Library MetaCoq.SafeChecker.PCUICSafeRetyping

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The type_of function provides a fast (and loose) type inference function which assumes that the provided term is already well-typed in the given context and recomputes its type. Only reduction (for head-reducing types to uncover dependent products or inductives) and substitution are costly here. No universe checking or conversion is done in particular.

Definition global_ext_uctx (Σ : global_env_ext) : ContextSet.t
  := (global_ext_levels Σ, global_ext_constraints Σ).

Section TypeOf.
  Context {cf : checker_flags}.
  Context (Σ : global_env_ext).
  Context ( : wf Σ ) (Hφ : on_udecl Σ.1 Σ.2 ).
  Context (G : universes_graph) (HG : is_graph_of_uctx G (global_ext_uctx Σ)).

  Lemma typing_wellformed Γ t T : Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T wellformed Σ Γ T.

  Section SortOf.
    Context (type_of : Γ t, welltyped Σ Γ t typing_result ( T, Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T )).

    Program Definition type_of_as_sort Γ t (wf : welltyped Σ Γ t) : typing_result universe :=
      tx <- type_of Γ t wf ;;
      wfs <- @reduce_to_sort cf Σ Γ (projT1 tx) _ ;;
      ret (m:=typing_result) (projT1 wfs).

  End SortOf.

  Program Definition option_or {A} (a : option A) (e : type_error) : typing_result ( x : A, a = Some x) :=
    match a with
    | Some dret (d; eq_refl)
    | Noneraise e

  Program Fixpoint type_of (Γ : context) (t : term) : welltyped Σ Γ t
                                                      typing_result ( T : term, Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T ) :=
    match t return welltyped Σ Γ t typing_result ( T : term, Σ ;;; Γ |- t : T ) with
    | tRel nfun wf
                  t <- option_or (option_map (lift0 (S n) decl_type) (nth_error Γ n)) (UnboundRel n);;
                  ret (t.π1; _)

    | tVar nfun wfraise (UnboundVar n)
    | tEvar ev argsfun wfraise (UnboundEvar ev)

    | tSort sfun wfret (tSort (Universe.try_suc s); _)

    | tProd n t bfun wf
      s1 <- type_of_as_sort type_of Γ t _ ;;
      s2 <- type_of_as_sort type_of (Γ ,, vass n t) b _ ;;
      ret (tSort (Universe.sort_of_product s1 s2); _)

    | tLambda n t bfun wf
      t2 <- type_of (Γ ,, vass n t) b _;;
      ret (tProd n t t2.π1; _)

    | tLetIn n b b_ty b'fun wf
      b'_ty <- type_of (Γ ,, vdef n b b_ty) b' _ ;;
      ret (tLetIn n b b_ty b'_ty.π1; _)

    | tApp t afun wf
      ty <- type_of Γ t _ ;;
      pi <- reduce_to_prod Γ ty.π1 _ ;;
      ret (subst10 a pi.π2.π2.π1; _)

    | tConst cst ufun wf
          match lookup_env (fst Σ) cst with
          | Some (ConstantDecl _ d) ⇒
            let ty := subst_instance_constr u d.(cst_type) in
            ret (ty; _)
          | _raise (UndeclaredConstant cst)

    | tInd ind ufun wf
          d <- @lookup_ind_decl Σ ind ;;
          let ty := subst_instance_constr u d.π2.π1.(ind_type) in
          ret (ty; _)

    | tConstruct ind k ufun wf
          d <- @lookup_ind_decl Σ ind ;;
          match nth_error d.π2.π1.(ind_ctors) k with
          | Some cdecl
            ret (type_of_constructor d.π1 cdecl (ind, k) u; _)
          | Noneraise (UndeclaredConstructor ind k)

    | tCase (ind, par) p c brsfun wf
      ty <- type_of Γ c _ ;;
      indargs <- reduce_to_ind Γ ty.π1 _ ;;
      ret (mkApps p (List.skipn par indargs.π2.π2.π1 ++ [c]); _)

    | tProj (ind, n, k) cfun wf
       d <- @lookup_ind_decl Σ ind ;;
       match nth_error d.π2.π1.(ind_projs) k with
       | Some pdecl
            c_ty <- type_of Γ c _ ;;
            indargs <- reduce_to_ind Γ c_ty.π1 _ ;;
            let ty := snd pdecl in
            ret (subst0 (c :: List.rev (indargs.π2.π2.π1)) (subst_instance_constr indargs.π2.π1 ty);
       | None!

    | tFix mfix nfun wf
      match nth_error mfix n with
      | Some fret (f.(dtype); _)
      | Noneraise (IllFormedFix mfix n)

    | tCoFix mfix nfun wf
      match nth_error mfix n with
      | Some fret (f.(dtype); _)
      | Noneraise (IllFormedFix mfix n)

  Solve All Obligations with program_simpl; match goal with
                                              [ |- _ ] ⇒ todo "PCUICSafeRetyping.type_of"
                                            | [ |- welltyped _ _ _ ] ⇒ todo "PCUICSafeRetyping.type_of"
                                            | [ |- wellformed _ _ _ ] ⇒ todo "PCUICSafeRetyping.type_of"

  Conjecture cumul_reduce_to_sort : {Γ T wf s},
    reduce_to_sort Γ T wf = Checked s
    Σ ;;; Γ |- T tSort s.π1.

  Conjecture cumul_reduce_to_prod : {Γ T wf na A B H},
    reduce_to_prod Γ T wf = Checked (na; A; B; H)
     n, Σ ;;; Γ |- T tProd n A B.

  Conjecture congr_cumul_letin : {Γ n a A t n' a' A' t'},
    Σ ;;; Γ |- a a'
    Σ ;;; Γ |- A A'
    Σ ;;; Γ ,, vdef n a A' |- t t'
    Σ ;;; Γ |- tLetIn n a A t tLetIn n' a' A' t'.

  Definition map_typing_result {A B} (f : A B) (e : typing_result A) : typing_result B :=
    match e with
    | Checked aChecked (f a)
    | TypeError eTypeError e

  Theorem type_of_principal :
     {Γ t B} ,
       (wt : welltyped Σ Γ t) wt',
      type_of Γ t wt = Checked (B; wt')
       A, Σ ;;; Γ |- t : A Σ ;;; Γ |- B A.

End TypeOf.