Library MetaCoq.PCUIC.PCUICPrincipality

We show that principal types are derivable, without relying on normalization. The principal type is burried in the proof here, but PCUICSafeRetyping.type_of gives an explicit computation, but its definition and correctness proof requires completeness of weak-head-reduction.

Section Principality.
  Context {cf : checker_flags}.
  Context (Σ : global_env_ext).
  Context (wfΣ : wf_ext Σ).

  Ltac pih :=
    lazymatch goal with
    | ih : _ _ _, _ _ ;;; _ |- ?u : _ _,
    h1 : _ ;;; _ |- ?u : _,
    h2 : _ ;;; _ |- ?u : _
    |- _
  specialize (ih _ _ _ h1 h2)

  Ltac insum :=
    match goal with
    | |- x : _, _

  Ltac intimes :=
    match goal with
    | |- _ × _

  Ltac outsum :=
    match goal with
    | ih : x : _, _ |- _
      destruct ih as [? ?]

  Ltac outtimes :=
    match goal with
    | ih : _ × _ |- _
      destruct ih as [? ?]

  Lemma isWfArity_sort Γ u :
    wf_local Σ Γ
    wf_universe Σ u
    isWfArity Σ Γ (tSort u).
  Proof using Type.
    movewfΓ wfu.
    split. eapply isType_Sort; eauto. [], u. intuition auto.
  Hint Extern 10 (isWfArity _ _ (tSort _)) ⇒ apply isWfArity_sort : pcuic.

  Ltac int inv := intros B hB; eapply inv in hB; auto; split; [|econstructor; eauto].
  Hint Resolve wf_ext_wf : core.

  Theorem principal_type {Γ u A} : Σ ;;; Γ |- u : A
     C, ( B, Σ ;;; Γ |- u : B Σ ;;; Γ C B × Σ ;;; Γ |- u : C).
  Proof using wfΣ.
    intros hA.
    induction u in Γ, A, hA |- × using term_forall_list_ind.
    - apply inversion_Rel in hA as iA. 2: auto.
      destruct iA as [decl [? [e ?]]].
      eexists; int inversion_Rel.
      destruct hB as [decl' [? [e' ?]]].
      rewrite e' in e. noconf e.
      all: try eassumption.
    - apply inversion_Var in hA. destruct hA.
    - apply inversion_Evar in hA. destruct hA.
    - apply inversion_Sort in hA as iA. 2: auto.
      repeat outsum. repeat outtimes. subst.
       (tSort (Universe.super s)).
      int inversion_Sort.
      repeat outsum. repeat outtimes. now subst.
    - apply inversion_Prod in hA as [dom1 [codom1 iA]]; auto.
      repeat outtimes.
      specialize (IHu1 _ _ t) as [dom Hdom].
      specialize (IHu2 _ _ t0) as [codom Hcodom].
      destruct (Hdom _ t) as [e e'].
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_Sort_r_inv in e as [domu [red leq]].
      destruct (Hcodom _ t0) as [e e''].
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_Sort_r_inv in e as [codomu [cored coleq]].
       (tSort (Universe.sort_of_product domu codomu)).
      int inversion_Prod.
      repeat outsum; repeat outtimes.
      + etransitivity. 1: auto. 2:eapply w0.
        destruct (Hdom _ t1) as [le' u1'].
        eapply ws_cumul_pb_Sort_r_inv in le' as [u' [redu' leu']].
        destruct (Hcodom _ t2) as [le'' u2'].
        eapply ws_cumul_pb_Sort_r_inv in le'' as [u'' [redu'' leu'']].
        constructor ⇒ //. fvs. constructor.
        apply leq_universe_product_mon; auto.
        pose proof (closed_red_confluence red redu') as [v' [redl redr]].
        eapply invert_red_sort in redl.
        eapply invert_red_sort in redr. subst. now noconf redr.
        pose proof (closed_red_confluence cored redu'') as [v' [redl redr]].
        eapply invert_red_sort in redl.
        eapply invert_red_sort in redr. subst. now noconf redr.
      + eapply type_reduction; eauto. eapply red.
      + eapply type_reduction; eauto. eapply cored.

    - apply inversion_Lambda in hA ⇒ //; eauto.
      repeat outsum. repeat outtimes.
      destruct (IHu1 _ _ t) as [? ?].
      destruct (IHu2 _ _ t0) as [? ?].
      destruct (p _ t).
      destruct (p0 _ t0).
       (tProd n u1 x2).
      int inversion_Lambda.
      repeat outsum. repeat outtimes.
      etransitivity; eauto.
      apply ws_cumul_pb_Prod_l_inv in w2 as [na' [A' [B' [redA u1eq ?]]]] ⇒ //; auto.
      destruct (p0 _ t4).
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_Prod ⇒ //; auto.
      transitivity A' ⇒ //. now symmetry.

    - eapply inversion_LetIn in hA as (s1 & bty & Hu2 & Hu1 & Hu3 & Hcum); auto.
      destruct (IHu1 _ _ Hu1) as [? p].
      destruct (p _ Hu1).
      destruct (IHu2 _ _ Hu2) as [? p'].
      destruct (p' _ Hu2).
      destruct (IHu3 _ _ Hu3) as [? p''].
      destruct (p'' _ Hu3).
       (tLetIn n u1 u2 x1).
      int inversion_LetIn.
      destruct hB as (s1' & bty' & Hu2' & Hu1' & Hu3' & Hcum'); eauto.
      etransitivity; eauto.
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_LetIn; eauto using wt_cumul_pb_refl.
      now specialize (p'' _ Hu3') as [? ?].

    - eapply inversion_App in hA as [na [dom [codom [tydom [tyarg tycodom]]]]] ⇒ //; auto.
      destruct (IHu2 _ _ tyarg).
      destruct (IHu1 _ _ tydom).
      destruct (p _ tyarg). destruct (p0 _ tydom).
      apply ws_cumul_pb_Prod_r_inv in w0 as [? [A' [B' [redA eqann u1eq ?]]]] ⇒ //; auto.
       (subst [u2] 0 B').
      intros ? hB.
      eapply inversion_App in hB as [na' [dom' [codom' [tydom' [tyarg' tycodom']]]]] ⇒ //; auto.
      destruct (p0 _ tydom').
      destruct (p _ tyarg').
      apply ws_cumul_pb_Prod_r_inv in w1 as [? [A'' [B'' [redA' eqann' u1eq' ?]]]] ⇒ //; auto.
      destruct (closed_red_confluence redA redA') as [nfprod [redl redr]].
      eapply invert_red_prod in redl as [? [? [? ? ?]]] ⇒ //. subst.
      eapply invert_red_prod in redr as [? [? [? ? ?]]] ⇒ //. noconf e.
      assert(Σ ;;; Γ A' = A'').
      { transitivity x3 ⇒ //; eauto using red_ws_cumul_pb.
        symmetry. now apply red_ws_cumul_pb. }
      assert(Σ ;;; Γ ,, vass x1 A' B' = B'').
      { transitivity x4 ⇒ //.
        - now eapply red_ws_cumul_pb.
        - symmetry. eapply (ws_cumul_pb_ws_cumul_ctx (pb:=Conv)); tea.
          2:eapply red_ws_cumul_pb; tea.
          constructor; auto. eapply ws_cumul_ctx_pb_refl. fvs.
          constructor. reflexivity. now symmetry. }
      etransitivity; eauto.
      eapply (substitution0_ws_cumul_pb (na:=na') (T:=dom')) ⇒ //.
      have convctx : Σ Γ ,, vass na' dom' = Γ ,, vass x1 A'.
      { constructor. apply ws_cumul_ctx_pb_refl. fvs. constructor ⇒ //. transitivity A'' ⇒ //.
        now symmetry. now symmetry. }
      transitivity B'' ⇒ //. eapply (ws_cumul_pb_ws_cumul_ctx (pb':=Conv)); tea.
      now apply ws_cumul_pb_eq_le.
      eapply type_App'. tea.
      eapply type_reduction; eauto. eapply redA.
      eapply (type_ws_cumul_pb (pb:=Cumul)); eauto.
      { eapply validity in t0; auto.
        eapply isType_red in t0; [|exact redA].
        eapply isType_tProd in t0 as [? ?]; eauto. }
      transitivity dom' ⇒ //. transitivity A''.
      all:apply ws_cumul_pb_eq_le; symmetry ⇒ //.

    - eapply inversion_Const in hA as [decl ?] ⇒ //; auto.
      repeat outtimes.
      eexists; int inversion_Const.
      destruct hB as [decl' [wf [declc' [cu cum]]]].
      now rewrite -(declared_constant_inj _ _ d declc') in cum.

    - eapply inversion_Ind in hA as [mdecl [idecl [? [Hdecl ?]]]] ⇒ //; auto.
      repeat outtimes.
       (subst_instance u (ind_type idecl)).
      int inversion_Ind. destruct hB as [mdecl' [idecl' [? [Hdecl' ?]]]] ⇒ //.
      red in Hdecl, Hdecl'. destruct Hdecl as [? ?].
      destruct Hdecl' as [? ?]. red in H, H1.
      rewrite H1 in H; noconf H.
      rewrite H2 in H0; noconf H0.
      repeat intimes; eauto. now destruct p.

    - eapply inversion_Construct in hA as [mdecl [idecl [? [? [Hdecl ?]]]]] ⇒ //; auto.
      repeat outtimes.
       (type_of_constructor mdecl x (i, n) u).
      int inversion_Construct. destruct hB as [mdecl' [idecl' [? [? [Hdecl' [? ?]]]]]] ⇒ //.
      red in Hdecl, Hdecl'.
      destruct Hdecl as [[? ?] ?].
      destruct Hdecl' as [[? ?] ?].
      red in H, H2. rewrite H2 in H. noconf H.
      rewrite H3 in H0. noconf H0.
      rewrite H4 in H1. now noconf H1.

    - assert (wf Σ) by auto.
      eapply inversion_Case in hA as (mdecl&idecl&isdecl&indices&[]&?); auto.
      destruct (IHu _ _ scrut_ty) as [? p0].
      destruct (p0 _ scrut_ty).
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_Ind_r_inv in w0 as [u' [x0' [redr redu ?]]]; auto.
       (mkApps ptm (indices ++ [u])); intros b hB; repeat split; auto.
      2:econstructor; eauto.
      eapply inversion_Case in hB as (mdecl'&idecl'&isdecl'&indices'&[]&?); tea. clear brs_ty0.
      destruct (declared_inductive_inj isdecl isdecl') as [-> ->].
      destruct (p0 _ scrut_ty0).
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_Ind_r_inv in w1 as [u'' [x9' [redr' redu' ?]]]; auto.
      assert (ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ Γ x0' x9').
      { destruct (closed_red_confluence redr redr') as [nf [r r0]].
        eapply invert_red_mkApps_tInd in r as [args' [? ?]]; auto.
        eapply invert_red_mkApps_tInd in r0 as [args'' [? ?]]; auto.
        subst. solve_discr.
        clear -wfΣ i a a0 a1 a2.
        transitivity args'; auto using red_terms_ws_cumul_pb_terms.
        now symmetry; apply red_terms_ws_cumul_pb_terms. }
      clear redr redr'.
      etransitivity; [|tea].
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_mkApps; auto. rewrite /ptm /predctx.
      × eapply PCUICGeneration.type_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn in pret_ty.
        eapply ws_cumul_pb_eq_le, wt_cumul_pb_refl. eapply pret_ty.
      × eapply All2_app. 2:constructor; auto.
        assert (ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ Γ (pparams p ++ indices) (pparams p ++ indices')).
        { transitivity x9'; tea. transitivity x0' ⇒ //. now symmetry. }
        eapply All2_app_inv in X3 as [] ⇒ //.
        eapply wt_cumul_pb_refl; tea.
      × split; eauto.
      × split; eauto.

    - destruct s as [ind k pars]; simpl in ×.
      eapply inversion_Proj in hA=>//; auto.
      repeat outsum. repeat outtimes.
      simpl in ×.
      specialize (IHu _ _ t) as [C HP].
      destruct (HP _ t).
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_Ind_r_inv in w0 as [u' [x0' [redr redu ?]]]; auto.
       (subst0 (u :: List.rev x0') (subst_instance u' (proj_type x3))).
      intros B hB.
      eapply inversion_Proj in hB=>//; auto.
      repeat outsum. repeat outtimes.
      simpl in ×.
      destruct (declared_projection_inj d d0) as [-> [-> [-> ?]]]. subst x9.
      destruct (HP _ t1).
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_Ind_r_inv in w1 as [u'' [x0'' [redr' redu' ?]]]; auto.
      split; cycle 1.
      eapply type_reduction in t0. 2:exact redr.
      eapply (type_Proj _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d0); simpl; auto.
      now rewrite (All2_length a).
      destruct (closed_red_confluence redr redr') as [nf [redl redr'']].
      eapply invert_red_mkApps_tInd in redl as [? [-> conv]]; auto.
      eapply invert_red_mkApps_tInd in redr'' as [? [[=] conv']]; auto.
      etransitivity; eauto.
      assert (consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes x6) u').
      { eapply type_reduction in t2. 2:eapply redr.
        eapply validity in t2; eauto.
        destruct t2 as [s Hs].
        eapply invert_type_mkApps_ind in Hs. intuition eauto. all:auto. eapply d. }
      assert (consistent_instance_ext Σ (ind_universes x6) x5).
        { eapply validity in t1; eauto.
          destruct t1 as [s Hs].
          eapply invert_type_mkApps_ind in Hs. intuition eauto. all:auto. eapply d. }
      set (p := {| proj_ind := ind; proj_npars := k; proj_arg := pars |}).
      transitivity (subst0 (u :: List.rev x0') (subst_instance x5 (proj_type x3))); cycle 1.
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_eq_le.
      assert (ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ Γ x0' x10).
      { transitivity x0'' ⇒ //.
        transitivity x0. auto using red_terms_ws_cumul_pb_terms.
        symmetry. auto using red_terms_ws_cumul_pb_terms. }
      eapply (substitution_ws_cumul_pb_subst_conv (Γ0 := projection_context ind x6 x7 u')
      (Γ1 := projection_context ind x6 x7 x5) (Δ := [])); auto.
      × eapply (projection_subslet _ _ _ _ _ _ p); eauto.
        simpl. eapply type_reduction; eauto. eapply redr. simpl.
        eapply type_reduction in t0. 2:eapply redr. eapply validity; eauto.
      × split.
        { eapply PCUICWeakeningTyp.weaken_wf_local; tea. pcuic. pcuic.
          eapply (wf_projection_context _ (p:=p)); tea. pcuic. }
        eapply (projection_subslet _ _ _ _ _ _ p); eauto.
        simpl. eapply validity; eauto.
      × constructor; auto. now eapply wt_cumul_pb_refl. now apply All2_rev.
      × eapply ws_cumul_pb_refl.
        { eapply wf_local_closed_context. cbn -[projection_context].
          eapply PCUICWeakeningTyp.weaken_wf_local; pcuic.
          eapply (wf_projection_context _ (p:=p)); pcuic. }
        eapply declared_projection_closed in d0; eauto.
        cbn in d0. len. rewrite (declared_minductive_ind_npars d) in d0.
        len. rewrite on_free_vars_subst_instance.
        rewrite closedn_on_free_vars //.
        eapply closed_upwards; tea. lia.
      × eapply (substitution_ws_cumul_pb (Γ:=Γ) (Γ' := projection_context ind x6 x7 u') (Γ'' := [])); auto.
        eapply (projection_subslet _ _ _ _ _ _ p); eauto.
        simpl. eapply type_reduction; eauto. eapply redr. simpl.
        eapply type_reduction in t0. 2:eapply redr.
        eapply validity; eauto. simpl in redu'.
        rewrite e0 in redu'.
        unshelve epose proof (projection_cumulative_indices d _ H H0 redu').
        { eapply (PCUICWeakeningEnv.weaken_lookup_on_global_env' _ _ _ (wfΣ : wf _) (proj1 (proj1 (proj1 d)))). }
        eapply on_declared_projection in d0; eauto.
        eapply weaken_ws_cumul_pb in X; eauto.

    - pose proof (typing_wf_local hA).
      apply inversion_Fix in hA as [decl [hguard [nthe [wfΓ [? [? ?]]]]]]=>//; auto.
       (dtype decl).
      intros B hB.
      eapply inversion_Fix in hB as [decl' [hguard' [nthe' [wfΓ' [? [? ?]]]]]]=>//; auto.
      rewrite nthe' in nthe; noconf nthe.
      repeat split; eauto.
      eapply type_Fix; eauto.

    - pose proof (typing_wf_local hA).
      apply inversion_CoFix in hA as [decl [hguard [nthe [wfΓ [? [? ?]]]]]]=>//; auto.
       (dtype decl).
      intros B hB.
      eapply inversion_CoFix in hB as [decl' [hguard' [nthe' [wfΓ' [? [? ?]]]]]]=>//; auto.
      rewrite nthe' in nthe; noconf nthe.
      repeat split; eauto.
      eapply type_CoFix; eauto.

A weaker version that is often convenient to use.
  Lemma common_typing {Γ u A B} : Σ ;;; Γ |- u : A Σ ;;; Γ |- u : B
     C, Σ ;;; Γ C A × Σ ;;; Γ C B × Σ ;;; Γ |- u : C.
  Proof using wfΣ.
    intros hA hB.
    destruct (principal_type hA) as [P HP]; eauto.
     P; split; eauto.
    eapply HP; eauto.

End Principality.

Lemma principal_type_ind {cf:checker_flags} {Σ Γ c ind u u' args args'} {wfΣ: wf_ext Σ} :
  Σ ;;; Γ |- c : mkApps (tInd ind u) args
  Σ ;;; Γ |- c : mkApps (tInd ind u') args'
  ( ui',
    PCUICEquality.R_global_instance Σ.1 (eq_universe (global_ext_constraints Σ))
     (leq_universe (global_ext_constraints Σ)) (IndRef ind) #|args| ui' u ×
    PCUICEquality.R_global_instance Σ.1 (eq_universe (global_ext_constraints Σ))
     (leq_universe (global_ext_constraints Σ)) (IndRef ind) #|args'| ui' u') ×
  ws_cumul_pb_terms Σ Γ args args'.
  intros h h'.
  destruct (common_typing _ wfΣ h h') as [C [l [r ty]]].
  eapply ws_cumul_pb_Ind_r_inv in l as [ui' [l' [red Ru eqargs]]]; auto.
  eapply ws_cumul_pb_Ind_r_inv in r as [ui'' [l'' [red' Ru' eqargs']]]; auto.
  destruct (closed_red_confluence red red') as [nf [redl redr]].
  eapply invert_red_mkApps_tInd in redl as [args'' [-> eq0]]; auto.
  eapply invert_red_mkApps_tInd in redr as [args''' [eqnf eq1]]; auto.
  assert (#|args| = #|args'|).
  now rewrite -(All2_length eqargs) -(All2_length eqargs') (All2_length a) (All2_length a0).
   ui'. split; auto.

  transitivity l'. now symmetry.
  transitivity args'' ⇒ //. now apply red_terms_ws_cumul_pb_terms.
  transitivity l''. symmetry. auto using red_terms_ws_cumul_pb_terms.
  now symmetry.

Lemma eq_term_leq_term {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {x y} :
  eq_term Σ Σ x y
  leq_term Σ Σ x y.
  eapply eq_term_upto_univ_impl; auto; typeclasses eauto.

Lemma eq_term_empty_leq_term {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {x y} :
  eq_term empty_global_env Σ x y
  leq_term empty_global_env Σ x y.
  eapply eq_term_upto_univ_impl; auto; typeclasses eauto.

Lemma eq_term_empty_eq_term {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {x y} :
  eq_term empty_global_env Σ x y
  eq_term Σ Σ x y.
  eapply eq_term_upto_univ_empty_impl; auto; typeclasses eauto.

Lemma leq_term_empty_leq_term {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {x y} :
  leq_term empty_global_env Σ x y
  leq_term Σ Σ x y.
  eapply eq_term_upto_univ_empty_impl; auto; typeclasses eauto.

Lemma eq_context_empty_eq_context {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {x y} :
  eq_context_upto empty_global_env (eq_universe Σ) (eq_universe Σ) x y
  eq_context_upto Σ (eq_universe Σ) (eq_universe Σ) x y.
  eapply All2_fold_impl; tea.
  intros ???? []; constructor; eauto using eq_term_empty_eq_term.
  all:now apply eq_term_empty_eq_term.

Notation eq_term_napp Σ n x y :=
  (eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ (eq_universe Σ) (eq_universe Σ) n x y).

Notation leq_term_napp Σ n x y :=
    (eq_term_upto_univ_napp Σ (eq_universe Σ) (leq_universe Σ) n x y).

Lemma eq_term_upto_univ_napp_leq {cf:checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} {n x y} :
  eq_term_napp Σ n x y
  leq_term_napp Σ n x y.
  eapply eq_term_upto_univ_impl; auto; typeclasses eauto.

Lemma R_global_instance_empty_universe_instance Re Rle ref napp u u' :
  R_global_instance empty_global_env Re Rle ref napp u u'
  R_universe_instance Re u u'.
  rewrite /R_global_instance.
  now rewrite global_variance_empty.

Lemma eq_context_upto_inst_case_context {cf : checker_flags} {Σ : global_env_ext} pars pars' puinst puinst' ctx :
  All2 (eq_term_upto_univ empty_global_env (eq_universe Σ) (eq_universe Σ)) pars pars'
  R_universe_instance (eq_universe Σ) puinst puinst'
  eq_context_upto Σ.1 (eq_universe Σ) (eq_universe Σ) (inst_case_context pars puinst ctx)
    (inst_case_context pars' puinst' ctx).
  intros onps oninst.
  rewrite /inst_case_context.
  eapply eq_context_upto_subst_context. tc.
  eapply eq_context_upto_univ_subst_instance; tc; auto.
  eapply All2_rev. eapply All2_impl; tea.
  intros. now eapply eq_term_empty_eq_term.

Lemma typing_leq_term {cf:checker_flags} (Σ : global_env_ext) Γ t t' T T' :
  wf Σ.1
  on_udecl Σ.1 Σ.2
  Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T
  Σ ;;; Γ |- t' : T'
  leq_term empty_global_env Σ t' t
  Σ ;;; Γ |- t' : T.
  intros wfΣ onu Ht.
  revert Σ wfΣ Γ t T Ht onu t' T'.
  eapply (typing_ind_env
  (fun Σ Γ t T
     (onu : on_udecl Σ.1 Σ.2),
     t' T' : term, Σ ;;; Γ |- t' : T' leq_term empty_global_env Σ t' t Σ;;; Γ |- t' : T)
  (fun Σ Γwf_local Σ Γ)); auto;intros Σ wfΣ Γ wfΓ; intros.
    1-13:match goal with
    [ H : leq_term _ _ _ _ |- _ ] ⇒ depelim H
  all:try solve [econstructor; eauto].
  13:{ eapply type_Cumul'.
       eapply X1; eauto. now s.
       auto. }
  - eapply inversion_Sort in X0 as [wf [wfs cum]]; auto.
    eapply type_Cumul' with (tSort (Universe.super s)).
    constructor; auto. eapply PCUICArities.isType_Sort; pcuic.
    apply cumul_Sort. now apply leq_universe_super.

  - eapply inversion_Prod in X4 as [s1' [s2' [Ha [Hb Hs]]]]; auto.
    specialize (X1 onu _ _ Ha).
    specialize (X1 (eq_term_empty_leq_term X5_1)).
    apply eq_term_empty_eq_term in X5_1.
    eapply context_conversion in Hb. 3:{ constructor. apply conv_ctx_refl. constructor.
      eassumption. constructor. eauto. }
    2:{ constructor; eauto. now s1. }
    specialize (X3 onu _ _ Hb X5_2).
    econstructor; eauto.
    apply leq_term_empty_leq_term in X5_2.
    eapply context_conversion; eauto.
    constructor; pcuic. constructor; try now symmetry; now constructor.
    constructor; pcuic.
    constructor. now symmetry.

  - eapply inversion_Lambda in X4 as (s & B & dom & codom & cum); auto.
    specialize (X1 onu _ _ dom (eq_term_empty_leq_term X5_1)).
    apply eq_term_empty_eq_term in X5_1.
    assert(conv_context cumulAlgo_gen Σ (Γ ,, vass na ty) (Γ ,, vass n t)).
    { repeat constructor; pcuic. }
    specialize (X3 onu t0 B).
    forward X3 by eapply context_conversion; eauto; pcuic.
    eapply (type_ws_cumul_pb (pb:=Conv)).
    × econstructor. eauto. instantiate (1 := bty).
      eapply context_conversion; eauto; pcuic.
      constructor; pcuic. constructor; pcuic. symmetry; constructor; auto.
    × have tyl := type_Lambda _ _ _ _ _ _ _ X0 X2.
      now eapply PCUICValidity.validity in tyl.
    × eapply ws_cumul_pb_Prod; eauto.
      constructor; auto; fvs.
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_refl. now eapply typing_closed_ctx in codom.
      eapply type_closed, closedn_on_free_vars in X2.
      now len in X2; len.

  - eapply inversion_LetIn in X6 as (s1' & A & dom & bod & codom & cum); auto.
    specialize (X1 onu _ _ dom (eq_term_empty_leq_term X7_2)).
    specialize (X3 onu _ _ bod (eq_term_empty_leq_term X7_1)).
    apply eq_term_empty_eq_term in X7_1.
    apply eq_term_empty_eq_term in X7_2.
    assert(Σ Γ ,, vdef na t ty = Γ ,, vdef n b b_ty).
    { constructor. eapply ws_cumul_ctx_pb_refl. fvs. constructor ⇒ //.
      constructor; fvs. constructor; fvs. }
    specialize (X5 onu u A).
    forward X5 by eapply closed_context_conversion; eauto; pcuic.
    specialize (X5 X7_3).
    eapply leq_term_empty_leq_term in X7_3.
    have uty : Σ ;;; Γ ,, vdef na t ty |- u : b'_ty.
    { eapply closed_context_conversion; eauto.
      pcuic. now symmetry. }
    eapply type_ws_cumul_pb.
    × econstructor. eauto. eauto.
      now instantiate (1 := b'_ty).
    × eapply PCUICValidity.validity; eauto.
      econstructor; eauto.
    × eapply (ws_cumul_pb_LetIn (pb:=Conv)); pcuic.
      constructor; auto; fvs.
      constructor; fvs.
      apply ws_cumul_pb_refl; fvs.

  - eapply inversion_App in X6 as (na' & A' & B' & hf & ha & cum); auto.
    unfold leq_term in X1.
    eapply eq_term_upto_univ_empty_impl in X7_1.
    specialize (X3 onu _ _ hf X7_1). all:try typeclasses eauto.
    specialize (X5 onu _ _ ha (eq_term_empty_leq_term X7_2)).
    eapply leq_term_empty_leq_term in X7_1.
    eapply eq_term_empty_eq_term in X7_2.
    eapply type_ws_cumul_pb.
    × eapply type_App'; [eapply X3|eapply X5].
    × eapply validity; pcuic.
      eapply type_App; eauto.
    × eapply ws_cumul_pb_eq_le.
      eapply validity in X2; auto.
      apply PCUICArities.isType_tProd in X2 as [tyA tyB].
      eapply (substitution_ws_cumul_pb_subst_conv (Γ0 := [vass na A]) (Γ1 := [vass na A]) (Δ := [])); pcuic.
      constructor. 2:constructor.
      constructor; fvs.

  - eapply inversion_Const in X1 as [decl' [wf [declc [cu cum]]]]; auto.
    eapply type_Cumul'; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto.
    eapply validity; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto.
    eapply eq_term_upto_univ_cumulSpec.
    pose proof (declared_constant_inj _ _ H declc); subst decl'.
    eapply PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.eq_term_upto_univ_subst_instance; eauto; typeclasses eauto.

  - eapply inversion_Ind in X1 as [decl' [idecl' [wf [declc [cu cum]]]]]; auto.
    eapply type_Cumul'; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto.
    eapply validity; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto.
    eapply eq_term_upto_univ_cumulSpec.
    pose proof (declared_inductive_inj isdecl declc) as [-> ->].
    eapply PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.eq_term_upto_univ_subst_instance; eauto; typeclasses eauto.

  - eapply inversion_Construct in X1 as [decl' [idecl' [cdecl' [wf [declc [cu cum]]]]]]; auto.
    eapply (type_ws_cumul_pb (pb:=Conv)); eauto.
    econstructor; eauto.
    eapply validity; eauto.
    econstructor; eauto.
    pose proof (declared_constructor_inj isdecl declc) as [-> [-> ->]].
    unfold type_of_constructor.
    transitivity (subst0 (inds (inductive_mind ind) u (ind_bodies mdecl))
    (subst_instance u0 cdecl'.(cstr_type))).
    × have clctx : is_closed_context (Γ ,,, (arities_context (ind_bodies mdecl))@[u0]).
      { rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_app. apply /andP ; split ⇒ //. fvs.
        erewrite PCUICOnFreeVars.on_free_vars_ctx_subst_instance.
        pose proof (declared_minductive_closed_arities declc).
        now eapply closed_ctx_on_free_vars in H0. }
      eapply (substitution_ws_cumul_pb_subst_conv (Δ := [])); eauto.
      eapply weaken_subslet; tea; eapply subslet_inds; tea; eapply isdecl.
      split; revgoals.
      eapply weaken_subslet; tea; eapply subslet_inds; tea; eapply isdecl.
      eapply PCUICWeakeningTyp.weaken_wf_local; tea.
      eapply (wf_arities_context_inst isdecl); tea.
      cbn. eapply conv_inds ⇒ //. fvs.
      simpl. eapply ws_cumul_pb_refl ⇒ //. tea.
      pose proof (declared_constructor_closed_gen_type declc) as cl.
      eapply closedn_on_free_vars in cl. len.
      rewrite -shiftnP_add. len in cl.
      now rewrite on_free_vars_subst_instance.
    × have cld : is_open_term (Γ ,,, arities_context (ind_bodies mdecl)) (cstr_type cdecl').
      { pose proof (declared_constructor_closed_gen_type declc) as cl.
        eapply closedn_on_free_vars in cl. len.
        rewrite -shiftnP_add. len in cl. exact cl. }
      constructor; auto. fvs.
      { eapply on_free_vars_subst. eapply inds_is_open_terms.
        len. len in cld. rewrite shiftnP_add.
        now rewrite on_free_vars_subst_instance. }
      { eapply on_free_vars_subst. eapply inds_is_open_terms.
        len. len in cld. rewrite shiftnP_add.
        now rewrite on_free_vars_subst_instance. }
      eapply PCUICEquality.subst_eq_term.
      eapply PCUICUnivSubstitutionConv.eq_term_upto_univ_subst_instance; eauto; typeclasses eauto.

  - eassert (ctx_inst _ _ _ _ _) as Hctxi by now eapply ctx_inst_impl with (1 := X5).
    assert (isType Σ Γ (mkApps ptm (indices ++ [c]))).
    { eapply validity. econstructor; eauto. all:split; eauto.
      solve_all. }
    eapply inversion_Case in X9 as (mdecl' & idecl' & decli' & indices' & data & cum); auto.
    destruct (declared_inductive_inj isdecl decli'). subst mdecl' idecl'.
    destruct data.
    unshelve epose proof (X7 _ _ _ scrut_ty (eq_term_empty_leq_term X10)); tea.
    pose proof (eq_term_empty_eq_term X10).
    destruct e as [eqpars [eqinst [eqpctx eqpret]]].
    eapply eq_term_empty_eq_term in eqpret.
    eapply type_ws_cumul_pb.
    × econstructor; eauto. all:split; eauto.
    × tas.
    × clear brs_ty.
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_eq_le.
      eapply ws_cumul_pb_mkApps; pcuic.
      rewrite /ptm. constructor. fvs.
      eapply PCUICGeneration.type_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn in pret_ty. subst predctx0; fvs.
      eapply PCUICGeneration.type_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn in pret. subst predctx; fvs.
      eapply PCUICEquality.eq_term_upto_univ_it_mkLambda_or_LetIn; tea. tc.
      rewrite /predctx.
      rewrite /case_predicate_context /case_predicate_context_gen.
      eapply eq_context_upto_map2_set_binder_name. tea.
      rewrite /pre_case_predicate_context_gen.
      eapply eq_context_upto_inst_case_context ⇒ //.
      eapply All2_app. 2:constructor; pcuic.
      specialize (X3 _ _ scrut_ty (eq_term_empty_leq_term X10)).
      unshelve epose proof (principal_type_ind scrut_ty X3) as [_ indconv]; tea.
      split; auto.
      eapply All2_app_inv in indconv as [convpars convinds] ⇒ //.
      exact (All2_length eqpars).
      constructor ⇒ //; fvs.

  - eapply inversion_Proj in X3 as (u' & mdecl' & idecl' & cdecl' & pdecl' & args' & inv); auto.
    intuition auto.
    specialize (X3 _ _ a0 (eq_term_empty_leq_term X4)).
    eapply eq_term_empty_eq_term in X4.
    assert (wf_ext Σ) by (split; assumption).
    pose proof (principal_type_ind X3 a0) as [Ruu' X3'].
    eapply (type_ws_cumul_pb (pb:=Conv)).
    × clear a0.
      econstructor; eauto.
      now rewrite (All2_length X3').
    × eapply PCUICValidity.validity; eauto.
      eapply type_Proj; eauto.
    × destruct (declared_projection_inj a isdecl) as [-> [-> [-> ->]]].
      set (ctx := PCUICInductives.projection_context p.(proj_ind) mdecl idecl u).
      have clctx : is_closed_context (Γ,,, ctx).
      { rewrite /ctx.
        eapply validity in X1.
        eapply isType_mkApps_Ind_inv in X1 as [parsubst [argsubst []]]; tea. 2:exact a.
        epose proof (wf_projection_context _ _ a c1).
        rewrite on_free_vars_ctx_app. apply /andP; split; fvs.
        eapply wf_local_closed_context in X1.
        eapply on_free_vars_ctx_impl; tea ⇒ //.
        movei //. }
      eapply (substitution_ws_cumul_pb_subst_conv (Γ0 := ctx) (Γ1 := ctx) (Δ := [])); eauto.
      + eapply PCUICInductives.projection_subslet; eauto.
        eapply validity in X3; auto.
      + split.
        eapply PCUICWeakeningTyp.weaken_wf_local; tea.
        eapply wf_projection_context; tea.
        eapply validity in X3.
        now eapply (isType_mkApps_Ind_inv _ a) in X3 as [? [? []]].
        eapply PCUICInductives.projection_subslet; eauto.
        eapply validity in X3; auto.
      + constructor. constructor; fvs.
        eapply All2_rev. eapply ws_cumul_pb_terms_refl ⇒ //; fvs.
      + rewrite /ctx; eapply ws_cumul_pb_refl ⇒ //.
        epose proof (declared_projection_closed a).
        rewrite on_free_vars_subst_instance; len. len.
        rewrite -(declared_minductive_ind_npars a).
        eapply closedn_on_free_vars in H0.
        now rewrite -plus_Sn_m -shiftnP_add.

  - eapply inversion_Fix in X2 as (decl' & fixguard' & Hnth & types' & bodies & wffix & cum); auto.
    eapply type_Cumul_alt.
    econstructor; eauto.
    eapply PCUICValidity.validity; eauto.
    econstructor. 3:eapply H0. all:eauto.
    eapply (All_impl X0); pcuicfo.
    apply infer_typing_sort_impl with id X2; now intros [].
    eapply (All_impl X1); pcuicfo; now destruct X2.
    eapply All2_nth_error in a; eauto.
    destruct a as [[[eqty _] _] _].
    constructor. eapply eq_term_empty_leq_term in eqty.
    now eapply leq_term_empty_leq_term.

  - eapply inversion_CoFix in X2 as (decl' & fixguard' & Hnth & types' & bodies & wfcofix & cum); auto.
    eapply type_Cumul_alt.
    econstructor; eauto.
    eapply PCUICValidity.validity; eauto.
    eapply type_CoFix. 3:eapply H0. all:eauto.
    eapply (All_impl X0); pcuicfo.
    apply infer_typing_sort_impl with id X2; now intros [].
    eapply (All_impl X1); pcuicfo; now destruct X2.
    eapply All2_nth_error in a; eauto.
    destruct a as [[[eqty _] _] _].
    constructor. apply eq_term_empty_leq_term in eqty.
    now eapply leq_term_empty_leq_term.

Lemma typing_eq_term {cf:checker_flags} (Σ : global_env_ext) Γ t t' T T' :
  wf_ext Σ
  Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T
  Σ ;;; Γ |- t' : T'
  eq_term empty_global_env Σ t t'
  Σ ;;; Γ |- t' : T.
  intros wfΣ ht ht' eq.
  eapply typing_leq_term; eauto. apply wfΣ.
  now eapply eq_term_empty_leq_term.