Library MetaCoq.Erasure.SafeTemplateErasure

Program Definition erase_template_program_check (p : Ast.program)
  : EnvCheck (EAst.global_context × EAst.term) :=
  let Σ := List.rev (trans_global (AstUtils.empty_ext p.1)).1 in
  G <- check_wf_env Σ ;;
  Σ' <- wrap_error "erasure of the global context" (erase_global Σ _) ;;
  t <- wrap_error ("During erasure of " ++ string_of_term (trans p.2)) (erase (empty_ext Σ) _ nil _ (trans p.2));;
  ret (Monad:=envcheck_monad) (Σ', t).

This is a hack to avoid having to handle template polymorphism and make erasure fast: we actually admit the proof of wf Σ and never build it.

Definition assume_wf_decl {cf : checker_flags} (Σ : global_env_ext) :
   wf Σ
   on_udecl Σ.1 Σ.2
   G : universes_graph,
    is_graph_of_uctx G (global_ext_uctx Σ)
     d : global_decl, EnvCheck ( on_global_decl (lift_typing typing) Σ d ).

Program Fixpoint check_wf_env_only_univs (Σ : global_env)
  : EnvCheck ( G, (is_graph_of_uctx G (global_uctx Σ) wf Σ )) :=
  match Σ with
  | nilret (init_graph; _)
  | d :: Σ
    G <- check_wf_env_only_univs Σ ;;
    check_fresh (PCUICTyping.global_decl_ident d) Σ ;;
    let udecl := universes_decl_of_decl d in
    uctx <- check_udecl (PCUICTyping.global_decl_ident d) Σ _ G.π1 (proj1 G.π2) udecl ;;
    let G' := add_uctx uctx.π1 G.π1 in
    assume_wf_decl (Σ, udecl) _ _ G' _ d ;;
    match udecl with
        | Monomorphic_ctx _ret (G'; _)
        | Polymorphic_ctx _ret (G.π1; _)
        | Cumulative_ctx _ret (G.π1; _)

Program Definition erase_template_program (p : Ast.program)
  : EnvCheck (EAst.global_context × EAst.term) :=
  let Σ := List.rev (trans_global (AstUtils.empty_ext p.1)).1 in
  G <- check_wf_env_only_univs Σ ;;
  Σ' <- wrap_error "erasure of the global context" (SafeErasureFunction.erase_global Σ _) ;;
  t <- wrap_error ("During erasure of " ++ string_of_term (trans p.2)) (SafeErasureFunction.erase (empty_ext Σ) _ nil (trans p.2) _);;
  ret (Monad:=envcheck_monad) (Σ', t).

This uses the checker-based erasure
Program Definition erase_and_print_template_program_check {cf : checker_flags} (p : Ast.program)
  : string + string :=
  let p := fix_program_universes p in
  match erase_template_program_check p return string + string with
  | CorrectDecl (Σ', t)
    inl ("Environment is well-formed and " ++ Pretty.print_term (AstUtils.empty_ext p.1) [] true p.2 ++
         " erases to: " ++ nl ++ EPretty.print_term Σ' [] true false t)
  | EnvError (AlreadyDeclared id) ⇒
    inr ("Already declared: " ++ id)
  | EnvError (IllFormedDecl id e) ⇒
    inr ("Type error: " ++ PCUICSafeChecker.string_of_type_error e ++ ", while checking " ++ id)

This uses the retyping-based erasure
Program Definition erase_and_print_template_program {cf : checker_flags} (p : Ast.program)
  : string + string :=
  let p := fix_program_universes p in
  match erase_template_program p return string + string with
  | CorrectDecl (Σ', t)
    inl ("Environment is well-formed and " ++ Pretty.print_term (AstUtils.empty_ext p.1) [] true p.2 ++
         " erases to: " ++ nl ++ EPretty.print_term Σ' [] true false t)
  | EnvError (AlreadyDeclared id) ⇒
    inr ("Already declared: " ++ id)
  | EnvError (IllFormedDecl id e) ⇒
    inr ("Type error: " ++ PCUICSafeChecker.string_of_type_error e ++ ", while checking " ++ id)