Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.Conversion.PCUICNamelessConv

From Coq Require Import RelationClasses.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICOnOne PCUICAstUtils PCUICInduction PCUICCases
     PCUICLiftSubst PCUICEquality PCUICReduction PCUICCumulativitySpec PCUICCumulativity PCUICPosition PCUICUnivSubst
     PCUICNamelessDef PCUICGuardCondition PCUICClosedConv PCUICClosedTyp PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv
     PCUICClosed PCUICSigmaCalculus .
Require Import Equations.Prop.DepElim.
Require Import ssreflect.

Implicit Types cf : checker_flags.

Conversion does not rely on name annotations of binders.
We prove this by constructing a type-preserving translation to terms where all binders are anonymous. An alternative would be to be parametrically polymorphic everywhere on the binder name type. This would allow to add implicit information too.

Local Set Keyed Unification.

Set Default Goal Selector "!".

Ltac destruct_one_andb :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | h : is_true (_ && _) |- _
    apply andb_and in h ; destruct h as [? ?]

Ltac destruct_andb :=
  repeat destruct_one_andb.

Local Ltac anonify :=
  repeat lazymatch goal with
  | h : is_true (anon ?na) |- _
    destruct na ; [clear h | discriminate h]

Local Ltac ih :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | ih : (v : term) (napp : nat), _ _ eq_term_upto_univ_napp _ _ _ _ _ _ ?u = _
    |- ?u = ?v
    eapply ih ; eassumption

Lemma banon_spec na : banon na na = {| binder_name := nAnon; binder_relevance := na.(binder_relevance) |}.
  destruct na, binder_name; cbnr; discriminate.

Lemma banon_eq_binder_annot na na' : banon na banon na' eq_binder_annot na na' na = na'.
  intros ->%banon_spec ->%banon_spec.
  now unfold eq_binder_annot; simpl; intros →.

Lemma nameless_eqctx_IH ctx ctx' :
  forallb (nameless_decl nameless) ctx
  forallb (nameless_decl nameless) ctx'
  eq_context_gen eq eq ctx ctx'
  ctx = ctx'.
  induction X; auto.
  all:destruct p; depelim H; depelim H0; auto; f_equal; subst; auto.
  - unfold nameless_decl in i, i0; rtoProp.
    eapply banon_eq_binder_annot; eauto.
  - unfold nameless_decl in i, i0; rtoProp.
    eapply banon_eq_binder_annot; eauto.

Lemma eq_context_gen_upto ctx ctx' :
  eq_context_gen eq eq ctx ctx'
  eq_context_upto empty_global_env eq eq ctx ctx'.
  intros a; eapply All2_fold_impl; tea.
  intros. destruct X; subst; constructor; auto; try reflexivity.

Lemma nameless_eq_term_spec :
   u v napp,
    nameless u
    nameless v
    eq_term_upto_univ_napp empty_global_env eq eq napp u v
    u = v.
  intros u v napp hu hv e.
  revert v napp hu hv e.
  induction u using term_forall_list_ind ; intros v napp hu hv e.
  all: dependent destruction e.
  all: cbn in hu, hv ; destruct_andb ; anonify.
  all: try reflexivity.
  all: try solve [ f_equal ; try ih ; try assumption; try now apply banon_eq_binder_annot].
  - f_equal. cbn in hu, hv.
    revert args' hu hv a. induction l ; intros args' hu hv h.
    + destruct args' ; try solve [ inversion h ].
    + destruct args' ; try solve [ inversion h ].
      inversion h. subst.
      inversion X. subst.
      cbn in hu, hv. destruct_andb.
      × eapply H0 ; eauto.
      × eapply IHl ; assumption.
  - f_equal ; try solve [ ih ].
    eapply eq_univ_make. assumption.
  - f_equal ; try solve [ ih ].
    eapply eq_univ_make. assumption.
  - f_equal ; try solve [ ih ].
    eapply eq_univ_make. assumption.
  - f_equal ; try solve [ ih ].
    × destruct e as [eqpar [eqinst [eqctx eqret]]].
      destruct X as [? [? ?]].
      destruct p, p'; simpl in ×. f_equal.
      + apply All2_eq; solve_all.
      + red in eqinst.
        apply Forall2_eq. eapply Forall2_map_inv in eqinst.
        eapply (Forall2_impl eqinst); solve_all.
        now apply Universe.make_inj in H.
      + simpl in ×.
        eapply nameless_eqctx_IH; eauto.
      + ih.
    × revert brs' H3 H0 a.
      induction l ; intros brs' h1 h2 h.
      + destruct brs' ; inversion h. reflexivity.
      + destruct brs' ; inversion h. subst.
        cbn in h1, h2. destruct_andb.
        inversion X. subst. simpl in H5.
        move/andb_and: H5 ⇒ [/andb_and [Hac Hab] Hl].
        apply forallb_All in Hac.
        ++ destruct a, b. cbn in ×. destruct X1.
           depelim h. destruct p0. depelim X0. simpl in ×.
           destruct p0 as [].
           destruct X4.
           f_equal; try ih.
           { eapply nameless_eqctx_IH; eauto; solve_all. }
        ++ eapply IHl ; tas. now depelim X0.
  - f_equal ; try solve [ ih ].
    revert mfix' H1 H2 H H0 a.
    induction m ; intros m' h1 h2 h3 h4 h.
    + destruct m' ; inversion h. reflexivity.
    + destruct m' ; inversion h. subst.
      inversion X. subst.
      cbn in h1, h2, h3, h4. destruct_andb.
      × destruct a, d. cbn in ×. destruct X0 as [[[? ?] ?] ?].
        destruct H0 as [Hty Hbod].
        unfold test_def in H4, H. cbn in H4, H.
        -- now apply banon_eq_binder_annot.
        -- eapply Hty; eassumption.
        -- eapply Hbod ; eassumption.
        -- eassumption.
      × eapply IHm ; assumption.
  - f_equal ; try solve [ ih ].
    revert mfix' H1 H2 H H0 a.
    induction m ; intros m' h1 h2 h3 h4 h.
    + destruct m' ; inversion h. reflexivity.
    + destruct m' ; inversion h. subst.
      inversion X. subst.
      cbn in h1, h2, h3, h4. destruct_andb.
      × destruct a, d. cbn in ×. destruct X0 as [[[? ?] ?] ?].
        destruct H0 as [Hty Hbod].
        unfold test_def in H4, H. cbn in H4, H.
        destruct_andb. anonify.
        -- now apply banon_eq_binder_annot.
        -- eapply Hty; eassumption.
        -- eapply Hbod ; eassumption.
        -- assumption.
      × eapply IHm ; assumption.

Lemma banon_list l : forallb (banon anonymize) l.
  induction l; simpl; auto.

Lemma nl_spec :
   u, nameless (nl u).
  intros u. induction u using term_forall_list_ind.
  all: try reflexivity.
  all: try (simpl ; repeat (eapply andb_true_intro ; split) ; assumption).
  - cbn. eapply All_forallb. eapply All_map. assumption.
  - destruct X as [? [? ?]].
    simpl ; repeat (eapply andb_true_intro ; split) ; try assumption.
    × eapply All_forallb, All_map; assumption.
    × rewrite forallb_map.
      eapply All_forallb. unfold ondecl in ×. solve_all.
      rewrite /nameless_decl /= a0.
      destruct (decl_body x); simpl in *; auto.
    × induction l.
      + reflexivity.
      + cbn. depelim X0. destruct p0.
        repeat (eapply andb_true_intro ; split) ; try assumption.
        ++ rewrite forallb_map.
           eapply All_forallb. unfold ondecl in *; solve_all.
           rewrite /nameless_decl /= a2.
          destruct (decl_body x); simpl in *; auto.
        ++ eapply IHl. assumption.
  - simpl ; repeat (eapply andb_true_intro ; split) ; try assumption.
    + induction m.
      × reflexivity.
      × cbn. eapply IHm. inversion X. subst. assumption.
    + induction m.
      × reflexivity.
      × cbn. inversion X. subst. destruct H0.
        repeat (eapply andb_true_intro ; split).
        all: try assumption.
        eapply IHm. assumption.
  - simpl ; repeat (eapply andb_true_intro ; split) ; try assumption.
    + induction m.
      × reflexivity.
      × cbn. eapply IHm. inversion X. subst. assumption.
    + induction m.
      × reflexivity.
      × cbn. inversion X. subst. destruct H0.
        repeat (eapply andb_true_intro ; split).
        all: try assumption.
        eapply IHm. assumption.

Lemma nl_lookup_env :
   Σ c,
    lookup_env (nl_global_env Σ) c
    = option_map nl_global_decl (lookup_env Σ c).
  intros [univs Σ] c.
  rewrite /lookup_env /=.
  induction Σ. 1: reflexivity.
  case: eqb_spec; intros e; subst.
  - reflexivity.
  - assumption.

Lemma nl_destArity :
   Γ A,
    destArity (nlctx Γ) (nl A) =
    option_map (fun '(ctx, s)(nlctx ctx, s)) (destArity Γ A).
  intros Γ A.
  induction A in Γ |- ×.
  all: simpl in ×. all:auto.
  - apply (IHA2 (Γ ,, vass na A1)).
  - apply (IHA3 (Γ ,, vdef na A1 A2)).

Lemma nl_context_assumptions ctx : context_assumptions (nlctx ctx) = context_assumptions ctx.
  induction ctx; simpl; auto.
  destruct a as [na [b|] ty] ⇒ /= //.
  f_equal; auto.

Lemma global_variance_nl_sigma_mon {Σ gr napp} :
  global_variance (nl_global_env Σ) gr napp =
  global_variance Σ gr napp.
  rewrite /global_variance /lookup_constructor /lookup_inductive /lookup_minductive.
  destruct gr as [|ind|[ind i]|] ⇒ /= //.
  - rewrite nl_lookup_env.
    destruct lookup_env ⇒ /= //.
    destruct g; simpl ⇒ //.
    rewrite nth_error_map.
    destruct nth_error ⇒ /= //.
    rewrite (nl_destArity []).
    destruct (destArity [] (ind_type o)) as [[ctx s]|] eqn:da ⇒ /= //.
    now rewrite nl_context_assumptions.
  - rewrite nl_lookup_env.
    destruct lookup_env ⇒ /= //.
    destruct g; simpl ⇒ //.
    rewrite nth_error_map.
    destruct nth_error ⇒ /= //.
    rewrite nth_error_map.
    destruct nth_error ⇒ /= //.

Lemma R_global_instance_nl Σ Re Rle gr napp :
  CRelationClasses.subrelation (R_global_instance Σ Re Rle gr napp)
       (R_global_instance (nl_global_env Σ) Re Rle gr napp).
  intros t t'.
  unfold R_global_instance.
  now rewrite global_variance_nl_sigma_mon.

Lemma eq_context_nl_IH Σ Re ctx ctx' :
  ( (napp : nat) (t t' : term)
        (Rle : Universe.t Universe.t Prop),
      eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp t t'
      eq_term_upto_univ_napp (nl_global_env Σ) Re Rle napp
        (nl t) (nl t'))
  eq_context_gen eq eq ctx ctx'
  eq_context_gen eq eq
    (map (map_decl_anon nl) ctx)
    (map (map_decl_anon nl) ctx').
  intros aux H.
  induction H; simpl; constructor; simpl; destruct p; simpl;
  intuition (constructor; auto); subst; reflexivity.

Lemma nl_eq_term_upto_univ :
   Σ Re Rle napp t t',
    eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ Re Rle napp t t'
    eq_term_upto_univ_napp (nl_global_env Σ) Re Rle napp (nl t) (nl t').
  intros Σ Re Rle napp t t' h.
  revert napp t t' Rle h. fix aux 5.
  intros napp t t' Rle h.
  destruct h.
  all: simpl.
  all: try solve [ econstructor ; eauto ].
  - econstructor.
    induction a.
    + constructor.
    + simpl. econstructor. all: eauto.
  - econstructor. all: try solve [ eauto ].
    eapply R_global_instance_nl; eauto.
  - econstructor. all: try solve [ eauto ].
    eapply R_global_instance_nl; eauto.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    + red. destruct e; intuition auto; simpl.
      × induction a0; constructor; auto.
      × eapply eq_context_nl_IH; tea.
      × apply aux. auto.
    + induction a; constructor; auto.
      intuition auto; simpl.
      × eapply eq_context_nl_IH; tea.
      × destruct x, y; simpl in ×. apply aux; auto.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    induction a; constructor; auto.
    intuition auto.
    × destruct x, y; simpl in ×. apply aux; auto.
    × destruct x, y; simpl in ×. apply aux; auto.
  - econstructor; eauto.
    induction a; constructor; auto.
    intuition auto.
    × destruct x, y; simpl in ×. apply aux; auto.
    × destruct x, y; simpl in ×. apply aux; auto.

Lemma eq_context_nl Σ Re Rle ctx ctx' :
  eq_context_gen (eq_term_upto_univ Σ Re Re)
    (eq_term_upto_univ Σ Re Rle) ctx ctx'
    (eq_term_upto_univ (nl_global_env Σ) Re Re)
    (eq_term_upto_univ (nl_global_env Σ) Re Rle)
    (nlctx ctx) (nlctx ctx').
  intros H.
  induction H; constructor; simpl; destruct p; intuition
    (constructor; auto using nl_eq_term_upto_univ).

Lemma nl_leq_term {cf:checker_flags} Σ:
   φ t t',
    leq_term Σ φ t t'
    leq_term (nl_global_env Σ) φ (nl t) (nl t').
  intros. apply nl_eq_term_upto_univ. assumption.

Lemma nl_eq_term {cf:checker_flags} Σ:
   φ t t',
    eq_term Σ φ t t'
    eq_term (nl_global_env Σ) φ (nl t) (nl t').
  intros. apply nl_eq_term_upto_univ. assumption.

Lemma nl_compare_term {cf:checker_flags} le Σ:
   φ t t',
    compare_term le Σ φ t t'
    compare_term le (nl_global_env Σ) φ (nl t) (nl t').
  destruct le; intros.
  - apply nl_eq_term. assumption.
  - apply nl_leq_term. assumption.

Corollary eq_term_nl_eq :
   u v,
    eq_term_upto_univ empty_global_env eq eq u v
    nl u = nl v.
  intros u v h.
  eapply nameless_eq_term_spec.
  - eapply nl_spec.
  - eapply nl_spec.
  - instantiate (1:=0). now eapply (nl_eq_term_upto_univ empty_global_env).

Local Ltac ih3 :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | ih : Rle napp v, eq_term_upto_univ_napp _ _ _ _ (nl ?u) _ _
    |- eq_term_upto_univ_napp _ _ _ _ ?u _
    eapply ih ; assumption

Lemma nlctx_spec :
   Γ, nameless_ctx (nlctx Γ).
  intros Γ. induction Γ as [| [na [b|] B] Γ ih].
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite /nameless_decl /= 2!nl_spec ih. reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite /nameless_decl /= nl_spec ih. reflexivity.

Lemma binder_anonymize n : eq_binder_annot n (anonymize n).
Proof. destruct n; reflexivity. Qed.
Hint Resolve binder_anonymize : core.
#[global] Hint Constructors compare_decls : core.
Local Hint Unfold map_decl_anon : core.

Lemma nl_decompose_prod_assum :
   Γ t,
    decompose_prod_assum (nlctx Γ) (nl t)
    = let '(Γ, t) := decompose_prod_assum Γ t in (nlctx Γ, nl t).
  intros Γ t.
  induction t in Γ |- ×. all: try reflexivity.
  - apply (IHt2 (Γ ,, vass na t1)).
  - apply (IHt3 (Γ ,, vdef na t1 t2)).

Lemma nl_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn :
   Γ t,
    nl (it_mkLambda_or_LetIn Γ t) =
    it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (nlctx Γ) (nl t).
  intros Γ t.
  induction Γ as [| [na [b|] B] Γ ih] in t |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. cbn. rewrite ih. reflexivity.
  - simpl. cbn. rewrite ih. reflexivity.

Lemma nl_mkApps :
   t l,
    nl (mkApps t l) = mkApps (nl t) (map nl l).
  intros t l.
  induction l in t |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite IHl. reflexivity.

Lemma nlctx_app_context :
   Γ Δ,
    nlctx (Γ ,,, Δ) = nlctx Γ ,,, nlctx Δ.
  intros Γ Δ.
  induction Δ as [| [na [b|] B] Δ ih] in Γ |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. f_equal. apply ih.
  - simpl. f_equal. apply ih.

Lemma nl_subst_instance :
   u b,
    nl (subst_instance u b) = subst_instance u (nl b).
  intros u b.
  rewrite /subst_instance /=.
  induction b using term_forall_list_ind.
  all: try (simpl ; rewrite ?IHb ?IHb1 ?IHb2 ?IHb3 ; reflexivity).
  - simpl. f_equal. rename X into H; induction H.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl. rewrite p IHAll. reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite IHb. f_equal.
    × unfold nl_predicate, map_predicate. simpl. f_equal; solve_all.
    × induction X0.
      + reflexivity.
      + simpl. f_equal.
        ++ destruct x. simpl in ×. unfold nl_branch, map_branch.
          simpl. f_equal; solve_all.
        ++ apply IHX0.
  - simpl. f_equal. induction X ; try reflexivity.
    simpl. rewrite IHX. f_equal.
    destruct p as [h1 h2].
    destruct x. simpl in ×.
    unfold map_def, map_def_anon. cbn.
    rewrite h1 h2. reflexivity.
  - simpl. f_equal. induction X ; try reflexivity.
    simpl. rewrite IHX. f_equal.
    destruct p as [h1 h2].
    destruct x. simpl in ×.
    unfold map_def, map_def_anon. cbn.
    rewrite h1 h2. reflexivity.

Lemma context_position_nlctx :
    context_position (nlctx Γ) = context_position Γ.
  intros Γ. induction Γ as [| [na [b|] A] Γ ih ].
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite ih. reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite ih. reflexivity.

Lemma global_ext_levels_nlg :
   Σ, global_ext_levels (nlg Σ) = global_ext_levels Σ.
  intros [[univs g] ?].
  cbn. unfold global_ext_levels. f_equal.

Lemma global_ext_constraints_nlg :
    global_ext_constraints (nlg Σ) = global_ext_constraints Σ.
  intros [[univs g] ?]. reflexivity.

Lemma lookup_env_nlg :
   Σ c decl,
    lookup_env Σ.1 c = Some decl
    lookup_env (nlg Σ) c = Some (nl_global_decl decl).
  intros [[univs g] ?] c decl h.
  rewrite nl_lookup_env. cbn in ×.
  rewrite h. reflexivity.

Lemma All_mapi_spec {A B} {P : A Type} {l} {f g : nat A B} {n} :
  All P l ( n x, P x f n x = g n x)
  mapi_rec f l n = mapi_rec g l n.
  induction 1 in n |- *; simpl; trivial.
  intros Heq. rewrite Heq; f_equal; auto.
#[global] Hint Resolve All_mapi_spec : all.

Lemma nl_lift :
   n k t,
    nl (lift n k t) = lift n k (nl t).
  intros n k t.
  induction t in n, k |- × using term_forall_list_ind.
  all: simpl.
  all: try congruence.
  - f_equal. rename X into H; induction H.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl. f_equal.
      × eapply p.
      × eapply IHAll.
  - rewrite /map_predicate_k /= map_length.
    f_equal; auto.
    × unfold nl_predicate, map_predicate; simpl; f_equal; solve_all.
    × induction X0. 1: reflexivity.
      simpl. f_equal. 2: assumption.
      unfold nl_branch, map_branch_k. cbn. f_equal; auto; solve_all.
  - f_equal. rewrite map_length.
    generalize (#|m| + k). intro l.
    induction X.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl. f_equal.
      × unfold map_def_anon, map_def. simpl.
        f_equal. all: eapply p.
      × assumption.
  - f_equal. rewrite map_length.
    generalize (#|m| + k). intro l.
    induction X.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl. f_equal.
      × unfold map_def_anon, map_def. simpl.
        f_equal. all: eapply p.
      × assumption.

Lemma nlctx_fix_context_alt :
    nlctx (fix_context_alt l) =
    fix_context_alt (map (fun d(anonymize d.1, nl d.2)) l).
  intro l.
  unfold fix_context_alt. unfold nlctx.
  rewrite map_rev. f_equal.
  rewrite map_mapi. rewrite mapi_map.
  eapply mapi_ext.
  intros n [na t]. simpl.
  unfold map_decl_anon. unfold vass.
  rewrite nl_lift. reflexivity.

Lemma map_def_sig_nl :
    map (fun d : aname × term(anonymize d.1, nl d.2)) (map def_sig m) =
    map def_sig (map (map_def_anon nl nl) m).
  intro m.
  rewrite 2!map_map. eapply map_ext.
  intros [na ty bo ra]. simpl.
  unfold def_sig, map_def_anon. simpl.

Lemma nl_subst :
   s k u,
    nl (subst s k u) = subst (map nl s) k (nl u).
  intros s k u.
  induction u in s, k |- × using term_forall_list_ind.
  all: simpl.
  all: try congruence.
  - destruct (_ <=? _). 2: reflexivity.
    rewrite nth_error_map. destruct (nth_error _ _).
    + simpl. apply nl_lift.
    + rewrite map_length. reflexivity.
  - f_equal. rename X into H; induction H.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl. f_equal.
      × eapply p.
      × eapply IHAll.
  - f_equal; auto.
    × unfold nl_predicate, map_predicate_k; simpl; f_equal;
      rewrite ?map_map_compose ?map_length; solve_all.
    × induction X0. 1: reflexivity.
      simpl. f_equal. 2: assumption.
      unfold nl_branch, map_branch_k. cbn.
      rewrite map_length. f_equal; solve_all.
  - f_equal. rewrite map_length.
    generalize (#|m| + k). intro l.
    induction X.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl. f_equal.
      × unfold map_def_anon, map_def. simpl.
        f_equal. all: eapply p.
      × assumption.
  - f_equal. rewrite map_length.
    generalize (#|m| + k). intro l.
    induction X.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl. f_equal.
      × unfold map_def_anon, map_def. simpl.
        f_equal. all: eapply p.
      × assumption.

Lemma nl_eq_decl {cf:checker_flags} :
   le Σ φ d d',
    compare_decl le Σ φ d d'
    compare_decl le (nl_global_env Σ) φ (map_decl nl d) (map_decl nl d').
  intros le Σ φ d d' []; constructor; destruct le;
  intuition auto using nl_eq_term, nl_leq_term.

Lemma nl_eq_decl' {cf:checker_flags} :
   le Σ φ d d',
    compare_decl le Σ φ d d'
    compare_decl le (nl_global_env Σ) φ (map_decl_anon nl d) (map_decl_anon nl d').
  intros le Σ φ d d' []; constructor; destruct le;
  intuition auto using nl_eq_term, nl_leq_term.

Lemma nl_eq_context {cf:checker_flags} :
   le Σ φ Γ Γ',
    compare_context le Σ φ Γ Γ'
    compare_context le (nl_global_env Σ) φ (nlctx Γ) (nlctx Γ').
  intros le Σ φ Γ Γ' h.
  unfold eq_context, nlctx.
  destruct le; now eapply eq_context_nl.

Lemma nl_decompose_app :
    decompose_app (nl t)
    = let '(u, vs) := decompose_app t in (nl u, map nl vs).
  intro t.
  unfold decompose_app.
  change [] with (map nl []) at 1. generalize (@nil term).
  induction t. all: try reflexivity.
  intro l. cbn. change (nl t2 :: map nl l) with (map nl (t2 :: l)).
  apply IHt1.

Lemma nl_pred_set_preturn p pret : nl_predicate nl (set_preturn p pret) =
  set_preturn (nl_predicate nl p) (nl pret).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma nl_pred_set_pparams p pret : nl_predicate nl (set_pparams p pret) =
  set_pparams (nl_predicate nl p) (map nl pret).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma nl_fix_context :
    nlctx (fix_context mfix) = fix_context (map (map_def_anon nl nl) mfix).
  intro mfix.
  unfold nlctx, fix_context, mapi.
  generalize 0 at 2 4.
  induction mfix.
  - reflexivity.
  - intro n. simpl. rewrite map_app. cbn. f_equal.
    + apply IHmfix.
    + unfold map_decl_anon. cbn. rewrite nl_lift. reflexivity.

Lemma nl_declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl :
  declared_inductive Σ ind mdecl idecl
  declared_inductive (nl_global_env Σ) ind
    (nl_mutual_inductive_body mdecl) (nl_one_inductive_body idecl).
  intros []. split.
  - unfold declared_minductive.
    rewrite nl_lookup_env H.
    simpl. reflexivity.
  - simpl. now rewrite nth_error_map H0.

Lemma nl_declared_constructor Σ c mdecl idecl cdecl :
  declared_constructor Σ c mdecl idecl cdecl
  declared_constructor (nl_global_env Σ) c
    (nl_mutual_inductive_body mdecl) (nl_one_inductive_body idecl)
    (nl_constructor_body cdecl).
  intros []. split.
  - now eapply nl_declared_inductive.
  - simpl. now rewrite nth_error_map H0.

Lemma nl_to_extended_list:
   indctx : list context_decl,
    map nl (to_extended_list indctx) = to_extended_list (nlctx indctx).
  intros indctx. unfold to_extended_list, to_extended_list_k.
  change [] with (map nl []) at 2.
  unf_term. generalize (@nil term), 0.
  induction indctx.
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. intros l n.
    destruct a as [? [?|] ?].
    all: cbn.
    all: apply IHindctx.

Lemma nlctx_subst_instance :
   u Γ,
    nlctx (subst_instance u Γ) = subst_instance u (nlctx Γ).
  intros u Γ.
  rewrite /subst_instance /=.
  induction Γ as [| [na [b|] B] Δ ih] in Γ |- *; rewrite /= ?subst_context_snoc /snoc /=
  - reflexivity.
  - f_equal; auto.
    rewrite /subst_decl /map_decl /= /map_decl_anon /=; repeat f_equal;
    now rewrite nl_subst_instance.
  - f_equal; [|apply ih].
    rewrite /subst_decl /map_decl /= /map_decl_anon /=; repeat f_equal;
    now rewrite nl_subst_instance.

Lemma nlctx_subst_context :
   s k Γ,
    nlctx (subst_context s k Γ) = subst_context (map nl s) k (nlctx Γ).
  intros s k Γ.
  induction Γ as [| [na [b|] B] Δ ih] in Γ |- *; rewrite /= ?subst_context_snoc /snoc /=
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. f_equal; auto.
    rewrite /subst_decl /map_decl /= /map_decl_anon /=; repeat f_equal.
    × now rewrite nl_subst; len.
    × now rewrite nl_subst; len.
  - simpl. f_equal; [|apply ih].
    rewrite /subst_decl /map_decl /= /map_decl_anon /=; repeat f_equal.
    now rewrite nl_subst; len.

Lemma nlctx_lift_context :
   n k Γ,
    nlctx (lift_context n k Γ) = lift_context n k (nlctx Γ).
  intros s k Γ.
  induction Γ as [| [na [b|] B] Δ ih] in Γ |- *; rewrite /= ?lift_context_snoc /snoc /=
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. f_equal; auto.
    rewrite /lift_decl /map_decl /= /map_decl_anon /=; repeat f_equal.
    × now rewrite nl_lift; len.
    × now rewrite nl_lift; len.
  - simpl. f_equal; [|apply ih].
    rewrite /subst_decl /map_decl /= /map_decl_anon /=; repeat f_equal.
    now rewrite nl_lift; len.

Lemma nl_it_mkProd_or_LetIn :
   Γ A,
    nl (it_mkProd_or_LetIn Γ A) = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (nlctx Γ) (nl A).
  intros Γ A.
  induction Γ in A |- ×.
  - reflexivity.
  - simpl. rewrite IHΓ. f_equal.
    destruct a as [? [?|] ?].
    all: reflexivity.

Lemma nl_extended_subst Γ k :
  map nl (extended_subst Γ k) = extended_subst (nlctx Γ) k.
  revert k; induction Γ as [|[? [] ?] ?]; intros k; simpl; f_equal; auto;
     rewrite ?nl_subst ?nl_lift ?nl_context_assumptions ?IHΓ; len ⇒ //.

Hint Rewrite nl_context_assumptions : len.

Lemma nl_expand_lets_k Γ k t :
  nl (expand_lets_k Γ k t) =
  expand_lets_k (nlctx Γ) k (nl t).
  rewrite /expand_lets_k.
  now rewrite nl_subst nl_extended_subst nl_lift; len; autorewrite with len.

Lemma nl_expand_lets Γ t :
  nl (expand_lets Γ t) =
  expand_lets (nlctx Γ) (nl t).
  now rewrite /expand_lets nl_expand_lets_k.

Lemma subst_instance_nlctx u ctx :
  subst_instance u (nlctx ctx) = nlctx (subst_instance u ctx).
  induction ctx; cbnr.
  f_equal. 2: apply IHctx.
  clear. destruct a as [? [] ?]; unfold map_decl, map_decl_anon; cbn; f_equal.
  all: now rewrite nl_subst_instance.

Lemma map_anon_fold_context_k g g' ctx :
  ( i, nl g i =1 g' i nl)
  map (map_decl_anon nl) (fold_context_k g ctx) =
  fold_context_k g' (map (map_decl_anon nl) ctx).
  intros hg.
  rewrite !fold_context_k_alt map_mapi mapi_map.
  apply mapi_exti d.
  rewrite /map_decl /map_decl_anon. len.
  - destruct (decl_body d) ⇒ /= //.
    f_equal. apply hg.
  - apply hg.

Lemma nl_subst_context s k ctx :
  nlctx (subst_context s k ctx) =
  subst_context (map nl s) k (nlctx ctx).
  rewrite /nlctx /subst_context.
  apply map_anon_fold_context_k.
  intros i x. now rewrite nl_subst.

Lemma nl_subst_telescope s k ctx :
  nlctx (subst_telescope s k ctx) =
  subst_telescope (map nl s) k (nlctx ctx).
  rewrite /nlctx /subst_telescope.
  rewrite map_mapi mapi_map. apply mapi_exti d.
  rewrite /map_decl_anon /map_decl; destruct d as [na [b|] ty]; cbn; f_equal;
    now rewrite nl_subst.

Lemma nl_lift_context n k ctx :
  nlctx (lift_context n k ctx) =
  lift_context n k (nlctx ctx).
  rewrite /nlctx /subst_context.
  apply map_anon_fold_context_k.
  intros i x. now rewrite nl_lift.

Lemma nl_expand_lets_ctx Γ Δ :
  nlctx (expand_lets_ctx Γ Δ) =
  expand_lets_ctx (nlctx Γ) (nlctx Δ).
  rewrite /expand_lets_ctx /expand_lets_k_ctx.
  now rewrite nl_subst_context nl_extended_subst nl_lift_context nl_context_assumptions; len.

Lemma nl_inds ind puinst bodies :
 map nl (inds ind puinst bodies) =
  inds ind puinst (map nl_one_inductive_body bodies).
  rewrite /inds; len.
  induction #|bodies|; simpl; f_equal; auto.

Lemma map_map2 {A B C D} (f : A B) (g : C D A) l l' :
  map f (map2 g l l') = map2 (fun x yf (g x y)) l l'.
  induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; simpl; auto. f_equal.
  apply IHl.

Lemma map2_map {A A' B B' C} (f : A B) (f' : A' B') (g : B B' C) l l' :
  map2 g (map f l) (map f' l') = map2 (fun x yg (f x) (f' y)) l l'.
  induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; simpl; auto. f_equal.
  apply IHl.

Lemma nlctx_length Γ : #|nlctx Γ| = #|Γ|.
Proof. now rewrite map_length. Qed.
Hint Rewrite nlctx_length : len.

Lemma map2_map_left {A B C D} (f : A B) (g : B C D) (l : list A) (l' : list C) :
  map2 g (map f l) l' = map2 (fun x yg (f x) y) l l'.
  induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; simpl; auto. f_equal; eauto.

Lemma map2_ext {A B C} (f g : A B C) (l : list A) (l' : list B) :
  ( x y, f x y = g x y)
  map2 f l l' = map2 g l l'.
  intros H.
  induction l in l' |- *; destruct l'; simpl; auto. f_equal; eauto.

Lemma nl_inst_case_context pars puinst ctx :
  nlctx (inst_case_context pars puinst ctx) =
  inst_case_context (map nl pars) puinst (nlctx ctx).
  rewrite /inst_case_context.
  now rewrite nlctx_subst_context map_rev nlctx_subst_instance.

Definition nlctx_binders := map (map_decl_anon id).

Lemma nlctx_smash_context Γ Δ :
  nlctx (smash_context Γ Δ) = smash_context (nlctx Γ) (nlctx Δ).
  induction Δ as [|[na [b|] ty] Δ] in Γ |- *; simpl; auto.
  - now rewrite IHΔ nlctx_subst_context.
  - now rewrite /= IHΔ nlctx_app_context /=.

Lemma nl_case_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl p :
  nlctx (case_predicate_context ind mdecl idecl p) =
  case_predicate_context ind (nl_mutual_inductive_body mdecl) (nl_one_inductive_body idecl)
    (nl_predicate nl p).
  unfold case_predicate_context, case_predicate_context_gen.
  rewrite /nlctx /=.
  simpl. rewrite /forget_types map_map_compose.
  rewrite /pre_case_predicate_context_gen.
  rewrite map_map2. cbn.
  rewrite /ind_predicate_context /=.
  rewrite /inst_case_context !subst_instance_cons !subst_context_snoc /=.
  destruct (pcontext p); simpl; auto.
  - rewrite /map_decl_anon /= /set_binder_name /=; f_equal. len.
    rewrite nl_subst map_rev. f_equal.
    rewrite nl_subst_instance. f_equal.
    rewrite nl_mkApps /=. f_equal.
    now rewrite nl_to_extended_list nlctx_app_context nlctx_smash_context -nl_expand_lets_ctx.
  - rewrite -map_rev.
    rewrite -nl_expand_lets_ctx -nlctx_subst_instance -nlctx_subst_context.
    rewrite map2_map.
    rewrite map2_map_left.
    apply map2_ext. intros [] []; reflexivity.

Lemma nl_cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl :
  nlctx (cstr_branch_context ind mdecl cdecl) =
  cstr_branch_context ind (nl_mutual_inductive_body mdecl) (nl_constructor_body cdecl).
  rewrite /cstr_branch_context.
  rewrite nl_expand_lets_ctx. f_equal.
  rewrite nlctx_subst_context /= // nl_inds //. now len.

Lemma nl_case_branch_context ind mdecl p br cdecl :
  nlctx (case_branch_context ind mdecl p br cdecl) =
  case_branch_context ind (nl_mutual_inductive_body mdecl)
    (nl_predicate nl p) (map anonymize br)
    (nl_constructor_body cdecl).
  unfold case_branch_context, case_branch_context_gen. simpl.
  rewrite /pre_case_branch_context_gen.
  rewrite /nlctx -nl_cstr_branch_context -nl_inst_case_context. cbn.
  now rewrite map_map2 map2_map.

Lemma nl_case_branch_type ci mdecl idecl p br i cdecl :
  let ptm := it_mkLambda_or_LetIn (case_predicate_context ci mdecl idecl p) (preturn p) in
  case_branch_type ci (nl_mutual_inductive_body mdecl)
    (nl_one_inductive_body idecl) (nl_predicate nl p)
    (nl_branch nl br)
    (nl ptm) i (nl_constructor_body cdecl) =
  map_pair nlctx nl (case_branch_type ci mdecl idecl p br ptm i cdecl).
  intros ptm.
  unfold case_branch_type, case_branch_type_gen.
  simpl. unfold map_pair. simpl. f_equal.
  - rewrite nl_case_branch_context.
    now rewrite /forget_types !map_map_compose.
  - rewrite nl_mkApps nl_lift; len. f_equal.
    rewrite !map_map_compose map_app /= !map_map_compose nl_mkApps.
    × apply map_extidx. rewrite nl_subst nl_expand_lets_k map_rev.
      now rewrite nlctx_subst_instance nl_subst nl_inds nl_subst_instance.
    × f_equal.
      simpl. f_equal.
      rewrite map_app !map_map_compose.
      setoid_rewrite nl_lift.
      now rewrite nl_to_extended_list.

Lemma nl_forget_types ctx :
  forget_types (map (map_decl_anon nl) ctx) =
  map anonymize (forget_types ctx).
  now rewrite /forget_types !map_map_compose.

Lemma nl_wf_predicate mdecl idecl p :
  wf_predicate mdecl idecl p
  wf_predicate (nl_mutual_inductive_body mdecl) (nl_one_inductive_body idecl) (nl_predicate nl p).
  intros []; split.
  { len ⇒ //. }
  depelim H0.
  simpl. rewrite nl_forget_types H2 /=. constructor; auto.
  eapply Forall2_map. solve_all.

Lemma nl_wf_branch cdecl br :
  wf_branch cdecl br
  wf_branch (nl_constructor_body cdecl) (nl_branch nl br).
  unfold wf_branch, wf_branch_gen.
  rewrite nl_forget_types /=.
  intros H; apply Forall2_map; solve_all.

Lemma nl_wf_branches idecl brs :
  wf_branches idecl brs
  wf_branches (nl_one_inductive_body idecl) (map (nl_branch nl) brs).
  unfold wf_branches, wf_branches_gen.
  simpl. intros H; apply Forall2_map.
  eapply (Forall2_impl H).
  apply nl_wf_branch.

Lemma closed_ctx_IH :
   (l : list context_decl) (n : nat),
  onctx_k (fun (k : nat) (t : term) ⇒ closedn k (nl t)) n l
  closedn_ctx n (map (map_decl_anon nl) l).
  unfold onctx_k. intros l n.
  induction l; simpl; auto. len.
  intros. depelim X.
  rewrite IHl.
  × eapply (Alli_shiftn_inv 0 _ 1) in X.
    eapply (Alli_impl _ X). intros ? [na [b|] ty]; rewrite /ondecl;
    now replace (#|l| - (1 + n0) + n) with (Nat.pred #|l| - n0 + n) by lia.
  × rewrite Nat.sub_0_r in o.
    rewrite /ondecl in o. rewrite /test_decl.
    destruct o. cbn.
    rewrite i. destruct (decl_body a) ⇒ //. simpl in o.
    simpl. now rewrite o.

Lemma closed_nl n t : closedn n t closedn n (nl t).
  revert n t.
  eapply term_closedn_list_ind; simpl; intros; auto; solve_all.
  - now nat_compare_specs.
  - destruct X as [? [? ?]].
    rewrite /test_predicate_k. solve_all.
    simpl. now apply closed_ctx_IH.
  - red in X0. solve_all. rewrite /test_branch_k. solve_all.
    now apply closed_ctx_IH.
  - rewrite /test_def; solve_all. simpl. now len in b.
  - rewrite /test_def; solve_all. simpl. now len in b.

Lemma closed_nlctx n t : closedn_ctx n t closedn_ctx n (nlctx t).
  induction t in n |- *; simpl; auto.
  move/andb_and⇒ [] clt cldd.
  rewrite IHt //. len.
  move/andb_and: cldd ⇒ [] clb clt'.
  destruct a as [na [b|] ty]; cbn in ×.
  - rewrite /map_decl_anon /= // /test_decl /=.
    rewrite !closed_nl //.
  - rewrite closed_nl //.

Lemma nl_red1 :
   Σ Γ M N,
    red1 Σ Γ M N
    red1 (nl_global_env Σ) (nlctx Γ) (nl M) (nl N).
  intros Σ Γ M N h.
  induction h using red1_ind_all.
  all: simpl.
  all: rewrite ?nl_lift ?nl_subst ?nl_subst_instance.
  all: try solve [ econstructor ; eauto ].
  - constructor. unfold nlctx. rewrite nth_error_map.
    destruct (nth_error Γ i). 2: discriminate.
    cbn in ×. apply some_inj in H. rewrite H. reflexivity.
  - rewrite nl_mkApps. cbn.
    rewrite map_rev map_skipn nl_extended_subst nl_lift.
    rewrite -(nl_context_assumptions (inst_case_branch_context p br)).
    change (nl (bbody br)) with (bbody (nl_branch nl br)).
    rewrite -(nlctx_length (inst_case_branch_context p br)).
    change (subst0 (extended_subst (nlctx (inst_case_branch_context p br)) 0)
    (lift (context_assumptions (nlctx (inst_case_branch_context p br))) #|
       nlctx (inst_case_branch_context p br)| (bbody (nl_branch nl br)))) with
     (expand_lets (nlctx (inst_case_branch_context p br)) (bbody (nl_branch nl br))).
    epose proof (nth_error_map (nl_branch nl) c brs).
    rewrite /inst_case_branch_context.
    rewrite nl_inst_case_context.
    change (map nl (pparams p)) with (pparams (nl_predicate nl p)).
    change (nlctx (bcontext br)) with (bcontext (nl_branch nl br)).
    rewrite -/(inst_case_branch_context _ _).
    eapply red_iota ⇒ //.
    × rewrite H1 H //.
    × rewrite nl_context_assumptions; len; eauto.
  - rewrite !nl_mkApps. cbn. eapply red_fix with (narg:=narg).
    + unfold unfold_fix in ×. rewrite nth_error_map.
      destruct (nth_error mfix idx). 2: discriminate.
      replace (isLambda (nl (dbody d))) with (isLambda (dbody d))
        by (destruct (dbody d) ; reflexivity).
      inversion H. subst. rewrite nl_subst.
      repeat f_equal. clear.
      unfold fix_subst. rewrite map_length.
      induction #|mfix|.
      × reflexivity.
      × cbn. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.
    + unfold is_constructor in ×.
      rewrite nth_error_map. destruct (nth_error args narg) ; [| discriminate ].
      cbn. unfold isConstruct_app in ×. rewrite nl_decompose_app.
      destruct (decompose_app t) as [u ?].
      destruct u. all: try discriminate.
  - rewrite !nl_mkApps. simpl. eapply red_cofix_case with (narg := narg).
    unfold unfold_cofix in ×. rewrite nth_error_map.
    destruct (nth_error mfix idx). 2: discriminate.
    inversion H. subst. rewrite nl_subst.
    repeat f_equal. clear.
    unfold cofix_subst. rewrite map_length.
    induction #|mfix|.
    × reflexivity.
    × cbn. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.
  - rewrite !nl_mkApps. simpl. eapply red_cofix_proj with (narg := narg).
    unfold unfold_cofix in ×. rewrite nth_error_map.
    destruct (nth_error mfix idx). 2: discriminate.
    inversion H. subst. rewrite nl_subst.
    repeat f_equal. clear.
    unfold cofix_subst. rewrite map_length.
    induction #|mfix|.
    × reflexivity.
    × cbn. rewrite IHn. reflexivity.
  - econstructor.
    + unfold declared_constant in ×.
      rewrite nl_lookup_env H. reflexivity.
    + destruct decl as [? [?|] ?].
      all: cbn in ×.
      × f_equal. f_equal. congruence.
      × discriminate.
  - rewrite nl_mkApps. cbn. constructor.
    rewrite nth_error_map H. reflexivity.
  - rewrite nl_pred_set_pparams.
    econstructor; tea.
    eapply OnOne2_map, OnOne2_impl. 1: eassumption.
  - rewrite nl_pred_set_preturn. econstructor.
    rewrite /inst_case_predicate_context -nl_inst_case_context.
    rewrite -nlctx_app_context. apply IHh.
  - econstructor; tea.
    eapply OnOne2_map, OnOne2_impl. 1: eassumption.
    cbn. intros x y [? ?]; cbn; solve_all.
    red; simpl. solve_all.
    rewrite /inst_case_branch_context /= -nl_inst_case_context.
    now rewrite -nlctx_app_context.
  - constructor. eapply OnOne2_map, OnOne2_impl. 1: eassumption.
    cbn. intros x y [? ?]; auto.
  - constructor. apply OnOne2_map. eapply OnOne2_impl; [eassumption|].
    cbn. intros x y [? ?]; auto. red; simpl; intuition auto. congruence.
  - apply fix_red_body. eapply OnOne2_map, OnOne2_impl. 1: eassumption.
    cbn. intros x y [[? ?] ?]. split.
    + rewrite nlctx_app_context nl_fix_context in r0. assumption.
    + cbn. congruence.
  - constructor. eapply OnOne2_map, OnOne2_impl. 1: eassumption.
    cbn. intros x y [[? ?] ?]. split. 1: assumption.
    cbn. congruence.
  - apply cofix_red_body. eapply OnOne2_map, OnOne2_impl. 1: eassumption.
    cbn. intros x y [[? ?] ?]. split.
    + rewrite nlctx_app_context nl_fix_context in r0. assumption.
    + cbn. congruence.

Lemma nl_conv {cf:checker_flags} :
   Σ Γ A B,
    Σ ;;; Γ |- A = B
    nlg Σ ;;; nlctx Γ |- nl A = nl B.
  intros Σ Γ A B h.
  induction h.
  - constructor. unfold leq_term_ext. rewrite global_ext_constraints_nlg.
    unfold nlg. destruct Σ. apply nl_eq_term.
  - eapply cumul_red_l. 2: eassumption.
    destruct Σ. apply nl_red1. assumption.
  - eapply cumul_red_r. 1: eassumption.
    destruct Σ. apply nl_red1. assumption.

Lemma nl_cumul {cf:checker_flags} :
   Σ Γ A B,
    Σ ;;; Γ |- A B
    nlg Σ ;;; nlctx Γ |- nl A nl B.
  intros Σ Γ A B h.
  induction h.
  - constructor. unfold leq_term_ext. rewrite global_ext_constraints_nlg.
    unfold nlg. destruct Σ. apply nl_leq_term.
  - eapply cumul_red_l. 2: eassumption.
    destruct Σ. apply nl_red1. assumption.
  - eapply cumul_red_r. 1: eassumption.
    destruct Σ. apply nl_red1. assumption.

Notation nldecl := (map_decl_anon nl).

Lemma nl_conv_decls {cf} {Σ Γ Γ'} {d d'} :
  conv_decls cumulAlgo_gen Σ Γ Γ' d d'
  conv_decls cumulAlgo_gen (nlg Σ) (nlctx Γ) (nlctx Γ') (nldecl d) (nldecl d').
  intros Hd; depelim Hd; constructor; tas;
    eapply nl_conv; tea.

Lemma nl_cumul_decls {cf} {Σ Γ Γ' d d'} :
   cumul_decls cumulAlgo_gen Σ Γ Γ' d d'
   cumul_decls cumulAlgo_gen (nlg Σ) (nlctx Γ) (nlctx Γ') (nldecl d) (nldecl d').
  intros Hd; depelim Hd; constructor; tas;
    (eapply nl_conv || eapply nl_cumul); tea.

Lemma nl_conv_ctx {cf} {Σ Γ Δ} :
  conv_context cumulAlgo_gen Σ Γ Δ
  conv_context cumulAlgo_gen (nlg Σ) (nlctx Γ) (nlctx Δ).
  induction X; simpl; constructor; eauto; simpl; now eapply nl_conv_decls in p.
#[global] Hint Resolve nl_conv_ctx : nl.

Lemma nl_cumul_ctx {cf} {Σ Γ Δ} :
  cumul_context cumulAlgo_gen Σ Γ Δ
  cumul_context cumulAlgo_gen (nlg Σ) (nlctx Γ) (nlctx Δ).
  induction X; simpl; constructor; eauto; simpl; now
    (eapply nl_conv_decls in p || eapply nl_cumul_decls in p).
#[global] Hint Resolve nl_cumul_ctx : nl.

Lemma nl_global_levels Σ : global_levels (nl_global_env Σ) = global_levels Σ.
  induction Σ; simpl; auto.

Lemma nl_global_ext_levels Σ :
  LevelSet.Equal (global_ext_levels (nlg Σ)) (global_ext_levels Σ).
  destruct Σ as [Σ univ].
  unfold global_ext_levels; simpl.
  intros x; reflexivity.

Lemma All2i_map {A B C D} (f : A B) (g : C D) P n l l' :
  All2i (fun i x yP i (f x) (g y)) n l l' <~>
  All2i P n (map f l) (map g l').
  - induction 1; constructor; auto.
  - induction l in n, l' |- *; destruct l'; intros H; depelim H; constructor; auto.

Lemma nl_is_allowed_elimination {cf:checker_flags} (Σ : global_env_ext) ps kelim :
  is_allowed_elimination Σ kelim ps
  is_allowed_elimination (nlg Σ) kelim ps.
  now rewrite global_ext_constraints_nlg.

Lemma anonymize_two na : anonymize (anonymize na) = anonymize na.
  destruct na; simpl; reflexivity.

Lemma nl_two M :
  nl (nl M) = nl M.
  induction M using term_forall_list_ind; cbnr.
  all: rewrite ?IHM1 ?IHM2 ?IHM3 ?IHM; cbnr.
  - f_equal. induction X; cbnr. congruence.
  - destruct X; cbnr.
    f_equal; solve_all.
    × unfold nl_predicate; cbn; f_equal; solve_all.
      unfold ondecl in *; solve_all.
      unfold nldecl; destruct x as [na [bod|] ty]; simpl in *; f_equal; auto.
      f_equal; eauto.
    × unfold nl_branch; destruct x; cbn. f_equal; auto.
      unfold ondecl in *; solve_all.
      unfold nldecl; destruct x as [na [bod|] ty]; simpl; f_equal; auto.
      f_equal; eauto.
  - f_equal. induction X; cbnr. f_equal; tas.
    destruct p, x; unfold map_def_anon; simpl in ×.
    rewrite anonymize_two; congruence.
  - f_equal. induction X; cbnr. f_equal; tas.
    destruct p, x; unfold map_def_anon; simpl in ×.
    rewrite anonymize_two; congruence.

Local Ltac aa :=
  match goal with
  | |- _ : _, _ × ?t = _ t
  end; split; [|symmetry; apply nl_two]; simpl;
  rewrite ?nl_lift ?nl_subst ?nl_subst_instance.

Local Ltac bb :=
  repeat match goal with
  | H : _ : _, _ × ?t = _ |- _destruct H as [? [? ?]]
  eexists; split.

Local Ltac bb' := bb; [econstructor|]; tea; cbn.

Arguments on_snd {_ _ _} _ _/.
Arguments map_def_anon {_ _} _ _ _/.