Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.TemplateToPCUIC

From Coq Require Import Uint63 FloatOps FloatAxioms.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils AstUtils EnvMap.
From MetaCoq.Template Require TemplateProgram.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICCases PCUICProgram.

Lemma to_Z_bounded_bool (i : :
  ((0 <=? Uint63.to_Z i) && (Uint63.to_Z i <? wB))%Z.
  generalize (Uint63.to_Z_bounded i).
  now intros [->%Z.leb_le ->%Z.ltb_lt].

Definition uint63_to_model (i : : uint63_model :=
  exist (Uint63.to_Z i) (to_Z_bounded_bool i).

Definition float64_to_model (f : PrimFloat.float) : float64_model :=
  exist (FloatOps.Prim2SF f) (FloatAxioms.Prim2SF_valid f).

Section Map2Bias.
  Context {A B C} (f : A B C) (default : B).

  Fixpoint map2_bias_left (l : list A) (l' : list B) : list C :=
    match l, l' with
    | [], [][]
    | a :: as_, b :: bs(f a b) :: map2_bias_left as_ bs
    | a :: as_, [](f a default) :: map2_bias_left as_ []
    | _, _[]

  Lemma map2_bias_left_length l l' : #|map2_bias_left l l'| = #|l|.
  Proof using Type.
    induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; simpl; auto; now rewrite IHl.

  Lemma map2_map2_bias_left l l' : #|l| = #|l'| map2_bias_left l l' = map2 f l l'.
  Proof using Type.
    induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; simpl; auto.
    - discriminate.
    - intros [= hlen]. rewrite IHl; tas. reflexivity.
End Map2Bias.

Section Trans.
  Context (Σ : global_env_map).

  Definition dummy_decl : context_decl :=
    vass {| binder_name := nAnon; binder_relevance := Relevant |} (tSort Universe.type0).

  Definition trans_predicate ind mdecl idecl pparams puinst pcontext preturn :=
    let pctx := map2_bias_left set_binder_name dummy_decl pcontext (ind_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl) in
    {| pparams := pparams;
       puinst := puinst;
       pcontext := pctx;
       preturn := preturn |}.

  Definition trans_branch ind mdecl cdecl bcontext bbody :=
    let bctx := map2_bias_left set_binder_name dummy_decl bcontext (cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl) in
    {| bcontext := bctx;
       bbody := bbody |}.

  Fixpoint trans (t : Ast.term) : term :=
  match t with
  | Ast.tRel ntRel n
  | Ast.tVar ntVar n
  | Ast.tEvar ev argstEvar ev ( trans args)
  | Ast.tSort utSort u
  | Ast.tConst c utConst c u
  | Ast.tInd c utInd c u
  | Ast.tConstruct c k utConstruct c k u
  | Ast.tLambda na T MtLambda na (trans T) (trans M)
  | Ast.tApp u vmkApps (trans u) ( trans v)
  | Ast.tProd na A BtProd na (trans A) (trans B)
  | Ast.tCast c kind ttApp (tLambda (mkBindAnn nAnon Relevant) (trans t) (tRel 0)) (trans c)
  | Ast.tLetIn na b t b'tLetIn na (trans b) (trans t) (trans b')
  | Ast.tCase ci p c brs
    let p' := Ast.map_predicate id trans trans p in
    let brs' := (Ast.map_branch trans) brs in
    match TransLookup.lookup_inductive Σ ci.(ci_ind) with
    | Some (mdecl, idecl)
      let tp := trans_predicate ci.(ci_ind) mdecl idecl p'.(Ast.pparams) p'.(Ast.puinst) p'.(Ast.pcontext) p'.(Ast.preturn) in
      let tbrs :=
        map2 (fun cdecl brtrans_branch ci.(ci_ind) mdecl cdecl br.(Ast.bcontext) br.(Ast.bbody))
                  idecl.(ind_ctors) brs' in
      tCase ci tp (trans c) tbrs
    | None
We build an ill-formed case if the term + environment are not well-formed. But we still give the right length to the context so that all syntactic operations still work.
      tCase ci {| pparams := p'.(Ast.pparams);
                  puinst := p'.(Ast.puinst);
                  pcontext := map (fun navass na (tSort Universe.type0)) p'.(Ast.pcontext);
                  preturn := p'.(Ast.preturn) |}
          (trans c) []
  | Ast.tProj p ctProj p (trans c)
  | Ast.tFix mfix idx
    let mfix' := (map_def trans trans) mfix in
    tFix mfix' idx
  | Ast.tCoFix mfix idx
    let mfix' := (map_def trans trans) mfix in
    tCoFix mfix' idx

  Definition trans_decl (d : Ast.Env.context_decl) :=
    {| decl_name := d.(decl_name);
      decl_body := option_map trans d.(decl_body);
      decl_type := trans d.(decl_type) |}.

  Definition trans_local Γ := trans_decl Γ.

  Definition trans_constructor_body (d : Ast.Env.constructor_body) :=
    {| cstr_name := d.(Ast.Env.cstr_name);
      cstr_args := trans_local d.(Ast.Env.cstr_args);
      cstr_indices := map trans d.(Ast.Env.cstr_indices);
      cstr_type := trans d.(Ast.Env.cstr_type);
      cstr_arity := d.(Ast.Env.cstr_arity) |}.
  Definition trans_projection_body (d : Ast.Env.projection_body) :=
    {| proj_name := d.(Ast.Env.proj_name);
        proj_type := trans d.(Ast.Env.proj_type);
        proj_relevance := d.(Ast.Env.proj_relevance) |}.

  Definition trans_one_ind_body (d : Ast.Env.one_inductive_body) :=
    {| ind_name := d.(Ast.Env.ind_name);
      ind_relevance := d.(Ast.Env.ind_relevance);
      ind_indices := trans_local d.(Ast.Env.ind_indices);
      ind_sort := d.(Ast.Env.ind_sort);
      ind_type := trans d.(Ast.Env.ind_type);
      ind_kelim := d.(Ast.Env.ind_kelim);
      ind_ctors := trans_constructor_body d.(Ast.Env.ind_ctors);
      ind_projs := trans_projection_body d.(Ast.Env.ind_projs) |}.

  Definition trans_constant_body bd :=
    {| cst_type := trans bd.(Ast.Env.cst_type);
       cst_body := option_map trans bd.(Ast.Env.cst_body);
       cst_universes := bd.(Ast.Env.cst_universes);
       cst_relevance := bd.(Ast.Env.cst_relevance) |}.

  Definition trans_minductive_body md :=
    {| ind_finite := md.(Ast.Env.ind_finite);
      ind_npars := md.(Ast.Env.ind_npars);
      ind_params := trans_local md.(Ast.Env.ind_params);
      ind_bodies := map trans_one_ind_body md.(Ast.Env.ind_bodies);
      ind_universes := md.(Ast.Env.ind_universes);
      ind_variance := md.(Ast.Env.ind_variance) |}.

  Definition trans_global_decl (d : Ast.Env.global_decl) :=
    match d with
    | Ast.Env.ConstantDecl bdConstantDecl (trans_constant_body bd)
    | Ast.Env.InductiveDecl bdInductiveDecl (trans_minductive_body bd)
End Trans.

Program Definition add_global_decl (env : global_env_map) (d : kername × global_decl) :=
  {| trans_env_env := add_global_decl env.(trans_env_env) d;
     trans_env_map := EnvMap.add d.1 d.2 env.(trans_env_map) |}.
Next Obligation.
  pose proof env.(trans_env_repr).
  red in H. rewrite H. reflexivity.

Definition trans_global_decls env (d : Ast.Env.global_declarations) : global_env_map :=
  fold_right (fun decl Σ'
    let decl' := on_snd (trans_global_decl Σ') decl in
    add_global_decl Σ' decl') env d.

Definition empty_trans_env univs :=
  let init_global_env := {| universes := univs; declarations := [] |} in
    {| trans_env_env := init_global_env;
       trans_env_map := EnvMap.empty;
       trans_env_repr := fun yeq_refl |}.

Definition trans_global_env (d : Ast.Env.global_env) : global_env_map :=
  let init := empty_trans_env d.(Ast.Env.universes) in
  trans_global_decls init d.(Ast.Env.declarations).

Definition trans_global (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) : global_env_ext_map :=
  (trans_global_env (fst Σ), snd Σ).

Definition trans_template_program (p : TemplateProgram.template_program) : pcuic_program :=
  let Σ' := trans_global (Ast.Env.empty_ext p.1) in
  (Σ', trans Σ' p.2).