapply expanded_tConstruct_app; tea. now len. solve_all.

Lemma expanded_weakening Σ Γ t : expanded Σ Γ t Γ', expanded Σ (Γ ++ Γ') t.
  induction 1 using PCUICEtaExpand.expanded_ind; cbn.
  1:{ intros. eapply expanded_tRel; tea. rewrite nth_error_app_lt.
     now eapply nth_error_Some_length in H. assumption.
    solve_all. }
  all:intros; try solve [econstructor; eauto 1; solve_all; try now rewrite app_assoc].