Library MetaCoq.SafeChecker.SafeTemplateChecker

In Coq until 8.10, programs can be ill-formed w.r.t. universes as they don't include all declarations of universes and constraints coming from section variable declarations. We hence write a program that computes the dangling universes in an Ast.program and registers them appropriately.

Definition update_cst_universes univs cb :=
  {| Ast.cst_type := cb.(Ast.cst_type);
     Ast.cst_body := cb.(Ast.cst_body);
     Ast.cst_universes := match cb.(Ast.cst_universes) with
                      | Monomorphic_ctx _ Monomorphic_ctx univs
                      | x x
                      end |}.

Definition update_mib_universes univs mib :=
  {| Ast.ind_finite := mib.(Ast.ind_finite);
     Ast.ind_npars := mib.(Ast.ind_npars);
     Ast.ind_params := mib.(Ast.ind_params);
     Ast.ind_bodies := mib.(Ast.ind_bodies);
     Ast.ind_universes := match mib.(Ast.ind_universes) with
                          | Monomorphic_ctx _ Monomorphic_ctx univs
                          | x x
                          end |}.

Definition update_universes (univs : ContextSet.t) (cb : Ast.global_decl) :=
  match cb with
  | Ast.ConstantDecl kn cbAst.ConstantDecl kn (update_cst_universes univs cb)
  | Ast.InductiveDecl kn mibAst.InductiveDecl kn (update_mib_universes univs mib)

Definition is_unbound_level declared (l : Level.t) :=
  match l with
  | Level.Level _negb (LevelSet.mem l declared)
  | _false

We compute the dangling universes in the constraints only for now.
Definition dangling_universes declared cstrs :=
  ConstraintSet.fold (fun '(l, d, r) acc
                        let acc :=
                            if is_unbound_level declared l then
                              LevelSet.add l acc
                            else acc
                        if is_unbound_level declared r then
                          LevelSet.add r acc
                        else acc) cstrs LevelSet.empty.

Section FoldMap.
  Context {A B C} (f : A B C × B).

  Fixpoint fold_map_left (l : list A) (acc : B) : list C × B :=
    match l with
    | []([], acc)
    | hd :: tl
      let (hd', acc) := f hd acc in
      let (tl', acc') := fold_map_left tl acc in
      (hd' :: tl', acc')

  Fixpoint fold_map_right (l : list A) (acc : B) : list C × B :=
    match l with
    | []([], acc)
    | hd :: tl
      let (tl', acc) := fold_map_right tl acc in
      let (hd', acc') := f hd acc in
      (hd' :: tl', acc')

End FoldMap.

Definition fix_global_env_universes (Σ : Ast.global_env) : Ast.global_env :=
  let fix_decl decl declared :=
    let '(declu, declcstrs) := Typing.monomorphic_udecl_decl decl in
    let declared := LevelSet.union declu declared in
    let dangling := dangling_universes declared declcstrs in
    (update_universes (LevelSet.union declu dangling, declcstrs) decl, LevelSet.union declared dangling)
  fst (fold_map_left fix_decl Σ LevelSet.empty).

Definition fix_program_universes (p : Ast.program) : Ast.program :=
  let '(Σ, t) := p in
  (fix_global_env_universes Σ, t).

Program Definition infer_and_print_template_program {cf : checker_flags} (p : Ast.program)
  : string + string :=
  let p := fix_program_universes p in
  match infer_template_program (cf:=cf) p return string + string with
  | CorrectDecl t
    inl ("Environment is well-formed and " ++ string_of_term (trans p.2) ++
         " has type: " ++ string_of_term t.π1)
  | EnvError (AlreadyDeclared id) ⇒
    inr ("Already declared: " ++ id)
  | EnvError (IllFormedDecl id e) ⇒
    inr ("Type error: " ++ PCUICSafeChecker.string_of_type_error e ++ ", while checking " ++ id)