Library MetaCoq.Erasure.EAstUtils

From Equations Require Import Equations.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils BasicAst Kernames.
From MetaCoq.Erasure Require Import EAst.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.

Global Hint Resolve app_tip_nil : core.

Fixpoint decompose_app_rec t l :=
  match t with
  | tApp f adecompose_app_rec f (a :: l)
  | f(f, l)

Definition decompose_app f := decompose_app_rec f [].

Definition head t := fst (decompose_app t).
Definition spine t := snd (decompose_app t).

Lemma decompose_app_rec_mkApps f l l' :
  decompose_app_rec (mkApps f l) l' = decompose_app_rec f (l ++ l').
  induction l in f, l' |- *; simpl; auto; rewrite IHl ?app_nil_r; auto.

Lemma decompose_app_mkApps f l :
  ~~ isApp f decompose_app (mkApps f l) = (f, l).
  intros Hf. unfold decompose_app. rewrite decompose_app_rec_mkApps. rewrite app_nil_r.
  destruct f; simpl in *; (discriminate || reflexivity).

Lemma mkApps_app t l l' : mkApps t (l ++ l') = mkApps (mkApps t l) l'.
  induction l in t, l' |- *; simpl; auto.

Lemma decompose_app_rec_inv {t l' f l} :
  decompose_app_rec t l' = (f, l)
  mkApps t l' = mkApps f l.
  induction t in f, l', l |- *; try intros [= <- <-]; try reflexivity.
  simpl. apply/IHt1.

Lemma decompose_app_inv {t f l} :
  decompose_app t = (f, l) t = mkApps f l.
Proof. by apply/decompose_app_rec_inv. Qed.

Lemma head_mkApps f a : head (mkApps f a) = head f.
  rewrite /head /decompose_app /=.
  rewrite decompose_app_rec_mkApps /= app_nil_r.
  induction f in a |- *; simpl; auto.
  now rewrite !IHf1.

Lemma head_tApp f a : head (tApp f a) = head f.
  eapply (head_mkApps f [a]).

Lemma nApp_decompose_app t l : ~~ isApp t decompose_app_rec t l = pair t l.
Proof. destruct t; simpl; congruence. Qed.

Lemma decompose_app_rec_notApp :
   t l u l',
    decompose_app_rec t l = (u, l')
    ~~ isApp u.
  intros t l u l' e.
  induction t in l, u, l', e |- ×.
  all: try (cbn in e ; inversion e ; reflexivity).
  cbn in e. eapply IHt1. eassumption.

Lemma decompose_app_notApp :
   t u l,
    decompose_app t = (u, l)
    ~~ isApp u.
  intros t u l e.
  eapply decompose_app_rec_notApp. eassumption.

Lemma head_nApp t : ~~ isApp (head t).
  rewrite /head. destruct decompose_app eqn:da ⇒ //=.
  now eapply decompose_app_notApp.

Global Hint Resolve head_nApp : core.

Lemma spine_mkApps f a : spine (mkApps f a) = spine f ++ a.
  rewrite /spine /decompose_app /=.
  rewrite decompose_app_rec_mkApps /= app_nil_r.
  destruct (decompose_app_rec f []) eqn:da. cbn.
  rewrite (decompose_app_inv da).
  rewrite decompose_app_rec_mkApps.
  rewrite nApp_decompose_app.
  eapply decompose_app_rec_notApp; tea. now cbn.

Lemma spine_tApp f a : spine (tApp f a) = spine f ++ [a].
  eapply (spine_mkApps f [a]).

Lemma spine_nApp f : ~~ isApp f spine f = [].
  destruct f ⇒ //.

Lemma mkApps_head_spine t : mkApps (head t) (spine t) = t.
Proof. induction t ⇒ //. rewrite head_tApp /=.
  rewrite spine_tApp mkApps_app /=. f_equal. auto.

Lemma mkApps_head_spine_decompose f l : mkApps f l = mkApps (head f) (spine f ++ l).
  now rewrite mkApps_app mkApps_head_spine.

Lemma mkApps_eq_decompose_app_rec {f args t l} :
  mkApps f args = t
  ~~ isApp f
  match decompose_app_rec t l with
  | (f', args')f' = f mkApps t l = mkApps f' args'
  revert f t l.
  induction args using rev_ind; simpl.
  - intros × → **. rewrite nApp_decompose_app; auto.
  - intros. rewrite mkApps_app in H.
    specialize (IHargs f).
    destruct (isApp t) eqn:Heq.
    destruct t; try discriminate.
    simpl in Heq. inv H. simpl.
    specialize (IHargs (mkApps f args) (t2 :: l) eq_refl H0).
    destruct decompose_app_rec. intuition.
    subst t.
    simpl in Heq. discriminate.

Lemma decompose_app_eq_right t l l' : decompose_app_rec t l = decompose_app_rec t l' l = l'.
  induction t in l, l' |- *; simpl; intros [=]; auto.
  specialize (IHt1 _ _ H0). now inv IHt1.

Lemma head_nApp_eq {t} : ~~ isApp t head t = t.
  intros napp. destruct t ⇒ //.

Lemma mkApps_eq_inj {t t' l l'} :
  mkApps t l = mkApps t' l'
  ~~ isApp t ~~ isApp t' t = t' l = l'.
  intros Happ Ht Ht'. eapply (f_equal decompose_app) in Happ. unfold decompose_app in Happ.
  rewrite !decompose_app_rec_mkApps in Happ. rewrite !nApp_decompose_app in Happ; auto.
  rewrite !app_nil_r in Happ. intuition congruence.

Lemma mkApps_head_inj {f l f' l'} : mkApps (head f) l = mkApps (head f') l' head f = head f' l = l'.
  intros H; apply mkApps_eq_inj ⇒ //.

Lemma mkApps_eq_right t l l' : mkApps t l = mkApps t l' l = l'.
  rewrite mkApps_head_spine_decompose (mkApps_head_spine_decompose t l').
  move/mkApps_head_inj ⇒ [] _ eqapp.
  now eapply app_inv_head in eqapp.

Inductive mkApps_spec : term list term term list term term Type :=
| mkApps_intro f l n :
    ~~ isApp f
    mkApps_spec f l (mkApps f (firstn n l)) (skipn n l) (mkApps f l).

Lemma decompose_app_rec_eq f l :
  ~~ isApp f
  decompose_app_rec f l = (f, l).
  destruct f; simpl; try discriminate; congruence.

Lemma decompose_app_rec_inv' f l hd args :
  decompose_app_rec f l = (hd, args)
   n, ~~ isApp hd l = skipn n args f = mkApps hd (firstn n args).
  destruct (isApp f) eqn:Heq.
  revert l args hd.
  induction f; try discriminate. intros.
  simpl in H.
  destruct (isApp f1) eqn:Hf1.
  2:{ rewrite decompose_app_rec_eq in H ⇒ //. now apply negbT.
      revert Hf1.
      inv H. 1. simpl. intuition auto. now eapply negbT. }
  destruct (IHf1 eq_refl _ _ _ H).
  clear IHf1.
   (S x); intuition auto. eapply (f_equal (skipn 1)) in H2.
  rewrite [l]H2. now rewrite skipn_skipn Nat.add_1_r.
  rewrite -Nat.add_1_r firstn_add H3 -H2.
  now rewrite -[tApp _ _](mkApps_app hd _ [f2]).
  rewrite decompose_app_rec_eq; auto. now apply negbT.
  move⇒ [] H →. subst f. 0. intuition auto.
  now apply negbT.

Lemma mkApps_elim_rec t l l' :
  let app' := decompose_app_rec (mkApps t l) l' in
  mkApps_spec app'.1 app'.2 t (l ++ l') (mkApps t (l ++ l')).
  destruct app' as [hd args] eqn:Heq.
  subst app'.
  rewrite decompose_app_rec_mkApps in Heq.
  have H := decompose_app_rec_inv' _ _ _ _ Heq.
  destruct H. simpl. destruct a as [isapp [Hl' Hl]].
  subst t.
  have H' := mkApps_intro hd args x. rewrite Hl'.
  rewrite -mkApps_app. now rewrite firstn_skipn.

Lemma mkApps_elim t l :
  let app' := decompose_app (mkApps t l) in
  mkApps_spec app'.1 app'.2 t l (mkApps t l).
  have H := @mkApps_elim_rec t l [].
  now rewrite app_nil_r in H.

Lemma mkApps_eq f args a t : ~~ isApp f mkApps f args = tApp a t
  args [] a = (mkApps f (remove_last args)) t = last args t.
  intros napp eq.
  destruct args using rev_case.
  × cbn in eq. destruct f ⇒ //.
  × split ⇒ //.
    rewrite mkApps_app in eq. cbn in eq. noconf eq.
    rewrite remove_last_app. split ⇒ //.
    now rewrite last_last.

Ltac solve_discr :=
  match goal with
    H : mkApps _ _ = mkApps ?f ?l |- _
    eapply mkApps_eq_inj in H as [? ?]; [|easy|easy]; subst; try intuition congruence
  | H : ?t = mkApps ?f ?l |- _
    change t with (mkApps t []) in H ;
    eapply mkApps_eq_inj in H as [? ?]; [|easy|easy]; subst; try intuition congruence
  | H : mkApps ?f ?l = ?t |- _
    change t with (mkApps t []) in H ;
    eapply mkApps_eq_inj in H as [? ?]; [|easy|easy]; subst; try intuition congruence

Definition isRel t :=
  match t with
  | tRel _true
  | _false

Definition isEvar t :=
  match t with
  | tEvar _ _true
  | _false

Definition isFix t :=
  match t with
  | tFix _ _true
  | _false

Definition isCoFix t :=
  match t with
  | tCoFix _ _true
  | _false

Definition isConstruct t :=
  match t with
  | tConstruct _ _ _true
  | _false

Definition isBox t :=
  match t with
  | tBoxtrue
  | _false

Definition is_box c :=
  match head c with
  | tBoxtrue
  | _false

Definition isFixApp t := isFix (head t).
Definition isConstructApp t := isConstruct (head t).

Lemma isFixApp_mkApps f l : isFixApp (mkApps f l) = isFixApp f.
Proof. rewrite /isFixApp head_mkApps //. Qed.
Lemma isConstructApp_mkApps f l : isConstructApp (mkApps f l) = isConstructApp f.
Proof. rewrite /isConstructApp head_mkApps //. Qed.

Lemma is_box_mkApps f a : is_box (mkApps f a) = is_box f.
  now rewrite /is_box head_mkApps.

Lemma is_box_tApp f a : is_box (tApp f a) = is_box f.
  now rewrite /is_box head_tApp.

Lemma nisLambda_mkApps f args : ~~ isLambda f ~~ isLambda (mkApps f args).
Proof. destruct args using rev_case ⇒ //. rewrite mkApps_app /= //. Qed.
Lemma nisFix_mkApps f args : ~~ isFix f ~~ isFix (mkApps f args).
Proof. destruct args using rev_case ⇒ //. rewrite mkApps_app /= //. Qed.
Lemma nisBox_mkApps f args : ~~ isBox f ~~ isBox (mkApps f args).
Proof. destruct args using rev_case ⇒ //. rewrite mkApps_app /= //. Qed.

Definition string_of_def {A : Set} (f : A string) (def : def A) :=
  "(" ^ string_of_name (dname def) ^ "," ^ f (dbody def) ^ ","
      ^ string_of_nat (rarg def) ^ ")".

Definition maybe_string_of_list {A} f (l : list A) := match l with [] ⇒ "" | _string_of_list f l end.

Fixpoint string_of_term (t : term) : string :=
  match t with
  | tBox ⇒ "∎"
  | tRel n ⇒ "Rel(" ^ string_of_nat n ^ ")"
  | tVar n ⇒ "Var(" ^ n ^ ")"
  | tEvar ev args ⇒ "Evar(" ^ string_of_nat ev ^ "[]" ^ ")"
  | tLambda na t ⇒ "Lambda(" ^ string_of_name na ^ "," ^ string_of_term t ^ ")"
  | tLetIn na b t ⇒ "LetIn(" ^ string_of_name na ^ "," ^ string_of_term b ^ "," ^ string_of_term t ^ ")"
  | tApp f l ⇒ "App(" ^ string_of_term f ^ "," ^ string_of_term l ^ ")"
  | tConst c ⇒ "Const(" ^ string_of_kername c ^ ")"
  | tConstruct i n args ⇒ "Construct(" ^ string_of_inductive i ^ "," ^ string_of_nat n ^ maybe_string_of_list string_of_term args ^ ")"
  | tCase (ind, i) t brs
    "Case(" ^ string_of_inductive ind ^ "," ^ string_of_nat i ^ "," ^ string_of_term t ^ ","
            ^ string_of_list (fun bstring_of_term (snd b)) brs ^ ")"
  | tProj p c
    "Proj(" ^ string_of_inductive p.(proj_ind) ^ "," ^ string_of_nat p.(proj_npars) ^ "," ^ string_of_nat p.(proj_arg) ^ ","
            ^ string_of_term c ^ ")"
  | tFix l n ⇒ "Fix(" ^ (string_of_list (string_of_def string_of_term) l) ^ "," ^ string_of_nat n ^ ")"
  | tCoFix l n ⇒ "CoFix(" ^ (string_of_list (string_of_def string_of_term) l) ^ "," ^ string_of_nat n ^ ")"

Compute all the global environment dependencies of the term

Fixpoint term_global_deps (t : EAst.term) :=
  match t with
  | EAst.tConst knKernameSet.singleton kn
  | EAst.tConstruct {| inductive_mind := kn |} _ args
     List.fold_left (fun acc xKernameSet.union (term_global_deps x) acc) args
          (KernameSet.singleton kn)
  | EAst.tLambda _ xterm_global_deps x
  | EAst.tApp x y
  | EAst.tLetIn _ x yKernameSet.union (term_global_deps x) (term_global_deps y)
  | EAst.tCase (ind, _) x brs
    KernameSet.union (KernameSet.singleton (inductive_mind ind))
      (List.fold_left (fun acc xKernameSet.union (term_global_deps (snd x)) acc) brs
        (term_global_deps x))
   | EAst.tFix mfix _ | EAst.tCoFix mfix _
     List.fold_left (fun acc xKernameSet.union (term_global_deps (EAst.dbody x)) acc) mfix
  | EAst.tProj p c
    KernameSet.union (KernameSet.singleton (inductive_mind p.(proj_ind)))
      (term_global_deps c)
  | _KernameSet.empty