Library MetaCoq.Template.ReflectAst

From Coq Require Numbers.Cyclic.Int63.Uint63 Floats.PrimFloat Floats.FloatAxioms.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import utils AstUtils BasicAst Ast Reflect Environment Induction.
Require Import ssreflect.
From Equations Require Import Equations.

Local Infix "==?" := eqb (at level 20).

Local Ltac finish :=
  let h := fresh "h" in
  right ;
  match goal with
  | e : ?t ?u |- _
    intro h ; apply e ; now inversion h

Local Ltac fcase c :=
  let e := fresh "e" in
  case c ; intro e ; [ subst ; try (left ; reflexivity) | finish ].

Local Ltac term_dec_tac term_dec :=
  repeat match goal with
         | t : term, u : term |- _fcase (term_dec t u)
         | u : Universe.t, u' : Universe.t |- _fcase (eq_dec u u')
         | x : Instance.t, y : Instance.t |- _
           fcase (eq_dec x y)
         | x : list Level.t, y : Instance.t |- _
           fcase (eq_dec x y)
         | x : list aname, y : list aname |- _
           fcase (eq_dec x y)
         | n : nat, m : nat |- _fcase (Nat.eq_dec n m)
         | i : ident, i' : ident |- _fcase (eq_dec i i')
         | i : kername, i' : kername |- _fcase (eq_dec i i')
         | i : string, i' : kername |- _fcase (eq_dec i i')
         | n : name, n' : name |- _fcase (eq_dec n n')
         | n : aname, n' : aname |- _fcase (eq_dec n n')
         | i : inductive, i' : inductive |- _fcase (eq_dec i i')
         | x : inductive × nat, y : inductive × nat |- _
           fcase (eq_dec x y)
         | x : case_info, y : case_info |- _
           fcase (eq_dec x y)
         | x : projection, y : projection |- _fcase (eq_dec x y)
         | x : cast_kind, y : cast_kind |- _fcase (eq_dec x y)

#[global] Instance eq_predicate {term} `{EqDec term} : EqDec (predicate term).
  intros [] [].
  fcase (eq_dec pparams pparams0).
  fcase (eq_dec puinst puinst0).
  fcase (eq_dec pcontext pcontext0).
  fcase (eq_dec preturn preturn0).

Derive NoConfusion NoConfusionHom for term.

#[global] Instance EqDec_term : EqDec term.
  intro x; induction x using term_forall_list_rect ; intro t ;
    destruct t ; try (right ; discriminate).
  all: term_dec_tac term_dec.
  - induction X in args |- ×.
    + destruct args.
      × left. reflexivity.
      × right. discriminate.
    + destruct args.
      × right. discriminate.
      × destruct (IHX args) ; nodec.
        destruct (p t) ; nodec.
        subst. left. inversion e. reflexivity.
  - destruct (IHx1 t1) ; nodec.
    destruct (IHx2 t2) ; nodec.
    subst. left. reflexivity.
  - destruct (IHx1 t1) ; nodec.
    destruct (IHx2 t2) ; nodec.
    subst. left. reflexivity.
  - destruct (IHx1 t1) ; nodec.
    destruct (IHx2 t2) ; nodec.
    subst. left. reflexivity.
  - destruct (IHx1 t1) ; nodec.
    destruct (IHx2 t2) ; nodec.
    destruct (IHx3 t3) ; nodec.
    subst. left. reflexivity.
  - destruct (IHx t) ; nodec.
    subst. induction X in args |- ×.
    + destruct args. all: nodec.
      left. reflexivity.
    + destruct args. all: nodec.
      destruct (IHX args). all: nodec.
      destruct (p t0). all: nodec.
      subst. inversion e. subst.
      left. reflexivity.
  - destruct (IHx t) ; nodec.
    destruct p0, type_info; subst; cbn.
    term_dec_tac term_dec.
    destruct X as (?&?).
    destruct (s preturn0); cbn in × ; nodec.
    assert ({pparams = pparams0} + {pparams pparams0}) as []; nodec.
    { revert pparams0.
      clear -a.
      induction a.
      - intros []; [left; reflexivity|right; discriminate].
      - intros []; [right; discriminate|].
        destruct (p t) ; nodec.
        destruct (IHa l0) ; nodec.
        subst; left; reflexivity. }
    revert branches. clear -X0.
    induction X0 ; intro l0.
    + destruct l0.
      × left. reflexivity.
      × right. discriminate.
    + destruct l0.
      × right. discriminate.
      × destruct (IHX0 l0) ; nodec.
        destruct (p (bbody b)) ; nodec.
        destruct (eq_dec (bcontext x) (bcontext b)) ; nodec.
        destruct x, b.
        cbn in ×. subst. inversion e. reflexivity.
  - destruct (IHx t) ; nodec.
    left. subst. reflexivity.
  - revert mfix. induction X ; intro m0.
    + destruct m0.
      × left. reflexivity.
      × right. discriminate.
    + destruct p as [p1 p2].
      destruct m0.
      × right. discriminate.
      × destruct (p1 (dtype d)) ; nodec.
        destruct (p2 (dbody d)) ; nodec.
        destruct (IHX m0) ; nodec.
        destruct x, d ; subst. cbn in ×.
        destruct (eq_dec dname dname0) ; nodec.
        subst. inversion e1. subst.
        destruct (eq_dec rarg rarg0) ; nodec.
        subst. left. reflexivity.
  - revert mfix. induction X ; intro m0.
    + destruct m0.
      × left. reflexivity.
      × right. discriminate.
    + destruct p as [p1 p2].
      destruct m0.
      × right. discriminate.
      × destruct (p1 (dtype d)) ; nodec.
        destruct (p2 (dbody d)) ; nodec.
        destruct (IHX m0) ; nodec.
        destruct x, d ; subst. cbn in ×.
        destruct (eq_dec dname dname0) ; nodec.
        subst. inversion e1. subst.
        destruct (eq_dec rarg rarg0) ; nodec.
        subst. left. reflexivity.

#[global] Instance reflect_term : ReflectEq term :=
  let h := EqDec_ReflectEq term in _.

#[global] Instance eqb_ctx : ReflectEq context := _.