Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.utils.PCUICPrimitive

From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils Universes BasicAst Reflect
     Environment EnvironmentTyping.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
From Coq Require Import ssreflect.

Variant prim_tag :=
  | primInt
  | primFloat.
Derive NoConfusion EqDec for prim_tag.

We don't enforce the type of the array here
Record array_model (term : Type) :=
  { array_instance : Instance.t;
    array_type : term;
    array_default : term;
    array_value : list term }.
Derive NoConfusion for array_model.
Instance array_model_eqdec {term} (e : EqDec term) : EqDec (array_model term).
Proof. eqdec_proof. Qed.

Inductive prim_model (term : Type) : prim_tag Type :=
| primIntModel (i : uint63_model) : prim_model term primInt
| primFloatModel (f : float64_model) : prim_model term primFloat.
Arguments primIntModel {term}.
Arguments primFloatModel {term}.

Derive Signature NoConfusion for prim_model.

Definition prim_model_of (term : Type) (p : prim_tag) : Type :=
  match p with
  | primIntuint63_model
  | primFloatfloat64_model

Definition prim_val term := t : prim_tag, prim_model term t.
Definition prim_val_tag {term} (s : prim_val term) := s.π1.
Definition prim_val_model {term} (s : prim_val term) : prim_model term (prim_val_tag s) := s.π2.

Definition prim_model_val {term} (p : prim_val term) : prim_model_of term (prim_val_tag p) :=
  match prim_val_model p in prim_model _ t return prim_model_of term t with
  | primIntModel ii
  | primFloatModel ff

Lemma exist_irrel_eq {A} (P : A bool) (x y : sig P) : proj1_sig x = proj1_sig y x = y.
  destruct x as [x p], y as [y q]; simpl; intros →.
  now destruct (uip p q).

Instance reflect_eq_Z : ReflectEq Z := EqDec_ReflectEq _.

Local Obligation Tactic := idtac.
Instance reflect_eq_uint63 : ReflectEq uint63_model :=
  { eqb x y := eqb (proj1_sig x) (proj1_sig y) }.
Next Obligation.
  cbn -[eqb].
  intros x y.
  elim: eqb_spec. constructor.
  now apply exist_irrel_eq.
  intros neq; constructorH'; apply neq; now subst x.

Instance reflect_eq_spec_float : ReflectEq SpecFloat.spec_float := EqDec_ReflectEq _.

Instance reflect_eq_float64 : ReflectEq float64_model :=
  { eqb x y := eqb (proj1_sig x) (proj1_sig y) }.
Next Obligation.
  cbn -[eqb].
  intros x y.
  elim: eqb_spec. constructor.
  now apply exist_irrel_eq.
  intros neq; constructorH'; apply neq; now subst x.

Propositional UIP is needed below
Set Equations With UIP.

Instance prim_model_eqdec {term} : p : prim_tag, EqDec (prim_model term p).
Proof. eqdec_proof. Qed.

Instance prim_tag_model_eqdec term : EqDec (prim_val term).
Proof. eqdec_proof. Defined.

Instance prim_val_reflect_eq term : ReflectEq (prim_val term) := EqDec_ReflectEq _.


Definition string_of_float64_model (f : float64_model) :=

Definition string_of_prim {term} (soft : term string) (p : prim_val term) : string :=
  match p.π2 return string with
  | primIntModel f ⇒ "(int: " ^ string_of_Z (proj1_sig f) ^ ")"
  | primFloatModel f ⇒ "(float: " ^ string_of_float64_model f ^ ")"