Library MetaCoq.SafeChecker.PCUICSafeRetyping

Allow reduction to run inside Coq
Transparent Acc_intro_generator.

Local Open Scope string_scope.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.
Import monad_utils.MCMonadNotation.

Hint Constructors assumption_context : pcuic.

Derive NoConfusion for type_error.

Set Equations With UIP.
Set Equations Transparent.

Add Search Blacklist "_graph_mut".
Add Search Blacklist "obligation".

Require Import ssreflect.

Lemma into_ws_cumul_pb_terms_Algo {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {Γ l l'} :
  All2 (convAlgo Σ Γ) l l'
  is_closed_context Γ
  forallb (is_open_term Γ) l
  forallb (is_open_term Γ) l'
  ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ Γ l l'.
  now eapply into_ws_cumul_pb.

Lemma on_free_vars_ind_predicate_context {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ} {ind mdecl idecl} :
  declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl
  on_free_vars_ctx (closedP (context_assumptions (ind_params mdecl)) xpredT)
    (ind_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl).
  intros decli.
  rewrite <- closedn_ctx_on_free_vars.
  eapply closed_ind_predicate_context; tea.
  eapply (declared_minductive_closed decli).

Inductive wellinferred {cf: checker_flags} Σ Γ t : Prop :=
  | iswellinferred T : Σ ;;; Γ |- t T wellinferred Σ Γ t.

Definition well_sorted {cf:checker_flags} Σ Γ T :=
   u, Σ ;;; Γ |- T ▹□ u .

Lemma well_sorted_wellinferred {cf:checker_flags} {Σ Γ T} :
  well_sorted Σ Γ T wellinferred Σ Γ T.
  intros [[s []]].
  now econstructor.

Coercion well_sorted_wellinferred : well_sorted >-> wellinferred.

Lemma spine_subst_smash_inv {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ}
  {Γ inst Δ s} :
  wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, Δ)
  spine_subst Σ Γ inst s (smash_context [] Δ)
   s', spine_subst Σ Γ inst s' Δ.
  intros wf.
  intros c. eapply ctx_inst_smash in c.
  unshelve epose proof (ctx_inst_spine_subst _ c); auto.
  now eexists.

Smashed variant that is easier to use
Lemma inductive_cumulative_indices_smash {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {wfΣ : wf Σ} :
   {ind mdecl idecl u u' napp},
  declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl
  on_udecl_prop Σ (ind_universes mdecl)
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u
  consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes mdecl) u'
  PCUICEquality.R_global_instance Σ (eq_universe Σ) (leq_universe Σ) (IndRef ind) napp u u'
   Γ pars pars',
  spine_subst Σ Γ pars (List.rev pars) (smash_context [] (subst_instance u (ind_params mdecl)))
  spine_subst Σ Γ pars' (List.rev pars') (smash_context [] (subst_instance u' (ind_params mdecl)))
  ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ Γ pars pars'
  let indctx := idecl.(ind_indices)@[u] in
  let indctx' := idecl.(ind_indices)@[u'] in
  let pindctx := subst_context_let_expand (List.rev pars) (ind_params mdecl)@[u] (smash_context [] indctx) in
  let pindctx' := subst_context_let_expand (List.rev pars') (ind_params mdecl)@[u'] (smash_context [] indctx') in
  ws_cumul_ctx_pb_rel Cumul Σ Γ pindctx pindctx'.
  intros ind mdecl idecl u u' napp isdecl up cu cu' hR Γ pars pars' sppars sppars' eq.
  unshelve epose proof (spine_subst_smash_inv _ sppars) as [parsubst sppars2].
  eapply weaken_wf_local; tea. apply sppars.
  eapply (on_minductive_wf_params isdecl cu).
  unshelve epose proof (spine_subst_smash_inv _ sppars') as [parsubst' sppars3].
  eapply weaken_wf_local; tea. apply sppars.
  eapply (on_minductive_wf_params isdecl cu').
  epose proof (inductive_cumulative_indices isdecl cu cu' hR Γ pars pars' _ _ sppars2 sppars3 eq).
  cbn in X.
  rewrite (spine_subst_inst_subst sppars2) in X.
  rewrite (spine_subst_inst_subst sppars3) in X.
  rewrite /pindctx /pindctx'.
  rewrite - !smash_context_subst_context_let_expand.
  apply X.


The infer function provides a fast (and loose) type inference function which assumes that the provided term is already well-typed in the given context and recomputes its type. Only reduction (for head-reducing types to uncover dependent products or inductives) and substitution are costly here. No universe checking or conversion is done in particular.

Section TypeOf.
Context {cf : checker_flags} {nor : normalizing_flags}.

  Context (X_type : abstract_env_ext_impl).

  Context (X : X_type.π1).

  Local Definition heΣ Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ) :
     wf_ext Σ := abstract_env_ext_wf _ wfΣ.

  Local Definition Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ) :
     wf Σ := abstract_env_ext_sq_wf _ _ _ wfΣ.

  Ltac specialize_Σ wfΣ :=
    repeat match goal with | h : _ |- _specialize (h _ wfΣ) end.

  Definition on_subterm P Pty Γ t : Type :=
  match t with
  | tProd na t bPty Γ t × Pty (Γ ,, vass na t) b
  | tLetIn na d t t'
    Pty Γ t × P Γ d × P (Γ ,, vdef na d t) t'
  | tLambda na t bPty Γ t × P (Γ ,, vass na t) b
  | _True

Lemma welltyped_subterm {Σ Γ t} :
  wellinferred Σ Γ t on_subterm (wellinferred Σ) (well_sorted Σ) Γ t.
Proof using Type.
  destruct t; simpl; auto; intros [T HT]; sq.
  now inversion HT ; auto; split; do 2 econstructor.
  now inversion HT ; auto; split; econstructor ; [econstructor|..].
  now inversion HT ; inversion X1 ; auto;
    split; [split|]; econstructor ; [econstructor|..].

  #[local] Notation ret t := (t; _).

  #[local] Definition principal_type Γ t :=
     T : term, Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Σ ;;; Γ |- t T .
  #[local] Definition principal_sort Γ T :=
     u, Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Σ ;;; Γ |- T ▹□ u .
  #[local] Definition principal_type_type {Γ t} (wt : principal_type Γ t) : term
    := projT1 wt.
  #[local] Definition principal_sort_sort {Γ T} (ps : principal_sort Γ T) : Universe.t
    := projT1 ps.
  #[local] Coercion principal_type_type : principal_type >-> term.
  #[local] Coercion principal_sort_sort : principal_sort >-> Universe.t.

  Program Definition infer_as_sort {Γ T}
    (wfΓ : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ )
    (wf : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), well_sorted Σ Γ T)
    (tx : principal_type Γ T) : principal_sort Γ T :=
    match @reduce_to_sort cf nor _ X Γ tx _ with
    | Checked_comp (u;_)(u;_)
    | TypeError_comp e _!
  Next Obligation.
    destruct tx ; cbn in ×.
    destruct (wf _ wfΣ) as [[]], ( _ wfΣ) as [].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    eapply infering_typing, validity in s as []; eauto.
    now eexists.
  Next Obligation.
    clear Heq_anonymous.
    destruct tx. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    pose proof (s Σ wfΣ) as s'.
    cbn in ×.
    econstructor ; tea.
    now eapply closed_red_red.
  Next Obligation.
    clear Heq_anonymous.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    destruct tx. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    pose proof (s Σ wfΣ) as s'.
        cbn in ×.
    destruct wf as [[? i]], ( _ wfΣ) as [].
    eapply infering_sort_infering in i ; eauto.
    eapply wildcard'. x0. intros.
    erewrite(abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.

  Program Definition infer_as_prod Γ T
    (wfΓ : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ )
    (wf : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), welltyped Σ Γ T)
    (isprod : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), na A B, red Σ Γ T (tProd na A B) ) :
     na' A' B', Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Σ ;;; Γ T tProd na' A' B' :=
    match @reduce_to_prod cf nor _ X Γ T wf with
    | Checked_comp pp
    | TypeError_comp e _!
    Next Obligation.
      clear Heq_anonymous.
      destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
      pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ.
      destruct isprod as (?&?&?&?).
      apply wildcard'.
      do 3 eexists.
      intros. sq.
      erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
      eapply into_closed_red ; tea.
      1: fvs.
      destruct wf.
      now eapply subject_is_open_term.
      Unshelve. eauto.

  Equations lookup_ind_decl ind : typing_result
        ( decl body, Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), declared_inductive (fst Σ) ind decl body) :=
  lookup_ind_decl ind with inspect (abstract_env_lookup X ind.(inductive_mind)) :=
    { | exist (Some (InductiveDecl decl)) look with inspect (nth_error decl.(ind_bodies) ind.(inductive_ind)) :=
      { | exist (Some body) eqnthChecked (decl; body; _);
        | exist None _raise (UndeclaredInductive ind) };
      | _raise (UndeclaredInductive ind) }.
  Next Obligation.
    - symmetry in look.
      etransitivity. erewrite (abstract_env_lookup_correct X); eauto.
    - now symmetry.

  Lemma lookup_ind_decl_complete Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ) ind e : lookup_ind_decl ind = TypeError e
    (( mdecl idecl, declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl) False).
  Proof using Type.
    apply_funelim (lookup_ind_decl ind).
    1-2: intros × _ her [mdecl [idecl [declm decli]]];
      red in declm; erewrite <- abstract_env_lookup_correct, declm in e0; eauto;
    1-2:intros × _ _ ⇒ // ⇒ _ [mdecl [idecl [declm /= decli]]].
    red in declm. erewrite <- abstract_env_lookup_correct, declm in look; eauto.
    noconf look.

  Obligation Tactic := intros ;
    try match goal with
      | infer : context [wellinferred _ _ _ principal_type _ _ ],
        wt : wellinferred _ _ _ |- _
        try clear infer ; destruct wt as [T HT]

  Equations infer (Γ : context) (wfΓ : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ Γ ) (t : term)
    (wt : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wellinferred Σ Γ t) :
    principal_type Γ t
    by struct t :=
   infer Γ wfΓ (tRel n) wt with
    inspect (option_map (lift0 (S n) decl_type) (nth_error Γ n)) :=
    { | exist None _!;
      | exist (Some t) _ret t };
    infer Γ wfΓ (tVar n) wt := !;
    infer Γ wfΓ (tEvar ev args) wt := !;

    infer Γ wfΓ (tSort s) wt := ret (tSort (Universe.super s));

    infer Γ wfΓ (tProd n ty b) wt :=
      let wfΓ' : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), wf_local Σ (Γ ,, vass n ty) := _ in
      let ty1 := infer Γ wfΓ ty (fun a b(welltyped_subterm (wt a b)).1) in
      let s1 := infer_as_sort wfΓ (fun a b(welltyped_subterm (wt a b)).1) ty1 in
      let ty2 := infer (Γ ,, vass n ty) wfΓ' b (fun a b(welltyped_subterm (wt a b)).2) in
      let s2 := infer_as_sort wfΓ' (fun a b(welltyped_subterm (wt a b)).2) ty2 in
      ret (tSort (Universe.sort_of_product s1 s2));

    infer Γ wfΓ (tLambda n t b) wt :=
      let t2 := infer (Γ ,, vass n t) _ b (fun a b(welltyped_subterm (wt a b)).2) in
      ret (tProd n t t2);

    infer Γ wfΓ (tLetIn n b b_ty b') wt :=
      let b'_ty := infer (Γ ,, vdef n b b_ty) _ b' (fun a b(welltyped_subterm (wt a b)).2) in
      ret (tLetIn n b b_ty b'_ty);

    infer Γ wfΓ (tApp t a) wt :=
      let ty := infer Γ wfΓ t _ in
      let pi := infer_as_prod Γ ty wfΓ _ _ in
      ret (subst10 a pi.π2.π2.π1);

    infer Γ wfΓ (tConst cst u) wt with inspect (abstract_env_lookup X cst) :=
      { | exist (Some (ConstantDecl d)) _ := ret (subst_instance u d.(cst_type));
        | _ := ! };

    infer Γ wfΓ (tInd ind u) wt with inspect (lookup_ind_decl ind) :=
      { | exist (Checked decl) _ := ret (subst_instance u decl.π2.π1.(ind_type));
        | exist (TypeError e) _ := ! };
    infer Γ wfΓ (tConstruct ind k u) wt with inspect (lookup_ind_decl ind) :=
      { | exist (Checked decl) _ with inspect (nth_error decl.π2.π1.(ind_ctors) k) :=
        { | exist (Some cdecl) _ret (type_of_constructor decl.π1 cdecl (ind, k) u);
          | exist None _! };
      | exist (TypeError e) _! };

    infer Γ wfΓ (tCase ci p c brs) wt
      with inspect (reduce_to_ind Γ (infer Γ wfΓ c _) _) :=
      { | exist (Checked_comp indargs) _
          let ptm := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (inst_case_predicate_context p) p.(preturn) in
          ret (mkApps ptm (List.skipn ci.(ci_npar) indargs.π2.π2.π1 ++ [c]));
        | exist (TypeError_comp _ _) _! };

    infer Γ wfΓ (tProj p c) wt with inspect (@lookup_ind_decl p.(proj_ind)) :=
      { | exist (Checked d) _ with inspect (nth_error d.π2.π1.(ind_projs) p.(proj_arg)) :=
        { | exist (Some pdecl) _ with inspect (reduce_to_ind Γ (infer Γ wfΓ c _) _) :=
          { | exist (Checked_comp indargs) _
              let ty := pdecl.(proj_type) in
              ret (subst0 (c :: List.rev (indargs.π2.π2.π1)) (subst_instance indargs.π2.π1 ty));
            | exist (TypeError_comp _ _) _! };
         | exist None _! };
        | exist (TypeError e) _! };

    infer Γ wfΓ (tFix mfix n) wt with inspect (nth_error mfix n) :=
      { | exist (Some f) _ret f.(dtype);
        | exist None _! };

    infer Γ wfΓ (tCoFix mfix n) wt with inspect (nth_error mfix n) :=
      { | exist (Some f) _ret f.(dtype);
        | exist None _! }.

  Next Obligation.
    cbn; intros; sq.
    destruct (nth_error Γ n) eqn:hnth ⇒ //.
    noconf e.
    now constructor.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ. cbn in e.
    inversion wt; subst. inversion X0; subst.
    rewrite H0 in e ⇒ //.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ. now inversion wt.

  Next Obligation.
  destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
  specialize_Σ wfΣ. now inversion wt.

  Next Obligation.
  cbn; intros. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
  inversion wt. now inversion X0.

  Next Obligation.
    pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    inversion wt.
    constructor ; tea.
    inversion X0.
    eapply infering_sort_isType; eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn ; intros. destruct s1, s2.
    cbn. specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
    now constructor.

  Next Obligation.
    pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. inversion wt. sq.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    constructor ; tea.
    now eapply infering_sort_isType.
  Next Obligation.
    case t2 as []. intros; cbn. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    inversion wt.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    now econstructor.

  Next Obligation.
    pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. inversion wt. sq.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    constructor ; tea.
    1: now eapply infering_sort_isType.
    apply checking_typing ; eauto.
    now eapply infering_sort_isType.
  Next Obligation.
   cbn; intros; case b'_ty as []. cbn.
   specialize_Σ wfΣ. inversion wt. sq.
   inversion X0 ; subst.
   now econstructor.

  Next Obligation.
  specialize_Σ wfΣ. inversion wt. sq.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    inversion X1.
    now econstructor.
  Next Obligation.
    case ty as [].
    cbn. specialize_Σ wfΣ. inversion wt.
    apply wat_welltyped ; tea.
    pose ( _ wfΣ). sq.
    eapply validity, infering_typing ; eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    case ty as [].
    cbn. specialize_Σ wfΣ. inversion wt.
    pose ( _ wfΣ). sq.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    eapply infering_prod_infering in X1 as (?&?&[]); eauto.
    do 3 eexists.
    now apply closed_red_red.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn; intros. case pi as (?&?&[]).
    case ty as []. cbn in ×. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    pose ( _ wfΣ). inversion wt. sq.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    inversion X2 ; subst.
    move: (X1) ⇒ tyt.
    apply infering_prod_typing, validity, isType_tProd in tyt as [] ; eauto.
    eapply infering_prod_prod in X1 as (?&?&[]).
    4: econstructor.
    2-4: eauto.
    2: now apply closed_red_red.
    1: econstructor ; tea.
    1: now apply closed_red_red.
    econstructor ; tea.
    eapply ws_cumul_pb_forget_cumul.
    - eapply into_ws_cumul_pb ; tea.
      1,3: fvs.
      now eapply type_is_open_term, infering_typing.
    - etransitivity.
      1: now eapply red_ws_cumul_pb.
      now eapply red_ws_cumul_pb_inv.

  Next Obligation.
    cbn in *; intros. pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    inversion wt. sq.
    inversion X0; subst.
    erewrite <- abstract_env_lookup_correct in e; eauto.
    rewrite isdecl in e. inversion e. subst.
    now constructor.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ. inversion wt.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    clear wildcard. erewrite <- abstract_env_lookup_correct in e; eauto.
    rewrite isdecl in e. inversion e.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ. inversion wt.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    clear wildcard. erewrite <- abstract_env_lookup_correct in e; eauto.
    rewrite isdecl in e. inversion e.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn in *; intros. pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    inversion wt. sq.
    inversion X0; subst.
    clear e.
    destruct decl as (?&?&isdecl').
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in isdecl' as []; tea.
    now econstructor.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ. inversion wt.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    eapply lookup_ind_decl_complete. 1: eauto.
    1: now symmetry.
    now do 2 eexists.

  Next Obligation.
    cbn; intros. specialize_Σ wfΣ. inversion wt. sq.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    clear e.
    destruct decl as (?&?&isdecl').
    cbn in ×.
    eapply declared_constructor_inj in isdecl as (?&[]).
    2: now econstructor.
    econstructor ; tea.
    now split.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ. inversion wt.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    clear e.
    destruct decl as (?&?&isdecl').
    destruct isdecl as [isdecl]; cbn -[lookup_ind_decl] in ×.
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in isdecl' as []; tea.
    now congruence.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ. inversion wt.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    destruct isdecl.
    eapply lookup_ind_decl_complete. 1:eauto.
    1: now symmetry.
    now do 2 eexists.
  Next Obligation. exact X_type. Defined.
  Next Obligation. exact X. Defined.
  Next Obligation.
    specialize_Σ wfΣ. inversion wt.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    inversion X1.
    now econstructor.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn in ×. pose proof wt. specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    destruct infer.
    pose ( _ wfΣ). cbn. specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
    eapply infering_typing, validity in s as [] ; eauto.
    now eexists.

  Next Obligation.
    cbn in ×. intros.
    set (H := λ (Σ0 : global_env_ext) (wfΣ0 : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ0),
    infer_obligations_obligation_26 Γ ci p c brs wt Σ0
      wfΣ0) in indargs. cbn in ×.
    set (infer _ wfΓ c H) in ×. unfold H in ×. clear H.
    pose proof p0.π2 as p02.
    destruct indargs as (?&?&?&?).
    cbn in ×. pose proof wt; pose proof wfΓ
    ; pose proof s as s'.
    specialize_Σ wfΣ. cbn in ×. inversion H.
    pose ( _ wfΣ); sq.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    move: (X1) ⇒ inf.
    eapply infering_ind_ind in inf as [? []].
    2,3: eauto.
    2: now econstructor ; tea; eapply closed_red_red.
    rewrite /ptm.
    erewrite <- PCUICCasesContexts.inst_case_predicate_context_eq ; tea.
    econstructor ; tea.
    + econstructor ; tea.
      now apply closed_red_red.
    + replace #|x1| with #|args| ; tea.
      2: symmetry.
      all: eapply All2_length ; eassumption.
    + eapply All2_impl.
      2:intros; now eapply ws_cumul_pb_forget_conv.
      1: eapply All2_firstn.
      1: etransitivity.
      1: now eapply red_terms_ws_cumul_pb_terms.
      1: symmetry.
      1: now eapply red_terms_ws_cumul_pb_terms.
      eapply PCUICConvCumInversion.alt_into_ws_cumul_pb_terms ; tea.
      × fvs.
      × eapply infering_ind_typing, validity, isType_open in X1 ; auto.
        rewrite on_free_vars_mkApps in X1.
        move: X1 ⇒ /andP [] _ /forallb_All ?.
        now eapply All_forallb, All_firstn.
      × apply infering_typing, subject_is_open_term in X0 ; auto.
        move: X0 ⇒ /= /andP [] //.
  Next Obligation.
  cbn in ×. intros.
  set (H := λ (Σ : global_env_ext) (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ),
  infer_obligations_obligation_26 Γ ci p c brs wt Σ wfΣ) in a0.
  cbn in ×.
  set (infer _ wfΓ c H) in ×.
  unfold H in ×. clear H e.
   destruct p0 as [? i].
    cbn in ×.
    pose proof wt; pose proof wfΓ.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ. cbn in ×. inversion H.
    pose ( _ wfΣ); sq.
    apply a0.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    eapply infering_ind_infering in i as [? []] ; eauto.
    do 3 eexists. intros. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. eauto.
  Next Obligation. exact X_type. Defined.
  Next Obligation. exact X. Defined.
  Next Obligation.
  specialize_Σ wfΣ. destruct wt.
    inversion X0. inversion X1.
    now econstructor.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct infer.
    pose proof s as s'; pose proof wfΓ as wfΓ'.
    specialize_Σ wfΣ.
    pose ( _ wfΣ); sq.
    eapply infering_typing, validity in s' as []; eauto.
    now eexists.
  Next Obligation.
  cbn in ×. intros.
  set (H := λ (Σ0 : global_env_ext) (wfΣ0 : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ0),
  infer_obligations_obligation_32 Γ p c wt Σ0 wfΣ0) in indargs. cbn in ×.
  set (infer _ wfΓ c H) in ×. unfold H in ×. clear H.
  pose proof p0.π2 as p02.
  destruct indargs as (?&?&?&?).
    destruct d as (?&?&isdecl).
    clear e.
    cbn -[lookup_ind_decl] in ×.
    pose proof wt; pose proof wfΓ
    ; pose proof s as s'.
    specialize_Σ wfΣ. cbn in ×. inversion H.
    pose ( _ wfΣ); sq.
    inversion X0 ; subst.
    destruct H3 as [[isdecl' ] []].
    cbn -[nth_error] in ×.
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in isdecl' as [].
    2: eexact isdecl.
    eapply infering_ind_ind in X1 as [? []].
    2-3: eauto.
    2: now econstructor ; tea ; apply closed_red_red.
    - now do 2 split.
    - econstructor ; tea.
      now apply closed_red_red.
    - etransitivity ; tea.
      2: symmetry; eapply All2_length ; eassumption.
      now eapply All2_length.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn in ×.
    set (H := (λ (Σ0 : global_env_ext)
    (wfΣ0 : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ0),
    infer_obligations_obligation_32 Γ p c wt Σ0 wfΣ0)) in a0.
      cbn in ×.
      set (infer _ wfΓ c H) in ×.
      unfold H in ×. clear H e1.
    destruct p0.
    cbn -[lookup_ind_decl] in ×.
    pose proof wt; pose proof wfΓ.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize_Σ wfΣ. cbn in ×. inversion H.
    pose ( _ wfΣ); sq.
    inversion X0.
    eapply infering_ind_infering in s as [? []] ; eauto.
    apply a0.
    do 3 eexists.
    intros. erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    destruct d as (?&?&isdecl).
    clear e.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize (wt _ wfΣ). destruct wt. inversion X0.
    destruct H1 as [[] []].
    cbn -[lookup_ind_decl nth_error] in ×.
    eapply declared_inductive_inj in isdecl as [] ; tea.
    now congruence.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn -[lookup_ind_decl] in ×.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize (wt _ wfΣ). destruct wt. inversion X0.
    eapply lookup_ind_decl_complete ; eauto.
    do 2 eexists.
    exact H1.

  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize (wt _ wfΣ). destruct wt. inversion X0.
    intros; erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    now constructor.
    Unshelve. eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn in e.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize (wt _ wfΣ). destruct wt. inversion X0.

  Next Obligation.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize (wt _ wfΣ). destruct wt. inversion X0.
    intros; erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    now constructor.
    Unshelve. eauto.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn in e.
    destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    specialize (wt _ wfΣ). destruct wt. inversion X0.

  Definition type_of Γ wfΓ t wt : term := (infer Γ wfΓ t wt).

  Definition principal_typing Σ Γ t P :=
     T, Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T Σ ;;; Γ P T.

  Program Definition type_of_typing Γ t (wt : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), welltyped Σ Γ t) : T, Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), (Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T) × principal_typing Σ Γ t T :=
    let it := infer Γ _ t _ in
    (it.π1; _).
  Next Obligation.
    specialize_Σ wfΣ. destruct wt; sq; pcuic.
  Next Obligation.
    specialize_Σ wfΣ. pose ( _ wfΣ); sq.
    destruct wt as [T Ht].
    eapply BDFromPCUIC.typing_infering in Ht as [T' [inf _]].
    now T'.
  Next Obligation.
    cbn in ×. subst it. intros. pose proof wt as wt'.
    destruct ( _ wfΣ) as [].
    destruct infer as []; cbn.
    specialize_Σ wfΣ. destruct wt' as [T' HT'].
    eapply BDToPCUIC.infering_typing in s; pcuic.
    intros T'' HT''.
    apply typing_infering in HT'' as [P [HP HP']].
    eapply infering_checking;tea. 1-2: pcuic.
    econstructor; tea. now eapply ws_cumul_pb_forget in HP'.

  Lemma squash_isType_welltyped :
     {Σ : global_env_ext} {Γ : context} {T : term},
     isType Σ Γ T welltyped Σ Γ T.
  Proof using Type. intros. destruct H. now eapply isType_welltyped. Qed.

  Opaque type_of_typing.
  Equations? sort_of_type (Γ : context) (t : PCUICAst.term)
    (wt : Σ : global_env_ext, abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ isType Σ Γ t ) :
    ( u : Universe.t, Σ : global_env_ext, abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ
       Σ ;;; Γ |- t : tSort u ) :=
    sort_of_type Γ t wt with (@type_of_typing Γ t _) :=
      { | T with inspect (reduce_to_sort (X:=X) Γ T.π1 _) :=
        { | exist (Checked_comp (u; Hu)) hr(u; _)
          | exist (TypeError_comp _ _) nsFalse_rect _ _ } }.
    - eapply squash_isType_welltyped, wt; eauto.
    - cbn.
      specialize (wt _ wfΣ) as [wt].
      destruct T as [T HT].
      destruct (HT _ wfΣ) as [[Ht _]].
      pose proof (abstract_env_ext_wf _ wfΣ) as [wf].
      eapply validity in Ht.
      now eapply isType_welltyped.
    - clear hr.
      pose proof (abstract_env_ext_wf _ H) as [wf].
      specialize (Hu _ H) as [Hred]. cbn in Hred.
      destruct T as [T HT].
      destruct (HT _ H) as [[Ht _]]. cbn in Hred.
      sq. eapply type_reduction_closed; tea.
    - epose proof (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
      epose proof (abstract_env_ext_wf X wfΣ) as [hwfΣ].
      symmetry in ns. pose proof (reduce_to_sort_complete _ wfΣ _ _ ns).
      cbn in ns. clear ns.
      specialize (wt _ wfΣ). destruct T as [T HT].
      cbn in ×. destruct (HT _ wfΣ) as [[hty hp]].
      eapply validity in hty. destruct wt as [[s Hs]].
      red in hp. specialize (hp _ Hs).
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_Sort_r_inv in hp as [s' [hs' _]].
      eapply (H s' hs').
  Transparent type_of_typing.

  Open Scope type_scope.

  Definition map_typing_result {A B} (f : A B) (e : typing_result A) : typing_result B :=
    match e with
    | Checked aChecked (f a)
    | TypeError eTypeError e

  Arguments iswelltyped {cf Σ Γ t A}.

  Equations? type_of_subtype {Γ t T} (wt : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T ) :
   Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Σ ;;; Γ type_of Γ _ t _ T :=
    type_of_subtype wt := _.
    - erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
      specialize_Σ wfΣ. case wt as [wt'].
      apply sq.
      now exact (typing_wf_local wt').
    - erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
      specialize_Σ wfΣ. case wt as [wt'].
      case ( _ wfΣ) as [hΣ'].
      apply typing_infering in wt'.
      case wt' as [T' [i]].
      exact i.
    - unfold type_of.
      destruct infer as [P HP]. cbn.
      specialize_Σ wfΣ.
      pose ( _ wfΣ) ; sq. simpl.
      eapply infering_checking ; eauto.
      + now eapply typing_wf_local.
      + now eapply type_is_open_term.
      + now eapply typing_checking.
      Unshelve. all: eauto.

  Theorem principal_types {Γ t} (wt : Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), welltyped Σ Γ t) :
     P, T Σ (wfΣ : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ), Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T (Σ ;;; Γ |- t : P) × (Σ ;;; Γ P T) .
  Proof using nor.
    unshelve eexists (infer Γ _ t _); intros.
    - destruct (wt _ wfΣ).
      pose ( _ wfΣ); sq.
      now eapply typing_wf_local.
    - pose ( _ wfΣ); sq.
      destruct (wt _ wfΣ) as [? wt'].
      eapply typing_infering in wt' as [? []].
    - cbn.
      set (H := (λ (Σ0 : global_env_ext) (wfΣ0 : abstract_env_ext_rel X Σ0),
      match Σ0 wfΣ0 with
      | sq H
          match wt Σ0 wfΣ0 with
          | @iswelltyped _ _ _ _ A H0
              let (x, p) := typing_infering H0 in
              let (a, _) := p in iswellinferred Σ0 Γ t x a
  set (H' := (fun (Σ : _)
      (wfΣ : _ X Σ)
    ⇒ match
      wt Σ wfΣ
    | @iswelltyped _ _ _ _ A x
           Σ wfΣ
        | sq _
            @sq (All_local_env (lift_typing (@typing cf) Σ) Γ)
              (@typing_wf_local cf Σ Γ t A x)
    set (infer Γ H' t H). clearbody p.
    clear H H'. destruct p as [T i]; eauto.
    cbn. destruct (abstract_env_ext_exists X) as [[Σ wfΣ]].
    pose ( _ wfΣ). specialize_Σ wfΣ. sq.
    intros T' ? ?.
    erewrite (abstract_env_ext_irr _ _ wfΣ); eauto.
    clear Σ0 wfΣ0. intros. split.
      + apply infering_typing ; eauto.
        now eapply typing_wf_local.
      + eapply infering_checking ; eauto.
        × now eapply typing_wf_local.
        × now eapply type_is_open_term.
        × now eapply typing_checking.
    Unshelve. all: eauto.

End TypeOf.