Library MetaCoq.Template.Universes

Module Level.
  Inductive t : Set :=
  | lProp
  | lSet
  | Level (_ : string)
  | Var (_ : nat) .

  Definition set : t := lSet.
  Definition prop : t := lProp.

  Definition is_small (x : t) :=
    match x with
    | lProp | lSettrue
    | _false

  Definition is_prop (x : t) :=
    match x with
    | lProptrue
    | _false

  Definition is_set (x : t) :=
    match x with
    | lSettrue
    | _false

  Definition is_var (l : t) :=
    match l with
    | Var _true
    | _false

  Definition compare (l1 l2 : t) : comparison :=
    match l1, l2 with
    | lProp, lPropEq
    | lProp, _Lt
    | _, lPropGt
    | lSet, lSetEq
    | lSet, _Lt
    | _, lSetGt
    | Level s1, Level s2string_compare s1 s2
    | Level _, _Lt
    | _, Level _Gt
    | Var n, Var n m
Comparison function

  Definition eq_dec (l1 l2 : t) : {l1 = l2}+{l1 l2}.

  Definition equal (l1 l2 : Level.t) : bool
    := match compare l1 l2 with Eqtrue | _false end.
End Level.

Module LevelDecidableType.
   Definition t : Type := Level.t.
   Definition eq : t t Prop := eq.
   Definition eq_refl : x : t, eq x x := @eq_refl _.
   Definition eq_sym : x y : t, eq x y eq y x := @eq_sym _.
   Definition eq_trans : x y z : t, eq x y eq y z eq x z := @eq_trans _.
   Definition eq_equiv : RelationClasses.Equivalence eq := _.
   Definition eq_dec : x y : t, {eq x y} + {¬ eq x y} := Level.eq_dec.
End LevelDecidableType.
Module LevelSet <: (MSetInterface.WSetsOn LevelDecidableType) := MSets.MSetWeakList.Make LevelDecidableType.
Module LevelSetFact := WFactsOn LevelDecidableType LevelSet.
Module LevelSetProp := WPropertiesOn LevelDecidableType LevelSet.

Definition LevelSet_pair x y
  := LevelSet.add y (LevelSet.singleton x).

Lemma LevelSet_pair_In x y z :
  LevelSet.In x (LevelSet_pair y z) x = y x = z.

Definition LevelSet_mem_union (s s' : LevelSet.t) x :
  LevelSet.mem x (LevelSet.union s s') LevelSet.mem x s LevelSet.mem x s'.

Definition universe_level := Level.t.

Module Universe.
  Module Expr.
    Definition t : Set := Level.t × bool.

    Definition is_small (e : t) : bool :=
      match e with
      | (Level.lProp, _)
      | (Level.lSet, false)true
      | _false

    Definition is_level (e : t) : bool :=
      match e with
      | (Level.lProp, _)
      | (_, false)true
      | _false

    Definition is_prop (e : t) : bool :=
      match e with
      | (Level.lProp, _)true
      | _false

    Definition equal (e1 e2 : t) : bool
      := match e1, e2 with
         | (Level.lProp, _), (Level.lProp, _)true
         | (l1, b1), (l2, b2)Level.equal l1 l2 && Bool.eqb b1 b2

    Definition get_level (e : t) : Level.t := fst e.

    Definition prop : t := (Level.prop, false).
    Definition set : t := (Level.set, false).
    Definition type1 : t := (Level.set, true).
  End Expr.

  Definition t : Set := non_empty_list Expr.t.

  Definition equal (u1 u2 : t) : bool :=
    NEL.forallb2 Expr.equal u1 u2.

  Definition make (l : Level.t) : t
    := NEL.sing (l, false).
Create a universe representing the given level.

  Definition make' (e : Expr.t) : t
    := NEL.sing e.

  Definition make'' (e : Expr.t) (u : list Expr.t) : t
    := NEL.cons' e u.

  Definition is_level (u : t) : bool :=
    match u with
    | NEL.sing eExpr.is_level e
    | _false
Test if the universe is a level or an algebraic universe.

  Definition is_levels (u : t) : bool :=
    NEL.forallb Expr.is_level u.
Test if the universe is a lub of levels or contains +n's.

  Definition level (u : t) : option Level.t :=
    match u with
    | NEL.sing (Level.lProp, _)Some Level.lProp
    | NEL.sing (l, false)Some l
    | _None
Try to get a level out of a universe, returns None if it is an algebraic universe.

  Definition is_small (u : t) : bool :=
    NEL.forallb Expr.is_small u.

  Definition is_prop (u : t) : bool :=
    NEL.forallb Expr.is_prop u.

  Definition type0m : t := make Level.prop.
  Definition type0 : t := make Level.set.
  Definition type1 :t := make' Expr.type1.

  Definition super (l : Level.t) : t :=
    if Level.is_small l then type1
    else make' (l, true).
The universe strictly above FOR TYPING (not cumulativity)

  Definition try_suc (u : t) : t := (fun '(l, b)(l, true)) u.

  Definition sup (u1 u2 : t) : t := u1 u2.
The l.u.b. of 2 universes (naive because of duplicates)

  Definition for_all (P : Expr.t bool) (u : t) : bool := NEL.forallb P u.

Type of product
  Definition sort_of_product (domsort rangsort : t) :=
    if Universe.is_prop rangsort then rangsort
    else Universe.sup domsort rangsort.

End Universe.

Definition universe := Universe.t.
Definition universe_coercion : universe list Universe.Expr.t := NEL.to_list.
Coercion universe_coercion : universe >-> list.

Sort families

Inductive sort_family : Set := InProp | InSet | InType.

Definition leb_sort_family x y :=
  match x, y with
  | InProp, _true
  | InSet, InPropfalse
  | InType, (InProp | InSet) ⇒ false
  | _, _true

Family of a universe u.

Definition universe_family (u : universe) :=
  if Universe.is_prop u then InProp
  else if Universe.is_small u then InSet
  else InType.

Module ConstraintType.
  Inductive t : Set := Lt | Le | Eq.
End ConstraintType.

Definition constraint_type := ConstraintType.t.
Definition univ_constraint : Set := universe_level × ConstraintType.t × universe_level.

Module UnivConstraintDec.
  Definition t : Set := univ_constraint.
  Definition eq : t t Prop := eq.
  Definition eq_equiv : RelationClasses.Equivalence eq := _.
  Definition eq_dec : x y : t, {eq x y} + {¬ eq x y}.
End UnivConstraintDec.
Module ConstraintSet <: MSetInterface.WSetsOn UnivConstraintDec := MSets.MSetWeakList.Make UnivConstraintDec.
Module ConstraintSetFact := MSetFacts.WFactsOn UnivConstraintDec ConstraintSet.
Module ConstraintSetProp := MSetProperties.WPropertiesOn UnivConstraintDec

Definition make_univ_constraint : universe_level constraint_type universe_level univ_constraint
  := fun x y z(x, y, z).

Needs to be in Type because template polymorphism of MSets does not allow setting the lowest universe
{6 Universe instances}

Module Instance.

  Definition t : Set := list Level.t.
A universe instance represents a vector of argument universes to a polymorphic definition (constant, inductive or constructor).

  Definition empty : t := [].
  Definition is_empty (i : t) : bool :=
    match i with
    | []true
    | _false

  Definition equal (i j : t) :=
    forallb2 Level.equal i j.

  Definition equal_upto (f : Level.t Level.t bool) (i j : t) :=
    forallb2 f i j.
End Instance.

Definition universe_instance := Instance.t.

Module UContext.
  Definition t := universe_instance × constraints.

  Definition make : Instance.t ConstraintSet.t t := pair.

  Definition empty : t := (Instance.empty, ConstraintSet.empty).

  Definition instance : t Instance.t := fst.
  Definition constraints : t constraints := snd.

  Definition dest : t Instance.t × ConstraintSet.t := fun xx.
End UContext.

Module AUContext.
  Definition t := list ident × constraints.

  Definition make (ids : list ident) (ctrs : constraints) : t := (ids, ctrs).
  Definition repr '((u, cst) : t) : UContext.t :=
    (mapi (fun i _Level.Var i) u, cst).

  Definition levels (uctx : t) : LevelSet.t :=
    LevelSetProp.of_list (fst (repr uctx)).
End AUContext.

Module ContextSet.
  Definition t := LevelSet.t × constraints.

  Definition empty : t := (LevelSet.empty, ConstraintSet.empty).

  Definition is_empty (uctx : t)
    := LevelSet.is_empty (fst uctx) && ConstraintSet.is_empty (snd uctx).
End ContextSet.

Module Variance.
A universe position in the instance given to a cumulative inductive can be the following. Note there is no Contravariant case because x : A, B x : A', B' requires A = A' as opposed to A' A.
  Inductive t :=
  | Irrelevant : t
  | Covariant : t
  | Invariant : t.

End Variance.

Universe info for cumulative inductive types: A context of universe levels with universe constraints, representing local universe variables and constraints, together with an array of Variance.t.
This data structure maintains the invariant that the variance array has the same length as the universe instance.
Module ACumulativityInfo.
  Definition t := AUContext.t × list Variance.t.

  Definition make ctx var : t := (ctx, var).

  Definition univ_context : t AUContext.t := fst.
  Definition variance : t list Variance.t := snd.

This function takes a universe context representing constraints of an inductive and produces a CumulativityInfo.t with the trivial subtyping relation.

End ACumulativityInfo.

Inductive universes_decl : Type :=
| Monomorphic_ctx (ctx : ContextSet.t)
| Polymorphic_ctx (cst : AUContext.t)
| Cumulative_ctx (ctx : ACumulativityInfo.t).

Definition monomorphic_udecl u :=
  match u with
  | Monomorphic_ctx ctxctx
  | _ContextSet.empty

Definition monomorphic_levels φ := (monomorphic_udecl φ).1.
Definition monomorphic_constraints φ := (monomorphic_udecl φ).2.

Definition levels_of_udecl u :=
  match u with
  | Monomorphic_ctx ctxfst ctx
  | Polymorphic_ctx ctx
  | Cumulative_ctx (ctx, _)AUContext.levels ctx

Definition constraints_of_udecl u :=
  match u with
  | Monomorphic_ctx ctxsnd ctx
  | Polymorphic_ctx ctx
  | Cumulative_ctx (ctx, _)snd (AUContext.repr ctx)


A valuation is a universe level (nat) given for each universe variable (Level.t). It is >= for polymorphic universes and > 0 for monomorphic universes.

Record valuation :=
  { valuation_mono : string positive ;
    valuation_poly : nat nat }.

Definition val0 (v : valuation) (l : Level.t) : Z :=
  match l with
  | lProp ⇒ -1
  | lSet ⇒ 0
  | Level sZ.pos (v.(valuation_mono) s)
  | Var xZ.of_nat (v.(valuation_poly) x)

Definition val1 v (e : Universe.Expr.t) : Z :=
  let n := val0 v (fst e) in
  if snd e && negb (is_prop (fst e)) then n + 1 else n.

Definition val (v : valuation) (u : universe) : Z :=
  match u with
  | NEL.sing eval1 v e
  | NEL.cons e uNEL.fold_left (fun n eZ.max (val1 v e) n) u (val1 v e)

Definition llt `{checker_flags} (x y : Z) : Prop :=
  if prop_sub_type
  then (x < y)%Z
  else (0 x x < y)%Z.

Notation "x < y" := (llt x y) : univ_scope.

Definition lle `{checker_flags} (x y : Z) : Prop :=
  (x < y)%u x = y.

Notation "x <= y" := (lle x y) : univ_scope.

Section Univ.

Context `{cf : checker_flags}.

Inductive satisfies0 (v : valuation) : univ_constraint Prop :=
| satisfies0_Lt l l' : (val0 v l < val0 v l')%u satisfies0 v (l, Lt, l')
| satisfies0_Le l l' : (val0 v l val0 v l')%u satisfies0 v (l, Le, l')
| satisfies0_Eq l l' : val0 v l = val0 v l' satisfies0 v (l, Eq, l').

Definition satisfies v : constraints Prop :=
  ConstraintSet.For_all (satisfies0 v).

Definition consistent ctrs := v, satisfies v ctrs.

Definition eq_universe0 (φ : constraints) u u' :=
   v, satisfies v φ val v u = val v u'.

Definition leq_universe_n n (φ : constraints) u u' :=
   v, satisfies v φ (Z.of_nat n + val v u val v u')%Z.

Definition leq_universe0 := leq_universe_n 0.
Definition lt_universe := leq_universe_n 1.

Definition eq_universe φ u u'
  := if check_univs then eq_universe0 φ u u' else True.

Definition leq_universe φ u u'
  := if check_univs then leq_universe0 φ u u' else True.

Definition valid_constraints0 φ ctrs
  := v, satisfies v φ satisfies v ctrs.

Definition valid_constraints φ ctrs
  := if check_univs then valid_constraints0 φ ctrs else True.

Lemma valid_subset φ φ' ctrs
  : ConstraintSet.Subset φ φ' valid_constraints φ ctrs
     valid_constraints φ' ctrs.

Lemmas about eq and leq ****

We show that equality and inequality of universes form an equivalence and a partial order (one w.r.t. the other). We use classes from CRelationClasses for consistency with the rest of the development which uses relations in Type rather than Prop. These definitions hence use Prop Type.

Global Instance eq_universe0_refl φ : Reflexive (eq_universe0 φ).

Global Instance eq_universe_refl φ : Reflexive (eq_universe φ).

Global Instance leq_universe0_refl φ : Reflexive (leq_universe0 φ).

Global Instance leq_universe_refl φ : Reflexive (leq_universe φ).

Global Instance eq_universe0_sym φ : Symmetric (eq_universe0 φ).

Global Instance eq_universe_sym φ : Symmetric (eq_universe φ).

Global Instance eq_universe0_trans φ : Transitive (eq_universe0 φ).

Global Instance eq_universe_trans φ : Transitive (eq_universe φ).

Global Instance leq_universe0_trans φ : Transitive (leq_universe0 φ).

Global Instance leq_universe_trans φ : Transitive (leq_universe φ).

Lemma val_cons v e s
  : val v (NEL.cons e s) = Z.max (val1 v e) (val v s).

Lemma val_sup v s1 s2 :
  val v (Universe.sup s1 s2) = Z.max (val v s1) (val v s2).

Lemma leq_universe0_sup_l φ s1 s2 : leq_universe0 φ s1 (Universe.sup s1 s2).

Lemma leq_universe0_sup_r φ s1 s2 : leq_universe0 φ s2 (Universe.sup s1 s2).

Lemma leq_universe_product φ s1 s2
  : leq_universe φ s2 (Universe.sort_of_product s1 s2).

Global Instance eq_universe_leq_universe φ : subrelation (eq_universe φ) (leq_universe φ).

Global Instance eq_universe0_equivalence φ : Equivalence (eq_universe0 φ) :=
   {| Equivalence_Reflexive := _ ;
      Equivalence_Symmetric := _;
      Equivalence_Transitive := _ |}.

Global Instance eq_universe_equivalence φ : Equivalence (eq_universe φ) :=
   {| Equivalence_Reflexive := eq_universe_refl _ ;
      Equivalence_Symmetric := eq_universe_sym _;
      Equivalence_Transitive := eq_universe_trans _ |}.

Global Instance leq_universe_preorder φ : PreOrder (leq_universe φ) :=
   {| PreOrder_Reflexive := leq_universe_refl _ ;
      PreOrder_Transitive := leq_universe_trans _ |}.

Global Instance leq_universe0_antisym φ
  : Antisymmetric _ (eq_universe0 φ) (leq_universe0 φ).

Global Instance leq_universe_antisym φ
  : Antisymmetric _ (eq_universe φ) (leq_universe φ).

Global Instance leq_universe_partial_order φ
  : PartialOrder (eq_universe φ) (leq_universe φ).

Definition fresh_universe : universe.

End Univ.

Definition is_prop_sort s :=
  match Universe.level s with
  | Some lLevel.is_prop l
  | Nonefalse