Library MetaCoq.Checker.Retyping


The type_of function provides a fast (and loose) type inference function which assumes that the provided term is already well-typed in the given context and recomputes its type. Only reduction (for head-reducing types to uncover dependent products or inductives) and substitution are costly here. No universe checking or conversion is done in particular.

Section TypeOf.
  Context `{F : Fuel}.
  Context (Σ : global_env).

  Fixpoint infer_spine (Γ : context) (ty : term) (l : list term)
           {struct l} : typing_result term :=
    match l with
    | nilret ty
    | cons x xs
      pi <- reduce_to_prod Σ Γ ty ;;
       let '(a1, b1) := pi in
       infer_spine Γ (subst10 x b1) xs

  Section SortOf.
    Context (type_of : context term typing_result term).

    Definition type_of_as_sort Γ t :=
      tx <- type_of Γ t ;;
      reduce_to_sort Σ Γ tx.

  End SortOf.

  Fixpoint type_of (Γ : context) (t : term) : typing_result term :=
    match t with
    | tRel n
      match nth_error Γ n with
      | Some dret (lift0 (S n) d.(decl_type))
      | Noneraise (UnboundRel n)

    | tVar nraise (UnboundVar n)
    | tEvar ev argsraise (UnboundEvar ev)

    | tSort sret (tSort (Universe.try_suc s))

    | tCast c k tret t

    | tProd n t b
      s1 <- type_of_as_sort type_of Γ t ;;
      s2 <- type_of_as_sort type_of (Γ ,, vass n t) b ;;
      ret (tSort (Universe.sort_of_product s1 s2))

    | tLambda n t b
      t2 <- type_of (Γ ,, vass n t) b ;;
       ret (tProd n t t2)

    | tLetIn n b b_ty b'
      b'_ty <- type_of (Γ ,, vdef n b b_ty) b' ;;
      ret (tLetIn n b b_ty b'_ty)

    | tApp t l
      t_ty <- type_of Γ t ;;
      infer_spine Γ t_ty l

    | tConst cst ulookup_constant_type Σ cst u

    | tInd (mkInd ind i) ulookup_ind_type Σ ind i u

    | tConstruct (mkInd ind i) k u
      lookup_constructor_type Σ ind i k u

    | tCase (ind, par) p c brs
      ty <- type_of Γ c ;;
      indargs <- reduce_to_ind Σ Γ ty ;;
      let '(ind', u, args) := indargs in
      ret (tApp p (List.skipn par args ++ [c]))

    | tProj p c
      ty <- type_of Γ c ;;
      indargs <- reduce_to_ind Σ Γ ty ;;
      ret ty

    | tFix mfix n
      match nth_error mfix n with
      | Some fret f.(dtype)
      | Noneraise (IllFormedFix mfix n)

    | tCoFix mfix n
      match nth_error mfix n with
      | Some fret f.(dtype)
      | Noneraise (IllFormedFix mfix n)

  Definition sort_of (Γ : context) (t : term) : typing_result universe :=
    ty <- type_of Γ t;;
    type_of_as_sort type_of Γ ty.

End TypeOf.