Library MetaCoq.Examples.tauto

From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils All.

From Equations Require Import Equations.

Definition banon := {| binder_name := nAnon; binder_relevance := Relevant |}.
Definition bnamed n := {| binder_name := nNamed n; binder_relevance := Relevant |}.

Local Existing Instance config.default_checker_flags.
Import MCMonadNotation.

Definition var := nat.

Lemma eq_var (x y:var) : {x=y}+{xy}.
 apply eq_nat_dec.

Inductive form :=
| Var (x:var) | Fa | Tr | Imp (f1 f2:form) | And (f1 f2:form) | Or (f1 f2:form).

Lemma eq_form (f1 f2:form) : {f1=f2}+{f1f2}.
  decide equality.
  decide equality.

Definition not f := Imp f Fa.

Record seq := mkS { hyps : list form; concl : form }.

Fixpoint size f :=
  match f with
  | Fa | Tr ⇒ 1
  | Var _ ⇒ 1
  | Imp f1 f2S (size f1 + size f2)
  | And f1 f2S (size f1 + size f2)
  | Or f1 f2S (size f1 + size f2)

Definition hyps_size h :=
  List.fold_right (fun h nn + size h) 0 h.

Definition seq_size s :=
  hyps_size (hyps s) + size (concl s).

Definition is_leaf s :=
  let cl := concl s in
  List.fold_right (fun h borb b (if eq_form Fa h then true else
                                       if eq_form h cl then true else false))
                  false (hyps s).

Class Propositional_Logic prop :=
  { Pfalse : prop;
    Ptrue : prop;
    Pand : prop prop prop ;
    Por : prop prop prop ;
    Pimpl : prop prop prop}.

Fixpoint semGen A `{Propositional_Logic A} f (l:varA) :=
   match f with
  | FaPfalse
  | TrPtrue
  | Var xl x
  | Imp a bPimpl (semGen A a l) (semGen A b l)
  | And a bPand (semGen A a l) (semGen A b l)
  | Or a bPor (semGen A a l) (semGen A b l)

Local Instance Propositional_Logic_Prop : Propositional_Logic Prop :=
  {| Pfalse := False; Ptrue := True; Pand := and; Por := or; Pimpl := fun A BA B |}.

Definition sem := semGen Prop.

Definition valid s :=
   l, ( h, In h (hyps s) sem h l) sem (concl s) l.

Lemma is_leaf_sound s :
  is_leaf s = true valid s.
unfold is_leaf.
destruct s as (h,cl); simpl.
induction h; simpl; intros.
apply orb_true_elim in H; destruct H.
 apply IHh in e.
 red; simpl; intros.
 apply e; auto.

 clear IHh.
 red; simpl; intros.
 assert (sem a l).
  apply H; auto.
 clear H.
 destruct a.
  destruct (eq_form (Var x) cl); [subst cl; trivial|discriminate].

  destruct H0.
  destruct (eq_form Tr cl);[subst cl; trivial|discriminate].
  destruct (eq_form (Imp a1 a2) cl);[subst cl; trivial|discriminate].
  destruct (eq_form (And a1 a2) cl);[subst cl; trivial|discriminate].
  destruct (eq_form (Or a1 a2) cl);[subst cl; trivial|discriminate].

Definition subgoal := list (list seq).

Definition valid_subgoal (sg:subgoal) :=
  exists2 sl, In sl sg & s, In s sl valid s.

Fixpoint pick_hyp {A} (h:list A) :=
  match h with
  | nilnil
  | a::l
    (a,l) (fun p(fst p,a::snd p)) (pick_hyp l)

Definition on_hyp h rh cl :=
  match h with
  | Imp a b(mkS (b::rh) cl:: mkS rh a ::nil) :: nil
  | And a b(mkS(a::b::rh)cl::nil)::nil
  | Or a b(mkS(a::rh)cl::mkS(b::rh)cl::nil)::nil
  | (Var _|Tr|Fa) ⇒ nil

Definition on_hyps s : subgoal :=
  List.flat_map (fun p:form×list formlet (h,rh) := p in
                                         on_hyp h rh (concl s))
                (pick_hyp (hyps s)).

Definition decomp_step s : subgoal :=
  match concl s with
  | Imp a b(mkS (a::hyps s) b::nil)::nil
  | And a b(mkS (hyps s) a::mkS (hyps s) b::nil)::nil
  | Or a b(mkS(hyps s)a::nil)::(mkS(hyps s) b::nil)::on_hyps s
  | _on_hyps s

Inductive result := Valid | CounterModel | Abort.

Fixpoint tauto_proc n s {struct n} :=
  if is_leaf s then Valid else
    match n with
    | 0 ⇒ Abort
    | S n
      let fix tauto_and ls :=
          match ls with
          | nilValid
          | s1::lsmatch tauto_proc n s1 with
                      | Validtauto_and ls
                      | ss
          end in
      let fix tauto_or lls :=
          match lls with
          | ls::lls
            match tauto_and ls with
            | ValidValid
            | CounterModeltauto_or lls
            | AbortAbort
         | nilCounterModel
         end in
      tauto_or (decomp_step s)

Definition tauto_s f := tauto_proc (size f) (mkS nil f).

Eval compute in tauto_s (Imp Fa (Var 0)).

Eval compute in tauto_s (Imp (And (Var 0) (Var 1)) (Var 0)).
Eval compute in tauto_s (Imp (And (Var 0) (Var 1)) (Var 1)).
Eval compute in tauto_s (Imp (Var 0) (Imp (Var 1) (And (Var 0) (Var 1)))).

Eval compute in tauto_s (Imp (Var 0) (Or (Var 0) (Var 1))).
Eval compute in tauto_s (Imp (Var 1) (Or (Var 0) (Var 1))).
Eval compute in tauto_s (Imp (Imp (Var 0) (Var 2)) (Imp (Imp (Var 1) (Var 2)) (Imp (Or (Var 0) (Var 1)) (Var 2)))).

Eval compute in tauto_s (Imp (Var 0) (Imp (Imp (Var 0) (Var 1)) (Var 1))).
Eval compute in tauto_s (Imp (Var 0) (Imp (Imp (Var 0) (Var 1))
                            (Imp (Imp (Var 1) (Var 2)) (Var 1)))).
Eval compute in tauto_s (Imp (Var 0) (Imp (Imp (Var 0) (Var 1))
                            (Imp (Imp (Var 1) (Var 2)) (Var 2)))).

Lemma pick_hyp_def {A} (f:A) rh h :
  In (f,rh) (pick_hyp h) rh1 rh2, rh=rh1++rh2 h = rh1++f::rh2.
revert f rh; induction h; simpl; intros.
 split; intros.
  destruct H as ([|],(?,(_,?))); discriminate.

  destruct 1.
  injection H; intros; subst f rh.
   nil; simpl; eauto.

  apply in_map_iff in H.
  destruct H as ((f',rh'),(?,?)); simpl in ×.
  injection H; intros; subst f rh.
  destruct (IHh f' rh').
  apply H1 in H0; destruct H0 as (rh1,(rh2,(?,?))).
  clear H1 H2.
   (a::rh1); simpl; eauto.

  destruct 1 as ([|],(rh2,(?,?))); simpl in ×.
   injection H0; intros; subst; auto.

   injection H0; intros; subst.
   apply in_map_iff.
    (f,l++rh2); simpl; auto.
   split; trivial.
   apply IHh.

Lemma hyps_size_app h1 h2 :
  hyps_size (h1++h2) = hyps_size h1 + hyps_size h2.
induction h1; simpl; trivial.
rewrite IHh1.

Lemma on_hyp_size h1 rh cl ls sg :
  In ls (on_hyp h1 rh cl) In sg ls seq_size sg < size h1 + hyps_size rh + size cl.
unfold seq_size, on_hyp.
destruct h1; simpl.

 destruct 1 as [? | []]; subst ls; simpl.
 destruct 1 as [?| [? | []]]; subst sg; simpl.

 destruct 1 as [? | []]; subst ls; simpl.
 destruct 1 as [? | []]; subst sg; simpl.

 destruct 1 as [? | []]; subst ls; simpl.
 destruct 1 as [?| [? | []]]; subst sg; simpl.

Lemma on_hyps_size s ls sg :
  In ls (on_hyps s) In sg ls seq_size sg < seq_size s.
destruct s as (h,cl); simpl.
unfold on_hyps; simpl.
apply in_flat_map in H.
destruct H as ((h1,rh),(?,?)).
apply pick_hyp_def in H.
destruct H as (rh1&rh2&eqrh&eqh).
specialize on_hyp_size with (1:=H1) (2:=H0); intro.
unfold seq_size at 2; simpl.
subst rh h.
rewrite hyps_size_app in H |- *; simpl.

Lemma decomp_step_size s ls sg :
  In ls (decomp_step s) In sg ls seq_size sg < seq_size s.
destruct s as (h,cl).
unfold decomp_step; simpl.
destruct cl; simpl.
 apply on_hyps_size.

 apply on_hyps_size.
 apply on_hyps_size.

 destruct 1 as [? | []]; subst ls; simpl.
 destruct 1 as [? | []]; subst sg; simpl.
 unfold seq_size; simpl.

 destruct 1 as [? | []]; subst ls; simpl.
 destruct 1 as [?| [? | []]]; subst sg; simpl.
  unfold seq_size; simpl.

  unfold seq_size; simpl.

 destruct 1 as [?| [? |? ]]; try subst ls; simpl.
  destruct 1 as [? | []]; subst sg; simpl.
  unfold seq_size; simpl.

  destruct 1 as [? | []]; subst sg; simpl.
  unfold seq_size; simpl.

 apply on_hyps_size; trivial.

Lemma on_hyp_sound f rh cl :
  valid_subgoal (on_hyp f rh cl) valid (mkS (f::rh) cl).
unfold on_hyp, valid_subgoal, valid; simpl; intros (sl,?,?) l ?.
destruct f; try (contradiction || destruct H as [ |[ ]]; subst sl).
 apply H0 with (s:=mkS (f2::rh) cl); simpl; auto.
 destruct 1; auto.
 subst h.
 apply (H1 (Imp f1 f2)); auto.
 apply H0 with (s:=mkS rh f1); simpl; auto.

 apply H0 with (s:=mkS (f1::f2::rh) cl); simpl; auto.
 destruct 1 as [|[|]]; auto.
  subst h.
  apply (H1 (And f1 f2)); simpl; auto.
  subst h.
  apply (H1 (And f1 f2)); simpl; auto.

 destruct (H1 (Or f1 f2)); simpl; auto.
  apply H0 with (s:=mkS (f1::rh) cl); simpl; auto.
  destruct 1; auto.
  subst h; auto.

  apply H0 with (s:=mkS (f2::rh) cl); simpl; auto.
  destruct 1; auto.
  subst h; auto.

Lemma on_hyps_sound s :
  valid_subgoal (on_hyps s)
  valid s.
destruct s as (h,cl); simpl.
intros (sl, ?,?).
unfold on_hyps in H.
apply in_flat_map in H.
destruct H as ((f,rh),(?,?)).
apply pick_hyp_def in H.
destruct H as (rh1,(rh2,(?,?))); simpl in ×.
subst rh h.
red; simpl; intros.
apply on_hyp_sound with (f:=f) (rh:=rh1++rh2).
  sl; trivial.

 simpl in ×.
 intros; apply H.
 apply in_or_app; simpl.
 destruct H2; auto.
 apply in_app_or in H2; destruct H2; auto.

Lemma step_sound s :
  valid_subgoal (decomp_step s) valid s.
  destruct s as (h,cl); simpl.
  unfold decomp_step; simpl.
  destruct cl; simpl; intros; try contradiction.
  apply on_hyps_sound; trivial.
  apply on_hyps_sound; trivial.
  apply on_hyps_sound; trivial.

  destruct H as (sl,[ |[ ]],?); subst sl.
  red; cbn; intros. apply (H0 _ (or_introl eq_refl)).
  simpl; intros.
  destruct H2; subst; auto.

 destruct H as (sl,[ |[ ]],?); subst sl.
 split; cbn in ×.
  apply (H0 (mkS h cl1)); auto.
  apply (H0 (mkS h cl2)); auto.

 destruct H as (sl,[|[ |]],?); try subst sl.
  apply H0 with (s:=mkS h cl1); simpl; auto.

  apply H0 with (s:=mkS h cl2); simpl; auto.

  apply on_hyps_sound.
  red; eauto.

Lemma tauto_sound n s :
  tauto_proc n s = Valid valid s.
revert s; induction n; simpl; intros.
 generalize (is_leaf_sound s).
 destruct (is_leaf s); auto.

 generalize (is_leaf_sound s).
 destruct (is_leaf s); auto.
 intros _.
 revert H.
 generalize (step_sound s).
 induction (decomp_step s); simpl; intros.

  assert ((fix tauto_and (ls : list seq) : result :=
            match ls with
            | nilValid
            | s1 :: ls0
                match tauto_proc n s1 with
                | Validtauto_and ls0
                | CounterModelCounterModel
                | AbortAbort
            end) a = Valid
           (fix tauto_or (lls : list (list seq)) : result :=
              match lls with
              | nilCounterModel
              | ls :: lls0
                    (fix tauto_and (ls0 : list seq) : result :=
                       match ls0 with
                       | nilValid
                       | s1 :: ls1
                           match tauto_proc n s1 with
                           | Validtauto_and ls1
                           | CounterModelCounterModel
                           | AbortAbort
                       end) ls
                  | ValidValid
                  | CounterModeltauto_or lls0
                  | AbortAbort
              end) s0 = Valid).
    destruct ((fix tauto_and (ls : list seq) : result :=
            match ls with
            | nilValid
            | s1 :: ls0
                match tauto_proc n s1 with
                | Validtauto_and ls0
                | CounterModelCounterModel
                | AbortAbort
          end) a); auto.
  clear H0.
  destruct H1.
   apply H; a; simpl; auto.
   clear H.
   induction a; simpl; intros.

    generalize (IHn a).
    destruct (tauto_proc n a); intros.
     destruct H; auto.
     subst s1; auto.


     apply IHs0; trivial.
     apply H.
     destruct H1.
      x; simpl; auto.

MetaCoq Quote Definition MProp := Prop.

MetaCoq Quote Definition MFalse := False.

MetaCoq Quote Definition MTrue := True.

MetaCoq Quote Definition Mand := and.

MetaCoq Quote Definition Mor := or.

Definition tImpl (A B : term) :=
  tProd banon A (lift0 1 B).

Definition tAnd (A B : term) :=
  tApp Mand [ A ; B ].

Definition tOr (A B : term) :=
  tApp Mor [ A ; B ].

Inductive well_prop Σ Γ : term Type :=
| well_prop_Rel :
      Σ ;;; Γ |- tRel n : MProp
      well_prop Σ Γ (tRel n)

| well_prop_Impl :
     A B,
      well_prop Σ Γ A
      well_prop Σ Γ B
      well_prop Σ Γ (tImpl A B)

| well_prop_And :
     A B,
      well_prop Σ Γ A
      well_prop Σ Γ B
      well_prop Σ Γ (tAnd A B)

| well_prop_Or :
     A B,
      well_prop Σ Γ A
      well_prop Σ Γ B
      well_prop Σ Γ (tOr A B)

| well_prop_False : well_prop Σ Γ MFalse
| well_prop_True : well_prop Σ Γ MTrue

Lemma decompose_app_eq :
   t f args,
    decompose_app t = (f, args)
    t = mkApps f args t = tApp f args.
  intros t f args e.
  induction t in f, args, e |- ×.
  all: simpl in e.
  all: try solve [
    inversion e ;
    left ;
  inversion e. subst. right. reflexivity.

Lemma decompose_app_wf Σ :
   t f args, Σ t
    decompose_app t = (f, args) Σ f × All ( Σ) args.
  intros t f args w e.
  induction t in f, args, w, e |- ×.
  all: simpl in e.
  all: inversion e ; subst.
  all: try solve [
    split ; [
    | constructor
  inversion w. subst.
  split. all: assumption.

Definition def_size (size : term nat) (x : def term) := size (dtype x) + size (dbody x).
Definition mfixpoint_size (size : term nat) (l : mfixpoint term) :=
  list_size (def_size size) l.
Definition decl_size (size : term nat) (x : context_decl) :=
  size (decl_type x) + option_default size (decl_body x) 0.

Definition context_size (size : term nat) (l : context) :=
  list_size (decl_size size) l.

Definition branch_size (size : term nat) (br : branch term) :=
  size br.(bbody).

Definition predicate_size (size : term nat) (p : predicate term) :=
  list_size size p.(pparams) +
  size p.(preturn).

Fixpoint tsize t : nat :=
  match t with
  | tRel i ⇒ 1
  | tEvar ev argsS (list_size tsize args)
  | tLambda na T MS (tsize T + tsize M)
  | tApp u vS (tsize u + list_size tsize v)
  | tProd na A BS (tsize A + tsize B)
  | tLetIn na b t b'S (tsize b + tsize t + tsize b')
  | tCase ind p c brsS (predicate_size tsize p + tsize c + list_size (branch_size tsize) brs)
  | tProj p cS (tsize c)
  | tFix mfix idxS (mfixpoint_size tsize mfix)
  | tCoFix mfix idxS (mfixpoint_size tsize mfix)
  | _ ⇒ 1

Lemma tsize_nonzero :
   t, tsize t 0.
  intro t. induction t.
  all: simpl.
  all: lia.

Lemma mkApp_tsize :
   u v,
    tsize (mkApp u v) S (S (tsize u + tsize v)).
  intros u v.
  induction u in v |- ×.
  all: simpl. all: try lia.
  rewrite list_size_app. simpl. lia.

Lemma mkApps_tsize :
   t l,
    tsize (mkApps t l) S (tsize t + list_size tsize l).
  intros t l.
  induction l as [| a l ih ] in t |- ×.
  - simpl. lia.
  - destruct (Ast.isApp t) eqn:e.
    + destruct t. all: try discriminate.
      simpl. rewrite list_size_app. simpl. lia.
    + rewrite mkApps_tApp; eauto. discriminate.

Lemma tsize_decompose_app :
   t f args,
    decompose_app t = (f, args)
    tsize f + list_size tsize args tsize t.
  intros t f args e.
  induction t in f, args, e |- ×.
  all: simpl in ×.
  all: inversion e ; subst.
  all: simpl.
  all: try reflexivity.
  all: lia.

Lemma tsize_lift :
   n k t,
    tsize (lift n k t) = tsize t.
  intros n k t.
  induction t using term_forall_list_ind in n, k |- ×.
  { simpl. destruct (Nat.leb_spec k n0).
    - reflexivity.
    - reflexivity.
  all: simpl.
  all: try reflexivity.
  all: try easy.
  - induction H.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl. eauto.
  - rewrite IHt. f_equal. f_equal.
    induction H.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl. eauto.
  - solve_all.
    f_equal; auto. f_equal; eauto.
    f_equal; eauto. unfold predicate_size.
    f_equal; simpl; auto.
    induction a; simpl; auto.
    induction X0; simpl; auto.
    f_equal; auto. f_equal; auto.
    unfold branch_size; simpl; auto.
  - generalize (#|m| + k). intro p.
    induction X.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl. unfold map_def. unfold def_size.
      intuition eauto.
  - generalize (#|m| + k). intro p.
    induction X.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl. unfold map_def. unfold def_size.
      intuition eauto.

Lemma list_size_length :
    list_size tsize l #|l|.
  intros l. induction l.
  - auto.
  - simpl. pose proof (tsize_nonzero a). lia.

Lemma nth_error_list_size :
   n l t,
    nth_error l n = Some t
    tsize t list_size tsize l + 1 - #|l|.
  intros n l t e.
  induction l in n, t, e |- ×.
  - destruct n. all: inversion e.
  - destruct n.
    + simpl in e. apply some_inj in e. subst.
      simpl. pose proof (list_size_length l). lia.
    + simpl in e. simpl.
      eapply IHl in e. lia.

Lemma tsize_downlift :
   Σ t k, Σ t
    tsize (subst [tRel 0] k t) = tsize t.
  intros Σ t k h.
  induction h using WfAst.term_wf_forall_list_ind in k |- ×.
  { simpl. destruct (Nat.leb_spec k n).
    - destruct (n - k) as [|m].
      + simpl. reflexivity.
      + simpl. destruct m. all: reflexivity.
    - reflexivity.
  all: simpl; auto.
  all: try solve [ eauto ].
  - f_equal. induction X.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl. specialize (p k). congruence.
  - rewrite mkApps_tApp; eauto.
    + simpl. f_equal. rewrite IHh by assumption. f_equal.
      clear - X0. induction X0.
      × reflexivity.
      × cbn. specialize (p k); congruence.
    + clear - H. destruct t.
      all: simpl in ×.
      all: try solve [ eauto ].
      destruct (Nat.leb_spec k n).
      × destruct (n - k) as [|m].
        -- simpl. reflexivity.
        -- simpl. destruct m. all: eauto.
      × simpl. reflexivity.
    + clear - H0. destruct l. contradiction.
  - f_equal.
    f_equal; solve_all.
    unfold predicate_size. simpl. f_equal; auto.
    f_equal; auto. clear H0 H1. induction a; simpl; auto.
    unfold branch_size.
    clear -X1.
    induction X1; simpl; auto.
    destruct r. f_equal; auto.
  - f_equal.
    generalize (#|m| + k). intro p.
    clear - X. induction X.
    + reflexivity.
    + destruct p0. subst.
      unfold mfixpoint_size.
      unfold map_def. unfold def_size.
      simpl. f_equal. intuition eauto.
  - f_equal.
    generalize (#|m| + k). intro p.
    clear - X. induction X.
    + reflexivity.
    + destruct p0. subst.
      unfold mfixpoint_size.
      unfold map_def. unfold def_size.
      simpl. f_equal. intuition eauto.

Local Ltac inst :=
  lazymatch goal with
  | h : k, _ tsize ?x |- context [ (subst _ ?k ?x) ] ⇒
    specialize (h k)

Lemma tsize_downlift_le :
   t k,
    tsize (subst [tRel 0] k t) tsize t.
  intros t k.
  induction t using term_forall_list_ind in k |- ×.
  { simpl. destruct (Nat.leb_spec k n).
    - destruct (n - k) as [|m].
      + simpl. reflexivity.
      + simpl. destruct m. all: reflexivity.
    - reflexivity.
  all: simpl.
  all: try solve [ eauto ].
  all: try solve [ repeat inst ; lia ].
  - eapply le_n_S. induction H.
    + reflexivity.
    + simpl. repeat inst. lia.
  - inst.
    pose proof (mkApps_tsize (subst [tRel 0] k t) (map (subst [tRel 0] k) l)) as h.
    assert (list_size tsize (map (subst [tRel 0] k) l) list_size tsize l).
    { clear - H. induction H.
      - reflexivity.
      - simpl. inst. lia.
  - repeat inst.

    assert (
      list_size (branch_size tsize) (map_branches_k (subst [tRel 0]) k l)
       list_size (branch_size tsize) l
    { unfold branch_size.
      clear - X0. induction X0.
    - reflexivity.
    - simpl. inst. lia.
    assert (predicate_size tsize (map_predicate id (subst [tRel 0] k) (subst [tRel 0] (#|pcontext t| + k)) t)
      predicate_size tsize t).
    { apply Nat.add_le_mono; simpl; auto. 2:apply X. destruct X.
      induction a; simpl; auto. apply le_n_S, Nat.add_le_mono; simpl; auto. }
  - eapply le_n_S.
    generalize (#|m| + k). intro p.
    clear - X. induction X.
    + reflexivity.
    + unfold mfixpoint_size.
      unfold map_def. unfold def_size.
      intuition eauto.
      unfold mfixpoint_size in IHX.
      unfold map_def in IHX.
      unfold def_size in IHX.
      repeat inst. lia.
  - eapply le_n_S.
    generalize (#|m| + k). intro p.
    clear - X. induction X.
    + reflexivity.
    + unfold mfixpoint_size.
      unfold map_def. unfold def_size.
      intuition eauto.
      unfold mfixpoint_size in IHX.
      unfold map_def in IHX.
      unfold def_size in IHX.
      repeat inst. lia.

Definition inspect {A} (x : A) : { y : A | y = x } := exist _ x eq_refl.

Definition tmLocateInd (q : qualid) : TemplateMonad kername :=
  l <- tmLocate q ;;
  match l with
  | []tmFail ("Inductive [" ^ q ^ "] not found")
  | (IndRef ind) :: _tmReturn ind.(inductive_mind)
  | _ :: _tmFail ("[" ^ q ^ "] not an inductive")

MetaCoq Run (tmLocateInd "Logic.and" >>= tmDefinition "q_and").
MetaCoq Run (tmLocateInd "Logic.or" >>= tmDefinition "q_or").
MetaCoq Run (tmLocateInd "Logic.True" >>= tmDefinition "q_True").
MetaCoq Run (tmLocateInd "Logic.False" >>= tmDefinition "q_False").

Equations reify (Σ : global_env_ext) (Γ : context) (P : term) : option form
  by wf (tsize P) lt :=
  reify Σ Γ P with inspect (decompose_app P) := {
  | @exist (hd, args) e1 with hd := {
    | tRel n with nth_error Γ n := {
      | Some declSome (Var n) ;
      | NoneNone
      } ;
    | tInd ind []
      with eqb ind.(inductive_mind) q_and := {
      | true with args := {
        | [ A ; B ]
          af <- reify Σ Γ A ;;
          bf <- reify Σ Γ B ;;
          ret (And af bf) ;
        | _None
        } ;
      | false
        with eqb ind.(inductive_mind) q_or := {
        | true with args := {
          | [ A ; B ]
            af <- reify Σ Γ A ;;
            bf <- reify Σ Γ B ;;
            ret (Or af bf) ;
          | _None
          } ;
        | false
          with eqb ind.(inductive_mind) q_False := {
          | true with args := {
            | []ret Fa ;
            | _None
            } ;
      | false
          with eqb ind.(inductive_mind) q_True := {
          | true with args := {
            | []ret Tr ;
            | _None
            } ;
              | falseNone
      }} ;
    | tProd na A B
      af <- reify Σ Γ A ;;
      bf <- reify Σ Γ (subst [tRel 0] 0 B) ;;
      ret (Imp af bf) ;
    | _None
Next Obligation.
  symmetry in e1. apply tsize_decompose_app in e1 as h1.
  simpl in h1. lia.
Next Obligation.
  symmetry in e1. apply tsize_decompose_app in e1 as h1.
  simpl in h1. pose proof (tsize_downlift_le B 0).
Next Obligation.
  symmetry in e1. apply tsize_decompose_app in e1 as h1.
  simpl in h1. lia.
Next Obligation.
  symmetry in e1. apply tsize_decompose_app in e1 as h1.
  simpl in h1. lia.
Next Obligation.
  symmetry in e1. apply tsize_decompose_app in e1 as h1.
  simpl in h1. lia.
Next Obligation.
  symmetry in e1. apply tsize_decompose_app in e1 as h1.
  simpl in h1. lia.

Local Instance Propositional_Logic_MetaCoq : Propositional_Logic term :=
  {| Pfalse := MFalse; Ptrue := MTrue; Pand := fun P QmkApps Mand [P;Q];
     Por := fun P QmkApps Mor [P;Q]; Pimpl := fun P QtImpl P Q |}.

Definition Msem := semGen term.

Definition can_val (v : var) : term := tRel v.

Definition can_val_Prop (Γ : list Prop) (v : var) : Prop :=
  match nth_error Γ v with
  | Some PP
  | NoneFalse

Lemma inversion_Rel :
   {Σ Γ n T},
    Σ ;;; Γ |- tRel n : T
      (wf_local Σ Γ) ×
      (nth_error Γ n = Some decl) ×
      (Σ ;;; Γ |- lift0 (S n) (decl_type decl) T).

Lemma well_prop_wf :
   Σ Γ P,
    well_prop Σ Γ P Σ P.
  intros Σ Γ P h.
  induction h.
  all: try solve [ constructor ; auto using WfAst.wf_lift ].
  - constructor. all: try easy.
  - constructor. all: try easy.

Local Set Keyed Unification.

Definition reify_correct :
   Σ Γ P,
    well_prop Σ Γ P
     φ, reify Σ Γ P = Some φ Msem φ can_val = P.
  intros Σ Γ P h.
  induction h.
  - (Var n). split.
    + simp reify. simpl. apply inversion_Rel in t as [? [[? e] ?]].
      rewrite e. reflexivity.
    + reflexivity.
  - destruct IHh1 as [fA [r1 s1]].
    destruct IHh2 as [fB [r2 s2]].
     (Imp fA fB). split.
    + simp reify.
      apply well_prop_wf in h2 as w2.
      rewrite (simpl_subst_k Σ) by auto.
      simp reify in r1. rewrite r1.
      simp reify in r2. rewrite r2.
    + cbn. rewrite s1, s2. reflexivity.
  - destruct IHh1 as [fA [r1 s1]].
    destruct IHh2 as [fB [r2 s2]].
     (And fA fB). split.
    + simp reify.
      simp reify in r1. rewrite r1.
      simp reify in r2. rewrite r2.
      simpl. reflexivity.
    + cbn. rewrite s1, s2. reflexivity.
  - destruct IHh1 as [fA [r1 s1]].
    destruct IHh2 as [fB [r2 s2]].
     (Or fA fB). split.
    + simp reify.
      simp reify in r1. rewrite r1.
      simp reify in r2. rewrite r2.
      simpl. reflexivity.
    + cbn. rewrite s1, s2. reflexivity.
  - Fa. split.
    + rewrite reify_unfold_eq. reflexivity.
    + reflexivity.
  - Tr. split.
    + rewrite reify_unfold_eq. reflexivity.
    + reflexivity.

Section Plugin.

  Definition cdecl_Type (P:term) :=
    {| decl_name := banon; decl_body := None; decl_type := P |}.

  Definition trivial_hyp (h:list form) v : h : form, In h [] sem h v.
    intro. destruct 1.

  Transparent reify.

  Inductive NotSolvable (s: string) : Prop := notSolvable: NotSolvable s.

  Definition inhabit_formula gamma Mphi Gamma :
    match reify (empty_ext empty_global_env) gamma Mphi with
      Some phi
      match tauto_proc (size phi) {| hyps := []; concl := phi |} with
        Validsem (concl {| hyps := []; concl := phi |}) (can_val_Prop Gamma)
      | _NotSolvable "not a valid formula" end
    | NoneNotSolvable "not a formaula" end.
    destruct (reify (empty_ext _) gamma Mphi); try exact (notSolvable _).
    destruct (tauto_proc (size f) {| hyps := []; concl := f |}) eqn : e; try exact (notSolvable _).
    exact (tauto_sound (size f) (mkS [] f) e (can_val_Prop Gamma) (trivial_hyp [] _)).

  Fixpoint extract_form (P:term) (n : nat) : term × nat :=
    match P with
    | tProd _ (tSort _) P'
      extract_form P' (S n)
    | _(P,n)

  Fixpoint Prop_ctx (n:nat) :=
    match n with O[]
            | S ncdecl_Type MProp :: Prop_ctx n

  Ltac extract_form_tac k l :=
    match goal with | |- X:Prop, _
                      let H := fresh "H" in
                      intros H;
                     extract_form_tac k ltac:(constr:(H::l))
    | |- _k l end.

  Ltac Mtauto l T H :=
    let k x :=
        pose proof (let Mphi := extract_form x 0 in inhabit_formula (Prop_ctx (snd Mphi)) (fst Mphi) l) as H; compute in H
        quote_term T k.

  Ltac tauto :=
    let L := fresh "L" in
    let P := fresh "P" in
    match goal with | |- ?Textract_form_tac
                                 ltac:(fun lpose (L:=l); pose (P:=T))
                                        (@nil Prop) end;
    let H := fresh "H" in
    Mtauto L ltac:(eval compute in P) H;
    first [match goal with | H : NotSolvable ?s |- _fail 2 s end
         | exact H].

  Lemma test : (A B C:Prop), (AC)->(BC)->ABC.

  Lemma test2 : (A B C:Prop), (AC)->(BC)->ABB.
    Fail tauto.

End Plugin.