Library MetaCoq.Erasure.EPretty

From Coq Require Import Program.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils BasicAst.
From MetaCoq.Erasure Require Import EAst EAstUtils EGlobalEnv.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICPrimitive.

Pretty printing

Section freshnames.
  Context (Σ : global_context).

  Definition lookup_ind_decl ind i :=
    match lookup_env Σ ind with
    | Some (InductiveDecl {| ind_bodies := l |}) ⇒
      match nth_error l i with
      | Some bodySome body
      | NoneNone
    | _None

  Fixpoint decompose_lam (t : term) (n : nat) : (list name) × term :=
    match n with
    | 0 ⇒ ([], t)
    | S n
      match t with
      | tLambda na Blet (ns, B) := decompose_lam B n in
                        (na :: ns, B)
      | _([], t)

  Definition is_fresh (Γ : context) (id : ident) :=
      (fun decl
         match decl.(decl_name) with
         | nNamed id'negb (eqb id id')
         | nAnontrue
         end) Γ.

  Fixpoint name_from_term (t : term) :=
    match t with
    | tRel _ | tVar _ | tEvar _ _ ⇒ "H"
    | tLambda na t ⇒ "f"
    | tLetIn na b t'name_from_term t'
    | tApp f _name_from_term f
    | tConst c ⇒ "x"
    | _ ⇒ "U"

  Definition fresh_id_from Γ n id :=
    let fix aux i :=
      match i with
      | 0 ⇒ id
      | S i'
        let id' := id ^ (string_of_nat (n - i)) in
        if is_fresh Γ id' then id'
        else aux i'
    in aux n.

  Definition fresh_name (Γ : context) (na : name) (t : term) :=
    let id := match na with
              | nNamed idid
              | nAnonname_from_term t
    if is_fresh Γ id then nNamed id
    else nNamed (fresh_id_from Γ 10 id).
End freshnames.

Module PrintTermTree.
  Import Tree.
  Infix "^" := append.

  Section print_term.
    Context (Σ : global_context).

    Definition print_def {A : Set} (f : A t) (def : def A) :=
      string_of_name (dname def) ^ " { struct " ^ string_of_nat (rarg def) ^ " }"
                    ^ " := " ^ nl ^ f (dbody def).

    Definition print_defs (print_term : context bool bool term t) Γ (defs : mfixpoint term) :=
      let ctx' := (fun d ⇒ {| decl_name := dname d; decl_body := None |}) defs in
      print_list (print_def (print_term (ctx' ++ Γ)%list true false)) (nl ^ " with ") defs.

    Fixpoint print_term (Γ : context) (top : bool) (inapp : bool) (t : term) {struct t} : Tree.t :=
    match t with
    | tBox ⇒ "∎"
    | tRel n
      match nth_error Γ n with
      | Some {| decl_name := na |} ⇒
        match na with
        | nAnon ⇒ "Anonymous (" ^ string_of_nat n ^ ")"
        | nNamed idid
      | None ⇒ "UnboundRel(" ^ string_of_nat n ^ ")"
    | tVar n ⇒ "Var(" ^ n ^ ")"
    | tEvar ev args ⇒ "Evar(" ^ string_of_nat ev ^ "[]" ^ ")"
    | tLambda na body
      let na' := fresh_name Γ na t in
      parens top ("fun " ^ string_of_name na'
                                  ^ " => " ^ print_term (vass na' :: Γ) true false body)
    | tLetIn na def body
      let na' := fresh_name Γ na t in
      parens top ("let " ^ string_of_name na' ^
                        " := " ^ print_term Γ true false def ^ " in " ^ nl ^
                        print_term (vdef na' def :: Γ) true false body)
    | tApp f l
      parens (top || inapp) (print_term Γ false true f ^ " " ^ print_term Γ false false l)
    | tConst cstring_of_kername c
    | tConstruct (mkInd i k as ind) l args
      match lookup_ind_decl Σ i k with
      | Some oib
        match nth_error oib.(ind_ctors) l with
        | Some cstrcstr.(cstr_name) ^ maybe_string_of_list string_of_term args
        | None
          "UnboundConstruct(" ^ string_of_inductive ind ^ "," ^ string_of_nat l ^ ")"
      | None
        "UnboundConstruct(" ^ string_of_inductive ind ^ "," ^ string_of_nat l ^ ")"
    | tCase (mkInd mind i as ind, pars) t brs
      match lookup_ind_decl Σ mind i with
      | Some oib
        let fix print_args Γ nas br {struct nas} :=
          match nas with
          | [] ⇒ "=>" ^ " " ^ br Γ
          | na :: nas
            string_of_name na ^ " " ^ print_args (vass na :: Γ) nas br
        let brs := map (fun '(nas, br)print_args Γ (List.rev nas) (fun Γprint_term Γ true false br)) brs in
        let brs := combine brs oib.(ind_ctors) in
        parens top ("match " ^ print_term Γ true false t ^
                    " with " ^ nl ^
                    print_list (fun '(b, cstr)(cstr.(cstr_name) : String.t) ^ " " ^ b)
                    (nl ^ " | ") brs ^ nl ^ "end" ^ nl)
      | None
        "Case(" ^ string_of_inductive ind ^ "," ^ string_of_nat i ^ "," ^ string_of_term t ^ ","
                ^ string_of_list (fun bstring_of_term (snd b)) brs ^ ")"
    | tProj p c
      match lookup_projection Σ p with
      | Some (mdecl, idecl, cdecl, pdecl)
        print_term Γ false false c ^ ".(" ^ pdecl.(proj_name) ^ ")"
      | None
        "UnboundProj(" ^ string_of_inductive p.(proj_ind) ^ "," ^ string_of_nat p.(proj_npars)
          ^ "," ^ string_of_nat p.(proj_arg) ^ ","
          ^ print_term Γ true false c ^ ")"

    | tFix l n
      parens top ("let fix " ^ print_defs print_term Γ l ^ nl ^
                            " in " ^ List.nth_default (string_of_nat n) (map (string_of_name dname) l) n)
    | tCoFix l n
      parens top ("let cofix " ^ print_defs print_term Γ l ^ nl ^
                                " in " ^ List.nth_default (string_of_nat n) (map (string_of_name dname) l) n)
  End print_term.

  Definition pr Σ (t : term) := print_term Σ [] true false t.

  Definition print_constant_body Σ kn decl :=
    match decl.(cst_body) with
    | Some b ⇒ "Definition " ^ string_of_kername kn ^ " := " ^ pr Σ b
    | None ⇒ "Axiom " ^ string_of_kername kn

  Definition pr_allowed_elim (elims : Universes.allowed_eliminations) :=
    match elims with
    | Universes.IntoSProp ⇒ "into sprop"
    | Universes.IntoPropSProp ⇒ "into prop or sprop"
    | Universes.IntoSetPropSProp ⇒ "into set, prop or sprop"
    | Universes.IntoAny ⇒ "into any sort"

  Definition print_one_inductive_body npars body : Tree.t :=
    let params := string_of_nat npars ^ " parameters" in
    let prop := if body.(ind_propositional) then "propositional" else "computational" in
    let kelim := pr_allowed_elim body.(ind_kelim) in
    let ctors := print_list (fun cstr ⇒ "| " ^ (cstr.(cstr_name) : ident) ^ " " ^
      string_of_nat cstr.(cstr_nargs) ^ " arguments") nl body.(ind_ctors) in
    let projs :=
    match body.(ind_projs) return Tree.t with
    | [] ⇒ ""
    | _nl ^ "projections: " ^ print_list (fun xx.(proj_name)) ", " body.(ind_projs)
    "Inductive " ^ body.(ind_name) ^ "(" ^ params ^ "," ^ prop ^ ", elimination " ^ kelim ^ ") := " ^ nl ^ ctors ^ projs.

  Definition print_inductive_body decl :=
    print_list (print_one_inductive_body decl.(ind_npars)) nl decl.(ind_bodies).

  Definition print_decl Σ '(kn, d) :=
    match d with
    | ConstantDecl bodyprint_constant_body Σ kn body
    | InductiveDecl mindprint_inductive_body mind

  Definition print_global_context (g : global_context) :=
    print_list (print_decl g) nl (List.rev g).
  Notation print_env := print_global_context.

  Definition print_program (p : program) : t :=
    pr p.1 p.2 ^ nl ^ "in" ^ print_env p.1.

End PrintTermTree.

Definition pr Σ := Tree.to_string Σ.

Definition print_global_context := Tree.to_string PrintTermTree.print_global_context.

Definition print_program := Tree.to_string PrintTermTree.print_program.