Library MetaCoq.SafeChecker.PCUICSafeChecker

Lemma All_sq {A} {P : A Type} {l}
  : All (fun x P x ) l All P l .

Lemma All2_sq {A B} {R : A B Type} {l1 l2}
  : All2 (fun x y R x y ) l1 l2 All2 R l1 l2 .

Lemma weakening_sq `{cf : checker_flags} {Σ Γ} Γ' {t T} :
   wf Σ.1 wf_local Σ (Γ ,,, Γ')
   Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T
   Σ ;;; Γ ,,, Γ' |- lift0 #|Γ'| t : lift0 #|Γ'| T .

Definition wf_local_rel_abs_sq `{cf : checker_flags} {Σ Γ Γ' A na} :
   wf_local_rel Σ Γ Γ' {u & Σ ;;; Γ ,,, Γ' |- A : tSort u }
   wf_local_rel Σ Γ (Γ',, vass na A) .

Definition wf_local_rel_def_sq `{cf : checker_flags} {Σ Γ Γ' t A na} :
   wf_local_rel Σ Γ Γ' isType Σ (Γ ,,, Γ') A Σ ;;; Γ ,,, Γ' |- t : A
   wf_local_rel Σ Γ (Γ',, vdef na t A) .

Definition wf_local_rel_app_inv_sq `{cf : checker_flags} {Σ Γ1 Γ2 Γ3} :
   wf_local_rel Σ Γ1 Γ2 wf_local_rel Σ (Γ1 ,,, Γ2) Γ3
   wf_local_rel Σ Γ1 (Γ2 ,,, Γ3) .

Fixpoint monad_All {T} {M : Monad T} {A} {P} (f : x, T (P x)) l : T (@All A P l)
  := match l with
     | []ret All_nil
     | a :: lX <- f a ;;
                Y <- monad_All f l ;;
                ret (All_cons X Y)

Fixpoint monad_All2 {T E} {M : Monad T} {M' : MonadExc E T} wrong_sizes
         {A B R} (f : x y, T (R x y)) l1 l2
  : T (@All2 A B R l1 l2)
  := match l1, l2 with
     | [], []ret (All2_nil R)
     | a :: l1, b :: l2X <- f a b ;;
                          Y <- monad_All2 wrong_sizes f l1 l2 ;;
                          ret (All2_cons R a b l1 l2 X Y)
     | _, _raise wrong_sizes

Definition monad_prod {T} {M : Monad T} {A B} (x : T A) (y : T B): T (A × B)
  := X <- x ;; Y <- y ;; ret (X, Y).

Definition check_dec {T E} {M : Monad T} {M' : MonadExc E T} (e : E) {P}
           (H : {P} + {¬ P})
  : T P
  := match H with
     | left xret x
     | right _raise e

Definition check_eq_true {T E} {M : Monad T} {M' : MonadExc E T} b (e : E)
  : T (b = true)
  := if b return T (b = true) then ret eq_refl else raise e.

Program Definition check_eq_nat {T E} {M : Monad T} {M' : MonadExc E T} n m (e : E)
  : T (n = m)
  := match Nat.eq_dec n m with
     | left pret p
     | right praise e

Definition mkApps_decompose_app_rec t l :
  mkApps t l = mkApps (fst (decompose_app_rec t l)) (snd (decompose_app_rec t l)).

Definition mkApps_decompose_app t :
  t = mkApps (fst (decompose_app t)) (snd (decompose_app t))
  := mkApps_decompose_app_rec t [].

Inductive type_error :=
| UnboundRel (n : nat)
| UnboundVar (id : string)
| UnboundEvar (ev : nat)
| UndeclaredConstant (c : string)
| UndeclaredInductive (c : inductive)
| UndeclaredConstructor (c : inductive) (i : nat)
| NotCumulSmaller (Γ : context) (t u t' u' : term)
| NotConvertible (Γ : context) (t u : term)
| NotASort (t : term)
| NotAProduct (t t' : term)
| NotAnInductive (t : term)
| IllFormedFix (m : mfixpoint term) (i : nat)
| UnsatisfiedConstraints (c : ConstraintSet.t)
| Msg (s : string).

Lemma lookup_env_id Σ id decl
  : lookup_env Σ id = Some decl id = global_decl_ident decl.

Definition string_of_list_aux {A} (f : A string) (l : list A) : string :=
  let fix aux l :=
      match l return string with
      | nil ⇒ ""
      | cons a nilf a
      | cons a lf a ++ "," ++ aux l
  in aux l.

Definition string_of_list {A} (f : A string) (l : list A) : string :=
  "[" ++ string_of_list_aux f l ++ "]".

Definition string_of_level (l : Level.t) : string :=
  match l with
  | Level.lProp ⇒ "Prop"
  | Level.lSet ⇒ "Set"
  | Level.Level ss
  | Level.Var n ⇒ "Var " ++ string_of_nat n

Definition string_of_level_expr (l : Level.t × bool) : string :=
  let '(l, b) := l in
  string_of_level l ++ (if b then "+1" else "").

Definition string_of_sort (u : universe) :=
  string_of_list string_of_level_expr u.

Definition string_of_name (na : name) :=
  match na with
  | nAnon ⇒ "_"
  | nNamed nn

Definition string_of_universe_instance u :=
  string_of_list string_of_level u.

Definition string_of_def {A : Set} (f : A string) (def : def A) :=
  "(" ++ string_of_name (dname def) ++ "," ++ f (dtype def) ++ "," ++ f (dbody def) ++ ","
      ++ string_of_nat (rarg def) ++ ")".

Definition string_of_inductive (i : inductive) :=
  (inductive_mind i) ++ "," ++ string_of_nat (inductive_ind i).

Fixpoint string_of_term (t : term) :=
  match t with
  | tRel n ⇒ "#" ++ string_of_nat n
  | tVar n ⇒ "Var(" ++ n ++ ")"
  | tEvar ev args ⇒ "Evar(" ++ string_of_nat ev ++ "TODO" ++ ")"
  | tSort s ⇒ "Sort(" ++ string_of_sort s ++ ")"
  | tProd na b t ⇒ "Pi (" ++ string_of_name na ++ " : " ++
                            string_of_term b ++ ") (" ++ string_of_term t ++ ")"
  | tLambda na b t ⇒ "Lam (" ++ string_of_name na ++ " : " ++ string_of_term b
                                ++ ") (" ++ string_of_term t ++ ")"
  | tLetIn na b t' t ⇒ "LetIn(" ++ string_of_name na ++ "," ++ string_of_term b
                                 ++ "," ++ string_of_term t' ++ "," ++ string_of_term t ++ ")"
  | tApp f lstring_of_term f ++ " @ (" ++ string_of_term l ++ ")"
  | tConst c u ⇒ "Const(" ++ c ++ "," ++ string_of_universe_instance u ++ ")"
  | tInd i u ⇒ "Ind(" ++ string_of_inductive i ++ "," ++ string_of_universe_instance u ++ ")"
  | tConstruct i n u ⇒ "Construct(" ++ string_of_inductive i ++ "," ++ string_of_nat n ++ ","
                                    ++ string_of_universe_instance u ++ ")"
  | tCase (ind, i) t p brs
    "Case(" ++ string_of_inductive ind ++ "," ++ string_of_nat i ++ "," ++ string_of_term t ++ ","
            ++ string_of_term p ++ "," ++ string_of_list (fun bstring_of_term (snd b)) brs ++ ")"
  | tProj (ind, i, k) c
    "Proj(" ++ string_of_inductive ind ++ "," ++ string_of_nat i ++ "," ++ string_of_nat k ++ ","
            ++ string_of_term c ++ ")"
  | tFix l n ⇒ "Fix(" ++ (string_of_list (string_of_def string_of_term) l) ++ "," ++ string_of_nat n ++ ")"
  | tCoFix l n ⇒ "CoFix(" ++ (string_of_list (string_of_def string_of_term) l) ++ "," ++ string_of_nat n ++ ")"

Definition string_of_type_error (e : type_error) : string :=
  match e with
  | UnboundRel n ⇒ "Unboound rel " ++ string_of_nat n
  | UnboundVar id ⇒ "Unbound var " ++ id
  | UnboundEvar ev ⇒ "Unbound evar " ++ string_of_nat ev
  | UndeclaredConstant c ⇒ "Undeclared constant " ++ c
  | UndeclaredInductive c ⇒ "Undeclared inductive " ++ (inductive_mind c)
  | UndeclaredConstructor c i ⇒ "Undeclared inductive " ++ (inductive_mind c)
  | NotCumulSmaller Γ t u t' u' ⇒ "Terms are not <= for cumulativity: " ++
      string_of_term t ++ " and " ++ string_of_term u ++ " after reduction: " ++
      string_of_term t' ++ " and " ++ string_of_term u'
  | NotConvertible Γ t u ⇒ "Terms are not convertible: " ++
      string_of_term t ++ " and " ++ string_of_term u
  | NotASort t ⇒ "Not a sort"
  | NotAProduct t t' ⇒ "Not a product"
  | NotAnInductive t ⇒ "Not an inductive"
  | IllFormedFix m i ⇒ "Ill-formed recursive definition"
  | UnsatisfiedConstraints c ⇒ "Unsatisfied constraints"
  | Msg s ⇒ "Msg: " ++ s

Inductive typing_result (A : Type) :=
| Checked (a : A)
| TypeError (t : type_error).

Instance typing_monad : Monad typing_result :=
  {| ret A a := Checked a ;
     bind A B m f :=
       match m with
       | Checked a f a
       | TypeError t TypeError t

Instance monad_exc : MonadExc type_error typing_result :=
  { raise A e := TypeError e;
    catch A m f :=
      match m with
      | Checked am
      | TypeError tf t

Lemma wf_local_rel_inv `{checker_flags} {Σ Γ1 Γ2} (w : wf_local_rel Σ Γ1 Γ2) :
   d Γ2', Γ2 = Γ2' ,, d
  wf_local_rel Σ Γ1 Γ2' × ( u, Σ ;;; Γ1 ,,, Γ2' |- d.(decl_type) : tSort u) ×
               match d.(decl_body) with
               | Some bΣ ;;; Γ1 ,,, Γ2' |- b : d.(decl_type)
               | NoneTrue

Definition strengthening_wf_local_rel `{cf : checker_flags} Σ Γ1 Γ2 Γ3 Γ4 :
  wf Σ.1 wf_local_rel Σ Γ1 (Γ2 ,,, Γ3 ,,, lift_context #|Γ3| 0 Γ4)
   wf_local_rel Σ Γ1 (Γ2 ,,, Γ4).

Definition wf_local_app_inv `{cf : checker_flags} {Σ Γ1 Γ2} :
  wf_local Σ Γ1 wf_local_rel Σ Γ1 Γ2
   wf_local Σ (Γ1 ,,, Γ2).

Definition fix_context_i i mfix :=
  List.rev (mapi_rec (fun i (d : BasicAst.def term)
                      ⇒ vass (dname d) ((lift0 i) (dtype d))) mfix i).

Lemma lift_fix_context mfix : k k' j, j k
    fix_context_i (k + k') mfix = lift_context k' j (fix_context_i k mfix).

Lemma wf_ext_gc_of_uctx {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} ( : wf_ext Σ )
  : uctx', gc_of_uctx (global_ext_uctx Σ) = Some uctx'.

Lemma wf_ext_is_graph {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} ( : wf_ext Σ )
  : G, is_graph_of_uctx G (global_ext_uctx Σ).

Lemma map_squash {A B} (f : A B) : A B .

Section Typecheck.
  Context {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} ( : wf Σ )
          (Hφ : on_udecl Σ.1 Σ.2 )
          (G : universes_graph) (HG : is_graph_of_uctx G (global_ext_uctx Σ)).

  Definition isType_wellformed {Γ t}
    : isType Σ Γ t wellformed Σ Γ t.

  Lemma validity_wf {Γ t T} :
     wf_local Σ Γ Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T wellformed Σ Γ T.

  Definition hnf := reduce_term RedFlags.default Σ .

  Theorem hnf_sound {Γ t h} : red (fst Σ) Γ t (hnf Γ t h) .

  Program Definition reduce_to_sort Γ t (h : wellformed Σ Γ t)
    : typing_result ( u, red (fst Σ) Γ t (tSort u) ) :=
    match t with
    | tSort sret (s; sq (refl_red _ _ _))
    | _
      match hnf Γ t h with
      | tSort sret (s; _)
      | _raise (NotASort t)

  Program Definition reduce_to_prod Γ t (h : wellformed Σ Γ t)
       : typing_result ( na a b, red (fst Σ) Γ t (tProd na a b) ) :=
    match t with
    | tProd na a bret (na; a; b; sq (refl_red _ _ _))
    | _
      match hnf Γ t h with
      | tProd na a bret (na; a; b; _)
      | t'raise (NotAProduct t t')

  Fixpoint stack_to_apps π : typing_result (list term) :=
    match π with
    | Emptyret []
    | App t π ⇒ l <- stack_to_apps π ;; ret (t :: l)
    | _raise (Msg "not some applications")

  Lemma zip_stack_to_apps t π l :
    stack_to_apps π = Checked l zipc t π = mkApps t l.

  Program Definition reduce_to_ind Γ t (h : wellformed Σ Γ t)
    : typing_result ( i u l, red (fst Σ) Γ t (mkApps (tInd i u) l) ) :=
    match decompose_app t with
    | (tInd i u, l)ret (i; u; l; sq _)
    | _
      match reduce_stack RedFlags.default Σ Γ t Empty h with
      | (tInd i u, π)match stack_to_apps π with
                        | Checked lret (i; u; l; _)
                        | TypeError eraise e
      | _raise (NotAnInductive t)

  Definition iscumul Γ := isconv_term RedFlags.default Σ Hφ G HG Γ Cumul.

  Program Definition convert_leq Γ t u
          (ht : wellformed Σ Γ t) (hu : wellformed Σ Γ u)
    : typing_result ( Σ ;;; Γ |- t u ) :=
    match leqb_term G t u with trueret _ | false
    match iscumul Γ t ht u hu with
    | trueret _
    | false
      let t' := hnf Γ t ht in
      let u' := hnf Γ u hu in
      raise (NotCumulSmaller Γ t u t' u')
    end end.

  Section InferAux.
    Variable (infer : Γ ( : wf_local Σ Γ ) (t : term),
                 typing_result ({ A : term & Σ ;;; Γ |- t : A })).

    Program Definition infer_type Γ t
      : typing_result ({u : universe & Σ ;;; Γ |- t : tSort u }) :=
      tx <- infer Γ t ;;
      u <- reduce_to_sort Γ tx.π1 _ ;;
      ret (u.π1; _).

    Program Definition infer_cumul Γ t A (hA : isType Σ Γ A )
      : typing_result ( Σ ;;; Γ |- t : A ) :=
      A' <- infer Γ t ;;
      X <- convert_leq Γ A'.π1 A _ _ ;;
      ret _.
  End InferAux.

  Program Definition lookup_ind_decl ind
    : typing_result
        ({decl & {body & declared_inductive (fst Σ) decl ind body}}) :=
    match lookup_env (fst Σ) ind.(inductive_mind) with
    | Some (InductiveDecl _ decl) ⇒
      match nth_error decl.(ind_bodies) ind.(inductive_ind) with
      | Some bodyret (decl; body; _)
      | Noneraise (UndeclaredInductive ind)
    | _raise (UndeclaredInductive ind)

  Lemma check_constraints_spec ctrs
    : check_constraints G ctrs valid_constraints (global_ext_constraints Σ) ctrs.

  Lemma is_graph_of_uctx_levels l :
    wGraph.VSet.mem l (uGraph.wGraph.V G)
    LevelSet.mem l (global_ext_levels Σ).

  Program Definition check_consistent_instance uctx u
    : typing_result (consistent_instance_ext Σ uctx u)
    := match uctx with
       | Monomorphic_ctx _
         check_eq_nat #|u| 0 (Msg "monomorphic instance should be of length 0")
       | Polymorphic_ctx (inst, cstrs)
       | Cumulative_ctx ((inst, cstrs), _)
         let '(inst, cstrs) := AUContext.repr (inst, cstrs) in
         check_eq_true (forallb (fun lmatch no_prop_of_level l with
                                       | Some lwGraph.VSet.mem l (uGraph.wGraph.V G)
                                       | Nonefalse
                                       end) u)
                       (Msg "instance does not have the right length") ;;
         X <- check_eq_nat #|u| #|inst|
                          (Msg "instance does not have the right length");;
         match check_constraints G (subst_instance_cstrs u cstrs) with
         | trueret (conj _ _)
         | falseraise (Msg "ctrs not satisfiable")

  Definition eqb_opt_term (t u : option term) :=
    match t, u with
    | Some t, Some ueqb_term G t u
    | None, Nonetrue
    | _, _false

  Lemma eqb_opt_term_spec t u
    : eqb_opt_term t u eq_opt_term (global_ext_constraints Σ) t u.

  Definition eqb_decl (d d' : context_decl) :=
    eqb_opt_term d.(decl_body) d'.(decl_body) && eqb_term G d.(decl_type) d'.(decl_type).

  Lemma eqb_decl_spec d d'
    : eqb_decl d d' eq_decl (global_ext_constraints Σ) d d'.

  Definition eqb_context (Γ Δ : context) := forallb2 eqb_decl Γ Δ.

  Lemma eqb_context_spec Γ Δ
    : eqb_context Γ Δ eq_context (global_ext_constraints Σ) Γ Δ.

  Definition check_correct_arity decl ind u ctx pars pctx :=
    let inddecl :=
        {| decl_name := nNamed decl.(ind_name);
           decl_body := None;
           decl_type := mkApps (tInd ind u) (map (lift0 #|ctx|) pars ++ to_extended_list ctx) |}
    in eqb_context (inddecl :: ctx) pctx.

  Lemma check_correct_arity_spec decl ind u ctx pars pctx
    : check_correct_arity decl ind u ctx pars pctx
       PCUICTyping.check_correct_arity (global_ext_constraints Σ) decl ind u ctx pars pctx.

  Program Fixpoint infer (Γ : context) ( : wf_local Σ Γ ) (t : term) {struct t}
    : typing_result ({ A : term & Σ ;;; Γ |- t : A }) :=
    match t with
    | tRel n
          match nth_error Γ n with
          | Some cret ((lift0 (S n)) (decl_type c); _)
          | Noneraise (UnboundRel n)

    | tVar nraise (UnboundVar n)
    | tEvar ev argsraise (UnboundEvar ev)

    | tSort u
          match u with
          | NEL.sing (l, false)
            check_eq_true (LevelSet.mem l (global_ext_levels Σ)) (Msg ("undeclared level " ++ string_of_level l));;
            ret (tSort (Universe.super l); _)
          | _raise (Msg (string_of_sort u ++ " is not a level"))

    | tProd na A B
          s1 <- infer_type infer Γ A ;;
          s2 <- infer_type infer (Γ ,, vass na A) _ B ;;
          ret (tSort (Universe.sort_of_product s1.π1 s2.π1); _)

    | tLambda na A t
          s1 <- infer_type infer Γ A ;;
          B <- infer (Γ ,, vass na A) _ t ;;
          ret (tProd na A B.π1; _)

    | tLetIn n b b_ty b'
          infer_type infer Γ b_ty ;;
          infer_cumul infer Γ b b_ty _ ;;
          b'_ty <- infer (Γ ,, vdef n b b_ty) _ b' ;;
          ret (tLetIn n b b_ty b'_ty.π1; _)

    | tApp t u
          ty <- infer Γ t ;;
          pi <- reduce_to_prod Γ ty.π1 _ ;;
          infer_cumul infer Γ u pi.π2.π1 _ ;;
          ret (subst10 u pi.π2.π2.π1; _)

    | tConst cst u
          match lookup_env (fst Σ) cst with
          | Some (ConstantDecl _ d) ⇒
            check_consistent_instance d.(cst_universes) u ;;
            let ty := subst_instance_constr u d.(cst_type) in
            ret (ty; _)
          | _raise (UndeclaredConstant cst)

    | tInd ind u
          d <- lookup_ind_decl ind ;;
          check_consistent_instance d.π1.(ind_universes) u ;;
          let ty := subst_instance_constr u d.π2.π1.(ind_type) in
          ret (ty; _)

    | tConstruct ind k u
          d <- lookup_ind_decl ind ;;
          match nth_error d.π2.π1.(ind_ctors) k with
          | Some cdecl
            check_consistent_instance d.π1.(ind_universes) u ;;
            ret (type_of_constructor d.π1 cdecl (ind, k) u; _)
          | Noneraise (UndeclaredConstructor ind k)

    | tCase (ind, par) p c brs
      cty <- infer Γ c ;;
      I <- reduce_to_ind Γ cty.π1 _ ;;
      let '(ind'; I') := I in let '(u; I'') := I' in let '(args; H) := I'' in
      check_eq_true (eqb ind ind')
                    (NotConvertible Γ (tInd ind u) (tInd ind' u)) ;;
      d <- lookup_ind_decl ind' ;;
      let '(decl; d') := d in let '(body; HH) := d' in
      check_eq_true (ind_npars decl =? par)
                    (Msg "not the right number of parameters") ;;
      pty <- infer Γ p ;;
      match types_of_case ind decl body (firstn par args) u p pty.π1 with
      | Noneraise (Msg "not the type of a case")
      | Some (indctx, pctx, ps, btys)
          (check_correct_arity body ind u indctx (firstn par args) pctx)
          (Msg "not correct arity") ;;
          (existsb (leb_sort_family (universe_family ps)) (ind_kelim body))
          (Msg "cannot eliminate over this sort") ;;
        (fix check_branches (brs btys : list (nat × term))
          (HH : Forall (squash (isType Σ Γ) snd) btys) {struct brs}
            : typing_result
              (All2 (fun x yfst x = fst y Σ ;;; Γ |- snd x : snd y ) brs btys)
                    := match brs, btys with
                       | [], []ret (All2_nil _)
                       | (n, t) :: brs , (m, A) :: btys
                         W <- check_dec (Msg "not nat eq")
                                       (EqDecInstances.nat_eqdec n m) ;;
                         Z <- infer_cumul infer Γ t A _ ;;
                         X <- check_branches brs btys _ ;;
                         ret (All2_cons _ _ _ _ _ (conj _ _) X)
                       | [], _ :: _
                       | _ :: _, []raise (Msg "wrong number of branches")
                       end) brs btys _ ;;
          ret (mkApps p (List.skipn par args ++ [c]); _)

    | tProj (ind, n, k) c
          d <- lookup_ind_decl ind ;;
          match nth_error d.π2.π1.(ind_projs) k with
          | Some pdecl
            c_ty <- infer Γ c ;;
            I <- reduce_to_ind Γ c_ty.π1 _ ;;
            let '(ind'; I') := I in let '(u; I'') := I' in let '(args; H) := I'' in
            check_eq_true (eqb ind ind')
                          (NotConvertible Γ (tInd ind u) (tInd ind' u)) ;;
            check_eq_true (ind_npars d.π1 =? n)
                          (Msg "not the right number of parameters") ;;
            check_eq_true (#|args| =? ind_npars d.π1)
                          (Msg "not the right number of parameters") ;;
            let ty := snd pdecl in
            ret (subst0 (c :: List.rev args) (subst_instance_constr u ty);
          | Noneraise (Msg "projection not found")

    | tFix mfix n
      match nth_error mfix n with
      | Noneraise (IllFormedFix mfix n)
      | Some decl
        XX <- (fix check_types (mfix : mfixpoint term) acc (Hacc : wf_local_rel Σ Γ acc ) {struct mfix}
              : typing_result ( wf_local_rel Σ (Γ ,,, acc) (fix_context_i #|acc| mfix) )
              := match mfix with
                 | []ret (sq wf_local_rel_nil)
                 | def :: mfix
                   W <- infer_type infer Γ (dtype def) ;;
                   let W' := weakening_sq acc _ _ W.π2 in
                   Z <- check_types mfix
                     (acc ,, vass (dname def) ((lift0 #|acc|) (dtype def)))
                     (wf_local_rel_abs_sq Hacc (W.π1; W')) ;;
                   ret (wf_local_rel_app_inv_sq
                          (wf_local_rel_abs_sq (sq wf_local_rel_nil) (W.π1; W')) Z)
           mfix [] (sq wf_local_rel_nil);;
        YY <- (fix check_bodies (mfix' : mfixpoint term)
                  (XX' : wf_local_rel Σ Γ (fix_context mfix') ) {struct mfix'}
 : typing_result (All (fun d
  Σ ;;; Γ ,,, fix_context mfix |- dbody d : (lift0 #|fix_context mfix|) (dtype d)
    isLambda (dbody d) = true) mfix')
              := match mfix' with
                 | []ret All_nil
                 | def :: mfix'
                   W1 <- infer_cumul infer (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix) _ (dbody def)
                                    (lift0 #|fix_context mfix| (dtype def)) _ ;;
                   W2 <- check_eq_true (isLambda (dbody def))
                                      (Msg "not a lambda") ;;
                   Z <- check_bodies mfix' _ ;;
                   ret (All_cons (conj W1 W2) Z)
                 end) mfix _ ;;
        guarded <- check_eq_true (fix_guard mfix) (Msg "Unguarded fixpoint") ;;
        ret (dtype decl; _)

    | tCoFix mfix n
      allowcofix <- check_eq_true allow_cofix (Msg "cofix not allowed") ;;
      match nth_error mfix n with
      | Noneraise (IllFormedFix mfix n)
      | Some decl
        XX <- (fix check_types (mfix : mfixpoint term) acc (Hacc : wf_local_rel Σ Γ acc ) {struct mfix}
              : typing_result ( wf_local_rel Σ (Γ ,,, acc) (fix_context_i #|acc| mfix) )
              := match mfix with
                 | []ret (sq wf_local_rel_nil)
                 | def :: mfix
                   W <- infer_type infer Γ (dtype def) ;;
                   let W' := weakening_sq acc _ _ W.π2 in
                   Z <- check_types mfix
                     (acc ,, vass (dname def) ((lift0 #|acc|) (dtype def)))
                     (wf_local_rel_abs_sq Hacc (W.π1; W')) ;;
                   ret (wf_local_rel_app_inv_sq
                          (wf_local_rel_abs_sq (sq wf_local_rel_nil) (W.π1; W')) Z)
           mfix [] (sq wf_local_rel_nil);;
        YY <- (fix check_bodies (mfix' : mfixpoint term) (XX' : wf_local_rel Σ Γ (fix_context mfix') ) {struct mfix'}
 : typing_result (All (fun d
  Σ ;;; Γ ,,, fix_context mfix |- dbody d : (lift0 #|fix_context mfix|) (dtype d)
   ) mfix')
              := match mfix' with
                 | []ret All_nil
                 | def :: mfix'
                   W1 <- infer_cumul infer (Γ ,,, fix_context mfix) _ (dbody def)
                                    (lift0 #|fix_context mfix| (dtype def)) _ ;;
                   Z <- check_bodies mfix' _ ;;
                   ret (All_cons W1 Z)
                 end) mfix _ ;;
        ret (dtype decl; _)

  Lemma sq_wfl_nil : wf_local Σ [] .

  Program Fixpoint check_context Γ : typing_result ( wf_local Σ Γ )
    := match Γ with
       | []ret sq_wfl_nil
       | {| decl_body := None; decl_type := A |} :: Γ
          <- check_context Γ ;;
         XX <- infer_type infer Γ A ;;
         ret _
       | {| decl_body := Some t; decl_type := A |} :: Γ
          <- check_context Γ ;;
         XX <- infer_type infer Γ A ;;
         XX <- infer_cumul infer Γ t A _ ;;
         ret _

  Program Definition check_isWfArity Γ ( : wf_local Σ Γ ) A
    : typing_result ( isWfArity typing Σ Γ A ) :=
    match destArity [] A with
    | Noneraise (Msg (string_of_term A ++ " is not an arity"))
    | Some (ctx, s)XX <- check_context (Γ ,,, ctx) ;;
                      ret _

  Program Definition check_wellformed Γ ( : wf_local Σ Γ ) A
    : typing_result (wellformed Σ Γ A) :=
    match infer Γ A with
    | Checked (ty; Hty)ret _
    | TypeError ematch check_isWfArity Γ A with
                    | Checked HAret (or_intror HA)
                    | TypeError _
                      raise (Msg (string_of_term A ++ " is not wellformed. The type error is: " ++ string_of_type_error e))

  Program Definition check_isType Γ ( : wf_local Σ Γ ) A
    : typing_result ( isType Σ Γ A ) :=
    s <- infer Γ A ;;
    s' <- reduce_to_sort Γ s.π1 _ ;;
    ret _.

  Program Definition check Γ ( : wf_local Σ Γ ) t A
    : typing_result ( Σ;;; Γ |- t : A ) :=
    check_isType Γ A ;;
    infer_cumul infer Γ t A _.

End Typecheck.

Definition infer' {cf:checker_flags} {Σ} ( : wf_ext Σ )
  := infer (map_squash fst ) (map_squash snd ).

Definition make_graph_and_infer {cf:checker_flags} {Σ} ( : wf_ext Σ )
  := let '(G; HG) := wf_ext_is_graph in infer' G HG.

Print Assumptions infer.

Section CheckEnv.
  Context {cf:checker_flags}.

  Inductive env_error :=
  | IllFormedDecl (e : string) (e : type_error)
  | AlreadyDeclared (id : string).

  Inductive EnvCheck (A : Type) :=
  | CorrectDecl (a : A)
  | EnvError (e : env_error).

  Instance envcheck_monad : Monad EnvCheck :=
    {| ret A a := CorrectDecl a ;
       bind A B m f :=
         match m with
         | CorrectDecl a f a
         | EnvError e EnvError e

  Instance envcheck_monad_exc : MonadExc env_error EnvCheck :=
    { raise A e := EnvError e;
      catch A m f :=
        match m with
        | CorrectDecl am
        | EnvError tf t

  Definition wrap_error {A} (id : string) (check : typing_result A) : EnvCheck A :=
    match check with
    | Checked aCorrectDecl a
    | TypeError eEnvError (IllFormedDecl id e)

  Definition check_wf_type id Σ HΣ' G HG t
    : EnvCheck ( u, Σ;;; [] |- t : tSort u )
    := wrap_error id (@infer_type _ Σ (@infer _ Σ HΣ' G HG) [] sq_wfl_nil t).

  Definition check_wf_judgement id Σ HΣ' G HG t ty
    : EnvCheck ( Σ;;; [] |- t : ty )
    := wrap_error id (@check _ Σ HΣ' G HG [] sq_wfl_nil t ty).

  Definition infer_term Σ HΣ' G HG t :=
    wrap_error "toplevel term" (@infer _ Σ HΣ' G HG [] sq_wfl_nil t).

  Program Fixpoint check_fresh id env : EnvCheck ( fresh_global id env ) :=
    match env with
    | []ret (sq (Forall_nil _))
    | g :: env
      p <- check_fresh id env;;
      match eq_constant id (global_decl_ident g) with
      | trueEnvError (AlreadyDeclared id)
      | falseret _

  Definition add_uctx (uctx : wGraph.VSet.t × GoodConstraintSet.t)
             (G : universes_graph) : universes_graph
    := let levels := wGraph.VSet.union uctx.1 G.1.1 in
       let edges := wGraph.VSet.fold
                      (fun l E
                         match l with
                         | lSetE
                         | vtn llwGraph.EdgeSet.add (edge_of_level ll) E
                      uctx.1 G.1.2 in
       let edges := GoodConstraintSet.fold
                      (fun ctrwGraph.EdgeSet.add (edge_of_constraint ctr))
                      uctx.2 edges in
       (levels, edges, G.2).

  Definition Build_on_inductive_sq {Σ ind mdecl}
    : Alli (on_ind_body (lift_typing typing) Σ ind mdecl) 0 (ind_bodies mdecl)
       wf_local Σ (ind_params mdecl)
      context_assumptions (ind_params mdecl) = ind_npars mdecl
      ind_guard mdecl on_inductive (lift_typing typing) Σ ind mdecl .

  Program Fixpoint monad_Alli {T} {M : Monad T} {A} {P} (f : n x, T ( P n x )) l n
    : T ( @Alli A P n l )
    := match l with
       | []ret (sq (Alli_nil _ _))
       | a :: lX <- f n a ;;
                    Y <- monad_Alli f l (S n) ;;
                    ret _

  Lemma check_one_ind_body:
     Σ : global_env_ext,
       wf Σ
       on_udecl Σ.1 Σ.2
       G : universes_graph,
        is_graph_of_uctx G (global_ext_uctx Σ)
         (id : kername) (mdecl : mutual_inductive_body)
          (n : nat) (x : one_inductive_body),
          EnvCheck ( on_ind_body (lift_typing typing) Σ id mdecl n x ).

  Program Definition check_wf_decl (Σ : global_env_ext) HΣ' G HG
             (d : global_decl)
    : EnvCheck ( on_global_decl (lift_typing typing) Σ d ) :=
    match d with
    | ConstantDecl id cst
      match cst.(cst_body) with
      | Some termcheck_wf_judgement id Σ HΣ' G HG term cst.(cst_type) ;; ret _
      | Nonecheck_wf_type id Σ HΣ' G HG cst.(cst_type) ;; ret _
    | InductiveDecl id mdecl
      X1 <- monad_Alli (check_one_ind_body Σ HΣ' G HG id mdecl) _ _ ;;
      X2 <- wrap_error id (check_context HΣ' G HG (ind_params mdecl)) ;;
      X3 <- wrap_error id (check_eq_nat (context_assumptions (ind_params mdecl))
                                       (ind_npars mdecl)
                                       (Msg "wrong number of parameters")) ;;
      X4 <- wrap_error id (check_eq_true (ind_guard mdecl) (Msg "guard"));;
      ret (Build_on_inductive_sq X1 X2 X3 X4)

  Definition uctx_of_udecl u : ContextSet.t :=
    (levels_of_udecl u, constraints_of_udecl u).

  Lemma add_uctx_make_graph levels1 levels2 ctrs1 ctrs2
  : add_uctx (levels1, ctrs1) (make_graph (levels2, ctrs2))
    = make_graph (wGraph.VSet.union levels1 levels2,
                  GoodConstraintSet.union ctrs1 ctrs2).

  Lemma gc_of_constraints_union S S'
    : gc_of_constraints (ConstraintSet.union S S') =
      (S1 <- gc_of_constraints S ;;
       S2 <- gc_of_constraints S' ;;
       ret (GoodConstraintSet.union S1 S2)).

  Lemma no_prop_levels_union S S'
    : no_prop_levels (LevelSet.union S S')
      = wGraph.VSet.union (no_prop_levels S) (no_prop_levels S').

  Axiom graph_eq : (G G' : universes_graph),
      wGraph.VSet.Equal G.1.1 G'.1.1
       wGraph.EdgeSet.Equal G.1.2 G'.1.2
       G.2 = G'.2
       G = G'.

  Program Definition check_udecl id (Σ : global_env) ( : wf Σ ) G
          (HG : is_graph_of_uctx G (global_uctx Σ)) (udecl : universes_decl)
    : EnvCheck ( uctx', gc_of_uctx (uctx_of_udecl udecl) = Some uctx'
                          on_udecl Σ udecl ) :=
    let levels := levels_of_udecl udecl in
    let global_levels := global_levels Σ in
    let all_levels := LevelSet.union levels global_levels in
    check_eq_true (LevelSet.for_all (fun lnegb (LevelSet.mem l global_levels))
                                    levels) (IllFormedDecl id (Msg ("non fresh level in " ++ Pretty.print_lset levels)));;
    check_eq_true (ConstraintSet.for_all (fun '(l1, _, l2)LevelSet.mem l1 all_levels && LevelSet.mem l2 all_levels) (constraints_of_udecl udecl))
                                    (IllFormedDecl id (Msg ("non declared level in " ++ Pretty.print_lset levels ++
                                    " |= " ++ Pretty.print_constraint_set (constraints_of_udecl udecl))));;
    check_eq_true match udecl with
                  | Monomorphic_ctx ctx
                    ⇒ LevelSet.for_all (negb Level.is_var) ctx.1
                  | _true
                  end (IllFormedDecl id (Msg "Var level in monomorphic context")) ;;
    match gc_of_uctx (uctx_of_udecl udecl) as X' return (X' = _ EnvCheck _) with
    | Nonefun _
      raise (IllFormedDecl id (Msg "constraints trivially not satisfiable"))
    | Some uctx'fun Huctx
      check_eq_true (wGraph.is_acyclic (add_uctx uctx' G))
                    (IllFormedDecl id (Msg "constraints not satisfiable"));;
                                 ret (uctx'; (conj _ _))
    end eq_refl.

  Program Fixpoint check_wf_env (Σ : global_env)
    : EnvCheck ( G, (is_graph_of_uctx G (global_uctx Σ) wf Σ )) :=
    match Σ with
    | []ret (init_graph; _)
    | d :: Σ
        G <- check_wf_env Σ ;;
        check_fresh (global_decl_ident d) Σ ;;
        let udecl := universes_decl_of_decl d in
        uctx <- check_udecl (global_decl_ident d) Σ _ G.π1 (proj1 G.π2) udecl ;;
        let G' := add_uctx uctx.π1 G.π1 in
        check_wf_decl (Σ, udecl) _ _ G' _ d ;;
        match udecl with
        | Monomorphic_ctx _ret (G'; _)
        | Polymorphic_ctx _ret (G.π1; _)
        | Cumulative_ctx _ret (G.π1; _)

  Lemma wf_consistent Σ : wf Σ consistent (global_constraints Σ).

  Program Definition typecheck_program (p : program)
    : EnvCheck ( A, empty_ext (List.rev p.1) ;;; [] |- p.2 : A ) :=
    let Σ := List.rev (fst p) in
    G <- check_wf_env Σ ;;
    @infer_term (empty_ext Σ) (proj2 G.π2) _ G.π1 _ (snd p).

End CheckEnv.