Library MetaCoq.Erasure.EGlobalEnv

From Coq Require Import Program.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils BasicAst Reflect.
From MetaCoq.Erasure Require Import EAst EAstUtils ELiftSubst EReflect ECSubst.
Require Import ssreflect.
Import MCMonadNotation.

Global environments

Inductive relations for reduction, conversion and typing of CIC terms.

Environment lookup

Fixpoint lookup_env (Σ : global_context) id : option global_decl :=
  match Σ with
  | nilNone
  | hd :: tl
    if eq_kername id hd.1 then Some hd.2
    else lookup_env tl id

Definition declared_constant (Σ : global_context) id decl : Prop :=
  lookup_env Σ id = Some (ConstantDecl decl).

Definition declared_minductive Σ mind decl :=
  lookup_env Σ mind = Some (InductiveDecl decl).

Definition declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl decl :=
  declared_minductive Σ (inductive_mind ind) mdecl
  List.nth_error mdecl.(ind_bodies) (inductive_ind ind) = Some decl.

Definition declared_constructor Σ cstr mdecl idecl cdecl : Prop :=
  declared_inductive Σ (fst cstr) mdecl idecl
  List.nth_error idecl.(ind_ctors) (snd cstr) = Some cdecl.

Definition declared_projection Σ (proj : projection) mdecl idecl cdecl pdecl : Prop :=
  declared_constructor Σ (proj.(proj_ind), 0) mdecl idecl cdecl
  List.nth_error idecl.(ind_projs) proj.(proj_arg) = Some pdecl
  proj.(proj_npars) = ind_npars mdecl.

Lemma elookup_env_cons_fresh {kn d Σ kn'} :
  kn kn'
  EGlobalEnv.lookup_env ((kn, d) :: Σ) kn' = EGlobalEnv.lookup_env Σ kn'.
  simpl. change (eq_kername kn' kn) with (eqb kn' kn).
  destruct (eqb_spec kn' kn). subst ⇒ //. auto.

Section Lookups.
  Context (Σ : global_declarations).

  Definition lookup_constant kn : option constant_body :=
    decl <- lookup_env Σ kn;;
    match decl with
    | ConstantDecl cdeclret cdecl
    | InductiveDecl mdeclNone

  Definition lookup_minductive kn : option mutual_inductive_body :=
    decl <- lookup_env Σ kn;;
    match decl with
    | ConstantDecl _None
    | InductiveDecl mdeclret mdecl

  Definition lookup_inductive kn : option (mutual_inductive_body × one_inductive_body) :=
    mdecl <- lookup_minductive (inductive_mind kn) ;;
    idecl <- nth_error mdecl.(ind_bodies) (inductive_ind kn) ;;
    ret (mdecl, idecl).

  Definition lookup_inductive_pars kn : option nat :=
    mdecl <- lookup_minductive kn ;;
    ret mdecl.(ind_npars).

  Definition lookup_constructor kn c : option (mutual_inductive_body × one_inductive_body × constructor_body) :=
    '(mdecl, idecl) <- lookup_inductive kn ;;
    cdecl <- nth_error idecl.(ind_ctors) c ;;
    ret (mdecl, idecl, cdecl).

  Definition lookup_constructor_pars_args kn c : option (nat × nat) :=
    '(mdecl, idecl, cdecl) <- lookup_constructor kn c ;;
    ret (mdecl.(ind_npars), cdecl.(cstr_nargs)).

  Definition lookup_projection (p : projection) :
    option (mutual_inductive_body × one_inductive_body × constructor_body × projection_body) :=
    '(mdecl, idecl, cdecl) <- lookup_constructor p.(proj_ind) 0 ;;
    pdecl <- nth_error idecl.(ind_projs) p.(proj_arg) ;;
    ret (mdecl, idecl, cdecl, pdecl).

End Lookups.

Lemma declared_constant_lookup {Σ kn cdecl} :
  declared_constant Σ kn cdecl
  lookup_constant Σ kn = Some cdecl.
  unfold declared_constant, lookup_constant. now intros →.

Lemma declared_minductive_lookup {Σ ind mdecl} :
  declared_minductive Σ ind mdecl
  lookup_minductive Σ ind = Some mdecl.
  rewrite /declared_minductive /lookup_minductive.
  intros → ⇒ /= //.

Lemma declared_inductive_lookup {Σ ind mdecl idecl} :
  declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl
  lookup_inductive Σ ind = Some (mdecl, idecl).
  rewrite /declared_inductive /lookup_inductive.
  intros []. rewrite (declared_minductive_lookup H) /= H0 //.

Lemma declared_constructor_lookup {Σ id mdecl idecl cdecl} :
  declared_constructor Σ id mdecl idecl cdecl
  lookup_constructor Σ id.1 id.2 = Some (mdecl, idecl, cdecl).
  intros []. unfold lookup_constructor.
  rewrite (declared_inductive_lookup H) /= H0 //.

Lemma declared_projection_lookup {Σ p mdecl idecl cdecl pdecl} :
  declared_projection Σ p mdecl idecl cdecl pdecl
  lookup_projection Σ p = Some (mdecl, idecl, cdecl, pdecl).
  intros [hc [hp hn]]. unfold lookup_projection.
  rewrite (declared_constructor_lookup hc) /= hp //.

Nested lookups
Knowledge of propositionality status of an inductive type and parameters
Environment extension and uniqueness of declarations in well-formed global environments

Definition extends (Σ Σ' : global_declarations) := Σ'', Σ' = (Σ'' ++ Σ)%list.

Definition fresh_global kn (Σ : global_declarations) :=
  Forall (fun xx.1 kn) Σ.

Lemma lookup_env_Some_fresh {Σ c decl} :
  lookup_env Σ c = Some decl ¬ (fresh_global c Σ).
  induction Σ; cbn. 1: congruence.
  case: eqb_spec; intros e; subst.
  - intros [= <-] H2. inv H2.
  - intros H1 H2. apply IHΣ; tas.
    now inv H2.


Helper functions for reduction

Definition fix_subst (l : mfixpoint term) :=
  let fix aux n :=
      match n with
      | 0 ⇒ []
      | S ntFix l n :: aux n
  in aux (List.length l).

Definition unfold_fix (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) :=
  match List.nth_error mfix idx with
  | Some dSome (d.(rarg), subst0 (fix_subst mfix) d.(dbody))
  | NoneNone

Definition cofix_subst (l : mfixpoint term) :=
  let fix aux n :=
      match n with
      | 0 ⇒ []
      | S ntCoFix l n :: aux n
  in aux (List.length l).

Definition unfold_cofix (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) :=
  match List.nth_error mfix idx with
  | Some dSome (d.(rarg), subst0 (cofix_subst mfix) d.(dbody))
  | NoneNone

Definition cunfold_fix (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) :=
  match List.nth_error mfix idx with
  | Some d
    Some (d.(rarg), substl (fix_subst mfix) d.(dbody))
  | NoneNone

Definition cunfold_cofix (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) :=
  match List.nth_error mfix idx with
  | Some d
    Some (d.(rarg), substl (cofix_subst mfix) d.(dbody))
  | NoneNone

Definition is_constructor_app_or_box t :=
  match t with
  | tBoxtrue
  | a
    let (f, a) := decompose_app a in
    match f with
    | tConstruct _ _ _true
    | _false

Definition is_nth_constructor_app_or_box n ts :=
  match List.nth_error ts n with
  | Some ais_constructor_app_or_box a
  | Nonefalse

Lemma fix_subst_length mfix : #|fix_subst mfix| = #|mfix|.
  unfold fix_subst. generalize (tFix mfix). intros.
  induction mfix; simpl; auto.

Lemma cofix_subst_length mfix : #|cofix_subst mfix| = #|mfix|.
  unfold cofix_subst. generalize (tCoFix mfix). intros.
  induction mfix; simpl; auto.

Definition iota_red npar args (br : list name × term) :=
  substl (List.rev (List.skipn npar args)) br.2.