Library MetaCoq.Erasure.EReflect
From Coq Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils BasicAst Reflect.
From MetaCoq.Erasure Require Import EAst EInduction.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Local Ltac finish :=
let h := fresh "h" in
right ;
match goal with
| e : ?t ≠ ?u |- _ ⇒
intro h ; apply e ; now inversion h
Local Ltac fcase c :=
let e := fresh "e" in
case c ; intro e ; [ subst ; try (left ; reflexivity) | finish ].
Local Ltac term_dec_tac term_dec :=
repeat match goal with
| t : term, u : term |- _ ⇒ fcase (term_dec t u)
| n : nat, m : nat |- _ ⇒ fcase (Nat.eq_dec n m)
| i : ident, i' : ident |- _ ⇒ fcase (eq_dec i i')
| i : kername, i' : kername |- _ ⇒ fcase (eq_dec i i')
| i : string, i' : kername |- _ ⇒ fcase (eq_dec i i')
| n : name, n' : name |- _ ⇒ fcase (eq_dec n n')
| i : inductive, i' : inductive |- _ ⇒ fcase (eq_dec i i')
| x : inductive × nat, y : inductive × nat |- _ ⇒
fcase (eq_dec x y)
| x : projection, y : projection |- _ ⇒ fcase (eq_dec x y)
Ltac nodec :=
let bot := fresh "bot" in
try solve [ constructor ; intro bot ; inversion bot ; subst ; tauto ].
Derive NoConfusion NoConfusionHom for term.
Instance EqDec_term : EqDec term.
intro x; induction x using term_forall_list_ind ; intro t ;
destruct t ; try (right ; discriminate).
all: term_dec_tac term_dec.
- left; reflexivity.
- revert l0. induction X ; intro l0.
+ destruct l0.
× left. reflexivity.
× right. discriminate.
+ destruct l0.
× right. discriminate.
× destruct (IHX l0) ; nodec.
destruct (p t) ; nodec.
subst. left. inversion e. reflexivity.
- destruct (IHx t) ; nodec.
subst; left; reflexivity.
- destruct (IHx1 t1) ; nodec.
destruct (IHx2 t2) ; nodec.
subst. left. reflexivity.
- destruct (IHx1 t1) ; nodec.
destruct (IHx2 t2) ; nodec.
subst. left. reflexivity.
- revert l. induction X ; intro l0.
+ destruct l0.
× left. reflexivity.
× right. discriminate.
+ destruct l0.
× right. discriminate.
× destruct (IHX l0) ; nodec.
destruct (p t) ; nodec.
inversion e. subst; left; reflexivity.
- destruct (IHx t) ; nodec.
subst. revert l0. clear IHx.
induction X ; intro l0.
+ destruct l0.
× left. reflexivity.
× right. discriminate.
+ destruct l0.
× right. discriminate.
× destruct (IHX l0) ; nodec.
destruct (p (snd p1)) ; nodec.
destruct (eq_dec (fst x) (fst p1)) ; nodec.
destruct x, p1.
cbn in ×. subst. inversion e. reflexivity.
- destruct (IHx t) ; nodec.
left. subst. reflexivity.
- revert m0. induction X ; intro m0.
+ destruct m0.
× left. reflexivity.
× right. discriminate.
+ destruct m0.
× right. discriminate.
× destruct (p (dbody d)) ; nodec.
destruct (IHX m0) ; nodec.
destruct x, d ; subst. cbn in ×.
destruct (eq_dec dname dname0) ; nodec.
subst. inversion e0. subst.
destruct (eq_dec rarg rarg0) ; nodec.
subst. left. reflexivity.
- revert m0. induction X ; intro m0.
+ destruct m0.
× left. reflexivity.
× right. discriminate.
+ destruct m0.
× right. discriminate.
× destruct (p (dbody d)) ; nodec.
destruct (IHX m0) ; nodec.
destruct x, d ; subst. cbn in ×.
destruct (eq_dec dname dname0) ; nodec.
subst. inversion e0. subst.
destruct (eq_dec rarg rarg0) ; nodec.
subst. left. reflexivity.
Instance ReflectEq_term : ReflectEq.ReflectEq _ :=
@EqDec_ReflectEq _ EqDec_term.
Definition eqb_constant_body (x y : constant_body) :=
eqb (cst_body x) (cst_body y).
#[global, program]
Instance reflect_constant_body : ReflectEq constant_body :=
{| eqb := eqb_constant_body |}.
Next Obligation.
revert x y; intros [] [].
unfold eqb_constant_body.
cbn -[eqb].
Definition eqb_constructor_body (x y : constructor_body) :=
(x.(cstr_name), x.(cstr_nargs)) == (y.(cstr_name), y.(cstr_nargs)).
#[global, program]
Instance reflect_constructor_body : ReflectEq constructor_body :=
{| eqb := eqb_constructor_body |}.
Next Obligation.
unfold eqb_constructor_body.
destruct x, y; cbn.
case: eqb_spec; intros H; constructor; congruence.
Definition eqb_projection_body (x y : projection_body) :=
x.(proj_name) == y.(proj_name).
#[global, program]
Instance reflect_projection_body : ReflectEq projection_body :=
{| eqb := eqb_projection_body |}.
Next Obligation.
unfold eqb_projection_body.
destruct x, y; cbn.
case: eqb_spec; intros H; constructor; congruence.
Definition eqb_one_inductive_body (x y : one_inductive_body) :=
let (n, i, k, c, p) := x in
let (n', i', k', c', p') := y in
eqb n n' && eqb i i' && eqb k k' && eqb c c' && eqb p p'.
Instance reflect_one_inductive_body : ReflectEq one_inductive_body.
refine {| eqb := eqb_one_inductive_body |}.
intros [] [].
unfold eqb_one_inductive_body; finish_reflect.
Definition eqb_mutual_inductive_body (x y : mutual_inductive_body) :=
let (n, b) := x in
let (n', b') := y in
eqb n n' && eqb b b'.
#[global, program]
Instance reflect_mutual_inductive_body : ReflectEq mutual_inductive_body :=
{| eqb := eqb_mutual_inductive_body |}.
Next Obligation.
revert x y; intros [] [].
unfold eqb_mutual_inductive_body; finish_reflect.
Definition eqb_global_decl x y :=
match x, y with
| ConstantDecl cst, ConstantDecl cst' ⇒ eqb cst cst'
| InductiveDecl mib, InductiveDecl mib' ⇒ eqb mib mib'
| _, _ ⇒ false
#[global, program]
Instance reflect_global_decl : ReflectEq global_decl :=
{| eqb := eqb_global_decl |}.
Next Obligation.
revert x y.
unfold eqb_global_decl.
intros [] []; finish_reflect.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils BasicAst Reflect.
From MetaCoq.Erasure Require Import EAst EInduction.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Local Ltac finish :=
let h := fresh "h" in
right ;
match goal with
| e : ?t ≠ ?u |- _ ⇒
intro h ; apply e ; now inversion h
Local Ltac fcase c :=
let e := fresh "e" in
case c ; intro e ; [ subst ; try (left ; reflexivity) | finish ].
Local Ltac term_dec_tac term_dec :=
repeat match goal with
| t : term, u : term |- _ ⇒ fcase (term_dec t u)
| n : nat, m : nat |- _ ⇒ fcase (Nat.eq_dec n m)
| i : ident, i' : ident |- _ ⇒ fcase (eq_dec i i')
| i : kername, i' : kername |- _ ⇒ fcase (eq_dec i i')
| i : string, i' : kername |- _ ⇒ fcase (eq_dec i i')
| n : name, n' : name |- _ ⇒ fcase (eq_dec n n')
| i : inductive, i' : inductive |- _ ⇒ fcase (eq_dec i i')
| x : inductive × nat, y : inductive × nat |- _ ⇒
fcase (eq_dec x y)
| x : projection, y : projection |- _ ⇒ fcase (eq_dec x y)
Ltac nodec :=
let bot := fresh "bot" in
try solve [ constructor ; intro bot ; inversion bot ; subst ; tauto ].
Derive NoConfusion NoConfusionHom for term.
Instance EqDec_term : EqDec term.
intro x; induction x using term_forall_list_ind ; intro t ;
destruct t ; try (right ; discriminate).
all: term_dec_tac term_dec.
- left; reflexivity.
- revert l0. induction X ; intro l0.
+ destruct l0.
× left. reflexivity.
× right. discriminate.
+ destruct l0.
× right. discriminate.
× destruct (IHX l0) ; nodec.
destruct (p t) ; nodec.
subst. left. inversion e. reflexivity.
- destruct (IHx t) ; nodec.
subst; left; reflexivity.
- destruct (IHx1 t1) ; nodec.
destruct (IHx2 t2) ; nodec.
subst. left. reflexivity.
- destruct (IHx1 t1) ; nodec.
destruct (IHx2 t2) ; nodec.
subst. left. reflexivity.
- revert l. induction X ; intro l0.
+ destruct l0.
× left. reflexivity.
× right. discriminate.
+ destruct l0.
× right. discriminate.
× destruct (IHX l0) ; nodec.
destruct (p t) ; nodec.
inversion e. subst; left; reflexivity.
- destruct (IHx t) ; nodec.
subst. revert l0. clear IHx.
induction X ; intro l0.
+ destruct l0.
× left. reflexivity.
× right. discriminate.
+ destruct l0.
× right. discriminate.
× destruct (IHX l0) ; nodec.
destruct (p (snd p1)) ; nodec.
destruct (eq_dec (fst x) (fst p1)) ; nodec.
destruct x, p1.
cbn in ×. subst. inversion e. reflexivity.
- destruct (IHx t) ; nodec.
left. subst. reflexivity.
- revert m0. induction X ; intro m0.
+ destruct m0.
× left. reflexivity.
× right. discriminate.
+ destruct m0.
× right. discriminate.
× destruct (p (dbody d)) ; nodec.
destruct (IHX m0) ; nodec.
destruct x, d ; subst. cbn in ×.
destruct (eq_dec dname dname0) ; nodec.
subst. inversion e0. subst.
destruct (eq_dec rarg rarg0) ; nodec.
subst. left. reflexivity.
- revert m0. induction X ; intro m0.
+ destruct m0.
× left. reflexivity.
× right. discriminate.
+ destruct m0.
× right. discriminate.
× destruct (p (dbody d)) ; nodec.
destruct (IHX m0) ; nodec.
destruct x, d ; subst. cbn in ×.
destruct (eq_dec dname dname0) ; nodec.
subst. inversion e0. subst.
destruct (eq_dec rarg rarg0) ; nodec.
subst. left. reflexivity.
Instance ReflectEq_term : ReflectEq.ReflectEq _ :=
@EqDec_ReflectEq _ EqDec_term.
Definition eqb_constant_body (x y : constant_body) :=
eqb (cst_body x) (cst_body y).
#[global, program]
Instance reflect_constant_body : ReflectEq constant_body :=
{| eqb := eqb_constant_body |}.
Next Obligation.
revert x y; intros [] [].
unfold eqb_constant_body.
cbn -[eqb].
Definition eqb_constructor_body (x y : constructor_body) :=
(x.(cstr_name), x.(cstr_nargs)) == (y.(cstr_name), y.(cstr_nargs)).
#[global, program]
Instance reflect_constructor_body : ReflectEq constructor_body :=
{| eqb := eqb_constructor_body |}.
Next Obligation.
unfold eqb_constructor_body.
destruct x, y; cbn.
case: eqb_spec; intros H; constructor; congruence.
Definition eqb_projection_body (x y : projection_body) :=
x.(proj_name) == y.(proj_name).
#[global, program]
Instance reflect_projection_body : ReflectEq projection_body :=
{| eqb := eqb_projection_body |}.
Next Obligation.
unfold eqb_projection_body.
destruct x, y; cbn.
case: eqb_spec; intros H; constructor; congruence.
Definition eqb_one_inductive_body (x y : one_inductive_body) :=
let (n, i, k, c, p) := x in
let (n', i', k', c', p') := y in
eqb n n' && eqb i i' && eqb k k' && eqb c c' && eqb p p'.
Instance reflect_one_inductive_body : ReflectEq one_inductive_body.
refine {| eqb := eqb_one_inductive_body |}.
intros [] [].
unfold eqb_one_inductive_body; finish_reflect.
Definition eqb_mutual_inductive_body (x y : mutual_inductive_body) :=
let (n, b) := x in
let (n', b') := y in
eqb n n' && eqb b b'.
#[global, program]
Instance reflect_mutual_inductive_body : ReflectEq mutual_inductive_body :=
{| eqb := eqb_mutual_inductive_body |}.
Next Obligation.
revert x y; intros [] [].
unfold eqb_mutual_inductive_body; finish_reflect.
Definition eqb_global_decl x y :=
match x, y with
| ConstantDecl cst, ConstantDecl cst' ⇒ eqb cst cst'
| InductiveDecl mib, InductiveDecl mib' ⇒ eqb mib mib'
| _, _ ⇒ false
#[global, program]
Instance reflect_global_decl : ReflectEq global_decl :=
{| eqb := eqb_global_decl |}.
Next Obligation.
revert x y.
unfold eqb_global_decl.
intros [] []; finish_reflect.