Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.Syntax.PCUICNamelessDef

From Coq Require Import RelationClasses.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICAstUtils PCUICInduction
     PCUICLiftSubst PCUICEquality PCUICTyping PCUICPosition PCUICUnivSubst
     PCUICSigmaCalculus .
Require Import Equations.Prop.DepElim.
Require Import ssreflect.

Implicit Types cf : checker_flags.

Typing / conversion does not rely on name annotations of binders.
We prove this by constructing a type-preserving translation to terms where all binders are anonymous. An alternative would be to be parametrically polymorphic everywhere on the binder name type. This would allow to add implicit information too.

Local Set Keyed Unification.

Set Default Goal Selector "!".

Definition anon (na : name) : bool :=
  match na with
  | nAnontrue
  | nNamed sfalse

Definition banon (na : binder_annot name) : bool := anon na.(binder_name).

Definition nameless_decl nameless (d : context_decl) :=
  banon (decl_name d) && nameless d.(decl_type) &&
  option_default nameless d.(decl_body) true.

Fixpoint nameless (t : term) : bool :=
  match t with
  | tRel ntrue
  | tVar ntrue
  | tEvar n lforallb nameless l
  | tSort strue
  | tProd na A Bbanon na && nameless A && nameless B
  | tLambda na A bbanon na && nameless A && nameless b
  | tLetIn na b B tbanon na && nameless b && nameless B && nameless t
  | tApp u vnameless u && nameless v
  | tConst c utrue
  | tInd i utrue
  | tConstruct i n utrue
  | tCase ci p c brs
    forallb nameless p.(pparams) &&
    forallb (nameless_decl nameless) p.(pcontext) &&
    nameless p.(preturn) && nameless c &&
    forallb (fun bforallb (nameless_decl nameless) b.(bcontext) && nameless b.(bbody)) brs
  | tProj p cnameless c
  | tFix mfix idx
    forallb (fun dbanon d.(dname)) mfix &&
    forallb (test_def nameless nameless) mfix
  | tCoFix mfix idx
    forallb (fun dbanon d.(dname)) mfix &&
    forallb (test_def nameless nameless) mfix

Notation nameless_ctx := (forallb (nameless_decl nameless)).

Definition anonymize (b : binder_annot name) : binder_annot name :=
  map_binder_annot (fun _nAnon) b.

Definition map_def_anon {A B} (tyf bodyf : A B) (d : def A) := {|
  dname := anonymize d.(dname) ;
  dtype := tyf d.(dtype) ;
  dbody := bodyf d.(dbody) ;
  rarg := d.(rarg)

Definition map_decl_anon (f : term term) (d : context_decl) := {|
  decl_name := anonymize d.(decl_name) ;
  decl_body := option_map f d.(decl_body) ;
  decl_type := f d.(decl_type)

Definition nl_predicate (nl : term term) (p : predicate term) : predicate term :=
  {| pparams := map nl p.(pparams);
     puinst := p.(puinst);
     pcontext := map (map_decl_anon nl) p.(pcontext);
     preturn := nl p.(preturn); |}.

Definition nl_branch (nl : term term) (b : branch term) : branch term :=
  {| bcontext := map (map_decl_anon nl) b.(bcontext);
     bbody := nl b.(bbody); |}.

Fixpoint nl (t : term) : term :=
  match t with
  | tRel ntRel n
  | tVar ntVar n
  | tEvar n ltEvar n (map nl l)
  | tSort stSort s
  | tProd na A BtProd (anonymize na) (nl A) (nl B)
  | tLambda na A btLambda (anonymize na) (nl A) (nl b)
  | tLetIn na b B ttLetIn (anonymize na) (nl b) (nl B) (nl t)
  | tApp u vtApp (nl u) (nl v)
  | tConst c utConst c u
  | tInd i utInd i u
  | tConstruct i n utConstruct i n u
  | tCase ci p c brstCase ci (nl_predicate nl p) (nl c) (map (nl_branch nl) brs)
  | tProj p ctProj p (nl c)
  | tFix mfix idxtFix (map (map_def_anon nl nl) mfix) idx
  | tCoFix mfix idxtCoFix (map (map_def_anon nl nl) mfix) idx

Definition nlctx (Γ : context) : context :=
  map (map_decl_anon nl) Γ.

Definition nl_constant_body c :=
    (nl c.(cst_type)) (option_map nl c.(cst_body)) c.(cst_universes)

Definition nl_constructor_body c :=
  {| cstr_name := c.(cstr_name) ;
     cstr_args := nlctx c.(cstr_args);
     cstr_indices := map nl c.(cstr_indices);
     cstr_type := nl c.(cstr_type);
     cstr_arity := c.(cstr_arity) |}.

Definition nl_projection_body p :=
  {| proj_name := p.(proj_name) ;
     proj_type := nl p.(proj_type);
     proj_relevance := p.(proj_relevance) |}.

Definition nl_one_inductive_body o :=
    (nlctx o.(ind_indices))
    (nl o.(ind_type))
    (map nl_constructor_body o.(ind_ctors))
    (map nl_projection_body o.(ind_projs))

Definition nl_mutual_inductive_body m :=
    (nlctx m.(ind_params))
    (map nl_one_inductive_body m.(ind_bodies))
    m.(ind_universes) m.(ind_variance).

Definition nl_global_decl (d : global_decl) : global_decl :=
  match d with
  | ConstantDecl cbConstantDecl (nl_constant_body cb)
  | InductiveDecl mibInductiveDecl (nl_mutual_inductive_body mib)

Definition nl_global_declarations (Σ : global_declarations) : global_declarations :=
  (map (on_snd nl_global_decl) Σ).

Definition nl_global_env (Σ : global_env) : global_env :=
  {| universes := Σ.(universes);
     declarations := nl_global_declarations Σ.(declarations) |}.

Definition nlg (Σ : global_env_ext) : global_env_ext :=
  let '(Σ, φ) := Σ in
  (nl_global_env Σ, φ).