Library MetaCoq.Template.monad_utils

Class Monad@{d c} (m : Type@{d} Type@{c}) : Type :=
{ ret : {t : Type@{d}}, t m t
; bind : {t u : Type@{d}}, m t (t m u) m u

Class MonadExc E (m : Type Type) : Type :=
{ raise : {T}, E m T
; catch : {T}, m T (E m T) m T

Module MonadNotation.

  Notation "c >>= f" := (@bind _ _ _ _ c f) (at level 50, left associativity) : monad_scope.
  Notation "f =<< c" := (@bind _ _ _ _ c f) (at level 51, right associativity) : monad_scope.

  Notation "'mlet' x <- c1 ;; c2" := (@bind _ _ _ _ c1 (fun xc2))
    (at level 100, c1 at next level, right associativity, x pattern) : monad_scope.

  Notation "x <- c1 ;; c2" := (@bind _ _ _ _ c1 (fun xc2))
    (at level 100, c1 at next level, right associativity) : monad_scope.

  Notation "e1 ;; e2" := (_ <- e1%monad ;; e2%monad)%monad
    (at level 100, right associativity) : monad_scope.
End MonadNotation.

Instance option_monad : Monad option :=
  {| ret A a := Some a ;
     bind A B m f :=
       match m with
       | Some a f a
       | None None

Section MapOpt.
  Context {A} (f : A option A).

  Fixpoint mapopt (l : list A) : option (list A) :=
    match l with
    | nilret nil
    | x :: xsx' <- f x ;;
                xs' <- mapopt xs ;;
                ret (x' :: xs')
End MapOpt.

Section MonadOperations.
  Context {T} {M : Monad T}.
  Context {A B} (f : A T B).
  Fixpoint monad_map (l : list A)
    : T (list B)
    := match l with
       | nilret nil
       | x :: lx' <- f x ;;
                  l' <- monad_map l ;;
                  ret (x' :: l')

  Context (g : A B T A).
  Fixpoint monad_fold_left (l : list B) (x : A) : T A
    := match l with
       | nilret x
       | y :: lx' <- g x y ;;
                   monad_fold_left l x'

  Context (h : nat A T B).
  Fixpoint monad_map_i_aux (n0 : nat) (l : list A) : T (list B)
    := match l with
       | nilret nil
       | x :: lx' <- (h n0 x) ;;
                   l' <- (monad_map_i_aux (S n0) l) ;;
                   ret (x' :: l')

  Definition monad_map_i := @monad_map_i_aux 0.
End MonadOperations.

Definition monad_iter {T : Type Type} {M A} (f : A T unit) (l : list A) : T unit
  := @monad_fold_left T M _ _ (fun _f) l tt.