Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.Syntax.PCUICViews

From Coq Require CMorphisms.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICOnOne PCUICAstUtils PCUICReflect.

Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.
Require Import Morphisms CRelationClasses.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Set Equations Transparent.

Fixpoint isFixLambda_app (t : term) : bool :=
  match t with
  | tApp (tFix _ _) _true
  | tApp (tLambda _ _ _) _true
  | tApp f _isFixLambda_app f
  | _false

Inductive fix_lambda_app_view : term term Type :=
| fix_lambda_app_fix mfix i l a : fix_lambda_app_view (mkApps (tFix mfix i) l) a
| fix_lambda_app_lambda na ty b l a : fix_lambda_app_view (mkApps (tLambda na ty b) l) a
| fix_lambda_app_other t a : ~~ isFixLambda_app (tApp t a) fix_lambda_app_view t a.
Derive Signature for fix_lambda_app_view.

Lemma view_lambda_fix_app (t u : term) : fix_lambda_app_view t u.
  induction t; try solve [apply fix_lambda_app_other; simpl; auto].
  apply (fix_lambda_app_lambda na t1 t2 [] u).
  destruct IHt1.
  pose proof (fix_lambda_app_fix mfix i (l ++ [t2]) a).
  change (tApp (mkApps (tFix mfix i) l) t2) with (mkApps (mkApps (tFix mfix i) l) [t2]).
  now rewrite -mkApps_app.
  pose proof (fix_lambda_app_lambda na ty b (l ++ [t2]) a).
  change (tApp (mkApps (tLambda na ty b) l) t2) with (mkApps (mkApps (tLambda na ty b) l) [t2]).
  now rewrite -mkApps_app.
  destruct t; try solve [apply fix_lambda_app_other; simpl; auto].
  apply (fix_lambda_app_fix mfix idx [] u).

Lemma eq_pair_transport {A B} (x y : A) (t : B y) (eq : y = x) :
  (x; eq_rect _ (fun xB x) t _ eq) = (y; t) :> x, B x.
  now destruct eq.

Lemma view_lambda_fix_app_fix_app_sigma mfix idx l a :
  ((mkApps (tFix mfix idx) l); view_lambda_fix_app (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) l) a) =
  ((mkApps (tFix mfix idx) l); fix_lambda_app_fix mfix idx l a) :> t, fix_lambda_app_view t a.
  induction l using rev_ind; simpl; auto.
  rewrite {1 2}mkApps_app.
  simpl. dependent rewrite IHl.
  change (tApp (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) l) x) with (mkApps (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) l) [x]).
  now rewrite eq_pair_transport.

Lemma view_lambda_fix_app_lambda_app_sigma na ty b l a :
  ((mkApps (tLambda na ty b) l); view_lambda_fix_app (mkApps (tLambda na ty b) l) a) =
  ((mkApps (tLambda na ty b) l); fix_lambda_app_lambda na ty b l a) :> t, fix_lambda_app_view t a.
  induction l using rev_ind; simpl; auto.
  rewrite {1 2}mkApps_app.
  simpl. dependent rewrite IHl.
  change (tApp (mkApps (tLambda na ty b) l) x) with (mkApps (mkApps (tLambda na ty b) l) [x]).
  now rewrite eq_pair_transport.

Set Equations With UIP.

Lemma view_lambda_fix_app_fix_app mfix idx l a :
  view_lambda_fix_app (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) l) a =
  fix_lambda_app_fix mfix idx l a.
  pose proof (view_lambda_fix_app_fix_app_sigma mfix idx l a).
  now noconf H.

Lemma view_lambda_fix_app_lambda_app na ty b l a :
  view_lambda_fix_app (mkApps (tLambda na ty b) l) a =
  fix_lambda_app_lambda na ty b l a.
  pose proof (view_lambda_fix_app_lambda_app_sigma na ty b l a).
  now noconf H.

Hint Rewrite view_lambda_fix_app_fix_app view_lambda_fix_app_lambda_app : rho.

Equations construct_cofix_discr (t : term) : bool :=
construct_cofix_discr (tConstruct _ _ _) ⇒ true;
construct_cofix_discr (tCoFix _ _) ⇒ true;
construct_cofix_discr _false.
Transparent construct_cofix_discr.

Equations discr_construct_cofix (t : term) : Prop :=
  { | tConstruct _ _ _False;
    | tCoFix _ _False;
    | _True }.
Transparent discr_construct_cofix.

Inductive construct_cofix_view : term Type :=
| construct_cofix_construct ind u i : construct_cofix_view (tConstruct ind u i)
| construct_cofix_cofix mfix idx : construct_cofix_view (tCoFix mfix idx)
| construct_cofix_other t : discr_construct_cofix t construct_cofix_view t.

Equations view_construct_cofix (t : term) : construct_cofix_view t :=
{ | tConstruct ind u iconstruct_cofix_construct ind u i;
  | tCoFix mfix idxconstruct_cofix_cofix mfix idx;
  | tconstruct_cofix_other t I }.

Lemma construct_cofix_discr_match {A} t cstr (cfix : mfixpoint term nat A) default :
  construct_cofix_discr t = false
  match t with
  | tConstruct ind c _cstr ind c
  | tCoFix mfix idxcfix mfix idx
  | _default
  end = default.
  destruct t ⇒ //.

Equations discr_construct0_cofix (t : term) : Prop :=
  { | tConstruct _ u _u 0;
    | tCoFix _ _False;
    | _True }.
Transparent discr_construct0_cofix.

Inductive construct0_cofix_view : term Type :=
| construct0_cofix_construct ind i : construct0_cofix_view (tConstruct ind 0 i)
| construct0_cofix_cofix mfix idx : construct0_cofix_view (tCoFix mfix idx)
| construct0_cofix_other t : discr_construct0_cofix t construct0_cofix_view t.

Equations view_construct0_cofix (t : term) : construct0_cofix_view t :=
{ | tConstruct ind 0 iconstruct0_cofix_construct ind i;
  | tCoFix mfix idxconstruct0_cofix_cofix mfix idx;
  | tconstruct0_cofix_other t _ }.

Lemma isFixLambda_app_mkApps t l : isFixLambda_app t isFixLambda_app (mkApps t l).
  induction l using rev_ind; simpl; auto.
  rewrite mkApps_app.
  intros isf. specialize (IHl isf).
  simpl. rewrite IHl. destruct (mkApps t l); auto.

Definition isFixLambda (t : term) : bool :=
  match t with
  | tFix _ _true
  | tLambda _ _ _true
  | _false

Inductive fix_lambda_view : term Type :=
| fix_lambda_lambda na b t : fix_lambda_view (tLambda na b t)
| fix_lambda_fix mfix i : fix_lambda_view (tFix mfix i)
| fix_lambda_other t : ~~ isFixLambda t fix_lambda_view t.

Lemma view_fix_lambda (t : term) : fix_lambda_view t.
  destruct t; repeat constructor.

Lemma isFixLambda_app_mkApps' t l x : isFixLambda t isFixLambda_app (tApp (mkApps t l) x).
  induction l using rev_ind; simpl; auto.
  destruct t; auto. simpl ⇒ //.
  intros isl. specialize (IHl isl).
  simpl in IHl.
  now rewrite mkApps_app /=.

Lemma bool_pirr (b b' : bool) (p q : b = b') : p = q.
Proof. noconf p. now noconf q. Qed.

Lemma view_lambda_fix_app_other t u (H : ~~ isFixLambda_app (tApp t u)) :
  view_lambda_fix_app t u = fix_lambda_app_other t u H.
  induction t; simpl; f_equal; try apply uip.
  - simpl in H ⇒ //.
  - specialize (IHt1 H).
    rewrite IHt1. destruct t1; auto.
  - simpl in H ⇒ //.