Library MetaCoq.Template.TermEquality
From Coq Require Import CMorphisms.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils Reflect Environment Ast AstUtils Induction Reflect.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.
From Equations.Prop Require Import DepElim.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Set Equations With UIP.
Definition R_universe_instance R :=
fun u u' ⇒ Forall2 R ( Universe.make u) ( Universe.make u').
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils Reflect Environment Ast AstUtils Induction Reflect.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.
From Equations.Prop Require Import DepElim.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Set Equations With UIP.
Definition R_universe_instance R :=
fun u u' ⇒ Forall2 R ( Universe.make u) ( Universe.make u').
Cumulative inductive types:
To simplify the development, we allow the variance list to not exactly
match the instances, so as to keep syntactic equality an equivalence relation
even on ill-formed terms. It corresponds to the right notion on well-formed terms.
Definition R_universe_variance (Re Rle : Universe.t → Universe.t → Prop) v u u' :=
match v with
| Variance.Irrelevant ⇒ True
| Variance.Covariant ⇒ Rle (Universe.make u) (Universe.make u')
| Variance.Invariant ⇒ Re (Universe.make u) (Universe.make u')
Fixpoint R_universe_instance_variance Re Rle v u u' :=
match u, u' return Prop with
| u :: us, u' :: us' ⇒
match v with
| [] ⇒ R_universe_instance_variance Re Rle v us us'
| v :: vs ⇒ R_universe_variance Re Rle v u u' ∧
R_universe_instance_variance Re Rle vs us us'
| [], [] ⇒ True
| _, _ ⇒ False
Definition lookup_minductive Σ mind :=
match lookup_env Σ mind with
| Some (InductiveDecl decl) ⇒ Some decl
| _ ⇒ None
Definition lookup_inductive Σ ind :=
match lookup_minductive Σ (inductive_mind ind) with
| Some mdecl ⇒
match nth_error mdecl.(ind_bodies) (inductive_ind ind) with
| Some idecl ⇒ Some (mdecl, idecl)
| None ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
Definition lookup_constructor Σ ind k :=
match lookup_inductive Σ ind with
| Some (mdecl, idecl) ⇒
match nth_error idecl.(ind_ctors) k with
| Some cdecl ⇒ Some (mdecl, idecl, cdecl)
| None ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ None
Definition global_variance Σ gr napp :=
match gr with
| IndRef ind ⇒
match lookup_inductive Σ ind with
| Some (mdecl, idecl) ⇒
match destArity [] idecl.(ind_type) with
| Some (ctx, _) ⇒ if (context_assumptions ctx) <=? napp then mdecl.(ind_variance)
else None
| None ⇒ None
| None ⇒ None
| ConstructRef ind k ⇒
match lookup_constructor Σ ind k with
| Some (mdecl, idecl, cdecl) ⇒
if (cdecl.(cstr_arity) + mdecl.(ind_npars))%nat <=? napp then
Fully applied constructors are always compared at the same supertype,
which implies that no universe equality needs to be checked here.
Some []
else None
| _ ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ None
Definition R_opt_variance Re Rle v :=
match v with
| Some v ⇒ R_universe_instance_variance Re Rle v
| None ⇒ R_universe_instance Re
Definition R_global_instance Σ Re Rle gr napp :=
R_opt_variance Re Rle (global_variance Σ gr napp).
Lemma R_universe_instance_impl R R' :
RelationClasses.subrelation R R' →
RelationClasses.subrelation (R_universe_instance R) (R_universe_instance R').
intros H x y xy. eapply Forall2_impl ; tea.
Lemma R_universe_instance_impl' R R' :
RelationClasses.subrelation R R' →
∀ u u', R_universe_instance R u u' → R_universe_instance R' u u'.
intros H x y xy. eapply Forall2_impl ; tea.
Inductive compare_decls (eq_term leq_term : term → term → Type) : context_decl → context_decl → Type :=
| compare_vass na T na' T' : eq_binder_annot na na' →
leq_term T T' →
compare_decls eq_term leq_term (vass na T) (vass na' T')
| compare_vdef na b T na' b' T' : eq_binder_annot na na' →
eq_term b b' → leq_term T T' →
compare_decls eq_term leq_term (vdef na b T) (vdef na' b' T').
Derive Signature NoConfusion for compare_decls.
Lemma alpha_eq_context_assumptions {Γ Δ} :
All2 (compare_decls eq eq) Γ Δ →
context_assumptions Γ = context_assumptions Δ.
induction 1 in |- *; cbn; auto.
destruct r; subst; cbn; auto.
Lemma alpha_eq_extended_subst {Γ Δ k} :
All2 (compare_decls eq eq) Γ Δ →
extended_subst Γ k = extended_subst Δ k.
induction 1 in k |- *; cbn; auto.
destruct r; subst; cbn; f_equal; auto.
rewrite IHX. now rewrite (alpha_eq_context_assumptions X).
Lemma expand_lets_eq {Γ Δ t} :
All2 (compare_decls eq eq) Γ Δ →
expand_lets Γ t = expand_lets Δ t.
intros. rewrite /expand_lets /expand_lets_k.
now rewrite (All2_length X) (alpha_eq_context_assumptions X) (alpha_eq_extended_subst X).
Lemma alpha_eq_subst_context {Γ Δ s k} :
All2 (compare_decls eq eq) Γ Δ →
All2 (compare_decls eq eq) (subst_context s k Γ) (subst_context s k Δ).
rewrite /subst_context.
induction X.
- cbn; auto.
- rewrite !fold_context_k_snoc0. constructor; auto.
destruct r; subst; constructor; cbn; auto.
all:now rewrite (All2_length X).
else None
| _ ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ None
Definition R_opt_variance Re Rle v :=
match v with
| Some v ⇒ R_universe_instance_variance Re Rle v
| None ⇒ R_universe_instance Re
Definition R_global_instance Σ Re Rle gr napp :=
R_opt_variance Re Rle (global_variance Σ gr napp).
Lemma R_universe_instance_impl R R' :
RelationClasses.subrelation R R' →
RelationClasses.subrelation (R_universe_instance R) (R_universe_instance R').
intros H x y xy. eapply Forall2_impl ; tea.
Lemma R_universe_instance_impl' R R' :
RelationClasses.subrelation R R' →
∀ u u', R_universe_instance R u u' → R_universe_instance R' u u'.
intros H x y xy. eapply Forall2_impl ; tea.
Inductive compare_decls (eq_term leq_term : term → term → Type) : context_decl → context_decl → Type :=
| compare_vass na T na' T' : eq_binder_annot na na' →
leq_term T T' →
compare_decls eq_term leq_term (vass na T) (vass na' T')
| compare_vdef na b T na' b' T' : eq_binder_annot na na' →
eq_term b b' → leq_term T T' →
compare_decls eq_term leq_term (vdef na b T) (vdef na' b' T').
Derive Signature NoConfusion for compare_decls.
Lemma alpha_eq_context_assumptions {Γ Δ} :
All2 (compare_decls eq eq) Γ Δ →
context_assumptions Γ = context_assumptions Δ.
induction 1 in |- *; cbn; auto.
destruct r; subst; cbn; auto.
Lemma alpha_eq_extended_subst {Γ Δ k} :
All2 (compare_decls eq eq) Γ Δ →
extended_subst Γ k = extended_subst Δ k.
induction 1 in k |- *; cbn; auto.
destruct r; subst; cbn; f_equal; auto.
rewrite IHX. now rewrite (alpha_eq_context_assumptions X).
Lemma expand_lets_eq {Γ Δ t} :
All2 (compare_decls eq eq) Γ Δ →
expand_lets Γ t = expand_lets Δ t.
intros. rewrite /expand_lets /expand_lets_k.
now rewrite (All2_length X) (alpha_eq_context_assumptions X) (alpha_eq_extended_subst X).
Lemma alpha_eq_subst_context {Γ Δ s k} :
All2 (compare_decls eq eq) Γ Δ →
All2 (compare_decls eq eq) (subst_context s k Γ) (subst_context s k Δ).
rewrite /subst_context.
induction X.
- cbn; auto.
- rewrite !fold_context_k_snoc0. constructor; auto.
destruct r; subst; constructor; cbn; auto.
all:now rewrite (All2_length X).
Syntactic equality up-to universes
We don't look at printing annotationsInductive eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ (Re Rle : Universe.t → Universe.t → Prop) (napp : nat) : term → term → Type :=
| eq_Rel n :
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tRel n) (tRel n)
| eq_Evar e args args' :
All2 (eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0) args args' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tEvar e args) (tEvar e args')
| eq_Var id :
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tVar id) (tVar id)
| eq_Sort s s' :
Rle s s' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tSort s) (tSort s')
| eq_App t t' u u' :
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle (#|u| + napp) t t' →
All2 (eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0) u u' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tApp t u) (tApp t' u')
| eq_Const c u u' :
R_universe_instance Re u u' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tConst c u) (tConst c u')
| eq_Ind i u u' :
R_global_instance Σ Re Rle (IndRef i) napp u u' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tInd i u) (tInd i u')
| eq_Construct i k u u' :
R_global_instance Σ Re Rle (ConstructRef i k) napp u u' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tConstruct i k u) (tConstruct i k u')
| eq_Lambda na na' ty ty' t t' :
eq_binder_annot na na' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0 ty ty' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle 0 t t' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tLambda na ty t) (tLambda na' ty' t')
| eq_Prod na na' a a' b b' :
eq_binder_annot na na' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0 a a' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle 0 b b' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tProd na a b) (tProd na' a' b')
| eq_LetIn na na' t t' ty ty' u u' :
eq_binder_annot na na' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0 t t' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0 ty ty' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle 0 u u' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tLetIn na t ty u) (tLetIn na' t' ty' u')
| eq_Case ind p p' c c' brs brs' :
All2 (eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0) p.(pparams) p'.(pparams) →
R_universe_instance Re p.(puinst) p'.(puinst) →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0 p.(preturn) p'.(preturn) →
All2 eq_binder_annot p.(pcontext) p'.(pcontext) →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0 c c' →
All2 (fun x y ⇒
All2 (eq_binder_annot) (bcontext x) (bcontext y) ×
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0 (bbody x) (bbody y)
) brs brs' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tCase ind p c brs) (tCase ind p' c' brs')
| eq_Proj p c c' :
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0 c c' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tProj p c) (tProj p c')
| eq_Fix mfix mfix' idx :
All2 (fun x y ⇒
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0 x.(dtype) y.(dtype) ×
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0 x.(dbody) y.(dbody) ×
(x.(rarg) = y.(rarg)) ×
eq_binder_annot x.(dname) y.(dname)
)%type mfix mfix' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tFix mfix idx) (tFix mfix' idx)
| eq_CoFix mfix mfix' idx :
All2 (fun x y ⇒
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0 x.(dtype) y.(dtype) ×
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0 x.(dbody) y.(dbody) ×
(x.(rarg) = y.(rarg)) ×
eq_binder_annot x.(dname) y.(dname)
) mfix mfix' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tCoFix mfix idx) (tCoFix mfix' idx)
| eq_Cast t1 c t2 t1' c' t2' :
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0 t1 t1' →
eq_cast_kind c c' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re 0 t2 t2' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (tCast t1 c t2) (tCast t1' c' t2').
Notation eq_term_upto_univ Σ Re Rle := (eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle 0).
Definition compare_term `{checker_flags} (pb : conv_pb) Σ φ :=
eq_term_upto_univ Σ (eq_universe φ) (compare_universe pb φ).
Notation eq_term := (compare_term Conv).
Notation leq_term := (compare_term Cumul).
Lemma R_global_instance_refl Σ Re Rle gr napp u :
RelationClasses.Reflexive Re →
RelationClasses.Reflexive Rle →
R_global_instance Σ Re Rle gr napp u u.
intros rRE rRle.
rewrite /R_global_instance.
destruct global_variance as [v|] eqn:lookup.
- induction u in v |- *; simpl; auto;
unfold R_opt_variance in IHu; destruct v; simpl; auto.
split; auto.
destruct t; simpl; auto.
- apply Forall2_same; eauto.
#[global] Instance eq_binder_annot_equiv {A} : RelationClasses.Equivalence (@eq_binder_annot A A).
- red. reflexivity.
- red; now symmetry.
- intros x y z; unfold eq_binder_annot.
Definition eq_binder_annot_refl {A} x : @eq_binder_annot A A x x.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
#[global] Hint Resolve eq_binder_annot_refl : core.
#[global] Instance eq_binder_annots_refl {A} : CRelationClasses.Equivalence (All2 (@eq_binder_annot A A)).
intros x. apply All2_reflexivity; tc.
× intros l. reflexivity.
× intros l l' H. eapply All2_symmetry ⇒ //.
× intros l l' H. eapply All2_transitivity ⇒ //.
intros ? ? ? ? ?. now etransitivity.
Lemma eq_term_upto_univ_refl Σ Re Rle :
RelationClasses.Reflexive Re →
RelationClasses.Reflexive Rle →
∀ napp t, eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp t t.
intros hRe hRle napp.
induction t in napp, Rle, hRle |- × using term_forall_list_rect; simpl;
try constructor; try apply Forall_Forall2; try apply All_All2 ; try easy;
try now (try apply Forall_All ; apply Forall_True).
- eapply All_All2. 1: eassumption.
intros. simpl in X0. easy.
- destruct c; constructor.
- eapply All_All2. 1: eassumption.
intros. easy.
- now apply R_global_instance_refl.
- now apply R_global_instance_refl.
- destruct X as [Ppars Preturn]. eapply All_All2. 1:eassumption.
intros; easy.
- destruct X as [Ppars Preturn]. now apply Preturn.
- red in X0. eapply All_All2_refl. solve_all. reflexivity.
- eapply All_All2. 1: eassumption.
intros x [? ?]. repeat split ; auto.
- eapply All_All2. 1: eassumption.
intros x [? ?]. repeat split ; auto.
Lemma eq_term_refl `{checker_flags} Σ φ t : eq_term Σ φ t t.
apply eq_term_upto_univ_refl.
- intro; apply eq_universe_refl.
- intro; apply eq_universe_refl.
Lemma leq_term_refl `{checker_flags} Σ φ t : leq_term Σ φ t t.
apply eq_term_upto_univ_refl.
- intro; apply eq_universe_refl.
- intro; apply leq_universe_refl.
#[global] Instance R_global_instance_impl_same_napp Σ Re Re' Rle Rle' gr napp :
RelationClasses.subrelation Re Re' →
RelationClasses.subrelation Rle Rle' →
subrelation (R_global_instance Σ Re Rle gr napp) (R_global_instance Σ Re' Rle' gr napp).
intros he hle t t'.
rewrite /R_global_instance /R_opt_variance.
destruct global_variance as [v|] eqn:glob.
induction t in v, t' |- *; destruct v, t'; simpl; auto.
intros []; split; auto.
destruct t0; simpl; auto.
now eapply R_universe_instance_impl'.
Lemma eq_term_upto_univ_morphism0 Σ (Re Re' : _ → _ → Prop)
(Hre : ∀ t u, Re t u → Re' t u)
: ∀ t u napp, eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Re napp t u → eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re' Re' napp t u.
fix aux 4.
destruct 1; constructor; eauto.
all: unfold R_universe_instance in ×.
all: try solve[ match goal with
| H : All2 _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ clear -H aux; induction H; constructor; eauto
| H : Forall2 _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ induction H; constructor; eauto
- eapply R_global_instance_impl_same_napp; eauto.
- eapply R_global_instance_impl_same_napp; eauto.
- induction a1; constructor; auto. intuition auto.
- induction a; constructor; auto. intuition auto.
- induction a; constructor; auto. intuition auto.
Lemma eq_term_upto_univ_morphism Σ (Re Re' Rle Rle' : _ → _ → Prop)
(Hre : ∀ t u, Re t u → Re' t u)
(Hrle : ∀ t u, Rle t u → Rle' t u)
: ∀ t u napp, eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp t u → eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re' Rle' napp t u.
fix aux 4.
destruct 1; constructor; eauto using eq_term_upto_univ_morphism0.
all: unfold R_universe_instance in ×.
all: try solve [match goal with
| H : Forall2 _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ induction H; constructor;
eauto using eq_term_upto_univ_morphism0
| H : All2 _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ induction H; constructor;
eauto using eq_term_upto_univ_morphism0
- clear X. induction a; constructor; eauto using eq_term_upto_univ_morphism0.
- eapply R_global_instance_impl_same_napp; eauto.
- eapply R_global_instance_impl_same_napp; eauto.
- clear X1 X2. induction a1; constructor; eauto using eq_term_upto_univ_morphism0.
destruct r0. split; eauto using eq_term_upto_univ_morphism0.
- induction a; constructor; eauto using eq_term_upto_univ_morphism0.
destruct r as [[[? ?] ?] ?].
repeat split; eauto using eq_term_upto_univ_morphism0.
- induction a; constructor; eauto using eq_term_upto_univ_morphism0.
destruct r as [[[? ?] ?] ?].
repeat split; eauto using eq_term_upto_univ_morphism0.
Lemma global_variance_napp_mon {Σ gr napp napp' v} :
napp ≤ napp' →
global_variance Σ gr napp = Some v →
global_variance Σ gr napp' = Some v.
intros hnapp.
rewrite /global_variance.
destruct gr; try congruence.
- destruct lookup_inductive as [[mdecl idec]|] ⇒ //.
destruct destArity as [[ctx s]|] ⇒ //.
elim: Nat.leb_spec ⇒ // cass indv.
elim: Nat.leb_spec ⇒ //. lia.
- destruct lookup_constructor as [[[mdecl idecl] cdecl]|] ⇒ //.
elim: Nat.leb_spec ⇒ // cass indv.
elim: Nat.leb_spec ⇒ //. lia.
#[global] Instance R_global_instance_impl Σ Re Re' Rle Rle' gr napp napp' :
RelationClasses.subrelation Re Re' →
RelationClasses.subrelation Re Rle' →
RelationClasses.subrelation Rle Rle' →
napp ≤ napp' →
subrelation (R_global_instance Σ Re Rle gr napp) (R_global_instance Σ Re' Rle' gr napp').
intros he hle hele hnapp t t'.
rewrite /R_global_instance /R_opt_variance.
destruct global_variance as [v|] eqn:glob.
rewrite (global_variance_napp_mon hnapp glob).
induction t in v, t' |- *; destruct v, t'; simpl; auto.
intros []; split; auto.
destruct t0; simpl; auto.
destruct (global_variance _ _ napp') as [v|] eqn:glob'; eauto using R_universe_instance_impl'.
induction t in v, t' |- *; destruct v, t'; simpl; auto; intros H; inv H.
split; auto.
destruct t0; simpl; auto.
#[global] Instance eq_term_upto_univ_impl Σ Re Re' Rle Rle' napp napp' :
RelationClasses.subrelation Re Re' →
RelationClasses.subrelation Rle Rle' →
RelationClasses.subrelation Re Rle' →
napp ≤ napp' →
subrelation (eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp) (eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re' Rle' napp').
intros he hle hele hnapp t t'.
induction t in napp, napp', hnapp, t', Rle, Rle', hle, hele |- × using term_forall_list_rect;
try (inversion 1; subst; constructor;
eauto using R_universe_instance_impl'; fail).
- inversion 1; subst; constructor.
eapply All2_impl'; tea.
eapply All_impl; eauto.
- inversion 1; subst; constructor.
eapply IHt. 4:eauto. all:auto with arith. eauto.
- inversion 1; subst; constructor.
eapply R_global_instance_impl. 5:eauto. all:auto.
- inversion 1; subst; constructor.
eapply R_global_instance_impl. 5:eauto. all:eauto.
- destruct X as [IHpars IHret].
inversion 1; subst; constructor; eauto.
eapply All2_impl'; tea.
eapply All_impl; eauto.
eapply R_universe_instance_impl; eauto.
eapply All2_impl'; eauto.
eapply All_impl; eauto.
intros x ? y [? ?]. split; eauto.
- inversion 1; subst; constructor.
eapply All2_impl'; tea.
eapply All_impl; eauto.
cbn. intros x [? ?] y [[[? ?] ?] ?]. repeat split; eauto.
- inversion 1; subst; constructor.
eapply All2_impl'; tea.
eapply All_impl; eauto.
cbn. intros x [? ?] y [[[? ?] ?] ?]. repeat split; eauto.
Lemma eq_term_leq_term `{checker_flags} Σ φ t u :
eq_term Σ φ t u → leq_term Σ φ t u.
eapply eq_term_upto_univ_morphism. auto.
now apply eq_universe_leq_universe.
Lemma eq_term_upto_univ_App `{checker_flags} Σ Re Rle napp f f' :
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp f f' →
isApp f = isApp f'.
inversion 1; reflexivity.
Lemma eq_term_App `{checker_flags} Σ φ f f' :
eq_term Σ φ f f' →
isApp f = isApp f'.
inversion 1; reflexivity.
Lemma eq_term_upto_univ_mkApps `{checker_flags} Σ Re Rle napp f l f' l' :
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle (#|l| + napp) f f' →
All2 (eq_term_upto_univ Σ Re Re) l l' →
eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp (mkApps f l) (mkApps f' l').
induction l in f, f' |- *; intro e; inversion_clear 1.
- assumption.
- pose proof (eq_term_upto_univ_App _ _ _ _ _ _ e).
case_eq (isApp f).
+ intro X; rewrite X in H0.
destruct f; try discriminate.
destruct f'; try discriminate.
cbn. inversion_clear e. constructor.
rewrite app_length /= -Nat.add_assoc //.
apply All2_app. assumption.
now constructor.
+ intro X; rewrite X in H0.
eapply negbT in X. symmetry in H0; eapply negbT in H0.
rewrite - !mkApps_tApp //.
constructor. simpl. now simpl in e.
now constructor.
Lemma leq_term_mkApps `{checker_flags} Σ φ f l f' l' :
leq_term Σ φ f f' →
All2 (eq_term Σ φ) l l' →
leq_term Σ φ (mkApps f l) (mkApps f' l').
eapply eq_term_upto_univ_mkApps.
eapply eq_term_upto_univ_impl. 5:eauto. 4:auto with arith.
1-3:typeclasses eauto.
apply X0.
Lemma leq_term_App `{checker_flags} Σ φ f f' :
leq_term Σ φ f f' →
isApp f = isApp f'.
inversion 1; reflexivity.