Library MetaCoq.Checker.uGraph

Definition on_Some {A} (P : A Prop) : option A Prop :=
  fun xmatch x with
        | Some xP x
        | NoneFalse

Definition on_Some_or_None {A} (P : A Prop) : option A Prop :=
  fun xmatch x with
        | Some xP x
        | NoneTrue

Lemma InA_In_eq {A} x (l : list A) : InA eq x l In x l.

Module ConstraintSetFact := WFactsOn UnivConstraintDec ConstraintSet.
Module ConstraintSetProp := WPropertiesOn UnivConstraintDec ConstraintSet.

Inductive variable_level := mLevel (_ : string) | mVar (_ : nat).

Inductive good_constraint :=

| gc_le : variable_level variable_level good_constraint

| gc_lt : variable_level variable_level good_constraint

| gc_lt_set : nat good_constraint

| gc_eq_set : nat good_constraint.

Module GoodConstraintDec.
  Definition t : Set := good_constraint.
  Definition eq : t t Prop := eq.
  Definition eq_equiv : RelationClasses.Equivalence eq := _.
  Definition variable_level_dec : x y : variable_level, {x = y} + {x y}.
  Definition eq_dec : x y : t, {eq x y} + {¬ eq x y}.
End GoodConstraintDec.
Module GoodConstraintSet := MSets.MSetWeakList.Make GoodConstraintDec.
Module GoodConstraintSetFact := WFactsOn GoodConstraintDec GoodConstraintSet.
Module GoodConstraintSetProp := WPropertiesOn GoodConstraintDec GoodConstraintSet.

Definition GoodConstraintSet_pair x y
  := GoodConstraintSet.add y (GoodConstraintSet.singleton x).

Lemma GoodConstraintSet_pair_In x y z
  : GoodConstraintSet.In x (GoodConstraintSet_pair y z)
     x = y x = z.

Definition gc_val0 (v : valuation) (l : variable_level) : nat :=
  match l with
  | mLevel sPos.to_nat (v.(valuation_mono) s)
  | mVar xv.(valuation_poly) x

Definition gc_satisfies0 v (gc : good_constraint) : bool :=
  match gc with
  | gc_le l l'gc_val0 v l <=? gc_val0 v l'
  | gc_lt l l'gc_val0 v l <? gc_val0 v l'
  | gc_lt_set l ⇒ 0 <? v.(valuation_poly) l
  | gc_eq_set l ⇒ 0 =? v.(valuation_poly) l

Definition gc_satisfies v : GoodConstraintSet.t bool :=
  GoodConstraintSet.for_all (gc_satisfies0 v).

Definition gc_consistent ctrs : Prop := v, gc_satisfies v ctrs.

Lemma gc_satisfies_pair v gc1 gc2 :
  (gc_satisfies0 v gc1 gc_satisfies0 v gc2)
  gc_satisfies v (GoodConstraintSet_pair gc1 gc2).

Definition gc_of_constraint `{checker_flags} (uc : univ_constraint) : option GoodConstraintSet.t
  := let empty := Some GoodConstraintSet.empty in
     let singleton := fun xSome (GoodConstraintSet.singleton x) in
     let pair := fun x ySome (GoodConstraintSet_pair x y) in
     match uc with
     | (Level.lProp, Le, Level.lProp)empty
     | (Level.lProp, Le, _)if prop_sub_type then empty else None
     | (Level.lProp, Eq, Level.lProp)empty
     | (Level.lProp, Eq, _)None
     | (Level.lProp, Lt, Level.lProp)None
     | (Level.lProp, Lt, _)if prop_sub_type then empty else None

     | (Level.lSet, Le, Level.lProp)None
     | (Level.lSet, Le, _)empty
     | (Level.lSet, Eq, Level.lProp)None
     | (Level.lSet, Eq, Level.lSet)empty
     | (Level.lSet, Eq, Level.Level _)None
     | (Level.lSet, Eq, Level.Var n)singleton (gc_eq_set n)
     | (Level.lSet, Lt, Level.lProp)None
     | (Level.lSet, Lt, Level.lSet)None
     | (Level.lSet, Lt, Level.Level _)empty
     | (Level.lSet, Lt, Level.Var n)singleton (gc_lt_set n)

     | (Level.Level _, Le, Level.lProp)None
     | (Level.Level _, Le, Level.lSet)None
     | (Level.Level l, Le, Level.Level l')
       ⇒ singleton (gc_le (mLevel l) (mLevel l'))
     | (Level.Level l, Le, Level.Var n)singleton (gc_le (mLevel l) (mVar n))
     | (Level.Level _, Eq, Level.lProp)None
     | (Level.Level _, Eq, Level.lSet)None
     | (Level.Level l, Eq, Level.Level l')
       ⇒ pair (gc_le (mLevel l) (mLevel l')) (gc_le (mLevel l') (mLevel l))
     | (Level.Level l, Eq, Level.Var n)
       ⇒ pair (gc_le (mLevel l) (mVar n)) (gc_le (mVar n) (mLevel l))
     | (Level.Level _, Lt, Level.lProp)None
     | (Level.Level _, Lt, Level.lSet)None
     | (Level.Level l, Lt, Level.Level l')
       ⇒ singleton (gc_lt (mLevel l) (mLevel l'))
     | (Level.Level l, Lt, Level.Var n)singleton (gc_lt (mLevel l) (mVar n))

     | (Level.Var _, Le, Level.lProp)None
     | (Level.Var n, Le, Level.lSet)singleton (gc_eq_set n)
     | (Level.Var n, Le, Level.Level l)singleton (gc_le (mVar n) (mLevel l))
     | (Level.Var n, Le, Level.Var n')singleton (gc_le (mVar n) (mVar n'))
     | (Level.Var _, Eq, Level.lProp)None
     | (Level.Var n, Eq, Level.lSet)singleton (gc_eq_set n)
     | (Level.Var n, Eq, Level.Level l)
       ⇒ pair (gc_le (mVar n) (mLevel l)) (gc_le (mLevel l) (mVar n))

     | (Level.Var n, Eq, Level.Var n')
       ⇒ pair (gc_le (mVar n) (mVar n')) (gc_le (mVar n') (mVar n))
     | (Level.Var _, Lt, Level.lProp)None
     | (Level.Var _, Lt, Level.lSet)None
     | (Level.Var n, Lt, Level.Level l)singleton (gc_lt (mVar n) (mLevel l))
     | (Level.Var n, Lt, Level.Var n')singleton (gc_lt (mVar n) (mVar n'))

Section GC.

Context `{cf : checker_flags}.

Lemma gc_of_constraint_spec v uc :
  satisfies0 v uc on_Some (gc_satisfies v) (gc_of_constraint uc).

Definition add_gc_of_constraint uc (S : option GoodConstraintSet.t)
  := S1 <- S ;;
     S2 <- gc_of_constraint uc ;;
     ret (GoodConstraintSet.union S1 S2).

Definition gc_of_constraints (ctrs : constraints) : option GoodConstraintSet.t
  := ConstraintSet.fold add_gc_of_constraint
                        ctrs (Some GoodConstraintSet.empty).

Lemma gc_of_constraints_spec v ctrs :
  satisfies v ctrs on_Some (gc_satisfies v) (gc_of_constraints ctrs).

Lemma gc_consistent_iff ctrs :
  consistent ctrs on_Some gc_consistent (gc_of_constraints ctrs).

Definition gc_leq_universe_n n ctrs u u'
  := v, gc_satisfies v ctrs (Z.of_nat n + val v u val v u')%Z.

Definition gc_eq_universe0 φ u u' :=
   v, gc_satisfies v φ val v u = val v u'.

Definition gc_leq_universe φ u u'
  := if check_univs then gc_leq_universe_n 0 φ u u' else True.

Definition gc_eq_universe φ u u'
  := if check_univs then gc_eq_universe0 φ u u' else True.

Lemma gc_leq_universe_n_iff n ctrs u u' :
  leq_universe_n n ctrs u u'
   on_Some_or_None (fun ctrsgc_leq_universe_n n ctrs u u')
                    (gc_of_constraints ctrs).

Lemma gc_eq_universe0_iff ctrs u u' :
  eq_universe0 ctrs u u'
   on_Some_or_None (fun ctrsgc_eq_universe0 ctrs u u')
                    (gc_of_constraints ctrs).

Lemma gc_leq_universe_iff ctrs u u' :
  leq_universe ctrs u u'
   on_Some_or_None (fun ctrsgc_leq_universe ctrs u u')
                    (gc_of_constraints ctrs).

Lemma gc_eq_universe_iff ctrs u u' :
  eq_universe ctrs u u'
   on_Some_or_None (fun ctrsgc_eq_universe ctrs u u')
                    (gc_of_constraints ctrs).

End GC.

Inductive no_prop_level := lSet | vtn (l : variable_level).

Coercion vtn : variable_level >-> no_prop_level.

Module VariableLevel.
  Definition t := variable_level.
  Definition lt : t t Prop :=
    fun x ymatch x, y with
            | mLevel _, mVar _True
            | mLevel s, mLevel s'string_lt s s'
            | mVar n, mVar n'n < n'
            | mVar _, mLevel _False
  Definition lt_strorder : StrictOrder lt.
  Definition lt_compat : Proper (Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) lt.
  Definition compare : t t comparison :=
    fun x ymatch x, y with
            | mLevel _, mVar _Datatypes.Lt
            | mLevel s, mLevel s'string_compare s s'
            | mVar n, mVar n' n n'
            | mVar _, mLevel _Datatypes.Gt
  Definition compare_spec :
     x y : t, CompareSpec (x = y) (lt x y) (lt y x) (compare x y).
  Definition eq_dec : x y : t, {x = y} + {x y}.
End VariableLevel.

Module NoPropLevel.
  Definition t : Set := no_prop_level.
  Definition eq : t t Prop := eq.
  Definition eq_equiv : RelationClasses.Equivalence eq := _.
  Definition lt : t t Prop :=
    fun x ymatch x, y with
            | lSet, lSetFalse
            | lSet, vtn _True
            | vtn v, vtn v' v v'
            | vtn _, lSetFalse
  Definition lt_strorder : StrictOrder lt.
  Definition lt_compat : Proper (Logic.eq ==> Logic.eq ==> iff) lt.
  Definition compare : t t comparison :=
    fun x ymatch x, y with
            | lSet, lSetDatatypes.Eq
            | lSet, vtn _Datatypes.Lt
            | vtn v, vtn v' v v'
            | vtn _, lSetDatatypes.Gt
  Definition compare_spec :
     x y : t, CompareSpec (x = y) (lt x y) (lt y x) (compare x y).
  Definition eq_dec : x y : t, {x = y} + {x y}.
End NoPropLevel.

Module Import wGraph := wGraph.WeightedGraph NoPropLevel.

Definition universes_graph := wGraph.t.
Definition init_graph : universes_graph
  := (VSet.singleton lSet, EdgeSet.empty, lSet).

Lemma init_graph_invariants : invariants init_graph.

Definition no_prop_of_level l :=
  match l with
  | Level.lPropNone
  | Level.lSetSome lSet
  | Level.Level sSome (vtn (mLevel s))
  | Level.Var nSome (vtn (mVar n))

Definition no_prop_levels (X : LevelSet.t) : VSet.t
  := LevelSet.fold (fun l Xmatch no_prop_of_level l with
                            | Some lVSet.add l X
                            | NoneX
                   X VSet.empty.

Definition declared := LevelSet.In.

Definition uctx_invariants (uctx : ContextSet.t)
  := ConstraintSet.For_all (fun '(l, _, l')declared l uctx.1 declared l' uctx.1)

Definition global_uctx_invariants (uctx : ContextSet.t)
  := LevelSet.In Level.lSet uctx.1 uctx_invariants uctx.

Definition global_gc_uctx_invariants (uctx : VSet.t × GoodConstraintSet.t)
  := VSet.In lSet uctx.1 GoodConstraintSet.For_all (fun gcmatch gc with
                 | gc_le l l'
                 | gc_lt l l'VSet.In l uctx.1 VSet.In l' uctx.1
                 | gc_lt_set n
                 | gc_eq_set nVSet.In (mVar n) uctx.1
                 end) uctx.2.

Definition gc_of_uctx `{checker_flags} (uctx : ContextSet.t)
  : option (VSet.t × GoodConstraintSet.t)
  := ctrs <- gc_of_constraints uctx.2 ;;
     ret (no_prop_levels uctx.1, ctrs).

Definition level_of_variable l :=
  match l with
  | mLevel sLevel.Level s
  | mVar nLevel.Var n

Definition level_of_no_prop l :=
  match l with
  | lSetLevel.lSet
  | vtn llevel_of_variable l

Coercion level_of_no_prop : no_prop_level >-> Level.t.

Lemma no_prop_of_level_no_prop l
  : no_prop_of_level (level_of_no_prop l) = Some l.

Lemma no_prop_levels_no_prop_level (l : no_prop_level) levels
  : declared l levels VSet.In l (no_prop_levels levels).

Lemma gc_of_constraint_iff `{cf:checker_flags} ctrs0 ctrs gc
      (HH : gc_of_constraints ctrs0 = Some ctrs)
: GoodConstraintSet.In gc ctrs
      (fun eon_Some (GoodConstraintSet.In gc) (gc_of_constraint e)) ctrs0.

Lemma gc_of_uctx_invariants `{cf:checker_flags} uctx uctx'
      (H : gc_of_uctx uctx = Some uctx')
  : global_uctx_invariants uctx global_gc_uctx_invariants uctx'.

Definition edge_of_level (l : variable_level) : EdgeSet.elt :=
  match l with
  | mLevel l(lSet, 1, vtn (mLevel l))
  | mVar n(lSet, 0, vtn (mVar n))

Definition EdgeSet_pair x y
  := EdgeSet.add y (EdgeSet.singleton x).
Definition EdgeSet_triple x y z
  := EdgeSet.add z (EdgeSet_pair x y).

Definition edge_of_constraint (gc : good_constraint) : EdgeSet.elt :=
  match gc with
  | gc_le l l'(vtn l, 0, vtn l')
  | gc_lt l l'(vtn l, 1, vtn l')
  | gc_lt_set n(lSet, 1, vtn (mVar n))
  | gc_eq_set n(vtn (mVar n), 0, lSet)

Definition vtn_inj x y : vtn x = vtn y x = y.

Definition vtn_lSet x : vtn x lSet.

Lemma source_edge_of_level g : (edge_of_level g)..s = lSet.

Lemma target_edge_of_level g : (edge_of_level g)..t = g.

Definition make_graph (uctx : VSet.t × GoodConstraintSet.t) : wGraph.t :=
  let init_edges := VSet.fold (fun l Ematch l with
                                       | vtn lEdgeSet.add (edge_of_level l) E
                                       | lSetE end) uctx.1 EdgeSet.empty in
  let edges := GoodConstraintSet.fold
                 (fun ctrEdgeSet.add (edge_of_constraint ctr)) uctx.2 init_edges in
  (uctx.1, edges, lSet).

Lemma make_graph_E uctx e
  : EdgeSet.In e (wGraph.E (make_graph uctx))
     ( l, VSet.In (vtn l) uctx.1 e = edge_of_level l)
       (GoodConstraintSet.Exists (fun gce = edge_of_constraint gc) uctx.2).

Lemma make_graph_invariants uctx (Hi : global_gc_uctx_invariants uctx)
  : invariants (make_graph uctx).

Definition labelling_of_valuation (v : valuation) : labelling
  := fun xmatch x with
           | lSet ⇒ 0
           | vtn (mLevel l) ⇒ Pos.to_nat (v.(valuation_mono) l)
           | vtn (mVar n) ⇒ v.(valuation_poly) n

Definition valuation_of_labelling (l : labelling) : valuation
  := {| valuation_mono := fun s Pos.of_nat (l (vtn (mLevel s)));
        valuation_poly := fun n l (vtn (mVar n)) |}.

Section MakeGraph.
  Context uctx (Huctx : global_gc_uctx_invariants uctx).
  Let ctrs := uctx.2.
  Let G : universes_graph := make_graph uctx.

  Lemma valuation_labelling_eq l (Hl : correct_labelling G l)
    : x, VSet.In x uctx.1
            labelling_of_valuation (valuation_of_labelling l) x = l x.

  Lemma make_graph_spec v :
    gc_satisfies v ctrs correct_labelling G (labelling_of_valuation v).

  Corollary make_graph_spec' l :
    correct_labelling G l gc_satisfies (valuation_of_labelling l) ctrs.

  Corollary make_graph_spec2 :
    gc_consistent ctrs l, correct_labelling G l.

  Corollary consistent_no_loop : gc_consistent ctrs acyclic_no_loop G.
End MakeGraph.

Check of consistency **

Definition is_consistent `{checker_flags} uctx :=
  match gc_of_uctx uctx with
  | Some uctxis_acyclic (make_graph uctx)
  | Nonefalse

Lemma is_consistent_spec `{checker_flags} uctx (Huctx : global_uctx_invariants uctx)
  : is_consistent uctx consistent uctx.2.

Section CheckLeq.
  Context {cf:checker_flags}.

  Context (G : universes_graph)
          uctx (Huctx: global_gc_uctx_invariants uctx) (HC : gc_consistent uctx.2)
          (HG : G = make_graph uctx).

Check of leq **

  Lemma val_level_of_variable_level v (l : variable_level)
    : val0 v l = Z.of_nat (gc_val0 v l).

  Lemma labelling_of_valuation_val0 v (l : no_prop_level)
    : Z.of_nat (labelling_of_valuation v l) = val0 v l.

  Lemma leq_universe_vertices0 n (l l' : no_prop_level)
    : leq_vertices G n l l'
       gc_leq_universe_n n uctx.2 (Universe.make l) (Universe.make l').

  Lemma leq_universe_vertices1 n l l'
        (Hl : VSet.In l (wGraph.V G)) (Hl' : VSet.In l' (wGraph.V G))
    : gc_leq_universe_n n uctx.2 (Universe.make l) (Universe.make l')
       leq_vertices G n l l'.

  Lemma leq_universe_vertices n (l l' : no_prop_level)
        (Hl : VSet.In l (wGraph.V G)) (Hl' : VSet.In l' (wGraph.V G))
    : gc_leq_universe_n n uctx.2 (Universe.make l) (Universe.make l')
       leq_vertices G n l l'.

  Definition leqb_no_prop_n n (l l' : no_prop_level)
    := leqb_vertices G n l l'.

  Lemma leqb_no_prop_n_spec0 n l l'
    : leqb_no_prop_n n l l'
       gc_leq_universe_n n uctx.2 (Universe.make l) (Universe.make l').

  Lemma leqb_no_prop_n_spec n l l'
        (Hl : VSet.In l uctx.1) (Hl' : VSet.In l' uctx.1)
    : leqb_no_prop_n n l l'
       gc_leq_universe_n n uctx.2 (Universe.make l) (Universe.make l').

  Definition leqb_level_n n l l' :=
    match no_prop_of_level l, no_prop_of_level l' with
    | None, Nonen =? 0
    | None, Some l'match n with
                      | Otrue
                      | S nleqb_no_prop_n n lSet l'
    | Some l, Nonefalse
    | Some l, Some l'leqb_no_prop_n n l l'

  Lemma no_prop_of_level_inv {l l0}
    : no_prop_of_level l = Some l0 level_of_no_prop l0 = l.

  Definition gc_level_declared l
    := on_Some_or_None (fun lVSet.In l uctx.1) (no_prop_of_level l).

  Lemma leqb_level_n_spec0 n l l'
    : leqb_level_n n l l'
       gc_leq_universe_n n uctx.2 (Universe.make l) (Universe.make l').

  Lemma leqb_level_n_spec n l l'
        (HHl : gc_level_declared l)
        (HHl' : gc_level_declared l')
    : leqb_level_n n l l'
       gc_leq_universe_n n uctx.2 (Universe.make l) (Universe.make l').

  Definition leqb_level l l' := negb check_univs || leqb_level_n 0 l l'.

  Definition eqb_level l l' := leqb_level l l' && leqb_level l' l.

  Definition eqb_univ_instance (u1 u2 : universe_instance)
    := forallb2 eqb_level u1 u2.

  Definition leqb_expr_n n (e1 e2 : Universe.Expr.t) :=
    match e1.2 && negb (Level.is_prop e1.1), e2.2 && negb (Level.is_prop e2.1) with
    | false, false
    | true, trueleqb_level_n n e1.1 e2.1
    | true, falseleqb_level_n (S n) e1.1 e2.1
    | false, trueleqb_level_n (Peano.pred n) e1.1 e2.1

  Lemma no_prop_of_level_not_is_prop {l l0}
    : no_prop_of_level l = Some l0 Level.is_prop l = false.

  Lemma no_prop_of_level_is_prop {l}
    : no_prop_of_level l = None Level.is_prop l = true.

  Conjecture constraint_strengthening : l l',
      ( v, gc_satisfies v uctx.2 (val0 v l val0 v l' + 1)%Z)
       v, gc_satisfies v uctx.2 (val0 v l val0 v l')%Z.

  Lemma leqb_expr_n_spec0 n e e'
    : leqb_expr_n n e e'
       gc_leq_universe_n n uctx.2 (Universe.make' e) (Universe.make' e').

  Lemma leqb_expr_n_spec n e e'
        (HHl : gc_level_declared e.1)
        (HHl' : gc_level_declared e'.1)
    : leqb_expr_n n e e'
       gc_leq_universe_n n uctx.2 (Universe.make' e) (Universe.make' e').

  Fixpoint leqb_univ_expr_n n (u : universe) (e2 : Universe.Expr.t) :=
    match u with
    | NEL.sing e1leqb_expr_n n e1 e2
    | NEL.cons e1 uleqb_expr_n n e1 e2 && leqb_univ_expr_n n u e2

  Definition gc_levels_declared (u : universe)
    := List.Forall (fun egc_level_declared e.1) (NEL.to_list u).

  Lemma leqb_univ_expr_n_spec0 n u e2
    : leqb_univ_expr_n n u e2
       gc_leq_universe_n n uctx.2 u (Universe.make' e2).

  Lemma leqb_univ_expr_n_spec n u e2
        (Hu : gc_levels_declared u)
        (He2 : gc_level_declared e2.1)
    : leqb_univ_expr_n n u e2
       gc_leq_universe_n n uctx.2 u (Universe.make' e2).

  Definition leqb_univ_expr u e2 :=
    negb check_univs || leqb_univ_expr_n 0 u e2.

  Fixpoint try_leqb_universe_n n (u1 u2 : universe) :=
    match u2 with
    | NEL.sing eleqb_univ_expr_n n u1 e
    | NEL.cons e u2leqb_univ_expr_n n u1 e || try_leqb_universe_n n u1 u2

  Lemma try_leqb_universe_n_spec n u1 u2
    : try_leqb_universe_n n u1 u2 gc_leq_universe_n n uctx.2 u1 u2.

  Definition try_leqb_universe (u1 u2 : universe) :=
    negb check_univs || try_leqb_universe_n 0 u1 u2.

  Definition try_eqb_universe (u1 u2 : universe) :=
    negb check_univs || (try_leqb_universe_n 0 u1 u2 && try_leqb_universe_n 0 u2 u1).

  Definition check_gc_constraint (gc : good_constraint) :=
    negb check_univs || match gc with
                       | gc_le l l'leqb_no_prop_n 0 l l'
                       | gc_lt l l'leqb_no_prop_n 1 l l'
                       | gc_lt_set nleqb_no_prop_n 1 lSet (mVar n)
                       | gc_eq_set nleqb_no_prop_n 0 (mVar n) lSet

  Definition check_gc_constraints
    := GoodConstraintSet.for_all check_gc_constraint.

  Definition check_constraints ctrs :=
    match gc_of_constraints ctrs with
    | Some ctrscheck_gc_constraints ctrs
    | Nonefalse

  Lemma toto l : level_of_no_prop (vtn l) = level_of_variable l.

  Lemma check_gc_constraint_spec gc
    : check_gc_constraint gc
       if check_univs then v, gc_satisfies v uctx.2 gc_satisfies0 v gc else True.

  Lemma check_gc_constraints_spec ctrs
    : check_gc_constraints ctrs
       if check_univs then v, gc_satisfies v uctx.2 gc_satisfies v ctrs else True.

End CheckLeq.

Section CheckLeq2.
  Context {cf:checker_flags}.

  Definition is_graph_of_uctx G uctx
    := on_Some (fun uctxmake_graph uctx = G) (gc_of_uctx uctx).

  Context (G : universes_graph)
          uctx (Huctx: global_uctx_invariants uctx) (HC : consistent uctx.2)
          (HG : is_graph_of_uctx G uctx).

  Let uctx' : VSet.t × GoodConstraintSet.t.

  Let Huctx': global_gc_uctx_invariants uctx'.

  Let HC' : gc_consistent uctx'.2.

  Let HG' : G = make_graph uctx'.

  Definition level_declared l := LevelSet.In l uctx.1.

  Definition levels_declared (u : universe)
    := List.Forall (fun elevel_declared e.1) (NEL.to_list u).

  Lemma level_gc_declared_declared l
    : level_declared l gc_level_declared uctx' l.

  Lemma levels_gc_declared_declared u
    : levels_declared u gc_levels_declared uctx' u.

  Lemma leqb_univ_expr_n_spec' n u e2
        (Hu : levels_declared u)
        (He2 : level_declared e2.1)
    : leqb_univ_expr_n G n u e2
       leq_universe_n n uctx.2 u (Universe.make' e2).

  Lemma try_leqb_universe_spec u1 u2
    : try_leqb_universe G u1 u2 leq_universe uctx.2 u1 u2.

  Lemma eq_leq_universe φ u u' :
    eq_universe0 φ u u' leq_universe0 φ u u' leq_universe0 φ u' u.

  Lemma try_eqb_universe_spec u1 u2
    : try_eqb_universe G u1 u2 eq_universe uctx.2 u1 u2.

  Lemma check_constraints_spec ctrs
    : check_constraints G ctrs valid_constraints uctx.2 ctrs.

End CheckLeq2.