Library MetaCoq.Erasure.ELiftSubst

From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils BasicAst.
From MetaCoq.Erasure Require Import EAst EAstUtils EInduction.
Require Import ssreflect.

Lifting and substitution for the AST

Along with standard commutation lemmas. Definition of closedn (boolean) predicate for checking if a term is closed.

Local Open Scope erasure.

Fixpoint lift n k t : term :=
  match t with
  | tRel iif Nat.leb k i then tRel (n + i) else tRel i
  | tEvar ev argstEvar ev ( (lift n k) args)
  | tLambda na MtLambda na (lift n (S k) M)
  | tApp u vtApp (lift n k u) (lift n k v)
  | tLetIn na b b'tLetIn na (lift n k b) (lift n (S k) b')
  | tCase ind c brs
    let brs' := (fun br
      (br.1, lift n (#|br.1| + k) br.2)) brs in
    tCase ind (lift n k c) brs'
  | tProj p ctProj p (lift n k c)
  | tFix mfix idx
    let k' := List.length mfix + k in
    let mfix' := (map_def (lift n k')) mfix in
    tFix mfix' idx
  | tCoFix mfix idx
    let k' := List.length mfix + k in
    let mfix' := (map_def (lift n k')) mfix in
    tCoFix mfix' idx
  | tBoxt
  | tVar _t
  | tConst _t
  | tConstruct ind i argstConstruct ind i (map (lift n k) args)

Notation lift0 n := (lift n 0).
Definition up := lift 1 0.

Parallel substitution: it assumes that all terms in the substitution live in the same context

Fixpoint subst s k u :=
  match u with
  | tRel n
    if Nat.leb k n then
      match nth_error s (n - k) with
      | Some blift0 k b
      | NonetRel (n - List.length s)
    else tRel n
  | tEvar ev argstEvar ev ( (subst s k) args)
  | tLambda na MtLambda na (subst s (S k) M)
  | tApp u vtApp (subst s k u) (subst s k v)
  | tLetIn na b b'tLetIn na (subst s k b) (subst s (S k) b')
  | tCase ind c brs
    let brs' := (fun br(br.1, subst s (#|br.1| + k) br.2)) brs in
    tCase ind (subst s k c) brs'
  | tProj p ctProj p (subst s k c)
  | tFix mfix idx
    let k' := List.length mfix + k in
    let mfix' := (map_def (subst s k')) mfix in
    tFix mfix' idx
  | tCoFix mfix idx
    let k' := List.length mfix + k in
    let mfix' := (map_def (subst s k')) mfix in
    tCoFix mfix' idx
  | tConstruct ind i argstConstruct ind i (map (subst s k) args)
  | xx

Substitutes t1 ; .. ; tn in u for Rel 0; .. Rel (n-1) *in parallel*
Notation subst0 t := (subst t 0).
Definition subst1 t k u := subst [t] k u.
Notation subst10 t := (subst1 t 0).
Notation "M { j := N }" := (subst1 N j M) (at level 10, right associativity) : erasure.

Fixpoint closedn k (t : term) : bool :=
  match t with
  | tRel iNat.ltb i k
  | tEvar ev argsList.forallb (closedn k) args
  | tLambda _ Mclosedn (S k) M
  | tApp u vclosedn k u && closedn k v
  | tLetIn na b b'closedn k b && closedn (S k) b'
  | tCase ind c brs
    let brs' := List.forallb (fun brclosedn (#|br.1| + k) br.2) brs in
    closedn k c && brs'
  | tProj p cclosedn k c
  | tFix mfix idx
    let k' := List.length mfix + k in
    List.forallb (test_def (closedn k')) mfix
  | tCoFix mfix idx
    let k' := List.length mfix + k in
    List.forallb (test_def (closedn k')) mfix
  | tConstruct ind i argsforallb (closedn k) args
  | _true

Notation closed t := (closedn 0 t).

Notation subst_rec N M k := (subst N k M) (only parsing).

Require Import PeanoNat.
Import Nat.

Lemma lift_rel_ge :
   k n p, p n lift k p (tRel n) = tRel (k + n).
  intros; simpl in |- ×.
  now elim (leb_spec p n).

Lemma lift_rel_lt : k n p, p > n lift k p (tRel n) = tRel n.
  intros; simpl in |- ×.
  now elim (leb_spec p n).

Lemma lift_rel_alt : n k i, lift n k (tRel i) = tRel (if Nat.leb k i then n + i else i).
  intros; simpl. now destruct leb.

Lemma subst_rel_lt : u n k, k > n subst u k (tRel n) = tRel n.
  simpl in |- *; intros.
  elim (leb_spec k n); intro Hcomp; easy.

Lemma subst_rel_gt :
   u n k, n k + length u subst u k (tRel n) = tRel (n - length u).
  simpl in |- *; intros.
  elim (leb_spec k n). intros. destruct nth_error eqn:Heq.
  assert (n - k < length u) by (apply nth_error_Some; congruence). lia. reflexivity.

Unset SsrRewrite.

Lemma subst_rel_eq :
   (u : list term) n i t p,
    List.nth_error u i = Some t p = n + i
    subst u n (tRel p) = lift0 n t.
  intros; simpl in |- ×. subst p.
  elim (leb_spec n (n + i)). intros. assert (n + i - n = i) by lia. rewriteH1, H.
  reflexivity. intros. lia.

Hint Extern 0 (_ = _) ⇒ progress f_equal : all.
Hint Unfold on_snd snd : all.

Lemma on_snd_eq_id_spec {A B} (f : B B) (x : A × B) :
  f (snd x) = snd x
  on_snd f x = x.
  destruct x; simpl; unfold on_snd; simpl. split; congruence.
Hint Resolveon_snd_eq_id_spec : all.

Lemma map_def_eq_spec (f g : term term) (x : def term) :
  f (dbody x) = g (dbody x)
  map_def f x = map_def g x.
  intros. unfold map_def; f_equal; auto.
Hint Resolve map_def_eq_spec : all.

Lemma map_def_id_spec (f : term term) (x : def term) :
  f (dbody x) = (dbody x)
  map_def f x = x.
  intros. rewrite (map_def_eq_spec f id); auto. destruct x; auto.
Hint Resolve map_def_id_spec : all.

Lemma compose_map_def (f g : term term) :
  (map_def f) (map_def g) = map_def (f g).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Hint Extern 10 (_ < _)%natlia : all.
Hint Extern 10 (_ _)%natlia : all.
Hint Extern 10 (@eq nat _ _) ⇒ lia : all.

Ltac change_Sk :=
  repeat match goal with
    |- context [S (?x + ?y)] ⇒ progress change (S (x + y)) with (S x + y)

Ltac solve_all :=
  unfold tFixProp in *;
  repeat toAll; try All_map; try close_Forall;
  change_Sk; auto with all;
  intuition eauto 4 with all.

Ltac nth_leb_simpl :=
  match goal with
    |- context [leb ?k ?n] ⇒ elim (leb_spec_Set k n); try lia; intros; simpl
  | |- context [nth_error ?l ?n] ⇒ elim (nth_error_spec l n); rewrite → ?app_length, ?map_length;
                                    try lia; intros; simpl
  | H : context[nth_error (?l ++ ?l') ?n] |- _
    (rewrite → (nth_error_app_ge l l' n) in H by lia) ||
    (rewrite → (nth_error_app_lt l l' n) in H by lia)
  | H : nth_error ?l ?n = Some _, H' : nth_error ?l ?n' = Some _ |- _
    replace n' with n in H' by lia; rewriteH in H'; injection H'; intros; subst
  | _lia || congruence || solve [repeat (f_equal; try lia)]

Lemma lift0_id : M k, lift 0 k M = M.
  intros M.
  elim M using term_forall_list_ind; simpl in |- *; intros; try easy ;
    try (try rewrite H; try rewrite H0 ; try rewrite H1 ; easy);
    try (f_equal; auto; solve_all).

  - now elim (leb k n).
  - destruct x; cbn. now rewrite H0.

Lemma lift0_p : M, lift0 0 M = M.
  intros; unfold lift in |- ×.
  apply lift0_id; easy.

Hint Resolveon_snd_eq_spec : all.

Lemma simpl_lift :
   M n k p i,
    i k + n
    k i lift p i (lift n k M) = lift (p + n) k M.
  intros M.
  elim M using term_forall_list_ind;
    intros; simpl;
      rewrite → ?map_map_compose, ?compose_on_snd, ?compose_map_def, ?map_length;
      try (rewriteH, ?H0, ?H1; auto); try (f_equal; auto; solve_all).

  - elim (leb_spec k n); intros.
    now rewrite lift_rel_ge.
    now rewrite lift_rel_lt.

Lemma simpl_lift0 : M n, lift0 (S n) M = lift0 1 (lift0 n M).
  now intros; rewrite simpl_lift.

Lemma permute_lift :
   M n k p i,
    i k
    lift p i (lift n k M) = lift n (k + p) (lift p i M).
  intros M.
  elim M using term_forall_list_ind;
    intros; simpl;
      rewrite → ?map_map_compose, ?compose_on_snd, ?compose_map_def, ?map_length, ?Nat.add_assoc;
      try solve [f_equal; auto; solve_all]; repeat nth_leb_simpl.
  f_equal; auto. solve_all.
  f_equal. rewrite Nat.add_assoc.
  rewrite H1; auto. lia.

Lemma permute_lift0 :
   M k, lift0 1 (lift 1 k M) = lift 1 (S k) (lift0 1 M).
  change (lift 1 0 (lift 1 k M) = lift 1 (1 + k) (lift 1 0 M))
    in |- ×.
  rewrite permute_lift; easy.

Lemma lift_isApp n k t : ¬ isApp t = true ¬ isApp (lift n k t) = true.
  induction t; auto.
  simpl. destruct leb; auto.

Lemma map_non_nil {A B} (f : A B) l : l nil map f l nil.
  intros. intro.
  destruct l; try discriminate.

Lemma isLambda_lift n k (bod : term) :
  isLambda bod = true isLambda (lift n k bod) = true.
Proof. destruct bod; simpl; try congruence. Qed.

Lemma isBox_lift n k (bod : term) :
  isBox bod = isBox (lift n k bod).
Proof. destruct bod; simpl; try congruence. destruct Nat.leb ⇒ //. Qed.

Hint Resolve lift_isApp map_non_nil isLambda_lift : all.

Lemma simpl_subst_rec :
   M N n p k,
    p n + k
    k p subst N p (lift (List.length N + n) k M) = lift n k M.
  intros M. induction M using term_forall_list_ind;
    intros; simpl;
      rewrite → ?map_map_compose, ?compose_on_snd, ?compose_map_def, ?map_length;
      try solve [f_equal; auto; solve_all]; repeat nth_leb_simpl.

Lemma simpl_subst :
   N M n p, p n subst N p (lift0 (length N + n) M) = lift0 n M.
Proof. intros. rewrite simpl_subst_rec; auto. now rewrite Nat.add_0_r. lia. Qed.

Lemma lift_mkApps n k t l : lift n k (mkApps t l) = mkApps (lift n k t) (map (lift n k) l).
  revert n k t; induction l; intros n k t. auto.
  simpl. rewrite (IHl n k (tApp t a)). reflexivity.

Lemma commut_lift_subst_rec :
   M N n p k,
    k p
    lift n k (subst N p M) = subst N (p + n) (lift n k M).
  intros M.
  elim M using term_forall_list_ind;
    intros; simpl; try easy;
      rewrite → ?map_map_compose, ?compose_on_snd, ?compose_map_def, ?map_length, ?Nat.add_assoc;
      try solve [f_equal; auto; solve_all].

  - repeat nth_leb_simpl.
    rewritesimpl_lift by easy. f_equal; lia.
  - f_equal; auto; solve_all.
    rewrite Nat.add_assoc. f_equal. apply H1. lia.

Lemma commut_lift_subst :
   M N k, subst N (S k) (lift0 1 M) = lift0 1 (subst N k M).
  now intros; rewrite commut_lift_subst_rec.

Lemma distr_lift_subst_rec :
   M N n p k,
    lift n (p + k) (subst N p M) =
    subst ( (lift n k) N) p (lift n (p + length N + k) M).
  intros M.
  elim M using term_forall_list_ind;
    intros; match goal with
              |- context [tRel _] ⇒ idtac
            | |- _cbn -[plus]
            end; try easy;
      rewrite → ?map_map_compose, ?compose_on_snd, ?compose_map_def, ?map_length, ?Nat.add_assoc;
      try solve [f_equal; auto; solve_all].

  - unfold subst at 1. unfold lift at 4.
    repeat nth_leb_simpl.
    rewrite nth_error_map in e0. rewrite e in e0.
    revert e0. intros [= <-].
    now rewrite (permute_lift x n0 k p 0).
  - f_equal; auto; solve_all.
    f_equal. rewrite !Nat.add_assoc.
    rewrite H0. f_equal.

Lemma distr_lift_subst :
   M N n k,
    lift n k (subst0 N M) = subst0 (map (lift n k) N) (lift n (length N + k) M).
  intros. pattern k at 1 3 in |- ×.
  replace k with (0 + k); try easy.
  apply distr_lift_subst_rec.

Lemma distr_lift_subst10 :
   M N n k,
    lift n k (subst10 N M) = subst10 (lift n k N) (lift n (S k) M).
  intros; unfold subst in |- ×.
  pattern k at 1 3 in |- ×.
  replace k with (0 + k); try easy.
  apply distr_lift_subst_rec.

Lemma subst_mkApps u k t l :
  subst u k (mkApps t l) = mkApps (subst u k t) (map (subst u k) l).
  revert u k t; induction l; intros u k t; auto.
  intros. simpl mkApps at 1. simpl subst at 1 2.
  now rewrite IHl.

Lemma subst1_mkApps u k t l : subst1 u k (mkApps t l) = mkApps (subst1 u k t) (map (subst1 u k) l).
  apply subst_mkApps.

Lemma distr_subst_rec :
   M N (P : list term) n p,
    subst P (p + n) (subst N p M) =
    subst (map (subst P n) N) p (subst P (p + length N + n) M).
  intros M.
  elim M using term_forall_list_ind;
    intros; match goal with
              |- context [tRel _] ⇒ idtac
            | |- _simpl
            end; try easy;
      rewrite → ?map_map_compose, ?compose_on_snd, ?compose_map_def, ?map_length, ?Nat.add_assoc;
      try solve [f_equal; auto; solve_all].

  - unfold subst at 2.
    repeat nth_leb_simpl.
    erewrite <- simpl_subst. f_equal. rewrite map_length. arith_congr. lia.
    rewrite nth_error_map in e0. rewrite e in e0.
    simpl in e0. injection e0 as <-.
    rewrite commut_lift_subst_rec. arith_congr. lia.
  - f_equal; auto; solve_all. f_equal.
    now rewrite → !Nat.add_assoc, H0.

Lemma distr_subst :
   P N M k,
    subst P k (subst0 N M) = subst0 (map (subst P k) N) (subst P (length N + k) M).
  pattern k at 1 3 in |- ×.
  change k with (0 + k). hnf.
  apply distr_subst_rec.

Lemma lift_closed n k t : closedn k t lift n k t = t.
  revert k.
  elim t using term_forall_list_ind; intros; try easy;
    rewrite → ?map_map_compose, ?compose_on_snd, ?compose_map_def, ?map_length;
    unfold test_def in *;
    simpl closed in *; try solve [simpl lift; simpl closed; f_equal; auto; rtoProp; solve_all]; try easy.
  - rewrite lift_rel_lt; auto.
    revert H. elim (Nat.ltb_spec n0 k); intros; try easy.
  - cbn. f_equal; auto.
    rtoProp; solve_all.
    rtoProp; solve_all.
    destruct x; f_equal; cbn in ×. eauto.

Lemma closed_upwards {k t} k' : closedn k t k' k closedn k' t.
  revert k k'.
  elim t using term_forall_list_ind; intros; try lia;
    rewrite → ?map_map_compose, ?compose_on_snd, ?compose_map_def, ?map_length;
    simpl closed in *; unfold test_snd, test_def in *;
      try solve [(try f_equal; simpl; repeat (rtoProp; solve_all); eauto)].

  - elim (ltb_spec n k'); auto. intros.
    apply ltb_lt in H. lia.

Lemma subst_empty k a : subst [] k a = a.
  induction a in k |- × using term_forall_list_ind; simpl; try congruence;
    try solve [f_equal; eauto; solve_all].

  - elim (Nat.compare_spec k n); destruct (Nat.leb_spec k n); intros; try easy.
    subst. rewrite Nat.sub_diag. simpl. rewrite Nat.sub_0_r. reflexivity.
    assert (n - k > 0) by lia.
    assert ( n', n - k = S n'). (pred (n - k)). lia.
    destruct H2. rewrite H2. simpl. now rewrite Nat.sub_0_r.
  - f_equal; eauto; solve_all. destruct x; cbn in *; eauto.
    now rewrite H.

Lemma subst_closed n k t : closedn k t subst n k t = t.
  revert k.
  elim t using term_forall_list_ind; intros; try easy;
    rewrite → ?map_map_compose, ?compose_on_snd, ?compose_map_def, ?map_length;
    unfold test_def in *;
    simpl closed in *; try solve [simpl subst; simpl closed; f_equal; auto; rtoProp; solve_all]; try easy.
  - cbn.
    revert H. elim (Nat.ltb_spec n0 k); intros; try easy.
    elim (Nat.leb_spec k n0); intros; try easy.
  - cbn. f_equal; auto.
    rtoProp; solve_all.
    rtoProp; solve_all.
    destruct x; f_equal; cbn in ×. now apply a0.

Lemma simpl_subst_k (N : list term) (M : term) :
   k p, p = #|N| subst N k (lift p k M) = M.
  intros. subst p. rewrite <- (Nat.add_0_r #|N|).
  rewritesimpl_subst_rec, lift0_id; auto.

Lemma subst_app_decomp l l' k t :
  subst (l ++ l') k t = subst l' k (subst ( (lift0 (length l')) l) k t).
  induction t in k |- × using term_forall_list_ind; simpl; auto;
    rewrite ?subst_mkApps; try change_Sk;
    try (f_equal; rewrite → ?map_map_compose, ?compose_on_snd, ?compose_map_def, ?map_length;
         eauto; solve_all).

  - repeat nth_leb_simpl.
    rewrite nth_error_map in e0. rewrite e in e0.
    injection e0; intros <-.
    rewritepermute_lift by auto.
    rewrite <- (Nat.add_0_r #|l'|).
    rewritesimpl_subst_rec, lift0_id; auto with wf; try lia.

Lemma subst_app_simpl l l' k t :
  subst (l ++ l') k t = subst l k (subst l' (k + length l) t).
  induction t in k |- × using term_forall_list_ind; simpl; eauto;
    rewrite ?subst_mkApps; try change_Sk;
    try (f_equal; rewrite → ?map_map_compose, ?compose_on_snd, ?compose_map_def, ?map_length, ?Nat.add_assoc;
         eauto; solve_all; eauto).

  - repeat nth_leb_simpl.
    rewriteNat.add_comm, simpl_subst; eauto.
  - f_equal. now rewriteH, Nat.add_assoc.

Lemma isLambda_subst (s : list term) k (bod : term) :
  isLambda bod = true isLambda (subst s k bod) = true.
  intros. destruct bod; try discriminate. reflexivity.

Lemma closedn_lift n k k' t : closedn k t closedn (k + n) (lift n k' t).
  revert k.
  induction t in n, k' |- × using EInduction.term_forall_list_ind; intros;
    simpl in *; rewrite → ?andb_and in *;
    autorewrite with map;
    simpl closed in *; solve_all;
    unfold test_def, test_snd in *;
      try solve [simpl lift; simpl closed; f_equal; auto; repeat (rtoProp; simpl in *; solve_all)]; try easy.

  - elim (Nat.leb_spec k' n0); intros. simpl.
    elim (Nat.ltb_spec); auto. apply Nat.ltb_lt in H. lia.
    simpl. elim (Nat.ltb_spec); auto. intros.
    apply Nat.ltb_lt in H. lia.
  - solve_all. rewrite Nat.add_assoc. eauto.
  - cbn. rewrite Nat.add_assoc. eauto.
  - cbn. rewrite Nat.add_assoc. eauto.

Set SsrRewrite.

Lemma closedn_subst_eq s k k' t :
  forallb (closedn k) s
  closedn (k + k' + #|s|) t =
  closedn (k + k') (subst s k' t).
  intros Hs. solve_all. revert Hs.
  induction t in k' |- × using EInduction.term_forall_list_ind; intros;
    simpl in *;
    autorewrite with map ⇒ //;
    simpl closed in *; try change_Sk;
    unfold test_def in *; simpl in *;

  - elim (Nat.leb_spec k' n); intros. simpl.
    destruct nth_error eqn:Heq.
    -- rewrite closedn_lift.
       now eapply nth_error_all in Heq; simpl; eauto; simpl in ×.
       eapply nth_error_Some_length in Heq.
       eapply Nat.ltb_lt. lia.
    -- simpl. elim (Nat.ltb_spec); auto. intros.
       apply nth_error_None in Heq. symmetry. apply Nat.ltb_lt. lia.
       apply nth_error_None in Heq. intros. symmetry. eapply Nat.ltb_nlt.
       intros H'. lia.
    -- simpl.
      elim: Nat.ltb_spec; symmetry. apply Nat.ltb_lt. lia.
      apply Nat.ltb_nlt. intro. lia.
  - eapply All_forallb_eq_forallb; tea; eauto.
  - specialize (IHt (S k')).
    rewrite <- Nat.add_succ_comm in IHt.
    rewrite IHt //.
  - specialize (IHt2 (S k')).
    rewrite <- Nat.add_succ_comm in IHt2.
    rewrite IHt1 // IHt2 //.
  - eapply All_forallb_eq_forallb; eauto.
  - rewrite IHt //.
    f_equal. eapply All_forallb_eq_forallb; tea. cbn.
    intros. specialize (H (#|x.1| + k')).
    rewrite Nat.add_assoc (Nat.add_comm k) in H.
    now rewrite !Nat.add_assoc.
  - eapply All_forallb_eq_forallb; tea. cbn.
    intros. specialize (H (#|m| + k')).
    now rewrite !Nat.add_assoc !(Nat.add_comm k) in H |- ×.
  - eapply All_forallb_eq_forallb; tea. cbn.
    intros. specialize (H (#|m| + k')).
    now rewrite !Nat.add_assoc !(Nat.add_comm k) in H |- ×.

Lemma closedn_subst s k t :
  forallb (closedn k) s closedn (#|s| + k) t
  closedn k (subst0 s t).
  epose proof (closedn_subst_eq s k 0).
  rewrite Nat.add_0_r in H1.
  rewrite -H1 //. rewrite Nat.add_comm //.