Library MetaCoq.Template.Checker
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config Environment Ast AstUtils utils
LiftSubst UnivSubst uGraph Typing.
Import MCMonadNotation.
LiftSubst UnivSubst uGraph Typing.
Import MCMonadNotation.
Coq type-checker for kernel terms
Local Notation " () " := Datatypes.unit : type_scope.
Local Notation " () " := tt.
Module RedFlags.
Record t := mk
{ beta : bool;
iota : bool;
zeta : bool;
delta : bool;
fix_ : bool;
cofix_ : bool }.
Definition default := mk true true true true true true.
End RedFlags.
Inductive type_error :=
| UnboundRel (n : nat)
| UnboundVar (id : string)
| UnboundMeta (m : nat)
| UnboundEvar (ev : nat)
| UndeclaredConstant (c : kername)
| UndeclaredInductive (c : inductive)
| UndeclaredConstructor (c : inductive) (i : nat)
| NotConvertible (Γ : context) (t u t' u' : term)
| NotASort (t : term)
| NotAProduct (t t' : term)
| NotAnInductive (t : term)
| IllFormedFix (m : mfixpoint term) (i : nat)
| UnsatisfiedConstraints (c : ConstraintSet.t)
| UnsatisfiableConstraints (c : ConstraintSet.t)
| NotEnoughFuel (n : nat)
| NotSupported (s : string).
Definition string_of_type_error (e : type_error) : string :=
match e with
| UnboundRel n ⇒ "Unboound rel " ^ string_of_nat n
| UnboundVar id ⇒ "Unbound var " ^ id
| UnboundMeta m ⇒ "Unbound meta " ^ string_of_nat m
| UnboundEvar ev ⇒ "Unbound evar " ^ string_of_nat ev
| UndeclaredConstant c ⇒ "Undeclared constant " ^ string_of_kername c
| UndeclaredInductive c ⇒ "Undeclared inductive " ^ string_of_kername (inductive_mind c)
| UndeclaredConstructor c i ⇒ "Undeclared inductive " ^ string_of_kername (inductive_mind c)
| NotConvertible Γ t u t' u' ⇒ "Terms are not convertible: " ^
string_of_term t ^ " " ^ string_of_term u ^ " after reduction: " ^
string_of_term t' ^ " " ^ string_of_term u'
| NotASort t ⇒ "Not a sort"
| NotAProduct t t' ⇒ "Not a product"
| NotAnInductive t ⇒ "Not an inductive"
| IllFormedFix m i ⇒ "Ill-formed recursive definition"
| UnsatisfiedConstraints c ⇒ "Unsatisfied constraints"
| UnsatisfiableConstraints c ⇒ "Unsatisfiable constraints"
| NotEnoughFuel n ⇒ "Not enough fuel"
| NotSupported s ⇒ s ^ " are not supported"
Inductive typing_result (A : Type) :=
| Checked (a : A)
| TypeError (t : type_error).
Global Arguments Checked {A} a.
Global Arguments TypeError {A} t.
Global Instance typing_monad : Monad typing_result :=
{| ret A a := Checked a ;
bind A B m f :=
match m with
| Checked a ⇒ f a
| TypeError t ⇒ TypeError t
Global Instance monad_exc : MonadExc type_error typing_result :=
{ raise A e := TypeError e;
catch A m f :=
match m with
| Checked a ⇒ m
| TypeError t ⇒ f t
Section Lookups.
Context (Σ : global_env).
Definition polymorphic_constraints u :=
match u with
| Monomorphic_ctx ⇒ ConstraintSet.empty
| Polymorphic_ctx ctx ⇒ (AUContext.repr ctx).2.2
Definition lookup_constant_type cst u :=
match lookup_env Σ cst with
| Some (ConstantDecl {| cst_type := ty; cst_universes := uctx |}) ⇒
ret (subst_instance u ty)
| _ ⇒ raise (UndeclaredConstant cst)
Definition lookup_constant_type_cstrs cst u :=
match lookup_env Σ cst with
| Some (ConstantDecl {| cst_type := ty; cst_universes := uctx |}) ⇒
let cstrs := polymorphic_constraints uctx in
ret (subst_instance u ty, subst_instance_cstrs u cstrs)
| _ ⇒ raise (UndeclaredConstant cst)
Definition lookup_ind_decl ind i :=
match lookup_env Σ ind with
| Some (InductiveDecl mdecl) ⇒
match nth_error mdecl.(ind_bodies) i with
| Some body ⇒ ret (mdecl, body)
| None ⇒ raise (UndeclaredInductive (mkInd ind i))
| _ ⇒ raise (UndeclaredInductive (mkInd ind i))
Definition lookup_ind_type ind i (u : list Level.t) :=
res <- lookup_ind_decl ind i ;;
ret (subst_instance u (snd res).(ind_type)).
Definition lookup_ind_type_cstrs ind i (u : list Level.t) :=
res <- lookup_ind_decl ind i ;;
let '(mib, body) := res in
let uctx := mib.(ind_universes) in
let cstrs := polymorphic_constraints uctx in
ret (subst_instance u body.(ind_type), subst_instance_cstrs u cstrs).
Definition lookup_constructor_decl ind i k :=
res <- lookup_ind_decl ind i;;
let '(mib, body) := res in
match nth_error body.(ind_ctors) k with
| Some cdecl ⇒ ret (mib, cdecl)
| None ⇒ raise (UndeclaredConstructor (mkInd ind i) k)
Definition lookup_constructor_type ind i k u :=
res <- lookup_constructor_decl ind i k ;;
let '(mib, cdecl) := res in
ret (subst0 (inds ind u mib.(ind_bodies)) (subst_instance u cdecl.(cstr_type))).
Definition lookup_constructor_type_cstrs ind i k u :=
res <- lookup_constructor_decl ind i k ;;
let '(mib, cdecl) := res in
let cstrs := polymorphic_constraints mib.(ind_universes) in
ret (subst0 (inds ind u mib.(ind_bodies)) (subst_instance u cdecl.(cstr_type)),
subst_instance_cstrs u cstrs).
End Lookups.
Section Reduce.
Context (flags : RedFlags.t) (Σ : global_env).
Definition zip (t : term × list term) := mkApps (fst t) (snd t).
Fixpoint reduce_stack (Γ : context) (n : nat) (t : term) (stack : list term)
: option (term × list term) :=
match n with 0 ⇒ None | S n ⇒
match t with
| tRel c ⇒
if RedFlags.zeta flags then
d <- nth_error Γ c ;;
match d.(decl_body) with
| None ⇒ ret (t, stack)
| Some b ⇒ reduce_stack Γ n (lift0 (S c) b) stack
else ret (t, stack)
| tLetIn _ b _ c ⇒
if RedFlags.zeta flags then
reduce_stack Γ n (subst10 b c) stack
else ret (t, stack)
| tConst c u ⇒
if flags then
match lookup_env Σ c with
| Some (ConstantDecl {| cst_body := Some body |}) ⇒
let body' := subst_instance u body in
reduce_stack Γ n body' stack
| _ ⇒ ret (t, stack)
else ret (t, stack)
| tApp f args ⇒ reduce_stack Γ n f (args ++ stack)
| tLambda na ty b ⇒
if RedFlags.beta flags then
match stack with
| a :: args' ⇒
CBN reduction: we do not reduce arguments before substitution
reduce_stack Γ n (subst10 a b) args'
| _ ⇒ ret (t, stack)
else ret (t, stack)
| tFix mfix idx ⇒
if RedFlags.fix_ flags then
nf <- unfold_fix mfix idx ;;
let '(narg, fn) := nf in
match List.nth_error stack narg with
| Some c ⇒
c' <- reduce_stack Γ n c [] ;;
match fst c' with
| tConstruct _ _ _ ⇒ reduce_stack Γ n fn stack
| _ ⇒ ret (t, stack)
| _ ⇒ ret (t, stack)
else ret (t, stack)
| tProd _ _ _ ⇒ ret (t, stack)
| tCast c _ _ ⇒ reduce_stack Γ n c stack
| tCase ci p c brs ⇒
if RedFlags.iota flags then
c' <- reduce_stack Γ n c [] ;;
match c' with
| (tConstruct ind c _, args) ⇒
match nth_error brs c with
| Some br ⇒
match lookup_constructor_decl Σ (inductive_mind ind) (inductive_ind ind) c with
| Checked (mdecl, cdecl) ⇒
let bctx := case_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl p br in
reduce_stack Γ n (iota_red ci.(ci_npar) args bctx br) stack
| TypeError e ⇒ ret (t, stack)
| None ⇒ ret (tCase ci p (zip c') brs, stack)
| _ ⇒ ret (tCase ci p (zip c') brs, stack)
else ret (t, stack)
| _ ⇒ ret (t, stack)
Definition reduce_stack_term Γ n c :=
res <- reduce_stack Γ n c [] ;;
ret (zip res).
Definition fix_decls (l : mfixpoint term) :=
let fix aux acc ds :=
match ds with
| nil ⇒ acc
| d :: ds ⇒ aux (vass d.(dname) d.(dtype) :: acc) ds
in aux [] l.
Definition rebuild_case_predicate_ctx ind (p : predicate term) : context :=
match lookup_ind_decl Σ (inductive_mind ind) (inductive_ind ind) with
| TypeError _ ⇒ []
| Checked (mib, oib) ⇒ case_predicate_context ind mib oib p
Definition map_context_with_binders (f : context → term → term) (c : context) Γ : context :=
fold_left (fun acc decl ⇒ map_decl (f (Γ ,,, acc)) decl :: acc) (List.rev c) [].
Definition map_predicate_with_binders (f : context → term → term) Γ ind (p : predicate term) :=
let pctx := rebuild_case_predicate_ctx ind p in
let Γparams := map_context_with_binders f pctx Γ in
{| pparams := map (f Γ) p.(pparams);
puinst := p.(puinst);
pcontext := p.(pcontext);
preturn := f Γparams (preturn p) |}.
Definition rebuild_case_branch_ctx ind i p br :=
match lookup_constructor_decl Σ (inductive_mind ind) (inductive_ind ind) i with
| TypeError _ ⇒ []
| Checked (mib, cdecl) ⇒ case_branch_context ind mib cdecl p br
Definition map_case_branch_with_binders ind i (f : context → term → term) Γ p br :=
let ctx := rebuild_case_branch_ctx ind i p br in
map_branch (f (Γ ,,, ctx)) br.
Definition map_constr_with_binders (f : context → term → term) Γ (t : term) : term :=
match t with
| tRel i ⇒ t
| tEvar ev args ⇒ tEvar ev ( (f Γ) args)
| tLambda na T M ⇒ tLambda na (f Γ T) (f Γ M)
| tApp u v ⇒ tApp (f Γ u) ( (f Γ) v)
| tProd na A B ⇒
let A' := f Γ A in
tProd na A' (f (Γ ,, vass na A') B)
| tCast c kind t ⇒ tCast (f Γ c) kind (f Γ t)
| tLetIn na b t c ⇒
let b' := f Γ b in
let t' := f Γ t in
tLetIn na b' t' (f (Γ ,, vdef na b' t') c)
| tCase ci p c brs ⇒
let p' := map_predicate_with_binders f Γ ci.(ci_ind) p in
let brs' := mapi (fun i x ⇒ map_case_branch_with_binders ci.(ci_ind) i f Γ p' x) brs in
tCase ci p' (f Γ c) brs'
| tProj p c ⇒ tProj p (f Γ c)
| tFix mfix idx ⇒
let Γ' := fix_decls mfix ++ Γ in
let mfix' := (map_def (f Γ) (f Γ')) mfix in
tFix mfix' idx
| tCoFix mfix k ⇒
let Γ' := fix_decls mfix ++ Γ in
let mfix' := (map_def (f Γ) (f Γ')) mfix in
tCoFix mfix' k
| x ⇒ x
Fixpoint reduce_opt Γ n c :=
match n with
| 0 ⇒ None
| S n ⇒
match reduce_stack_term Γ n c with
| Some c' ⇒
Some (map_constr_with_binders
(fun Γ t ⇒ match reduce_opt Γ n t with
| Some t ⇒ t
| None ⇒ t end) Γ c')
| None ⇒ None
End Reduce.
Definition isConstruct c :=
match c with
| tConstruct _ _ _ ⇒ true
| tApp (tConstruct _ _ _) _ ⇒ true
| _ ⇒ false
Definition isCoFix c :=
match c with
| tCoFix _ _ ⇒ true
| _ ⇒ false
Inductive conv_pb :=
| Conv
| Cumul.
Definition eq_case_info (ci ci' : case_info) :=
eq_inductive ci.(ci_ind) ci'.(ci_ind) && Nat.eqb ci.(ci_npar) ci'.(ci_npar).
Fixpoint eq_term `{checker_flags} (φ : universes_graph) (t u : term) {struct t} :=
match t, u with
| tRel n, tRel n' ⇒ Nat.eqb n n'
| tEvar ev args, tEvar ev' args' ⇒ Nat.eqb ev ev' && forallb2 (eq_term φ) args args'
| tVar id, tVar id' ⇒ eqb id id'
| tSort s, tSort s' ⇒ check_eqb_universe φ s s'
| tCast f k T, tCast f' k' T' ⇒ eq_term φ f f' && eq_term φ T T'
| tApp f args, tApp f' args' ⇒ eq_term φ f f' && forallb2 (eq_term φ) args args'
| tConst c u, tConst c' u' ⇒ eq_constant c c' && eqb_univ_instance φ u u'
| tInd i u, tInd i' u' ⇒ eq_inductive i i' && eqb_univ_instance φ u u'
| tConstruct i k u, tConstruct i' k' u' ⇒ eq_inductive i i' && Nat.eqb k k'
&& eqb_univ_instance φ u u'
| tLambda _ b t, tLambda _ b' t' ⇒ eq_term φ b b' && eq_term φ t t'
| tProd _ b t, tProd _ b' t' ⇒ eq_term φ b b' && eq_term φ t t'
| tLetIn _ b t c, tLetIn _ b' t' c' ⇒ eq_term φ b b' && eq_term φ t t' && eq_term φ c c'
| tCase ci p c brs,
tCase ci' p' c' brs' ⇒
eq_case_info ci ci' &&
eqb_predicate (eqb_univ_instance φ) (eq_term φ) p p' && eq_term φ c c' && forallb2 (fun br br' ⇒ eq_term φ br.(bbody) br'.(bbody)) brs brs'
| tProj p c, tProj p' c' ⇒ eq_projection p p' && eq_term φ c c'
| tFix mfix idx, tFix mfix' idx' ⇒
forallb2 (fun x y ⇒
eq_term φ x.(dtype) y.(dtype) && eq_term φ x.(dbody) y.(dbody)) mfix mfix' &&
Nat.eqb idx idx'
| tCoFix mfix idx, tCoFix mfix' idx' ⇒
forallb2 (fun x y ⇒
eq_term φ x.(dtype) y.(dtype) && eq_term φ x.(dbody) y.(dbody)) mfix mfix' &&
Nat.eqb idx idx'
| _, _ ⇒ false
Fixpoint leq_term `{checker_flags} (φ : universes_graph) (t u : term) {struct t} :=
match t, u with
| tRel n, tRel n' ⇒ Nat.eqb n n'
| tEvar ev args, tEvar ev' args' ⇒ Nat.eqb ev ev' && forallb2 (eq_term φ) args args'
| tVar id, tVar id' ⇒ eqb id id'
| tSort s, tSort s' ⇒ check_leqb_universe φ s s'
| tApp f args, tApp f' args' ⇒ eq_term φ f f' && forallb2 (eq_term φ) args args'
| tCast f k T, tCast f' k' T' ⇒ eq_term φ f f' && eq_term φ T T'
| tConst c u, tConst c' u' ⇒ eq_constant c c' && eqb_univ_instance φ u u'
| tInd i u, tInd i' u' ⇒ eq_inductive i i' && eqb_univ_instance φ u u'
| tConstruct i k u, tConstruct i' k' u' ⇒ eq_inductive i i' && Nat.eqb k k' &&
eqb_univ_instance φ u u'
| tLambda _ b t, tLambda _ b' t' ⇒ eq_term φ b b' && eq_term φ t t'
| tProd _ b t, tProd _ b' t' ⇒ eq_term φ b b' && leq_term φ t t'
| tLetIn _ b t c, tLetIn _ b' t' c' ⇒ eq_term φ b b' && eq_term φ t t' && leq_term φ c c'
| tCase ci p c brs, tCase ci' p' c' brs' ⇒
eq_case_info ci ci' &&
eqb_predicate (eqb_univ_instance φ) (eq_term φ) p p' && eq_term φ c c' && forallb2 (fun br br' ⇒ eq_term φ br.(bbody) br'.(bbody)) brs brs'
| tProj p c, tProj p' c' ⇒ eq_projection p p' && eq_term φ c c'
| tFix mfix idx, tFix mfix' idx' ⇒
forallb2 (fun x y ⇒
eq_term φ x.(dtype) y.(dtype) && eq_term φ x.(dbody) y.(dbody)) mfix mfix' &&
Nat.eqb idx idx'
| tCoFix mfix idx, tCoFix mfix' idx' ⇒
forallb2 (fun x y ⇒
eq_term φ x.(dtype) y.(dtype) && eq_term φ x.(dbody) y.(dbody)) mfix mfix' &&
Nat.eqb idx idx'
| _, _ ⇒ false
Section Conversion.
Context `{checker_flags} (flags : RedFlags.t).
Context (Σ : global_env) (G : universes_graph).
Definition nodelta_flags := true true true false true true.
Definition unfold_one_fix n Γ mfix idx l :=
unf <- unfold_fix mfix idx ;;
let '(arg, fn) := unf in
c <- nth_error l arg ;;
cred <- reduce_stack RedFlags.default Σ Γ n c [] ;;
let '(cred, _) := cred in
if negb (isConstruct cred) then None
else Some fn.
Definition unfold_one_case n Γ c :=
cred <- reduce_stack_term RedFlags.default Σ Γ n c ;;
if negb (isConstruct cred || isCoFix cred) then None
else Some cred.
Definition reducible_head n Γ c l :=
match c with
| tFix mfix idx ⇒ unfold_one_fix n Γ mfix idx l
| tCase ind' p' c' brs ⇒
match unfold_one_case n Γ c' with
| None ⇒ None
| Some c' ⇒ Some (tCase ind' p' c' brs)
| tProj p c ⇒
match unfold_one_case n Γ c with
| None ⇒ None
| Some c' ⇒ Some (tProj p c')
| tConst c _ ⇒
match lookup_env Σ c with
| Some (ConstantDecl {| cst_body := Some body |}) ⇒ Some body
| _ ⇒ None
| _ ⇒ None
Definition lookup_env c := lookup_env Σ c.
Definition opt_bool_to_bool (x : option bool) : bool :=
match x with
| Some b ⇒ b
| None ⇒ false
Fixpoint isconv (n : nat) (leq : conv_pb) (Γ : context)
(t1 : term) (l1 : list term) (t2 : term) (l2 : list term) {struct n} : option bool :=
match n with 0 ⇒ None | S n ⇒
red1 <- reduce_stack nodelta_flags Σ Γ n t1 l1 ;;
red2 <- reduce_stack nodelta_flags Σ Γ n t2 l2 ;;
let '(t1,l1) := red1 in
let '(t2,l2) := red2 in
isconv_prog n leq Γ t1 l1 t2 l2
with isconv_prog (n : nat) (leq : conv_pb) (Γ : context)
(t1 : term) (l1 : list term) (t2 : term) (l2 : list term)
{struct n} : option bool :=
match n with 0 ⇒ None | S n ⇒
let isconv_stacks l1 l2 :=
ret (forallb2 (fun x y ⇒ opt_bool_to_bool (isconv n Conv Γ x [] y [])) l1 l2)
let on_cond (b : bool) := if b then isconv_stacks l1 l2 else ret false in
Test equality at each step ??
let fallback (x : unit) :=
match reducible_head n Γ t1 l1 with
| Some t1 ⇒
redt <- reduce_stack nodelta_flags Σ Γ n t1 l1 ;;
let '(t1, l1) := redt in
isconv_prog n leq Γ t1 l1 t2 l2
| None ⇒
match reducible_head n Γ t2 l2 with
| Some t2 ⇒
redt <- reduce_stack nodelta_flags Σ Γ n t2 l2 ;;
let '(t2, l2) := redt in
isconv_prog n leq Γ t1 l1 t2 l2
| None ⇒
on_cond (match leq with
| Conv ⇒ eq_term G t1 t2
| Cumul ⇒ leq_term G t1 t2 end)
match t1, t2 with
| tApp f args, tApp f' args' ⇒
| tCast t _ v, tCast u _ v' ⇒ None
| tConst c u, tConst c' u' ⇒
if eq_constant c c' then
b <- isconv_stacks l1 l2 ;;
if b then ret true
match lookup_env c with
| Some (ConstantDecl {| cst_body := Some body |}) ⇒
isconv n leq Γ body l1 body l2
| _ ⇒ ret false
match lookup_env c' with
| Some (ConstantDecl {| cst_body := Some body |}) ⇒
isconv n leq Γ t1 l1 body l2
| _ ⇒
match lookup_env c with
| Some (ConstantDecl {| cst_body := Some body |}) ⇒
isconv n leq Γ body l1 t2 l2
| _ ⇒ ret false
| tLambda na b t, tLambda _ b' t' ⇒
cnv <- isconv n Conv Γ b [] b' [] ;;
if (cnv : bool) then
isconv n Conv (Γ ,, vass na b) t [] t' []
else ret false
| tProd na b t, tProd _ b' t' ⇒
cnv <- isconv n Conv Γ b [] b' [] ;;
if (cnv : bool) then
isconv n leq (Γ ,, vass na b) t [] t' []
else ret false
| tCase ci p c brs,
tCase ci' p' c' brs' ⇒
if eq_case_info ci ci' && eqb_predicate (eqb_univ_instance G) (eq_term G) p p' && eq_term G c c'
&& forallb2 (fun br br' ⇒ eq_term G br.(bbody) br'.(bbody)) brs brs' then
ret true
cred <- reduce_stack_term RedFlags.default Σ Γ n c ;;
c'red <- reduce_stack_term RedFlags.default Σ Γ n c' ;;
if eq_term G cred c && eq_term G c'red c' then ret true
isconv n leq Γ (tCase ci p cred brs) l1 (tCase ci' p c'red brs') l2
| tProj p c, tProj p' c' ⇒ on_cond (eq_projection p p' && eq_term G c c')
| tFix mfix idx, tFix mfix' idx' ⇒
if eq_term G t1 t2 && opt_bool_to_bool (isconv_stacks l1 l2) then ret true
match unfold_one_fix n Γ mfix idx l1 with
| Some t1 ⇒
redt <- reduce_stack nodelta_flags Σ Γ n t1 l1 ;;
let '(t1, l1) := redt in
isconv_prog n leq Γ t1 l1 t2 l2
| None ⇒
match unfold_one_fix n Γ mfix' idx' l2 with
| Some t2 ⇒
redt <- reduce_stack nodelta_flags Σ Γ n t2 l2 ;;
let '(t2, l2) := redt in
isconv_prog n leq Γ t1 l1 t2 l2
| None ⇒ ret false
| tCoFix mfix idx, tCoFix mfix' idx' ⇒
on_cond (eq_term G t1 t2)
| _, _ ⇒ fallback ()
End Conversion.
Definition try_reduce Σ Γ n t :=
match reduce_opt RedFlags.default Σ Γ n t with
| Some t' ⇒ t'
| None ⇒ t
Definition check_conv_gen `{checker_flags} {F:Fuel} conv_pb Σ G Γ t u :=
match isconv Σ G fuel conv_pb Γ t [] u [] with
| Some b ⇒ if b then ret () else raise (NotConvertible Γ t u t u)
| None ⇒ raise (NotEnoughFuel fuel)
Definition check_conv_leq `{checker_flags} {F:Fuel} := check_conv_gen Cumul.
Definition check_conv `{checker_flags} {F:Fuel} := check_conv_gen Conv.
Definition is_graph_of_global_env_ext `{checker_flags} Σ G :=
is_graph_of_uctx G (global_ext_uctx Σ).
Section Typecheck.
Context {F : Fuel}.
Context (Σ : global_env).
Definition hnf_stack Γ t :=
match reduce_stack RedFlags.default Σ Γ fuel t [] with
| Some t' ⇒ ret t'
| None ⇒ raise (NotEnoughFuel fuel)
Definition reduce Γ t :=
match reduce_opt RedFlags.default Σ Γ fuel t with
| Some t' ⇒ ret t'
| None ⇒ raise (NotEnoughFuel fuel)
Definition reduce_to_sort Γ (t : term) : typing_result Universe.t :=
match t with
| tSort s ⇒ ret s
| _ ⇒
t' <- hnf_stack Γ t ;;
match t' with
| (tSort s, []) ⇒ ret s
| _ ⇒ raise (NotASort t)
Definition reduce_to_prod Γ (t : term) : typing_result (term × term) :=
match t with
| tProd _ a b ⇒ ret (a, b)
| _ ⇒
t' <- hnf_stack Γ t ;;
match t' with
| (tProd _ a b,[]) ⇒ ret (a, b)
| _ ⇒ raise (NotAProduct t (zip t'))
Definition reduce_to_ind Γ (t : term) :
typing_result (inductive × list Level.t × list term) :=
match decompose_app t with
| (tInd i u, l) ⇒ ret (i, u, l)
| _ ⇒ t' <- hnf_stack Γ t ;;
match t' with
| (tInd i u, l) ⇒ ret (i, u, l)
| _ ⇒ raise (NotAnInductive t)
End Typecheck.
Section Typecheck.
Context {cf : checker_flags} {F : Fuel}.
Context (Σ : global_env) (G : universes_graph).
Definition convert_leq Γ (t u : term) : typing_result unit :=
if eq_term G t u then ret ()
match isconv Σ G fuel Cumul Γ t [] u [] with
| Some b ⇒
if b then ret ()
else raise (NotConvertible Γ t u t u)
| None ⇒
t' <- reduce Σ Γ t ;;
u' <- reduce Σ Γ u ;;
if leq_term G t' u' then ret ()
else raise (NotConvertible Γ t u t' u')
Section InferAux.
Variable (infer : context → term → typing_result term).
Fixpoint infer_spine (Γ : context) (ty : term) (l : list term)
{struct l} : typing_result term :=
match l with
| nil ⇒ ret ty
| cons x xs ⇒
pi <- reduce_to_prod Σ Γ ty ;;
let '(a1, b1) := pi in
tx <- infer Γ x ;;
convert_leq Γ tx a1 ;;
infer_spine Γ (subst10 x b1) xs
Definition infer_type Γ t :=
tx <- infer Γ t ;;
reduce_to_sort Σ Γ tx.
Definition infer_cumul Γ t t' :=
tx <- infer Γ t ;;
convert_leq Γ tx t'.
End InferAux.
Definition check_consistent_constraints cstrs :=
if check_constraints G cstrs then ret tt
else raise (UnsatisfiedConstraints cstrs).
Fixpoint infer (Γ : context) (t : term) : typing_result term :=
match t with
| tRel n ⇒
match nth_error Γ n with
| Some d ⇒ ret (lift0 (S n) d.(decl_type))
| None ⇒ raise (UnboundRel n)
| tVar n ⇒ raise (UnboundVar n)
| tEvar ev args ⇒ raise (UnboundEvar ev)
| tSort s ⇒ ret (tSort (Universe.super s))
| tCast c k t ⇒
infer_type infer Γ t ;;
infer_cumul infer Γ c t ;;
ret t
| tProd n t b ⇒
s1 <- infer_type infer Γ t ;;
s2 <- infer_type infer (Γ ,, vass n t) b ;;
ret (tSort (Universe.sort_of_product s1 s2))
| tLambda n t b ⇒
infer_type infer Γ t ;;
t2 <- infer (Γ ,, vass n t) b ;;
ret (tProd n t t2)
| tLetIn n b b_ty b' ⇒
infer_type infer Γ b_ty ;;
infer_cumul infer Γ b b_ty ;;
b'_ty <- infer (Γ ,, vdef n b b_ty) b' ;;
ret (tLetIn n b b_ty b'_ty)
| tApp t l ⇒
t_ty <- infer Γ t ;;
infer_spine infer Γ t_ty l
| tConst cst u ⇒
tycstrs <- lookup_constant_type_cstrs Σ cst u ;;
let '(ty, cstrs) := tycstrs in
check_consistent_constraints cstrs;;
ret ty
| tInd (mkInd ind i) u ⇒
tycstrs <- lookup_ind_type_cstrs Σ ind i u;;
let '(ty, cstrs) := tycstrs in
check_consistent_constraints cstrs;;
ret ty
| tConstruct (mkInd ind i) k u ⇒
tycstrs <- lookup_constructor_type_cstrs Σ ind i k u ;;
let '(ty, cstrs) := tycstrs in
check_consistent_constraints cstrs;;
ret ty
| tCase ci p c brs ⇒
ty <- infer Γ c ;;
indargs <- reduce_to_ind Σ Γ ty ;;
TODO check branches
let '(ind, u, args) := indargs in
if eq_inductive ind ci.(ci_ind) then
let pctx := rebuild_case_predicate_ctx Σ ind p in
let ptm := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn pctx p.(preturn) in
ret (tApp ptm (List.skipn ci.(ci_npar) args ++ [c]))
let ind1 := tInd ind u in
let ind2 := tInd ci.(ci_ind) u in
raise (NotConvertible Γ ind1 ind2 ind1 ind2)
| tProj p c ⇒
ty <- infer Γ c ;;
indargs <- reduce_to_ind Σ Γ ty ;;
ret ty
| tFix mfix n ⇒
match nth_error mfix n with
| Some f ⇒ ret f.(dtype)
| None ⇒ raise (IllFormedFix mfix n)
| tCoFix mfix n ⇒
match nth_error mfix n with
| Some f ⇒ ret f.(dtype)
| None ⇒ raise (IllFormedFix mfix n)
Definition check (Γ : context) (t : term) (ty : term) : typing_result unit :=
infer Γ ty ;;
infer_cumul infer Γ t ty ;;
ret ().
Definition typechecking (Γ : context) (t ty : term) :=
match check Γ t ty with
| Checked _ ⇒ true
| TypeError _ ⇒ false
End Typecheck.
Arguments bind _ _ _ _ ! _.
Open Scope monad.
Definition default_fuel : Fuel := Nat.pow 2 14.
Fixpoint fresh id (env : global_declarations) : bool :=
match env with
| nil ⇒ true
| cons g env ⇒ negb (eq_constant g.1 id) && fresh id env
Section Checker.
Context {cf : checker_flags} {F : Fuel}.
Inductive env_error :=
| IllFormedDecl (e : string) (e : type_error)
| AlreadyDeclared (id : string).
Inductive EnvCheck (A : Type) :=
| CorrectDecl (a : A)
| EnvError (e : env_error).
Global Arguments EnvError {A} e.
Global Arguments CorrectDecl {A} a.
Instance envcheck_monad : Monad EnvCheck :=
{| ret A a := CorrectDecl a ;
bind A B m f :=
match m with
| CorrectDecl a ⇒ f a
| EnvError e ⇒ EnvError e
Definition wrap_error {A} (id : string) (check : typing_result A) : EnvCheck A :=
match check with
| Checked a ⇒ CorrectDecl a
| TypeError e ⇒ EnvError (IllFormedDecl id e)
Definition check_wf_type id Σ G t :=
wrap_error id (infer_type Σ (infer Σ G) [] t) ;; ret ().
Definition check_wf_judgement id Σ G t ty :=
wrap_error id (check Σ G [] t ty) ;; ret ().
Definition infer_term Σ G t :=
wrap_error "" (infer Σ G [] t).
Definition check_wf_decl Σ G kn (g : global_decl) : EnvCheck () :=
match g with
| ConstantDecl cst ⇒
match cst.(cst_body) with
| Some term ⇒ check_wf_judgement (string_of_kername kn) Σ G term cst.(cst_type)
| None ⇒ check_wf_type (string_of_kername kn) Σ G cst.(cst_type)
| InductiveDecl inds ⇒
List.fold_left (fun acc body ⇒
acc ;; check_wf_type body.(ind_name) Σ G body.(ind_type))
inds.(ind_bodies) (ret ())
Fixpoint check_fresh id (env : global_declarations) : EnvCheck () :=
match env with
| [] ⇒ ret ()
| g :: env ⇒
check_fresh id env;;
if eq_constant id g.1 then
EnvError (AlreadyDeclared (string_of_kername id))
else ret ()
Definition add_gc_constraints ctrs (G : universes_graph) : universes_graph
:= (G.1.1, GoodConstraintSet.fold
(fun ctr ⇒ wGraph.EdgeSet.add (edge_of_constraint ctr)) ctrs G.1.2,
Fixpoint check_wf_declarations (univs : ContextSet.t) (G : universes_graph) (g : global_declarations)
: EnvCheck () :=
match g with
| [] ⇒ ret tt
| g :: env ⇒
check_wf_declarations univs G env ;;
check_wf_decl {| universes := univs; declarations := env |} G g.1 g.2 ;;
check_fresh g.1 env ;;
ret tt
Definition typecheck_program (p : program) : EnvCheck term :=
let Σ := fst p in
let (univs, decls) := (Σ.(universes), Σ.(declarations)) in
match gc_of_constraints (snd univs) with
| None ⇒ EnvError (IllFormedDecl "toplevel"
(UnsatisfiableConstraints univs.2))
| Some ctrs ⇒
let G := add_gc_constraints ctrs init_graph in
if wGraph.is_acyclic G then
check_wf_declarations univs G decls ;;
infer_term Σ G (snd p)
else EnvError (IllFormedDecl "toplevel"
(UnsatisfiableConstraints univs.2))
End Checker.
Definition infer' `{checker_flags} `{Fuel} (Σ : global_env_ext) Γ t
:= let uctx := (global_ext_uctx Σ) in
match gc_of_uctx uctx with
| None ⇒ raise (UnsatisfiableConstraints uctx.2)
| Some uctx ⇒ infer (fst Σ) (make_graph uctx) Γ t
if eq_inductive ind ci.(ci_ind) then
let pctx := rebuild_case_predicate_ctx Σ ind p in
let ptm := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn pctx p.(preturn) in
ret (tApp ptm (List.skipn ci.(ci_npar) args ++ [c]))
let ind1 := tInd ind u in
let ind2 := tInd ci.(ci_ind) u in
raise (NotConvertible Γ ind1 ind2 ind1 ind2)
| tProj p c ⇒
ty <- infer Γ c ;;
indargs <- reduce_to_ind Σ Γ ty ;;
ret ty
| tFix mfix n ⇒
match nth_error mfix n with
| Some f ⇒ ret f.(dtype)
| None ⇒ raise (IllFormedFix mfix n)
| tCoFix mfix n ⇒
match nth_error mfix n with
| Some f ⇒ ret f.(dtype)
| None ⇒ raise (IllFormedFix mfix n)
Definition check (Γ : context) (t : term) (ty : term) : typing_result unit :=
infer Γ ty ;;
infer_cumul infer Γ t ty ;;
ret ().
Definition typechecking (Γ : context) (t ty : term) :=
match check Γ t ty with
| Checked _ ⇒ true
| TypeError _ ⇒ false
End Typecheck.
Arguments bind _ _ _ _ ! _.
Open Scope monad.
Definition default_fuel : Fuel := Nat.pow 2 14.
Fixpoint fresh id (env : global_declarations) : bool :=
match env with
| nil ⇒ true
| cons g env ⇒ negb (eq_constant g.1 id) && fresh id env
Section Checker.
Context {cf : checker_flags} {F : Fuel}.
Inductive env_error :=
| IllFormedDecl (e : string) (e : type_error)
| AlreadyDeclared (id : string).
Inductive EnvCheck (A : Type) :=
| CorrectDecl (a : A)
| EnvError (e : env_error).
Global Arguments EnvError {A} e.
Global Arguments CorrectDecl {A} a.
Instance envcheck_monad : Monad EnvCheck :=
{| ret A a := CorrectDecl a ;
bind A B m f :=
match m with
| CorrectDecl a ⇒ f a
| EnvError e ⇒ EnvError e
Definition wrap_error {A} (id : string) (check : typing_result A) : EnvCheck A :=
match check with
| Checked a ⇒ CorrectDecl a
| TypeError e ⇒ EnvError (IllFormedDecl id e)
Definition check_wf_type id Σ G t :=
wrap_error id (infer_type Σ (infer Σ G) [] t) ;; ret ().
Definition check_wf_judgement id Σ G t ty :=
wrap_error id (check Σ G [] t ty) ;; ret ().
Definition infer_term Σ G t :=
wrap_error "" (infer Σ G [] t).
Definition check_wf_decl Σ G kn (g : global_decl) : EnvCheck () :=
match g with
| ConstantDecl cst ⇒
match cst.(cst_body) with
| Some term ⇒ check_wf_judgement (string_of_kername kn) Σ G term cst.(cst_type)
| None ⇒ check_wf_type (string_of_kername kn) Σ G cst.(cst_type)
| InductiveDecl inds ⇒
List.fold_left (fun acc body ⇒
acc ;; check_wf_type body.(ind_name) Σ G body.(ind_type))
inds.(ind_bodies) (ret ())
Fixpoint check_fresh id (env : global_declarations) : EnvCheck () :=
match env with
| [] ⇒ ret ()
| g :: env ⇒
check_fresh id env;;
if eq_constant id g.1 then
EnvError (AlreadyDeclared (string_of_kername id))
else ret ()
Definition add_gc_constraints ctrs (G : universes_graph) : universes_graph
:= (G.1.1, GoodConstraintSet.fold
(fun ctr ⇒ wGraph.EdgeSet.add (edge_of_constraint ctr)) ctrs G.1.2,
Fixpoint check_wf_declarations (univs : ContextSet.t) (G : universes_graph) (g : global_declarations)
: EnvCheck () :=
match g with
| [] ⇒ ret tt
| g :: env ⇒
check_wf_declarations univs G env ;;
check_wf_decl {| universes := univs; declarations := env |} G g.1 g.2 ;;
check_fresh g.1 env ;;
ret tt
Definition typecheck_program (p : program) : EnvCheck term :=
let Σ := fst p in
let (univs, decls) := (Σ.(universes), Σ.(declarations)) in
match gc_of_constraints (snd univs) with
| None ⇒ EnvError (IllFormedDecl "toplevel"
(UnsatisfiableConstraints univs.2))
| Some ctrs ⇒
let G := add_gc_constraints ctrs init_graph in
if wGraph.is_acyclic G then
check_wf_declarations univs G decls ;;
infer_term Σ G (snd p)
else EnvError (IllFormedDecl "toplevel"
(UnsatisfiableConstraints univs.2))
End Checker.
Definition infer' `{checker_flags} `{Fuel} (Σ : global_env_ext) Γ t
:= let uctx := (global_ext_uctx Σ) in
match gc_of_uctx uctx with
| None ⇒ raise (UnsatisfiableConstraints uctx.2)
| Some uctx ⇒ infer (fst Σ) (make_graph uctx) Γ t