Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.TemplateToPCUICCorrectness
From Coq Require Import ssreflect.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils EnvMap.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Ast TypingWf WfAst TermEquality.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICAstUtils PCUICCumulativity
PCUICLiftSubst PCUICEquality PCUICReduction
PCUICUnivSubst PCUICTyping PCUICGlobalEnv TemplateToPCUIC
PCUICWeakeningConv PCUICWeakeningTyp PCUICWeakeningEnv
PCUICSubstitution PCUICGeneration PCUICCasesContexts
From Equations.Prop Require Import DepElim.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Implicit Types (cf : checker_flags).
Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Coercion Ast.Env.fst_ctx : Ast.Env.global_env_ext >-> Ast.Env.global_env.
Definition lengths :=
@Ast.Env.context_assumptions_subst_instance, @Ast.Env.context_assumptions_lift_context,
@Ast.Env.expand_lets_ctx_length, @Ast.Env.subst_context_length,
@Ast.inds_length, @Ast.Env.lift_context_length,
@app_length, @List.rev_length, @Ast.Env.extended_subst_length, @reln_length,
Nat.add_0_r, @app_nil_r,
@map_length, @mapi_length, @mapi_rec_length,
@fold_context_k_length, @Typing.cofix_subst_length, @Typing.fix_subst_length,
@Ast.Env.smash_context_length, @Ast.Env.arities_context_length).
Definition plengths :=
@context_assumptions_subst_instance, @context_assumptions_lift_context,
@expand_lets_ctx_length, @subst_context_length,
@subst_instance_length, @expand_lets_k_ctx_length, @inds_length, @lift_context_length,
@app_length, @List.rev_length, @extended_subst_length, @reln_length,
Nat.add_0_r, @app_nil_r,
@map_length, @mapi_length, @mapi_rec_length,
@fold_context_k_length, @cofix_subst_length, @fix_subst_length,
@smash_context_length, @context_assumptions_smash_context,
Lemma ind_predicate_context_length ind mdecl idecl :
#|Ast.ind_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl| = S #|idecl.(Ast.Env.ind_indices)|.
rewrite /Ast.ind_predicate_context /=. now len.
Definition pclengths :=
Ltac len ::=
repeat (rewrite !lengths /= // || rewrite !plengths /= // || rewrite !pclengths /= //);
try lia.
Tactic Notation "len" "in" hyp(id) :=
repeat (rewrite !lengths /= // in id || rewrite !plengths /= // in id ||
rewrite !pclengths /= // in id);
try lia.
Module S := Template.Ast.
Module SEq := Template.TermEquality.
Module ST := Template.Typing.
Module SL := Template.LiftSubst.
Lemma wf_fresh_globals {cf : checker_flags} (Σ : global_env) : wf Σ → EnvMap.fresh_globals Σ.(declarations).
destruct Σ as [univs Σ]; cbn.
move⇒ [] onu; cbn. induction 1; constructor; auto.
Lemma of_global_env_cons {cf:checker_flags} d g : EnvMap.fresh_globals (add_global_decl g d).(declarations) →
EnvMap.of_global_env (add_global_decl g d).(declarations) = EnvMap.add d.1 d.2 (EnvMap.of_global_env g.(declarations)).
unfold EnvMap.of_global_env. simpl. unfold KernameMapFact.uncurry.
Lemma trans_lookup_minductive {cf} {Σ : global_env_map} mind : wf Σ →
TransLookup.lookup_minductive Σ mind = PCUICAst.lookup_minductive Σ mind.
intros wf.
unfold TransLookup.lookup_minductive.
rewrite (EnvMap .lookup_spec Σ.(declarations)) //.
now eapply wf_fresh_globals. apply Σ.
Lemma trans_lookup_inductive {cf} {Σ : global_env_map} mind : wf Σ →
TransLookup.lookup_inductive Σ mind = PCUICAst.lookup_inductive Σ mind.
intros wf.
unfold TransLookup.lookup_inductive, lookup_inductive.
rewrite trans_lookup_minductive //.
Lemma mkApps_morphism (f : term → term) u v :
(∀ x y, f (tApp x y) = tApp (f x) (f y)) →
f (mkApps u v) = mkApps (f u) ( f v).
intros H.
revert u; induction v; simpl; trivial.
now rewrite IHv H.
Ltac solve_list :=
rewrite !map_map_compose ?compose_on_snd ?compose_map_def;
try rewrite !map_length;
try solve_all; try typeclasses eauto with core.
Lemma mkApps_app f l l' : mkApps f (l ++ l') = mkApps (mkApps f l) l'.
revert f l'; induction l; simpl; trivial.
Ltac maps := rewrite_strat (topdown (old_hints map)).
Ltac lengths := rewrite_strat (topdown (hints len)).
Lemma destArity_mkApps ctx t l : l ≠ [] → destArity ctx (mkApps t l) = None.
destruct l as [|a l]. congruence.
intros _. simpl.
revert t a; induction l; intros; simpl; try congruence.
Lemma trans_global_decls_app {Σ : global_env_map} (Σ' Σ'' : Ast.Env.global_declarations) :
trans_global_decls Σ (Σ' ++ Σ'') =
trans_global_decls (trans_global_decls Σ Σ'') Σ'.
rewrite /trans_global_decls.
now rewrite fold_right_app.
Lemma incl_cs_refl cs : cs ⊂_cs cs.
split; [lsets|csets].
Lemma extends_trans_global_decls_acc (Σ' : global_env_map) (Σ : Ast.Env.global_declarations) :
extends Σ' (trans_global_decls Σ' Σ).
induction Σ.
× split; cbn. apply incl_cs_refl. now ∃ [].
× rewrite /=.
destruct IHΣ as [univs [Σ'' eq]]. cbn in ×.
split; cbn; auto.
eexists (_ :: Σ'').
rewrite -app_comm_cons. now f_equal.
Definition wf_global_decl {cf} (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) kn decl :=
Typing.on_global_decl Typing.cumul_gen (fun (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) ⇒ WfAst.wf_decl_pred Σ) Σ kn decl.
Lemma trans_lookup_env {cf} {Σ : Ast.Env.global_env} cst {wfΣ : Σ} :
match Ast.Env.lookup_env Σ cst with
| None ⇒ lookup_env (trans_global_env Σ) cst = None
| Some d ⇒
∑ Σ' : Ast.Env.global_env,
[× Ast.Env.extends_decls Σ' Σ, Σ',
wf_global_decl (Σ', Ast.universes_decl_of_decl d) cst d,
extends_decls (trans_global_env Σ') (trans_global_env Σ) &
lookup_env (trans_global_env Σ) cst = Some (trans_global_decl (trans_global_env Σ') d)]
destruct Σ as [univs Σ].
induction Σ.
- cbn; auto.
- unfold Ast.Env.lookup_env. cbn -[trans_global_env].
destruct eq_kername eqn:eqk.
change (eq_kername cst a.1) with (eqb cst a.1) in eqk.
apply eqb_eq in eqk; subst.
eexists {| S.Env.universes := univs; S.Env.declarations := Σ |}.
× split ⇒ //. now ∃ [a].
× destruct wfΣ as [onu ond]. depelim ond.
split ⇒ //.
× eapply TypingWf.typing_wf_sigma in wfΣ.
destruct wfΣ as [onu ond]. now depelim ond.
× split ⇒ //.
now ∃ [(a.1, trans_global_decl (trans_global_env {| S.Env.universes := univs; S.Env.declarations := Σ |}) a.2)].
× cbn. now rewrite eq_kername_refl.
× destruct wfΣ as [onu ond]. depelim ond.
specialize (IHΣ (onu, ond)).
unfold Ast.Env.lookup_env in IHΣ. cbn [Ast.Env.declarations] in IHΣ.
destruct (Ast.Env.lookup_global Σ cst) eqn:h.
destruct IHΣ as [Σ' [ext wf ext' hl]].
∃ Σ'. split ⇒ //.
destruct ext as [equ [? eq]].
split ⇒ //. ∃ ((kn, d) :: x). cbn.
cbn in eq. now rewrite eq.
destruct hl as [equ' [? eq']].
split ⇒ //.
rewrite /trans_global_env /= /on_snd /=.
eexists ((kn, _) :: x).
cbn. rewrite -eq'. reflexivity.
cbn. rewrite eqk /=. apply e.
cbn. now rewrite eqk.
Lemma cs_subset_trans cs cs' cs'' :
cs ⊂_cs cs' → cs' ⊂_cs cs'' → cs ⊂_cs cs''.
intros [] []; split; [lsets|csets].
Lemma extends_trans {Σ Σ' Σ'' : global_env} : extends Σ Σ' → extends Σ' Σ'' → extends Σ Σ''.
intros [u [s eq]] [u' [s' eq']]; subst.
- eapply cs_subset_trans; tea.
- eexists (s' ++ s); cbn. rewrite eq' eq. now rewrite app_assoc.
Lemma trans_weakening {cf} Σ {Σ' : global_env_map} t : Σ → extends_decls (trans_global_env Σ) Σ' → wf Σ' → Σ t →
trans (trans_global_env Σ) t = trans Σ' t.
intros wfΣ ext wfΣ' wft.
induction wft using WfAst.term_wf_forall_list_ind; cbn; auto; try solve [f_equal; solve_all].
rewrite !trans_lookup_inductive.
unshelve epose proof (trans_lookup_inductive (Σ := trans_global_env Σ) ci _); tc.
eapply extends_decls_wf; tea. rewrite {}H2.
destruct H as [H hnth]. red in H.
generalize (trans_lookup_env (inductive_mind ci)).
move: H.
rewrite /lookup_inductive /lookup_minductive. intros →.
intros [Σ'' [ext' wfΣ'' _ ext'' hl]].
rewrite hl ⇒ /= //. cbn.
rewrite nth_error_map hnth /=.
rewrite (extends_lookup _ _ _ _ wfΣ' (extends_decls_extends _ _ ext) hl) /=.
rewrite nth_error_map hnth /=.
red in X0.
f_equal ⇒ //. rewrite /id. unfold trans_predicate. f_equal; solve_all.
f_equal. solve_all.
Lemma trans_decl_weakening {cf} Σ {Σ' : global_env_map} t : Σ → extends_decls (trans_global_env Σ) Σ' → wf Σ' →
WfAst.wf_decl Σ t →
trans_decl (trans_global_env Σ) t = trans_decl Σ' t.
intros wfΣ ext wfΣ' wft.
rewrite /trans_decl; destruct t as [na [b|] ty] ⇒ /=; f_equal;
rewrite trans_weakening ⇒ //; apply wft.
Lemma trans_local_length {Σ : global_env_map} Γ : #|trans_local Σ Γ| = #|Γ|.
Proof. now rewrite map_length. Qed.
Hint Rewrite @trans_local_length : len.
Lemma trans_local_weakening {cf} Σ {Σ' : global_env_map} t : Σ → extends_decls (trans_global_env Σ) Σ' → wf Σ' →
All (WfAst.wf_decl Σ) t →
trans_local (trans_global_env Σ) t = trans_local Σ' t.
intros wfΣ ext wfΣ' a.
induction a; cbn; auto.
f_equal. 2:apply IHa.
rewrite /trans_decl; destruct x as [na [b|] ty] ⇒ /=; f_equal;
rewrite trans_weakening ⇒ //; apply p.
Lemma trans_ind_body_weakening {cf} Σ {Σ' : global_env_map} b : Σ → extends_decls (trans_global_env Σ) Σ' → wf Σ' →
TypingWf.wf_inductive_body Σ b →
trans_one_ind_body (trans_global_env Σ) b = trans_one_ind_body Σ' b.
intros wfΣ ext wfΣ' H.
destruct H. rewrite /trans_one_ind_body; destruct b; cbn in ×.
f_equal; solve_all.
- rewrite trans_decl_weakening //.
- rewrite trans_weakening //.
- unfold trans_constructor_body; destruct x; cbn in *; f_equal.
× rewrite [map _ _]trans_local_weakening //.
× solve_all. rewrite trans_weakening //.
× rewrite trans_weakening //.
- destruct x. unfold trans_projection_body; cbn. f_equal.
rewrite trans_weakening //.
Lemma trans_global_decl_weaken {cf} (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) {Σ' : global_env_map} kn d : Σ → extends_decls (trans_global_env Σ) Σ' → wf Σ' →
wf_global_decl Σ kn d →
trans_global_decl (trans_global_env Σ) d = trans_global_decl Σ' d.
destruct d; cbn; f_equal.
- rewrite /trans_constant_body /=.
do 3 red in X2.
destruct (Ast.Env.cst_body c) ⇒ /=. cbn.
erewrite trans_weakening; tea. reflexivity. apply X2.
erewrite trans_weakening; tea. reflexivity. apply X2.
erewrite trans_weakening; tea. reflexivity. apply X2.
- rewrite /trans_minductive_body. f_equal.
× erewrite trans_local_weakening; trea.
eapply TypingWf.on_global_inductive_wf_params in X2. solve_all.
× eapply TypingWf.on_global_inductive_wf_bodies in X2. solve_all.
rewrite trans_ind_body_weakening //.
Import TypingWf.
Lemma weaken_wf_decl_pred {cf} (Σ Σ' : Ast.Env.global_env) Γ t T : Σ → Ast.Env.extends_decls Σ Σ' → Σ' →
WfAst.wf_decl_pred Σ Γ t T → WfAst.wf_decl_pred Σ' Γ t T.
intros wf ext wf' ong.
red in ong |- ×.
destruct T; intuition eauto using wf_extends.
Lemma trans_lookup {cf} Σ cst : Σ →
wf (trans_global_env Σ) →
lookup_env (trans_global_env Σ) cst =
option_map (trans_global_decl (trans_global_env Σ)) (Ast.Env.lookup_env Σ cst).
intros wf wf'.
generalize (trans_lookup_env cst).
destruct Ast.Env.lookup_env eqn:heq ⇒ //.
intros [Σ' [ext wfΣ' wfdecl ext' hl]].
rewrite hl. cbn. f_equal.
eapply (trans_global_decl_weaken (Σ', Ast.universes_decl_of_decl g)); tea.
Section Translation.
Context (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env).
Notation trans := (trans (trans_global_env Σ)).
Notation trans_decl := (trans_decl (trans_global_env Σ)).
Notation trans_local := (trans_local (trans_global_env Σ)).
Ltac dest_lookup :=
destruct TransLookup.lookup_inductive as [[mdecl idecl]|].
Lemma map_map2 {A B C D} (f : A → B) (g : C → D → A) l l' :
map f (map2 g l l') = map2 (fun x y ⇒ f (g x y)) l l'.
induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; simpl; auto. f_equal.
apply IHl.
Lemma trans_lift n k t :
trans (Template.Ast.lift n k t) = lift n k (trans t).
revert k. induction t using Template.Induction.term_forall_list_ind; simpl; intros; try congruence.
- f_equal. rewrite !map_map_compose. solve_all.
- rewrite lift_mkApps IHt map_map.
f_equal. rewrite map_map; solve_all.
- destruct X; red in X0.
dest_lookup. simpl.
× f_equal; auto.
unfold trans_predicate, map_predicate_k; cbn.
f_equal; auto. solve_list.
+ rewrite e. f_equal.
now rewrite map2_bias_left_length.
+ rewrite !map_map_compose.
rewrite map_map2 !PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r.
clear -X0. cbn.
generalize (ind_ctors idecl).
induction X0; simpl; auto. destruct l; reflexivity.
intros l0; destruct l0; try reflexivity.
cbn. rewrite IHX0. f_equal.
rewrite /trans_branch /= p // /map_branch /map_branch_k /= /id. f_equal.
now rewrite map2_bias_left_length.
× simpl. rewrite /id /map_predicate_k /=. f_equal; eauto.
f_equal; auto. rewrite !map_map_compose. solve_all.
rewrite e. now rewrite map_length.
- f_equal; auto. maps. solve_all.
- f_equal; auto; solve_all.
Lemma trans_mkApp u a : trans (Template.Ast.mkApp u a) = tApp (trans u) (trans a).
induction u; simpl; try reflexivity.
rewrite map_app.
replace (tApp (mkApps (trans u) (map trans args)) (trans a))
with (mkApps (mkApps (trans u) (map trans args)) [trans a]) by reflexivity.
rewrite mkApps_app. reflexivity.
Lemma trans_mkApps u v :
trans (Template.Ast.mkApps u v) = mkApps (trans u) ( trans v).
revert u; induction v.
simpl; trivial.
rewrite <- Template.AstUtils.mkApps_mkApp; auto.
rewrite IHv. simpl. f_equal.
apply trans_mkApp.
Lemma trans_subst t k u :
trans (Template.Ast.subst t k u) = subst (map trans t) k (trans u).
revert k. induction u using Template.Induction.term_forall_list_ind; simpl; intros; try congruence.
- repeat nth_leb_simpl; auto.
rewrite trans_lift.
rewrite nth_error_map in e0. rewrite e in e0.
injection e0. congruence.
- f_equal; solve_list.
- rewrite subst_mkApps. rewrite <- IHu.
rewrite trans_mkApps. f_equal.
- destruct X; red in X0.
dest_lookup; cbn; f_equal; auto; solve_list.
unfold trans_predicate, map_predicate_k; cbn.
f_equal; auto. solve_list.
+ rewrite e. f_equal.
now rewrite map2_bias_left_length.
+ rewrite map_map2 !PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r.
clear -X0. cbn.
generalize (ind_ctors idecl).
induction X0; simpl; auto. destruct l; reflexivity.
intros l0; destruct l0; try reflexivity.
cbn. rewrite IHX0. f_equal.
rewrite /trans_branch /= p // /map_branch /map_branch_k /= /id. f_equal.
now rewrite map2_bias_left_length.
+ unfold subst_predicate, id ⇒ /=.
f_equal; auto; solve_all.
- f_equal; auto; solve_list.
- f_equal; auto; solve_list.
Notation Tterm := Template.Ast.term.
Notation Tcontext := Template.Ast.Env.context.
Lemma All_map2 {A B C} P (l : list A) (l' : list B) (f g : A → B → C) :
All P l' →
(∀ x y, P y → f x y = g x y) →
map2 f l l' = map2 g l l'.
induction 1 in l |- × ⇒ Hfg /=; destruct l ⇒ //.
cbn. rewrite IHX //. f_equal.
now apply Hfg.
Lemma trans_subst_instance u t : trans (subst_instance u t) = subst_instance u (trans t).
rewrite /subst_instance /=.
induction t using Template.Induction.term_forall_list_ind; simpl; try congruence.
{ f_equal. rewrite !map_map_compose. solve_all. }
{ rewrite IHt. rewrite map_map_compose.
rewrite mkApps_morphism; auto. f_equal.
rewrite !map_map_compose. solve_all. }
2-3:f_equal; auto; unfold BasicAst.tFixProp, Ast.tCaseBrsProp in *;
repeat toAll; solve_list.
destruct X; red in X0.
dest_lookup; cbn; f_equal; auto; solve_list.
- rewrite /trans_predicate /= /map_predicate /=.
f_equal; solve_all.
- rewrite PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r. cbn.
rewrite map_map2 PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r.
eapply All_map2; tea; cbn ⇒ cdecl br.
rewrite /map_branch /trans_branch /= /id.
now intros; f_equal.
- rewrite /id /map_predicate /=. f_equal; solve_all.
Lemma trans_destArity {cf} {wfΣ : Σ} ctx t : Σ t →
wf (trans_global_env Σ) →
match Ast.destArity ctx t with
| Some (args, s) ⇒
destArity (trans_local ctx) (trans t) =
Some (trans_local args, s)
| None ⇒ destArity (trans_local ctx) (trans t) = None
intros wf wf'; revert ctx.
induction wf using WfAst.term_wf_forall_list_ind; intros ctx; simpl; trivial.
apply (IHwf0 (Ast.Env.vass n t :: ctx)).
apply (IHwf1 (Ast.Env.vdef n t t0 :: ctx)).
destruct l. congruence.
now apply destArity_mkApps.
destruct H as []. red in H.
epose proof (trans_lookup Σ (inductive_mind ci.(ci_ind)) wfΣ wf').
destruct TransLookup.lookup_inductive as [[mdecl' idecl']|] eqn:hl ⇒ //.
Lemma Alli_map_option_out_mapi_Some_spec {A B B'} (f : nat → A → option B) (g' : B → B')
(g : nat → A → option B') P l t :
Alli P 0 l →
(∀ i x t, P i x → f i x = Some t → g i x = Some (g' t)) →
map_option_out (mapi f l) = Some t →
map_option_out (mapi g l) = Some (map g' t).
unfold mapi. generalize 0.
move ⇒ n Hl Hfg. move: n Hl t.
induction 1; try constructor; auto.
simpl. move⇒ t [= <-] //.
move⇒ /=.
case E: (f n hd) ⇒ [b|]; try congruence.
rewrite (Hfg n _ _ p E).
case E' : map_option_out ⇒ [b'|]; try congruence.
move⇒ t [= <-]. now rewrite (IHHl _ E').
Lemma All2_map_option_out_mapi_Some_spec :
∀ {A B B' S} (f : nat → A → option B) (g' : B → B')
(g : nat → A → option B') P l (ls : list S) t,
All2 P l ls →
(∀ i x t s, P x s → f i x = Some t → g i x = Some (g' t)) →
map_option_out (mapi f l) = Some t →
map_option_out (mapi g l) = Some (map g' t).
intros A B B' S f g' g P l ls t.
unfold mapi. generalize 0.
intros n hall h e.
induction hall in t, n, h, e |- ×.
- simpl in ×. apply some_inj in e. subst. reflexivity.
- simpl in ×.
destruct (f n x) eqn:e'. 2: discriminate.
eapply h in e' as h'. 2: eassumption.
rewrite h'.
match type of e with
| context [ map_option_out ?t ] ⇒
destruct (map_option_out t) eqn:e''
end. 2: discriminate.
eapply IHhall in e'' as h''. 2: assumption.
rewrite h''. apply some_inj in e. subst.
simpl. reflexivity.
Definition on_pair {A B C D} (f : A → B) (g : C → D) (x : A × C) :=
(f (fst x), g (snd x)).
Lemma trans_inds kn u bodies : map trans (Ast.inds kn u bodies) =
inds kn u (map (trans_one_ind_body (trans_global_env Σ)) bodies).
unfold inds, Ast.inds. rewrite map_length.
induction bodies. simpl. reflexivity. simpl; f_equal. auto.
Lemma trans_it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx t :
trans (Ast.Env.it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx t) =
it_mkProd_or_LetIn (map trans_decl ctx) (trans t).
induction ctx in t |- *; simpl; auto.
destruct a as [na [body|] ty]; simpl; auto.
now rewrite IHctx.
now rewrite IHctx.
Lemma trans_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn ctx t :
trans (Ast.Env.it_mkLambda_or_LetIn ctx t) =
it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (map trans_decl ctx) (trans t).
induction ctx in t |- *; simpl; auto.
destruct a as [na [body|] ty]; simpl; auto.
now rewrite IHctx.
now rewrite IHctx.
Lemma trans_local_subst_instance u (Γ : Ast.Env.context) :
trans_local (subst_instance u Γ) = subst_instance u (trans_local Γ).
rewrite /subst_instance /=.
induction Γ as [| [na [b|] A] Γ ih ] in u |- ×.
- reflexivity.
- simpl. f_equal. 2: eapply ih.
unfold map_decl, trans_decl. simpl.
rewrite 2!trans_subst_instance.
- simpl. f_equal. 2: eapply ih.
unfold map_decl, trans_decl. simpl.
rewrite trans_subst_instance.
Lemma decompose_prod_assum_mkApps_nonnil ctx f args :
args ≠ [] →
decompose_prod_assum ctx (mkApps f args) = (ctx, mkApps f args).
induction args ⇒ //.
rewrite mkApps_nonempty //.
Notation trΣ := (trans_global_env Σ).
Lemma trans_ind_params mdecl : trans_local (Ast.Env.ind_params mdecl) = ind_params (trans_minductive_body trΣ mdecl).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma trans_ind_bodies mdecl : map (trans_one_ind_body trΣ) (Ast.Env.ind_bodies mdecl) =
ind_bodies (trans_minductive_body (trans_global_env Σ) mdecl).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma trans_ind_bodies_length mdecl : #|Ast.Env.ind_bodies mdecl| = #|ind_bodies (trans_minductive_body trΣ mdecl)|.
Proof. simpl. now rewrite map_length. Qed.
Lemma trans_ind_params_length mdecl : #|Ast.Env.ind_params mdecl| = #|ind_params (trans_minductive_body trΣ mdecl)|.
Proof. simpl. now rewrite map_length. Qed.
Lemma trans_ind_npars mdecl : Ast.Env.ind_npars mdecl = ind_npars (trans_minductive_body trΣ mdecl).
Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma trans_reln l p Γ : map trans (Ast.Env.reln l p Γ) =
reln (map trans l) p (trans_local Γ).
induction Γ as [|[na [b|] ty] Γ] in l, p |- *; simpl; auto.
now rewrite IHΓ.
Lemma trans_to_extended_list Γ n : map trans (Ast.Env.to_extended_list_k Γ n) = to_extended_list_k (trans_local Γ) n.
now rewrite /to_extended_list_k trans_reln.
Lemma context_assumptions_map ctx : context_assumptions (map trans_decl ctx) = Ast.Env.context_assumptions ctx.
induction ctx as [|[na [b|] ty] ctx]; simpl; auto; lia.
Hint Resolve Template.TypingWf.typing_wf : wf.
Lemma mkApps_trans_wf U l : Σ (Template.Ast.tApp U l) → ∃ U' V', trans (Template.Ast.tApp U l) = tApp U' V'.
simpl. induction l using rev_ind. intros. inv X. congruence.
intros. rewrite map_app. simpl. ∃ (mkApps (trans U) (map trans l)), (trans x).
clear. revert U x ; induction l. simpl. reflexivity.
simpl. intros.
rewrite mkApps_app. simpl. reflexivity.
Derive Signature for SEq.eq_term_upto_univ_napp.
End Translation.
Section Trans_Global.
Context {cf : checker_flags}.
Context (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env).
Notation Σ' := (trans_global_env Σ).
Context (wfΣ : Σ).
Context (wfΣ' : wf Σ').
Lemma forall_decls_declared_constant cst decl :
Ast.declared_constant Σ cst decl →
declared_constant Σ' cst (trans_constant_body Σ' decl).
unfold declared_constant, Ast.declared_constant.
now rewrite trans_lookup ⇒ → /=.
Lemma forall_decls_declared_minductive cst decl :
Ast.declared_minductive Σ cst decl →
declared_minductive (trans_global_env Σ) cst (trans_minductive_body Σ' decl).
unfold declared_minductive, Ast.declared_minductive.
now rewrite trans_lookup ⇒ → /=.
Lemma forall_decls_declared_inductive ind mdecl idecl :
Ast.declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl →
declared_inductive Σ' ind (trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl) (trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl).
unfold declared_inductive, Ast.declared_inductive.
move⇒ [decl' Hnth].
pose proof (forall_decls_declared_minductive _ _ decl').
eexists. eauto.
now rewrite nth_error_map Hnth.
Lemma forall_decls_declared_constructor cst mdecl idecl cdecl :
Ast.declared_constructor Σ cst mdecl idecl cdecl →
declared_constructor Σ' cst (trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl) (trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl)
(trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl).
unfold declared_constructor, Ast.declared_constructor.
move⇒ [decl' Hnth].
pose proof (forall_decls_declared_inductive _ _ _ decl'). split; auto.
by rewrite nth_error_map Hnth.
Lemma forall_decls_declared_projection cst mdecl idecl cdecl pdecl :
Ast.declared_projection Σ cst mdecl idecl cdecl pdecl →
declared_projection (trans_global_env Σ) cst (trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl) (trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl)
(trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl) (trans_projection_body Σ' pdecl).
unfold declared_constructor, Ast.declared_constructor.
move⇒ [decl' [Hnth Hnpar]].
pose proof (forall_decls_declared_constructor _ _ _ _ decl'). split; auto.
by rewrite nth_error_map Hnth.
End Trans_Global.
Lemma on_global_env_impl `{checker_flags} {Σ : Ast.Env.global_env} P Q :
(∀ (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) Γ t T, ST.on_global_env Typing.cumul_gen P Σ → P Σ Γ t T → Q Σ Γ t T) →
ST.on_global_env Typing.cumul_gen P Σ → ST.on_global_env Typing.cumul_gen Q Σ.
apply on_global_env_impl.
Lemma typing_wf_wf {cf}:
∀ (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env), Σ →
(fun (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) (_ : Ast.Env.context) (t T : Ast.term) ⇒ Σ t × Σ T) Σ.
intros Σ.
eapply on_global_env_impl. clear.
intros Σ' Γ t T ? HT.
apply ST.lift_typing_impl with (1 := HT); intros ? Hs.
now eapply typing_wf.
Lemma declared_inductive_inj {Σ mdecl mdecl' ind idecl idecl'} :
Ast.declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl' idecl' →
Ast.declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl →
mdecl = mdecl' ∧ idecl = idecl'.
intros [] []. unfold Ast.declared_minductive in ×.
rewrite H in H1. inversion H1. subst. rewrite H2 in H0. inversion H0. eauto.
Lemma lookup_inductive_None Σ ind : lookup_inductive Σ ind = None →
¬ (∃ mdecl idecl, declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl).
intros hl [mdecl [idecl [decli hnth]]].
unfold declared_inductive, declared_minductive in decli.
unfold lookup_inductive, lookup_minductive in hl.
destruct lookup_env eqn:heq. noconf decli. cbn in hl.
destruct nth_error; congruence. congruence.
Section Trans_Global.
Context {cf : checker_flags}.
Context (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env).
Notation Σ' := (trans_global_env Σ).
Context (wfΣ : Σ).
Context (wfΣ' : wf Σ').
Lemma trans_R_global_instance {Re Rle gref napp u u'} :
SEq.R_global_instance Σ Re Rle gref napp u u' →
R_global_instance (trans_global_env Σ) Re Rle gref napp u u'.
unfold SEq.R_global_instance, SEq.global_variance.
destruct gref; simpl; auto.
- unfold R_global_instance, R_opt_variance; cbn.
unfold lookup_inductive, lookup_minductive.
unfold SEq.lookup_inductive, SEq.lookup_minductive.
rewrite trans_lookup. destruct Ast.Env.lookup_env eqn:look ⇒ //; simpl.
destruct g ⇒ /= //.
rewrite nth_error_map.
destruct nth_error eqn:hnth ⇒ /= //.
assert (wfty : Σ (Ast.Env.ind_type o)).
{ eapply declared_inductive_wf; eauto. eapply typing_wf_sigma; eauto. split; eauto. }
generalize (trans_destArity Σ [] (Ast.Env.ind_type o) wfty wfΣ').
destruct Ast.destArity as [[ctx ps]|] eqn:eq' ⇒ /= // → //.
now rewrite context_assumptions_map.
- unfold R_global_instance, R_opt_variance; cbn.
unfold lookup_constructor, lookup_inductive, lookup_minductive.
unfold SEq.lookup_constructor, SEq.lookup_inductive, SEq.lookup_minductive.
rewrite trans_lookup. destruct Ast.Env.lookup_env ⇒ //; simpl.
destruct g ⇒ /= //. rewrite nth_error_map.
destruct nth_error ⇒ /= //.
rewrite nth_error_map.
destruct nth_error ⇒ /= //.
Lemma eq_binder_annot_eq_context_gen_set_binder_name Γ Γ' Δ :
All2 eq_binder_annot Γ Γ' →
eq_context_gen eq eq (map2 set_binder_name Γ Δ) (map2 set_binder_name Γ' Δ).
induction 1 in Δ |- ×.
- constructor.
- destruct Δ; cbn; constructor; auto.
destruct c as [na [b|] ty]; cbn; constructor; auto.
Lemma map2_map_map {A B C D E} (f : C → A) (g : D → B) (h : A → B → E) l l':
map2 h (map f l) (map g l') = map2 (fun x y ⇒ h (f x) (g y)) l l'.
induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; cbn; f_equal; auto.
Lemma All2_map2 {A B C} (P : A → A → Type) (x : list C) (f : C → B → A) (l l' : list B) :
All3 (fun x y z ⇒ P (f x y) (f x z)) x l l' →
All2 P (map2 f x l) (map2 f x l').
induction 1; cbn; constructor; auto.
Lemma All2_All2_All2_All3 {A B C} (P : A → B → C → Type) (Q : A → B → Type) (Q' : A → C → Type)
(R : B → C → Type)
(x : list A) (l : list B) (l' : list C):
All2 Q x l → All2 Q' x l' → All2 R l l' →
(∀ x y z, Q x y → Q' x z → R y z → P x y z) →
All3 P x l l'.
induction 1 in l' |- *; intros H; depelim H; intros H'; depelim H'; cbn; constructor; auto.
Lemma trans_eq_term_upto_univ {Re Rle t u napp} :
RelationClasses.subrelation Re Rle → Σ t → Σ u →
SEq.eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp t u →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp (trans_global_env Σ) Re Rle napp (trans (trans_global_env Σ) t) (trans (trans_global_env Σ) u).
intros sub wt wu e.
induction t using Induction.term_forall_list_rect in sub, Rle, napp, wt, u, wu, e |- ×.
all: invs e; cbn.
all: try solve [ constructor ; auto ].
all: repeat (match goal with
| H : _ (_ _) |- _ ⇒ apply WfAst.wf_inv in H; simpl in H
| H : _ ∧ _ |- _ ⇒ destruct H
all: try solve [
repeat constructor ; auto ;
match goal with
| ih : ∀ Rle (u : Ast.term) (napp : nat), _ |- _ ⇒
now eapply ih
- constructor.
solve_all. eapply a; auto. tc.
- eapply eq_term_upto_univ_napp_mkApps.
+ rewrite map_length. now eapply IHt.
+ destruct wt, wu. solve_all. eapply a0; auto; tc.
- constructor. apply trans_R_global_instance; auto.
- constructor. apply trans_R_global_instance; auto.
- red in X, X0.
destruct wt as [mdecl' [idecl' [decli hci hpctx lenpar eqpars eqret eqc eqbrs]]].
destruct wu as [mdecl'' [idecl'' [decli' hci' hpctx' lenpars' eqpars' eqret' eqc' eqbrs']]].
destruct (declared_inductive_inj decli decli'). subst.
eapply forall_decls_declared_inductive in decli; tea.
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive.
destruct lookup_inductive as [[mdecl idecl]|] eqn:hl ⇒ //.
2:{ eapply lookup_inductive_None in hl. elim hl. eauto. }
apply lookup_inductive_declared in hl.
destruct (PCUICGlobalEnv.declared_inductive_inj decli hl). subst.
destruct X.
constructor. all: try solve [
match goal with
| ih : ∀ Rle u, _ |- _ ⇒
now eapply ih
unfold trans_predicate, eq_predicate; cbn.
repeat split; solve_all; try typeclasses eauto with typeclass_instances core.
× rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
eapply All2_length in hpctx. len in hpctx.
rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
eapply All2_length in hpctx'. len in hpctx'.
now eapply eq_binder_annot_eq_context_gen_set_binder_name.
× rewrite !map2_map_map.
eapply All2_map2. cbn.
eapply All2_All_mix_right in eqbrs; tea.
eapply All2_All2_All2_All3; tea.
cbn. intros cdecl br br' [[eq wfb] IH] [eq' wfb'] [eqbs eqbods].
{ rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
eapply All2_length in eq. now len in eq.
rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
eapply All2_length in eq'. now len in eq'.
now eapply eq_binder_annot_eq_context_gen_set_binder_name. }
eapply IH; eauto; tc.
- constructor.
assert (
w1 :
All (fun def ⇒ Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def)
) m
{ solve_all. }
assert (
w2 :
All (fun def ⇒ Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def)) mfix'
{ solve_all. }
pose proof (All2_All_mix_left X X0) as h1. simpl in h1.
pose proof (All2_All_mix_left w1 h1) as h2.
pose proof (All2_All_mix_right w2 h2) as h3.
simpl in h3.
eapply All2_map.
eapply All2_impl. 1: exact h3.
intros [? ? ? ?] [? ? ? ?] [[[? ?] [[ih1 ih2] [? ?]]] [? ?]].
simpl in ×.
intuition eauto. now eapply ih1. now eapply ih2.
- constructor.
assert (
w1 :
All (fun def ⇒ Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def)) m
{ solve_all. }
assert (
w2 :
All (fun def ⇒ Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def)) mfix'
{ solve_all. }
pose proof (All2_All_mix_left X X0) as h1. simpl in h1.
pose proof (All2_All_mix_left w1 h1) as h2.
pose proof (All2_All_mix_right w2 h2) as h3.
simpl in h3.
eapply All2_map.
eapply All2_impl. 1: exact h3.
intros [? ? ? ?] [? ? ? ?] [[[? ?] [[ih1 ih2] [? ?]]] [? ?]].
simpl in ×.
intuition eauto. now eapply ih1. now eapply ih2.
Lemma trans_leq_term ϕ T U : Σ T → Σ U → SEq.leq_term Σ ϕ T U →
leq_term (trans_global_env Σ) ϕ (trans Σ' T) (trans Σ' U).
intros HT HU H.
eapply trans_eq_term_upto_univ ; eauto. tc.
Lemma trans_eq_term φ t u : Σ t → Σ u → SEq.eq_term Σ φ t u →
eq_term (trans_global_env Σ) φ (trans Σ' t) (trans Σ' u).
intros HT HU H.
eapply trans_eq_term_upto_univ ; eauto. tc.
Lemma trans_eq_term_list {φ l l'} :
All ( Σ) l →
All ( Σ) l' →
All2 (SEq.eq_term Σ φ) l l' →
All2 (eq_term (trans_global_env Σ) φ) ( (trans Σ') l) ( (trans Σ') l').
intros w w' h.
eapply All2_map.
pose proof (All2_All_mix_left w h) as h1.
pose proof (All2_All_mix_right w' h1) as h2.
simpl in h2.
apply (All2_impl h2).
intuition auto using trans_eq_term.
End Trans_Global.
Section Trans_Global.
Context {cf : checker_flags}.
Context (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env).
Notation Σ' := (trans_global_env Σ).
Lemma trans_nth n l x : trans Σ' (nth n l x) = nth n ( (trans Σ') l) (trans Σ' x).
Proof using Σ.
induction l in n |- *; destruct n; trivial.
simpl in ×. congruence.
Lemma trans_extended_subst Γ k :
map (trans Σ') (Ast.Env.extended_subst Γ k) = extended_subst (trans_local Σ' Γ) k.
Proof using Σ.
induction Γ in k |- *; cbn; auto.
destruct a as [na [b|] ty] ⇒ /= //; try congruence.
× f_equal ⇒ //. rewrite trans_subst trans_lift IHΓ. f_equal ⇒ //.
len. now rewrite context_assumptions_map.
× now f_equal.
Lemma trans_expand_lets_k Γ k t :
trans Σ' (Ast.Env.expand_lets_k Γ k t) = expand_lets_k (trans_local Σ' Γ) k (trans Σ' t).
Proof using Σ.
rewrite /Ast.Env.expand_lets /Ast.Env.expand_lets_k.
rewrite trans_subst trans_lift /expand_lets /expand_lets_k.
rewrite trans_extended_subst. f_equal. len.
now rewrite context_assumptions_map.
Lemma trans_expand_lets Γ t :
trans Σ' (Ast.Env.expand_lets Γ t) = expand_lets (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans Σ' t).
Proof using Σ.
now rewrite /Ast.Env.expand_lets trans_expand_lets_k.
Lemma trans_subst_context s k Γ :
trans_local Σ' (Ast.Env.subst_context s k Γ) =
subst_context (map (trans Σ') s) k (trans_local Σ' Γ).
Proof using Σ.
induction Γ.
× cbn; auto.
× simpl. rewrite subst_context_snoc Ast.Env.subst_context_snoc /= /snoc /subst_decl.
len. f_equal ⇒ //.
rewrite /map_decl /trans_decl /=.
destruct a as [na [b|] ty]; cbn.
f_equal. f_equal. rewrite trans_subst. now len.
now rewrite trans_subst.
now rewrite trans_subst.
Lemma trans_lift_context n k Γ :
trans_local Σ' (Ast.Env.lift_context n k Γ) =
lift_context n k (trans_local Σ' Γ).
Proof using Σ.
induction Γ.
× cbn; auto.
× simpl. rewrite !lift_context_snoc PCUICLiftSubst.lift_context_snoc /= /snoc /subst_decl.
f_equal ⇒ //.
rewrite /lift_decl /map_decl /trans_decl /=.
destruct a as [na [b|] ty]; cbn.
f_equal. f_equal. all:rewrite trans_lift; len ⇒ //.
Lemma trans_expand_lets_ctx Γ Δ :
trans_local Σ' (Ast.Env.expand_lets_ctx Γ Δ) = expand_lets_ctx (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans_local Σ' Δ).
Proof using Σ.
rewrite /Ast.Env.expand_lets_ctx /Ast.Env.expand_lets_k_ctx.
rewrite trans_subst_context trans_lift_context /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx.
rewrite trans_extended_subst. f_equal. len.
now rewrite context_assumptions_map.
Lemma trans_smash_context Γ Δ : trans_local Σ' (Ast.Env.smash_context Γ Δ) = smash_context (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans_local Σ' Δ).
Proof using Σ.
induction Δ in Γ |- *; simpl; auto.
destruct a as [na [b|] ty] ⇒ /=.
rewrite IHΔ. f_equal.
now rewrite (trans_subst_context [_]).
rewrite IHΔ. f_equal. rewrite /trans_local map_app //.
Lemma map_decl_subst_instance_set_binder_name i x y :
map_decl (subst_instance i) (set_binder_name x y) =
set_binder_name x (map_decl (subst_instance i) y).
Proof using Σ.
now rewrite /map_decl /set_binder_name /=.
Lemma map2_trans l l' :
(fun (x : aname) (y : BasicAst.context_decl Ast.term) ⇒
trans_decl Σ' (Ast.Env.set_binder_name x y)) l l' =
map2 (fun (x : aname) (y : BasicAst.context_decl Ast.term) ⇒
set_binder_name x (trans_decl Σ' y)) l l'.
Proof using Σ.
eapply map2_ext.
intros x y. rewrite /trans_decl. now destruct y; cbn.
Lemma map_map_comm {A B B' C} (f : B → C) (g : A → B) (f' : B' → C) (g' : A → B') (l : list A) :
(∀ x, f (g x) = f' (g' x)) →
map f (map g l) = map f' (map g' l).
intros Hfg.
induction l; cbn; auto.
now rewrite Hfg IHl.
Lemma trans_cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl :
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let cdecl' := trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl in
map (trans_decl Σ') (Ast.cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl) =
cstr_branch_context ind mdecl' cdecl'.
Proof using Σ.
cbn; intros.
rewrite /Ast.cstr_branch_context /cstr_branch_context.
rewrite [map _ _]trans_expand_lets_ctx. f_equal.
rewrite trans_subst_context. f_equal.
2:now repeat len.
rewrite trans_inds //.
Lemma trans_iota_red ind mdecl idecl cdecl pars p args br :
let bctx := Ast.case_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl p br in
let p' := Ast.map_predicate id (trans Σ') (trans Σ') p in
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let idecl' := trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl in
let cdecl' := trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl in
let p' := trans_predicate ind mdecl' idecl' p'.(Ast.pparams) p'.(Ast.puinst) p'.(Ast.pcontext) p'.(Ast.preturn) in
#|Ast.bcontext br| = #|Ast.Env.cstr_args cdecl| →
trans Σ' (ST.iota_red pars args bctx br) =
iota_red pars p' ( (trans Σ') args)
(let br' := Ast.map_branch (trans Σ') br in
trans_branch ind mdecl' cdecl' br'.(Ast.bcontext) br'.(Ast.bbody)).
Proof using Σ.
unfold ST.iota_red, iota_red.
rewrite /map_predicate /=.
rewrite trans_subst map_rev map_skipn. f_equal.
rewrite trans_expand_lets. f_equal.
rewrite /bctx /id. rewrite /Ast.case_branch_context /Ast.case_branch_context_gen.
rewrite /inst_case_branch_context. cbn.
rewrite /inst_case_context.
rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
rewrite /subst_context /id /subst_instance /subst_instance_context
/map_context map_map2.
change (map2
(fun (x : aname) (y : context_decl) ⇒
map_decl (subst_instance (Ast.puinst p)) (set_binder_name x y)))
(fun (x : aname) (y : context_decl) ⇒
set_binder_name x (map_decl (subst_instance (Ast.puinst p)) y))).
rewrite -PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r.
rewrite -[fold_context_k _ _]PCUICRenameConv.map2_set_binder_name_fold; len.
rewrite /trans_local map_map2 map2_trans.
rewrite -PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r. f_equal.
rewrite [map _ _]trans_subst_context map_rev.
rewrite /subst_context. f_equal.
rewrite /Ast.Env.subst_instance_context /map_context.
rewrite /trans_local.
rewrite (map_map_comm _ _ (map_decl (subst_instance (Ast.puinst p))) (trans_decl Σ')).
intros x. rewrite /map_decl /trans_decl; cbn.
rewrite trans_subst_instance. f_equal.
destruct (decl_body x) ⇒ /= //.
now rewrite trans_subst_instance.
now rewrite trans_cstr_branch_context.
Lemma trans_isLambda t : Σ t → isLambda (trans Σ' t) = Ast.isLambda t.
Proof using Σ.
destruct 1; cbnr.
destruct u; [contradiction|]. cbn.
generalize (map (trans Σ') u) (trans Σ' t) (trans Σ' t0); clear.
induction l; intros; cbnr. apply IHl.
destruct TransLookup.lookup_inductive as [[]|] ⇒ //.
Lemma trans_unfold_fix mfix idx narg fn :
All (fun def : def Ast.term ⇒ Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def)) mfix →
ST.unfold_fix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn) →
unfold_fix (map (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ')) mfix) idx = Some (narg, trans Σ' fn).
Proof using Σ.
unfold ST.unfold_fix, unfold_fix. intros wffix.
rewrite nth_error_map. destruct (nth_error mfix idx) eqn:Hdef ⇒ //.
intros [= <- <-]. simpl.
repeat f_equal.
rewrite trans_subst.
f_equal. clear Hdef.
unfold fix_subst, ST.fix_subst. rewrite map_length.
generalize mfix at 1 3.
induction wffix; trivial.
simpl; intros mfix. f_equal.
eapply (IHwffix mfix).
Lemma trans_unfold_cofix mfix idx narg fn :
All (fun def : def Ast.term ⇒ Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def)) mfix →
ST.unfold_cofix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn) →
unfold_cofix (map (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ')) mfix) idx = Some (narg, trans Σ' fn).
Proof using Σ.
unfold ST.unfold_cofix, unfold_cofix. intros wffix.
rewrite nth_error_map. destruct (nth_error mfix idx) eqn:Hdef.
intros [= <- <-]. simpl. repeat f_equal.
rewrite trans_subst.
f_equal. clear Hdef.
unfold cofix_subst, ST.cofix_subst. rewrite map_length.
generalize mfix at 1 3.
induction wffix; trivial.
simpl; intros mfix. f_equal.
eapply (IHwffix mfix). congruence.
Definition isApp t := match t with tApp _ _ ⇒ true | _ ⇒ false end.
Lemma trans_is_constructor:
∀ (args : list Ast.term) (narg : nat),
ST.is_constructor narg args = true → is_constructor narg (map (trans Σ') args) = true.
Proof using Σ.
intros args narg.
unfold ST.is_constructor, is_constructor.
rewrite nth_error_map. destruct nth_error. simpl. intros.
destruct t; try discriminate || reflexivity. simpl in H.
destruct t; try discriminate || reflexivity.
simpl. unfold isConstruct_app.
unfold decompose_app. rewrite decompose_app_rec_mkApps. now simpl.
Lemma refine_red1_r Σg Γ t u u' : u = u' → red1 Σg Γ t u → red1 Σg Γ t u'.
intros →. trivial.
Lemma refine_red1_Γ Σg Γ Γ' t u : Γ = Γ' → red1 Σg Γ t u → red1 Σg Γ' t u.
intros →. trivial.
Ltac wf_inv H := try apply WfAst.wf_inv in H; simpl in H; rdest.
Lemma nth_error_map2 {A B C} (f : A → B → C) n l l' a b :
nth_error l n = Some a →
nth_error l' n = Some b →
nth_error (map2 f l l') n = Some (f a b).
induction l in n, l' |- *; destruct l', n; cbn; auto; try congruence.
Lemma cstr_branch_context_assumptions ci mdecl cdecl :
context_assumptions (cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl) =
context_assumptions cdecl.(cstr_args).
rewrite /cstr_branch_context /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx.
now rewrite !context_assumptions_fold.
Lemma Ast_cstr_branch_context_assumptions ci mdecl cdecl :
Ast.Env.context_assumptions (Ast.cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl) =
Ast.Env.context_assumptions cdecl.(Ast.Env.cstr_args).
rewrite /cstr_branch_context /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx.
now rewrite !Ast.Env.context_assumptions_fold.
Lemma map2_set_binder_name_context_assumptions (l : list aname) (l' : Ast.Env.context) :
#|l| = #|l'| →
Ast.Env.context_assumptions (map2 Ast.Env.set_binder_name l l') = Ast.Env.context_assumptions l'.
induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; cbn ⇒ //.
intros [=]. destruct decl_body ⇒ //; eauto.
f_equal; auto.
Lemma Ast_inst_case_context_length pars puinst ctx :
#|Ast.inst_case_context pars puinst ctx| = #|ctx|.
rewrite /Ast.inst_case_context. now len.
Hint Rewrite Ast_inst_case_context_length : len.
Lemma Ast_inst_case_context_assumptions pars puinst ctx :
Ast.Env.context_assumptions (Ast.inst_case_context pars puinst ctx) =
Ast.Env.context_assumptions ctx.
rewrite /Ast.inst_case_context.
rewrite !Ast.Env.context_assumptions_fold.
now rewrite Ast.Env.context_assumptions_map.
Lemma case_branch_context_assumptions ci mdecl cdecl p br :
#|Ast.bcontext br| = #|Ast.Env.cstr_args cdecl| →
Ast.Env.context_assumptions (Ast.case_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl p br) =
Ast.Env.context_assumptions cdecl.(Ast.Env.cstr_args).
rewrite /Ast.case_branch_context /Ast.case_branch_context_gen; len.
rewrite map2_set_binder_name_context_assumptions; len.
Lemma declared_inductive_lookup {ind mdecl idecl} :
declared_inductive Σ' ind mdecl idecl →
lookup_inductive Σ' ind = Some (mdecl, idecl).
intros []. unfold lookup_inductive, lookup_minductive.
now rewrite H H0.
Lemma map2_cst {A B} (l : list A) (l' : list B) :
#|l| = #|l'| →
map2 (fun x y ⇒ x) l l' = l.
induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; cbn; auto. congruence.
intros [=]. f_equal; auto.
Lemma trans_inst_case_context pars puinst ctx :
trans_local Σ' (Ast.inst_case_context pars puinst ctx) =
inst_case_context (map (trans Σ') pars) puinst (trans_local Σ' ctx).
Proof using Σ.
rewrite /Ast.inst_case_context /inst_case_context.
now rewrite trans_subst_context map_rev trans_local_subst_instance.
Lemma trans_local_app Γ Δ : trans_local Σ' (Ast.Env.app_context Γ Δ) = trans_local Σ' Γ ,,, trans_local Σ' Δ.
Proof using Σ.
now rewrite /trans_local map_app.
Lemma trans_case_predicate_context (ci : case_info) mdecl idecl p :
let bctx := Ast.case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p in
let p' := Ast.map_predicate id (trans Σ') (trans Σ') p in
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let idecl' := trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl in
let p' := trans_predicate ci mdecl' idecl' p'.(Ast.pparams) p'.(Ast.puinst) p'.(Ast.pcontext) p'.(Ast.preturn) in
#|Ast.pcontext p| = S #|Ast.Env.ind_indices idecl| →
(trans_local Σ' (Ast.case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p)) =
(case_predicate_context ci mdecl' idecl' p').
Proof using Σ.
intros bctx p' mdecl' idecl' p'' eqp.
rewrite /Ast.case_predicate_context /case_predicate_context /case_predicate_context_gen.
rewrite /Ast.case_predicate_context_gen.
rewrite /trans_local map_map2 map2_trans.
rewrite -PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r. f_equal.
{ cbn. rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
rewrite map_map2. cbn. rewrite map2_cst //.
len. }
rewrite /Ast.pre_case_predicate_context_gen /pre_case_predicate_context_gen.
rewrite [map _ _]trans_inst_case_context. f_equal.
rewrite /Ast.ind_predicate_context /ind_predicate_context /= /trans_decl.
f_equal; cbn. f_equal.
{ rewrite trans_mkApps /=. f_equal.
rewrite trans_reln /= /to_extended_list /to_extended_list_k. f_equal.
rewrite trans_local_app trans_smash_context. f_equal.
now rewrite trans_expand_lets_ctx. }
now rewrite trans_expand_lets_ctx.
Lemma trans_ind_predicate_context (Γ : list aname) ind mdecl idecl :
let mdecl':= trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let idecl':= trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl in
All2 (fun x y ⇒ eq_binder_annot x (decl_name y)) Γ (Ast.ind_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl) →
All2 (fun x y ⇒ eq_binder_annot x (decl_name y)) Γ (ind_predicate_context ind mdecl' idecl').
Proof using Σ.
rewrite /Ast.ind_predicate_context in X.
depelim X. constructor. now cbn in ×.
clear e.
rewrite /mdecl' /idecl'. cbn.
rewrite -trans_expand_lets_ctx. eapply All2_map_right.
Lemma trans_cstr_branch_context_alpha (Γ : list aname) ind mdecl cdecl :
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let cdecl' := trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl in
All2 (fun x y ⇒ eq_binder_annot x (decl_name y)) Γ
(Ast.cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl) →
All2 (fun x y ⇒ eq_binder_annot x (decl_name y)) Γ
(cstr_branch_context ind mdecl' cdecl').
Proof using Σ.
rewrite -trans_cstr_branch_context. eapply All2_map_right.
eapply All2_impl; tea. now cbn.
Lemma inst_case_predicate_context_eq (ci : case_info) mdecl idecl p :
let bctx := Ast.case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p in
let p' := Ast.map_predicate id (trans Σ') (trans Σ') p in
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let idecl' := trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl in
let p' := trans_predicate ci mdecl' idecl' p'.(Ast.pparams) p'.(Ast.puinst) p'.(Ast.pcontext) p'.(Ast.preturn) in
WfAst.wf_nactx (Ast.pcontext p) (Ast.ind_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl) →
(trans_local Σ' (Ast.case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p)) =
(inst_case_predicate_context p').
Proof using Σ.
rewrite -(@inst_case_predicate_context_eq mdecl' idecl' ci p'0).
2:{ apply trans_case_predicate_context.
eapply All2_length in X; len in X. }
rewrite /p'0. cbn.
rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
eapply All2_length in X; len in X.
apply eq_binder_annots_eq.
now eapply trans_ind_predicate_context.
Lemma trans_case_branch_context (ci : case_info) mdecl idecl cdecl p br :
let bctx := Ast.case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p in
let p' := Ast.map_predicate id (trans Σ') (trans Σ') p in
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let idecl' := trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl in
let cdecl' := trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl in
let p' := trans_predicate ci mdecl' idecl' p'.(Ast.pparams) p'.(Ast.puinst) p'.(Ast.pcontext) p'.(Ast.preturn) in
let br' := trans_branch ci mdecl' cdecl' br.(Ast.bcontext) (trans Σ' br.(Ast.bbody)) in
WfAst.wf_nactx (Ast.bcontext br) (Ast.cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl) →
(trans_local Σ' (Ast.case_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl p br)) =
case_branch_context ci mdecl' p' (forget_types (bcontext br')) cdecl'.
Proof using Σ.
rewrite /Ast.case_branch_context /Ast.case_branch_context_gen.
rewrite /case_branch_context /case_branch_context_gen /pre_case_branch_context_gen.
rewrite /trans_local map_map2 map2_trans -PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r.
f_equal. cbn. rewrite map2_map2_bias_left.
eapply All2_length in X. len in X. now len.
rewrite map_map2 /= map2_cst //.
eapply All2_length in X. len in X. now len.
rewrite [map _ _]trans_inst_case_context. f_equal.
now rewrite -trans_cstr_branch_context.
Lemma inst_case_branch_context_eq (ci : case_info) mdecl idecl cdecl p br :
let bctx := Ast.case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p in
let p' := Ast.map_predicate id (trans Σ') (trans Σ') p in
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let idecl' := trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl in
let cdecl' := trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl in
let p' := trans_predicate ci mdecl' idecl' p'.(Ast.pparams) p'.(Ast.puinst) p'.(Ast.pcontext) p'.(Ast.preturn) in
let br' := trans_branch ci mdecl' cdecl' br.(Ast.bcontext) (trans Σ' br.(Ast.bbody)) in
WfAst.wf_nactx (Ast.bcontext br) (Ast.cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl) →
(trans_local Σ' (Ast.case_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl p br)) =
(inst_case_branch_context p' br').
rewrite -(@inst_case_branch_context_eq ci mdecl' cdecl' p'0 br').
{ cbn. rewrite map2_map2_bias_left. len.
eapply All2_length in X. now len in X.
eapply eq_binder_annots_eq.
now eapply trans_cstr_branch_context_alpha. }
now apply trans_case_branch_context.
Lemma OnOne2_map2 {A B C} (P : A → A → Type) (f : B → C → A) l l' l'' :
OnOne2All (fun x y z ⇒ P (f x y) (f x z)) l l' l'' →
OnOne2 P (map2 f l l') (map2 f l l'').
induction 1; cbn; constructor; auto.
Lemma OnOne2All_map2 {A B D} (P : D → B → B → Type)
(f : B → A → D) (l : list A) (l' : list B) (l'' : list B) :
#|l| = #|l'| →
OnOne2All P (map2 f l' l) l' l'' →
OnOne2All (fun x y z ⇒ P (f y x) y z) l l' l''.
induction l' in l, l'' |- *; destruct l; cbn; intros hlen H; depelim H.
constructor ⇒ //. lia.
constructor ⇒ //. apply IHl' ⇒ //. lia.
Lemma All2_nth_hyp {A B} (R : A → B → Type) l l' :
All2 R l l' →
All2 (fun x y ⇒
∑ i, nth_error l i = Some x × R x y) l l'.
intros a.
induction a; constructor; auto.
∃ 0. cbn. auto.
eapply (All2_impl IHa).
intros ? ? [i hnth]. now ∃ (S i); cbn.
Context (wfΣ : Σ).
Context (wfΣ' : wf Σ').
Lemma wf_wf_decl_pred : Typing.on_global_env Typing.cumul_gen (fun Σ ⇒ WfAst.wf_decl_pred Σ) Σ.
Proof. now eapply typing_wf_sigma. Qed.
Hint Resolve wf_wf_decl_pred : wf.
Lemma trans_red1 Γ T U :
All (WfAst.wf_decl Σ) Γ → Σ T →
ST.red1 Σ Γ T U →
red1 Σ' (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans Σ' T) (trans Σ' U).
intros wfΓ Hwf.
induction 1 using ST.red1_ind_all; wf_inv Hwf; simpl in *;
try solve [econstructor; eauto].
- simpl. wf_inv w. inv a0.
rewrite trans_mkApps; auto.
rewrite trans_subst; auto.
apply red1_mkApps_f. constructor.
- rewrite trans_subst; eauto. repeat constructor.
- rewrite trans_lift; eauto.
destruct nth_error eqn:Heq.
econstructor. unfold trans_local. rewrite nth_error_map. rewrite Heq. simpl.
destruct c; simpl in ×. injection H; intros →. simpl. reflexivity.
econstructor. simpl in H. discriminate.
- rewrite trans_mkApps; eauto with wf; simpl.
destruct a as [isdecl hci hpctx lenpar wfpar wfret wfc wfbrs].
destruct (declared_inductive_inj isdecl (proj1 H0)). subst x x0.
eapply forall_decls_declared_inductive in isdecl; tea.
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive.
rewrite (declared_inductive_lookup isdecl).
eapply All2_nth_error in wfbrs as []; tea. 2:exact (proj2 H0).
have lenbr := (All2_length a); len in lenbr.
rewrite (trans_iota_red _ mdecl idecl cdecl) //.
constructor. cbn.
rewrite map2_map_map.
etransitivity. eapply nth_error_map2; tea. eapply H0. reflexivity.
unfold Ast.map_branch; cbn.
rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
rewrite PCUICCases.map2_set_binder_name_context_assumptions; len.
rewrite H1 /bctx.
rewrite case_branch_context_assumptions //; len.
cbn. rewrite context_assumptions_map //.
- simpl. rewrite trans_mkApps.
eapply red_fix. wf_inv w.
apply trans_unfold_fix; eauto.
now apply trans_is_constructor.
- destruct a as [isdecl hci hpctx lenpar wfpar wfret wfc wfbrs].
eapply forall_decls_declared_inductive in isdecl; tea.
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive.
rewrite (declared_inductive_lookup isdecl).
apply WfAst.wf_mkApps_napp in wfc as []; auto.
pose proof (unfold_cofix_wf _ _ _ _ _ H w). wf_inv w.
rewrite !trans_mkApps; eauto with wf.
apply trans_unfold_cofix in H; eauto with wf.
eapply red_cofix_case; eauto.
- eapply WfAst.wf_mkApps_napp in Hwf; auto.
intuition. pose proof (unfold_cofix_wf _ _ _ _ _ H a). wf_inv a.
rewrite !trans_mkApps; intuition eauto with wf.
eapply red_cofix_proj; eauto.
apply trans_unfold_cofix; eauto with wf.
- rewrite trans_subst_instance. econstructor.
apply (forall_decls_declared_constant _ wfΣ wfΣ' c decl H).
now destruct decl as [na [b|] ty]; cbn; noconf H0.
- rewrite trans_mkApps; eauto with wf.
simpl. constructor. now rewrite nth_error_map H.
- constructor. apply IHX. constructor; hnf; simpl; auto. hnf. auto.
- constructor. apply IHX. constructor; hnf; simpl; auto. auto.
- destruct a as [isdecl hci hpctx lenpar wfpar wfret wfc wfbrs].
eapply forall_decls_declared_inductive in isdecl; tea.
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive.
rewrite (declared_inductive_lookup isdecl).
constructor. solve_all.
apply OnOne2_map. apply (OnOne2_All_mix_left wfpar) in X. clear wfpar.
- destruct a as [isdecl' hci hpctx wfpar wfret wfc wfbrs].
destruct (declared_inductive_inj isdecl isdecl').
subst x x0.
eapply forall_decls_declared_inductive in isdecl; tea.
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive.
rewrite (declared_inductive_lookup isdecl).
constructor. cbn.
rewrite trans_local_app in IHX.
rewrite inst_case_predicate_context_eq in IHX ⇒ //.
eapply All2_length in hpctx; len in hpctx.
eapply IHX ⇒ //.
eapply All_app_inv ⇒ //.
eapply declared_inductive_wf_case_predicate_context ⇒ //.
- destruct a as [isdecl hci hpctx wfpar wfret wfc wfbrs].
eapply forall_decls_declared_inductive in isdecl; tea.
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive (declared_inductive_lookup isdecl).
constructor. cbn. apply IHX ⇒ //.
- destruct a as [isdecl' hci hpctx lenpar wfpar wfret wfc wfbrs].
destruct (declared_inductive_inj isdecl isdecl').
subst x x0.
eapply forall_decls_declared_inductive in isdecl; tea.
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive (declared_inductive_lookup isdecl).
eapply OnOne2_map2.
eapply All2_nth_hyp in wfbrs.
rewrite /Ast.case_branches_contexts in X.
eapply OnOne2All_map2 in X.
2:{ now eapply All2_length in wfbrs. }
cbn. eapply OnOne2All_map_all.
eapply OnOne2All_All2_mix_left in X; tea.
solve_all. red. rewrite b0. cbn. split ⇒ //.
destruct b as [cstr [hnth [b wfbod]]].
rewrite trans_local_app in b1.
rewrite (inst_case_branch_context_eq _ mdecl idecl) in b1 ⇒ //.
cbn in b1. rewrite b0 in b1. apply b1 ⇒ //.
eapply All_app_inv ⇒ //.
fold (Ast.case_branch_context ind mdecl i p y).
assert (Ast.declared_constructor Σ (ind.(ci_ind), cstr) mdecl idecl i).
{ split; auto. }
now eapply (declared_constructor_wf_case_branch_context H).
- rewrite !trans_mkApps; auto with wf.
eapply wf_red1 in X; auto with wf.
eapply red1_mkApps_f; auto.
- clear e w n. revert M1. induction X.
simpl. intros. destruct p. specialize (r0 wfΓ).
apply red1_mkApps_f.
apply app_red_r. apply r0. now depelim a.
inv a. intros. specialize (IHX X1).
eapply (IHX (Template.Ast.tApp M1 [hd])).
- constructor. apply IHX. constructor; hnf; simpl; auto. auto.
- constructor. induction X; simpl; repeat constructor. apply p; auto. now inv Hwf.
apply IHX. now inv Hwf.
- constructor. constructor. eapply IHX; auto.
- eapply refine_red1_r; [|constructor]. unfold subst1. simpl. now rewrite lift0_p.
- constructor. apply OnOne2_map. repeat toAll.
apply (OnOne2_All_mix_left Hwf) in X. clear Hwf.
red. rewrite <- !map_dtype. rewrite <- !map_dbody.
inversion b0. clear b0.
intuition eauto.
unfold map_def. simpl. congruence.
- apply fix_red_body. apply OnOne2_map. repeat toAll.
apply (OnOne2_All_mix_left Hwf) in X.
red. rewrite <- !map_dtype. rewrite <- !map_dbody. intuition eauto.
+ unfold Ast.Env.app_context, trans_local in b.
simpl in a. rewrite → map_app in b.
unfold app_context. unfold ST.fix_context in b.
rewrite map_rev map_mapi in b. simpl in b.
unfold fix_context. rewrite mapi_map. simpl.
forward b.
{ clear b. solve_all. eapply All_app_inv; auto.
apply All_rev. apply All_mapi.
clear -Hwf; generalize 0 at 2; induction mfix0; constructor; hnf; simpl; auto.
intuition auto. depelim a. simpl. depelim Hwf. simpl in ×. intuition auto.
now eapply WfAst.wf_lift.
depelim a. simpl. depelim Hwf. simpl in ×. intuition auto.
forward b by auto.
eapply (refine_red1_Γ); [|apply b].
f_equal. f_equal. apply mapi_ext; intros [] [].
rewrite lift0_p. simpl. rewrite LiftSubst.lift0_p. reflexivity. cbn.
rewrite /trans_decl /= /vass. f_equal.
now rewrite trans_lift.
+ simpl; congruence.
- constructor. apply OnOne2_map. repeat toAll.
apply (OnOne2_All_mix_left Hwf) in X. clear Hwf.
red. rewrite <- !map_dtype. rewrite <- !map_dbody.
inversion b0. clear b0.
intuition eauto.
unfold map_def. simpl. congruence.
- apply cofix_red_body. apply OnOne2_map. repeat toAll.
apply (OnOne2_All_mix_left Hwf) in X.
red. rewrite <- !map_dtype. rewrite <- !map_dbody. intuition eauto.
+ unfold Ast.Env.app_context, trans_local in b.
simpl in a. rewrite → map_app in b.
unfold app_context. unfold ST.fix_context in b.
rewrite map_rev map_mapi in b. simpl in b.
unfold fix_context. rewrite mapi_map. simpl.
forward b.
{ clear b. solve_all. eapply All_app_inv; auto.
apply All_rev. apply All_mapi.
clear -Hwf; generalize 0 at 2; induction mfix0; constructor; hnf; simpl; auto.
intuition auto. depelim a. simpl. depelim Hwf. simpl in ×. intuition auto.
now eapply WfAst.wf_lift.
depelim a. simpl. depelim Hwf. simpl in ×. intuition auto.
forward b by auto.
eapply (refine_red1_Γ); [|apply b].
f_equal. f_equal. apply mapi_ext; intros [] [].
rewrite lift0_p. simpl. rewrite LiftSubst.lift0_p. reflexivity.
cbn. rewrite /trans_decl /vass /=.
now rewrite trans_lift.
+ simpl; congruence.
End Trans_Global.
Lemma global_levels_trans Σ
: global_levels (trans_global_env Σ) = Ast.global_levels Σ.(Ast.Env.universes).
induction Σ; simpl; auto. cbn.
induction declarations0; cbn; auto.
Lemma global_constraints_trans Σ
: global_constraints (trans_global_env Σ) = Ast.global_constraints Σ.
induction Σ; simpl; auto. cbn.
induction declarations0; cbn; auto.
Lemma global_ext_levels_trans Σ
: global_ext_levels (trans_global Σ) = Ast.global_ext_levels Σ.
destruct Σ.
unfold trans_global, Ast.global_ext_levels, global_ext_levels; simpl.
now rewrite global_levels_trans.
Lemma global_ext_constraints_trans Σ
: global_ext_constraints (trans_global Σ) = Ast.global_ext_constraints Σ.
destruct Σ.
unfold trans_global, Ast.global_ext_constraints, global_ext_constraints; simpl.
now rewrite global_constraints_trans.
Lemma trans_cumul_gen {cf} (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) pb Γ T U : Σ →
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
wf Σ' →
All (WfAst.wf_decl Σ) Γ → Σ T → Σ U → ST.cumul_gen Σ Γ pb T U →
trans_global Σ ;;; trans_local Σ' Γ |- trans Σ' T <=[pb] trans Σ' U.
intros wfΣ Σ' wfΣ'.
induction 4.
- constructor.
destruct pb.
× eapply trans_eq_term in c; eauto.
now rewrite global_ext_constraints_trans.
× eapply trans_leq_term in c; eauto.
now rewrite global_ext_constraints_trans.
- eapply cumul_red_l; tea. eapply trans_red1; tea. apply IHX2.
eapply wf_red1 in r; tea. now eapply typing_wf_sigma in wfΣ. auto.
- eapply cumul_red_r; tea. 2:eapply trans_red1; tea.
eapply IHX2. auto. eapply wf_red1 in r; tea. now eapply typing_wf_sigma; auto.
Definition Tlift_typing (P : Ast.Env.global_env_ext → Ast.Env.context → Ast.term → Ast.term → Type) :=
fun Σ Γ t T ⇒
match T with
| Some T ⇒ P Σ Γ t T
| None ⇒ { s : Universe.t & P Σ Γ t (Template.Ast.tSort s) }
Definition TTy_wf_local {cf : checker_flags} Σ Γ := ST.All_local_env (ST.lift_typing ST.typing Σ) Γ.
Lemma trans_wf_local {cf}:
∀ (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) (Γ : Ast.Env.context) (wfΓ : TTy_wf_local Σ Γ),
let P :=
(fun Σ0 Γ0 _ (t T : Ast.term) _ ⇒
let Σ' := trans_global Σ0 in
wf Σ'.1 →
trans_global Σ0;;; trans_local Σ' Γ0 |- trans Σ' t : trans Σ' T)
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
wf Σ' →
ST.All_local_env_over ST.typing P Σ Γ wfΓ →
wf_local (trans_global Σ) (trans_local Σ' Γ).
induction X0.
- simpl. constructor.
- simpl. econstructor.
+ eapply IHX0.
+ simpl. destruct tu. ∃ x. now eapply Hs.
- simpl. constructor; auto. red. destruct tu. ∃ x; auto.
simpl. eauto.
Lemma trans_wf_local_env {cf} Σ Γ :
(fun (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) Γ (b ty : Ast.term) ⇒
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
ST.typing Σ Γ b ty × trans_global Σ;;; trans_local Σ' Γ |- trans Σ' b : trans Σ' ty) Σ)
Γ →
wf_local (trans_global Σ) (trans_local (trans_global Σ) Γ).
induction X.
- simpl. constructor.
- simpl. econstructor.
+ eapply IHX.
+ simpl. destruct t0. ∃ x. eapply p.
- simpl. constructor; auto. red. destruct t0. ∃ x. intuition auto.
red in t1. destruct t1. cbn. eapply p.
red; red in t1. destruct t1. eapply t2.
Hint Resolve trans_wf_local : trans.
Axiom fix_guard_trans :
∀ Σ Γ mfix,
ST.fix_guard Σ Γ mfix →
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
fix_guard Σ' (trans_local Σ' Γ) (map (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ')) mfix).
Axiom cofix_guard_trans :
∀ Σ Γ mfix,
ST.cofix_guard Σ Γ mfix →
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
cofix_guard Σ' (trans_local Σ' Γ) (map (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ')) mfix).
Notation Swf_fix Σ def := ( Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def)).
Lemma trans_decompose_app {Σ t ind u l} : Σ t →
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
AstUtils.decompose_app t = (Ast.tInd ind u, l) →
∑ l', decompose_app (trans Σ' t) = (tInd ind u, l').
intros wft. destruct (AstUtils.decompose_app t) eqn:da.
pose proof (TypingWf.decompose_app_inv _ _ [] _ _ wft da) as [n [napp [eqsk ->]]].
intros Σ'. intros [= → ->].
rewrite trans_mkApps.
rewrite decompose_app_mkApps //. eexists _; eauto.
Lemma decompose_prod_assum_it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx t ctx' t' :
AstUtils.decompose_prod_assum ctx t = (ctx', t') →
Ast.Env.it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx t = Ast.Env.it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx' t'.
induction t in ctx, ctx', t' |- *; simpl; try intros [= → <-]; auto.
- intros H. now apply IHt2 in H.
- intros H. now apply IHt3 in H.
Lemma trans_decompose_prod_assum {Σ Σ'} ctx t : Σ t →
let (ctx', t') := AstUtils.decompose_prod_assum ctx t in
decompose_prod_assum (trans_local Σ' ctx) (trans Σ' t) =
(trans_local Σ' ctx', trans Σ' t').
intros wft;
induction wft in ctx |- × using WfAst.term_wf_forall_list_ind ; cbn; try intros [= <- <-]; auto.
- apply IHwft0.
- apply IHwft1.
- rewrite mkApps_nonempty //.
now destruct l ⇒ //.
- cbn. destruct TransLookup.lookup_inductive as [[mdecl' idecl']| ]; cbn ⇒ //.
Lemma wf_it_mkProd_or_LetIn Σ Γ t
: Σ (Ast.Env.it_mkProd_or_LetIn Γ t) <~> All (WfAst.wf_decl Σ) Γ × Σ t.
revert t. induction Γ.
- intros t. simpl. split ⇒ //; try split ⇒ //; trivial. now intros [].
- intros t.
destruct a as [na [b|] ty]; simpl in ×. rewrite /Ast.Env.mkProd_or_LetIn /=.
× etransitivity. eapply IHΓ. split; intros [].
depelim w. intuition constructor; auto. split; auto.
depelim a. red in w. simpl in w. split; auto with wf. constructor; intuition auto.
× etransitivity. eapply IHΓ ⇒ /=. split; intros [].
depelim w. simpl in w1. split; [constructor|];auto.
split; simpl; auto.
depelim a. destruct w as [_ wfty]. simpl in wfty.
split; auto. constructor; simpl; auto.
Lemma trans_check_one_fix Σ mfix ind :
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
Swf_fix Σ mfix →
ST.check_one_fix mfix = Some ind →
check_one_fix (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ') mfix) = Some ind.
intros Σ'.
unfold ST.check_one_fix, check_one_fix.
case: mfix ⇒ [na ty arg rarg] /= [wfty wfarg].
generalize (trans_decompose_prod_assum (Σ' := Σ') [] ty wfty) ⇒ /=.
destruct AstUtils.decompose_prod_assum as [ctx p] eqn:dp ⇒ /= // →.
rewrite -(trans_smash_context Σ []) /trans_local.
rewrite -List.map_rev nth_error_map.
destruct nth_error eqn:hnth ⇒ /= //.
destruct AstUtils.decompose_app eqn:da.
destruct t ⇒ //.
have [| l' eq] := (trans_decompose_app (Σ := Σ) _ da).
{ eapply decompose_prod_assum_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in dp.
simpl in dp; subst ty.
eapply wf_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in wfty as [wfctx _].
eapply nth_error_all in hnth; cycle 1.
eapply All_rev.
pose proof (nth_error_Some_length hnth).
rewrite nth_error_rev // List.rev_involutive in hnth.
now apply wf_smash_context. apply hnth. }
destruct c ⇒ /=. rewrite eq /= //.
Lemma All_map_option_out_map_Some_spec {A B} {f g : A → option B} {P : A → Type} {l} :
(∀ x t, P x → f x = Some t → g x = Some t) →
All P l →
∀ t,
map_option_out (map f l) = Some t →
map_option_out (map g l) = Some t.
move ⇒ Hfg Hl. move: Hl.
induction 1; try constructor; auto.
simpl. move⇒ //.
case E: (f x) ⇒ [b|] //.
rewrite (Hfg _ _ p E).
case E' : map_option_out ⇒ [b'|] //.
move⇒ t [= <-]. now rewrite (IHHl _ E').
Lemma map_option_out_check_one_fix {Σ mfix} :
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
All (fun def ⇒ ( Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def))) mfix →
∀ l,
map_option_out (map (fun x ⇒ ST.check_one_fix x) mfix) = Some l →
map_option_out (map (fun x ⇒ check_one_fix (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ') x)) mfix) = Some l.
eapply All_map_option_out_map_Some_spec ⇒ x kn.
apply trans_check_one_fix.
Lemma trans_check_one_cofix Σ mfix ind :
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
Swf_fix Σ mfix →
ST.check_one_cofix mfix = Some ind →
check_one_cofix (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ') mfix) = Some ind.
intros Σ'. unfold ST.check_one_cofix, check_one_cofix.
case: mfix ⇒ [na ty arg rarg] /= [wfty wfarg].
move: (trans_decompose_prod_assum (Σ := Σ) (Σ' := Σ') [] ty wfty) ⇒ /=.
destruct AstUtils.decompose_prod_assum as [ctx p] eqn:dp ⇒ /= // →.
destruct AstUtils.decompose_app eqn:da.
destruct t ⇒ //.
have [| l' ->] := (trans_decompose_app (Σ := Σ) _ da) ⇒ //.
{ eapply decompose_prod_assum_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in dp.
simpl in dp; subst ty.
now eapply wf_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in wfty as [_ wfp]. }
Lemma map_option_out_check_one_cofix {Σ mfix} :
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
All (fun def ⇒ ( Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def))) mfix →
∀ l,
map_option_out (map (fun x ⇒ ST.check_one_cofix x) mfix) = Some l →
map_option_out (map (fun x ⇒ check_one_cofix (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ') x)) mfix) = Some l.
apply All_map_option_out_map_Some_spec ⇒ x kn.
apply trans_check_one_cofix.
Lemma trans_check_rec_kind {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : Σ} {wfΣ' : wf (trans_global_env Σ)} {k f} :
ST.check_recursivity_kind Σ k f = check_recursivity_kind (lookup_env (trans_global_env Σ)) k f.
unfold ST.check_recursivity_kind, check_recursivity_kind.
rewrite trans_lookup.
destruct Ast.Env.lookup_env as [[]|] ⇒ //.
Lemma trans_wf_fixpoint {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : Σ} {mfix} :
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
wf Σ' →
All (fun def ⇒ ( Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def))) mfix →
ST.wf_fixpoint Σ mfix →
wf_fixpoint (trans_global_env Σ) (map (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ')) mfix).
intros Σ' wfΣ'.
unfold ST.wf_fixpoint, wf_fixpoint, wf_fixpoint_gen.
rewrite map_map_compose.
intros wf.
move⇒ /andb_and[] hf ho.
apply/andb_and; split.
{ clear ho. rewrite forallb_map; solve_all.
destruct (dbody x) ⇒ //. }
move: ho.
destruct map_option_out eqn:ma ⇒ //.
rewrite (map_option_out_check_one_fix wf _ ma).
destruct l; auto. now rewrite -trans_check_rec_kind.
Lemma trans_wf_cofixpoint {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : Σ} {mfix} :
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
wf Σ' →
All (fun def ⇒ ( Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def))) mfix →
ST.wf_cofixpoint Σ mfix →
wf_cofixpoint (trans_global_env Σ) (map (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ')) mfix).
intros Σ' wfΣ'.
unfold ST.wf_cofixpoint, wf_cofixpoint, wf_cofixpoint_gen.
rewrite map_map_compose.
intros wf.
destruct map_option_out eqn:ma ⇒ //.
rewrite (map_option_out_check_one_cofix wf _ ma).
destruct l; auto. now rewrite -trans_check_rec_kind.
Lemma trans_global_decl_universes Σ d :
Ast.universes_decl_of_decl d =
universes_decl_of_decl (trans_global_decl Σ d).
destruct d; reflexivity.
Lemma trans_consistent_instance_ext {cf:checker_flags} Σ d u :
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
Ast.consistent_instance_ext Σ (Ast.universes_decl_of_decl d) u →
consistent_instance_ext Σ' (universes_decl_of_decl (trans_global_decl Σ' d)) u.
intros Σ'.
unfold Ast.consistent_instance_ext, consistent_instance_ext.
rewrite global_ext_levels_trans global_ext_constraints_trans.
rewrite (trans_global_decl_universes Σ').
Lemma eq_annots_expand_lets_ctx (Γ : list aname) (Δ Δ' : context) :
eq_annots Γ (expand_lets_ctx Δ Δ') ↔ eq_annots Γ Δ'.
rewrite /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx.
etransitivity. eapply eq_annots_subst_context.
eapply eq_annots_lift_context.
Lemma eq_annots_ind_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl (pctx : list aname) :
eq_annots pctx (ind_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl) →
eq_annots pctx (idecl_binder idecl :: ind_indices idecl).
rewrite /ind_predicate_context.
intros eq. depelim eq; cbn in ×.
constructor ⇒ //.
now eapply eq_annots_expand_lets_ctx.
Lemma eq_annots_cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl (pctx : list aname) :
eq_annots pctx (cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl) →
eq_annots pctx (cstr_args cdecl).
rewrite /cstr_branch_context.
intros eq.
eapply eq_annots_subst_context.
now eapply eq_annots_expand_lets_ctx.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICValidity PCUICContexts PCUICInductives PCUICInductiveInversion.
Lemma isType_mkApps_Ind_inv_spine {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {Γ ind u args} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {mdecl idecl} :
declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl →
isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ind u) args) →
∑ s, PCUICSpine.spine_subst Σ Γ args s (ind_params mdecl ,,, ind_indices idecl)@[u] ×
consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u.
move⇒ isdecl isty.
pose proof (isType_wf_local isty).
destruct isty as [s Hs].
eapply invert_type_mkApps_ind in Hs as [sp cu]; tea.
erewrite ind_arity_eq in sp.
2: eapply PCUICInductives.oib ; eauto.
rewrite !subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in sp.
rewrite -it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app /= in sp.
eapply PCUICSpine.arity_typing_spine in sp as [hle hs [insts sp]]; tea.
∃ insts. split ⇒ //.
now rewrite PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.subst_instance_app_ctx.
Lemma All2_map2_right {A B C} {l : list A} {l' : list B} (f : A → B → C) P :
All2 (fun x y ⇒ P x (f x y)) l l' →
All2 P l (map2 f l l').
induction 1; cbn; constructor; auto.
Lemma All2i_map2_right {A B C} {n} {l : list A} {l' : list B} (f : A → B → C) P :
All2i (fun n x y ⇒ P n x (f x y)) n l l' →
All2i P n l (map2 f l l').
induction 1; cbn; constructor; auto.
Lemma simpl_type_Case {H : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {Γ} {ci : case_info} {p c brs ps mdecl idecl indices} {wfΣ : wf Σ} :
declared_inductive Σ ci mdecl idecl →
ind_npars mdecl = ci_npar ci →
eq_context_upto_names (pcontext p)
(ind_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl) →
let predctx := case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p in
wf_predicate mdecl idecl p →
wf_local Σ (Γ,,, predctx) →
Σ;;; Γ,,, predctx |- preturn p : tSort ps →
is_allowed_elimination Σ (ind_kelim idecl) ps →
Σ;;; Γ |- c : mkApps (tInd ci (puinst p)) (pparams p ++ indices) →
isCoFinite (ind_finite mdecl) = false →
let ptm := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn predctx (preturn p) in
wf_branches idecl brs →
(fun (i : nat) (cdecl : constructor_body) (br : branch term) ⇒
eq_context_upto_names (bcontext br)
(cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl) ×
(let brctxty := case_branch_type ci mdecl idecl p br ptm i cdecl in
Σ;;; Γ,,, brctxty.1 |- bbody br : brctxty.2 ×
Σ;;; Γ,,, brctxty.1 |- brctxty.2 : tSort ps)) 0
(ind_ctors idecl) brs →
Σ;;; Γ |- tCase ci p c brs : mkApps ptm (indices ++ [c]).
assert (hty := validity X2).
eapply isType_mkApps_Ind_inv_spine in hty as [inst [sp cu]]; tea.
eapply type_Case; tea; split ⇒ //.
- now eapply PCUICSpine.spine_subst_ctx_inst.
- solve_all. now eapply typing_wf_local in a0.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICOnFreeVars.
Lemma trans_cumulSpec {cf} {Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext} {wfΣ : Σ} {pb Γ T T'} :
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
wf Σ' →
All (WfAst.wf_decl Σ) Γ → Σ T → Σ T' →
ST.cumul_gen Σ Γ pb T T' →
is_closed_context (trans_local Σ' Γ) →
is_open_term (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans Σ' T) →
is_open_term (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans Σ' T') →
Σ';;; trans_local Σ' Γ ⊢ trans Σ' T ≤s[pb] trans Σ' T'.
intros Σ' wfΣ' wfΓ wfT wfT' cum clΓ clT clT'.
eapply (PCUICConversion.cumulAlgo_cumulSpec _ (pb:=pb)).
eapply PCUICWellScopedCumulativity.into_ws_cumul_pb; eauto with fvs.
eapply trans_cumul_gen; tea.
Local Hint Resolve isType_is_open_term : fvs.
Global Instance wf_trans_env {cf} {Σ : global_env_ext_map} : wf Σ → wf (global_env_ext_map_global_env_map Σ).
Proof. now cbn. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve wf_trans_env : fvs.
Lemma trans_cumulSpec_typed {cf} {Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext} {wfΣ : Σ} {pb Γ T T'} :
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
wf Σ' →
All (WfAst.wf_decl Σ) Γ → Σ T → Σ T' →
ST.cumul_gen Σ Γ pb T T' →
isType Σ' (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans Σ' T) →
isType Σ' (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans Σ' T') →
Σ';;; trans_local Σ' Γ ⊢ trans Σ' T ≤s[pb] trans Σ' T'.
intros Σ' wfΣ' wfΓ wfT wfT' cum ist ist'.
eapply (PCUICConversion.cumulAlgo_cumulSpec _ (pb:=pb)).
eapply PCUICWellScopedCumulativity.into_ws_cumul_pb; eauto with fvs.
eapply trans_cumul_gen; tea.
eapply isType_wf_local in ist; fvs.
Lemma trans_case_branch_type Σ (ci : case_info) mdecl idecl cdecl i p br :
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
let bctx := Ast.case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p in
let p' := Ast.map_predicate id (trans Σ') (trans Σ') p in
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let idecl' := trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl in
let cdecl' := trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl in
let p' := trans_predicate ci mdecl' idecl' p'.(Ast.pparams) p'.(Ast.puinst) p'.(Ast.pcontext) p'.(Ast.preturn) in
let br' := trans_branch ci mdecl' cdecl' br.(Ast.bcontext) (trans Σ' br.(Ast.bbody)) in
let ptm := Ast.Env.it_mkLambda_or_LetIn bctx (Ast.preturn p) in
let ptm' := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (case_predicate_context ci mdecl' idecl' p') (preturn p') in
WfAst.wf_nactx (Ast.pcontext p) (Ast.ind_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl) →
WfAst.wf_nactx (Ast.bcontext br) (Ast.cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl) →
let brctxty := Ast.case_branch_type ci mdecl p ptm i cdecl br in
let brctxty' := case_branch_type ci mdecl' idecl' p' br' ptm' i cdecl' in
brctxty'.1 = trans_local Σ' brctxty.1 ∧
brctxty'.2 = trans Σ' brctxty.2.
× rewrite /brctxty' /= /id.
rewrite (trans_case_branch_context Σ ci mdecl idecl cdecl) //.
× rewrite /brctxty' /brctxty.
rewrite /case_branch_type /case_branch_type_gen /Ast.case_branch_type /Ast.case_branch_type_gen.
cbv beta iota delta [snd].
rewrite trans_mkApps trans_lift. f_equal.
{ rewrite /cdecl'; len. f_equal.
rewrite /ptm' /ptm trans_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn // /p'0 /=. f_equal.
rewrite /bctx.
rewrite [map _ (Ast.case_predicate_context _ _ _ _)](trans_case_predicate_context Σ ci mdecl idecl p) //.
eapply All2_length in X. len in X. }
rewrite map_app /=. f_equal.
{ rewrite !map_map_compose. eapply map_ext ⇒ x.
rewrite trans_subst map_rev; f_equal; len.
rewrite trans_expand_lets_k. f_equal.
rewrite trans_local_subst_instance //.
rewrite trans_subst trans_inds; f_equal.
now rewrite trans_subst_instance. }
rewrite trans_mkApps. f_equal.
rewrite map_app. f_equal.
rewrite !map_map_compose.
apply map_ext ⇒ x. rewrite trans_lift. f_equal; len.
rewrite trans_reln //.
#[local] Hint Unfold lift_judgment : core.
Lemma trans_wf_universe Σ u : S.wf_universe Σ u →
wf_universe (trans_global Σ) u.
unfold S.wf_universe, wf_universe.
now rewrite global_ext_levels_trans.
Local Hint Resolve trans_wf_universe : trans.
Local Hint Transparent Ast.Env.global_env_ext : trans.
Local Hint Transparent Universe.t : trans.
Local Hint Variables Transparent : trans.
Ltac trans := try typeclasses eauto with trans.
Ltac simpl_let :=
match goal with
| [ H : let _ := _ in _ |- _ ] ⇒ progress (cbv zeta in H)
Local Hint Extern 4 ⇒ simpl_let : trans.
Theorem template_to_pcuic {cf} :
ST.env_prop (fun Σ Γ t T ⇒
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
wf Σ' →
typing Σ' (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans Σ' t) (trans Σ' T))
(fun Σ Γ _ ⇒
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
wf Σ' →
wf_local Σ' (trans_local Σ' Γ)).
apply ST.typing_ind_env.
all: intros.
all: try solve [ econstructor; trans ].
- eapply trans_wf_local; eauto.
- rewrite trans_lift.
eapply refine_type. eapply type_Rel; eauto.
unfold trans_local. rewrite nth_error_map. rewrite H. reflexivity.
eapply refine_type; cbn.
× eapply type_App.
2:{ eapply type_Lambda; eauto. eapply type_Rel. econstructor; eauto.
eapply typing_wf_local; eauto. now eexists. reflexivity. }
eapply type_Prod. eauto.
instantiate (1 := s). simpl.
eapply (weakening _ _ [_] _ (tSort _)); eauto.
constructor; eauto. eapply typing_wf_local; eauto.
now eexists.
now eapply X2.
× unfold subst1. rewrite simpl_subst; auto. now rewrite lift0_p.
- cbn. econstructor; trans.
cbn in ×. trans. cbn in *; trans. now apply X3.
- econstructor; eauto with trans.
- econstructor; eauto with trans.
cbn; eapply type_mkApps; eauto.
specialize (X0 X2).
eapply typing_wf in X; eauto. destruct X.
eapply PCUICValidity.validity in X0.
clear H H0.
induction X1.
× econstructor; eauto. reflexivity.
× simpl in p.
destruct (TypingWf.typing_wf _ wfΣ _ _ _ typrod) as [wfAB _].
econstructor; eauto.
+ ∃ s; eauto.
+ rewrite -/Σ'.
change (tProd na (trans Σ' A) (trans _ B)) with (trans Σ' (Ast.tProd na A B)).
eapply trans_cumulSpec_typed; tea.
eapply TypingWf.typing_all_wf_decl; eauto.
∃ s; eauto.
+ eapply typing_wf in ty; eauto. destruct ty as [wfhd _].
rewrite trans_subst in IHX1; eauto with wf.
eapply IHX1; cycle 1.
2:apply WfAst.wf_subst; try constructor; auto. 2:now inv wfAB.
specialize (p X2). specialize (p0 X2).
eapply PCUICInversion.inversion_Prod in p as [s1 [s2 [HA [HB Hs]]]]; auto.
eapply (PCUICArities.isType_subst (Δ := [vass na (trans Σ' A)])); eauto.
eapply subslet_ass_tip. eauto with pcuic.
now ∃ s2.
- cbn; rewrite trans_subst_instance.
pose proof (forall_decls_declared_constant _ _ _ _ _ H).
rewrite -/Σ'.
replace (trans _ (Ast.Env.cst_type decl)) with
(cst_type (trans_constant_body Σ' decl)) by (destruct decl; reflexivity).
econstructor; eauto with trans.
now apply (trans_consistent_instance_ext Σ (Ast.Env.ConstantDecl decl)).
- rewrite trans_subst_instance.
pose proof (forall_decls_declared_inductive _ _ _ _ _ _ isdecl).
rewrite -/Σ'.
replace (trans _ (Ast.Env.ind_type idecl)) with
(ind_type (trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl)) by (destruct idecl; reflexivity).
eapply type_Ind; eauto.
now apply (trans_consistent_instance_ext Σ (Ast.Env.InductiveDecl mdecl)).
- pose proof (forall_decls_declared_constructor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ isdecl).
unfold ST.type_of_constructor in ×.
rewrite trans_subst.
rewrite trans_subst_instance.
rewrite trans_inds. simpl.
eapply refine_type. econstructor; eauto with trans.
now apply (trans_consistent_instance_ext Σ (Ast.Env.InductiveDecl mdecl)).
- cbn; rewrite trans_mkApps; auto with wf trans.
pose proof (forall_decls_declared_inductive _ _ _ _ _ _ isdecl).
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive.
rewrite (declared_inductive_lookup _ H4).
rewrite trans_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn.
rewrite -/(trans_local Σ' (Ast.case_predicate_context _ _ _ _)).
have lenpctx : #|Ast.pcontext p| = S #|Ast.Env.ind_indices idecl|.
{ eapply All2_length in X1; len in X1. }
rewrite (trans_case_predicate_context Σ) //.
rewrite map_app.
specialize (X6 X8).
specialize (X4 X8).
set (p' := trans_predicate _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
eapply (simpl_type_Case (p:=p') (ps:=ps)) ⇒ //.
+ cbn. rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
eapply eq_binder_annots_eq.
now eapply trans_ind_predicate_context.
+ cbn. split. cbn.
{ epose proof (declared_minductive_ind_npars (proj1 H4)).
cbn in H4. len. rewrite -H0.
now rewrite context_assumptions_map in H5. }
cbn. rewrite map2_map2_bias_left.
{ rewrite PCUICCases.ind_predicate_context_length; len. }
rewrite map_map2 /= map2_cst.
rewrite PCUICCases.ind_predicate_context_length; len.
eapply (trans_ind_predicate_context Σ) in X1.
eapply (eq_annots_ind_predicate_context ci).
eapply All2_Forall2 ⇒ //. exact X1.
+ clear X7.
rewrite trans_local_app in X4.
rewrite /predctx in X4.
rewrite trans_case_predicate_context in X4 ⇒ //.
+ clear X7. cbn [preturn trans_predicate].
specialize (X3 X8).
rewrite trans_local_app in X3.
rewrite /predctx in X3.
rewrite trans_case_predicate_context in X3 ⇒ //.
+ now rewrite global_ext_constraints_trans.
+ cbn. clear X7.
now rewrite trans_mkApps map_app in X6.
+ red. eapply All2_Forall2.
eapply All2_map2_right.
eapply All2_map.
eapply All2i_All2; tea.
cbv beta. intros i cdecl br.
set (brctxty := Ast.case_branch_type _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
move⇒ [] [] eqann [] Hbod IHbod [] Hty IHty.
unfold wf_branch, wf_branch_gen.
cbn [bcontext trans_branch].
have lenctx : #|Ast.bcontext br| = #|Ast.Env.cstr_args cdecl|.
{ eapply All2_length in eqann; now len in eqann. }
rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
rewrite /forget_types map_map2 map2_cst; len.
eapply eq_annots_cstr_branch_context.
eapply All2_Forall2. eapply trans_cstr_branch_context_alpha; tea.
+ eapply All2i_map2_right. eapply All2i_map.
eapply All2i_impl; tea.
cbv beta. intros i cdecl br.
set (brctxty := Ast.case_branch_type _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
move⇒ [] [] eqann [] Hbod IHbod [] Hty IHty.
have lenctx : #|Ast.bcontext br| = #|Ast.Env.cstr_args cdecl|.
{ eapply All2_length in eqann; now len in eqann. }
{ cbn [bcontext trans_branch].
rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
eapply eq_binder_annots_eq.
eapply trans_cstr_branch_context_alpha; tea. }
intros brctxty'.
destruct (trans_case_branch_type Σ
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils EnvMap.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Ast TypingWf WfAst TermEquality.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICAstUtils PCUICCumulativity
PCUICLiftSubst PCUICEquality PCUICReduction
PCUICUnivSubst PCUICTyping PCUICGlobalEnv TemplateToPCUIC
PCUICWeakeningConv PCUICWeakeningTyp PCUICWeakeningEnv
PCUICSubstitution PCUICGeneration PCUICCasesContexts
From Equations.Prop Require Import DepElim.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Implicit Types (cf : checker_flags).
Set Default Proof Using "Type*".
Coercion Ast.Env.fst_ctx : Ast.Env.global_env_ext >-> Ast.Env.global_env.
Definition lengths :=
@Ast.Env.context_assumptions_subst_instance, @Ast.Env.context_assumptions_lift_context,
@Ast.Env.expand_lets_ctx_length, @Ast.Env.subst_context_length,
@Ast.inds_length, @Ast.Env.lift_context_length,
@app_length, @List.rev_length, @Ast.Env.extended_subst_length, @reln_length,
Nat.add_0_r, @app_nil_r,
@map_length, @mapi_length, @mapi_rec_length,
@fold_context_k_length, @Typing.cofix_subst_length, @Typing.fix_subst_length,
@Ast.Env.smash_context_length, @Ast.Env.arities_context_length).
Definition plengths :=
@context_assumptions_subst_instance, @context_assumptions_lift_context,
@expand_lets_ctx_length, @subst_context_length,
@subst_instance_length, @expand_lets_k_ctx_length, @inds_length, @lift_context_length,
@app_length, @List.rev_length, @extended_subst_length, @reln_length,
Nat.add_0_r, @app_nil_r,
@map_length, @mapi_length, @mapi_rec_length,
@fold_context_k_length, @cofix_subst_length, @fix_subst_length,
@smash_context_length, @context_assumptions_smash_context,
Lemma ind_predicate_context_length ind mdecl idecl :
#|Ast.ind_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl| = S #|idecl.(Ast.Env.ind_indices)|.
rewrite /Ast.ind_predicate_context /=. now len.
Definition pclengths :=
Ltac len ::=
repeat (rewrite !lengths /= // || rewrite !plengths /= // || rewrite !pclengths /= //);
try lia.
Tactic Notation "len" "in" hyp(id) :=
repeat (rewrite !lengths /= // in id || rewrite !plengths /= // in id ||
rewrite !pclengths /= // in id);
try lia.
Module S := Template.Ast.
Module SEq := Template.TermEquality.
Module ST := Template.Typing.
Module SL := Template.LiftSubst.
Lemma wf_fresh_globals {cf : checker_flags} (Σ : global_env) : wf Σ → EnvMap.fresh_globals Σ.(declarations).
destruct Σ as [univs Σ]; cbn.
move⇒ [] onu; cbn. induction 1; constructor; auto.
Lemma of_global_env_cons {cf:checker_flags} d g : EnvMap.fresh_globals (add_global_decl g d).(declarations) →
EnvMap.of_global_env (add_global_decl g d).(declarations) = EnvMap.add d.1 d.2 (EnvMap.of_global_env g.(declarations)).
unfold EnvMap.of_global_env. simpl. unfold KernameMapFact.uncurry.
Lemma trans_lookup_minductive {cf} {Σ : global_env_map} mind : wf Σ →
TransLookup.lookup_minductive Σ mind = PCUICAst.lookup_minductive Σ mind.
intros wf.
unfold TransLookup.lookup_minductive.
rewrite (EnvMap .lookup_spec Σ.(declarations)) //.
now eapply wf_fresh_globals. apply Σ.
Lemma trans_lookup_inductive {cf} {Σ : global_env_map} mind : wf Σ →
TransLookup.lookup_inductive Σ mind = PCUICAst.lookup_inductive Σ mind.
intros wf.
unfold TransLookup.lookup_inductive, lookup_inductive.
rewrite trans_lookup_minductive //.
Lemma mkApps_morphism (f : term → term) u v :
(∀ x y, f (tApp x y) = tApp (f x) (f y)) →
f (mkApps u v) = mkApps (f u) ( f v).
intros H.
revert u; induction v; simpl; trivial.
now rewrite IHv H.
Ltac solve_list :=
rewrite !map_map_compose ?compose_on_snd ?compose_map_def;
try rewrite !map_length;
try solve_all; try typeclasses eauto with core.
Lemma mkApps_app f l l' : mkApps f (l ++ l') = mkApps (mkApps f l) l'.
revert f l'; induction l; simpl; trivial.
Ltac maps := rewrite_strat (topdown (old_hints map)).
Ltac lengths := rewrite_strat (topdown (hints len)).
Lemma destArity_mkApps ctx t l : l ≠ [] → destArity ctx (mkApps t l) = None.
destruct l as [|a l]. congruence.
intros _. simpl.
revert t a; induction l; intros; simpl; try congruence.
Lemma trans_global_decls_app {Σ : global_env_map} (Σ' Σ'' : Ast.Env.global_declarations) :
trans_global_decls Σ (Σ' ++ Σ'') =
trans_global_decls (trans_global_decls Σ Σ'') Σ'.
rewrite /trans_global_decls.
now rewrite fold_right_app.
Lemma incl_cs_refl cs : cs ⊂_cs cs.
split; [lsets|csets].
Lemma extends_trans_global_decls_acc (Σ' : global_env_map) (Σ : Ast.Env.global_declarations) :
extends Σ' (trans_global_decls Σ' Σ).
induction Σ.
× split; cbn. apply incl_cs_refl. now ∃ [].
× rewrite /=.
destruct IHΣ as [univs [Σ'' eq]]. cbn in ×.
split; cbn; auto.
eexists (_ :: Σ'').
rewrite -app_comm_cons. now f_equal.
Definition wf_global_decl {cf} (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) kn decl :=
Typing.on_global_decl Typing.cumul_gen (fun (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) ⇒ WfAst.wf_decl_pred Σ) Σ kn decl.
Lemma trans_lookup_env {cf} {Σ : Ast.Env.global_env} cst {wfΣ : Σ} :
match Ast.Env.lookup_env Σ cst with
| None ⇒ lookup_env (trans_global_env Σ) cst = None
| Some d ⇒
∑ Σ' : Ast.Env.global_env,
[× Ast.Env.extends_decls Σ' Σ, Σ',
wf_global_decl (Σ', Ast.universes_decl_of_decl d) cst d,
extends_decls (trans_global_env Σ') (trans_global_env Σ) &
lookup_env (trans_global_env Σ) cst = Some (trans_global_decl (trans_global_env Σ') d)]
destruct Σ as [univs Σ].
induction Σ.
- cbn; auto.
- unfold Ast.Env.lookup_env. cbn -[trans_global_env].
destruct eq_kername eqn:eqk.
change (eq_kername cst a.1) with (eqb cst a.1) in eqk.
apply eqb_eq in eqk; subst.
eexists {| S.Env.universes := univs; S.Env.declarations := Σ |}.
× split ⇒ //. now ∃ [a].
× destruct wfΣ as [onu ond]. depelim ond.
split ⇒ //.
× eapply TypingWf.typing_wf_sigma in wfΣ.
destruct wfΣ as [onu ond]. now depelim ond.
× split ⇒ //.
now ∃ [(a.1, trans_global_decl (trans_global_env {| S.Env.universes := univs; S.Env.declarations := Σ |}) a.2)].
× cbn. now rewrite eq_kername_refl.
× destruct wfΣ as [onu ond]. depelim ond.
specialize (IHΣ (onu, ond)).
unfold Ast.Env.lookup_env in IHΣ. cbn [Ast.Env.declarations] in IHΣ.
destruct (Ast.Env.lookup_global Σ cst) eqn:h.
destruct IHΣ as [Σ' [ext wf ext' hl]].
∃ Σ'. split ⇒ //.
destruct ext as [equ [? eq]].
split ⇒ //. ∃ ((kn, d) :: x). cbn.
cbn in eq. now rewrite eq.
destruct hl as [equ' [? eq']].
split ⇒ //.
rewrite /trans_global_env /= /on_snd /=.
eexists ((kn, _) :: x).
cbn. rewrite -eq'. reflexivity.
cbn. rewrite eqk /=. apply e.
cbn. now rewrite eqk.
Lemma cs_subset_trans cs cs' cs'' :
cs ⊂_cs cs' → cs' ⊂_cs cs'' → cs ⊂_cs cs''.
intros [] []; split; [lsets|csets].
Lemma extends_trans {Σ Σ' Σ'' : global_env} : extends Σ Σ' → extends Σ' Σ'' → extends Σ Σ''.
intros [u [s eq]] [u' [s' eq']]; subst.
- eapply cs_subset_trans; tea.
- eexists (s' ++ s); cbn. rewrite eq' eq. now rewrite app_assoc.
Lemma trans_weakening {cf} Σ {Σ' : global_env_map} t : Σ → extends_decls (trans_global_env Σ) Σ' → wf Σ' → Σ t →
trans (trans_global_env Σ) t = trans Σ' t.
intros wfΣ ext wfΣ' wft.
induction wft using WfAst.term_wf_forall_list_ind; cbn; auto; try solve [f_equal; solve_all].
rewrite !trans_lookup_inductive.
unshelve epose proof (trans_lookup_inductive (Σ := trans_global_env Σ) ci _); tc.
eapply extends_decls_wf; tea. rewrite {}H2.
destruct H as [H hnth]. red in H.
generalize (trans_lookup_env (inductive_mind ci)).
move: H.
rewrite /lookup_inductive /lookup_minductive. intros →.
intros [Σ'' [ext' wfΣ'' _ ext'' hl]].
rewrite hl ⇒ /= //. cbn.
rewrite nth_error_map hnth /=.
rewrite (extends_lookup _ _ _ _ wfΣ' (extends_decls_extends _ _ ext) hl) /=.
rewrite nth_error_map hnth /=.
red in X0.
f_equal ⇒ //. rewrite /id. unfold trans_predicate. f_equal; solve_all.
f_equal. solve_all.
Lemma trans_decl_weakening {cf} Σ {Σ' : global_env_map} t : Σ → extends_decls (trans_global_env Σ) Σ' → wf Σ' →
WfAst.wf_decl Σ t →
trans_decl (trans_global_env Σ) t = trans_decl Σ' t.
intros wfΣ ext wfΣ' wft.
rewrite /trans_decl; destruct t as [na [b|] ty] ⇒ /=; f_equal;
rewrite trans_weakening ⇒ //; apply wft.
Lemma trans_local_length {Σ : global_env_map} Γ : #|trans_local Σ Γ| = #|Γ|.
Proof. now rewrite map_length. Qed.
Hint Rewrite @trans_local_length : len.
Lemma trans_local_weakening {cf} Σ {Σ' : global_env_map} t : Σ → extends_decls (trans_global_env Σ) Σ' → wf Σ' →
All (WfAst.wf_decl Σ) t →
trans_local (trans_global_env Σ) t = trans_local Σ' t.
intros wfΣ ext wfΣ' a.
induction a; cbn; auto.
f_equal. 2:apply IHa.
rewrite /trans_decl; destruct x as [na [b|] ty] ⇒ /=; f_equal;
rewrite trans_weakening ⇒ //; apply p.
Lemma trans_ind_body_weakening {cf} Σ {Σ' : global_env_map} b : Σ → extends_decls (trans_global_env Σ) Σ' → wf Σ' →
TypingWf.wf_inductive_body Σ b →
trans_one_ind_body (trans_global_env Σ) b = trans_one_ind_body Σ' b.
intros wfΣ ext wfΣ' H.
destruct H. rewrite /trans_one_ind_body; destruct b; cbn in ×.
f_equal; solve_all.
- rewrite trans_decl_weakening //.
- rewrite trans_weakening //.
- unfold trans_constructor_body; destruct x; cbn in *; f_equal.
× rewrite [map _ _]trans_local_weakening //.
× solve_all. rewrite trans_weakening //.
× rewrite trans_weakening //.
- destruct x. unfold trans_projection_body; cbn. f_equal.
rewrite trans_weakening //.
Lemma trans_global_decl_weaken {cf} (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) {Σ' : global_env_map} kn d : Σ → extends_decls (trans_global_env Σ) Σ' → wf Σ' →
wf_global_decl Σ kn d →
trans_global_decl (trans_global_env Σ) d = trans_global_decl Σ' d.
destruct d; cbn; f_equal.
- rewrite /trans_constant_body /=.
do 3 red in X2.
destruct (Ast.Env.cst_body c) ⇒ /=. cbn.
erewrite trans_weakening; tea. reflexivity. apply X2.
erewrite trans_weakening; tea. reflexivity. apply X2.
erewrite trans_weakening; tea. reflexivity. apply X2.
- rewrite /trans_minductive_body. f_equal.
× erewrite trans_local_weakening; trea.
eapply TypingWf.on_global_inductive_wf_params in X2. solve_all.
× eapply TypingWf.on_global_inductive_wf_bodies in X2. solve_all.
rewrite trans_ind_body_weakening //.
Import TypingWf.
Lemma weaken_wf_decl_pred {cf} (Σ Σ' : Ast.Env.global_env) Γ t T : Σ → Ast.Env.extends_decls Σ Σ' → Σ' →
WfAst.wf_decl_pred Σ Γ t T → WfAst.wf_decl_pred Σ' Γ t T.
intros wf ext wf' ong.
red in ong |- ×.
destruct T; intuition eauto using wf_extends.
Lemma trans_lookup {cf} Σ cst : Σ →
wf (trans_global_env Σ) →
lookup_env (trans_global_env Σ) cst =
option_map (trans_global_decl (trans_global_env Σ)) (Ast.Env.lookup_env Σ cst).
intros wf wf'.
generalize (trans_lookup_env cst).
destruct Ast.Env.lookup_env eqn:heq ⇒ //.
intros [Σ' [ext wfΣ' wfdecl ext' hl]].
rewrite hl. cbn. f_equal.
eapply (trans_global_decl_weaken (Σ', Ast.universes_decl_of_decl g)); tea.
Section Translation.
Context (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env).
Notation trans := (trans (trans_global_env Σ)).
Notation trans_decl := (trans_decl (trans_global_env Σ)).
Notation trans_local := (trans_local (trans_global_env Σ)).
Ltac dest_lookup :=
destruct TransLookup.lookup_inductive as [[mdecl idecl]|].
Lemma map_map2 {A B C D} (f : A → B) (g : C → D → A) l l' :
map f (map2 g l l') = map2 (fun x y ⇒ f (g x y)) l l'.
induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; simpl; auto. f_equal.
apply IHl.
Lemma trans_lift n k t :
trans (Template.Ast.lift n k t) = lift n k (trans t).
revert k. induction t using Template.Induction.term_forall_list_ind; simpl; intros; try congruence.
- f_equal. rewrite !map_map_compose. solve_all.
- rewrite lift_mkApps IHt map_map.
f_equal. rewrite map_map; solve_all.
- destruct X; red in X0.
dest_lookup. simpl.
× f_equal; auto.
unfold trans_predicate, map_predicate_k; cbn.
f_equal; auto. solve_list.
+ rewrite e. f_equal.
now rewrite map2_bias_left_length.
+ rewrite !map_map_compose.
rewrite map_map2 !PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r.
clear -X0. cbn.
generalize (ind_ctors idecl).
induction X0; simpl; auto. destruct l; reflexivity.
intros l0; destruct l0; try reflexivity.
cbn. rewrite IHX0. f_equal.
rewrite /trans_branch /= p // /map_branch /map_branch_k /= /id. f_equal.
now rewrite map2_bias_left_length.
× simpl. rewrite /id /map_predicate_k /=. f_equal; eauto.
f_equal; auto. rewrite !map_map_compose. solve_all.
rewrite e. now rewrite map_length.
- f_equal; auto. maps. solve_all.
- f_equal; auto; solve_all.
Lemma trans_mkApp u a : trans (Template.Ast.mkApp u a) = tApp (trans u) (trans a).
induction u; simpl; try reflexivity.
rewrite map_app.
replace (tApp (mkApps (trans u) (map trans args)) (trans a))
with (mkApps (mkApps (trans u) (map trans args)) [trans a]) by reflexivity.
rewrite mkApps_app. reflexivity.
Lemma trans_mkApps u v :
trans (Template.Ast.mkApps u v) = mkApps (trans u) ( trans v).
revert u; induction v.
simpl; trivial.
rewrite <- Template.AstUtils.mkApps_mkApp; auto.
rewrite IHv. simpl. f_equal.
apply trans_mkApp.
Lemma trans_subst t k u :
trans (Template.Ast.subst t k u) = subst (map trans t) k (trans u).
revert k. induction u using Template.Induction.term_forall_list_ind; simpl; intros; try congruence.
- repeat nth_leb_simpl; auto.
rewrite trans_lift.
rewrite nth_error_map in e0. rewrite e in e0.
injection e0. congruence.
- f_equal; solve_list.
- rewrite subst_mkApps. rewrite <- IHu.
rewrite trans_mkApps. f_equal.
- destruct X; red in X0.
dest_lookup; cbn; f_equal; auto; solve_list.
unfold trans_predicate, map_predicate_k; cbn.
f_equal; auto. solve_list.
+ rewrite e. f_equal.
now rewrite map2_bias_left_length.
+ rewrite map_map2 !PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r.
clear -X0. cbn.
generalize (ind_ctors idecl).
induction X0; simpl; auto. destruct l; reflexivity.
intros l0; destruct l0; try reflexivity.
cbn. rewrite IHX0. f_equal.
rewrite /trans_branch /= p // /map_branch /map_branch_k /= /id. f_equal.
now rewrite map2_bias_left_length.
+ unfold subst_predicate, id ⇒ /=.
f_equal; auto; solve_all.
- f_equal; auto; solve_list.
- f_equal; auto; solve_list.
Notation Tterm := Template.Ast.term.
Notation Tcontext := Template.Ast.Env.context.
Lemma All_map2 {A B C} P (l : list A) (l' : list B) (f g : A → B → C) :
All P l' →
(∀ x y, P y → f x y = g x y) →
map2 f l l' = map2 g l l'.
induction 1 in l |- × ⇒ Hfg /=; destruct l ⇒ //.
cbn. rewrite IHX //. f_equal.
now apply Hfg.
Lemma trans_subst_instance u t : trans (subst_instance u t) = subst_instance u (trans t).
rewrite /subst_instance /=.
induction t using Template.Induction.term_forall_list_ind; simpl; try congruence.
{ f_equal. rewrite !map_map_compose. solve_all. }
{ rewrite IHt. rewrite map_map_compose.
rewrite mkApps_morphism; auto. f_equal.
rewrite !map_map_compose. solve_all. }
2-3:f_equal; auto; unfold BasicAst.tFixProp, Ast.tCaseBrsProp in *;
repeat toAll; solve_list.
destruct X; red in X0.
dest_lookup; cbn; f_equal; auto; solve_list.
- rewrite /trans_predicate /= /map_predicate /=.
f_equal; solve_all.
- rewrite PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r. cbn.
rewrite map_map2 PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r.
eapply All_map2; tea; cbn ⇒ cdecl br.
rewrite /map_branch /trans_branch /= /id.
now intros; f_equal.
- rewrite /id /map_predicate /=. f_equal; solve_all.
Lemma trans_destArity {cf} {wfΣ : Σ} ctx t : Σ t →
wf (trans_global_env Σ) →
match Ast.destArity ctx t with
| Some (args, s) ⇒
destArity (trans_local ctx) (trans t) =
Some (trans_local args, s)
| None ⇒ destArity (trans_local ctx) (trans t) = None
intros wf wf'; revert ctx.
induction wf using WfAst.term_wf_forall_list_ind; intros ctx; simpl; trivial.
apply (IHwf0 (Ast.Env.vass n t :: ctx)).
apply (IHwf1 (Ast.Env.vdef n t t0 :: ctx)).
destruct l. congruence.
now apply destArity_mkApps.
destruct H as []. red in H.
epose proof (trans_lookup Σ (inductive_mind ci.(ci_ind)) wfΣ wf').
destruct TransLookup.lookup_inductive as [[mdecl' idecl']|] eqn:hl ⇒ //.
Lemma Alli_map_option_out_mapi_Some_spec {A B B'} (f : nat → A → option B) (g' : B → B')
(g : nat → A → option B') P l t :
Alli P 0 l →
(∀ i x t, P i x → f i x = Some t → g i x = Some (g' t)) →
map_option_out (mapi f l) = Some t →
map_option_out (mapi g l) = Some (map g' t).
unfold mapi. generalize 0.
move ⇒ n Hl Hfg. move: n Hl t.
induction 1; try constructor; auto.
simpl. move⇒ t [= <-] //.
move⇒ /=.
case E: (f n hd) ⇒ [b|]; try congruence.
rewrite (Hfg n _ _ p E).
case E' : map_option_out ⇒ [b'|]; try congruence.
move⇒ t [= <-]. now rewrite (IHHl _ E').
Lemma All2_map_option_out_mapi_Some_spec :
∀ {A B B' S} (f : nat → A → option B) (g' : B → B')
(g : nat → A → option B') P l (ls : list S) t,
All2 P l ls →
(∀ i x t s, P x s → f i x = Some t → g i x = Some (g' t)) →
map_option_out (mapi f l) = Some t →
map_option_out (mapi g l) = Some (map g' t).
intros A B B' S f g' g P l ls t.
unfold mapi. generalize 0.
intros n hall h e.
induction hall in t, n, h, e |- ×.
- simpl in ×. apply some_inj in e. subst. reflexivity.
- simpl in ×.
destruct (f n x) eqn:e'. 2: discriminate.
eapply h in e' as h'. 2: eassumption.
rewrite h'.
match type of e with
| context [ map_option_out ?t ] ⇒
destruct (map_option_out t) eqn:e''
end. 2: discriminate.
eapply IHhall in e'' as h''. 2: assumption.
rewrite h''. apply some_inj in e. subst.
simpl. reflexivity.
Definition on_pair {A B C D} (f : A → B) (g : C → D) (x : A × C) :=
(f (fst x), g (snd x)).
Lemma trans_inds kn u bodies : map trans (Ast.inds kn u bodies) =
inds kn u (map (trans_one_ind_body (trans_global_env Σ)) bodies).
unfold inds, Ast.inds. rewrite map_length.
induction bodies. simpl. reflexivity. simpl; f_equal. auto.
Lemma trans_it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx t :
trans (Ast.Env.it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx t) =
it_mkProd_or_LetIn (map trans_decl ctx) (trans t).
induction ctx in t |- *; simpl; auto.
destruct a as [na [body|] ty]; simpl; auto.
now rewrite IHctx.
now rewrite IHctx.
Lemma trans_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn ctx t :
trans (Ast.Env.it_mkLambda_or_LetIn ctx t) =
it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (map trans_decl ctx) (trans t).
induction ctx in t |- *; simpl; auto.
destruct a as [na [body|] ty]; simpl; auto.
now rewrite IHctx.
now rewrite IHctx.
Lemma trans_local_subst_instance u (Γ : Ast.Env.context) :
trans_local (subst_instance u Γ) = subst_instance u (trans_local Γ).
rewrite /subst_instance /=.
induction Γ as [| [na [b|] A] Γ ih ] in u |- ×.
- reflexivity.
- simpl. f_equal. 2: eapply ih.
unfold map_decl, trans_decl. simpl.
rewrite 2!trans_subst_instance.
- simpl. f_equal. 2: eapply ih.
unfold map_decl, trans_decl. simpl.
rewrite trans_subst_instance.
Lemma decompose_prod_assum_mkApps_nonnil ctx f args :
args ≠ [] →
decompose_prod_assum ctx (mkApps f args) = (ctx, mkApps f args).
induction args ⇒ //.
rewrite mkApps_nonempty //.
Notation trΣ := (trans_global_env Σ).
Lemma trans_ind_params mdecl : trans_local (Ast.Env.ind_params mdecl) = ind_params (trans_minductive_body trΣ mdecl).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma trans_ind_bodies mdecl : map (trans_one_ind_body trΣ) (Ast.Env.ind_bodies mdecl) =
ind_bodies (trans_minductive_body (trans_global_env Σ) mdecl).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma trans_ind_bodies_length mdecl : #|Ast.Env.ind_bodies mdecl| = #|ind_bodies (trans_minductive_body trΣ mdecl)|.
Proof. simpl. now rewrite map_length. Qed.
Lemma trans_ind_params_length mdecl : #|Ast.Env.ind_params mdecl| = #|ind_params (trans_minductive_body trΣ mdecl)|.
Proof. simpl. now rewrite map_length. Qed.
Lemma trans_ind_npars mdecl : Ast.Env.ind_npars mdecl = ind_npars (trans_minductive_body trΣ mdecl).
Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma trans_reln l p Γ : map trans (Ast.Env.reln l p Γ) =
reln (map trans l) p (trans_local Γ).
induction Γ as [|[na [b|] ty] Γ] in l, p |- *; simpl; auto.
now rewrite IHΓ.
Lemma trans_to_extended_list Γ n : map trans (Ast.Env.to_extended_list_k Γ n) = to_extended_list_k (trans_local Γ) n.
now rewrite /to_extended_list_k trans_reln.
Lemma context_assumptions_map ctx : context_assumptions (map trans_decl ctx) = Ast.Env.context_assumptions ctx.
induction ctx as [|[na [b|] ty] ctx]; simpl; auto; lia.
Hint Resolve Template.TypingWf.typing_wf : wf.
Lemma mkApps_trans_wf U l : Σ (Template.Ast.tApp U l) → ∃ U' V', trans (Template.Ast.tApp U l) = tApp U' V'.
simpl. induction l using rev_ind. intros. inv X. congruence.
intros. rewrite map_app. simpl. ∃ (mkApps (trans U) (map trans l)), (trans x).
clear. revert U x ; induction l. simpl. reflexivity.
simpl. intros.
rewrite mkApps_app. simpl. reflexivity.
Derive Signature for SEq.eq_term_upto_univ_napp.
End Translation.
Section Trans_Global.
Context {cf : checker_flags}.
Context (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env).
Notation Σ' := (trans_global_env Σ).
Context (wfΣ : Σ).
Context (wfΣ' : wf Σ').
Lemma forall_decls_declared_constant cst decl :
Ast.declared_constant Σ cst decl →
declared_constant Σ' cst (trans_constant_body Σ' decl).
unfold declared_constant, Ast.declared_constant.
now rewrite trans_lookup ⇒ → /=.
Lemma forall_decls_declared_minductive cst decl :
Ast.declared_minductive Σ cst decl →
declared_minductive (trans_global_env Σ) cst (trans_minductive_body Σ' decl).
unfold declared_minductive, Ast.declared_minductive.
now rewrite trans_lookup ⇒ → /=.
Lemma forall_decls_declared_inductive ind mdecl idecl :
Ast.declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl →
declared_inductive Σ' ind (trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl) (trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl).
unfold declared_inductive, Ast.declared_inductive.
move⇒ [decl' Hnth].
pose proof (forall_decls_declared_minductive _ _ decl').
eexists. eauto.
now rewrite nth_error_map Hnth.
Lemma forall_decls_declared_constructor cst mdecl idecl cdecl :
Ast.declared_constructor Σ cst mdecl idecl cdecl →
declared_constructor Σ' cst (trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl) (trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl)
(trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl).
unfold declared_constructor, Ast.declared_constructor.
move⇒ [decl' Hnth].
pose proof (forall_decls_declared_inductive _ _ _ decl'). split; auto.
by rewrite nth_error_map Hnth.
Lemma forall_decls_declared_projection cst mdecl idecl cdecl pdecl :
Ast.declared_projection Σ cst mdecl idecl cdecl pdecl →
declared_projection (trans_global_env Σ) cst (trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl) (trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl)
(trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl) (trans_projection_body Σ' pdecl).
unfold declared_constructor, Ast.declared_constructor.
move⇒ [decl' [Hnth Hnpar]].
pose proof (forall_decls_declared_constructor _ _ _ _ decl'). split; auto.
by rewrite nth_error_map Hnth.
End Trans_Global.
Lemma on_global_env_impl `{checker_flags} {Σ : Ast.Env.global_env} P Q :
(∀ (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) Γ t T, ST.on_global_env Typing.cumul_gen P Σ → P Σ Γ t T → Q Σ Γ t T) →
ST.on_global_env Typing.cumul_gen P Σ → ST.on_global_env Typing.cumul_gen Q Σ.
apply on_global_env_impl.
Lemma typing_wf_wf {cf}:
∀ (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env), Σ →
(fun (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) (_ : Ast.Env.context) (t T : Ast.term) ⇒ Σ t × Σ T) Σ.
intros Σ.
eapply on_global_env_impl. clear.
intros Σ' Γ t T ? HT.
apply ST.lift_typing_impl with (1 := HT); intros ? Hs.
now eapply typing_wf.
Lemma declared_inductive_inj {Σ mdecl mdecl' ind idecl idecl'} :
Ast.declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl' idecl' →
Ast.declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl →
mdecl = mdecl' ∧ idecl = idecl'.
intros [] []. unfold Ast.declared_minductive in ×.
rewrite H in H1. inversion H1. subst. rewrite H2 in H0. inversion H0. eauto.
Lemma lookup_inductive_None Σ ind : lookup_inductive Σ ind = None →
¬ (∃ mdecl idecl, declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl).
intros hl [mdecl [idecl [decli hnth]]].
unfold declared_inductive, declared_minductive in decli.
unfold lookup_inductive, lookup_minductive in hl.
destruct lookup_env eqn:heq. noconf decli. cbn in hl.
destruct nth_error; congruence. congruence.
Section Trans_Global.
Context {cf : checker_flags}.
Context (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env).
Notation Σ' := (trans_global_env Σ).
Context (wfΣ : Σ).
Context (wfΣ' : wf Σ').
Lemma trans_R_global_instance {Re Rle gref napp u u'} :
SEq.R_global_instance Σ Re Rle gref napp u u' →
R_global_instance (trans_global_env Σ) Re Rle gref napp u u'.
unfold SEq.R_global_instance, SEq.global_variance.
destruct gref; simpl; auto.
- unfold R_global_instance, R_opt_variance; cbn.
unfold lookup_inductive, lookup_minductive.
unfold SEq.lookup_inductive, SEq.lookup_minductive.
rewrite trans_lookup. destruct Ast.Env.lookup_env eqn:look ⇒ //; simpl.
destruct g ⇒ /= //.
rewrite nth_error_map.
destruct nth_error eqn:hnth ⇒ /= //.
assert (wfty : Σ (Ast.Env.ind_type o)).
{ eapply declared_inductive_wf; eauto. eapply typing_wf_sigma; eauto. split; eauto. }
generalize (trans_destArity Σ [] (Ast.Env.ind_type o) wfty wfΣ').
destruct Ast.destArity as [[ctx ps]|] eqn:eq' ⇒ /= // → //.
now rewrite context_assumptions_map.
- unfold R_global_instance, R_opt_variance; cbn.
unfold lookup_constructor, lookup_inductive, lookup_minductive.
unfold SEq.lookup_constructor, SEq.lookup_inductive, SEq.lookup_minductive.
rewrite trans_lookup. destruct Ast.Env.lookup_env ⇒ //; simpl.
destruct g ⇒ /= //. rewrite nth_error_map.
destruct nth_error ⇒ /= //.
rewrite nth_error_map.
destruct nth_error ⇒ /= //.
Lemma eq_binder_annot_eq_context_gen_set_binder_name Γ Γ' Δ :
All2 eq_binder_annot Γ Γ' →
eq_context_gen eq eq (map2 set_binder_name Γ Δ) (map2 set_binder_name Γ' Δ).
induction 1 in Δ |- ×.
- constructor.
- destruct Δ; cbn; constructor; auto.
destruct c as [na [b|] ty]; cbn; constructor; auto.
Lemma map2_map_map {A B C D E} (f : C → A) (g : D → B) (h : A → B → E) l l':
map2 h (map f l) (map g l') = map2 (fun x y ⇒ h (f x) (g y)) l l'.
induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; cbn; f_equal; auto.
Lemma All2_map2 {A B C} (P : A → A → Type) (x : list C) (f : C → B → A) (l l' : list B) :
All3 (fun x y z ⇒ P (f x y) (f x z)) x l l' →
All2 P (map2 f x l) (map2 f x l').
induction 1; cbn; constructor; auto.
Lemma All2_All2_All2_All3 {A B C} (P : A → B → C → Type) (Q : A → B → Type) (Q' : A → C → Type)
(R : B → C → Type)
(x : list A) (l : list B) (l' : list C):
All2 Q x l → All2 Q' x l' → All2 R l l' →
(∀ x y z, Q x y → Q' x z → R y z → P x y z) →
All3 P x l l'.
induction 1 in l' |- *; intros H; depelim H; intros H'; depelim H'; cbn; constructor; auto.
Lemma trans_eq_term_upto_univ {Re Rle t u napp} :
RelationClasses.subrelation Re Rle → Σ t → Σ u →
SEq.eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp t u →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp (trans_global_env Σ) Re Rle napp (trans (trans_global_env Σ) t) (trans (trans_global_env Σ) u).
intros sub wt wu e.
induction t using Induction.term_forall_list_rect in sub, Rle, napp, wt, u, wu, e |- ×.
all: invs e; cbn.
all: try solve [ constructor ; auto ].
all: repeat (match goal with
| H : _ (_ _) |- _ ⇒ apply WfAst.wf_inv in H; simpl in H
| H : _ ∧ _ |- _ ⇒ destruct H
all: try solve [
repeat constructor ; auto ;
match goal with
| ih : ∀ Rle (u : Ast.term) (napp : nat), _ |- _ ⇒
now eapply ih
- constructor.
solve_all. eapply a; auto. tc.
- eapply eq_term_upto_univ_napp_mkApps.
+ rewrite map_length. now eapply IHt.
+ destruct wt, wu. solve_all. eapply a0; auto; tc.
- constructor. apply trans_R_global_instance; auto.
- constructor. apply trans_R_global_instance; auto.
- red in X, X0.
destruct wt as [mdecl' [idecl' [decli hci hpctx lenpar eqpars eqret eqc eqbrs]]].
destruct wu as [mdecl'' [idecl'' [decli' hci' hpctx' lenpars' eqpars' eqret' eqc' eqbrs']]].
destruct (declared_inductive_inj decli decli'). subst.
eapply forall_decls_declared_inductive in decli; tea.
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive.
destruct lookup_inductive as [[mdecl idecl]|] eqn:hl ⇒ //.
2:{ eapply lookup_inductive_None in hl. elim hl. eauto. }
apply lookup_inductive_declared in hl.
destruct (PCUICGlobalEnv.declared_inductive_inj decli hl). subst.
destruct X.
constructor. all: try solve [
match goal with
| ih : ∀ Rle u, _ |- _ ⇒
now eapply ih
unfold trans_predicate, eq_predicate; cbn.
repeat split; solve_all; try typeclasses eauto with typeclass_instances core.
× rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
eapply All2_length in hpctx. len in hpctx.
rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
eapply All2_length in hpctx'. len in hpctx'.
now eapply eq_binder_annot_eq_context_gen_set_binder_name.
× rewrite !map2_map_map.
eapply All2_map2. cbn.
eapply All2_All_mix_right in eqbrs; tea.
eapply All2_All2_All2_All3; tea.
cbn. intros cdecl br br' [[eq wfb] IH] [eq' wfb'] [eqbs eqbods].
{ rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
eapply All2_length in eq. now len in eq.
rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
eapply All2_length in eq'. now len in eq'.
now eapply eq_binder_annot_eq_context_gen_set_binder_name. }
eapply IH; eauto; tc.
- constructor.
assert (
w1 :
All (fun def ⇒ Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def)
) m
{ solve_all. }
assert (
w2 :
All (fun def ⇒ Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def)) mfix'
{ solve_all. }
pose proof (All2_All_mix_left X X0) as h1. simpl in h1.
pose proof (All2_All_mix_left w1 h1) as h2.
pose proof (All2_All_mix_right w2 h2) as h3.
simpl in h3.
eapply All2_map.
eapply All2_impl. 1: exact h3.
intros [? ? ? ?] [? ? ? ?] [[[? ?] [[ih1 ih2] [? ?]]] [? ?]].
simpl in ×.
intuition eauto. now eapply ih1. now eapply ih2.
- constructor.
assert (
w1 :
All (fun def ⇒ Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def)) m
{ solve_all. }
assert (
w2 :
All (fun def ⇒ Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def)) mfix'
{ solve_all. }
pose proof (All2_All_mix_left X X0) as h1. simpl in h1.
pose proof (All2_All_mix_left w1 h1) as h2.
pose proof (All2_All_mix_right w2 h2) as h3.
simpl in h3.
eapply All2_map.
eapply All2_impl. 1: exact h3.
intros [? ? ? ?] [? ? ? ?] [[[? ?] [[ih1 ih2] [? ?]]] [? ?]].
simpl in ×.
intuition eauto. now eapply ih1. now eapply ih2.
Lemma trans_leq_term ϕ T U : Σ T → Σ U → SEq.leq_term Σ ϕ T U →
leq_term (trans_global_env Σ) ϕ (trans Σ' T) (trans Σ' U).
intros HT HU H.
eapply trans_eq_term_upto_univ ; eauto. tc.
Lemma trans_eq_term φ t u : Σ t → Σ u → SEq.eq_term Σ φ t u →
eq_term (trans_global_env Σ) φ (trans Σ' t) (trans Σ' u).
intros HT HU H.
eapply trans_eq_term_upto_univ ; eauto. tc.
Lemma trans_eq_term_list {φ l l'} :
All ( Σ) l →
All ( Σ) l' →
All2 (SEq.eq_term Σ φ) l l' →
All2 (eq_term (trans_global_env Σ) φ) ( (trans Σ') l) ( (trans Σ') l').
intros w w' h.
eapply All2_map.
pose proof (All2_All_mix_left w h) as h1.
pose proof (All2_All_mix_right w' h1) as h2.
simpl in h2.
apply (All2_impl h2).
intuition auto using trans_eq_term.
End Trans_Global.
Section Trans_Global.
Context {cf : checker_flags}.
Context (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env).
Notation Σ' := (trans_global_env Σ).
Lemma trans_nth n l x : trans Σ' (nth n l x) = nth n ( (trans Σ') l) (trans Σ' x).
Proof using Σ.
induction l in n |- *; destruct n; trivial.
simpl in ×. congruence.
Lemma trans_extended_subst Γ k :
map (trans Σ') (Ast.Env.extended_subst Γ k) = extended_subst (trans_local Σ' Γ) k.
Proof using Σ.
induction Γ in k |- *; cbn; auto.
destruct a as [na [b|] ty] ⇒ /= //; try congruence.
× f_equal ⇒ //. rewrite trans_subst trans_lift IHΓ. f_equal ⇒ //.
len. now rewrite context_assumptions_map.
× now f_equal.
Lemma trans_expand_lets_k Γ k t :
trans Σ' (Ast.Env.expand_lets_k Γ k t) = expand_lets_k (trans_local Σ' Γ) k (trans Σ' t).
Proof using Σ.
rewrite /Ast.Env.expand_lets /Ast.Env.expand_lets_k.
rewrite trans_subst trans_lift /expand_lets /expand_lets_k.
rewrite trans_extended_subst. f_equal. len.
now rewrite context_assumptions_map.
Lemma trans_expand_lets Γ t :
trans Σ' (Ast.Env.expand_lets Γ t) = expand_lets (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans Σ' t).
Proof using Σ.
now rewrite /Ast.Env.expand_lets trans_expand_lets_k.
Lemma trans_subst_context s k Γ :
trans_local Σ' (Ast.Env.subst_context s k Γ) =
subst_context (map (trans Σ') s) k (trans_local Σ' Γ).
Proof using Σ.
induction Γ.
× cbn; auto.
× simpl. rewrite subst_context_snoc Ast.Env.subst_context_snoc /= /snoc /subst_decl.
len. f_equal ⇒ //.
rewrite /map_decl /trans_decl /=.
destruct a as [na [b|] ty]; cbn.
f_equal. f_equal. rewrite trans_subst. now len.
now rewrite trans_subst.
now rewrite trans_subst.
Lemma trans_lift_context n k Γ :
trans_local Σ' (Ast.Env.lift_context n k Γ) =
lift_context n k (trans_local Σ' Γ).
Proof using Σ.
induction Γ.
× cbn; auto.
× simpl. rewrite !lift_context_snoc PCUICLiftSubst.lift_context_snoc /= /snoc /subst_decl.
f_equal ⇒ //.
rewrite /lift_decl /map_decl /trans_decl /=.
destruct a as [na [b|] ty]; cbn.
f_equal. f_equal. all:rewrite trans_lift; len ⇒ //.
Lemma trans_expand_lets_ctx Γ Δ :
trans_local Σ' (Ast.Env.expand_lets_ctx Γ Δ) = expand_lets_ctx (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans_local Σ' Δ).
Proof using Σ.
rewrite /Ast.Env.expand_lets_ctx /Ast.Env.expand_lets_k_ctx.
rewrite trans_subst_context trans_lift_context /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx.
rewrite trans_extended_subst. f_equal. len.
now rewrite context_assumptions_map.
Lemma trans_smash_context Γ Δ : trans_local Σ' (Ast.Env.smash_context Γ Δ) = smash_context (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans_local Σ' Δ).
Proof using Σ.
induction Δ in Γ |- *; simpl; auto.
destruct a as [na [b|] ty] ⇒ /=.
rewrite IHΔ. f_equal.
now rewrite (trans_subst_context [_]).
rewrite IHΔ. f_equal. rewrite /trans_local map_app //.
Lemma map_decl_subst_instance_set_binder_name i x y :
map_decl (subst_instance i) (set_binder_name x y) =
set_binder_name x (map_decl (subst_instance i) y).
Proof using Σ.
now rewrite /map_decl /set_binder_name /=.
Lemma map2_trans l l' :
(fun (x : aname) (y : BasicAst.context_decl Ast.term) ⇒
trans_decl Σ' (Ast.Env.set_binder_name x y)) l l' =
map2 (fun (x : aname) (y : BasicAst.context_decl Ast.term) ⇒
set_binder_name x (trans_decl Σ' y)) l l'.
Proof using Σ.
eapply map2_ext.
intros x y. rewrite /trans_decl. now destruct y; cbn.
Lemma map_map_comm {A B B' C} (f : B → C) (g : A → B) (f' : B' → C) (g' : A → B') (l : list A) :
(∀ x, f (g x) = f' (g' x)) →
map f (map g l) = map f' (map g' l).
intros Hfg.
induction l; cbn; auto.
now rewrite Hfg IHl.
Lemma trans_cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl :
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let cdecl' := trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl in
map (trans_decl Σ') (Ast.cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl) =
cstr_branch_context ind mdecl' cdecl'.
Proof using Σ.
cbn; intros.
rewrite /Ast.cstr_branch_context /cstr_branch_context.
rewrite [map _ _]trans_expand_lets_ctx. f_equal.
rewrite trans_subst_context. f_equal.
2:now repeat len.
rewrite trans_inds //.
Lemma trans_iota_red ind mdecl idecl cdecl pars p args br :
let bctx := Ast.case_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl p br in
let p' := Ast.map_predicate id (trans Σ') (trans Σ') p in
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let idecl' := trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl in
let cdecl' := trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl in
let p' := trans_predicate ind mdecl' idecl' p'.(Ast.pparams) p'.(Ast.puinst) p'.(Ast.pcontext) p'.(Ast.preturn) in
#|Ast.bcontext br| = #|Ast.Env.cstr_args cdecl| →
trans Σ' (ST.iota_red pars args bctx br) =
iota_red pars p' ( (trans Σ') args)
(let br' := Ast.map_branch (trans Σ') br in
trans_branch ind mdecl' cdecl' br'.(Ast.bcontext) br'.(Ast.bbody)).
Proof using Σ.
unfold ST.iota_red, iota_red.
rewrite /map_predicate /=.
rewrite trans_subst map_rev map_skipn. f_equal.
rewrite trans_expand_lets. f_equal.
rewrite /bctx /id. rewrite /Ast.case_branch_context /Ast.case_branch_context_gen.
rewrite /inst_case_branch_context. cbn.
rewrite /inst_case_context.
rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
rewrite /subst_context /id /subst_instance /subst_instance_context
/map_context map_map2.
change (map2
(fun (x : aname) (y : context_decl) ⇒
map_decl (subst_instance (Ast.puinst p)) (set_binder_name x y)))
(fun (x : aname) (y : context_decl) ⇒
set_binder_name x (map_decl (subst_instance (Ast.puinst p)) y))).
rewrite -PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r.
rewrite -[fold_context_k _ _]PCUICRenameConv.map2_set_binder_name_fold; len.
rewrite /trans_local map_map2 map2_trans.
rewrite -PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r. f_equal.
rewrite [map _ _]trans_subst_context map_rev.
rewrite /subst_context. f_equal.
rewrite /Ast.Env.subst_instance_context /map_context.
rewrite /trans_local.
rewrite (map_map_comm _ _ (map_decl (subst_instance (Ast.puinst p))) (trans_decl Σ')).
intros x. rewrite /map_decl /trans_decl; cbn.
rewrite trans_subst_instance. f_equal.
destruct (decl_body x) ⇒ /= //.
now rewrite trans_subst_instance.
now rewrite trans_cstr_branch_context.
Lemma trans_isLambda t : Σ t → isLambda (trans Σ' t) = Ast.isLambda t.
Proof using Σ.
destruct 1; cbnr.
destruct u; [contradiction|]. cbn.
generalize (map (trans Σ') u) (trans Σ' t) (trans Σ' t0); clear.
induction l; intros; cbnr. apply IHl.
destruct TransLookup.lookup_inductive as [[]|] ⇒ //.
Lemma trans_unfold_fix mfix idx narg fn :
All (fun def : def Ast.term ⇒ Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def)) mfix →
ST.unfold_fix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn) →
unfold_fix (map (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ')) mfix) idx = Some (narg, trans Σ' fn).
Proof using Σ.
unfold ST.unfold_fix, unfold_fix. intros wffix.
rewrite nth_error_map. destruct (nth_error mfix idx) eqn:Hdef ⇒ //.
intros [= <- <-]. simpl.
repeat f_equal.
rewrite trans_subst.
f_equal. clear Hdef.
unfold fix_subst, ST.fix_subst. rewrite map_length.
generalize mfix at 1 3.
induction wffix; trivial.
simpl; intros mfix. f_equal.
eapply (IHwffix mfix).
Lemma trans_unfold_cofix mfix idx narg fn :
All (fun def : def Ast.term ⇒ Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def)) mfix →
ST.unfold_cofix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn) →
unfold_cofix (map (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ')) mfix) idx = Some (narg, trans Σ' fn).
Proof using Σ.
unfold ST.unfold_cofix, unfold_cofix. intros wffix.
rewrite nth_error_map. destruct (nth_error mfix idx) eqn:Hdef.
intros [= <- <-]. simpl. repeat f_equal.
rewrite trans_subst.
f_equal. clear Hdef.
unfold cofix_subst, ST.cofix_subst. rewrite map_length.
generalize mfix at 1 3.
induction wffix; trivial.
simpl; intros mfix. f_equal.
eapply (IHwffix mfix). congruence.
Definition isApp t := match t with tApp _ _ ⇒ true | _ ⇒ false end.
Lemma trans_is_constructor:
∀ (args : list Ast.term) (narg : nat),
ST.is_constructor narg args = true → is_constructor narg (map (trans Σ') args) = true.
Proof using Σ.
intros args narg.
unfold ST.is_constructor, is_constructor.
rewrite nth_error_map. destruct nth_error. simpl. intros.
destruct t; try discriminate || reflexivity. simpl in H.
destruct t; try discriminate || reflexivity.
simpl. unfold isConstruct_app.
unfold decompose_app. rewrite decompose_app_rec_mkApps. now simpl.
Lemma refine_red1_r Σg Γ t u u' : u = u' → red1 Σg Γ t u → red1 Σg Γ t u'.
intros →. trivial.
Lemma refine_red1_Γ Σg Γ Γ' t u : Γ = Γ' → red1 Σg Γ t u → red1 Σg Γ' t u.
intros →. trivial.
Ltac wf_inv H := try apply WfAst.wf_inv in H; simpl in H; rdest.
Lemma nth_error_map2 {A B C} (f : A → B → C) n l l' a b :
nth_error l n = Some a →
nth_error l' n = Some b →
nth_error (map2 f l l') n = Some (f a b).
induction l in n, l' |- *; destruct l', n; cbn; auto; try congruence.
Lemma cstr_branch_context_assumptions ci mdecl cdecl :
context_assumptions (cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl) =
context_assumptions cdecl.(cstr_args).
rewrite /cstr_branch_context /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx.
now rewrite !context_assumptions_fold.
Lemma Ast_cstr_branch_context_assumptions ci mdecl cdecl :
Ast.Env.context_assumptions (Ast.cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl) =
Ast.Env.context_assumptions cdecl.(Ast.Env.cstr_args).
rewrite /cstr_branch_context /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx.
now rewrite !Ast.Env.context_assumptions_fold.
Lemma map2_set_binder_name_context_assumptions (l : list aname) (l' : Ast.Env.context) :
#|l| = #|l'| →
Ast.Env.context_assumptions (map2 Ast.Env.set_binder_name l l') = Ast.Env.context_assumptions l'.
induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; cbn ⇒ //.
intros [=]. destruct decl_body ⇒ //; eauto.
f_equal; auto.
Lemma Ast_inst_case_context_length pars puinst ctx :
#|Ast.inst_case_context pars puinst ctx| = #|ctx|.
rewrite /Ast.inst_case_context. now len.
Hint Rewrite Ast_inst_case_context_length : len.
Lemma Ast_inst_case_context_assumptions pars puinst ctx :
Ast.Env.context_assumptions (Ast.inst_case_context pars puinst ctx) =
Ast.Env.context_assumptions ctx.
rewrite /Ast.inst_case_context.
rewrite !Ast.Env.context_assumptions_fold.
now rewrite Ast.Env.context_assumptions_map.
Lemma case_branch_context_assumptions ci mdecl cdecl p br :
#|Ast.bcontext br| = #|Ast.Env.cstr_args cdecl| →
Ast.Env.context_assumptions (Ast.case_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl p br) =
Ast.Env.context_assumptions cdecl.(Ast.Env.cstr_args).
rewrite /Ast.case_branch_context /Ast.case_branch_context_gen; len.
rewrite map2_set_binder_name_context_assumptions; len.
Lemma declared_inductive_lookup {ind mdecl idecl} :
declared_inductive Σ' ind mdecl idecl →
lookup_inductive Σ' ind = Some (mdecl, idecl).
intros []. unfold lookup_inductive, lookup_minductive.
now rewrite H H0.
Lemma map2_cst {A B} (l : list A) (l' : list B) :
#|l| = #|l'| →
map2 (fun x y ⇒ x) l l' = l.
induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; cbn; auto. congruence.
intros [=]. f_equal; auto.
Lemma trans_inst_case_context pars puinst ctx :
trans_local Σ' (Ast.inst_case_context pars puinst ctx) =
inst_case_context (map (trans Σ') pars) puinst (trans_local Σ' ctx).
Proof using Σ.
rewrite /Ast.inst_case_context /inst_case_context.
now rewrite trans_subst_context map_rev trans_local_subst_instance.
Lemma trans_local_app Γ Δ : trans_local Σ' (Ast.Env.app_context Γ Δ) = trans_local Σ' Γ ,,, trans_local Σ' Δ.
Proof using Σ.
now rewrite /trans_local map_app.
Lemma trans_case_predicate_context (ci : case_info) mdecl idecl p :
let bctx := Ast.case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p in
let p' := Ast.map_predicate id (trans Σ') (trans Σ') p in
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let idecl' := trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl in
let p' := trans_predicate ci mdecl' idecl' p'.(Ast.pparams) p'.(Ast.puinst) p'.(Ast.pcontext) p'.(Ast.preturn) in
#|Ast.pcontext p| = S #|Ast.Env.ind_indices idecl| →
(trans_local Σ' (Ast.case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p)) =
(case_predicate_context ci mdecl' idecl' p').
Proof using Σ.
intros bctx p' mdecl' idecl' p'' eqp.
rewrite /Ast.case_predicate_context /case_predicate_context /case_predicate_context_gen.
rewrite /Ast.case_predicate_context_gen.
rewrite /trans_local map_map2 map2_trans.
rewrite -PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r. f_equal.
{ cbn. rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
rewrite map_map2. cbn. rewrite map2_cst //.
len. }
rewrite /Ast.pre_case_predicate_context_gen /pre_case_predicate_context_gen.
rewrite [map _ _]trans_inst_case_context. f_equal.
rewrite /Ast.ind_predicate_context /ind_predicate_context /= /trans_decl.
f_equal; cbn. f_equal.
{ rewrite trans_mkApps /=. f_equal.
rewrite trans_reln /= /to_extended_list /to_extended_list_k. f_equal.
rewrite trans_local_app trans_smash_context. f_equal.
now rewrite trans_expand_lets_ctx. }
now rewrite trans_expand_lets_ctx.
Lemma trans_ind_predicate_context (Γ : list aname) ind mdecl idecl :
let mdecl':= trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let idecl':= trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl in
All2 (fun x y ⇒ eq_binder_annot x (decl_name y)) Γ (Ast.ind_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl) →
All2 (fun x y ⇒ eq_binder_annot x (decl_name y)) Γ (ind_predicate_context ind mdecl' idecl').
Proof using Σ.
rewrite /Ast.ind_predicate_context in X.
depelim X. constructor. now cbn in ×.
clear e.
rewrite /mdecl' /idecl'. cbn.
rewrite -trans_expand_lets_ctx. eapply All2_map_right.
Lemma trans_cstr_branch_context_alpha (Γ : list aname) ind mdecl cdecl :
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let cdecl' := trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl in
All2 (fun x y ⇒ eq_binder_annot x (decl_name y)) Γ
(Ast.cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl) →
All2 (fun x y ⇒ eq_binder_annot x (decl_name y)) Γ
(cstr_branch_context ind mdecl' cdecl').
Proof using Σ.
rewrite -trans_cstr_branch_context. eapply All2_map_right.
eapply All2_impl; tea. now cbn.
Lemma inst_case_predicate_context_eq (ci : case_info) mdecl idecl p :
let bctx := Ast.case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p in
let p' := Ast.map_predicate id (trans Σ') (trans Σ') p in
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let idecl' := trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl in
let p' := trans_predicate ci mdecl' idecl' p'.(Ast.pparams) p'.(Ast.puinst) p'.(Ast.pcontext) p'.(Ast.preturn) in
WfAst.wf_nactx (Ast.pcontext p) (Ast.ind_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl) →
(trans_local Σ' (Ast.case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p)) =
(inst_case_predicate_context p').
Proof using Σ.
rewrite -(@inst_case_predicate_context_eq mdecl' idecl' ci p'0).
2:{ apply trans_case_predicate_context.
eapply All2_length in X; len in X. }
rewrite /p'0. cbn.
rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
eapply All2_length in X; len in X.
apply eq_binder_annots_eq.
now eapply trans_ind_predicate_context.
Lemma trans_case_branch_context (ci : case_info) mdecl idecl cdecl p br :
let bctx := Ast.case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p in
let p' := Ast.map_predicate id (trans Σ') (trans Σ') p in
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let idecl' := trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl in
let cdecl' := trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl in
let p' := trans_predicate ci mdecl' idecl' p'.(Ast.pparams) p'.(Ast.puinst) p'.(Ast.pcontext) p'.(Ast.preturn) in
let br' := trans_branch ci mdecl' cdecl' br.(Ast.bcontext) (trans Σ' br.(Ast.bbody)) in
WfAst.wf_nactx (Ast.bcontext br) (Ast.cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl) →
(trans_local Σ' (Ast.case_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl p br)) =
case_branch_context ci mdecl' p' (forget_types (bcontext br')) cdecl'.
Proof using Σ.
rewrite /Ast.case_branch_context /Ast.case_branch_context_gen.
rewrite /case_branch_context /case_branch_context_gen /pre_case_branch_context_gen.
rewrite /trans_local map_map2 map2_trans -PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.map2_map_r.
f_equal. cbn. rewrite map2_map2_bias_left.
eapply All2_length in X. len in X. now len.
rewrite map_map2 /= map2_cst //.
eapply All2_length in X. len in X. now len.
rewrite [map _ _]trans_inst_case_context. f_equal.
now rewrite -trans_cstr_branch_context.
Lemma inst_case_branch_context_eq (ci : case_info) mdecl idecl cdecl p br :
let bctx := Ast.case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p in
let p' := Ast.map_predicate id (trans Σ') (trans Σ') p in
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let idecl' := trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl in
let cdecl' := trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl in
let p' := trans_predicate ci mdecl' idecl' p'.(Ast.pparams) p'.(Ast.puinst) p'.(Ast.pcontext) p'.(Ast.preturn) in
let br' := trans_branch ci mdecl' cdecl' br.(Ast.bcontext) (trans Σ' br.(Ast.bbody)) in
WfAst.wf_nactx (Ast.bcontext br) (Ast.cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl) →
(trans_local Σ' (Ast.case_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl p br)) =
(inst_case_branch_context p' br').
rewrite -(@inst_case_branch_context_eq ci mdecl' cdecl' p'0 br').
{ cbn. rewrite map2_map2_bias_left. len.
eapply All2_length in X. now len in X.
eapply eq_binder_annots_eq.
now eapply trans_cstr_branch_context_alpha. }
now apply trans_case_branch_context.
Lemma OnOne2_map2 {A B C} (P : A → A → Type) (f : B → C → A) l l' l'' :
OnOne2All (fun x y z ⇒ P (f x y) (f x z)) l l' l'' →
OnOne2 P (map2 f l l') (map2 f l l'').
induction 1; cbn; constructor; auto.
Lemma OnOne2All_map2 {A B D} (P : D → B → B → Type)
(f : B → A → D) (l : list A) (l' : list B) (l'' : list B) :
#|l| = #|l'| →
OnOne2All P (map2 f l' l) l' l'' →
OnOne2All (fun x y z ⇒ P (f y x) y z) l l' l''.
induction l' in l, l'' |- *; destruct l; cbn; intros hlen H; depelim H.
constructor ⇒ //. lia.
constructor ⇒ //. apply IHl' ⇒ //. lia.
Lemma All2_nth_hyp {A B} (R : A → B → Type) l l' :
All2 R l l' →
All2 (fun x y ⇒
∑ i, nth_error l i = Some x × R x y) l l'.
intros a.
induction a; constructor; auto.
∃ 0. cbn. auto.
eapply (All2_impl IHa).
intros ? ? [i hnth]. now ∃ (S i); cbn.
Context (wfΣ : Σ).
Context (wfΣ' : wf Σ').
Lemma wf_wf_decl_pred : Typing.on_global_env Typing.cumul_gen (fun Σ ⇒ WfAst.wf_decl_pred Σ) Σ.
Proof. now eapply typing_wf_sigma. Qed.
Hint Resolve wf_wf_decl_pred : wf.
Lemma trans_red1 Γ T U :
All (WfAst.wf_decl Σ) Γ → Σ T →
ST.red1 Σ Γ T U →
red1 Σ' (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans Σ' T) (trans Σ' U).
intros wfΓ Hwf.
induction 1 using ST.red1_ind_all; wf_inv Hwf; simpl in *;
try solve [econstructor; eauto].
- simpl. wf_inv w. inv a0.
rewrite trans_mkApps; auto.
rewrite trans_subst; auto.
apply red1_mkApps_f. constructor.
- rewrite trans_subst; eauto. repeat constructor.
- rewrite trans_lift; eauto.
destruct nth_error eqn:Heq.
econstructor. unfold trans_local. rewrite nth_error_map. rewrite Heq. simpl.
destruct c; simpl in ×. injection H; intros →. simpl. reflexivity.
econstructor. simpl in H. discriminate.
- rewrite trans_mkApps; eauto with wf; simpl.
destruct a as [isdecl hci hpctx lenpar wfpar wfret wfc wfbrs].
destruct (declared_inductive_inj isdecl (proj1 H0)). subst x x0.
eapply forall_decls_declared_inductive in isdecl; tea.
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive.
rewrite (declared_inductive_lookup isdecl).
eapply All2_nth_error in wfbrs as []; tea. 2:exact (proj2 H0).
have lenbr := (All2_length a); len in lenbr.
rewrite (trans_iota_red _ mdecl idecl cdecl) //.
constructor. cbn.
rewrite map2_map_map.
etransitivity. eapply nth_error_map2; tea. eapply H0. reflexivity.
unfold Ast.map_branch; cbn.
rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
rewrite PCUICCases.map2_set_binder_name_context_assumptions; len.
rewrite H1 /bctx.
rewrite case_branch_context_assumptions //; len.
cbn. rewrite context_assumptions_map //.
- simpl. rewrite trans_mkApps.
eapply red_fix. wf_inv w.
apply trans_unfold_fix; eauto.
now apply trans_is_constructor.
- destruct a as [isdecl hci hpctx lenpar wfpar wfret wfc wfbrs].
eapply forall_decls_declared_inductive in isdecl; tea.
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive.
rewrite (declared_inductive_lookup isdecl).
apply WfAst.wf_mkApps_napp in wfc as []; auto.
pose proof (unfold_cofix_wf _ _ _ _ _ H w). wf_inv w.
rewrite !trans_mkApps; eauto with wf.
apply trans_unfold_cofix in H; eauto with wf.
eapply red_cofix_case; eauto.
- eapply WfAst.wf_mkApps_napp in Hwf; auto.
intuition. pose proof (unfold_cofix_wf _ _ _ _ _ H a). wf_inv a.
rewrite !trans_mkApps; intuition eauto with wf.
eapply red_cofix_proj; eauto.
apply trans_unfold_cofix; eauto with wf.
- rewrite trans_subst_instance. econstructor.
apply (forall_decls_declared_constant _ wfΣ wfΣ' c decl H).
now destruct decl as [na [b|] ty]; cbn; noconf H0.
- rewrite trans_mkApps; eauto with wf.
simpl. constructor. now rewrite nth_error_map H.
- constructor. apply IHX. constructor; hnf; simpl; auto. hnf. auto.
- constructor. apply IHX. constructor; hnf; simpl; auto. auto.
- destruct a as [isdecl hci hpctx lenpar wfpar wfret wfc wfbrs].
eapply forall_decls_declared_inductive in isdecl; tea.
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive.
rewrite (declared_inductive_lookup isdecl).
constructor. solve_all.
apply OnOne2_map. apply (OnOne2_All_mix_left wfpar) in X. clear wfpar.
- destruct a as [isdecl' hci hpctx wfpar wfret wfc wfbrs].
destruct (declared_inductive_inj isdecl isdecl').
subst x x0.
eapply forall_decls_declared_inductive in isdecl; tea.
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive.
rewrite (declared_inductive_lookup isdecl).
constructor. cbn.
rewrite trans_local_app in IHX.
rewrite inst_case_predicate_context_eq in IHX ⇒ //.
eapply All2_length in hpctx; len in hpctx.
eapply IHX ⇒ //.
eapply All_app_inv ⇒ //.
eapply declared_inductive_wf_case_predicate_context ⇒ //.
- destruct a as [isdecl hci hpctx wfpar wfret wfc wfbrs].
eapply forall_decls_declared_inductive in isdecl; tea.
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive (declared_inductive_lookup isdecl).
constructor. cbn. apply IHX ⇒ //.
- destruct a as [isdecl' hci hpctx lenpar wfpar wfret wfc wfbrs].
destruct (declared_inductive_inj isdecl isdecl').
subst x x0.
eapply forall_decls_declared_inductive in isdecl; tea.
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive (declared_inductive_lookup isdecl).
eapply OnOne2_map2.
eapply All2_nth_hyp in wfbrs.
rewrite /Ast.case_branches_contexts in X.
eapply OnOne2All_map2 in X.
2:{ now eapply All2_length in wfbrs. }
cbn. eapply OnOne2All_map_all.
eapply OnOne2All_All2_mix_left in X; tea.
solve_all. red. rewrite b0. cbn. split ⇒ //.
destruct b as [cstr [hnth [b wfbod]]].
rewrite trans_local_app in b1.
rewrite (inst_case_branch_context_eq _ mdecl idecl) in b1 ⇒ //.
cbn in b1. rewrite b0 in b1. apply b1 ⇒ //.
eapply All_app_inv ⇒ //.
fold (Ast.case_branch_context ind mdecl i p y).
assert (Ast.declared_constructor Σ (ind.(ci_ind), cstr) mdecl idecl i).
{ split; auto. }
now eapply (declared_constructor_wf_case_branch_context H).
- rewrite !trans_mkApps; auto with wf.
eapply wf_red1 in X; auto with wf.
eapply red1_mkApps_f; auto.
- clear e w n. revert M1. induction X.
simpl. intros. destruct p. specialize (r0 wfΓ).
apply red1_mkApps_f.
apply app_red_r. apply r0. now depelim a.
inv a. intros. specialize (IHX X1).
eapply (IHX (Template.Ast.tApp M1 [hd])).
- constructor. apply IHX. constructor; hnf; simpl; auto. auto.
- constructor. induction X; simpl; repeat constructor. apply p; auto. now inv Hwf.
apply IHX. now inv Hwf.
- constructor. constructor. eapply IHX; auto.
- eapply refine_red1_r; [|constructor]. unfold subst1. simpl. now rewrite lift0_p.
- constructor. apply OnOne2_map. repeat toAll.
apply (OnOne2_All_mix_left Hwf) in X. clear Hwf.
red. rewrite <- !map_dtype. rewrite <- !map_dbody.
inversion b0. clear b0.
intuition eauto.
unfold map_def. simpl. congruence.
- apply fix_red_body. apply OnOne2_map. repeat toAll.
apply (OnOne2_All_mix_left Hwf) in X.
red. rewrite <- !map_dtype. rewrite <- !map_dbody. intuition eauto.
+ unfold Ast.Env.app_context, trans_local in b.
simpl in a. rewrite → map_app in b.
unfold app_context. unfold ST.fix_context in b.
rewrite map_rev map_mapi in b. simpl in b.
unfold fix_context. rewrite mapi_map. simpl.
forward b.
{ clear b. solve_all. eapply All_app_inv; auto.
apply All_rev. apply All_mapi.
clear -Hwf; generalize 0 at 2; induction mfix0; constructor; hnf; simpl; auto.
intuition auto. depelim a. simpl. depelim Hwf. simpl in ×. intuition auto.
now eapply WfAst.wf_lift.
depelim a. simpl. depelim Hwf. simpl in ×. intuition auto.
forward b by auto.
eapply (refine_red1_Γ); [|apply b].
f_equal. f_equal. apply mapi_ext; intros [] [].
rewrite lift0_p. simpl. rewrite LiftSubst.lift0_p. reflexivity. cbn.
rewrite /trans_decl /= /vass. f_equal.
now rewrite trans_lift.
+ simpl; congruence.
- constructor. apply OnOne2_map. repeat toAll.
apply (OnOne2_All_mix_left Hwf) in X. clear Hwf.
red. rewrite <- !map_dtype. rewrite <- !map_dbody.
inversion b0. clear b0.
intuition eauto.
unfold map_def. simpl. congruence.
- apply cofix_red_body. apply OnOne2_map. repeat toAll.
apply (OnOne2_All_mix_left Hwf) in X.
red. rewrite <- !map_dtype. rewrite <- !map_dbody. intuition eauto.
+ unfold Ast.Env.app_context, trans_local in b.
simpl in a. rewrite → map_app in b.
unfold app_context. unfold ST.fix_context in b.
rewrite map_rev map_mapi in b. simpl in b.
unfold fix_context. rewrite mapi_map. simpl.
forward b.
{ clear b. solve_all. eapply All_app_inv; auto.
apply All_rev. apply All_mapi.
clear -Hwf; generalize 0 at 2; induction mfix0; constructor; hnf; simpl; auto.
intuition auto. depelim a. simpl. depelim Hwf. simpl in ×. intuition auto.
now eapply WfAst.wf_lift.
depelim a. simpl. depelim Hwf. simpl in ×. intuition auto.
forward b by auto.
eapply (refine_red1_Γ); [|apply b].
f_equal. f_equal. apply mapi_ext; intros [] [].
rewrite lift0_p. simpl. rewrite LiftSubst.lift0_p. reflexivity.
cbn. rewrite /trans_decl /vass /=.
now rewrite trans_lift.
+ simpl; congruence.
End Trans_Global.
Lemma global_levels_trans Σ
: global_levels (trans_global_env Σ) = Ast.global_levels Σ.(Ast.Env.universes).
induction Σ; simpl; auto. cbn.
induction declarations0; cbn; auto.
Lemma global_constraints_trans Σ
: global_constraints (trans_global_env Σ) = Ast.global_constraints Σ.
induction Σ; simpl; auto. cbn.
induction declarations0; cbn; auto.
Lemma global_ext_levels_trans Σ
: global_ext_levels (trans_global Σ) = Ast.global_ext_levels Σ.
destruct Σ.
unfold trans_global, Ast.global_ext_levels, global_ext_levels; simpl.
now rewrite global_levels_trans.
Lemma global_ext_constraints_trans Σ
: global_ext_constraints (trans_global Σ) = Ast.global_ext_constraints Σ.
destruct Σ.
unfold trans_global, Ast.global_ext_constraints, global_ext_constraints; simpl.
now rewrite global_constraints_trans.
Lemma trans_cumul_gen {cf} (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) pb Γ T U : Σ →
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
wf Σ' →
All (WfAst.wf_decl Σ) Γ → Σ T → Σ U → ST.cumul_gen Σ Γ pb T U →
trans_global Σ ;;; trans_local Σ' Γ |- trans Σ' T <=[pb] trans Σ' U.
intros wfΣ Σ' wfΣ'.
induction 4.
- constructor.
destruct pb.
× eapply trans_eq_term in c; eauto.
now rewrite global_ext_constraints_trans.
× eapply trans_leq_term in c; eauto.
now rewrite global_ext_constraints_trans.
- eapply cumul_red_l; tea. eapply trans_red1; tea. apply IHX2.
eapply wf_red1 in r; tea. now eapply typing_wf_sigma in wfΣ. auto.
- eapply cumul_red_r; tea. 2:eapply trans_red1; tea.
eapply IHX2. auto. eapply wf_red1 in r; tea. now eapply typing_wf_sigma; auto.
Definition Tlift_typing (P : Ast.Env.global_env_ext → Ast.Env.context → Ast.term → Ast.term → Type) :=
fun Σ Γ t T ⇒
match T with
| Some T ⇒ P Σ Γ t T
| None ⇒ { s : Universe.t & P Σ Γ t (Template.Ast.tSort s) }
Definition TTy_wf_local {cf : checker_flags} Σ Γ := ST.All_local_env (ST.lift_typing ST.typing Σ) Γ.
Lemma trans_wf_local {cf}:
∀ (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) (Γ : Ast.Env.context) (wfΓ : TTy_wf_local Σ Γ),
let P :=
(fun Σ0 Γ0 _ (t T : Ast.term) _ ⇒
let Σ' := trans_global Σ0 in
wf Σ'.1 →
trans_global Σ0;;; trans_local Σ' Γ0 |- trans Σ' t : trans Σ' T)
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
wf Σ' →
ST.All_local_env_over ST.typing P Σ Γ wfΓ →
wf_local (trans_global Σ) (trans_local Σ' Γ).
induction X0.
- simpl. constructor.
- simpl. econstructor.
+ eapply IHX0.
+ simpl. destruct tu. ∃ x. now eapply Hs.
- simpl. constructor; auto. red. destruct tu. ∃ x; auto.
simpl. eauto.
Lemma trans_wf_local_env {cf} Σ Γ :
(fun (Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext) Γ (b ty : Ast.term) ⇒
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
ST.typing Σ Γ b ty × trans_global Σ;;; trans_local Σ' Γ |- trans Σ' b : trans Σ' ty) Σ)
Γ →
wf_local (trans_global Σ) (trans_local (trans_global Σ) Γ).
induction X.
- simpl. constructor.
- simpl. econstructor.
+ eapply IHX.
+ simpl. destruct t0. ∃ x. eapply p.
- simpl. constructor; auto. red. destruct t0. ∃ x. intuition auto.
red in t1. destruct t1. cbn. eapply p.
red; red in t1. destruct t1. eapply t2.
Hint Resolve trans_wf_local : trans.
Axiom fix_guard_trans :
∀ Σ Γ mfix,
ST.fix_guard Σ Γ mfix →
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
fix_guard Σ' (trans_local Σ' Γ) (map (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ')) mfix).
Axiom cofix_guard_trans :
∀ Σ Γ mfix,
ST.cofix_guard Σ Γ mfix →
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
cofix_guard Σ' (trans_local Σ' Γ) (map (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ')) mfix).
Notation Swf_fix Σ def := ( Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def)).
Lemma trans_decompose_app {Σ t ind u l} : Σ t →
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
AstUtils.decompose_app t = (Ast.tInd ind u, l) →
∑ l', decompose_app (trans Σ' t) = (tInd ind u, l').
intros wft. destruct (AstUtils.decompose_app t) eqn:da.
pose proof (TypingWf.decompose_app_inv _ _ [] _ _ wft da) as [n [napp [eqsk ->]]].
intros Σ'. intros [= → ->].
rewrite trans_mkApps.
rewrite decompose_app_mkApps //. eexists _; eauto.
Lemma decompose_prod_assum_it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx t ctx' t' :
AstUtils.decompose_prod_assum ctx t = (ctx', t') →
Ast.Env.it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx t = Ast.Env.it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx' t'.
induction t in ctx, ctx', t' |- *; simpl; try intros [= → <-]; auto.
- intros H. now apply IHt2 in H.
- intros H. now apply IHt3 in H.
Lemma trans_decompose_prod_assum {Σ Σ'} ctx t : Σ t →
let (ctx', t') := AstUtils.decompose_prod_assum ctx t in
decompose_prod_assum (trans_local Σ' ctx) (trans Σ' t) =
(trans_local Σ' ctx', trans Σ' t').
intros wft;
induction wft in ctx |- × using WfAst.term_wf_forall_list_ind ; cbn; try intros [= <- <-]; auto.
- apply IHwft0.
- apply IHwft1.
- rewrite mkApps_nonempty //.
now destruct l ⇒ //.
- cbn. destruct TransLookup.lookup_inductive as [[mdecl' idecl']| ]; cbn ⇒ //.
Lemma wf_it_mkProd_or_LetIn Σ Γ t
: Σ (Ast.Env.it_mkProd_or_LetIn Γ t) <~> All (WfAst.wf_decl Σ) Γ × Σ t.
revert t. induction Γ.
- intros t. simpl. split ⇒ //; try split ⇒ //; trivial. now intros [].
- intros t.
destruct a as [na [b|] ty]; simpl in ×. rewrite /Ast.Env.mkProd_or_LetIn /=.
× etransitivity. eapply IHΓ. split; intros [].
depelim w. intuition constructor; auto. split; auto.
depelim a. red in w. simpl in w. split; auto with wf. constructor; intuition auto.
× etransitivity. eapply IHΓ ⇒ /=. split; intros [].
depelim w. simpl in w1. split; [constructor|];auto.
split; simpl; auto.
depelim a. destruct w as [_ wfty]. simpl in wfty.
split; auto. constructor; simpl; auto.
Lemma trans_check_one_fix Σ mfix ind :
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
Swf_fix Σ mfix →
ST.check_one_fix mfix = Some ind →
check_one_fix (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ') mfix) = Some ind.
intros Σ'.
unfold ST.check_one_fix, check_one_fix.
case: mfix ⇒ [na ty arg rarg] /= [wfty wfarg].
generalize (trans_decompose_prod_assum (Σ' := Σ') [] ty wfty) ⇒ /=.
destruct AstUtils.decompose_prod_assum as [ctx p] eqn:dp ⇒ /= // →.
rewrite -(trans_smash_context Σ []) /trans_local.
rewrite -List.map_rev nth_error_map.
destruct nth_error eqn:hnth ⇒ /= //.
destruct AstUtils.decompose_app eqn:da.
destruct t ⇒ //.
have [| l' eq] := (trans_decompose_app (Σ := Σ) _ da).
{ eapply decompose_prod_assum_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in dp.
simpl in dp; subst ty.
eapply wf_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in wfty as [wfctx _].
eapply nth_error_all in hnth; cycle 1.
eapply All_rev.
pose proof (nth_error_Some_length hnth).
rewrite nth_error_rev // List.rev_involutive in hnth.
now apply wf_smash_context. apply hnth. }
destruct c ⇒ /=. rewrite eq /= //.
Lemma All_map_option_out_map_Some_spec {A B} {f g : A → option B} {P : A → Type} {l} :
(∀ x t, P x → f x = Some t → g x = Some t) →
All P l →
∀ t,
map_option_out (map f l) = Some t →
map_option_out (map g l) = Some t.
move ⇒ Hfg Hl. move: Hl.
induction 1; try constructor; auto.
simpl. move⇒ //.
case E: (f x) ⇒ [b|] //.
rewrite (Hfg _ _ p E).
case E' : map_option_out ⇒ [b'|] //.
move⇒ t [= <-]. now rewrite (IHHl _ E').
Lemma map_option_out_check_one_fix {Σ mfix} :
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
All (fun def ⇒ ( Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def))) mfix →
∀ l,
map_option_out (map (fun x ⇒ ST.check_one_fix x) mfix) = Some l →
map_option_out (map (fun x ⇒ check_one_fix (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ') x)) mfix) = Some l.
eapply All_map_option_out_map_Some_spec ⇒ x kn.
apply trans_check_one_fix.
Lemma trans_check_one_cofix Σ mfix ind :
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
Swf_fix Σ mfix →
ST.check_one_cofix mfix = Some ind →
check_one_cofix (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ') mfix) = Some ind.
intros Σ'. unfold ST.check_one_cofix, check_one_cofix.
case: mfix ⇒ [na ty arg rarg] /= [wfty wfarg].
move: (trans_decompose_prod_assum (Σ := Σ) (Σ' := Σ') [] ty wfty) ⇒ /=.
destruct AstUtils.decompose_prod_assum as [ctx p] eqn:dp ⇒ /= // →.
destruct AstUtils.decompose_app eqn:da.
destruct t ⇒ //.
have [| l' ->] := (trans_decompose_app (Σ := Σ) _ da) ⇒ //.
{ eapply decompose_prod_assum_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in dp.
simpl in dp; subst ty.
now eapply wf_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in wfty as [_ wfp]. }
Lemma map_option_out_check_one_cofix {Σ mfix} :
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
All (fun def ⇒ ( Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def))) mfix →
∀ l,
map_option_out (map (fun x ⇒ ST.check_one_cofix x) mfix) = Some l →
map_option_out (map (fun x ⇒ check_one_cofix (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ') x)) mfix) = Some l.
apply All_map_option_out_map_Some_spec ⇒ x kn.
apply trans_check_one_cofix.
Lemma trans_check_rec_kind {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : Σ} {wfΣ' : wf (trans_global_env Σ)} {k f} :
ST.check_recursivity_kind Σ k f = check_recursivity_kind (lookup_env (trans_global_env Σ)) k f.
unfold ST.check_recursivity_kind, check_recursivity_kind.
rewrite trans_lookup.
destruct Ast.Env.lookup_env as [[]|] ⇒ //.
Lemma trans_wf_fixpoint {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : Σ} {mfix} :
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
wf Σ' →
All (fun def ⇒ ( Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def))) mfix →
ST.wf_fixpoint Σ mfix →
wf_fixpoint (trans_global_env Σ) (map (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ')) mfix).
intros Σ' wfΣ'.
unfold ST.wf_fixpoint, wf_fixpoint, wf_fixpoint_gen.
rewrite map_map_compose.
intros wf.
move⇒ /andb_and[] hf ho.
apply/andb_and; split.
{ clear ho. rewrite forallb_map; solve_all.
destruct (dbody x) ⇒ //. }
move: ho.
destruct map_option_out eqn:ma ⇒ //.
rewrite (map_option_out_check_one_fix wf _ ma).
destruct l; auto. now rewrite -trans_check_rec_kind.
Lemma trans_wf_cofixpoint {cf} {Σ} {wfΣ : Σ} {mfix} :
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
wf Σ' →
All (fun def ⇒ ( Σ (dtype def) × Σ (dbody def))) mfix →
ST.wf_cofixpoint Σ mfix →
wf_cofixpoint (trans_global_env Σ) (map (map_def (trans Σ') (trans Σ')) mfix).
intros Σ' wfΣ'.
unfold ST.wf_cofixpoint, wf_cofixpoint, wf_cofixpoint_gen.
rewrite map_map_compose.
intros wf.
destruct map_option_out eqn:ma ⇒ //.
rewrite (map_option_out_check_one_cofix wf _ ma).
destruct l; auto. now rewrite -trans_check_rec_kind.
Lemma trans_global_decl_universes Σ d :
Ast.universes_decl_of_decl d =
universes_decl_of_decl (trans_global_decl Σ d).
destruct d; reflexivity.
Lemma trans_consistent_instance_ext {cf:checker_flags} Σ d u :
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
Ast.consistent_instance_ext Σ (Ast.universes_decl_of_decl d) u →
consistent_instance_ext Σ' (universes_decl_of_decl (trans_global_decl Σ' d)) u.
intros Σ'.
unfold Ast.consistent_instance_ext, consistent_instance_ext.
rewrite global_ext_levels_trans global_ext_constraints_trans.
rewrite (trans_global_decl_universes Σ').
Lemma eq_annots_expand_lets_ctx (Γ : list aname) (Δ Δ' : context) :
eq_annots Γ (expand_lets_ctx Δ Δ') ↔ eq_annots Γ Δ'.
rewrite /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx.
etransitivity. eapply eq_annots_subst_context.
eapply eq_annots_lift_context.
Lemma eq_annots_ind_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl (pctx : list aname) :
eq_annots pctx (ind_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl) →
eq_annots pctx (idecl_binder idecl :: ind_indices idecl).
rewrite /ind_predicate_context.
intros eq. depelim eq; cbn in ×.
constructor ⇒ //.
now eapply eq_annots_expand_lets_ctx.
Lemma eq_annots_cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl (pctx : list aname) :
eq_annots pctx (cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl) →
eq_annots pctx (cstr_args cdecl).
rewrite /cstr_branch_context.
intros eq.
eapply eq_annots_subst_context.
now eapply eq_annots_expand_lets_ctx.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICValidity PCUICContexts PCUICInductives PCUICInductiveInversion.
Lemma isType_mkApps_Ind_inv_spine {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {Γ ind u args} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {mdecl idecl} :
declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl →
isType Σ Γ (mkApps (tInd ind u) args) →
∑ s, PCUICSpine.spine_subst Σ Γ args s (ind_params mdecl ,,, ind_indices idecl)@[u] ×
consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u.
move⇒ isdecl isty.
pose proof (isType_wf_local isty).
destruct isty as [s Hs].
eapply invert_type_mkApps_ind in Hs as [sp cu]; tea.
erewrite ind_arity_eq in sp.
2: eapply PCUICInductives.oib ; eauto.
rewrite !subst_instance_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in sp.
rewrite -it_mkProd_or_LetIn_app /= in sp.
eapply PCUICSpine.arity_typing_spine in sp as [hle hs [insts sp]]; tea.
∃ insts. split ⇒ //.
now rewrite PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.subst_instance_app_ctx.
Lemma All2_map2_right {A B C} {l : list A} {l' : list B} (f : A → B → C) P :
All2 (fun x y ⇒ P x (f x y)) l l' →
All2 P l (map2 f l l').
induction 1; cbn; constructor; auto.
Lemma All2i_map2_right {A B C} {n} {l : list A} {l' : list B} (f : A → B → C) P :
All2i (fun n x y ⇒ P n x (f x y)) n l l' →
All2i P n l (map2 f l l').
induction 1; cbn; constructor; auto.
Lemma simpl_type_Case {H : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {Γ} {ci : case_info} {p c brs ps mdecl idecl indices} {wfΣ : wf Σ} :
declared_inductive Σ ci mdecl idecl →
ind_npars mdecl = ci_npar ci →
eq_context_upto_names (pcontext p)
(ind_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl) →
let predctx := case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p in
wf_predicate mdecl idecl p →
wf_local Σ (Γ,,, predctx) →
Σ;;; Γ,,, predctx |- preturn p : tSort ps →
is_allowed_elimination Σ (ind_kelim idecl) ps →
Σ;;; Γ |- c : mkApps (tInd ci (puinst p)) (pparams p ++ indices) →
isCoFinite (ind_finite mdecl) = false →
let ptm := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn predctx (preturn p) in
wf_branches idecl brs →
(fun (i : nat) (cdecl : constructor_body) (br : branch term) ⇒
eq_context_upto_names (bcontext br)
(cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl) ×
(let brctxty := case_branch_type ci mdecl idecl p br ptm i cdecl in
Σ;;; Γ,,, brctxty.1 |- bbody br : brctxty.2 ×
Σ;;; Γ,,, brctxty.1 |- brctxty.2 : tSort ps)) 0
(ind_ctors idecl) brs →
Σ;;; Γ |- tCase ci p c brs : mkApps ptm (indices ++ [c]).
assert (hty := validity X2).
eapply isType_mkApps_Ind_inv_spine in hty as [inst [sp cu]]; tea.
eapply type_Case; tea; split ⇒ //.
- now eapply PCUICSpine.spine_subst_ctx_inst.
- solve_all. now eapply typing_wf_local in a0.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICOnFreeVars.
Lemma trans_cumulSpec {cf} {Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext} {wfΣ : Σ} {pb Γ T T'} :
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
wf Σ' →
All (WfAst.wf_decl Σ) Γ → Σ T → Σ T' →
ST.cumul_gen Σ Γ pb T T' →
is_closed_context (trans_local Σ' Γ) →
is_open_term (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans Σ' T) →
is_open_term (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans Σ' T') →
Σ';;; trans_local Σ' Γ ⊢ trans Σ' T ≤s[pb] trans Σ' T'.
intros Σ' wfΣ' wfΓ wfT wfT' cum clΓ clT clT'.
eapply (PCUICConversion.cumulAlgo_cumulSpec _ (pb:=pb)).
eapply PCUICWellScopedCumulativity.into_ws_cumul_pb; eauto with fvs.
eapply trans_cumul_gen; tea.
Local Hint Resolve isType_is_open_term : fvs.
Global Instance wf_trans_env {cf} {Σ : global_env_ext_map} : wf Σ → wf (global_env_ext_map_global_env_map Σ).
Proof. now cbn. Qed.
Global Hint Resolve wf_trans_env : fvs.
Lemma trans_cumulSpec_typed {cf} {Σ : Ast.Env.global_env_ext} {wfΣ : Σ} {pb Γ T T'} :
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
wf Σ' →
All (WfAst.wf_decl Σ) Γ → Σ T → Σ T' →
ST.cumul_gen Σ Γ pb T T' →
isType Σ' (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans Σ' T) →
isType Σ' (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans Σ' T') →
Σ';;; trans_local Σ' Γ ⊢ trans Σ' T ≤s[pb] trans Σ' T'.
intros Σ' wfΣ' wfΓ wfT wfT' cum ist ist'.
eapply (PCUICConversion.cumulAlgo_cumulSpec _ (pb:=pb)).
eapply PCUICWellScopedCumulativity.into_ws_cumul_pb; eauto with fvs.
eapply trans_cumul_gen; tea.
eapply isType_wf_local in ist; fvs.
Lemma trans_case_branch_type Σ (ci : case_info) mdecl idecl cdecl i p br :
let Σ' := trans_global_env Σ in
let bctx := Ast.case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p in
let p' := Ast.map_predicate id (trans Σ') (trans Σ') p in
let mdecl' := trans_minductive_body Σ' mdecl in
let idecl' := trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl in
let cdecl' := trans_constructor_body Σ' cdecl in
let p' := trans_predicate ci mdecl' idecl' p'.(Ast.pparams) p'.(Ast.puinst) p'.(Ast.pcontext) p'.(Ast.preturn) in
let br' := trans_branch ci mdecl' cdecl' br.(Ast.bcontext) (trans Σ' br.(Ast.bbody)) in
let ptm := Ast.Env.it_mkLambda_or_LetIn bctx (Ast.preturn p) in
let ptm' := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (case_predicate_context ci mdecl' idecl' p') (preturn p') in
WfAst.wf_nactx (Ast.pcontext p) (Ast.ind_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl) →
WfAst.wf_nactx (Ast.bcontext br) (Ast.cstr_branch_context ci mdecl cdecl) →
let brctxty := Ast.case_branch_type ci mdecl p ptm i cdecl br in
let brctxty' := case_branch_type ci mdecl' idecl' p' br' ptm' i cdecl' in
brctxty'.1 = trans_local Σ' brctxty.1 ∧
brctxty'.2 = trans Σ' brctxty.2.
× rewrite /brctxty' /= /id.
rewrite (trans_case_branch_context Σ ci mdecl idecl cdecl) //.
× rewrite /brctxty' /brctxty.
rewrite /case_branch_type /case_branch_type_gen /Ast.case_branch_type /Ast.case_branch_type_gen.
cbv beta iota delta [snd].
rewrite trans_mkApps trans_lift. f_equal.
{ rewrite /cdecl'; len. f_equal.
rewrite /ptm' /ptm trans_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn // /p'0 /=. f_equal.
rewrite /bctx.
rewrite [map _ (Ast.case_predicate_context _ _ _ _)](trans_case_predicate_context Σ ci mdecl idecl p) //.
eapply All2_length in X. len in X. }
rewrite map_app /=. f_equal.
{ rewrite !map_map_compose. eapply map_ext ⇒ x.
rewrite trans_subst map_rev; f_equal; len.
rewrite trans_expand_lets_k. f_equal.
rewrite trans_local_subst_instance //.
rewrite trans_subst trans_inds; f_equal.
now rewrite trans_subst_instance. }
rewrite trans_mkApps. f_equal.
rewrite map_app. f_equal.
rewrite !map_map_compose.
apply map_ext ⇒ x. rewrite trans_lift. f_equal; len.
rewrite trans_reln //.
#[local] Hint Unfold lift_judgment : core.
Lemma trans_wf_universe Σ u : S.wf_universe Σ u →
wf_universe (trans_global Σ) u.
unfold S.wf_universe, wf_universe.
now rewrite global_ext_levels_trans.
Local Hint Resolve trans_wf_universe : trans.
Local Hint Transparent Ast.Env.global_env_ext : trans.
Local Hint Transparent Universe.t : trans.
Local Hint Variables Transparent : trans.
Ltac trans := try typeclasses eauto with trans.
Ltac simpl_let :=
match goal with
| [ H : let _ := _ in _ |- _ ] ⇒ progress (cbv zeta in H)
Local Hint Extern 4 ⇒ simpl_let : trans.
Theorem template_to_pcuic {cf} :
ST.env_prop (fun Σ Γ t T ⇒
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
wf Σ' →
typing Σ' (trans_local Σ' Γ) (trans Σ' t) (trans Σ' T))
(fun Σ Γ _ ⇒
let Σ' := trans_global Σ in
wf Σ' →
wf_local Σ' (trans_local Σ' Γ)).
apply ST.typing_ind_env.
all: intros.
all: try solve [ econstructor; trans ].
- eapply trans_wf_local; eauto.
- rewrite trans_lift.
eapply refine_type. eapply type_Rel; eauto.
unfold trans_local. rewrite nth_error_map. rewrite H. reflexivity.
eapply refine_type; cbn.
× eapply type_App.
2:{ eapply type_Lambda; eauto. eapply type_Rel. econstructor; eauto.
eapply typing_wf_local; eauto. now eexists. reflexivity. }
eapply type_Prod. eauto.
instantiate (1 := s). simpl.
eapply (weakening _ _ [_] _ (tSort _)); eauto.
constructor; eauto. eapply typing_wf_local; eauto.
now eexists.
now eapply X2.
× unfold subst1. rewrite simpl_subst; auto. now rewrite lift0_p.
- cbn. econstructor; trans.
cbn in ×. trans. cbn in *; trans. now apply X3.
- econstructor; eauto with trans.
- econstructor; eauto with trans.
cbn; eapply type_mkApps; eauto.
specialize (X0 X2).
eapply typing_wf in X; eauto. destruct X.
eapply PCUICValidity.validity in X0.
clear H H0.
induction X1.
× econstructor; eauto. reflexivity.
× simpl in p.
destruct (TypingWf.typing_wf _ wfΣ _ _ _ typrod) as [wfAB _].
econstructor; eauto.
+ ∃ s; eauto.
+ rewrite -/Σ'.
change (tProd na (trans Σ' A) (trans _ B)) with (trans Σ' (Ast.tProd na A B)).
eapply trans_cumulSpec_typed; tea.
eapply TypingWf.typing_all_wf_decl; eauto.
∃ s; eauto.
+ eapply typing_wf in ty; eauto. destruct ty as [wfhd _].
rewrite trans_subst in IHX1; eauto with wf.
eapply IHX1; cycle 1.
2:apply WfAst.wf_subst; try constructor; auto. 2:now inv wfAB.
specialize (p X2). specialize (p0 X2).
eapply PCUICInversion.inversion_Prod in p as [s1 [s2 [HA [HB Hs]]]]; auto.
eapply (PCUICArities.isType_subst (Δ := [vass na (trans Σ' A)])); eauto.
eapply subslet_ass_tip. eauto with pcuic.
now ∃ s2.
- cbn; rewrite trans_subst_instance.
pose proof (forall_decls_declared_constant _ _ _ _ _ H).
rewrite -/Σ'.
replace (trans _ (Ast.Env.cst_type decl)) with
(cst_type (trans_constant_body Σ' decl)) by (destruct decl; reflexivity).
econstructor; eauto with trans.
now apply (trans_consistent_instance_ext Σ (Ast.Env.ConstantDecl decl)).
- rewrite trans_subst_instance.
pose proof (forall_decls_declared_inductive _ _ _ _ _ _ isdecl).
rewrite -/Σ'.
replace (trans _ (Ast.Env.ind_type idecl)) with
(ind_type (trans_one_ind_body Σ' idecl)) by (destruct idecl; reflexivity).
eapply type_Ind; eauto.
now apply (trans_consistent_instance_ext Σ (Ast.Env.InductiveDecl mdecl)).
- pose proof (forall_decls_declared_constructor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ isdecl).
unfold ST.type_of_constructor in ×.
rewrite trans_subst.
rewrite trans_subst_instance.
rewrite trans_inds. simpl.
eapply refine_type. econstructor; eauto with trans.
now apply (trans_consistent_instance_ext Σ (Ast.Env.InductiveDecl mdecl)).
- cbn; rewrite trans_mkApps; auto with wf trans.
pose proof (forall_decls_declared_inductive _ _ _ _ _ _ isdecl).
rewrite trans_lookup_inductive.
rewrite (declared_inductive_lookup _ H4).
rewrite trans_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn.
rewrite -/(trans_local Σ' (Ast.case_predicate_context _ _ _ _)).
have lenpctx : #|Ast.pcontext p| = S #|Ast.Env.ind_indices idecl|.
{ eapply All2_length in X1; len in X1. }
rewrite (trans_case_predicate_context Σ) //.
rewrite map_app.
specialize (X6 X8).
specialize (X4 X8).
set (p' := trans_predicate _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
eapply (simpl_type_Case (p:=p') (ps:=ps)) ⇒ //.
+ cbn. rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
eapply eq_binder_annots_eq.
now eapply trans_ind_predicate_context.
+ cbn. split. cbn.
{ epose proof (declared_minductive_ind_npars (proj1 H4)).
cbn in H4. len. rewrite -H0.
now rewrite context_assumptions_map in H5. }
cbn. rewrite map2_map2_bias_left.
{ rewrite PCUICCases.ind_predicate_context_length; len. }
rewrite map_map2 /= map2_cst.
rewrite PCUICCases.ind_predicate_context_length; len.
eapply (trans_ind_predicate_context Σ) in X1.
eapply (eq_annots_ind_predicate_context ci).
eapply All2_Forall2 ⇒ //. exact X1.
+ clear X7.
rewrite trans_local_app in X4.
rewrite /predctx in X4.
rewrite trans_case_predicate_context in X4 ⇒ //.
+ clear X7. cbn [preturn trans_predicate].
specialize (X3 X8).
rewrite trans_local_app in X3.
rewrite /predctx in X3.
rewrite trans_case_predicate_context in X3 ⇒ //.
+ now rewrite global_ext_constraints_trans.
+ cbn. clear X7.
now rewrite trans_mkApps map_app in X6.
+ red. eapply All2_Forall2.
eapply All2_map2_right.
eapply All2_map.
eapply All2i_All2; tea.
cbv beta. intros i cdecl br.
set (brctxty := Ast.case_branch_type _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
move⇒ [] [] eqann [] Hbod IHbod [] Hty IHty.
unfold wf_branch, wf_branch_gen.
cbn [bcontext trans_branch].
have lenctx : #|Ast.bcontext br| = #|Ast.Env.cstr_args cdecl|.
{ eapply All2_length in eqann; now len in eqann. }
rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
rewrite /forget_types map_map2 map2_cst; len.
eapply eq_annots_cstr_branch_context.
eapply All2_Forall2. eapply trans_cstr_branch_context_alpha; tea.
+ eapply All2i_map2_right. eapply All2i_map.
eapply All2i_impl; tea.
cbv beta. intros i cdecl br.
set (brctxty := Ast.case_branch_type _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
move⇒ [] [] eqann [] Hbod IHbod [] Hty IHty.
have lenctx : #|Ast.bcontext br| = #|Ast.Env.cstr_args cdecl|.
{ eapply All2_length in eqann; now len in eqann. }
{ cbn [bcontext trans_branch].
rewrite map2_map2_bias_left; len.
eapply eq_binder_annots_eq.
eapply trans_cstr_branch_context_alpha; tea. }
intros brctxty'.
destruct (trans_case_branch_type Σ