Library MetaCoq.Template.TypingWf

Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.
Require PeanoNat.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils Ast AstUtils Induction
     UnivSubst WfAst Reflect Typing.
From Equations Require Import Equations.

Implicit Types (cf : checker_flags).

Existing Class wf.

Well-formedness of terms and types in typing derivations

The internal representation of terms is not canonical, so we show that only well-formed terms and types can appear in typing derivations and the global context.

Lemma All_local_env_wf_decl Σ :
   (Γ : context),
    All (wf_decl Σ) Γ All_local_env (wf_decl_pred Σ) Γ.
  intros Γ X.
  induction Γ in X |- ×.
  - constructor; eauto.
  - destruct a as [na [body|] ty].
    + econstructor.
      × apply IHΓ. inv X; eauto.
      × red. inv X. split.
        -- apply X0.
        -- constructor.
      × red. inv X. eauto.
    + econstructor.
      × apply IHΓ. inv X; eauto.
      × red. inv X. split.
        -- apply X0.
        -- constructor.

Lemma on_global_decl_impl `{checker_flags} Σ P Q kn d :
  ( Σ Γ t T, on_global_env cumul_gen P Σ.1 P Σ Γ t T Q Σ Γ t T)
  on_global_env cumul_gen P Σ.1
  on_global_decl cumul_gen P Σ kn d on_global_decl cumul_gen Q Σ kn d.
  unfold on_global_env.
  intros X X0 o.
  destruct d; simpl.
  - destruct c; simpl. destruct cst_body0; simpl in ×.
    red in o |- ×. simpl in ×. now eapply X.
    red in o |- ×. simpl in ×. now eapply X.
  - simpl in ×.
    destruct o as [onI onP onNP].
    constructor; auto.
    -- eapply Alli_impl. exact onI. eauto. intros.

       refine {| ind_arity_eq := X1.(ind_arity_eq);
                 ind_cunivs := X1.(ind_cunivs) |}.
       --- apply onArity in X1. unfold on_type in *; simpl in ×.
           now eapply X.
       --- pose proof X1.(onConstructors) as X11. red in X11.
           eapply All2_impl; eauto.
           simpl. intros. destruct X2 as [? ? ? ?]; unshelve econstructor; eauto.
           × apply X; eauto.
           × clear -X0 X on_cargs. revert on_cargs.
              generalize (cstr_args x0), y.
              induction c; destruct y0; simpl; auto;
              destruct a as [na [b|] ty]; simpl in *; auto;
           split; intuition eauto.
           × clear -X0 X on_cindices.
             revert on_cindices.
             generalize (List.rev (lift_context #|cstr_args x0| 0 (ind_indices x))).
             generalize (cstr_indices x0).
             induction 1; simpl; constructor; auto.
       --- simpl; intros. apply (onProjections X1 H0).
       --- destruct X1. simpl. unfold check_ind_sorts in ×.
           destruct Universe.is_prop; auto.
           destruct Universe.is_sprop; auto.
           split. apply ind_sorts. destruct indices_matter; auto.
           eapply type_local_ctx_impl. eapply ind_sorts. auto.
       --- apply (onIndices X1).
    -- red in onP. red.
       eapply All_local_env_impl. eauto.
       intros. now apply X.

Lemma on_global_env_impl `{checker_flags} Σ P Q :
  ( Σ Γ t T, on_global_env cumul_gen P Σ.1 P Σ Γ t T Q Σ Γ t T)
  on_global_env cumul_gen P Σ on_global_env cumul_gen Q Σ.
  destruct Σ as [univs Σ]; cbn.
  intros X [cu X0]; split ⇒ /= //. cbn in ×.
  induction X0; constructor; auto.
  clear IHX0.
  eapply on_global_decl_impl; tea. split ⇒ //.

Lemma All_local_env_wf_decl_inv Σ (a : context_decl) (Γ : list context_decl)
         (X : All_local_env (wf_decl_pred Σ) (a :: Γ)) :
    on_local_decl (wf_decl_pred Σ) Γ a × All_local_env (wf_decl_pred Σ) Γ.
  inv X; intuition; red; simpl; eauto.

Lemma unfold_fix_wf:
   Σ (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) (narg : nat) (fn : term),
    unfold_fix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn) Σ (tFix mfix idx) Σ fn.
  intros Σ mfix idx narg fn Hf Hwf.
  unfold unfold_fix in Hf. inv Hwf.
  destruct nth_error eqn:eqnth; try congruence.
  pose proof (nth_error_all eqnth X) as [ _ wfd].
  injection Hf. intros <- <-.
  apply wf_subst; auto. clear wfd Hf eqnth.
  assert( n, Σ (tFix mfix n)). constructor; auto.
  unfold fix_subst. generalize #|mfix|; intros. induction n; auto.

Lemma unfold_cofix_wf Σ:
   (mfix : mfixpoint term) (idx : nat) (narg : nat) (fn : term),
    unfold_cofix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn) Σ (tCoFix mfix idx) Σ fn.
  intros mfix idx narg fn Hf Hwf.
  unfold unfold_cofix in Hf. inv Hwf.
  destruct nth_error eqn:eqnth; try congruence.
  pose proof (nth_error_all eqnth X) as [_ wfd].
  injection Hf. intros <- <-.
  apply wf_subst; auto. clear wfd Hf eqnth.
  assert( n, Σ (tCoFix mfix n)). constructor; auto.
  unfold cofix_subst. generalize #|mfix|; intros. induction n; auto.

Lemma red1_isLambda Σ Γ t u :
  red1 Σ Γ t u isLambda t isLambda u.
  induction 1 using red1_ind_all; simpl; try discriminate; auto.

Lemma OnOne2_All_All {A} {P Q} {l l' : list A} :
  OnOne2 P l l'
  ( x y, P x y Q x Q y)
  All Q l All Q l'.
Proof. intros Hl H. induction Hl; intros H'; inv H'; constructor; eauto. Qed.

Lemma All_mapi {A B} (P : B Type) (l : list A) (f : nat A B) :
  Alli (fun i xP (f i x)) 0 l All P (mapi f l).
  unfold mapi. generalize 0.
  induction 1; constructor; auto.

Lemma Alli_id {A} (P : nat A Type) n (l : list A) :
  ( n x, P n x) Alli P n l.
  intros H. induction l in n |- *; constructor; auto.

Lemma All_Alli {A} {P : A Type} {Q : nat A Type} {l n} :
  All P l
  ( n x, P x Q n x)
  Alli Q n l.
Proof. intro H. revert n. induction H; constructor; eauto. Qed.

Ltac wf := intuition try (eauto with wf || congruence || solve [constructor]).
Hint Unfold wf_decl vass vdef : wf.
Hint Extern 10 ⇒ progress simpl : wf.
Hint Unfold snoc : wf.
Hint Extern 3 ⇒ apply wf_lift || apply wf_subst || apply wf_subst_instance : wf.
Hint Extern 10 ⇒ constructor : wf.
Hint Resolve All_skipn : wf.

Lemma on_global_decls_extends_not_fresh {cf} {univs} k (Σ : global_declarations) k' (Σ' : global_declarations) P :
  on_global_decls cumul_gen P univs ((k :: Σ) ++ [k'] ++ Σ') k.1 = k'.1 False.
  intros H eq.
  depelim H.
  eapply Forall_app in f as [_ f].
  depelim f. cbn in ×. subst. contradiction.

Lemma lookup_env_extends {cf : checker_flags} (Σ : global_env) k d (Σ' : global_env) P :
  on_global_env cumul_gen P Σ'
  lookup_env Σ k = Some d
  extends_decls Σ Σ' lookup_env Σ' k = Some d.
  destruct Σ as [univs Σ]; cbn in ×.
  rewrite /lookup_env /on_global_env /=.
  induction Σ in univs, Σ', k, d |- *; cbn ⇒ //.
  destruct (eqb_spec k a.1) as [e|e].
  × movewfΣ' [=]. intros <- ext.
    destruct ext as [univeq [Σ'' eq]] ⇒ /=. cbn in ×.
    subst univs. rewrite eq in wfΣ'.
    destruct Σ' as [univs' Σ']; cbn in ×.
    subst Σ'. destruct wfΣ' as [cu wfΣ'].
    induction Σ''.
    + cbn. now rewrite e eq_kername_refl.
    + cbn. destruct (eqb_spec k a0.1) ⇒ //. subst.
      { apply on_global_decls_extends_not_fresh in wfΣ'; eauto. }
      subst. apply IHΣ''. now depelim wfΣ'.
  × intros HΣ' Hl [univeq [Σ'' eq]]; cbn in ×. subst univs.
    rewrite eq in HΣ'. destruct HΣ'.
    eapply IHΣ; tea. split; eauto. now rewrite eq.
    red. split; eauto. reflexivity.
     (Σ'' ++ [a]).
    now rewrite -app_assoc.

Lemma wf_extends {cf} {Σ : global_env} T {Σ' : global_env} P :
  on_global_env cumul_gen P Σ' Σ T extends_decls Σ Σ' Σ' T.
  intros wfΣ'.
  induction 1 using term_wf_forall_list_ind; try solve [econstructor; eauto; solve_all].
  - intros. destruct H. destruct X0.
    eapply lookup_env_extends in H; tea.
    econstructor; repeat split; eauto; solve_all.

Lemma wf_decl_extends {cf} {Σ : global_env} T {Σ' : global_env} P :
  on_global_env cumul_gen P Σ' wf_decl Σ T extends_decls Σ Σ' wf_decl Σ' T.
  intros wf [] ext. red. destruct decl_body; split; eauto using wf_extends.

Arguments lookup_on_global_env {H} {Pcmp P Σ c decl}.

Lemma declared_inductive_wf {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env} ind
         (mdecl : mutual_inductive_body) (idecl : one_inductive_body) :
  on_global_env cumul_gen wf_decl_pred Σ
  declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl Σ (ind_type idecl).
  destruct H as [Hmdecl Hidecl]. red in Hmdecl.
  destruct (lookup_on_global_env X Hmdecl) as [Σ' [wfΣ' [ext prf]]]; eauto.
  apply onInductives in prf.
  eapply nth_error_alli in Hidecl; eauto.
  eapply onArity in Hidecl.
  destruct Hidecl.
  eapply wf_extends in w; tea.

Lemma wf_it_mkProd_or_LetIn Σ Γ t
  : Σ (it_mkProd_or_LetIn Γ t) All (wf_decl Σ) Γ × Σ t.
  revert t. induction Γ; [simpl; auto with wf|]. intros t XX.
  destruct a, decl_body; simpl in ×.
  apply IHΓ in XX as []. depelim w; simpl in *; split; auto with wf.
  apply IHΓ in XX as []. depelim w. simpl in ×.
  split; auto. constructor; auto with wf.

Lemma declared_inductive_wf_indices {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env} {ind mdecl idecl} :
  on_global_env cumul_gen wf_decl_pred Σ
  declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl All (wf_decl Σ) (ind_indices idecl).
  destruct H as [Hmdecl Hidecl]. red in Hmdecl.
  destruct (lookup_on_global_env X Hmdecl) as [Σ' [wfΣ' [ext prf]]]; eauto.
  apply onInductives in prf.
  eapply nth_error_alli in Hidecl; eauto.
  pose proof (onArity Hidecl).
  rewrite Hidecl.(ind_arity_eq) in X0.
  destruct X0 as [s Hs]; wf.
  eapply wf_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in s as [? H].
  eapply wf_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in H as [].
  solve_all. now eapply wf_decl_extends.

Lemma declared_inductive_wf_ctors {cf:checker_flags} {Σ} {ind} {mdecl idecl} :
  on_global_env cumul_gen wf_decl_pred Σ
  declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl
  All (fun ctorAll (wf_decl Σ) ctor.(cstr_args)) (ind_ctors idecl).
  destruct H as [Hmdecl Hidecl]. red in Hmdecl.
  destruct (lookup_on_global_env X Hmdecl) as [Σ' [wfΣ' [ext prf]]]; eauto.
  apply onInductives in prf.
  eapply nth_error_alli in Hidecl; eauto.
  pose proof (onConstructors Hidecl). red in X0.
  solve_all. destruct X0.
  clear -X ext on_cargs.
  induction (cstr_args x) as [|[na [b|] ty] args] in on_cargs, y |- × ;
    try destruct on_cargs;
   constructor; unfold wf_decl in *; cbn in *; intuition eauto using wf_extends; simpl in ×.
   destruct b0. intuition eauto using wf_extends.
   destruct a. intuition eauto using wf_extends.
   destruct y ⇒ //. destruct on_cargs. destruct w; eauto using wf_extends.
   destruct y ⇒ //. eapply IHargs; intuition eauto.

Lemma All_local_env_wf_decls Σ ctx :
  TemplateEnvTyping.All_local_env (wf_decl_pred Σ) ctx
  All (wf_decl Σ) ctx.
  induction 1; constructor; auto.
  destruct t0 as [s Hs]. split; simpl; intuition auto.

Lemma on_global_inductive_wf_params {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {kn mdecl} :
  on_global_decl cumul_gen (fun Σ : global_env_extwf_decl_pred Σ) Σ kn (InductiveDecl mdecl)
  All (wf_decl Σ) (ind_params mdecl).
  intros prf.
  apply onParams in prf. red in prf.
  apply All_local_env_wf_decls in prf.

Lemma destArity_spec ctx T :
  match destArity ctx T with
  | Some (ctx', s)it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx T = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx' (tSort s)
  | NoneTrue
  induction T in ctx |- *; simpl; try easy.
  - specialize (IHT2 (ctx,, vass na T1)). now destruct destArity.
  - specialize (IHT3 (ctx,, vdef na T1 T2)). now destruct destArity.

Lemma destArity_it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx ctx' t :
  destArity ctx (it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx' t) =
  destArity (ctx ,,, ctx') t.
  induction ctx' in ctx, t |- *; simpl; auto.
  rewrite IHctx'. destruct a as [na [b|] ty]; reflexivity.

Lemma it_mkProd_or_LetIn_inj ctx s ctx' s' :
  it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx (tSort s) = it_mkProd_or_LetIn ctx' (tSort s')
  ctx = ctx' s = s'.
  move/(f_equal (destArity [])).
  rewrite !destArity_it_mkProd_or_LetIn /=.
  now rewrite !app_context_nil_l ⇒ [= → ->].

Lemma wf_subst_context Σ s k Γ : All (wf_decl Σ) Γ All ( Σ) s All (wf_decl Σ) (subst_context s k Γ).
  intros wfΓ. induction wfΓ in s |- ×.
  - intros. constructor.
  - rewrite subst_context_snoc. constructor; auto.
    destruct p. destruct x as [? [] ?]; constructor; simpl in *; wf.

Lemma wf_smash_context Σ Γ Δ : All (wf_decl Σ) Γ All (wf_decl Σ) Δ
  All (wf_decl Σ) (smash_context Δ Γ).
  intros wfΓ; induction wfΓ in Δ |- *; intros wfΔ; simpl; auto.
  destruct x as [? [] ?]; simpl. apply IHwfΓ.
  eapply wf_subst_context; auto. constructor; auto. apply p.
  eapply IHwfΓ. apply All_app_inv; auto.

Section WfAst.
  Context {cf:checker_flags}.
  Context {Σ : global_env}.

  Lemma wf_reln n acc Γ : All ( Σ) acc All ( Σ) (reln acc n Γ).
  Proof using Type.
    induction Γ in acc, n |- × ⇒ wfacc /= //.
    destruct a as [? [|] ?] ⇒ //. now eapply IHΓ.
    eapply IHΓ. constructor; auto. constructor.

  Hint Resolve wf_reln : wf.

  Lemma wf_map2_set_binder_name l l' :
    All (wf_decl Σ) l'
    All (wf_decl Σ) (map2 set_binder_name l l').
  Proof using Type.
    induction 1 in l |- *; destruct l; simpl; constructor.
    apply p. apply IHX.

  Definition lift_context_snoc0 n k Γ d : lift_context n k (d :: Γ) = lift_context n k Γ ,, lift_decl n (#|Γ| + k) d.
  Proof using Type. unfold lift_context. now rewrite fold_context_k_snoc0. Qed.
  Hint Rewrite lift_context_snoc0 : lift.

  Lemma lift_context_snoc n k Γ d : lift_context n k (Γ ,, d) = lift_context n k Γ ,, lift_decl n (#|Γ| + k) d.
  Proof using Type.
    unfold snoc. apply lift_context_snoc0.
  Hint Rewrite lift_context_snoc : lift.

  Lemma wf_lift_context n k Γ : All (wf_decl Σ) Γ All (wf_decl Σ) (lift_context n k Γ).
  Proof using Type.
    intros wfΓ. induction wfΓ in n, k |- ×.
    - intros. constructor.
    - rewrite lift_context_snoc0. constructor; auto.
      destruct p. destruct x as [? [] ?]; constructor; simpl in *; wf.

  Lemma wf_subst_instance_context u Γ :
    All (wf_decl Σ) Γ
    All (wf_decl Σ) (subst_instance u Γ).
  Proof using Type.
    induction 1; constructor; auto.
    destruct x as [na [b|] ty]; simpl in ×.
    destruct p. now split; apply wf_subst_instance.
    destruct p. now split; auto; apply wf_subst_instance.

  Lemma wf_extended_subst Γ n :
    All (wf_decl Σ) Γ
    All ( Σ) (extended_subst Γ n).
  Proof using Type.
    induction 1 in n |- ×.
    - simpl; constructor.
    - destruct x as [na [b|] ty]; simpl; constructor; auto.
      eapply wf_subst; auto.
      eapply wf_lift. apply p.

  Lemma wf_case_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl p :
    declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl
    All (wf_decl Σ) mdecl.(ind_params)
    All (wf_decl Σ) (ind_indices idecl)
    All ( Σ) p.(pparams)
    All (wf_decl Σ) (case_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl p).
  Proof using Type.
    intros decl wfparams wfindty wfpars.
    unfold case_predicate_context. destruct p.
    apply wf_map2_set_binder_name.
    unfold pre_case_predicate_context_gen. cbn [Ast.pparams Ast.puinst].
    unfold inst_case_context.
    eapply wf_subst_context ⇒ //.
    2:now eapply All_rev.
    apply wf_subst_instance_context.
    rewrite /ind_predicate_context.
    simpl; split; auto. simpl. auto. simpl.
    eapply wf_mkApps. now econstructor.
    apply wf_reln. constructor.
    eapply wf_subst_context.
    now apply wf_lift_context.
    now apply wf_extended_subst.

  Lemma Forall_decls_on_global_wf :
      (fun (Σ : global_env_ext) (_ : context) (t T : term) ⇒ Σ t × Σ T) Σ
    on_global_env cumul_gen wf_decl_pred Σ.
  Proof using Type.
    apply on_global_env_implΣ' Γ t []; simpl; unfold wf_decl_pred;
    intros; auto. destruct X0 as [s []]; intuition auto.

  Lemma wf_inds mind u mdecl :
    All ( Σ) (inds mind u mdecl.(ind_bodies)).
  Proof using Type.
    unfold inds. induction #|ind_bodies mdecl|; constructor; auto.
    now constructor.

  Hint Resolve wf_inds : wf.

  Lemma on_inductive_wf_params {Σ' : global_env_ext} {kn mdecl} :
       (oib : on_inductive cumul_gen wf_decl_pred Σ' kn mdecl),
      All (wf_decl Σ') (ind_params mdecl).
  Proof using Type.
    intros oib. apply onParams in oib.
    red in oib.
    induction (ind_params mdecl) as [|[? [] ?] ?]; simpl in oib; inv oib; constructor;
      try red in X0; try red in X1; try red; simpl; intuition auto.

  Lemma declared_inductive_wf_params {ind mdecl idecl} :
    on_global_env cumul_gen wf_decl_pred Σ
    declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl All (wf_decl Σ) (ind_params mdecl).
  Proof using Type.
    destruct H as [Hmdecl Hidecl]. red in Hmdecl.
    destruct (lookup_on_global_env X Hmdecl) as [Σ' [wfΣ' [ext prf]]]; eauto.
    eapply on_global_inductive_wf_params in prf.
    solve_all. eapply wf_decl_extends; tea.

  Lemma declared_constructor_wf
    (ind : inductive) (i : nat) (u : list Level.t)
          (mdecl : mutual_inductive_body) (idecl : one_inductive_body) (cdecl : constructor_body) :
      on_global_env cumul_gen wf_decl_pred Σ
      declared_constructor Σ (ind, i) mdecl idecl cdecl Σ (cstr_type cdecl).
  Proof using Type.
    intros X isdecl.
    destruct isdecl as [[Hmdecl Hidecl] Hcdecl]. red in Hmdecl.
    destruct (lookup_on_global_env X Hmdecl) as [Σ' [wfΣ' [ext prf]]]; eauto. red in prf.
    apply onInductives in prf.
    eapply nth_error_alli in Hidecl; eauto. simpl in ×.
    pose proof (onConstructors Hidecl) as h. unfold on_constructors in h.
    eapply All2_nth_error_Some in Hcdecl. 2: eassumption.
    destruct Hcdecl as [cs [Hnth [? ? [? ?]]]].
    eapply wf_extends; eauto.

  Lemma wf_case_branch_context_gen {ind mdecl idecl cdecl p br} :
    on_global_env cumul_gen wf_decl_pred Σ
    declared_constructor Σ ind mdecl idecl cdecl
    All ( Σ) (pparams p)
    All (fun ctorAll (wf_decl Σ) (cstr_args ctor)) (ind_ctors idecl)
    All (wf_decl Σ) (case_branch_context (fst ind) mdecl cdecl p br).
  Proof using Type.
    intros ong decli wfpars.
    intros Hforall.
    destruct decli as [decli hcstr].
    eapply nth_error_all in Hforall; tea. cbn in Hforall.
    unfold case_branch_context, case_branch_context_gen.
    eapply wf_map2_set_binder_name.
    apply wf_subst_context; auto.
    apply wf_subst_instance_context.
    rewrite /cstr_branch_context.
    unfold expand_lets_ctx, expand_lets_k_ctx.
    eapply wf_subst_context.
    eapply wf_lift_context.
    eapply wf_subst_context ⇒ //.
    eapply wf_inds.
    apply wf_extended_subst.
    eapply declared_inductive_wf_params in decli ⇒ //.
    now eapply All_rev.

  Lemma wf_case_branches_context ind mdecl idecl p brs :
    on_global_env cumul_gen wf_decl_pred Σ
    declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl
    All ( Σ) (pparams p)
    All (fun ctorAll (wf_decl Σ) (cstr_args ctor)) (ind_ctors idecl)
    All (fun ctxAll (wf_decl Σ) ctx) (case_branches_contexts ind mdecl idecl p brs).
  Proof using Type.
    intros ong decli wfpars.
    unfold case_branches_contexts.
    intros Hforall.
    induction Hforall in brs |- *; destruct brs; cbn; constructor; auto.
    unfold case_branch_context_gen.
    eapply wf_map2_set_binder_name.
    apply wf_subst_context; auto.
    apply wf_subst_instance_context.
    2:now eapply All_rev.
    rewrite /cstr_branch_context.
    unfold expand_lets_ctx, expand_lets_k_ctx.
    eapply wf_subst_context.
    eapply wf_lift_context.
    eapply wf_subst_context ⇒ //.
    eapply wf_inds.
    apply wf_extended_subst.
    now eapply declared_inductive_wf_params in decli.

End WfAst.

Record wf_inductive_body Σ idecl := {
  wf_ind_type : Σ (ind_type idecl);
  wf_ind_indices : All (WfAst.wf_decl Σ) (ind_indices idecl);
  wf_ind_ctors : All (fun Σ (cstr_type cdecl)) (ind_ctors idecl);
  wf_ind_ctor_args : All (fun csAll (wf_decl Σ) (cstr_args cs)) idecl.(ind_ctors);
  wf_ind_ctors_indices : All (fun cdeclAll ( Σ) (cstr_indices cdecl)) (ind_ctors idecl);
  wf_ind_projs : All (fun Σ pdecl.(proj_type)) (ind_projs idecl)

Section WfLookup.
  Context {cf:checker_flags}.
  Context {Σ : global_env_ext}.

  Lemma wf_projs ind npars p : All ( Σ) (projs ind npars p).
  Proof using Type.
    unfold projs. induction p; constructor; wf.

  Lemma on_global_inductive_wf_bodies {kn mdecl} :
    on_global_decl cumul_gen wf_decl_pred Σ kn (InductiveDecl mdecl)
    All (wf_inductive_body Σ) mdecl.(ind_bodies).
  Proof using Type.
    cbn. intros oni.
    have wfpars : All (wf_decl Σ) (ind_params mdecl).
    { now eapply on_inductive_wf_params in oni. }
    eapply onInductives in oni.
    induction oni; constructor; auto.
    clear oni IHoni.
    destruct p.

    have wfargs : All (fun csAll (wf_decl Σ) (cstr_args cs)) hd.(ind_ctors).
    { unfold on_constructors in onConstructors.
      clear -onConstructors.
      induction onConstructors; constructor; auto.
      destruct r.
      clear -on_cargs.
      revert on_cargs. revert y. generalize (cstr_args x).
      induction c as [|[? [] ?] ?]; simpl;
        destruct y; intuition auto;
        try red; simpl; try red in a0, b0; intuition eauto.
        now red in b. }
    split ⇒ //.
    - now destruct onArity.
    - rewrite ind_arity_eq in onArity .
      destruct onArity as [ona _].
      eapply wf_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in ona as [_ ona].
      now eapply wf_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in ona as [].
    - unfold on_constructors in onConstructors.
      clear -onConstructors.
      induction onConstructors; constructor; auto.
      destruct r.
      eapply on_ctype.
    - unfold on_constructors in onConstructors.
      clear -onConstructors.
      induction onConstructors; constructor; auto.
      destruct r.
      rewrite cstr_eq in on_ctype.
      destruct on_ctype as [wf _].
      eapply wf_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in wf as [_ wf].
      eapply wf_it_mkProd_or_LetIn in wf as [_ wf].
      rewrite /cstr_concl in wf.
      eapply wf_mkApps_inv in wf.
      now apply All_app in wf as [].
    - rename onProjections into on_projs.
      destruct (ind_projs hd) eqn:eqprojs. constructor.
      forward on_projs by discriminate.
      destruct (ind_ctors hd) as [|? [|]] eqn:Heq; try contradiction.
      destruct on_projs. rewrite eqprojs in on_projs.
      solve_all. eapply Alli_All; tea.
      intros. red in H.
      destruct (nth_error (smash_context _ _) _) eqn:Heq'; try contradiction.
      simpl in Heq. inv wfargs. clear X0.
      destruct H as [onna ->].
      eapply wf_subst.
      eapply wf_inds. eapply wf_subst.
      eapply wf_projs.
      eapply wf_lift.
      eapply All_app_inv in wfpars; [|eapply X].
      eapply (wf_smash_context _ _ []) in wfpars.
      eapply nth_error_all in Heq'; eauto.
      apply Heq'.

End WfLookup.

Lemma OnOne2All_All2_All2 (A B C : Type) (P : B A A Type) (Q : C A Type)
        (i : list B) (j : list C) (R : B Type) (l l' : list A) :
  OnOne2All P i l l'
  All2 Q j l
  All R i
  ( x y a b, R x P x a b Q y a Q y b)
  All2 Q j l'.
  induction 1 in j |- *; intros.
  depelim X. depelim X0. constructor; eauto.
  depelim X0. depelim X1.
  constructor; auto.

Section WfRed.
  Context {cf:checker_flags}.
  Context {Σ : global_env}.

  Lemma wf_red1 Γ M N :
    on_global_env cumul_gen wf_decl_pred Σ
    All (wf_decl Σ) Γ Σ M
    red1 Σ Γ M N Σ N.
  Proof using Type.
    intros wfΣ wfΓ wfM H.
    induction H using red1_ind_all in wfM, wfΓ |- ×.
    all: inv wfM.
    all: try solve[ constructor; intuition auto with wf ].

    - inv X. inv X0.
      eauto with wf.
    - auto with wf.
    - apply wf_lift.
      unfold option_map in H. destruct nth_error eqn:Heq; try discriminate.
      eapply nth_error_all in wfΓ; eauto. unfold wf_decl in ×.
      apply some_inj in H; rewrite H in wfΓ; apply wfΓ.
    - unfold iota_red.
      eapply wf_mkApps_inv in X2.
      apply wf_subst. eapply All_rev. now eapply All_skipn.
      rewrite /expand_lets /expand_lets_k.
      apply wf_subst. apply wf_extended_subst. rewrite /bctx.
      eapply (wf_case_branch_context_gen (ind := (ci_ind ci, c))); tea.
      eapply declared_inductive_wf_ctors; tea. apply H0.
      eapply wf_lift. solve_all.
      now eapply All2_nth_error_Some_r in X3 as [cb [? []]]; tea.
    - eapply unfold_fix_wf in H; eauto. eapply wf_mkApps; auto.
    - econstructor; eauto. apply wf_mkApps_napp in X2 as [Hcof Hargs]; auto.
      eapply unfold_cofix_wf in H; eauto.
      apply wf_mkApps; intuition auto.
    - constructor; auto. apply wf_mkApps_napp in X as [Hcof Hargs]; auto.
      eapply unfold_cofix_wf in H; eauto.
      apply wf_mkApps; intuition auto.
    - apply wf_subst_instance.
      unfold declared_constant in H.
      eapply lookup_on_global_env in H as [Σ' [onΣ' [ext prf]]]; eauto.
      destruct decl; simpl in ×.
      subst cst_body0; simpl in *; unfold on_constant_decl in prf; cbn in prf.
      unfold wf_decl_pred in prf. intuition eauto using wf_extends.
    - apply wf_mkApps_inv in X.
      eapply nth_error_all in X; eauto.
    - simpl in ×. econstructor; eauto. cbn.
      now rewrite -(OnOne2_length X).
      cbn. clear H1. induction X; constructor; inv X1; intuition auto.
    - econstructor; eauto; simpl in ×.
      apply IHred1; eauto.
      apply All_app_inv ⇒ //.
      apply wf_case_predicate_context; auto.
      eapply declared_inductive_wf_params in isdecl; eauto.
      eapply declared_inductive_wf_indices; eauto; wf.
    - econstructor; eauto.
    - econstructor; eauto.
      assert (wf := wf_case_branches_context _ _ _ _ brs wfΣ isdecl X1).
      forward wf.
      eapply declared_inductive_wf_ctors; eauto; wf.
      eapply OnOne2All_All2_All2; tea. cbn. intuition auto.
      now rewrite b0 in a1.
      apply b2 ⇒ //.
      apply All_app_inv ⇒ //.
    - now eapply wf_mkApps.
    - constructor; auto. induction X; auto; congruence.
      clear H X0 H0. induction X; inv X1; constructor; intuition auto; try congruence.
    - constructor.
      induction X; inv X0; constructor; intuition auto.
    - constructor; auto.
      induction X; inv X0; constructor; intuition auto; congruence.
    - constructor; auto. solve_all.
      pose proof X0 as H'. revert X0.
      apply (OnOne2_All_All X). clear X.
      intros [na bo ty ra] [nb bb tb rb] [[r ih] e] [? ?].
      simpl in ×.
      inversion e. subst. clear e.
      intuition eauto.
      eapply ih. 2: assumption.
      apply All_app_inv. 2: assumption.
      unfold fix_context. apply All_rev. eapply All_mapi.
      eapply All_Alli. 1: exact H'.
      cbn. unfold wf_decl. simpl.
      intros ? [? ? ? ?] ?. simpl in ×.
      intuition eauto with wf.
    - constructor; auto.
      induction X; inv X0; constructor; intuition auto; congruence.
    - constructor; auto. solve_all.
      pose proof X0 as H'. revert X0.
      apply (OnOne2_All_All X). clear X.
      intros [na bo ty ra] [nb bb tb rb] [[r ih] e] [? ?].
      simpl in ×.
      inversion e. subst. clear e.
      intuition eauto.
      eapply ih. 2: assumption.
      solve_all. apply All_app_inv. 2: assumption.
      unfold fix_context. apply All_rev. eapply All_mapi.
      eapply All_Alli. 1: exact H'.
      cbn. unfold wf_decl. simpl.
      intros ? [? ? ? ?] ?. simpl in ×.
      intuition eauto with wf.

  Lemma wf_lift_wf n k t : Σ (lift n k t) Σ t.
  Proof using Type.
    induction t in n, k |- × using term_forall_list_rect; simpl in *;
      intros Hwf; inv Hwf; try constructor; eauto;
        repeat (unfold snd, on_snd in *; simpl in *; solve_all).

    - destruct t; try reflexivity. discriminate.
    - destruct l; simpl in *; congruence.
    - eapply All2_map_right_inv in X5. econstructor; eauto; solve_all.
      now rewrite map_length in H1.

  Lemma declared_projection_wf (p : projection)
          (mdecl : mutual_inductive_body) (idecl : one_inductive_body) cdecl pdecl :
      declared_projection Σ p mdecl idecl cdecl pdecl
      on_global_env cumul_gen wf_decl_pred Σ Σ pdecl.(proj_type).
  Proof using Type.
    intros isdecl X.
    destruct isdecl as [[[Hmdecl Hidecl] Hcdecl] Hpdecl].
    destruct (lookup_on_global_env X Hmdecl) as [Σ' [wfΣ' [ext prf]]]; eauto.
    assert (wfpars := on_inductive_wf_params prf).
    eapply on_global_inductive_wf_bodies in prf ⇒ //.
    eapply nth_error_all in Hidecl; eauto. intuition auto.
    destruct Hidecl.
    eapply nth_error_all in wf_ind_projs0; eauto. intuition auto.
    eauto using wf_extends.

  Definition on_option {A} (P : A Type) (o : option A) :=
    match o with
    | Some xP x
    | Noneunit

  Lemma declared_constant_wf cst decl :
    on_global_env cumul_gen wf_decl_pred Σ
    declared_constant Σ cst decl Σ decl.(cst_type) ×
    on_option ( Σ) decl.(cst_body).
  Proof using Type.
    intros h.
    unfold declared_constant in h.
    destruct (lookup_on_global_env h) as [Σ' [wΣ' [ext h']]].
    simpl in h'.
    destruct decl as [ty [bo|]]. all: cbn in ×.
    - destruct h'. intuition eauto using wf_extends.
    - destruct h'. intuition eauto using wf_extends.

  Lemma wf_it_mkProd_or_LetIn_inv (Σ' : global_env_ext) Γ (wfΓ : wf_local Σ' Γ)
    : All_local_env_over typing
    (fun (Σ : global_env_ext) (Γ : context) (_ : wf_local Σ Γ)
      (t T : term) (_ : Σ;;; Γ |- t : T) ⇒ Σ t × Σ T) Σ'
          Γ wfΓ
   t, Σ' t Σ' (it_mkProd_or_LetIn Γ t).
  Proof using Type.
    induction 1; simpl.
    - trivial.
    - intros t0 Ht0. apply IHX. constructor. apply Hs. assumption.
    - intros t0 Ht0. apply IHX. constructor. apply Hc. apply Hc. assumption.

  Lemma wf_Lambda_or_LetIn {d t} :
    wf_decl Σ d Σ t Σ (mkLambda_or_LetIn d t).
  Proof using Type.
    destruct d as [? [|] ?]; simpl; wf;
    unfold wf_decl, mkLambda_or_LetIn in *; simpl in ×.
    constructor; intuition auto.
    constructor; intuition auto.

  Lemma wf_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn {Γ t} :
    All (wf_decl Σ) Γ Σ t Σ (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn Γ t).
  Proof using Type.
    intros wfΓ wft; induction wfΓ in t, wft |- *; simpl.
    - trivial.
    - apply IHwfΓ. now apply wf_Lambda_or_LetIn.

End WfRed.

Hint Resolve wf_extends : wf.

Lemma All2i_All2 {A B} {P : nat A B Type} {Q : A B Type} n l l' :
  All2i P n l l'
  ( i x y, P i x y Q x y)
  All2 Q l l'.
  induction 1; constructor; eauto.

Lemma cstr_branch_context_length ind mdecl cdecl :
  #|cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl| = #|cdecl.(cstr_args)|.
Proof. rewrite /cstr_branch_context. now len. Qed.

Global Hint Rewrite cstr_branch_context_length : len.

Section TypingWf.
  Context {cf}.

  Ltac specialize_goal :=
    repeat match goal with
    | H : ?P _, H' : ?P |- _specialize (H H')

  Lemma typing_wf_gen :
      (fun Σ Γ t Σ t × Σ T)
      (fun Σ Γ wfΓAll (wf_decl Σ) Γ).
  Proof using Type.
    apply typing_ind_env; intros; auto with wf;
      try solve [split; try constructor; intuition auto with wf].

    - eapply All_local_env_wf_decls.
      induction X; constructor; auto; red; intuition auto.
    - split; wf. apply wf_lift.
      apply (nth_error_all H X).
    - split. constructor; auto. wf.
      clear -X1.
      induction X1; constructor; now auto.
      destruct X0 as [_ X0].
      clear X H H0.
      induction X1; auto. apply IHX1.
      apply wf_subst. now destruct p0. destruct p. now inv w.
    - split. wf. apply wf_subst_instance. wf.
      destruct (lookup_on_global_env X H) as [Σ' [wfΣ' [ext prf]]]; eauto.
      red in prf. destruct decl; destruct cst_body0; red in prf; simpl in *; wf.
      destruct prf as [s []]. wf.

    - split. wf. apply wf_subst_instance.
      eapply declared_inductive_wf; eauto.
      now eapply Forall_decls_on_global_wf.

    - split. wf. unfold type_of_constructor.
      apply wf_subst; auto with wf.
      apply wf_inds.
      apply wf_subst_instance.
      eapply declared_constructor_wf; eauto.
      now eapply Forall_decls_on_global_wf.

    - destruct X3 as [wfret wps].
      destruct X6 as [wfc wfapps].
      eapply wf_mkApps_inv in wfapps.
      eapply All_app in wfapps as [wfp wfindices].
      assert (All (wf_decl Σ) predctx).
      { now apply All_app in X4 as [? ?]. }
      split; [econstructor; simpl; eauto; solve_all|].
      eapply All2i_All2; tea; repeat intuition auto.
      apply wf_mkApps. subst ptm. wf. apply wf_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn; auto.
      apply All_app_inv; auto.
    - split. wf. apply wf_subst. solve_all. constructor. wf.
      apply wf_mkApps_inv in b. apply All_rev. solve_all.
      eapply declared_projection_wf in isdecl; eauto.
      now eapply wf_subst_instance.
      now eapply Forall_decls_on_global_wf.

    - subst types.
      clear H.
      + constructor.
        solve_all; destruct a, b.
        all: intuition.
      + eapply All_nth_error in X0; eauto.
        destruct X0 as [s ?]; intuition.

    - subst types.
      + constructor.
        solve_all; destruct a, b.
        all: intuition.
      + eapply All_nth_error in X0; eauto. destruct X0 as [s ?]; intuition.

  Lemma typing_all_wf_decl Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ.1) Γ (wfΓ : wf_local Σ Γ) :
    All (wf_decl Σ.1) Γ.
  Proof using Type.
    eapply (env_prop_wf_local typing_wf_gen); eauto.
  Hint Resolve typing_all_wf_decl : wf.

  Lemma typing_wf_sigma Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ) :
    on_global_env cumul_gen wf_decl_pred Σ.
  Proof using Type.
    pose proof (env_prop_sigma typing_wf_gen _ wfΣ). red in X.
    do 2 red in wfΣ.
    eapply on_global_env_impl; eauto; simpl; intros.
    destruct T. red. apply X1. red. destruct X1 as [x [a wfs]]. split; auto.

  Lemma typing_wf Σ (wfΣ : wf Σ.1) Γ t T :
    Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T Σ.1 t × Σ.1 T.
  Proof using Type.
    intros. eapply typing_wf_gen in X; intuition eauto with wf.

  Lemma declared_minductive_wf {Σ : global_env} {mind mdecl} {wfΣ : wf Σ} :
    declared_minductive Σ mind mdecl
    All (wf_decl Σ) (ind_params mdecl) ×
    All (@wf_inductive_body Σ) (ind_bodies mdecl).
  Proof using Type.
    intros declm.
    pose proof (typing_wf_gen (Env.empty_ext Σ) wfΣ _ localenv_nil _ _ (type_Prop _)) as [X _].
    eapply Forall_decls_on_global_wf in X.
    destruct (lookup_on_global_env X declm) as [? [? [ext ?]]]; eauto.
    split. eapply on_global_inductive_wf_params in o0. solve_all. eauto using wf_decl_extends.
    eapply on_global_inductive_wf_bodies in o0. solve_all.
    destruct X0; split; solve_all; eauto using wf_extends, wf_decl_extends.

  Lemma declared_inductive_wf_case_predicate_context
     {Σ : global_env} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {ind mdecl idecl p} :
    declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl
    All ( Σ) p.(pparams)
    All (wf_decl Σ) (case_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl p).
  Proof using Type.
    intros decli.
    destruct (declared_minductive_wf (proj1 decli)) as [wfp wfb].
    intros wfpars.
    eapply wf_case_predicate_context ⇒ //.
    destruct decli as [declm hi].
    eapply nth_error_all in wfb; tea. apply wfb.

  Lemma declared_constructor_wf_case_branch_context
    {Σ} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {ind mdecl idecl cdecl p br} :
    declared_constructor Σ ind mdecl idecl cdecl
    All ( Σ) (pparams p)
    All (wf_decl Σ) (case_branch_context (fst ind) mdecl cdecl p br).
  Proof using Type.
    eapply wf_case_branch_context_gen; tea ⇒ //.
    now apply typing_wf_sigma.
    destruct (declared_minductive_wf (proj1 (proj1 H))).
    destruct H as [[hm hnth] hnth'].
    eapply nth_error_all in a0; tea.
    now eapply wf_ind_ctor_args.

  Lemma mkApp_ex_wf Σ t u : Σ (mkApp t u)
     f args, mkApp t u = tApp f args ~~ isApp f.
  Proof using Type.
    induction t; simpl; try solve [eexists _, _; split; reflexivity].
    intros wf.
    eapply wf_inv in wf as [[[appt _] wft] wfargs].
    eapply All_app in wfargs as [wfargs wfu]. depelim wfu.
    forward IHt. eapply wf_mkApp; intuition auto.
    destruct IHt as [f [ar [eqf isap]]].
    eexists _, _; split; auto. rewrite appt //.

  Lemma decompose_app_mkApp f u :
    (decompose_app (mkApp f u)).2 [].
  Proof using Type.
    induction f; simpl; auto; try congruence.
    destruct args; simpl; congruence.

  Lemma mkApps_tApp' f u f' u' :
    ~~ isApp f'
    mkApp f u = tApp f' u' mkApps f [u] = mkApps f' u'.
  Proof using Type.
    rewrite -(mkApp_mkApps f u []).
    simpl. rewrite H0.
    rewrite -(mkApps_tApp f') // ?H //.
    destruct u' ⇒ //.
    eapply (f_equal decompose_app) in H0.
    simpl in H0. pose proof (decompose_app_mkApp f u).
    rewrite H0 /= in H1. congruence.

  Lemma eq_decompose_app Σ x y : Σ x Σ y
    decompose_app x = decompose_app y x = y.
  Proof using Type.
    intros wfx; revert y.
    induction wfx using term_wf_forall_list_ind; intros [] wfy;
    eapply wf_inv in wfy; simpl in wfy; simpl;
    intros [= ?]; try intuition congruence.

  Lemma mkApp_ex t u : f args, mkApp t u = tApp f args.
  Proof using Type.
    induction t; simpl; try solve [eexists _, _; reflexivity].

  Lemma strip_casts_decompose_app Σ t : Σ t
     f l, decompose_app t = (f, l)
    strip_casts t = mkApps (strip_casts f) (map strip_casts l).
  Proof using Type.
    intros wf.
    induction wf using term_wf_forall_list_ind; simpl; intros; auto; noconf H;
    try noconf H0;
      rewrite ?map_map_compose ?compose_on_snd ?compose_map_def ?map_length;
        f_equal; solve_all; eauto.
    - now noconf H1.
    - now noconf H1.
    - now noconf H2.

  Lemma mkApps_tApp f args :
    ~~ isApp f
    ~~ is_empty args
    tApp f args = mkApps f args.
  Proof using Type.
    destruct args, f; try discriminate; auto.

  Lemma strip_casts_mkApps_napp_wf Σ f u :
    ~~ isApp f Σ f All ( Σ) u
    strip_casts (mkApps f u) = mkApps (strip_casts f) (map strip_casts u).
  Proof using Type.
    intros nisapp wf wf'.
    destruct u.
    simpl. auto.
    rewrite -(mkApps_tApp f (t :: u)) //.

  Lemma mkApp_mkApps f u : mkApp f u = mkApps f [u].
  Proof using Type. reflexivity. Qed.

  Lemma decompose_app_inv Σ f l hd args : Σ f
    decompose_app (mkApps f l) = (hd, args)
     n, ~~ isApp hd l = skipn n args f = mkApps hd (firstn n args).
  Proof using Type.
    destruct (isApp f) eqn:Heq.
    revert l args hd.
    induction f; try discriminate. intros.
    simpl in X.
    move/wf_inv: X ⇒ /= [[[isAppf Hargs] wff] wfargs].
    rewrite mkApps_tApp ?isAppf in H ⇒ //. destruct args ⇒ //.
    rewrite -mkApps_app in H.
    rewrite decompose_app_mkApps ?isAppf in H; auto. noconf H.
     #|args|; split; auto. now rewrite isAppf.
    rewrite skipn_all_app.
    rewrite firstn_app. rewrite firstn_all2. lia.
    rewrite Nat.sub_diag firstn_O app_nil_r. split; auto.
    rewrite mkApps_tApp ?isAppf //. now destruct args.

    intros wff fl.
    rewrite decompose_app_mkApps in fl; auto. now apply negbT.
    inversion fl. subst; 0.
    split; auto. now eapply negbT.

  Lemma eq_tip_skipn {A} (x : A) n l : [x] = skipn n l
     l', l = l' ++ [x] n = #|l'|.
  Proof using Type.
    induction l in n |- ×. rewrite skipn_nil //.
    destruct n. simpl. destruct l ⇒ //.
    intros eq. noconf eq. []; split; auto.
    rewrite skipn_S. intros Hx.
    destruct (IHl _ Hx) as [l' [-> ->]].
     (a :: l'); split; reflexivity.

  Lemma strip_casts_mkApp_wf Σ f u : Σ f Σ u
    strip_casts (mkApp f u) = mkApp (strip_casts f) (strip_casts u).
  Proof using Type.
    intros wf wf'.
    assert (wfa : Σ (mkApp f u)). now apply wf_mkApp.
    destruct (mkApp_ex_wf Σ f u wfa) as [f' [args [eq isapp]]].
    eapply (f_equal decompose_app) in eq. simpl in eq.
    epose proof (strip_casts_decompose_app Σ _ wfa _ _ eq).
    rewrite H.
    rewrite mkApp_mkApps in eq.
    destruct (decompose_app_inv Σ _ _ _ _ wf eq) as [n [ng [stripeq stripf]]].
    apply eq_tip_skipn in stripeq. destruct stripeq as [l' [eqargs eqn]].
    subst n args. rewrite firstn_app_left // in stripf. subst f.
    eapply wf_mkApps_napp in wf as [wff' wfl] ⇒ //.
    rewrite (strip_casts_mkApps_napp_wf Σ) //.
    now rewrite mkApp_mkApps -mkApps_app map_app.

  Lemma strip_casts_mkApps_wf Σ f u : Σ f All ( Σ) u
    strip_casts (mkApps f u) = mkApps (strip_casts f) (map strip_casts u).
  Proof using Type.
    intros wf wf'. induction wf' in f, wf |- ×.
    simpl. auto.
    rewrite -mkApps_mkApp IHwf'.
    apply wf_mkApp; auto with wf.
    rewrite (strip_casts_mkApp_wf Σ) //.
    now rewrite mkApps_mkApp.
End TypingWf.