Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.PCUICParallelReduction

Require Import RelationClasses CRelationClasses.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICUtils PCUICOnOne PCUICAst PCUICAstUtils PCUICTactics PCUICDepth PCUICCases
     PCUICLiftSubst PCUICUnivSubst PCUICReduction PCUICTyping
     PCUICSigmaCalculus PCUICWeakeningEnvConv PCUICInduction
     PCUICRenameDef PCUICRenameConv PCUICInstDef PCUICInstConv PCUICOnFreeVars
     PCUICWeakeningConv PCUICWeakeningTyp PCUICSubstitution.

Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.
From Equations Require Import Equations.

Set Default Proof Using "Type*".

Local Set Keyed Unification.

Ltac simplify_IH_hyps :=
  repeat match goal with
      [ H : _ |- _ ] ⇒ eqns_specialize_eqs H

All2 lemmas

Definition All2_prop_eq Γ Γ' {A B} (f : A term) (g : A B) (rel : (Γ Γ' : context) (t t' : term), Type) :=
  All2 (on_Trel_eq (rel Γ Γ') f g).

Definition All2_prop Γ (rel : (Γ : context) (t t' : term), Type) :=
  All2 (rel Γ).

Lemma All2_All2_prop {P Q : context context term term Type} {par par'} {l l' : list term} :
  All2 (P par par') l l'
  ( x y, P par par' x y Q par par' x y)
  All2 (Q par par') l l'.
  intros H aux.
  induction H; constructor. unfold on_Trel in ×.
  apply aux; apply r. apply IHAll2.

Lemma All2_branch_prop {P Q : context context branch term branch term Type}
  {par par'} {l l' : list (branch term)} :
  All2 (P par par') l l'
  ( x y, P par par' x y Q par par' x y)
  All2 (Q par par') l l'.
  intros H aux.
  induction H; constructor. unfold on_Trel in ×.
  apply aux; apply r. apply IHAll2.

Lemma All2_All2_prop_eq {A B} {P Q : context context term term Type} {par par'}
      {f : A term} {g : A B} {l l' : list A} :
  All2 (on_Trel_eq (P par par') f g) l l'
  ( x y, P par par' x y Q par par' x y)
  All2_prop_eq par par' f g Q l l'.
  intros H aux.
  induction H; constructor. unfold on_Trel in ×.
  split. apply aux; apply r. apply r. apply IHAll2.

Definition All2_prop2_eq Γ Γ' Γ2 Γ2' {A B} (f g : A term) (h : A B)
           (rel : (Γ Γ' : context) (t t' : term), Type) :=
  All2 (fun x yon_Trel (rel Γ Γ') f x y × on_Trel_eq (rel Γ2 Γ2') g h x y)%type.

Definition All2_prop2 Γ Γ' {A} (f g : A term)
           (rel : (Γ : context) (t t' : term), Type) :=
  All2 (fun x yon_Trel (rel Γ) f x y × on_Trel (rel Γ') g x y)%type.

Lemma All2_All2_prop2_eq {A B} {P Q : context context term term Type} {par par' par2 par2'}
      {f g : A term} {h : A B} {l l' : list A} :
  All2_prop2_eq par par' par2 par2' f g h P l l'
  ( par par' x y, P par par' x y Q par par' x y)
  All2_prop2_eq par par' par2 par2' f g h Q l l'.
  intros H aux.
  induction H; constructor. unfold on_Trel in ×. split.
  apply aux. destruct r. apply p. split. apply aux. apply r. apply r. apply IHAll2.

Specialization of All2_fold to on_decls / All_decls. It compares contexts up to `P` and no alpha-equivalence.
Notation on_decls_over P Γ Γ' := (fun Δ Δ'P (Γ ,,, Δ) (Γ' ,,, Δ')).
Notation on_contexts_over P Γ Γ' := (All2_fold (on_decls (on_decls_over P Γ Γ'))).
Notation on_contexts_app := All2_fold_app.
Notation on_contexts_length := All2_fold_length.

Section All2_fold.

Do not change this definition as it is used in a raw fixpoint so should preserve the guard condition.
  Lemma on_contexts_impl {P Q : context context term term Type} {par par'} :
    on_contexts P par par'
    ( par par' x y, P par par' x y Q par par' x y)
    on_contexts Q par par'.
    intros H aux.
    induction H; constructor; tas.
    destruct p; constructor.
    apply aux, p. apply aux, p. apply aux, p0.

  Lemma on_contexts_impl_ind {P Q : context context term term Type} {par par'} :
    on_contexts P par par'
    ( par par' x y,
      on_contexts Q par par'
      P par par' x y Q par par' x y)
    on_contexts Q par par'.
    intros H aux.
    induction H; constructor; auto. eapply All_decls_impl; tea. eauto.

  Lemma on_contexts_app':
     P (Γ Γ' Γ'' : context),
      on_contexts P (Γ ,,, Γ') Γ''
       Γl Γr, (Γ'' = Γl ,,, Γr) #|Γ'| = #|Γr| #|Γ| = #|Γl|.
    intros ×.
    revert Γ''. induction Γ'. simpl. intros.
     Γ'', []. intuition auto. eapply (on_contexts_length X).
    intros. unfold app_context in X. depelim X.
    destruct (IHΓ' _ X) as [Γl [Γr [Heq HeqΓ]]]. subst Γ'0.
    eexists Γl, (Γr,, d'). simpl. intuition eauto. lia.

  Lemma on_contexts_app_ex:
     P (Γ Γ' Γ'' : context),
      on_contexts P (Γ ,,, Γ') Γ''
       Γl Γr, (Γ'' = Γl ,,, Γr) ×
        (on_decls P)
        Γ Γl × All2_fold (on_decls (fun Δ Δ'P (Γ ,,, Δ) (Γl ,,, Δ'))) Γ' Γr.
    intros ×.
    revert Γ''. induction Γ'. simpl. intros.
     Γ'', []. intuition auto. constructor.
    intros. unfold app_context in X. depelim X.
    destruct (IHΓ' _ X) as [Γl [Γr [[HeqΓ H2] H3]]]. subst.
    eexists _, _. intuition eauto. unfold snoc, app_context.
    now rewrite app_comm_cons. constructor; auto.

  Lemma on_contexts_app_inv :
     P (Γ Γ' Γl Γr : context),
      on_contexts P (Γ ,,, Γ') (Γl ,,, Γr)
      #|Γ| = #|Γl|
      on_contexts P Γ Γl ×
      on_contexts (fun Δ Δ'P (Γ ,,, Δ) (Γl ,,, Δ')) Γ' Γr.
    intros × a hl.
    apply: All2_fold_app_inv ⇒ //.
    apply All2_fold_length in a. len in a.

  Lemma nth_error_pred1_ctx {P} {Γ Δ} i body' :
    on_contexts P Γ Δ
    option_map decl_body (nth_error Δ i) = Some (Some body')
    { body & (option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ i) = Some (Some body)) ×
             P (skipn (S i) Γ) (skipn (S i) Δ) body body' }%type.
    intros Hpred. revert i body'.
    induction Hpred; destruct i; try discriminate; auto; !intros.
    simpl in heq_option_map. depelim p ⇒ //.
    noconf heq_option_map. b. intuition eauto.
    specialize (IHHpred _ _ heq_option_map) as [body [Heq Hpred']].
    intuition eauto.

  Lemma nth_error_pred1_ctx_l {P} {Γ Δ} i body :
    on_contexts P Γ Δ
    option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ i) = Some (Some body)
    { body' & (option_map decl_body (nth_error Δ i) = Some (Some body')) ×
             P (skipn (S i) Γ) (skipn (S i) Δ) body body' }%type.
    intros Hpred. revert i body.
    induction Hpred; destruct i; try discriminate; auto; !intros.
    depelim p ⇒ //.
    noconf heq_option_map. b'. intuition eauto.
    simpl in heq_option_map. specialize (IHHpred _ _ heq_option_map) as [body' [Heq Hpred']].
    intuition eauto.

  Lemma on_contexts_over_app P {Γ0 Δ Γ'' Δ''} :
    on_contexts P Γ0 Δ
    on_contexts_over P Γ0 Δ Γ'' Δ''
    on_contexts P (Γ0 ,,, Γ'') (Δ ,,, Δ'').
    intros. induction X0; pcuic; constructor; pcuic.

  Lemma on_contexts_app_inv_left {P Γ Γ' Δ Δ'} :
    on_contexts P (Γ ,,, Δ) (Γ' ,,, Δ') #|Γ| = #|Γ'|
    on_contexts P Γ Γ'.
    intros. eapply on_contexts_app_inv in X; intuition auto.

  Lemma on_contexts_mapi P Γ Δ f g :
    All2_fold (on_decls
      (fun Γ Γ' t t'
        P (mapi_context f Γ) (mapi_context g Γ') (f #|Γ| t) (g #|Γ'| t'))) Γ Δ
    on_contexts P (mapi_context f Γ) (mapi_context g Δ).
    induction 1; rewrite /=; constructor; auto.
    depelim p; constructor; auto.

  Lemma on_contexts_mapi_inv P Γ Δ f g :
    on_contexts P (mapi_context f Γ) (mapi_context g Δ)
    on_contexts (fun Γ Γ' t t'
        P (mapi_context f Γ) (mapi_context g Γ') (f #|Γ| t) (g #|Γ'| t')) Γ Δ.
    induction Γ in Δ |- *; destruct Δ; intros h; depelim h.
    - constructor.
    - constructor; auto.
      destruct a as [na [b|] ty], c as [na' [b'|] ty']; cbn in × ⇒ //;
      depelim a0; constructor; auto.

End All2_fold.

Section ParallelReduction.
  Context (Σ : global_env).

  Definition pred_atom t :=
    match t with
    | tVar _
    | tSort _
    | tInd _ _
    | tConstruct _ _ _true
    | _false

  Reserved Notation "'pred1_ctx'" (at level 8).
  Reserved Notation "'pred1_ctx_over' Γ Γ'" (at level 200, Γ, Γ' at level 9).

  Inductive pred1 (Γ Γ' : context) : term term Type :=
Reductions Beta
  | pred_beta na t0 t1 b0 b1 a0 a1 :
    pred1 Γ Γ' t0 t1
    pred1 (Γ ,, vass na t0) (Γ' ,, vass na t1) b0 b1 pred1 Γ Γ' a0 a1
    pred1 Γ Γ' (tApp (tLambda na t0 b0) a0) (subst10 a1 b1)

  | pred_zeta na d0 d1 t0 t1 b0 b1 :
    pred1 Γ Γ' t0 t1
    pred1 Γ Γ' d0 d1 pred1 (Γ ,, vdef na d0 t0) (Γ' ,, vdef na d1 t1) b0 b1
    pred1 Γ Γ' (tLetIn na d0 t0 b0) (subst10 d1 b1)

Local variables
  | pred_rel_def_unfold i body :
    pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
    option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ' i) = Some (Some body)
    pred1 Γ Γ' (tRel i) (lift0 (S i) body)

  | pred_rel_refl i :
    pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
    pred1 Γ Γ' (tRel i) (tRel i)

Fix unfolding, with guard
CoFix-case unfolding
CoFix-proj unfolding
Constant unfolding
  | pred_abs na M M' N N' :
    pred1 Γ Γ' M M'
    pred1 (Γ ,, vass na M) (Γ' ,, vass na M') N N'
    pred1 Γ Γ' (tLambda na M N) (tLambda na M' N')

  | pred_app M0 M1 N0 N1 :
    pred1 Γ Γ' M0 M1
    pred1 Γ Γ' N0 N1
    pred1 Γ Γ' (tApp M0 N0) (tApp M1 N1)

  | pred_letin na d0 d1 t0 t1 b0 b1 :
    pred1 Γ Γ' d0 d1 pred1 Γ Γ' t0 t1 pred1 (Γ ,, vdef na d0 t0) (Γ' ,, vdef na d1 t1) b0 b1
    pred1 Γ Γ' (tLetIn na d0 t0 b0) (tLetIn na d1 t1 b1)

  | pred_case ci p0 p1 c0 c1 brs0 brs1 :
    pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
    All2 (pred1 Γ Γ') p0.(pparams) p1.(pparams)
    p0.(puinst) = p1.(puinst)
    p0.(pcontext) = p1.(pcontext)
    pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ' (PCUICCases.inst_case_predicate_context p0) (PCUICCases.inst_case_predicate_context p1)
    pred1 (Γ ,,, inst_case_context p0.(pparams) p0.(puinst) p0.(pcontext))
      (Γ' ,,, inst_case_context p1.(pparams) p1.(puinst) p1.(pcontext)) p0.(preturn) p1.(preturn)
    All2 (fun br br'
      pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ' (inst_case_branch_context p0 br) (inst_case_branch_context p1 br') ×
        (pred1 (Γ ,,, inst_case_branch_context p0 br) (Γ' ,,, inst_case_branch_context p1 br'))
        bbody bcontext br br') brs0 brs1
    pred1 Γ Γ' c0 c1
    pred1 Γ Γ' (tCase ci p0 c0 brs0) (tCase ci p1 c1 brs1)

  | pred_proj_congr p c c' :
    pred1 Γ Γ' c c'
    pred1 Γ Γ' (tProj p c) (tProj p c')

  | pred_fix_congr mfix0 mfix1 idx :
    pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
    pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ' (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
    All2_prop2_eq Γ Γ' (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0) (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1)
                  dtype dbody (fun x(dname x, rarg x)) pred1 mfix0 mfix1
    pred1 Γ Γ' (tFix mfix0 idx) (tFix mfix1 idx)

  | pred_cofix_congr mfix0 mfix1 idx :
    pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
    pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ' (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
    All2_prop2_eq Γ Γ' (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0) (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1)
                  dtype dbody (fun x(dname x, rarg x)) pred1 mfix0 mfix1
    pred1 Γ Γ' (tCoFix mfix0 idx) (tCoFix mfix1 idx)

  | pred_prod na M0 M1 N0 N1 :
    pred1 Γ Γ' M0 M1
    pred1 (Γ ,, vass na M0) (Γ' ,, vass na M1) N0 N1
    pred1 Γ Γ' (tProd na M0 N0) (tProd na M1 N1)

  | evar_pred ev l l' :
    pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
    All2 (pred1 Γ Γ') l l' pred1 Γ Γ' (tEvar ev l) (tEvar ev l')

  | pred_atom_refl t :
    pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
    pred_atom t
    pred1 Γ Γ' t t

  where "'pred1_ctx'" := (All2_fold (on_decls pred1))
  and "'pred1_ctx_over' Γ Γ'" := (All2_fold (on_decls (on_decls_over pred1 Γ Γ'))).

  Derive Signature for pred1.

  Ltac my_rename_hyp h th :=
    match th with
    | pred1_ctx _ _ ?Gfresh "pred" G
    | nat boolfresh "P"
    | nat natfresh "f"
    | _PCUICWeakeningEnv.my_rename_hyp h th
    | _PCUICTyping.my_rename_hyp h th

  Ltac rename_hyp h ht ::= my_rename_hyp h ht.

  Definition extendP {P Q: context context term term Type}
             (aux : Γ Γ' t t', P Γ Γ' t t' Q Γ Γ' t t') :
    ( Γ Γ' t t', P Γ Γ' t t' (P Γ Γ' t t' × Q Γ Γ' t t')).
    intros. split. apply X. apply aux. apply X.

  Definition extend_over {P Q: context context term term Type}
             (aux : Γ Γ' t t', P Γ Γ' t t' Q Γ Γ' t t') Γ Γ' :
    ( Δ Δ' t t', P (Γ ,,, Δ) (Γ' ,,, Δ') t t' Q (Γ ,,, Δ) (Γ' ,,, Δ') t t').
    intros. apply aux. apply X.

  Lemma pred1_ind_all_ctx :
     (P : (Γ Γ' : context) (t t0 : term), Type)
           (Pctx : (Γ Γ' : context), Type)
           (Pctxover : (Γ Γ' Δ Δ' : context), Type),
      let P' Γ Γ' x y := ((pred1 Γ Γ' x y) × P Γ Γ' x y)%type in
      ( Γ Γ', pred1_ctx Γ Γ' on_contexts P Γ Γ' Pctx Γ Γ')
      ( Γ Γ' Δ Δ', pred1_ctx Γ Γ' on_contexts P Γ Γ'
        Pctx Γ Γ'
        pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ' Δ Δ'
        on_contexts_over P Γ Γ' Δ Δ'
        Pctxover Γ Γ' Δ Δ')
      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (na : aname) (t0 t1 b0 b1 a0 a1 : term),
          pred1 (Γ ,, vass na t0) (Γ' ,, vass na t1) b0 b1 P (Γ ,, vass na t0) (Γ' ,, vass na t1) b0 b1
          pred1 Γ Γ' t0 t1 P Γ Γ' t0 t1
          pred1 Γ Γ' a0 a1 P Γ Γ' a0 a1 P Γ Γ' (tApp (tLambda na t0 b0) a0) (b1 {0 := a1}))
      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (na : aname) (d0 d1 t0 t1 b0 b1 : term),
          pred1 Γ Γ' t0 t1 P Γ Γ' t0 t1
          pred1 Γ Γ' d0 d1 P Γ Γ' d0 d1
          pred1 (Γ ,, vdef na d0 t0) (Γ' ,, vdef na d1 t1) b0 b1
          P (Γ ,, vdef na d0 t0) (Γ' ,, vdef na d1 t1) b0 b1 P Γ Γ' (tLetIn na d0 t0 b0) (b1 {0 := d1}))
      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (i : nat) (body : term),
          pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
          Pctx Γ Γ'
          option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ' i) = Some (Some body)
          P Γ Γ' (tRel i) (lift0 (S i) body))
      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (i : nat),
          pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
          Pctx Γ Γ'
          P Γ Γ' (tRel i) (tRel i))
      ( Γ Γ' ci c u args0 args1 p0 pparams1 brs0 brs1 br,
          pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
          Pctx Γ Γ'
          All2 (P' Γ Γ') args0 args1
          All2 (P' Γ Γ') p0.(pparams) pparams1
          All2 (fun br br'
            Pctxover Γ Γ' (inst_case_branch_context p0 br)
              (inst_case_context pparams1 p0.(puinst) br'.(bcontext)) ×
              (P' (Γ ,,, inst_case_branch_context p0 br)
                  (Γ' ,,, inst_case_context pparams1 p0.(puinst) br'.(bcontext)))
              bbody bcontext br br') brs0 brs1
          nth_error brs1 c = Some br
          #|args1| = (ci.(ci_npar) + context_assumptions br.(bcontext))%nat
          P Γ Γ' (tCase ci p0 (mkApps (tConstruct ci.(ci_ind) c u) args0) brs0)
                (iota_red ci.(ci_npar) (set_pparams p0 pparams1) args1 br))

      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (mfix0 mfix1 : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) (args0 args1 : list term) (narg : nat) (fn : term),
          pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
          Pctx Γ Γ'
          pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ' (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
          Pctxover Γ Γ' (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
          All2_prop2_eq Γ Γ' (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0) (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1) dtype dbody
                        (fun x(dname x, rarg x)) P' mfix0 mfix1
          unfold_fix mfix1 idx = Some (narg, fn)
          is_constructor narg args0 = true
          All2 (P' Γ Γ') args0 args1
          P Γ Γ' (mkApps (tFix mfix0 idx) args0) (mkApps fn args1))

      ( (Γ Γ' : context) ci p0 p1 mfix0 mfix1 idx args0 args1 narg fn brs0 brs1,
          pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
          Pctx Γ Γ'
          pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ' (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
          Pctxover Γ Γ' (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
          All2_prop2_eq Γ Γ' (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0) (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1)
                        dtype dbody (fun x(dname x, rarg x)) P' mfix0 mfix1
          unfold_cofix mfix1 idx = Some (narg, fn)
          All2 (P' Γ Γ') args0 args1
          All2 (P' Γ Γ') p0.(pparams) p1.(pparams)
          p0.(puinst) = p1.(puinst)
          p0.(pcontext) = p1.(pcontext)
          Pctxover Γ Γ' (PCUICCases.inst_case_predicate_context p0) (PCUICCases.inst_case_predicate_context p1)
          pred1 (Γ ,,, inst_case_context p0.(pparams) p0.(puinst) p0.(pcontext))
            (Γ' ,,, inst_case_context p1.(pparams) p1.(puinst) p1.(pcontext)) p0.(preturn) p1.(preturn)
          P (Γ ,,, inst_case_context p0.(pparams) p0.(puinst) p0.(pcontext))
            (Γ' ,,, inst_case_context p1.(pparams) p1.(puinst) p1.(pcontext)) p0.(preturn) p1.(preturn)
          All2 (fun br br'
            Pctxover Γ Γ' (inst_case_branch_context p0 br) (inst_case_branch_context p1 br') ×
                (P' (Γ ,,, inst_case_branch_context p0 br) (Γ' ,,, inst_case_branch_context p1 br'))
                  bbody bcontext br br') brs0 brs1
          P Γ Γ' (tCase ci p0 (mkApps (tCoFix mfix0 idx) args0) brs0)
                (tCase ci p1 (mkApps fn args1) brs1))

      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (p : projection) (mfix0 mfix1 : mfixpoint term)
         (idx : nat) (args0 args1 : list term)
         (narg : nat) (fn : term),
          pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
          Pctx Γ Γ'
          pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ' (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
          Pctxover Γ Γ' (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
          All2_prop2_eq Γ Γ' (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0) (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1) dtype dbody
                        (fun x(dname x, rarg x)) P' mfix0 mfix1
          unfold_cofix mfix1 idx = Some (narg, fn)
          All2 (P' Γ Γ') args0 args1
          P Γ Γ' (tProj p (mkApps (tCoFix mfix0 idx) args0)) (tProj p (mkApps fn args1)))
      ( (Γ Γ' : context) c (decl : constant_body) (body : term),
          pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
          Pctx Γ Γ'
          declared_constant Σ c decl
           u : Instance.t, cst_body decl = Some body
                                        P Γ Γ' (tConst c u) (subst_instance u body))
      ( (Γ Γ' : context) c (u : Instance.t),
          pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
          Pctx Γ Γ'
          P Γ Γ' (tConst c u) (tConst c u))
      ( (Γ Γ' : context) p (u : Instance.t)
              (args0 args1 : list term) (arg1 : term),
          pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
          Pctx Γ Γ'
          All2 (pred1 Γ Γ') args0 args1
          All2 (P Γ Γ') args0 args1
          nth_error args1 (p.(proj_npars) + p.(proj_arg)) = Some arg1
          P Γ Γ' (tProj p (mkApps (tConstruct p.(proj_ind) 0 u) args0)) arg1)
      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (na : aname) (M M' N N' : term),
          pred1 Γ Γ' M M'
          P Γ Γ' M M' pred1 (Γ,, vass na M) (Γ' ,, vass na M') N N'
          P (Γ,, vass na M) (Γ' ,, vass na M') N N' P Γ Γ' (tLambda na M N) (tLambda na M' N'))
      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (M0 M1 N0 N1 : term),
          pred1 Γ Γ' M0 M1 P Γ Γ' M0 M1 pred1 Γ Γ' N0 N1
          P Γ Γ' N0 N1 P Γ Γ' (tApp M0 N0) (tApp M1 N1))
      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (na : aname) (d0 d1 t0 t1 b0 b1 : term),
          pred1 Γ Γ' d0 d1
          P Γ Γ' d0 d1
          pred1 Γ Γ' t0 t1
          P Γ Γ' t0 t1
          pred1 (Γ,, vdef na d0 t0) (Γ',,vdef na d1 t1) b0 b1
          P (Γ,, vdef na d0 t0) (Γ',,vdef na d1 t1) b0 b1 P Γ Γ' (tLetIn na d0 t0 b0) (tLetIn na d1 t1 b1))
      ( (Γ Γ' : context) ci p0 p1 c0 c1 brs0 brs1,
          pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
          Pctx Γ Γ'
          All2 (P' Γ Γ') p0.(pparams) p1.(pparams)
          p0.(puinst) = p1.(puinst)
          p0.(pcontext) = p1.(pcontext)
          Pctxover Γ Γ' (PCUICCases.inst_case_predicate_context p0) (PCUICCases.inst_case_predicate_context p1)
          pred1 (Γ ,,, inst_case_context p0.(pparams) p0.(puinst) p0.(pcontext))
            (Γ' ,,, inst_case_context p1.(pparams) p1.(puinst) p1.(pcontext)) p0.(preturn) p1.(preturn)
          P (Γ ,,, inst_case_context p0.(pparams) p0.(puinst) p0.(pcontext))
            (Γ' ,,, inst_case_context p1.(pparams) p1.(puinst) p1.(pcontext)) p0.(preturn) p1.(preturn)
          All2 (fun br br'
            Pctxover Γ Γ' (inst_case_branch_context p0 br) (inst_case_branch_context p1 br') ×
              (P' (Γ ,,, inst_case_branch_context p0 br) (Γ' ,,, inst_case_branch_context p1 br'))
                bbody bcontext br br') brs0 brs1
          pred1 Γ Γ' c0 c1
          P Γ Γ' c0 c1
          P Γ Γ' (tCase ci p0 c0 brs0) (tCase ci p1 c1 brs1))

      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (p : projection) (c c' : term), pred1 Γ Γ' c c' P Γ Γ' c c' P Γ Γ' (tProj p c) (tProj p c'))

      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (mfix0 : mfixpoint term) (mfix1 : list (def term)) (idx : nat),
          pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
          Pctx Γ Γ'
          pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ' (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
          Pctxover Γ Γ' (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
          All2_prop2_eq Γ Γ' (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0) (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1)
                        dtype dbody (fun x(dname x, rarg x)) P' mfix0 mfix1
          P Γ Γ' (tFix mfix0 idx) (tFix mfix1 idx))

      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (mfix0 : mfixpoint term) (mfix1 : list (def term)) (idx : nat),
          pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
          Pctx Γ Γ'
          pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ' (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
          Pctxover Γ Γ' (fix_context mfix0) (fix_context mfix1)
          All2_prop2_eq Γ Γ' (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix0) (Γ' ,,, fix_context mfix1) dtype dbody (fun x(dname x, rarg x)) P' mfix0 mfix1
          P Γ Γ' (tCoFix mfix0 idx) (tCoFix mfix1 idx))
      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (na : aname) (M0 M1 N0 N1 : term),
          pred1 Γ Γ' M0 M1
          P Γ Γ' M0 M1 pred1 (Γ,, vass na M0) (Γ' ,, vass na M1) N0 N1
          P (Γ,, vass na M0) (Γ' ,, vass na M1) N0 N1 P Γ Γ' (tProd na M0 N0) (tProd na M1 N1))
      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (ev : nat) (l l' : list term),
          pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
          Pctx Γ Γ'
          All2 (P' Γ Γ') l l' P Γ Γ' (tEvar ev l) (tEvar ev l'))
      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (t : term),
          pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
          Pctx Γ Γ'
          pred_atom t P Γ Γ' t t)
      ( (Γ Γ' : context) (t t0 : term), pred1 Γ Γ' t t0 P Γ Γ' t t0) ×
      ( Γ Γ' Δ Δ', pred1_ctx Γ Γ' pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ' Δ Δ' Pctxover Γ Γ' Δ Δ').
  Proof using Σ.
    intros P Pctx Pctxover P' Hctx Hctxover. intros.
    assert ( (Γ Γ' : context) (t t0 : term), pred1 Γ Γ' t t0 P Γ Γ' t t0).
    rename X20 into pr. revert Γ Γ' t t0 pr.
    fix aux 5. intros Γ Γ' t t'.
    move aux at top.
    destruct 1; match goal with
                | |- P _ _ (tFix _ _) (tFix _ _) ⇒ idtac
                | |- P _ _ (tCoFix _ _) (tCoFix _ _) ⇒ idtac
                | |- P _ _ (mkApps (tFix _ _) _) _idtac
                | |- P _ _ (tCase _ _ (mkApps (tCoFix _ _) _) _) _idtac
                | |- P _ _ (tProj _ (mkApps (tCoFix _ _) _)) _idtac
                | |- P _ _ (tRel _) _idtac
                | |- P _ _ (tConst _ _) _idtac
                | |- P _ _ (tCase _ _ ?c _) (tCase _ _ ?c _) ⇒ idtac
                | H : _ |- _eapply H; eauto
    - simpl. apply X1; auto.
      clear X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X16 X17 X18 X19.
      apply Hctx.
      apply (on_contexts_impl a). intros. eapply X1.
      apply (on_contexts_impl a). intros. eapply (aux _ _ _ _ X1).
    - simpl. apply X2; auto.
      apply Hctx, (on_contexts_impl a). exact a. intros. apply (aux _ _ _ _ X20).
    - apply Hctx, (on_contexts_impl a). exact a. intros. apply (aux _ _ _ _ X20).
    - eapply (All2_All2_prop (P:=pred1) (Q:=P') a0 ((extendP aux) Γ Γ')).
    - eapply (All2_All2_prop a1 (extendP aux Γ Γ')).
    - eapply (All2_branch_prop
        (P:=fun Γ Γ' br br'
        (pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ') (inst_case_branch_context p0 br)
          (inst_case_context params' (puinst p0) (bcontext br')) ×
        (pred1 (Γ,,, inst_case_branch_context p0 br)
           (Γ',,, inst_case_context params' (puinst p0) (bcontext br))
           (bbody br) (bbody br') × bcontext br = bcontext br'))
        (Q:=fun Γ Γ' br0 br'
        Pctxover Γ Γ' (inst_case_branch_context p0 br0)
     (inst_case_context params' (puinst p0) (bcontext br')) ×
   (P' (Γ,,, inst_case_branch_context p0 br0)
      (Γ',,, inst_case_context params' (puinst p0) (bcontext br'))
      (bbody br0) (bbody br') × bcontext br0 = bcontext br')) a2).
      intros x y [? []]. split; [|split]; auto.
      × apply Hctxover ⇒ //.
        apply (on_contexts_impl a aux).
        apply (Hctx _ _ a), (on_contexts_impl a aux).
        apply (on_contexts_impl a3 (extend_over aux Γ Γ')).
      × apply (extendP aux _ _). rewrite -e1. exact p.
    - eapply X4; eauto.
      × apply (Hctx _ _ a), (on_contexts_impl a aux).
      × apply (Hctxover _ _ _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)
          (Hctx _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)) a0 (on_contexts_impl a0 (extend_over aux Γ Γ'))).
      × eapply (All2_All2_prop2_eq (Q:=P') (f:=dtype) (g:=dbody) a1 (extendP aux)).
      × eapply (All2_All2_prop (P:=pred1) (Q:=P') a2 (extendP aux Γ Γ')).
    - eapply X5; eauto.
      × apply Hctx, (on_contexts_impl a) ⇒ //.
      × apply (Hctxover _ _ _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)
        (Hctx _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)) a0 (on_contexts_impl a0 (extend_over aux Γ Γ'))).
      × eapply (All2_All2_prop2_eq (Q:=P') (f:=dtype) (g:=dbody) a1 (extendP aux)).
      × eapply (All2_All2_prop (P:=pred1) (Q:=P') a2 (extendP aux Γ Γ')).
      × eapply (All2_All2_prop (P:=pred1) (Q:=P') a3 (extendP aux Γ Γ')).
      × apply (Hctxover _ _ _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)
        (Hctx _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux))
        a4 (on_contexts_impl a4 (extend_over aux Γ Γ'))).
      × eapply (All2_branch_prop
          (P:=fun Γ Γ' br br'
          (pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ') (inst_case_branch_context p0 br)
            (inst_case_branch_context p1 br') ×
          (pred1 (Γ,,, inst_case_branch_context p0 br)
            (Γ',,, inst_case_branch_context p1 br')
            (bbody br) (bbody br') × bcontext br = bcontext br'))
          (Q:=fun Γ Γ' br0 br'
          Pctxover Γ Γ' (inst_case_branch_context p0 br0)
          (inst_case_branch_context p1 br') ×
        (P' (Γ,,, inst_case_branch_context p0 br0)
            (Γ',,, inst_case_branch_context p1 br')
            (bbody br0) (bbody br') × bcontext br0 = bcontext br')) a5).
        intros x y [? []].
        split; auto. 2:split ⇒ //.
        + apply (Hctxover _ _ _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)
            (Hctx _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)) a6 (on_contexts_impl a6 (extend_over aux Γ Γ'))).
        + apply (extendP aux _ _). exact p.
    - eapply X6; eauto.
      × apply (Hctx _ _ a), (on_contexts_impl a aux).
      × apply (Hctxover _ _ _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)
          (Hctx _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)) a0 (on_contexts_impl a0 (extend_over aux Γ Γ'))).
      × eapply (All2_All2_prop2_eq (Q:=P') (f:=dtype) (g:=dbody) a1 (extendP aux)).
      × eapply (All2_All2_prop (P:=pred1) (Q:=P') a2 (extendP aux Γ Γ')).
    - eapply X7; eauto.
      apply (Hctx _ _ a), (on_contexts_impl a aux).
    - eapply X8; eauto.
      apply (Hctx _ _ a), (on_contexts_impl a aux).
    - apply (Hctx _ _ a), (on_contexts_impl a aux).
    - eapply (All2_All2_prop (P:=pred1) (Q:=P) a0). intros. apply (aux _ _ _ _ X20).
    - apply (Hctx _ _ a), (on_contexts_impl a aux).
    - apply (All2_All2_prop (P:=pred1) (Q:=P') a0 (extendP aux _ _)).
    - apply (Hctxover _ _ _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)
        (Hctx _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)) a1 (on_contexts_impl a1 (extend_over aux Γ Γ'))).
    - eapply (All2_branch_prop
        (P:=fun Γ Γ' br br'
        (pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ') (inst_case_branch_context p0 br)
          (inst_case_branch_context p1 br') ×
        (pred1 (Γ,,, inst_case_branch_context p0 br)
          (Γ',,, inst_case_branch_context p1 br')
          (bbody br) (bbody br') × bcontext br = bcontext br'))
        (Q:=fun Γ Γ' br0 br'
        Pctxover Γ Γ' (inst_case_branch_context p0 br0)
        (inst_case_branch_context p1 br') ×
      (P' (Γ,,, inst_case_branch_context p0 br0)
          (Γ',,, inst_case_branch_context p1 br')
          (bbody br0) (bbody br') × bcontext br0 = bcontext br')) a2).
      intros x y [? []].
      split; auto. 2:split ⇒ //.
      + apply (Hctxover _ _ _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)
          (Hctx _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)) a3 (on_contexts_impl a3 (extend_over aux Γ Γ'))).
      + apply (extendP aux _ _). exact p.
    - eapply X15 ⇒ //.
      × eapply (Hctx _ _ a), (on_contexts_impl a aux).
      × apply (Hctxover _ _ _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)
         (Hctx _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)) a0 (on_contexts_impl a0 (extend_over aux Γ Γ'))).
      × eapply (All2_All2_prop2_eq (Q:=P') (f:=dtype) (g:=dbody) a1 (extendP aux)).
    - eapply X16; tas.
      × eapply (Hctx _ _ a), (on_contexts_impl a aux).
      × apply (Hctxover _ _ _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)
        (Hctx _ _ a (on_contexts_impl a aux)) a0 (on_contexts_impl a0 (extend_over aux Γ Γ'))).
      × eapply (All2_All2_prop2_eq (Q:=P') (f:=dtype) (g:=dbody) a1 (extendP aux)).
    - eapply (Hctx _ _ a), (on_contexts_impl a aux).
    - eapply (All2_All2_prop (P:=pred1) (Q:=P') a0 (extendP aux Γ Γ')).
    - eapply (Hctx _ _ a), (on_contexts_impl a aux).
    - split ⇒ //.
      eapply Hctxover; eauto.
      { eapply (on_contexts_impl X21 X20). }
      eapply Hctx; eauto.
      { eapply (on_contexts_impl X21 X20). }
      eapply (on_contexts_impl X22 (extend_over X20 Γ Γ')).

  Lemma pred1_pred1_ctx {Γ Δ t u} : pred1 Γ Δ t u pred1_ctx Γ Δ.
  Proof using.
    intros H; revert Γ Δ t u H.
    refine (fst (pred1_ind_all_ctx _ (fun Γ Γ'pred1_ctx Γ Γ')
      (fun Γ Γ' Δ Δ'True)
      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)); intros ×.
    all:try intros **; rename_all_hyps;
      try solve [specialize (forall_Γ _ X3); eauto]; eauto;
        try solve [eexists; split; constructor; eauto].

  Lemma onctx_rel_pred1_refl Γ Δ :
    pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
    (fun (Γ : context) (t : term) ⇒
       Γ' : context, pred1_ctx Γ Γ' pred1 Γ Γ' t t) Γ Δ
    pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ' Δ Δ.
  Proof using.
    intros Γ' pred onc.
    induction onc; simpl; constructor; auto.
    eapply t0.
    apply on_contexts_app ⇒ //.
    destruct t1.
    constructor; [eapply p|eapply p0];
    apply on_contexts_app ⇒ //.

  Lemma onctx_rel_pred1_refl' Γ Δ :
    pred1_ctx Γ Γ'
    (fun (Γ : context) (t : term) ⇒
       Γ' : context, pred1_ctx Γ Γ' pred1 Γ Γ' t t) Γ Δ
    pred1_ctx_over Γ Γ' Δ Δ.
  Proof using.
    intros Γ' pred onc.
    induction onc; simpl; constructor; auto.
    eapply t0.
    apply on_contexts_app ⇒ //.
    destruct t1.
    constructor; [eapply p|eapply p0];
    apply on_contexts_app ⇒ //.

  Hint Constructors All_decls : pcuic.

  Lemma pred1_refl_gen Γ Γ' t : pred1_ctx Γ Γ' pred1 Γ Γ' t t.
  Proof using.
    revert Γ'.
    revert Γ t.
    apply: PCUICDepth.term_forall_ctx_list_ind;
      try solve [(apply pred_atom; reflexivity) || constructor; auto];
      try solve [try red in X; constructor; unfold All2_prop2_eq, All2_prop2, on_Trel in *; solve_all];
    - constructor; eauto. eapply X0.
      constructor; try red; eauto with pcuic.
    - constructor; eauto. eapply X0.
      constructor; try red; eauto with pcuic.
    - constructor; eauto. eapply X1.
      constructor; try red; eauto with pcuic.
    - red in X, X1; econstructor; solve_all.
      × eapply onctx_rel_pred1_refl ⇒ //.
      × eapply b0.
        eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //.
        eapply onctx_rel_pred1_refl ⇒ //.
      × eapply All_All2; tea; solve_all.
        + eapply onctx_rel_pred1_refl ⇒ //.
        + eapply b.
          now eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //; eapply onctx_rel_pred1_refl.
    - constructor; auto.
      apply onctx_rel_pred1_refl ⇒ //.
      unfold All2_prop_eq, on_Trel in ×.
      eapply All_All2; eauto. simpl; intros. solve_all.
      eapply a; tas.
      eapply b. eapply on_contexts_app; auto.
      now eapply onctx_rel_pred1_refl.
    - constructor; auto.
      apply onctx_rel_pred1_refl ⇒ //.
      unfold All2_prop_eq, on_Trel in ×.
      eapply All_All2; eauto. simpl; intros. solve_all.
      eapply a; tas.
      eapply b. eapply on_contexts_app; auto.
      now eapply onctx_rel_pred1_refl.

  Lemma pred1_ctx_refl Γ : pred1_ctx Γ Γ.
  Proof using.
    induction Γ. constructor.
    destruct a as [na [b|] ty]; constructor; try red; simpl; auto with pcuic;
    constructor; now apply pred1_refl_gen.
  Hint Resolve pred1_ctx_refl : pcuic.

  Lemma pred1_refl Γ t : pred1 Γ Γ t t.
  Proof using Type×. apply pred1_refl_gen, pred1_ctx_refl. Qed.

  Lemma pred1_ctx_over_refl Γ Δ : All2_fold (on_decls (on_decls_over pred1 Γ Γ)) Δ Δ.
  Proof using.
    induction Δ as [|[na [b|] ty] Δ]; constructor; auto.
    all:constructor; apply pred1_refl.

End ParallelReduction.

Hint Constructors pred1 : pcuic.
Hint Unfold All2_prop2_eq All2_prop2 on_rel on_Trel snd on_snd : pcuic.
Hint Resolve All2_same: pcuic.
Hint Constructors All2_fold : pcuic.
Hint Resolve pred1_ctx_refl : pcuic.

Ltac pcuic_simplify :=
  simpl || split || rdest || red.

Hint Extern 10 ⇒ progress pcuic_simplify : pcuic.

Notation pred1_ctx Σ Γ Γ' := (All2_fold (on_decls (pred1 Σ)) Γ Γ').
Notation pred1_ctx_over Σ Γ Γ' := (All2_fold (on_decls (on_decls_over (pred1 Σ) Γ Γ'))).

Hint Extern 4 (pred1 _ _ _ ?t _) ⇒ tryif is_evar t then fail 1 else eapply pred1_refl_gen : pcuic.
Hint Extern 4 (pred1 _ _ _ ?t _) ⇒ tryif is_evar t then fail 1 else eapply pred1_refl : pcuic.

Hint Extern 20 (#|?X| = #|?Y|) ⇒
match goal with
  [ H : All2_fold _ ?X ?Y |- _ ] ⇒ apply (on_contexts_length H)
| [ H : All2_fold _ ?Y ?X |- _ ] ⇒ symmetry; apply (on_contexts_length H)
| [ H : on_contexts_over _ _ _ ?X ?Y |- _ ] ⇒ apply (on_contexts_length H)
| [ H : on_contexts_over _ _ _ ?Y ?X |- _ ] ⇒ symmetry; apply (on_contexts_length H)
end : pcuic.

Hint Extern 4 (pred1_ctx ?Σ ?Γ ?Γ') ⇒
  match goal with
  | [ H : pred1_ctx Σ (Γ ,,, _) (Γ' ,,, _) |- _ ] ⇒ apply (on_contexts_app_inv_left H)
  | [ H : pred1 Σ Γ Γ' _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ apply (pred1_pred1_ctx _ H)
  end : pcuic.

Ltac pcuic := try repeat red; cbn in *; try solve [intuition auto; eauto with pcuic || ltac:(try (lia || congruence))].

Ltac my_rename_hyp h th :=
  match th with
  | pred1_ctx _ _ ?Gfresh "pred" G
  | nat boolfresh "P"
  | nat natfresh "f"
  | urenaming _ _ _ ?ffresh "u" f
  | _PCUICWeakeningEnv.my_rename_hyp h th
  | _PCUICTyping.my_rename_hyp h th

Ltac rename_hyp h ht ::= my_rename_hyp h ht.

Lemma on_contexts_over_refl {Σ Γ Δ Γ'} :
  pred1_ctx Σ Γ Δ on_contexts_over (pred1 Σ) Γ Δ Γ' Γ'.
  intros X0.
  induction Γ'. constructor.
  pose proof IHΓ'. apply on_contexts_over_app in IHΓ'; auto.
  constructor; auto.
  destruct a as [na [b|] ty]; constructor; pcuic.

Hint Extern 4 (on_contexts_over _ _ _ ?X) ⇒
  tryif is_evar X then fail 1 else eapply on_contexts_over_refl : pcuic.

Ltac inv_on_free_vars ::=
  match goal with
  | [ H : is_true (on_free_vars ?P ?t) |- _ ] ⇒
    progress (cbn in H || rewriteon_free_vars_mkApps in H);
    (move/and5P: H ⇒ [] || move/and4P: H ⇒ [] || move/and3P: H ⇒ [] || move/andP: H ⇒ [] ||
      eapply forallb_All in H); intros

Hint Resolve on_free_vars_fix_context : fvs.

Section ParallelWeakening.
  Context {cf : checker_flags}.

  Lemma map_cofix_subst f mfix :
    ( n, tCoFix (map (map_def (f 0) (f #|mfix|)) mfix) n = f 0 (tCoFix mfix n))
    cofix_subst (map (map_def (f 0) (f #|mfix|)) mfix) =
    map (f 0) (cofix_subst mfix).
    unfold cofix_subst. intros.
    rewrite map_length. generalize (#|mfix|) at 2 3. induction n. simpl. reflexivity.
    simpl. rewrite - IHn. f_equal. apply H.

  Lemma map_fix_subst f mfix :
    ( n, tFix (map (map_def (f 0) (f #|mfix|)) mfix) n = f 0 (tFix mfix n))
    fix_subst (map (map_def (f 0) (f #|mfix|)) mfix) =
    map (f 0) (fix_subst mfix).
    unfold fix_subst. intros.
    rewrite map_length. generalize (#|mfix|) at 2 3. induction n. simpl. reflexivity.
    simpl. rewrite - IHn. f_equal. apply H.

  Lemma lift_rename' n k : lift n k =1 rename (lift_renaming n k).
  Proof. intros t; apply lift_rename. Qed.

  Lemma lift_iota_red n k pars p args br :
    #|args| = (pars + context_assumptions br.(bcontext))%nat
    test_context_k closedn #|pparams p| (bcontext br)
    lift n k (iota_red pars p args br) =
    iota_red pars (map_predicate_k id (lift n) k p) ( (lift n k) args) (map_branch_k (lift n) id k br).
    intros hctx hctx'. rewrite !lift_rename'.
    rewrite rename_iota_red //; try (rewrite skipn_length; lia).
    f_equal; try setoid_rewrite <-lift_rename ⇒ //.
    unfold map_branch_k, rename_branch, map_branch_shift.
    × rewrite /shiftf /rename_predicate /map_predicate_k /= /id.
      now setoid_rewrite lift_rename'.
      setoid_rewrite shiftn_lift_renaming.
      now rewrite lift_rename'.
    × rewrite /rename_branch /PCUICSigmaCalculus.rename_branch /map_branch_k /= /id.
      f_equal. now rewrite lift_rename' shiftn_lift_renaming.

  Lemma mapi_context_lift n k ctx :
    mapi_context (shiftf (lift n) k) ctx = lift_context n k ctx.
    now rewrite mapi_context_fold.

  Lemma All_decls_map P (f g : term term) d d' :
    All_decls (fun x yP (f x) (g y)) d d'
    All_decls P (map_decl f d) (map_decl g d').
    intros []; constructor; auto.

  Lemma on_contexts_context_k P (f g : nat term term) ctx ctx' :
  All2_fold (fun Γ Γ' d d'P (map_decl (f #|Γ|) d) (map_decl (g #|Γ'|) d')) ctx ctx'
  All2 P (fold_context_k f ctx) (fold_context_k g ctx').
  induction 1. constructor.
  rewrite !fold_context_k_snoc0. now constructor.

  Hint Resolve urenaming_vass urenaming_vdef : pcuic.

  Lemma on_contexts_fold_context_k P (f g : nat term term) ctx ctx' :
    All2_fold (on_decls (fun Γ Γ' t t'P (fold_context_k f Γ) (fold_context_k g Γ')
    (f #|Γ| t) (g #|Γ'| t'))) ctx ctx'
    All2_fold (on_decls P) (fold_context_k f ctx) (fold_context_k g ctx').
    intros a. rewrite - !mapi_context_fold.
    eapply on_contexts_mapi.
    eapply (on_contexts_impl_ind a).
    intros par par' x y H.
    now rewrite !mapi_context_fold.

  Lemma on_contexts_rename_context Σ Δ Δ' Γ Γ' f :
      (fun Γ Γ' : context
         (fun t t' : term
          on_decls_over (pred1 Σ) Δ Δ'
            (fold_context_k (fun i : natrename (shiftn i f)) Γ)
            (fold_context_k (fun i : natrename (shiftn i f)) Γ')
            (rename (shiftn #|Γ| f) t) (rename (shiftn #|Γ'| f) t'))) Γ Γ'
    pred1_ctx_over Σ Δ Δ' (rename_context f Γ) (rename_context f Γ').
    intros q.
    now eapply on_contexts_fold_context_k.

  Lemma All_decls_on_free_vars_impl P Q R d d' :
    All_decls P d d'
    on_free_vars_decl R d
    ( t t', on_free_vars R t P t t' Q t t')
    All_decls Q d d'.
    move⇒ [] /=; constructor; auto.
    eapply X; eauto with pcuic.
    now move/andP: H ⇒ /= [].
    now move/andP: H ⇒ /= [].

This not only proves that parallel reduction has renaming, it also ensures that it only looks at the variables actually used in the term/context. This lemma can later be used to show weakening but also verify that strenghtening is admissible for parallel reduction: i.e. the case of a renaming that is only defined on a subset of the variables of the context.

  Lemma pred1_rename {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} :
    ( Γ Γ' u v, pred1 Σ Γ Γ' u v
     {P f Δ Δ'},
    pred1_ctx Σ Δ Δ'
    urenaming P Δ Γ f
    urenaming P Δ' Γ' f
    on_free_vars P u
    on_ctx_free_vars P Γ
    pred1 Σ Δ Δ' (rename f u) (rename f v)) ×
    ( (Γ Γ' : context) (Δ Δ' : context),
      pred1_ctx Σ Γ Γ'
      pred1_ctx_over Σ Γ Γ' Δ Δ'
       P f Δ0 Δ'0,
        urenaming P Δ0 Γ f
        urenaming P Δ'0 Γ' f
        pred1_ctx Σ Δ0 Δ'0
        on_ctx_free_vars P Γ
        on_free_vars_ctx P Δ
        pred1_ctx_over Σ Δ0 Δ'0 (rename_context f Δ) (rename_context f Δ')).
  Proof using cf.
    set (Pctx := fun (Γ Γ' : context) ⇒ pred1_ctx Σ Γ Γ').

    refine (pred1_ind_all_ctx Σ _ Pctx _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); intros *; intros;
      subst Pctx;
    rename_all_hyps; try subst Γ Γ';
    lazymatch goal with
    | |- context [tCase _ _ _ _] ⇒ idtac
    | |- _simplify_IH_hyps
    end; cbn -[iota_red];
    match goal with
    |- context [iota_red _ _ _] ⇒ idtac
    | |- _autorewrite with lift
    try specialize (forall_P P f Δ Δ' uf uf0);
    try specialize (forall_P0 P f Δ Δ' uf uf0);
    try specialize (forall_P1 P f Δ Δ' uf uf0);
    try pose proof (on_contexts_length X0);
    try specialize (X0 _ _ eq_refl _ _ eq_refl heq_length _ _ ltac:(eauto));
    simpl; try solve [ econstructor; eauto; try apply All2_map;
                    unfold All2_prop_eq, All2_prop, on_Trel, id in *; solve_all];
    unfold All2_prop_eq, All2_prop, on_Trel, id in ×.
    all:try inv_on_free_vars.
    all:try solve [econstructor; eauto].
      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply forall_P0; eauto with pcuic.
      repeat (econstructor; eauto).
      econstructor; eauto.
      rewrite !rename_fix_context. eapply forall_P; tea; eauto with fvs.
      red in X3 |- ×.
      eapply All2_All_mix_left in X3; tea.
      eapply All2_map.
      rewrite /= !rename_fix_context /= /on_Trel /=.
      rewrite /on_Trel /= in X3.
      pose proof (All2_length X3).
      eapply (All2_impl X3). intuition auto.
      move/andP: a ⇒ [] clty cldef.
      eapply b; tea.
      rewrite -H2.
      eapply b0; tea.
      × eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //. eapply X2; tea; eauto with fvs.
      × relativize #|mfix0|; [eapply urenaming_context|]; tea; now len.
      × len; relativize #|mfix0|; [eapply urenaming_context|]; tea; now len.
      × move/andP: a ⇒ []. now len.
      × rewrite on_ctx_free_vars_concat H0 /=.
        rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars. now eapply on_free_vars_fix_context.

    1:{ exact predΓ'. }
    - rename uf0 into uf'.
      rename H into onΓ; rename H0 into onΔ.
      eapply on_contexts_fold_context_k.
      induction X3.
      × constructor; auto.
      × move: onΔ.
        rewrite -on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars on_ctx_free_vars_snocS ⇒ /andP[] onΓ0 ond.
        rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars in onΓ0.
        depelim X2.
        do 2 forward IHX3 by auto.
        constructor; auto.
        eapply All_decls_on_free_vars_impl; tea.
        intros t t' ont IH.
        rewrite -(on_contexts_length IHX3).
        rewrite - !/(rename_context _ _).
        eapply IH; tea; auto with pcuic.
        + eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //.
          eapply on_contexts_fold_context_k ⇒ //.
        + now eapply urenaming_context.
        + rewrite (on_contexts_length IHX3). now eapply urenaming_context.
        + now rewrite on_ctx_free_vars_concat onΓ on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars onΓ0.

      move/andP: a ⇒ [] onty onbody.
      rewrite rename_subst10.
      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply (forall_P (PCUICOnFreeVars.shiftnP 1 P) (shiftn 1 f)); auto with pcuic.
      repeat (constructor; eauto).

      rewrite rename_subst10.
      econstructor; eauto.
      eapply (forall_P1 (PCUICOnFreeVars.shiftnP 1 P) (shiftn 1 f)); eauto with pcuic.
      repeat (constructor; eauto).

      rewrite lift0_rename /rshiftk.
      cbn in H0.
      epose proof (nth_error_pred1_ctx _ _ predΓ' heq_option_map) as [bod [hbod predbod]].
      destruct (nth_error Γ i) eqn:hnth ⇒ //. noconf hbod.
      destruct (nth_error Γ' i) eqn:hnth' ⇒ //.
      simpl in X0.
      unfold urenaming in uf, uf0.
      specialize uf0 with (1 := H0) (2 := hnth') as [decl' [nthΔ' [eqba [reneq onb]]]].
      specialize uf with (1 := H0) (2 := hnth) as [decl'' [nthΔ'' [eqba' [reneq' onb']]]].
      cbn in heq_option_map. noconf heq_option_map.
      rewrite H in onb. rewrite H3 in onb'; cbn in ×.
      destruct decl' as [? [?|] ?]; noconf onb; cbn in ×.
      destruct decl'' as [? [?|] ?]; noconf onb'; cbn in ×.
      rewrite rename_compose H4.
      replace (rename (fun mS (f i + m)) t) with (lift0 (S (f i)) t).
      2:{ rewrite lift0_rename //. }
      econstructor; eauto.
      rewrite nthΔ' /= //.

      rewrite rename_mkApps. simpl.
      eapply forallb_All in p4.
      eapply All2_All_mix_left in X3; tea.
      rewrite rename_iota_red //.
      × rewrite skipn_length; lia.
      × eapply All2_nth_error_Some_right in X3 as [br' [nthbr [? []]]]; tea.
        move/andP: i ⇒ [] clbctx onfvs.
        destruct p5.
        rewrite -e.
        rewrite test_context_k_closed_on_free_vars_ctx in clbctx. len.
        rewrite -(All2_length X2).
        now rewrite closedn_ctx_on_free_vars.
      × move: p3; rewrite on_free_vars_mkApps /= ⇒ /forallb_All Hargs.
        eapply All2_All_mix_left in X1; tea.
        rewrite rename_predicate_set_pparams.
        econstructor; tea; try solve [solve_all].
        + erewrite nth_error_map, heq_nth_error ⇒ //.
        + simpl. eapply All2_map; solve_all.
        + eapply All2_map, (All2_impl X3).
          movex y [] /andP [] onctx onb [] IHctx [] [] Hbod IHbod eqc; cbn.
          rewrite -eqc.
          rewrite {2}/id.
          rewrite /PCUICSigmaCalculus.rename_branch /inst_case_branch_context /= /id.
          rewrite -rename_inst_case_context_wf //.
          rewrite -rename_inst_case_context_wf //.
          { now rewrite -(All2_length X2). }
          { rewrite -eqc in IHctx. eapply IHctx; tea.
            eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea ⇒ //. }
          split ⇒ //. eapply IHbod; tea.
          { eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //. rewrite -eqc in IHctx. eapply IHctx; tea.
            eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea. reflexivity. }
          { relativize #|bcontext x|; [apply: urenaming_context|] ⇒ //.
            now rewrite inst_case_context_length. }
          { rewrite -eqc. relativize #|bcontext x|; [apply: urenaming_context|] ⇒ //.
            now rewrite inst_case_context_length. }
          { relativize #|bcontext x|; [erewrite on_ctx_free_vars_concat, H2|].
            2:{ now rewrite inst_case_context_length. }
            rewrite /=.
            rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars.
            eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; trea. }

      rewrite 2!rename_mkApps. simpl. inv_on_free_vars.
      econstructor; tas.
      3:eapply rename_unfold_fix; tea.
      3:rewrite -is_constructor_rename; tea.
      + rewrite !rename_fix_context.
        eapply forall_P; tea.
        eapply on_free_vars_fix_context; solve_all.
      + red in X3 |- ×. pose proof (All2_length X3).
        eapply All2_All_mix_left in X3; tea.
        eapply All2_map ⇒ /=; rewrite /on_Trel /=.
        rewrite !rename_fix_context.
        eapply (All2_impl X3); solve_all.
        unfold on_Trel in *; cbn; solve_all.
        eapply b1; tea. now move/andP: a.
        rewrite -H0; eapply b0; tea.
        × eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //. eapply X2; tea.
          eapply on_free_vars_fix_context. solve_all.
        × relativize #|mfix0|; [eapply urenaming_context|]; tea; now len.
        × len. relativize #|mfix0|; [eapply urenaming_context|]; tea; now len.
        × len. now move/andP: a.
        × rewrite on_ctx_free_vars_concat on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars H2.
          eapply on_free_vars_fix_context; solve_all.
      + solve_all.

    - rewrite 2!rename_mkApps. simpl. repeat inv_on_free_vars.
      eapply pred_cofix_case; tea.
      3:eapply rename_unfold_cofix; tea.
      all:try rewrite !rename_fix_context.
      + eapply forall_P; tea.
        eapply on_free_vars_fix_context; solve_all.
      + eapply All2_All_mix_left in X3; tea.
        eapply All2_map, (All2_impl X3); unfold on_Trel; cbn.
        movex y [] /andP[] onty onbod [] [] pty IHbty [] [] pbody IHpbody [=] eqna eqrarg.
        rewrite -(All2_length X3).
        rewrite -(fix_context_length mfix0) in onbod ×.
        eapply IHpbody; tea.
        × eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //. eapply X6; eauto.
          eapply on_free_vars_fix_context; solve_all.
        × now eapply urenaming_context.
        × relativize #|fix_context mfix0|; [eapply urenaming_context|]; len; trea.
          now rewrite (All2_length X3).
        × rewrite on_ctx_free_vars_concat H3 /= on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars.
          eapply on_free_vars_fix_context; solve_all.
      + solve_all.
      + cbn. solve_all.
      + cbn. rewrite /map_predicate_shift /PCUICCases.inst_case_predicate_context /=.
        rewrite - !rename_inst_case_context_wf //.
        { now rewrite -(All2_length X5). }
        eapply forall_P0; tea.
        now eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context.
      + cbn.
        rewrite /map_predicate_shift /PCUICCases.inst_case_predicate_context /=.
        rewrite - !rename_inst_case_context_wf //.
        { now rewrite -(All2_length X5). }
        rewrite -heq_pcontext.
        eapply forall_P1; trea.
        × eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //.
          rewrite {2}heq_pcontext. eapply forall_P0; tea.
          now eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context.
        × relativize #|pcontext p0|; [eapply urenaming_context|]; len; trea.
        × rewrite heq_pcontext.
          relativize #|pcontext p1|; [eapply urenaming_context|]; len; trea.
        × relativize #|pcontext p0|. erewrite on_ctx_free_vars_extend, H3. cbn.
          now eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context. now len.
      + eapply All2_map.
        eapply forallb_All in p5. eapply All2_All_mix_left in X9; tea.
        eapply (All2_impl X9).
        movex y [] /andP[] onpars onbod [] IHbctx [] [] hbod IHbod eq. unfold on_Trel.
        rewrite /map_predicate_shift /= /inst_case_branch_context /=.
        rewrite - !rename_inst_case_context_wf //.
        { now rewrite -(All2_length X5). }
        split; [|split] ⇒ //.
        × eapply IHbctx; tea.
          now eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context.
        × rewrite -eq; eapply IHbod; tea.
          { rewrite {2}eq.
            eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //.
            eapply IHbctx; tea.
            now eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context. }
          { relativize #|bcontext x|; [eapply urenaming_context|]; len; trea. }
          { rewrite eq; relativize #|bcontext y|;[eapply urenaming_context|]; len; trea. }
          { relativize #|bcontext x|. erewrite on_ctx_free_vars_concat, H3.
            rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars.
            eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; solve_all. now len. }
    - rewrite 2!rename_mkApps. simpl. cbn in H0. repeat inv_on_free_vars.
      econstructor; tea.
      3:eapply rename_unfold_cofix; tea.
      all:try rewrite !rename_fix_context.
      + eapply forall_P; tea.
        now eapply on_free_vars_fix_context.
      + eapply All2_All_mix_left in X3; tea.
        eapply All2_map, (All2_impl X3).
        movex y [] /andP[] hty hbody. rewrite /on_Trel.
        move⇒ [] [] Hty IHty [] [] Hbod IHbod /= [=] hna hrarg.
        repeat split; auto. 3:congruence.
        eapply IHty; tea.
        rewrite -(All2_length X3).
        eapply IHbod; tea.
        { eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //. eapply forall_P; tea.
          now eapply on_free_vars_fix_context. }
        { relativize #|mfix0|; [eapply urenaming_context|]; len; trea. }
        { relativize #|mfix0|; [eapply urenaming_context|]; len; trea.
          now rewrite (All2_length X3). }
        { rewrite -(fix_context_length mfix0). rewrite on_ctx_free_vars_concat H1 /=.
          rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars. now apply on_free_vars_fix_context. }
      + solve_all.

    - rewrite rename_subst_instance.
      econstructor; tea.
      rewrite rename_closed. 2: assumption.
      eapply (PCUICClosedTyp.declared_constant_closed_body). all: eauto.
    - rewrite rename_mkApps. simpl. cbn in H0; inv_on_free_vars.
      econstructor; tea. 2:erewrite nth_error_map, heq_nth_error; reflexivity.
    - constructor; eauto.
      eapply forall_P1; tea.
      { constructor; eauto with pcuic. constructor; eauto. }
      { eapply urenaming_vdef; eauto. }
      { eapply urenaming_vdef; eauto. }
      eapply on_ctx_free_vars_snoc_def; eauto.
    - rewrite /map_predicate_shift /=.
      constructor; cbn; eauto.
      all:rewrite /PCUICCases.inst_case_predicate_context /inst_case_branch_context /=.
      all:try rewrite - !rename_inst_case_context_wf //.
      2,4:now rewrite -heq_pcontext - ?(All2_length X1).
      { eapply forall_P; tea.
        now eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context. }
      { relativize #|pcontext p1|. eapply forall_P0; tea.
        + eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //. eapply forall_P; tea.
          now eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context.
        + relativize #|pcontext p0|; [eapply urenaming_context|]; len; trea.
        + relativize #|pcontext p0|; [eapply urenaming_context|]; len; trea.
          now rewrite heq_pcontext.
        + relativize #|pcontext p0|; [erewrite on_ctx_free_vars_concat, H2|]; len; trea.
          relativize #|pcontext p0|; [erewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars|]; len; trea.
          now eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context.
        + now rewrite heq_pcontext.
      eapply All2_map; cbn. solve_all.
      all:rewrite - !rename_inst_case_context_wf //.
      1,3:rewrite - ?b -(All2_length X1) //.
      { eapply a0; tea.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; trea. solve_all. }
      { relativize #|bcontext y|; [eapply b0|]; len; trea.
        { eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //. eapply a0; tea.
          eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; trea. solve_all. }
        { relativize #|bcontext x|; [eapply urenaming_context|]; len; trea. }
        { rewrite /inst_case_branch_context.
          relativize #|bcontext x|; [eapply urenaming_context|]; len; trea.
          now rewrite b. }
        { relativize #|bcontext x|; [erewrite on_ctx_free_vars_concat, H2|]; len; trea.
          rewrite /inst_case_branch_context.
          relativize #|bcontext x|; [erewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars|]; len; trea.
          eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; len; trea.
          solve_all. }
        now rewrite b. }

    - econstructor; tea.
      rewrite !rename_fix_context. eapply forall_P; tea; eauto with fvs.
      rewrite /All2_prop2_eq in X3 ×.
      eapply All2_All_mix_left in X3; tea.
      eapply All2_map, (All2_impl X3).
      movex y [] /andP [] onty onbody. rewrite /on_Trel /=.
      move⇒ [] [] Hty IHty [] [] Hbod IHbod [=] hna hrarg.
      repeat split; try congruence. eauto with fvs.
      rewrite !rename_fix_context.
      relativize #|mfix1|. eapply IHbod; tea.
      { eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //. eapply forall_P; tea; eauto with fvs. }
      { rewrite -(fix_context_length mfix0). now eapply urenaming_context. }
      { rewrite (All2_length X3) -(fix_context_length mfix1).
        now eapply urenaming_context. }
      { rewrite -(fix_context_length mfix0).
        rewrite on_ctx_free_vars_extend H0 on_free_vars_fix_context //. }
      now rewrite (All2_length X3).
    - econstructor; tea; eauto with fvs.
      eapply forall_P0; tea; eauto with fvs.
      repeat (constructor; eauto).
      1-2:now eapply urenaming_vass.
    - econstructor; tea. solve_all.
    - destruct t ⇒ //; constructor; auto.

  Lemma weakening_pred1 {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {P Γ Γ' Γ'' Δ Δ' Δ'' M N} :
    pred1 Σ (Γ ,,, Γ') (Δ ,,, Δ') M N
    on_ctx_free_vars (PCUICOnFreeVars.shiftnP #|Γ'| P) (Γ ,,, Γ')
    on_free_vars (PCUICOnFreeVars.shiftnP #|Γ'| P) M
    #|Γ| = #|Δ|
    on_contexts_over (pred1 Σ) Γ Δ Γ'' Δ''
    pred1 Σ (Γ ,,, Γ'' ,,, lift_context #|Γ''| 0 Γ')
          (Δ ,,, Δ'' ,,, lift_context #|Δ''| 0 Δ')
          (lift #|Γ''| #|Γ'| M) (lift #|Δ''| #|Δ'| N).
    intros H onΓ onM hlen predo.
    rewrite !lift_rename.
    pose proof (on_contexts_length predo).
    rewrite -H0.
    pose proof (pred1_pred1_ctx _ H).
    eapply on_contexts_length in X. len in X.
    assert (#|Δ'| = #|Γ'|) by lia. rewrite -H1.
    eapply (fst pred1_rename _ _ _ _ ). tea.
    { pose proof (pred1_pred1_ctx _ H).
      eapply on_contexts_app_inv in X0 as [] ⇒ //.
      eapply on_contexts_app.
      eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //.
      rewrite - !rename_context_lift_context.
      eapply (snd pred1_rename).
      5:{ eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //. } exact a.
      2:tea. assumption.
      eapply (weakening_renaming _ Γ []).
      rewrite H0.
      eapply (weakening_renaming _ _ []).
      rewrite on_ctx_free_vars_concat in onΓ.
      move/andP: onΓ⇒ []; eauto.
      rewrite on_ctx_free_vars_concat in onΓ.
      move/andP: onΓ ⇒ [] _.
      now rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars. }
    rewrite H1. eapply weakening_renaming.
    rewrite H0. apply weakening_renaming.
    2:tea. tea.

  Lemma weakening_pred1_pred1 {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {P Γ Δ Γ' Δ' M N} :
    pred1_ctx_over Σ Γ Δ Γ' Δ'
    on_ctx_free_vars P Γ
    on_free_vars P M
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ M N
    pred1 Σ (Γ ,,, Γ') (Δ ,,, Δ') (lift0 #|Γ'| M) (lift0 #|Δ'| N).
    intros; eapply (weakening_pred1 (Γ' := []) (Δ' := [])); eauto.
    now rewrite shiftnP0.
    now rewrite shiftnP0.
    pose proof (pred1_pred1_ctx _ X0).
    now rewrite (on_contexts_length X1).

  Lemma weakening_pred1_0 {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {P Γ Δ Γ' M N} :
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ M N
    on_ctx_free_vars P Γ
    on_free_vars P M
    pred1 Σ (Γ ,,, Γ') (Δ ,,, Γ') (lift0 #|Γ'| M) (lift0 #|Γ'| N).
    intros p onΓ onM.
    eapply weakening_pred1_pred1; tea.
    apply on_contexts_over_refl; pcuic.

  Lemma on_contexts_over_pred1_ctx Σ Γ Γ' Δ Δ' :
    #|Δ| = #|Δ'|
    pred1_ctx Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) (Γ' ,,, Δ')
      (on_decls (on_decls_over (pred1 Σ) Γ Γ')) Δ Δ'.
    intros. pose proof (on_contexts_length X).
    apply on_contexts_app_inv in X.
    intuition. auto. rewrite !app_context_length in H0. pcuic.
  Hint Resolve on_contexts_over_pred1_ctx : pcuic.

  Lemma nth_error_pred1_ctx_all_defs {P} {Γ Δ} :
    on_contexts P Γ Δ
     i body body', option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ i) = Some (Some body)
              option_map decl_body (nth_error Δ i) = Some (Some body')
              P (skipn (S i) Γ) (skipn (S i) Δ) body body'.
    induction 1; destruct i; simpl; try discriminate; depelim p ⇒ //;
    intros; noconf H; noconf H0; auto.

  Lemma on_contexts_over_firstn_skipn:
     (Σ : global_env) (i : nat) (Δ' R : context),
      pred1_ctx Σ Δ' R
      on_contexts_over (pred1 Σ) (skipn i Δ') (skipn i R) (firstn i Δ') (firstn i R).
    intros Σ i Δ' R redr.
    induction redr in i |- *; simpl.
    × destruct i; constructor; pcuic.
    × destruct i; simpl; constructor; pcuic.
      depelim p; constructor; auto; repeat red; now rewrite /app_context !firstn_skipn.

End ParallelWeakening.

Hint Resolve pred1_pred1_ctx : pcuic.

Section ParallelSubstitution.
  Context {cf : checker_flags}.

  Inductive psubst Σ (Γ Γ' : context) : list term list term context context Type :=
  | psubst_empty : psubst Σ Γ Γ' [] [] [] []
  | psubst_vass Δ Δ' s s' na na' t t' T T' :
      psubst Σ Γ Γ' s s' Δ Δ'
      pred1 Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) (Γ' ,,, Δ') T T'
      pred1 Σ Γ Γ' t t'
      psubst Σ Γ Γ' (t :: s) (t' :: s') (Δ ,, vass na T) (Δ' ,, vass na' T')
  | psubst_vdef Δ Δ' s s' na na' t t' T T' :
      psubst Σ Γ Γ' s s' Δ Δ'
      pred1 Σ (Γ ,,, Δ) (Γ' ,,, Δ') T T'
      pred1 Σ Γ Γ' (subst0 s t) (subst0 s' t')
      psubst Σ Γ Γ' (subst0 s t :: s) (subst0 s' t' :: s') (Δ ,, vdef na t T) (Δ' ,, vdef na' t' T').

  Lemma psubst_length {Σ Γ Δ Γ' Δ' s s'} : psubst Σ Γ Δ s s' Γ' Δ'
                                           #|s| = #|Γ'| #|s'| = #|Δ'| #|s| = #|s'|.
    induction 1; simpl; intuition lia.

  Lemma psubst_length' {Σ Γ Δ Γ' Δ' s s'} : psubst Σ Γ Δ s s' Γ' Δ' #|s'| = #|Γ'|.
    induction 1; simpl; lia.

  Lemma psubst_nth_error Σ Γ Δ Γ' Δ' s s' n t :
    psubst Σ Γ Δ s s' Γ' Δ'
    nth_error s n = Some t
     decl decl' t',
      (nth_error Γ' n = Some decl) ×
      (nth_error Δ' n = Some decl') ×
      (nth_error s' n = Some t') ×
    match decl_body decl, decl_body decl' with
    | Some d, Some d'
        let s2 := (skipn (S n) s) in
        let s2' := (skipn (S n) s') in
      let b := subst0 s2 d in
      let b' := subst0 s2' d' in
      psubst Σ Γ Δ s2 s2' (skipn (S n) Γ') (skipn (S n) Δ') ×
      (t = b) × (t' = b') × pred1 Σ Γ Δ t t'
    | None, Nonepred1 Σ Γ Δ t t'
    | _, _False
    induction 1 in n, t |- *; simpl; auto; destruct n; simpl; try congruence.
    - intros [= <-]. (vass na T), (vass na' T'), t'. intuition auto.
    - intros.
      specialize (IHX _ _ H). intuition eauto.
    - intros [= <-]. (vdef na t0 T), (vdef na' t' T'), (subst0 s' t'). intuition auto.
      simpl. intuition simpl; auto.
    - apply IHX.

  Lemma psubst_nth_error' Σ Γ Δ Γ' Δ' s s' n t :
    psubst Σ Γ Δ s s' Γ' Δ'
    nth_error s n = Some t
      (nth_error s' n = Some t') ×
      pred1 Σ Γ Δ t t'.
    induction 1 in n, t |- *; simpl; auto; destruct n; simpl; try congruence.
    - intros [= <-]. t'; intuition auto.
    - intros.
      specialize (IHX _ _ H). intuition eauto.
    - intros [= <-]. (subst0 s' t'). intuition auto.
    - apply IHX.

  Lemma psubst_nth_error_None Σ Γ Δ Γ' Δ' s s' n :
    psubst Σ Γ Δ s s' Γ' Δ'
    nth_error s n = None
    (nth_error Γ' n = None) × (nth_error Δ' n = None)* (nth_error s' n = None).
    induction 1 in n |- *; simpl; auto; destruct n; simpl; intros; intuition try congruence.
    - specialize (IHX _ H). intuition congruence.
    - specialize (IHX _ H). intuition congruence.
    - specialize (IHX _ H). intuition congruence.
    - specialize (IHX _ H). intuition congruence.
    - specialize (IHX _ H). intuition congruence.
    - specialize (IHX _ H). intuition congruence.

  Lemma subst_skipn' n s k t : k < n (n - k) #|s|
    lift0 k (subst0 (skipn (n - k) s) t) = subst s k (lift0 n t).
    intros Hk Hn.
    assert (#|firstn (n - k) s| = n - k) by (rewrite firstn_length_le; lia).
    assert (k + (n - k) = n) by lia.
    assert (n - k + k = n) by lia.
    rewrite <- (firstn_skipn (n - k) s) at 2.
    rewrite subst_app_simpl. rewrite H H0.
    rewrite <- (commut_lift_subst_rec t _ n 0 0); try lia.
    generalize (subst0 (skipn (n - k) s) t). intros.
    erewrite <- (simpl_subst_rec _ (firstn (n - k) s) _ k); try lia.
    now rewrite H H1.

  Lemma split_app3 {A} (l l' l'' : list A) (l1 l1' l1'' : list A) :
    #|l| = #|l1| #|l'| = #|l1'|
        l ++ l' ++ l'' = l1 ++ l1' ++ l1''
        l = l1 l' = l1' l'' = l1''.
    eapply app_inj_length_l in H1 as [Hl Hr]; auto.
    eapply app_inj_length_l in Hr as [Hl' Hr]; auto.

  Lemma on_contexts_subst_ctx :
     (Σ : global_env) c c0 (Γ0 Δ : context)
    (Γ'0 : list context_decl) (Γ1 Δ1 : context) (Γ'1 : list context_decl) (s s' : list term),
      psubst Σ Γ0 Γ1 s s' Δ Δ1
      #|Γ'0| = #|Γ'1|
      #|Γ0| = #|Γ1|
      on_contexts_over (pred1 Σ) Γ0 Γ1 Δ Δ1
          (fun (Γ Γ' : context) (t t0 : term) ⇒
            (Γ2 Δ0 : context) (Γ'2 : list context_decl),
           Γ = Γ2 ,,, Δ0 ,,, Γ'2
            (Γ3 Δ2 : context) (Γ'3 : list context_decl) (s0 s'0 : list term),
           psubst Σ Γ2 Γ3 s0 s'0 Δ0 Δ2
           Γ' = Γ3 ,,, Δ2 ,,, Γ'3
           #|Γ2| = #|Γ3|
           #|Γ'2| = #|Γ'3|
           on_contexts_over (pred1 Σ) Γ2 Γ3 Δ0 Δ2
           pred1 Σ (Γ2 ,,, subst_context s0 0 Γ'2) (Γ3 ,,, subst_context s'0 0 Γ'3) (subst s0 #|Γ'2| t)
             (subst s'0 #|Γ'3| t0)) (Γ0 ,,, Δ ,,, Γ'0) (Γ1 ,,, Δ1 ,,, Γ'1))) c c0
  All2_fold (on_decls (on_decls_over (pred1 Σ) (Γ0 ,,, subst_context s 0 Γ'0) (Γ1 ,,, subst_context s' 0 Γ'1)))
    (subst_context s #|Γ'0| c) (subst_context s' #|Γ'1| c0).
    pose proof (on_contexts_length X1).
    induction X1; simpl; rewrite ?subst_context_snoc; constructor; auto; rename_all_hyps.
    eapply All_decls_map, All_decls_impl; tea ⇒ /=.
    intros; rename_all_hyps.
    simpl in heq_length1.
    specialize (forall_Γ2 _ _ (Γ'0 ,,, Γ)
                ltac:(now rewrite app_context_assoc) _ _ (Γ'1,,, Γ') _ _ X
                ltac:(now rewrite app_context_assoc) heq_length0
                ltac:(now rewrite !app_context_length; len; lia) X0).
    simpl in ×.
    rewrite !subst_context_app !app_context_length !app_context_assoc !Nat.add_0_r in forall_Γ2.
    simpl. congruence.

  Lemma mapi_context_subst s k ctx :
    mapi_context (shiftf (subst s) k) ctx = subst_context s k ctx.
    now rewrite mapi_context_fold.

  Context {Σ : global_env}.

  Definition pred1_subst (P Q : nat bool) (Γ Γ' Δ Δ' : context) (σ τ : nat term) :=
    pred1_ctx Σ Δ Δ' × on_ctx_free_vars Q Δ ×
      P x
      on_free_vars Q (σ x) ×
      pred1 Σ Δ Δ' (σ x) (τ x) ×
       decl, nth_error Γ x = Some decl
      match decl_body decl return Type with
      | Some b
        ( b',
          option_map decl_body (nth_error Γ' x) = Some (Some b') ×
          (pred1 Σ Δ Δ' (σ x) (b'.[↑^(S x) s τ])))
      | _True

  Lemma pred1_subst_pred1_ctx {P Q Γ Γ' Δ Δ' σ τ} :
    pred1_subst P Q Γ Γ' Δ Δ' σ τ
    pred1_ctx Σ Δ Δ'.
  Proof. intros Hrel. destruct Hrel. pcuic. Qed.

  Hint Extern 4 (pred1_ctx ?Σ ?Δ ?Δ') ⇒
  match goal with
    H : pred1_subst _ _ _ _ Δ Δ' _ _ |- _
    apply (pred1_subst_pred1_ctx H)
  end : pcuic.

  Lemma simpl_pred Γ Γ' t t' u u' : t = t' u = u' pred1 Σ Γ Γ' t' u' pred1 Σ Γ Γ' t u.
  Proof. now intros → →. Qed.

  Lemma pred1_subst_ext (P P' Q Q' : nat bool) Γ Γ' Δ Δ' σ σ' τ τ' :
    P =1 P'
    Q =1 Q'
    σ =1 σ'
    τ =1 τ'
    pred1_subst P Q Γ Γ' Δ Δ' σ τ <~> pred1_subst P' Q' Γ Γ' Δ Δ' σ' τ'.
    intros HP HQ Hσ Hτ.
    rewrite /pred1_subst. split; move⇒ [] H [] onΔ IH; split ⇒ //.
    split ⇒ //. now rewrite -HQ.
    movex hx; rewrite -HP in hx; specialize (IH x hx) as [? []].
    split. now rewrite -HQ -Hσ. split. now rewrite -(Hσ x) -(Hτ x).
    intros decl hnth. specialize (y decl hnth).
    destruct decl as [na [b|] ty] ⇒ /= //. cbn in y.
    destruct y as [b' []]. b'; split ⇒ //.
    eapply simpl_pred. 2:rewrite -Hτ; trea. rewrite -Hσ. reflexivity. assumption.
    split. now rewrite HQ.
    intros x hx. rewrite HP in hx. specialize (IH x hx) as [? []].
    split. now rewrite HQ Hσ. split.
    now rewrite Hσ Hτ. intros decl hnth.
    specialize (y decl hnth).
    destruct decl_body ⇒ //.
    destruct y as [b' []]; b'; split ⇒ //.
    eapply simpl_pred. 2:rewrite Hτ; trea. rewrite Hσ. reflexivity. assumption.

  Lemma shiftk_shift : =1 ↑^1.
  Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

  Lemma pred1_subst_Up {wfΣ : wf Σ} (P Q : nat bool) (Γ Γ' : context) (na : aname) (t0 t1 : term) (Δ Δ' : context) (σ τ : nat term) :
      pred1 Σ Δ Δ' t0.[σ] t1.[τ]
      on_free_vars Q t0.[σ]
      pred1_subst P Q Γ Γ' Δ Δ' σ τ
      pred1_subst (shiftnP 1 P) (shiftnP 1 Q) (Γ,, vass na t0) (Γ' ,, vass na t1) (Δ,, vass na t0.[σ]) (Δ',, vass na t1.[τ]) ( σ) ( τ).
    intros X2 ont0 [redΔ [onΔ Hrel]]. split ⇒ //.
    constructor; eauto with pcuic. constructor; auto.
    split. apply on_ctx_free_vars_snoc_ass ⇒ //.
    intros x hx. rewrite /shiftnP /= in hx.
    destruct x; simpl. split; auto.
    eapply pred1_refl_gen. constructor; eauto with pcuic. now constructor.
    intros decl [=]. subst decl. simpl ⇒ //.
    simpl in hx. rewrite Nat.sub_0_r in hx.
    specialize (Hrel x hx) as [? []].
    unfold subst_compose. rewrite - !(lift0_inst 1).
    apply on_free_vars_lift0. rewrite addnP_shiftnP //.
    unfold subst_compose. rewrite - !(lift0_inst 1).
    eapply (weakening_pred1_pred1 (Γ' := [_]) (Δ' := [_])); auto.
    repeat (constructor; auto). tea. tas.
    intros decl hnth. specialize (y decl hnth).
    destruct decl_body ⇒ //.
    destruct y as [b' []]; b' ⇒ //. split ⇒ //.
    eapply simpl_pred. unfold subst_compose. now rewrite -(lift0_inst 1).
    rewrite -(Nat.add_1_r (S x)).
    rewrite -shiftk_compose subst_compose_assoc shift_Up_comm -subst_compose_assoc shiftk_shift
      -inst_assoc - !(lift0_inst 1). reflexivity.
    eapply (weakening_pred1_pred1 (Γ' := [_]) (Δ' := [_])); tea.
    repeat (constructor; auto).

  Lemma pred1_subst_vdef_Up {wfΣ : wf Σ} (P Q : nat bool) (Γ Γ' : context) (na : aname)
    (b0 b1 t0 t1 : term) (Δ Δ' : context) (σ τ : nat term) :
      on_free_vars P t0
      on_free_vars P b0
      on_free_vars Q t0.[σ]
      on_free_vars Q b0.[σ]
      pred1 Σ Δ Δ' t0.[σ] t1.[τ]
      pred1 Σ Δ Δ' b0.[σ] b1.[τ]
      pred1_subst P Q Γ Γ' Δ Δ' σ τ
      pred1_subst (shiftnP 1 P) (shiftnP 1 Q) (Γ,, vdef na b0 t0) (Γ',, vdef na b1 t1) (Δ,, vdef na b0.[σ] t0.[σ]) (Δ',, vdef na b1.[τ] t1.[τ]) ( σ) ( τ).
    intros ont0 onb0 onit0 onib0 Xt Xb [pr [onΔ Hrel]].
    split ⇒ //.
    { repeat (constructor; auto). }
    split. apply on_ctx_free_vars_snoc_def ⇒ //.
    intros x hx.
    destruct x; simpl.
    - split; [|split]; auto.
      × eapply pred1_refl_gen.
        constructor; eauto with pcuic; constructor; auto.
      × intros decl' [= <-] ⇒ /=.
          b1; split; auto. eapply simpl_pred. reflexivity.
        rewrite -shiftk_shift shift_Up_comm shiftk_shift -inst_assoc -(lift0_inst 1) //.
        econstructor ⇒ //. repeat (constructor; auto).
    - rewrite shiftnPSS shiftnP0 in hx.
      specialize (Hrel x hx) as [onσ [pred Hrel]].
      split; [|split]; auto.
      × rewrite /subst_compose -(lift0_inst 1). eapply on_free_vars_lift0; rewrite addnP_shiftnP //.
      × rewrite /subst_compose - !(lift0_inst 1).
        eapply (weakening_pred1_pred1 (Γ' := [_]) (Δ' := [_])); eauto.
        repeat (constructor; auto).
      × intros decl hnth. specialize (Hrel decl hnth).
        destruct decl_body ⇒ //.
        destruct Hrel as [b' [eq pr']]; b'; split ⇒ //.
        unfold subst_compose at 1.
        eapply simpl_pred. rewrite -(lift0_inst 1) //.
        rewrite -(Nat.add_1_r (S x)) -(shiftk_compose _ 1) subst_compose_assoc shift_Up_comm shiftk_shift
          -subst_compose_assoc -inst_assoc -(lift0_inst 1) //.
        eapply (weakening_pred1_pred1 (Γ' := [_]) (Δ' := [_])); eauto.
        repeat (constructor; auto).

  Lemma leb_S x y : S x y x <? y.
  Proof. intros. apply Nat.leb_le. lia. Qed.

  Lemma nth_error_fold_context_k (f : nat term term) Γ n :
    nth_error (fold_context_k f Γ) n =
    option_map (map_decl (f (Nat.pred #|Γ| - n))) (nth_error Γ n).
    rewrite -mapi_context_fold.
    induction Γ in n |- *; simpl; destruct n; cbn; auto.
    - now rewrite Nat.sub_0_r.
    - rewrite IHΓ. lia_f_equal.

  Lemma pred1_subst_Upn {wfΣ : wf Σ} {P Q} {Γ Γ' Δ Δ' σ τ Δ0 Δ1 n} :
    n = #|Δ0|
    on_free_vars_ctx P Δ0
    on_free_vars_ctx Q (inst_context σ Δ0)
    pred1_subst P Q Γ Γ' Δ Δ' σ τ
    pred1_ctx_over Σ Γ Γ' Δ0 Δ1
    pred1_ctx_over Σ Δ Δ' (inst_context σ Δ0) (inst_context τ Δ1)
    pred1_subst (shiftnP #|Δ0| P) (shiftnP #|Δ0| Q) (Γ ,,, Δ0) (Γ' ,,, Δ1) (Δ ,,, inst_context σ Δ0) (Δ' ,,, inst_context τ Δ1)
      (⇑^n σ) (⇑^n τ).
    introsonΔ0 oniΔ0 [pr [onΔ Hrel]] H.
    pose proof (on_contexts_length H) as len0.
    red. intros Hs.
    split. eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //.
    split. relativize #|Δ0|; [erewrite on_ctx_free_vars_concat|]; len ⇒ //.
    rewrite onΔ //. relativize #|Δ0|; [erewrite on_free_vars_ctx_on_ctx_free_vars|]; len ⇒ //.
    rewrite {1}/shiftnP /= ⇒ x hx.
    destruct (leb_spec_Set (S x) #|idsn #|Δ0| |).
    unfold Upn.
    specialize (subst_consn_lt_spec l).
    intros [tx [Hdecl Heq]].
    rewrite !Heq.
    apply nth_error_idsn_eq_Some in Hdecl. subst. simpl.
    len in l. unfold shiftnP. rewrite (leb_S _ _ l).
    split ⇒ //. split.
    - eapply pred1_refl_gen. auto.
      eapply on_contexts_over_app; auto.
    - rewrite nth_error_app_lt. now len in l.
      intros decl hnth.
      destruct decl as [na [b|] ty] ⇒ /= //.
      eapply nth_error_pred1_ctx_l in H; tea.
      2:now erewrite hnth.
      destruct H as [body' [eqb ond]].
       body'. split; auto.
      rewrite nth_error_app_lt //. lia.
      eapply simpl_pred; revgoals. 3:reflexivity.
      econstructor. eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //.
      rewrite nth_error_app_lt. len. len in l.
      rewrite /inst_context nth_error_fold_context_k option_map_two /=.
      destruct (nth_error Δ1 x) ⇒ //. noconf eqb.
      cbn. rewrite H /= //.
      rewrite lift0_inst.
      rewrite inst_assoc. apply inst_ext.
      rewrite -(shiftn_Upn (S x)) -Upn_Upn -len0.
      replace (S x + (Nat.pred #|Δ0| - x)) with #|Δ0| by lia.
    - len in l.
      move: hx.
      assert (x <? #|Δ0| = false) as →.
      eapply Nat.ltb_nlt. lia. simpl.
      intros hx. specialize (Hrel _ hx).
      destruct Hrel as [onx [pred Hrel]]. split; [|split].
      × unfold Upn. rewrite subst_consn_ge //. len; len in l; lia.
        len. unfold subst_compose. rewrite -(lift0_inst _).
        eapply on_free_vars_lift0. now rewrite addnP_shiftnP.
      × rewrite len0 /Upn !subst_consn_ge; len; len in l; try lia.
        unfold subst_compose. rewrite - !(lift0_inst _).
        rewrite -{1 2}len0.
        relativize #|Δ1|. relativize #|Δ0|.
        eapply weakening_pred1_pred1; tea. now len. len. rewrite -len0. exact pred.
        all:now len.
      × intros decl hnth.
        rewrite nth_error_app_ge in hnth. lia.
        specialize (Hrel decl hnth).
        destruct decl_body ⇒ //.
        destruct Hrel as [b' [eq p']].
        rewrite nth_error_app_ge // -len0. lia. split ⇒ //.
        rewrite /Upn !subst_consn_ge; len; try lia.
        unfold subst_compose at 1. rewrite - !(lift0_inst _).
        eapply simpl_pred; revgoals. 3:reflexivity.
        relativize #|Δ0|.
        eapply weakening_pred1_pred1; tea. now len. len. exact p'. now len.
        rewrite lift0_inst inst_assoc. apply inst_ext.
        rewrite subst_compose_assoc; len. rewrite -len0.
        rewrite -{2}(shiftn_Upn #|Δ0|) -subst_compose_assoc shiftk_compose.
        len in l. replace (S (x - #|Δ0|) + #|Δ0|) with (S x) by lia.

  Lemma pred1_subst_up {wfΣ : wf Σ} {P Q : nat bool} {Γ Γ' Δ Δ'} (σ τ : nat term) (Δ0 Δ1 : context) n :
    n = #|Δ0|
    pred1_subst P Q Γ Γ' Δ Δ' σ τ
    on_free_vars_ctx P Δ0
    on_free_vars_ctx Q (inst_context σ Δ0)
    pred1_ctx_over Σ Γ Γ' Δ0 Δ1
    pred1_ctx_over Σ Δ Δ' (inst_context σ Δ0) (inst_context τ Δ1)
    pred1_subst (shiftnP #|Δ0| P) (shiftnP #|Δ0| Q) (Γ ,,, Δ0) (Γ' ,,, Δ1) (Δ ,,, inst_context σ Δ0) (Δ' ,,, inst_context τ Δ1)
      (up n σ) (up n τ).
    introsps onΔ oniΔ a a'.
    eapply pred1_subst_ext; tea. intros i; reflexivity. reflexivity.
    1-2:rewrite up_Upn //.
    eapply pred1_subst_Upn ⇒ //.
  Hint Resolve pred1_subst_up : pcuic.

  Ltac simpl_pred :=
    eapply simpl_pred;
    rewrite ?up_Upn;
    unfold Upn, Up, idsn;
    [autorewrite with sigma; reflexivity|
      autorewrite with sigma; reflexivity|].

  Lemma inst_is_constructor:
     (args : list term) (narg : nat) s,
      is_constructor narg args = true is_constructor narg (map (inst s) args) = true.
    intros args narg.
    unfold is_constructor; intros.
    rewrite nth_error_map. destruct nth_error; try discriminate. simpl. intros.
    unfold isConstruct_app in ×.
    destruct (decompose_app t) eqn:Heq. eapply decompose_app_inst in Heq as →.
    destruct t0; try discriminate || reflexivity.
    destruct t0; try discriminate || reflexivity.
  Hint Resolve inst_is_constructor : core.

  Lemma pred_atom_inst t σ : pred_atom t t.[σ] = t.
    destruct t; simpl; intros; try discriminate; auto.

  Lemma All_fold_fold_context_k P (f : nat term term) Γ :
    All_fold P (fold_context_k f Γ) <~>
    All_fold (fun Γ dP (fold_context_k f Γ) (map_decl (f #|Γ|) d)) Γ.
    - induction Γ; auto.
      × intros; constructor.
      × rewrite fold_context_k_snoc0.
        intros H; depelim H. constructor; auto.
    - induction Γ; auto.
      × intros; constructor.
      × rewrite fold_context_k_snoc0.
        intros H; depelim H. constructor; auto.

  Lemma All_decls_on_free_vars_map_impl P Q R S f d d' :
    All_decls P d d'
    on_free_vars_decl S d
    on_free_vars_decl R (map_decl f d)
    ( t t', on_free_vars S t on_free_vars R (f t) P t t' Q t t')
    All_decls Q d d'.
    move⇒ [] /=; constructor; auto;
    eapply X; eauto with pcuic;
    now move: H H0 ⇒ /andP[] /= ? ? /andP [] /= //.

  Lemma strong_substitutivity {wfΣ :
   wf Σ}:
    let Pover (Γ Γ' : context) (Δ Δ' : context) :=
    pred1_ctx Σ Γ Γ'
    pred1_ctx_over Σ Γ Γ' Δ Δ'
     P Q Δ0 Δ'0 σ τ,
      on_free_vars_ctx P Δ
      on_free_vars_ctx Q (inst_context σ Δ)
      pred1_subst P Q Γ Γ' Δ0 Δ'0 σ τ
      pred1_ctx_over Σ Δ0 Δ'0 (inst_context σ Δ) (inst_context τ Δ')
    ( Γ Γ' s t,
      pred1 Σ Γ Γ' s t
       P Q Δ Δ' σ τ,
      on_free_vars P s
      on_free_vars Q s.[σ]
      pred1_subst P Q Γ Γ' Δ Δ' σ τ
      pred1 Σ Δ Δ' s.[σ] t.[τ]) ×
    ( Γ Γ' Δ Δ', Pover Γ Γ' Δ Δ').
    intros Pover.
    refine (pred1_ind_all_ctx Σ _ (fun Γ Γ'pred1_ctx Σ Γ Γ')
       _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _); subst Pover;
      try (intros until Δ; intros Δ' σ τ ons onis Hrel); trivial; repeat inv_on_free_vars.

    1:{ simpl. rename ons into onΓ. rename onis into onΔ.
        intros P Q ctx ctx' σ' τ' onctx onctx' ps.
        rewrite /inst_context.
        eapply on_contexts_fold_context_k.
        eapply All2_fold_prod in Hrel. 2:exact onΔ. clear onΔ.
        have onctx'' := onctx'.
        move/alli_Alli/Alli_rev_All_fold: onctx' ⇒ /= ⇒ fvs.
        apply All_fold_fold_context_k in fvs.
        have onΔ := onctx.
        move/alli_Alli/Alli_rev_All_fold: onctxonctx.
        eapply All2_fold_All_fold_mix_left in Hrel; tea. clear onctx.
        eapply All2_fold_All_fold_mix_left in Hrel; tea. cbn in Hrel.
        clear fvs.
        eapply All2_fold_impl_ind; tea ⇒ /=.
        clear Hrel.
        intros. destruct X1 as [fvis [fvs [ond ond']]].
        len in fvs. clear ond.
        eapply All_decls_on_free_vars_map_impl; tea. cbn; intros. clear fvs fvis ond'.
        rewrite - !/(inst_context _ _).
        eapply X1; revgoals.
        + rewrite -(length_of X).
          eapply All2_fold_All_fold_mix_left_inv in X as [fvs X].
          eapply All2_fold_All_fold_mix_left_inv in X as [fvs' X].
          eapply pred1_subst_Upn; len ⇒ //; tea.
          now move/All_fold_on_free_vars_ctx: fvs'.
          eapply (snd (All_fold_fold_context_k (fun Γ don_free_vars_decl (shiftnP #|Γ| Q) d) (fun kinst (⇑^k σ')) _)) in fvs.
          move/All_fold_on_free_vars_ctx: fvs.
          now rewrite -/(inst_context _ _).
          now eapply All2_fold_prod_inv in X as [].
          now eapply on_contexts_fold_context_k.
        + now len in H0.
        + exact H. }

Beta case
    1:{ eapply simpl_pred; simpl; rewrite ?up_Upn; sigma; try reflexivity.
        move/andP: a ⇒ [] onit0 onib0. move/andP: a2 ⇒ [ont0 onb0].
        specialize (X2 P Q _ _ _ _ ont0 onit0 Hrel).
        specialize (X0 (shiftnP 1 P) (shiftnP 1 Q) (Δ ,, vass na t0.[σ]) (Δ' ,, vass na t1.[τ]) ( σ) ( τ) onb0).
        forward X0. now rewrite -up_Up.
        forward X0. eapply pred1_subst_Up; auto.
        specialize (X4 P Q _ _ _ _ b2 b Hrel).
        eapply (pred_beta _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X2 X0 X4). }

Let-in delta case
    2:{ rewrite lift0_inst.
        simpl. clear X0.
        destruct (nth_error_pred1_ctx _ _ X H) as [bodyΓ [? ?]]; eauto.
        move e after H.
        destruct Hrel as [? [? Hrel]].
        specialize (Hrel _ ons) as [onσi [pred pbodies]].
        destruct (nth_error Γ i) eqn:hnth ⇒ //.
        specialize (pbodies _ eq_refl).
        noconf e. rewrite H in pbodies.
        destruct pbodies as [b' [eqb' predb']].
        rewrite eqb' in H0. noconf H0.
        eapply simpl_pred; tea. reflexivity. now rewrite inst_assoc. }

    1:{ sigma.
        econstructor; eauto.
        eapply X4; eauto.
        now rewrite -up_Up.
        eapply pred1_subst_vdef_Up; eauto. }

    - simpl. now apply Hrel.

    - simpl. rewrite inst_mkApps inst_iota_red /= //.
      × rewrite skipn_length; lia.
      × change (bcontext br) with (bcontext (inst_branch σ br)).
        eapply All2_nth_error_Some_right in X3; tea. destruct X3 as [br0 [hnthbr0 [pred [? eq]]]].
        cbn [bcontext inst_branch]. rewrite -eq.
        eapply nth_error_forallb in p9; tea. simpl in p9.
        move/andP: p9 ⇒ [] clbctx clbod.
        rewrite closedn_ctx_on_free_vars.
        rewrite -(All2_length X2).
        now erewrite test_context_k_closed_on_free_vars_ctx in clbctx.
      × rewrite inst_predicate_set_pparams.
        eapply simpl_pred; revgoals. 3:reflexivity.
        + now eapply pred1_subst_pred1_ctx.
        + instantiate (1 := map (inst τ) args1).
          rewrite inst_mkApps /= in p3. inv_on_free_vars.
        + erewrite nth_error_map, H ⇒ //.
        + instantiate (1 := inst_branch τ). now len.
        + cbn. instantiate (1 := map (inst τ) pparams1). solve_all; red.
        + simpl. solve_all.
          rewrite /id /map_predicate_shift /= /inst_case_branch_context /=.
          rewrite /inst_case_branch_context in a2.
          rewrite - !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
          now rewrite -(All2_length X2).
          eapply a2; tea.
          eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea. reflexivity. solve_all.
          rewrite !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
          eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea. now len. solve_all.
          rewrite /id /map_predicate_shift /= /inst_case_branch_context /=.
          rewrite /inst_case_branch_context in a2.
          rewrite -b0.
          rewrite - !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
          now rewrite -(All2_length X2).
          rewrite {2}b0.
          eapply b; tea.
          eapply pred1_subst_ext.
          5:eapply pred1_subst_Upn; len ⇒ //.
          1-2:now len.
          1-2:now sigma.
          { eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea ⇒ //. solve_all. }
          { rewrite inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
            eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; len ⇒ //. solve_all. }
          rewrite /inst_case_branch_context.
          eapply on_contexts_app_inv ⇒ //. rewrite b0.
          eapply pred1_pred1_ctx in a4. rewrite -{1}b0. exact a4.
          now rewrite (on_contexts_length X).
          eapply a2; tea.
          eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; len ⇒ //. solve_all.
          rewrite inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
          eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; len ⇒ //. solve_all.
        + reflexivity.

      sigma. rewrite inst_mkApps /= in onis; inv_on_free_vars. cbn in a0.
      unfold unfold_fix in ×.
      destruct nth_error eqn:Heq; noconf H.
      have onfix0 := (on_free_vars_fix_context _ _ a).
      have onfixi0 := (on_free_vars_fix_context _ _ (forallb_All _ _ a0)).
      setoid_rewrite up_Upn in onfixi0.
      rewrite inst_fix_context in onfixi0.
      assert (All2_fold (on_decls (on_decls_over (pred1 Σ) Δ Δ')) (inst_context σ (fix_context mfix0))
                             (inst_context τ (fix_context mfix1))).
      { exact (X2 P Q _ _ _ _ onfix0 onfixi0 Hrel). }
      econstructor; eauto with pcuic.
      instantiate (1 := (map (map_def (inst τ) (inst (⇑^#|mfix1| τ))) mfix1)).
      now rewrite !inst_fix_context.
      rewrite !inst_fix_context; auto.
      + apply All2_map. cbn.
        red in X3. pose proof (All2_length X3).
        solve_all; unfold on_Trel in *; simpl in *;
        intuition eauto.
        eapply b1; tea.
        now move/andP: a0 ⇒ [].
        now move/andP: a ⇒ [].
        rewrite -H.
        rewrite -(fix_context_length mfix0); auto with pcuic.
        eapply b; tea.
        { now move/andP: a0 ⇒ []. }
        { move/andP: a ⇒ [] /=. len. rewrite up_Upn; eauto. }
        rewrite -(fix_context_length mfix0); auto with pcuic.
        eapply pred1_subst_Upn; auto with pcuic.
      + unfold unfold_fix. rewrite nth_error_map Heq. simpl.
        rewrite !subst_inst. do 2 apply f_equal. sigma. apply inst_ext.
        rewrite -{2}(Upn_0 τ).
        rewrite (map_fix_subst (fun kinst (⇑^k τ))). simpl. intros.
        f_equal. apply map_ext. intros.
        apply map_def_eq_spec; auto. now sigma.
        now rewrite Upn_comp ?map_length ?fix_subst_length // Upn_0.
      + solve_all.

      simpl. sigma. rewrite inst_mkApps /= in p4; inv_on_free_vars.
      unfold unfold_cofix in H |- ×. destruct nth_error eqn:Heq; noconf H.
      have onfix0 := (on_free_vars_fix_context _ _ a).
      have onfixi0 := (on_free_vars_fix_context _ _ a0).
      setoid_rewrite up_Upn in onfixi0.
      rewrite inst_fix_context in onfixi0.
      assert (All2_fold (on_decls (on_decls_over (pred1 Σ) Δ Δ')) (inst_context σ (fix_context mfix0))
                             (inst_context τ (fix_context mfix1))).
      { exact (X2 P Q _ _ _ _ onfix0 onfixi0 Hrel). }
      econstructor. eapply pred1_subst_pred1_ctx; eauto.
      instantiate (1 := (map (map_def (inst τ) (inst (⇑^#|mfix1| τ))) mfix1)).
      rewrite !inst_fix_context; auto.
      rewrite !inst_fix_context; auto.
      + eapply All2_map.
        red in X3. pose proof (All2_length X3). cbn.
        solve_all; unfold on_Trel in *; simpl in *;
        intuition eauto.
        move/andP: a ⇒ [] onity onibody.
        move/andP: a0 ⇒ [] onty onbody.
        eapply b1; tea. rewrite -(fix_context_length mfix0); auto with pcuic.
        rewrite -(fix_context_length mfix1); auto with pcuic.
        move/andP: a ⇒ [] /= onity onibody.
        move/andP: a0 ⇒ [] onty onbody.
        eapply b; tea. now rewrite -up_Upn ?fix_context_length.
        rewrite map_length -(fix_context_length mfix0); auto with pcuic.
        relativize #|fix_context mfix1|.
        eapply pred1_subst_Upn; rewrite ?inst_context_length;
          auto with pcuic.
        now len.
      + unfold unfold_cofix. rewrite nth_error_map Heq. simpl.
        rewrite !subst_inst. do 2 apply f_equal. sigma. apply inst_ext.
        rewrite -{2}(Upn_0 τ).
        rewrite (map_cofix_subst (fun kinst (⇑^k τ))). simpl. intros.
        f_equal. apply map_ext. intros.
        apply map_def_eq_spec; auto. now sigma.
        now rewrite Upn_comp ?map_length ?cofix_subst_length // Upn_0.
      + solve_all.       + simpl. solve_all.
      + eauto.
      + eauto.
      + rewrite /PCUICCases.inst_case_predicate_context /=.
        rewrite - !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        now rewrite -(All2_length X5).
        rewrite /id. eapply X6; tea.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
        rewrite !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.

      + simpl.
        rewrite /PCUICCases.inst_case_predicate_context /=.
        rewrite - !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        now rewrite -(All2_length X5).
        eapply X8; tea.
        rewrite -H1. relativize #|pcontext p0|.
        eapply pred1_subst_up; len ⇒ //.
        eapply pred1_pred1_ctx in X7.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
        rewrite !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
        eapply pred1_pred1_ctx in X7.
        eapply on_contexts_app_inv ⇒ //. now rewrite /id.
        eapply (on_contexts_length X).
        rewrite /id. rewrite {2}H1.
        apply: X6; tea. 3:now len.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
        rewrite !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
      + solve_all.
        rewrite /id /map_predicate_shift /= /inst_case_branch_context /=.
        rewrite /inst_case_branch_context in a2.
        rewrite - !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        now rewrite -(All2_length X5).
        eapply a2; tea.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
        rewrite !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
        rewrite /id /map_predicate_shift /= /inst_case_branch_context /=.
        rewrite /inst_case_branch_context in b.
        rewrite - !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        now rewrite -(All2_length X5).
        eapply b; tea.
        relativize #|bcontext x|. relativize #|bcontext y|.
        eapply pred1_subst_up.
        all:len ⇒ //; try lia.
        { eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all. }
        { rewrite !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
          eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all. }
        eapply pred1_pred1_ctx in a4.
        eapply on_contexts_app_inv ⇒ //.
        now rewrite (on_contexts_length X).
        2:rewrite b0 //.
        eapply a2; tea.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
        rewrite !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.

      simpl. sigma. cbn in ons, onis; repeat inv_on_free_vars.
      rewrite inst_mkApps /= in onis; repeat inv_on_free_vars.
      have onfix0 := (on_free_vars_fix_context _ _ a).
      have onfixi0 := (on_free_vars_fix_context _ _ a0).
      setoid_rewrite up_Upn in onfixi0.
      rewrite inst_fix_context in onfixi0.
      unfold unfold_cofix in H |- ×. destruct nth_error eqn:Heq; noconf H.
      assert (All2_fold (on_decls (on_decls_over (pred1 Σ) Δ Δ')) (inst_context σ (fix_context mfix0))
                             (inst_context τ (fix_context mfix1))).
      { exact (X2 P Q _ _ _ _ onfix0 onfixi0 Hrel). }
      econstructor. eapply pred1_subst_pred1_ctx; eauto.
      instantiate (1 := (map (map_def (inst τ) (inst (⇑^#|mfix1| τ))) mfix1)).
      rewrite !inst_fix_context; auto.
      rewrite !inst_fix_context; auto.
      + red. eapply All2_map.
        red in X3. pose proof (All2_length X3).
        solve_all; unfold on_Trel in *; simpl in *;
        intuition eauto.
        eapply b1; tea. now move/andP: a0 ⇒ [].
        now move/andP: a ⇒ [].
        rewrite -(fix_context_length mfix0); auto with pcuic.
        rewrite -(fix_context_length mfix1); auto with pcuic.
        move/andP: a ⇒ [] hity hibody.
        move/andP: a0 ⇒ [] hty hbody.
        eapply b; tea.
        rewrite -up_Upn. now len.
        relativize #|fix_context mfix1|.
        rewrite map_length.
        rewrite -(fix_context_length mfix0).
        eapply pred1_subst_Upn; rewrite ?inst_context_length ?fix_context_length;
          auto with pcuic. now len.
      + unfold unfold_cofix. rewrite nth_error_map Heq. simpl.
        rewrite !subst_inst. do 2 apply f_equal. sigma. apply inst_ext.
        rewrite -{2}(Upn_0 τ).
        rewrite (map_cofix_subst (fun kinst (⇑^k τ))). simpl. intros.
        f_equal. apply map_ext. intros.
        apply map_def_eq_spec; auto. now sigma.
        now rewrite Upn_comp ?map_length ?cofix_subst_length // Upn_0.
      + solve_all.
    - simpl. rewrite inst_closed0.
      rewrite PCUICClosed.closedn_subst_instance; auto.
      eapply (PCUICClosedTyp.declared_constant_closed_body). all: eauto.
      econstructor; eauto with pcuic.

    - eapply pred1_refl_gen. now apply pred1_subst_pred1_ctx in Hrel.

      simpl. sigma. cbn in ons; inv_on_free_vars.
      simpl in onis. rewrite inst_mkApps /= in onis. inv_on_free_vars.
      econstructor. now eapply pred1_subst_pred1_ctx in Hrel.
      eapply All2_map. solve_all.
      rewrite nth_error_map. now rewrite H.

      sigma. econstructor. pcuic. eapply X2; tea.
      now rewrite -up_Up.
      now eapply pred1_subst_Up.

      sigma; auto with pcuic.
      econstructor; eauto.

      sigma. econstructor; eauto. eapply X4; tea.
      now rewrite -up_Up.
      eapply pred1_subst_vdef_Up; eauto.

      specialize (X2 P Q Δ Δ' σ τ).
      forward X2.
      { rewrite /PCUICCases.inst_case_predicate_context.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all. }
      forward X2.
      { rewrite /PCUICCases.inst_case_predicate_context.
        rewrite !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all. }
      specialize (X2 Hrel).
      econstructor. eauto with pcuic. 2-3:eauto with pcuic. unfold on_Trel; simpl. solve_all.
      + rewrite /PCUICCases.inst_case_predicate_context.
        rewrite - !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        now rewrite -(All2_length X1) /= -H0.
      + unfold on_Trel; simpl; solve_all.
        eapply X4; tea.
        rewrite - !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        now rewrite -(All2_length X1) /= -H0.
        rewrite -H0.
        relativize #|pcontext p0|.
        eapply pred1_subst_up; len; try lia; tea.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
        rewrite !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
        eapply pred1_pred1_ctx in X3 ⇒ //.
        eapply on_contexts_app_inv ⇒ //. now rewrite /id.
        eapply (on_contexts_length X). 2:len; lia.
        now rewrite {2}H0.
      + solve_all. rewrite /inst_case_branch_context in a1 ×.
        rewrite - !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        now rewrite /= -(All2_length X1) -b0.
        eapply a1; tea.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
        rewrite !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
        eapply b; tea.
        rewrite /inst_case_branch_context.
        rewrite - !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        now rewrite /= -(All2_length X1) -b0.
        relativize #|bcontext x|. relativize #|bcontext y|.
        eapply pred1_subst_up; len ⇒ //.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
        rewrite !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
        eapply pred1_pred1_ctx in a3. rewrite /id.
        eapply on_contexts_app_inv ⇒ //. apply (on_contexts_length X).
        rewrite /id.
        eapply a1; tea.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
        rewrite !inst_inst_case_context_wf //.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_inst_case_context; tea; solve_all.
        now len. now len.
      + eauto with pcuic.

      sigma; pcuic.

      sigma. pose proof (pred1_subst_pred1_ctx Hrel).
      have onfix0 := (on_free_vars_fix_context _ _ ons).
      have onfixi0 := (on_free_vars_fix_context _ _ onis).
      setoid_rewrite up_Upn in onfixi0.
      rewrite inst_fix_context in onfixi0.
      assert (All2_fold (on_decls (on_decls_over (pred1 Σ) Δ Δ')) (inst_context σ (fix_context mfix0))
                             (inst_context τ (fix_context mfix1))).
      { exact (X2 P Q _ _ _ _ onfix0 onfixi0 Hrel). }

      constructor; auto with pcuic.
      { now rewrite !inst_fix_context. }
      rewrite !inst_fix_context. apply All2_map. red in X3.
      pose proof (All2_length X3).
      eapply All_map_inv in onis.
      unfold on_Trel in ×. simpl. intuition auto.
      unfold on_Trel in ×. simpl. intuition auto.
      eapply b2; eauto with pcuic.
      now move/andP: a0.
      now move/andP: b0.
      rewrite -{1}(fix_context_length mfix0). auto with pcuic.
      rewrite -{1}(fix_context_length mfix1). auto with pcuic.
      move/andP: a0 ⇒ [] onty ond.
      move/andP: b0 ⇒ [] onity onid.
      eapply b1; tea.
      cbn in onid. now rewrite -up_Upn fix_context_length //.
      rewrite map_length -(fix_context_length mfix0).
      relativize #|fix_context mfix1|.
      eapply pred1_subst_Upn; rewrite ?inst_context_length ?fix_context_length //. now len.

      sigma. pose proof (pred1_subst_pred1_ctx Hrel).
      have onfix0 := (on_free_vars_fix_context _ _ ons).
      have onfixi0 := (on_free_vars_fix_context _ _ onis).
      setoid_rewrite up_Upn in onfixi0.
      rewrite inst_fix_context in onfixi0.
      assert (All2_fold (on_decls (on_decls_over (pred1 Σ) Δ Δ')) (inst_context σ (fix_context mfix0))
                             (inst_context τ (fix_context mfix1))).
      { exact (X2 P Q _ _ _ _ onfix0 onfixi0 Hrel). }

      constructor; auto with pcuic.
      { now rewrite !inst_fix_context. }
      rewrite !inst_fix_context. apply All2_map. red in X3.
      pose proof (All2_length X3).
      unfold on_Trel in ×. simpl. intuition auto.
      unfold on_Trel in ×. simpl. intuition auto.
      eapply b1; eauto with pcuic.
      now move/andP: a0.
      now move/andP: a.
      rewrite -{1}(fix_context_length mfix0). auto with pcuic.
      rewrite -{1}(fix_context_length mfix1). auto with pcuic.
      move/andP: a ⇒ [] onity onid.
      move/andP: a0 ⇒ [] onty ond.
      eapply b; tea.
      cbn in onid. now rewrite -up_Upn fix_context_length //.
      rewrite map_length -(fix_context_length mfix0).
      relativize #|fix_context mfix1|.
      eapply pred1_subst_Upn; rewrite ?inst_context_length ?fix_context_length //. now len.

      sigma. econstructor; eauto with pcuic.
      eapply X2; auto with pcuic; try eapply Up_ctxmap; auto with pcuic; tea.
      now rewrite -up_Up.
      apply pred1_subst_Up; eauto.

    - sigma. simpl. constructor; auto with pcuic. solve_all.

    - rewrite !pred_atom_inst; auto. eapply pred1_refl_gen; auto with pcuic.

  Hint Rewrite subst0_inst : sigma.

  Lemma psubst_pred1_subst {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Γ1 Δ Δ1 s s'} :
    on_ctx_free_vars xpredT Γ
    pred1_ctx Σ Γ Γ1
    psubst Σ Γ Γ1 s s' Δ Δ1
    All (on_free_vars xpredT) s
    pred1_subst xpredT xpredT (Γ,,, Δ) (Γ1,,, Δ1) Γ Γ1 (s n ids) (s' n ids).
    intros onΓ ps hs.
    split ⇒ //. split ⇒ //.
    induction ps in hs |- *; cbn; auto.
    - intros x hx; repeat split.
      × unfold subst_consn. rewrite nth_error_nil /= //.
      × now eapply pred1_refl_gen.
      × intros decl hnth.
        pose proof as pΓ'.
        destruct decl_body as [bod|] eqn:db ⇒ //.
        eapply nth_error_pred1_ctx_l in pΓ'; tea.
        2:erewrite hnth; rewrite /= db //.
        destruct pΓ' as [body' [eq pr]].
         body'; split ⇒ //.
        eapply simpl_pred. sigma. rewrite /ids //.
        rewrite subst_consn_nil compose_ids_r -(lift0_inst _) //.
        assert (x < #|Γ|). now apply nth_error_Some_length in hnth.
        econstructor ⇒ //.
    - intros x px.
      split. now eapply on_free_vars_all_subst; tea.
      depelim hs. specialize (IHps hs).
      destruct x; cbn ⇒ //. simpl. split ⇒ //.
      intros decl [= <-] ⇒ /= //.
      rewrite !subst_consn_subst_cons; cbn.
      specialize (IHps x eq_refl) as [? []].
      split ⇒ //.
    - depelim hs. specialize (IHps hs). intros x _; repeat split.
      × destruct x; cbn ⇒ //.
        specialize (IHps x eq_refl) as [? []] ⇒ //.
      × destruct x; cbn. exact p0.
        rewrite !subst_consn_subst_cons; cbn.
        now destruct (IHps x eq_refl) as [? []].
      × destruct x ⇒ /= //.
        + intros decl [= <-]. t'. split ⇒ //.
          cbn. eapply simpl_pred. reflexivity.
          apply inst_ext.
          rewrite subst_consn_subst_cons.
          rewrite subst_cons_shift //.
          now rewrite -subst0_inst.
        + now destruct (IHps x eq_refl) as [? []].

  Lemma pred1_subst_context {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Δ Γ' Γ1 Δ1 Γ'1 s s'} :
    psubst Σ Γ Γ1 s s' Δ Δ1
    #|Γ| = #|Γ1| #|Γ'| = #|Γ'1|
    pred1_ctx_over Σ Γ Γ1 Δ Δ1
    on_ctx_free_vars xpredT Γ
    on_free_vars_ctx xpredT Γ'
    All (on_free_vars xpredT) s
    pred1_ctx Σ (Γ ,,, Δ ,,, Γ') (Γ1 ,,, Δ1 ,,, Γ'1)
    pred1_ctx Σ (Γ ,,, subst_context s 0 Γ') (Γ1 ,,, subst_context s' 0 Γ'1).
    intros Hs hl hl' hctx onΓ onΓ' ons hM.
    rewrite !subst_context0_inst_context.
    pose proof (on_contexts_length hctx).
    eapply on_contexts_app_inv in hM as []; len; try lia.
    eapply on_contexts_app_inv in a as []; len; try lia.
    eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //.
    eapply (snd strong_substitutivity).
    eapply on_contexts_app ⇒ //.
    3:{ eapply psubst_pred1_subst ⇒ //. }
    rewrite -subst_context0_inst_context.
    eapply on_free_vars_ctx_subst_context_xpredT ⇒ //. solve_all.

Parallel reduction is substitutive.
  Lemma substitution_let_pred1 {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Δ Γ' Γ1 Δ1 Γ'1 s s' M N} :
    psubst Σ Γ Γ1 s s' Δ Δ1
    #|Γ| = #|Γ1| #|Γ'| = #|Γ'1|
    on_contexts_over (pred1 Σ) Γ Γ1 Δ Δ1
    on_ctx_free_vars xpredT Γ
    All (on_free_vars xpredT) s
    on_free_vars_ctx xpredT Γ'
    on_free_vars (shiftnP #|Γ'1| xpredT) M
    pred1 Σ (Γ ,,, Δ ,,, Γ') (Γ1 ,,, Δ1 ,,, Γ'1) M N
    pred1 Σ (Γ ,,, subst_context s 0 Γ') (Γ1 ,,, subst_context s' 0 Γ'1) (subst s #|Γ'| M) (subst s' #|Γ'1| N).
    intros Hs hl hl' hctx onΓ ons onΓ' onM hM.
    rewrite !subst_inst.
    assert (pred1_ctx Σ (Γ,,, inst_context (s n ids) Γ') (Γ1,,, inst_context (s' n ids) Γ'1)).
    { eapply pred1_pred1_ctx in hM.
      rewrite - !subst_context0_inst_context.
      eapply pred1_subst_context; tea. }
    rewrite !subst_context0_inst_context.
    pose proof (pred1_pred1_ctx _ hM).
    pose proof (on_contexts_length hctx).
    eapply on_contexts_app_inv in X0 as [].
    2:len; try lia.
    eapply on_contexts_app_inv in a as [].
    eapply psubst_pred1_subst in Hs ⇒ //.
    have onΓ'i := (on_free_vars_ctx_subst_context_xpredT s _ onΓ' (All_forallb _ _ ons)).
    rewrite subst_context0_inst_context in onΓ'i.
    pose proof (pred1_subst_Upn eq_refl onΓ' onΓ'i Hs a0).
    eapply on_contexts_app_inv in X as [] ⇒ //.
    specialize (X0 a3).
    rewrite -hl'.
    eapply strong_substitutivity. tea.
    now rewrite hl'.
    rewrite -subst_inst.
    epose proof (on_free_vars_subst_gen xpredT xpredT s #|Γ'| M).
    forward H0. unfold on_free_vars_terms. solve_all.
    move: onM. rewrite shiftnP_xpredTonM.
    specialize (H0 onM).
    unshelve eapply (on_free_vars_impl _ _ _ _ H0).
    rewrite /substP /shiftnP. intros i. destruct Nat.ltb ⇒ //.

  Hint Constructors psubst : pcuic.
  Hint Transparent vass vdef : pcuic.

  Lemma substitution0_pred1 {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Δ M M' na na' A A' N N'} :
    on_ctx_free_vars xpredT Γ
    on_free_vars xpredT M
    on_free_vars xpredT N
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ M M'
    pred1 Σ (Γ ,, vass na A) (Δ ,, vass na' A') N N'
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ (subst1 M 0 N) (subst1 M' 0 N').
    intros onΓ onM onN redM redN.
    pose proof (@substitution_let_pred1 wfΣ Γ [vass na A] [] Δ [vass na' A'] [] [M] [M'] N N') as H.
    forward H. { constructor; auto with pcuic.
      apply pred1_pred1_ctx in redN.
      depelim redN. pcuic. now depelim a. }
    forward H. { apply pred1_pred1_ctx in redM. apply (on_contexts_length redM). }
    forward H by reflexivity.
    forward H. { constructor; pcuic.
      apply pred1_pred1_ctx in redN. now depelim redN. }
    forward H ⇒ //.
    forward H. now constructor.
    do 2 forward H ⇒ //.
    apply (H redN).

  Lemma substitution0_let_pred1 {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ Δ na na' M M' A A' N N'} :
    on_ctx_free_vars xpredT Γ
    on_free_vars xpredT M
    on_free_vars xpredT N
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ M M'
    pred1 Σ (Γ ,, vdef na M A) (Δ ,, vdef na' M' A') N N'
    pred1 Σ Γ Δ (subst1 M 0 N) (subst1 M' 0 N').
    intros onΓ onM onN redM redN.
    pose proof (@substitution_let_pred1 wfΣ Γ [vdef na M A] [] Δ [vdef na' M' A'] [] [M] [M'] N N') as H.
    forward H. {
      pose proof (psubst_vdef Σ Γ Δ [] [] [] [] na na' M M' A A').
      rewrite !subst_empty in X. apply X; pcuic.
      apply pred1_pred1_ctx in redN.
      depelim redN. pcuic. now depelim a. }
    forward H. { apply pred1_pred1_ctx in redM. apply (on_contexts_length redM). }
    forward H by reflexivity.
    forward H. { constructor; pcuic.
      apply pred1_pred1_ctx in redN. now depelim redN. }
    forward H ⇒ //.
    forward H. now constructor.
    do 2 forward H ⇒ //.
    apply (H redN).

End ParallelSubstitution.