Library MetaCoq.Erasure.EWcbvEvalInd

From Coq Require Import Utf8 Program ssreflect ssrbool.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config utils Kernames BasicAst EnvMap.
From MetaCoq.Erasure Require Import EAst EAstUtils EInduction EWcbvEval EGlobalEnv ECSubst EInduction.

Set Asymmetric Patterns.
From Equations Require Import Equations.
Set Equations Transparent.
Local Set Keyed Unification.

Hint Constructors eval : core.

Section eval_mkApps_rect.

  Variables (wfl : WcbvFlags) (Σ : global_declarations) (P : term term Type).

  Let IH x y (ev : eval Σ x y) :=
     t u (ev' : eval Σ t u), eval_depth ev' eval_depth ev P t u.

  Lemma eval_mkApps_rect :
    ( a t t' : term,
             ev : eval Σ a tBox, P a tBox
                            IH _ _ ev
                            eval Σ t t' P t t' P (tApp a t) tBox)
     ( (f0 : term) (na : (b a a' res : term),
         ev : eval Σ f0 (tLambda na b),
          P f0 (tLambda na b)
           IH _ _ ev
           eval Σ a a'
          P a a'
           eval Σ (ECSubst.csubst a' 0 b) res
           P (ECSubst.csubst a' 0 b) res P (tApp f0 a) res)
     ( (na : (b0 b0' b1 res : term),
          eval Σ b0 b0'
           P b0 b0'
           eval Σ (ECSubst.csubst b0' 0 b1) res
           P (ECSubst.csubst b0' 0 b1) res
          P (tLetIn na b0 b1) res)
           ( (ind : inductive) (pars : nat) (cdecl : constructor_body)
          (discr : term) (c : nat) (args : list term)
          (brs : list (list name × term)) (br : list name × term)
          (res : term) (e : with_constructor_as_block = false)
          (e0 : eval Σ discr (mkApps (tConstruct ind c []) args)),
          P discr (mkApps (tConstruct ind c []) args)
           (e1 : constructor_isprop_pars_decl Σ ind c =
                    Some (false, pars, cdecl)) (e2 :
                                                nth_error brs c =
                                                Some br)
              (e3 : #|args| = pars + cstr_nargs cdecl)
              (e4 : #|skipn pars args| = #|br.1|)
              (e5 : eval Σ (iota_red pars args br) res),
              P (iota_red pars args br) res
               P (tCase (ind, pars) discr brs) res)
        ( (ind : inductive) (pars : nat) (cdecl : constructor_body)
            (discr : term) (c : nat) (args : list term)
            (brs : list (list name × term)) (br : list name × term)
            (res : term) (e : with_constructor_as_block = true)
            (e0 : eval Σ discr (tConstruct ind c args)),
            P discr (tConstruct ind c args)
             (e1 : constructor_isprop_pars_decl Σ ind c =
                      Some (false, pars, cdecl))
                (e2 : nth_error brs c = Some br)
                (e3 : #|args| = pars + cstr_nargs cdecl)
                (e4 : #|skipn pars args| = #|br.1|)
                (e5 : eval Σ (iota_red pars args br) res),
                P (iota_red pars args br) res
                 P (tCase (ind, pars) discr brs) res)
     ( (ind : Kernames.inductive) (pars : nat) (discr : term)
         (brs : list (list × term))
         (n : list (f3 res : term),
           eval Σ discr tBox
           P discr tBox
           inductive_isprop_and_pars Σ ind = Some (true, pars)
           brs = [(n, f3)]
           eval Σ (ECSubst.substl (repeat tBox #|n|) f3) res
           P (ECSubst.substl (repeat tBox #|n|) f3) res
           P (tCase (ind, pars) discr brs) res)
     ( (f4 : term) (mfix : mfixpoint term)
         (idx : nat) (argsv : list term)
         (a av fn res : term),
         guarded : with_guarded_fix,
         ev : eval Σ f4 (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) argsv),
          P f4 (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) argsv)
           IH _ _ ev
           eval Σ a av
           P a av
           cunfold_fix mfix idx = Some (#|argsv|, fn)
           eval Σ (tApp (mkApps fn argsv) av) res
           P (tApp (mkApps fn argsv) av) res
           P (tApp f4 a) res)
     ( (f5 : term) (mfix : mfixpoint term)
         (idx : nat) (argsv : list term)
         (a av : term) (narg : nat) (fn : term),
         guarded : with_guarded_fix,
         ev : eval Σ f5 (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) argsv),
          P f5 (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) argsv)
           IH _ _ ev
           eval Σ a av
           P a av
           cunfold_fix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn)
           #|argsv| < narg
           P (tApp f5 a) (tApp (mkApps (tFix mfix idx) argsv) av))
     ( (f6 : term) (mfix : mfixpoint term)
         (idx : nat) (a av fn res : term) (narg : nat)
         (unguarded : with_guarded_fix = false)
         (ev : eval Σ f6 (tFix mfix idx)),
          P f6 (tFix mfix idx)
           IH _ _ ev
           (ev' : eval Σ a av), IH _ _ ev'
           cunfold_fix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn)
           eval Σ (tApp fn av) res
           P (tApp fn av) res
           P (tApp f6 a) res)
     ( (ip : Kernames.inductive × nat) (mfix : mfixpoint term)
         (idx : nat) (args : list term)
         (narg : nat) discr (fn : term) (brs : list (list × term))
         (res : term),
          cunfold_cofix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn)
           eval Σ discr (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args)
           P discr (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args)
           eval Σ (tCase ip (mkApps fn args) brs) res
           P (tCase ip (mkApps fn args) brs) res
           P (tCase ip discr brs) res)
     ( (p : Kernames.projection) (mfix : mfixpoint term)
         (idx : nat) (args : list term)
         (narg : nat) discr (fn res : term),
          cunfold_cofix mfix idx = Some (narg, fn)
           eval Σ discr (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args)
           P discr (mkApps (tCoFix mfix idx) args)
           eval Σ (tProj p (mkApps fn args)) res
           P (tProj p (mkApps fn args)) res
           P (tProj p discr) res)
     ( (c : Kernames.kername) (decl : constant_body) (body : term),
          declared_constant Σ c decl
           res : term,
          cst_body decl = Some body
           eval Σ body res
           P body res P (tConst c) res)

     ( (p : projection) (cdecl : constructor_body)
                             (discr : term) (args : list term)
                             (a res : term) (e : with_constructor_as_block =
                             (e0 : eval Σ discr
                                           (proj_ind p) 0 []) args)),
                             P discr
                                  (tConstruct (proj_ind p) 0 [])
                              (e1 : constructor_isprop_pars_decl Σ
                                         (proj_ind p) 0 =
                                       Some (false, proj_npars p, cdecl))
                                 (e2 : #|args| =
                                       proj_npars p + cstr_nargs cdecl)
                                 (e3 : nth_error args
                                         (proj_npars p + proj_arg p) =
                                       Some a) (e4 : eval Σ a res),
                                 P a res
                                  P (tProj p discr) res)
                           ( (p : projection) (cdecl : constructor_body)
                               (discr : term) (args : list term)
                               (a res : term) (e :
                                               with_constructor_as_block =
                               (e0 : eval Σ discr
                                       (tConstruct (proj_ind p) 0 args)),
                               P discr (tConstruct (proj_ind p) 0 args)
                                (e1 : constructor_isprop_pars_decl Σ
                                           (proj_ind p) 0 =
                                         Some (false, proj_npars p, cdecl))
                                   (e2 : #|args| =
                                         proj_npars p + cstr_nargs cdecl)
                                   (e3 : nth_error args
                                           (proj_npars p + proj_arg p) =
                                         Some a) (e4 : eval Σ a res),
                                   P a res
                                    P (tProj p discr) res)

     ( p (discr : term),
           eval Σ discr tBox
           P discr tBox
           inductive_isprop_and_pars Σ p.(proj_ind) = Some (true, p.(proj_npars))
           P (tProj p discr) tBox)

           ( (ind : inductive)
          (c : nat) (mdecl : mutual_inductive_body)
          (idecl : one_inductive_body)
          (cdecl : constructor_body)
          (f14 : term) (args : list term)
          (a a' : term)
          (e : with_constructor_as_block = false)
          (e0 : lookup_constructor Σ ind c =
                Some (mdecl, idecl, cdecl))
          (e1 : eval Σ f14
                     (tConstruct ind c [])
                IH _ _ e1
          P f14
            (mkApps (tConstruct ind c [])
           (l : #|args| < cstr_arity mdecl cdecl)
              (e2 : eval Σ a a'),
              P a a'
               P (tApp f14 a)
                        (tConstruct ind c
                        []) args) a'))

       ( (ind : inductive)
                   (c : nat) (mdecl : mutual_inductive_body)
                   (idecl : one_inductive_body)
                   (cdecl : constructor_body)
                   (args args' :
                    list term) (a a' : term)
                   (e : with_constructor_as_block = true)
                   (e0 : lookup_constructor Σ ind c =
                         Some (mdecl, idecl, cdecl))
                   (l : #|args| < cstr_arity mdecl cdecl)
                   (e1 : eval Σ
                           (tConstruct ind c args)
                           (tConstruct ind c args')),
                   P (tConstruct ind c args)
                     (tConstruct ind c args')
                    e2 : eval Σ a a',
                       P a a'
                        P (tConstruct ind c (args ++ [a]))
                           (tConstruct ind c
                              (args' ++ [a'])))

       ( (f15 f' a a' : term) (e : eval Σ f15 f'),
      P f15 f' IH _ _ e
       (i : ~~
               (isLambda f'
                (if with_guarded_fix
                 then isFixApp f'
                 else isFix f') ||
                isBox f' ||
                isConstructApp f'))
          (e0 : eval Σ a a'),
          P a a'
           P (tApp f15 a)
              (tApp f' a')
     ( t : term, atom Σ t P t t)
     t t0 : term, eval Σ t t0 P t t0.
Proof using Type.
  intros ????????????????????? H.
  pose proof (p := @Fix_F { t : _ & { t0 : _ & eval Σ t t0 }}).
  specialize (p (MR lt (fun xeval_depth x.π2.π2))).
  set(foo := existT _ t (existT _ t0 H) : { t : _ & { t0 : _ & eval Σ t t0 }}).
  change t with (projT1 foo).
  change t0 with (projT1 (projT2 foo)).
  change H with (projT2 (projT2 foo)).
  revert foo.
  match goal with
    |- let foo := _ in @?P foospecialize (p (fun xP x))
  forward p.
  2:{ apply p. apply measure_wf, lt_wf. }
  clear p.
  clear t t0 H.
  intros (t & t0 & ev).
  intros IH'.
  set (IH'' t t0 H := IH' (t; t0; H)). clearbody IH''; clear IH'; rename IH'' into IH'.
  cbn in IH'. unfold MR in IH'; cbn in IH'. cbn.
  destruct ev; cbn in IH'.
  all:try match goal with
  | [ H : _ |- _ ] ⇒
    eapply H; tea; unshelve eapply IH'; tea; cbn; try lia
  all:try solve[match goal with
  | [ H : _ |- _ ] ⇒
    unshelve eapply H; try match goal with |- eval _ _ _tea end; tea; unfold IH; intros; unshelve eapply IH'; tea; cbn; try lia

End eval_mkApps_rect.