Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.utils.PCUICUtils

From Coq Require Import RelationClasses.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils.

From Equations.Prop Require Import DepElim.
From Equations Require Import Equations.

Inductive dlexprod {A} {B : A Type}
          (leA : A A Prop) (leB : x, B x B x Prop)
  : sigT B sigT B Prop :=
| left_lex :
     x x' y y',
      leA x x'
      dlexprod leA leB (x;y) (x';y')

| right_lex :
     x y y',
      leB x y y'
      dlexprod leA leB (x;y) (x;y').

Derive Signature for dlexprod.

Definition lexprod := Subterm.lexprod.
Arguments lexprod {_ _} _ _ _ _.

Inductive dlexmod {A} {B : A Type}
    (leA : A A Prop)
    (eA : A A Prop)
    (coe : x x', eA x x' B x B x')
    (leB : x, B x B x Prop)
  : sigT B sigT B Prop :=
| left_dlexmod :
     x x' y y',
      leA x x'
      dlexmod leA eA coe leB (x;y) (x';y')

| right_dlexmod :
     x x' y y' (e : eA x x'),
      leB x' (coe _ _ e y) y'
      dlexmod leA eA coe leB (x;y) (x';y').
Derive Signature for dlexmod.

Notation "x ⊩ R1 ⨶ R2" :=
  (dlexprod R1 (fun xR2)) (at level 20, right associativity).
Notation "R1 ⊗ R2" :=
  (lexprod R1 R2) (at level 20, right associativity).

Notation "x ⊨ e \ R1 'by' coe ⨷ R2" :=
  (dlexmod R1 e coe (fun xR2)) (at level 20, right associativity).

Lemma acc_dlexprod A B leA leB :
    ( x, well_founded (leB x))
      Acc leA x
        Acc (leB x) y
        Acc (@dlexprod A B leA leB) (x;y).
  intros hw. induction 1 as [x hx ih1].
  intros y. induction 1 as [y hy ih2].
  intros [x' y'] h. simple inversion h.
  - intro hA. inversion H0. inversion H1. subst.
    eapply ih1.
    + assumption.
    + apply hw.
  - intro hB. rewrite <- H0.
    pose proof (projT2_eq H1) as p2.
    set (projT1_eq H1) as p1 in *; cbn in p1.
    destruct p1; cbn in p2; destruct p2.
    eapply ih2. assumption.

Lemma dlexprod_Acc A B leA leB :
    ( x, well_founded (leB x))
     x y,
      Acc leA x
      Acc (@dlexprod A B leA leB) (x;y).
  intros hB x y hA.
  eapply acc_dlexprod ; try assumption.
  apply hB.

Instance dlexprod_trans A B RA RB :
    Transitive RA
    ( x, Transitive (RB x))
    Transitive (@dlexprod A B RA RB).
  intros hA hB [u1 u2] [v1 v2] [w1 w2] h1 h2.
  revert w1 w2 h2. induction h1 ; intros w1 w2 h2.
  - dependent induction h2.
    + left. eapply hA ; eassumption.
    + left. assumption.
  - dependent induction h2.
    + left. assumption.
    + right. eapply hB ; eassumption.

Lemma acc_dlexmod A B
      (leA : A A Prop) (eA : A A Prop)
      (coe : x x', eA x x' B x B x')
      (leB : x : A, B x B x Prop)
      (sym : x y, eA x y eA y x)
      (trans : x y z, eA x y eA y z eA x z) :
    ( x, well_founded (leB x))
    ( x x' y, eA x x' leA y x' leA y x)
    ( x, e : eA x x, y, coe _ _ e y = y)
    ( x x' y e, coe x x' (sym _ _ e) (coe _ _ e y) = y)
    ( x0 x1 x2 e1 e2 y,
      coe _ _ (trans x0 x1 x2 e1 e2) y =
      coe _ _ e2 (coe _ _ e1 y)
    ( x x' e y y',
      leB _ y (coe x x' e y')
      leB _ (coe _ _ (sym _ _ e) y) y'
      Acc leA x
        Acc (leB x) y
         x' (e : eA x x'),
          Acc (@dlexmod A B leA eA coe leB) (x'; coe _ _ e y).
  intros hw hA hcoe coesym coetrans lesym.
  induction 1 as [x hx ih1].
  induction 1 as [y hy ih2].
  intros x' e.
  intros [x'' y''] h. dependent destruction h.
  - specialize (hcoe x'') as [e' he'].
    rewrite <- (he' y'').
    eapply ih1.
    + eapply hA. all: eauto.
    + apply hw.
  - simpl in ×.
    specialize ih2 with (x' := x'').
    set (e2 := trans _ _ _ e0 (sym _ _ e)).
    set (e1 := sym _ _ e2).
    replace y'' with (coe _ _ e1 (coe _ _ e2 y''))
      by eauto using coesym.
    eapply ih2. subst e2.
    rewrite coetrans.
    eapply lesym.

Lemma dlexmod_Acc A B
      (leA : A A Prop) (eA : A A Prop)
      (coe : x x', eA x x' B x B x')
      (leB : x : A, B x B x Prop)
      (sym : x y, eA x y eA y x)
      (trans : x y z, eA x y eA y z eA x z) :
    ( x, well_founded (leB x))
    ( x x' y, eA x x' leA y x' leA y x)
    ( x, e : eA x x, y, coe _ _ e y = y)
    ( x x' y e, coe x x' (sym _ _ e) (coe _ _ e y) = y)
    ( x0 x1 x2 e1 e2 y,
      coe _ _ (trans x0 x1 x2 e1 e2) y =
      coe _ _ e2 (coe _ _ e1 y)
    ( x x' e y y',
      leB _ y (coe x x' e y')
      leB _ (coe _ _ (sym _ _ e) y) y'
     x y,
      Acc leA x
      Acc (@dlexmod A B leA eA coe leB) (x ; y).
  intros hB ? hcoe ? ? ? x y h.
  specialize (hcoe x) as h'. destruct h' as [e he].
  rewrite <- (he y).
  eapply acc_dlexmod. all: eauto.
  apply hB.

Lemma wf_dlexprod A B (leA : A A Prop) (leB : x : A, B x B x Prop) :
  well_founded leA
  ( x : A, well_founded (leB x))
  well_founded (dlexprod leA leB).
  intros wA wB.
  intros [a b]. eapply dlexprod_Acc. all: eauto.

Instance WF_precompose {T M} (R : M M Prop) (m : T M) :
  WellFounded R WellFounded (precompose R m)
  := wf_precompose R m.