Library MetaCoq.Template.Checker

From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config Environment Ast AstUtils utils
     LiftSubst UnivSubst uGraph Typing.
Import MCMonadNotation.

Coq type-checker for kernel terms

Implemets typecheck_program which returns an error and on success should guarantee that the term has the given type. Currently uses fuel to implement reduction and is unverified.
This file implements reduction with a stack machine reduce_stack, conversion/cumulativity with the first-order fast-path heuristic isconv that are used to type-check terms in reasonable time.

Local Notation " () " := Datatypes.unit : type_scope.
Local Notation " () " := tt.

Module RedFlags.

  Record t := mk
    { beta : bool;
      iota : bool;
      zeta : bool;
      delta : bool;
      fix_ : bool;
      cofix_ : bool }.

  Definition default := mk true true true true true true.
End RedFlags.

Inductive type_error :=
| UnboundRel (n : nat)
| UnboundVar (id : string)
| UnboundMeta (m : nat)
| UnboundEvar (ev : nat)
| UndeclaredConstant (c : kername)
| UndeclaredInductive (c : inductive)
| UndeclaredConstructor (c : inductive) (i : nat)
| NotConvertible (Γ : context) (t u t' u' : term)
| NotASort (t : term)
| NotAProduct (t t' : term)
| NotAnInductive (t : term)
| IllFormedFix (m : mfixpoint term) (i : nat)
| UnsatisfiedConstraints (c : ConstraintSet.t)
| UnsatisfiableConstraints (c : ConstraintSet.t)
| NotEnoughFuel (n : nat)
| NotSupported (s : string).

Definition string_of_type_error (e : type_error) : string :=
  match e with
  | UnboundRel n ⇒ "Unboound rel " ^ string_of_nat n
  | UnboundVar id ⇒ "Unbound var " ^ id
  | UnboundMeta m ⇒ "Unbound meta " ^ string_of_nat m
  | UnboundEvar ev ⇒ "Unbound evar " ^ string_of_nat ev
  | UndeclaredConstant c ⇒ "Undeclared constant " ^ string_of_kername c
  | UndeclaredInductive c ⇒ "Undeclared inductive " ^ string_of_kername (inductive_mind c)
  | UndeclaredConstructor c i ⇒ "Undeclared inductive " ^ string_of_kername (inductive_mind c)
  | NotConvertible Γ t u t' u' ⇒ "Terms are not convertible: " ^
      string_of_term t ^ " " ^ string_of_term u ^ " after reduction: " ^
      string_of_term t' ^ " " ^ string_of_term u'
  | NotASort t ⇒ "Not a sort"
  | NotAProduct t t' ⇒ "Not a product"
  | NotAnInductive t ⇒ "Not an inductive"
  | IllFormedFix m i ⇒ "Ill-formed recursive definition"
  | UnsatisfiedConstraints c ⇒ "Unsatisfied constraints"
  | UnsatisfiableConstraints c ⇒ "Unsatisfiable constraints"
  | NotEnoughFuel n ⇒ "Not enough fuel"
  | NotSupported ss ^ " are not supported"

Inductive typing_result (A : Type) :=
| Checked (a : A)
| TypeError (t : type_error).
Global Arguments Checked {A} a.
Global Arguments TypeError {A} t.

Global Instance typing_monad : Monad typing_result :=
  {| ret A a := Checked a ;
     bind A B m f :=
       match m with
       | Checked af a
       | TypeError tTypeError t

Global Instance monad_exc : MonadExc type_error typing_result :=
  { raise A e := TypeError e;
    catch A m f :=
      match m with
      | Checked am
      | TypeError tf t

Section Lookups.
  Context (Σ : global_env).

  Definition polymorphic_constraints u :=
    match u with
    | Monomorphic_ctxConstraintSet.empty
    | Polymorphic_ctx ctx(AUContext.repr ctx).2.2

  Definition lookup_constant_type cst u :=
    match lookup_env Σ cst with
    | Some (ConstantDecl {| cst_type := ty; cst_universes := uctx |}) ⇒
      ret (subst_instance u ty)
    | _raise (UndeclaredConstant cst)

  Definition lookup_constant_type_cstrs cst u :=
    match lookup_env Σ cst with
    | Some (ConstantDecl {| cst_type := ty; cst_universes := uctx |}) ⇒
      let cstrs := polymorphic_constraints uctx in
      ret (subst_instance u ty, subst_instance_cstrs u cstrs)
      | _raise (UndeclaredConstant cst)

  Definition lookup_ind_decl ind i :=
    match lookup_env Σ ind with
    | Some (InductiveDecl mdecl) ⇒
      match nth_error mdecl.(ind_bodies) i with
      | Some bodyret (mdecl, body)
      | Noneraise (UndeclaredInductive (mkInd ind i))
    | _raise (UndeclaredInductive (mkInd ind i))

  Definition lookup_ind_type ind i (u : list Level.t) :=
    res <- lookup_ind_decl ind i ;;
    ret (subst_instance u (snd res).(ind_type)).

  Definition lookup_ind_type_cstrs ind i (u : list Level.t) :=
    res <- lookup_ind_decl ind i ;;
    let '(mib, body) := res in
    let uctx := mib.(ind_universes) in
    let cstrs := polymorphic_constraints uctx in
    ret (subst_instance u body.(ind_type), subst_instance_cstrs u cstrs).

  Definition lookup_constructor_decl ind i k :=
    res <- lookup_ind_decl ind i;;
    let '(mib, body) := res in
    match nth_error body.(ind_ctors) k with
    | Some cdeclret (mib, cdecl)
    | Noneraise (UndeclaredConstructor (mkInd ind i) k)

  Definition lookup_constructor_type ind i k u :=
    res <- lookup_constructor_decl ind i k ;;
    let '(mib, cdecl) := res in
    ret (subst0 (inds ind u mib.(ind_bodies)) (subst_instance u cdecl.(cstr_type))).

  Definition lookup_constructor_type_cstrs ind i k u :=
    res <- lookup_constructor_decl ind i k ;;
    let '(mib, cdecl) := res in
    let cstrs := polymorphic_constraints mib.(ind_universes) in
    ret (subst0 (inds ind u mib.(ind_bodies)) (subst_instance u cdecl.(cstr_type)),
        subst_instance_cstrs u cstrs).
End Lookups.

Section Reduce.
  Context (flags : RedFlags.t) (Σ : global_env).

  Definition zip (t : term × list term) := mkApps (fst t) (snd t).

  Fixpoint reduce_stack (Γ : context) (n : nat) (t : term) (stack : list term)
    : option (term × list term) :=
  match n with 0 ⇒ None | S n
  match t with

  | tRel c
    if RedFlags.zeta flags then
      d <- nth_error Γ c ;;
      match d.(decl_body) with
      | Noneret (t, stack)
      | Some breduce_stack Γ n (lift0 (S c) b) stack
    else ret (t, stack)

  | tLetIn _ b _ c
    if RedFlags.zeta flags then
      reduce_stack Γ n (subst10 b c) stack
    else ret (t, stack)

  | tConst c u
    if flags then
      match lookup_env Σ c with
      | Some (ConstantDecl {| cst_body := Some body |}) ⇒
        let body' := subst_instance u body in
        reduce_stack Γ n body' stack
      | _ret (t, stack)
    else ret (t, stack)

  | tApp f argsreduce_stack Γ n f (args ++ stack)

  | tLambda na ty b
    if RedFlags.beta flags then
      match stack with
      | a :: args'
CBN reduction: we do not reduce arguments before substitution
        reduce_stack Γ n (subst10 a b) args'
      | _ret (t, stack)
    else ret (t, stack)

  | tFix mfix idx
    if RedFlags.fix_ flags then
      nf <- unfold_fix mfix idx ;;
      let '(narg, fn) := nf in
      match List.nth_error stack narg with
      | Some c
        c' <- reduce_stack Γ n c [] ;;
        match fst c' with
        | tConstruct _ _ _reduce_stack Γ n fn stack
        | _ret (t, stack)
      | _ret (t, stack)
    else ret (t, stack)

  | tProd _ _ _ret (t, stack)


  | tCast c _ _reduce_stack Γ n c stack

  | tCase ci p c brs
    if RedFlags.iota flags then
      c' <- reduce_stack Γ n c [] ;;
      match c' with
      | (tConstruct ind c _, args)
        match nth_error brs c with
        | Some br
          match lookup_constructor_decl Σ (inductive_mind ind) (inductive_ind ind) c with
          | Checked (mdecl, cdecl)
            let bctx := case_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl p br in
              reduce_stack Γ n (iota_red ci.(ci_npar) args bctx br) stack
          | TypeError eret (t, stack)
        | Noneret (tCase ci p (zip c') brs, stack)
      | _ret (tCase ci p (zip c') brs, stack)
    else ret (t, stack)

  | _ret (t, stack)


  Definition reduce_stack_term Γ n c :=
    res <- reduce_stack Γ n c [] ;;
    ret (zip res).

  Definition fix_decls (l : mfixpoint term) :=
    let fix aux acc ds :=
        match ds with
        | nilacc
        | d :: dsaux (vass d.(dname) d.(dtype) :: acc) ds
    in aux [] l.

  Definition rebuild_case_predicate_ctx ind (p : predicate term) : context :=
    match lookup_ind_decl Σ (inductive_mind ind) (inductive_ind ind) with
    | TypeError _[]
    | Checked (mib, oib)case_predicate_context ind mib oib p

  Definition map_context_with_binders (f : context term term) (c : context) Γ : context :=
    fold_left (fun acc declmap_decl (f (Γ ,,, acc)) decl :: acc) (List.rev c) [].

  Definition map_predicate_with_binders (f : context term term) Γ ind (p : predicate term) :=
    let pctx := rebuild_case_predicate_ctx ind p in
    let Γparams := map_context_with_binders f pctx Γ in
    {| pparams := map (f Γ) p.(pparams);
       puinst := p.(puinst);
       pcontext := p.(pcontext);
       preturn := f Γparams (preturn p) |}.

  Definition rebuild_case_branch_ctx ind i p br :=
    match lookup_constructor_decl Σ (inductive_mind ind) (inductive_ind ind) i with
    | TypeError _[]
    | Checked (mib, cdecl)case_branch_context ind mib cdecl p br

  Definition map_case_branch_with_binders ind i (f : context term term) Γ p br :=
    let ctx := rebuild_case_branch_ctx ind i p br in
    map_branch (f (Γ ,,, ctx)) br.

  Definition map_constr_with_binders (f : context term term) Γ (t : term) : term :=
    match t with
    | tRel it
    | tEvar ev argstEvar ev ( (f Γ) args)
    | tLambda na T MtLambda na (f Γ T) (f Γ M)
    | tApp u vtApp (f Γ u) ( (f Γ) v)
    | tProd na A B
      let A' := f Γ A in
      tProd na A' (f (Γ ,, vass na A') B)
    | tCast c kind ttCast (f Γ c) kind (f Γ t)
    | tLetIn na b t c
      let b' := f Γ b in
      let t' := f Γ t in
      tLetIn na b' t' (f (Γ ,, vdef na b' t') c)
    | tCase ci p c brs
      let p' := map_predicate_with_binders f Γ ci.(ci_ind) p in
      let brs' := mapi (fun i xmap_case_branch_with_binders ci.(ci_ind) i f Γ p' x) brs in
      tCase ci p' (f Γ c) brs'
    | tProj p ctProj p (f Γ c)
    | tFix mfix idx
      let Γ' := fix_decls mfix ++ Γ in
      let mfix' := (map_def (f Γ) (f Γ')) mfix in
      tFix mfix' idx
    | tCoFix mfix k
      let Γ' := fix_decls mfix ++ Γ in
      let mfix' := (map_def (f Γ) (f Γ')) mfix in
      tCoFix mfix' k
    | xx

  Fixpoint reduce_opt Γ n c :=
    match n with
    | 0 ⇒ None
    | S n
      match reduce_stack_term Γ n c with
      | Some c'
        Some (map_constr_with_binders
                (fun Γ tmatch reduce_opt Γ n t with
                            | Some tt
                            | Nonet end) Γ c')
      | NoneNone

End Reduce.

Definition isConstruct c :=
  match c with
  | tConstruct _ _ _true
  | tApp (tConstruct _ _ _) _true
  | _false

Definition isCoFix c :=
  match c with
  | tCoFix _ _true
  | _false

Inductive conv_pb :=
| Conv
| Cumul.

Definition eq_case_info (ci ci' : case_info) :=
  eq_inductive ci.(ci_ind) ci'.(ci_ind) && Nat.eqb ci.(ci_npar) ci'.(ci_npar).
Fixpoint eq_term `{checker_flags} (φ : universes_graph) (t u : term) {struct t} :=
  match t, u with
  | tRel n, tRel n'Nat.eqb n n'
  | tEvar ev args, tEvar ev' args'Nat.eqb ev ev' && forallb2 (eq_term φ) args args'
  | tVar id, tVar id'eqb id id'
  | tSort s, tSort s'check_eqb_universe φ s s'
  | tCast f k T, tCast f' k' T'eq_term φ f f' && eq_term φ T T'
  | tApp f args, tApp f' args'eq_term φ f f' && forallb2 (eq_term φ) args args'
  | tConst c u, tConst c' u'eq_constant c c' && eqb_univ_instance φ u u'
  | tInd i u, tInd i' u'eq_inductive i i' && eqb_univ_instance φ u u'
  | tConstruct i k u, tConstruct i' k' u'eq_inductive i i' && Nat.eqb k k'
                                                    && eqb_univ_instance φ u u'
  | tLambda _ b t, tLambda _ b' t'eq_term φ b b' && eq_term φ t t'
  | tProd _ b t, tProd _ b' t'eq_term φ b b' && eq_term φ t t'
  | tLetIn _ b t c, tLetIn _ b' t' c'eq_term φ b b' && eq_term φ t t' && eq_term φ c c'
  | tCase ci p c brs,
    tCase ci' p' c' brs'
    eq_case_info ci ci' &&
    eqb_predicate (eqb_univ_instance φ) (eq_term φ) p p' && eq_term φ c c' && forallb2 (fun br br'eq_term φ br.(bbody) br'.(bbody)) brs brs'
  | tProj p c, tProj p' c'eq_projection p p' && eq_term φ c c'
  | tFix mfix idx, tFix mfix' idx'
    forallb2 (fun x y
                eq_term φ x.(dtype) y.(dtype) && eq_term φ x.(dbody) y.(dbody)) mfix mfix' &&
    Nat.eqb idx idx'
  | tCoFix mfix idx, tCoFix mfix' idx'
    forallb2 (fun x y
                eq_term φ x.(dtype) y.(dtype) && eq_term φ x.(dbody) y.(dbody)) mfix mfix' &&
    Nat.eqb idx idx'
  | _, _false

Fixpoint leq_term `{checker_flags} (φ : universes_graph) (t u : term) {struct t} :=
  match t, u with
  | tRel n, tRel n'Nat.eqb n n'
  | tEvar ev args, tEvar ev' args'Nat.eqb ev ev' && forallb2 (eq_term φ) args args'
  | tVar id, tVar id'eqb id id'
  | tSort s, tSort s'check_leqb_universe φ s s'
  | tApp f args, tApp f' args'eq_term φ f f' && forallb2 (eq_term φ) args args'
  | tCast f k T, tCast f' k' T'eq_term φ f f' && eq_term φ T T'
  | tConst c u, tConst c' u'eq_constant c c' && eqb_univ_instance φ u u'
  | tInd i u, tInd i' u'eq_inductive i i' && eqb_univ_instance φ u u'
  | tConstruct i k u, tConstruct i' k' u'eq_inductive i i' && Nat.eqb k k' &&
                                                    eqb_univ_instance φ u u'
  | tLambda _ b t, tLambda _ b' t'eq_term φ b b' && eq_term φ t t'
  | tProd _ b t, tProd _ b' t'eq_term φ b b' && leq_term φ t t'
  | tLetIn _ b t c, tLetIn _ b' t' c'eq_term φ b b' && eq_term φ t t' && leq_term φ c c'
  | tCase ci p c brs, tCase ci' p' c' brs'
    eq_case_info ci ci' &&
    eqb_predicate (eqb_univ_instance φ) (eq_term φ) p p' && eq_term φ c c' && forallb2 (fun br br'eq_term φ br.(bbody) br'.(bbody)) brs brs'
  | tProj p c, tProj p' c'eq_projection p p' && eq_term φ c c'
  | tFix mfix idx, tFix mfix' idx'
    forallb2 (fun x y
                eq_term φ x.(dtype) y.(dtype) && eq_term φ x.(dbody) y.(dbody)) mfix mfix' &&
    Nat.eqb idx idx'
  | tCoFix mfix idx, tCoFix mfix' idx'
    forallb2 (fun x y
                eq_term φ x.(dtype) y.(dtype) && eq_term φ x.(dbody) y.(dbody)) mfix mfix' &&
    Nat.eqb idx idx'
  | _, _false

Section Conversion.

  Context `{checker_flags} (flags : RedFlags.t).
  Context (Σ : global_env) (G : universes_graph).

  Definition nodelta_flags := true true true false true true.

  Definition unfold_one_fix n Γ mfix idx l :=
    unf <- unfold_fix mfix idx ;;
    let '(arg, fn) := unf in
    c <- nth_error l arg ;;
    cred <- reduce_stack RedFlags.default Σ Γ n c [] ;;
    let '(cred, _) := cred in
    if negb (isConstruct cred) then None
    else Some fn.

  Definition unfold_one_case n Γ c :=
    cred <- reduce_stack_term RedFlags.default Σ Γ n c ;;
    if negb (isConstruct cred || isCoFix cred) then None
    else Some cred.

  Definition reducible_head n Γ c l :=
    match c with
    | tFix mfix idxunfold_one_fix n Γ mfix idx l
    | tCase ind' p' c' brs
      match unfold_one_case n Γ c' with
      | NoneNone
      | Some c'Some (tCase ind' p' c' brs)
    | tProj p c
      match unfold_one_case n Γ c with
      | NoneNone
      | Some c'Some (tProj p c')
    | tConst c _
      match lookup_env Σ c with
      | Some (ConstantDecl {| cst_body := Some body |}) ⇒ Some body
      | _None
    | _None

  Definition lookup_env c := lookup_env Σ c.

  Definition opt_bool_to_bool (x : option bool) : bool :=
    match x with
    | Some bb
    | Nonefalse

  Fixpoint isconv (n : nat) (leq : conv_pb) (Γ : context)
           (t1 : term) (l1 : list term) (t2 : term) (l2 : list term) {struct n} : option bool :=
    match n with 0 ⇒ None | S n
    red1 <- reduce_stack nodelta_flags Σ Γ n t1 l1 ;;
    red2 <- reduce_stack nodelta_flags Σ Γ n t2 l2 ;;
    let '(t1,l1) := red1 in
    let '(t2,l2) := red2 in
    isconv_prog n leq Γ t1 l1 t2 l2
  with isconv_prog (n : nat) (leq : conv_pb) (Γ : context)
                   (t1 : term) (l1 : list term) (t2 : term) (l2 : list term)
                   {struct n} : option bool :=
    match n with 0 ⇒ None | S n
    let isconv_stacks l1 l2 :=
        ret (forallb2 (fun x yopt_bool_to_bool (isconv n Conv Γ x [] y [])) l1 l2)
    let on_cond (b : bool) := if b then isconv_stacks l1 l2 else ret false in
Test equality at each step ??
    let fallback (x : unit) :=
      match reducible_head n Γ t1 l1 with
      | Some t1
        redt <- reduce_stack nodelta_flags Σ Γ n t1 l1 ;;
        let '(t1, l1) := redt in
        isconv_prog n leq Γ t1 l1 t2 l2
      | None
        match reducible_head n Γ t2 l2 with
        | Some t2
          redt <- reduce_stack nodelta_flags Σ Γ n t2 l2 ;;
          let '(t2, l2) := redt in
          isconv_prog n leq Γ t1 l1 t2 l2
        | None
          on_cond (match leq with
                   | Conveq_term G t1 t2
                   | Cumulleq_term G t1 t2 end)
    match t1, t2 with
    | tApp f args, tApp f' args'

    | tCast t _ v, tCast u _ v'None

    | tConst c u, tConst c' u'
      if eq_constant c c' then
        b <- isconv_stacks l1 l2 ;;
        if b then ret true
          match lookup_env c with
          | Some (ConstantDecl {| cst_body := Some body |}) ⇒
            isconv n leq Γ body l1 body l2
          | _ret false
        match lookup_env c' with
        | Some (ConstantDecl {| cst_body := Some body |}) ⇒
          isconv n leq Γ t1 l1 body l2
        | _
          match lookup_env c with
          | Some (ConstantDecl {| cst_body := Some body |}) ⇒
            isconv n leq Γ body l1 t2 l2
          | _ret false

    | tLambda na b t, tLambda _ b' t'
      cnv <- isconv n Conv Γ b [] b' [] ;;
      if (cnv : bool) then
        isconv n Conv (Γ ,, vass na b) t [] t' []
      else ret false

    | tProd na b t, tProd _ b' t'
      cnv <- isconv n Conv Γ b [] b' [] ;;
      if (cnv : bool) then
        isconv n leq (Γ ,, vass na b) t [] t' []
      else ret false

    | tCase ci p c brs,
      tCase ci' p' c' brs'
      if eq_case_info ci ci' && eqb_predicate (eqb_univ_instance G) (eq_term G) p p' && eq_term G c c'
      && forallb2 (fun br br'eq_term G br.(bbody) br'.(bbody)) brs brs' then
        ret true
        cred <- reduce_stack_term RedFlags.default Σ Γ n c ;;
        c'red <- reduce_stack_term RedFlags.default Σ Γ n c' ;;
        if eq_term G cred c && eq_term G c'red c' then ret true
          isconv n leq Γ (tCase ci p cred brs) l1 (tCase ci' p c'red brs') l2

    | tProj p c, tProj p' c'on_cond (eq_projection p p' && eq_term G c c')

    | tFix mfix idx, tFix mfix' idx'
      if eq_term G t1 t2 && opt_bool_to_bool (isconv_stacks l1 l2) then ret true
        match unfold_one_fix n Γ mfix idx l1 with
        | Some t1
          redt <- reduce_stack nodelta_flags Σ Γ n t1 l1 ;;
          let '(t1, l1) := redt in
          isconv_prog n leq Γ t1 l1 t2 l2
        | None
          match unfold_one_fix n Γ mfix' idx' l2 with
          | Some t2
            redt <- reduce_stack nodelta_flags Σ Γ n t2 l2 ;;
            let '(t2, l2) := redt in
            isconv_prog n leq Γ t1 l1 t2 l2
          | Noneret false

    | tCoFix mfix idx, tCoFix mfix' idx'
      on_cond (eq_term G t1 t2)

    | _, _fallback ()
End Conversion.

Definition try_reduce Σ Γ n t :=
  match reduce_opt RedFlags.default Σ Γ n t with
  | Some t't'
  | Nonet

Definition check_conv_gen `{checker_flags} {F:Fuel} conv_pb Σ G Γ t u :=
  match isconv Σ G fuel conv_pb Γ t [] u [] with
  | Some bif b then ret () else raise (NotConvertible Γ t u t u)
  | Noneraise (NotEnoughFuel fuel)

Definition check_conv_leq `{checker_flags} {F:Fuel} := check_conv_gen Cumul.
Definition check_conv `{checker_flags} {F:Fuel} := check_conv_gen Conv.

Definition is_graph_of_global_env_ext `{checker_flags} Σ G :=
  is_graph_of_uctx G (global_ext_uctx Σ).

Section Typecheck.
  Context {F : Fuel}.
  Context (Σ : global_env).

  Definition hnf_stack Γ t :=
    match reduce_stack RedFlags.default Σ Γ fuel t [] with
    | Some t'ret t'
    | Noneraise (NotEnoughFuel fuel)

  Definition reduce Γ t :=
    match reduce_opt RedFlags.default Σ Γ fuel t with
    | Some t'ret t'
    | Noneraise (NotEnoughFuel fuel)

  Definition reduce_to_sort Γ (t : term) : typing_result Universe.t :=
    match t with
    | tSort sret s
    | _
      t' <- hnf_stack Γ t ;;
      match t' with
      | (tSort s, [])ret s
      | _raise (NotASort t)

  Definition reduce_to_prod Γ (t : term) : typing_result (term × term) :=
    match t with
    | tProd _ a bret (a, b)
    | _
      t' <- hnf_stack Γ t ;;
      match t' with
      | (tProd _ a b,[])ret (a, b)
      | _raise (NotAProduct t (zip t'))

  Definition reduce_to_ind Γ (t : term) :
    typing_result (inductive × list Level.t × list term) :=
    match decompose_app t with
    | (tInd i u, l)ret (i, u, l)
    | _t' <- hnf_stack Γ t ;;
           match t' with
           | (tInd i u, l)ret (i, u, l)
           | _raise (NotAnInductive t)
End Typecheck.

Section Typecheck.
  Context {cf : checker_flags} {F : Fuel}.
  Context (Σ : global_env) (G : universes_graph).

  Definition convert_leq Γ (t u : term) : typing_result unit :=
    if eq_term G t u then ret ()
      match isconv Σ G fuel Cumul Γ t [] u [] with
      | Some b
        if b then ret ()
        else raise (NotConvertible Γ t u t u)
      | None
        t' <- reduce Σ Γ t ;;
        u' <- reduce Σ Γ u ;;
        if leq_term G t' u' then ret ()
        else raise (NotConvertible Γ t u t' u')

  Section InferAux.
    Variable (infer : context term typing_result term).

    Fixpoint infer_spine (Γ : context) (ty : term) (l : list term)
             {struct l} : typing_result term :=
    match l with
    | nilret ty
    | cons x xs
       pi <- reduce_to_prod Σ Γ ty ;;
       let '(a1, b1) := pi in
       tx <- infer Γ x ;;
       convert_leq Γ tx a1 ;;
       infer_spine Γ (subst10 x b1) xs

    Definition infer_type Γ t :=
      tx <- infer Γ t ;;
      reduce_to_sort Σ Γ tx.

    Definition infer_cumul Γ t t' :=
      tx <- infer Γ t ;;
      convert_leq Γ tx t'.

  End InferAux.

  Definition check_consistent_constraints cstrs :=
    if check_constraints G cstrs then ret tt
    else raise (UnsatisfiedConstraints cstrs).

  Fixpoint infer (Γ : context) (t : term) : typing_result term :=
    match t with
    | tRel n
      match nth_error Γ n with
      | Some dret (lift0 (S n) d.(decl_type))
      | Noneraise (UnboundRel n)

    | tVar nraise (UnboundVar n)
    | tEvar ev argsraise (UnboundEvar ev)

    | tSort sret (tSort (Universe.super s))

    | tCast c k t
      infer_type infer Γ t ;;
      infer_cumul infer Γ c t ;;
      ret t

    | tProd n t b
      s1 <- infer_type infer Γ t ;;
      s2 <- infer_type infer (Γ ,, vass n t) b ;;
      ret (tSort (Universe.sort_of_product s1 s2))

    | tLambda n t b
      infer_type infer Γ t ;;
      t2 <- infer (Γ ,, vass n t) b ;;
      ret (tProd n t t2)

    | tLetIn n b b_ty b'
      infer_type infer Γ b_ty ;;
       infer_cumul infer Γ b b_ty ;;
       b'_ty <- infer (Γ ,, vdef n b b_ty) b' ;;
       ret (tLetIn n b b_ty b'_ty)

    | tApp t l
      t_ty <- infer Γ t ;;
      infer_spine infer Γ t_ty l

    | tConst cst u
      tycstrs <- lookup_constant_type_cstrs Σ cst u ;;
      let '(ty, cstrs) := tycstrs in
      check_consistent_constraints cstrs;;
      ret ty

    | tInd (mkInd ind i) u
      tycstrs <- lookup_ind_type_cstrs Σ ind i u;;
      let '(ty, cstrs) := tycstrs in
      check_consistent_constraints cstrs;;
      ret ty

    | tConstruct (mkInd ind i) k u
      tycstrs <- lookup_constructor_type_cstrs Σ ind i k u ;;
      let '(ty, cstrs) := tycstrs in
      check_consistent_constraints cstrs;;
      ret ty

    | tCase ci p c brs
      ty <- infer Γ c ;;
      indargs <- reduce_to_ind Σ Γ ty ;;
TODO check branches
      let '(ind, u, args) := indargs in
      if eq_inductive ind ci.(ci_ind) then
        let pctx := rebuild_case_predicate_ctx Σ ind p in
        let ptm := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn pctx p.(preturn) in
        ret (tApp ptm (List.skipn ci.(ci_npar) args ++ [c]))
        let ind1 := tInd ind u in
        let ind2 := tInd ci.(ci_ind) u in
        raise (NotConvertible Γ ind1 ind2 ind1 ind2)

    | tProj p c
      ty <- infer Γ c ;;
      indargs <- reduce_to_ind Σ Γ ty ;;
      ret ty

    | tFix mfix n
      match nth_error mfix n with
      | Some fret f.(dtype)
      | Noneraise (IllFormedFix mfix n)

    | tCoFix mfix n
      match nth_error mfix n with
      | Some fret f.(dtype)
      | Noneraise (IllFormedFix mfix n)


  Definition check (Γ : context) (t : term) (ty : term) : typing_result unit :=
    infer Γ ty ;;
    infer_cumul infer Γ t ty ;;
    ret ().

  Definition typechecking (Γ : context) (t ty : term) :=
    match check Γ t ty with
    | Checked _true
    | TypeError _false

End Typecheck.

Arguments bind _ _ _ _ ! _.
Open Scope monad.

Definition default_fuel : Fuel := Nat.pow 2 14.

Fixpoint fresh id (env : global_declarations) : bool :=
  match env with
  | niltrue
  | cons g envnegb (eq_constant g.1 id) && fresh id env

Section Checker.

  Context {cf : checker_flags} {F : Fuel}.

  Inductive env_error :=
  | IllFormedDecl (e : string) (e : type_error)
  | AlreadyDeclared (id : string).

  Inductive EnvCheck (A : Type) :=
  | CorrectDecl (a : A)
  | EnvError (e : env_error).
  Global Arguments EnvError {A} e.
  Global Arguments CorrectDecl {A} a.

  Instance envcheck_monad : Monad EnvCheck :=
    {| ret A a := CorrectDecl a ;
       bind A B m f :=
         match m with
         | CorrectDecl af a
         | EnvError eEnvError e

  Definition wrap_error {A} (id : string) (check : typing_result A) : EnvCheck A :=
    match check with
    | Checked aCorrectDecl a
    | TypeError eEnvError (IllFormedDecl id e)

  Definition check_wf_type id Σ G t :=
    wrap_error id (infer_type Σ (infer Σ G) [] t) ;; ret ().

  Definition check_wf_judgement id Σ G t ty :=
    wrap_error id (check Σ G [] t ty) ;; ret ().

  Definition infer_term Σ G t :=
    wrap_error "" (infer Σ G [] t).

  Definition check_wf_decl Σ G kn (g : global_decl) : EnvCheck () :=
    match g with
    | ConstantDecl cst
      match cst.(cst_body) with
      | Some termcheck_wf_judgement (string_of_kername kn) Σ G term cst.(cst_type)
      | Nonecheck_wf_type (string_of_kername kn) Σ G cst.(cst_type)
    | InductiveDecl inds
      List.fold_left (fun acc body
                        acc ;; check_wf_type body.(ind_name) Σ G body.(ind_type))
                     inds.(ind_bodies) (ret ())

  Fixpoint check_fresh id (env : global_declarations) : EnvCheck () :=
    match env with
    | []ret ()
    | g :: env
      check_fresh id env;;
      if eq_constant id g.1 then
        EnvError (AlreadyDeclared (string_of_kername id))
      else ret ()

  Definition add_gc_constraints ctrs (G : universes_graph) : universes_graph
    := (G.1.1, GoodConstraintSet.fold
                  (fun ctrwGraph.EdgeSet.add (edge_of_constraint ctr)) ctrs G.1.2,

  Fixpoint check_wf_declarations (univs : ContextSet.t) (G : universes_graph) (g : global_declarations)
    : EnvCheck () :=
    match g with
    | []ret tt
    | g :: env
      check_wf_declarations univs G env ;;
      check_wf_decl {| universes := univs; declarations := env |} G g.1 g.2 ;;
      check_fresh g.1 env ;;
      ret tt

  Definition typecheck_program (p : program) : EnvCheck term :=
    let Σ := fst p in
    let (univs, decls) := (Σ.(universes), Σ.(declarations)) in
    match gc_of_constraints (snd univs) with
    | NoneEnvError (IllFormedDecl "toplevel"
        (UnsatisfiableConstraints univs.2))
    | Some ctrs
      let G := add_gc_constraints ctrs init_graph in
      if wGraph.is_acyclic G then
        check_wf_declarations univs G decls ;;
        infer_term Σ G (snd p)
      else EnvError (IllFormedDecl "toplevel"
        (UnsatisfiableConstraints univs.2))

End Checker.

Definition infer' `{checker_flags} `{Fuel} (Σ : global_env_ext) Γ t
  := let uctx := (global_ext_uctx Σ) in
    match gc_of_uctx uctx with
     | Noneraise (UnsatisfiableConstraints uctx.2)
     | Some uctxinfer (fst Σ) (make_graph uctx) Γ t