Library MetaCoq.Template.TemplateCheckWf

From Coq Require Import List.
From MetaCoq.Template Require Import config Transform TemplateProgram Pretty All Loader.
Import ListNotations.
Import MCMonadNotation.
Import bytestring.
Open Scope bs_scope.

#[local] Existing Instance config.default_checker_flags.

Definition eta_expand p :=
  EtaExpand.eta_expand_program p.

Definition check_def (d : kername × global_decl) : TemplateMonad unit :=
  match d.2 with
  | ConstantDecl cb
    match cb.(cst_body) with
    | Some body
      tmMsg ("Unquoting eta-expanded " ++ string_of_kername d.1)%bs ;;
      tmUnquote body ;;
      tmMsg ("Succeeded")
    | Noneret tt
  | InductiveDecl ideclret tt

Definition is_nil {A} (l : list A) :=
  match l with
  | []true
  | _ :: _false

Fixpoint wfterm (t : term) : bool :=
  match t with
  | tRel itrue
  | tEvar ev argsList.forallb (wfterm) args
  | tLambda _ T M | tProd _ T Mwfterm T && wfterm M
  | tApp u vwfterm u && List.forallb (wfterm) v && negb (isApp u) && negb (is_nil v)
  | tCast c kind twfterm c && wfterm t
  | tLetIn na b t b'wfterm b && wfterm t && wfterm b'
  | tCase ind p c brs
    let p' := test_predicate (fun _true) (wfterm) (wfterm) p in
    let brs' := forallb (wfterm bbody) brs in
    p' && wfterm c && brs'
  | tProj p cwfterm c
  | tFix mfix idx
    List.forallb (test_def wfterm wfterm) mfix
  | tCoFix mfix idx
    List.forallb (test_def wfterm wfterm) mfix
  | _true

From Coq Require Import ssrbool.

Definition wf_global_decl d :=
  match d with
  | ConstantDecl cbwfterm cb.(cst_type) && option_default wfterm cb.(cst_body) true
  | InductiveDecl idecltrue
Definition wf_global_declarations : global_declarations bool := forallb (wf_global_decl snd).
Definition wf_global_env (g : global_env) := wf_global_declarations g.(declarations).
Definition wf_program p := wf_global_env p.1 && wfterm p.2.

Definition check_wf (g : Ast.Env.program) : TemplateMonad unit :=
  monad_map check_def g.1.(declarations) ;;
  tmMsg "Wellformed global environment" ;; ret tt.

Definition check_wf_eta (g : Ast.Env.program) : TemplateMonad unit :=
  monad_map check_def (eta_expand g).1.(declarations) ;;
  tmMsg "Wellformed eta-expanded global environment" ;; ret tt.