Library MetaCoq.Erasure.EOptimizePropDiscr

From Coq Require Import Utf8 Program.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils Kernames.
From MetaCoq.PCUIC Require Import PCUICAst PCUICAstUtils
     PCUICReflect PCUICWeakeningEnvConv PCUICWeakeningEnvTyp
     PCUICTyping PCUICInversion
     PCUICSafeLemmata. From MetaCoq.SafeChecker Require Import PCUICWfEnvImpl.
From MetaCoq.Erasure Require Import EAst EAstUtils EDeps EExtends
    ELiftSubst ECSubst EGlobalEnv EWellformed EWcbvEval Extract Prelim
    EEnvMap EArities EProgram.

Local Open Scope string_scope.
Set Asymmetric Patterns.
Import MCMonadNotation.

From Equations Require Import Equations.
Set Equations Transparent.
Local Set Keyed Unification.
Require Import ssreflect ssrbool.

We assumes Prop </= Type and universes are checked correctly in the following.
Local Existing Instance extraction_checker_flags.

Ltac introdep := let H := fresh in intros H; depelim H.

Hint Constructors eval : core.

Section optimize.
  Context (Σ : GlobalContextMap.t).

  Fixpoint optimize (t : term) : term :=
    match t with
    | tRel itRel i
    | tEvar ev argstEvar ev ( optimize args)
    | tLambda na MtLambda na (optimize M)
    | tApp u vtApp (optimize u) (optimize v)
    | tLetIn na b b'tLetIn na (optimize b) (optimize b')
    | tCase ind c brs
      let brs' := (on_snd optimize) brs in
      match GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars Σ (fst ind) with
      | Some (true, npars)
        match brs' with
        | [(a, b)]ECSubst.substl (repeat tBox #|a|) b
        | _tCase ind (optimize c) brs'
      | _tCase ind (optimize c) brs'
    | tProj p c
      match GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars Σ p.(proj_ind) with
      | Some (true, _)tBox
      | _tProj p (optimize c)
    | tFix mfix idx
      let mfix' := (map_def optimize) mfix in
      tFix mfix' idx
    | tCoFix mfix idx
      let mfix' := (map_def optimize) mfix in
      tCoFix mfix' idx
    | tBoxt
    | tVar _t
    | tConst _t
    | tConstruct ind i argstConstruct ind i (map optimize args)

  Lemma optimize_mkApps f l : optimize (mkApps f l) = mkApps (optimize f) (map optimize l).
  Proof using Type.
    induction l using rev_ind; simpl; auto.
    now rewrite mkApps_app /= IHl map_app /= mkApps_app /=.

  Lemma map_repeat {A B} (f : A B) x n : map f (repeat x n) = repeat (f x) n.
  Proof using Type.
    now induction n; simpl; auto; rewrite IHn.

  Lemma map_optimize_repeat_box n : map optimize (repeat tBox n) = repeat tBox n.
  Proof using Type. by rewrite map_repeat. Qed.

  Import ECSubst.

  Lemma csubst_mkApps {a k f l} : csubst a k (mkApps f l) = mkApps (csubst a k f) (map (csubst a k) l).
  Proof using Type.
    induction l using rev_ind; simpl; auto.
    rewrite mkApps_app /= IHl.
    now rewrite -[EAst.tApp _ _](mkApps_app _ _ [_]) map_app.

  Lemma csubst_closed t k x : closedn k x csubst t k x = x.
  Proof using Type.
    induction x in k |- × using EInduction.term_forall_list_ind; simpl; auto.
    all:try solve [intros; f_equal; solve_all; eauto].
    intros Hn. eapply Nat.ltb_lt in Hn.
    - destruct (Nat.compare_spec k n); try lia. reflexivity.
    - move/andP ⇒ []. intros. f_equal; solve_all; eauto.
    - move/andP ⇒ []. intros. f_equal; solve_all; eauto.
    - move/andP ⇒ []. intros. f_equal; solve_all; eauto.
      destruct x0; cbn in ×. f_equal; auto.

  Lemma closed_optimize t k : closedn k t closedn k (optimize t).
  Proof using Type.
    induction t in k |- × using EInduction.term_forall_list_ind; simpl; auto;
    intros; try easy;
    rewrite → ?map_map_compose, ?compose_on_snd, ?compose_map_def, ?map_length;
    unfold test_def in *;
    simpl closed in *; try solve [simpl subst; simpl closed; f_equal; auto; rtoProp; solve_all]; try easy.
    - move/andP: H ⇒ [] clt cll.
      destruct GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars as [[[|] _]|] ⇒ /= //.
      destruct l as [|[br n] [|l']] eqn:eql; simpl.
      rewrite IHt //.
      depelim X. cbn in ×.
      rewrite andb_true_r in cll.
      specialize (i _ cll).
      eapply closed_substl. solve_all. eapply All_repeat ⇒ //.
      now rewrite repeat_length.
      rtoProp; solve_all. depelim cll. solve_all.
      depelim cll. depelim cll. solve_all.
      depelim cll. depelim cll. solve_all.
      rtoProp; solve_all. solve_all.
      rtoProp; solve_all. solve_all.
    - destruct GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars as [[[|] _]|]; cbn; auto.

  Lemma subst_csubst_comm l t k b :
    forallb (closedn 0) l closed t
    subst l 0 (csubst t (#|l| + k) b) =
    csubst t k (subst l 0 b).
  Proof using Type.
    intros hl cl.
    rewrite !closed_subst //.
    rewrite distr_subst. f_equal.
    symmetry. solve_all.
    rewrite subst_closed //.
    eapply closed_upwards; tea. lia.

  Lemma substl_subst s t :
    forallb (closedn 0) s
    substl s t = subst s 0 t.
  Proof using Type.
    induction s in t |- *; cbn; auto.
    intros _. now rewrite subst_empty.
    move/andP⇒ []cla cls.
    rewrite (subst_app_decomp [_]).
    cbn. rewrite lift_closed //.
    rewrite closed_subst //. now eapply IHs.

  Lemma substl_csubst_comm l t k b :
    forallb (closedn 0) l closed t
    substl l (csubst t (#|l| + k) b) =
    csubst t k (substl l b).
  Proof using Type.
    intros hl cl.
    rewrite substl_subst //.
    rewrite substl_subst //.
    apply subst_csubst_comm ⇒ //.

  Lemma optimize_csubst a k b :
    closed a
    optimize (ECSubst.csubst a k b) = ECSubst.csubst (optimize a) k (optimize b).
  Proof using Type.
    induction b in k |- × using EInduction.term_forall_list_ind; simpl; auto;
    intros cl; try easy;
    rewrite → ?map_map_compose, ?compose_on_snd, ?compose_map_def, ?map_length;
    unfold test_def in *;
    simpl closed in *; try solve [simpl subst; simpl closed; f_equal; auto; rtoProp; solve_all]; try easy.
    - destruct (k ?= n)%nat; auto.
    - destruct GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars as [[[|] _]|] ⇒ /= //.
      destruct l as [|[br n] [|l']] eqn:eql; simpl.
      all:unfold on_snd; cbn.
      × f_equal; auto.
      × depelim X. simpl in ×.
        rewrite e //.
        assert (#|br| = #|repeat tBox #|br| |). now rewrite repeat_length.
        rewrite {2}H.
        rewrite substl_csubst_comm //.
        solve_all. eapply All_repeat ⇒ //.
        now eapply closed_optimize.
      × depelim X. depelim X.
        f_equal; eauto.
        unfold on_snd; cbn. f_equal; eauto.
        f_equal; eauto.
        f_equal; eauto. f_equal; eauto.
        rewrite map_map_compose; solve_all.
      × rewrite ?map_map_compose; f_equal; eauto; solve_all.
      × rewrite ?map_map_compose; f_equal; eauto; solve_all.
    - destruct GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars as [[[|] _]|]=> //;
      now rewrite IHb.

  Lemma optimize_substl s t :
    forallb (closedn 0) s
    optimize (substl s t) = substl (map optimize s) (optimize t).
  Proof using Type.
    induction s in t |- *; simpl; auto.
    move/andP ⇒ [] cla cls.
    rewrite IHs //. f_equal.
    now rewrite optimize_csubst.

  Lemma optimize_iota_red pars args br :
    forallb (closedn 0) args
    optimize (EGlobalEnv.iota_red pars args br) = EGlobalEnv.iota_red pars (map optimize args) (on_snd optimize br).
  Proof using Type.
    intros cl.
    unfold EGlobalEnv.iota_red.
    rewrite optimize_substl //.
    rewrite forallb_rev forallb_skipn //.
    now rewrite map_rev map_skipn.

  Lemma optimize_fix_subst mfix : EGlobalEnv.fix_subst (map (map_def optimize) mfix) = map optimize (EGlobalEnv.fix_subst mfix).
  Proof using Type.
    unfold EGlobalEnv.fix_subst.
    rewrite map_length.
    generalize #|mfix|.
    induction n; simpl; auto.
    f_equal; auto.

  Lemma optimize_cofix_subst mfix : EGlobalEnv.cofix_subst (map (map_def optimize) mfix) = map optimize (EGlobalEnv.cofix_subst mfix).
  Proof using Type.
    unfold EGlobalEnv.cofix_subst.
    rewrite map_length.
    generalize #|mfix|.
    induction n; simpl; auto.
    f_equal; auto.

  Lemma optimize_cunfold_fix mfix idx n f :
    forallb (closedn 0) (EGlobalEnv.fix_subst mfix)
    cunfold_fix mfix idx = Some (n, f)
    cunfold_fix (map (map_def optimize) mfix) idx = Some (n, optimize f).
  Proof using Type.
    intros hfix.
    unfold cunfold_fix.
    rewrite nth_error_map.
    destruct nth_error.
    intros [= <- <-] ⇒ /=. f_equal.
    now rewrite optimize_substl // optimize_fix_subst.

  Lemma optimize_cunfold_cofix mfix idx n f :
    forallb (closedn 0) (EGlobalEnv.cofix_subst mfix)
    cunfold_cofix mfix idx = Some (n, f)
    cunfold_cofix (map (map_def optimize) mfix) idx = Some (n, optimize f).
  Proof using Type.
    intros hcofix.
    unfold cunfold_cofix.
    rewrite nth_error_map.
    destruct nth_error.
    intros [= <- <-] ⇒ /=. f_equal.
    now rewrite optimize_substl // optimize_cofix_subst.

  Lemma optimize_nth {n l d} :
    optimize (nth n l d) = nth n (map optimize l) (optimize d).
  Proof using Type.
    induction l in n |- *; destruct n; simpl; auto.

End optimize.

Lemma is_box_inv b : is_box b args, b = mkApps tBox args.
  unfold is_box, EAstUtils.head.
  destruct decompose_app eqn:da.
  simpl. destruct t ⇒ //.
  eapply decompose_app_inv in da. subst.
  eexists; eauto.

Lemma eval_is_box {wfl:WcbvFlags} Σ t u : Σ t u is_box t u = EAst.tBox.
  intros ev; induction ev ⇒ //.
  - rewrite is_box_tApp.
    intros isb. intuition congruence.
  - rewrite is_box_tApp. move/IHev1 ⇒ ?; solve_discr.
  - rewrite is_box_tApp. move/IHev1 ⇒ ?; solve_discr.
  - rewrite is_box_tApp. move/IHev1 ⇒ ?. subst ⇒ //.
  - rewrite is_box_tApp. move/IHev1 ⇒ ?. subst. solve_discr.
  - rewrite is_box_tApp. move/IHev1 ⇒ ?. subst. cbn in i.
    destruct EWcbvEval.with_guarded_fix ⇒ //.
  - destruct t ⇒ //.

Lemma isType_tSort {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {Γ l A} {wfΣ : wf Σ} : Σ ;;; Γ |- tSort (Universe.make l) : A isType Σ Γ (tSort (Universe.make l)).
  intros HT.
  eapply inversion_Sort in HT as [l' [wfΓ Hs]]; auto.
  eexists; econstructor; eauto.

Lemma isType_it_mkProd {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {Γ na dom codom A} {wfΣ : wf Σ} :
  Σ ;;; Γ |- tProd na dom codom : A
  isType Σ Γ (tProd na dom codom).
  intros HT.
  eapply inversion_Prod in HT as (? & ? & ? & ? & ?); auto.
  eexists; econstructor; eauto.

Definition optimize_constant_decl Σ cb :=
  {| cst_body := option_map (optimize Σ) cb.(cst_body) |}.

Definition optimize_decl Σ d :=
  match d with
  | ConstantDecl cbConstantDecl (optimize_constant_decl Σ cb)
  | InductiveDecl idecld

Definition optimize_env Σ :=
  map (on_snd (optimize_decl Σ)) Σ.(GlobalContextMap.global_decls).

Import EnvMap.

Program Fixpoint optimize_env' Σ : EnvMap.fresh_globals Σ global_context :=
  match Σ with
  | []fun _[]
  | hd :: tlfun
    let Σg := GlobalContextMap.make tl (fresh_globals_cons_inv ) in
    on_snd (optimize_decl Σg) hd :: optimize_env' tl (fresh_globals_cons_inv )

Import EGlobalEnv EExtends.

Lemma extends_inductive_isprop_and_pars {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ Σ' ind} : extends Σ Σ' wf_glob Σ'
  isSome (lookup_inductive Σ ind)
  inductive_isprop_and_pars Σ ind = inductive_isprop_and_pars Σ' ind.
  intros ext wf; cbn.
  unfold inductive_isprop_and_pars. cbn.
  destruct lookup_env as [[]|] eqn:hl ⇒ //.
  rewrite (extends_lookup wf ext hl).
  destruct nth_error ⇒ //.

Lemma wellformed_optimize_extends {wfl: EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} t :
   n, EWellformed.wellformed Σ n t
   {Σ' : GlobalContextMap.t}, extends Σ Σ' wf_glob Σ'
  optimize Σ t = optimize Σ' t.
  induction t using EInduction.term_forall_list_ind; cbn -[lookup_constant lookup_inductive
    GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars]; intros ⇒ //.
  all:unfold wf_fix_gen in *; rtoProp; intuition auto.
  all:try now f_equal; eauto; solve_all.
  - destruct cstr_as_blocks; rtoProp; eauto. f_equal. solve_all. destruct args; inv H2. reflexivity.
  - rewrite !GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars_spec.
    assert (map (on_snd (optimize Σ)) l = map (on_snd (optimize Σ')) l) asby solve_all.
    rewrite (extends_inductive_isprop_and_pars H0 H1 H2).
    destruct inductive_isprop_and_pars as [[[]]|].
    destruct map ⇒ //. f_equal; eauto.
    destruct l0 ⇒ //. destruct p0 ⇒ //. f_equal; eauto.
    all:f_equal; eauto; solve_all.
  - rewrite !GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars_spec.
    rewrite (extends_inductive_isprop_and_pars H0 H1).
    destruct (lookup_projection) as [[[[mdecl idecl] cdecl] pdecl]|] eqn:hl ⇒ //.
    eapply lookup_projection_lookup_constructor in hl.
    eapply lookup_constructor_lookup_inductive in hl. now rewrite hl.
    destruct inductive_isprop_and_pars as [[[]]|] ⇒ //.
    all:f_equal; eauto.

Lemma wellformed_optimize_decl_extends {wfl: EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} t :
  wf_global_decl Σ t
   {Σ' : GlobalContextMap.t}, extends Σ Σ' wf_glob Σ'
  optimize_decl Σ t = optimize_decl Σ' t.
  destruct t ⇒ /= //.
  intros wf Σ' ext wf'. f_equal. unfold optimize_constant_decl. f_equal.
  destruct (cst_body c) ⇒ /= //. f_equal.
  now eapply wellformed_optimize_extends.

Lemma lookup_env_optimize_env_Some {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} kn d :
  wf_glob Σ
  GlobalContextMap.lookup_env Σ kn = Some d
   Σ' : GlobalContextMap.t,
     extends Σ' Σ, wf_global_decl Σ' d &
      lookup_env (optimize_env Σ) kn = Some (optimize_decl Σ' d)].
  rewrite GlobalContextMap.lookup_env_spec.
  destruct Σ as [Σ map repr wf].
  induction Σ in map, repr, wf |- *; simpl; auto ⇒ //.
  intros wfg.
  case: eqb_specT ⇒ //.
  - intros →. cbn. intros [= <-].
     (GlobalContextMap.make Σ (fresh_globals_cons_inv wf)). split.
    now eexists [_].
    cbn. now depelim wfg.
    f_equal. symmetry. eapply wellformed_optimize_decl_extends. cbn. now depelim wfg.
    cbn. now [a]. now cbn.
  - intros _.
    set (Σ' := GlobalContextMap.make Σ (fresh_globals_cons_inv wf)).
    specialize (IHΣ ( Σ') (GlobalContextMap.repr Σ') ( Σ')).
    cbn in IHΣ. forward IHΣ. now depelim wfg.
    intros hl. specialize (IHΣ hl) as [Σ'' [ext wfgd hl']].
     Σ''. split ⇒ //.
    × destruct ext as [? ->].
      now (a :: x).
    × rewrite -hl'. f_equal.
      clear -wfg.
      eapply map_ext_inkn hin. unfold on_snd. f_equal.
      symmetry. eapply wellformed_optimize_decl_extends ⇒ //. cbn.
      eapply lookup_env_In in hin. 2:now depelim wfg.
      depelim wfg. eapply lookup_env_wellformed; tea.
      cbn. now [a].

Lemma lookup_env_map_snd Σ f kn : lookup_env ( (on_snd f) Σ) kn = option_map f (lookup_env Σ kn).
  induction Σ; cbn; auto.
  case: eqb_spec ⇒ //.

Lemma lookup_env_optimize_env_None {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} kn :
  GlobalContextMap.lookup_env Σ kn = None
  lookup_env (optimize_env Σ) kn = None.
  rewrite GlobalContextMap.lookup_env_spec.
  destruct Σ as [Σ map repr wf].
  cbn. intros hl. rewrite lookup_env_map_snd hl //.

Lemma lookup_env_optimize {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} kn :
  wf_glob Σ
  lookup_env (optimize_env Σ) kn = option_map (optimize_decl Σ) (lookup_env Σ kn).
  intros wf.
  rewrite -GlobalContextMap.lookup_env_spec.
  destruct (GlobalContextMap.lookup_env Σ kn) eqn:hl.
  - eapply lookup_env_optimize_env_Some in hl as [Σ' [ext wf' hl']] ⇒ /=.
    rewrite hl'. f_equal.
    eapply wellformed_optimize_decl_extends; eauto. auto.

  - cbn. now eapply lookup_env_optimize_env_None in hl.

Lemma is_propositional_optimize {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} ind :
  wf_glob Σ
  inductive_isprop_and_pars Σ ind = inductive_isprop_and_pars (optimize_env Σ) ind.
  rewrite /inductive_isprop_and_parswf.
  rewrite /lookup_inductive /lookup_minductive.
  rewrite (lookup_env_optimize (inductive_mind ind) wf).
  rewrite /GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars /GlobalContextMap.lookup_inductive
  destruct lookup_env as [[decl|]|] ⇒ //.

Lemma is_propositional_cstr_optimize {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} ind c :
  wf_glob Σ
  constructor_isprop_pars_decl Σ ind c = constructor_isprop_pars_decl (optimize_env Σ) ind c.
  rewrite /constructor_isprop_pars_declwf.
  rewrite /lookup_constructor /lookup_inductive /lookup_minductive.
  rewrite (lookup_env_optimize (inductive_mind ind) wf).
  rewrite /GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars /GlobalContextMap.lookup_inductive
  destruct lookup_env as [[decl|]|] ⇒ //.

Lemma closed_iota_red pars c args brs br :
  forallb (closedn 0) args
  nth_error brs c = Some br
  #|skipn pars args| = #|br.1|
  closedn #|br.1| br.2
  closed (iota_red pars args br).
  intros clargs hnth hskip clbr.
  rewrite /iota_red.
  eapply ECSubst.closed_substl ⇒ //.
  now rewrite forallb_rev forallb_skipn.
  now rewrite List.rev_length hskip Nat.add_0_r.

Lemma isFix_mkApps t l : isFix (mkApps t l) = isFix t && match l with []true | _false end.
  induction l using rev_ind; cbn.
  - now rewrite andb_true_r.
  - rewrite mkApps_app /=. now destruct l ⇒ /= //; rewrite andb_false_r.

Lemma lookup_constructor_optimize {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} {ind c} :
  wf_glob Σ
  lookup_constructor Σ ind c = lookup_constructor (optimize_env Σ) ind c.
  intros wfΣ. rewrite /lookup_constructor /lookup_inductive /lookup_minductive.
  rewrite lookup_env_optimize // /=. destruct lookup_env ⇒ // /=.
  destruct g ⇒ //.

Lemma constructor_isprop_pars_decl_inductive {Σ ind c} {prop pars cdecl} :
  constructor_isprop_pars_decl Σ ind c = Some (prop, pars, cdecl)
  inductive_isprop_and_pars Σ ind = Some (prop, pars).
  rewrite /constructor_isprop_pars_decl /inductive_isprop_and_pars /lookup_constructor.
  destruct lookup_inductive as [[mdecl idecl]|]=> /= //.
  destruct nth_error ⇒ //. congruence.

Lemma optimize_correct {efl : EEnvFlags} {fl}{wcon : with_constructor_as_block = false} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} t v :
  wf_glob Σ
  closed_env Σ
  @Ee.eval fl Σ t v
  closed t
  @Ee.eval (disable_prop_cases fl) (optimize_env Σ) (optimize Σ t) (optimize Σ v).
  intros wfΣ clΣ ev.
  induction ev; simpl in ×.

  - move/andP ⇒ [] cla clt. econstructor; eauto.
  - move/andP ⇒ [] clf cla.
    eapply eval_closed in ev2; tea.
    eapply eval_closed in ev1; tea.
    econstructor; eauto.
    rewrite optimize_csubst // in IHev3.
    apply IHev3. eapply closed_csubst ⇒ //.

  - move/andP ⇒ [] clb0 clb1. rewrite optimize_csubst in IHev2.
    now eapply eval_closed in ev1.
    econstructor; eauto. eapply IHev2, closed_csubst ⇒ //.
    now eapply eval_closed in ev1.

  - move/andP ⇒ [] cld clbrs. rewrite optimize_mkApps in IHev1.
    have := (eval_closed _ clΣ _ _ cld ev1); rewrite closedn_mkApps ⇒ /andP[] _ clargs.
    rewrite optimize_iota_red in IHev2.
    eapply eval_closed in ev1 ⇒ //.
    rewrite GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars_spec.
    rewrite (constructor_isprop_pars_decl_inductive e0).
    eapply eval_iota; eauto.
    now rewrite -is_propositional_cstr_optimize.
    rewrite nth_error_map e1 //. now len. cbn.
    rewrite -e3. rewrite !skipn_length map_length //.
    eapply IHev2.
    eapply closed_iota_red ⇒ //; tea.
    eapply nth_error_forallb in clbrs; tea. cbn in clbrs.
    now rewrite Nat.add_0_r in clbrs.

  - congruence.

  - move/andP ⇒ [] cld clbrs.
    rewrite GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars_spec.
    rewrite e e0 /=.
    subst brs. cbn in clbrs. rewrite Nat.add_0_r andb_true_r in clbrs.
    rewrite optimize_substl in IHev2.
    eapply All_forallb, All_repeat ⇒ //.
    rewrite map_optimize_repeat_box in IHev2.
    apply IHev2.
    eapply closed_substl.
    eapply All_forallb, All_repeat ⇒ //.
    now rewrite repeat_length Nat.add_0_r.

  - move/andP ⇒ [] clf cla. rewrite optimize_mkApps in IHev1.
    simpl in ×.
    eapply eval_closed in ev1 ⇒ //.
    rewrite closedn_mkApps in ev1.
    move: ev1 ⇒ /andP [] clfix clargs.
    eapply Ee.eval_fix; eauto.
    rewrite map_length.
    eapply optimize_cunfold_fix; tea.
    eapply closed_fix_subst. tea.
    rewrite optimize_mkApps in IHev3. apply IHev3.
    rewrite closedn_mkApps clargs.
    eapply eval_closed in ev2; tas. rewrite ev2 /= !andb_true_r.
    eapply closed_cunfold_fix; tea.

  - move/andP ⇒ [] clf cla.
    eapply eval_closed in ev1 ⇒ //.
    rewrite closedn_mkApps in ev1.
    move: ev1 ⇒ /andP [] clfix clargs.
    eapply eval_closed in ev2; tas.
    rewrite optimize_mkApps in IHev1 |- ×.
    simpl in ×. eapply Ee.eval_fix_value. auto. auto. auto.
    eapply optimize_cunfold_fix; eauto.
    eapply closed_fix_subst ⇒ //.
    now rewrite map_length.

  - move/andP ⇒ [] clf cla.
    eapply eval_closed in ev1 ⇒ //.
    eapply eval_closed in ev2; tas.
    simpl in ×. eapply Ee.eval_fix'. auto. auto.
    eapply optimize_cunfold_fix; eauto.
    eapply closed_fix_subst ⇒ //.
    eapply IHev2; tea. eapply IHev3.
    apply/andP; split ⇒ //.
    eapply closed_cunfold_fix; tea.

  - move/andP ⇒ [] cd clbrs. specialize (IHev1 cd).
    rewrite closedn_mkApps in IHev2.
    move: (eval_closed _ clΣ _ _ cd ev1).
    rewrite closedn_mkApps.
    move/andP ⇒ [] clfix clargs.
    forward IHev2.
    { rewrite clargs clbrs !andb_true_r.
      eapply closed_cunfold_cofix; tea. }
    rewriteoptimize_mkApps in IHev1, IHev2. simpl.
    rewrite GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars_spec in IHev2 |- ×.
    destruct EGlobalEnv.inductive_isprop_and_pars as [[[] pars]|] eqn:isp ⇒ //.
    destruct brs as [|[a b] []]; simpl in *; auto.
    simpl in IHev1.
    eapply Ee.eval_cofix_case. tea.
    apply optimize_cunfold_cofix; tea. eapply closed_cofix_subst; tea.
    apply IHev2.
    eapply Ee.eval_cofix_case; tea.
    apply optimize_cunfold_cofix; tea. eapply closed_cofix_subst; tea.
    simpl in ×.
    eapply Ee.eval_cofix_case; tea.
    apply optimize_cunfold_cofix; tea. eapply closed_cofix_subst; tea.
    eapply Ee.eval_cofix_case; tea.
    apply optimize_cunfold_cofix; tea. eapply closed_cofix_subst; tea.

  - intros cd. specialize (IHev1 cd).
    move: (eval_closed _ clΣ _ _ cd ev1).
    rewrite closedn_mkApps; move/andP ⇒ [] clfix clargs. forward IHev2.
    { rewrite closedn_mkApps clargs andb_true_r. eapply closed_cunfold_cofix; tea. }
    rewrite GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars_spec in IHev2 |- ×.
    destruct EGlobalEnv.inductive_isprop_and_pars as [[[] pars]|] eqn:isp; auto.
    rewriteoptimize_mkApps in IHev1, IHev2. simpl in ×.
    econstructor; eauto.
    apply optimize_cunfold_cofix; tea. eapply closed_cofix_subst; tea.
    rewriteoptimize_mkApps in IHev1, IHev2. simpl in ×.
    econstructor; eauto.
    apply optimize_cunfold_cofix; tea. eapply closed_cofix_subst; tea.

  - rewrite /declared_constant in isdecl.
    move: (lookup_env_optimize c wfΣ).
    rewrite isdecl /= //.
    intros hl.
    econstructor; tea. cbn. rewrite e //.
    apply IHev.
    eapply lookup_env_closed in clΣ; tea.
    move: clΣ. rewrite /closed_decl e //.

  - movecld.
    eapply eval_closed in ev1; tea.
    move: ev1; rewrite closedn_mkApps /= ⇒ clargs.
    rewrite GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars_spec.
    rewrite (constructor_isprop_pars_decl_inductive e0).
    rewrite optimize_mkApps in IHev1.
    specialize (IHev1 cld).
    eapply Ee.eval_proj; tea.
    now rewrite -is_propositional_cstr_optimize.
    now len. rewrite nth_error_map e2 //.
    eapply IHev2.
    eapply nth_error_forallb in e2; tea.

  - congruence.

  - rewrite GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars_spec.
    now rewrite e.

  - move/andP⇒ [] clf cla.
    rewrite optimize_mkApps.
    eapply eval_construct; tea.
    rewrite -lookup_constructor_optimize //. exact e0.
    rewrite optimize_mkApps in IHev1. now eapply IHev1.
    now len.
    now eapply IHev2.

  - congruence.

  - move/andP ⇒ [] clf cla.
    specialize (IHev1 clf). specialize (IHev2 cla).
    eapply Ee.eval_app_cong; eauto.
    eapply Ee.eval_to_value in ev1.
    destruct ev1; simpl in *; eauto.
    × destruct t ⇒ //; rewrite optimize_mkApps /=.
    × destruct with_guarded_fix.
      + move: i.
        rewrite !negb_or.
        rewrite optimize_mkApps !isFixApp_mkApps !isConstructApp_mkApps.
        destruct args using rev_case ⇒ // /=. rewrite map_app !mkApps_app /= //.
        rewrite !andb_true_r.
        rtoProp; intuition auto.
        destruct v ⇒ /= //.
        destruct v ⇒ /= //.
      + move: i.
        rewrite !negb_or.
        rewrite optimize_mkApps !isConstructApp_mkApps.
        destruct args using rev_case ⇒ // /=. rewrite map_app !mkApps_app /= //.
        destruct v ⇒ /= //.
  - destruct t ⇒ //.
    all:constructor; eauto. cbn [atom optimize] in i |- ×.
    rewrite -lookup_constructor_optimize //. destruct l ⇒ //.

From MetaCoq.Erasure Require Import EEtaExpanded.

Lemma isLambda_optimize Σ t : isLambda t isLambda (optimize Σ t).
Proof. destruct t ⇒ //. Qed.
Lemma isBox_optimize Σ t : isBox t isBox (optimize Σ t).
Proof. destruct t ⇒ //. Qed.

Lemma optimize_expanded {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} t : expanded Σ t expanded Σ (optimize Σ t).
  induction 1 using expanded_ind.
  all:try solve[constructor; eauto; solve_all].
  all:rewrite ?optimize_mkApps.
  - eapply expanded_mkApps_expanded ⇒ //. solve_all.
  - cbn -[GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars].
    rewrite GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars_spec.
    destruct inductive_isprop_and_pars as [[[|] _]|] ⇒ /= //.
    2-3:constructor; eauto; solve_all.
    destruct branches eqn:heq.
    constructor; eauto; solve_all. cbn.
    destruct l ⇒ /=.
    eapply isEtaExp_expanded.
    eapply isEtaExp_substl. eapply forallb_repeat ⇒ //.
    destruct branches as [|[]]; cbn in heq; noconf heq.
    cbn -[isEtaExp] in ×. depelim H1. cbn in H1.
    now eapply expanded_isEtaExp.
    constructor; eauto; solve_all.
    depelim H1. depelim H1. do 2 (constructor; intuition auto).
  - cbn -[GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars].
    rewrite GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars_spec.
    destruct inductive_isprop_and_pars as [[[|] _]|] ⇒ /= //.
    constructor. all:constructor; auto.
  - cbn. eapply expanded_tFix. solve_all.
    rewrite isLambda_optimize //.
  - eapply expanded_tConstruct_app; tea.
    now len. solve_all.

Lemma optimize_expanded_irrel {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} t : wf_glob Σ expanded Σ t expanded (optimize_env Σ) t.
  intros wf; induction 1 using expanded_ind.
  all:try solve[constructor; eauto; solve_all].
  eapply expanded_tConstruct_app.
  destruct H as [[H ?] ?].
  split ⇒ //. split ⇒ //. red.
  red in H. rewrite lookup_env_optimize // /= H //. 1-2:eauto. auto. solve_all.

Lemma optimize_expanded_decl {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} t : expanded_decl Σ t expanded_decl Σ (optimize_decl Σ t).
  destruct t as [[[]]|] ⇒ /= //.
  unfold expanded_constant_decl ⇒ /=.
  apply optimize_expanded.

Lemma optimize_expanded_decl_irrel {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} t : wf_glob Σ expanded_decl Σ t expanded_decl (optimize_env Σ) t.
  destruct t as [[[]]|] ⇒ /= //.
  unfold expanded_constant_decl ⇒ /=.
  apply optimize_expanded_irrel.

Lemma optimize_env_extends' {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ Σ' : GlobalContextMap.t} :
  extends Σ Σ'
  wf_glob Σ' (on_snd (optimize_decl Σ)) Σ.(GlobalContextMap.global_decls) = (on_snd (optimize_decl Σ')) Σ.(GlobalContextMap.global_decls).
  intros ext.
  destruct Σ as [Σ map repr wf]; cbn in ×.
  assert (extends Σ Σ); auto. now [].
  assert (wf_glob Σ).
  { eapply extends_wf_glob. exact ext. tea. }
  revert H H0.
  generalize Σ at 1 3 5 6. intros Σ''.
  induction Σ'' ⇒ //. cbn.
  intros hin wfg. depelim wfg.
  2:{ eapply IHΣ'' ⇒ //. destruct hin. (x ++ [(kn, d)]). rewrite -app_assoc /= //. }
  unfold on_snd. cbn. f_equal.
  eapply wellformed_optimize_decl_extends ⇒ //. cbn.
  eapply extends_wf_global_decl. 3:tea.
  eapply extends_wf_glob; tea.
  destruct hin. (x ++ [(kn, d)]). rewrite -app_assoc /= //.

Lemma optimize_env_eq {efl : EEnvFlags} (Σ : GlobalContextMap.t) : wf_glob Σ optimize_env Σ = optimize_env' Σ.(GlobalContextMap.global_decls) Σ.(
  intros wf.
  unfold optimize_env.
  destruct Σ; cbn. cbn in wf.
  induction global_decls in map, repr, wf0, wf |- × ⇒ //.
  cbn. f_equal.
  destruct a as [kn d]; unfold on_snd; cbn. f_equal. symmetry.
  eapply wellformed_optimize_decl_extends ⇒ //. cbn. now depelim wf. cbn. now [(kn, d)]. cbn.
  set (Σg' := GlobalContextMap.make global_decls (fresh_globals_cons_inv wf0)).
  erewrite <- (IHglobal_decls ( Σg') (GlobalContextMap.repr Σg')).
  2:now depelim wf.
  set (Σg := {| GlobalContextMap.global_decls := _ :: _ |}).
  symmetry. eapply (optimize_env_extends' (Σ := Σg') (Σ' := Σg)) ⇒ //.
  cbn. now [a].

Lemma optimize_env_expanded {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} :
  wf_glob Σ expanded_global_env Σ expanded_global_env (optimize_env Σ).
  unfold expanded_global_env; movewfg.
  rewrite optimize_env_eq //.
  destruct Σ as [Σ map repr wf]. cbn in ×.
  clear map repr.
  induction 1; cbn; constructor; auto.
  cbn in IHexpanded_global_declarations.
  unshelve eapply IHexpanded_global_declarations. now depelim wfg. cbn.
  set (Σ' := GlobalContextMap.make _ _).
  rewrite -(optimize_env_eq Σ'). cbn. now depelim wfg.
  eapply (optimize_expanded_decl_irrel (Σ := Σ')). now depelim wfg.
  now unshelve eapply (optimize_expanded_decl (Σ:=Σ')).

Lemma optimize_wellformed {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} n t :
  has_tBox has_tRel
  wf_glob Σ EWellformed.wellformed Σ n t EWellformed.wellformed Σ n (optimize Σ t).
  intros wfΣ hbox hrel.
  induction t in n |- × using EInduction.term_forall_list_ind ⇒ //.
  all:try solve [cbn; rtoProp; intuition auto; solve_all].
  - cbn -[lookup_constructor]. intros. destruct cstr_as_blocks; rtoProp; repeat split; eauto. 2:solve_all.
    2: now destruct args; inv H0. len. eauto.
  - cbn -[GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars lookup_inductive]. move/and3P ⇒ [] hasc /andP[]hs ht hbrs.
    destruct GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars as [[[|] _]|] ⇒ /= //.
    destruct l as [|[br n'] [|l']] eqn:eql; simpl.
    all:rewrite ?hasc ?hs /= ?andb_true_r.
    rewrite IHt //.
    depelim X. cbn in hbrs.
    rewrite andb_true_r in hbrs.
    specialize (i _ hbrs).
    eapply wellformed_substl ⇒ //. solve_all. eapply All_repeat ⇒ //.
    now rewrite repeat_length.
    cbn in hbrs; rtoProp; solve_all. depelim X; depelim X. solve_all.
    do 2 depelim X. solve_all.
    do 2 depelim X. solve_all.
    rtoProp; solve_all. solve_all.
    rtoProp; solve_all. solve_all.
  - cbn -[GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars lookup_inductive]. move/andP ⇒ [] /andP[]hasc hs ht.
    destruct GlobalContextMap.inductive_isprop_and_pars as [[[|] _]|] ⇒ /= //.
    all:rewrite hasc hs /=; eauto.
  - cbn. unfold wf_fix; rtoProp; intuition auto; solve_all. now len.
    unfold test_def in ×. len. eauto.
  - cbn. unfold wf_fix; rtoProp; intuition auto; solve_all. now len.
    unfold test_def in ×. len. eauto.

Import EWellformed.

Lemma optimize_wellformed_irrel {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} t :
  wf_glob Σ
   n, wellformed Σ n t wellformed (optimize_env Σ) n t.
  intros wfΣ. induction t using EInduction.term_forall_list_ind; cbn ⇒ //.
  all:try solve [intros; unfold wf_fix_gen in *; rtoProp; intuition eauto; solve_all].
  - rewrite lookup_env_optimize //.
    destruct lookup_env eqn:hl ⇒ // /=.
    destruct g eqn:hg ⇒ /= //. subst g.
    destruct (cst_body c) ⇒ //.
  - rewrite lookup_env_optimize //.
    destruct lookup_env eqn:hl ⇒ // /=; intros; rtoProp; eauto.
    destruct g eqn:hg ⇒ /= //; intros; rtoProp; eauto.
    repeat split; eauto. destruct cstr_as_blocks; rtoProp; repeat split; len; eauto. 1: solve_all.
  - rewrite lookup_env_optimize //.
    destruct lookup_env eqn:hl ⇒ // /=.
    destruct g eqn:hg ⇒ /= //. subst g.
    destruct nth_error ⇒ /= //.
    intros; rtoProp; intuition auto; solve_all.
  - rewrite lookup_env_optimize //.
    destruct lookup_env eqn:hl ⇒ // /=.
    destruct g eqn:hg ⇒ /= //.
    rewrite andb_false_r ⇒ //.
    destruct nth_error ⇒ /= //.
    all:intros; rtoProp; intuition auto; solve_all.

Lemma optimize_wellformed_decl_irrel {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} d :
  wf_glob Σ
  wf_global_decl Σ d wf_global_decl (optimize_env Σ) d.
  intros wf; destruct d ⇒ /= //.
  destruct (cst_body c) ⇒ /= //.
  now eapply optimize_wellformed_irrel.

Lemma optimize_decl_wf {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} :
  has_tBox has_tRel wf_glob Σ
   d, wf_global_decl Σ d wf_global_decl (optimize_env Σ) (optimize_decl Σ d).
  intros hasb hasr wf d.
  intros hd.
  eapply optimize_wellformed_decl_irrel; tea.
  move: hd.
  destruct d ⇒ /= //.
  destruct (cst_body c) ⇒ /= //.
  now eapply optimize_wellformed ⇒ //.

Lemma fresh_global_optimize_env {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} kn :
  fresh_global kn Σ
  fresh_global kn (optimize_env Σ).
  destruct Σ as [Σ map repr wf]; cbn in ×.
  induction 1; cbn; constructor; auto.
  now eapply Forall_map; cbn.

Lemma optimize_env_wf {efl : EEnvFlags} {Σ : GlobalContextMap.t} :
  has_tBox has_tRel
  wf_glob Σ wf_glob (optimize_env Σ).
  intros hasb hasrel.
  intros wfg. rewrite optimize_env_eq //.
  destruct Σ as [Σ map repr wf]; cbn in ×.
  clear map repr.
  induction wfg; cbn; constructor; auto.
  - rewrite /= -(optimize_env_eq (GlobalContextMap.make Σ (fresh_globals_cons_inv wf))) //.
    eapply optimize_decl_wf ⇒ //.
  - rewrite /= -(optimize_env_eq (GlobalContextMap.make Σ (fresh_globals_cons_inv wf))) //.
    now eapply fresh_global_optimize_env.

Definition optimize_program (p : eprogram_env) :=
  (EOptimizePropDiscr.optimize_env p.1, EOptimizePropDiscr.optimize p.1 p.2).

Definition optimize_program_wf {efl} (p : eprogram_env) {hastbox : has_tBox} {hastrel : has_tRel} :
  wf_eprogram_env efl p wf_eprogram efl (optimize_program p).
  intros []; split.
  now eapply optimize_env_wf.
  cbn. eapply optimize_wellformed_irrel ⇒ //. now eapply optimize_wellformed.

Definition optimize_program_expanded {efl} (p : eprogram_env) :
  wf_eprogram_env efl p
  expanded_eprogram_env_cstrs p expanded_eprogram_cstrs (optimize_program p).
  unfold expanded_eprogram_env_cstrs.
  move⇒ [wfe wft] /andP[] etae etat.
  apply/andP; split.
  cbn. eapply expanded_global_env_isEtaExp_env, optimize_env_expanded ⇒ //.
  now eapply isEtaExp_env_expanded_global_env.
  eapply expanded_isEtaExp.
  eapply optimize_expanded_irrel ⇒ //.
  now apply optimize_expanded, isEtaExp_expanded.